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  • The Battle of Rivoli 2


    Copyright 2010 Simtac & Clash of Arms. October 12, 2010 Rules marked with an eagle or are shaded with a grey background apply only to players using the Rglements de lAn XXX. All rules herein take precedence over any rules in the series rules which they may contradict.

    1.0 INTRODUCTION The Battle of Rivoli is a tactical Napoleonic game of Napoleons defense of the Rivoli Plateau against Baron Alvinczy on 14th January 1797. Major Weyrother, Alvinczys Chief of Staff had devised an attack plan based upon six converging columns (just like Austerlitz!), most marching over icy mountain tracks, and with one column separated by the unfordable River Adige. But the Austrians still managed to disorganize Jouberts formations and ascend the Rivoli plateau, until a counterattack by Leclercs cavalry, including LaSalles 22e Chasseurs, forced the leading Austrians back in confusion.

    1.1 Original Game Concept This game was originally designed for the Simtacs Battles of the Peninsular War 1808-1814 rulebook which emphasized command and control. However the scales are broadly the same and compatible.

    1.2 Scale 15 minutes per turn, 125m per hex, 100 infantry, 50 cavalry or a section of artillery per increment.

    1.3 Die Rolls In the original Simtac version, all die rolls were based on ten-sided die, in some cases (e.g. Morale) two ten-sided dice (2d10) are still required 1.3.1 Normal six-sided die are assumed, unless d10 (a ten-sided dice) is indicated. 1.3.2 When rolling one d10, the results are read as 1 to 10 (0 is read as 10) 1.3.3 When rolling two d10, the results are read as 01 to 100 (00 is read as 100)

    1.4 Melee The differences are most obvious in melee, where base 36 factors must be converted to base 100, see Special Rules.

    1.5 Counters 1.5.1 Infantry: Front, NOTE skirmishers have a bugle on the front.

    1st Batt, 2nd Guards, Coldstream Melee Factor18 x4Fire Factor

    14Morale 1.5.2 Cavalry: Front, NOTE skirmishers have a crossed carbines on the front, lancers have crossed lances

    1 Hvy Dragoons, KGL Melee Factor20 x1Ignore

    20Morale 1.5.3 Artillery:

    Gardiner's Coy R.A. (9pdrs) Melee Factor9 x6Long Range Fire Factor

    Range9 20 Morale1.5.4 Leaders: NOTE The value in the box is their command value (if appropriate).

    Sir A.Wellesley, Lord Wellington Melee Bonus15 9 A Artillery Special LeaderCharge Bonus 5 20Morale Bonus

    2.0 RULES QUESTIONS Check the La Bataille forum at:

    3.0 GAME COMPONENTS A complete game of The Battle of Rivoli includes the following components:

    1. Two 22 x 34 tactical maps 2. A lot of counters 3. One Exclusive Rules book 4. Two Series Books (Rglements de lAn XXX, et la Rglements des Maries Louises) 5. Charts and tables 6. Four organizational displays 7. Game Turn Record Track 8. Terrain Effects Chart

    4.0 TERRAIN 4.1 Line of Sight 4.1.1 Due to the special condition of the ground around Rivoli (rolling fields full of blind zones), units on the same terrain level may not observe each other if the LOS passes through more than 3 hexes on that same level, i.e. Artillery may not fire at 4 or more hexes. Exception fortifications are not affected. 4.1.2 Crest hexsides may be ignored by an observer tracing a two-hex LOS to a hex higher or lower. For instance, in hex 36/57 (Montalto, Level-6) may trace a LOS to any Level-4 hex within two hexes.

  • The Battle of Rivoli 3


    4.2 River Adige, Streams, Fords 4.2.1 Fords: As an exception to the general rule about roads / trails negating terrain effects for units in Road Column, all units must still pay an additional cost to cross a ford. 4.2.2 Adige River: This is impassable, but may be crossed partially by the small bridge, near the watermill in 5/45, or after building a pontoon bridge (6.12.2). Marsh hexes along the Adige are considered Broken Hexes Trees along the banks of the Adige only serve to block lines-of-sight.

    4.3 Slopes / Steep Slopes / Hills 4.3.1 Infantry defending against assaults exclusively from units assaulting up slope hexsides receive a

    +10 Roll to Stand modifier if on Level 1-3 +20 Roll to Stand modifier if on Level 4+

    4.3.2 Infantry units assaulting up a slope suffer a -10 Roll to Close modifier if on Level 0-2 -20 Roll to Close modifier if on Level 3+

    4.3.3 Steep Slopes: There are a number of slope hexsides marked by boulders (small brown dots), these are impassable to artillery and cavalry and require the whole movement potential of infantry. No unit of leader may enter or exit a Broken Ground hex if in doing so then move up or down a Steep Slope. 4.3.4 Broken Ground: See also the special effects of Broken Ground on Hills

    4.4 Woods / Groves Design Note 1: Any hex containing three trees is a grove; any hex containing more than three trees is a wood Design Note 2: Culivated hexes with trees are groves.

    4.4.1 The defensive melee morale check is increased by 10. 4.4.2 Skirmishers in groves and woods are not halved.

    4.5 Towns Name Area Caprino 5 town hexes Ceraino, San Giovanni de Lubiara-Platano 3 town hexes Rivoli 3 town hexes & the Cemetery Lubiara, Ceredelo, San Martino, Incanal 2 town hexes Platano & All other 1 town hex

    4.5.1 Line of Sight: Town (and Farmette) hexes block Line of Sight. 4.5.2 Cavalry Charge: Cavalry may not pursue retreating units into town hexes. The Pursuit stops at the town edge. 4.5.3 Stacking: Town hexes require formed units, (i.e. those not in Skirmish Order, Disorder or PGD), to enter General Order upon entering. 4.5.4 Defending units modify their morale by 20 better, when checking for pre-melee morale check. 4.5.5 Infantry may fortify town and (if appropriate) farmette hexes. Any infantry unit that does not move and is not adjacent to enemy units may roll a d10 die and are fortified on a 10, deduct 1 from the die roll if there are Austrian Pioneers in the hex, and a further 1 if the hex is the Rivoli Cemetery or in the Chapel of San Marco. Skirmishers that are (fortified) garrisons do not halve their melee combat values. Cavalry may ride over single hex garrisons in the same way as squares.

    4.6 Farmettes The following town hexes represent large cottages and farms. Defending forces may consider them Towns if they consist of 4 or less infantry increments; otherwise they are considered clear terrain.

    The following are examples: Chapel of San Marco, Watermill. Villa, Campana

    4.7 Fences / Hedges 4.7.1 Fences: These are depicted along hexsides; outlining cultivated fields. Forces assaulting across a fence subtracts 10 from the Roll to Close, and if assaulted across a fence, adds 10 to their Roll to Stand. 4.7.2 Thick Hedges: These are passable only by leaders and light companies in skirmish order, and they block line-of-sight between units of the same terrain level as the hedge (even adjacent units).

    4.8 Roads / Trails 4.8.1 Trail Hexes: Cavalry and Artillery cannot move along trail hexes traversing broken ground (except mountain artillery and dismounted dragoons).

    4.9 Broken Ground 4.9.1 Infantry in broken ground hexes must be in skirmish formation or general order. 4.9.2 Broken hexes are impassable to cavalry or artillery (exception dismounted dragoons and Austrain mountain guns). 4.9.3 Broken ground hexes on Mout Pastello are impassable to all units (and leaders), as well as those on Level 6 (eastern slope) and 7 of Mount Magnone, which do not contain a trail. These hexes may only be traverse in March Colum or Skirmish / General Order.

    4.10 French Field Fortifications The French Player has two Fortification Markers to deploy on the map during scenarios II & III. One of them represents the fieldworks and barricades built up near La Dogana, to block the Incanal Pass. The other marker represents the old Fort Chiusa Veneta. 4.10.1 Flches and redoubts have 3 front hexsides, 2 flanks and 1 rear. 4.10.2 They have an intrinsic garrison of 1 increment of (skirmish) infantry and 1 increment of artillery. 4.10.3 Artillery firing at Fortifications will use its long range value and does not gain the adjacent shifts. 4.10.4 Redoubts cannot be assaulted from their front hexes. (Exception the surprise assault on Fort Chiusa Veneta). 4.10.5 Units assaulting Flches from their front hexes have with a +20 Roll to Close Modifier. 4.10.6 Skirmishers in Fornications are not halved in melee.

  • The Battle of Rivoli 4


    4.10.7 If the Fortifications uses up all its ammunition then the garrison will join the nearest friendly infantry formation (with casualties), its strength is increased by one. 4.10.8 A Fortification cannot be removed only its garrison. 4.10.9 The maximum stacking in a Fortification is 5 (including one increment of the garrison if any). 4.10.10 Units garrisoning a fortification may not assault. 4.10.11 Roll to Stand is increased by +20 4.10.12 Fort Chiusa Veneta: The fort is at Level 1 for the purposes of calculating Line-of-Sight The fort does not block the road for units in March Column 4.10.13 La Dogana Flches: The flches may be destroyed be Austrian Pionieren (see

    4.11 General Order The following terrain requires formed units to enter General Order (or skirmish) when entering.

    Woods Towns Broken Ground Fortifications

    Forces of 4 or less increments may enter General Order when entering. Farmettes

    4.12 Depots 4.12.1 French: The Mantua Road (hex 8/8), and hex 3/3 (and hex 1/36 in Scenario 3). 4.12.2 Austrians: The Dolce Road (hex 9/78) and Trento Road (hex 2/75), and the La Corona Road (hex 34/91)

    4.13 Terrain and Artillery Ricochet Artillery fire which targets the following hexes terminates in them. Ricochet fire may bounce into, but not through the following hexes.

