A guide to Student Support during Induction week

Induction Information for Staff

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This presentation takes university staff through the processes that new students starting at the University are undertaking and gives advice on useful resources and which departments can assist with each stage.

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Page 1: Induction Information for Staff

A guide to Student Support during Induction week

Page 2: Induction Information for Staff

In this guide:

• Brief overview of the enrolment procedures

• Useful resources for supporting new students

• Overview of support available to students during first week:• Student Recruitment and Admissions • IS Information Centre • Student Administration • Cash Office • Student Development and Support Services • Estates and Campus Services

– Residential Services, Car Parking, Catering, • Student Learning Services• Academic Advice• Atrium information desk

Page 3: Induction Information for Staff

Enrolment proceduresUndergraduate students:

1. Discover computer account (when they get welcome pack).– Gives them pre-enrolment portal view, links to enrolment procedures– Basic Succeed access (Induction module), student email,

2. Module registration (opens 1st August)- choose/confirm modules for semester one

3. Administrative enrolment (opens 1st September)- confirm personal details / how fees will be paid

4. Collection of ID card– Portal view switches over to full portal– Succeed access will follow overnight except during first week following

module allocation (Wed) when students are added on the Wed afternoon

Full instructions on Induction web site

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Shot of pre-enrolment portal – students will see this view until they have completed enrolment (got ID card)

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Enrolment proceduresPostgraduate students (slightly different order to UG):

1. Discover computer account

2. Administrative enrolment (opens 1st September)

3. Collection of ID card

4. Module registration (taught programmes)– Opens 1st Sept– If a choice is available, TPGs are advised to wait til after 1st meeting

with dept to get advice

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Induction Succeed module • Summary of useful info for new students

Useful resources

Available from > the portal > Succeed > Induction module

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Timetable generator• Students can enter module codes and a personalised lecture

timetable will be generated

Useful resources

Available from > the portal > Timetable generator

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Student Status Screen (‘My Student Status’ view for students)– Gives status update on main enrolment processes


Account discovery

Module registration


Succeed modules

Available from > the portal > Student Status Screen

9999999K Minogue

Page 9: Induction Information for Staff

Help with enrolment procedures

1. Admissions (initial recruitment/Induction week)2. Information Centre (account discovery)3. Student Administration (module registration & enrolment)4. Cash Office (fees payment)

Other Induction week support

1. Student Development and Support Services2. Estates and Campus Services3. Academic advice for students (Advisors / SLS)4. Atrium Information desk

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o Welcome packso First week timetableo Questions about applications, change of degree programme for new students

(up to mid semester)o Study Abroad enquirieso International Student Advisor (eg visas, police reg)

Pathfoot, C3Mon-Fri: [email protected]

[email protected]

Student Recruitment and Admissions

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o Library and IT enquirieso Computing account discovery / forgotten usernames + passwordso The Portal (pre-enrolment and full)o Student emailo Succeed– access to courseso Connecting laptop to network on campus/in Residences o Printing and photocopying in the Library/Labs


Sat/Sun: 10-5Mon-Fri: 8:[email protected]

Information Centre

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Student ProgrammesCottrell, 2Z

Mon-Fri: 9:30-4:[email protected]

o Module registration and semester one allocationo Changing moduleso Progression issueso New students - change of degree programme (after mid semester)

Student Administration

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o Online enrolment: help with process available Monday /Tues of first week in Pathfoot building

o Student loanso Tuition fees (assessment and enquiries)o Council Tax exemptiono Change of address (portal)o Confirmation of student addresso ID cards. ID card pickup arrangements are:

o Week preceding start semester – from 2Z Student Services o Mon-Tues of first week in Pathfoot building

Student AdministrationEnrolment and Records Team

Cottrell 2Z [email protected]

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o Fees payment – including onlineo http://www.finance.stir.ac.uk/students/payments.phpo Instalment arrangementso http://www.finance.stir.ac.uk/students/fee-instalments.php

Cottrell, 2Z

Mon – Fri 9.30 am – 4.30 pm

[email protected]

Cash office

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• Disability Service (2A1) – information, advice and support for disabled students

• Student Money Advice (4Y):– Student Money team – discretionary awards, budgeting and debt advice• Counselling and Wellbeing team (4Y):– Students in distress, homesick, lonely, having difficulties adjusting– Also the Chaplains in the Faith Centre/Chaplaincy can offer a sympathetic ear– Counsellor available at Chaplaincy over first weekend (1pm-5pm)• Career Development Centre (3A1)– Jobshop – part time jobs for students– Careers information and guidance– Volunteering

Student Development and Support Services

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o Residential Services (Geddes) Open first weekend 10 -5o Residences (moving in, rules, equipment etc)

o Car Parking Office Cottrell 4Z2 (open first weekend – limited hours)o Parking on campus, permits, payment

o Catering – flexi meals (ask at any Catering outlet)

Mon-Fri 9-5 (office opening hours)

[email protected]@stir.ac.uk

Estates and Campus Services

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• Each academic dept has an Advising team• Details on portal under ‘Departmental Advising Teams’• Contact by email, phone or in person all day first Monday• Advice on course of study, which modules to take etc• http://www.quality.stir.ac.uk/ad-study/index.php

• Also Student Learning Services• Information, workshops and tutorials on study skills• Talks during Induction week (part of Induction timetable)• http://www.sls.stir.ac.uk

Academic advice / SLS

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• Temporary service for first week (autumn semester).

• Located in Atrium outside Library

• Open: Sat-Sun 10:00-17:00, Mon-Wed 10:00-16:00

• Staffed by students plus IS staff

• Primarily a signposting/directional service to help students with basic enquiries and to point them to the correct service or academic department.

Atrium Information desk