



ENGINEER ALI MIRZA AN ENYMY OF SAIYIDUNA USMAN RD AND A SUPPORTER OF INSURRECTERS. Engineer Ali Mirza is a Supporter of those who insurrected against Saiyiduna Usman RD. He opines that Saiyiduna Usman RD and his Noble Governors did committed some acts of transgressions, however the way adopted by the insurrectors and rebellions was an error of interpretations. He Opines that Saiyiduna Muaviah RD ,Saiyiduna AMRV BIN AL A:S: RD a, Saiyiduna A:ISHAH RD and those who insurrected against Usman RD all are equally Transgressors and all commit errors in insurrections with only two differences.1] Those who insurrected against Usman were not S:H:ABAH RD in general, while those who insurrected against Suiyiduna ALI RD WERE NOT ingeneral.2] There were some flaws and errors on the side Of Saiyiduna Usman RD. AL AYAZ:. BILLAHI TAA:LA:, While there is no such error or flaw on the sides of Ali RD.The question is what was the alleged error on the side of Saiyiduna Usma:n RD as according to the Engineer Ali Mirza Jhelumi, the founder of Jhelumiah sect or Engineeriah Sect.As according to him and his Ali-Mirzais [Ali-Mirzites] the governors of Saiyiduna UsmanrRD were cruel and unjust.On the contrary the truth is quite different.The noble governers of Saiyiduna Usman RD were good in character and Just. The insurrectors were however unjust, cruel and heretic. It was there scheme to make a conspiracy against Saiyiduna Usman RD by making allegations against Usman RD in regard to his Noble Governers. But these allegations were false and untrue. If it is assumed that some of the accusations were true ,even then there nature was no great that an insurrection was engineered against the Noble Caliph Of Muslims nounly Saiyiduna USMA:N RD.The only thing Saiyiduna Usman did not do was to crush these insurrectors and terrorists by iron hands. If he had done this they must have vanished from the line of actualization like the denouncers of Zakah. But nobility of Usman was undoubtly greater than the nobility of Saiyiduna Ali , who attempted to fight all those who insurrected against him regardless of their Sahabihood. Ali Mirza alleges[partially explicitly and partially implicitly] that the Governors of Saiyiduna Usman RD maltreated their subjects .When the public used to report their misconducts to Saiyiduna USMAN RD , Saiyiduna Usman RD usually disposed them, but used to re-appoint them upon their excuse due to his extreme rather infinite love of Banu Umaiyah.This caused an insurrection.But but but but tetera times but (1) The truth is some what different:= The governers were noble and followers of law.Hey were just ,wise and true.Their RIGHTEOUSNESS is beyond doubt. On the contrary these insurrectors rebellions were terrorists or terrorist minded . They use to make false accusations.T he policy of Saiyiduna Usman RD was to dispose an accused person from his post say Governorship, If the accusations were found false and untrue, the Noble Caliph used to reappoint the person against the post.There was no occasion that these allegations were found true.In other words ALL THOSE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST THE NOBLE GOVERNERS WERE FALSE.But Ali Mirza tries to shew that the falt was on the side Of Usman RD who in his extreme love of Banu Umaiyah and his relatives , and due to his old age never investigated these accusations properly . A very incorrect accusation AL AYA:Z:. BILLAHI TAA:LA:.WHAT IF THESE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST USMAN ARE TRUE:=

If both of these accusations are found true (2) then it is implicated that Saiyiduna Usman RD had done to great crimes. Al Ayaz:. Billahi Taa:la: .1] An Undue love for family of Banu Umaiyah2]His Old age caused him not to investigate these objections properly.These two accusations are sufficient enough to exclude Saiyiduna Usman RD from S:ULH:A: If he was too old to decide , he would easily make a committee for the works.To ascribe these two crimes to Usman RD is to support the views of Killers , Murderers and Assassinators of Saiyiduna Usman R.D.These insurrectors were Heretic, DIS OBEDIENT and ENEMIES Of Islam.They challenged the Right of the Caliph to Exercise his Legitimate