    Towns / Farmettes Woods / Groves NOTE: Artillery Ricochet only applies to the Rglements de lAn XXX.

    4.13.1 Slopes and Artillery Ricochet: Artillery Ricochet terminates where it meets an upslope. Where Artillery Ricochet meets a down slope hexside, the slopes creates a one hex shadow over which the shot will pass with no effect before continuing along the shot path.

    5.0 COMMAND The Organization and Display Charts reveal the command structure of the armies. Refer to them as necessary. Due to the more fluid Divisional organization in the Revolutionary Period, and the Austrian attack plan over mountain tracks, many of the regiments have been allocated to other Formations.

    5.1 Army Reserve Design Note: The Army Reserves are used to stiffen the morale of units.

    5.1.1 Army reseves may be defined in scenario instructions.

    5.2 Command Point generation and usage Design Note: Only Wellington, Napoleon & Suchet are rated 9, so issue orders every turn, Menou (Alexandria) gets a lowly 5 so only gets Command Points half the time. In addition Wellington and Napoleon have special capabilities, Wellington can reposition unactivated artillery.

    5.2.1 In order to issue generate CPs the Army Commander must be stacked with their HQ. a) Modified roll of less than 10, no CPs are generated. b) Modified roll of 10, all directly subordinate formations may have an MU c) Modified roll of 11, a CP is generated d) Modified roll of 12, two CPs are generated, etc Design Note 1: There is only one command level in Rivoli, there are no Corps Commanders, and the Army Command issues orders directly to the Divisions / Brigades. Design Note 2: Chiefs-of-Staff / Staff Officers, to increase the command distance, are very important at Rivoli due to the size of the battlefield.

    5.3 Local Command Zones 5.3.1 Special rules in Scenarios II & III allow for the designation of certain hexes as Local Command Zones. A Local Command Zone exerts a command distance of 8 hexes (even if there are enemies in the command hex). Local Command Zones are secretly designated before the start of play, and are not revealed until a subordinate unit is within Command Distance. 5.3.2 The Austrian I Column must declare a Local Command Zone when it enters the map. The French player is not told of this location. It must be located in a town or farmette.

    5.4 Advanced Guards Before Scenario III start, both players may form one Advanced Guard with units belonging to one of more formations. This Advanced Guard must be assigned to one Formation. It must initially contain between 10 and 20 increments, of which at least 2 must be Skirmish capable, and between 1 and 4 increments of cavalry, it may also contain up to 2 increments of Artillery. The owning player may designate one Local Command Zones for the Advanced Guard.

  • The Battle of Rivoli 5


    5.5 French 5.5.1 Command Points: The French may receive CPs for Bonaparte (or his substitute). 5.5.2 Infantry Divisions are not free to deploy in line formation. The French player must roll a die (once per turn, per Division) and obtain an even result.

    Design Note: Certain French Commanders were still commited to column dattack. 5.5.3 Bonapartes Special Ability: Every turn one unit, even an artillery battery from an inactive Division, may move within 8 hexes of Napoleon, as if the Consul were the units own Leader. This move occurs during the regroup phase. 5.5.4 Bonapartes Guide Squadron: may be used like any other cavalry unit if led by Napoleon; otherwise it must remain within 8 hexes of Bonaparte. If Bonaparte is killed or wounded or leaves the tactical map, the Guides are automatically removed at the start of the next turn. Bonaparte reenters the map stacked with the Guides. If Bonaparte is permanently removed from play, it may enter 8 turns later on any French depot hex, it is then attached to LaSalles Brigade. It does not suffer Division morale effects. 5.5.5 Joubert and Massna:

    Design Note: In 1797, French Armies had not yet reached the organizational fitness of Napoleons Grande Arme. Armies were not organized into Army Corps, and even divisions were not organized into permanent brigades. There were a number of Brigadiers attached to the headquarters of each division, and divisional commanders entrusted to each brigadier one or more demi-brigades, as they saw fit, to carry out a battle or campaign plan. This over-flexibility was clearly shown at Rivoli, where two demi-brigades were transferred from Joubert to Massna shortly after the battle began. During the fighting, Joubert was again deprived of several battalions assigned to General Berthier; and historical sources contradict each other as to the actual placement of French demi-brigades at the start of the battle, and as to their actual distribution into brigades. The definitive organization adopted in this game tried to reconcile the mutually dissenting French and Austrian sources, and takes into account many contempary writings and memoirs patiently collected and read by Jose-Luis. Their Divisions are divided into two halves; they must be allocated to command only one half each Game-Turn (plus any divisional assets). Every turn any one additional unit subordinate to Massena may move within 8 hexes of Massna, during the regroup phase. Every turn any one additional unit subordinate to Joubert may move within 8 hexes of Joubert, during the regroup phase. Bonaparte may order Gnral Berthier to take over command of one of Jouberts or Massnas commands. Berthier will take over command at once and will belong to Bonapartes staff no longer. 5.5.6 Leader Casualties: The following leaders may not be replaced: Bonaparte, Berthier, LaSalle

    Leader Command Value Leader Command Value First Consul Bonaparte +9 Gnral Joubert +7 Gnral Berthier +5 Gnral Massna +8 Gnral Rey +4

    5.5.7 Berthier: If Berthier has taken is stacked with Bonaparte and has not been ordered to take over part of Jouberts / Massnas Divisions, then +1 is added to Bonapartes Command die Rolls. 5.5.8 Leaders of Special Ability: Artillery: Napoleon Cavalry: LaSalle: If the 22e Chasseurs are commanded by LaSalle, they may turn while charging. 5.5.9 Light Cavalry Leaders: The following cavalry leaders may roll for initiative to form their own CP, using their Charge Bonus. LaSalle (22e Chasseurs)

    5.6 Austrians 5.6.1 Command Points: The Austrians may receive CPs for Alvinczy (or his substitute) 5.6.2 Leader Casualties: The following leaders may not be replaced: Alvinczy, Seckendorf, Quosdanovich

    Leader Command Value Leader Command Value FZM Alvinczy +7 Feldmarschafft Quosdanovich +6 Major Weyrother (Chief of Staff) +4 Generalmajor Liptay +4 Feldmarschafft Seckendorf +5

    Note: At the start there is no Line-of-Comminications between The Army Staff and the Formations deployed in the Adige valley, and this will continue until either the Chapel of St Marco is captured or the Dogana Fortification is destroyed. In addition the 6 Kolone, will need to build the pontoon bridge across the Adige.

    5.6.3 Feldmarschafft Seckendorf and Feldmarschafft Quosdanovich: The Austrian Player may decide to use his Wing commanders to improvge Alvinczy CP generation. Only one (or no) Wing commanders may be selected. If no Wing Commander is selected (or a 10 is rolled), the Austrian player may allocate his CPs as he sees fit, if either Wing Commander is selected then all CPs generated must be used on that Wing. If selected Seckendorf and Quosdanovich:- Command range. Seckendorf and Quosdanovich act as Staff Officers and extend Alvinczys command range. Command Value: add 1 to the command die roll.

    Design Note: Just like Bonapartes Army, the Kaiserlich und Knigliche lacked an organization in permanent brigades, each commander-in-chief created ad hoc brigades whenever they were required. Research work in the Kriegsarchiv of Vienna has provided valuable information about the Austrian order of battle, but not exact knowledge about the distribution of brigades of the Imperial units which, in the morning of 14th January, attacked the French Army at Rivoli. The brigade organization which appears in the Order of Battle for this game is based upon the one adopted by the Austrian column commanders between 8th and 16th January, 1797; all brigadiers exerted during those days independent or semi-independent commands within their respective column, leading the units the Order of Battle assigns to them.

    5.6.4 Leaders of Special Ability: Artillery: Vukassevich Cavalry: None 5.6.5 Light Cavalry Leaders: The following light cavalry leaders may roll for initiative to form their own CP, using their Charge Bonus None

  • The Battle of Rivoli 6


    6.0 SPECIAL RULES 6.1 Forced March There is no forced march; the armies had already been marching since before dawn.

    6.2 Scenario Reinforcements When reinforcements are directed to be deployed during the Reinforcement Chit the arriving reinforcements may not be placed in an enemy Zone of Influence. If the reinforcements are unable to comply with this rule displace them until they can be placed on the map and outside of enemy Zones of Influence.

    6.3 Cavalry Skirmish Order Even though there is a row for cavalry skirmishers on the Fire Defense Chart and a column on the Movment Chart, this applies only to players using the Rglements de lAn XXX.

