
TuesdayDecember 28, 2021

VOL. XXVI, NO. 326, PAGES 12, RS. 2


CM inauguratesPack House andKisan SamridhiShivir

SAD-BJP govt tobe madeaccountable forbetrayal committedagainst Punjab:Channi

Surprised myselfwith how calm Ihave been, saysKL Rahul


REGD NO. CHD/0061/2006-08 | RNI NO. 61323/95


Hry cabinetexpansiontomorrowCHANDIGARH : TheHaryana government'sCabinet expansion willtake place tomorrow, thestate Chief Minister's of-fice (CMO) informed onMonday.The new ministers of thestate cabinet are expect-ed to take oath tomorrowat 4 pm."The Haryana cabinet willbe expanded on Decem-ber 28, 2021. The swear-ing-in ceremony will beheld at the Haryana RajBhavan at 4 pm," CMOHaryana tweeted in Hindi.This is the second expan-sion of the Manohar LalKhattar-led government inHaryana. The first cabinetexpansion took place onNovember 14.

Rupee hitsnearly 4-weekhigh of 75against US dollarMUMBAI: Rising for theeighth straight session,the rupee on Monday ap-preciated 3 paise to near-ly four-week high of 75against the US dollaramid a firm trend in do-mestic equities and risingappetite for riskier assets.However, a strong USdollar overseas and firmcrude oil prices restrictedthe rupee's rise.At the interbank forexmarket, the local unitopened at 75.15 againstthe greenback and wit-nessed an intra-day highof 74.95 and a low of75.16.It finally settled at 75,showing a gain of 3 paiseagainst the previousclose. Over the last eightsessions, the domesticcurrency has gained 132paise against the green-back.

PM's war on plastic,says India protectshabitat




PM dedicates projects worth Rs 11,581 crore to Himachal


Prime Minister Narendra Modi todayinaugurated and laid foundationstones of developmental projectsworth about Rs 11,581 crore for theState from the historic Paddal groundin Mandi on the occasion of comple-tion of four years term of the presentState Government.

Prime Minister inaugurated 111MW Sawara Kuddu Hydro ElectricProject virtually from Mandi con-structed by the HP Power CorporationLtd (HPPCL) at a cost of Rs 2082crore. Constructed near the famousHatkoti temple on the Pabbar river inShimla district, this project wouldgenerate 386 million units of powerper annum and generate annual rev-enue of about Rs 120 crore to theState through HPPCL. He also laidfoundation stones of Rs 7000 croreRenuka ji Dam on Giri river in Sir-mour district and 66 MW DhaulasidhHydro Electric Project, a joint venturebetween the Government of India andthe State Government located on theBeas river in Hamirpur and Kangradistricts. This Project being executedby the Satluj Jal Vidhut Nigam Ltd.,would be completed by spending anamount of Rs 688 crore. In addition to

this, he laid foundation stone of 210MW Luhri Stage-I hydro-electricproject to be constructed by spendingan amount of Rs 1811 crore on Satlujriver in Shimla and Kullu districts ofthe State.

While addressing the people onthe occasion, Prime Minister said thathe also shares an emotional relationand bonding with the State of Hi-machal Pradesh. He also congratulat-ed the State Government for complet-ing four years of its eventful tenure.He said that this double engine Gov-ernment has ensured that the pace ofdevelopment goes uninterrupted dur-ing the pandemic. He also appreciat-ed the efforts made by the State Gov-ernment for effectively controlling

the Covid-19 pandemic. He said thatthe vaccine coverage of cent percenteligible population in the State wasthe result of dedicated and committedefforts of the State Government. Hesaid that the State got AIIMS, AtalTunnel and four Medical Collegesduring the tenure of the present Gov-ernment. The Prime Minister said that‘ease of living’ of the people of thecountry is one of the foremost priori-ties and electricity plays a huge rolein this. Hydro-power projectslaunched today reflect India’s com-mitment to eco-friendly development.“When the Shree Renukaji Dam proj-ect on the Giri river is completed, alarge area will be directly benefitedby it.

5 die, 12 injured inbuses' collision on

Ambala-Chd highway


Five people were killed anda dozen other sustained in-juries in a road mishap onthe Ambala-Chandigarh na-tional highway near here onMonday morning.

The accident occurredwhen a Delhi-bound privateluxury bus rammed intotwo other tourist busesparked on the roadside,killing five passengers andinjuring twelve others.

Twelve injured passen-gers were admitted to theCivil Hospital in AmbalaCity, police said and addedthat most of the passengerswere sleeping when the ac-

cident took place in themorning.

The deceased have beenidentified as Rahul (21) ofJharkhand, Pardeep Kumar(22) of Uttar Pradesh,Mena Bai (4) of Chhattis-garh, Rohit Kumar (53) ofChhattisgarh and one pas-senger has not been identi-fied.

Police with the help ofpeople pulled out the pas-sengers trapped in the busafter much struggle. Twobadly damaged buses wereremoved from the highwaywith the help of cranes, po-lice said. Police have regis-tered a case against theunidentified bus driver,who fled the spot.


From January 1, children in the agegroup of 15-18 will be eligible to reg-ister on the CoWIN platform.

CoWIN platform chief Dr R SSharma said: "We've added an addi-tional (10th) ID card for registration -the student ID card because somemight not have Aadhaar or other iden-tity cards."

Emphasizing precaution in viewof the rise in cases of Omicron variantof COVID-19, Prime Minister Naren-dra Modi had on December 25 an-

nounced three major deci-sions in the fight against thedisease including start ofvaccination for children in15-18 age group from com-ing January 3.

In his address to the na-tion, the Prime Minister saidthe government was follow-ing scientific advice in thevaccination drive againstCOVID-19. "Vaccinationwill start in the country forchildren aged between 15 to18 years from January 3, 2022," hesaid. "The government has decided

that precautionary dose of vaccinewill be started for healthcare and

frontline workers starting Jan-uary 10, 2022. Citizens above60 years facing co-morbidi-ties, they will have the optionof taking precaution dose onthe advice of their doctor," headded. The Prime Ministersaid that 61 per cent of theadult population in the coun-try had been given both dosesof COVID-19 vaccine while 90 per cent of the adultpopulation has go the firstdose. India started the COVID

vaccination drive on January 16 thisyear.

COVID-19 vaccination: Registration for childrenaged 15-18 to begin from January 1


The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Monday emergedsingle largest party in the 35-member ChandigarhMunicipal Corporation by winning 14 seats.

The AAP, which is contesting the ChandigarhMunicipal Corporation elections for the first time,fell short of simple majority.

The BJP won 12 seats, Indian National Con-gress 8 and SAD won 1 seat only.

In a setback to the ruling BJP, sitting Mayor andparty candidate Ravi Kant Sharma lost to AAP ri-val Damanpreet Singh. Former Mayor and BJP can-didate Davesh Moudgil also lost to AAP candidateJasbir Singh by 939 votes.

There were 6,30,311 registered voters, includ-ing 3,30,713 male and 2,99,581 female, in Chandi-

garh and over 60 per cent of them had exercisedtheir franchise on the polling day on December 24to seal the fate of 203 candidates who were in fray.


A Kanpur court has sent busi-nessman Piyush Jain to 14days of judicial custody afterraids at his residence led tothe recovery of over Rs194.45 crores of cash, 23 kggold and 600 kg sandalwood.

The Directorate Generalof GST Intelligence (DGGI)has searched for the residen-tial and factory premises ofOdochem Industries at Kan-nauj.

During the searches atKannauj, the officers have re-covered an amount of aboutRs 17 crores in cash. In addi-tion, recovery of approxi-mately 23 kgs of gold andhuge unaccounted raw mate-rials used in the manufactureof perfumery compounds, in-cluding more than 600 kgs of

sandalwood oil hidden in un-derground storage, having amarket value of about Rs 6crores, have been made.

The raid in the residentialand factory premises ofOdochem Industries is stillunderway. Meanwhile, theDGGI had informed that theaccused has admitted thatcash recovered from hispremises was related to thesale of goods without pay-ment of taxes.

"After intercepting fourtrucks operated by M/s Gan-pati Road Carriers, carryingpan masala and tobacco ofsaid brand cleared withoutpayment of GST, the officerstallied the actual stock avail-able in the factory with thestock recorded in the booksand found the shortage ofraw materials and finishedproducts.

MHA asks states, UTs tomonitor Covid situation,

imposes curbsAGENCYNEW DELHI, DEC 27

Home Ministry on Mon-day issued an order tostates and Union Territo-ries asking them to en-sure that Covid contain-ment measures are im-plemented at District lev-el as per governmentguidelines.

Home Secretary AjayBhalla also wrote a letterto the Chief Secretariesof all states and said thecountry has witnessed anoverall decline in active cas-es, however new variant,Omicron, is reported to bethree times more transmissi-ble than the Delta version.

