> REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < Abstract—For the first time, time packing technique is exploited for Tb/s super-channel field trial transmission over long-haul distances. The transmission is successfully performed on an installed Australian link between Sydney and Melbourne composed by 995 km of uncompensated SMF with real coexistent traffic. 40 and 100 Gbit/s co- propagating channels are transmitted together with the super-channel in a 50 GHz ITU-T grid without additional penalty. The super-channel encompass eight sub-channels with low-level modulation format, i.e. DP-QPSK, guaranteeing better OSNR robustness and reduced complexity with respect to higher order formats. At the receiver side coherent detection is exploited together with concatenated multiple state BCJR detectors and LDPC decoder. A record (spectral efficiency x distance) product of 9353 bit/s/Hz·km is achieved for a field trial demonstration in a loop back configuration. Moreover, a 1 Tb/s DP-DQPSK super-channel is successfully transmitted between Sydney and This work was supported in part by “COTONE” FIRB 2010 RBFR1040HM project and “ARNO” PAR FAS 2007-2013 project. L. Potì, G. Meloni and T. Foggi are with the CNIT Photonic Networks National Lab, via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy (e-mail: [email protected]). G. Berrettini, F. Fresi and M. Secondini are with Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, TECIP, via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy. L. Giorgi and F. Cavaliere are with Ericsson Research, via Moruzzi 1 56124 Pisa, Italy. S. Hackett, A. Petronio, P. Nibbs and R. Forgan are with Ericsson Australia, 818 Bourke Street, Docklands, Melbourne, Australia. A. Leong, R. Masciulli and C. Pfander are with Telstra Corporation Limited, 35 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne within four WSS slots (200 GHz). A maximum SE of 5.6 bit/s/Hz is achieved with an OSNR=15.8 dB. The system reliability is proven through long term measurement. Index Terms—Optical fiber communication, Coherent communications, Optical fiber networks, Differential phase shift keying, Adaptive coding. I. INTRODUCTION ARRIERS around the world are seeing unparalleled growth in demand driven by video and take-up of smart devices. In order to fulfill market demand, optical transport networks need to improve in term of flexibility, power consumption, and capacity. Being able to support increasing spectral efficiency (SE) on installed fiber is critical in allowing Carriers to leverage their existing investments. Several techniques have been proposed to increase the SE such as Nyquist wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) [1], orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) [2], and time-frequency-packing (TFP) [3]. Both Nyquist-WDM and OFDM solutions, whose performance and complexity are basically equivalent on the fiber-optic channel [4], employ orthogonal signaling. In both cases, the orthogonality condition set a lower limit to time- and frequency-spacing (the Nyquist criterion), such that the C High Spectral Efficiency Field Trial Using Time-Packed Terabit/s DP-DQPSK Super-Channel Within Fixed ITU-T Grid L. Potì, Member, IEEE, G. Meloni, G. Berrettini, F. Fresi, T. Foggi, M. Secondini, L. Giorgi, F. Cavaliere, S. Hackett, A. Petronio, P. Nibbs, R. Forgan, A. Leong, R. Masciulli, C. Pfander, 1

High Spectral Efficiency Field Trial Using Time-Packed Terabit/s DP-DQPSK Super-Channel Within Fixed ITU-T Grid

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High Spectral Efficiency Field Trial Using Time-Packed Terabit/s DP-DQPSK Super-Channel Within Fixed ITU-T Grid

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  • 1. > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 1 AbstractFor the first time, time packing technique is exploited for Tb/s super-channel field trial transmission over long-haul distances. The transmission is successfully performed on an installed Australian link between Sydney and Melbourne composed by 995 km of uncompensated SMF with real coexistent traffic. 