1. Ideas generation – Arif Uddin For this idea, I wanted to follow the theme of classic slasher horror films. This is because of my personal experience with the genre slasher horror is very positive as I enjoy watching them. I have watched many slasher horror films in my time, and I feel that they are the best type of genre of horror films, as slasher horror films are the most prevalent types of horror movies around, and with good reason: it taps into the most basic fear of being hunted by someone trying to kill you who often wears a mask as uses a sharp bladed tool, such as Freddie Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street who uses his bladed glove to haunt his victims, or Jason from ‘Friday the 13 th ’ who uses his razor sharp machete to hunt his 1)

Planning all togther (2)

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1. Ideas generation – Arif Uddin

For this idea, I wanted to follow the theme of classic slasher horror films. This is because of my personal experience with the genre slasher horror is very positive as I enjoy watching them. I have watched many slasher horror films in my time, and I feel that they are the best type of genre of horror films, as slasher horror films are the most prevalent types of horror movies around, and with good reason: it taps into the most basic fear of being hunted by someone trying to kill you who often wears a mask as uses a sharp bladed tool, such as Freddie Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street who uses his bladed glove to haunt his victims, or Jason from ‘Friday the 13th’ who uses his razor sharp machete to hunt his victims. Another reason in why I chose slasher horror film as an idea, is that I feel that this genre would be easier for us as a group to get inspired off as there are many other top quality slasher movies we can get ideas from films such as Chainsaw Massacre, Scream, Halloween, Behind The Mask etc.


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My next idea is a paranormal genre inspired opening sequence. In this idea we have a group of friends who are attending a dinner party where after time unusual paranormal activity will begin to occur. We plan to use my friend’s house to film our opening sequence as he has a very big Victorian house. We also have asked our friends who have a good background in drama to take part as characters in our film, as we want the audience to understand and connect with the characters.

To do this, we have watched many videos online on YouTube to see how actual movie companies do these effects.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPRppNlfaX8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH6TEWyWqAo

From these videos we have concluded that to shoot a paranormal film a lot of props need to be used, as the main intention for this genre is to make it as real as possible. This would very hard for us, as we are very limited on how much we can spend on top quality camera, props and editing software. Also for paranormal films, a high degree of skill of editing is needed to be able to really a professional opening sequence.


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We have been influenced by many films such as the franchise of Paranormal Activity, The Attic, Your Next and Saw.

This idea was inspired from the films ‘stranger’ and ‘in the woods’. After watching these films I was amazed in how they actually use the effects and the soundtracks to create the element of mystery.

My idea is about a man who will wake up in the middle of a forest. The camera will be blurred and edgy to show his confusion. We will look to use a POV cam shot a lot in this idea, as this opening sequence is all about the man’s story and how he is seeing things. The next shot would be him looking at his hands and his clothes, in which both are stained with blood and cut to a serious degree. We feel the cuts on his face and body, will signify that he was involved in some action before all this, creating a mystery about the man. We also want to use flashbacks in this idea. When he is walking looking for help, he will have short flashbacks


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of what happened previously. We plan to end this opening sequence with him finding a small cabin, in which he enters to find a bed, a mirror and many freaky items (skulls, etc). The last scene would be the man looking into the mirror (first time the audience sees him), ending the scene with a cliff hanger. For this Idea we will need many props that we will personally invest in. We also plan to use our old school uniform to create the man’s outfit. We will use scissors and fake blood to create the ‘attacked’ look.

We also plan to spend a lot of time looking for the right soundtracks as the right one will add another scary atmosphere and mystery. https://www.freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/sounds/369542/

We choose the forest as it is very easy for us to get via bikes, and we are very familiar with the woods, so we know where to go to get the best possible shots. We are also going to get our friend to act for us, due to his experience in drama. We feel that the acting is also very important to convey mystery mood to our audience.

We have decided to do the Horror Genre due to our findings on primary and our secondary research. We have individually found out that, the horror genre franchise is very popular compared to other genres, such as Thriller, Comedy, Sci fi and more. We researched many sites such as,

- http://www.the-numbers.com/market/genres

We plan to use this method on our own white shirt.

