
Ill mm i m • M ffiR l lP^t



BcinjtLUiiu Uiiluili Is epeodlug hlB two weeks ' vacation visiting frkinde In New York.

Clarence Eekert. has returned home after spending bis vacation (n Connect I cut..

T h e Misses Blanch© and Florence Meslck of Blootuvllle a r e visiting a t Charles A. Snyder's.

Miss Lieona George 1B visiting friends a t Oneonta.

Mre. Charles Bolton 18 vlsltiog It lends ou t of town.

John Graney ol Albany was here on business Wednesday.

O. P. Peck ol Oneonta was a caller he re this week.

Eldrldge Kelly Is In t he Adlrondaoks on a hunt ing expedition.

PLEASANT VALLEV. Dumond P a c e null I'IIIIJ-.T,, Wiiiiiiiu

Place, of Walton who were ta l lm! bore by the dea th of Mrs. Maria FHUIUUCM^ will visit Monde a t H.alootti111<' the first of the week.

Mr. and Mre. A. W. 'rimtopsou vied ted friends on t h e Beaverkill l as t wank.

Mrs. A. W. DeSllva has been under the care of a. physician.

UNION GROVE. H . J . Neldlg, who has been employed a t

Arkvllle t he past, summer, has finished his labois and returned home for the winter.

The board of registration met Satur­day In 0 . F . Tompkins' new ball.

Grover Dumond, who has been work­ing a t Flelschmann, has returned home.

Mrs. Charles Peck and Mia. Lela Win­nie, who hove been vlBltlng irlends a t this plaee and Colchester, returned to their homo a t Shaudaken on Monday.

S. II. Mason called on his father a t th is place on Sunday.

B . It. Hanmer has purchased a tine pair of hoises of P. H u n t of Bovlna.

Mrs, Nett le Hunt Is visiting friends In Ulster County.

A. Tinkle and V. Boyes of Shavertown were visitors In this place Saturday.

Ales Fenton has rented the Will Hyzer farm near Andes lor two years and will t ake possession December, 5.

Ed. Dawson and N. Neldlg, who are working a t Hobart, spent Sunday with the i r families In UIIB place.

Richard Brower spent Friday and Saturday wlLh friends in Barkaboom.

Mts'j Mabel Shafor and Miss Nellie Miner of Arena were gues ts of Miss F ranks on Sunday.

E. Shaver and wife of Mountain Lake were visitors In this place Tuesday.

Will Kllouost and lady of Flelsch-mere In town Tuesday.


Mrs. Fidelia Beagle, a s is ter of G. h. jTompklns of Hamden Is calling on her rlends and relatives here, the first In 21

years .

Dumond Place of Hamden called on old acquaintances here the first of the week. Dumond drives a floe tu rnou t .

Mr, and Mrs, John Morse of Vega were callers a t W. G. Kelly's t h e first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs, John W. Davis and their daughter Blua, wero visiting a t Samuel Jenkins last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. VanTassel were In town calling on ftlends the first of the week.

George L, Tompkins' rheumatism Is a little better a t present writing,


Mrs. Jo rv l s Fairbaira is on t h e sick list.

Chandler Hinckley was a bus iness on.ll-er a t Lewbaach Tuesday and Wednesday.

Welsey Alton was a business caller a t George Walker ' s Monday.

Miss Clara Wood of North Branch Is spending t h e week with relatives in th is place.

The lumber for the new rai lroad t res t le Is nearly hauled.

Lavelle T a t t spent. Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Tal t .

Charles Yager hauled a load of lumber to Beaverkill Fr iday .

Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Bosooe are visiting relatives In this place a t the present writing.

ARiiNA. Mrs. J . Maxwell Is on the sick list. Invi ta t ions a re out for the I . O. O. F.

ball to be held October 27.

Mrs. H. Tompkins , Mrs. W. 8. Dickson and Mrs. 8, K. Eugg visited Sbavertown on Sunday.

Miss Lena Burr of Walton Is the gues t of Arena friends.

Mr. and Mrs . J . B. Wliltsou and sou Donald, visited friends at Andes Saturday and Sunday of last week.

Charles Hlfllker is moving from the Myer's farm to Jacksouburg.

J, R. Tompkins of Brooklyn is visiting his mother , Mrs . It. Tompkins.

Miss Belle Bryan t of Union Grove was In town on Monday,

A. J. Myers of Margaretvil le Is moving back on his farm,

Miss Nora Buttle 13 spending a week with her brother , A. G. Buttle.

t;,Ji'j'][ o r Nir.w Youit. iS'iU'KKMB COIUIT, County of Delaware.