40 and 100 Gbit/s co-propagating channels are transmitted together with the super-channel in a 50 GHz ITU-T grid without additional penalty. The super-channel encompass eight sub-channels with low-level modulation format, i.e. DP- QPSK, guaranteeing better OSNR robustness and reduced complexity with respect to higher order formats. At the receiver side coherent detection is exploited together with concatenated multiple state BCJR detectors and LDPC decoder. A record (spectral efficiency x distance) product of 9353 bit/s/Hzkm is achieved for a field trial demonstration in a loop back configuration. Moreover, a 1 Tb/s DP-DQPSK super-channel is successfully transmitted between Sydney and Melbourne within four WSS slots (200 GHz). A maximum SE of 5.6 bit/s/Hz is achieved with an OSNR=15.8 dB. The system reliability is proven through long term measurement. Index TermsOptical fiber communication, Coherent communications, Optical fiber networks, Differential phase shift keying, Adaptive coding. I. INTRODUCTION ARRIERS around the world are seeing unparalleled growth in demand driven by video and take-up of smart devices. In order to fulfill market demand, optical transport networks need to improve in term of flexibility, power consumption, and capacity. Being able to support increasing spectral efficiency (SE) on installed fiber is critical in allowing Carriers to leverage their existing investments. Several techniques have been proposed to increase the SE such as This work was supported in part by COTONE FIRB 2010 RBFR1040HM project and ARNO PAR FAS 2007-2013 project. L. Pot, G. Meloni and T. Foggi are with the CNIT Photonic Networks National Lab, via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy (e-mail: [email protected]). G. Berrettini, F. Fresi and M. Secondini are with Scuola Superiore SantAnna, TECIP, via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy. L. Giorgi and F. Cavaliere are with Ericsson Research, via Moruzzi 1 56124 Pisa, Italy. S. Hackett, A. Petronio, P. Nibbs and R. Forgan are with Ericsson Australia, 818 Bourke Street, Docklands, Melbourne, Australia. A. Leong, R. Masciulli and C. Pfander are with Telstra Corporation Limited, 35 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Nyquist wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) [1], orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) [2], and time-frequency-packing (TFP) [3]. Both Nyquist-WDM and OFDM solutions, whose performance and complexity are basically equivalent on the fiber-optic channel [4], employ orthogonal signaling. In both cases, the orthogonality condition set a lower limit to time- and frequency-spacing (the Nyquist criterion), such that the achievable spectral efficiency is limited by the number of levels of the underlying modulation format. In fact, higher spectral efficiency requires higher-level modulation, e.g., 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), with higher complexity and lower resilience to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) degradation and nonlinear effects. As a theoretical upper bound in term of SE, the Nyquist-WDM approach allows a channel spacing equal to the baud-rate, avoiding both cross-talk due to inter carrier interference (ICI) and inter-symbol interference (ISI). This technique consists in transmitting channels having a rectangular spectrum with a bandwidth equal to the baud-rate. Thus, channels at different wavelengths do not overlap (ICI is avoided) and ISI does not occur at the optimum sampling instant due to the sinc shaped time pulse. However, the concept of Nyquist-WDM would require the use of a very specic optical spectral shaping, i.e., specic optical lters, as discussed in [5]. Typically, fourth-order super-Gaussian optical lters are used rather than ideal rectangular ones and small guard bands must be considered, thus reducing the theoretical achievable SE. Alternatively, Nyquist-WDM can also be obtained by electrically shaping the modulator driving signals through analogue filters or digital signal processing (DSP) by means of high speed digital-to-analog converters (DACs) at the transmitter side. In the former case, a quasi- rectangular shape is obtained by accepting a bandwidth increase between 20-25%, that reduces the SE. In the latter, the complexity and cost of the transmitter is increased due to the requirements in terms of electrical bandwidth and sampling rate for the DAC. All the above mentioned techniques cannot provide an ideal rectangular shape due to technology limitations [6]. TFP represents a different approach with respect to traditional communications. TFP is a specific and practical implementation of the faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling technique [7], which allows to overcome the Nyquist limit, High Spectral Efficiency Field Trial Using Time-Packed Terabit/s DP-DQPSK Super- Channel Within Fixed ITU-T Grid L. Pot, Member, IEEE, G. Meloni, G. Berrettini, F. Fresi, T. Foggi, M. Secondini, L. Giorgi, F. Cavaliere, S. Hackett, A. Petronio, P. Nibbs, R. Forgan, A. Leong, R. Masciulli, C. Pfander, C

2. > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 2 giving up the orthogonality condition both in the time and frequency domains at the expense of unlimited complexity receiver. In the TFP system, the receiver complexity is fixed and a small performance degradation is accepted. By TFP higher SE can be achieved with low-level modulations [3][8][9], e.g., dual polarization quadrature phase shift keying DP-QPSK), offering better performance in terms of bandwidth requirement, energy efficiency, cost, and reliability. Moreover, TFP assures the lowest requirements in term of electrical bandwidth both at the transmitter and receiver, together with the maximum degree of flexibility, and a full compatibility with existing wavelengths extends current installed infrastructure beyond 100 Gb/s, with minimal need for infrastructure renewal. In order to increase link capacity and satisfy communication needs in terms of data rate, distance, and flexibility, orthogonal techniques have been used in experimental demonstrations in combination with optical space, time, polarization, and wavelength division multiplexing (SDM, OTDM, PDM, WDM). In particular, the highest symbol rate of 160 Gbaud exploiting OTDM and the largest single channel bit rate of 768 Gbit/s using dual polarization (DP)-64QAM have been demonstrated in [10] and [11], respectively. In terms of system capacity, a record value of 105 Tbit/s has been demonstrated in [12] using multi-core fiber. On the other hand, long propagation distances are also addressed. In [13] the authors experimentally demonstrated transmission of a 4 Tbit/s super-channel over a 12000 km link with time-domain hybrid QPSK-8QAM modulation format. Moreover, the highest spectral efficiency of 32 bit/s/Hz has been obtained through PDM-16QAM coherent transmission over 12 spatial and polarization modes of a few-mode fiber [14]. Among field trial demonstrations, in [15] they demonstrated 21.7 Tbit/s using a DP-8QAM/QPSK modulation format over 1503km with a maximum SE of 5.26 b/s/Hz while in [16] they demonstrated DP-8QAM and DP-16QAM transmission over real installed links of 1822 km and 634 km, respectively, with very high total capacity and a SEdistance (d) product of about 9000 [bit/s/Hzkm]. In this paper, we successfully demonstrate time-packed (TP) transmission over an uncompensated installed link between Sydney and Melbourne operated by Telstra including 100 GHz spaced 40 and 100 Gbit/s real co-propagating traffic. Resorting to information theoretic principles and advanced signal processing techniques, we optimized sub-channel bandwidths and inter-channel spacing, thus maximizing the SE, achieving a SEd record for field trial demonstration of 9353 [bit/s/Hzkm] with an optical SNR (OSNR) of 14.8 dB. Moreover, 1 Tb/s DP-DQPSK super-channel was successfully transmitted through single mode fibers (SMFs) within 200 GHz of spectral occupancy, with an OSNR=15.6 dB. A maximum SE of 5.6 bit/s/Hz was demonstrated with an OSNR of 15.8 dB. In order to verify the system robustness performances were measured including artificial PMD addition and long term measurements confirmed the system reliability. The paper is organized as follows. Section II describes TFP principle of operation giving an example of a possible practical transceiver implementation. In section III the details of the implemented system and the installed link are described. Section IV collects field trial detailed results including single way transmission, long-term measurements, and loopback transmission. II. TIME-FREQUENCY PACKING The concept TFP is here described through a graphical representation of the signal both in the time and the frequency domains. A. Time Packing A binary signal is obtained through a sequence of pulses with given shape, amplitude 1 or 0, and time duration T=1/R where R is the signaling rate. The spectral content of the signal is entirely confined within the bandwidth B providing a spectral efficiency SE= R/B [b/s/Hz]. By keeping the same bandwidth it is possible to increase the rate R>R (T=1/R R/B. Similarly, SE can be increased by keeping fixed R and filtering the signal with a bandwidth B 2R/Bt (see Fig. 2). Even in the case spectral overlap, FTN theory [7] gives a way for eliminating the impact of ICI through a proper code and using an unlimited complexity receiver. As for the T t s(t) T t s(t) ISI 1 1 10 1 1 10 3. > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 3 time packing case, also in the frequency space if a small amount of ICI can be tolerated, TFP provides a practical code for a fixed receiver complexity. In this case, differently from time packing, a multiple-carrier system must be employed that allows to increase coding efficiency due to correlation among adjacent channels. Fig. 