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• Rome was built on 7 hills.

• Rome is on the Italian peninsula which is very well protected.

• Surrounding Rome is the Mediterranean Sea a good natural barrier.

• Roman civilization started on the Tiber river since it was a good source water.


• During Rome’s peak Rome controlled all of the Mediterranean sea.

• The Punic wars helped gain much of this land.

• It went as far North as Gaul and South as Egypt

Geographical Features

• One of the major features was the Alps.

• Another feature is the Tiber river.

• Also there is the Mediterranean Sea.

• Finally there is the Adriatic Sea.


• The Tiber river was an important source of water for the Romans.

• Rome had a large supply of soil for farming.

• Grapes grew all over Rome so they had wine.

• They also had marble to build houses.


Religious Conflicts• During the time of

ancient Rome Christians were punished.

• Christians were burned for there religion.

• The emperor Nero blamed Christians for the fire.

• Though over time Christianity became the head religion of Rome.

Roman Religion

• Romans believed in many gods.

• Romans built huge temples for ceremonies

• To please gods Romans sacrificed animals.

• Roman religion was the start of gladiator fights.

Christianity• Christians were the first

to believe in only one god.

• Unlike Romans Christians used smaller temples to practice and share religion.

• Early Christians were pacifists and did not go to war.

• Christians had there own secret language.

Etruscan Mysticism

• Etruscans believed in mysticism, the study of signs from god.

• In an old ritual two male slaves would fight to the death.

• Etruscans would also make sculptures for tombs of the wealthy


Military Organization• When Romans fought

on rough land they split into groups of about 100 to move easier.

• When the battle field was flat they fought in a straight line.

• Smaller groups made it easier to sneak around the enemy.

• They also copied a Carthage ship to fight over seas.

Latin language

• Latin made it easier to trade and communicate since it was common in the empire.

• Latin is the root of English.

• Latin could be written and spoken.

• Latin is said to be the language of nobles

Development of the aqueduct

• Aqueducts were used to transport water to distant places.

• People used the water from them to drink, wash clothes, and irrigate crops.

• Some aqueducts towered high over land intersected like highways.

Republic Form of Gov.

• The republic was the fairest government Rome used.

• In the republic the leaders and laws were voted on.

• Our government is based on the republics Gov.


Political corruption• In the empire choosing

emperors became unfair for citizens.

• At one time in the empire the highest bidder would become emperor.

• During this time emperors were killed quickly.

• This is one reason Rome fell.


• Nero killed everyone in his family.

• He would lock people in auditoriums and make them listen to him sing.

• He spent money on a hose made of gold.

• He also blamed the Christians for the fire.


• The Etruscans ruled Rome with a monarchy.

• A monarchy is ruled by a king that makes all laws.

• The Romans over threw the Etruscans thus starting the Roman republic,

The Senate• During the republic the

senate was the highest power.

• The senate made descisions on laws and leaders.

• When the empire started the senate lost power.

• Members of the senate killed Julius Caesar for his views.


Taxes• During the empire taxes

varied on the emperor who made them.

• When Augustus ruled taxes started low and then increased when the empire needed money.

• At one time taxes were collected in fruits and vegetables

Farmers• Farmers provided food

for the whole empire.• In early days farmers

worked side by side with slaves.

• When the amount of slaves increased people could by slaves to make crops for cheap.

• So forth farmers could not compete and became poor.

Trade• Rome’s main export

was wine since they had a lot of grapes.

• They imported metals and gold because they did not have either.

• They also exported marble to other countries.

• Latin made it much easier to trade.


• Once Rome stopped gaining more lands gold stopped coming into the empire.

• Though wealthy Romans kept on spending gold.

• There for merchants raised prices on goods , so people stared to trade again.

• Eventually taxes had to be paid in fruits and vegetables.

Social order


• Plebeians were the lower class of ancient Rome.

• 90 percent of Rome’s population was plebeians.

• They were farmers, potters, sculptures, black smiths slaves, etc.

• They lived in small apartment that were very haserdous.

Patricians• Patricians were the upper

class of ancient Rome.• Only 10 percent of Rome’s

population was Patricians.• Most Patricians were a part

of the senate which made laws unfair to the poor sometimes.

• Patricians lived in large homes called domus with marble walls.

Family Life• On wedding day ,in Rome,

the bride and groom would go to a temple and exchange rings.

• Once married the husband was to take care of his future family.

• When a child was born the father would decide if it was to be kept or not.

• Children had many of the toys we have now.


• Before the empire expanded slaves were treated well.

• They worked side by side with farmers.

• When Rome expanded the amount of slaves increased.

• Then they were treated poorly.


• The most important thing I learned about Rome was how it fell.

• With this information we can now try to fix any mistakes we have and will make in the future

• Without it we may make the same mistakes as Rome and fall.