GeorgeBouton, Plaintiff, vs . Saran Roe, Amanda MeBwcu, Sarah Tompkins, Elsie Iff»tclilrlBS, K'IWHNI Tod ' i , flnorpl&Todd, bib wife, (JUuUou Du.vib, "Mnry" Davis, Ills' v.iff, (Sjiild name "Ma.r>" being ficti­tious real name of said defendant being unknown to plaintiff, Hi ram Davis, " J ane" Davis, his wife, said name " Jane" being fictitious real n a m e of said defend­an t b i iog unknown to plaintiff; Jennie Bu.llantinp, Omar Ganung, J ossle Gaming, Fred Ganung, Edward Ganung, Eunice Ganung, Lucy Davis, George Bouton as Adm,, etc., of George Bouton, deoeased; James Schrlber, E l i z i Bouton, wife of George Bouton. Defendants .

To the above named defendants : You a re hereby summoned to answer

tbe oomplalntin th is act ion and to serve a copy of your answer on t h e plaintiffs attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons , exclusive of the day of service, and In ease of your failure to appear or answer, ]udgment will be taken against you by default for the re­lief demanded In the complaint.

Trial to be held in t h e County of Dela­ware.

Dated this 28 day of August 1905. BOUTON & IVEB, Plaintiff's at torneys,

Office and post office address, Roxbury, N . Y.

To Garrison Davis, "Mary" Davis, Hiram Davis, " J a n e " D a v i s : The fore­going summons Is served upon you by publication, pursuan t to an order of t he Hon. Johu P. Grant , n Jus t ice of the the County Court of t he S ta te of New York, dated t he 18th day of October, 19U5, and filed with t h e complaint In t b e office of the Clerk of t h e County of Del­aware, In the village of Delhi, Delaware County, In said Sta te .

The object of th is action is to make partition according to t he respective rights ot the part ies, and, If It appears tha t partition cannot be made without. great, prejudice to t he owners , then for a sale of the following described property. AH that piece or parcel of land si tuate In the town of Roxbury, County of Dela­ware and Sta te of New York, known and distinguished as Lo t No. 30 of t he first division of Great Lot No. 19 of the I la idenburgh Patent , containing 131 1-2 acres of land which safd premises were ou the 21 day of October, 1795, convoyed by John H, Mler to David Austin.

Dated October 18, 1905. BOUTON & IVES,

Plaintiff's Attorneys.



Try a CAN of this famous BAOON and be convinced tuat it is the best.

Mrs. I. Lockwood, Margaretville, N. Y,

o7 (lie 0(

TICK TO ORICUITOKH.—Pursuant loan Order of JOHN 1'. UHANT, SuM'Ogatu

County of Delaware, ami imounlliigto the Statute for such OH,SO made mid provided, nol-ieo it) hereby civen to all persons having «Uwms against William Btraagbway, late of the town of Mlddlelowii, in said (lountv, deeeased, thiil they are required to exhibit the same, wit h t he vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, the execu­tors of the said deceased, at the residenee.of Mary Strangeway, ill the village of New Kings. tori, N. y., ou or before the day of Jaimai'v next.

Dated June 27, lf)05. MA BY 8THANOHWAY,


These a r e the days on which

S. W. ETTS, the G R I F F I N CORNERS Butcher visits Margaretville.

Pr ime Beef, Pork, Lamb, Etc. Choice Western Beef.

If you w'sti h im to call send postal card to him at Griffin Oornei'B. . .


5 0 0 0 Telegraphers


Mr, and Mre. Samuel Moore visited their daughter , Mrs. Eugene Wleithrim Sunday.

W. J . Bauford of Walton called on his friends In this place the first of the week.

Louisa O'Brien Is working for Mrs, It, E. Haddow.

Grant DeSllva Is helping his brother Ransom on his farm.

The boys' a r e getting ready for the raffle a t N . Pa l rba l rn ' sThursday night .

You may be j u s t a s skeptical and pessimistic as you please, Kodol will di­gest what you eat whether you ea to r not. you can pu t your food In a bowl, pour a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure on It and i t will digest It t h e same as I t will In your stomach, I t can ' t help but cure Indiges­tion and Dyspepsia. I t is curing hund­reds and thousands—some had faith and some didn't. Sold by 12. L. O'Connor, Margaretville and C. W. Jenkins , Denver.

The Canlleld farm In the edge of Mar-giu'otvllle Is for sale ohcap. I t con­tains 150 acres. Apply to Margaretville Reality Company.