There are 578 cases ofOmicron in India so far, hesaid. The Home Ministryasked states and Union Terri-tories to follow the normativeframework provided by theHealth Ministry advisory ofDecember 21.

The advisory asks Dis-tricts to monitor the Covidcases, notify containmentzones as required, monitorhospitals, and to increasetesting and intensifying vac-

cination drives.It also recommends im-

position of containmentmeasures if the positivity raterises over 10 per cent for aweek or hospitals have over40 per cent occupancy ofoxygen or ICU beds.

The Home Ministry or-der asks District Magistratesto strictly follow the meas-ures, and also recommendslegal action against thosewho violate the rules.

India's total tally of Omi-cron reached 578 on Mon-day, as the infection spread inthe two more states MadhyaPradesh and HimachalPradesh.

UP trader Piyush Jain sent to 14-day judicial custody followingrecovery of unaccounted cash

BJP, PLC, SAD(S) form 6 member-panel for seat sharing


Ahead of Assembly elections, Bharatiya Jana-ta Party, Shiromani Akali Dal (Sanyukt) andAmarinder Singh-led Punjab Lok Congresshave formed a six member-Committee to de-cide on seat sharing, informed Punjab BJP incharge Gajendra Singh Shekhawat.

A joint manifesto of the allies is also ex-pected to be unveiled ahead of the polls, headded.

BJP National President JP Nadda, PunjabLok Congress chief Captain AmarinderSingh, and SAD (Sanyukt) chief Sukhdev

Singh Dhindsa met Union Home MinisterAmit Shah in the national capital, along withShekhawat, on Monday.

Speaking to reporters here today,Shekhawat said, "Today the party chief of allthe 3 parties BJP, Punjab Lok Congress, andSAD (Sanyukt) headed by Dhindsa met. Wewill fight the election in an alliance. A com-mittee consisting of 2 members from eachparty will be formed to discuss the issues likeseat sharing. There will be a joint manifesto."

In November, Amarinder Singh resignedfrom the Congress and announced a new par-ty 'Punjab Lok congress' ahead of the Punjabassembly election.

Delhi reports331 newCOVID-19 casesNEW DELHI: The nation-al capital on Monday re-ported 331 new cases ofCOVID-19, which is thehighest single-day spikesince the last six months.On June 6, the capital cityreported 331 COVID-19cases.Moreover, the positivityrate in the city moved upto 0.68 per cent which isthe highest since the lastsix months. On June 2,the positivity rate was0.78 per cent.The total cases in Delhiincreased to 14,43,683with a cumulative positivi-ty rate of 4.45 per cent.Active cases are 1,289 inthe city.The total discharges fromthis virus stood at14,17,288 including 144fresh discharges.

Earlier govt ofprocrastinators neverbothered about hillpopulation: ModiMANDI: Prime Minister NarendraModi on Monday credited Hi-machal Pradesh with helping Indiaremain the pharmacy of the worldand credited the double-enginegovernment at the Centre and thestate that has developed the hillsin the past four years."Our government is working withutmost sensitivity, caution, keepingin mind people's every need.We've decided that children be-tween 15 and 18 years will be vac-cinated from January 3," he said.He said that in the past sevendecades, previous governmentsprovided 7 lakh water connectionsin Himachal Pradesh. "We did thesame in two years, that too amidCovid.""Every nation has varied ideolo-gies, but people living in these hillscan clearly see there are two ide-ologies here -- one of delay, otherof development. The procrastina-tors never cared about the peopleliving in the mountains."

Chandigarh MC polls : AAP emerges as single largest party


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Chief Editor, Dr. Chander Trikha, Managing Editor, Shashi Pal Jain, Printed and Published by Gaurav Goel for Yugmarg Prakashan from 28/1, Industrial Area Phase-II, Chandigarh and printed at Yugmarg Publications, Kurali Road, Khanpur, Kharar Distt. Mohali (PB), Ph.:(off) 0172-5002721, 2972414. E-mail: [email protected]

RNI NO. 61323/95 | Postal Code No. G/CHD/0186/2016-2018

I, Priya W/o Jasveer Singh I Avtar Singh S/o Gurdayal I, Amandeep Kaur Uppal W/o I, Gursewak Singh S/o Sham I h i t h e r t o k n o w n a s I, SACHIN BHATT S/O Rajendra I , h i t h e r t o K n o w n a s I, Renu Baweja W/o Joginder R/o Vil l : Ghauhan Teh- Singh #35 Dreamland Colony Sandeep Singh R/o Vill: Singh R/o Vill: Janer (Moga) SUKHPINDER KAUR BRAR Prasad Bhatt, R/o Vaishno Mata SUKHMINDER SINGH S/o Pal R/o H.No.1343P, Sector-Balachaur (SBS Nagar) S a n g r u r , P u n j a b h a v e Chuharpur Teh-Nawanshahr have known by both names W/O AMARJEET SINGH Mandir, Phase 3b1, S.A.S. Nagar HAKAM SINGH R/o. Village 3 Urban Estate, Tehsil c h a n g e d m y n a m e t o changed my name to Avtar (SBS Nagar) changed my G u r s e w a k S i n g h a l i a s Residing at Near water (Mohali), Sector 59, SAS Nagar Chughe Khurd, PO Behman Thanesar District Kurukshetra, Prabhjot Kaur. Singh Grewal S/o Gurdayal name to Amandeep Kaur. Sukhdev Singh. works Hari ke Kalan SRI (Mohali), Punjab-160059, have Diwana Bathinda Punjab. declare that I have changed my

63372 Singh for all future purposes. 63372 63372 MUKTSAR SAHIB Punjab- changed my name and shall have changed my name and name from Renu to Renu I Sanjeev Kumar S/o Harbans 63372 I, Suni ta Chouhan W/o I, Jaspreet Kaur Thind W/o 1 5 2 0 2 5 , I n d i a h a v e hereaf ter be Known as Shall hereafter be known Baweja. In future I may be Lal Talwandi Bhai Distt I Sumanjit Singh S/o Pavitar Rajesh Kumar R/o H.No. 84 Harwinder Singh Brar, R/o changed my name and shall MRIDUNTAKSH BHATT. SUKHMANDER SINGH. known and known as Renu Ferozpur changed my name Singh #35 Dreamland Colony S e c t o r - 2 5 P a n c h k u l a Roopa Patti VPO Rode, hereaf ter be known as 72778 72737 Baweja.Sanjeev Kumar Dhall All Note S a n g r u r , P u n j a b h a v e (Haryana) changed my name ( M o g a ) 1 4 2 0 4 9 , h a v e SUKHPINDER KAUR. It is I, NARESH KUMAR S/O I , h i t h e r t o K n o w n a s 100070It. c h a n g e d m y n a m e t o to Sunita. c h a n g e d m y n a m e t o c e r t i f i e d t h a t I h a v e Ramesh Chand, R/o Flat No- SARABJIT SINGH JASSI I Rama Bansal Alias Rama

63372 Sumanjeet Singh Grewal S/o 63372 Jaspreet Kaur Brar. complied with other legal 2079 Second Floor, Acme Hights S/o MUKHTIAR SINGH R/o. Devi W/o Dharmender R/o I D a r s a n S i n g h S / o Pavitar Singh Grewal for all I, Nazar Singh S/O Gurdev 63372 r e q u i r e m e n t s i n t h i s TDI City Sector 110-111, Near VPO Ghaloti, Tehsil Payal House No. 237 Ward No 9 Pardaman Singh R/o Sekha future purposes. Singh R/O Bondli (Ludhiana) I Brinder Singh Bangarh S/O connection CGC College, Mohali, Saneta, District Ludhiana Punjab. Cheeka Tehsil Guhla Kaithal D i s t t . ( Ludh iana ) have 63372 Have Changed My Name To A v t a r S i n g h V i l l a g e 90002 SAS Nagar ( Mohali), Punjab- have changed my name and Declare That Rama Bansal changed my name Darshan I Khushpreet Kaur D/o Najar Singh. Shamaspur, Tehsil Samrala I h i t h e r t o k n o w n a s 140306, have changed my name Shall hereafter be known Alias Rama Devi Both Are Singh. Pavitar Singh #35 Dreamland 63372 (Ludhiana) Changed My BALJINDER SINGH S/o and shall hereafter be Known as SARABJIT SINGH. My Name. I Known With

