Introduktion till forskningsprojekt et Niklas Karlsson Doktorand Zoologiska institutionen University of Gothenburg Göteborg 20110412 Students learning of scientific concepts by putting pieces of information together in use of digital (new media) artifacts to collect, transform, produce and share information – organization of their personal learning environment – in extended classrooms. - How learning activities designed with a “knowledge building” approach and designed collaboratively by teachers implicate students communication in blended learning in extended classrooms. Del 1

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Introduktion till forskningsprojekt


Niklas KarlssonDoktorand Zoologiska institutionenUniversity of Gothenburg

Göteborg 20110412

Students learning of scientific concepts by putting pieces of information together in use of digital (new media) artifacts to collect, transform, produce and share information – organization of their personal learning environment – in extended classrooms.

- How learning activities designed with a “knowledge building”

approach and designed collaboratively by teachers

implicate students communication in blended learning in extended


Del 1

CC BY-NC-SA 2.0by Tatcher a Hainu


Page 2: Introduktion till forskningsprojektet - del 1

See more: Web 3.0 The way forward? (Steve Wheeler)

Bakgrund teknik

• Webb 1.0 till ... 

• Lärplattformar, LMS till ...  

• Utveckling av teknik…

CC BY 2.0 by  andrewcparnell 

Web 3.0: The way forward?  http://www.slideshare.net/timbuckteeth/web-30-the-way-forward

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 by  Plearn  Some rights reserved by Plearn 

Organisation av information och personliga verktyg

"Finding and organizing online content related to personal interests and learning objectives can be a difficult task, given the quantity of information on the web and the ease of adding more." 

"Keeping track of one’s own contributions, and those of valued peers and colleagues, adds another layer of complexity." 

CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Some rights reserved by PlearnThe Horizon Report: 2009 K-12 Edition; The New Media Consortium and the Consortium for School Networkinghttp://eskillslearning.net/uploads/2009-Horizon-Report-K12%20with%20summary.pdf

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21st-century competencies/skills - inte entydigt     

Organisationer som EU, P21, Oecd framhåller följande, som viktiga kompetenser: 

• Collaboration

• Communication

• ICT literacy

• Social and/or cultural skills; citizenship 

EU betonar även vikten av att lära sig att lära. (Voogt & Roblin, 2010)    

CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 by actionheroI USA:s nationella utbildnings teknologiska plan för 2010 skrivs: "21st-century competencies and such expertise as critical thinking, complex problem solving, collaboration, and multimedia communication should be woven into all content areas."Education, T. A. (2010). Powered by Technology. Educational Technology.

Voogt, J., & Roblin, N. P. (2010). White Paper 21stCS_Final_ENG_def. Retrieved November 7, 2010, from

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 “the skills that are important in a knowledge-based society were previously associated with deep learning of specialized knowledge, metacommunication, metacognition, and task reconceptualization” (S. R. Ludvigsen & Mørch, 2010).

Nya kompetenser

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"the new media literacies should be seen as social skills, as ways of interacting within a larger community, and not simply an individualized skill to be used for personal expression. 


... youth need skills for working within social networks, for pooling knowledge within a collective intelligence, for negotiating across cultural differences that shape the governing assumptions in different communities, and for reconciling conflicting bits of data to form a coherent picture of the world around them." (Jenkins H. 2006)

Nya kompetenser

Henry Jenkins in Adams, D. (2006). Digitalt kunnskapsløft? E-learning.    

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Jenkins hävdar att 

• vi måste integrera de nya kunskapskulturerna i skolan - inte bara genom grupparbeten utan även genom "långväga samarbeten" mellan olika lärande gemenskaper. 

• studenter behöver upptäcka hur det är att bidra till kunskapsuppbyggande aktiviteter genom t.ex. att blogga

"Schools are currently still training autonomous problem-solvers, whereas as students enter the workplace, they are increasingly being asked to work in teams, drawing on different sets of expertise, and collaborating to solve problems. "

Nya kompetenser

Henry Jenkins in Adams, D. (2006). Digitalt kunnskapsløft?  E-learning.    

