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  • Tool & Curve Mnemonics Issue 10 November 2002 Page 1 of 47

    Reeves Technologies

    Tool & CurveMnemonics



  • Tool & Curve Mnemonics Issue 10 November 2002 Page 2 of 47


    1 Tool Mnemonics - By Type 3

    2 Tool Mnemonics - Alphabetical Listing 6

    3 Sub Mnemonics 9

    3.1 Measurement Subs 9

    3.2 Non Measurement Subs 11

    4 Curve Mnemonics - By Tool 12

    5 Curve Mnemonics - Alphabetical Listing 30

    6 Lis Format Mnemonics 46

  • Tool & Curve Mnemonics Issue 10 November 2002 Page 3 of 47

    1 Tool Mnemonics - by TypeType Description Mnemonic

    Resistivity Array Induction Sonde AIS

    Dual Laterolog Sonde DLS

    Compact Array Induction MAI

    Compact Dual Laterolog Sonde MDL

    Compact Shallow Focussed Resistivity MFE

    Micro Log Sonde MLS

    Compact Micro Log Sonde MML

    Compact MicroLaterolog Sonde MMR

    Micro Resistivity Sonde MRS

    Mud Resistivity Sonde RMS

    Nuclear Compensated Density Sonde CDS

    Compensated Neutron Sonde CNS

    Epithermal Neutron Sonde ENS

    Compact Comms Gamma Sonde MCG

    Compact Dual Neutron Sonde MDN

    Compact Gamma Sub MGS

    Compact PhotoDensity Sonde MPD

    Nuclear Combination Sonde NCS*

    Photo Density Sonde PDS

    Photo Nuclear Sonde PNS**

    Spectral Gamma Sonde SGS

    * NCS = CDS + CNS ** PNS = PDS + CNS

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    Type Description Mnemonic

    Acoustic Acoustic Scanning Tool AST

    Compensated Sonic Sonde CSS

    Long Spaced Compensated Sonic Sonde LCS

    Compact Sonic Sonde MSS

    Seismic Seismic Air Gun SAG

    Seismic Reference Sonde SRS

    Dipmeter Borehole Geometry Sonde BGS

    Multi Button Dipmeter MBD

    Precision Strata Dipmeter PSD

    Scratcher Dipmeter Sonde SDC

    Production Fluid Conductivity Sonde FCS

    Logging Fluid Density Sonde FDS

    Services Full Bore Flowmeter Sonde FFS

    In Line Flowmeter Sonde IFS

    Pressure Gauge Carrier PGC

    Pressure Temperature Sonde PTS

    Quartz Pressure Gauge QPG

    Thermal Neutron Decay Sonde TDS

    Formation Testers Repeat Formation Sampler RFS

    Compact Repeat Formation Pressure Tester MFT

    Perforating Services Barjet Gun BJG

    Expendable Hollow Carrier EHC

    Gamma Ray & Collar Locator GCL

    Hollow Steel Carrier HSC

    Retrievable Tubing Gun RTG

    Tubing Conveyed Perforating TCP

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    Type Description Mnemonic

    Cased Hole Back Off Service BOS

    Baker Setting Tool BST

    Chemical Cutting Tool CCT

    Severing Tool SVT

    Tubular Cutters TCU

    Tubing and Casing Puncher TPU

    Auxiliary Services High Resolution Temperature BHT

    Free Point Indicator FPI

    Compact Borehole Navigation Sonde MBN

    Compact UltraSonic Gas Detector MGD

    Compact High Resolution Temperature MHT

    Compact Two Arm Caliper Sonde MTC

    Pipe Conveyed Logging PCL

    Stiff Bridle Tool SBT

    Sidewall Core Gun SCG

    Two Arm Caliper TAC

    Tension Compression Sub TCS

    Ultrasonic Gas Detector UGD

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    2 Tool Mnemonics -Alphabetical Listing

    Mnemonic Description

    AIS Array Induction Sonde

    AST Acoustic Scanning Tool

    BGS Borehole Geometry Sonde

    BHT High Resolution Temperature

    BJG Barjet Gun

    BOS Back Off Service

    BST Baker Setting Tool

    CCT Chemical Cutting Tool

    CDS Compensated Density Sonde

    CNS Compensated Neutron Sonde

    CSS Compensated Sonic Sonde

    DLS Dual Laterolog Sonde

    DPCL Drill Pipe Conveyed Logging

    EHC Expendable Hollow Carrier

    ENS Epithermal Neutron Sonde

    FCS Fluid Conductivity Sonde

    FDS Fluid Density Sonde

    FFS Full Bore Flowmeter Sonde

    FPI Free Point Indicator

    GCL Gamma Ray and Collar Locator

    HSC Hollow Steel Carrier

    IFS In Line Flowmeter Sonde

    LCS Long Spaced Compensated Sonic Sonde

    MAI Compact Array Induction Sonde

    MBD Multi Button Dipmeter

    MBN Compact Borehole Navigation Sonde

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    MCG Compact Comms Gamma Sonde

    MDL Compact Dual Laterolog Sonde

    MDN Compact Dual Neutron Sonde

    MFE Compact Shallow Focussed Resistivity Sonde

    MFT Compact Repeat Formation Pressure Tester

    MGD Compact UltraSonic Gas Detector

    MGS Compact Gamma Sub

    MHT Compact High Resolution Temperature Sonde

    MLS Micro Log Sonde

    MML Compact Micro Log Sonde

    MMR Compact MicroLaterolog Sonde

    MPD Compact PhotoDensity Sonde

    MRS Micro Resistivity Sonde

    MSS Compact Sonic Sonde

    MTC Compact Two Arm Caliper Sonde

    NCS Nuclear Combination Sonde

    PDS Photo Density Sonde

    PGC Pressure Gauge Carrier

    PNS Photo Nuclear Sonde

    PSD Precision Strata Dipmeter

    PTS Pressure Temperature Sonde

    QPG Quartz Pressure Gauge

    RFS Repeat Formation Sampler

    RMS Mud Resistivity Sonde

    RTG Retrievable Tubing Gun

    SAG Seismic Air Gun

    SBT Stiff Bridle Tool

    SCG Sidewall Core Gun

    SDC Scratcher Dipmeter Sonde

    SGS Spectral Gamma Sonde

    SRS Seismic Reference Sonde

    SVT Severing Tool

    TAC Two Arm Caliper

    TCP Tubing Conveyed Perforating

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    TCS Tension Compression Sub

    TCU Tubular Cutters

    TDS Thermal Neutron Decay Sonde

    TPU Tubing and Casing Puncher

    UGD Ultrasonic Gas Detector

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    3 Sub Mnemonics

    Tool strings are constructed by joining together individual items of downhole

    equipment known as subs. Measurement subs may be complete tools or part of tools,

    whilst non-measurement subs link other subs together, or may be used to achieve some

    desirable geometrical configuration.

    In some cases, the same type of measurement sub may be used in more than one tool

    (an example being the Borehole Geometry Navigation Sub used in the Precision Strata

    Dipmeter and Acoustic Scanning Tool).

    Each sub has a unique mnemonic. The Downhole Configuration Diagram printed on

    logs acquired with SS1 software shows the subs that make up each tool string, and their

    mnemonics are listed in the Tool Table part of an LIS file.

    3.1 Measurement Subs

    These are listed alphabetically. In some cases, tools are made up of a single sub.

    Where this is not the case, the associated list of tools indicates where the subs are used.

    ATS Acoustic Transducer Sub - Compensated Sonic Sonde

    Long Compensated Sonic Sonde

    BGC Borehole Geometry Caliper Sub - Borehole Geometry Sonde

    BGN Borehole Geometry Navigation Sub - Acoustic Scanning Tool

    Borehole Geometry Sonde

    Multi Button Dipmeter

    Precision Strata Dipmeter

    BHT Borehole High Resolution - Compensated Density Sonde

    Temperature Sonde Photo Density Sonde

    CDS Compensated Density Sonde - Nuclear Combination Sonde

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    CNS Compensated Neutron Sonde - Nuclear Combination Sonde

    Photo Nuclear Sonde

    DCS Dipmeter Caliper Sub - Multi Button Dipmeter

    Precision Strata Dipmeter

    DLG Dual Laterolog Lower Guard Sub - Dual Laterolog Sonde

    DLE Dual Laterolog Electrode Sub - Dual Laterolog Sonde

    DLP Dual Laterolog Processing Sub - Dual Laterolog Sonde

    DSC Induction Electronics Sub - Array Induction Sonde

    DSS Induction Coil Section Sub - Array Induction Sonde

    MFC Formation Tester Caliper Sub - Compact Repeat Formation Tester

    MFP Formation Tester Pre-test Sub - Compact Repeat Formation Tester

    MLS Micro Laterolog Sonde

    MRS Micro Resistivity Sonde - Dual Laterolog Sonde

    MTS Micro Acoustic Transducer Sub - Long Compensated Sonic Sonde

    PDS Photo Density Sonde - Photo Nuclear Sonde

    RMS Mud Resistivity Sonde - Array Induction Sonde

    SBT Stiff Bridle Tool - Dual Laterolog Sonde

    SFE Shallow Focussed Electric Sub - Array Induction Sonde

    SGS Spectral Gamma Sonde

    SGD Sonic Gas Detector - Nuclear Combination Sonde

    (equivalent to UGD) Photo Nuclear Sonde

    SPS Sonic Processing Sub - Compensated Sonic Sonde

    TAC Two Arm Caliper

    TCS Tension Compression Sub

    WPS Waveform Sonic Processing Sub - Compensated Sonic Sonde

    Long Compensated Sonic Sonde

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    3.2 Non Measurement Subs

