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    Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal

    Abdullah bin Ahmed( son of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal) said: I asked him (Ahmad bin

    Hanbal) about the person that touches the podium of the Prophet peace be upon him,

    seeking blessings by touching it and kissing it, and does the same to his grave, or as

    such, desiring by doing so to draw nearer to Allah,Mighty and Majestic he (Ahmad) said:

    Nothing wrong with that.

    [ Ilal wa Marifat ar Rijal # 3243 ]

    Abdullah bin Ahmedsaid :I saw my father holding a strand of the Prophets hair

    (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), and he placed it on his mouth kissing it, and I believe I saw

    him placing it on his head or his eye. Then he dipped it in water and drank it, seeking

    cure from it.

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    [ Masaail Imam Ahmed , Page :447 , #1622 ]

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    Imam Alauddin Mardawi says :






    The correct position of the [Hanbali] madhhab is that it is permissible in one's

    supplication to use as means a pious person, and it is said that it is desirable

    (mustahabb). Imam Ahmad said to Al-Marruziy : " Use the Prophet as a means( seek

    Tawassul with Prophet) in his supplication ( Duaa) .

    [ Al-Insaf , 2/456 ]

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    Nasir Albanis confession regarding stance of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal and Shawkani*

    [ * Texts from Qadhi Shawkani are provided later (below) in this this same document ]

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    Imam Ibn Abi Asim, (206-287),

    He was an Imam of Hadith from the salaf. He was the Shaykh of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal, Imam

    Bukhari and many others. In his book "Al Aahaad wal Mathaani" he writes, under the Tarjamah

    of the Sahabi, Sayyiduna Talha bin Ubaydullah al Taimi Radillaahu anhu:

    "...And verily I saw a large party (Jamaah) of Ahlul Ilm and Ahlul Fadhl, that whenever they

    sought anything (needed anything), they went to his (Talha's) grave, and said Salam on him, and

    made Dua in his presence (in the presence of his grave), and verily the acceptance of these

    Du`as is known and famous....."

    [ Al Aahaad wal Mathaani, 1/163; published from "Daar ul Raayah", al Saudiyya, Riyadh; First

    Edition: 1991 ]

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    Imam Shafii :

    He writes in his Diwan :

    The Family of the Prophet are my means and my intermediary to him. Through them I

    hope to be given my record with the right hand tomorrow.

    Diwan Imam Shafii , Page : 50

    Ibn Hajar Haitami ,Sawaiq al Muharriqah, page : 180

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    Imam Ibn Hibban

    Imam Ibn Hibban (rh) relates his own account of going to Al-Ridhas (rah) grave,

    performing Tawassul through him and states that whenever I was afflicted with a

    problem during my stay in Tus, I would visit the grave of Ali bin Musa (Allah (SWT)s

    blessings be upon his grandfather and him) and ask Allah (SWT) to relieve me of that

    problem and it (my dua) would be answered and the problem alleviated. And this issomething I did, and found to work, many times

    [ Ibn Hibban, Kitab uth-Thiqat, 8/456-7 # 14411 ]

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    Imam Ibn Qudamah al maqdasi (Rh) (541-620 H) advises to make Tawassul in Dua

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    If you need something from Allah ,exalted is he ,and want to seek it from him ,do

    wudhu and do it well ,perform two rakahs and praise Allah ,mighty and majestic is

    he ,send blessings on Prophet(

    ) then say :

    There is no god but Allah ,the ever forbearing ,the generous .Glory is to Allah ,the

    Lord of the immense throne .Praise belongs to Allah ,the Lord of the Worlds . O

    Allah I ask you for what obliges your Mercy and the firm resolution (to obtain) your

    forgiveness ,the obtainment of every act of piety and safety from every wrongdoing

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    .O Allah ,do not leave me any wrong action but that you forgive it nor any care but

    that you relieve it nor any need that is pleasing to you but that you settle it ,O most

    merciful of the merciful .

