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  • 8/8/2019 Vocab Words to Know


    1. abbreviate: (v) to shorten, abridge2. abstinence: (n) the act of refraining from pleasurable activity, e.g., eating or drinking3. adulation: (n) high praise4. adversity: (n) misfortune, an unfavorable turn of events5. aesthetic: (adj) pertaining to beauty or the arts6.

    amicable: (adj) friendly, agreeable7. anachronistic: (adj) out-of-date, not attributed to the correct historical period

    8. anecdote: (n) short, usually funny account of an event9. anonymous: (adj) nameless, without a disclosed identity10.antagonist: (n) foe, opponent, adversary11.arid: (adj) extremely dry or deathly boring12.assiduous: (adj) persistent, hard-working13.asylum: (n) sanctuary, shelter, place of refuge14.benevolent: (adj) friendly and helpful15.camaraderie: (n) trust, sociability amongst friends16.censure: (v) to criticize harshly17.

    circuitous: (adj) indirect, taking the longest route18.clairvoyant: (adj) exceptionally insightful, able to foresee the future

    19.collaborate: (v) to cooperate, work together20.compassion: (n) sympathy, helpfulness or mercy21.compromise: (v) to settle a dispute by terms agreeable to both sides22.condescending: (adj) possessing an attitude of superiority, patronizing23.conditional: (adj) depending on a condition, e.g., in a contract24.conformist: (n) person who complies with accepted rules and customs25.congregation: (n) a crowd of people, an assembly26.convergence: (n) the state of separate elements joining or coming together27.deleterious: (adj) harmful, destructive, detrimental28.demagogue: (n) leader, rabble-rouser, usually appealing to emotion or prejudice29.digression: (n) the act of turning aside, straying from the main point, esp. in a speech or


    30.diligent: (adj) careful and hard-working31.discredit: (v) to harm the reputation of, dishonor or disgrace32.disdain: (v) to regard with scorn or contempt33.divergent: (adj) separating, moving in different directions from a particular point34.empathy: (n) identification with the feelings of others35.emulate: (v) to imitate, follow an example36.enervating: (adj) weakening, tiring37.enhance: (v) to improve, bring to a greater level of intensity38.ephemeral: (adj) momentary, transient, fleeting39.evanescent: (adj) quickly fading, short-lived, esp. an image40.exasperation: (n) irritation, frustration41.exemplary: (adj) outstanding, an example to others42.extenuating: (adj) excusing, lessening the seriousness of guilt or crime, e.g., of

    mitigating factors

    43.florid: (adj) red-colored, flushed; gaudy, ornate44.fortuitous: (adj) happening by luck, fortunate

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    45.frugal: (adj) thrifty, cheap46.hackneyed: (adj) clichd, worn out by overuse47.haughty: (adj) arrogant and condescending48.hedonist: (n) person who pursues pleasure as a goal49.hypothesis: (n) assumption, theory requiring proof50.

    impetuous: (adj) rash, impulsive, acting without thinking51.impute: (v) to attribute an action to particular person or group

    52.incompatible: (adj) opposed in nature, not able to live or work together53.inconsequential: (adj) unimportant, trivial54.inevitable: (adj) certain, unavoidable55.integrity: (n) decency, honesty, wholeness56.intrepid: (adj) fearless, adventurous57.intuitive: (adj) instinctive, untaught58.jubilation: (n) joy, celebration, exultation59.lobbyist: (n) person who seeks to influence political events60.longevity: (n) long life61.

    mundane: (adj) ordinary, commonplace62.nonchalant: (adj) calm, casual, seeming unexcited

    63.novice: (n) apprentice, beginner64.opulent: (adj) wealthy65.orator: (n) lecturer, speaker66.ostentatious: (adj) showy, displaying wealth67.parched: (adj) dried up, shriveled68.perfidious: (adj) faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy69.precocious: (adj) unusually advanced or talented at an early age70.pretentious: (adj) pretending to be important, intelligent or cultured71.procrastinate: (v) to unnecessarily delay, postpone, put off72.prosaic: (adj) relating to prose; dull, commonplace73.prosperity: (n) wealth or success74.provocative: (adj) tending to provoke a response, e.g., anger or disagreement75.prudent: (adj) careful, cautious76.querulous: (adj) complaining, irritable77.rancorous: (adj) bitter, hateful78.reclusive: (adj) preferring to live in isolation79.reconciliation: (n) the act of agreement after a quarrel, the resolution of a dispute80.renovation: (n) repair, making something new again81.resilient: (adj) quick to recover, bounce back82.restrained: (adj) controlled, repressed, restricted83.reverence: (n) worship, profound respect84.sagacity: (n) wisdom85.scrutinize: (v) to observe carefully86.spontaneity: (n) impulsive action, unplanned events87.spurious: (adj) lacking authenticity, false88.submissive: (adj) tending to meekness, to submit to the will of others89.substantiate: (v) to verify, confirm, provide supporting evidence90.subtle: (adj) hard to detect or describe; perceptive