    CTA Coiled Tubing Adaptor

    CWS Compact Well Shuttle

    DWC Pipe Conveyed Logging Assembly

    HFS Hole Finder Sub

    HPS Hydraulic Pumping Sub

    HTC Hydraulic Tension Compression Sub

    ISA Inter Sub Adapter

    ISC Inter Sonde Adjustable Crank

    ITA Inter Tool Adapter

    ITI Inter Tool Isolator

    LNK Link Sub

    MBE Compact Bridle Electrode

    MBS Compact Battery Sub

    MHF Compact Hole Finder

    MIS Compact In-Line Centraliser/Eccentraliser

    MLG Compact Dual LateroLog Lower Guard

    MLK Compact Link Sub

    MMS Compact Memory Sub

    MTA Compact Inter-Tool Adapter

    MUG Compact Dual Laterolog Upper Guard

    PKJ Production Knuckle Joint

    PRC Production Roller Centraliser

    SBS Sinker Bar Sub

    SHA Swivel Head Adapter

    SKJ Slim Knuckle Joint

    SFV Shuttle Flap Valve Sub

    SLC Shuttle Landing & Circulating Sub

    SLS Shuttle Latching Sub

    SMS Shuttle Mule Shoe

    SMT Shuttle Messenger Tool

    SRT Shuttle Running Tool

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    4 Curve Mnemonics - by Tool

    This section contains a comprehensive list of curve names associated with each tool-

    type. The curve description is that which appears on the log header (some

    abbreviations have been expanded).

    A Sub List is provided for those tools supported by SS1 data acquisition software; the

    list provides information needed to validate certain styles of LIS file (see Section 5).

    The List identifies the particular sub from which a measurement originates. Multiple

    entries mean that the same measurement is made by more than one sub; no entry for

    an SS1 supported tool means that the corresponding curve is part of a private status

    channel or has been generated at the surface.

    The curve lists for Compact (M-Series) tools refer to data acquired with Windows

    Logging Software after March 1999.

    Tool: AIS (Array Induction Sonde)Curve Name Description Sub ListAPOR Apparent Porosity DSSCIL1 Induction Channel 1 DSSCIL2 Induction Channel 2 DSSCIL3 Induction Channel 3 DSSCIL4 Induction Channel 4 DSSCILD Deep Conductivity DSSCILM Medium Conductivity DSSGRCD Gamma Ray, Raw DSCGRDI Gamma Ray DSCRILD Deep Induction Resistivity DSSRILM Medium Induction Resistivity DSSRSFE Shallow Focussed Electric DSCRSFR Shallow Focussed Electric Raw DSCRXRT Rxo/Rt DSCSFEI Focussed Electric Current DSCSP Spontaneous Potential DSSSPR Raw Spontaneous Potential DSSSW Water Saturation DSCTDSI Tension Of CableTEXD Borehole Temperature DSSTIND Sonde TemperatureVX1 Vx Receiver 1 DSS

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    VX2 Vx Receiver 2 DSSVX3 Vx Receiver 3 DSSVX4 Vx Receiver 4 DSS

    Tool: AST (Acoustic Scanning Tool)Curve Name Description AAZD Apparent AzimuthACCX X AccelerometerACCY Y AccelerometerACCZ Z Accelerometer and time (not plottable)AMPB Compensated Amplitude BiasAVOL Annular VolumeAZAT Dip Azimuth from ASTAZBM Mean AzimuthAZBT Azimuth of ToolAZID Borehole AzimuthBIT Bit SizeCABX X Acoustic CaliperCABY Y Acoustic CaliperCRAT Dip Correlation from ASTDISC DiscriminatorsDM01 AST Diameter 1DM02 AST Diameter 2DM03 AST Diameter 3DPAT Dip Angle from ASTFMAG Field MagnitudeGRCF PSD Gamma Ray RawGRD4 PSD Gamma RayHVOL Hole VolumeMAGX X MagnetometerMAGY Y MagnetometerMAGZ Z MagnetometerRBAD Relative BearingRSSC Received SignalRSSN Received Signal RawTBTV Tension of CableTEXF PSD Borehole TemperatureTILD Borehole TiltTR01 AST Trace 1TR02 AST Trace 2TR03 AST Trace 3TR04 AST Trace 4TR05 AST Trace 5TR06 AST Trace 6WAV3 AmplitudeWAV4 Two Way Travel TimeWAV5 Compensated AmplitudesZACC Accelerometer Z (Plottable)

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    Tool: BHT (Borehole High Resolution Temperature Tool)Curve Name Description IHTD Differential TemperatureIHTF Borehole Temperature

    Tool: CCL (Casing Collar Locator)Curve Name DescriptionCOLC Collar Detector CopyCOLD Collar DetectorCTIE CLL Tie in LogGRCC CCL Gamma Ray RawGRCG CCL Gamma RayGUN1 Gun OneGUN2 Gun TwoGUN3 Gun ThreeGUN4 Gun FourPERF PerforationsTCCL Tension of Cable

    Tool: CDS (Compensated Density Sonde)Curve Name Description Sub ListAVOL Annular VolumeBIT Bit SizeCACN Density Caliper Raw CDSCANC Density Caliper CDSDCOR Density Correction CDSDCRF Far Density Counts CDSDCRN Near Density Counts CDSDEN Density CDSDPOR Limestone Density Porosity CDSDPRD Dolomite Density Porosity CDSDPRL Limestone Density Porosity CDSDPRS Sandstone Density Porosity CDSHDEN High Resolution Density CDSHTDF Long Spaced Density EHT HTDN Short Spaced Density EHTHVOL Hole VolumeLDEN Long Linear Density CDSMTXD Matrix Density CDSSDEN Short Linear Density CDSTEXN Borehole Temperature CDSTINN Sonde Temperature CDSTNCS Tension Of Cable

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    Tool: CNS (Compensated Neutron Sonde)Curve Name Description Sub ListBHT Borehole Temperature Raw CNS BHTBHTD Differential Temperature CNS BHTBHTF Borehole Temperature Log CNS BHTGRCN NCS Gamma Ray Raw CNSGRDP* PNS Gamma Ray Raw CNSGRNC NCS Gamma Ray CNSGRPD* PNS Gamma Ray Raw CNSHTGR NCS Gamma Ray Tube EHTNCRF Long Spaced Neutron CNSNCRN Short Spaced Neutron CNSNPOR Limestone Neutron PorosityNPRD Dolomite Neutron Porosity CNSNPRL Limestone Neutron Porosity CNSNPRS Sandstone Neutron Porosity CNSNRAT Neutron Ratio CNSTNCS Tension Of CableXPOR Crossplot Porosity CNS

    *These mnemonics replace GRCN and GRNC when the CNS is combined with a PDS.

    Tool: CSS (Compensated Sonic Sonde)Curve Name Description Sub ListDT1 Delta T1 DT1D Delta T1 Despiked ATS MTSDT2 Delta T2 DT2D Delta T2 Despiked ATS MTSDTCM Delta-t Compensated ATS MTSSPOR Sonic Porosity ATS MTST1R2 Sonic T1R2 Transit Time ATS MTST1R4 Sonic T1R4 Transit Time ATS MTST2R1 Sonic T2R1 Transit Time ATS MTST2R3 Sonic T2R3 Transit Time ATS MTSTBCA Tension of Cable VL11 Velocity T1VL1D Velocity T1 DespikedVL22 Velocity T2VL2D Velocity T2 DespikedVLC1 3-5ft Compensated Sonic VelocityVLC2 3-4ft Compensated Sonic VelocityVLC3 8-10ft Compensated Sonic VelocityVLC4 9-10ft Compensated Sonic VelocityVLCM Compensated Sonic VelocityVLCV Vectar Compensated Sonic VelocityVLD1 3-5ft Velocity DespikedVLD2 3-4ft Velocity DespikedVLD3 8-10ft Velocity DespikedVLD4 9-10ft Velocity DespikedVLMS Micro Sonic Velocity

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    Tool: DLS (Dual Laterolog Sonde)Curve Name Description Sub ListBIT Bit SizeCADF Microlog Caliper MRS MLSCALE Microlog Caliper Raw MRS MLSDLL Deep Laterolog DLEDLLI Deep Laterolog Current DLEDLLV Deep Laterolog Voltage DLEGLL Groningen Laterolog DLEGLLV Groningen Voltage DLEGRCL DLS Gamma Ray Raw DLEGRLL DLS Gamma Ray DLEHVOL Hole VolumeMINV Micro-Inverse MRS MLSMIVV Micro-Inverse Voltage MRS MLSMLL Micro-Laterolog MRSMLLI Micro-Laterolog Current MRSMLLV Micro-Laterolog Voltage MRSMNLI Micro-Normal Current MRS MLSMNLV Micro-Normal Voltage MRS MLSMNRL Micro-Normal 2" MRS MLSMS1I Medium Laterolog Current DLEMS1V Medium Laterolog Voltage DLE MS2I Micro-Spherical Current 2 DLE MSF1 Medium Laterolog DLEMSF2 Micro-Spherically Focussed 2 DLESLL Shallow Laterolog DLESLLI Shallow Laterolog Current DLESLLV Shallow Laterolog Volts DLESPLL DLS Spontaneous Potential DLP SBTSPRL Laterolog SP DLP SBTTDFE Tension Of CableTEXL DLS Borehole Temperature DLP