    O Allah , I ask you and turn to you by your Prophet Muhammad (

    ) the Prophet

    of Mercy .O Muhammad (

    ), I turn by you to My lord and your lord ,mighty and

    majestic is he ,for him to settle my need for me . Then he should mention what he

    needs .

    It is related that the early Muslims ( Salaf ) used to seek to have their needs fulfilled

    by praying two rakahs and then saying :

    O Allah , I seek opening by you and successs by you . I turn to you by your

    Prophet Muhammad (

    ) . O Allah ,make the difficulty in my business easy for me

    ,ease my hardship for me ,make smooth for me good than I hope for and avert from

    me more evil than I fear .

    [ Al-Wasiyyah , Pag e : 46-47 ] ( Trans lation from English(by Ustadha Aisha

    Bewly) version of Al-Was iyyah

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    Imam Ibn Qudamah says,while describing the method of Supplicating at Rawdha e Aqdas of



    {:4. [

    O Allah! You spoke and your word is true.[and then recite the ayah]: {If, when they had

    wronged themselves, they had only come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah, and the

    Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah forgiving and

    Merciful} Surat un-Nisaa [4:64]. I have come to you seeking forgiveness for my sins, seeking

    to make intercession with you to my Lord.

    [ Al-Mughni ,3/478 ]

    Imam Dhahbi writes regarding Imam Ibn Qudamah

    Ash-ShaykhAl Imaam Qudwat ul Allam ah - S haykh ul Islam Muwafaq ad

    Deen Abu Muham ma d Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Muham ma d bin Qudam ah bin

    Qudamah bin Nasr a l Maqda si

    [ Siyyaru Alaa m,16/149 ]

    Hafiz Ibn Kathir writes :


    Shaykh al-Islam,The Imaam, a brilliant(masterly) Aalim, there was not found in his era

    nor before it by a long span of time, anyone possessing more fiqh ( understanding of the

    religion) than him

    [ Al Bidaya wan Nihaya , 13/99,100 ]

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    Ima m Abdul Ghani Maqdasi and grave of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal

    Imam Ziya al Maqdasi (569-643 H)[ com piler of Ahadees al Mukhtara ] writes :

    I heard the Shaykh , The Imam ,the Scholar ,the Hafiz ,Abu Muhammad Abdul Ghani ibn Abdul

    Wahid ibn Ali al Maqdasi (541-600 H) saying , Something had appeared on my upper arm that

    resembled an abscess .And I would drink (medicine) but it remained that way (for long time) .

    So I travelled to Asbahan and returned to Baghdad ,and it was still in that condition ,so I went to

    the Grave of Imam Ahmed (ibn) Muhammad bin Hanbal ,( may allah be pleased with him) and I

    rubbed the grave with it and it went away and never came back.

    [ Hikayat al Manthura ( page :109 of Majami al Umariyya,Manuscript) ]

    Hafidh Muhammad Zahid al Kawthri also mentioned this in Maqalat al Kawthri ,Page : 381

    And he said he himself saw this report in the manuscript of Hikayat al Manthura .

    Manuscript Scan courtesy : Shaykh Dr Abul Hasan

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    Biography of Imam Abdul Ghani Maqdasi

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    Imam Ibn al-Haaj (737 H) states:

    It is recommended to visit graves of Saliheen in order to obtain Barakah from them,

    because the benefit which is obtained by them during their lives is also obtained after

    their deaths.It has been a norm of Ulama and Muhaqiqoon to make dua near the

    graves of righteous people and also to ask through their intercession...Anyone who has

    some need, he should go to the (graves of righteous) and make them Waseela. This

    reasoning should not be given that Prophet () told not to travel except for three

    mosques i.e. Masjid ul Harram, his mosque and Masjid ul Aqsa. The great Imam Abu

    Hamid al-Ghazzali (rah) has mentioned in the chapter of Adaab As-Safr of his Ihya that

    traveling should be done for Ibadah like for Hajj or Jihad, after this he said: It includestraveling to visit graves of Prophets, Sahaba, Tabiyeen including all Ulama and Awliya.

