  • SAR Measurements with cSAR3D

    APPLICATION NOTESystem Check or Veri�cation

  • 1. INTRODUCTION Application Note

    1 Introduction

    These instructions describe the system veri�cation (i.e., system check) procedure for cSAR3D. This procedure

    conforms to IEC draft 62209-3 and IEC PAS 63151. System veri�cation provides a fast and reliable method to verify

    that the SAR system is operational with no system component failure, drifts or deviation from target performance

    requirements. A system veri�cation also veri�es the measurement repeatability of the SAR measurement system

    against calibrated system check antenna(s) before compliance testing.

    2 Objective

    System veri�cation should be performed on a regular basis, especially:

    upon receiving a new or recalibrated cSAR3D,

    after the cSAR3D has been moved to a new location,

    prior to starting a set of DUT measurements in conformance with IEC draft 62209-3 or IEC PAS 63151 and

    within seven days of any measurement of the DUT,

    The system veri�cation protocol is described in the cSAR3D System Handbook and conforms to IEC draft

    62209-3 and IEC PAS 63151. The measured SAR values are compared against numerical targets. They are

    also compared against measured reference values available in the cSAR3D calibration certi�cate. To make the

    comparison easier, an Excel �le is attached at the end of this Application Note. The system veri�cation is

    successful if:

    the measured values are within two standard deviations of the system standard uncertainty us of the absolute

    (numerical) targets, and

    the measured values are repeatable within �10% of the measured reference values from the cSAR3D cali-

    bration certi�cate.

    3 Equipment Required

    The system veri�cation test requires the use of cSAR3D devices, cSAR3D Veri�cation Dipoles (and their acces-

    sories) and an accurate power reference. Use each of the cSAR3D devices (Flat, Head, Quad) that you own.

    3.1 cSAR3D Veri�cation Dipoles

    cSAR3D Veri�cation Dipoles from SPEAG should have a valid calibration, including a calibration certi�cate. The

    dipole antennas are standardized dipole antennas whose electrical and mechanical speci�cations are described in

    IEC PAS 63151, which are identical to the dipoles described in IEC draft 62209-3, IEEE 1528-2013, and IEC

    62209-1 2016 (see Figure 1.1). The separation distances of the dipole antennas to the �at phantom (s = 15 mm

    for f < 1 GHz, and s = 10 mm for f > 1 GHz) are also as de�ned in these standards.

    The measured reference values in the cSAR3D calibration certi�cate will be used for the comparison. The Set

    of cSAR3D Veri�cation Dipoles and the Set of Veri�cation Accessories include the following components. Dipoles

    are also available at other frequencies.

    Set of cSAR3D Veri�cation Dipoles:

    1 D835V2 - cSAR3D Veri�cation Dipole, including calibration certi�cate

    1 D1950V3 - cSAR3D Veri�cation Dipole, including calibration certi�cate

    1 D2450V2 - cSAR3D Veri�cation Dipole, including calibration certi�cate

    1 D5GHzV2 - cSAR3D Veri�cation Dipole, including calibration certi�cate

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 i

  • 3. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Application Note

    Figure 1.1: Mechanical details of the standard dipole. L = length of the dipole, d1 = diameter of the dipole, d2 =

    Diameter of the coaxial cable at the balun, h = length of the balun choke section.

    1 cSAR3D Veri�cation Dipole Spacer, 15 mm (for frequencies below 1 GHz)

    3 cSAR3D Veri�cation Dipole Spacers, 10 mm (for frequencies above 1 GHz)

    Set of Veri�cation Accessories:

    1 VMLV1 - Veri�cation Mask for cSAR3D Left Head V1

    1 VMRV1 - Veri�cation Mask for cSAR3D Right Head V1

    1 VAHV1 - Veri�cation Antenna Holder for cSAR3D Heads V1

    1 VDSV1 - Veri�cation Dipole Stand for cSAR3D Flat/Quad V1

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 ii

  • 3. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Application Note

    Figure 1.2: cSAR3D Veri�cation Kit.

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 iii

  • 3. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Application Note

    Figure 1.3: VAHV1 - Veri�cation Antenna Holder for cSAR3D Heads V1.

