CHAPTER NO.1 INTRODUCTION TO ORE BODY 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO ORE:- Ore is generally understood to be any naturally occurring , in place , mineral aggregate containing one or more valuable constituents that may be recovered at a profit under existing economic conditions. 1.2 ORE BODY:- A Dictionary of Earth Sciences defines the ore body Accumulation of minerals, distinct from the host rock, and rich enough in a metal to be worth commercial exploitation. The general name for an accumulation of ore in any shape. An ore body may correspond to an ore deposit, but more often the deposit includes several ore bodies. The boundary between an ore body and the enclosing rocks may be distinct and discernible to the eye. On the other hand, it may be indistinct, with a gradual transition from the ore body through a zone of impregnated low-grade ores and weakly mineralized rocks to the enclosing rocks. When indistinct, the boundary of the ore body is established during the sampling process, based on the minimum allowable content of metal or mineral in the ore. Page | 1

Ore body modling of ther coal 09 mn

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Ore is generally understood to be any naturally occurring , in place , mineral

aggregate containing one or more valuable constituents that may be recovered at a

profit under existing economic conditions.

1.2 ORE BODY:-

A Dictionary of Earth Sciences defines the ore body Accumulation of minerals,

distinct from the host rock, and rich enough in a metal to be worth commercial


The general name for an accumulation of ore in any shape. An ore body may

correspond to an ore deposit, but more often the deposit includes several ore bodies.

The boundary between an ore body and the enclosing rocks may be distinct and

discernible to the eye. On the other hand, it may be indistinct, with a gradual

transition from the ore body through a zone of impregnated low-grade ores and

weakly mineralized rocks to the enclosing rocks. When indistinct, the boundary of the

ore body is established during the sampling process, based on the minimum allowable

content of metal or mineral in the ore.

Three groups of ore bodies are distinguished by shape: isometric, flat, and elongated

in one direction. Isometric ore bodies are accumulations of mineral substance that are

approximately equal in all measurements. They include stocks, stock works, and

pockets, relatively small accumulations of ore that are isometric in shape and usually

not more than 1–3 m in cross section.

Flat ore bodies—sheets, veins, and lenses—have two long dimensions and one short

dimension. The sheet, the most common shape in which sedimentary deposits occur,

is a tabular body separated from other rocks by bedding planes. A distinction is made

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between simple sheets and complex sheets, which have rock interlayer’s. Sheet like

deposits differ from sheets in their smaller dimensions, discontinuity, and lesser

stability of thickness. They are typical of weathering deposits.

Veins are ore bodies formed when a mineral substance fills fracture cavities or when

there is met somatic substitution of mineral substances for rocks along cracks. The

plane of contact between the vein and the enclosing rocks is called the selvage. The

zones of mineralized lateral rocks of veins create a contact metamorphic aureole that

sometimes contains industrial concentrations of valuable components. Where the

minerals that fill the veins are unevenly distributed, there is an alternation of sections

rich and poor in valuable components; the rich sections in the body of the vein are

called ore shoots. Ore shoots may be morphological or concentrated. The former are

formed by bulges in the vein, whereas the latter are zones having an increased

concentration of valuable components unrelated to change in the morphology of the

ore body but rather caused by local alterations of the physicochemical parameters of

ore deposition. The latter are sometimes related to the ability of the ore-enclosing

rocks to react chemically with solutions. Sometimes they result from a sharp change

in the temperature and pressure of solutions, the change leading to a large-scale

accumulation of ore minerals.

A lens is a lenticular geological body that tapers out markedly in all directions; its

thickness is slight compared to its length. In terms of morphology, lenses and

lenticular beds are transitional formations between isometric and flat ore bodies.

Ore bodies elongated in one direction are called ore pipes or pipes. Ore pipes are oval

in cross section. They form when an ore substance from magmatic melts or

hydrothermal solutions is concentrated; the melts or solutions penetrate from the

abyssal parts of the earth’s crust along the line where tectonic fractures intersect or

along fractures that intersect easily penetrated rock strata. Sometimes, when melts or

hot vapors and gases break through a bed of rock, diatremes are formed; examples are

the diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes of Siberia and South Africa. There are ore pipes

composed of copper, lead-zinc, and tin; they are up to several kilometers long, and

their width in cross section varies from a few meters to several hundred.

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Usually inorganic substance which occurs naturally and typically has a crystalline

structure whose characteristics of hardness, luster, color, cleavage, fracture, and

relative density can be used to identify it. Each mineral has a characteristic chemical

composition. Rocks are composed of minerals. More loosely, certain organic

substances obtained by mining are sometimes termed ‘minerals’

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Production geologists use information they obtain from sampling, testing, mapping

and observation to determine the most efficient and effective mining techniques, as

well as to identify the grade (amount of mineral) in the ore. In gold and silver mining,

grade is reported as grams per ton. Copper grade is reported as a percentage. It is

important to know the grade to determine which rock is sent to the plant for

processing and which rock is sent to the waste rock storage area.

By using this data and complex computer programs to more accurately define the ore

body, mine engineers can determine mining methods, design blast patterns, design dig

patterns, and maximize the safety and efficiency of production - as well as determine

how the ore should be processed.

Geologists also use drilling and sampling data to identify wet areas. Water can cause

major problems in both open pit and underground mines. If areas of high water

content can be avoided or planned for in advance, we can reduce safety risks, costs

and production interruptions.


A geological model is a representation or an interpretation of a mineral deposit. The

deposit could be any commodity, including gold, iron, or coal. Prior to the 1970’s

many geologists and engineers would build 3D models of the ore body and mine

workings to help visualize or understand the deposit. The model would often be a set

of Perspex cross sections hanging in a wooden frame.

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Computers have given us the power to build those models electronically, and view

them dynamically in 3D or in sections and plans. The models can be updated as new

data becomes available and most importantly guide mine planning. Computer models

also produce volume and grade reports that reconcile production information and

measure mining efficiency and performance.

A software model is a numerical arrangement of data that can readily be displayed

and used for volumes. Computer models typically represent geology as so called 2D

or 3D models.

Ore bodies can be categorized in many ways, but for this paper we consider three

different categories, as shown in Table.

Table 1.1 three categories of ore body

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2.2.1 2D MODEL:-

In a 2D model a square or rectangle grid or mesh is placed over the area of interest. Z

values or elevations are then assigned to centers of the mesh. The mesh is a pattern in

XY space. So Z is stored at XY locations, hence the term 2D model. The Z value is

stored at X and Y locations. The Z values represent attributes of the geology, such as

topography (Figure 1), or nickel content or thickness.

Figure 2.1 Typical 2D model of topography

2.2.2 3D MODEL:-

Many surface users will be familiar with 3D models. Here the model values or

attributes (called Q for quality) are stored at the centered of a block. the block has a

location and size in XYZ and Q is stored is 3D space, hence the term 3D model as

shown in figure shows a surface block model Q values such as gold grade, mill cost or

mill recovery are held in each block. In Figure 2 the block colour reflects a block

attribute. Block models are ideal for complex ore body shapes. Typically these ore

bodies have been formed by intrusion and/or faulting and the ore body interpretation

is usually based on rock type, alteration or grade using wire framing. Interpretations

are made on sections and these interpretations are then joined in a wire-framed shape.

Figures 3 and 4 show such an interpretation.

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Figure 2.2 3D block model

Figure 2.3 Wire frames (blue) connect outlines (white)

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Figure 2.4 Solid display

In 3D models the wire frame shapes are filled with blocks and sub-blocks to represent

the ore body. By selection of a reasonable block size, which trades accuracy and

speed, the ore body can be well represented. These blocks are then filled with attribute

values (Q) from the drill whole data. Typically this involves detailed variogram

analysis and selection of appropriate variogram parameters. Domain control such that

the grades within a wire frame are used to determine the blocks in that frame are a key

feature of the process. The attribute could be gold, silver or SG. Figure shows a block

model in cross section, the colours represent gold values. The ore body has been cut

with a barren dyke represented by the grey blocks.

Figure 2.5 Sub blocked model showing use of small sub blocks on edges

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2D models are ideal for thin or layered deposits, such as coal, bauxite and phosphate.

These deposits are often extensive in area. For example a typical Hunter Valley coal

mine would be 8,000 meters by 10,000 meters in lateral extent. While the total

Sydney coal basin covers an area from Newcastle to Wollongong and west to Lithgow

(approximately 200kms x 300kms). Within a single mine there could be 40 seams,

which vary in thickness from 0 meters to 10 or 20metres. In modeling these layered

deposits, the seams are modeled as a series of linked or associated surfaces. For a coal

seam such as the Bayswater a number of individual 2D models or surfaces are

created. In Minex a naming convention is used consisting of the seam prefix and an

extension suffix. Usually the seam suffixes are kept brief, so Bayswater is abbreviated

to BAY. The standard Minex naming convention is shown in Table 2. The common

prefix BAY associates all these surfaces together while the standard suffix endings

allows Minex to treat the model correctly for volumetric, tonnage or cross section


Figure 2.6 Floor elevation model for a coal seam (yellow) with topography (green).

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There are several deposit characteristics where the 2D modeling is preferred. These

characteristics are: The thickness of the ore body seams or veins may necessitate a

high-resolution block model (very small or thin blocks) to adequately represent the

ore body. Coal, phosphate and literates are either thin or variable in thickness. Figure

2.8 shows an example coal seam cross section. This deposit has a typical mixture of

thick and thin seams, which vary from 1cm to 3metres in thickness. The seam

thickness is typically measured to +/- 1cm accuracy. As thickness is equivalent to

tonnage and tonnage is equivalent to dollars, the thickness model must be accurate.

Even though computers are steadily increasing in speed, the time required for

processing a block model with a very large number of blocks may be impractical. 2D

modeling due to its infinitely variable block size is ideal for these deposits.

Figure 2.8 shows an example coal seam cross section

Typical coal deposits in cross sections Sedimentary deposits are often large in lateral

extent (measured in tens of kilometers) and block models become too large and slow.

Traditional 3D polygon and solids modeling techniques may not be able to adequately

project the detailed fault and shear structures through a range of veins or seams.

Extending such structures manually through each seam or vein may be tedious and

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impractical. A seam or vein modeling system has the facilities to define structures and

propagate them through the model. The 2D modeling approach uses rules that ensure

that ordering of the seams or veins is rational (stratigraphic). This avoids seams

crossing or overlapping. Rules also allow for seam splitting. The rules system also

makes automatic modeling of all seams relatively simple. There is no need to

manually wireframe borehole-to-borehole data. The automatic modeling and rules

based approach means new data can be efficiently added to the model. In other words

the model can be easily maintained.


In Minex the seam data is held in the drill holes as intervals or picks. These intervals

provide thickness, moisture, ash and steam elevation data at the drill hole location. By

compositing quality data (such as ash or moisture) across the interval the average

quality is defined. Figure 9 shows a borehole database with the seam intervals in

different colours. Various algorithms are used to generate a model from this data.

Example algorithms are kriging, inverse distance and trend surface techniques. For

example in Figure 9 the light blue data points can be connected into a thickness model

or surface.

Figure 2.9 Borehole database seam data

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In 2D modeling algorithms the seam name in the borehole is critical. If the name is

correct then the modeling is virtually automatic. The seam name in the drill hole is

analogous to the domain name in a 3D block model. When we determine the block

value we only use the correct domain data, we don’t want to use data from another

domain. The seam name has the same importance in 2D modeling. We only use seam

A data to determine the values in the seam A model. The simplicity of the naming is a

major advantage over wire framing. Wire frames are built manually by connecting

drill hole data on a series of sections. Typically the wire frame is built in the office

after all the analytical data is collected. In coal however, the litho logy is more black

and white and often the field geologist can assign the seam name in the field while

logging or can assign it from down hole geophysical logs, such as density, which

differentiate between coal and waste. Once the seam(s) is defined the model values

(elevation, thickness, ash) are estimated by scanning the surrounding drill hole data.

Figure 10 shows an area around three drill holes. The model values vary from 0.48

meters at the top of the sheet to 0.35metres at the bottom. Each model value (purple)

is stored at the centered of the grid cell while the borehole data value is sampled at the

red drill hole location.

Figure 2.10 Seam thickness model and drill hole data

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In layered deposits Minex links the various 2D surfaces into a 3D model. For

examplethe seam floor model locates the seam in XYZ space; the thickness model

defines thecoal volume and the RD model converts volume to tones. In a 3D block

model, volume is just a count of the cubes inside say a pit. In a 2D model volume is

simply a count of the columns inside the pit. However in a 2D model each column has

a variable thickness or height. So where a 3D model is based on lots of regular cubes

a 2D model is based on a pattern of regular bases or grids with irregular heights or

thickness. Thus for thin or large extensive layered geology the 2D model is more

accurate then the 3D model.