    Tool: LCS (Long Compensated Sonic)Curve Name Description Sub ListATEN Signal Attenuation (between receivers)DISC DiscriminatorsDT1A 3-5ft Delta Time ATSDT2A 3-4ft Delta Time ATSDT3A 8-10ft Delta Time ATSDT1B 3-5ft Delta Time ATSDT2B 3-4ft Delta Time ATSDT3B 8-10ft Delta Time ATSDTC1 3-5ft Compensated Sonic ATSDTC2 3-4ft Compensated Sonic ATSDTC3 8-10ft Compensated Sonic ATSDUM6 Dummy 6DUM7 Dummy 7

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    DUM8 Dummy 8DUM9 Dummy 9GA31 W3T1 GainGA32 W3T2 GainGA41 W4T1 GainGA42 W4T2 GainIPVF Delta-t (P)IPVR Delta-t (P) RawISVF Delta-t (S)ISVR Delta-t (S) RawPOIS Poisson's RatioR1T1 Sonic R1T1 Transit Time ATSR1T2 Sonic R1T2 Transit Time ATSR2T1 Sonic R2T1 Transit Time ATSR2T2 Sonic R2T2 Transit Time ATSR3T1 Sonic R2T1 Transit Time ATSR3T2 Sonic R3T2 Transit Time ATSR4T1 Sonic R4T1 Transit Time ATSR4T2 Sonic R4T2 Transit Time ATSSEMB Semblance (between waveforms)SPOR Sonic Porosity ATSTLSS Tension Of CableVLSS Velocity (S)VLSR Velocity (S) RawVLVF Velocity (P)VLVR Velocity (P) RawVPVS Velocity Ration (Vp/Vs)W3T1 8' WaveformW3T2 7' WaveformW4T1 10' WaveformW4T2 9' Waveform

    Tool: MAI (Compact Array Induction Sonde)Curve Name DescriptionAIAT MAI Array TemperatureAIBT Borehole Temperature RawAIIT MAI Internal TemperatureAIR1 Induction Receiver 1 AIR2 Induction Receiver 2 AIR3 Induction Receiver 3 AIR4 Induction Receiver 4AIST MAI StatusAITC MAI Transmitter CurrentAIX1 Induction VX1 AIX2 Induction VX2 AIX3 Induction VX3 AIX4 Induction VX4BHTD Differential TemperatureBHTF Borehole Temperature

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    CIL1 Conductivity Receiver 1 CIL2 Conductivity Receiver 2CIL3 Conductivity Receiver 3CIL4 Conductivity Receiver 4CILD Deep ConductivityCILM Medium ConductivityCILS Shallow ConductivitRILM Medium Induction RILD Deep Induction ySYM1 Symmetrised Receiver 1 SYM2 Symmetrised Receiver 2SYM3 Symmetrised Receiver 3SYM4 Symmetrised Receiver 4VEC0 Shallow Induction VEC1 Near Induction VEC2 Near Medium Induction VEC3 Far Medium InductionVEC4 Far InductionVEC5 Deepest Induction

    Tool: MBD (Multi Button Dipmeter)Curve Name DescriptionAAZD Apparent AzimuthACCX X AccelerometerACCY Y AccelerometerACCZ Z Accelerometer and timeAZID Borehole AzimuthBIT Bit SizeCALX X CaliperCALY Y CaliperCNCT Concatenated Data ChannelFMAG Field MagnitudeGRCF PSD Gamma Ray RawHVOL Hole VolumeMAGX X MagnetometerMAGY Y MagnetometerMAGZ Z MagnetometerPADV Pad VoltagePI11 Pad 1 (Right Hand)PI12 Pad 1 (Left Hand)PI13 Pad 1 (Speed)PI21 Pad 2 (Right Hand)PI22 Pad 2 (Left Hand)PI23 Pad 2 (Speed)PI31 Pad 3 (Right Hand)PI32 Pad 3 (Left Hand)PI33 Pad 3 (Speed)PI41 Pad 4 (Right Hand)PI42 Pad 4 (Left Hand)

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    PI43 Pad 4 (Speed)RBAD Relative BearingTFDH Tension Of CableTILD Borehole Tilt

    Tool: MBN (Compact Borehole Navigation Sonde)Curve Name DescriptionACCF Acceleration MagnitudeBAZI Borehole Azimuth (Mag.)BAZT Borehole Azimuth (True)BNBT MBN Bulkhead TemperatureBNGR Gamma Ray RawBNIT MBN Internal TemperatureBNST MBN StatusBNXA X AccelerometerBNXM X MagnetometerBNYA Y AccelerometerBNYM Y MagnetometerBNZA Z AccelerometerBNZM Z MagnetometerBTLF Filtered Borehole TiltBTLT Borehole TiltBZAC Z Accelerometer CountsBZAT Z Accelerometer Time 1/10 millisecondGRBG Gamma Ray APIHSBA Relative Bearing (HS)MAGF Field MagnitudeRAZI Azimuth of Reference

    Tool: MCG (Compact Comms Gamma Sonde)Curve Name DescriptionCCLG Casing Collar LocatorCGCL CCL RawCGDT Downhole Tension CGGR Gamma Ray RawCGIT MCG Internal TemperatureCGSP SP RawCGST MCG StatusCGVN Line Voltage (-ve) CGVP Line Voltage (+ve)CGVT Line VoltageCGXT MCG External TemperatureGRGC Gamma Ray SPCG Spontaneous Potential

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    Tool: MFT (Compact Repeat Formation Pressure Tester)Curve Name DescriptionBHUN Paine Pressure (Abs) 100'sBONE Paine Pressure (Abs) 1'sBTEN Paine Pressure (Abs) 10'sBTHO Paine Pressure (Abs) 1000'sBTTH Paine Pressure (Abs) 10000'sFCCP Caliper RawFCIT MFC Internal Temperature FCMC Motor CurrentFCMS Motor SpeedFCMT Motor TemperatureFCST Section StatusFPGP Paine Pressure RawFPGT Paine Gauge TemperatureFPIT MFP Internal Temperature FPMC MFP Motor CurrentFPMS MFP Motor SpeedFPMT MFP Motor Temperature FPPP Piston Position (millimetres)FPQC Quartzdyne Pressure (C)FPQH Quartzdyne Pressure (T)

    Tool: MDL (Compact Dual Laterolog Sonde)Curve Name DescriptionBCDC Corrected Deep ConductivityBCDL Corrected Deep LaterologBCSC Corrected Shallow ConductivityBCSL Corrected Shallow LaterologDLA1 A1D Electrode VoltageDLDC Deep Current CheckDLDG Deep Guard CurrentDLDI Deep CurrentDLDV Deep VoltageDLGV Groningen VoltageDLIT MDL Internal TemperatureDLSP SP Voltage RawDLSV Shallow VoltageDLSI Shallow CurrentDLSG Shallow Guard CurrentDLSC Shallow Current CheckDLV1 V1 Electrode VoltageDLVD Deep Voltage CheckDLVR Voltage ReferenceDLVS Shallow Voltage CheckDLZS A/D Zero VoltageDDLL Deep LaterologDGLL Groningen LaterologDSLL Shallow Laterolog

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    M333 Shallow Laterolog ConductivityM444 Deep Laterolog ConductivityM555 Groningen Laterolog ConductivitySPDL SP

    Tool: MDN (Compact Dual Neutron Sonde)Curve Name DescriptionDNFD Far Neutron RawDNFT Far Neutron Dead TimeDNIT MDN Internal TemperatureDNND Near Neutron RawDNNT Near Neutron Dead TimeDNST MDN Status NPOR Base Neutron Porosity NPRL Limestone Neutron PorosityNPRS Sandstone Neutron PorosityNPRD Dolomite Neutron PorosityNRAT Neutron Ratio (Near/Far)

    Tool: MFE (Compact Shallow Focussed Resistivity Sonde)Curve Name DescriptionFEFE Shallow FEFEFR Shallow FE (No Correction)FEFV MFE Fish VoltageFEIT MFE Internal TemperatureFEQR Quadrature FE (No Correction)FEQS Quadrature FEFERI MFE CurrentFERV MFE VoltageFESI MFE Sense DC CurrentFEST MFE Status FEXI MFE Quadrature CurrentFEXV MFE Quadrature Voltage

    Tool: MGD (Compact UltraSonic Gas Detector)Curve Name DescriptionGDIT Internal TemperatureGDLO Lower Gas DetectorGDST MGD StatusGDUP Upper Gas Detector

    Tool: MHT (Compact High Resolution Temperature Sonde)Curve Name DescriptionBHTD Differential TemperatureBHTF Borehole TemperatureHTBT Borehole Temperature Raw

