Why I can’t I live Without My Phone Brayden Robinson

Why I Can’t I Live Without My Phone

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Page 1: Why I Can’t I Live Without My Phone

Why I can’t I live Without My Phone

Brayden Robinson

Page 2: Why I Can’t I Live Without My Phone

Who created the first Phone?

The creator of the first phone was Alexander Graham Bell and Antonio Meucci in March 10, 1876.

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Why was the phone created

The Phone was created, because Alexander wanted to create a new way to communicate with people, he wanted to do this because his

wife and son were both deaf, so he wanted to create an auditory way to communicate.

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How has it changed or improved in function until today?

The phone has been evolving since 1876. There are now hundred and hundreds of different types of phones.

There are smartphones, flip phones, touchscreen, and ,many more types of phones. These devices now have

groundbreaking technology and are still evolving today.

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What is the latest version of that technology?

The latest phone that has come out with the latest technology is the IPhone SE. This small phone can do

anything that the bigger IPhone 6s can, but it is almost an inch smaller. There are also smartphones made by

Samsung, HTC, Windows, and many more manufactures.

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Why is it considered technology?

Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.

A phone is considered technology because it's a wireless way to communicate with people around the world. They

used factors of science to create this device.

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What career or careers and career cluster or clusters is this technology used in?

The Phone can be used in any and every career. It can be used for multiple jobs, including research, photo taking,

and data collecting. This device can be used as an all around tool in the workfield.

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Why can’t we live without it?

Phones are used everyday. They are used for phone calls, keeping in touch with friends and family, and

keeping up with things in the world. If we didn’t have IPhones, it would be hard to do things that we do today.

So, I don’t think that we could live without the technology we have today.