This some of the examples of ‘creepy objects we would use’.

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- http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0410/movie-genres-with-the-best-roi.aspx

This is also backed up by our secondary research. We used the website survey monkey to create questionnaire in order to get the public’s view on some of our questions. We asked a range of questions, so that we can use their answers and reflect on them when creating our opening sequence. One example of a question we asked on the questionnaire is

‘What genre do you prefer from these options’? The options provided match the ones I spoke about above. From my results we can clearly see that the ‘Horror Genre’ is most popular. Out of all the 15 people who answered my questionnaire the horror genre category got 66% of the votes.

- https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DLWMLYC

Due to our market research results I and my group have decided to come up with a horror film. We were exploring the ideas of which type of horror film we going to film. To get answers, we spent time researching primary research and we also asked question ‘What horror genre do you prefer from these options’? This consisted of slasher horror, sci fi horror, paranormal horror and comedy horror. From our results, we clearly see that the slasher genre was the most popular to those who answered our questionnaire. This is another reason in why we opted for ‘idea 1’.

2. Proposal – Arif Uddin

Idea SummaryAfter carefully discussing as a group and constantly reviewing our feedback, we felt that our first idea (1) had a very positive feedback, unlike the other two ideas. This is the main reason in why we choose idea 1 over the other two.

This idea is going to start off with 3 mates heading to the forest riding their new bikes. We would show this by the newness of the bike (would clean them thoroughly to show this). This will begin from where they live to their local forest. We plan to use high key lighting and jolly music at the beginning to trick

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the audience. However as the sun goes down, and the deeper we get into the forest and the opening sequence, the mood will change.

We will then start to use low key lighting and use other horror movie conventions to do this, such as eerier music. We will begin to use horror conventions at this point, such as recording a swing moving on its own.

While they are riding into the forest, we will want the camera to secretly record them behind a tree, to show that they are being watched and stalked. This shot will be edited with a layer of red to show that this is point of view of the protagonist.

We are taking these shots as inspiration. We going to have high key lighting, along with a fast beat jolly music, to show that there is an upbeat mood. We are looking to get the same output as those pictures above.

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We will have short clips of a man wearing all black with a weapon on him. This is to show the audience clearly that the characters in the film are in real danger. We also want to show that this is a horror film. We plan to end this scene with one of the boys getting a call on their phone saying ‘no caller ID’, in which the camera then pans up to show the protagonist standing right behind them.

We can also acquire the props that are needed very easily from the local corner shop in Pangbourne. We are going to buy a plastic prop knife and a boiler suit with a blacked-out mask.

They arrive joking and setting up camp. We will have the camera recording the boys from a distance to make it seem like they are being watched. The boys will then begin to hear unusual, un-human like sounds, which spooks them.

We have taken inspiration from this film. The camera is filming her from behind the wall and the woman is looking somewhere else making it seem as she is being misdirected. This makes it seem like she is being watched by the antagonist. We want to use this type of shot for when the boys arrive and for when they first begin to hear unusual sounds.

No caller ID shot

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We have also come up with the idea of possibly ending the scene with it showing the man behind the no caller ID call. We want to use silhouetted man, as we feel that this will further add fear to our opening sequence.

He will say the words ‘You don’t know me, but I know you’, or something along those lines. Anything that is creepy and disturbing. This will leave audience confused and curious to know why this mysterious antagonist is doing what he is doing to these innocent characters.

LocationFor our film idea will require a forest. We have a local forest nearby in which we can use, as it is very easy to get to via bikes. We have visited the woods to assess whether it will be suitable for our film. We also wouldn’t want to run into any problems on the day of filming if on that day Sulham Woods was not in its best conditions. After evaluating whether this forest is a suitable option, we concluded that it is perfect for our film. There are a lot of locations we are provided in where we can shoot unique shots, and if you travel deep into the forest, there are a lot of trees that cover the sunlight, giving us a great area for us to portray horror to our audience. We can use the natural elements to make our opening sequence look very real. This will please viewers, as I found out from my secondary research (questionnaire). Also, that the surroundings is very quiet, meaning that we can film without any public distractions. There are also many opportunities to film creative shots, such as climbing a tree to get a great establishing shot for our opening sequence.