2.2.5 VEIN MODEL:-

The standard 2D model stores the Z values in planar XY space. That is X is usually

measured horizontally from west to east and Y is measured horizontally from south to

north. Z (or Q) is stored as an offset from this plane. For thin steeply dipping ores

such as nickel or gold veins, vein modeling can be used. Vein modeling uses a

coordinate system where X and Y are along a plane parallel to the ore body and Z is

perpendicular to the plane. For measuring thickness (and hence tonnage) this

orientation is useful as the thickness measured is now true thickness not apparent

thickness. Thus variography and other statistics are more robust. Figure shows a vein

model system. Here the ore is near vertical and the footwall (orange) and hanging

wall (yellow) are modeled as 2D grids. To give reasonable resolution the XY

coordinates are rotated to a vertical plane. Both models were created as surfaces from

the borehole vein intersect. Careful wire frame digitizing was not required. Using

these surfaces the vein can be converted to a conventional block model. The footwall

and hanging wall are then used as the limit surfaces. Examples of these blocks are

shown in Figure.

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Figure 2.11 Example vein model

Figure 2.12 Block model based on vein surface

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A tie in pattern can be generated using one of the standard templates, or you can

select holes/tie in lines individually to generate a customized pattern.

2.4 STOPS:-

Underground mine workings, for example: declines, development drives and draw

points. A solid model is creating by forming a set of triangles from the points

contained in the string. These triangles may overlap when viewing in plan, but do not

overlap or intersect when the third dimension is considered. The triangle in a solid

model may completely enclose a structure.

Creating of solid models can be more interactive than the creation DTMs, although

there are many tools in Surpac vision which can automate the process the following

diagram shows an example of a solid model (design decline and ore body). Make use

of the 32,000 numbers available to number objects as it makes them easier to edit.


A solid model is made up of a set of non-overlapping triangles. These triangles from

objects that may have a numeric identifier between 1 and 32,000.

Objects represent discrete features in a solid model. For example, in the diagram

shown above, the decline and the ore bodies all have different object numbers as they

represent different features. However, features such as ore bodies can consist of

discrete pods, and you may want to give these pods the same object number to

indicate that they are from the same structure. In this case, each discrete pod must

have a different trisolution number. A trisolution is a discrete part of an object and

may be any positive integer. Object and trisolution numbers give reference to all the

objects contained in a solid model. An object trisolution may be open or closed. A

resolution is open if there is a gap in the set of triangles that make up the trisolution.

An object may contain both open and closed trisolution. The reason for treating

objects as open or closed trisolution. The reason for treating objects as open or closed

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are A closed object can have its volume determined directly by summing the volumes

of each of the triangles to an arbitrary datum plane.

A closed object always produces closed strings when sliced by a plane. A closed

object could be used as a constraint in the Block Modeling module. An open object

cannot provide the same capabilities: when sliced by a plane the strings it produces

may be open or closed or both.


A Solid model is a three-dimensional triangulation of data. For example, a 3DM is a

solid object formed by wrapping a DTM around strings representing sections through

the solids. Solid model are based on the same principles as Digital Terrain Models

(DTMs), used in Surpac software for many years. You may also have heard solid

models referred to as `3DMs’ or a `wire frame model’. Solid models use triangles to

link polygonal shapes together to define a solid object or void the resulting shapes

may be used for following.


Volume calculation

Extraction of slices in any orientation

Intersection with data from the geological database module

A DTM is used to define a surface. With Surpac software, creating a DTM is

automatic. Triangles are formed by connecting groups of three data points together by

taking their spatial location in the X – Y plane into account. The drawback of this

type of model is that it cannot model a structure that may have fold backs or

overhangs for example Geological structure.


The Surpac three dimensional Block Model is still very simple to use and understand,

but is significantly faster in its creation, and modeling parameters can be added and

modified at any time. The Surpac Block Model is a form of database. This means that

its structure not only allows the storage and manipulation of data, but also the

retrieval of information derived from that data. It differs from a more traditional

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database, in that data stored are likely to be interpolated value, rather than true

measurements. Another major difference is that these values may be spatially

referenced as well as being spatially related. A third important this makes dynamic

operations such as coloring of attributes possible but imposes significant memory


For example, consider the Geological database. Records have spatial attributes which

relate them to a spatial position. However, the converse does not necessarily hold as

spatial positions are not necessarily related to a record in the database.

The Block Model portions space into an exhaustive set of blocks, each being related

to a record. The records may be spatially referenced, that is, information may be

retrieved for any point in space, not just for points that have been explicitly measured.

This spatial referencing allows the addition of a number of operators to the querying

capabilities of the database manipulation scheme, namely spatial operators such as

INSIDE and ABOVE, which may operate on solids and surfaces. Outside and below

may be built using the NOT logical i.e. NOT INSIDE or NOT ABOVE.

The Block Model comprises of a number of component:

Model Space

The model space is a cuboids volume outside of which nothing exists in terms of the

Block Model.


The properties of the model space that are to be modeled are termed attributes. These

attributes may binomial, ordinal, interval or ratio measurement expressed as numeric

or character data. Attributes may also be calculated from the values in other attribute

fields, for reporting and visualizing.


Constraints are the logical combinations of spatial operators and objects that may be

used to control the selection of blocks from which information may be retrieved and/

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or into which interpolation may be made. Constructed may be saved and have file

extensions of .CON.

The model itself is a binary image constructed in the model space and defined by the

existence or non-existence of blocks. Model files will have file extension of MDL.

The Block Model may be applied to any situation where properties of a volume of

space are to be modeled in terms of the distribution of values through that space.


The following terms are used in Surpac Vision model definition:


The origin of the model is the lower, front, left hand corner (i.e. the minimum Y, X

and Z coordinate) of the model expressed in X, Y and Z Cartesian coordinate. The

origin is the anchoring point from which rotation involving the Bearing, Dip and

Plunge are to be performed.


The extent of model is the dimensions of the model in the Y, X and Z directions.

For example, if a model was to cover the following area:

3000mN to 3650mN 1500mE to 2100mE to 120mEl to 270mEl

The origin will be: Y=3000 X=1500 Z=120

And the extent of the model will be: Y=650 X=600 Z=150


The bearing of the model is the horizontal angle in degrees of the direction of the

major axis of the model. A bearing of zero indicates a non-rotated model where the

major axis of the model is in a north-south orientation.

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The dip of the model is the vertical angle of the blocks in degree from the horizontal

in a direction perpendicular to the bearing of the model. A negative dip is an angle

below the horizontal to the right when looking along the bearing of the model. A dip

of zero indicates horizontal blocks normal to the bearing of the model.


The plunge of the model is the model is the vertical angle of the blocks in degree from

the horizontal along the bearing of the model. This can also be referred to as the tilt

the model. A negative plunge is an angle below the horizontal when looking along the

bearing of the model. A plunge of zero indicates horizontal blocks along the bearing

of the model.

User Block Size

The block size in the Y, X and Z directions. The user block size is used as the

reporting unit for the Block Model. The user block is also the block size upon which

interpolation is performed. The user block size will depend on the Model purpose (i.e.

Grade Control, Resource Calculation, Pit Optimization) with reference to the data

spacing.For example, what block size is appropriate for a prospect drilled on a 100m x

100m pattern, which is to have a resource estimate completed? It would not be

appropriate to set this model up with a block size of 5x5x5,as the small blocks won’t

give a ``better’’ estimate of the resource, as the original data is widely spaced.

Perhaps, 25x25x10 may be more realistic (i.e. one –third to one-quarter of the sample


Maximum sub-blocks per side

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The maximum number of blocks along each side of the model. This number must

always be 2 to the power of an integer. (e. g 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512)

This value will need to satisfy a base resolution. For example used previously: extents

Y=650 X=600 Z=150 user block size 25x25x10

This number of blocks along each side will be 26x24x15 (extent divided by user block

size). This means that the base resolution will be 32 (the number greater than the

maximum number of blocks and is 2 to the power of something). If we wish to allow

sub-blocking (the sub-dividing of blocks), the resolution will need to be greater than

base resolution. For example: if maximum sub-blocks per side = 64 smallest sub-

block = 12.5x12.5x5 if maximum sub-blocks per side= 128 smallest sub-


In this way we find it possible to fill a model with interpolated values calculated at a

user block size, .i.e. user block size 25x25x10 and still constrain the data within

geological envelopes that are able to be sub-blocked to smaller sizes i.e.

6.25x6.25x2.5. This becomes important when considering the size of the model and

the number of calculations to be performed to fill the model.


The centroid of each block defines its’ geometric dimensions in each axis, i.e. its

coordinates, Y, X, and Z.Each block contains attributes for each of the properties to

be modeled. The properties or attributes may contain numeric or character string

values. Blocks may be of varying size defined by the user once the block model is


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Figure 2.13 Block model of oil sands coloured by attribute values (bitumen).


All Block model functions may be performed with constraints. A constraint is a

logical combination of one or more spatial objects on selected blocks. Objects that

may be used in constraints are plane surfaces, DTMs, solids, closed strings and block

attribute values. Constraints may be saved to a file for rapid re-use and may

themselves be used as components of other constraints. Blocks meet a constraint (e.g

below a DTM as in the figures below) if its centroid meets that constraint. This is true

even if part of the block is above the DTM.

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Figure 2.14 Unconstrained block model in relation to a DTM surface

Figure 2.15 Same block model but constrained by the topography (DTM).


Once a Block model is created and all attributes defined, the model must be filled by

som estimation method.  This is achieved by estimating and assigning attribute values

from sample data which has X Y Z coordinates and the attribute values of interest,

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The estimation methods that may be used are

Nearest Neighbor Assign the value of the closest sample point to a block

Inverse Distance Assign block values using an Inverse Distance estimator

Assign Value Assign an explicit value to blocks in the model

Ordinary Kriging Assign block values using Kriging with Variogram parameters

developed from a Geostatistical study

Indicator Kriging Functions concerned with a probabilistic block grade distribution

derived from the kriging of indicators

Assign from String Assign data from the description fields of closed segments to

attribute values of blocks that are contained within those

segments extended in the direction of one of the principal axes

(X, Y or Z)

Import Centroids Assign block values from data in a delimited or fixed format text


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District Tharparkar comprising of 4 Talukas i.e. Mithi, Chachro Diplo & Nangarparkar

having population of 914291 souls, as per census 1998, is spread over an area of

4,791,024 acres (19638sq: Kms).This District with present boundary has come into

existence on 02-12-19990 as Thar. Prior to this the present geographical area was a sub-

division of old District Tharparkar (Mirpurkhas) it was bifurcated into 2 Districts i.e.

Mirpurkhas & Thar @ Mithi. The name of Present District was re-notified as

“Tharparkar” on 19-10-1993. The head quarter of this District Mithi which is situated at

distance of 150 Kms. South / East of Mirpurkhas. It is situated in 24-26 North latitude

and 69-51 East Longitude. The boundaries of this District are as under.


It was in 1843 when Sir Charles Napier Became victor of Sindh and this part were

merged into Katchh political agency in Hyderabad collect orate later on in 1858 the entire

area became part of Hyderabad. Subsequently in 1860 it was renamed as “Eastern Sindh

frontier” with its Head Quarter Umerkot controlled by Political Superintendent. In 1882 it

was renamed as district and it is administrative head was Deputy Commissioner. Lastly in

1906 Head Quarter of the district was shifted from Umerkot to Mirpurkhas. Finally this

District was created in 1990. This district is specially name according to geographical

conditions, i.e. “Thar & Parkar”. “Thar” means desert while “Parkar” is rocky & hilly


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(i) There is no stream fresh river in the district. However, in Nagarparkar there are two

perennial spring namely Anchlesar & Sardhro as well as temporary streams called

Bhatuyani River and “Gordhro: River which flow during the rainy season. (ii) There are

some hilly tracks called “Parker. The Granite Marble has been found there. “Karoonjhar

Mountain” is near to Nagarparkar. (iii) There is no lake, Glacier, plains etc in the district.

(iv) Mostly this district is desert area. (v) Topography.

 The Thar Region forms part of the bigger desert of the same name that sprawl over a vast

area of Pakistan & India from Cholistan to Nagarparkar in Pakistan and from the south of

the Haryana down to Rajistan in India.

 This district is mostly deserted and consists of barren tract of the sand dunes covered

with thorny bushes. The ridges are irregular and roughly parallel that they often closed

shattered valleys which they raise to a height to some 46 meters. When there is rain these

valleys are moist enough admit cultivation and when not cultivated they yield luxuriant

crops of rank grass. But the extra ordinary salinity of the subsoil land consequent

shortage of portable water renders many tracks quite picturesque salt lakes which rarely a

day up.

The only hills a Nagarparkar, on the Northern edge of the Runn of Kutchh belongs to

quite a different geological series. It consist Granite rocks. Probably an outlying mass of

the crystalline rocks of the Arravelli range. The arravelli series belongs to Archean

system which constitutes the oldest rocks of the earth crust. This is a small area quite

different from the desert. The tack is flat a level expect close to Nagarparkar itself. The

principle range Karoonjhar is 19 Kms in length and attains a height of 305 m. smaller

hills rise in the east, which is covered with sars jungle and pasturage and gives rise to two

springs named Anchlesar & Sardhro as well as temporary streams called Bhatyani &

Gordhro after the rain.