2. Frequency packing principle The two techniques can be combined in the TFP with a consequential increase of the SE. SE enhancement will be a compromise between the code rate and the acceptable performance degradation caused by ISI, ICI, and transmission impairments. Moreover due to the possibility of code rate adaptation without any change in the transmitter and receiver hardware, TFP provides large flexibility to the system. In the following we will consider TP due to single-user receiver constraint. A simple example of practical TP transceiver for a 40 Gbaud system is shown in Fig. 3. In order to generate a DP-DQPSK exploiting TP each polarization includes two data streams at 34.6 Gbit/s. A typical 4% FEC and a 9/10 binary encoder are used giving a gross transmission rate of 40 Gbit/s per quadrature and 80 Gbit/s per polarization. The transmitter assembles a total gross capacity of 160 Gbit/s for a net information rate of 138.4 Gbit/s within an optical bandwidth of 20 GHz, giving a SE=6.92. TP is simply obtained through 10 GHz low-pass filtering. Among different filter shapes, best performance in terms of SE given a fixed receiver complexity, are obtained by minimizing ISI. Moreover, all the electronics and optoelectronic circuits following the low-pass filter (LPF) have a bandwidth requirement of 10 GHz, including the MZ drivers, the IQ modulator, the coherent receiver, and the ADC. At the receiver side, a standard coherent detection is used. The four analogue signal coming out from the 10 GHz photodetectors included in the receiver are digitized through an 8-bit 10 GHz ADC. Digital signal processing includes resampling, used for having two samples/symbol, automatic frequency control (AFC) that compensate for frequency mismatch between the incoming signal and the local oscillator (LO) and a taps two dimensional fractionally-spaced feed- forward equalizer (2D-FFE) that compensate for linear propagation impairments. The equalizer output feeds four parallel 4-state Bahl, Cocke, Jelinek, Raviv (BCJR) detectors [18], working on the four signal quadratures, followed by four low density parity check (LDPC) decoders. The BCJR and LDPC blocks iteratively exchange information (for a maximum of 20 iterations) to achieve MAP detection according to the turbo-equalization principle [19]. The 2D-FFE equalizer is adaptively controlled to converge to the matched filter output of the Ungerboeck observation model [20] and the estimated channel coefficients (the five central ones) are used to determine path metrics for the BCJR detectors. III. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Link TP has been implemented and its effectiveness validated in a field trial experiment. Different transmission measures have been Bt=2B f S(f) Bt REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 4 performed over an installed fiber link, provided by Telstra, connecting the two largest Australian cities Sydney and Melbourne, as shown in Fig. 4, through the intermediate node sited in Canberra. The 995 km link is divided into 15 uncompensated SMF spans, whose lengths are indicated in Fig. YY. Shorter spans are padded as indicated in the figure to match the minimal nominal gain value of the subsequent amplifier. Each amplifier could be configured in order to guarantee a power ranging between -3 dBm and +1 dBm for each 50 GHz slot with a limitation for the total output power of 22 dBm (i.e., 128 slots @ +1 dBm ). A reconfigurable add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) site, based on a 50 GHz wavelength selective switch (WSS) is present after 294 km (5 spans) in Canberra. The transmission characteristic of the WSS into the link can have a big impact over the system optimization criteria and the overall performance, especially when a super-channel is transmitted. In fact, in a gridless scenario, multiple carriers used for super-channel transmission can be equally spaced allowing SE maximization. When one or more WSS are used in the link multiple carriers must fit the grid and the real transmission bandwidth. For that reason, WSS has been properly characterized, as shown in Fig. 5, in the spectral region where the super-channel is allocated. In our experiments two carriers have been used for each slot for a total number of eight sub-carriers within 4 slots that corresponds to 200 GHz. Fig. 5. Canberra WSS characterization with particular highlighting the filter asymmetry. Additionally, for each slot, the filter shape exhibits some asymmetries that affects system optimization in term of wavelength allocation. In particular, the low frequency edge is much smoother with respect to the high