Page 1: Tackling the Team Problem 2016 - Ohio 4-H › sites › ohio4h › files › imce › animal...attention and be relevant to the team problem. • Don’t repeat the scenario for the

Organization: • Include an introduction & conclusion. • Introduction should catch the judge’s

attention and be relevant to the team problem.

• Don’t repeat the scenario for the introduction. • Present information in a logical order. • Conclusion should be an obvious end to the

presentation and not be repetition of what was already presented.

Content & Accuracy:

• Include all of the information that was requested. • Don’t get overwhelmed! Stop & think! Focus on what you do know and don’t

get distracted by what you don’t know. • Include details. • Facts should be accurate. Deductions are given for inaccurate information. • If time is available give additional information. • Additional information should be on topic and not off subject. • Bonus points are given for additional information if all required information is given.


• Presentation should be given without notes. Practice without notes to become comfortable and not learn to rely on them.

• Walk into the presentation room and present in a confident professional manner.

• Do not tell the judge what county or state you are from. • Say it like you mean it! • Look at the judge and be confident! • Don’t talk over another team member. Additional (or missing) information can

be given after your team member is done talking. • Use voice inflection and good voice projection to maintain interest. • Avoid excessive use of “uhmm”, fidgeting, etc. • No gum chewing! • Presentation should flow smoothly with no dead spaces where team members

are lost. Minimal hesitation and immediately regaining flow is not a deduction. • Avoid time penalties. • Bonus points are given for a presentation that is creative and a pleasure to judge. • Practice scenarios (i.e. name for farm, role or title for presenters).

Group Participation:

• All team members should participate. • All team members should participate equally.

Tackling the

Team Problem

Page 2: Tackling the Team Problem 2016 - Ohio 4-H › sites › ohio4h › files › imce › animal...attention and be relevant to the team problem. • Don’t repeat the scenario for the









Page 3: Tackling the Team Problem 2016 - Ohio 4-H › sites › ohio4h › files › imce › animal...attention and be relevant to the team problem. • Don’t repeat the scenario for the



Prepara&on)! Stop&&&think!&! Be&organized&! Listen&to&everyone’s&ideas&

Time&Keeper& Brain&Storming&

WriNng&down&your&ideas& Time&to&pracNce&

! Divide&in&equal&parts&! Know&your&part&! Order&of&presenters&


))))))Introduc&on:)!  The&judge’s&first&impression&of&you!&!  Get&the&judge’s&aYenNon&!  Brief&introducNons&are&okay&but&don’t&idenNfy&your&

county&or&state&!  IntroducNon&should&lead&into&your&presentaNon&!  Don’t&repeat&the&scenario&

Page 4: Tackling the Team Problem 2016 - Ohio 4-H › sites › ohio4h › files › imce › animal...attention and be relevant to the team problem. • Don’t repeat the scenario for the



)))))Content)&)Accuracy:)!  Include)all)of)the)informa&on)requested!)!  Include&details&!  Facts&should&be&accurate&!  InformaNon&should&be&on&topic&&!  Focus)on)what)you)do)know)and)don’t)get)distracted)by)


)))))Conclusion:)!  The&judge’s&last&impression&of&you!&!  Several&sentences&that&are&relevant&

and&“wrap&up”&your&presentaNon&!  Don’t&repeat&all&of&the&informaNon&

you&already&presented&!  Ask&if&the&judge&has&any&quesNons&

))))))Deliver)your)presenta&on)without)notes)!  PracNce&without&them&to&become&comfortable&!  Don’t&learn&to&rely&on&then&&&you&won’t&miss&them&

))))Crea&vity)Ideas:)! Create&and&pracNce&different&scenarios&! Assume&roles&and&use&Ntles&for&presenters&

Page 5: Tackling the Team Problem 2016 - Ohio 4-H › sites › ohio4h › files › imce › animal...attention and be relevant to the team problem. • Don’t repeat the scenario for the




))))Nonverbal)Communica&on:)!  Facial)expressions)


!  Body)movements)&Walk&into&the&presentaNon&room&with&confidence&&Avoid&excessive&fidgeNng&or&hand&gestures&&No&gum&chewing!&

!  Tone)of)voice)&Use&voice&inflecNon&and&good&voice&projecNon&

!  Proxemics)(how)close)or)far)you)stand)from)the)judge))&&&&& &Respect&your&judge’s&personal&space&&&&&&&&&&&

))))))Delivery)of)Presenta&on:)!  “Say&it&like&you&mean&it!”&(with&confidence)&!  Don’t&talk&over&another&team&member.&&AddiNonal&(or&


!  &PresentaNon&should&flow&smoothly&without&any&dead&spaces&where&members&are&lost&

!  Avoid&Nme&penalNes&

Page 6: Tackling the Team Problem 2016 - Ohio 4-H › sites › ohio4h › files › imce › animal...attention and be relevant to the team problem. • Don’t repeat the scenario for the



))))))Group)Par&cipa&on:)!  All&team&members&should&parNcipate&!  All&team&members&should&parNcipate&equally&

Page 7: Tackling the Team Problem 2016 - Ohio 4-H › sites › ohio4h › files › imce › animal...attention and be relevant to the team problem. • Don’t repeat the scenario for the

2016 4-H Clinic Team Problem “I Wouldn’t Eat That!”

Your veterinary clinic has been invited to talk to a group of 4-H youth (ages 9-18) about toxic plants. Please include the following in your presentation:

1. Why is it important to know if there are poisonous plants in your pasture?

2. Identify at least 2 circumstances that would increase the incidence of a toxic ingestion.

3. Identify the 6 toxic plants depicted in the color photos and provide at least 1 important fact about each of the plants. Present the plants in whatever order you think would be most beneficial to your audience. You may use the photos in your presentation. You will have 5 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to present your information.