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Tharparkar district is located at the extreme South East corner of the province. It is one of

the poorest and under develop district in Sindh. It is flanked by Mirpurkhas and Umerkot

district, the most prosperous on its Northern side, on the west by Badin district, on the

East by Bharmar & Jaisalmer district of India and on the South of Runn of Kutchh.

District is approximately 250 kms across having in area of 19389 sq: Kms. The district is

divided into three ecological zones, the South Eastern is hilly rich in mineral deposits the

central area is Thar which sandy dunes and on the western side (very small portion) of

barrage area and fertile. During summer climate is hot and dry while winter is somewhat

mild. The rain fall varies from year to year. Most of the rain fall in moon soon period

between June & September and the winter rain are in significant.


North: Mirpurkhas & Umerkot Districts

East: Barmer & Jessalmer District of India

West: District Badin

South: Runn of Kuchh

 95% of entire population depends on cultivation and cattle, while remaining in small

business. Like shopkeepers and manufacturing handmade carpets. The entire huge

area of this District is desert (expect small portion on 65636 Acres). There is only one

Crop in whole year in desert area, which also depends on rains. Rain is expected in

June, July and August when sowing season commences for maturity of crops, other 2-

3 rains are needed, else crops will dry and of no use consistently people of this area

confronting menace of drought almost after every one or two years. In event of no

rains, lends are barren. People and cattle face starving situation and start migration

with their cattle to other districts, to earn their lively hood.


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There are 3656933 cattle heads according to census of 1996, which no is biggest out of

all districts in Sindh. In event of sufficient rains this desert depicts classic, green and

beautiful look. Then everyone is happy. People from various places come over

particularly in Nagarparkar which place is worth to stay and live.

The socio-economic condition of this district solely depends on seasonal rain. The rain

are expected in the 2nd week of June up to 15th August, which are a lone beneficial for

sowing purpose. Further 2-3 more rains are require at some interval which are essentially

required for maturity of crops. But in absence of seasonal rains, the poverty is the fate of

the people of the area.

Mostly during heavy rains / floods, the barrage dehs and low lying areas specially “Siran

Colony” Mithi are affected the people residing the low lying areas are shifted to safer

places, where Ration & Rescues and medical coverage is provided to them, till the rainy

season is over.

There is no possibility of flood as neither ”River Indus” touches, nor big canal passes

through this district, only one “Runn Distry” passes from barrage area of Taluka Mithi &

Diplo, for which irrigation authorities shall keep vigilance over the distry and inform the

administration about any mishap/ break of bund in case of heavy rain.

All the Officers / Officials of related Departments shall be appraised at the time of need

to take precautionary measures in advance and keep strict watch over the situation and

extend full cooperation with each other, irrigation Department and District

Administration so that there should be no case on any mishap.


The Thar coalfield is located in Thar Desert, Tharparkar District of Sindh province in

Pakistan. The deposits - 6th largest coal reserves in the world were discovered in 1991 by

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Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) and the United State Agency for International


Pakistan has emerged as one of the leading countries - seventh in the list of top 20

countries of the world after the discovery of huge lignite coal resources in Sindh. The

economic coal deposits of Pakistan are restricted to Paleocene and Eocene rock

sequences. It is one of the world’s largest lignite deposits discovered by GSP in 90’s,

spread over more than 9,000 km2. Comprise around 175 billion tones sufficient to meet

the country’s fuel requirements for centuries.


The Thar coalfield area is covered by dune sand that extends to an average depth of over

80 meters and rests upon a structural platform in the eastern part of the desert. The

generalized stratigraphic sequence in the Thar coalfield area is shown in table. It

comprises Basement Complex, coal bearing Bara Formation, alluvial deposits and dune


The district is very rich in minerals resources like China Clay, Granite, Coal and Salt.

Thar coal field is spread over 9000 sqs KMs near Islamkot to Mithi it is one of largest

lignite (Coal) deposit in the world which constitute about 80% of coal deposited of

country. Coal deposited estimated 2000 Billion tons Government had intention to setup

power generating plat based on coal minerals at Tharparkar and Karachi. This project is

now inactive consideration of provincial as well as federal Government. Coal in

Tharparkar is discovered in the year 1991 during joint survey of Pakistan and other

countries. Coal deposits are in up to meet fuel requirement of the country for centuries as

open by experts.

Granite rock foundation is found in Nagarparkar region of Million tons Granite is

available at pockets spread over an area of 125 sq. KMs. It is beautiful and costly stone of

brownish colour. But due to no communication facilities it is taken in limited quantity.

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According to opinion of expert, China like Clay is found in Nagarparkar is comparable in

all respect to the imported one China like Clay deposit is estimated over 4 Million tons. A

part from this, salt mines are in Diplo Tehsil which has best deposits of raw salT


The area is a part of the desert where precipitation is very little with a high rate of

evaporation. As such, limited water resources are of great significance.

A. Surface Water -The water is scanty and found in a few small “tarais” and artificially

dug depressions where rain water collects. These depressions generally consist of silty

clay and caliche material.

B. Ground Water -The hydro geological studies and drill hole geology shows the

presence of three possible aquifer zones at varying depths: (i) above the coal zone (ii)

within the coal zone and (iii) below the coal zone.

Drilling data has indicated three aquifers (water-bearing Zones) at an average depth of 50

m, 120 m and more than 200 meters:

One aquifer above the coal zone: Ranges between 52.70 and 93.27 meters depth.

Second aquifer with the coal zone at 120 meters depth:

Varying thickness up to 68.74 meters.

Third aquifer below the coal zone at 200 meters depth:

Varying thickness up to 47 meters. Water quality is brackish to saline.

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Isopach map of coalfield, Sindh figure 3.1

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Fig 3.2 A generalized subsurface stratigraphic succession is shown in the figure


The past investigation drilling revealed that the coal is in-seams with extractable

thickness of 22 m at a depth of 110 m up to 200 m. The upper seams layer of coal reserve

also reportedly contains in-situ water. A recent, bankable feasibility study in the block 1

area has given the following information:

Groundwater is present in mainly three different horizons:

The base aquifer with pump tested transmissivities of 7.9x10-3 and 1.8x10-3m2/s

is extending throughout the exploration area at a thickness of about 60 meter. This

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aquifer has an extension in the Thar Desert of about 15,000 km2. Recharge is

possibly from the Northeast beyond the Indian border.

The middle aquifer is composed of a variety of mainly disconnected sand lenses

and channel with partly high silt content and low permeability within the lignite

bearing Bara Formation and the sub recent formation. Recharge to these aquifer is

likely to be poor.

The Dune Sand Formation acts as a top aquifer with a water column of few

meters only at the formation base on top of the sub recent. Permeability here is in

the range of 10-5 m/s. Recharge of this aquifer is direct through rainfall


Groundwater qualities are saline in all aquifers with dominant sodium chloride contents.

TDS is around 7500 in the base aquifer of the exploration area and 4500 in the top

aquifer at the village of Varvai. The top aquifer at the village if Tilvai shows extreme

high values in the order of up to 11,000/14,000 TDS.


There are three aquifer present in the Thar area as follows:

Top aquifer

It is located at the base of dune sand and stretches out all over the Thar Desert. In the

mining area, this aquifer shows a water column of up to 5 meter. The water table isabout

10 to 12m sea level. Permeability is around 3x10-7 m/s as show in below figure.

Intermediate Aquifer

This aquifer is scattered as lenses in sub-recent and Bara information. Permeability varies

between 10-5 to 10-7 m/s. Ground water in this aquifer is about 10-20m above sea level

as show in below figure,

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Bottom Aquifer

This aquifer is located beneath the coal formation down to the granite base. This is the

most dominant aquifer is terms of thickness, lateral extension and permeability. The top

of this aquifer starts some meters below the coal sequence: the grain size of the sand

varies from fine to coarse. Thickness of this aquifer in the mining area is around 50 –

60m that becomes larger in the West compared to that in the East as the granite basement

is submerging to the West. This aquifer is under high pressure and the pressure head is

around 25m above sea level. This aquifer is of special importance when opening the

mine, as it has to be depressurized in advance of reaching mining depth of about 100m,

otherwise, floor rupture would occur followed by flooding of the mine and collapse of the

high wall slopes. Therefore, it is necessary to know the horizontal extent of this aquifer

and the thickness as well as transmissibility. This aquifer covers an area of about 15,000

km2. The aquifer is not homogenous with respect to permeability as show in below figure,



11 kV feeders emanating from Islamkot Gird Station to the Thar Coal Project with 200

Watts transformer and energized. 500 kv transmission lines. 500 kv transmission line has

been laid by WAPDA up to mining site.


Fiber cable lying/installation of system between Mirpurkhas to Mithi exchanges

completed. 100 high guide tower (1’’ dia) is to be installed at Thar Coal site with DRS

equipment. Telephone facility is available up to Islamkot.

Water Supply

Water supply line from Mithi to Islamkot and Islamkot to coal mines Thar Halepoto) has

been completed and water reservoir of 6 lac gallons is available at (site (Block –ll). In

addition, 2 reserve osmosis plant for desalination of water to provide potable water to

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investors and local people has been installed at Sobharo Shah and Islamkot (near Thar


Construction of Airstrip

The scheme “Construction of Airstrip at Islamkot” costing Rs. 120 million is under


Railway Line

Pakistan Railway conducted feasibility study of railway line at Thar coal field to facilitate

transportation of coal equipment the railway route has been approved by Chief Minister

of Sindh.

Town Planning of Islamkot

Town planning of Islamkot nearest town to coal field has also been sponsored for

rehabilitation/resettlement of the village located with coal field vicinity displaced

population will be relocated by providing them all necessary facilities in the nearest


Thar Lodge

The scheme for the construction of 20-bedded accommodation to facilitate foreign and

local investors at Islamkot has been approved at estimated cost of Rs. 40978 million,

construction is in process.

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Surpac is the world’s most popular geology and mine planning software, supporting open

pit and underground operations and exploration projects in more than 110 countries. The

software delivers efficiency and accuracy through ease-of-use, powerful 3D graphics and

work flow automation that can be aligned to company-specific processes and data flows.

Surpac addresses all the requirements of geologists, surveyors, and mining engineers in

the resource sector and is flexible enough to be suitable for every commodity, ore body

and mining method. Its multilingual capabilities allow global companies to support a

common solution across their operations.


Comprehensive tools include: drill hole data management, geological modeling,

block modeling, geostatistic, mine design, mine planning, resource estimation,

and more.

Increased efficiencies within teams result from better sharing of data, skills and

project knowledge.

All tasks in Surpac can be automated and aligned to company-specific processes

and data flows.

Software ease-of-use ensure staffs develop an understanding of the system and of

project data quickly.

Surpac is modular and easily customized.

Surpac reduces data duplication by connecting to relational database and

interfacing with common file formats from GIS, CAD and other systems.

Integrated production scheduling with Gemcom Mine Schedule™.

Multilingual support: English, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, German and French.

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No prior knowledge of the geology database module is required: however a good

understanding of the Surpac Vision Core modules is required. A recommended

prerequisite is the principles of Surpac Vision tutorial. A basic understanding of drill

holes, sampling and database principles is needed. Topics that will be covered include:

Database Structure

Creating New Tables

Viewing Data in the Graphics Environment

Extracting Data

Polygonal Resource Calculation

Creating a Database


Figure 4.1 showing drilholes accroding to geological table

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Figure 4.2 showing closed view of drillhole (pink color showing Lignite)


The most common file format used for storing information in Surpac is a string file. A

stringFile contains coordinate information for one or more points, as well as optional

descriptive Information for each point: It is important to understand how Surpac

organizes and usesData.

Stored within a string file: this will enable you to work more efficiency with strings.

String Data Hierarchy:-

Data in a string file is classified:-




All points in a string file are grouped into segments, which are further grouped into


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String File

String 1

Segment 1

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3

Point 4

Point 5

String 2

Segment 1

Point 6



Point 9

Point 10

Point 11

Point 12

Point 13


Segment 1

Point 14

Point 15

Point 16

Segment 2

Point 17

Segment 3

Point 18

Point 19

Figure 4.3 string data hierarch chart

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There are three types of strings:-



Spot Height.

The table below explains these terms.

Surpac term Common term Example

Open string Line Drill hole trace

Closed string Polygon Property boundary

Spot height string Points not associated with

a line or polygon

Blast hole collar



Surpac Modeling allows us to use triangulation to create two-dimensional models known

as Digital Terrain Models (DTMs). This document introduces the theory behind surface

modeling processes and provides detailed examples using the surface modeling functions

in Surpac Vision. By working through this manual you will gain skills in the

construction, use of and modification of DTMs.


A digital terrain model (DTM) is made up of a surface joining adjacent strings. It is

formed as a combination of those string lines, and of joining points on string.