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 iv

  • 3. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Application Note

    3.2 Power Source

    The tests require an accurate power source. The POWERSOURCE1 from SPEAG is suitable for this test. If

    POWERSOURCE1 is used, follow the procedure in Application Note �POWERSOURCE1� for the setup (see also

    Figure 1.4).

    POWERSOURCE1 kit contains:

    1 POWERSOURCE1 V1 - Broadband USB-fed source V1

    1 USB Cable

    1 Power Bank Battery Module including cable (optional)

    Figure 1.4: Equipment setup for system check and system validation using POWERSOURCE1. The ampli�er,

    �lter and directional coupler are not required when using the POWERSOURCE1. If traceability is required for

    submission and the unit is not ISO/IEC 17025 calibrated, measure the output power before and after the SAR

    measurement using a calibrated power meter in order to achieve the required traceability.

    If POWERSOURCE1 is not available, Figure 1.5 shows the recommended setup. This setup consists of a generator,

    a bi-directional coupler, attenuators and power meters. The setup is also described in international SAR measure-

    ment standards such as IEEE 1528, IEC 62209-1, IEC 62209-2, IEC draft 62209-3, IEC PAS 63151 and various

    national SAR measurement regulations. The requirements for this setup are described in the section �Veri�cation

    Setup� in the cSAR3D System Handbook.

    Figure 1.5: Equipment setup for system check and system validation according to IEC 62209-1 and other standards.

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 v


    4 Veri�cation Source Locations

    For the �at phantom, the nominal location of the source is the center of the phantom (point A0). However, results

    within �5 % are expected at any other location and rotation within the measurement �eld. For the head phantom,

    all four positions will be used. Figure 1.6 shows the locations on the Head phantoms at which the dipoles will be


    Figure 1.6: Using the veri�cation mask on the cSAR3D Head. The veri�cation mask (red) indicates four locations:

    Top, Mouth, Ear and Neck.

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 vi

  • 5. PROCEDURE Application Note

    5 Procedure

    The following procedure should be used for each cSAR3D device.

    5.1 Preparation

    Open the attached Excel �le and �ll in the data (yellow cells) as described in the following steps.

    1. Go to the tab for the cSAR3D device type: Flat, Head or Quad

    2. Ensure that the ambient temperature in the laboratory is within 18� to 25� and has stabilized before starting

    the tests.

    3. Turn on the RF source (either POWERSOURCE1 or other signal generator) and allow it to warm up.

    4. Fill in the top section with the date, laboratory, operator and ambient temperature.

    5. Fill in the serial number of the cSAR3D device.

    6. Fill in the serial number of each cSAR3D Validation Dipole.

    7. Fill in the reference SAR from the cSAR3D calibration certi�cate for each dipole frequency.

    5.2 Self Test of cSAR3D sensors

    The self test is an automated pass / fail test to verify that all sensors are performing as expected. In the cSAR3D

    software, apply the following steps:

    1. On the status bar, check that the cSAR3D device is connected.

    2. Open the cSAR3D Hardware window by clicking on File / Preferences / cSAR3D Hardware (see Figure 1.7).

    3. Ensure that there are no radiofrequency sources near the device.

    4. Click on the `self test' button for the cSAR3D device and follow the instructions (see Figure 1.7).

    5. If the self test passes (see Figure 1.8), close the window and continue with this procedure. If the self test

    fails, follow the instructions given in Figure 1.9.

    6. Record whether the self test passed in the Excel worksheet.

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 vii


    cSAR3D Verification Test - Flat Phantom

    This spreadsheet is to be used for the System Verification Test described in the cSAR3D System Handbook

    Please follow the Application Note "System Check or Verification" and fill the data in the yellow cells.

    Date of Tests



    Ambient Temp.


    Location (Orientation)Antenna location and orientation as described in the cSAR3D System Handbook

    Total Uncertainty (k = 2)The cSAR3D measurement uncertainty from the cSAR3D System Handbook.

    SAR from cSAR3D CertificateEnter the Measured SAR in the System Validation Table (columns 6 and 7) of the cSAR3D calibration certificate.

    ToleranceThe allowable repeatability tolerance, as stated in the IEC 62209-3 draft.

