The Blended Classroom How teachers can utilize the combination of physical- and online learning spaces and the intersection between them to enhance learning experiences. #vlconf2014 Morten Fahlvik & John Leighton itslearning Franklin High School

Workshop: The Blended Classroom

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Presentation slides for workshop at the 2nd annual Visible Learning conference in San Diego, July 2014. How teachers can utilize the combination of physical- and online learning spaces and the intersection between them to enhance learning experiences.

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  • 1.The Blended Classroom How teachers can utilize the combination of physical- and online learning spaces and the intersection between them to enhance learning experiences. #vlconf2014 Morten Fahlvik & John Leighton itslearning Franklin High School

2. Agenda Part1: Blendedlearning &theBlendedClassroom Part2: LiteracyintheBlendedClassroom Part3: Blendedlearningat FranklinHighSchool,MA Part4: Implemen>ng Blendedlearning 3. My mission statement for this workshop: I want you to find one single thing you could do in your school. 4. My Koala-moment in Australia Koalaty-time Form a base... Let she do her things... Scaffolding? sanctuary= holyplace....preserve place,protectedbylaw, whereanimals, espbirds, canliveand breedwithoutinterference 5. The #1 task for teachers: Develop Growth Mindset" Learnersarestudents whothinktheirtalent andintelligencecanbe developed throughtheireort, throughinstruc9on, throughdedica9on over9me CarolDweck 6. Greatteachers DavisGuggenheimWai>ngforsuperman hJp://vimeo.com/15132511 7. Blendedlearningisbothsimpleand complex.Atitssimplest,blended learningisthethough&ulintegra.on ofclassroomface-to-facelearning experienceswithonlinelearning experiences. Kanuka,HeaterogGarrison,RandyD.(2004) Blendedlearning:Uncoveringitstransforma>vepoten>alinhigher educa>on,UniversityofCalgary 8. Technology in education" What does it look like? " Illustra>onbyFrenchar>stVillemardin1910 9. The Blended Classroom 10. Whatarethebest quali>esofthephysical classroom? Whatarethebest quali>esoftheonline classroom? 11. The importance of vocabulary Studentsvocabulary knowledgeisdirectly9edto theirsuccessinschool.Thisis partlybecausevocabularyis animportantaspectof readingcomprehensionand readingisanimportantpart oflearninginschool. Knowingwhatwordsmean andhowtheyinterconnect createsnetworksof knowledgethatallow studentstoconnectnew informa.ontopreviously learnedinforma.on. 12. Blended learning & literacy at Kibworth Primary 13. At school: Classroom and computer lab" 14. Scenario1: Persuasive writing " 15. The teaching design Wholeclass SmallGroup Individual students Teacherintroduces pursuasivewri>ng. Thepupilswroteaparagraphat home+postedcommentsand thoughtsinonlinediscussion Teachercomments ontheonline discussionsinclass Thepupils discussin groups Classdiscussion Etc Etc 16. Comment homework and initiate peer review" W. What W. Went W. Well EBIevenbeJerif 17. Peer review in groups" 18. Class discussion based on online forum" 19. What is the main point in the text?" 20. Taking notes on mini whiteboards" 21. Identifying main points for next paragraph " 22. Taking notes on mini whiteboards" 23. Working with the second paragraph" 24. Individual work with teacher support" 25. Self assessment" 26. Summary - pupil workflow 1)Firstparagraph wriJenduringthelast lessonandpartof homework 4and5)Secondand thirdparagraphwriJen duringlesson 2)Peerfeedbackinclass WhatWentWell EBI(evenbeJerif) 3)Featuresofpersuasive textsgivenbytheteacher 6)Selfassessment 27. Scenario 2: Literacy and spelling 28. Summary: Literacy, spelling & Blended Learning Theknockoneectofthiswasthenhow, throughtheexampleusedandtheir alreadyexis9ngthoughtprocess,the childrencouldeasilyseehowtoachieve thetargetofthelesson(e.g.inthiscaseto makelinksbetweenparagraphs).This thenleadtoac9vepar9cipa9oninthe lessonandalsogreatoutcomesinthe work. WhatIhaveno>cedishowwhenInow speaktothechildrentheytalkabouthow theyareengagedwithspellingathome withtheirparents. Oneofmystudentsexplainedhow beforehefoundspellingdicultbutnow becausehewasworkingonthemathome andintheclassroomhefeltmuchmore condent. DavidWalton 29. Working with vocabulary in the blended classroom 30. The teaching design Wholeclass SmallGroup Individual students Introduc>onto hydroelectricpower produc>on Homework: Surveyvocabularyand terminology