frequency edge, as shown in the picture inset. As shown in the link figure, the signal arriving in Melbourne could be either received or looped back through an almost identical link, passing another WSS in Canberra and received in Sydney for a total link length of about 1995 Km. All the data signals are generated in Sydney where 3x40 Gbit/s and a 100 Gbit/s commercial cards are multiplexed together using a 100 GHz multiplexer having 50 GHz filters on the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (ITU-T) grid. A 3 dB coupler has been used in order to add the Tbit/s super- channel. A coherent receiver was also used in Sydney both for back-to-back system characterization and loop back measures. Melbourne site hosted 40, 100 Gbit/s, and coherent receivers. B. Super-channel transmitter Fig. 6. TP transmitter A total aggregate bit rate of 1.12 Tb/s is obtained by means of eight optical carriers [3], each modulated by a 140Gbit/s narrow filtered DP-QPSK signal, corresponding to 35 Gbaud. Sub-channels bandwidth and spacing have been optimized according to the TP technique [3][9] to maximize the achievable spectral efficiency with the desired detector complexity. In particular, each quadrature data (Fig. 6) is narrow filtered by an electrical 6-cavities low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 10 GHz (much lower than the Nyquist limit). Moreover, unequal channel spacing (20/30 GHz) is adopted to account for the guard bands between adjacent 50 GHz WDM slots, unrequired by TP but imposed by the mid-link WSS. For that reason, a net wasted bandwidth of about 30 GHz must be considered that translates in a SE reduction of about 15%. The system can exploit different LDPC codes to trade-off net SE and error correction capability [18]. In particular, irregular LDPC codes [21] with rate 9/10, 8/9, 5/6, 4/5, 3/4 and 2/3, can be configured, keeping constant the line rate, depending on accumulated OSNR and propagation penalties, to realize an adaptive optical interface capable to finely adjust the transmitted capacity to the propagation conditions. A code word length of 64800 bit, proposed for the future 2nd generation satellite digital video broadcasting (DVB-S2) standard [22], is used. An error floor below 10-6 is expected, which can be reduced below 10-15 by properly concatenating outer hard-decision codes, with small additional overhead ( REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 5 3 bottom. The photodetected signals at the output of four balanced photodiodes (two for each polarization) are sampled and digitized by four 8-bit, 50 Gsample/s, 20 GHz bandwidth analog-to-digital converters (ADC) and then digitally processed. In the experiment, in fact, a real time oscilloscope is used to sample and store data. Off-line digital processing is performed considering blocks of 8105 samples at a time. Accumulated dispersion (~17000ps/nm/km) is compensated by a frequency domain equalizer, while a 33 taps two dimensional fractionally-spaced feed-forward equalizer (2D-FFE) accounts for other linear impairments (e.g., polarization rotation, residual dispersion, polarization mode dispersion (PMD)). IV. FIELD TRIAL RESULTS In Fig. 7 the optical spectrum of the super-channel generated at the transmitter side in Sydney is depicted. The eight DP-QPSK channels were unevenly spaced (20/30 GHz) considering the asymmetric channels spacing required for the transmission of the super-channel through the WSS in Canberra. In particular four couple of channels were centered in the four 50 GHz spaced WSS ports corresponding to the central frequencies of 192.75 THz, 192.8 THz, 192.85 THz and 192.9 THz respectively. A. Back to back measurements In Fig. 8 back to back measurements performed for each channel are reported, considering a baud rate of 35 GBd. References BER measures were performed by averaging over 10 blocks of samples, each containing 8 randomly-selected code words per quadrature per polarization, for a total of (10 8 64800 2 2 ) information bits (when a code rate is used). BER values below 10-6 could not be reliably measured, such that the LDPC error floor (expected below 10-6 ) was not observed in the experimental setup. Fig. 7. Optical spectrum of the generated super-channel Fig. 8. Back to back measurements B. System optimization and transmission performance In order to investigate the contribution of intra-super- channel non-linear effects on the propagation the super- channel was transmitted through the link between Sydney and Melbourne (995 km) and the achieved SE was measured as a function of the channel power (Fig. 9). The measure was performed considering the information