Page 1: Tips to get  better marks in the oral exam




Page 2: Tips to get  better marks in the oral exam


Page 3: Tips to get  better marks in the oral exam


•If you are asked a question you don't understand , it is ok to ask the examiner to repeat it. Listen for key words in the question to help you understand . It is always better to ask for clarification than to answer something completely different.

•It's very important that when answering a question ,you don't give short yes/no answers or a one-line-answer . Elaborate on the answer, expand , give details, reasons, examples. It is very important to support your points.

•Stay on the topic. Don't talk about education if you are being asked about cars

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04• Relate the question to your own life. It is always easier to talk

about your own experiences . But if you are asked about something you don't like or you don't have much to say about, make it up, use your friends' experiences or what you know about this theme from the radio or the news

• Study vocabulary beforehand.For each theme you know you may be asked about ,learn words and expressions you might need to use. If you know you might be asked about work , learn words and expressions related to that topic such as a pay rise, to get a promotion..etc

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06•Use a variety of structures. It might be helpful to write some structures you definitely want to use and practise them a lot before the exam. If you don't practise them , they won't come naturally and you'll probably get stuck.

•Remember the examiner is looking for a range of vocabulary and structures. It's your moment to shine.

•It is easier to talk if you divide up your answer. If you are asked maybe about the advantages of using mobiles in the classroom , you can start by saying: well, there three things I want to mention about... or there are two problems with ..or there are several things I want to talk about

•If you can’t remember how to say a word in English, paraphrase it and explain the word:“It’s a kind of …”or " I can't remember the word but it is something you use when...”

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•If you get stuck, don’t worry! Start again:“What I mean is…” . If they examiner sees you are having difficulty answering a question , he will ask you another one. We are human beings , not monsters!

•If you make a mistake, you can correct it and move on. What is really important is to keep on talking .

•Record yourself and listen to you.

• And the most important tip... .practice, practice practice

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•Don't memorize answers . It is easy to see when a student has memorized a certain question and this is not going to help you pass the exam . It is better if you spend time learning vocabulary, collocations, expressions...etc than memorising the whole answer to a question.

•Don't go off topic. Stick to the question asked.don't use I think too much.

•Don't give short answers and don't use enumerations

•I know it is easy to say , but don't be nervous!