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• Med allt mer information och ständigt ökande möjligheter till kommunikation - Kan lärare hjälpa elever att organisera sin personliga användning av nätet för att lära sig ämneskunskaper i biologi? 

• Hur strukturerar eleverna sin personliga lärmiljö? Vilka personer för eleverna dialog med och genom vilka verktyg? 

• Hur får eleverna ihop "bitar av information" till kunskap, när informations och kommunikations- verktyg används i undervisningen?  How does students learn scientific concepts in a “knowledge building” approach to design learning activities and use of selected information and communication artifacts in the extended classrooms? 


Work in progress.

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• Teoretisk ramverk - Socio kulturellt perspektiv 

• Metod - Utgångspunkt i design research, design based research. 

• Teoretiska utgångspunkter för design av undervisning

o Knowledge building (Scardamalia & Berieter) o Triacologic approach - Hakaarainen 

Överblick av

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“While the research in FCL and KB may emphasize somewhat different pedagogical processes and epistemological frameworks, both are dedicated to the vision of a classroom where students collaborate in developing ideas, and rely on the contributions of their peers as a primary resource for learning. Both projects require a deep epistemological commitment from students and teachers that is consistent with autonomous lifelong learning, resulting in radical departure from conventional forms of classroom instruction.” (J D Slotta & Najafi, 2010)

Utgångspunkter för design av undervisning

Slotta, J D, & Najafi, H. (2010). Knowledge Communities in the Classroom. International encyclopedia of education. Oxford.

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"The main idea in the ‘trialogical’ knowledge creation metaphor is that knowledge creation is an object-centered process that calls for sustained and iterative collaborative efforts. While individual agents may have a crucial role in such a process, their actions take place upon the fertile ground of collective activity. Similar processes may also be present at the case of social semantic software. Working collaboratively for creating semantic wiki’s is naturally an object-centered collaborative process in respect of wiki being the object of learning." (Hakkarainen, K et al 2009)

Utgångspunkter för design av undervisning

Hakkarainen, K., Engeström, R., Paavola, S., Pohjola, P., & Honkela, T. (2009). Knowledge Practices, Epistemic Technologies, and Pragmatic Web. Proceedings of I-KNOW (Vol. 9).    

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• Webbverktygen som finns tillgängliga idag liknar de artefakter som har utvecklats för KB och tycks skapa liknande förutsättningar för "Knowledge building" - aktiviteter. 

• Elevers individuella aktiviteter är grunden för kollektivt kunskap-/informations-uppbyggande.   

• Informations och kommunikations-teknologin erbjuder nya möjligheter för att organisera gemensamma lärande aktiviteter.

Utgångspunkter för design av undervisning

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Personlig lärmiljö kan vara användbar utgångspunkt för att hjälpa eleven att strukturera användning av tillgänglig teknologi/ webb- verktyg/ artefakter. 

Individers organisation av information och kommunikation för lärande 

CC BY-ND 2.0 Some rights reserved by wdrexler

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Integrating new, technology-based innovations into one’s classroom practice is not easy. Teachers rely on familiar methods not because they lack incentive for improving student learning, but because these methods fit within the complex ecology of their classroom and school community. Teachers’ methods must also accommodate the mandated curriculum subject content, which is usually assessed through conventional measures.(Peters & James D. Slotta, 2010)

Peters, V. L., & Slotta, James D. (2010). Scaffolding Knowledge Communities in the Classroom: New Opportunities in the Web 2.0 Era. Designs for Learning Environments of the Future (pp. 205-232). Springer US. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-88279-6_8

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“Opening up space for a range of new kinds of collaborations – between teachers themselves, between teachers and students, students and students, university researchers and researchers and so on built upon a strong commitment to enquiry and practice – is

crucial” (Sutherland 2009:215). 

The technolgical inventions can lead to a radical shift in the educational systems and learning activites, but if we wants that to happen it require innovations not only invensions (Jacobson & Reimann, 2010)

CC BY-NC 2.0 by Trondheim Byarkiv

Sutherland, R. (2009). Improving classroom learning with ICT . Milton Park  Abingdon  Oxon ;;New York  NY: Routledge.