    6.4 Roll to Close / Roll to Stand Design Note 1: Simtac units melee value represents the effective (front line) combat value, and morale is then modified by the supporting companies (increments). COA units melee value represents the total melee value of the formation. Design Note 2: In order to use the La Bataille tables with the Simtac units it is necessary to convert the standard morale modifier factors.

    Take the standard La Bataille factors (except for Leadership and Divisional Morale factors). Multiply by x3 Add in the exclusive rules factors, Divisional Morale and the Leadership factors. Roll 2d10 add factors and compare to the Top Units morale to determine the Roll to Close / Stand. 6.5 Melee A one column shift is made in favour of any force including an Infantry Regiment.

    Note 1: Infantry companies are mostly elite so their generally relatively higher melee strength is appropriate. Note 2: Cavalry squadrons are also from elite formations, and small in number, so their generally relatively higher melee strength is a small distortion.

    Skirmishers that are (fortified) garrisons do not halve their melee combat values. 6.6 Raw Units

    Design Note: A considerable number of the Austrian Batallons at Rivoli were composed mainly of conscripts; they distrusted their officers after a long series of defeats suffered at the hand of the French; and their forced-marches through snow covered mountains had brought about the collapsed of supply lines, putting them at the edge of exhaustion. In spite of this, they fought at Rivoli surprisingly well, Austrian Batallons have Combat, Morale and Movements Values which arte in general less than the French formations. In addition, and in order to represent the tactical stiffness of the Austrian Infantry, resulting from the overconfidence of its commanders in Frederician maneuvering, and from distrust in their own troops.

    Austrian Veteran Bataillon may be identified by the Medal for Valour (Der Tapferkeit) displayed next to their crossbelts. The following are Vetran Bataillon, all other Austrian Infantry are Raw.

    IR 4 / 1 IR 14 /1 IR 53 / 1 IR 24 / 1 2nd Kombiniers, Siebenburger IR 4 / 2 IR 14 /2 IR 53 / 2 IR 24 / 2 3rd Kombiniers, Siebenburger IR 4 / 3 Grenadier Bataillon: Khevenhuller Metsch Stabsdragonen

    6.6.1 This must expend all their MPs to change formation. 6.6.2 May not attempt to form square in the face of a charge. 6.6.3 May not move in square formation, they must change formation. 6.6.4 Cavalry Charge Roll to Stand additional result: - Raw Infantry break on a roll of 1. Next roll a die, on even rolls the infantry fire before breaking, on 1-3 they rout, on 4-6 they disorder. 6.6.5 May not enter enemy zones of control in column formation 6.6.6 To enter an enemy zone-of-control they must be supported by a least 2 other units of their brigade (within 2 hexes), otherwise, each moving stack must roll an even result.

    6.7 Light Companies Design Note: Light companies represent the detachment of the battalions skirmishers. Note: Austrian light companies, containing 2 or more increments, represent divisions a 2-company formation.

    6.7.1 A battalion may detach and incorporate its company any number of times (until the company is destroyed), adjusting its strength by 1 increment each time. 6.7.2 When assaulted the light company may retreat to its parent battalion (if adjacent) and be absorbed. 6.7.3 These companies may only stack with other skirmish units. 6.7.4 The Grulai Freikorps, Mahony Jgerkorps, Siebenburger Schutzen & the Kombin Kroatisch may enter road order (mark with the road-column marker)

    6.8 Grenzer / Lgre Battalions Certain whole battalions may skirmish and substitute counters are provided.

    French 1re Lgre Batallions 2nd Kombiniers, Siebenburger 3rd Grenzer Bataillon, Crlstadt

    6.9 Rifle Troops The Mahony Jgerkorps & Siebenburger Schutzen are rifle armed and not halved at two hex-range.

  • The Battle of Rivoli 7


    6.10 Batallon Wings Note: In game terms it is very difficult to deploy units of more than 900 men. In order to simplify their deployment they have been provided with two (or more) counters. 6.10.1 The brigade identity letters are underlined, for an easier recognition. 6.10.2 Wings are treated like any other standard batallon, with one exception. The Austrian Player is free to move the first batallon wing, but after moving this wing, if he wishes to move another wing from that batallon, the subsequent batallon must move within 3 hexes of the one which moved first. Retreat moves may ignore this rule.

    1 Kolone / Seufen Brigade IR 40 3 Kolune / Peretich Brigade Ude Komb 3rd Btns 2 Kolone / Lufeckner Brigade IR 37 5 Kolone / St.Julien Brigade 5 Grenzer 2 Kolone / Wolf Brigade IR 8 5 Kolone / Schiaffinati Brigade 3 Kombiniers, Siebenburger

    6.11 Artillery Batteries 6.11.1 Artillery half batteries with the same designation may freely stack without a leader. 6.11.2 Austrian Kavallerie, Position and Reserve Batteries may not stack together. 6.11.3 Austrian Gebirgskanonen: were 1pdr guns conveyed on mules. When unlimbered they are considered artillery units. When limbered they are considered infantry units Changing formation requires their whole movement allowance. They do not require AAWs, they carry their own ammunition supply.

    6.12 Pionieren / Pontonier / Pontoon Bridge 6.12.1 Pionieren: Any Austrian battery starting and ending the Movement Phase within 2 hexes of the Pionieren is granted a 1MP bonus (if limbered), unless the Pionieren are PGD, adjacent to enemies, or in line or square. Any friendly infantry units within 2 hexes may add 1 to their entrenching die-roll. If adjacent to the abandoned Dogana Fortification (and not PGD, adjacent to enemies, or in line or square), the Austrian Player may roll a die, on an even result the Fortification is removed. 6.12.2 Pontonier: Moves as an artillery unit The bridge section may be built across the River Adige if it fulfills these requirements

    Must be in a prtial River hex Must be in March Column Must not be adjacent to an enemy unit or performed a Morale Check in the current turn. If these requirements are met during a friendly Movement Phase, the unit may place in its own hex the Pontoon Bridge under construction marker (face down); during second Movement Phase the Pontoniers may flip over this marker; during a third phase replace the Marker with a Pontoon Bridge Marker (face down), then flip it over during a fourth phase. It is not mandatory that these Movement Phases are consecutive. If at the start of their Movement Phase the Pontoniers are in March Column and stacked with a completed Bridge Segment, they may move into the adjacent river hex leading to the opposite bank. They may then repeat the Bridge building phases in this hex. If at the start of any Austrian Player-Turn both Pontoon Bridge Markers are face up across the River Adige, both banks are connected through the bridge and units in March Column may cross, expending 2MPs per hex. A maximum of two units or 10 increments may cross the Adige during a Movement Phase. The Bridge may be dismantled by reversing the process, except that the Pontoniers may be adjacent to enemy units and / or make a Morale Check in the same turn as removing the bridge.

    6.13 Stabsdragonen The Stabsdragonoen units is represented by two counters+ 6.13.1 with a movement allowance of 11, representing the mounted formation 6.13.2 with a movement allowance of 6, representing the dismounted formation, this is considered to be veteran, light, infantry in skirmish formation.

    6.14 Hidden Formations 6.14.1 A formation that is totally within town or woods hexes or out of sight of active enemy Leaders. It may be declared hidden and not deployed on the map. 6.14.2 A hidden formation moves as if in column. 6.14.3 If an enemy formation comes within 15 hexes of the hidden formations MU or it leaves town or woods hexes, the formation is placed on the map, within 1 hex of the its MU.

    6.15 Cavalry 6.15.1 Cavalry charging across, or into, Broken Ground & Cultivated hexes are not doubled for charging the last 3 hexes in a straight line. The following formations have special abilities and have either lance bonus or can act as cavalry skirmishers. 6.15.2 Lancers

    KuK Wanen Regiment Meszaros 6.15.3 Skirmishers

    Cavalry regiments must break down into squadrons to skirmish (regs XXX only) 2/30 Hussaren, Wurmser 4e Regt de Hussards Guides de Bonaparte 22e Regt de Chasseurs

  • The Battle of Rivoli 8


    7.0 Scenario 1: Massenas Counterattack 7.1 Introduction: The scenario begins covers Massnas counterattack

    7.2 Time: January 14th, beginning with the 9:45am turn, ending with the 12:00am turn, or as soon as any player fulfils his victory conditions. 7.3 Command French: The Bonaparte provides a CPs from offmap. Chavardess Brigade is attached to Massnas Division. Allies: Alvinczy provides a CPs from offmap. 7.3.1 French Army Reserve: None. 7.3.2 Austrian Army Reserve: None.

    7.4 Starting Positions 7.4.1 Austrians Deploy First Austrian: IR 53 and the Gebirgskanonen, on track hexes within 4 hexes of Zovo; IR 8 in Zpovo and Mutei.

    Wolfs Gros Brigade, 2 Kolone (part) KuK IR 8, Huff (3rd btn only, 2 wings) KuK IR 53, Jellacic (1st, 2nd btns) Wolf Linieneschtz is with the 6 Kolone.

