Raising Awareness of the Risks in Teens DRIVING DISTRACTED!

Raising Awareness of the Risks in Teens Driving Distracted

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Page 1: Raising Awareness of the Risks in Teens Driving Distracted

Raising Awareness of the Risksin Teens


Page 2: Raising Awareness of the Risks in Teens Driving Distracted


Teenagers driving distracted is a huge deal in society that is very much underrated. What comes from distracted driving is car accidents which may cause life-long injuries or even death... far too many lives have been taken. When you hear of a car accident involving teenagers driving foolishly, you only hear OF it instead of hearing about the WAYS we can all help prevent more from happening! It is time us citizens of communities all over help make a difference.

Page 3: Raising Awareness of the Risks in Teens Driving Distracted


A graphic yet eye-opening video shows how your life can completely change in a moment on the road.


, 07/21/2013
Page 4: Raising Awareness of the Risks in Teens Driving Distracted


Bringing awareness to the problem is surely a good first step. Free petitions on websites like thepetitionsite.com or change.org are easy to create and easy to share on all social networks and catch peoples' eyes.

“I knew a young girl who had police fire on her dog for all the wrong reasons, leaving the dog to pass away. The family created a petition in the honor of their dog Baxter to stop police from shooting and killing family pets. Surely with the technology we have nowadays, we can help show the world teens driving distracted is a problem.” Said Marisela Duarte, mother of 4.

Raise awareness! The problem of teens driving distracted is heavily overlooked... therefore we the people need to prove it is a serious problem in communities!

Page 5: Raising Awareness of the Risks in Teens Driving Distracted


Putting your kid through Drivers Ed is what will teach them the rules of the road that even YOU have probably forgotten over the years.

"Any parent can teach you how to drive, but I think we're more responsive to other people," says 15 year old Emily Kearns.

Driving laws are put in place to help PREVENT accidents! Put your kid through Drivers Ed where they can truly learn these rules from a professional behind the wheel and from the books.

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Chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board Deborah Hersman was quoted saying“I think too many parents — we're all guilty of doing as I say not as I do.”


After years of seeing her mom drink her coffee and talk on the phone while driving, of course Molly will think those things are okay to do while behind the wheel.

The way to prevent distracted drivers is to especially groom your own children from their youth to see YOU as their role model and parent as a safe, responsible driver YOURSELF!

Page 7: Raising Awareness of the Risks in Teens Driving Distracted


To keep up on being a good driver, just always be aware. That two-second text isn't worth the possible misfortune it has the ability to cause.

Always make sure your mirrors are adjusted and always be cautious.