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Draft Planning Sheet for Documentary with Intro Specs

Idents for Intro /w Voice over about documentary

Words ‘game on’ on screen

Shot of Computer ScreenVOICEOVER: Now for many years, technology has been a growing influence in today’s society. Various Shots of Technology such as games, video games, ps3, Xbox 360. Over the last decade there have been a wide variety of consoles such as the Playstation 3 and the Wii.Various Shots of Technology such as games, video games, ps3, xbox 360 These two front runners of the gaming world entice gamers as young as 5. However worrying statistics show that, 24% of addicted gamers are below the age of 15.

FADE TO Shot of Sam walking in parkClose-up of foot walking away on park grass

VOICEOVER: This is 16 year old Sam NilsomSHOTCHANGE: Side View sitting on bench in park. (Sam playing a portable console)VOICEOVER: he lives in a small house, on the outskirts of London with his parents. Sam goes to school at London Park Comprehensive and is currently in year 11.

Shot of Sam playing on games consoleSam: Arghh... (Looking at game)

VOICEOVER: Sam’s parents bought him an Xbox 360 for his birthdayShot Back to Screen and since then it has been a journey downhill. Sam’s addiction to his console reached a staggering 15 hours per day. Sam has even missed school trips just to play on his console.Shot of Hands holding controller

Shot of Sam sitting cross legged on the bed holding controller Low shot from right

VOICEOVER: Infinity ward SHOT: INFINITY WARD LOGO the creators of the hugely popular war game Call of Duty, SHOT: MODERN WARFARE 2 Box cover on screen, are responsible for the creation and the release of the hugely popular game, during beta, some mothers expressed their concerns against the violence and content which could be considered highly addictive.

Voiceover: We have called in Harry Brookes the Publisher of Infinity ward to talk to Sam about his gaming lifestyle.

Shot: Sam sitting on the corner of bed looking diagonally right (computer screen in background)

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George: Hey Sam I want to ask you a few questionsSam: OkGeorge: How often are you playing Modern Warfare 2 on average per day?Sam: Only about 5-6 hours a day at the momentGeorge: Do you not find that is a lot of time? What drives you to play it so much?Sam: Well to be honest I think its ok, some people play a lot of football or watch a lot of television, its something about it, it’s like there is so much depth and things to exploreGeorge: What is the most attracting thing about Modern Warfare 2?Sam: I would say without a doubt, the online mode. There is only so much you can do against the computer, whereas against another human being, the future has not been set, therefore anything can happen, and you will never get the same situation twice and I just find that pressure fascinating.George: Do you not have a social life then? Because you spend so much time on the game surely this doesn’t leave you time to socialiseSam: Well I socialise within the gameGeorge: We encourage our players to take regular breaks, or do you just ignore these warnings?Sam: Well I stretch my legs every now and then when I am waiting to respawn, and my social life is within the game, think about it, loads of people playing what they love and talking to people from all over the worldGeorge: What do you think of the violence in the game?Sam: Well obviously violence is a bad thing, but it’s very much like reality, and I think there is no point hiding the truth from people, it’s almost as bad the violence itself.George: Do you agree with the claims from the scientists that games like this can increase aggression?Sam: Yes. I have noticed it a lot. But I would say this would also happen with games which don’t include violence. For example, if the game doesn’t go my way, I get very frustrated and want to hit something. However I have not had any ‘other’ effects from ‘violent games’. George: Well I’d like to thank you for your time SamSam: no problem

VOICEOVER: Teenagers from 16-21 are the main target audience for video game producers. We stopped youths in this age range to talk to them about their thoughts on video games.

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Expert 1:Many people believe gaming addiction- or any kind of addiction- as a number. For example Number of hours spent on a game or the amount of alcohol consumed. However, it is defined as ‘How dependant an individual is upon the selected item(s).’ Gaming addiction can also be defined as when the individual doesn’t realise the difference between reality and the game itself. A recent study which we carried out showed that the most ‘addictive’ type of game is the Role Play Gaming such as World of Warcraft. This type of game produced many more hours played than other types, and that 12% of the United Kingdom’s children aged between 9 and 17 were classified ‘addicted’. Take into account the social hours lost then also take into account the damage that is being done to these addicts lives, Were talking major health risks such as Obesity, Eye Strain, Carpel Tunnel syndrome the list goes on, playing video and computer games for more than 3 hours per day can cause serious health risks

Expert 2: Well I think the matter has got quite out of hand to be honest, more children younger than ever are getting hooked on violence and entertainment in video games. I think that addiction to this type of entertainment leads to the decline in social life no matter what the addict says. More and more hours are being spent huddled in front of the television or computer screen.

Voxpop in Greenshaw High School and Sutton High Street

VOICEOVER: So it’s obvious that the world of gaming has taken over our lives. But has it taken any actual lives?

Shots of Manhunt and World of Warcraft and death stories related to them.

VOICEOVER: So it’s clear now that gaming addiction is not a joke. Of course a parent’s biggest happiness is that their child is happy, and if that comes from gaming then we should respect that. But what if the gaming violence comes to life and your child is involved?