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    HTIT MHT Internal TemperatureHTST MHT Status

    Tool: MLS/MRS (Microresistivity/Microlog Sonde)Curve Name DescriptionAVOL Annular VolumeBIT Bit SizeCAL CaliperCAMR Micro-Resistivity CaliperGRCM MLS Gamma Ray RawGRMR MLS Gamma RayHVOL Hole VolumeMR1F Micro-Inverse 1"MR2F Micro-Inverse 2"MRMC Caliper Motor CurrentMRS1 Micro-Inverse 1" RawMRS2 Micro-Inverse 2" RawSPR MLS SP RawTEXM MLS Borehole TemperatureTINM MLS Sonde TemperatureTMRS Tension Of Cable

    Tool: MML/MMR (Compact Microlog/MicroLaterolog Sonde)Curve Name DescriptionAVOL Annular VolumeBCMC Corrected MicroLaterolog ConductivityBCML Corrected MicroLaterologHVOL Hole VolumeM111 Micro-Normal ConductivityM222 Micro-Inverse ConductivityMLCP MML Caliper RawMLIT MML Internal TemperatureMLMC MML Motor CurrentMLMV MML Motor VoltageMLNV Micro-Normal VoltageMLIV Micro-Inverse VoltageMLTC MML CaliperMMLI Micro-Normal CurrentMNRL Micro-NormalMINV Micro-Inverse

    Tool: MPD (Compact PhotoDensity Sonde)Curve Name DescriptionAVOL Annular VolumeBHTF Borehole Temperature BHTD Differential TemperatureCLDC Density Caliper

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    DCCP Density Caliper RawDCOR Density CorrectionDEN Compensated DensityDENF Far Spaced DensityDENN Near Spaced DensityDPOR Base Density Porosity DPRD Dolomite Density PorosityDPRL Limestone Density PorosityDPRS Sandstone Density PorosityHDEN Vectar Processed DensityHVOL Hole VolumeMTXD Matrix densityPCIT MPD Internal TemperaturePCMC MPD Motor CurrentPCST MDC StatusPDFC Far Density CountsPDFE MPD Far EHTPDFL Far Lock CountsPDFS Far Density SpectrumPDFT Far Density Dead TimePDHD MPD PE Hard CountsPDNC Near Density CountsPDNE MPD Near EHTPDNL Near Lock CountsPDNS Near Density SpectrumPDIT MPD Internal TemperaturePDNT Near Density Dead TimePDPE PEPDSF MPD PE Soft CountsPDST MPD StatusPFSD Far Density SDUPFTC Far Total Counts,No D/TPNSD Near Density SDUPNTC Near Total Counts,No D/T

    Tool: PDS (Photo Density Sonde)Curve Name Description Sub ListAVOL Annular VolumeBHTD Differential Temperature PDS BHTBHTF Borehole Temperature Log PDS BHTBIT Bit SizeCADP Density Caliper Raw PDSCAPD Density Caliper PDSDCOR Density Correction PDSDCRF Far Density Counts PDSDCRN Near Density Counts PDSDEN Density PDSDPOR Limestone Density Porosity PDSDPRD Dolomite Density Porosity PDS

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    DPRL Limestone Density Porosity PDSDPRS Sandstone Density Porosity PDSDSPF Far Density Spectrum PDSDSPN Near Density Spectrum PDSG1DN Near Density Gate 1G2DN Near Density Gate 2G3DN Near Density Gate 3G4DN Near Density Gate 4G5DN Near Density Gate 5GNDF Far Density Gates 1-5HDEN High Resolution Density PDSHVOL Hole VolumeLBDF Far Look Balance Curve PDSLBDN Near Look Balance Curve PDSLDEN Long Linear Density PDSMTXD Matrix Density PDSPEDF Far Pe Curve PDSPEDN Near Pe Curve PDSRSDF Far Resolution Curve PDSRSDN Near Resolution Curve PDSSDEN Short Linear Density PDSTPDS Tension Of CableXPOR Crossplot Porosity CNS

    Tool: MSS (Compact Sonic Sonde - Including CBL)Curve Name DescriptionFGAP Fixed Gate Peak AmplitudeFGTR Fixed Gate Transit TimeDL11 4' Discriminator LevelDL12 6' Discriminator LevelDL21 3' Discriminator LevelDL22 5' Discriminator LevelDT34 3-4' Compensated SonicDT35 3-5' Compensated SonicDT45 4-5' Compensated SonicDT46 4-6' Compensated SonicDT56 5-6' Compensated SonicDTSM Smeared 3-4' SonicPK11 4' Peak AmplitudePK12 6' Peak AmplitudePK21 3' Peak AmplitudePK22 5' Peak AmplitudePT11 4' Time To Peak AmplitudePT12 6' Time To Peak AmplitudePT21 3' Time To Peak AmplitudePT22 5' Time To Peak AmplitudeRN11 4' Road Noise Max. DeflectionRN12 6' Road Noise Max. DeflectionRN21 3' Road Noise Max. Deflection

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    RN22 5' Road Noise Max. DeflectionSPRD Dolomite Sonic PorositySPRL Limestone Sonic PorositySPRS Sandstone Sonic PorositySTGN MSS Gain StatusSTIT MSS Internal TemperatureSTPK MSS Peak StatusSTSS MSS StatusSTWS MSS Waveform Segment StatusTR11 4' Transit TimeTR12 6' Transit TimeTR21 3' Transit Time TR22 5' Transit Time TS11 4' Transit Time SetTS12 6' Transit Time SetTS21 3' Transit Time Set TS22 5' Transit Time SetVL35 3-5ft Compensated VelocityVL46 4-6ft Compensated VelocityVL34 3-4ft Compensated VelocityVL45 4-5ft Compensated VelocityVL56 5-6ft Compensated VelocityVLSM Smeared 3-4ft VelocityWSEG Waveform Segment

    Tool: MTC (Compact Two Arm Caliper)Curve Name DescriptionCLTC Two Arm CaliperTCCP Two Arm Caliper Raw TCIT MTC Internal TemperatureTCMC MTC Motor Current TCMV MTC Motor VoltageTCST MTC Status

    Tool: PRD (Production Logging Suite: FCS, FDS, FFS, IFS, PGC, PTS, QPG)Curve Name Description Sub ListAFDN Amplified Fluid Density FDSCCLP CCL PTSCOFR Continuous Flow Rate IFSCONF Filtered ConductivityDTEP PTS Differential Temperature PTSFBFR Fullbore Flow Rate FFSFDEN Fluid Density FDSFDLT Delta Flow FFS IFSFDNS Fluid Density Raw FDSFLOC Continuous Flowmeter Raw IFSFLOF Fullbore Flowmeter Raw FFSFLTC Continuous Flowmeter Revolution Time

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    FLTF Fullbore Flowmeter Revolution Time FFSFTOT Total Flow FFS IFSGRCP PTS Gamma Ray Raw PTSGRPR PTS Gamma Ray PTSHORN Horner TimeHPF HP Pressure PGCHPPP HP Frequency PGCLSPD Logging SpeedPERF PerforationsSAL1 Fluid ConductivitySGF Strain Gauge Pressure PTSSGPP Strain Gauge Pressure Raw PTSTEPP PTS Borehole Temperature Raw PTSTEXP PTS Borehole Temperature PTSTIMP Time Between Depth Increments TPRD Tension Of Cable

    Tool: PSD (Precision Strata Dipmeter)Curve Name Description Sub ListAAZD Apparent Azimuth BGNACCX X Accelerometer BGNACCY Y Accelerometer BGNACCZ Z Accelerometer & time (not plottable) BGNAREF Azimuth of Pad 1 BGNAVOL Annular VolumeAZIC Dip Azimuth (True North)AZID Borehole Azimuth BGNBIT Bit SizeBRKT Breakout Angle BGNCALX X Caliper DCSCALY Y Caliper DCSCAXR X Caliper Raw DCSCAYR Y Caliper Raw DCSCORC Correlation ValueDIPC Dip AngleFMAG Field Magnitude BGNGRCF PSD Gamma Ray Raw BGNGRD4 PSD Gamma Ray BGNHVOL Hole VolumeMAGX X Magnetometer BGNMAGY Y Magnetometer BGNMAGZ Z Magnetometer BGNPADP Pad Pressure BGNPADV Pad VoltagePI1 Pad 1 ResistancePI1A Speed Pad 1 ResistancePI2 Pad 2 ResistancePI2A Speed Pad 2 ResistancePI3 Pad 3 Resistance

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    PI4 Pad 4 ResistanceRBAD Relative Bearing BGNRBHS Relative Bearing (high side of hole) BGNTAZI AZID (relative to True North)TDEP True Depth BGNTEXF PSD Borehole Temperature BGNTFDR Tension Of CableTFDS Tension Of CableTILD Borehole TiltZACC Accelerometer Z (plottable)