To get a high-quality shot like this image professional equipment is needed. However, we are limited, but have researched and found out that if we make the background significantly brighter than the subject, we should be able to get the same effect.

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Group roles(Kieran) playing as Max – We wanted Max to be a very masculine character. We wanted to follow the stereotype of every slasher horror film, having a masculine character.

This scene shows us his personality and position with his friends. Max is at the back of the crew, showing us that he doesn’t have a lot of prominence in this opening sequence. However, the shot of him doing a wheelie shows us that he’s edgy, and a bit of a show off too. His choice of clothing also shows this too, as the he is wearing gloves, with a hoodie. Following the stereotype

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(Tyler) playing as Tyler – Tyler is the leader of the group, and all the action revolves around him. He also has most of the lines and scenes, as we want him to be the main character. We want him to be quite nerdy and smart.

This scene shows us his personality and position with his friends. Max is at the back of the crew, showing us that he doesn’t have a lot of prominence in this opening sequence. However, the shot of him doing a wheelie shows us that he’s edgy, and a bit of a show off too. His choice of clothing also shows this too, as the he is wearing gloves, with a hoodie. Following the stereotype

From this we can see that, Tyler is the leader of the group. He is at the point of the crew, showing that he’s the character who comes up with all the idea.

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(Freddie) playing as Freddie – Freddie’s character is very laid back. He won’t seem to be bothered after unusual things occur. He will be the first character to disappear.

From these shots, we can see that Tyler has a lot of prominence in our opening sequence. He is also assigned with most of the words on our script. This is as we wanted to show that he’s is the main character in our opening sequence, as everything revolves around him. This is shown in the last scene, when he says ‘Max was that you’. He is the first one targeted by the antagonist.

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Arif – I am going to film as I feel that I have a good knowledge of how to use a camera. I also came us with the story and script, therefore I know what types of shots need to be taken, to get a good opening sequence.

Editing – Arif and Leon.

Costumes/Props To let the audience, know what generation our film is set in, we are going to use modern objects during our opening sequence. This will include our, phones, go-pros, camera, bikes, camping gear and the actual clothes we will

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wear when filming. We are also going to think carefully about what each character wears, as we want to show their personality through their clothes.

We are also going use creepy objects where we will either by online, or in our local town. From our research one objects on average costs around £10, in which we as a group will all pay towards.

If it is possible, we are going to try and get a hold of a go-pro to use in our film. We can use it, to film extravagant shots, with relative ease. However, it is very expensive and hard to find.

Bikes are essential for our film, as most of the film, is recording them traveling to the woods. This is also effective as we all have our own personal bikes, and we will not have to purchase any for the film.

We are not sure on sure on whether we need camping gear, as the we might go for other approach on the day of the filming.

We are to have shots of the boys causally on their phone. This is as our film is set in today’s generation, and we want to show that through the over excess uses of smartphones we experience now in our everyday lives. We also want to use these props as a way for us to express our characters personality to our audience. ‘Modern Teens’.

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From our villain’s outfit, we are going to purchase black boiler outfits from our local costume store. We also know that they sell prop knifes and masks. We should have a wide range of selection, but we will follow the theme of ‘blacked out’.

SoundtrackWe will use un-copyrighted music in our film. We will get these from frog, where they provide sites with a variety of un-copyrighted music or will we use the site http://freemusicarchive.org/genre/Soundtrack/. We will look for music that will build suspense and tension for the audience. We have taken time to go through all the provided sound tracks and we had simplified it down to a few. In order to get the right track we asked our classmates for their opinion in which we later can use as help for when we come up with our decision.

3. Cinematography Planning – Arif Uddin

One idea that I wanted to do would be the silhouetted shot of the antagonist talking to boys via a no caller ID telephone. This would be accompanied with the antagonist voice blurred out, to make him/her even scarier. As viewers will have no indication of who this person is. Almost as if the person has no identity. This will create fear and will intrigue people to watch more. We plan to use this shot at the end of our film, when one of our characters receives a call from a blocked number’. The camera would then switch to a silhouetted shot to further scare the viewers. These would also be great way for us to end our opening sequence.

