< Web Server />

Add a web server

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Page 1: Add a web server

< Web Server />

Page 2: Add a web server

What is a Web Server?

• A powerful system which stores, processes and delivers web content over a network which could be either local network as intranet or internet.

A typical PC (Desktop or Laptop)


IIS Server (Software)


Web Server

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How it works…?

Web Pages

Web Server



• It uses the client/server architecture and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for communication.

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Client request consists of several steps:

Web Browser

Web Server

File System

1. User Requestsdocument

• User requests document.• Request message is parsed.• Verify that request is authorized.• URL in the request is associated

with a file document.• Construct and transmit the


How it works…?

2. Web Server looks For document in the file system

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Request Message

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Server can generate the response in different ways:

3. Web Server retrievesDocument from file system

• Server can simply retrieve the file associated with the URL and returns the content to the client.

• Server can invoke a script that communicates with other servers or back-end database to construct the response message.

How it works…?

Web Browser

Web Server

File System

4. Web Server returns document data to web browser

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Server Response

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Use of Web Server?

• Multiple website• Multiple websites can be hosted on single web server with different port numbers assigned to

each web site.

• Server side scripting• Server-side scripting language PHP would enhance business by producing dynamic contents.

• Security• SSL (Secure Socket Layer) would add one more layer of security by encrypting sensitive


• Failover• IIS offers in-depth diagnostic tools such as failed request tracing, request monitoring and runtime


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Business Goal

• Web server provides server side coding capability.

• It provides high availability with no downtime to end clients.

• The web site can be running 24x7 including weekends and off-office hours.

• By implementing Webserver, the server side deployments helps in performance.

• Troubleshooting with the application is determined based on the logs from the Web server.

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Web Server Setup Environment

• Windows 7 operating system

• IIS Server 7

• Web Content: WordPress software package (v4.0)

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Network Diagram

• A network diagram is a graphical representation of any network.

• It’s a small structure of computers and network devices (routers, modem, Ethernet etc.)

• It is a sequence of steps.

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Network Diagram

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Design Features

• Configure IIS (Internet Information Services) Web server on Windows 7 operating system.

• IIS is an extensible web server created by Microsoft.

• It is tightly integrated with Windows operating system.

• It supports many protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SMTP and NNTP.

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Design Features

• Configure PHP (server-side language) to provide the capability to create dynamic content.

• PHP is a server side scripting language which can be used to develop web applications.

• The PHP database connection script connects to MySQL database to store and retrieve website information.

• The generated content would be passed to the web server for display to the user.

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Design Features

• Configure MySQL (a database server) to provide the capability to store content.

• MySQL is an open source relational database management system.

• It is one of the most popular databases and delivers reliable, high performance web-based and embedded database applications.

• It is scalable and flexible and used by large corporations.

• It is known for its performance, cross platform compatibility, cost and security.

• Database system would provide access to database to store and organize site data and information.

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Design Features

• Design company’s website using WordPress and host it on the web server.

• WordPress is a Content Management System, use to create beautiful websites.

• Free to use and based on PHP and MySQL.

• Easy to use and maintain. WordPress admin panel can be used to easily add, update and delete content to the website.

• Setup the windows firewall to secure the website from malicious attacks and safety.

• A firewall is a system that prevents unauthorized access to or from a private network.

• By default windows firewall block all the connections including HTTP port 80 and HTTPS 443.

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Design Features

• Setup SSL

• Intermediate layer between the Transport and Application layer.

• Establishes secure connection between peers.

• Uses secure connection to transfer data from sender to recipient.

Transport Layer

Secure Socket Layer

Network Layer

HTTP SMTP POP380 25 110

HTTPS SSMTP SPOP3443 465 995

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Standards & Protocols

• HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol)

• HTTP is used between two computers to transfer text from hypertext links.

• HTTP works as request-response protocol between the server and user’s browser.

• Default port for HTTP is 80.

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Standards & Protocols

• HTTPS (Hypertext transfer protocol over Secure Socket Layer)

• Secure communication by encrypting sensitive data like login details, credit card details.

• The connection from client-server and server-client is secured using 128-bit SSL encryption.

• To enable this protocol, web server requires an SSL Certificate.

• Default Port for HTTPS is 443.

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Implementation Steps

• Installed IIS web server

• Installed PHP & MySQL

• Downloaded WordPress

Steps 1,2,3

• Added website in IIS and bound it to HTTP port 80.

• Added content to WordPress.

Steps 4,5• Configure Firewall

• Installed SSL certificate to secure the WordPress admin and bound it to HTTPS on port 443.

Steps 6,7

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Install IIS Server

• Go to Control Panel->Programs and Features

• In “Turn Windows features on or off”, select Internet Information Services and it will install IIS with default features.

• It will create inetpub/wwwrootdirectory.

• Go to browser and type http://localhost to verify that IIS server has been installed.

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Install PHP

• Download PHP installer for windows.

• Run the installation setup and follow the process.

• Verify that PHP is configured and running on the machine.

• Create a file info.php and put it in inetpub/wwwroot

• File content is <?php echo phpinfo(); ?>

• Browse http://localhost/info.php it will show PHP information page.

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Install MySQL

• Download MySQL installer for windows.

• Run the installation setup and follow the process.

• After installation, connect to MySQL server.

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Download WordPress

• Download WordPress

• Extract the zip file into inetpub/wwwroot/IT640

• Open IIS manager and bind the WordPress on HTTP port 80.

• Create Database using MySQL database manager.

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Install WordPress

• Browse http://localhost and it will load the WordPress installation page as HTTP port 80 binds to WordPress Directory.

• Follow the installation process.

• After installation it will load the WordPress admin page. Once logged in admin can add content.

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Configure Firewall

• Go to Control Panel->Windows Firewall (Turn on the windows firewall).

• This setting would block all the connections and requests including port 80 and 443.

• Add New Rule to allow connection on ports 80 and 443.

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Install SSL

• Create a self-signed certificate using IIS server.

• Bound the certificate to the abccompany.com hostname, using .NET SDK’s makecert.exe.

• After creating the certificate, it becomes available in IIS and is ready to be imported by the website.

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Add hostname

• Point local IP address 127.0.01 to abccompany.com, edited /windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file

• User can access the website at http://abccompany.cominstead of http://localhost.

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Secure WordPress admin

• Configured the WordPress to strictly use HTTPS while using admin panel and its login.

• Browser verifies the hostname from certificate’s “Issued To” with the actual host name in the URL.

• Most of the browsers show the padlock icon to confirm that identity has been matched, and this secure connection starts with https://abccompany.com

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Admin Dashboard

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