Page 1: Our Savior Lutheran Church · December 2006 OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN STAFF Our Savior Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America rant at 2100 E. Griffin Parkway in Mission

December 2006


Our Savior Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

rant at 2100 E. Griffin Parkway in Mission. Know that all men are invited for breakfast, bible study, and discussion. Contact President Rudy Losoya with any of your questions. . . . Our thanks to so many of you for the wonderful donations and labor in preparing the school and health kits for New Hope Center. Our LOST youth group will be meeting with the Central American youth refugees on Saturday, the 17

th, for

fellowship, snacks, and worship. We will share that experience with the youth from Calvary Baptist on Harvey and Bicentennial with rec-reation happening at both locations and the meal/worship at Calvary. The LOST youth group has also changed its monthly meeting time to the third Sunday of each month at 10:45am in the Senior High Room. . . . I don’t know what annual number we are on, but we will have another

Inside this issue:

Classes 2

Council Clips 2


Janet’s Jottings 3

Scrip News 3

Ministry News 3

Sharing/Caring 4

Stephen Ministry 4


Health Screening 5

October 2015

Greetings as a new month takes shape. Time just keeps rolling along, and God’s Kingdom work remains a constant for us and the church at large. Thanks to so many who have helped kick off our fall programs and schedules. You might notice that the church coun-cil has decided to keep one blend-ed service going through October, followed by the educational hour. That is being done for practical and financial considerations, plus as a way to allow more interaction with-in the whole congregation. We will keep you informed of any changes to that schedule as we go forward in the year. We do know that come December, we will definitely need a second service – likely the earlier time period. . . . Another change is the day and hour for HOMBRES – the men’s group. They have moved to the second Saturday of each month meeting at 8am at Rosie’s Restau-

Volume XXV, Issue 10

Our Savior Lutheran Church Living Faith Center

WORSHIP WITH US Worship at 9:30 AM

Sunday School at 10:45 AM

Communion is offered the first & third Sunday of the month.



Financial reports and minutes are available in the Narthex.

Pastor’s Notes

Keep up with Our Savior McAllen! On Facebook, church news, prayers, stories, & pictures are shared with family and friends. Or check our website,

Animal Blessing near the day of St. Francis of Assisi. We will invite you to bring your pets for a special blessing on Saturday, the 3

rd, at 11am in

our front courtyard. The Day of St. Francis is actually Sunday, the 4

th, but we will observe it on

the nearest Saturday. . . . Finally, Reformation Sunday is the last Sunday of the month on the 25

th. It’s always good to reflect

on our Lutheran beginnings and the wonderful message of God’s grace that came out of that time period. We still need to hear about God’s grace in our time and apply it to our lives as we reach out to the world around us in love, grace, and mercy. May your Octobers go well. Take a chance and invite someone new to the church this month – for worship or another event on campus! We are God’s People called to serve God and God’s world. Pastor Steve Home phone 956-631-0273

ANNUAL BLESSING OF ANIMALS Saturday, October 3rd at 11:00 a.m. in the courtyard.

Bring your furry family members for a blessing in honor of the Day of St. Francis of Assisi, who loved animals and all creation.

“If you have men who will ex-clude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men

who will deal likewise with their fellow men.”

Page 2: Our Savior Lutheran Church · December 2006 OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN STAFF Our Savior Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America rant at 2100 E. Griffin Parkway in Mission

REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Healing: Norma Bilunas, Maxine Blanchard, Katie Bratton, Bill Dah-se, Lena Doering, Don Dunshee, Carl Ford, Timothy Harrison, Darrel Heier, Virginia Huston, Bob Jack-son, Brent & Bryan Jackson, Orlyn Johnson, Kimberly Johnston, Chuck Linstedt, Guy Morris, Rose Oldershaw, Joan Ortenstone, Pat Phillips, Sandy Schultz, Tim Smith, Lou Toucan, Della Twait, Nicole Watson, Phyllis Wells, Arles Winter, Marilyn Workman Family Mem-bers: Carol Bitner, Werner Doering, Evelyn Lawrence, Darrell & Leona Smith. Friends of Con-gregation: Bev Alstatt, Angelo Ba-zan, Sheila Berg, Connie Chapa, Rosemarie Delatour, Erika Dew, Julie Erps, Denise Garcia, Mercy Garcia, Ronnie Gilchrist, Addy Haynes, Donna Hiltner, Ted Hoch-enauer, Joy Jackson, Wyatt Kamp, Joe Keefe, Barry Kelley, Lucy McKay, Missy Krska, Karen Mann, Ann McLaughlin, Kellie Meyers, Dwight R., Amber Ray, Alicia Rodri-guez, Jean Sahm, Aragosa Salin-as, Nancy Sandrock, Joshua Schwing, David Stammer, Valentin Treveño. In military service: Jus-tin Garcia, Brian Hovland, Ramiro Sandoval.