63372 Colony Sangrur, Punjab have I Manjit Singh Toor S/O Name Brinder Singh. JAGIR SINGH, Residing at NARESH MALHI.. 72737 Both Names.I, Surjeet Kaur W/O Lakhvir c h a n g e d m y n a m e t o M a g h a r R / O V i l l a g e 63372 House No. 4388, Street No. 72778 I, Gurbrinder Singh S/o 50008S i n g h R / O M a h a d i p u r Khushpreet Kaur Grewal D/o S h e r p u r K h u r d T e h s i l I Arun Kumar S/o Om 1, Kirti Nagar, Chandigarh I hither to known as Gurcharan D a r s h a n S i n g h R / o I Deepak S/o Ramkaran R/o (Ludhiana) Changed My Pavitar Singh Grewal for all Jagraon Dist t Ludhiana Parkash Jain R/o H. No. 204, Road, Focal Point, District Singh Son of Niranjan Singh Vi l l :Nepal Po:Jastarwal , Ward No.3 Assandh Tehsil Name Surjit Kaur. future purposes. Have Changee My Name To Samsons Colony, Malerkotla LUDHIANA, PUNJAB- resident of Village Jain Pur, PO Tehsil Ajnala Distt Amritsar. Assandh Distt.karnal Have

63372 63372 Manjeet Singh. D i s t t . Ma le rko t l a have 1 4 1 0 1 0 , I N D I A h a v e Sultan Pur Lodhi, Distt. P u n j a b - 1 4 3 1 0 2 h a v e Changed My Name From I , Gaganjeet Kaur W/o I Sukhchain Kaur W/o Pavitar 63372 Changed My Name Arun changed my name and shall Kapurthala , Punjab , India have changed my name and Shall Deepak To Deepak Kumar.Gurpreet Singh R/o Vill: Singh #35 Dreamland Colony I , Ani ta D/o Jaswinder Jain. hereaf ter be known as changed my name and he shall h e r e a f t e r b e k n o w n 50008J a h a n g i r T e h - P a y a l S a n g r u r , P u n j a b h a v e Singh R/o Vill: Khanpur 63372 BALJINDER VERMA. It is hereafter be known as Charan Gurbinder Singh I Supreet Kaur, daughter of (Ludhiana) changed my c h a n g e d m y n a m e t o D h a d d a T e h - N a k o d a r I Sanjay Kumar S/o Harbans c e r t i f i e d t h a t I h a v e Singh. 72737 Manjinder Singh, holder of name to Gaganjit Kaur. Sukhchain Kaur Grewal S/o (Jalandhar) changed my Lal Sector-25A complied with other legal 72778 I, Rinke Rani w/o Sh. Rajesh I n d i a n P a s s p o r t N o .

63372 Pavitar Singh Grewal for all name to Anita Kaur. M a n d i G o b i n d g a r h , r e q u i r e m e n t s i n t h i s I Harpal Singh S/0 Harbans Kumar R/o Village Sultanpur M 8 7 0 1 8 3 3 , i s s u e d a t I, Ramit S/o Rajinder Kumar future purposes. 63372 Fatehgarh Sahib Declared connection Singh R/0 H.N. 13/467/163, MC Tehsil Nilokheri Distt Karnal Amritsar, on 21/04/2015, R/o H.No. B-5/709 Waheguru 63372 I , G u r j e e t S i n g h S / o That Sanjay Kumar And 90002 Colony , Near Railway Line Have Changed My Name permanent resident of VPO N a g a r B a r n a l a R o a d I, Gurbachan Singh S/o C h a r a n j i t S i n g h R / o Sanjay Arora Those Names I h i t h e r t o k n o w n a s Banga, Distt. S.B.S.Nagar, India, From Rinki to Rinke Rani. Butala, Patti Rajpura, Tehsil Nawanshahr (SBS Nagar) Sarup Singh R/o Vill: Smalsar Machh ike (Moga) have Are Mine. B A L J E E T K A U R W / O 144505 Have Changed The Note All Releted. Baba Bakala Amritsar PIN : changed my name to Ramit Teh-Bagha Purana (Moga) changed his name Gurjeet 63372 J A S W I N D E R S I N G H , Name Of My Minor Daughter 100065 143203 Punjab, India. and Dubb. c h a n g e d m y n a m e t o Singh Duhele S/o Charanjit I Sukhvir Kaur W/O Gurdeep Residing at H.No.23227, Jasmeet Kaur Suwan To I h i t h e r t o k n o w n a s presently residing at 41

63372 Gurbachan Singh Muttar. Singh Duhele. Singh Brar R/O Vpo Akhara St.No.11, Bhai Matti Dass Jasmeet Kaur T a r l o c h a n s i n g h s / o S a d d l e s t o n e L i n k N E , I Balraj Singh Sandhu S/o 63372 63372 T e h s i l J a g r a o n D i s t t Nagar, Bathinda, Punjab, 72778 N a r a n j a n s i n g h r / o Calgary, Alberta, T3J2B6, H a r b a n s S i n g h V i l l - I Bharpoor Singh alias Bhura I, Chand Singh S/O Gurjant Ludhiana Have Change My India, have changed my I, Suman Rani D/o No. vpo.Bara Sidhpur tehsi l do he reby change My Dassuwal Teh-Patt i Dist t Singh S/o Data Ram R/o S ingh R/O Da l lu Wala Name Sukhvir Kaur Brar. name and shall hereafter be 11021091W, Ex- Hav Late Sh. Nakodar District jalandhar name from Supreet Kaur Tarntaran have changed Ward No. 12, Bhikhi (Mansa) (Moga) Have Changed My 63372 known as PARAMJEET Kuldip Singh residence of have changed my name and T o S u p r e e t B a l , w i t h my name to Balraj Singh. declares that above both Name As Chand Singh I Shashi Bhushan Bansal S/o KAUR. It is certified that I Mohalla Buddi Paro, Vill. shall hereafter be known as immediate effect.

63372 names are of same person Guru. Amrit Lal R/o Rampura Phul have complied with other Janauri , Tehsi l & Distt . Tarlochan singh sidhu. All 90003I, Rajvinde r Kau r W / o (me). 63372 Distt Bathinda have changed legal requirements in this Hoshiarpur, Punjab has note please. I Ajit Singh son of Sh. Devi Bean t S i ngh R /o H . No . 63372 I, Neelam W/o Inderjit Singh my name to Shashi Bhushan. connection changed my name Suman Lata 100066 Singh, resident of Ward 1, 249 W . No . 3 M o r i nda I Harwinder Kaur a l ias R / o V p o . P o s s i T e h - 63372 90002 to Suman Rani I hitherto known as Baljeet Rampura Road, Safidon, ( R o p a r ) c h a n g e d m y Sarabjeet Kaur W/o Bharpoor Garhshankar (Hoshiarpur) I h i t h e r t o k n o w n a s I h i t h e r t o k n o w n a s 72778 kaur w/o Tarlochan singh Distt . Jind (Haryana) have n a m e t o R a j w i n d e r Singh R/o Ward No. 12, Punjab, India, changed my N A V N E E T K A U R W / O AMARJEET SINGH BRAR I Amrik Lali S/o Bhajan Lali R/o r/o vpo.Bara Sidhpur tehsil changed my name from Ajit Kau r . Bhikhi (Mansa) declares that name to Neelam Kaur. H A R B I N D E R S I N G H S / O J A G D E V S I N G H V . Nanga l Shama PO. Nakodar District jalandhar Singh Mehandwar to Ajit

63372 above both names are of 63372 residing at kothi faiz Ganga Residing at Near water Ladhewali Jalandhar have have changed my name and Singh.I M an i nde r Kau r W/O same person (me). I, Gurpreet Singh Khatkar Nagar road Abohar distt works Hari ke Kalan SRI changed my name from Amrik shall hereafter be known as 98732M ah i nde r S i ngh , V i l l age 63372 S/o Nirmal Singh R/o Vpo. fazilka Punjab have changed MUKTSAR SAHIB Punjab- Lali to Amrik Singh. Baljeet kaur sidhu. All note I Ravinder Brar S/o Baldev K a l j h a r a n i D i s t t . I , M o h i n d e r S i n g h @ M a n g u w a l T e h - my name and shall hereafter 1 5 2 0 2 5 , I n d i a h a v e 72778 please. S ingh Vp0 Khippanwal i B a t h i n d a C h a n g e d M y Ginder Singh S/o Kunda Nawanshahr (SBS Nagar) be known as NAVNEET changed my name and shall I, KIRANDEEP KAUR W/O 100066 Tehsil Abohar Distt Fazilka Nam e Cha ran j ee t Kau r . Singh R/o Mahal Kalan c h a n g e d m y m i n o r SANDHU. it is certified that i hereaf ter be known as KAMAL KUMAR, R/O VPO I Parwinder Singh Son Of Have Changed To My Name

