Prof. Ismar Frango Aula #4 Fundamentos de Sistemas de Informação

Fundamentos de Sistemas de Informacao - Aula 4

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FSI - Aula 4 Prof. Ismar Frango

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Prof. Ismar Frango

Aula #4

Fundamentos de Sistemas de Informação

Na aula passada: como a sociedade pós-

industrial se formou e qual o papel dos SI no

contexto global

Nesta aula: uma visão do papel dos SI ao longo

dos últimos 50 anos

Os SI e as organizações no tempo

Entendendo melhor os anos 1960...

Year Fact

1961 The computer industry has its first billion dollar year. An estimated 9,300 systems now exist world wide.

1962 Medlars, the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System, one of the world's first computerized information services, opens in the U.S.

1963 Ted Nelson, an author and futurist, coins the word "hypertext."

1967 Development ofArpanet, forerunner of the Internet, begins with U.S. Defense Department funding.


Ted Nelson chooses "Xanadu" as the name for a concept of deep-linking hypertext. It is said to be the inspiration for LotusNotes, Hypercard and the World Wide Web.


Arpanet, forerunner of the modern Internet, begins operation, connecting three universities in California and one in Utah.


CompuServe Information Service launches in Columbus, Ohio, as a computer time-sharing service.


Year Fact

1971 Commission of the European Community create a network to be called Euronet.

1972 The first e-mail program for Arpanet is created by Ray Tomlinson of BBN.


 November: Atari is founded and ships Pong, the first commercial video game.

1973 First international connections to Arpanet are created in England and Norway.

1974 First Use of term "Internet" appears in a conference paper by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn.

1976Ethernet, which allows coaxial cable to move data extremely fast, is described by Robert M. Metcalfe. This is a crucial component in development of LANs.


April 1: Steve Jobs and Mike Wozniak incorporate Apple Computer and introduce the Apple I. Cost: $666.66

1977  First computerized word processor introduced by Wang Laboratories. Price: $30,000.


 Tandy Corp., owner of Radio Shack, introduces a "personal computer."

1978Feb. 16: The first computer Bulletin Board System is launched in Chicago by Ward Christensen and Randy Seuss.


Japan: Philips and Sony unveil the music CD.

1979  USENET is developed at the University of North Carolina.


Japan: The first cellular telephone network is built in Tokyo.

Entendendo melhor os anos 1970...

Year Fact


The Apple III is introduced with a 2-MHz Motorola 6502A processor and a price tag of $4,500 to $8,000, depending on configuration. Meanwhile, IBM begins assembling a team to design the PC. It contacts Microsoft and Digital Research about creating an operating system.


 The VCR is introducted by Matsushita. 40,000 U.S. homes will have one within a year.


 Pac-Man, a successful video game, is released.

1981  August: IBM introduces the PC. Based on the Intel 8088, it sells 50,000 units in the first eight months. Cost: $1,565 to $6,000.

1983 Internet Domain Name System is developed at the University of Wisconsin.


ARPAnet begins using TCP/IP.


Microsoft first demonstrates "Interface Manager," later renamed Windows.

1984  IBM introduces the PC-AT, based on the 80286 Intel chip. Fully loaded with graphics, color monitor and 20MB hard disk, it costs $6,700.

1985 Microsoft ships Windows 1.0. It is not well received  and suffers dismal sales.

1987Microsoft ships the 1 millionth copy of Windows. Meanwhile, Apple introduces "Hypercard," a hypertext system.

Entendendo melhor os anos 1980...

Year Fact

1990 Microsoft introduces version 3.0 of Windows. It really works and sales take off. Its sales hit $1 billion, an industry first.


Sept. 29: AOL, still a service for Apple owners, announces a monthly feature called "Online Tonight," an online talk show, and says PC software is in the works.


 October: Tim Berners-Lee coins the phrase "World Wide Web" to describe his hypertext project.


 New countries connected to the Internet: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Greece, India, Ireland, Korea, Spain and   Switzerland.


 Christmas: Tim Berners-Lee's GUI-based Web browser, first called the World Wide Web and later renamed Nexus to avert confusion, is demonstrated on a NEXT computer.


 Linux, a Unix-like operating system, is created by Linus Torvalds and released free across the Internet.

1992  November: 26 "reasonably reliable" servers exist on the World Wide Web, according to CERN.


 Microsoft releases Windows 3.1.

1993  Number of  countries reachable by E-mail: 117.


 August: Mosaic, first graphical Web browser for Windows, is released by the University of Illinois. It causes WWW to grow at a 341,634% annual rate of service traffic.


 Netscape is formed by Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen and a Web browser, Netscape Navigator 1.0, is released.


 June: Over 1,500 Web servers are registered with CERN.


 Java, a programming language that allows animation on Web pages and much more, is introduced by Sun Microsystems.

Entendendo melhor (o início d)os anos 1990...

Processamento de Dados


Apoio àDecisão

Estratégico eUsuário Final


1950-1960 1960-1970 1970-1980 1980-1990 1990-2000

Processa-mentoEletrônico de Dados

Sistemas deInformaçãoGerencial

Sistemas de Apoio àDecisão Computação do

Usuário FinalInf. ExecutivaSistemas Espe-cialistasInf. Estratégica

Empresa e ComércioEletrônicos InterconectadosE-Business e E-Commerce

Os SI e as organizações



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