Sands Bcudder finished up the thresh­ing in this section on Monday,

Marion Kelly who Is attending the Sta te Normal School a t Oneonta Is at his parents homo 111.

B. S, Cartwrlght Is having his barn newly painted. Leland Craft Is doing the work and this Insures Its being well done.

Applications has been made for a change of sohedule on the mall route bo-tween Vega and Kolly Corners.

Mrs. Melissa Lasher and Mrs. Ohloo Lyon of Bloomvlllo visited their mother, Mis. Chloe Sherwood part of the weok.

Those farmers who have boen digging potatoes Hud them rotting badly. As a much smaller acreage was planted than last year, the tubers a re likely to be scarce next spring.

Servloos In the M, E. church wero con­ducted by Presiding Elder Wilson last Sunday and In the Baptist church by Elder J . B. Blausoii,

Gold Watch Lost. Mrs, 0. H. Taylor offers a liberal re­

ward for tho return of a gold watch lost Tuesday between Margaretville and Stam­ford. In back of watch was ongravod Alice Fisher 1901,

Farmers ' Exchange. •JJIOB HA 1,10-J- rol.», el.d. vIllu.N. y,

\ , ! ! l l 0J"l of onions, boots, oar-KBAfllt HOOKN1IKICK, Al'k-

DRY BROOK. Mr. and Mrs. Will Todd were the guests

of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey George Sunday.

Mrs. George Stewart and Mrs. Nelson Graham were business cullers a t Mar­garetville Saturday.

Mrs. It. H. George spont several days last week with friends at Grlfllu Corners,

Miss Roxlo Haynos was a m o n g busi­ness callers a t Margaretville Sa turday .

Supervisor S. D. Todd is In Kingston on business th i s week.

Mr. and Mrs. II . B. Graham were tho guests of Mr. and Mis. Harvey George Sunday.

Mrs. H. W. Todd who h a s been seri­ously HI Is slowly rocovorlng,

Mr. and Mrs. John Crook enter ta ined guests from Orange County Several days l a i t week,

Mr. and Mrs. J . E. H a y n o s went lo Kingston o n Monday,

Mr. and Mrs . W1.U Fair bairn spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs, James Ful rba l ru a t Margaretvil le.

Marool Graudln who has boon spend­ing severrl clays of late In New York re­turned h o m e Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whipple visited a t the homo of J . E. Haynus Sunday last .

Miss Mabel Hnynes 1B visi t ing Mrs. Eliza Haynos nowadays.

W. S. Haynos has boou suffering with nouralgla of late,

D. L, Todd spent Tuesday night wlUi his paronts here In this plaoe.

Mrs. William Todd was a gues t of Mrs. W. S. Haynos one day recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Burr George m a d e a busi­ness t r ip to Margarotvlllo TueBluy.

D. L. Todd of Arkvlllo and ln.dy friend of Griffin Corners wore at, Fur lough Lodge Sunday taking In tho nights .

Mr. and Mrs. Judson Haynos made a t r ip to Margaretville one day

I l l s impossible to have a cleat' head, an active, brain, a vigorous constitution or a strong body when tho digestion Is weak or when the s tomach is ou t of order. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will pu t the stom­ach and digestive organs lo good condi­tion and itnprov t he genera l condition, Sold by E. L. O'Connor, Margaretville, aetl 0, W. Jenkins, ,Denver.

NEEDED Annually, to Hll tbe new positions cre­a t ed by Railroad and Telegraphic Com­panies. We want Y o u n g M e n and L a d i e s o f B°°d habits, to

Learn Telegraphy a n d R . R . A c c o u n t i n g . m m We furnish 75 per cent, of t he Operators

and Station Agents In America. Our nix schools a re the largest, exclusive Tele­g raph Schools in t h e World. Established 30 years and endorsed by all leading Railway Officials.

Wo execute a $250 Bond to every stu­den t t o furnish him or her a position paying from $40 t e $60 a month In S t a t e s eas t of the Rooky Mountains, or from $75 to $100 per month In States west of t ho Rockies, immediately upon gradua­t ion.

S tudents oan enter a t any t ime. , No vacations. For full part iculars regard­ing any of our Schools writ o direct to ou r executive office a t Cincinnati, O. Cata­logue free,

THE MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N . Y. Atlanta, Ga. LaOrosse, Wis. Texarkana , Tex. San Francisco, Oal.