63372 ( B a r n a l a ) c h a n g e d m y d a u g h t e r ’ s n a m e f r o m have completed with other AMARJEET SINGH. It is BEHRAM, DISTT SBS NAGAR Kuldip Singh Holder Of Ravinder Singh I , S a n d e e p K a u r D / o name to Ginder Singh. K o m a l p r e e t K a u r t o legal requirements in this c e r t i f i e d t h a t I h a v e has changed my name and I I n d i a n P a s s s p o r t N o . 62647Ba l r ee t S i n gh R /o Vpo . 63372 Komalpreet Khatkar. connection. complied with other legal want KAUR as my Surname. J 6 7 8 1 2 7 7 I s s u e d A t B a r u n d i T e h - R a i k o t I , B h i n d e r K a u r W / o 63372 90002 r e q u i r e m e n t s i n t h i s 72778 Jalandhar On 16/3/2012 (Ludh i ana ) c hanged m y Jaswinder Singh Vill-Khurd I , Veeran W/o Sanjeev I h i t h e r t o k n o w n a s connection I, Navdeep Jangra W/o Permanent Resident Of Vpo n a m e f r o m S a n d e e p T e h - A h m e d g a r h D i s t t Kumar R/o H.No.35/8 Pritam SATINDER KAUR SIDHU 90002 Harjinder Bhela S/o Madan Lal, N a n g a l L u b a n a Kau r Pannu t o Sandeep Malerkotla has changed Nagar Civil City Ludhiana D/O BINDER SINGH W/O I , h i t h e r t o K n o w n a s R/o H.No. 751-52, Street No. 5, ,kapurthala, Punjab,india Kau r . her name to Mahinder Changed Name Veeran. HARJINDERPAL SINGH RAJBIR KAUR SAMRA Krishna Colony, Rohon Road, And Presently Residing At

63372 Kaur. 63372 Residing at House NEAR Wife of KHUSHWINDER Ludhiana, have changed my 30748 Cardinal Avenue I P a v i t a r S i n g h S / o 63372 I, Pawanpreet Kaur W/o MAAN SINGH WALA ROAD PAL residing at Patt i name Navdeep Jangra to Abbotsford Bc Canada Do A v t a r S i n g h # 3 5 I , S a r b j i t K a u r W / o H a r s i m r a n S i n g h R / o MUKAND SINGHWALA SRI Chardi, VPO Chabba, Tarn Navdeep Bhela. Hereby Change My Name D r e a m l a n d C o l o n y Harjinder Singh Thind Vill- H.No.2467 Krishana Nagar MUKTSAR SAHIB Punjab- Ta ran Road , Amr i t sa r - 72778 From Parwinder Singh To S a n g r u r , P u n j a b h a v e B i s h a n g a r h T e h - Ghumar Mandi Ludhiana 151212, India have changed 1 4 3 0 2 2 P u n j a b h a v e I H a r n i n d e r K a u r w / o Parwinder Singh Lubana c h a n g e d m y n a m e t o A h m e d g a r h D i s t t C h a n g e d N a m e my name and shall hereafter changed my name and Mohinderpal Singh r/o VPO With Immediate Effect.P a v i t a r S i n g h G r e w a l Malerkotla has changed her Pawanpreet Kaur. be known as SATINDER Shall hereafter be known as Berchha Tehsil Dasuya Distt. 98706S / o Av t a r S i ngh G rewa l name to Sarbjit Kaur Thind. 63372 KAUR. It is certified that I RAJBIR KAUR. Hoshiarpur. That my name I Sindhu Kumari wife of f o r a l l f u t u re pu rpos es . 63372 I , K a r a m j i t S i n g h S / o have complied with other 900020 w r o n g l y m e n t i o n e d a s Service No. 17005727N

63372 J o g i n d e r S i n g h R / o legal requirements in this I , h i t h e r t o K n o w n a s Harm inde r Kau r i n my C F N M i t h i l e s h K u m a r H . N o . 1 6 W . N o . 1 6 connection K H U S H W I N D E R P A L Husband’s Pension Book resident of village Kelawari, Nachttar Singh Wali Gali 90002 SINGH CHABBA Son of bearing PPO No.193210. That P O J o t g o v i n d , T e h s i l Moga Punjab PIN-142001 I hitherto known as BALDEV B A K H S H I S H S I N G H my true and correct name is N a u g a c h i a , D i s t r i c t Have Changed My Name SINGH S/o PARMJEET residing at Patti Chardi, Harninder Kaur. B h a g a l p u r ( B i h a r ) h a v e To Karamjeet Singh Gill. SINGH, Residing at House VPO Chabba, Tarn Taran 72778 changed my date of birth

63372 No. 10731, Street No. 8, Kot Road , Amr i t sa r -143022 I, hitherto Known as I, Anju f r o m 1 0 . 2 . 1 9 9 6 t o I, Pratibha W/o Harjinder Manga l S ingh , D is t r i c t Punjab have changed my Ahluwalia W/O Sanjay Gulati, 10.2.1997 vide affidavit no. S i n g h R / o H . N o . 1 6 2 LUDHIANA, PUNJAB- name and Shall hereafter R/O H.No. 18, Brahm Nagar, A U 3 7 2 0 7 8 d a t e d 2 4 Dashmesh Colony Noorwala 1 4 1 0 0 3 , I N D I A h a v e b e k n o w n a s Lawrance Road Amritsar Dec,2021 before Natary Road Ludhiana Changed changed my name and shall K H U S H W I N D E R P A L Punjab-143001 have changed Pub l ic , D is t r i c t Cour ts , Name Pratibha Kaur. hereafter be known as SINGH. my name and Shall hereafter Kapurthala, Punjab .

63372 RAJVEER SINGH. It is 900020 be known as Anju Gulati. 98706I, Arnav S/o Alok Bansal certified that I have complied I, Om Parkash S/o Late 72737 I Anmol son o f Ka i lash R/o H.No.3942 Sec 32A with other legal requirements Ganda Ram R/o H.No. 212, I, hitherto Known as I, Rajinder C h a n d e r r e s i d e n t o f Chandigarh Road Ludhiana in this connection Gali No. 10, Avtar Nagar, Singh S/o Ajit Singh, R/o Ward VPO Subhanpur , D is t r i c t Changed Name Arnav 90002 B e h i n d T V C e n t e r , N o . 5 , N e a r K a l g i d h a r K a p u r t h a l a - 1 4 4 6 0 1 , Bansal. I hitherto known as PANKAJ Ja landhar dec la re tha t Gurudwara, VPO- Ajnala, P u n j a b h a v e c h a n g e d

63372 TULI S/O PARDEEP KUMAR Parkash Verma and Om Tehsil Ajnala, Distt Amritsar my name f rom Anmol to I, Neeta D/o Resham Singh Residing at VPO ABUL Verma Both name are mine Punjab-143102 have changed A n m o l K u m a r . A l l R/o H.No.269 Regar Basti KHRANA SRI MUKTSAR and one and same Person. my name and Shall hereafter concerned p lease no te .Moga Changed Name Neeta SAHIB Punjab-152114, India 72778 be known as Rajinder Singh 98706Kaur. have changed my name and I, Lovepreet Prashar S/o Nijjar. I P r a b h j o t S / O V i n o d

63372 shall hereafter be known as Kamaljit R/o Vill. Thabalke, 72737 Kumar R /O #63 Ra jau l i I , Gu rmee t Kau r W/o MANPREET KUMAR. It is P . O . J a n d i a l a , T e h s i l I , hi therto Known as I, T e h s i l B a r a r a D i s t r i c t Gurdev Singh R/o Dhanaula certified that I have complied Nakodar, Distt. Jalandhar Amandeep Kaur W/o Rajinder Amba la (Haryana) INDIA Teh-Khamano (Fatehgarh with other legal requirements in (Pb.), have changed my Singh Nijjar, R/o Ward No.5, s t a t e s t h a t i h a v e Sahib) changed my name to this connection n a m e f r o m L o v e p r e e t Near Kalgidhar Gurudwara, changed my name f rom Gurmit Kaur. 90002 P r a s h a r t o L o v e p r e e t VPOAjnala, Tehsil Ajnala, Distt P a r b h j o t S i n g h t o

63372 I h i t h e r t o k n o w n a s Prashar Bawa. Amritsar Punjab-143102 have Prabhjot. From today i AMANDEEP KAUR BRAR 72778 changed my name and Shall wi l l be known from my D/O IQBAL SINGH Residing I,Vikas Dhawan S/O Madan hereaf te r be known as n e w n a m e f o r a l l at Village Phulewala PO La l Dhawan ,R /o H .No - Amandeep Kaur Nijjar. purposes i .e . Prabhjot . Rupana SRI MUKTSAR 1104, Sector-67, S.A.S. 72737 Please note i t .SAHIB Punjab -152025, India Nagar ( Mohali), SAS Nagar I , h i t h e r t o K n o w n a s 100068have changed my name and (Mohal i) , Punjab-160062 SUKHWINDER KAUR D/o I , Manp ree t Singh S/o S. shall hereafter be known as have changed the name of B A B A R S I N G H W / o Balwinder Singh R/o VPO AMANDEEP KAUR. It is m y m i n o r S o n K a v y a SANDEEP SINGH R/o. village Marar, Teh. Batala, Distt. ce r t i f i ed tha t I have Dhawan aged about 15 Sangatpura Teshil Lehra Distt Gurdaspur have changed my complied with other legal Y e a r s a n d H e s h a l l Sangrur Punjab. have changed name from Manpreet Singh to r e q u i r e m e n t s i n t h i s hereaf ter be known as my name and Shall hereafter Manpreet Singh Boparai. All connection Saharsh Dhawan be known NAVDEEP KAUR. concerned may note.