    Attached 2 Kolone Assets Liptay Gebirgskanonen

    Austrian: In hexes adjacent to I Cimi, north of Mount Trombalore.

    2 Kolone Staff Generalmajor Anton Liptay von Kisfalud

    Luleckners Avantgarde Brigade, 2 Kolone (part) Luleckner batallon, Grulai Freikorps (1st, 2nd, 3rd divisions) Luleckner Linieneschtz is with the 6 Kolone.

    French: Within 2 hexes of Bettinelle, Light Company may be depoyed with 2 hexes of the batallion.

    Chavardess Brigade, 2e Ligne, Division Joubert (part) 22e Demi-brigade dinfanterie lgre (2nd Btn only)

    7.5 Boundary The whole map.

    7.6 Reinforcements 10:00am French, within 1 hex of 21/58. They may enter in Column or march Column.

    Division Massna Staff Gnral de division Andr Massna

    1re Ligne, Division Massna (part) 2e Massna Batterie dArtillery aCheval

    Rampons Brigade, 1re Ligne, Division Massna (part) 32e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd Btns Only)

    Leblays Brigade, 1re Ligne, Division Massna 29e Demi-brigade dinfanterie lgre (3rd Btn only)

    10:30am French, within 1 hex of 21/58. They may enter in Column or march Column.

    2e Ligne, Division Massna Massna Batterie dArtillery aPied

    Brunes Brigade2e Ligne, Division Massna (part) 75e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd Btns only) Bataillon de Grenadiers

    7.7 Victory Any player wins if, at the end of any Game-Turn, his opponent has suffered more than 15 casulaties (including PGD increments) and he has not. Each artillery increment or wounded leader counts as 2 casulaties; killed leaders count as 4 increments. The French player also wins, if at the end of any Game-Turn, there is one French Batallion in Zovo (hex 28/70) and in the road hex of Mount Trombalore (hex 34/71). If no player wins the game is a draw.

  • The Battle of Rivoli 9


    8.0 Scenario 2: The Battle of Rivoli Bonapartes Battle 8.1 Introduction: This recreates Alvinczys attack on Bonapartes position on the Rivoli Plateau.

    8.2 Time: January 14th, beginning with the 7:15am turn, ending with the 17:30pm turn or as soon as the either player fulfils their victory conditions. 8.3 Command French: Bonaparte may provide variable CPs. Austrians: Alvinczy may provide variable CPs. 8.3.1 Some units are detached from theiur parent Formations; they will rejoin their Formation, when they are within a Line of Communications and Command Distance. 8.3.2 French Army Reserve: Consists of Leclercs Divison, less Boyers Brigade and the 4e Hussards. 8.3.3 Austrian Army Reserve: Consists of Quosdanovichs Reserve Division.

    8.4 Starting Positions 8.4.1 French deploy first. 8.4.2 Linieneschtz batteries from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Austrian Columns are temprarily subordinated to Vukassevichs 6th Konone.

    Note : If the Fortification Marker in hex 14/57 has not been eliminated, no Austrain cavalry or artillery will be able to move onto the Rivoli Plateau.

    French : Zuanne Hill (hex 24/57)

    LArmee DItalie Staff & Assets First Consul, Gnral de division Napoleon Bonaparte Chef dtat-major Gnral de division Louis Alexandre Berthier ADC Colonel Jean-Andoche Junot Guides de Bonaparte

    Fortifications French : Dognana entrenchments (hex 14/57)

    Flche French : Fort Chiusa Veneta (hex 1/36) facing South.


    French : Casa Rovina (hex 19/69) Division Joubert Staff

    Gnral de division Barthlemy Joubert French : 4e Demi-brigade within 2 hexes of the Chapel of San Marco (hex 14/71), 17e Demi-brigade within 3 hexes of Case Rovina (hex 19/69)

    Vials Brigade, 1re Ligne, Division Joubert 17e Demi-brigade dinfanterie lgre (1st, 2nd Btns) 4e Demi-brigade dinfanterie lgre (1st, 2nd Btns)

    French : Within 3 hexes of Mutole (hex 21/566)

    1re Ligne, Division Joubert Joubert Batterie dArtillery aPied

    Sandoss Brigade, 1re Ligne, Division Joubert (part) 14e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns)

    French: Jouberts Advanced Guard, Local Command Zone in hex 14/57 French: 1re Btn in Case Rovina (hex 19/69). 2e & 3e btns within 2 hexes of Osteria Dogna (hex 12/57), one of them may be entrenched in Osteria Dogna.

    Chavardess Brigade, 2e Ligne, Division Joubert (part) 22e Demi-brigade dinfanterie lgre (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns)

    French: in hex 12/55. 2e Ligne, Division Joubert

    Joubert Batterie dArtillery aCheval French: On Mount Rocca (hexlines 2 &3) and Mount Castello (hexline 11)

    Meyers Brigade, 2e Ligne, Division Joubert (part) Light companies of 1st & 2nd btns 39e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille

    French: Inside the Fortification Marker (hex 14/57) Sandoss Brigade, 1re Ligne, Division Joubert (part)

    Bataillon de Grenadiers French: 4 hexes east of Osteria delle Zuanne (hex 22/59)

    Attached from Lasalles Brigade, Division de Cavalrie 4e Rgiment du Hussards

    French: 3e btn of the 33e Demi-brigade in Serpelle (hex 16/65) Others within 4 hexes of Villa (hex 16/47). Meyers Brigade, 2e Ligne, Division Joubert

  • The Battle of Rivoli 10


    33e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns) 39e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd Btns) less light companies.

    French : 85e Demi-brigade & Artillery aCheval within 1 hex of Bettinelle (hex 25/63); 29e Demi-brigade within 1 hex of Brenzone (hex 28/63). Leblays Brigade, 1re Ligne, Division Massna

    85e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns) 29e Demi-brigade dinfanterie lgre (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns)

    Attached from 1re Ligne, Division Massna 1e Massna Batterie dArtillery aCheval

    French: Within 6 hexces east of Rivoli Division de Cavalrie Staff & Assets (part)

    Colonel Charles Lelerc 1e Lelerc Batterie dArtillery aCheval

    Lelercs Brigade, Division de Cavalrie 1er Rgiment de Cavalerie (2 escadron)

    Attached from Lasalles Brigade, Division de Cavalrie 5e Rgiment de Cavalerie

    Austrian : With either Wolfs or Luleckners Brigades

    2 Kolone Staff Generalmajor Anton Liptay von Kisfalud

    Austrian : Within 6 hexes of Caprino (hex 42/79), north of the Tasso stream.

    Luleckners Avantgarde Brigade, 2 Kolone (part) Luleckner batallon, Grulai Freikorps (1st, 2nd, 3rd divisions) Luleckner Linieneschtz is with the 6 Kolone

    Austrian : Within 4 hexes of Molini (hex 38/85)

    Wolfs Gros Brigade, 2 Kolone (part) KuK IR 8, Huff (3rd btn only, 2 wings) KuK IR 53, Jellacic (1st, 2nd btns) Wolf Linieneschtz is with the 6 Kolone

    Attached 2 Kolone Assets Liptay Gebirgskanonen

    Austrian : Within 6 hexes of the right (Northeast) map edge, between hexlines 15 & 30. One company of Mahony Jgers may be entrenched in Lubiara (hex 21/77)

    3 Kolone Staff Generalmajor Samuel Kbls

    Peretichs Avantgarde Brigade, 3 Kolone (part) Mahony Jgerkorps (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th kpie) Kombin 3rd Btns, Ude (IR 11, IR 16, IR 27) Peretich Linieneschtz is with the 6 Kolone

    Austrian : Quosdanovichs Advanced Guard, Local Command Zone Incanal (hex 10/60), but may be changed to Osteria Dogana (hex 12/57), as soon as this has been cleared of enemy units. Deploy on or adjacent to the Dolce Road, with Command Distance of its Local Command Zone.

    Attached from 5 Kolone Assets Pionier Korps

    Attached from St Juliens Avantgarde Brigade, 5 Kolone Siebenburger Schutzen (2 kpie)

    Attached from Schiaffinatis Gros Brigade, 5 Kolone KuK IR 36, Kinsky (3rd btn only) KuK IR 54, Caffenberg (1st btn only) Schiaffinati Linieneschtz

    Attqched from Schaffers Avantgarde Brigade, 4 Kolone KuK Stabsdragoner

    8.5 Boundary The whole map.

    8.6 Reinforcements Austrian: The Austrian player secretly deploys an MU (local command zone) for the 1 Kolone and designates one or two road hexes along the left (Southwest) and / or upper (Northwest) map edge, through which his two brigades will enter, should both brigades enter together, the Austrian Player may deploy a dummy counter.