Council Clips from Council meeting 9-8-15 This month’s meeting opened with the introduction of Les and Lynn Watkins who are the new Stephen Ministry Leaders. They came to tell the council more about the Stephen Ministry. Their commissioning is on 9-27-15. We then opened the meeting with prayer, approved the agenda, and the minutes from our August meeting. Rudy presented the Treasurer’s report and noted that Tom is asking all council members to control their spending for the next months until we see what our income looks like. It will be 2016 budget planning time soon and it may prove to be a real challenge this year. This report was followed by Pastor Steve’s report which included his visit with Amy Westphal who will conduct an adult SS class on October 4

th and 11

th. She will also

preach on October 11th.

The report from me and from the President followed. As you know all these reports are on file in the office. Rudy noted that all team members of the Security Survey are back now and will continue and conclude their survey. Committee reports followed: Youth and Learning reported that all is ready for the opening of SS and that plans for “God’s Work Our Hands” Sunday are underway and promises to be a great project. Worship and Music committee report their strong recommendation to remain at one blended service for September, October and perhaps beyond. We are excited to see the results of the work of our new wor-ship Leader, Ken Rivens. Discussed the disbursement of funds to 2 students, Paul Jensen, and Diana Her-zberg from the Clarissa Waters scholarship fund. It was decided the each student would receive $200 per year. We are waiting for the insurance company to give us the go ahead to begin the re-pairs on classroom C. The meeting adjourned with the Lord’s prayer. In His name, Janet West, AiM


SUNDAY ADULT BIBLE CLASS: Oct. 4 & 11 Una Chispa—see below. Beginning later in October, the Sunday Adult Bible Class will begin a study on the book of Proverbs, facilitated by Kathy Herzberg. Proverbs concerns itself completely with instructing people in the path of wis-dom. Proverbs accomplishes something no other biblical book does: it simply compiles numerous short in-structions for living an effective life on earth.

WEDNESDAY EVENING ADULT BIBLE STUDY: At long last, we will begin a study of the book of Revela-tion on October 7th at 6:30pm in the Li-brary.

THURSDAY ADULT STUDY is focusing on the book of Daniel at 10:00am in the Parish Hall.


The Food Ministry Your donations help church fami-lies in need with $25 food cards.

We are currently helping 3 families. Thanks.

unaChispa (a spark) Why do we make the connections and relationships we have? Why do we do what we do as Christians, Lutherans, and individ-uals of God’s creation? Join me in delving further into our core values and mission as church learning from Christ how to create enriched relationships with one another in the world.

October 4th and 11th, 2015 10:45 am High School and Adult Class Amy Westphal is a mission connector for the Rio Grande Valley with the Southwestern Texas Synod and a candidate for diaconal ministry in the ELCA. As a mission connector in the Rio Grande Valley I work with the Southwestern Tex-as ELCA synod listening and witnessing how the Holy Spirit is moving in this place. As a candidate for diaconal ministry in the ELCA my call is to act as a bridge con-necting church and world. My hope is to know you all better as I listen to my inner mission of creatively exploring God’s desire for relationship among all creation and to graciously live in respectful community.


Still the third Sunday of each month, but at a NEW TIME! We’ll get together on Sunday, October 18th at 10:45 a.m. after worship.

“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary

use words.” St. Francis of Assisi

Page 3: Our Savior Lutheran Church · December 2006 OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN STAFF Our Savior Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America rant at 2100 E. Griffin Parkway in Mission

Jottings from Janet: Welcome home to all those who have traveled this summer, and safe travels for those yet to come to the Valley. This is always such a happy time of year as all our “family” gathers again to worship, work, pray and play together.