90002 72778 72737 600022


I, No 18005482Y NK Satish Kumar S/o Parmpal Singh of 235 ENGR/ Regt Resident of Village Kohar Post-Kohar, Teh-B h i w a n i D i s t r i c t B h i w a n i Haryana Pin 127111 has changed my mother name from Sar t i Dev i to Mur t i Dev i Affidavit dated 14-12-2021 Distt court bathinda.

63372I, No 18005482Y NK Satish Kumar S/o Parmpal Singh of 235 ENGR/ Regt Resident of Village Kohar Post-Kohar, Teh-B h i w a n i D i s t r i c t B h i w a n i Haryana Pin 127111 has changed my fother name from Rampal to Rampal Singh Affidavit dated 14-12-2021 Distt court bathinda.

63372 I, Nirmal Kaur W/o JC348344P Ex-Sub Maj H/Capt Bakhshish Singh R/o Sant Nagar Moga Teh & D is t t . Moga (PB) 142001, dec lare tha t my correct date of birth is 02-05-1962 my Aadhar Card No. is 4190-3375-0146.

63372I, Ahsan S/o Reshmadin R/o village Jainpur Sadhan, Tehsil Indri district Karnal inform that my son Kadir Khan and his wife Ramina are out of hearing. That's why I have evicted them f r o m m y m o v a b l e a n d immovable property. My family will not be responsible for their actions and transactions in future.


It is brought to the Notice of the Public at large that the Original Transfer deed No. 1314 dated 27.9.2017 executed by Darshan Kumar son of Raja Ram in favour of Ramandeep son of Darshan Kumar son of Raja Ram in original have been lost and is informed by the party to have not been mortgaged with any Bank or Financial Institution and the same has been lost. If anybody has any objection regarding the mortgaging of the same, may respond within fourteen days, to the undersigned. After the expiry of the stipulated period of Fourteen days, no claim whatsoever shall be entertained. The detail of the property is as under: -Detail of property:Property measuring 4 Marla 8 Sarsai comprised in Khasra No.93/26(0-4-8), Khata No.74/75, Jamabandie for the year 2015-16, Situated within the revenue limits of Bhucho Mandi, Tehsil Nathana District Bathinda standing in name of Dimple Bansal wife of Vipan Kumar son of Sadhu Ram. KULDEEP SINGLA, ADVOCATE, CHAMBER NO.646, DISTRICT COURTS, BATHINDA-151001, M.NO. 9356445777






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All public problemswill be solved:Sandeep SinghDEEPAK SHARMAISMAILABAD: Sports MinisterSandeep Singh said that not a singlepublic problem will be allowed in thenext one year. Problems will be solvedby reaching among villages and sittingamong the villagers. He was speakingat an honours function organised by theArhtiya Association at Anaj Mandi here.Sandeep Singh said that the officer andemployee whom the public will declareas idle will be dismissed immediately.On this occasion, the head of Mandi As-sociation Rajesh Kansal handed overthe demand letter of 15 problems.Sandeep Singh immediately instructedthe market committee on the spot to re-move the problem of water filling fromboth the gates of the grain mandi.He assured the farmers of Punjab tomeet the demand for crop registrationfacility, construction of parks, construc-tion of stadiums and streets. On this oc-casion, Puneet Mal, Prahlad BhagatSharma, Sarpanch Sanjeev Arora, Chi-ranjeev Garg, Rajesh Kansal, BaldevSharma, Puneet Bansal, Dinesh Garg,Lakhbir Singh, Jinderpal Sharma andMohan Lal Garg, President of Rice MillAssociation presented souvenirs toSandeep Singh. Arriving at Kamala En-gineering, Sandeep was welcomed byVinod Goyal, Chairman, MPM CollegeCommittee. Sandeep Singh said thataid will be given to this college for girls.A regular sports academy will be set upin it. He also assured to prepare a sep-arate training ground for the youth whoare getting ready for recruitment in thearmy and police.

Entry to district officesrestricted only to fullyvaccinated from Jan 1SD SHARMAPANCHKULA: After a crucial meetingthe Medical, Police and MC authoritiesthe Panchkula Deputy commissionerMahavir Kaushik IAS has strictly re-stricted the entry of general public andemployees who had been administeredboth doses of vaccine from January2022. None else without taking bothdoses will be allowed entry. Besides thegovernment or private offices the visi-tors will not be allowed to visit the Veg-etable market, Bar, Restaurant, Grainmarkets, Kriyana stores, Liquor vends,Malls, Shopping complexes, Malls, localbazaars, Bus stand, Railway station,Religious places, cinema halls, Petrolpumps, CNG Station, Petrol pumps,milk booths, all Banks, educational in-stitutions, Gyms, Yogshalas,Parks andall other places with crowd. Sh. Kaushik disclosed that while Firstdose of Covid19 had been adminis-tered to 100 percent in the district theremaining 86.9 will be given before FirstJanuary and such persons should en-sure to get vaccinated before the dead-line of First January 2022.All personsare advised to carry the vaccinationcertificate. Those persons who do notuses Smart phones can show the SMSreceived from Crown portal. PanchkulaSDM Rich Rathi, CTM Simranjit KaurKalka SDM Mamta Sharma,NishaSharma MC Besides Dr RajivNarwal,Dr Meenu Sasan from Civil hos-pital and Incident commanders partici-pated in themeeting.

Taraori MC to holdcontest to stir publicinterest in hygieneROHIT LAMSARTARAORI: Taraori MC is rapidly ad-vancing its preparations to get a re-spectable ranking in Swachh Survey2022. For this, in order to increase thecuriosity and interest towards hygieneamong the people of Nagarpalika city, acompetition is going to be held on thesubject of hygiene among hotels,dhabas, hospitals, schools and variousassociations. Taraori MC will honor thebest institutions according to the ranking.In the city, people are being made awareof hygiene by hotels, dhabas, hospitals,schools, various associations as well asmotivators Rajwanti and Parvinder Singhin the city's market, vegetable mandi andgrain mandi. By going door to door to theshops, the shopkeepers are being ex-plained about the importance of dustbinsand the soluble waste and intolerablewaste dumped in these bins. People arealso being made aware to take specialcare of cleanliness in the places around them.




Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lalon Monday inaugurated IntegratedPack House cum Crop Cluster Centreat Taraori in Karnal district set up at acost of about Rs. 5.50 crore. In this,tomatoes, bitter gourd, ghee and okraand other vegetables produced by thefarmers can be stored for a long time,which will give good profits to thefarmers. Haryana Agriculture Minis-ter, JP Dalal was also present on theoccasion.

After the inauguration, the ChiefMinister said that this pack housewould play an important role in pro-moting agricultural diversificationand help in achieving the aim of theHaryana Government of doubling theincome of the farmers. This is the 7thpack house of the state, for which thegovernment has given a loan of Rs.5.50 crore, on which a subsidy ofabout Rs. 4 crore will be given. To en-

courage small farmers, the Haryanagovernment is giving such loans, onwhich heavy subsidy is provided.

He said that 50 more pack housesand crop cluster centres would be es-tablished in the state, which would in-crease the income of the farmers. Toencourage the farmers of the state tomake such pack houses, 70 to 80 per-cent subsidy is given, for strengthen-

ing them financially. Along with increasing the income

of farmers, pack houses will alsoserve as an employment opportunityfor workers. He said that this packhouse has facilities for washing, sort-ing, cleaning, packing and cold stor-age of vegetables, so that vegetablescan be kept safe for a long time.



An annual celebration wasorganized at Government Se-nior Secondary School, Prat-ap Nagar, where Haryana Ed-ucation and Forest MinisterChaudhary Kanwar Pal waspresent as the chief guest.

He announced a grant ofRs. 5 lakh for the develop-ment of the school. DistrictEducation Officer SatpalKaushik, Section EducationOfficer Kailash Kumari werealso present as special guests.The program was started bythe Education Minister ofHaryana by lighting a lamp.

