Page 1: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah



Mnemonics are memory devices that help learners recall larger pieces

of information, especially in the form of lists like characteristics,

steps, stages, parts, phases, etc. Research has found that students who

regularly used mnemonic devices increased test scores up to 77%!

We have talked about seven mnemonic devices. Follow the following

steps to understand and utilize the techniques:

1. Listen to the explanation in the video carefully and then read

the explanation given in the worksheets thoroughly.

2. Go through the exercises that are performed in the video with

the help of the worksheets

3. Some exercises will be locally conducted by a person from your


Note: along with this, we are sending you seven worksheets

Page 2: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah


Worksheet no. 1. ورفعنا كل ذكرك ـ ISTIBSAR SESSION: MNEMONICS

1st technique: Repetition

Learning by repetition is to read things over and over again. To remember

better, you need to learn information more deeply and encode the

information in such a way that you are able to recall it effectively a long

time later. To do this, you need to add meaning to your learning.

Exercise from the video

Repeat this line together

و نقصان هتئي جاسسسضضهاواما ذرا هبي تأخري كرواسي مهوضضصاحب نا امر نسس ا ق ناح

to do at home Exercise for you Memorize, through repetition, the following Kalemaat Nooraniyyah from

this waaz Mubarak:

!ايك عظيم امر طرف داللة ؛ وحسني ثثر رو-1

!ون هك هر زمان نا موىلكذكر اهلل -2

!علي رسول اهلل ين ذكر ؛-3

!موىل هبوالئي جائي تو سككلو هبوالئي جائي-4

تواضع هسسس تو سككلو ياد رهسسسهيت وقت علم ثثر-5

Page 3: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah


Worksheet no. 2. ورفعنا كل ذكرك ـ ISTIBSAR SESSION: MNEMONICS

2nd technique: Acronyms

An acronym is a word formed from the first letters or groups of letters

in a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking

the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

developing an acronym.

For instance, the most commonly used acronym is VIBGYOR (Violet,

Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red) to remember the colors of the



Exercise from the video

Page 4: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah


to be done at home Exercise for you Choose any list of information, from this Waaz Mubarak or

any Waaz Mubarak. You may even try to do this with any

other subject you may choose.

Now try and make up a word or a sentence with the first

letters of each word you want to remember.

o This new word (acronym) should make some sense or at

least have something that you will be able to associate it

with the list of words you want to remember.

Page 5: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah


Worksheet no. 3. ورفعنا كل ذكرك ـ ISTIBSAR SESSION: MNEMONICS

3rd technique: Rhymes

A rhyme is a saying that has similar terminal sounds at the end of each

line. Rhymes are easier to remember because they can be stored by

acoustic encoding in our brains. For example:

In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the Ocean


Exercise from the video

Observe the Kalemaat Nooraniyah given below, and try to identify

such rhymes (قوايف) from the Kalemaat of Aqa Moula TUS.

We have underlined at some places to give you a hint

رسس،ظلم نور ككرسس، عامل نسس عدل نا نور سي ثثر ورظظظامام الزمان كرسس. دورشرك كفر ين دجيور نسس

وو ؛.و حق نا دهين سي صلة كروهصلوات ثثر

Page 6: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah


Worksheet no. 4. ورفعنا كل ذكرك ـ ISTIBSAR SESSION: MNEMONICS

4th technique: Chunking

Chunking is simply a way of breaking down larger pieces of

information into smaller, organized and more easily manageable

“chunks”. Telephone numbers in the United States are a perfect

example of this — 10 digits broken into 3 chunks, allowing almost

everyone to remember an entire phone number with ease. Since short-

term human memory is limited to approximately 7 items of

information, placing larger quantities of information into smaller

containers helps our brains remember more stuff, more easily.

Exercise from the video

Page 7: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah


Exercise Conducted by your LOCAL Organizer. VIDEO ON PAUSE MODE

Below is the list of all the rivayat from the Waaz Mubarak. Your organizer

will choose any one rivayat from it and help you chunk it.

ين رواية )كـئي جملس اختيار كيدي( موالنا ايب ذر * ((documentsمالئكة نويشتا لئي نسس اترسس ؛ -ين روايةع م مام جعفر الصادق ال*ا

هي عاشوراء ين رات ما فرمايو هك "ححال جاؤ" ص ع*امام حسني خاك شفاء(-)كوزة-*ابراهيم بن ايب سلمة ين ذكر

)صلوات(-هي جواب اثثو هي ذكر ص ع*امام حسن )طي االرض نو معجزة(-*حبيب بن مظاهر ين رواية

هي شهادة طلب كيدي( ص ع)امري املؤمنني -هثثايو هي رواية*انس بن ملك هي حح هي رواية عرض كيدو *ثثوهن نا هبائي هي شادي نو اذن

﴾قضاء قدر﴿ -ما سي حكاية ء*اخوان الصفا *اونتهري ين ذكر


Page 8: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah


Worksheet no. 5. ورفعنا كل ذكرك ـ ISTIBSAR SESSION: MNEMONICS

5th technique: The Method of Loci

The Method of Loci is a mnemonic device that dates back to Ancient

Greek times, making it one of the oldest ways of memorizing we know

of. Using the Method of Loci is easy. First, imagine a place with which

you are familiar. For instance, if you use your house, the rooms in

your house become the objects of information you need to memorize.

Another example is to use the route to your work or school, with

landmarks along the way becoming the information you need to


You go through a list of words or concepts needing memorization, and

associate each word with one of your locations. You should go in order

so that you will be able to retrieve all of the information in the future.

Exercise from the video

Landmark Point to Remember

1. Entry روزه






Page 9: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah





Exercise for you at home

Now choose any other list of information or any rivayat from the list

above and try to use this technique.

Landmark Point to Remember











Page 10: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah


Worksheet no. 6. ـورفعنا كل ذكرك ISTIBSAR SESSION: MNEMONICS

6th technique: Association

Association is the method by which you link a thing to be remembered

to a method of remembering it. Although we can, and will, suggest

associations to you, your own associations are much better as they

reflect the way in which your mind works.


Exercise Conducted by your LOCAL Organizer. VIDEO ON PAUSE MODE

حبيب بن مظاهر ين رواية :رواية

Association Points to Remember

1 Horse

2 Night





Page 11: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah


Worksheet no. 7. ورفعنا كل ذكرك ـ ISTIBSAR SESSION: MNEMONICS

7th technique: Imagery

Visual imagery is a great way to help memorize items for some people.

For instance, it’s often used to memorize pairs of words (green grass,

yellow sun, blue water, etc.). The Method of Loci, mentioned above,

is a form of using imagery for memorization. By recalling specific

imagery, it can help us recall information we associated with that

imagery too.


Exercise Conducted by your LOCAL Organizer. VIDEO ON PAUSE MODE

Choose any rivayat and sketch or describe the image you made out of it


Page 12: Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah Mnemonics filein a name or phrase. It can be used as a mnemonic device by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and

Mahad al Hasanaat al Burhaniyah