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  • 1. The World According to LWW An explanatory guide into the inner philosophy of El Dubby Dub. Presented by Drew

2. The Basic Theory

  • After several years of careful observation and analysis, I have broken down the LWW belief system into what I call The LWW Hierarchy of Men

3. This hierarchy is the way that LWW views the world from his native habitat of behind the computer screen. 4. The Hierarchy

  • LWW
  • Republican Government
  • Military/Military personnel
  • Republican Intellectuals
  • The Masses
  • Obamanation
  • Democrat government
  • Non-Americans

5. LWW

  • LWW is the highest being. There is nothing above LWW. He is the smartest most knowledgeable of all of god's creations.

6. LWW is infallible. If you attempt to disprove any LWW idea, you will be labeled a bleeding heart liberal and your argument will be disregarded with such terms as strawman. It is best to not mess with the LWW. 7. Republican Government

  • Republican government is the highest state.

8. Primarily focusing on national security, Republican Government maintains any and all rights to nationalize private property, incarcerate without trial, and seize all citizens' rights. 9. Leaders in Republican Government enjoy the same infallibility as the LWW. 10. Only LWW can override policies of Republican Government 11. Military/Military Personnel

  • Military is the strong arm of Republican Government.

12. Military personnel enjoy more rights than any other citizen. 13. Military personnel (regardless of other factors) MUST be respected as the highest of all non-intellectual, non-LWW beings. 14. Republican Intellectuals

  • The Republican Intellectual is responsible for spinning and packaging all Republican ideas into pill form for the masses.

15. Republican Intellectuals are generally the smartest and most intuitive of all citizens with the exception of LWW. 16. The Masses

  • The masses are generally stupid insignificant Americans.

17. They can be molded to fit any form and cannot be trusted to make decisions. 18. The masses inherently do not possess any rights, however government may, from time to time, choose to grant certain privileges to the masses. 19. Obamatron

  • Obamatrons are the lowest of all intelligence classes.

20. Obamatrons are usually of minority descent and can be found at various welfare offices. 21. Obamatrons do not work and hope for the state to feed them. 22. Obamatrons can be found in large groups chanting HOPE! 23. Democrat Government

  • Democrat Government wishes to control the world.

24. Democrat Government conspires with terrorists for the complete destruction of America. 25. All natural and social disasters since the beginning of time can be traced back to Democrat Government. 26. Non-Americans

  • Non-Americans have no rights at all.

27. Non-Americans are terrorist scum with only a single goal: the complete destruction of America. 28. Most Non-Americans are communists. 29. Acknowledgements

  • I'd like to thank Windows Live images and AZBilliards for the images. I'd also like to thank AZBilliards for the venue in which I performed my research.
