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LinkedInMaking A

professional page for your business in the world of social media

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BY: Daniel DickersonMissouri State University Undergrad Majoring in Animal Science.

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About Linkedin LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with

millions of members and growing rapidly. We can help you: Establish your professional profile and control one of the

top search results for your name. Build and maintain a broader network of professionals you

can trust. Find and reconnect with colleagues and classmates. Learn about other companies. Leverage powerful tools to find and reach the people you

need. Tap into the knowledge of your network. Discover new opportunities.

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What can Linkedin do for your Business? Having Your Business on social media

sites can help you reach different demographics. Including people you wouldn't’t typically reach in a traditional setting.

Linkedin can help your business size up the competition.

Most of all Linkedin can help your bussiness GROW!

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Getting StartedStart By entering the required information and clicking submit

You should always make sure you use the most secure password possible. This should contain a mixture of symbols, numbers, capitals, and lowercase.

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Musts for your profile Make certain you complete your entire profile!

LinkedIn will tell you what percentage your are complete and exactly what to do. Not completing your profile is a guarantee your LinkedIn profile will not rank high in LinkedIn search.

Select the appropriate industry: How do you know where best to put yourself? Look at what other people have used that rank high for the terms you want to be found for and use what they used (don't recreate the wheel if not necessary)

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Musts for your profile (continued) Fill your profile with interesting facts about you:

Use real captivating words up front, not like "works at XYZ company", but instead, like an advertisement for you, because that’s what LinkedIn is!

complete Your Summary: Make your LinkedIn profile summary section complete and really easy to read. I suggest using your main keywords by section and breaking down each section using simple headers for each with a colon afterward (example: Internet Marketing Strategist).

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Keywords Keywords Keywords Understand Your Keywords: Understand what

keywords you want to rank for first before completing your profile. Once you know the keywords you want people to find you from, you will be using these extensively throughout your profile. This is how people will find you in the search. Tip: LinkedIn is one of the only sites I know of that still ranks the density of keywords in your profile to where you appear in their search results, so the more you use your keywords throughout your profile, the higher you will rank for that term in the search results. If you want to get an example of what other people are searching for, just use the search bar on LinkedIn. If no one is searching for the keywords you think are good, find one they are search for and use that.

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Status Updates I cannot stress how important it is to

update Frequently! If you are not constant, you will not stay connected with people. Thus going against the whole reason you have the site!

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Multiple Platforms There are multiple platforms such as on

a computer, on an apple device, and on an android device. So making frequent updates shouldn’t be a problem.

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