carried out by the channel 4 (one central channel), over an occupied bandwidth of 200/8 GHz. Fig. 9. Spectral efficiency as function of the channels power Fig. 9 indicates an optimal channel power of about -1dBm that minimizes the contribution of nonlinear fiber propagation including SPM and XPM. In the same operating conditions the power penalties have been measured over all the sub-channels after 995 km transmission with respect to the back to back as shown in Fig. 10. A maximum penalty of 1.3dB is obtained. OSNR profiles are also reported, for completeness, in the same picture, for all sub-channel power settings ranging from -3dBm to +1dBm. Taking the optimized sub-channel power as -1dBm the received OSNR ranges between 15 and 16dB along the channels with 0.1nm resolution bandwidth, a value which is compatible with the majority of deployed DWDM links. Fig. 10. Channels power penalties and OSNR for different channel powers In order to understand the potentiality of the TP technique, the maximum achievable SE for each channel was measured. In particular, both the baud rate and the code rate were tuned with the target of maximizing the transmitted information. One 100 Gb/s and three 40 Gb/s DP-QPSK channels are transmitted together with the eight carriers super-channel. The initial frequency gap between the super-channel and the co- propagating ones is 800 GHz and will be reduced to 100 GHz in order to investigate fiber non-linear cross-talk effects. Fig. 11 shows the input and optical spectra for the considered configurations: a) transmitted super-channel without 40 and 192.7 192.75 192.8 192.85 192.9 192.95 [10dB/div] Frequency [THz] 1.E-08 1.E-07 1.E-06 1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 13 14 15 16 Penalty[dB] OSNR [dB] ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 SE[bit/s/Hz] P/Ch [dBm] 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 192.7 192.75 192.8 192.85 192.9 192.95 Penalty[dB] Frequency [THz] P/Ch=-3dBm P/Ch=-1dBm P/Ch=-0.5dBm P/Ch=0dBm P/Ch=0.5dBm P/Ch=1dBm OSNR[dB] 6. > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 6 100Gb/s channels, b) transmitted super-channel with 40 and 100Gb/s channels 800GHz spaced, c) transmitted super- channel with 40 and 100Gb/s channels 100GHz spaced. The achieved SE for each channel is reported in Fig. 12. Fig. 11. a) transmitted time-frequency-packed DP-QPSK super-channel without 40 and 100Gb/s channels, b) with 40 and 100Gb/s channels 800GHz spaced, c) with 40 and 100Gb/s channels 100GHz spaced Fig. 12. Maximum channels SE Odd channels perform slightly worse due to the asymmetric filtering response of the WSS highlighted in the Fig. 5. The three cases of Fig. 12 show no appreciable performance difference, giving evidence of negligible interference between the super channel and neighboring 40 and 100Gb/s channels. Similarly, no penalty was measured on the 40 and 100Gb/s channel due to the super-channel presence. In order to verify the receiver capability to compensate linear impairments, a PMD emulator was added just before the coherent receiver, introducing an additional deferential group delay up to 200 ps. SE values remain unchanged introducing 170 ps, and dropped of 5% with 200 ps. Results are reported in Fig. 4. These values have been obtained by using a code rate of 5/6 for all subchannels, and the performance have been measured over channel 4. Fig. 13. SE as a function of the additional PMD In order to validate the system stability, long term BER measurements have been performed. In particular, for a more accurate statistic about the system functioning, a new (but with the same rate) code word has been randomly generated every 15 minutes, and the BER has been computed. In Fig. 14 are reported all the measurements taken over 12 hours, and it is shown that only in two cases the BER has been measured with higher value than 10-6 . Being the code words randomly generated the two cases indicates that few codes must be avoided in a practical implementation. In the figure is also reported the number of iterations between the decoder and the BCJR, required for the BER computation. Fig. 14. Required iterations for BER computation and BER measurements The estimated frequency offset between the considered received channel and the local oscillator, evaluated by the AFC algorithm, is also reported in Fig. 15 for each measurement of Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Frequency offset estimated by the AFC algorithm at the receiver C. Three equally spaced channels experiment In order to verify the TFP technique potentiality in terms of spectral efficiency enhancement for the transmission of a