We are going to need creepy items to clearly represent our genre to our audience. Skulls, tribal items, fake blood etc.

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We have researched on how to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R37Fb3Kvcng and it requires us to make sure that the antagonist is significantly darker, than the background. The background we can either artificially make brighter or through the power of editing. What film

We got inspired to use this type of shot from the film ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’. There is one shot of the antagonist ‘Freddie Kruger’ walking down the hallway, scarping his blade’s against the pipelines on the wall.

From the image on the left, you can see that the background is significantly lighter than Freddie Kruger himself. This creates the silhouetted shot, building up tension and fear. We feel that if we follow the same sort of lines with our shot, we too can get the effects of using this creative shot.

Another example is the shot from ‘Lights out’. You can see on image 1, that the subject is standing right under the shade of light that is entering the door. This is creating the silhouetted effect in which we see on the image.

The same is for the second image shot by the director David Sandberg and Jose G.Ramos. The background has been darkened significant, and the subject is standing under the light. This again creating that effect.

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We are also going to shoot through things to indicate that the boy has been targeted and are being stalked by the antagonist. But seeing as the location is in a forest, we are going to have to come up with other way of portraying this shot. Maybe filming from behind a tree, to signify stalking.

For the scene where it films the boys behind a tree, we are going to add a reddish shade to the background and the snake eyes effect. This is going to show the stalker/monster view from their perspective. The red is an indicator of evil, so the viewers should interoperate that this is an antagonist point of view. This will also be mashed with fast tense music to add fear to the scene. This will make viewers fear for the boys as they are certain that a monster/stalker is watching their every move. We may even add a distorted eerie soundtrack on top of this, to add to the fear. This is also to give the audience an idea of who the antagonist is.

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4. Mise-En-Scene – Arif Uddin

SettingWe are going to shoot our film in Sulham Woods. We decided to use this location as we feel that it already has a spooky element to it, due to the old nature of the trees. We think that this location is ideal, and exactly what we need to shoot our opening sequence in. It also very easy for us as a group to get too. We could either travel by bikes, or a short trip by a car. It’s a public forest with many opportunity available for us to shoot creative shots. (Tall trees, darkened location etc.). Sulham woods is also normally in a suitable condition for us to work, even on a rainy day. A forest is also a very traditional place for Horror Movies to be filmed in, so filming in a forest will fit many horror movie conventions.

CostumeWe are going to use our own modern day clothes, to clearly show what time set this film is being set in. Not only is this a clear representation of what teenagers in our generation would wear seeing as we are using our own wardrobe but it will save us money as we will not need invest in new clothes. We want the character’s costumes to be a way for us to express their personality’s. Kieran costume idea -

‘Bad-boy’ adults are stereotyped to wear to leather jackets with a white shirt underneath. We have seen this in many films over the last few years. However, seeing as Kieran is playing a ‘teenager’ we thought we could play on it, and make him wear a black bomber instead. We feel that this still shows Kieran’s personality to be ‘too cool for school’.

Classic bad-boy look in many successful films.

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Tyler’s costume Idea -

Freddie’s costume idea -

Hair and Make-up

The photo on the right is a stereotypical view of a nerd, however in this generation ‘nerds’ do have an alright wardrobe. We would want Tyler to wear maybe something like an oversized checked shirt, or an outfit with a bad colour screamed, to fully express his personality. We are also going to purchase fake glasses for Tyler to wear.

We want Freddie to wear a hoodie, as lazy teenagers are stereotyped them. We feel that this is the best way for us to express Freddie’s personality to the audience.

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The plan is to use my sisters to do our make-up and hair on the day of the shoot. This is to make sure that we all look sharp on the day and to make our film look more professional.

Kieran Hair-Style idea –

Tyler Hair-Style idea –

The images on the left, are examples of what type of hairstyle we want Kieran to have on the stay of shooting. Either a slick back ‘to cool for school look’ or a ‘messy top’. We feel that these two looks would be the best way for us to bring our ‘Max’ personality.