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FIG: 4.4.1 A set of strings

The joining process continues until the surface consists only of non-overlapping triangles.

The software choose the joins to produce the best –conditioned triangle – i.e. Those

closest to equilateral triangles.

FIG: 4.4.2becomes a surface when joined by lines

The resulting DTM can be thought of as an undulating patchwork quilt made up of

triangular patches.

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FIG: 4.4.3 Digital terrain model (DTM)

A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is how Surpac model surfaces. Surfaces are used in

Surpac for such things as 3D visualization and for calculating volumes. Almost any

superficial feature can be modeled as a DTM, including natural topography, litho logical

contacts, bedrock/overburden contact, or water tables.

DTMs must come from string data. String files contain the raw data, whereas DTM files

contain a mapping of trios of points in the string file that constitute a triangle. DTMs are

made of triangles, with each point of each triangle matched to a point in the original

string file. Consequently DTM file are not valid without the original string file. That is, a

DTM file cannot be opened if the original string file of the same name is not accessible.

Another rule for the construction of DTMs is that DTMs cannot fold back on themselves.

That is, a DTM cannot have multiple Z values for a given X, Y coordinate. Therefore you

cannot model overhanging or vertical surfaces.

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If the surfaces are to be used for further processing, such as for calculating volumes or

higher end functionality within the surface menu, then the object must be named object 1

translation 1.It is important to consider this when creating the surface, as each surface

must then be places in a separate file.

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In order to understand the geological database, we collected almost all the prospecting

data of the mine, and chose the main elements, including coal, as the territorial variables.

Then, we used the surpac version 6.2 and the collected data to establish the mine’s

geologic database .geologic data base is the foundation of the 3D modeling. It is

necessary for building 3D model of ore body, analyzing the bore hole data, estimating

and calculating coal reserves. The geologic database has powerful post-processing

functions, which can be used to edit, inquire, update analyze and display the data

visually. Fig: 5.1 show the 3D displaying o0f the spatial location of the boreholes.

The geological database module in surpac is one of the most important set of tools we

use. the geological data base in our project consists of three tables, each of which

contains different kind of data. Each table contains number of fields. Each table will also

have many records, with each record containing the data fields. surpac uses a relational

database model and supports several different types of data bases , including oracle,

paradox and Microsoft access. Surpac also supports open data base connectivity (ODBC)

and can connect to database across networks. A database can contain up to 50 tables and

each table can have a maximum of 60 fields. Surpac requires two mandatory tables

within a database: collar and survey.

Drill hole data is the starting points of All mining projects and constitutes the basis on

which feasibility studies and ore reserve estimation are done. We use the drill hole data of

thar coal project block –IV which is done by RWE (German company). Geological

database consists of following tables.

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Collar table

Surveys table

Geology table


The information stored in the collar table describes the location of the drill hole collar,

the maximum depth of the hole and whether linear or carvel hole trace is to be calculated

when retrieving the hole. Optional collar data may also be stored for each drill hole. For

example, date drilled type of drill hole or project name. The fields in collar table are

shown below.



Fields Description

Hole id Id no of drilled hole

Y Northing

X Easting

Z Level

Max: depth Max depth of hole

Hole path Angle of drilled hole

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hole id y x z max depth hole pathRE-01 775058 369520.1 62.2 215.1 LINEARRE-02 773092.9 371409.8 57.5 213.84 LINEARRE-03 772221.1 369893.3 55 212.09 LINEARRE-04 772251.9 367480.8 54.4 226.03 LINEARRE-05 774080.2 370315.2 76.2 211 LINEARRE-06 772370.8 368525.8 68.2 221.2 LINEARRE-07 772024.7 370979.2 57.7 209.6 LINEARRE-08 773655.6 367658 59.7 205.74 LINEARRE-09 770861 369340 51.5 203.4 LINEARRE-10 775098 368740 61.9 200 LINEARRE-11 772458 366453 51.2 215.2 LINEARRE-12 774252.5 369604.8 64.1 227.3 LINEARRE-13 773302 366435 52.4 209 LINEARRE-14 774566 368697 58.8 200.1 LINEARRE-15 775375 367891 60.7 218.2 LINEARRE-16 774300 366918 55.8 211.2 LINEARRE-17 775029 366975 63.4 220.9 LINEARRE-18 773302 366435 52.4 215.1 LINEARRE-19 775014 369500 52.3 223.9 LINEARRE-20 772458 366453 51.2 236.2 LINEARRE-21 772421.2 366352 54.23 215.4 LINEARRE-22 771597 370296.6 55.3 272.9 LINEARRE-23 772302 373145 55.2 222.7 LINEARRE-24 772419.1 370255.4 53.8 218.7 LINEARRE-25 773055 370233 54 215.1 LINEARRE-26 772615.2 373131.6 72.9 228.9 LINEARRE-27 771621.1 374336.2 57.7 214.88 LINEARRE-28 774855.9 370080.8 71.8 228.6 LINEARRE-29 773738.8 368266 56.9 212.02 LINEAR

Table 5.1 collar data of drilled bore hole

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The survey table stores the drill hole survey information used to calculate the drill hole

trace coordinates. mandatory fields include : down hole survey depth , dip and the

azimuth of the hole .for a vertical hole which has not been surveyed , the depth would be

the same as the max depth field in the collar table , the dip would be -90 and the azimuth

would be zero . The y, x and z fields are used to store the calculated coordinates of each

survey. Optional fields for this table may include other information taken at the survey

point e.g. core orientation.


Fields Description

Hole ID ID number of drilled hole

Path Linear

Y Northing

X Easting

Z Level

Max depth Maximum depth of hole

Hole path Angle of drilled hole



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Max depth Dip AzimuthRE-01 215.1 -90 0RE-02 213.84 -90 0RE-03 212.09 -90 0RE-04 226.03 -90 0RE-05 211 -90 0RE-06 221.2 -90 0RE-07 209.6 -90 0RE-08 205.74 -90 0RE-09 203.4 -90 0RE-10 200 -90 0RE-11 227.3 -90 0RE-12 227.3 -90 0RE-13 -90 0RE-14 200.1 -90 0RE-15 218.2 -90 0RE-16 211.2 -90 0RE-17 220.9 -90 0RE-18 215.1 -90 0RE-19 223.9 -90 0RE-20 236.2 -90 0RE-21 215.4 -90 0RE-22 272.9 -90 0RE-23 222.7 -90 0RE-24 218.7 -90 0RE-25 215.1 -90 0RE-26 228.9 -90 0RE-27 214.88 -90 0RE-28 228.6 -90 0RE-29 212.01 -90 0

Hole id

Table 5.2 survey table


It is interval tables require the depth at the start of the interval and the depth at the end of

the interval, called the depth from and depth to fields respectively. The fields are in this

table are as follows.

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Fields Description

Hole id Id no of drilled hole

Depth from Depth from

Depth to Depth to

Rock code Litho logical code

Table 5.3 showing geological data


RE-01 0 81 DUNE SAND 81

RE-01` 81 101 SILTSTONE 20

RE-01 101 102 SAND CL 1

RE-01 102 124 SILTSTONE 22

RE-01 124 127 SAND CL 3

RE-01 127 131.27 SILTSTONE 4.27

RE-01 131.27 131.52 SANDSTONE 0.25

RE-01 131.52 132.76 SILTSTONE 1.24

RE-01 132.76 135.36 CLAY STONE 2.6

RE-01 135.36 135.81 SILTSTONE 0.45

RE-01 135.81 138.86 SANDSTONE 3.05

RE-01 138.86 139.56 CLAY STONE 0.7

RE-01 139.56 147.55 SAND CL 7.99

RE-01 147.55 148.7 LIGNITE 1.15

RE-01 148.7 150.15 CLAY STONE 1.45

RE-01 150.15 150.9 LIGNITE 0.75

RE-01 150.9 151.7 CLAY STONE 0.8

RE-01 151.7 154.55 LIGNITE 2.85

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RE-01 154.55 160.45 CLAY STONE 5.9

RE-01 160.45 161.4 LIGNITE 0.95

RE-01 161.4 165.29 CLAY STONE 3.89

RE-01 165.29 165.59 LIGNITE 0.3

RE-01 165.59 166.74 CLAY STONE 1.15

RE-01 166.74 167.24 LIGNITE 0.5

RE-01 167.24 168.39 CLAY STONE 1.15

RE-01 168.39 169.34 LIGNITE 0.95

RE-01 169.34 171.99 CLAY STONE 2.65

RE-01 171.99 174.86 LIGNITE 2.87

RE-01 174.86 181.53 CLAY STONE 6.67

RE-01 181.53 198.77 LIGNITE 17.24

RE-01 198.77 204.39 CLAY STONE 5.62

RE-01 204.39 207.21 LIGNITE 2.82

RE-01 207.21 210.58 CLAY STONE 3.37

RE-01 210.58 215.06 SAND CL 4.48

RE-02 0 54 DUNE SAND 54

RE-02 54 102 SILTSTONE 48

RE-02 102 108 SANDSTONE CL 6

RE-02 108 127.04 SILTSTONE 19.04

RE-02 127.04 129.28 SANDSTONE 2.24

RE-02 129.28 133.37 SILTSTONE 4.09

RE-02 133.37 134.32 SILTSTONE 0.95

RE-02 134.32 136.42 CLAY STONE 2.1

RE-02 136.42 137.4 SILTSTONE 0.98

RE-02 137.4 139.2 LIGNITE 1.8

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RE-02 139.2 148.3 CLAY STONE 9.1

RE-02 148.3 148.6 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.3

RE-02 148.6 158.5 CLAY STONE 9.9

RE-02 158.5 159 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.5

RE-02 159 163.2 CLAY STONE 4.2

RE-02 163.2 164.8 LIGNITE 1.6

RE-02 164.8 170 CLAY STONE 5.2

RE-02 170 173.3 LIGNITE 3.3

RE-02 173.3 174 CLAY STONE 0.7

RE-02 174 190.8 LIGNITE 16.8

RE-02 190.8 191.5 CLAY STONE 0.7

RE-02 191.5 194.5 LIGNITE 3

RE-02 194.5 195.5 CLAY STONE 1

RE-02 195.5 196.2 LIGNITE 0.7

RE-02 196.2 197 CLAY STONE 0.8

RE-02 197 199 LIGNITE 2

RE-02 199 203 SILTSTONE 4

RE-02 203 213 SAND CL 10

RE-03 0 51 DUNE SAND 51

RE-03 51 73.5 SILTSTONE 22.5

RE-03 73.5 75 SANDSTONE CL 1.5

RE-03 75 104.3 SILTSTONE 29.3

RE-03 104.3 107.5 SANDSTONE CL 3.2

RE-03 115 116.5 SANDSTONE CL 7.5

RE-03 116.5 124 SILTSTONE 7.5

RE-03 124 131.8 SANDSTONE CL 7.8

RE-03 131.8 138.23 SILTSTONE 6.43

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RE-03 138.23 141.27 CLAY STONE 3.04

RE-03 141.27 144.74 SANDSTONE CL 3.47

RE-03 144.74 146.38 SILTSTONE 1.64

RE-03 146.38 148.28 CLAY STONE 1.9

RE-03 148.28 150.03 LIGNITE 1.75

RE-03 150.03 152.18 CLAY STONE 2.15

RE-03 152.18 153.43 LIGNITE 1.25

RE-03 153.43 155.63 CLAY STONE 2.2

RE-03 155.63 157.38 LIGNITE 1.75

RE-03 157.38 161.92 CLAY STONE 4.54

RE-03 161.92 164 LIGNITE 2.08

RE-03 164 165.2 CLAY STONE 1.2

RE-03 165.2 167 LIGNITE 1.8

RE-03 167 169.92 CLAY STONE 2.92

RE-03 169.92 171.02 LIGNITE DIRTY 1.1

RE-03 171.02 172.67 CLAY STONE 1.65

RE-03 172.67 173.57 LIGNITE 0.9

RE-03 173.57 174.42 CLAY STONE 0.85

RE-03 174.42 175.72 LIGNITE 1.3

RE-03 175.72 176.5 CLAY STONE 0.78

RE-03 176.5 179 LIGNITE DIRTY 2.5

RE-03 179 182.53 CLAY STONE 3.53

RE-03 182.53 183.18 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.65

RE-03 183.18 195 LIGNITE 11.82

RE-03 195 197.8 CLAY STONE 2.8

RE-03 197.8 199 LIGNITE DIRTY 1.2

RE-03 199 201 CLAY STONE 2

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RE-03 201 202 LIGNITE DIRTY 1