This fall and winter we will continue with our dinner and a movie night once a month on the 2nd Friday of each month. This new activity has been such a blessing to all who have participated and all are invited to join us.

The neighborhood pantry is routinely serving 20+ families each month. The addition of bread and fresh fruit has really helped. We have also added books for all ages and clothes to give away. Our thanks to all our wonderful volunteers who have helped make this program of feeding the neighborhood families who are hungry a big success.

Healing services are being held once a month, on the 29th for September and on the 20


for October. All who are in need of any kind are urged to come and worship with us and hear prayers for healing, the laying on of hands and anointing. We also offer communion at each service. God is calling, join us!

My visiting days have become somewhat limited however, I have started calling and visiting on the phone. So I keep my phone charged and my ear ready to listen. I realize it’s not the same as a visit and a hug but it is what I can do at this point. Believe you do not want me on the road as much as I mourn the loss of the ability to drive myself around.

May God richly bless you all and remember in His care we always have “enough”. Janet West, AiM


OCT. BIRTHDAYS 2 Kaylin Penk 3 Betty Mauck 3 Tom Riesterer 4 Jessie Herzberg 8 Faith Muerrens 10 John Fraser 10 Ann Grimsted 10 Les Watkins 11 Paula Cheever 11 Larry Chisholm 12 Adrienne Fowler 12 Terri Jensen 12 Richard Kohler 12 Lauren Milligan 13 Marlene Hahn 16 Orlyn Johnson 16 Kailey Kaufman 17 Sue Rohloff 19 Bill Emry 22 Sandy Schultz 23 Marnae Krueger 26 Colton Kaufman 27 Jan Offerdahl 29 Haley Ball 30 Barb Christensen 31 Roger Johnson 31 Teri Klein

OSLC Dime Ministry

10¢. You can get 1/5 of a stamp, 5/100 of a gallon of gas, or 8/100 of a cup of coffee. But if you save up the dimes you receive in change every day and bring them on the last Sunday of each month, they can add up. Every quarter a ministry is highlighted to receive your dimes. A different ministry will be designated for the fourth quarter dimes.


2 David & Carmen Bourbois

6 David & Kay Paulson

13 Perry & Helen Ellefson

15 Dick & Barb Rush

19 Jeremy & Samantha Burks

20 Jim & Marilyn Workman

29 Guy & Joanne Morris

Worship Assistance Volunteers are asked to sign up each week for ushering (4 are needed each Sunday) & serving communion (4 are needed on communion Sun-days) & lectoring (1 each Sunday, the lessons will be sent to you for the week you are going to read). Sign up sheets are in the Narthex. We will be asking for volunteers if no one signs up.

CHANGE IN SCRIP PROGRAM: Beginning in Oct of this year, I will no longer take Scrip orders every other week. From this point on, I will only place orders on the last week of the month, and our stock cards will be available at all times. I (or someone replacing me) will have stock cards

available in the Fellowship Hall before and after all services every Sun. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions. Thank You - Mary Lovig

COMMITTEE MEETINGS Monday, Oct. 5: Sharing & Caring at 6:30p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6: Worship & Music at 6:00p.m. Learning & Youth at 7:00p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13: Council at 6:30 p.m.


Income was $183,991, with actual less than planned by -$8,376 (-4.3%). Expenses were $201,162, less than budgeted by $1,171 (-1%). Income so far this year is below what was anticipated by $8,376 (-4.3%). Expenses were about 1% less than budget. The low income remains a concern. Regards, Tom

Friday, October 9

Dinner at 6:00 p.m.

Movie at church at 7:00 p.m.

The plan is to do this every month.

Page 4: Our Savior Lutheran Church · December 2006 OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN STAFF Our Savior Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America rant at 2100 E. Griffin Parkway in Mission


The day of commissioning finally arrives! For weeks now our new Stephen Leaders have been preparing. Les & Lynne Watkins have attended a weeklong Stephen Series Leader’s Training Course and have returned charged up and eager to cast the vision for this lay caring ministry. They bring their gifts for lead-ership, vision, wisdom, administration, organization, discernment, and teaching to select and equip those who will be the Stephen Ministers in our congregation. Join us in thanking God that they have answered his call for this ministry and in praying for them as they begin this important work of the Lord’s! Here you see Les & Lynne with Dr. Kenneth Haugk, the founder of the Stephen Ministry pro-

gram in 1975. There are now 12,000 congregations and more than 160 denominations participating worldwide.

