International Relations Week 2 [read Baylis et. al. (2008) chapter 2] Brendon Tagg [email protected] 1

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International RelationsWeek 2

[read Baylis et. al. (2008) chapter 2]

Brendon [email protected]


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International history 1900-1990

End of imperialism

Total war

Nuclear weapons

Cold war

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‘Total war’

WWI (1914-18) and WWII (1939-45)

global scale

pursuit of ‘unconditional surrender’

mobilisation of whole populations

women; factory, civil defence, paramilitary, paramedics

total call-up in pursuit of victory


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Origins highly debated

-complex alliances?

-autocratic German elite?

Motivations are clear


-short, victorious, glorious



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The Treaty of Versailles (1919)

End of WWI

-rights and responsibilities of victors and losers

-harsh on defeated Germany

Woodrow Wilson’s fourteen points


-open diplomacy

-association of nations (League of Nations)

Treaty failed – frustrated Germany, Depression

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The Munich Agreement (1938)



Britain and France





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League of Nations failed

-US; Japan, Italy, Germany

WWII: Japan’s rise threatened

-US and European empires

Italy Germany support Japan

Germany defeated May 1945

Hiroshima, Nagasaki August 1945http://aboutjapan.japansociety.org/content.cfm/nagasaki_atomic_bomb http://www.librarything.com/work/918970

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End of Empire


Promoted by Woodrow Wilson

-but only for some

Age of imperialism –status

Perceptions changed after 1945

Different experiences of decolonisation

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British Decolonisation

1947-1980 [49 territories]

India dramatic / Pakistan separation violent

African colonies largely 1950s-early 1960s

Kenya - Mau Mau War

Malaya- emergency

- http://www.cit.griffith.edu.au/~s285238/BritishEmpire/Britain-20centuries.html

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French Decolonisation

Indo-China [Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam]



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WWII to Cold War

Before WWII - Europe at centre

- US and Soviets preoccupied

Post WWII- US and Soviets at centre


-global political ambition

-military capability (WMD)

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Cold War

End of WWII alliance UK, US, USSR

European weakness; perceived Soviet strength

Atomic bomb


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1945-1953: Onset of Cold War

End of WWII

-rise of US and USSR

-Yalta conference

-Potsdam conference

Concern: USSR expansion

Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalinhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Yalta_Conference_(Churchill,_Roosevelt,_Stalin)_(B%26W).jpg

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Berlin 1948

First major cold war confrontation

Stalin wanted to secure Berlin

Massive airlift

Political commitment emerged


http://de.academic.ru/dic.nsf/dewiki/885737 http://www.akg-images.co.uk/_customer/london/gallery/berlin/history.html

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Cold War Outside Europe

1950 North Korea - South Korea

‘general communist strategy’? -> ‘test case’

US and UN vs. PR China

3 million killed

Middle East less clearly ‘cold war’

-Israel 1948 supported by US and USSR

-Soviets supported Arab nationalism

-Israel tied to Br, Fr, US – but later Arab states too

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1953-1969: Conflict, Confrontation and Compromise

US assumed

communism monolithic

Warsaw Pact 1955

Stalin -> Khrushchev- Modernisation- Reforms E Europe




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Berlin (1961)

Cuba (1962)

-USSR secretly deploying nuclear missiles

-Kennedy ordered naval blockade

http://www.artsjournal.com/popcorn/2009/11/ http://personal.monm.edu/mmb/ILA/thirteen_days.htm

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Progress From Crisis

Partial Test Ban treaty 1963

After 1962 - stable period competition coexistence

Other nuclear weapons states

-Britain (1952) France (1960) China (1964)

1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

-by 1990 Israel, India, Pakistan, South Africa

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1969-1979: Détente’s Rise and Fall

détente US and USSRrapprochement US and China

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Détente’s Rise and Fall

1973 Arab-Israeli war- US and the USSR drawn in

Détente ended in the late 1970s- Ethiopia 1975 and Angola 1978- Iran 1979

NATO missiles Europe 1979

- Afghanistan 1979

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1979-1986: ‘The Second Cold War’

Early 1980s - USSR supremacy?

Ronald Regan

Strategic Defense Initiate” (SDI)


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‘The Second Cold War’

Reaction to Regan’s rhetoric

Grenada (1983)

Libya (1986)

general Central America policy; Nicaragua Contras

1986 International Court of Justice

USSR took it seriously

-1983 S Korean airliner

- Able Archer incident

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1985 Mikhail Gorbachev‘new thinking’

-perestroika (restructure)

- glasnost (openness)

aim - transform relations with US and W Europe

result- dramatic change across Eastern Europe

1987 INF Treaty

- Gorbachev triumph, Thatcher/Regan vindication?http://www.topnews.in/gorbachev-claims-europe-misunderstands-russia-2166548


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How did WWI come about?How can we explain the rise of Hitler?Who won the cold war? How? What were the


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