Colourful programs werepresented by the school chil-dren in the programme. Dis-trict Education Officer SatpalKaushik said that HaryanaEducation Minister Chaud-hary Kanwar Pal Gujjar re-ceived his education fromthis school and today we arefeeling proud that Kanwar

Pal who received educationin his building was the edu-cation minister of the state to-day.

In his address, HaryanaEducation Minister Chaud-hary Kanwar Pal said that to-day Haryana is setting newrecords in the field of educa-tion. He appreciated all thestaff of Pratap Nagar Schoolfor their excellent work in thefield of education and on theoccasion meritorious stu-dents of Pratap Nagar Schoolwere also honoured.

The children who pre-sented colourful programswere also honored by the Ed-ucation Minister by givingprizes. Also present on theoccasion were Vijay Singla,General Secretary of PratapNagar BJP Mandal, KailashChand Sharma, former Man-dal President, BalwinderMuzaffar Kala, General Sec-retary of BJP Mandal, Gau-rav Gupta, Vinod Nambardar,Sandeep Gupta, PrincipalRam Kumar and Ashok Ku-mar Dhiman.

Kanwar Pal visits alma mater GSSS PratapNagar, announces Rs 5 lakh grant

64th accused held in police paper leak caseRanvir ParasharKAITHAL: While the Kaithal police has been achieving continuous success in the Haryana policeconstable paper leak case, the wanted accused in the said case are being arrested. Another ac-cused wanted in the said case was arrested by CIA-1 on Sunday. The mobile phone used in the inci-dent was recovered from his possession. A total of 64 accused have so far been arrested by theKaithal police in the case. The accused was remanded in judicial custody on Monday as per thecourt order. Superintendent of Police Lokendra Singh said that during the investigation of the sepoypaper leak case by the team of Inspector Amit Kumar in charge of CIA-1, 25-year-old accused Ravi,resident Sudkain Kalan District Jind wanted in the said case was arrested. A total of 64 accused, in-cluding all the 11 reward accused, have been arrested by the Kaithal police in the case.

CM inaugurates Pack Houseand Kisan Samridhi Shivir

Yamunagar’s first neck stentingprocedure performed

RAJNI SONIYAMUNANAGAR: The carotid artery stenting has been done for thefirst time in Yamunanagar by cardiologist Dr Ish kalra at Gaba Hospital,Yamunanagar.A 55 yrs old female patient was admitted in hospital with weakness ofone side of body and giddiness. On investigation it was found that shehas one 99% blocked carotid artery.To treat her giddiness and to prevent any further attack of stroke thecarotid artery stenting was done.Carotid artery is a vessel in the neck and there are two carotid arterieson either side of the neck which supply blood to the brain.This procedure is done by puncture in groin or hand artery and therewas no incision or anesthesia was given.Stent was put in the artery toopen the blockage, , informed Dr Kalra.There are two ways to treat this blockage, one is by the surgery whichis a major operation and the second is without any operation in whichblockage is opened by stenting, said Dr Kalra.Stenting is more safer and patient is discharged within 2-3 days.Afterthe procedure patient have to take blood thinners and patient can re-sume his work in 1 week, said Dr Karla

Increase in pesticide use leadingto high cancer cases: Expert

RINKU GONDARNISING: According to the Department of Agriculture, pesticides are be-ing used on an average 3 to 4 times in crops from sowing to harvestingall over the country, due to which pesticide residues are being found inlarge quantities in grains and vegetables and this can lead to diseaseslike cancer. The Indian Council for Medical Research (Indian Council ofMedical Research) has stated in its study that the number of cancer pa-tients in the country has increased by 1.72 million in the year 2020, dueto the increasing use of pesticides along with tobacco consumption inthe country.Dr. Radhe Syam Gupta, BAO of the Department of Agriculture, said thatthe pesticide damages the part of the body through which it passes. Es-pecially to the lungs, kidneys, liver and throat. Gradually increasing theamount, it also dissolves in the blood and becomes a risk of blood can-cer. Pesticides also have a bad effect on the nervous system. Statisticsare also giving the characteristics of how much the use of pesticides isincreasing exponentially. In the country where 2000 tons of pesticideswere consumed in 1950, today it has increased to 90 thousand tons.Whereas in the 60s, pesticides were sprayed in 6.4 lakh hectares in thecountry, now pesticides are being sprayed in 1.5 crore hectares, due towhich the quantity of pesticides in the grains, fruits, vegetables and oth-er agricultural products produced in India is exceeding the set limit.


Trishul Diksha and Shaurya Sancha-lan programme was organised onbehalf of Bajrang Dal in Jathalana inwhich Trishul Diksha of more than300 members took place. ShauryaSanchalan was organised after Tr-ishul Diksha. There was a lot of en-thusiasm among the members andpeople of the area. During this, themembers taking Trishul Dikshawere administered oath to protect religionand country. Members from Radaur andJathalana blocks participated in the pro-gramme. Convener Sushil Chaudhary wasthe chief guest. Co-convenor BharatBhushan, Kurukshetra department conven-er Rakesh Gurjar, Ambala department headJai Karna Singh, district president AnandKumar, Satnam Arya, Karmachand Dusaniand Udayveer Shastri were the keynote

speakers. The keynote speaker SushilChaudhary said that today, under the guiseof religion, efforts are being made to breakand traumatise Hindu culture for which weall need to be vigilant. The Hindus are alsobeing misled by this work being done on alarge scale. We have to try to save Hinduculture from this conspiracy and stop thosewho are trying to alienate Hinduism fromdoing so.

Attempts being made todesecrate Hindu culture: Salil


Today in State High School Ramsaran Majra,the day of martyrdom of Baba Sahib JorawarSingh and Baba Fateh Singh and Mata GujriKaur, the youngest sons of the tenth fatherGuru Gobind Singh was observed. On this oc-casion, tea and biscuits were given to the chil-dren in the school by the school staff. Princi-pal of the school Jaspal Singh, while address-ing the children, said that the Sahibzadas ofGuru Gobind Singh, while remaining stead-fast on religion, gave their lives for the pro-tection of religion which we all bow down to-day. He said that today's youth should learnfrom the martyrdom of Guru Gobind SinghJi's Sahibzads and should remain steadfast onhonesty and truthfulness towards their reli-gion and country in every possible way. Jas-pal Singh said that who can forget the martyr-dom of the fathers of the tenth father GuruGobind Singh for the protection of religion.

With the martyrdom of Sahibzadas ofGuru Gobind Singh, it was as if the walls ofSirhand also trembled and everyone criedwhen they heard about the barbari torture hap-pening with the little children. He said thatBaba Ajit Singh and Jujhar Singh, the elder

sons of Guru Gobind Singh, were martyredwhile fighting the Mughals in the battle ofChamkaur. Baba Ajit Singh and Jujhar Singh,the elder sons of Guru Gobind Singh, weremartyred while fighting the Mughals in thebattle of Chamkaur. He got this martyrdom on22nd December and 27th December 1704when Baba Ajit Singh was only 17 years oldwhile Baba Jujhar Singh was only 13 yearsold. Karnail Singh, Ram Kumar, Praveen Ku-mar, Jagbir Singh, Satbir Singh, OriginalHeadmaster Karna Singh, Tajinder Singh,Pakanj Basanl, Deva Singh, Amita Rani,Pushpa Devi, Santosh and other staff werepresent on this occasion.

Martyrdom day of Sahibzadasand Mata Gujri observed

BJP developing all sections: Ved Pal

JASWINDER SHARMAKARNAL: The Executive committee meeting of Bharatiya Janata PartyYuva Morcha was held at local Krishna Mandir, Karnal. Apart from BJPstate general secretary Advocate Ved Pal, BJP district president Yogen-dra Rana and BJP Yuva Morcha district president Lalit Dabda werepresent on this occasion. In his address on this occasion, Advocate VedPal said that BJP is the only party which thinks about serving the nation,welfare of the people, development of the country. He said that BJP isdifferent from other political parties. Even in a tragedy like coronaviruson the instructions of BJP organisation, BJP workers especially YuvaMorcha and Kisan Morcha served the Covid-19 victims with dedication,which is commendable. BJP is developing all sections and the interestof all sections is safe in the party.On this occasion, he gave complete information about his tenure in theparty till now. BJP district president Yogendra Rana, who was presenton the occasion, while giving information about the upcoming pro-gramme of the party, said that on the occasion of Amrit Mahotsav,wreaths were laid on the portrait of Netaji in the morning on January 23in the number of at least 75 people in every ward and panchayat. Whileoffering, hoist the tricolour and honour the soldiers of Azad Hind Fauj ortheir families with Vandemataram singing.