What is a Stephen Minister like? They are among us.

No, we’re not talking about angels or aliens. We’re talking about individuals who care about others. The Scriptures describe their service well: “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you your selves were suffer-ing” (Hebrews 13:3). If you or someone you know wants to do more as a Christian caregiv-er, consider Stephen Ministry. This is our congregation’s one-to-one caregiving ministry. A training class is starting soon. Please contact Les & Lynne Watkins for more information.


SHARING & CARING: Jim and Jan Offerdahl have been a true blessing to our Caring and Sharing Ministry. Just this summer they made 9 deliveries to Los Milpas and the Edinburg Colonia. Jan and Kathy Bush purchased all of the school supplies for both Los Milpas and the Edinburg Colonia. The amazing thing about this summer is that over $800 was spent for food, school supplies and school uniforms but our funds are more then what we started with at the begin-ning of summer. God is good. Many many thanks to all who help with our ministry. Every communion Sunday we col-lect food for distribution to our neighbors in need. The first Sunday of each month we help support Cristo Rey Lutheran Church in Las Milpas with items for their pantry. For Sept. 6th, we ask for CEREAL, CANNED FRUITE & CANNED VEGGIES, AND PINTO BEANS. The third Sunday please bring items for the Neighborhood Pantry, helping families with food in our area. A list of the items we include in each bag is in the Narthex, but for Oct. 18, we especially need SHELF MILK, CANNED FRUIT, MACARONI & CHEESE, AND PEANUT BUTTER. Our Pantry day October is Sat., the 24th. PIECEMAKERS: On August 28th, a car ran into Classroom C, damaging the walls and contents. We give thanks that

the person in the car is fine, and that no one was in the room at the time. Ladies, it is time to get busy. We have lots of work to do and we can’t wait for our rooms to be repaired. We didn’t lose any of our quilts in the acci-dent but we would like to have more finished. The cold weather won’t wait and there are children who need blankets. We will have a meeting Sept. 29th to lay out a temporary plan for those of us who are here already. Plan on Tuesdays as usual somewhere to be determined. God’s peace to you all and safe travel on your way back to us. Lynne


We meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall here at OSLC. Ladies are invited to come play Texas Canasta. Call Kathy Bush at 787-6514 or 605-0920.


Our men’s group will be meeting for break-fast! Join them on Saturday, Oct. 10, at 8:00 a.m. at Rosie’s Restaurant, 2100 E. Griffin Parkway, Mission. Please sign up in the Narthex if you plan to attend. All men are welcome.

Service of Healing

Join us on Tuesday, October 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctu-ary. This service is open to all who are in need of healing and encouragement, with prayer, communion, anointing and lay-ing on of hands.

Through the valley of trial the Lord guides and provides:

Comfort for your grief.

Hope for your despair.

Peace for your tumult.

Love for your longing.

Your Shepherd guides, as always.


Page 5: Our Savior Lutheran Church · December 2006 OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN STAFF Our Savior Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America rant at 2100 E. Griffin Parkway in Mission

Our Savior Lutheran Church

1105 West Fern Ave

McAllen, TX 78501





This newsletter was taken to the Post Office on September 24, 2015.

If you received this newsletter in error, please

contact the church office.

Phone: 956-631-6121

Email: [email protected]

Need to send a fax? Call the office.



God is seen,

Love is felt;

Lives are changed.

“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday 43 volunteers came to put together back packs of school supplies and hygiene kits for the children at New Hope Emer-gency Children’s Shelter, part of Upbring, an affiliated ministry of Lutheran Social Services. $265 was raised for supplies, along with donations of items. Thanks to our Thrivent Financial RGV Chapter we have received the Care Abound in Community grant, matching up to 50% of our financial contribu-tions. Thanks for all the donations and help. And thank you to our special speaker, Kari Rogers, who is the community manager of Upbring in the Valley.

Our Savior Lutheran Church is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on 11/4/2015. Five screen-ings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries

which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit

Blessed to be a blessing.