    Every person whose ziyarah to obtain blessing is permissible in his life is also permissible

    after his death.

    Then he is to perform tawassul through the people of those graves, I mean: through the

    righteous from among them in fulfilling his needs and forgiving his sins. Then he should

    supplicate for himself, his parents, his teachers, his relatives, and the inhabitants of

    those graves, and the dead from among the Muslims and their living and their offspring

    until the Day of Judgment and those who are not present from his brothers. He should

    turn to Allh the Exalted in supplicating at their place (of burial) and frequently make

    tawassul through them unto Allh the Exalted, because He, the Glorified and Exalted

    choose them, honored them, and ennobled them. So, just as He caused them to be a

    source of benefit in this world, so it will be in the hereafter, nay, even more. So,

    whoever has a need to be fulfilled, then let him go to

    them and make tawassul through them, for they are the intermediaries between Allh

    the Exalted and His creation. It has been established in the Sacred Law, and Allh the

    Exalted knows what He has vouchsafed to them of (Divine) care. That is abundant and

    well known. The people have not ceased,among the scholars and elders, from elder to

    elder, both East and West, deriving blessings by way of visitation of their graves, and

    they find the blessings of that both in the sensory, and spiritual (issan wa manan). The

    Shaykh, the Imm, Ab Abdallh Ibn Numn(may Allh have mercy upon him) mentioned in his book titled: safnat al-naj li ahl

    al-iltij , regarding the miracles of the Shaykh, Abl Naj.

    Speaking about this, he said: It has been realized by those who possess insight and

    consideration , that visiting the graves of the righteous is beloved for the sake of

    obtaining blessings along with reflection. The blessings of the righteous flow after their

    death, just as it did during their life. Supplicating at the graves of the righteous and

    seeking intercession through them has been acted upon by our verifying scholars from

    the Imms of the religion.

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    In the section on the manners of visiting the Prophet Ibn al , Ibn al aj said:

    As for what has been mentioned regarding visiting the grave of the Master of the first

    and last , then all that has been mentioned should be increased by many folds, meaning,

    in humility, brokenness, and tranquility, because he is the one who will intercede and

    have his intercession accepted, the one whose intercession will not be rejected. The one

    who intends him (in their journey of visitation) will not be let down, nor will the one

    who disembarks upon his place, nor the one who seeks his aid or refuge (wa l man

    istana aw istaghtha bihi ), for he, is the pole of perfection and the crown jewel of the

    kingdom. Allh the Exalted said in His mighty

    Book: He has certainly seen He has certainly seen the greater signs from His Lord. the

    greater signs from His Lord. the greater signs from His Lord. Our scholars (may Allh

    the Exalted have mercy upon them) have stated: He saw his image, for he is the crown

    jewel of the kingdom.So, whoever makes tawassul through him, seeks aid through him

    (istaghtha bihi), or seeks his needs through him, then he will not be refused or


    Our scholars (may Allh the Exalted have mercy uponthem) said: The visitor should

    cause himself to feel as if he is standing in front of him just as he would be in his life, for

    there is no difference between his death and life, meaning, in his witnessing of his

    Ummah, and his knowing of their situations, intentions, resolves, and inner thoughts.

    That is (all) clear to him without there being any concealment whatsoever. If someone

    said (in objection to this):These attributes are particular to the Master (Allh) , the

    response is: All of those who have relocated to the

    hereafter from among the believers know the situation of the living predominately. Thathas occurred to no end (found) in accounts that have been (reported) to have occurred.

    It is possible that their knowledge of that is when the actions of the living are presented

    to them, and there are other possibilities to it (as well). These matters are hidden from

    us. The truthful one informed about the presentation of deeds to them (the dead) so it

    must occur. The knowledge of how it occurs is not known and Allh knows best about it,

    and it is sufficient as a clarification, the statement of the Prophet : The believer sees

    with the light of Allh.