DP- DQPSK signal, three evenly spaced 140 Gb/s channels was transmitted through the Telstra network. In particular, the channels were 25 GHz spaced and the central channel frequency was matching with the network WSSs. The signals were transmitted firstly from Sydney to Melbourne (995 km- single way) and then in a loop back configuration Sydney-Melbourne-Sydney (1990 km). For both the cases, the channels were filtered by the WSS at Canberra. As schematically depicted in Fig. 16, the signals were equally spaced, and the central channel suffered the crosstalk from the adjacent channels, due to the shape characteristics of the electrical filter employed at the transmitter (Fig. 6). The WSS at Canberra, filtered out large part of the adjacent channel but the crosstalk impairment was unchanged for the second part of 192.5 192.7 192.9 193.1 193.3 193.5 193.7 193.9 194.1 OpticalPower [10dB/div] Frequency [THz] without adiacent channels with 800Ghz spaced channels with 100GHz spaced channels 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 192.70 192.75 192.80 192.85 192.90 192.95 SE[bit/s/Hz] Frequency [THz] with 800GHz spaced channels with 100GHz spaced channels without adjacent channels 4 4.5 5 5.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 SE[bit/s/Hz] PMD [ps] 1.E-06 1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1 3 5 7 9 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BER Numberofiterations Time [hrs] -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 5 10 15 Estimatedfreq.offset [MHz] Time [hrs] 7. > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 7 the link (Canberra-Melbourne). The same happened for the loop back configuration (Fig. 16). In Table I, the achieved spectral efficiency is reported together with the employed code rate and the OSNR of the received channel for the single way and the loop back transmission. In the loop back configuration a SE of 5.6 bit/s/Hz was achieved corresponding to a record SEd product of 9353 bit/s/Hzkm. Being the adjacent channel strongly distorted from the Canberra WSS, all the measurement was performed on the central channel. Fig. 16. Schematic of filtering effect for evenly spaced channels V. CONCLUSIONS Spectral efficiency enhancement of a Telstra installed long haul uncompensated link has been proven by exploiting time packing technique. A 1Tb/s DP-QPSK super-channel has been successfully transmitted through an Australian link between Sydney and Melbourne (995 km), within 200 GHz in a fixed ITU-T grid scenario. The compatibility with deployed 50 GHz grid optical filters has been ensured, without network upgrading requirements. Time packing was used to maximize the achievable SE with constrained modulation and detection complexity, while LDPC rate was adapted to the available OSNR and propagation conditions to approach the achievable SE of 5 bit/s/Hz (including a reduction of 15% due to the wasted guard bands in a fixed grid scenario). System performance has been evaluated considering real co- propagating traffic (40 and 100Gb/s channels) without additional penalty. 1990 km transmission in loop back configuration has been performed with a SEd product record for field trial demonstration of 9353 bit/s/Hzkm with an OSNR of 14.8 dB. The system performance has been evaluated considering artificial additional PMD verifying the receiver capability to compensate linear impairments. Long term measurements have been also performed. The obtained results demonstrate the possibility for operators to seamlessly migrate toward beyond 100Gb/s networks with minimal need of infrastructure renewal. VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The word data is plural, not singular. The subscript for REFERENCES [1] G. Bosco, V. Curri, A. Carena, P. Poggiolini, F. Forghieri, "On the Performance of Nyquist-WDM Terabit Superchannels Based on PM- BPSK, PM-QPSK, PM-8QAM or PM-16QAM Subcarriers," J. Lightw. Technol., vol.29, no.1, pp.53-61, Jan. 2011. [2] W. Shieh, X. Yi, Y. Ma, and Q. Yang, "Coherent optical OFDM: has its time come? [Invited]," J. Opt. Netw., vol.7, pp.234-255, 2008. [3] L. Pot, G. Meloni, G. Berrettini, F. Fresi, M. Secondini, T. Foggi, G. Colavolpe, E. Forestieri, A. D'Errico, F. Cavaliere, R. Sabella, and G. Prati, Casting 1 Tb/s DP-QPSK Communication into 200 GHz Bandwidth in Proc. ECOC, 2012, paper P4.19. [4] A. Barbieri, G. Colavolpe, T. Foggi, E. Forestieri, G. Prati, "OFDM versus Single-Carrier Transmission for 100 Gbps Optical Communication," J. Lightw. Technol., vol.28, no.17, pp.2537-2551, Sept. 2010. [5] G. Bosco, A. Carena, V. Curri, P. Poggiolini, F. 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