    Tool: RFS (Repeat Formation Sampler)Curve Name DescriptionFHPG Fractional HP PressureFPCC Formation Pressure (Cylindrical)FPSS Formation Pressure (Spherical)GRCR RFS Gamma Ray RawGRRF RFS Gamma RayHHUN HP Pressure 100'sHONE HP Pressure 1'sHPPC HP Pressure CopyHPPF HP PressureHPPR HP FrequencyHPTM HP TemperatureHTEN HP Pressure 10'sHTHO HP Pressure 1000'sHTTH HP Pressure 10000'sHYMC Hydraulic Motor CurrentHYPP Hydraulic Piston PositionHYPR Hydraulic PressureSGPC Strain Gauge Pressure CopySGPF Strain Gauge PressureSGPR Strain Gauge Pressure RawSGTM Strain Gauge TemperatureSHUN Strain Gauge Pressure 100'sSONE Strain Gauge Pressure 1'sSTEN Strain Gauge Pressure 10'sSTHO Strain Gauge Pressure 1000'sSTTH Strain Gauge Pressure 10000'sTPRE Time Since Pre-TestTRFS Tension Of CableTSAM Time Since SampleVCMC Valve Motor Current

    Tool: RMS (Mud Resistivity Sonde)Curve Name Description Sub ListRMSF RM Resistivity RMSRMSI RM Current RMSRMSV RM Voltage RMS

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    Tool: SGS (Spectral Gamma Sonde)Curve Name Description Sub ListGCGR Corrected Gamma Ray SGSGRPO Potassium Gamma SGSGRSG Spectral Gamma Ray SGSGRTH Thorium Gamma SGSGRUR Uranium Gamma SGSHTSG Gamma Detector EHT SGSRAKT Thorium/Potassium Ratio SGSRAKU Uranium/Potassium Ratio SGSRAUT Thorium/Uranium Ratio SGSSGD1 Discriminator 1 (Gamma Ray Raw)SGD2 Discriminator 2SGD3 Discriminator 3SGD4 Discriminator 4SGD5 Discriminator 5SGD6 Discriminator 6SGG1 Gate 1SGG2 Gate 2SGG3 Gate 3SGG4 Gate 4SGG5 Gate 5SGDT Spectral Gamma Spectrum SGSTSGS Tension Of Cable

    Tool: TAC (Two Arm Caliper)Curve Name Description Sub ListAVOL Annular VolumeBIT Bit SizeCAL2 Y Caliper Raw TACCALT Y Caliper TACCALY Y CaliperHVOL Hole VolumeTTAC Tension Of Cable

    Tool: TDS (Thermal Neutron Decay Sonde) - legacy dataCurve Name DescriptionBSF Far Borehole SigmaBSN Near Borehole SigmaCCLT CCLCRAT N/F Count Rate RatioDECF Far TDS DecayDECN Near TDS DecayDECT Decay Integration TimeDTEP PTS Differential TemperatureFSF Far Formation SigmaFSFC Far Corrected SigmaFSN Near Formation Sigma

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    FSNA Near Apparent SigmaFSNC Near Corrected SigmaGRBF Far Background Gamma RawGRBN Near Background Gamma RawGRCP PTS Gamma Ray RawGRFB Far Background GammaGRNB Near Background GammaGRPR PTS Gamma RayPLSF Far Pulse HeightPLSN Near Pulse HeightSGF Strain Gauge PressureSGPP Strain Gauge Pressure RawTCRF Far Count RateTCRN Near Count RateTEPP PTS Borehole TemperatureTPOR TDT PorosityTTDS Tension Of Cable

    Tool: TCS (Tension Compression Sub)Curve Name DescriptionMARK Analogue Channel 0

    Tool: UGD (UltraSonic Gas Detector)Curve Name DescriptionLGAS Lower Gas DetectorUGAS Upper Gas Detector

    Analysis Curves & NonTool-Specific CurvesCurve Name DescriptionDFCL Differential CaliperDILL Invasion Depth from LaterologNDPT Speed Corrected DepthNDAA Depth DifferenceNSPD Derived SpeedLEDT Data Edit CurveRTLC Rt ConductivityRTLL Rt from LaterologRXOC Rxo ConductivityRXOL Rxo from Laterolog

    Miscellaneous: the following mnemonics replace equivalent tool mnemonics when data are acquired with SS1 acquisition software.

    Curve Name DescriptionAVOL Annular VolumeBIT Bit SizeHVOL Hole VolumeRWA Apparent Water ResistivityTSS1 Tension of Cable

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    5 Curve Mnemonics -Alphabetical Listing

    Curve Curve Name ToolAAZD Apparent Azimuth PSDAAZD Apparent Azimuth ASTAAZD Apparent Azimuth MBDACCF Acceleration Magnitude MBNACCX X Accelerometer MBDACCX X Accelerometer PSDACCX X Accelerometer ASTACCY Y Accelerometer ASTACCY Y Accelerometer MBDACCY Y Accelerometer PSDACCZ Z Accelerometer and time (not plottable) ASTACCZ Z Accelerometer and time MBDACCZ Z Accelerometer & time (not plottable) PSDAFDN Amplified Fluid Density PRDAIAT MAI Array Temperature MAIAIBT Borehole Temperature Raw MAIAIIT MAI Internal Temperature MAIAIR1 Induction Receiver 1 MAIAIR2 Induction Receiver 2 MAIAIR3 Induction Receiver 3 MAIAIR4 Induction Receiver 4 MAIAIST MAI Status MAIAITC MAI Transmitter Current MAIAIX1 Induction VX1 MAIAIX2 Induction VX2 MAIAIX3 Induction VX3 MAIAIX4 Induction VX4 MAIAMPB Compensated Amplitude Bias ASTAPOR Apparent Porosity AISAREF Azimuth of Pad 1 PSDATEN Signal Attenuation (between receivers) LCSAVOL Annular Volume MML/MMRAVOL Annular Volume MPDAVOL Annular Volume ASTAVOL Annular VolumeAVOL Annular Volume MLS/MRSAVOL Annular Volume PDSAVOL Annular Volume PSD

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    AVOL Annular Volume TACAZAT Dip Azimuth from AST ASTAZBM Mean Azimuth ASTAZBT Azimuth of Tool ASTAZIC Dip Azimuth (True North) PSDAZID Borehole Azimuth ASTAZID Borehole Azimuth MBDAZID Borehole Azimuth PSDBAZI Borehole Azimuth (Magnetic) MBNBAZT Borehole Azimuth (True) MBNBCDC Corr. Deep Conductivity MDLBCDL Corrected Deep Laterolog MDLBCMC Corr. Micro Conductivity MDLBCML Corr. Micro Laterolog MDLBCSC Corr. Shallow Conduct. MDLBCSL Corr. Shallow Laterolog MDLBHT Borehole Temperature Raw CNSBHTD Differential Temperature CNSBHTD Differential Temperature MHTBHTD Differential Temperature MAIBHTD Differential Temperature MPDBHTD Differential Temperature PDSBHTF Borehole Temperature MHTBHTF Borehole Temperature MAIBHTF Borehole Temperature MPDBHTF Borehole Temperature Log CNSBHTF Borehole Temperature Log PDSBHUN Paine Pressure (Abs) 100's MFTBIT Bit Size ASTBIT Bit Size CDSBIT Bit Size DLSBIT Bit Size MBDBIT Bit Size MLS/MRSBIT Bit Size PDSBIT Bit Size PSDBIT Bit Size TACBNBT MBN Bulkhead Temperature MBNBNGR Gamma Ray Raw MBNBNIT MBN Internal Temperature MBNBNST MBN Status MBNBNXA X Accelerometer MBNBNXM X Magnetometer MBNBNYA Y Accelerometer MBNBNYM Y Magnetometer MBNBNZA Z Accelerometer MBNBNZM Z Magnetometer MBNBONE Paine Pressure (Abs) 1's MFT

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    BRKT Breakout Angle PSDBSF Far Borehole Sigma TDSBSN Near Borehole Sigma TDSBTEN Paine Pressure (Abs) 10's MFTBTHO Paine Pressure (Abs) 1000's MFTBTLF filtered borehole tilt MBNBTLT Borehole Tilt MBNBTTH Paine Pressure (Abs) 10000's MFTBZAC Z Accelerometer Counts MBNBZAT Z Accelerometer Time 1/10 millisecond MBNCABX X Acoustic Caliper ASTCABY Y Acoustic Caliper ASTCACN Density Caliper Raw CDSCADF Microlog Caliper DLSCADP Density Caliper Raw PDSCAL Caliper MLS/MRSCAL2 Y Caliper Raw TACCALE Microlog Caliper Raw DLSCALT Y Caliper TACCALX X Caliper MBDCALX X Caliper PSDCALY Y Caliper MBDCALY Y Caliper PSDCALY Y Caliper TACCAMR Micro-Resistivity Caliper MLS/MRSCANC Density Caliper CDSCAPD Density Caliper PDSCAXR X Caliper Raw PSDCAYR Y Caliper Raw PSDCCLG Casing Collar Locator MCGCCLP CCL PRDCCLT CCL TDSCGCL CCL Raw MCGCGDT Downhole Tension MCGCGGR Gamma Ray Raw MCGCGIT MCG Internal Temperature MCGCGSP SP Raw MCGCGST MCG Status MCGCGVN Line Voltage (-ve) MCGCGVP Line Voltage (+ve) MCGCGVT Line Voltage MCGCGXT MCG External Temperature MCGCIL1 Conductivity Receiver 1 MAICIL1 Induction Channel 1 AISCIL2 Conductivity Receiver 2 MAICIL2 Induction Channel 2 AISCIL3 Conductivity Receiver 3 MAI