RE-03 202 205.92 CLAY STONE 3.92

RE-03 205.92 210.16 SANDSTONE CL 4.24

RE-03 210.16 212.09 SANDSTONE 1.93

RE-04 0 66 DUNE SAND 66

RE-04 66 126 SILT 60

RE-04 126 131 SAND CL 5


131 138 SILTSTONE 7

RE-04 138 138.88 SAND CL 0.88

RE-04 138.88 141.91 CLAY STONE 3.03

RE-04 141.91 142.71 SANDSTONE 0.8

RE-04 142.71 143.51 SANDSTONE CL 0.8

RE-04 143.51 151.78 CLAY STONE 8.27

RE-04 151.78 152.93 LIGNITE 1.15

RE-04 152.93 156.05 CLAY STONE 3.12

RE-04 156.05 163.71 SAND 7.66

RE-04 163.71 164.79 CLAY STONE 1.08

RE-04 164.79 169.34 SAND 4.55

RE-04 169.34 171.93 CLAY STONE 2.59

RE-04 171.93 174.49 LIGNITE 2.56

RE-04 174.49 175.43 CLAY STONE 0.94

RE-04 175.43 175.65 LIGNITE 0.22

RE-04 175.65 176.8 CLAY STONE 1.15

RE-04 176.8 177.7 LIGNITE 0.9

RE-04 177.7 182.7 CLAY STONE 5

RE-04 182.7 185.68 LIGNITE 2.98

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RE-04 185.68 187.63 CLAY STONE 1.95

RE-04 187.63 200.13 LIGNITE 12.5

RE-04 200.13 200.43 CLAY STONE 0.3

RE-04 200.43 205.16 LIGNITE 4.73

RE-04 205.16 210.22 CLAY STONE 5.06

RE-04 210.22 212.65 LIGNITE 4.73

RE-04 212.65 222.18 CLAY STONE 5.06

RE-04 222.18 224.78 LIGNITE 2.6

RE-04 224.78 226.03 CLAY STONE 1.25

RE-05 0 78 DUNE SAND 78

RE-05 78 96 SILTSTONE 18

RE-05 96 105 CLAY STONE 9

RE-05 105 117 SILTSTONE 12

RE-05 117 132 CLAY STONE 15

RE-05 132 141.7 SILTSTONE 9.7

RE-05 141.7 143.25 CLAY STONE 1.55

RE-05 143.25 144.65 SANDSTONE 1.4

RE-05 144.65 145.41 SAND CL 0.76

RE-05 145.41 145.61 SANDSTONE 0.2

RE-05 145.61 151.31 SAND CL 5.7

RE-05 151.31 153.14 SILTSTONE 1.83

RE-05 153.14 154.62 SAND CL 1.48

RE-05 154.62 155.9 CLAY STONE 1.28

RE-05 155.9 157.4 LIGNITE 1.5

RE-05 157.4 158.54 CLAY STONE 1.14

RE-05 158.54 159.54 LIGNITE 1

RE-05 159.54 160.48 CLAY STONE 0.94

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RE-05 160.48 162.28 LIGNITE 1.8

RE-05 162.28 173.57 CLAY STONE 11.29

RE-05 173.57 174.27 LIGNITE 0.7

RE-05 174.27 174.52 SILTCLAY STONE 0.25

RE-05 174.52 175.07 LIGNITE 0.55

RE-05 175.07 176.57 CLAY STONE 1.5

RE-05 176.57 177.57 LIGNITE 1

RE-05 177.57 179.06 CLAY STONE 1.49

RE-05 179.06 182.91 LIGNITE 3.85

RE-05 182.91 183.41 CLAY STONE 0.5

RE-05 183.41 186 SILTSTONE 2.59

RE-05 186 187.3 CLAY STONE 1.3

RE-05 187.3 189.3 LIGNITE 2

RE-05 189.3 191.65 CLAY STONE 2.35

RE-05 191.65 203.07 LIGNITE 11.42

RE-05 203.07 204.12 SILTSTONE 1.05

RE-05 204.12 206.12 LIGNITE 2

RE-05 206.12 209.44 CLAY STONE 3.32

RE-05 209.44 209.99 SANDSTONE 0.55

RE-05 209.99 210.99 SAND CL 1

RE-06 0 75 DUNE SAND 75

RE-06 75 108 SILTSTONE 33

RE-06 108 141.27 CLAY STONE 33.27

RE-06 141.27 141.41 SAND CL 0.14

RE-06 141.41 143.71 SANDSTONE 2.3

RE-06 143.71 144.27 SAND CL 0.56

RE-06 144.27 145.69 SILTSTONE 1.42

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RE-06 145.69 145.87 SAND CL 0.18

RE-06 145.87 147.52 SANDSTONE 1.65

RE-06 147.52 147.71 SAND CL 0.19

RE-06 147.71 148.01 CLAY STONE 0.3

RE-06 148.01 149.66 SANDSTONE 1.65

RE-06 149.66 149.85 SAND CL 0.19

RE-06 149.85 150 SAND STONE 0.15

RE-06 150 151.05 CLAY STONE 1.05

RE-06 151.05 151.35 SANDSTONE 0.3

RE-06 151.35 152.4 CLAY STONE 1.05

RE-06 152.4 152.6 SANDSTONE 0.2

RE-06 152.6 156.6 SAND CL 4

RE-06 156.6 157.14 SANDSTONE 0.54

RE-06 157.14 158.24 SAND CL 1.1

RE-06 158.24 159.93 CLAY STONE 1.69

RE-06 159.93 160.19 LIGNITE 0.26

RE-06 160.19 161.34 CLAY STONE 1.15

RE-06 161.34 162.44 LIGNITE 1.1

RE-06 162.44 166.29 CLAY STONE 3.85

RE-06 166.29 166.74 SAND CL 0.45

RE-06 166.74 166.94 SANDSTONE 0.2

RE-06 166.94 174.39 CLAY STONE 7.45

RE-06 174.39 175.44 LIGNITE 1.05

RE-06 175.44 175.63 CLAY STONE 0.19

RE-06 175.63 176.38 LIGNITE 0.75

RE-06 176.38 176.93 CLAY STONE 0.55

RE-06 176.93 177.23 LIGNITE 0.3

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RE-06 177.23 177.48 CLAY STONE 0.25

RE-06 177.48 178.13 LIGNITE 0.65

RE-06 178.13 180.48 CLAY STONE 2.35

RE-06 180.48 181.53 LIGNITE 1.05

RE-06 181.53 196.42 CLAY STONE 14.89

RE-06 196.42 199.82 LIGNITE 3.4

RE-06 199.82 200.17 CLAY STONE 0.35

RE-06 200.11 211.51 LIGNITE 11.34

RE-06 211.51 212.01 CLAY STONE 0.5

RE-06 212.01 214.36 LIGNITE 2.35

RE-06 214.36 216.26 CLAY STONE 1.9

RE-06 216.26 218.11 LIGNITE 1.85

RE-06 218.11 218.36 CLAY STONE 0.25

RE-06 218.36 218.96 LIGNITE 0.6

RE-06 218.96 221.16 CLAY STONE 2.2

RE-07 0 60 DUNE SAND 60

RE-07 60 90 SILTSTONE 30

RE-07 90 123 CLAY STONE 33

RE-07 123 140.21 SAND STONE 17.21

RE-07 140.21 142.04 SILTSTONE 1.83

RE-07 142.04 152.23 CLAY STONE 10.19

RE-07 152.23 153.43 LIGNITE 1.2

RE-07 153.43 162.04 CLAY STONE 8.61

RE-07 162.04 165.63 LIGNITE 3.59

RE-07 165.63 168.4 CLAY STONE 2.77

RE-07 168.4 169.6 LIGNITE 1.2

RE-07 169.6 169.7 CLAY STONE 0.1

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RE-07 169.7 172.35 LIGNITE 2.65

RE-07 172.35 173.94 CLAY STONE 1.59

RE-07 173.94 175.09 LIGNITE 1.15

RE-07 175.09 176.93 CLAY STONE 1.84

RE-07 176.93 177.93 LIGNITE 1

RE-07 177.93 178.13 CLAY STONE 0.2

RE-07 178.13 190.11 LIGNITE 11.98

RE-07 190.11 194.73 CLAY STONE 4.62

RE-07 194.73 197.08 LIGNITE 2.35

RE-07 197.08 198.18 CLAY STONE 1.1

RE-07 198.18 198.73 LIGNITE 0.55

RE-07 198.73 199.32 CLAY STONE 0.59

RE-07 199.32 200.97 LIGNITE 1.65

RE-07 200.97 201.62 CLAY STONE 0.65

RE-07 201.62 205.42 SANDSTONE 3.8

RE-07 205.42 208.17 SAND CL 2.75

RE-07 208.17 209.27 CLAY STONE 1.1

RE-08 0 51 DUNE SAND 51

RE-08 51 124 SILT 73

RE-08 124 144.45 SANDSTONE 20.45

RE-08 144.45 148.26 CLAY STONE 3.81

RE-08 148.26 148.84 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.58

RE-08 148.84 149.02 CLAY STONE 0.18

RE-08 149.02 151.02 LIGNITE 2

RE-08 151.02 151.81 CLAY STONE 0.79

RE-08 151.81 152.96 LIGNITE 1.15

RE-08 152.96 154.36 CLAY STONE 1.4

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RE-08 154.36 155.78 LIGNITE 1.42

RE-08 155.78 160.19 CLAY STONE 4.41

RE-08 160.19 163.24 SILTSTONE 3.05

RE-08 163.24 166.29 CLAY STONE 3.05

RE-08 166.29 166.39 LIGNITE 0.1

RE-08 166.99 167.29 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.3

RE-08 167.29 168.64 LIGNITE 1.35

RE-08 168.64 171.82 CLAY STONE 3.18

RE-08 171.82 173.09 LIGNITE 1.27

RE-08 173.09 175.71 CLAY STONE 2.62

RE-08 175.71 178.06 LIGNITE 2.35

RE-08 178.06 178.63 CLAY STONE 0.57

RE-08 178.63 179.28 LIGNITE 0.65

RE-08 179.28 180 CLAY STONE 0.72

RE-08 180 180.9 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.9

RE-08 180.9 181.66 LIGNITE 0.76

RE-08 181.66 181.86 CLAY STONE 0.2

RE-08 181.86 196.9 LIGNITE 15.04

RE-08 196.9 198.65 CLAY STONE 1.75

RE-08 198.65 202.15 LIGNITE 3.5

RE-08 202.15 204.1 CLAY STONE 1.95

RE-08 204.1 204.95 LIGNITE 0.85

RE-08 204.95 205.74 CLAY STONE 0.79

RE-09 0 60 DUNE SAND 60

RE-09 60 90 SILTSTONE 30

RE-09 90 102 CLAY STONE 12

RE-09 102 126 SANDSTONE 24

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RE-09 126 130 SANDSTONE CL 4

RE-09 130 137.5 CLAY STONE 7.5

RE-09 137.5 140 SANDSTONE CL 2.5

RE-09 140 142 CLAY STONE 2

RE-09 142 146.3 SILTSTONE 4.3

RE-09 146.3 151.36 CLAY STONE 5.06

RE-09 151.36 153.26 LIGNITE 1.9

RE-09 153.26 157.49 CLAY STONE 4.23

RE-09 157.49 158.24 LIGNITE 0.75

RE-09 158.24 161.04 CLAY STONE 2.8

RE-09 161.04 164.09 LIGNITE 3.05

RE-09 164.09 170.63 CLAY STONE 6.54

RE-09 170.63 171.18 LIGNITE 0.55

RE-09 171.18 171.38 CLAY STONE 0.2

RE-09 171.38 172.08 LIGNITE 0.7

RE-09 172.08 172.58 CLAY STONE 0.5

RE-09 172.58 175.13 LIGNITE 2.55

RE-09 175.13 178.08 CLAY STONE 2.95

RE-09 178.08 178.18 LIGNITE 0.1

RE-09 178.18 180.68 CLAY STONE 2.5

RE-09 180.68 187.58 LIGNITE 6.9

RE-09 187.58 187.68 CLAY STONE 0.1

RE-09 187.68 190.53 LIGNITE 2.85

RE-09 190.53 191.03 CLAY STONE 0.5

RE-09 191.03 191.58 LIGNITE 0.55

RE-09 191.58 193.73 CLAY STONE 2.15

RE-09 193.73 194.88 LIGNITE 1.15

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RE-09 194.88 199.83 CLAY STONE 4.95

RE-09 199.83 200.18 SAND CL 0.35

RE-09 200.18 201.38 SAND 1.2

RE-09 201.38 203.38 SAND CL 2

RE-10 0 46 DUNE SAND 46

RE-10 46 96 SILTSTONE 50

RE-10 96 99.5 CLAY STONE 3.5

RE-10 99.5 112.5 SANDSTONE 6.5

RE-10 112.5 113 SANDSTONE CL 0.5

RE-10 113 114 SILTSTONE 1

RE-10 114 119 SANDSTONE 5

RE-10 119 126 SILTSTONE 7

RE-10 126 129.7 SANDSTONE CL 3.7

RE-10 129.7 135 CLAY STONE 5.3

RE-10 135 136.25 LIGNITE 1.25

RE-10 136.25 142.6 CLAY STONE 6.35

RE-10 142.6 143.15 LIGNITE 0.55

RE-10 143.15 145.08 CLAY STONE 1.93

RE-10 145.08 145.58 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.5

RE-10 145.58 152.77 CLAY STONE 7.19

RE-10 152.77 154.22 LIGNITE 1.45

RE-10 154.22 154.42 CLAY STONE 0.2

RE-10 154.42 155.42 LIGNITE 1

RE-10 155.42 156.82 CLAY STONE 1.4

RE-10 156.82 157.17 LIGNITE 0.35

RE-10 157.17 157.27 CLAY STONE 0.1

RE-10 157.27 158.52 LIGNITE DIRTY 1.25

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RE-10 158.52 172.01 LIGNITE 13.49