Tyler is character who is nerdy. In this current generation, nerdy teens are stereotyped to wear glasses, have a side-part hairstyle and a spotty face. The images on the left, are example of hairstyles we want Tyler to have on the day of shooting. To create the spotty look, we plan to use make-up to create it. We want his appearance to fit his character profile.

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Freddie’s Hair-Style idea -

LightingWe plan to use a lighting system to shoot our film. To give our opening sequences a more professional aspect.

We found a cheap set of studio lights being sold on eBay. We have contacted the owner, and are waiting for a response. We feel that these lights are perfect for shooting our opening sequence.

Seeing as Freddie’s character is very laid back, we feel that this hairstyle on the left, would be the perfect hairstyle to express his character’s personality. This is because we often see movies with laid back characters all having the same sort of haircut. (Long and messy).

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However, is quite expensive, so we could use our parent’s cars headlights as a source of light for our film. We are going to need lighting equipment as our film requires shots in the dark. Therefore, to shoot these shots viewers need to be able to see what’s going on, therefore lighting is needed. It also gives our production a more professional finish.

5. Editing Planning – Freddie Major For our editing of the film there will be two types of editing that will be used. One of these is called parallel editing; this is the technique of alternating two or more scenes that often happen simultaneously but in different locations. This helps maintain the suspense within the film. Another type of editing that will be used is jump cuts, these are a type of editing transition which helps create confusion within the audience, this may be used to make the viewers seem lost and afraid.

6. Sound Planning – Freddie Major Sound is very important within the horror genre; this is because it can be widely used to create suspense and tension. Because of this we have decided to use classical music in the film. This is because classical music can be calm and relax; this will therefor confuse the audience making it easier to set up for a jump scare or a scene of realisation. Classical music can also sound very creepy if used in correct context which is why we have decided to use it within our film opening. We will also use child's music as children's music tends to be happy which would juxta-pose the nature of our thriller/horror.

7. Script – Arif Uddin


The Woods

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Arif Uddin

EXT – At their local park – AFTERNOON

The three boys are traveling to Sulham woods on their new bikes they got for Christmas

The camera will record the boys traveling to the woods. We will use a range of shots and angles for this. This will be accompanied with high key lighting and up beat jolly music.

They eventually arrive at the haunted woods.


TylerAlright lads where we camping?

MAXAnywhere mate

TylerI think we should scout the area for wood before it gets dark.


FreddieGo head boys, I’m going to set up cameras around the camp for

tonight if anything spooky happens.

MAXGreats idea mate, imagine if the creature snatches Hamza while

he’s sleeping, think about the views on YouTube!We will be famous.


TylerOh stop it (Laughing)



Hamza and Max begin to look for wood to build shelter.

This will be the point in which we use a range of shots while they are collecting wood. The sun will go down to show that they are getting deeper into the forest.

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TylerI think we have enough wood, let’s head back and check on


MaxYeah, Its getting dark too. Imagine if we go back and he’s

nowhere to be seen. (Laughing)

TylerYeah imagine. (Laughing)

The boys begin to head back to camp.

The three boys acknowledge the noise and turn the heads towards the sound but ignore it and carry on walking back to the camp.

At this point the tone of the opening sequence will change. Eerie music will be played and low key lighting will be used. The music will stop for an abrupt second and there will be rustling of falling leaves nearby. Putting the boys on edge. This is also where we will use horror conventions to show the

audience that this is a horror genre opening sequence.

They eventually arrive and notice that Pedro is shrivelled up in a ball, frightened to death.

The noise will be very loud at this point causing Max and Hamza to turn their heads to the direction.

The camera will record the boys behind a tree in the distance. We will change the colour to red in order to signify that it could be the creature is secretly watching them.

TylerFreddie are you alright mate.


MAXYeah mates what’s up, what’s happened.


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Pedro will point behind boys.

Hamza and Max will be confused and will turn around to see what Pedro is pointing at.

Turn around to see the creature jump out in front of them.

We will use a POV shot to do this. The camera will slowly pan around and then the creature will jump out in front of the camera. We will make it seem as if we are looking in HAMZA or MAX pov.

