Perl Engineer & Evangelist, 10gen Mike Friedman #MongoDBdays Schema Design Four Real-World Use Cases

Data Modeling Examples from the Real World

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Page 1: Data Modeling Examples from the Real World

Perl Engineer & Evangelist, 10gen

Mike Friedman


Schema DesignFour Real-World Use Cases

Page 2: Data Modeling Examples from the Real World

Single Table En


• Why is schema design important

• 4 Real World Schemas– Inbox– History– Indexed Attributes– Multiple Identities

• Conclusions

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Why is Schema Design important?

• Largest factor for a performant system

• Schema design with MongoDB is different

• RDBMS – "What answers do I have?"• MongoDB – "What question will I have?"

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#1 - Message Inbox

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Let’s getSocial

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Sending Messages


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Design Goals

• Efficiently send new messages to recipients

• Efficiently read inbox

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Reading my Inbox


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3 Approaches (there are more)• Fan out on Read

• Fan out on Write

• Fan out on Write with Bucketing

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// Shard on "from"db.shardCollection( "mongodbdays.inbox", { from: 1 } )

// Make sure we have an index to handle inbox readsdb.inbox.ensureIndex( { to: 1, sent: 1 } )

msg = {from: "Joe",to: [ "Bob", "Jane" ],

sent: new Date(), message: "Hi!",


// Send a messagedb.inbox.save( msg )

// Read my inboxdb.inbox.find( { to: "Joe" } ).sort( { sent: -1 } )

Fan out on read

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Fan out on read – I/O

Shard 1

Shard 2

Shard 3

Send Message

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Fan out on read – I/O

Shard 1

Shard 2

Shard 3

Read Inbox

Send Message

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• Write: One document per message sent

• Read: Find all messages with my own name in the recipient field

• Read: Requires scatter-gather on sharded cluster

• A lot of random I/O on a shard to find everything

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// Shard on “recipient” and “sent” db.shardCollection( "mongodbdays.inbox", { ”recipient”: 1, ”sent”: 1 } )

msg = {from: "Joe",to: [ "Bob", "Jane" ],

sent: new Date(), message: "Hi!",


// Send a messagefor ( recipient in msg.to ) {

msg.recipient = msg.to[recipient]db.inbox.save( msg );


// Read my inboxdb.inbox.find( { recipient: "Joe" } ).sort( { sent: -1 } )

Fan out on write

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Fan out on write – I/O

Shard 1

Shard 2

Shard 3

Send Message

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Fan out on write – I/O

Read Inbox

Send Message

Shard 1

Shard 2

Shard 3

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• Write: One document per recipient

• Read: Find all of the messages with me as the recipient

• Can shard on recipient, so inbox reads hit one shard

• But still lots of random I/O on the shard

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// Shard on "owner / sequence"db.shardCollection( "mongodbdays.inbox", { owner: 1, sequence: 1 } )db.shardCollection( "mongodbdays.users", { user_name: 1 } )

msg = {from: "Joe",to: [ "Bob", "Jane" ],

sent: new Date(), message: "Hi!",


Fan out on write with buckets

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// Send a messagefor( recipient in msg.to) { count = db.users.findAndModify({

query: { user_name: msg.to[recipient] }, update: { "$inc": { "msg_count": 1 } }, upsert: true, new: true }).msg_count;

sequence = Math.floor(count / 50);

db.inbox.update({ owner: msg.to[recipient], sequence: sequence }, { $push: { "messages": msg } },{ upsert: true } );


// Read my inboxdb.inbox.find( { owner: "Joe" } ) .sort ( { sequence: -1 } ).limit( 2 )

Fan out on write with buckets

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Fan out on write with buckets• Each “inbox” document is an array of


• Append a message onto “inbox” of recipient

• Bucket inboxes so there’s not too many messages per document

• Can shard on recipient, so inbox reads hit one shard

• 1 or 2 documents to read the whole inbox

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Fan out on write with buckets – I/O

Shard 1

Shard 2

Shard 3

Send Message

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Shard 1

Shard 2

Shard 3

Fan out on write with buckets – I/O

Read Inbox

Send Message

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#2 – History

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Design Goals

• Need to retain a limited amount of history e.g.– Hours, Days, Weeks– May be legislative requirement (e.g. HIPPA, SOX,


• Need to query efficiently by – match– ranges

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3 Approaches (there are more)• Bucket by Number of messages

• Fixed size array

• Bucket by date + TTL collections

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db.inbox.find() { owner: "Joe", sequence: 25, messages: [ { from: "Joe", to: [ "Bob", "Jane" ], sent: ISODate("2013-03-01T09:59:42.689Z"), message: "Hi!" }, …] }

// Query with a date rangedb.inbox.find ({owner: "friend1", messages: { $elemMatch: {sent:{$gte: ISODate("…") }}}})

// Remove elements based on a datedb.inbox.update({owner: "friend1" }, { $pull: { messages: { sent: { $gte: ISODate("…") } } } } )

Bucket by number of messages

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• Shrinking documents, space can be reclaimed with– db.runCommand ( { compact: '<collection>' } )

• Removing the document after the last element in the array as been removed– { "_id" : …, "messages" : [ ], "owner" : "friend1", "sequence" : 0 }

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msg = { from: "Your Boss", to: [ "Bob" ],

sent: new Date(), message: "CALL ME NOW!"


