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PRINT April 2018 Wimborne Minster Parish Magazine No.381

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Cover : Damascus Gate, Jerusalem .

At the Minster Sunday  services  

                       8.00  am                                Holy  Communion                          9.45  am                                  Parish  Eucharist                      11.15  am                              Informal  Communion  (1st  Sunday  in  the  month)                                                                                      Matins  (2nd  Sunday  in  month)                                                                                    Informal  Service  (3rd  Sunday  in  month)                      12.00  noon                    Holy  Communion  (2nd  Sunday  in  month)                        6.30  pm                              Evensong    

Weekday  services              Tuesday                                        8.00  am.                                  Holy  Communion  (Trinity  Chapel)                      Thursday                                    9.30  am.                                  Holy  Communion  (Trinity  Chapel)                                                                                                                                                    (  Ist  Thursday  in  the  month  only  )            Friday                                                11.00  am                              Holy  Communion  at    St.Margaret’s              Saturday                                      9.15  am.                                New  Horizons  Prayers  (  Crypt  )              Monday,    Wednesday,    Friday      8.30  am.            Morning  Prayers            Monday,  to  Friday                                                5.00  pm              Evening  Prayer  

In the Northern Villages

9  am   10  am   6.30  pm  1st

Sunday Breakfast Church Witchampton Village Hall

Parish Communion (CW) Horton

Evensong (BCP) Holt

2nd Sunday

Sung Eucharist (CW) Hinton Martell

3rd Sunday

Breakfast Church Horton Village Hall

Parish Communion (CW) Witchampton

4th Sunday

Parish Communion (CW) Holt.

5th Sunday

Parish Communion (CW) Chalbury

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The  Governors  of  Wimborne  Minster  are  pleased  to  announce  the  appointment  of  the  Reverend  Andrew  Rowland  as  the  next  Rector  of  Wimborne  Minster  and  the  Northern  Villages.  He  is  currently  Vicar  of  West  Moors  and  Rural  Dean  of  Wimborne  in  the  Diocese  of  Salisbury.  Andrew’s  early  career  took  him  to  The  Lebanon  in  the  late  1970’s  from  where  he  travelled  the  Arabian  Peninsula  (he  speaks  Arabic).    Returning  home  in  1983  after  several  years  in  Nigeria,  he  progressed  to  Managing  Director  of  a  privately-­‐owned  group  of  local  companies  principally  involved  in  the  manufacturing  of  ventilation  systems,  light  engineering,  electronics  and  prefabricated  sectional  buildings.      After  taking  a  Degree  in  Theology  at  Southampton  and  Surrey  Universities,  Andrew  was  ordained  in  Salisbury  Cathedral  as  Deacon  in  2001  and  Priest  in  2002.  He  served  his  Curacy  at  Verwood  before  being  appointed  Vicar  of  West  Moors  in  2005.  He  was  appointed  to  the  additional  position  of  Rural  Dean  of  Wimborne  in  2016.  Andrew  is  married  to  Zahra  (and  they  have  three  adult  children,  John,  Christopher  and  Hannah,  and  four  grandsons).  They  enjoy  a  wide  range  of  hobbies  and  interests,  including  gardening,  cuisine  and  ‘planes  and  trains’  –  Andrew  is  a  member  of  Wimborne  Railway  and  the  Ffestiniog  Railway  Societies.    He  has  walked  to  Canterbury  in  Pilgrimage  and  five  hundred  miles  of  the  South  West  Coast  Path.                                                                                                                          ..cont.  page  4  