Vij’s decisiondiscriminatory: Tarlochan


Congress district convener Tarlochan Singh has saidthat this order of state health minister Anil Vij is Tugh-

laqi in which he hassaid that after one Janu-ary, that entry in publicplaces will not be possi-ble who have not takentwo Covid vaccines Hesaid that only 50 percent of the people in thestate have been vacci-nated so far. Apart fromthis, the second vacci-nation is being givenafter 84 days. Policewill get the right to tor-ture people.

He said that itwould have been better

if the government had made arrangements for vaccina-tion from house to house. Minister Vij gave orderswithout thinking. He said that the BJP is raining orderson people. There is dissatisfaction. He said what willhappen to schools and colleges after this order. Whatwill happen to offices? If someone got the first vaccinein December then the second vaccine will be given inMarch. He appealed to Health Minister Anil Vij to re-consider his decision Stay tuned.

Janata School students visitMata Vaishno Devi

NIRMAL SAINIRADAUR: A religious procession was organised on behalf ofJanata Public School, Alahar in which students and teachersvisited Mata Vaishno Devi Dham. During the visit, the studentsvisited Mother's Charan Paduka, Ardhakumari, Mother's MainDham and other religious places. The students enjoyed the tripand learned about their religion and culture. School managerMukesh Shastri said that instead of teaching children to be-come Santa Claus by blindly imitating western civilisation, theyshould be made aware of their religion and culture and identifyits original form. From time to time many programmes are or-ganised by the school to acquaint the children with their cultureand religion so that children become aware of their culture. Aspecial prayer meeting is being organised in the school remem-bering Guru Gobind Singh from 20 December. Gurbani is alsobeing held.

Relief given to relatives ofyouth killed in mishap

GOLDY CHUGHSHAHABAD: On the night of Diwali on November 5, the relatives of theyouth killed in the Nalvi-Shahabad road accident were handed overcheques of assistance amount of Rs. 2 lakhs to three and s 3 lakhs totwo people. The cheque was handed over to CM Secretary KrishnaBedi and Aadesh Group Chairman Dr. H.S. Gill handed it over to rela-tives on Monday. It is noteworthy that five youth Brijpal and Ankit resi-dent Basantpur, Vishal resident Nalvi, Goldie resident Jainpur andGurmeet resident Boripur were killed in this accident out of whichGoldie and Gurmeet Aadesh were working in the hospital.CM Secretary Krishna Bedi met Chief Minister Manohar Lal and recom-mended giving financial help to these poor families as the young chil-dren of these families had passed away. On behalf of Aadesh Hospital,cheques of assistance amounting Rs. 3 lakhs each were given to twoyouth and Rs. 2 lakh to three people. CM's political Secretary, KrishanBedi said that this amount has been provided for the purpose of sharingthe grief of these families. He met CM Manohar Lal and Aadesh GroupChairman Dr. H.S. and expressed gratitude to Gill.


Haryana Home and Health Minister AnilVij inaugurated residential buildings forwomen trainees at Haryana Police Acad-emy. On this occasion, Haryana DirectorGeneral of Police of PK Agarwal, Man-aging Director of Haryana Police Hous-ing Corporation Dr. RC Mishra werealso present.

With the construction of these build-ings, the accommodation capacity fortrainees in Haryana Police Academy hasincreased from 1914 to 2810. This is thefirst visit of Home and Health MinisterAnil Vij to Madhuban campus. He alsotook salute of the armed detachment onreaching Madhuban. Haryana DirectorGeneral of Police PK Agarwal also pre-sented him a memento on the occasion.

Academy Director Dr. C.S. Raowelcomed the Home and Health Minis-ter. He provided information to the Min-ister about various training programs

and training structures being run byHaryana Police Academy. Anil Vij visit-ed the administrative and training build-ing, restaurant, hospital, gymnasium,Harshvardhan auditorium of the acade-my located on Haryana Police Campusand gave directions. The constructionwork of these four modern residentialbuildings for women police trainees, in-augurated by the Minister of Home andHealth, has been completed in a recordtime of 27 months. With the construc-

tion of these buildings, modern accom-modation facility has been made avail-able for 896 more female trainees. Eachof these buildings also has a recreationroom, gym and staff room. AdditionalSuperintendent of Police of the Acade-my Pushpa Khatri on this occasion ex-pressed his gratitude to the Minister of Home and Health, MLA of GharaundaAssembly constituency, Director Gener-al of Police Haryana and all those pres-ent.

Vij inaugurates residential buildingsfor trainee women cops

Govt determined to increasethe income of farmersROHIT LAMSARTARAORI: Chief Minister, Sh. ManoharLal said that the government is deter-mined to increase the income of farm-ers and new steps are being taken forthis. The benefits of schemes related tofarmers are now being sent directly tothe accounts. For the prosperity of thefarmers, Kisan Samridhi Shivir is beingorganized by the Agriculture and allieddepartments, in which Agriculture, Hor-ticulture, Fisheries and Animal Hus-bandry departments are participating.




Arora distributes langar on Jor melaSUNAM (SUMER GARG): On the occasionof Shaheedi Jor mela, a langar dedicated to themartyrdom of younger sons of Guru GobindSingh Ji and Mata Gujri Ji was set up by localAAP MLA, Aman Arora at his residence here.While distributing the langar, Mr.Arora saidthat we all should rise above the castism andfollow the path shown to us by our great martyrs.


Punjab Chief Minister CharanjitSingh Channi on Monday assured thepeople that the previous SAD-BJP al-liance government in the state wouldbe made accountable for the betrayalcommitted against Punjab and itspeople during its decade long mis-rule.

He said that people of the stateowe an explanation from Akalis forpushing the youth into drugs, sacri-lege cases and bringing the state onthe brink of economic disaster addingthe beginning has already been madewith the registration of FIR againstformer Akali Minister Bikram SinghMajithia. While addressing a mam-moth gathering here in the local grainmarket during the state level functionto hand over the Sanads of five marlaplot each to the houseless people, CMChanni blamed the SAD leadershipfor cahoots with the PM NarendraModi led BJP government at Centrefor the implementation of three blackfarm laws. He said Harsimrat KaurBadal was the part and parcel of Cen-tral Cabinet which was instrumental

in getting these draconian lawsframed and finally she was forced toquit the Cabinet in wake of wide-spread angst of people especially thefarmers. He further said that SAD andBJP both were equal partners in aconspiracy to finish the peasantry inthe state through these three anti-farmer legislations. Channi said theunprecedented victory of farmers wasan outcome of enormous contributionof every section of the society. Thefarmers fought this battle from theforefront and registered a historic winadding he said for which the Punjabgovernment extended its wholeheart-

ed support from day one and was thefirst one to revoke these anti-farmlaws and all the demands of all farm-ers’ unions were met in a speciallyconvened meeting with them. Show-ing solidarity with the victim familiesof farmers who died during the year-long agitation at the borders of na-tional capital, CM Channi said thathis government had already givengovernment jobs to the eligible mem-bers besides giving financial assis-tance of Rs. 5 lakh each in this hourof grief. Listing the major pro-peopleinitiatives taken by his government,CM Channi said that the arrears of

electricity bills worth Rs. 1500 crorehave already been waived off besidesslashing the rate of electricity by Rs.3per unit thus benefitting every cate-gory of the consumers. Likewise, thestate government has already can-celled the Power Purchase Agree-ments (PPAs) done by the previousgovernment with a sole objective tobenefit the private players. Similarly,the pending bills of drinking water invillages have also been waived off be-sides reducing the water tariff ratesfrom Rs. 160 in villages and Rs. 250in urban areas to just Rs. 50 permonth.

SAD-BJP govt to be made accountable forbetrayal committed against Punjab: Channi

ADC orderssuspension of NC clerkASHOK KAURAPHAGWARA: Jalandhar AdditionalDeputy Commissioner (ADC) (urbandevelopment has orderedsuspension of Nurmahal Nagarcouncil’s works clerk. ADCHimanshu Jain in an officialcommunication to NC executiveofficer said that he has visitedNurmahal some months ago andchecked development works.Communication said that duringchecking some short comings weredetected and works clerk DineshKumar was directed to note theseshortcomings and remove and senda compliance report to ADC.Communication said that he visitedNurmahal again and checked NCoffice and found that works clerk didnothing to remove short comingsand even destroyed list. ADC saidthat works clerk did not obeyed hisorders and used utter negligence inhis duty and directed executiveofficer to immediately suspendworks clerk and send report.


The District Veopar mandalthanked Chief Minister Cha-ranjit Singh Channi for an-nouncing a grant of Rs 5 crorefor the construction of com-mercial and press buildings inPathankot during his visit toPathankot. Chairman InderjitGupta said that this has beenpossible only due to the ef-forts of MLAAmit Vij, due towhich a wave of happiness isbeing found among the grouptraders.

