Technology Enhauced Learnin (T G-2-1-1


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Technology Enhauced Learning (TEL)

G-2-1-1 G-2-1-1

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1.Introducing Technology Enhauced Learning

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1. What is TEL

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What is TEL

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) seeks to improve the student learning experience by:Aiding student engagement, satisfaction and retention;Helping to produce enterprising graduates with the skills required to compete in the global business environment;Encouraging inspirational and innovative teaching;Personalising learning that promotes reflection;Delivering and supporting CPD and internationalisation.

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TEL in Europe

The EU supports a number of projects in the area of TEL.There are several Networks of Excellences that (have) specifically contribute(d) to shaping the research area around TEL: PROLEARN: endedKaleidoscope: endedSTELLAR: running

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TEL in the United Kingdom

The Teaching and Learning Research Programme is currently in its Technology Enhanced Learning phase. It is currently funding eight large projects in the TEL field across the UK.

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Associations dealing with TEL

European Association on Technology Enhanced Learning (EATEL)CEN Learning Technologies Workshop (CEN WSLT)IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology (LTTC)IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC)Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)Ariadne foundationThe International Federation for Learning, Education, and Training Systems Interoperability (LETSI)ELearning Industry Group (ELIG)EdenEuropean Schoolnet

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2.Contrast TEL with PLE


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The main focus in TEL is on the interplay between these activities and respective technologies. This can range from enabling access to and authoring of a learning resource to elaborate software systems managing (e.g. learning management system, learning content management systems, learning repositories, adaptive learning hypermedia systems, etc.) and managing (human resource management systems; tools for self-directed learning, etc.) the learning process of learners with technical means.

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PLE puts the individual learner at the center, connecting him or her to both information and to communities to: "... provide personal spaces, which belong to and are controlled by the user, [and also provide] a social context by offering means to connect with other personal spaces for effective knowledge sharing and collaborative knowledge creation" [3] Using the term "Social Learning 2.0," Anderson and Dron reinforce this emphasis on community, conceptualizing it in terms of "groups," "networks" and "collectives" (2007)[4] and thereby achieve learning goals.

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Responsive Open Learning Environments (ROLE) is a European collaborative project with 16 internationally renowned research groups from 6 EU countries and China. ROLE´s main task is to deliver and test prototypes of highly responsive Personal Learning Environments, offering breakthrough levels of effectiveness, flexibility, user-control and mass-individualisation.

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ROLE Showcase Platform displays the software created in the ROLE research project. Please feel free to try it out yourself. If you have questions do not hesitate to contact us. Your feedback is always appreciated. Need a widget? Add your suggestion here.

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The ROLE Alliance Programme offers additional synergy opportunities for all those, who would like to test, enhance or further exploit our open source results. We would like to encourage PLE motivated people to subscribe either for individual or for organisational membership here.

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