    Test PassedCheck whether the deviation from the target is within the total uncertainty. 95% of the measured values should be within the expanded (k = 2) uncertainty and 100% should be within the k = 3 uncertainty.0.4139268516

    cSAR3D TypeFlat MSL

    Serial Number

    Passed Self Test?Verification Against Numerical TargetsVerification Against Measured Reference Values

    DipoleTypeDipoleSerial NumberfrequencyLocation (Orientation)PowerMeasured SARMeasured SARNormalized to 1 WNumerical TargetDeviation from TargetTotal Uncertainty(k = 2)Verified Against Numerical Targets?SAR from cSAR3D CertificateDeviation from Cal. Cert.ToleranceVerified Against Measured Values?



    D835V2835A0 (0°)

    D1950V31950A0 (0°)0.000.0040.321.025.4%1.010%0.4

    D2450V22450A0 (0°)0.000.0051.223.725.4%1.010%0.4

    D5GHzV25200A0 (0°)0.000.0071.820.128.9%1.110%0.4

    D5GHzV25800A0 (0°)0.000.0074.120.528.9%1.110%0.4

    cSAR3D TypeFlat HSL

    Serial Number

    Passed Self Test?Verification Against Absolute TargetsVerification Against Measured Reference Values

    DipoleTypeDipoleSerial NumberfrequencyLocation (Orientation)PowerMeasured SARMeasured SARNormalized to 1 WNumerical TargetDeviation from TargetTotal Uncertainty(k = 2)Verified Against Numerical Targets?SAR from cSAR3D CertificateDeviation from Cal. Cert.ToleranceVerified Against Measured Values?



    D835V2835A0 (0°)

    D1950V31950A0 (0°)0.000.0040.520.925.4%1.010%0.4

    D2450V22450A0 (0°)0.000.0052.424.025.4%1.010%0.4

    D5GHzV25200A0 (0°)0.000.0076.521.628.9%1.110%0.4

    D5GHzV25800A0 (0°)0.000.0078.021.928.9%1.110%0.4



    cSAR3D Verification Test - Head Phantom

    This spreadsheet is to be used for the System Verification Test described in the cSAR3D System Handbook

    Please follow the Application Note "System Check or Verification" and fill the data in the yellow cells.

    Date of Tests



    Ambient Temp.


    Location (Orientation)Antenna location and orientation as described in the cSAR3D System Handbook

    Total Uncertainty (k = 2)The cSAR3D measurement uncertainty from the cSAR3D System Handbook.

    SAR from cSAR3D CertificateEnter the Measured SAR in the System Validation Table (columns 6 and 7) of the cSAR3D calibration certificate.

    ToleranceThe allowable repeatability tolerance, as stated in the IEC 62209-3 draft.

    Test PassedCheck whether the deviation from the target is within the total uncertainty. 95% of the measured values should be within the expanded (k = 2) uncertainty and 100% should be within the k = 3 uncertainty.0.4139268516

    cSAR3D TypeHead Left

    Serial Number

    Passed Self Test?Verification Against Numerical TargetsVerification Against Measured Reference Values

    DipoleTypeDipoleSerial NumberfrequencyLocationPowerMeasured SARMeasured SARNormalized to 1 WNumerical TargetDeviation from TargetTotal Uncertainty(k = 2)Verified Against Numerical Targets?SAR from cSAR3D CertificateDeviation from Cal. Cert.ToleranceVerified Against Measured Values?



    D835V2835Top, C(0)

    Mouth, F(90)

    Ear, D(90)

    Neck, H(0)