8. Location Recce – Leon.I The location of our group's horror/thriller is going to be in the woods more specifically Sulham woods. I visited the woods on Sunday the 20th November and I concluded that is it a great place to film or film as it has a lot of the lighting conditions we desire for example there are a plethora of openings and clearings in the forest that allows for us to express the change of mood through the use of lighting in our opening sequence, as there are bright to dark tones of lighting tones in the forest and scenes in our opening sequence, from a happy group of young teenagers, to a group of teens running for their lives from an unknown threat. I feel that the location would be perfect for filming in the daytime in the week as it would be quiet because it’s a wood and as such is very quiet and not many people go to certain parts of the wood which are secluded so would make for good shots for our film. Conversely though when it rains the woods can become very muddy and the terrain can become sloppy and boggy in places which could make it difficult to film or keep continuity of shots in the filming process. But could also because injury's to occur if we don’t properly survey the terrain before filming. So we may also need to keep an eye on the weather as this could create different atmospheres and shots for us to film for example if we shoot on a foggy day this can create a sombre tone, a mysterious/creepy setting, creating a disturbing atmosphere for the audience. And could use all weather conditions we face as an advantage allowing us to express different tones and themes in our scenes. Another advantage is that we could also use the changes of weather to show the

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passage of time within our opening sequence. Sulham woods will definitely be our filming location as it allows us to have a lot of versatility with the shot types we can use, whilst also providing us with all of the previous benefits I described in my prior paragraphs.

Location Reece NotesLocation was fairly quiet with minimal noise from people or the roads. A lack of people passing by would make it very easy to film without being disturbed or disturb or agitate any of the surrounding public. Some loud noises occasionally from birds singing and just natural sound of ambience in a forest. Certain parts of the forest are also dead silent and quiet at times Forest gets dark quickly though so filming would have to be done efficiently to ensure that we make use of the natural sunlight when it's available. When it becomes dark it becomes difficult to navigate the forest so crew needs to be prepared for this if it does happen. Diegetic noises of the forest could create a good atmosphere to contrast against.

9. Necessary permission – actors, location – Leon.I Whatever location you are using, no matter how public it seems, it is likely you'll need to notify or get permission from somebody. The impact of failing to inform the relevant authorities could possibly result in unnecessary police resources being involved. This can disrupt your filming and the local community. Our group however does not need permissions to film as Sulham Woods is a public area so would not require us to have any permissions as well as the fact that.. If you are a small crew — five people or fewer — using a handheld camera and your filming will not cause an obstruction then there is no restriction to filming. In some boroughs this also extends to small crews with a tripod. No licence or any form of official permission is required. So this allows our crew to be able to film all of our shots in Sulham Woods unrestricted with no licence or filming permits needed.

10. Risk assessment – Leon.I

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11. Titles planning and timeline – Freddie Major

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I and my partners were discussing which film title would be most effective to use. We gathered our favourite ideas and decided to create a survey for them. We thought this was a very effective way of getting our final title as we can get the public’s view on our chosen ideas. From our questionnaire feedback, we can see that the title ‘The Lost Silence’ has got the majority of the votes with 40% however ‘The Truth’ was second popular with 30% of the votes. Seeing as they were on close margins, we had another discussion and came to the conclusion that we are going to use the ‘Lost Silence’ for our film.

12. Technical diagrams – camera position, lighting set up - Arif Uddin

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13. Shot List – Leon.I

Shot number

location Shot type Shot angle

Camera movement

Shot description

#1 Ext WD Low Slight tilt up Wide shot of boys coming over the hill on their bikes from a low angle

#2 Ext CU Mid- left Pan right CU of the bike wheel to the left slightly starts to pan to the right

#3 Ext CU Mid- mid left

Pan right CU of the bike wheel to more of the middle now. but still panning slowly to the left

#4 Ext CU Mid- right

Pan right CU of the bike wheel to the right now

This will be the boys running through the woods while being chased by the creature.

The camera will run on this track (dolly shot). This will be at the same pace as the two boys are running

We are going to use the natural light of the sun, to make this scene feel more realistic

Lighting – either equipment or car headlights.