RE-10 172.01 172.51 CLAY STONE 0.5

RE-10 172.51 174.36 LIGNITE 1.85

RE-10 174.36 175.26 CLAY STONE 0.9

RE-10 175.26 177.56 LIGNITE 2.3

RE-10 177.56 179.86 CLAY STONE 2.3

RE-10 179.86 181.66 LIGNITE 1.8

RE-10 181.66 186.96 CLAY STONES 5.3

RE-10 186.96 199.95 SILTSTONE 12.99

RE-12 0 63 DUNE SAND 63

RE-12 63 140 SILT 77

RE-12 140 146.3 SAND 6.3

RE-12 146.3 150.85 CLAY STONE 4.55

RE-12 150.85 151.05 LIGNITE 0.2

RE-12 151.05 152.36 CLAY STONE 1.31

RE-12 152.36 153.66 LIGNITE 1.3

RE-12 153.66 161.17 CLAY STONE 7.51

RE-12 161.17 161.62 LIGNITE 0.45

RE-12 161.62 166.5 CLAY STONE 4.88

RE-12 166.5 167.03 LIGNITE 0.53

RE-12 167.03 167.45 CLAY STONE 0.42

RE-12 167.45 168.07 LIGNITE 0.62

RE-12 168.07 169.66 CLAY STONE 1.59

RE-12 169.66 170.59 LIGNITE 0.93

RE-12 170.59 171.14 CLAY STONE 0.55

RE-12 171.14 171.49 LIGNITE 0.35

RE-12 171.49 172.16 CLAY STONE 0.67

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RE-12 172.16 176.93 LIGNITE 4.77

RE-12 176.93 185.39 CLAY STONE 8.46

RE-12 185.39 191 LIGNITE 5.61

RE-12 191 191.97 CLAY STONE 0.97

RE-12 191.97 199.82 LIGNITE 7.85

RE-12 199.82 200.47 CLAY STONE 0.65

RE-12 200.47 201.47 LIGNITE 1

RE-12 201.47 202.6 CLAY STONE 1.13

RE-12 202.6 203.32 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.72

RE-12 203.32 206.1 CLAY STONE 2.78

RE-12 206.1 208.7 LIGNITE 2.6

RE-12 208.7 208.96 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.26

RE-12 208.96 211.14 CLAY STONE 2.18

RE-12 211.14 218.11 SAND 6.97

RE-12 218.11 220.01 SAND CL 1.9

RE-12 220.01 222.7 SAND 2.69

RE-12 222.7 225.6 CLAY STONE 2.9

RE-12 225.6 226.05 LIGNITE 0.45

RE-12 226.05 227.25 CLAY STONE 1.2

RE-14 0 50 DUNE SAND 50

RE-14 50 86 SILTSTONE 36

RE-14 86 99 SANDSTONE CL 13

RE-14 99 111 SILTSTONE 12

RE-14 111 123 SANDSTONE CL 12

RE-14 123 128.01 SILTSTONE 5.01

RE-14 128.01 132.09 CLAY STONE 4.08

RE-14 132.09 135 SAND 2.91

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RE-14 135 135.3 CLAY STONE 0.3

RE-14 135.3 135.97 SAND 0.67

RE-14 135.97 139.71 CLAY STONE 3.74

RE-14 139.71 140.56 LIGNITE 0.85

RE-14 140.56 146.04 CLAY STONE 5.48

RE-14 146.04 149.6 LIGNITE 3.56

RE-14 149.6 151.6 CLAY STONE 2

RE-14 151.6 152.35 LIGNITE 0.75

RE-14 152.35 157.37 CLAY STONE 5.02

RE-14 157.37 160.42 LIGNITE 3.05

RE-14 160.42 165.24 SAND 4.82

RE-14 165.24 165.38 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.14

RE-14 165.38 166.13 CLAY STONE 0.75

RE-14 166.13 185.75 LIGNITE 19.62

RE-14 185.75 187.1 CLAY STONE 1.35

RE-14 187.1 187.4 LIGNITE 0.3

RE-14 187.4 187.7 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.3

RE-14 187.7 189.15 LIGNITE 1.45

RE-14 189.15 200.1 CLAY STONE 10.95

RE-15 0 57 DUNE SAND 57

RE-15 57 124 SILTSTONE 67

RE-15 124 128 SAND CL 4

RE-15 128 135 SILTSTONE 7

RE-15 135 139 SAND 4

RE-15 139 145.56 CLAY STONE 6.56

RE-15 145.56 150 SANDSTONE 4.44

RE-15 150 151.18 SILTSTONE 1.18

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RE-15 151.18 152.5 LIGNITE 1.32

RE-15 152.5 159.41 CLAY STONE 6.91

RE-15 159.41 160 LIGNITE 0.59

RE-15 160 162.7 CLAY STONE 2.7

RE-15 162.7 164.8 LIGNITE 2.1

RE-15 164.8 176.26 CLAY STONE 11.46

RE-15 176.26 176.81 LIGNITE 0.55

RE-15 176.81 177.6 CLAY STONE 0.79

RE-15 177.6 201.55 LIGNITE 23.95

RE-15 201.55 203.94 CLAY STONE 2.39

RE-15 203.94 204.64 SANDSTONE 0.7

RE-15 204.64 212 CLAY STONE 7.36

RE-15 212 218.2 SANDSTONE 6.2

RE-16 0 52 DUNE SAND 52

RE-16 52 137 SILTSTONE 85

RE-16 137 147.83 SANDSTONE 10.83

RE-16 147.83 161.01 CLAY STONE 13.18

RE-16 161.01 161.41 LIGNITE 0.4

RE-16 161.41 163.46 CLAY STONE 2.05

RE-16 163.46 164.63 LIGNITE 1.17

RE-16 164.63 166.9 CLAY STONE 2.27

RE-16 166.9 168.37 LIGNITE 1.47

RE-16 168.37 171.63 CLAY STONE 3.26

RE-16 171.63 174.46 LIGNITE 2.83

RE-16 174.46 176.05 CLAY STONE 1.59

RE-16 176.05 187.82 SAND 11.77

RE-16 187.82 197.09 LIGNITE 9.27

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RE-16 197.09 197.78 CLAY STONE 0.69

RE-16 197.78 202.08 LIGNITE 4.3

RE-16 202.08 204.88 CLAY STONE 2.8

RE-16 204.88 205.13 LIGNITE 0.25

RE-16 205.13 205.36 CLAY STONE 0.23

RE-16 205.36 206.96 LIGNITE 1.6

RE-16 206.96 208.18 CLAY STONE 1.22

RE-16 208.18 211.2 SAND CL 3.02

RE-17 0 62 DUNE SAND 62

RE-17 62 123 SILTSTONE 61

RE-17 123 128 SAND CL 5

RE-17 128 137 SILTSTONE 9

RE-17 137 137.57 SAND CL 0.57

RE-17 137.57 149.23 SANDSTONE CL 11.66

RE-17 149.23 150.8 CLAY STONE 1.57

RE-17 150.8 154.4 SILTSTONE 3.6

RE-17 154.4 157.05 SANDSTONE CL 2.65

RE-17 157.05 157.45 SILTSTONE 0.4

RE-17 157.45 163.2 SANDSTONE 5.75

RE-17 163.2 168.29 CLAY STONE 5.09

RE-17 168.29 169.64 LIGNITE 1.35

RE-17 169.64 175.24 CLAY STONE 5.6

RE-17 175.24 175.74 LIGNITE 0.5

RE-17 175.74 177.69 CLAY STONE 1.95

RE-17 177.69 181.24 LIGNITE 3.55

RE-17 181.24 184.43 CLAY STONE 3.19

RE-17 184.43 187.87 LIGNITE 3.44

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RE-17 187.87 188.57 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.7

RE-17 188.57 189.37 CLAY STONE 0.8

RE-17 189.37 190.52 LIGNITE DIRTY 1.15

RE-17 190.52 192.09 CLAY STONE 1.57

RE-17 192.09 203.17 LIGNITE 11.08

RE-17 203.17 203.27 CLAY STONE 0.1

RE-17 203.27 207.95 LIGNITE 4.68

RE-17 207.95 208.96 CLAY STONE 1.01

RE-17 208.96 209.66 SANDSTONE 0.7

RE-17 209.66 217.26 LIGNITE 7.6

RE-17 217.26 218.9 CLAY STONE 1.64

RE-17 218.9 219.8 SILTSTONE 0.9

RE-17 219.8 220.85 CLAY STONE 1.05

RE-18 0 52 DUNE SAND 52

RE-18 52 114 SILT 62

RE-18 114 129 SAND CL 15

RE-18 129 146.8 SAND 17.8

RE-18 146.8 148 CLAY STONE 1.2

RE-18 148 150.6 SAND 2.6

RE-18 150.6 154.5 CLAY STONE 3.9

RE-18 154.5 155.75 LIGNITE 1.25

RE-18 155.75 156.75 CLAY STONE 1

RE-18 156.75 158.42 LIGNITE 1.67

RE-18 158.42 165.14 CLAY STONE 6.72

RE-18 165.14 165.54 LIGNITE 0.4

RE-18 165.54 168.79 CLAY STONE 3.25

RE-18 168.79 170.34 LIGNITE 1.55

RE-18 170.34 170.38 CLAY STONE 0.04

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RE-18 170.38 170.8 LIGNITE 0.42

RE-18 170.8 171.38 CLAY STONE 0.58

RE-18 171.38 171.68 LIGNITE 0.3

RE-18 171.68 173.89 CLAY STONE 2.21

RE-18 173.89 177.15 LIGNITE 3.26

RE-18 177.15 177.88 CLAY STONE 0.73

RE-18 177.88 178.48 LIGNITE 0.6

RE-18 178.48 179.62 CLAY STONE 1.14

RE-18 179.62 183.81 LIGNITE 4.19

RE-18 183.81 184.13 CLAY STONE 0.32

RE-18 184.13 185.08 LIGNITE 0.95

RE-18 185.08 185.93 CLAY STONE 0.85

RE-18 185.93 199.37 LIGNITE 13.44

RE-18 199.37 200.05 CLAY STONE 0.68

RE-18 200.05 201.95 LIGNITE 1.9

RE-18 201.95 204.13 CLAY STONE 2.18

RE-18 204.13 205.52 LIGNITE 1.39

RE-18 205.52 206.02 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.5

RE-18 206.02 212.01 CLAY STONE 5.99

RE-18 212.01 212.91 SANDSTONE 0.9

RE-18 212.91 215.06 SAND 2.15

RE-19 0 42 DUNE SAND 42

RE-19 42 136 SILTSTONE 94

RE-19 136 147.1 SAND 11.1

RE-19 147.1 150.35 CLAY STONE 3.25

RE-19 150.35 151.28 LIGNITE 0.93

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RE-19 151.28 152.93 CLAY STONE 1.65

RE-19 152.93 154.03 LIGNITE 1.1

RE-19 154.03 160.09 CLAY STONE 6.06

RE-19 160.09 160.19 SAND 0.1

RE-19 160.19 161.39 SANDSTONE 1.2

RE-19 161.39 164.19 SAND 2.8

RE-19 164.19 165.64 SANDSTONE 1.45

RE-19 165.64 169.24 CLAY STONE 3.6

RE-19 169.24 169.72 LIGNITE 0.48

RE-19 169.72 169.95 CLAY STONE 0.23

RE-19 169.95 171.32 LIGNITE 1.37

RE-19 171.32 171.96 CLAY STONE 0.64

RE-19 171.96 172.66 LIGNITE 0.7

RE-19 172.66 174.41 CLAY STONE 1.75

RE-19 174.41 175.74 LIGNITE 1.33

RE-19 175.74 177.09 CLAY STONE 1.35

RE-19 177.09 180.11 LIGNITE 3.02

RE-19 180.11 180.24 CLAY STONE 0.13

RE-19 180.24 180.73 LIGNITE 0.49

RE-19 180.73 181.53 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.8

RE-19 181.53 182.3 CLAY STONE 0.77

RE-19 182.3 198.67 LIGNITE 16.37

RE-19 198.67 199.26 CLAY STONE 0.59

RE-19 199.26 199.82 SANDSTONE 0.56

RE-19 199.82 200.32 CLAY STONE 0.5

RE-19 200.32 202.87 LIGNITE 2.55

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RE-19 202.87 205.16 CLAY STONE 2.29