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..from  page  3.        Andrew    has  been  a  chaplain  to  the  Dorset  Police  and  to  The  Great  Dorset  Steam  Fair  since  2006.    He  is  Chairman  of  the  ‘Coach  in  the  Community’  youth  support  charity  –  the  coach  is  seen  in  Wimborne  town  square  on  Friday  nights.    He  used  to  part  manage  and  referee  for  youth  football  teams.    He  has  been  very  involved  in  education  as  a  schools  Governor  since  1989.    Andrew  said  on  the  announcement  of  his  appointment  “I  am  delighted  and  humbled  to  have  been  offered  the  post  of  Rector  of  Wimborne  Minster  and  the  Northern  Villages  Benefice.    Zahra  and  I  are  very  much  looking  forward  to  moving  to  Wimborne  in  the  summer.    We  send  our  greetings  in  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  and  thank  you  for  all  who  have  prayed  for,  and  worked  towards  this  appointment.    We  assure  you  of  our  goodwill  and  prayers  for  you  all,  and  ask  you  to  pray  for  us  too.    Our  intention  is  to  pray,  serve  and  grow  -­‐  together,  for  the  sake  of  proclaiming  the  Gospel  and  furthering  the  Kingdom  of  God.”  A  date  for  his  institution  will  be  announced  in  due  course.    


Annual Parish Meeting Sunday April 22nd

12.00 noon - 2.00 pm Everyone who comes to the annual meeting receives a booklet of reports from Minster groups, put together by Trudy Davies, the PCC secretary. She will be delighted to have news from your group so that the booklet reflects all aspects of Minster life. Email Trudy Davies at [email protected] Please also consider whether you can serve the Minster and the whole Church by becoming a member of the PCC; talk to the churchwardens to find out more about what this entails.


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Recently I went to Horton Village Hall for a talk by a retired Yeoman of the Guard, commonly called a Beefeater. This very interesting talk invoked memories of my service within the Grenadier Guards, in particular the Ceremony of the Keys held each evening at Windsor Castle. The 700 year old tradition was the only time that we guardsmen worked with the Yeomen of the Guard as they carried out their ancient ceremony. A guardsman cannot help but be part of established traditions and rituals that go back to the battle of Waterloo in 1815. These traditions are central to their soldiering in peace time and in conflicts. Our Church, the Church of England, also has time-rooted traditions; we can trace its roots back to the early church and its Anglican identity to the Reformation period of 1517-1648, and Henry VIII’s split from Rome in the 1530s making him head of the Church. Today, the monarch is still the supreme head of the church and, as a state church, we have Bishops sitting in the House of Lords, and together with numerous other civic duties, the Church of England is strongly linked to its traditions and customs. As one commentator said, “How does one properly judge between the commandment of God and that which is mere tradition”. This question, I believe, is important to all of us for even Jesus was brought into the heated debate of tradition when the Pharisees came complaining to him that his disciples were not conforming to the traditions of the church. Jesus responded by saying: “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition.” (Matthew 15) The Pharisees made the mistake of making tradition the most important thing in their worship and this is what Jesus was getting at for he was not against tradition as he, himself, was very much part of it as a member of the Jewish Synagogue, yet in all things he knew that God’s command comes first “to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:4). These words are still relevant for us today in all that we do in our worship in church and in life.

Rev. Bill French Associate Minister

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Dates for your diary – April

Sunday 1st Easter Day Monday 2nd 10.00am - 12.00 noon Peal of Bells

Wednesday 4th 1.30 - 2.00 pm

7.45 - 8.15 pm Meditation Group Prayer Group( Church House )

Friday 6th 12.00 - 2.00 pm Lunch & Chat ( Church House )

Saturday 7th 11.00 - 4.00 pm BID Family Day on the Green Monday 9th 2.30 pm Third Order Franciscans meet

( St. Margaret’s Chapel ) Tuesday 10th 2.30 pm Wimborne Companions of St.

Francis meet ( St. Margaret’s Chapel )

Wednesday 11th 1.30 - 2.00 pm 7.45 - 8.15 pm

Meditation Group Prayer Group

Thursday 12th 9.30 - 11.00 am Two by Two ( Church House ) Friday 13th 12.00 noon - 2.00 pm Lunch & Chat

(Church House ) Saturday 14th 10.00 - 3.00 pm Marriage Preparation Day Monday 16th 5.30 - 7.30 pm Friends’ Trustees meeting