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    CIL3 Induction Channel 3 AISCIL4 Conductivity Receiver 4 MAICIL4 Induction Channel 4 AISCILD Deep Conductivity MAICILD Deep Conductivity AISCILM Medium Conductivity MAICILM Medium Conductivity AISCILS Shallow Conductivit MAICLDC Density Caliper MPDCLTC Two Arm Caliper MTCCNCT Concatenated Data Channel MBDCOFR Continuous Flow Rate PRDCOLC Collar Detector Copy CCLCOLD Collar Detector CCLCONF Filtered Conductivity PRDCORC Correlation Value PSDCRAT dip correlation from AST ASTCRAT N/F Count Rate Ratio TDSCTIE CLL Tie in Log CCLDCCP Density Caliper Raw MPDDCOR Density Correction MPDDCOR Density Correction CDSDCOR Density Correction PDSDCRF Far Density Counts CDSDCRF Far Density Counts PDSDCRN Near Density Counts CDSDCRN Near Density Counts PDSDDLL Deep Laterolog MDLDECF Far TDS Decay TDSDECN Near TDS Decay TDSDECT Decay Integration Time TDSDEN Compensated Density MPDDEN Density CDSDEN Density PDSDENF Far Spaced Density MPDDENN Near Spaced Density MPDDFCL differential caliperDGLL Groningen Laterolog MDLDIFC Differential C+C28aliperDILL Invasion Depth MDLDIPC Dip Angle PSDDISC Discriminators ASTDISC Discriminators LCSDL11 4' Discriminator Level MSSDL12 6' Discriminator Level MSSDL21 3' Discriminator Level MSSDL22 5' Discriminator Level MSS

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    DLA1 A1D Electrode Voltage MDLDLDC Deep Current Check MDLDLDG Deep Guard Current MDLDLDI Deep Current MDLDLDV Deep Voltage MDLDLGV Groningen Voltage MDLDLIT MDL Internal Temperature MDLDLL Deep Laterolog DLSDLLI Deep Laterolog Current DLSDLLV Deep Laterolog Voltage DLSDLSC Shallow Current Check MDLDLSG Shallow Guard Current MDLDLSI Shallow Current MDLDLSP SP Voltage Raw MDLDLSV Shallow Voltage MDLDLV1 V1 Electrode Voltage MDLDLVD Deep Voltage Check MDLDLVR Voltage Reference MDLDLVS Shallow Voltage Check MDLDLZS A/D Zero Voltage MDLDM01 - 03 AST diameters 1 to 3 ASTDNFD Far Neutron Raw MDNDNFT Far Neutron Dead Time MDNDNIT MDN Internal Temperature MDNDNND Near Neutron Raw MDNDNNT Near Neutron Dead Time MDNDNST MDN Status MDNDPAT Ddip Angle fro+C182m AST ASTDPOR Base Density Porosity MPDDPOR Limestone Density Porosity CDSDPOR Limestone Density Porosity PDSDPRD Dolomite Density Porosity MPDDPRD Dolomite Density Porosity CDSDPRD Dolomite Density Porosity PDSDPRL Limestone Density Porosity MPDDPRL Limestone Density Porosity CDSDPRL Limestone Density Porosity PDSDPRS Sandstone Density Porosity MPDDPRS Sandstone Density Porosity CDSDPRS Sandstone Density Porosity PDSDSLL Shallow Laterolog MDLDSPF Far Density Spectrum PDSDSPN Near Density Spectrum PDSDT1 Delta T1 CCSDT1A 3-5ft Delta Time LCSDT1B 3-5ft Delta Time LCSDT1D Delta T1 Despiked CCS

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    DT2 Delta T2 CCSDT2A 3-4ft Delta Time LCSDT2B 3-4ft Delta Time LCSDT2D Delta T2 Despiked CCSDT34 3-4' Compensated Sonic MSSDT35 3-5' Compensated Sonic MSSDT3A 8-10ft Delta Time LCSDT3B 8-10ft Delta Time LCSDT45 4-5' Compensated Sonic MSSDT46 4-6' Compensated Sonic MSSDT56 5-6' Compensated Sonic MSSDTC1 3-5ft Compensated Sonic LCSDTC2 3-4ft Compensated Sonic LCSDTC3 8-10ft Compensated Sonic LCSDTCM Delta-t Compensated CCSDTEP PTS Differential Temperature TDSDTEP PTS Differential Temperature PRDDTSM Smeared 3-4' Sonic MSSDUM6 Dummy 6 LCSDUM7 Dummy 7 LCSDUM8 Dummy 8 LCSDUM9 Dummy 9 LCSFBFR Fullbore Flow Rate PRDFCCP Caliper Raw MFTFCIT MFC Internal Temperature MFTFCMC Motor Current MFTFCMS Motor Speed MFTFCMT Motor Temperature MFTFCST Section Status MFTFDEN Fluid Density PRDFDLT Delta Flow PRDFDNS Fluid Density Raw PRDFEFE Shallow FE MFEFEFR Shallow FE (No Correction) MFEFEFV MFE Fish Voltage MFEFEIT MFE Internal Temperature MFEFEQR Quadrature FE (No Correction) MFEFEQS Quadrature FE MFEFERI MFE Current MFEFERV MFE Voltage MFEFESI MFE Sense DC Current MFEFEST MFE Status MFEFEXI MFE Quadrature Current MFEFEXV MFE Quadrature Voltage MFEFGAP Fixed Gate Peak Amplitude MSSFGTR Fixed Gate Transit Time MSSFHPG Fractional HP Pressure RFS

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    FLOC Continuous Flowmeter Raw PRDFLOF Fullbore Flowmeter Raw PRDFLTC Continuous Flowmeter Revolution Time PRDFLTF Fullbore Flowmeter Revolution Time PRDFMAG Field Magnitude ASTFMAG Field Magnitude MBDFMAG Field Magnitude PSDFPCC Formation Pressure (Cylindrical) RFSFPGP Paine Pressure Raw MFTFPGT Paine Gauge Temperature MFTFPIT MFP Internal Temperature MFTFPMC MFP Motor Current MFTFPMS MFP Motor Speed MFTFPMT MFP Motor Temperature MFTFPPP Piston Position (millimetres) MFTFPQC Quartzdyne Pressure (C) MFTFPQH Quartzdyne Pressure (T) MFTFPSS Formation Pressure (Spherical) RFSFSF Far Formation Sigma TDSFSFC Far Corrected Sigma TDSFSN Near Formation Sigma TDSFSNA Near Apparent Sigma TDSFSNC Near Corrected Sigma TDSFTOT Total Flow PRDG1DN Near Density Gate 1 PDSG2DN Near Density Gate 2 PDSG3DN Near Density Gate 3 PDSG4DN Near Density Gate 4 PDSG5DN Near Density Gate 5 PDSGA31 W3T1 Gain LCSGA32 W3T2 Gain LCSGA41 W4T1 Gain LCSGA42 W4T2 Gain LCSGCGR Corrected Gamma Ray SGSGDIT Internal Temperature MGDGDLO Lower Gas Detector MGDGDST MGD Status MGDGDUP Upper Gas Detector MGDGLL Groningen Laterolog DLSGLLV Groningen Voltage DLSGNDF Far Density Gates 1-5 PDSGRBF Far Background Gamma Raw TDSGRBG Gamma Ray (API) MBNGRBN Near Background Gamma Raw TDSGRCC CCL Gamma Ray Raw CCLGRCD Gamma Ray, Raw AISGRCF PSD Gamma Ray Raw AST

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    GRCF PSD Gamma Ray Raw MBDGRCF PSD Gamma Ray Raw PSDGRCG CCL Gamma Ray CCLGRCL DLS Gamma Ray Raw DLSGRCM MLS Gamma Ray Raw MLS/MRSGRCN NCS Gamma Ray Raw CNSGRCP PTS Gamma Ray Raw PRDGRCP PTS Gamma Ray Raw TDSGRCR RFS Gamma Ray Raw RFSGRD4 PSD Gamma Ray ASTGRD4 PSD Gamma Ray PSDGRDI Gamma Ray AISGRDP PNS Gamma Ray Raw CNSGRFB Far Background Gamma TDSGRGC Gamma Ray MCGGRLL DLS Gamma Ray DLSGRMR MLS Gamma Ray MLS/MRSGRNB Near Background Gamma TDSGRNC NCS Gamma Ray CNSGRPD PNS Gamma Ray Raw CNSGRPO Potassium Gamma SGSGRPR PTS Gamma Ray PRDGRPR PTS Gamma Ray TDSGRRF RFS Gamma Ray RFSGRSG Spectral Gamma Ray SGSGRTH Thorium Gamma SGSGRUR Uranium Gamma SGSGUN1 Gun One CCLGUN2 Gun Two CCLGUN3 Gun Three CCLGUN4 Gun Four CCLHDEN Vectar Processed Density MPDHDEN High Resolution Density CDSHDEN High Resolution Density PDSHHUN HP Pressure 100's RFSHONE HP Pressure 1's RFSHORN Horner Time PRDHPF HP Pressure PRDHPPC HP Pressure Copy RFSHPPF HP Pressure RFSHPPP HP Frequency PRDHPPR HP Frequency RFSHPTM HP Temperature RFSHSBA Releative Bearing (HS) MBNHTBT Borehole Temperature Raw MHTHTDF Long Spaced Density EHT CDSHTDN Short Spaced Density EHT CDS