    Note: Historically Seulen 11:45, Mahovacz 12:15 Time Location

    09:30am Caprino or Caiar Hexes 43/81 -43/89 10:15am Ceredelo Hexes 43/65 43/66 11:00am Gazzoli Hex 43/48

  • The Battle of Rivoli 11


    11:45am Le Brojare Hex 24/24 12:15am Branizzi Hex 12/12

    1 Kolone Staff Oberst, Franz Joseph, Marquis de Lusigan

    Mahovaczs Avantgarde Brigade, 1 Kolone (part) Mahovacz, Grulai Freikorps. (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th divisions) Leib, KuK IR 45, Lattermann (1st btn only) Mahovacz Linieneschtz is with the 6 Kolone

    Seufens Gros Brigade, 1 Kolone (part) KuK IR 40, Mittrowsky (2nd btn only, 2 wings) KuK IR 14, Kiebek (1st, 2nd btns) Seufen Linieneschtz is with the 6 Kolone

    French: Enters 07:30am, on the Mantua Road (hex 8/8), with an Admin March MU to Mount Zovo (hexlines 71 & 72).

    Division Massna Staff Gnral de division Andr Massna

    Austrian : 7 :15am, enter by the trail to Gambaron (hex 24/86), and, at least one unit, by the Mount Magone trail (hex 18/83). Seeaus Gros Brigade, 3 Kolone (part)

    KuK IR 42, Erbach (1st btn only) KuK IR 24, Preis (1st, 2nd btns) KuK IR 25, Brechainville (Komb btn) Seeau Linieneschtz is with the 6 Kolone

    Attached 3 Kolone Assets Koblos Gebirgskanonen Pionier Korps

    Austrian : 07 :45am, enter by the trail to San Martino (hex 34/91), with an Admin March MU to San Martino (hex 33/87)

    Ostereichische Hauptarmee Staff (part) Feldzeugmeister Joseph Alvinczy von Borbereh Chief of Staff, Major Franz von Weyrother Oberleutant Hajec, ADC Alvinczy Feldmarschafft Friedrich Freiherr von Seckendorf (Staff, Kolones 1, 2 & 3)

    Austrian: Enter by any of the trails leading to La Corona (18/83, 24/86 or 34/91) as soon as the 4 Kolone is given an MU.

    4 Kolone Staff Generalmajor Joseph Oskay von Ocsk

    Weidenfelds Gros Brigade, 4 Kolone (part) Grenadier Batallon, Khevenhller Metsch KuK IR 4, Deutschmeister (3rd Btn only) KUk IR 45, Lattermann (2nd, 3rd Btns) Weidenfeld Linieneschtzis with to the Avantgarde Brigade

    Austrian: 08:15am, by the Trento Road (hex 2/75), with an Admin MU to a Local Command Zone in Ceraino (hex 4/46)

    6 Kolone Staff Generalmajor, Baron Joseph Philip Vukassevich

    Beusts Gros Brigade, 6 Kolone KuK IR 52, Erzfig A.Victor (Komb btn) KuK IR 39, Nadasdy (Komb btn) KuK Hussaren 17, Erherzog Josef Beust Linieneschtz

    Attached from Letzenys Avantgarde Brigade, 6 Kolone Letzeny Grenzerartillerie

    Austrian: 08:30am by the Trento Road (hex 2/75)

    6 Kolone Assets Pontonier Corps Pontoon Bridge (both halves)

    Attached from the 1 Kolone Mahovacz Linieneschtz Seufen Linieneschtz

    Attached from the 2 Kolone Luleckner Linieneschtz Wolf Linieneschtz

    Attached from the 3 Kolone Peretich Linieneschtz

  • The Battle of Rivoli 12


    Seeau Linieneschtz Austrian: 09:45am, enter ahead of Reusss Kolone

    Ostereichische Hauptarmee Staff (part) Feldmarschafft Peter Titus von Quosdanovich (Staff, Kolones 4, 5 & Reserve)

    Schaffers Avantgarde Brigade, 4 Kolone (part) KuK Husaren Rgt 11, Erddy (2 squadrons) KuK Wanen Regiment Mszros KuK Stabsdragoner is detached to the Advanced Guard

    Attached from Weidenfelds Gros Brigade, 4 Kolone Weidenfeld Linieneschtz

    French: Enters 09:00am, on the Mantua Road (hex 8/8).

    1re Ligne, Division Massna (part) 2e Massna Batterie dArtillery aCheval

    French: Enters 09:15am, on the Mantua Road (hex 8/8).

    Rampons Brigade, 1re Ligne, Division Massna 32e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns)

    French: Enters After 09:30am, on the Mantua Road (hex 8/8), as soon an MU is created for Massnas 2e Ligne.

    2e Ligne, Division Massna Massna Batterie dArtillery aPied

    Brunes Brigade2e Ligne, Division Massna 75e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns) Bataillon de Grenadiers

    French: Enters After 09:15am, on the Garda Road (hex 43/46). If there are infantry units of Lusigans 1 Kolone on the map, the French Player may roll a dir at the start of his movement phase: If an even number is rolled it may enter, if odd the French Player must wait another hour before rerolling.

    Note: Monnier marched to the sound of the guns. Monniers Brigade2e Ligne, Division Massna

    18e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd Btns) Monnier Batterie dArtillery aPied

    Austrian : 10 :00am by the Dolce Road (hex 9/78)

    5 Kolone Staff Generalmajor, Heinrich XV, Frst Reuss-Plauen

    Schiaffinatis Gros Brigade, 5 Kolone 3rd Kombiniers, Siebenburger (2 wings) 2nd Kombiniers, Siebenburger Schiaffinati Grenzerartillerie KuK IR 36, Kinsky (3rd btn only) is in the Advanced Guard KuK IR 54, Caffenberg (1st btn only) is in the Advanced Guard Schiaffinati Linieneschtz is in the Advanced Guard

    Austrian : 10 :15am by the Dolce Road (hex 9/78) St Juliens Avantgarde Brigade, 5 Kolone

    KuK IR 26, W.Schrder (3rd btn only) Schaffer Grenzerartillerie 5th Grenzerbtn, Carlstdt (2 wings) 7th Grenzerbtn, Carlstdt Siebenburger Schutzen (both kpie) are in the Advanced Guard

    French: Enter after 10:15am, on the Mantua Road (hex 8/8), as soon as the Division de Cavalrie is deployed (from Army Reserve).

    Lasalles Brigade, Division de Cavalrie (part) Adjudant Antoine Charles Louis Lasalle 22e Regiment de Chasseusrs 4e Rgiment du Hussards is attached to Jouberts Advanced Guard 5e Rgiment de Cavalerie is attached to Lelercs Brigade

    Attached Division de Cavalrie Assets (part) 2e Lelerc Batterie dArtillery aCheval

    Austrian: Enter after 10:15am, as soon as it is given an MU.

    Barbaczys Avantgarde Brigade, Reserve Kuk Hussaren 30, Wurmser (1st, 2nd squadrons) KuK Hussaren 17, Erherzog Josef (1st, 2nd squadrons)

    Zufegers Gros Brigade, Reserve Kuk IR 4, Deutschmeister (1st, 2nd btns) Kavallerie Battery

  • The Battle of Rivoli 13


    Reserve Battery Position Battery

    Austrian: Enter at 10:30am by the Verona Road (hex 1/36). The Chiusa Veneta Fort is emplaced in this hex, and the Austrian Player must roll a die (1d10), if a 5 or higher is rolled Letzeny storms the fort (historical result), otherwise the brigade must lose 1 increment and enter at 1/42.

    Letzenys Avantgarde Brigade, 6 Kolone (part) 3rd Grenzer Batallon, Crlstadt Komb, Kroatisch (1st, 2nd btns) Letzeny Grenzerartillerie is detached to Beusts Brigade

    French: Enters After 12:00am on the Mantua Road (hex 8/8), when Bonaparte issues an MU

    Division Rey Staff & Assets Gnral de division Gabriel Rey Rey Batterie dArtillery aPied

    d'Hillierss Brigade, Division Rey 58e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns) Bataillon de Grenadiers

    Attached Boyers Brigade, Division de Cavalrie 8e Rgiment de Dragons (2 escadron)

    8.7 Victory Either player may achive a tactical or strategic victory by accumulating a specific number of Victory Points, or reaching certain objectives. If no player wins, the game is a draw. Tactical Victory: Is achived as soon as one player scores 60 or more Victory Points and at least 50% more than his opponent. Strategic Victory: Is achived as soon as one player scores 60 or more Victory Points and at least twice his opponent. French Strategic Victory: As soon as 3 or more French Infantry increments are the last to occupy for 1 complete Game-Turn.

    Osteria Dogana Lubiara San Giovanni-Platano The Road Hex on Mount Trombalore

    Austrian Strategic Victory: As soon as the Austrian Player has 4 artilley (not Gebirgskanonen) and 4 cavalry within 8 hexes of the left (Southwest) map edge between hexlines 17 & 43.