Teachercommentson thesurveyinclass Thepupils discussinpairs Classdiscussion Thepupils create crosswords 31. Homework 32. Summary: Working with Vocabulary and Concepts Pupilsgotmoreinvolvedwithnding themeaningofnewwords Thequalityofstudentworkincreases whentheycreatecontent(crosswords)for eachother. Thewordcloudgavethepupilsinsight abouttheirownlearningcomparedto theirpeers Theteachergatheredevidenceoflearning 33. ThingsIlikedmost: Thingsthatcouldbeimproved: ThingsIdidnotunderstand: Newideastoconsider: or Pick 34. Blended teaching in Franklin 35. Evidence" College Preparatory Focus Survey course Research skills Project Based Learning 36. How did I know they were ready? Previousexperience Isoldmycolonyproject Cons>tu>onalConven>onProject ReformerUniversity 37. 1:1 Classroom Guinea Pigs 38. How to get started? Thatswhywearehere. *FreeadviceStartsmallandbuildup 39. Life & Times of Project US History - grade 10 Co-taught model 1:1 40. 1) Briefgenealogicalresearch intoyourownfamiliesand chooseoneancestor(Goal 1800s). 2) ResearchtheTimes(Historical &Social)theancestorlivedin 3)FinalProduct-displayresearchina mannerthatyourfamilywillenjoy.Itcan beinanyformyouchoose,pendingmy approval. 41. Getting Started hands off teaching" 1) Students interviewed parents 2) Shared ndingswith peers 42. Next up Skill Building" Once they had a direction we developed skills to move forward." 43. Real research dead ends included" The opportunity found in errors & mistakes " ~John Hattie " 44. Peer Collaboration" WikipediaislikeGPS ~Oneofmystudents 45. The Products" 46. Impact?" 47. Impact" I thought this project was exciting because it was learning about my family instead of someone I didn't know. Making the nal product and being able to share it with my family member who helped was cool for me and them." 48. This project was more independent and you really had to manage your time well to succeed. I liked also having all your notes on Google" I liked the student based project because it was more open for me to do my own research and leave feedback on my peers projects" 49. I liked how there was no right way to do things and I could ask for help by my friends that can explain thing differently to me to" Instead of teacher just guiding our way to learning about our ancestors, we actually found and learnt things about them through our own research." 50. ThingsIlikedmost: Thingsthatcouldbeimproved: ThingsIdidnotunderstand: Newideastoconsider: 51. Implementing Blended Learning 52. Vehicles for your Vision Current status Vehicles Teachers Didac>cs Visiblelearning Technology Textbooks Mentorrole Poroolio Etc.. Vision Increase learning Reduce drop-out rates Improve readingskills Increase aJainment Increase parent- involvement Etc 53. The relationship between ICT and learning outcomes (SMIL research UiB) 17 529 students 2 524 teachers 54. Key findings (extract) ICTisusedinNorwegiansecondaryschools,butthereis tooliJleacademicuse Studentsspendalotof>meinfrontofcomputerscreens,but theylacktheknowledgeofhowtou>lizeICTforacademic purposes Classroommanagementandstudentawarenessoflearning inten>onsarecrucialforthesuccessfuluseofICT ICTandcon>nuousassessmentmustbeseamlesslyinterwoven ifwewanttoincreasestudentslearningoutcomesasaresult ofusingICT ThebeJerateacher'sowndigitalliteracy,themoretheir studentsachieve 55. Teachers need differentiated teaching too.! 56. NESTA Report UK We found proof by putting learning first. Toomuch9me,eort andmoneyhasbeen spentlookingfor thedigitalsilverbullet totransformlearning ratherthanevolving teachingprac.ceto makethemostof technology. 57. Unos Uno Sweden 1:1 Thebestperformingschoolsuse computersmorethenlowperforming schools,andtheteacherslectureless Studentsatthemostsuccessfulschools workingroupswithcomputers Schoolleadersmusttakeresponsibility andtakeac>vepartinchange processestoachievedesiredlongterm eects Bothatschoolandschooldistriclevel Thesumofsmallchangesaremore importantthanthebigrevolu>ons" 58. Implementing Understanding by Design Thinkbig, Startsmalland Gofortheearlywin. JayMcTighe (Usethesameadvicefor implemen>ngBlendedLearning.) Source:hLp://Nnyurl.com/m8wbxkl 59. Whatisonesmallchange youcouldputintoac>onat yourschool? 60. Morten Fahlvik Educational Research Manager itslearning @fahlvik [email protected] John Leighton Franklin High School Franklin, MA @FHSitslearning [email protected] 61. Learn more about Visible Learningplus at www.corwin.com/ visiblelearning