( Church House ) Wednesday 18th 1.30 - 2.00 pm

7.45 - 8.15 pm Meditation Group Prayer Group

Thursday 19th 9.30 - 11.00 am 2.15 - 4.00 pm

Two by Two ( Church House ) Mothers’ Union

In March

25 Baptism of George Stuart

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Easter Day services

Easter Day, 1st April 6 am Dawn Eucharist, followed by breakfast (Minster) 6.30 am Dawn Eucharist (Chalbury) 8 am Holy Communion (Minster) 9.45 am Eucharist (Minster) 10 am Family Communion (Hinton Martell) 11.15 am Matins and Holy Communion (Minster) 6.30 pm Festal Evensong (Minster)

Friday 20th 12 noon - 1.00 pm 12.00 noon - 2.00 pm 2.30 - 4.30 pm

Wedding of Peter Gelder and Emma Shearing Lunch & Chat ( Church House ) Winchester Cathedral guides’ tour

Saturday 21st 7.00 - 10.00 pm Kenfig Male Voice Choir Concert

Sunday 22nd 11.30 - 12.00 noon

12.00 noon - 2.00 pm

Baptisms of Ella Rowlands and Mya Evans Annual Parish meeting ( Church House )

Tuesday 24th 7.00 - 9.00 pm Refreshments at 6.30 pm

Talk by Canon Bill Merrington on Understanding Mental Health

Wednesday 25 th 1.30 - 2.00 pm 7.45 - 8.15 pm

Meditation Group Prayer Group

Thursday 26 th 9.30 - 11.00 am Two by Two ( Church House ) Friday 27th 12.00 noon - 2.00 pm Lunch & Chat

( Church House )

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Praying for the Minster & the Northern Villages, Wimborne and the world

Prayer cycle for April

1 Our new Rector 2 Those in training for ministry 3 The OASIS group; the widowed 4 The Lunch and Chat team 5 The Society of St Francis at Hilfield 6 Wimborne Deanery; Rural Dean Chris Tebbutt 7 Wimborne Town Counci 8 East Dorset and Christchurch District Council 9 Christian Aid

10 Victoria Hospital: staff, patients and Friends 11 Our associate clergy 12 Parish Office staff 13 The Mothers’ Union 14 Housegroups: prayer and study 15 The Bible Society 16 Staff of the Diocesan offices 17 East Dorset Heritage Trust 18 The police, PCSOs, the Probation Service 19 The Sudan Medical Link 20 Ambulance services, paramedics and firefighters 21 Churchwardens 22 The shop manager and volunteers 23 PCC members 24 The Chained Library: custodians, volunteers 25 The MARS Trust 26 Diocesan links with Evreux and Latvia 27 The Citizens’ Advice Bureau 28 New housing developments 29 Botswana Orphans 30 Wimborne First School

Please use this diary as a part of your own prayers. In this way we can pray together as a parish for our common concerns.

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Understanding Mental Health’ with Canon Dr. Bill Merrington. Mental health difficulties can affect us all. Those affected may be ourselves, our family or our friends. We will be welcoming Canon Dr. Bill Merrington to give a presentation on “Understanding Mental Health” on Tuesday 24th April in Church House. He will help us to explore the issues of mental health and illness, and what the implications are for our churches today. Bill is the multi-faith Chaplain at Bournemouth University. He has specialised in loss issues and has a PhD from Warwick University; he is a qualified Chartered Psychologist, counsellor and supervisor. He has spoken internationally on loss issues, pastoral care and counselling. His talk will be relevant to Home Groups, LPA’s and all those in a pastoral role, as well as anyone caring for those who have experienced poor mental health. Refreshments will be served from 6.30pm and the talk will begin at 7.00pm until 9.00pm. The event will be free of charge, however, tickets will be issued to keep account of numbers, as we will be inviting other churches and groups in Wimborne. There will be a free-will offering for Wimborne Minster and Pebble Lodge, Dorset Healthcare Adolescent In-Patient Unit, Poole.

Tickets available from Jane Davidson, De Ashton and from the Parish Office.        

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The Minster has organised a town-wide competition this Easter with the aid of many local businesses. 'Hunt the lost sheep' has begun! 11 small toy knitted sheep have strayed from the Minster and have found new homes in our town shop windows... pick up a form from the Minster or Tourist Information Centre to take part and note down where you find them... no entry fee needed, and although primarily aimed at the younger generation everyone is welcome to take part. (The last sheep is hidden within the Minster and after finding this a small prize is offered by our Vergers in the Minster (look out for the men with lots of keys and a badge). The competition ends on Sunday 15th April.