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    91.superficial: (adj) shallow, lacking in depth92.superfluous: (adj) extra, more than enough, redundant93.suppress: (v) to end an activity, e.g., to prevent the dissemination of information94.surreptitious: (adj) secret, stealthy95.tactful: (adj) considerate, skillful in acting to avoid offense to others96.

    tenacious: (adj) determined, keeping a firm grip on97.transient: (adj) temporary, short-lived, fleeting

    98.venerable: (adj) respected because of age99.vindicate: (v) to clear from blame or suspicion100. wary: (adj) careful, cautious


    101. Fruition:bring into fruition; Reality/realization102. constituents: My constituents; citizens/ peers/ people/ ingredients/ ideas103. Extortionist: one whoobtains from a person by force, intimidation104. Ulterior Motives: a motive, object or aim beyond that which is avowed.105. Avowed: To start positively. (a vou)106. Ulterior: Lying beyond or outside the area of immediate interest107. Discrepancy: Divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims; difference.108. Advent: an arrival109. Benign:a policy with benign consequences for the economy. Favorable/kind110. Stigma: A Characteristic of someone/ A bodily mark-birthmark or scar111. Indignant: Characterized or filled with indignation; Anger\112. Preposterous: Contraryto nature, reason, or common sense; absurd/FOOLISH113. Subsume: to include (something) under a larger classification or group114. Conglomerate: To form or gather in a mass or whole115. Unsurpassed: Unable to be improved upon.116. Vile: unpleasant of mean or low condition; Vile existence/ Language117. Annuity: Annual Payment118. Pester: To harass or bother119. Status Quo: The existing condition or state of affairs120. Inferior: poor, Low, or lower in order121. Condescending: Displaying a patronizingly superior attitude122. Patronize: To treat in a condescending manner123. Render: To submit or present to give what is due or owed124. Susceptible: Easily influenced of affected likely to be affected125. Subject: under the authority of/prone to; subject to the law126. Cultivate: To improve or prepare, to nurture127. Resonate: To evoke a feeling of shared emotion or belief128. Matriculation: to register, or be admitted to129. Adversary: A person group or force that opposes or attacks130. Stoic: someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions131. Propagate: to extend

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    132. Contempt: dislike disrespect133. Promptly: quickly134. Formal:proper135. Certitude: Sureness136. Extricate: withdraw/ free137. Arduous: difficult138. phenomenon: Experience/ fact/ occurrence139. Concede: forfeit/give in / compromise140. Stock-in-trade:141. Evoke: stir up/call to mind142. Espouse: advocate/ take up143. Dearth: shortage/ Lack of144. Malcontent: complainer145. Quarrel: fight/ argue146.

    Vitiated: diminished / ruined in character or quality

    147. Peculiar: odd. Irregular148. Contrary: opposite149. Bias:prejudice Favoritism150. Farce: Charade Mockery151. Adept: Skillful152. Conviction: An unshakable Belief in something without need for proof or

    evidence. A final judgment of guilty and the punishment associated with it.

    153. Narcissist: Someone who is in love with themselves154. Reluctant: Unwilling to do something contrary to your custom. Hesitant155. Contingency: a possible event or occurrence. The state of being contingent.156. Atonement: compensation for a wrong157. Bliss: State of extreme happiness158. Altruism: The quality of being unselfish. Concern for the welfare of others.159. Fiscal: involves financial problems/ finances fiscal year160. Exploit: use or manipulate to ones advantage161. Remised:neglecting of your duties remised now to do your duties162. Self-deprecating: tending to undervalue oneself and ones abilities.163. Digress: to go off on a tangentto deviate164. Aura: a quality/ characteristic/ appearance165. Proliferate: to reproduce/ thrive/ propogate/multiply/ breed166. Maim (meym): mutilate, disfigure, injure, wound ( in regards to the body)167. Inhabit: live in168. Auxiliary: supplementary, secondary, support169. Factious:170. Despair: misery anguish, desolation, helplessness sandwich

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    171. Vicariously:172. Defy custom: defy means to challenge, rebel, resist173. Sovereign: supreme, independent, self governing174. Desolate: isolated, deserted, bleak175. Enmity:176. Affinities: