
1. Whats the last time somebody was trying to tell you how you should run your life? 2. Chances are, not so long ago. 3. For some strange, mystical reason when you decide to follow what your heart tells you, follow your dreams, some people get uncomfortable around it and decide it their mission to tell you what you should do instead because they think that they know better than you about whats best for you. 4. When you were a kid, your parents were telling you what to do 5. When you went to school, your teachers were telling you what to do 6. When you got a job, your boss started telling you what to do 7. But heres the interesting part: 8. Every single one of them is really telling you what THEY want you to do, not advising you on how to get what YOU want. 9. If your parents wanted you to become a doctor, even though you didnt want to, its because it would have made them happy, not you. 10. They said Look, youll make good money, youll have status or some similar bullshit. 11. But not for a single moment did they ask, What do you want to do with your life that would make you happy? 12. You can see the difference, cant you? 13. It gets even worse. 14. After years of such conditioning and always doing what youre told, you come to a point where you dont really know anymore what you want to do with youre life. 15. You start settling 16. Because if you dont know what you want, youll accept anything thrown your way and be glad to get it. 17. Heres the TRUTH 18. And its a truth that you once knew long ago and Im here to remind it to you. 19. You have an instinct, you have an Internal Guidance System thats here for one purpose, and one purpose only to help you get what you want, what will make you happy. 20. If you laid aside all the bullshit for a moment and asked yourself What do I really want to do?, I bet you could instantly come up with an answer, because you KNOW it, but youre not letting it come out more often. 21. And if you dont know, its simply because you havent found it yet, but I GUARANTEE you, that the moment you find that thing, youll know. 22. Because youre designed to know that stuff. 23. You dont need somebody to tell you when youre hungry, do you? 24. And you dont need anybody telling you how to run your life either. 25. So many people have millions of ideas about how others should run their lives, but no idea about how to run their own. 26. Now, dont get me wrong, Im not telling you to be this stuck-up asshole who never listens to anybody because theyre always right! 27. NO!! 28. Heres who you should listen to: 29. Somebody whos living the kind of life that you want, and can help you get there faster than you would on your own. 30. Thats who. 31. Not some career adviser whos really telling you Hey, I know that deep inside you already know what you want, but society wants you to live in this tiny box and your dream is too big for this box. 32. So let me help you find something that you could do that will fit into this tiny box, just so that the people who are not living up to their true potential can keep feeling secure about themselves in their own mediocrity. 33. Because deep inside you already know what you want. 34. What you dont know is how youre going to get it yet. 35. So find somebody who knows the way and can point you in the right direction. 36. The rest, well, you can figure it out on our own. 37. ukasz okie 38. Hopefully you enjoyed this presentation ;-) For more awesome content, visit my blog! (link in the description)