The Napoleonic Empire by Natalia Ortego, Mariana and Alba

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The Napoleon empire

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon was born in Crcega in 1769, one year as the island of Crcega passed to demain of France. He studied at the France military academy. In the year 1795, Napoleon was promoted to general, and at the age 26, he comannded the france army that concure the italian peninsula (Italy campaingn) and Egypt (Egypt campaingn) between 1796-1797.

The France empire

The first French empire was a sovereign State that spanned across much of western and central Europe. It covers all of which covers the period from the coronation of Emperor Napoleon until his abdication in 1815.It was also know as the Empire of Napoleon Bonaparte or first France Empire which begin in the year 1799 in a coup militar citizens who demand Napoleon to take the power.

Start of the Napoleonic empire

Napoleon managed to restore peace by means of military victories and diplomatic negotation, neutralizing the adversaries of France.

The Treaty of Amiens was an agreement that will put the end of the war between The UK of Great Britain and Ireland and the first French Republic. Amiens was signed on 25 March 1802. In 1804, Napoleon, who 2 years before he become consul vitalicio, was allowed to assume the title Emperor of French empire

The Napoleon empire (map)