Facebook Facebook is a Social Media site that is used to share many updates with friends. You can share photos, videos, put your favorite songs and also update statuses for your friends to see.

Socialmedia funk

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Facebook is a Social Media site that is used to share many updates with friends. You can share

photos, videos, put your favorite songs and also update statuses for your friends to see.

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• Twitter is also a social media site where you can post photos, videos, updates and music for people to see.

• Twitter is a little different than Facebook because if you do not have your Twitter protected then anyone that has a Twitter whether they are your friend or not can see your updates.

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• Instagram is a little different than the two other social media websites. This is an app that you can download on your cell phone and it allows you to edit photos and put them onto your profile.

• You can also add videos on your profile but they can only be up to ten seconds long.

• You can view others profiles also.