RE-19 205.16 206.81 LIGNITE 1.65

RE-19 206.81 207.3 CLAY STONE 0.49

RE-19 207.3 207.46 LIGNITE 0.16

RE-19 207.46 210.31 CLAY STONE 2.85

RE-19 210.31 219.06 SAND 8.75

RE-19 219.06 220.21 CLAY STONE 1.15

RE-19 220.21 221.11 LIGNITE 0.9

RE-19 221.11 221.56 CLAY STONE 0.45

RE-19 221.56 221.82 LIGNITE 0.26

RE-19 221.82 222.15 CLAY STONE 0.33

RE-19 222.15 223.38 LIGNITE 1.23

RE-19 223.38 223.9 CLAY STONE 0.52

RE-20 0 50 DUNE SAND 50

RE-20 50 124 SILTSTONE 74

RE-20 124 132 SAND 8

RE-20 132 139 CLAY STONE 7

RE-20 139 147.22 SAND 8.22

RE-20 147.22 148.31 CLAY STONE 1.09

RE-20 148.31 148.84 LIGNITE 0.53

RE-20 148.84 149.56 CLAY STONE 0.72

RE-20 149.56 151.05 LIGNITE 1.49

RE-20 151.05 152.53 CLAY STONE 1.48

RE-20 152.53 153.28 LIGNITE 0.75

RE-20 153.28 154.95 CLAY STONE 1.67

RE-20 154.95 156.7 LIGNITE 1.75

RE-20 156.7 159 CLAY STONE 2.3

RE-20 159 159.62 SANDSTONE 0.62

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RE-20 159.62 159.89 SAND 0.27

RE-20 159.89 167.53 CLAY STONE 7.64

RE-20 167.53 169.81 LIGNITE 2.28

RE-20 169.81 170.29 CLAY STONE 0.48

RE-20 170.29 171.27 LIGNITE 0.98

RE-20 171.27 173.96 CLAY STONE 2.69

RE-20 173.96 175.67 LIGNITE 1.71

RE-20 175.67 176.97 CLAY STONE 1.3

RE-20 176.97 200.43 LIGNITE 23.46

RE-20 200.43 201.96 CLAY STONE 1.53

RE-20 201.96 203.96 LIGNITE 2

RE-20 203.96 204.96 CLAY STONE 1

RE-20 204.96 205.61 LIGNITE 0.65

RE-20 205.61 208.38 CLAY STONE 2.77

RE-20 208.38 218.11 SAND 9.73

RE-20 218.11 218.46 LIGNITE 0.35

RE-20 218.46 220.01 CLAY STONE 1.55

RE-20 220.01 220.41 LIGNITE O.4

RE-20 220.41 225.05 CLAY STONE 4.64

RE-20 225.05 225.08 SAND 0.03

RE-20 225.08 227.25 CLAY STONE 2.17

RE-20 227.25 234.97 SAND 7.72

RE-20 234.97 235.04 CLAY STONE 0.07

RE-20 235.04 235.14 LIGNITE 0.1

RE-20 235.14 236.2 SAND 1.06

RE-21 0 42 DUNE SAND 42

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RE-21 42 123 SILTSTONE 81

RE-21 123 129 SANDSTONE CL 6

RE-21 129 142.21 SILTSTONE 13.21

RE-21 142.21 144.1 CLAY STONE 1.89

RE-21 144.1 145.26 SAND 1.16

RE-21 145.26 146.76 CLAY STONE 1.5

RE-21 146.76 148.31 SAND 1.55

RE-21 148.31 151.91 CLAY STONE 3.6

RE-21 151.91 152.71 LIGNITE 0.8

RE-21 152.71 153.11 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.4

RE-21 153.11 160.5 CLAY STONE 7.39

RE-21 160.5 161.05 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.55

RE-21 161.05 163.55 CLAY STONE 2.5

RE-21 163.55 166.6 LIGNITE 3.05

RE-21 166.6 167.9 CLAY STONE 1.3

RE-21 167.9 168.6 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.7

RE-21 168.6 169.45 LIGNITE 0.85

RE-21 169.45 169.65 CLAY STONE 0.2

RE-21 169.65 172.25 LIGNITE 2.6

RE-21 172.25 172.69 CLAY STONE 0.44

RE-21 172.69 173.39 LIGNITE 0.7

RE-21 173.39 175.99 CLAY STONE 2.6

RE-21 175.99 195.83 LIGNITE 19.84

RE-21 195.83 198.07 CLAY STONE 2.24

RE-21 198.07 198.82 LIGNITE 0.75

RE-21 198.82 202.77 CLAY STONE 3.95

RE-21 202.77 204.72 SAND 1.95

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RE-21 204.72 208.79 SILTSTONE 4.07

RE-21 208.79 212.32 SAND 3.53

RE-21 212.39 213.42 CLAY STONE 1.1

RE-21 213.42 215.37 SAND 1.95

RE-22 0 63 DUNE SAND 63

RE-22 63 126 SILTSTONE 63

RE-22 126 135 SANDSTONE CL 9

RE-22 135 152.26 CLAY STONE 17.26

RE-22 152.26 153.76 LIGNITE 1.5

RE-22 153.76 159.05 CLAY STONE 5.29

RE-22 159.05 160.05 LIGNITE DIRTY 1

RE-22 160.05 160.5 CLAY STONE 0.45

RE-22 160.5 164.15 LIGNITE DIRTY 3.65

RE-22 164.15 169.52 CLAY STONE 5.37

RE-22 169.52 171.87 LIGNITE DIRTY 2.35

RE-22 171.87 173.17 CLAY STONE 1.3

RE-22 173.17 173.6 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.43

RE-22 173.6 176.27 CLAY STONE 2.67

RE-22 176.27 179.22 LIGNITE 2.95

RE-22 179.22 183.06 CLAY STONE 3.84

RE-22 183.06 192.62 LIGNITE 9.56

RE-22 192.62 192.82 CLAY STONES 0.2

RE-22 192.82 197.78 LIGNITE 4.96

RE-22 197.78 200.3 CLAY STONE 2.52

RE-22 200.3 201.95 LIGNITE 1.65

RE-22 201.95 203.5 CLAY STONE 1.55

RE-22 203.5 205.3 SAND 1.8

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RE-22 205.3 216.62 CLAY STONE 11.32

RE-22 216.62 271.88 SAND 55.26

RE-22 271.88 272.88 GRANITE 1

RE-23 0 53 DUNE SAND 53

RE-23 53 89.5 SILTSTONE 36.5

RE-23 89.5 124 SANDSTONE CL 34.5

RE-23 124 126.5 SILTSTONE 2.5

RE-23 126.5 131 SANDSTONE CL 4.5

RE-23 131 132.89 SILTSTONE 1.89

RE-23 132.89 134.9 SANDSTONE 2.01

RE-23 134.9 137.95 CLAY STONE 3.05

RE-23 137.95 140.09 SANDSTONE 2.14

RE-23 140.09 141.74 CLAY STONE 1.65

RE-23 141.74 150.46 SAND 8.72

RE-23 150.46 152.36 CLAY STONE 1.9

RE-23 152.36 153.19 LIGNITE 0.83

RE-23 153.19 162.73 CLAY STONE 9.54

RE-23 162.73 167.43 LIGNITE 4.7

RE-23 167.43 170.18 CLAY STONE 2.75

RE-23 170.18 170.48 LIGNITE 0.3

RE-23 170.48 179.49 CLAY STONE 9.01

RE-23 179.49 181.19 LIGNITE 1.7

RE-23 181.19 182.94 CLAY STONE 1.75

RE-23 182.94 184.39 LIGNITE 1.45

RE-23 184.39 185.79 CLAY STONE 1.4

RE-23 185.79 200.26 LIGNITE 14.47

RE-23 200.26 202.05 CLAY STONE 1.79

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RE-23 202.05 204.3 LIGNITE 2.25

RE-23 204.3 205 CLAY STONE 0.7

RE-23 205 205.5 LIGNITE 0.5

RE-23 205.5 206.5 CLAY STONE 1

RE-23 206.5 209 LIGNITE 2.5

RE-23 209 215.37 CLAY STONE 6.37

RE-23 215.37 215.77 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.4

RE-23 215.77 222.68 CLAY STONE 6.91

RE-24 0 39 DUNE SAND 39

RE-24 39 62.17 SILTSTONE 23.17

RE-24 62.17 69 SANDST0NE 6.83

RE-24 69 83.3 SILTSTONE 14.3

RE-24 83.3 84 SAND CL 0.7

RE-24 84 117 SILTSTONE 33

RE-24 117 128 SANDSTONE CL 11

RE-24 128 128.35 SILT 0.35

RE-24 128.35 130.9 SANDSTONE 2.55

RE-24 130.9 132 SILTSTONE 1.1

RE-24 132 134.75 SANDSTONE 2.75

RE-24 134.75 135 CLAY STONE 0.25

RE-24 135 137.1 SAND CL 2.1

RE-24 137.1 138.45 LIGNITE 1.35

RE-24 138.45 139.4 CLAY STONE 0.95

RE-24 139.4 139.65 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.25

RE-24 139.65 143.3 CLAY STONE 3.65

RE-24 143.3 144.7 LIGNITE 1.4

RE-24 144.7 146.8 CLAY STONE 2.1

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RE-24 146.8 148.2 LIGNITE 1.4

RE-24 148.2 151.6 CLAY STONE 3.4

RE-24 151.6 155.7 SILTSTONE 4.1

RE-24 155.7 157.7 LIGNITE 2

RE-24 157.7 161.2 SILTSTONE 3.5

RE-24 161.2 162.3 LIGNITE 1.1

RE-24 162.3 163.85 CLAY STONE 1.55

RE-24 163.85 165.3 LIGNITE 1.45

RE-24 165.3 165.6 SILTSTONE 0.3

RE-24 165.6 167.7 LIGNITE DIRTY 2.1

RE-24 167.7 167.8 SILTSTONE 0.1

RE-24 167.8 169.4 LIGNITE 1.6

RE-24 169.4 179.69 SILTSTONE 10.29

RE-24 179.69 180.8 LIGNITE DIRTY 1.11

RE-24 180.8 188.88 LIGNITE 8.08

RE-24 188.88 189.2 CLAY STONE 0.32

RE-24 189.2 190.2 LIGNITE 1

RE-24 190.2 194.4 SILTSTONE 4.2

RE-24 194.4 195 LIGNITE 0.6

RE-24 195 196.9 SILTSTONE 1.9

RE-24 196.9 198.5 LIGNITE 1.6

RE-24 198.5 202.5 SILTSTONE 4

RE-24 202.5 203 LIGNITE 0.5

RE-24 203 204 SILTSTONE 1

RE-24 204 209.4 SAND 5.4

RE-24 209.4 211 SILTSTONE 1.6

RE-24 211 212 SAND 1

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RE-24 212 214 SILTSTONE 2

RE-24 214 218.7 SAND 4.7

RE-25 0 48 DUNE SAND 48

RE-25 48 108 SILTSTONE 60

RE-25 108 114 SANDSTONE CL 6

RE-25 114 125.5 SILTSTONE 11.5

RE-25 125.5 134 SANDSTONE 8.5

RE-25 134 147.5 SILTSTONE 13.5

RE-25 147.5 148.5 LIGNITE DIRTY 1

RE-25 148.5 150.25 CLAY STONE 1.75

RE-25 150.25 151.6 LIGNITE 1.35

RE-25 151.6 153.3 CLAY STONE 1.7

RE-25 153.3 154.76 LIGNITE 1.46

RE-25 154.76 163.08 CLAY STONE 8.32

RE-25 163.08 163.24 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.16

RE-25 163.24 163.72 LIGNITE 0.48

RE-25 163.72 166.29 CLAY STONE 2.57

RE-25 166.29 169.34 LIGNITE 3.05

RE-25 169.34 172.12 CLAY STONE 2.78

RE-25 172.12 172.49 LIGNITE 0.37

RE-25 172.49 173.45 CLAY STONE 0.96

RE-25 173.45 175.81 LIGNITE 2.36

RE-25 175.81 176.49 CLAY STONE 0.68

RE-25 176.49 177.94 LIGNITE 1.45

RE-25 177.94 178.19 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.25

RE-25 178.19 178.9 CLAY STONE 0.71

RE-25 178.9 180.5 LIGNITE 1.6

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RE-25 180.5 181.47 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.97