Camera recording the boys from behind a tree.



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#5 Ext DOLLY#6 Ext#7 Ext#8 Ext#9 Ext#10 Ext#11 Ext#12 Ext#13 Ext#14 Ext#15 Ext#16 Ext#17 Ext#18 Ext#19 Ext#20 Ext#21 Ext#23 Ext#24 Ext#25#26#27

14. Shooting schedule – Arif Uddin

DaylightFor our opening sequence, we need to be shooting in the afternoon. As we want a time that is close to sun fall. This is because we need’s scenes in our film that are in daylight and without daylight. Therefore, we feel the afternoon is the right time to begin our shooting of the film. At this moment in time, we plan to go at around 4o clock, as the sun falls after 6o clock.

Weather We plan to go on a day where there is no scheduled rain, as working in the woods may be tricky in the rain. The surface may become soggy and will not look good on camera. We also wouldn’t be able to do the shot types that we have planned, such as climbing the tree for a high angle shot, seeing as the rain would have made it too dangerous to climb.

Availability of actors/crew

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We also make sure that all members of the group are available for the day as we will plan ahead and cancel plans if they come up.

Availability of equipmentAll equipment will be ready on the day of shooting. We will double check if it functions properly the night before, and the morning of the shoot.

Use of locations- Sulham woods

TransportWe plan to use our bikes to get to and around our location; however, we have a second choice of a lift from a friend’s parent if we need it.


3.30 pm – Everyone meet at Arif’s house after school. Go over script, plans, schedule and get equipment ready for shooting for 20 min.

4.00 pm – Then leave Arif’s house and head to Sulham woods

4.00 pm – 4.20 pm – shoot scene of us traveling to the woods.

4.20 pm – 6.00 pm – Shoot the rest of the remaining scenes

6.00 pm – preview our work, and retake scenes if needed so. (schedule another day if so).

6.30 pm – get picked up by Leon’s dad.

Props and equipment will be bought many days before shooting, to prevent us running into a problem shortage on the day of shooting.

We will also plan what shots we need before the day of the filming as group, in order for us to be effective on the day of filming.

15. Audio clips with permissions – Freddie Major https://www.freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/sounds/369542/

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This audio clip is a lullaby from a music box. I decided to use this audio clip as I feel that I will be very effective when we use it in our opening sequence. This is because we feel that creates a creepy and juxta-posed look on the film as horror contrasts with lullaby’s and children. Also our opening sequence is about a group of boys being chased by an unhuman like character in the woods. Therefore the lullaby music is perfect for our opening sequence. I was given permission by the owner to use his track, evidence below


Another audio track we would like to use would be the link above. We feel that we can use this right at the beginning of the film. This is when the boys are filmed traveling to Sulham woods on their bikes. The music almost foreshadows that the boy are riding themselves into danger. It will make the boys look oblivious of what is going to happen giving it a greater impact on the viewers as they will fear more for the group of boys. We were provided information by the owner to use his track, evidence below.

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16. Call Sheets – Arif Uddin

The Lost Silence - Call Sheet – Arif Uddin Day of Shooting: January 8th

Scene: Forest chase scene

Location: Sulham Wood, Reading.

Weather Conditions: Cloudy, slim chance of rain.

Main Production Team Contacts - Name/Number/EmailDirector:



Make – Up:

Arif Uddin

Leon Iglesias

Freddie Major

Tazminar Begum



01189845904 – 07763033449

[email protected]

Schedule – Subject to change

Time Action3.30






Kit Check

Talk through / rehearse

Roll Camera


Roll Camera


Start times: Meet at 3.30 after school. Then travel to Sulham woods and shoot the traveling scene. At the forest check kit and go over lines. All scenes will be shot on these premises.

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Production Company – Freddie major, Arif UddinAfter getting inspiration from other film distribution logos on google we had come with the final logo on the right. At first I had made many drafts from my research. We then asked our classmates to review and to let us know their opinion on our logos. From all the results the logo on the right got the most votes, therefore after discussing with our other partner we came to a conclusion to choose this logo ‘Geometric Production’. We feel this one because it very simple but effective, appealing to the eye and look professional.