// 2.4 Introduces $each, $sort and $slice for $pushdb.messages.update(

{ _id: 1 }, { $push: { messages: { $each: [ msg ],

$sort: { sent: 1 },

$slice: -50 }

} })

Fixed Size Array

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• Need to compute the size of the array based on retention period

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// messages: one doc per user per day


_id: 1, to: "Joe", sequence: ISODate("2013-02-04T00:00:00.392Z"), messages: [ ] }

// Auto expires data after 31536000 seconds = 1 yeardb.messages.ensureIndex( { sequence: 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 31536000 } )

TTL Collections

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#3 – Indexed Attributes

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Design Goal

• Application needs to stored a variable number of attributes e.g.– User defined Form– Meta Data tags

• Queries needed– Equality– Range based

• Need to be efficient, regardless of the number of attributes

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2 Approaches (there are more)• Attributes as Embedded Document

• Attributes as Objects in an Array

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db.files.insert( { _id: "local.0", attr: { type: "text", size: 64, created: ISODate("..." } } )

db.files.insert( { _id: "local.1", attr: { type: "text", size: 128} } )

db.files.insert( { _id: "mongod", attr: { type: "binary", size: 256, created: ISODate("...") } } )

// Need to create an index for each item in the sub-documentdb.files.ensureIndex( { "attr.type": 1 } )db.files.find( { "attr.type": "text"} )

// Can perform range queriesdb.files.ensureIndex( { "attr.size": 1 } )db.files.find( { "attr.size": { $gt: 64, $lte: 16384 } } )

Attributes as a Sub-Document

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• Each attribute needs an Index

• Each time you extend, you add an index

• Lots and lots of indexes

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db.files.insert( {_id: "local.0", attr: [ { type: "text" },

{ size: 64 },

{ created: ISODate("...") } ] } )

db.files.insert( { _id: "local.1", attr: [ { type: "text" },

{ size: 128 } ] } )

db.files.insert( { _id: "mongod", attr: [ { type: "binary" },

{ size: 256 }, { created: ISODate("...") } ] } )

db.files.ensureIndex( { attr: 1 } )

Attributes as Objects in Array

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• Only one index needed on attr

• Can support range queries, etc.

• Index can be used only once per query

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#4 – Multiple Identities

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Design Goal

• Ability to look up by a number of different identities e.g.

• Username• Email address• FB Handle• LinkedIn URL

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2 Approaches (there are more)• Identifiers in a single document

• Separate Identifiers from Content

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db.users.findOne(){ _id: "joe", email: "[email protected], fb: "joe.smith", // facebook li: "joe.e.smith", // linkedin other: {…}}

// Shard collection by _iddb.shardCollection("mongodbdays.users", { _id: 1 } )

// Create indexes on each keydb.users.ensureIndex( { email: 1} )db.users.ensureIndex( { fb: 1 } )db.users.ensureIndex( { li: 1 } )

Single Document by User

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Read by _id (shard key)

Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3

find( { _id: "joe"} )

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Read by email (non-shard key)

Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3

find ( { email: [email protected] } )

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• Lookup by shard key is routed to 1 shard

• Lookup by other identifier is scatter gathered across all shards

• Secondary keys cannot have a unique index

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// Create unique indexdb.identities.ensureIndex( { identifier : 1} , { unique: true} )

// Create a document for each users documentdb.identities.save( { identifier : { hndl: "joe" }, user: "1200-42" } )db.identities.save( { identifier : { email: "[email protected]" }, user: "1200-42" } )db.identities.save( { identifier : { li: "joe.e.smith" }, user: "1200-42" } )

// Shard collection by _iddb.shardCollection( "mydb.identities", { identifier : 1 } )

// Create unique indexdb.users.ensureIndex( { _id: 1} , { unique: true} )

// Shard collection by _iddb.shardCollection( "mydb.users", { _id: 1 } )

Document per Identity

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Read requires 2 reads

Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3

db.identities.find({"identifier" : { "hndl" : "joe" }})

db.users.find( { _id: "1200-42"} )

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• Lookup to Identities is a routed query

• Lookup to Users is a routed query

• Unique indexes available

• Must do two queries per lookup

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• Multiple ways to model a domain problem

• Understand the key uses cases of your app

• Balance between ease of query vs. ease of write

• Random I/O should be avoided

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Perl Engineer & Evangelist, 10gen

Mike Friedman


Thank You

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