    Victory Points For the Austrians For the French

    Enemy HQ in Morale 1 +4 +4 Enemy HQ in Morale 1 +8 +8 Enemy HQ in Morale 3 +12 +12 Each enemy Formation that exits Admin March or Reserve +2 +2 Each captured enemy infantry increment +1 +1 Each captured enemy cavalry increment +2 +1 Each captured enemy artillery increment +2 +1

  • The Battle of Rivoli 14


    9.0 Scenario 3: The Battle of Rivoli Alvinczys Battle 9.1 Introduction: This scenario is based on the hypothesis that Alvinczys daring operation has been successful, and that Joubert has been compelled to give up the Rivoli Plateau before Bonapartes tardy arrival with reinforcements. This is not a wild assumption, taking into account that until the eve of battle Bonaparte was convinced that Alvinczy would not direct his main thrust at Rivoli. About 3:00pm on 13th January, a double agent coming directly from Alvinczys headquarters provided the French General with valuable information about the enemys campaign plan. Jouberts subsequent reports a Austrian renewed attacks on the Rivoli position only confirmed what Bonaparte already knew, hence his not hesitating in leaving Verona at a moments notice, after ordering all his available forces to concentrate at Rivoli. But what if the French agent Toli de Borghetto had not been able to report so conveniently and accurately? What if Bonaparte had stuck during a few hours more to his opinion that a massive Austrian advance along the snow-covered trails of Mount Baldo was unlikely? But that as it may be, players will find that such a tactical situation makes an excellent setting for a hard-fought battle between two well-matched armies.

    9.2 Time: January 14th, beginning with the 7:15am turn, ending with the 17:30pm turn or as soon as the either player fulfils the victory conditions. 9.3 Command French: Bonaparte may provide variable CPs. Austrians: Alvinczy may provide variable CPs. 9.3.1 Some units are detached from theiur parent Formations; they will rejoin their Formation, when they are within a Line of Communications and Command Distance. 9.3.2 French Army Reserve: Consists of Leclercs Divison, or Reys Division with Boyers Brigade. 9.3.3 Austrian Army Reserve: Consists of Quosdanovichs Reserve Division.

    Design Note: The Austrian Reserve did not exist as such, and has been created for game purposes. It is actually made up of units belonging to Reusss 5 Kolone which were kept in Reserve during the fighting, as a matter of fact part of the Deutschmeister regiment was on the opposite bank of the River Adige, serving as a link to the 6 Kolone.

    9.4 Starting Positions 9.4.1 Units must be deployed one per hex is any eleigible formation 9.4.2 Units deployed in town hxes are entrenched. 9.4.3 Units deployed in farmette hxes are entrenched if eligible 9.4.4 Both players may create one Advanced Guard and its Local Command Zone. 9.4.5 French Deployment: Deploys first, placing his units in the lefthand map section, along or to the left of the line, Mount Pipalo-Mantalto (inclusive). Units from one Formation may be deployed within 2 hexes of Rivoli. May deploy Fort Chiusa Veneta, in this case all units from Massnas 2e Ligne must remain off map, and enter via the Verona Road (hex 1/36) when their formation is given an MU. When the French player wishes to first move Massnas 2e Ligne onto the map he must roll a die (1d10) and this is the number of turns of delay. Note for this purpose only 0 is taken as 0 and not 10.

    LArmee DItalie Staff & Assets First Consul, Gnral de division Napoleon Bonaparte Chef dtat-major Gnral de division Louis Alexandre Berthier ADC Colonel Jean-Andoche Junot Guides de Bonaparte

    Fortifications The Flche is not deployed

    French : (Optional) Fort Chiusa Veneta (hex 1/36) facing South. Redoubt

    Division Rey Staff & Assets Gnral de division Gabriel Rey Rey Batterie dArtillery aPied

    d'Hillierss Brigade, Division Rey 58e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns) Bataillon de Grenadiers

    Division Joubert Staff

    Gnral de division Barthlemy Joubert 1re Ligne, Division Joubert

    Joubert Batterie dArtillery aPied Sandoss Brigade, 1re Ligne, Division Joubert (part)

    14e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns) Bataillon de Grenadiers

    Vials Brigade, 1re Ligne, Division Joubert 17e Demi-brigade dinfanterie lgre (1st, 2nd Btns) 4e Demi-brigade dinfanterie lgre (1st, 2nd Btns)

    2e Ligne, Division Joubert Joubert Batterie dArtillery aCheval

    Chavardess Brigade, 2e Ligne, Division Joubert (part) 22e Demi-brigade dinfanterie lgre (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns)

  • The Battle of Rivoli 15


    Meyers Brigade, 2e Ligne, Division Joubert 33e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns) 39e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd Btns)

    Division Massna Staff

    Gnral de division Andr Massna 1re Ligne, Division Massna (part)

    1e Massna Batterie dArtillery aCheval 2e Massna Batterie dArtillery aCheval

    Leblays Brigade, 1re Ligne, Division Massna 85e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns) 29e Demi-brigade dinfanterie lgre (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns)

    Rampons Brigade, 1re Ligne, Division Massna 32e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns)

    2e Ligne, Division Massna Massna Batterie dArtillery aPied

    Brunes Brigade2e Ligne, Division Massna 75e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd, 3rd Btns) Bataillon de Grenadiers

    Monniers Brigade2e Ligne, Division Massna 18e Demi-brigade dinfanterie bataille (1st, 2nd Btns) Monnier Batterie dArtillery aPied

    Division de Cavalrie Staff & Assets (part)

    Colonel Charles Lelerc 1e Lelerc Batterie dArtillery aCheval 2e Lelerc Batterie dArtillery aCheval

    Lelercs Brigade, Division de Cavalrie 1er Rgiment de Cavalerie (2 escadron)

    Lasalles Brigade, Division de Cavalrie Adjudant Antoine Charles Louis Lasalle 22e Regiment de Chasseusrs 4e Rgiment du Hussards 5e Rgiment de Cavalerie

    Boyers Brigade, Division de Cavalrie 8e Rgiment de Dragons (2 escadron)

    9.4.6 Austrian deployment: 1 Treffen (2, 3, 4 Kolones) along or to the right of the line Ceraino-Ceredelo (inclusive) commanded by Quosdanovich 2 Treffen (1, 5, 6, Reserve Kolones), 6 hexes to the rear of the 1 Treffen, commanded by Seckendorf The Austrian Player rolls a die, if the result is even the 6 Kolone may be deployed within 3 hexes of Mount Rocca (but not adjacent to French Units). In this case Fort Chiusa Veneta is abandoned (no garrison) and the French cannot enter by the Verona Road (hex 1/36). The Pontoon Bridge may be deployed across the Adige River

    Ostereichische Hauptarmee Staff (part) Feldzeugmeister Joseph Alvinczy von Borbereh Chief of Staff, Major Franz von Weyrother Oberleutant Hajec, ADC Alvinczy Feldmarschafft Friedrich Freiherr von Seckendorf (Staff, Kolones 1, 2 & 3) Feldmarschafft Peter Titus von Quosdanovich (Staff, Kolones 4, 5 & Reserve)

    1 Kolone Staff Oberst, Franz Joseph, Marquis de Lusigan

    Mahovaczs Avantgarde Brigade, 1 Kolone Mahovacz, Grulai Freikorps. (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th divisions) Leib, KuK IR 45, Lattermann (1st btn only) Mahovacz Linieneschtz

    Seufens Gros Brigade, 1 Kolone KuK IR 40, Mittrowsky (2nd btn only, 2 wings) KuK IR 14, Kiebek (1st, 2nd btns) Seufen Linieneschtz

    2 Kolone Staff Generalmajor Anton Liptay von Kisfalud Liptay Gebirgskanonen

    Luleckners Avantgarde Brigade, 2 Kolone Luleckner batallon, Grulai Freikorps (1st, 2nd, 3rd divisions) Luleckner Linieneschtz

    Wolfs Gros Brigade, 2 Kolone KuK IR 8, Huff (3rd btn only, 2 wings)

  • The Battle of Rivoli 16


    KuK IR 53, Jellacic (1st, 2nd btns) Wolf Linieneschtz

    3 Kolone Staff

    Generalmajor Samuel Kbls Koblos Gebirgskanonen Pionier Korps

    Peretichs Avantgarde Brigade, 3 Kolone Mahony Jgerkorps (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th kpie) Kombin 3rd Btns, Ude (IR 11, IR 16, IR 27) Peretich Linieneschtz

    Seeaus Gros Brigade, 3 Kolone KuK IR 42, Erbach (1st btn only) KuK IR 24, Preis (1st, 2nd btns) KuK IR 25, Brechainville (Komb btn) Seeau Linieneschtz

    4 Kolone Staff Generalmajor Joseph Oskay von Ocsk

    Schaffers Avantgarde Brigade, 4 Kolone KuK Husaren Rgt 11, Erddy (2 squadrons) KuK Stabsdragoner KuK Wanen Regiment Mszros

    Weidenfelds Gros Brigade, 4 Kolone Grenadier Batallon, Khevenhller Metsch KuK IR 4, Deutschmeister (3rd Btn only) KUk IR 45, Lattermann (2nd, 3rd Btns) Weidenfeld Linieneschtz

    5 Kolone Staff & Assetts

    Generalmajor, Heinrich XV, Frst Reuss-Plauen Pionier Korps

    St Juliens Avantgarde Brigade, 5 Kolone KuK IR 26, W.Schrder (3rd btn only) Schaffer Grenzerartillerie 5th Grenzerbtn, Carlstdt (2 wings) 7th Grenzerbtn, Carlstdt Siebenburger Schutzen (2 kpie)

