Page 1: The process of making my double page spread

The process of making my double page spread

Lucy Hughes

Page 2: The process of making my double page spread

The process of making my double page spread

The first thing I did when designing my double page spread was placing my picture in the correct place. I did this by creating a text box the size of the whole left side then I clicked file and place to place the picture in the text box.

The tool I used to create my box to place the picture

File and place allowed me to place the picture

Once I added my picture I added the caption for the picture, I did this by creating a text box tool and then typing the caption in. I changed the colour of the font by using the ‘colour tool’ and I was able to use the same red as used on the front cover and contents page as I created a swatch of it. I was able to rotate the text box b double clicking on it and then rotating the text box to the way I wanted it.

Colour tool allowed me to change the colour of the text

Text box tool allowed me to create the text box

Page 3: The process of making my double page spread

The process of making my double page spread

Once the left hand side of my double page spread was completed I went on to work on the right side. The first thing I did was create two text boxes and then typed the text in, this was very simple as the text boxes are easy to move around, I also made sure that the text stayed within the pink boarder. I managed to get the ‘rock beat’ caption from Photoshop and then place it into InDesign like I did with the pictures using the file and place tool.

Text box tool allowed me to create the text box

File and place allowed me to place the picture

Pink boarder allowed me to keep all the text in line

The final thing that I then had to do on my double page spread was place the text correct place. I copied and pasted the text from a word document into InDesign, this made it easier to organise the text as it was already structured the way I wanted. For the layout of the double page spread I created three text boxes in the shape of columns to give it a professional look. I then changed the colour of the interviewers questions to make them stand out more to the reader.

Text box tool allowed me to create the text box into three separate columns

File and then clicking paste allowed me to paste my text from word into InDesign