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Web 2.0 Is the Future of Education


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We're about to have the biggest discussion about

education in decades, maybe longer.

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How do we learn?

What is the purpose of schools?

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Why now?

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Make Phone Calls Send Text Messages Download Music Play Music Surf the Web Take Photos Send Photos Play Games

This is just the start...

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Web 2.0

The Internet is becoming a platform

for unparalleled creativity.

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And *we* are creating the new content

of the Web.

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Ten Web 2.0 TrendsThat Will Have a Profound Impact

on Education

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A New Publishing Revolution

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Principles of Web 1.0




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Principles of Web 2.0




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A Revolution in 1436 AD

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A Tidal Wave of Information

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The Answers to The Answer to Content Overload

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A Culture of Openness

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A Culture of Participation

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The Age of the Collaborator

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The Age of the Collaborator

Historical periods favor specific traits

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The Age of the Collaborator

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The wisdom of the group replaces the


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An Explosion of Innovation

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Changing how things get done...

Professional + Amateur = ProAm Culture

Producer + Consumer = ProSumer Culture

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The World Is Getting Flatter & Faster

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The Long Tail

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Social Learning Moves Toward Center Stage

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Social Networking

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First Came Blogs...

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Then Wikis...

“A Web Page with an Edit Button” Level One: instant publishing Level Two: instant, multiple-author publishing

AP US History

Level Three: collaborative publishing Neutral Point of View Wikipedia

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Social Networks

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Web Statistics

Unparalleled creation of content: 70 million weblogs About 120,000 new weblogs each day, or... 1.4 new blogs every second 1.5 million posts per day, or... 17 posts per second 80% of college students have used Facebook MySpace: 375,000 new members EACH DAY MySpace: 172,000,000 total members

Some from

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Most Populous Countries

1.China - 1,313,973,7132.India - 1,095,351,9953.United States - 300,176,0354.Indonesia – 245,452,7395.Brazil – 188,078,2276.MySpace - 172,000,0007.Pakistan - 165,803,5608.Bangladesh - 147,365,3529.Russia - 142,893,54010.Nigeria - 131,859,73111.Japan - 127,463,611

FLASH: 300 Million as of

February 3, 2008

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9,900 Interested in Web .20 in Education

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Why This All Matters

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Learning Is Changing

Education Will Need to Change

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The Factory Model of Schooling Is Dying

Customization, Collaboration, and

Creation Are the New Model

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The Danger:

RIAA & Music

Schools & Learning

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What You Can Do

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Students Need You More than Ever

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Learn About Web 2.0 Lurk Participate Digest This Thought: The Answer

to Information Overload Is to Produce More Information.

Teach Content Production Make Education a Public

Discussion Help Build the New Playbook

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Have a Great Day Today, and Happy Learning!

Steve Hargadon

[email protected]


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Photo Credits Girls and cell phone: istockphoto

Tidal Wave: Clarke M. Smith,, by permission

Dam releasing water: istockphoto

Collaborating hands: istockphoto


Student video conference:

Apprentice: istockphoto

Lecture hall: istockphoto

Study group: istockphoto

