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Magazine Initial Ideas

Body TextThe body text is an important feature in a magazine as it needs to be thought through very carefully. To chose my font that I will uses as the main text for my magazine I will look at all different types of fonts that I like and then chose which one is the best for me and for the reader as it is vital that the reader can read the font in order to understand the text that has been written because if a chose a font that the reader cannot understand then my magazine will not get good publicity. Here are some of the fonts that I am thinking about to use in my magazine:Arial Unicode MSAyuthayaAvenir Black ObliqueChalkdusterComic Sans MS Hobo Std

Camera Shots Here are some camera shots that I will use in my magazine: These include a close up, medium close up, medium long shot and a long shot.

Genres of magazinesRock MetalPopHip HopRNBRapJazzBlues Classical

The genre of magazine that I have chosen is a rock magazine as I am comfortable with this genre as I read a lot of rock magazine so I use to the style convention, pictures and stories that are included in the genre of magazines.

Colour schemeThe colour scheme is very important in a magazine, as it is the audience will associate a colour with that magazine. For example Kerrang magazine uses black and white masthead which the target audience will see and recognise that specific magazine. The colours that I am thinking about to use on my magazine are:

The reason why I have chose these colour is because they are primary colours and link to the genre of magazine that I am going to produce, but also they are the colours that I will hope will attract my target audience.

Features of my magazineThe features that are included in my magazine will cover a range of content that will interest the reader throughout the magazine. The content that I will include in my magazine is a main story on band working on a new album, news on that band, reviews of albums and live shows, include a member of a band who has took a quiz, posters that the reader can pull out and articles on new band that have just appeared on the music scene which will becoming bigger over the following years to come. It is very important to include as many different features as I can so that the reader will stay focused and enjoy the magazine throughout. Another reason why it is important to include so much content is to give as much information to the reader such as bands, albums and live reviews so that the reader will know about whether a particular album is very good and which types of bands are good to see live. For my magazine I will have to create a double page spread which will include pictures, heading and a main