    The light of Allh is not veiled by anything. This is regarding the living among the

    believers, so what about those among them in the other worldly abode? The Imm, Ab

    Abdallh al-Qurub said in his al-Tadhkirah: (Ithas been narrated that) Ibn alMubraknarrated with his chain to al-Minhl ibn Amrwho narrated that he heard Sad ibn al-

    Musayyib say: There is not a day, except that on it, the actions of the Ummah are

    presented to the Prophet , both in the morning and the evening. So, he knows them by

    their deeds and appearances, and itis due to that he will bear witness against them.

    Allh the Exalted said:

    So how will it be when We bring every nation with a witness and bring you as a witness

    over these It has proceeded, that the deeds are presented to Allh the Blessed and

    Exalted on Thursday and Monday and (the deeds are presented) to the Prophets and

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    fathers and mothers on Friday and there is no contradiction, for it is possible that it is

    specific to the Prophet that the deeds are presented to him every day and on Friday

    with the other Prophets. (end quote from al-Qurub)

    Further on, Ibn al Haaj said :

    So when he visits him , if he is able to (remain standing) and not sit, then this is better. If

    he was unable, then he can sit with proper decorum, respect, and honor. When the

    visitor is seeking the fulfillment of his needs and forgiveness of his sins, he might not

    need to mention that with his tongue. Nay, he may bring that to presence in his heart

    while he is standing in front of him , because he , knows his needs and benefits more

    than him, and is more merciful to him than himself, and more caring towards him than

    his own relatives.He said : The likeness of me and all of you is like moths that are

    rushing into the fire while I am standing to prevent you from it., or as he said. This

    applies to the Prophet at all times- meaning in tawassul through him and seeking the

    fulfillment of ones needs by way of his rank with his Lord. Whoever is unable to

    undertake a visit to him with his body, then let him intend it at all times with his heart,

    and let him bring present to his heart that he is there in front of him seeking

    intercession through him unto the One who bestowed (His) bounty (Allh) through him,

    as was said by the Imm, Ab Muammad ibn al-Sayyid al-Baalays (may Allh have

    mercy upon him) in his line (of poetry) that he sent to him:

    Unto you I flee from my slips and sins,

    and when I meet Allh you are the one sufficient for me

    Visiting your grave that is visited by foot

    is my longing and desire if my Lord willsSo if visitation of him is prevented by my body,

    then I am not prevented from visiting him with my heart

    To you oh Messenger of Allh I send, from myself,

    a salutation of a believer and lover.

    [ Al-Madkhal, 1/255-259 , 264 ]

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    Imam Ghazali :

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    Imam Zarkashi ( 745 H )

    In the Muqaddimah of his work At-Tanqeeh , he says Allah helped in its completion

    through ( by wasila of ) Muhammad(sallallahu alaihi wasallam ) and his Aal .

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    Manuscript :

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    Zoomed :

    Imam Ibn Hajar al Asqalani :

    In the Sharh of Hadith ,in which Umar(r.a) seeked Tawassul Of Abbas(r.a) , Ibn Hajar writes :

    A point of benefit from this incident of Abbas(r.a) is that , it is recommended (mustahab)

    to seek Istishfa`a from people of good ,and righteousness and from Ahlul Bayth (of

    Prophet) .

    [ Fath ul Bari , 2/497 ]

    Ibn Hajar writes in his Diwan :

    By the gate of your generosity stands a sinner, who is mad with love,

    O best of mankind in radiance of face and countenance!

    Through you he seeks a means [tawassala], hoping for Allahs forgiveness of slips; from

    fear of Him, his eyelid is wet with pouring tears.

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    Although his genealogy attributes him to a stone [hajar], how often tears have flowed,

    sweet, pure and fresh! Praise of you does not do you justice, but perhaps, In eternity, itsverses will be transformed into mansions.