Save Money-Save Trouble

| |HJi] VERY dollar spent by the dairyman in U 9 l :in e^ort t o combine the various feeds

into an effective ration it money doubtfully expended. The experimentation wi th Sucrene Dairy Feed was done years ago. Today it's a proved productive ration, highly palatable, richly nutritious and ready for immediate use. It'6 reasonable in price, too. Then consider the trouble saved — but ask us. and at the same time secure the free book " T h e Mystery of Milk."


mg AND


Margaretville, N, Y. E, M. HILL



Mkldlntown, Hardenburgh and Shandaken

B O U T O N & I V E S ,

A t t o r n e y s - a t - L a w ,

R o x b u r y , N . Y .

W r i t e t o

School of B u s i n e s s a n d a s k h o w i t i s a l l t h e i r g r a d u a t e s s e c u r e g o o d p a y ­i n g p o s i t i o n s I m m e d i a t e l y . R a t e s a r e m o d e r a t e . B l n g h a m t o n . N . Y.


R E S I D E N T D E N T I S T ,


WILL M D N G L E , J i i . ,


A . C. F E N T O N ,

L a w y e r ,

M a r g a r e t v i l l e , N . Y Ofllco In Myers building.

Business School, KINCISTON, N. Y.,

Holiool for younu mou and women, li'iiniliiij, OoiimuH

„ .lo-writiiiK,, Tolography, linnkkdnninif, Dunking anil fSng

An Idiiiil Tlioi'iingli Individual' training. HtiMiogniplij', Touuli-t.ypo-wrlt.ln rt'iMuaiiHlili), Ilsli.

HltidoillS may bitter liny wonk (lay, Now 1H tin) Lluio to I'Mlor. I'OHM.IOIIH obtnlliod for grad­ual vs. Uiiii or write for iiui.uiogno.

. IOIIN .1. M O H A N , i l'liaclnalH, UllAHUSH li. KKLI,Y, I Kingston, N.Y.

W O l l - S A M - avotlioohOBSwlHdi'puafrom •*• V ,0 lo.'KIII IMIIIIldH, Will 1(111 f l i i iM a n y Mnn y o i l want, llioi.i, \V. T. FA. II,KNlilt, W ( a r e t -vlllu,

|,iOH HA I,It—A llOl'HO, "Old Tnin,'1 will weigh A loss I.haii ir,(iiipiiiiii(|H.\vantiii(,(inel,line. Mill ft Int. loss t.hati SUiO will Iniv lilin. (loot worker slltgjo OT tljitililu and l.reke l.otread power. W. T. KAUI.If N Kit, Mai'itatol.vllle.

business last week.

Mrs, George Owens of Bouvtuklll was eoen naeelug th rough this pllvde enrouta for Margarotvll lo one day-last week,

Mrs. O. A. Todd visited hot' mol.lior, Mrs, J a m e s Falrbalrn a t Mui'Karotvlllo Saturday.

A now Idea In a aough Syrup la advan­ced In Kounody'e Laxat ive Honey and Tar. Besides oonlulnlng Pine Tar , Honey and other vuluubla romodieB, It i s roudorocl Ltixatlvo,. so t h a t Its use lit-Huron a prompt and otllolent evaautlon of the bowels. I t r o lnxoa t h e nervous syiitotn, and wires all (toughs, nolda oroup, oto A red olovor bloneomand the honey ben Is on every bot t le ot tho Original Laxative Cough Syrup.—Kennody'BLoxn-tlvo lloney and Tar . Sold by E. L,O'Con­nor, M iit'garotvlllo, and O, W. Jenkins, Denver.

IfiOll. HA1, In neuiid prints, some ot •*• IM.V own mate, f you ean'f, rut, tl, lirlnir It, UftOlC, *W, T. KAIII,id Kit, Margariil'vili!.. h

WOll SAfjH-A Hootl Hheplierd dug onn year A old. HxeepMoinilly well lirolttiii for l.lte

/i, .It. WILUAMH, Haleoltvllle,

Every man owes It to hlirtBolf and fam­ily to mas ter a ti ado or profession. Hoad the display advurtlsomont of tho six MorBO Huhooleof Telegraphy In title IOBUO and learn how oaally a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and be aa-MIII'OII u poslllou. |iml.||,f

Mr. irranoliioo Rnulgnn. John Wranolnoo, for many yenrs aaalst

an t roud muster on tho U. A D, It, R,, IHIB realgnotl his position and will shortly move rrom Wost Hurley to Gardnor, Mass,

To draw tho flro out of burns, hoal a out wi thout leaving a Boar, or to cure bolls, soroa, tottor, ooisotnn, and allnkitt ntld nnitlp dbinliiiwi, usn IlnWII fit Witch >liii'.el Hn I vo. A iipnnllle for plleii. Gel t he goiiulnt). Sold by 1 . L . O'Connor,

t MargarotvlllO) and €, w. ilenklim, DonTer.