Anthony Oliver

Let’s get going – let’s get growing…..for harvest

It’s April; the sap is rising, the days are lengthening, the soil is warming up, seeds are able to germinate.MEG (Minster Environment Group) will again be distributing seeds for harvest after services on Sundays, 8th and 15 th April. This year it will be a slightly more limited range – ones that we are fairly confident will give you produce to bring to the Minster’s Harvest Festival celebrations in the Autumn - or you may prefer to grow your trusted and tested favourites from your own seeds. There’ll be a few vegetables to choose from and a few flowers. We’d love to see lots of evidence at Harvest Festival of our sowing and nurturing and harvesting – and of the blessing that God confers on our efforts. If you’ve got ideas to extend the homegrown bounty at the Minster’s Harvest Thanksgiving or for growing queries please contact one of the MEG team. Thank you. Rob Pearce on behalf of MEG

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A Trip to the Theatre

On a snowy March Saturday, a group of the Friends struggled through the icy streets to the Tivoli to see a production of “The Vicar of Dibley”. We really didn’t know what to expect, but what an absolutely brilliant afternoon it turned out to be. The show, staged by a local theatre group, featured highlights from the TV classic. For those who don’t know the scenario, the initial scene features the Dibley Parish Council awaiting the arrival of their new Vicar, and shock horror, it turns out to be a woman! Well-it was a long time ago! The Revd Geraldine Granger does of course, in a very wacky way, quickly win friends and support from the village. The Parish Council consists of some rather weird and possibly insane Members, all played brilliantly by the well-cast actors. Running through the play is the love affair between Alice, the, shall we say, somewhat lacking Verger, and Hugo the dim-witted son of the Chairman of the Council. The play ends with their bizarre wedding, complete with Telly Tubby – do you remember them? Alice throws her bouquet into the audience and guess who catches it – John Hughes, the Verger. As we left the theatre, there was a bucket collection for Comic Relief, a regular feature of this group. We all felt considerably cheered, and popped across the road to the Man in the Wall, where we had booked a room for afternoon tea. As a bonus, the cast were also there and joined us for photos. This proved to be a most successful event to begin the Friends’ year – if you’re not already a member, please consider joining us. Our next outing is to Wells in May, where we will visit the market, tour the Cathedral and take tea with the Friends before attending Evensong.

Judy Burrows

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These we have loved The Editors have invited Readers to write a short piece (some 200 words or so) about a book that has inspired them or simply one they have loved. The article can come to us at any time and will go into Print as they arrive.

Who moved the Stone? By Frank Morison, first published 1930 Frank Morison, journalist and US Episcopalian, felt compelled to write this lengthy and detailed examination of the last phase of Christ’s life because of the many peculiarities and inconsistencies he found in the Gospel story. Reviewing the story from the arrest in the garden of Gethsemane to Easter morning, he finds certain aspects of the arrest and trial at variance with Jewish law, the weak and illogical behaviour of Pilate difficult to excuse and the part played by Pilate’s high-born wife Claudia intriguing. The speed and intensity of the trials of Jesus made it difficult for Pilate to run the proceedings Roman fashion; he gives way to the Sanhedrin’s demands, thereby shifting the responsibility to them. The final sections examine the parts played by many of the disciples, before investigating the central problem of ‘Who moved the Stone?’ This the author solves by the Holmesian method of eliminating the possible alternatives. When I first read this book while at university, I found its challenging andthorough review of the characters and problems of the Gospels fascinating. I still do. Arthur Little

Word into Silence” A Manual for Christian Meditation by John Main. Canterbury Press. Available from the Wimborne Minster Church Shop. £8.99. John Main ( 1926-82 )came to be a Benedictine Monk in 1958 at Ealing Abbey, London via the Royal Corps of Signals, the law and the British Diplomatic Service. In his new life he gradually realised the importance of meditative contemplative prayer. His influence is still powerful in this sphere throughout the world. He teaches that fulfilment can only be achieved once we have re-established contact with the centre of our concerns. “God is the centre of the soul”. All can find this contentment. Through twelve steps John Main leads the reader to this fulfilment by learning meditative prayer. This book is an intellectual exercise with great rewards for the effort.