    My praise of you shall continue for as long as I live, For I see nothing that could ever deflect mefrom your praise.

    Reference: Diwan Ibn Hajar Asqalani r.a, Page 16.-

    English Translation taken from Selections from the Fath ul Bari By Abdal Hakim Murad

    Also see how he addresses Prophet() by saying Yaa Sayyidi ! Yaa Rasoolullah .

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    Imam Muhammad bin Muhamamd al Jazri al Shafaii ( d.833 H )

    In the etiquettes of Making dua he writes :

    Make dua using the means (tawassul) of Ambiya alaihi salam

    Make dua using the means of means (tawassul) of Pious slaves of Allah .

    And at the end of Book he makes a Duaa with Tawassul of Prophet()

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    Imam Ibn Hummam al Hanafi ( 861 H ) :


    - .

    Ask intercession from Prophet(

    ) saying Yaa Rasoolullah I ask intercession from you,

    Yaa Rasoolullah I ask intercession from you , and I (make you) seek your Tawassul

    towards Allah

    [ Fath ul Qadeer , 3/169 ]

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    Imam Badruddin Ayni ( d.855 H )

    In the commentary of Hadith of Sahih Bukhari ,regarding the poetry of Abu Talib(r.a)

    in which he said about Tawassul from Prophets Face , Imam Ayni writes :

    The meaning of Abu Talibs saying is that ,in this actually the Tawassul towards Allah is

    (seeked) with Prophet() . Abu Talib was present with Abul Mutalib when he

    performed Istisqa and Prophet() was with him . At that time people prayed for rain

    through the blessings of Noble Face of Prophet () .

    [ Umdat ul Qari , 7/30 ]

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    Imam Shamsuddin Sakhawi ( 902 H ) in Tuhfat ul Lateefah fi Tarikh

    Madinah al Sharifah seeks tawassul :

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    Imam Qastalani ( b. 851 H )

    Discussion on Tawassul :

    The one who does ziyaarah should make dua and seek help using the Tawassul of RasoolAllah

    sal Allahu alaihi wasalam extensively. The once who seeks the Tawassul of RasoolAllah sal

    ALlahu alaihi wasalam is eligible for the acceptance of his intercession in front of Allah.

    Know that Istigaasa means seeking help. The one who seeks help is called Mustagees and the

    one from whom help is sought is called Mustagaas bihi. It does not make any difference if the

    word istigaasa is used or tawassul is used or even tashfeeh or Tawajjuh because both are

    derived from jaah and wajaahat and they mean raising the rank.

    Sometimes a person is made a means of Tawassul due to his high rank. Then all this i.e seeking

    the help, Tawassul and Shafaaat of RasoolAllah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam is permissible in every

    condition : before his advent, after his birth and also after his veiling i.e after the revival of his

    life in Barzakh and on the day of judgement as has been written in Tehqeeq An-Nusrah and

    Misbah Az-Zilam.

    Tawassul before his advent :

    As far as Tawassul before his unveiling is concerned, that incident should suffice you which we

    have mentioned in the first section wherein Hazrat Aadam sought Tawassul through RasoolAllah

    sal Allahu alaihi wasalam after he was asked to leave Jannah and Allah told Hazrat Aadam :

    O Aadam ! If you had sought the Tawassul of RasoolAllah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam in our Court

    for all the creation of the heavens and earth, We would have accepted your supplication.

    (Narrated by Ibn Asakir)

    The hadith of Hazrat Umar bin Al-Khataab radi Allahu anhu has been recorded by Imaam

    Bayhaqi and Imaam Haakim among others :

    If you had asked me through the Tawassul (of RasooAllah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam), I would

    have forgiven you.