    D1950V31950Top, C(0)0.000.0042.621.731.5%1.210%0.4

    Mouth, F(90)0.000.0042.221.531.5%1.210%0.4

    Ear, D(90)0.000.0028.515.631.5%1.210%0.4

    Neck, H(0)0.000.0041.321.131.5%1.210%0.4

    D2450V22450Top, C(0)0.000.0053.024.031.5%1.210%0.4

    Mouth, F(90)0.000.0054.824.931.5%1.210%0.4

    Ear, D(90)0.000.0032.216.031.5%1.210%0.4

    Neck, H(0)0.000.0051.024.031.5%1.210%0.4

    D5GHzV25200Top, C(0)0.000.0083.921.634.9%1.310%0.4

    Mouth, F(90)0.000.0083.521.934.9%1.310%0.4

    Ear, D(90)0.000.0055.718.534.9%1.310%0.4

    Neck, H(0)0.000.0082.720.934.9%1.310%0.4

    D5GHzV25800Top, C(0)0.000.0080.019.934.9%1.310%0.4

    Mouth, F(90)0.000.0083.220.834.9%1.310%0.4

    Ear, D(90)0.000.0064.421.234.9%1.310%0.4

    Neck, H(0)0.000.0079.119.934.9%1.310%0.4

    cSAR3D TypeHead Right

    Serial Number

    Passed Self Test?Verification Against Absolute TargetsVerification Against Measured Reference Values

    DipoleTypeDipoleSerial NumberfrequencyLocationPowerMeasured SARMeasured SARNormalized to 1 WNumerical TargetDeviation from TargetTotal Uncertainty(k = 2)Verified Against Numerical Targets?SAR from cSAR3D CertificateDeviation from Cal. Cert.ToleranceVerified Against Measured Values?



    D835V2835Top, C(0)

    Mouth, F(90)

    Ear, D(90)

    Neck, H(0)

    D1950V31950Top, C(0)0.000.0042.621.731.5%1.210%0.4

    Mouth, F(90)0.000.0042.221.531.5%1.210%0.4

    Ear, D(90)0.000.0028.515.631.5%1.210%0.4

    Neck, H(0)0.000.0041.321.131.5%1.210%0.4

    D2450V22450Top, C(0)0.000.0053.024.031.5%1.210%0.4

    Mouth, F(90)0.000.0054.824.931.5%1.210%0.4

    Ear, D(90)0.000.0032.216.031.5%1.210%0.4

    Neck, H(0)0.000.0051.024.031.5%1.210%0.4

    D5GHzV25200Top, C(0)0.000.0083.921.634.9%1.310%0.4

    Mouth, F(90)0.000.0083.521.934.9%1.310%0.4

    Ear, D(90)0.000.0055.718.534.9%1.310%0.4

    Neck, H(0)0.000.0082.720.934.9%1.310%0.4

    D5GHzV25800Top, C(0)0.000.0080.019.934.9%1.310%0.4

    Mouth, F(90)0.000.0083.220.834.9%1.310%0.4

    Ear, D(90)0.000.0064.421.234.9%1.310%0.4

    Neck, H(0)0.000.0079.119.934.9%1.310%0.4


    cSAR3D Verification Test - Quad Phantom

    This spreadsheet is to be used for the System Verification Test described in the cSAR3D System Handbook

    Please follow the Application Note "System Check or Verification" and fill the data in the yellow cells.

    Date of Tests



    Ambient Temp.


    Location (Orientation)Antenna location and orientation as described in the cSAR3D System Handbook

    Total Uncertainty (k = 2)The cSAR3D measurement uncertainty from the cSAR3D System Handbook. The tolerance in dB takes into consideration the verification dipole uncertainty.

    SAR from cSAR3D CertificateEnter the Measured SAR in the System Validation Table (columns 6 and 7) of the cSAR3D calibration certificate.

    ToleranceThe allowable repeatability tolerance, as stated in the IEC 62209-3 draft.

    Test PassedCheck whether the deviation from the target is within the total uncertainty. 95% of the measured values should be within the expanded (k = 2) uncertainty and 100% should be within the k = 3 uncertainty.0.4139268516

    cSAR3D TypeQuad MSL Area

    Serial Number

    Passed Self Test?Verification Against Numerical TargetsVerification Against Measured Reference Values

    DipoleTypeDipoleSerial NumberfrequencyLocationPowerMeasured SARMeasured SARNormalized to 1 WNumerical TargetDeviation from TargetTotal Uncertainty(k = 2)Verified Against Numerical Targets?SAR from cSAR3D CertificateDeviation from Cal. Cert.ToleranceVerified Against Measured Values?








    cSAR3D TypeQuad HSL Area

    Serial Number

    Passed Self Test?Verification Against Absolute TargetsVerification Against Measured Reference Values

    DipoleTypeDipoleSerial NumberfrequencyLocation (Orientation)PowerMeasured SARMeasured SARNormalized to 1 WNumerical TargetDeviation from TargetTotal Uncertainty(k = 2)Verified Against Numerical Targets?SAR from cSAR3D CertificateDeviation from Cal. Cert.ToleranceVerified Against Measured Values?