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    HTEN HP Pressure 10's RFSHTGR NCS Gamma Ray Tube EHT CNSHTHO HP Pressure 1000's RFSHTIT MHT Internal Temperature MHTHTSG Gamma Detector EHT SGSHTST MHT Status MHTHTTH HP Pressure 10000's RFSHVOL Hole Volume MML/MMRHVOL Hole Volume MPDHVOL Hole Volume ASTHVOL Hole Volume CDSHVOL Hole Volume DLSHVOL Hole Volume MBDHVOL Hole Volume MLS/MRSHVOL Hole Volume PDSHVOL Hole Volume PSDHVOL Hole Volume TACHYMC Hydraulic Motor Current RFSHYPP Hydraulic Piston Position RFSHYPR Hydraulic Pressure RFSIHTD Differential Temperature in Deg C/sample BHTIHTF Borehole Temperature in Deg C BHTIPVF Delta-t (P) LCSIPVR Delta-t (P) Raw LCSISVF Delta-t (S) LCSISVR Delta-t (S) Raw LCSLBDF Far Look Balance Curve PDSLBDN Near Look Balance Curve PDSLDEN Long Linear Density CDSLDEN Long Linear Density PDSLEDT Data Edit Curve MDLLGAS Lower Gas Detector UGDLSPD Logging Speed PRDM111 Micro-Normal Conductivity MMRM222 Micro-Inverse Conductivity MMLM333 Shallow Laterolog Conductivity MDLM444 Deep Laterolog Conductivity MDLM555 Groningen Laterolog Cond. MDLM666 Micro-Res (S) Conductivity MMRM777 Micro-Res (G) Conductivity MMRM888 MMR Micro-Log Normal Cond. MMRM999 MMR Micro-Log Inverse Cond. MMRMAGF Field Magnitude MBNMAGX X Magnetometer ASTMAGX X Magnetometer MBDMAGX X Magnetometer PSDMAGY Y Magnetometer AST

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    MAGY Y Magnetometer MBDMAGY Y Magnetometer PSDMAGZ Z Magnetometer ASTMAGZ Z Magnetometer MBDMAGZ Z Magnetometer PSDMINV Micro-Inverse MML/MMRMINV Micro-Inverse DLSMIVV Micro-Inverse Voltage DLSMLCP MML Caliper Raw MML/MMRMLIT MML Internal Temperature MML/MMRMLIV Micro-Inverse Voltage MML/MMRMLL Micro-Laterolog DLSMLLI Micro-Laterolog Current DLSMLLV Micro-Laterolog Voltage DLSMLMC MML Motor Current MML/MMRMLMV MML Motor Voltage MML/MMRMLNV Micro-Normal Voltage MML/MMRMLTC MML Caliper MML/MMRMMLI Micro-Normal Current MML/MMRMNLI Micro-Normal Current DLSMNLV Micro-Normal Voltage DLSMNRL Micro-Normal MML/MMRMNRL Micro-Normal 2" DLSMR1F Micro-Inverse 1" MLS/MRSMR2F Micro-Inverse 2" MLS/MRSMRMC Caliper Motor Current MLS/MRSMRS1 Micro-Inverse 1" Raw MLS/MRSMRS2 Micro-Inverse 2" Raw MLS/MRSMS1I Medium Laterolog Current DLSMS1V Medium Laterolog Voltage DLSMS2I Micro-Spherical Current 2 DLSMSF1 Medium Laterolog DLSMSF2 Micro-Spherically Focussed 2 DLSMTXD Matrix density MPDMTXD Matrix Density CDSMTXD Matrix Density PDSNCRF Long Spaced Neutron CNSNCRN Short Spaced Neutron CNSNDAA depth differenceNDPT speed corrected depthNPOR Base Neutron Porosity MDNNPOR Limestone Neutron Porosity CNSNPRD Dolomite Neutron Porosity MDNNPRD Dolomite Neutron Porosity CNSNPRL Limestone Neutron Porosity MDNNPRL Limestone Neutron Porosity CNSNPRS Sandstone Neutron Porosity MDN

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    NPRS Sandstone Neutron Porosity CNSNRAT Neutron Ratio (Near/Far) MDNNRAT Neutron Ratio CNSNSPD Derived SpeedO111 Micro-Normal 2" Conductivity MRSO222 Micro-Inverse Conductivity MRSO333 Shallow Laterolog Conductivity DLSO444 Deep Laterolog Conductivity DLSO555 Groningen laterolog cond. DLSO666 Micro-Normal 2" Conductivity MRSO777 Micro-Inverse Conductivity MRSO888 Micro-Laterolog Conductivity MRSO999 Medium Laterolog Conductivity MRSPADP Pad Pressure PSDPADV Pad Voltage MBDPADV Pad Voltage PSDPCIT MPD Internal Temperature MPDPCMC MPD Motor Current MPDPCST MDC Status MPDPDFC Far Density Counts MPDPDFE MPD Far EHT MPDPDFL Far Lock Counts MPDPDFS Far Density Spectrum MPDPDFT Far Density Dead Time MPDPDHD MPD PE Hard Counts MPDPDIT MPD Internal Temperature MPDPDNC Near Density Counts MPDPDNE MPD Near EHT MPDPDNL Near Lock Counts MPDPDNS Near Density Spectrum MPDPDNT Near Density Dead Time MPDPDPE PE MPDPDSF MPD PE Soft Counts MPDPDST MPD Status MPDPEDF Far Pe Curve PDSPEDN Near Pe Curve PDSPERF Perforations CCLPERF Perforations PRDPFSD Far Density SDU MPDPFTC Far Total Counts,No D/T MPDPI1 Pad 1 Resistance PSDPI11 Pad 1 (Right Hand) MBDPI12 Pad 1 (Left Hand) MBDPI13 Pad 1 (Speed) MBDPI1A Speed Pad 1 Resistance PSDPI2 Pad 2 Resistance PSDPI21 Pad 2 (Right Hand) MBD

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    PI22 Pad 2 (Left Hand) MBDPI23 Pad 2 (Speed) MBDPI2A Speed Pad 2 Resistance PSDPI3 Pad 3 Resistance PSDPI31 Pad 3 (Right Hand) MBDPI32 Pad 3 (Left Hand) MBDPI33 Pad 3 (Speed) MBDPI4 Pad 4 Resistance PSDPI41 Pad 4 (Right Hand) MBDPI42 Pad 4 (Left Hand) MBDPI43 Pad 4 (Speed) MBDPK11 4' Peak Amplitude MSSPK12 6' Peak Amplitude MSSPK21 3' Peak Amplitude MSSPK22 5' Peak Amplitude MSSPLSF Far Pulse Height TDSPLSN Near Pulse Height TDSPNSD Near Density SDU MPDPNTC Near Total Counts,No D/T MPDPOIS Poisson's Ratio LCSPT11 4' Time To Peak Amplitude MSSPT12 6' Time To Peak Amplitude MSSPT21 3' Time To Peak Amplitude MSSPT22 5' Time To Peak Amplitude MSSR1T1 Sonic R1T1 Transit Time LCSR1T2 Sonic R1T2 Transit Time LCSR2T1 Sonic R2T1 Transit Time LCSR2T2 Sonic R2T2 Transit Time LCSR3T1 Sonic R2T1 Transit Time LCSR3T2 Sonic R3T2 Transit Time LCSR4T1 Sonic R4T1 Transit Time LCSR4T2 Sonic R4T2 Transit Time LCSRAKT Thorium/Potassium Ratio SGSRAKU Uranium/Potassium Ratio SGSRAUT Thorium/Uranium Ratio SGSRAZI Azimuth of Reference MBNRBAD Relative Bearing ASTRBAD Relative Bearing MBDRBAD Relative Bearing PSDRBHS Relative Bearing (high side of hole) PSDRILD Deep Induction y MAIRILD Deep Induction Resistivity AISRILM Medium Induction MAIRILM Medium Induction Resistivity AISRMSF Rm Resistivity RMSRMSI Rm Current RMSRMSV Rm Voltage RMS