    Schiaffinatis Gros Brigade, 5 Kolone KuK IR 36, Kinsky (3rd btn only) KuK IR 54, Caffenberg (1st btn only) 3rd Kombiniers, Siebenburger (2 wings) 2nd Kombiniers, Siebenburger Schiaffinati Grenzerartillerie Schiaffinati Linieneschtz

    6 Kolone Staff

    Generalmajor, Baron Joseph Philip Vukassevich Pontonier Corps Pontoon Bridge (both halves)

    Letzenys Avantgarde Brigade, 6 Kolone 3rd Grenzer Batallon, Crlstadt Komb, Kroatisch (1st, 2nd btns) Letzeny Grenzerartillerie

    Beusts Gros Brigade, 6 Kolone KuK IR 52, Erzfig A.Victor (Komb btn) KuK IR 39, Nadasdy (Komb btn) KuK Hussaren 17, Erherzog Josef Beust Linieneschtz

    Barbaczys Avantgarde Brigade, Reserve Kuk Hussaren 30, Wurmser (1st, 2nd squadrons) KuK Hussaren 17, Erherzog Josef (1st, 2nd squadrons)

    Zufegers Gros Brigade, Reserve Kuk IR 4, Deutschmeister (1st, 2nd btns) Kavallerie Battery Reserve Battery Position Battery

  • The Battle of Rivoli 17


    9.5 Boundary The whole map.

    9.6 Reinforcements Optional Massnas 2e Ligne

    9.7 Victory Either player may achive a tactical or strategic victory by accumulating a specific number of Victory Points, or reaching certain objectives. If no player wins, the game is a draw. Tactical Victory: Is achived as soon as one player scores 60 or more Victory Points and at least 50% more than his opponent. Strategic Victory: Is achived as soon as one player scores 60 or more Victory Points and at least twice his opponent. French Strategic Victory: As soon as 3 or more French Infantry increments are the last to occupy for 1 complete Game-Turn.

    Osteria Dogana Lubiara San Giovanni-Platano The Road Hex on Mount Trombalore

    Austrian Strategic Victory: As soon as the Austrian Player has 4 artilley (not Gebirgskanonen) and 4 cavalry within 8 hexes of the left (Southwest) map edge between hexlines 17 & 43.

    Victory Points For the Austrians For the French

    Enemy HQ in Morale 1 +4 +4 Enemy HQ in Morale 1 +8 +8 Enemy HQ in Morale 3 +12 +12 Each enemy Formation that exits Admin March or Reserve +2 +1 Each captured enemy infantry increment +1 +1 Each captured enemy cavalry increment +3 +2 Each captured enemy artillery increment +3 +2

    10.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY Jose Luis Arcon Dominguez, Battles of the Peninsular War 1808-1814 Rulebook, Simtac. Jose Luis Arcon Dominguez, The Battle of Rivoli RGLEMENTS DE L'AN XXX, Ed Wimble et al RGLEMENTS Marie Louise, Ed Wimble et al

  • The Battle of Rivoli Permission to Photocopy This Page


    FIRE EFFECTS CHART Line Column Square General Order Skirmish

    FRENCH 1/14e , 2/14e, 3/14e de bataille x4 8 x4 8 NP 1/18e, 1/33e, 1/39e, 1/58e, 1/75e, 1/85e de bataille x3 6 x3 6 NP 2/75e, 2/85e , 2/33e, 3/33e, 2/39e de Bataille x3 6 x3 6 NP 2/18e, 2/58e, 3/58e, 3/75e, 3/85e de Bataille x2 4 x2 4 NP Lgre Cie 14e, 1/32e de Bataille NP NP NP NP x4 Lgre Cie 18e, 33e, 39e, 75e, 85e, 1/58e, 2/58e, 2/32e & 3/32e de Bataille NP NP NP NP x3

    Lgre Cie 3/58e de Bataille NP NP NP NP x2 1/4e, 1/17e Lgre Rgt x4 8 x4 8 (x4) 1 1/29e Lgre Rgt x4 8 x4 6 (x3) 1 1/22e Lgre Rgt x3 6 x3 6 (x3) 1 2/4e, 2/17e Lgre Rgt x4 8 x4 8 NP Legere Cie, 4e, 17e Lgre Rgt NP N NP NP x4 2/22e, 3/22e, 2/29e Lgre Rgt x3 6 x3 6 NP 3/29e Lgre Rgt x2 4 x2 4 NP Lgre Cie 22e, 29e Lgre Rgt NP N NP NP x3 Grenadiers x4 8 x4 8 NP

    AUSTRIAN 1/IR4 x4 4 x4 8 NP 2/IR 4, 3/IR 4, 1/IR 14, 1/IR 24, 1/IR53, Grenadier Khevenhuller Metsch x3 3 x3 6 NP

    2/IR 14, 2/IR 24, 2/IR53 x2 2 x2 4 NP IR 8, IR 11, IR 16, IR 27, IR 36, IR 37, IR 39, IR 40, IR42, IR 45, IR 52, IR 54, Kroatisch, 1/5 Grenzer, 7 Grenzer, 3 Siebenburger, Ude

    x2 2 x2 4 NP

    3 Grenzer x2 2 x2 4 (x3) 1 2 Siebenburger x3 3 x3 6 (x3) 1 1st & 2nd Divisions Grulai Freikorps NP NP NP NP x4 3rd & 4th Divisions Grulai Freikorps, 2/5 Grenzer NP NP NP NP x3 Mahony Jgerkorps 2 NP NP NP NP x4 3 1 Kpie, Siebenburger Schutzen 2 NP NP NP NP x4 3 2 Kpie, Siebenburger Schutzen 2 NP NP NP NP x3 3 Stabsdragoner (dismounted) NP NP NP NP x2 Pontonier / Pionieren Corps x1 1 x1 2 NP [1] Substitute Counter [2] Rifle Armed [3] Rifle Armed, not halved at 2 hex range.


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    Austrian Artillery Units Max Range 1-2 3-5 6+ Linieneschtz 7 x3 5 3 2 Linieneschtz (4 Kolone) 7 x3 9 6 3 Gebirgskanonen 6 x2 3 2 1 Grenzaertillerie 7 x3 5 3 2 Kavallerie 8 x5 15 10 5 Reserve 8 x6 18 12 6 Position 10 x7 21 14 7 French Artillery Units Max Range 1-2 3-5 6+ Redoubt 8 x6 9 5 3 Fleche 7 x5 8 5 3 Rey Artillerie a'Pied 8 x6 18 12 6 Joubert Artillerie a'Pied (1re Ligne) 9 x6 18 12 6 Joubert Artillerie a'Cheval (2e Ligne) 7 x3 5 3 2 1re Massena Artillerie a'Cheval (1re Ligne) 7 x3 5 3 2 2e Massena Artillerie a'Cheval (1re Ligne) 7 x4 12 8 4 Massena Artillerie a'Pied (2e Ligne) 10 x7 11 7 4 Monnier Artillerie a'Pied (2e Ligne) 7 x3 5 3 2 1e Leclerc Artillerie a'Cheval 7 x3 5 3 2 2re Leclerc Artillerie a'Cheval 7 x4 6 4 2

    Cavalry Skirmish Table Value

    2/30 Hussaren, Wurmser (2) 4e Regt de Hussards (1) 22e Regt de Chasseurs (1) Guides de Bonaparte (1)

    Lance Bonus Table Valu

    e KuK Wanen Regiment Meszaros +2

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    Clear / Cultivated Grove Wood /

    Broken Ground Town

    Farmette 7 Fortification

    Infantry Column 6 7 - - - Line 9 10 - - - Square 63 7 - - - Skirmish Order 14 15 15 16 / (20) 6 25 General Order - - 8 8 / (20) 6 25 Disorder 6 7 12 8 25 PGD 12 13 16 14 25 Cavalry Column 8 9 - - - Line 12 13 - - - Skirmish Order4 14 15 15 16 - General Order - - 8 6 - PGD 14 15 16 14 - Artillery1,2 Limbered 6 7 8 6 - Unlimbered 9 10 12 9 - w/Infantry5 6 7 8 6 - 1. Artillery in Disorder is either unlimbered or limbered for the purposes of this table. 2. When Artillery is stacked with infantry use the fire defense of Artillery w/Infantry row of the table above. 3. Reduced to 4 if more than 9 increments 4. Cavalry Skirmish Order only applies to players using the Rglements de lAn XXX. 5. Use whenever infantry and artillery stacked together are the target of a Fire Attack. 6. Garrisons 7. Only if less than 4 increments