..ThjD.jNowfl one youi* i 'pj^l.OO,

Polling PIUCOB For 1903. , Not leote hereby glveu'tliaf on tltelltflt

Tuesday In September H'Ofi, tho Town Board of t h o Town of Mlddlolown, Dela­ware Oounty, N. Y., met nl, tho Town Olerk'e ollloe and pusiiaut to law deulftnat,. etl tho following, as pluoon for registry and voting for tho next election and blnn nlal t o w n 'mooting, vln 1 Elnol.lnn Dis­trict No, 1, Crosby Hall, Grlllltt Corners) Elootlon DlBttiot No. 'A, Olympic Hall, Margaretvi l le ; Election Dlel.rlot No. H, Poet 's Hall , Kolly Content! Elool.ltiit Die I r lo tNo. 4, E. H . DIoltBoii's Hall , Artwui.. And tha t tho board of roglatry for each Eleotlou Dlfllrlot will meet a t tho above places on Sa tu rday Ootoboi' Itlfh, I) a, m, 1,0 0 p, m,, and on Saturday October Ultli I) a. in. to |) p. in.

Dated Margaretvi l le , QuUihqr U I, IIHlft 05tU T, WxN'i'Joit, Town Olnrlf.

May Huccmitl Speaker Nixon, Aiiiiciiililymaii J ames 1', Ilnget'ti o(

Il lnghamtou, Is looked upon asapoBelbln successor of 8. Frod Nixon as BpOftlc'et" of tho house.

No Library for Hobart. Tho plan to establish a Taba rd Inn

library for tlulnu i, hau boon abandoned HO It hau boon found Impossible foeietutro tho renulejtu mimber of HHIIICS,

Aliant'ltuietl Hor Baby.

An iiukuowu woman las t weok loft he r baby with a Deposit storokooper 's family with the following n o t e :

"Mr, and Mrs. Sattorloy : "Won't you lalto and roar our mother-

lean babe its your-vory own 1 You have 110 children of your 'own and a r e abund­antly able to roar and educate hor ; and If alio grows to bo as swoob und womanly as her mother, you will fool your oaro well paid. Her name In Dorothy, and elm WHO born J u n e an, 1000.

" I enclose necessary food prepare 1. On the bpttlO of uui'epared food you will see dlrootluni! (from throe to six months), (follow thorn closely, Den . t food her oftoner than mentioned for oho would got 111 from over footling,

"If pufc by herself In the dark she will sloop from bed 1.1 mo until five or six In the morning, On no aouount food her more than once between nine or ton In the evening and six In tho morning, She will thr ive bet tor If not handled too nuieh,"

The Original Luxat lvo (lough Syrup la Kennedy's Luxaflvo Honey iind Tar, I t rxpolfi all eniii from the sys tem by noting an a natliartle on tho bowels. I t relieves the feverish contllfloiis of t h e lliront, drawn ou t the till iiiiiiialliin, iiurmi the cough and efiwigfhoiis the ruuaous mom.. lirii.noM uf tint lunge and branchial tiilteo. Uiiiiiinily'ii liiixaflvo Honey and Tut' Is nv certain, cafe, prompt and harmloBS cure for (inii In, croup anil whooping tumuli. Hold by E. L. O'Connor, Mitr«ftrctvjlln, tuulO. Wi JonlilHerDt'DVori

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STOVES and RANG These oool evenings remind us that Autumn is near and soon wo will need to start a lire in tho parlor stove. Wo havo a new and very large assortment of


Ranges and Heating Stoves. Our assortment of Eangos, Oak, Wood Parlor and Bhoot Iron Stovos Js especially largo. We Sell, on installineviU, deliver at your homo, Bet thorn tip, and guaranl:oo entire satlsi'aotiou.


We have a big line of them, both the regu­lar Sweaters and the coat Sweaters. They range in price from

50 cents to $5.00.

A complete line of flannell SHIRTS in gray, blue and white.

Our shoe shelves are filled with a complete list of sizes of the famous


Men's Woolen Underwear, , a Very Large Stoek.

The above are but a few of the good things. < wooanoflbr. Oome in an see.

M S P T I O M 1 M H A N D I S E O F E V E R Y

OSBORW & BU88Y, AGENTS for the International Tailoring; UompiWy, , .