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    RN11 4' Road Noise Max. Deflection MSSRN12 6' Road Noise Max. Deflection MSSRN21 3' Road Noise Max. Deflection MSSRN22 5' Road Noise Max. Deflection MSSRSDF Far Resolution Curve PDSRSDN Near Resolution Curve PDSRSFE Shallow Focussed Electric AISRSFR Shallow Focussed Electric Raw AISRSSC Received Signal ASTRSSN Received Signal Raw ASTRTLC Rt Conductivity MDLRTLL Rt MDLRXOC Rxo Conductivity MDLRXOL Rxo MDLRXRT Rxo/Rt AISSAL1 Fluid Conductivity PRDSDEN Short Linear Density CDSSDEN Short Linear Density PDSSEMB Semblance (between waveforms) LCSSFEI Focussed Electric Current AISSGD1 Discriminator 1 (Gamma Ray Raw) SGSSGD2 Discriminator 2 SGSSGD3 Discriminator 3 SGSSGD4 Discriminator 4 SGSSGD5 Discriminator 5 SGSSGD6 Discriminator 6 SGSSGDT Spectral Gamma Spectrum SGSSGF Strain Gauge Pressure PRDSGF Strain Gauge Pressure TDSSGG1 Gate 1 SGSSGG2 Gate 2 SGSSGG3 Gate 3 SGSSGG4 Gate 4 SGSSGG5 Gate 5 SGSSGPC Strain Gauge Pressure Copy RFSSGPF Strain Gauge Pressure RFSSGPP Strain Gauge Pressure Raw PRDSGPP Strain Gauge Pressure Raw TDSSGPR Strain Gauge Pressure Raw RFSSGTM Strain Gauge Temperature RFSSHUN Strain Gauge Pressure 100's RFSSLL Shallow Laterolog DLSSLLI Shallow Laterolog Current DLSSLLV Shallow Laterolog Volts DLSSONE Strain Gauge Pressure 1's RFSSP Spontaneous Potential AISSPCG Spontaneous Potential MCG

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    SPDL SP MDLSPLL DLS Spontaneous Potential DLSSPOR Sonic Porosity CCSSPOR Sonic Porosity LCSSPR Raw Spontaneous Potential AISSPR MLS SP Raw MLS/MRSSPRD Dolomite Sonic Porosity MSSSPRL Limestone Sonic Porosity MSSSPRL Laterolog SP DLSSPRS Sandstone Sonic Porosity MSSSTEN Strain Gauge Pressure 10's RFSSTGN MSS Gain Status MSSSTHO Strain Gauge Pressure 1000's RFSSTIT MSS Internal Temperature MSSSTPK MSS Peak Status MSSSTSS MSS Status MSSSTTH Strain Gauge Pressure 10000's RFSSTWS MSS Waveform Segment Status MSSSW Water Saturation AISSYM1 Symmetrised Receiver 1 MAISYM2 Symmetrised Receiver 2 MAISYM3 Symmetrised Receiver 3 MAISYM4 Symmetrised Receiver 4 MAIT1R2 Sonic T1R2 Transit Time CCST1R4 Sonic T1R4 Transit Time CCST2R1 Sonic T2R1 Transit Time CCST2R3 Sonic T2R3 Transit Time CCSTAZI AZID (relative to True North) PSDTBCA Tension of Cable CCSTBTV Tension of Cable ASTTCCL Tension of Cable CCLTCCP Two Arm Caliper Raw MTCTCIT MTC Internal Temperature MTCTCMC MTC Motor Current MTCTCMV MTC Motor Voltage MTCTCRF Far Count Rate TDSTCRN Near Count Rate TDSTCST MTC Status MTCTDEP True Depth PSDTDFE Tension Of Cable DLSTDSI Tension Of Cable AISTEPP PTS Borehole Temperature Raw PRDTEPP PTS Borehole Temperature TDSTEXD Borehole Temperature AISTEXF PSD Borehole Temperature ASTTEXF PSD Borehole Temperature PSDTEXL DLS Borehole Temperature DLS

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    TEXM MLS Borehole Temperature MLS/MRSTEXN Borehole Temperature CDSTEXP PTS Borehole Temperature PRDTFDH Tension Of Cable MBDTFDR Tension Of Cable PSDTFDS Tension Of Cable PSDTILD Borehole Tilt ASTTILD Borehole Tilt MBDTILD Borehole Tilt PSDTIMP Time Between Depth Increments PRDTIND Sonde Temperature AISTINM MLS Sonde Temperature MLS/MRSTINN Sonde Temperature CDSTLSS Tension Of Cable LCSTMRS Tension Of Cable MLS/MRSTNCS Tension Of Cable CDSTNCS Tension Of Cable CNSTPDS Tension Of Cable PDSTPOR TDT Porosity TDSTPRD Tension Of Cable PRDTPRE Time Since Pre-Test RFSTR01 AST Trace 1 ASTTR02 AST Trace 2 ASTTR03 AST Trace 3 ASTTR04 AST Trace 4 ASTTR05 AST Trace 5 ASTTR06 AST Trace 6 ASTTR11 4' Transit Time MSSTR12 6' Transit Time MSSTR21 3' Transit Time MSSTR22 5' Transit Time MSSTRFS Tension Of Cable RFSTS11 4' Transit Time Set MSSTS12 6' Transit Time Set MSSTS21 3' Transit Time Set MSSTS22 5' Transit Time Set MSSTSAM Time Since Sample RFSTSGS Tension Of Cable SGSTTAC Tension Of Cable TACTTDS Tension Of Cable TDSUGAS Upper Gas Detector UGDVCMC Valve Motor Current RFSVEC0 Shallow Induction MAIVEC1 Near Induction MAIVEC2 Near Medium Induction MAIVEC3 Far Medium Induction MAIVEC4 Far Induction MAI

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    VEC5 Deepest Induction MAIVL11 Velocity T1 CSSVL1D Velocity T1 despiked CSSVL22 Velocity T2 CSSVL2D Velocity T2 despiked CSSVL33 Velocity T3 CSSVL34 3-4' compensated sonic vel. MSSVL35 3-5' compensated sonic vel. MSSVL45 4-5' compensated sonic vel. MSSVL46 4-6' compensated sonic vel. MSSVL56 5-6' compensated sonic vel. MSSVLC1 3-5' compensated sonic velocity CSSVLC2 3-4' compensated sonic velocity CSSVLC3 8-10' compensated sonic velocity CSSVLC4 9-10' compensated sonic velocity CSSVLCM Compensated Sonic Velocity CSSVLCV Vectar Compensated Sonic V+C448el. CSSVLD1 3-5' velocity despiked CSSVLD2 3-4' velocity despiked CSSVLD3 8-10' velocity despiked CSSVLD4 9-10' velocity despiked CSSVLMS Micro-Sonic Velocity CSSVLSF Velocity (S) CSSVLSM Smeared 3-4' sonic velocity MSSVLSR Velocity (S) raw CSSVLVF Velocity (P) CSSVLVR Velocity (P) raw CSSVPVS Velocity Ratio (Vp/Vs) LCSVX1 Vx Receiver 1 AISVX2 Vx Receiver 2 AISVX3 Vx Receiver 3 AISVX4 Vx Receiver 4 AISW3T1 8' Waveform LCSW3T2 7' Waveform LCSW4T1 10' Waveform LCSW4T2 9' Waveform LCSWAV3 Amplitude ASTWAV4 Two Way Travel Time ASTWAV5 Compensated Amplitudes ASTWSEG Waveform Segment MSSXPOR Crossplot Porosity CNSXPOR Crossplot Porosity PDSZACC Accelerometer Z (Plottable) ASTZACC Accelerometer Z (Plottable) PSD

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    6 LIS Format MnemonicsThe LIS file format is widely used for the exchange of well log data. Customer LIS files

    involve a transcription from the Reeves proprietary storage format used during

    acquisition and processing.

    Customers can request substitution of customary LIS curve mnemonics in place of

    Reeves mnemonics as part of the transcription process. In this case, substitutions are

    made where there is generic equivalence. For example, the customary LIS mnemonic

    GR replaces all Gamma Ray mnemonics. If there is no generic equivalent curve, the

    Reeves mnemonic is retained.

    LIS files do not normally contain sufficient information to allow acquisition format

    files to be recovered. This facility may be provided at customer request.

    Some LIS reading systems incorporate a curve validation capability that cross-checks

    service company-specific curve mnemonics contained in the log data part of the file

    against a list of subs contained in the optional Tool Table part of the LIS file. LIS files

    intended for this level of validation use Reeves mnemonics throughout i.e. no

    substitutions take place.

    For most open hole data the mnemonics listed in Section 3 and 4 allow proper


    For production logging data, and for certain formation tester and dipmeter tool data

    sets, some additional cross-referencing information is required.

    Production Logging Suite Subs & Curve Mnemonics Cross Reference

    The following table identifies the measurement subs from which individual curves

    originate. Refer to Section 4 for the curve description. Note that some measurements

    are present on more than one sub.

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    Curve Mnemonics Sub(s) Curve Mnemonics Sub(s)




















    FFS, IFS
















    FFC, FFS

    FFS, IFS










    The Production Logging curves HORN, LSPD, PERF, TIMP and TPRD originate at

    the surface and may be associated with any sub.

    Formation Tester and Dipmeter Data Sets

    Data from RFS series formation testers, and from PSD and MBD series dipmeters may

    be acquired with tool-specific software systems. Each system has a unique Software

    Service Name. In these cases the Software Service Name is substituted for the physical

    tool names in the LIS Tool Table.

    The following list of Software Service Names are those that are currently supported.

    Software Services Name Description

    BTV AST acquisition

    FDH MBD acquisition

    FDR PSD acquisition with real time dip computation

    FDX PSD and BGS acquisition without real time dips

    RFS RFS acquisition

    ContentsTool Mnemonics - by TypeTool Mnemonics - Alphabetical ListingSub MnemonicsCurve MnemonicsCurve Mnemonics - Alphabetical ListingLIS Format Mnemonics