    Infantry Cavalry Artillery 8 Personalities Skirmishers Cavalry


    Clear 1 1 2 1 1 Broken Ground 3 Impassable Impassable 2 Impassable Fortifications 2 Impassable Impassable 2 Impassable Town 3 5 2 4 Farmette 3 5 3 2 4 Cultivated 1 2 3 1 2 Fences +1 +2 +2 +1 +2 Thick Hedges Impassable Impassable Impassable All Impassable Woods 3 4 Impassable 1 4 Grove 2 3 3 1 3 Steep Slope All 4 Impassable Impassable All Impasssable Road 1, 2 1 (7) Track 1, 2 1 (7) Trail 1, 2 (7) Stream +3 6 All Impassable +3 All River Adige Impassable 3 Impassable 3 Impassable 3 Impassable 3 Impassable Fords 1, 2 +1 +1 +1 (7) (7) Slope Up (starting on 0-2) +1 +2 +2 +1 +2 Slope Down (starting on 1-3) +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 Slope Up (starting on 3-6) +2 +3 +3 +2 +3 Slope Down (starting on 4-7) +2 +2 +4 +2 +2 1. Infantry / cavalry must be in road column 2. Roads / Trails negate the movement cost of the terrain they cross provided the hexes are connected by a road and the units are in Road

    Column (except for fords). 3. Units in March Column or routing may cross the Adige, via the Austrian Pontoon Bridge after its deployment. 2MPs per hex 4. May not enter or exit Broken Ground 5. Applies only to the Rglements de lAn XXX. 6. Infantry in line, all MPs 7. As other terrain in the hex. 8. Including the Pontoiers (and their pontoon train)

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    SQUARE FORMATION TABLE All Units Form Square No Effect Disorder Rout 4 Hexes 11-61 62-64 65 66 3 Hexes 11-46 51-56 61-63 64-66 2 Hexes 11-23 24-36 41-56 55-66 Adjacent 11-15 16-30 31-36 41-66 Printed Morale < 16 -6 Printed Morale 16-32 -3 Printed Morale >50 +3 Casulaties > 50% +6 Each morale level above 0 Each +3 Unit in column -3 French -3 Personality with unit -3 Charged by light cavalry +3 Charged by Uhlans +6


    INFANTRY Any 1 regiment,

    18 Column, Line, Square 3 Skirmish1,2

    Any 1 battalion or:

    12 General Order 3 Skirmish1,2

    Any 1 battalion or: 8 General Order

    3 Skirmish1,2 4 General Order 3

    4 Skirmish1,2 5 General Order 5

    5 Skirmish 5

    CAVALRY Any 1 regiment or 18 Column, Line

    3 Skirmish1,2

    Any 1 regiment or

    12 General Order

    Any 1 regiment or 8 General Order NA NA

    ARTILLERY 3 Limbered / Unlimbered

    1/6 Combined

    2 Limbered / Unlimbered

    1/6 Combined

    1 Limbered / Unlimbered

    1/6 Combined NA NA

    1. For infantry battalions in Skirmish Order in two hexes with more than 6 increments, the extra increments (greater than 3/hex) are ignored. Cavalry units in Skirmish Order, regardless of increments, are always deployed in two hexes. References to units in two hexes apply only to the Rglements de lAn XXX. In the Rglements des Maries Louise units are always deployed in one hex regardless of size.

    2. Units in Skirmish Order may move through other units or have other units move through them, but they may never remain stacked with other units.

    3. If there are more than 4 increments the hex is considered a Clear hex. 4. 1 Artillery increment is considered to be 6 infantry increments. 5. Including the intrinsic garrison


    Formation Btns Morale Level Formation Btns Morale Level 1 2 3 1 2 3

    1st Kolone (Lusigan) 6 1 2 3 4 Division (Rey) 4 1 2 3 2nd Kolone (Liptay) 5 1 1 2 3 Division (Joubert) 15 3 6 9 3rd Kolone (Koblos) 9 1 2 4 6 Division (Massena) 15 3 6 9 4th Kolone (Oskay) 4 1 2 3 5th Kolone (Reuss) 11 3 5 7 6th Kolone (Vukassevich) 6 2 3 4 Reserve (Quosdanovich) 2 1 1 2

    MORALE CHECK MODIFIERS Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

    French French -6 -20 -40

    Austrian Austrian -12 -25 -50 1/ The combined companies of the Gulai Freikorps, Mahony Jgerkorps and the Siebenburger Schutzen each count as battalions for calculation of morale effects..

    DEPOT LOCATIONS French: The Mantua Road (hex 8/8), and hex 3/3 (and hex 1/36 in Scenario 3) Austrians: The Dolce Road (hex 9/78) and Trento Road (hex 2/75), and the La Corona Road (hex 34/91)

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    CAVALRY RECALL TABLE Type Success Heavy 1-3 Other 1-2

    CONDITION MODIFIER French Cavalry -2 Austrian Cavalry -1 If stacked with a leader with a cavalry Mle Bonus -1

    ARTILLERY LIMBERING TABLE French Limbers Foot 1-3 Horse 1-5 Austrian Limbers Gebirgskanonen 1-4 Linieneschtz / Grenzerartillerie 1-3 Position / Reserve 1-2 Kavallerie 1-3

    CONDITION MODIFIER Stacked with Bonaparte, Massena, Vukassevich -2


    CONDITION MODIFIER If the assaulting stack is assaulting across a Rivulet or Brook (E.4.2.2) -10

    Assulting across a fence -10 Assulting up a slope (on Level 0-2) +10 Assulting up a slope (on Level 3+) +20 Assulting a Fleche from its front +20


    CONDITION MODIFIER If defending in a town (E4.6.4) +20 If defending in a wood /grove (E4.5.1) +10 If defending a fenceline (E4.8.1) +10 Assulted up a slope (on Level 1-3) +10 Assulted up a slope (on Level 4+) +20 If defending a Fleche / Redoubt +20


    HEXES Army Leader to Division / Brigade Leader 15

    Each CoS or Staff Officer +10 Division / Brigade Leader to Units 81

    Local Command Zone to Units 8 1. Light Cavalry Leaders use their Cavalry Mle rating as their Command Span when they are forming an MU as a result of a successful initiative check.


    TERRAIN TYPE DEFENSE FACTOR Clear 2 Culivated / Grove 3 Town / Farmette / Woods 4 Modifiers to Basic Defense Factor: Cavalry Skirmishers +1 Retreating Before Combat +2 Cavalry or Horse Artillery PGD +1

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    CP = Generates a Command Point = Army Asset = Div Asset 1 = Leader not Replaceable

    LArmee dItalie Bonaparte CP var 1

    CoS: Berthier 1 ADC: Junot 1 Guides Fleche Redoubt

    Division Rey (Rey) 1

    Rey AaP 3 x 58e Ligne 1 x Grenadiers

    Division Joubert I (Joubert) 1

    Joubert AaP 3 x 14e Ligne 1 x Grenadier 2 x 17e Legere 2 x 4e Legere

    Division Joubert II (Joubert) 1

    Joubert AaC 3 x 22e Legere 3 x 33e Ligne 2 x 39e Ligne

    Division Massena I (Massena) 1

    Massena AaC Massena AaC 3 x 85e Ligne 3 x 29e Legere 3 x 32e Ligne

    Division Massena I (Massena) 1

    Massena AaP 3 x 75e Legere 1 x Grenadier 2 x 18e Legere Monnier AaP

    Cavalerie Division (Leclerc)

    Leclerc AaC Leclerc AaC 1e Cavalerie 5e Cavalerie 8e Dragons 4e Hussards

    (Lasalle) 22e Chasseurs a Cheval

    Ost Hauptarmee Alvinczy CP var 1

    CoS: Weyrother 1 ADC: Hajec 1 Staff: Seckendorf 1 Staff: Quosdanovich 1

    1 Kolone (Lusigan) 1

    1 x Grulai (4 div) 1 x IR 45 Linieneschtz 1 x IR 40 (2 div) 2 x IR 14 Linieneschtz

    2 Kolone (Liptay) 1

    Gebirgskanonen 1 x Grulai (3 div) 1 x IR 37 (2 div) Linieneschtz 1 x IR 8 (2 div) 2 x IR 53 Linieneschtz

    3 Kolone (Koblos) 1

    Gebirgskanonen 1 x Pionier 1 x Mahony (6 kpie) 3 x IR (11/16/27) Linieneschtz 1 x IR 42 2 x IR 24 1 x IR 25 Linieneschtz

    4 Kolone (Oskay) 1

    Hussaren 11 (2 esc) Stabsdragoner Wanen Uhlan 1 x Grenadier 1 x IR 4 2 x IR 45 Linieneschtz

    5 Kolone (Reuss) 1

    1 x Pionier 1 x IR 36 1 x Grenzer 5 (2 div) 1 x Grenzer 7 2 x Siebenburger (kpie) 1 x IR 36 1 x IR 54 1 x 3 Siebenbgr (2 div) 1 x 2 Siebenburger Grenzartillerie Linieneschtz

    6 Kolone (Vukassevich) 1

    1 x Pontonier 2 x Pontoon 1 x Grenzer 3 2 x Kroatisch Grenzartillerie 1 x IR 52 1 x IR 39 Husaren 17 Linieneschtz


    Husaren 30 (2 esc) Husaren 17 (2 esc) 2 x IR 4 Kavallerie Bty Reserve Bty Position Bty