Powers.What so ever Saiyiduna Usman Did was his Right and these insurrectors had no right to make objections on the essential right of the the third Caliph.But Engineer Ali Mirza SUPPORTS the cause of those heretics who were opponent of Usman RD, MAKING HIM A PURE FAFID:IHad such objections were made against Saiyiduna Ali , Engineer Ali Mirza would certainly have declared them as false.Some notes:If it is proved that Muhammad Bin Abi Bacr was involved in the Murder of Saiyiduna Usman, he is not getting any benefit of being son Of Saiyiduna Abu Bacr RD, SINCE HE WAS NO MATCH TO Saiyiduna Usman. He was surely a heretic for his views about Usman.A Possible Defenses of Ali Mirza:=1] An error will be called an error even if it is commited by Saiyiduna Usman RD.Answer:=Engineer Ali Mirza has no authority to make Judgement on acts of Saiyiduna Usman, that they were errors . Who has bestowed this Authority to the Engineer. He is nothing in this regard.He is not the Supreme Justice on the issue of alleged errors of Saiyiduna Usman.2] A number of other scholars have accepted some flaw in the managements of Saiyiduna Usman RD.ANSWER:Engineer Ali MirzAa does not follow any one of them. He claims that his ideas AND VIEWS depends upon reason [Dalil] and evidences. So the engineer cannot argue as such even upon his own claimed standard.3]Some Sah:abah also disputed from the policies of Saiyiduna Usman RD.Engineer Ali Mirza himself have said several times Saiyiduna Ali RD was Righteous, and was on Righteousness [S:H:ABIYAH ].The same answer is for the Caliph Usman RD, WHO WAS SUPERIOR TO SAIYIDUNA ALI RD.ALI MIRZA IS CHALLANGED TOMAKE A LIST OF ALLEGED ERRORS OS SAIYIDUNA USMAN,AND IT SHALL BE OUR DUTY TO DISCUSS EACH AND EVERY ALLEGED ERROR AND TO REFUTE THE ALLEGATION OF BEING ERROR FROM THE CORRECT ACTS AND DOINGS OF SAIYIDUNA USMAN RD. OF COURSE ALI MIRZA IS NOT THE ONLY PERSON WHO THOSE BOOKS OF AH:ADI:S:. WHICH ARE NOT STUDIED IN GENERAL. FURTHER SHAIKH ALI ZAI IS NOT THE ONLY AUTHORITY ON ASNAD AND CATOGIRIZATION OF THEM.Problem of Insurrectors and their supporters like Engineer Ali Mirza:=They all opine that Saiyiduna Usman should have accepted their demands. This is incorrect. They did not have any right to demand. At best they could request. What so ever Usman RD DID was correct and accurate. Unlike Saiyiduna Ali who fought any one who did not accept him as caliph , If Saiyiduna Usman had inflicted a war against these rebels these rebels would have annihilated immediately like denouncers of Zacah. How ever these ruthless insurrectors did take the advantage of Truthfulness ,Rightneousness ,Kindness and Justince Of Usman RD. The Caliph of such a large Empire had the Power to Annihilate the rebellions and the very insurrection it self. But he did not do so. Some people opine that he should have done this. Our opinion is that what He did was correct , how ever if he had annihilated them it was also his right.PROBLEM OF OFFERING PRAYERS BE BEHIND THESE THESE INSURRECTORS AND TERRORISTS:=Athough Usman RD permitted to offer prayers behind these Insurrectors , but this permission war PRE-MURDER . At that time they had not commited the extreme heretical transgression , so the permission of Usman RD to pray behind them cannot be used to offer prayers even after the Martyrdom [SHAHA:DAH] of Saiyiduna Usman RD. Ali Mirza Of Jhelum cannot use this permission in support of There Terrorists and insurrectors who killed the NOBLE CALIPH OF ISLAM based on false allegations. NOTE:=1] I PERSONALLY THANK ALL THOSE WHO PRAYED FOR THE EYE OPERATION OF MY SON WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ENEMIES OF USMAN RD LIKE ALI MIRZA AND ENGINEERIAH SECT [FOLLOWERS OF ENGINEER ALI MIRZA] EVEN IF THEY PRAYED FOR THE SUCCESS OF OPERATION STATED ABOVE. THERE PRAYERS ARE NEVER REQUIRED SINSE THEY ARE RAFID:I, AND ALI MIRZA EXERCISE TAQAIYAH.2] IT IS EVIDENT THAT ENGINEER ALI MIRZA BELIEVES THAT SAIYIDUNA ALI IS SUPERIOR TO SAIYIDUNA USMAN [AL AYA:Z BILLAHI TAA:LA:], BUT HE HAS SAID IT IMPLICITLY WITH A CLOSE APPROXIMATION TO EXPLICITY. INSHA ALLAH THE DOGMA OF SUPERIORILTY OF ALI RD OVER USMAN RD SHALL BE REFUTED INSHA ALL-H , INDEPENDENTLY.End of Part 1:-