Jacobson, M. J., & Reimann, P. (2010). Invention and Innovation in Designing Future Learning Environments. Designs for Learning Environments of the Future (pp. 205-232). Springer US. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-88279-6_8

Page 16: Introduktion till forskningsprojektet - del 1

Tekniken öppnar upp för nya former av kommunikation, förändrade lärande akviteter…

Denna framväxande praktik behöver utformas i samverkan mellan lärare, bibliotekarier,…, elever och forskare.

För att underlätta för elever att kommunicera med omvärlden, andra elever... finns behov av att planera undervisningen med utgångspunkten "det utökade klassrummet".

CC BY-BY-NC-SA 2.0 by hojusaram

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Presentationen fortsätter:

Del 2 – Möjligheter till gemensam design av undervisningen i biologiämnet på gymnsaiet

Del 3 – Konkreta ideer på kollaborativ design av lärande aktiviteter.

CC BY-NC-SA 2.0by Tatcher a Hainu


Page 18: Introduktion till forskningsprojektet - del 1

• All images from http://www.flickr.com (unless specifically stated)

• References see in the notes section of slides

• Image & licensing info in the notes section of slides

• Presentation licensed: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

• The presentation can be downloaded from: http://www.slideshare.net/niklas_karlsson

• More information about me: Blog & http://lincs.gu.se/members/niklas-karlsson/


Page 19: Introduktion till forskningsprojektet - del 1

Referenser & länkar


1. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 by Tatcher a Hainu http://www.flickr.com/photos/wunderkanone/4262065280/sizes/z/in/photostream/

2. CC BY 2.0 by  andrewcparnell  Web 3.0: The way forward?  http://www.slideshare.net/timbuckteeth/web-30-the-way-forward

3. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Some rights reserved by PlearnThe Horizon Report: 2009 K-12 Edition; The New Media Consortium and the Consortium for School Networkinghttp://eskillslearning.net/uploads/2009-Horizon-Report-K12%20with%20summary.pdf

4. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 by actionheroI USA:s nationella utbildnings teknologiska plan för 2010 skrivs: "21st-century competencies and such expertise as critical thinking, complex problem solving, collaboration, and multimedia communication should be woven into all content areas."Education, T. A. (2010). Powered by Technology. Educational Technology.Voogt, J., & Roblin, N. P. (2010). White Paper 21stCS_Final_ENG_def. Retrieved November 7, 2010, from

6. Henry Jenkins in Adams, D. (2006). Digitalt kunnskapsløft? E-learning.    

7. Henry Jenkins in Adams, D. (2006). Digitalt kunnskapsløft? E-learning.  

Page 20: Introduktion till forskningsprojektet - del 1

Referenser & länkar


10. Slotta, J D, & Najafi, H. (2010). Knowledge Communities in the Classroom. International encyclopedia of education. Oxford.

11. Hakkarainen, K., Engeström, R., Paavola, S., Pohjola, P., & Honkela, T. (2009). Knowledge Practices, Epistemic Technologies, and Pragmatic Web. Proceedings of I-KNOW (Vol. 9).    

13. CC BY-ND 2.0 Some rights reserved by wdrexler  

14. Peters, V. L., & Slotta, James D. (2010). Scaffolding Knowledge Communities in the Classroom: New Opportunities in the Web 2.0 Era. Designs for Learning Environments of the Future (pp. 205-232). Springer US. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-88279-6_8

15. CC BY-NC 2.0 by Trondheim Byarkiv

Sutherland, R. (2009). Improving classroom learning with ICT. Milton Park  Abingdon  Oxon ;;New York  NY: Routledge.

Jacobson, M. J., & Reimann, P. (2010). Invention and Innovation in Designing Future Learning Environments. Designs for Learning Environments of the Future (pp. 205-232). Springer US. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-88279-6_8

16. CC BY-BY-NC-SA 2.0 by hojusaram

17. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 by Tatcher a Hainu http://www.flickr.com/photos/wunderkanone/4262065280/sizes/z/in/photostream/