    Ibn Jaabir (may Allah have mercy on him) said,

    Allah accepted the dua of Aadam through the Tawassul of RasoolAllah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam

    And Nuh was saved from the belly of the fish when he made duaa

    Khalil (Hazrat Ibraheem) was not harmed by fire due to the Noor of RasoolAllah sal Allahu alaihi


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    And it was due to him that a ransom was sacrificed instead of Zabihullah (Hazrat Ismaeel).

    It has come in Sahih hadith that Hazrat Aadam alihis salaam said, Ya Allah ! I ask you through

    the waseela of Muhammad(

    ) to forgive me.

    And Allah asked, How did you know Muhammad(

    ) since I have not yet unveiled


    Sayyidina Adam replied, When You created me with Your Hands and blew Your Soul into me, I

    lifted my head and saw Laa Illaha IllAllahu Muhammad'ur RasoolAllah written on the pillars of

    the Arsh. Therefore, I realized that You will inscribe with Your name, the name of someone who


    Most Beloved to You among all Your creations.

    Allah replied, O Adam ! You said the truth. Indeed he is the most Beloved to Me amongst all My

    creation. And since you have asked for forgiveness with his waseela, I forgive you. Had it not

    been for Muhammad( ), then I would not have created you.

    And this has been narrated by Imaam Tabaraani. There is an addition of these words in it : He is

    the last Nabi among your descendants.

    Tawassul after his unveiling :

    The example of Tawassul through him after his unveiling and during his blessed life is that rains

    were sought through his Tawassul in times of drought. Its mention is found in the section on

    miracles and worship and also the affected people would make dua using his Tawassul.

    And that narration is sufficient for you which has been recorded by Imaam Nasaai and Imaam

    Tirmidhi from Hazrat Usman bin Hunayf radi Allahu anhu that a blind person came to the Court

    of RasoolAllah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam and asked that his sight be restored. RasoolAllah sal

    Allahu alaihi wasalam asked him to make ablution and then make this dua :

    O Allah ! I ask you by the means of your Nabi Muhammad, the Nabi of mercy and I turn to you.

    O Muhammad sal Allahu alaihi wasalam ! I turn through you towards my Lord for my need that

    it be fulfilled. O Allah ! Accept his intercession on my behalf.

    Imaam Bayhaqi has classified this narration to be Sahih and has added that when that blindperson got up, his sight was restored.

    Tawassul after his veiling :

    The incidents of Tawassul through RasoolAllah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam in barzakh are


    Shaykh Abdullah bin Numan rahimahullah (d. 683 A.H) has recorded some of these incidents in

    his book Misbaah Az-Zilaam fil Mustagiseena bi Khayril Anaam.

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    I (writer) fell so ill that the doctors lost hope and this disease affected me for many years. On

    28thJamaadi-ul-Awwal 893 A.H , Allah helped me by the Tawassul of RasoolAllahin the city of

    Makka, may Allah raise the rank of this city and and make me visit it again in tranquility and

    without hardships. I was sleeping and I saw a person carrying a paper in his hand which had

    these words : This medicine has come for Ahmad bin Qastallani by the will of RasoolAllah sal

    Allahu alaihi wasalam from the august court. When I woke up, there was no sign of the disease.

    By the barakah of RasoolAllah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam, I was cured.

    Similarly in 885 A.H I was going towards Cairo after returning from Makka when our attendant

    Gazaal Al-Habashiyah got a headache which continued for many days. Then I made duaa for her

    health using the tawassul of RasoolAllah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam. Then in my dream I saw a

    person along with a Jinn who had possessed the woman. He said, This Jinn has been sent by

    RasoolAllah sal Allahu alaihu wasalam. I took an oath from the Jinn that he would not pester

    the woman again. When I woke up, I found that the woman was perfectly fine. It was as ifsomeone had let her loose from ropes. She was fine when I departed from her in Makka in 894


    His intercession on the day of judgement :

    Seeking the Tawassul of RasoolAllah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam on the day of Judgement is among

    the matters on which there is an ijma (consensus) and the ahadith for Shafaaat are Mutawaatir


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    Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya :

    Imam Ibn Abi Duniya narrates :

    " :







    A person came over to see Abdul Malik bin Saeed bin Abjar . Abd-ul -Malik pressed hisbelly and told him that he was suffering from an incurable discase. The man asked him: what is

    it ? Abd-ul -Malik replied that it was a kind of ulcer that grows inside the belly and ultimatelykills the man. It is said that the patient turned round and then he said:

    Allah! Allah! Allah is my Lord. I regard no one as His rival or partner. O Allah! I beseech

    You and submit myself to You through the mediation of Your Prophet Muhammad .,the

    merciful Prophet. O Muhammad ! Through your means I submit myself to your and my Lord

    that He should take mercy on me in my state of illness.

    [ Ibn Abi Duniya , Mujabi -ad-Dawah , 1/85 # 127 ]

    Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya also narrated this in his Qaidah Jaleelah fi Tawassul wal Wasilah ,1/199

    And after narrating it said :


    I say : This Duaa and such supplications have been taken over(transmitted) from

    our Salaf

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    In Majmu al Fatawa , Ibn Taymiyya said :

    : " :




    We say , When the one, asking from Allah says I ask you by the right of So & so

    from the Angels , Prophets or Pious person or By the means of dignity or sanctity of

    so and so . It requires that they have eminence( dignity) infront of Allah and This is

    correct ( Sahih )

    [ Majum al Fatawa Ibn Taymiyya, 1/211 ]

    Ibn Taymiyyahs grave

    Abu al Abbas Ahmad ibn Hijji al-Saidi al-Husbani al-Dimashqi (d.816H) relates in hisacademic curriculum from as-Siraj Ali bin Abd al-Karim al-Bataihi al-Mizzi:

    He told me a strange story, for he said: When I was a boy, a sister of mine was stricken

    with an eye-disease (ramad). As we strongly believed in Ibn Taymiyah- he was colleague

    of my father and often used to visit him-, it entered my mind to take some earth from Ibn

    Taymiyahs grave in order to make an eye powder(kuhl) for my sister. Yet her eye-

    disease remained unaltered and the eye powder had no effect on her. Thus I went again to

    the grave, and there I found someone from Baghdad who had collected bags full of earth.

    I asked him What are you going to do with this ?, and he replied, I am taking it to use it

    for eye-disease, for I make of it an eye powder for some of my children. I rejoiced, But

    do you find it effective? Yes, and he added that he has experienced its effect. Hearing

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    this, I felt reassured about my intention and took some earth from the tomb. I put the

    powder on my sisters eyes while she was sleeping, and soon she was cured(from thedisease).

    [ Ibn Nasiruddin al Dimashqi ,Al - Radd al-wafir, 1/75 ]

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    Qadhi Shawkani writes :

    There is no harm in tawassul through any one of the Prophets or Friends of Allah orscholars of knowledge... One who comes to the grave as a visitor (za'iran) and invokes Allahalone, using as his means the dead person in the grave, is as one who says: "O Allah, I amasking that you cure me from such-and-such, and I use as a means to You whatever thisrighteous servant of Yours possesses for worshipping You and striving for Your sake andlearning and teaching purely and sincerely for You." Such as this, there is no hesitation indeclaring that it is permitted...

    [ Ad-Durr al Nadheed , Page : 132 ]

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    After narrating the Hadith from Uthman bin Hunaif ,regarding the blind man and dua of

    tawassul , Qadhi Shawkani writes :

    In this Hadith there is daleel (proof/evidence) for the permissibility of Tawassul (taking a

    means) through the Messenger of Allah () to Allah azza wa-jal with the firm belief (Itiqad)

    that the one who does (Faail) is Allah subhanahu wataaala only, for verily He alone is the

    giver and the preventer, what He wishes, is, and what He does not wish never can be.

    [ Tuhfatu Zakireen ,Page : 138 ]

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    Inshallah more will be added with time .

    - Mohiuddin al Hanafi -
