A poem By Saltaire Trees

A Saltaire Trees Poem

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Page 1: A Saltaire Trees Poem

A poem By Saltaire Trees

Page 2: A Saltaire Trees Poem

What would Sir Titus really think,

About the actions of the few,

Who chopped our lovely grand old trees,

And put busy roads in view?

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We loved those trees that shaded us,

And blossomed in the spring,

Where kids collected conkers,

They did mean everything.

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It is all about the symmetry,

It’s all about design,

It’s a council “spending money quick!”

Who say “we’re running out of time!”

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But now we are


Our air not quite so clean,

Yes, We can see the buildings now,

But not tree-framed like they’ve been…

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We (like The Lorax) say, Unless.

As Unless is all we’ve got

Stand up, turn up, sign up

And please change this awful lot.

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Sign up

to our petition

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Stand up

By emailing

councillor who has

this mess under

her portfolio.

[email protected]

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Please help.

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