  • 5. PROCEDURE Application Note

    Figure 1.7: Running the self test procedure.

    Figure 1.8: Self test passed.

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 viii

  • 5. PROCEDURE Application Note

    Figure 1.9: If self test failed, follow the instructions on the screen.

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 ix

  • 5. PROCEDURE Application Note

    5.3 Veri�cation Testing

    This section describes the procedure for accurately measuring the SAR using the dipole antenna. The detailed

    setup for setting the power is described in other documents. If the POWERSOURCE1 is used as the RF source,

    follow Application Note �POWERSOURCE1�. Otherwise, follow section �Veri�cation Measurement Protocol� of

    the cSAR3D System Handbook.

    Figure 1.10: Prede�ned setup for veri�cation measurements.

    1. Select the prede�ned setup called �Dipole Veri�cation, 5 frequencies� (see Figure 1.10). Add or remove

    phantoms and frequency bands to the Lilies wheel as desired.

    For each dipole antenna, apply the following steps.

    2. Set the frequency of the RF source to match the operating frequency of the dipole antenna.

    3. Set the power level at 15 dBm or more. Measure the output power using a calibrated power meter (connection

    1 of either Figure 1.4 or 1.5, depending on the source type). If using a calibrated POWERSOURCE1, use

    the output power indicated on the screen, as power measurement is not needed.

    4. Enter the power level in the Excel worksheet.

    For each dipole antenna and antenna position, apply the following steps.

    5. Connect the dipole antenna at the end of the RF source (see Figure 1.4 or connection 2 of 1.5).

    6. Connect the dipole antenna to the appropriate low-loss spacer (see Figure 1.11). The spacer maintains a

    �xed distance from the axis of the dipole antenna to the tissue simulating medium (including the 2 mm thick

    phantom shell). The total spacing is:

    15 mm for frequencies up to 1 GHz

    10 mm for frequencies above 1 GHz

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 x

  • 5. PROCEDURE Application Note

    Figure 1.11: Low-loss spacer connected at the dipole feed point.

    7. Place the dipole antenna at a location on the cSAR3D phantom. For Flat and Quad phantoms, use the

    VDSV1 Veri�cation Dipole Stand for cSAR3D Flat/Quad V1 to hold the dipole antenna at the A0 position.

    For Head phantoms use VAHV1 Veri�cation Antenna Holder for cSAR3D Heads V1. If not available, hold

    the dipole by hand at one of the four locations of the Head Veri�cation mask.

    8. Ensure that the dipole arms are parallel to the phantom surface and oriented at the correct angle. For the

    Head phantoms, the red Veri�cation Mask has raised sections to assist in checking that the dipole arms are

    parallel and in the correct orientation (see Figure 1.13).

    9. Measure the peak spatial-average SAR values at the phantom: SAR1g and SAR10g.

    10. Enter the measured SAR values in the Excel worksheet.

    If the above test is outside the tolerances for any of the tested con�gurations, check the setup thoroughly and

    repeat all above steps for this con�guration. It is recommended to repeat at least 10 times in order to preclude

    measurement outliers. Record the average from the 10+ values in the Excel worksheet.

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 xi

  • 5. PROCEDURE Application Note

    Figure 1.12: Veri�cation dipole mounted on the dipole stand.

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 xii

  • 5. PROCEDURE Application Note

    Figure 1.13: Positioning the veri�cation dipole at the Mouth location on the cSAR3D phantom. The dipole arms

    shall be aligned parallel with the markings on the mask.

    cSAR3D Application Note: System Check or Veri�cation, December 2017 xiii

    Application NoteIntroductionObjectiveEquipment RequiredcSAR3D Verification DipolesPower Source

    Verification Source LocationsProcedurePreparationSelf Test of cSAR3D sensorsVerification Testing