RE-25 181.47 181.53 CLAY STONE 0.06

RE-25 181.53 182.33 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.8

RE-25 182.33 194.49 LIGNITE 12.16

RE-25 194.49 194.99 CLAY STONE 0.5

RE-25 194.99 197.35 LIGNITE 2.36

RE-25 197.35 198.3 CLAY STONE 0.95

RE-25 198.3 198.7 LIGNITE 0.4

RE-25 198.7 199.42 CLAY STONE 0.72

RE-25 199.42 199.82 LIGNITE 0.4

RE-25 199.82 200 SAND CL 0.18

RE-25 200 201.3 LIGNITE 1.3

RE-25 201.3 203.82 CLAY STONE 2.52

RE-25 203.82 205.7 SAND 1.88

RE-25 205.7 206.18 SAND CL 0.48

RE-25 206.18 214.34 CLAY STONE 8.16

RE-25 214.34 214.76 SAND 0.42

RE-25 214.76 215.06 SAND CL 0.3

RE-26 0 72 DUNE SAND 72

RE-26 72 74 SAND 2

RE-26 74 93 SILTSTONE 19

RE-26 93 98.5 SANDSTONE CL 5.5

RE-26 98.5 111 SILTSTONE 12.5

RE-26 111 114 SANDSTONE CL 3

RE-26 114 119 SILTSTONE 5

RE-26 119 127 CLAY STONE 8

RE-26 127 135.2 SAND 8.2

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RE-26 135.2 136.6 LIGNITE 1.4

RE-26 136.6 147.4 SANDSTONE CL 10.8

RE-26 147.4 148.5 LIGNITE 1.1

RE-26 148.5 151.7 CLAY STONE 3.2

RE-26 151.7 152.7 LIGNITE 1

RE-26 152.7 162.5 CLAY STONE 9.8

RE-26 162.5 179.2 LIGNITE 16.7

RE-26 179.2 180.5 CLAY STONE 1.3

RE-26 180.5 183 LIGNITE 2.5

RE-26 183 190 CLAY STONE 7

RE-26 190 228.9 SAND 38.9

RE-27 0 42 DUNE SAND 42

RE-27 42 45.95 SAND CL 3.95

RE-27 45.95 120 SILTSTONE 74.05

RE-27 120 125 SANDSTONE CL 5

RE-27 125 127 SILTSTONE 2

RE-27 127 129 SANDSTONE CL 2

RE-27 129 135 CLAY STONE 6

RE-27 135 137.2 SANDSTONE CL 2.2

RE-27 137.2 144.15 CLAY STONE 6.95

RE-27 144.15 144.7 LIGNITE 0.55

RE-27 144.7 156.4 SILTSTONE 11.7

RE-27 156.4 157.9 LIGNITE 1.5

RE-27 157.9 169.1 SILTSTONE 11.2

RE-27 169.1 183 LIGNITE 13.9

RE-27 183 184.5 CLAY STONE 1.5

RE-27 184.5 185.25 LIGNITE 0.75

RE-27 185.25 200 SILTSTONE 14.75

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RE-27 200 205 CLAY STONE 5

RE-27 205 214.88 SAND 9.88

RE-28 0 63 DUNE SAND 63

RE-28 63 82 SILTSTONE 19

RE-28 82 86 CLAY STONE 4

RE-28 86 135 SILTSTONE 49

RE-28 135 138.5 SANDSTONE CL 3.5

RE-28 138.5 149 CLAY STONE 10.5

RE-28 149 149.5 LIGNITE 0.5

RE-28 149.5 151 CLAY STONE 1.5

RE-28 151 151.5 LIGNITE 0.5

RE-28 149.5 151 CLAY STONE 1.5

RE-28 151 151.5 LIGNITE 0.5

RE-28 151.5 153 CLAY STONE 1.5

RE-28 153 154.5 LIGNITE 1.5

RE-28 154.5 171.5 SILTSTONE 17

RE-28 171.5 172.5 LIGNITE 1

RE-28 172.5 174.5 LIGNITE DIRTY 2

RE-28 174.5 177 LIGNITE 2.5

RE-28 177 180.5 CLAY STONE 3.5

RE-28 180.5 194.5 LIGNITE 14

RE-28 194.5 196.5 CLAY STONE 2

RE-28 196.5 198 LIGNITE 1.5

RE-28 198 212.5 CLAY STONE 14.5

RE-28 212.5 215 SAND 2.5

RE-28 215 216.5 CLAY STONE 1.5

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RE-28 216.5 218 LIGNITE 1.5

RE-28 218 228.6 SAND 10.6

RE-29 0 45 DUNE SAND 45

RE-29 45 65 SILTSTONE 20

RE-29 65 69 CLAY STONE 4

RE-29 69 126 SILTSTONE 57

RE-29 126 131 SANDSTONE CL 5

RE-29 131 134 CLAY STONE 3

RE-29 134 139 SILTSTONE 5

RE-29 139 147 SANDSTONE CL 8

RE-29 147 148 CLAY STONE 1

RE-29 148 150.2 LIGNITE 2.2

RE-29 150.2 151.5 CLAY STONE 1.3

RE-29 151.5 152.8 LIGNITE 1.3

RE-29 152.8 153.7 CLAY STONE 0.9

RE-29 153.7 155.5 LIGNITE 1.8

RE-29 155.5 157.15 CLAY STONE 1.65

RE-29 157.15 160.2 SAND CL 3.05

RE-29 160.2 164.7 CLAY STONE 4.5

RE-29 164.7 166.29 LIGNITE 1.59

RE-29 166.29 170.91 CLAY STONE 4.62

RE-29 170.91 174 LIGNITE 3.09

RE-29 174 183.45 CLAY STONE 9.45

RE-29 183.45 196.77 LIGNITE 13.32

RE-29 196.77 210.61 CLAY STONE 13.84

RE-29 210.61 211.91 LIGNITE 1.3

RE-29 211.91 212.01 CLAY STONE 0.1

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RE-30 0 43.5 DUNE SAND 43.5

RE-30 43.5 44.7 SAND 1.2

RE-30 44.7 63 SILTSTONE 18.3

RE-30 63 66 SANDSTONE 3

RE-30 66 78.5 SILTSTONE 12.5

RE-30 78.5 84 CLAY STONE 5.5

RE-30 84 87 SANDSTONE 3

RE-30 87 135 SILTSTONE 48

RE-30 135 141.5 CLAY STONE 6.5

RE-30 141.5 146 SANDSTONE 4.5

RE-30 146 152 CLAY STONE 6

RE-30 152 157.1 SAND 5.1

RE-30 157.1 162.6 CLAY STONE 5.5

RE-30 162.6 164.4 LIGNITE 1.8

RE-30 164.4 166.3 CLAY STONE 1.9

RE-30 166.3 167.95 LIGNITE 1.65

RE-30 167.95 168.7 CLAY STONE 0.75

RE-30 168.7 170.3 LIGNITE 1.6

RE-30 170.3 182.3 CLAY STONE 12

RE-30 182.3 184.3 LIGNITE 2

RE-30 184.3 185.15 CLAY STONE 0.85

RE-30 185.15 185.95 LIGNITE 0.8

RE-30 185.95 188.9 CLAY STONE 2.95

RE-30 188.9 190.05 LIGNITE 1.15

RE-30 190.05 193.1 CLAY STONE 3.05

RE-30 193.1 195.75 LIGNITE 2.65

RE-30 195.75 196.2 CLAY STONE 0.45

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RE-30 196.2 197.55 LIGNITE DIRTY 1.35

RE-30 197.55 198 CLAY STONE 0.45

RE-30 198 198.35 LIGNITE DIRTY 0.35

RE-30 198.35 199 CLAY STONE 0.65

RE-30 199 213.25 LIGNITE 14.25

RE-30 213.25 214.7 CLAY STONE 1.45

RE-30 214.7 216.71 LIGNITE 2.01

RE-30 216.71 222 CLAY STONE 5.29

RE-30 222 228.75 SAND 6.75


There are number of seams may vary from 4 to 20 in drill hole data, allocated with

variable thickness from 0.2 to 4 meters it is too difficult co-related all seams without

geologist consideration so we have just taken bottom seam to calculate the total volume

of this seam. The average thickness of this seam is up to 4 meters.


5.3.1 STRINGS:-

The most common file format used for storing information in surpac is a string file. A

string file contains coordinate information for one or more points, as well as optional

descriptive information for each point. It is important to understand how surpac organizes

and uses data stored within a string file; this will enable you to work more efficiently

with strings.

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Data in a string file is classified into:




All points in a string files are grouped into segments, which are further grouped into

strings. The example below shows conceptually how a string file contains strings , which

contain segments , which contain points. Strings types of string page 42 of 189.


There are three types of strings:



Spot height.

The table below explains these term

Surpac term Common term Example

Open string Line Drill hole trace

Closed string Polygon

Spot height Points not associated with a Blast hole collar

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string line or polygon locations


Points, strings and segments can have one or more pieces of descriptive information

associated with them. This information is stored in a descriptive field. Descriptive fields

are named according to the order they appear. Description fields are named in the format

D<incremental number>, such as D1, D2, D3. For example, a closed segment

representing an ore zone could have the gold grade, silver grade, and specific gravity

stored in the separate description fields. If the information is stored in that order, they

could be assigned as follows: D1: gold grade D2: silver Grade D3: specific gravity.


Strings segments and points are identified by unique numbers . you can assign string

numbers to represents particular features , such as string 1 for toes in a pit, string 2 for

crests, and string 99 for spot heights. Surpac automatically assigns segment numbers and

point numbers.



Dtm generation (i.e. building the dtm) forms the basis for all subsequent operations. It

consists of two subtasks, namely the measurement and digitization of original terrain

observations (terrain data capture) and the formation of the relations among the diverse

observations to build Dtms (model construction). There are a number of choices when it

comes to the generation of DTMs, and the preferred option is always going to be balance

between the desired accuracy of the DEM and the cost involved in its creation. Elevation

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data ranges from free, low resolution, low accuracy products through more costly

medium resolution products (derived from satellite data), to high-accuracy high-

resolution models typically derived from airborne sources (LIDER, photogrammetry).

DTMs derived from string files are perhaps the most common. This is because digital

data has been developed from geological data base.

The following figures showing the upper and lower layer bottom coal seam,

Figure 5.1 String showing top of coal seam

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Figure 5.2String of bottom of coal seam

Figure 5.3. Top layer of coal seam

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Figure 5.4 Bottom layer of coal seam


A solid model is a three dimensional triangulation of data. for example , a solid object

may be formed by wrapping a DTM around strings representing sections through the

solids. Solid model are based on the same principles as digital terrain models (DTMs).

Solid models use triangles to link polygonal shapes together to define a solid objects or a

void. The resulting shape may be used for


Volume calculations extraction of slices in any orientation,

Intersection with data from the geological database module,

A solid model is created by forming a set of triangles from the points contained in the

string. These triangles may overlap when viewed in plan, but do not overlap or intersect

when the third dimension is considered. The triangles in a solid model may completely

enclose a structure . creation of solid model can be more interactive than the creation of

DTMs, although there are many tools in surpac that can automate the process.

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Figure 5.5 Solid model of coal seam


The volume of solid model is calculated by a function present in surpace solid volume.

The report file is generated by aa this functiion where the total volume of solid is present

as shown below.


Layer Name: coal0.dtm



Validated = true

Status = solid

Trisolation Ectents

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X Minimum:366352.000 X Maximum:374336.200

Y Minimum:770861.000 Y MaXimmum:775375.000

Z Minimum:-155.150 Z Maximum:-89.600

Surface area: 43069167

Volume: 330901905

The total volume is calculated by this fuction of given coal seam is 330901905m3

Coal reserves= volume X density

Coal reserves= 330901905 X2

Coal reserves= 661803810 tons

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Surpac is modular and easily customized software. Comprehensive tools include: drill

hole data management, geological modeling, block modeling, geostatistics, mine design,

mine planning, resource estimation, and more. Increased efficiencies within teams result

from better sharing of data, skills and project knowledge. All tasks in Surpac can be

automated and aligned to company-specific processes and data flows. Software ease-of-

use ensures staff develop an understanding of the system and of project data quickly.

Surpac is modular and easily customized. Surpac reduces data duplication by connecting

to relational databases and interfacing with common file formats from GIS, CAD and

other systems. Integrated production scheduling with Gemcom MineSche

Whether you are just beginning your exploration project or are involved in full-scale

production, Gemcom can provide a Surpac solution that is right for your needs. To learn

more about how Surpac can help you throughout the mining life-cycle,

Geologists use Surpac to determine the physical characteristics of a deposit, even when

the information available to them is limited. They achieve this by harnessing the system's


Outstanding tools for sample compositing and geostatistics. Comprehensive 3D wire

framing tools enable the development of a truly representative model of any

orebody.Block modeling tools cover an extensive range of functionality and are easy to

use. Validating a model and generating any level of report can be done quickly and


Data from various sources can be viewed and incorporated into plans to support

feasibility projects. Different pieces of information can be viewed simultaneously to

ensure designs are within the physical constraints of the mining area and to maximize the

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economic extraction of a resource. Data can be used directly from other software package

formats with Surpac’s sophisticated Data Plug-ins Interact with all mine design data: drill

holes; existing ore body and surface models; optimized pit shells; block and grid models,

colored by grade distribution; stope designs, and many more

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