Christine Gibbs

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Minster Green Charities Fair 9th June 2018

It’s time for spring-cleaning again, so please remember the Fair when you’re turning out your cupboards! As always we are delighted to have your

- books, - glass, - jewellery, - china, - bric-a-brac,

for the Fair! Please contact Rosalind Jensen (01202 848889) if you’d like anything collected. Church House will also be open in the week before the Fair, as usual, for sorting donations. Volunteers wanted! The more people there are manning the Minster’s own stalls, the better for everyone. Please let someone on the committee know as soon as you can, if you can help, or want to run a stall again this year.

- The Minster Green Charities Fair committee

Friends’ visit to Wells Cathedral

Wednesday 2nd May

Coach leaves 9.30 am from Allenview Car Park

Visit includes a tour of the Cathedral, Market Day in Wells and Choral Evensong in the Cathedral

£15 for members, £17.50 for guests.All are welcome

Please apply to the Friends’ secretary, Peter Cook on 01202 885470

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Saturday 21st April

7.00 p.m.

Wimborne Minster

Tickets £10 and £15

Tickets available from Square Records, the Minster Shop and the Minster office

All proceeds in aid of Minster funds.

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The Priest’s House Museum presents

Broadstone Community Concert Band CONDUCTOR/MUSICAL DIRECTOR: Damon Corio

Thursday May 3rd 2018

at 7.30 pm. Wimborne Minster

Tickets £6.00 ; VIP tickets at £7.50 include a pre-concert glass

of wine and nibbles at the Priest’s Museum Tickets are available from the Tourist Information Centre.

The Priest’s House Museum, the Museum of East Dorset, is one of the jewels in Wimborne’s crown. It also manages Wimborne’s Tourist Information Centre. The Broadstone Community Concert Band, a highly acclaimed amateur wind band led by Damon Corio, is rapidly becoming a regular contributor to Wimborne’s festive season through its Christmas concert at the Minster and Carols in the Cornmarket. This time, the Band will give a special concert to help raise funds for the Priest’s House Museum’s Revival Project. Around 60 brass and woodwind players, of a wide range of ages and talents, will delight you with a varied programme of music that would be the envy of many professional ensembles including Bach’s Toccata in D minor, Porgy and Bess, possibly some Blues and American Trilogy. Support the Museum and the Band and bring your friends along for a very enjoyable evening. The museum’s Revival Project includes changes to make the entire building more accessible to all. It will amalgamate the Tourist Information Centre within the museum, ensuring this vital community service remains in the heart of East Dorset. There are plans for refurbishment and enlarging of exhibition and display space, as well as more exhibitions which tell the stories of the people who have lived in the house and East Dorset through the centuries.

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Contact details

Churchwardens Mr C Churchwardens 01202 883498

Mr Francis Vine 01202 883498 [email protected]

Churchwardens Mr C 01202 883498

Mrs De Ashton 01202 889385 [email protected] Rector Vacant Associate Priests The Revd Suzie Allen 01258 840668 suzie-­‐[email protected] The Revd Dr Brenda Gibson 01202 881472  brenda-­‐[email protected] The Revd Bill French 01258 841061 bill-­‐[email protected] The Revd Heather Waldsax [email protected] Vergers Mr John Hughes 01202 884753 [email protected] Mr Ashley Coombs 01202 884753 [email protected] Admin. Assistant Mrs Donna Gosney 01202 884753

[email protected] Parish Secretary Mrs Penny Baxter 01202 884753

The Parish Office is open Monday – Thursday 10am – 12 noon

[email protected] @TheMinster1

PRINT publication details

Co-editors: Rosalind Jensen, Arthur Little and Barry Gibbs

Please send articles and information by email if possible to [email protected]

or leave in the ‘J’ pigeonhole in church .

Deadline for May PRINT: Monday 23rd April

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