He said that this businessbuilding group would help alot in uniting the businessbrotherhood as well as in oth-er activities. He said that dur-ing the discussion on theproblems of the city withMLAAmit Vij in the past, the

Veopar mandal had raised thisproblem prominently beforehim, as it is much needed inthe present times. Pathankotcity became a district but stilldeprived of the facilities ofthe district. CM Channi gavegreen signal to the commer-cial and press building as wellas the consumer court andmedical college, Pathankotcity will get new wings of de-

velopment, due to which themerchant of Pathankot citywill also be prosperous. Onthe occasion Project Chair-man Dr. ML Attri, Chief Or-ganizer Dr. Gurbaksh Choud-hary, State Awardee SamirSharda, Saini Sabha PresidentParamjit Saini Pamma, VicePresident Kewal Sharma andVinod Dogra were also present .

District veopar mandal thanks CMfor announcing grant of Rs 5 crore

Firing case on Bigg Bossfame Shehnaz's father

JANDIALA GURU (KULJIT SINGH): The newsof firing on BJP leader and Bigg Boss fame Shehnaz'sfather Santokh Singh had come to the media yester-day. According to him around 8.30 pm when he wasreturning to his home Baba Bakala from Amritsar. Hestopped at Gurdaspuria Dhaba while his Accordingto his security personnel had gone for the bathroom.

Whereas the owner of GurdaspuriaDhaba Sukhbir Singh says that 32CCTV cameras have been installedat his dhaba. According to hisrecordings, there was a lot of crowdat the dhaba at that time. But in theCCTV footage of these cameras it isThere was no case of firing at thattime. Apart from this, he says thatif the bullet had fired, then there

would have been a stampede of people here. So farthis matter seems suspicious regarding these things.The case was not registered by the police even after24 hours. Let us inform that earlier also 2 criminalcases have been registered against them in Beas po-lice station and 1 in Jalandhar. This case is related totheft and snatching. SHO Jandiala Guru InspectorHarpreet Singh says that their investigation is still go-ing on which has not reached any conclusion.


Dr Makhan Singh, a formerstate general secretary ofBahujan Samaj Party (BSP)and retired Deputy Director,Health, Punjab, who has re-cently joined Bharatiya Jan-ta Party (BJP), said that hewas a claimant of the BJPticket in the ensuing assem-bly elections, for which theparty can field him fromany constituency as he wasa loyal soldier of the party.

He further said that hewas even ready to contestfrom Lambi Constituencyor Jalalabad Constituency(both bastions of Badals), orChamkaur Sahib Con-stituency, the constituencyof the Chief Minister Cha-ranjit Singh Channi. DrMakhan Singh, who be-longs to Sangrur city, saidhowever he was also readyto contest from any con-stituency of Sangrur and

Barnala districts includingDirba in Sangrur districtand Mehal Kalan in Barnaladistrict, both reserved con-stituencies.

It may bementioned herethat Dr MakhanSingh had con-tested fromMehal Kalan As-sembly Con-stituency (Re-served) in Barnala district,on the BSP ticket in the pre-vious assembly elections inthe year 2017.

He also said that in casethe party did not allot himassembly ticket even thenhe would remain loyal tothe party and would contin-ue to work for the victory ofthe BJP candidates in San-grur and Barnala districts.He said he felt that the BJPwould certainly form gov-ernment in 2022 in Punjabas people in large numbershave been joining the party

and extending their supportto it. Dr Makhan Singh saidhe has been visiting peoplethese days. During his visits

he had found thatthere was a great en-thusiasm among thepeople towards toBJP who wanted tosee a BJP govern-ment in Punjab.

He said he wasof the view that

when the election code ofconduct would be imposedin the state many seniorleaders and elected repre-sentatives, includingMLAs, former MLAs, ofdifferent parties would jointhe BJP.

Dr Makhan Singh saidthere was also a great en-thusiasm among the BJPworkers, especially in theMalwa-belt, as the BJP iscontesting assembly elec-tions for the first timethroughout the state on itsown symbol.

Many families in Begumpurleft BSP and joined Congunder MLA Angad Singh

CHET RAM RATTAN NAWANSHAHR: ConstituencyNawanshahr has been a bigsuccess for Congress when manyMLAs of the family in villageBegumpur of the constituency wereimpressed by Congress policies andactions of MLA Angad Singh and bidfarewell to Bahujan Samaj Party.Angad Singh joined the Congressparty under the leadership of ShriAngad Singh. Welcoming AngadSingh MLA, Vidya Pratap to theparty during a simple functionorganized on the occasion. Heassured that he would be given fullrespect in the party. He said thatCongress party is the truesympathizer of the poor. On thisoccasion Chaman Singh BhanMazara, President MarketCommittee Nawanshahr, HarinderSingh Bunty Sarpanch were present.


The wrath of the corona epidem-ic has shaken the whole world. Itis very important to get vaccineto protect from this epidemic, butstill 50 percent of Punjab peoplefid not get the vaccine. Now af-ter the strictness taken by thePunjab government on the in-structions, crowd of people isseen at the vaccine camps to getthe vaccine. The number of gov-ernment employees along withthe general public in the vaccinecamp constructed at the GNM

center located in the civil hospi-tal is increasing continuously.Government under the leader-ship of Punjab Chief MinisterCharanjit Singh Channi has or-dered "No vaccine no salary no"due to which employees are nowrunning to get vaccines due tofear of not getting salaries. Civilsurgeon Tejwant Singh said thatmajor efforts are being taken bythe health department to educatepeople about getting vaccinated,the pace of vaccination was slowin the past but now the numberof people getting vaccinatedcontinuously is increasing.

SGPC condemns unruly shouting by somemischievous elements at Sri FatehgarhSahib amid martyrdom congregation

AMRITSAR (CHARANJIT SINGH ARORA): During theShaheedi Sabha (martyrdom congregation) dedicated to mar-tyrdom of younger sahibzadas and mother of Sri Guru Gob-ind Singh at Gurdwara Sri Fatehgarh Sahib, some mischie-vous elements did unruly shouting and hurt the sentiments ofthe Sangat.

Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) as-sistant secretary S. Kulwinder Singh Ramdas strongly con-

demned the incident at Sri FatehgarhSahib. S. Kulwinder Singh said thatduring the Shaheedi Sabha, lakhs ofpilgrims from all over the world cometo pay their obeisance, and similarly,prominent personalities also pay theirobeisance to the martyrs there. "Thisday of martyrdom is associated withthe sentiments of the Sangat, whichremains emotional during this time ofthe year. It is intolerable to bear dis-turbance in the renunciated atmos-

phere there by unruly shouting on such occasions. The San-gat should not to do any such act while paying obeisance atGurdwara Sahib which would hurt the feelings of the sangat",said S. Kulwinder Singh.

No vaccine or no salary order:Employees run to get vaccine

Claimant of BJP ticket, Dr Makhan Singh, wants tocontest from Lambi or Jalalabad or Chamkaur Sahib


A Joint Meeting of KirtiKisan Union, Pendu Maz-door Union, Kul Hind KisanSabha, Youth Wing KirtiKisan Union was held today.Speaking on the occasionAvtar Singh Rasoolpur, Dis-trict President, Rural Work-ers Union, Tarlochan SinghJhorran, District President,Kirti Kisan Union said thatin 2005 Gurinder Singh Bal,then Chowki-in-charge, whois posted as BhavanigarhDSP at present, arrested Kul-want Kaur, sister of IqbalSingh, along with her familyin a false case. After takingher into judicial custody, shewas tortured to death on De-cember 10, 2021. Due to thepressure of the above organ-

izations the case has beenregistered but the four ac-cused including the outpostin-charge of the time, busstand Jagraon Rajveer's falsewitnesses are not being ar-rested by the police. A largegathering is being organizedby public organizations onJanuary 3, 2022 in front ofSSP Jagraon office. In whichthe committee will first gath-er from the Park and marchin the form of a demonstra-tion. Therefore, rallies arebeing organized in the vil-lages under the preparatorycampaign. On this occasionSukhjit Singh Jhorran, YouthLeader Bibi Manpreet KaurDhaliwal warned that if theaccused were not arrested byJanuary 3, 2022 then thepeople would march in theform of convoys.

Villagers plan protest at SSP office toseek justice in custodial death case


Social welfare organization"Naujawan Bharat Sabha"held a meeting to discussabout the pre-preparations tocaryr out a protest in front ofSSP office on Janurary 3 de-manding arrest of presentDSP Gurinder Singh balwho has been accused of tor-turing dalit girl while in po-lice custody.

The representatives ofthe organization includingKaramjeet Manuke,Sukhwinder Singh said thatthe victim family has beenstruggling for justice sincelast 16 years and the struggle

still continues. Giving de-tailed information, theymentioned that the accusedthen SHO with the help ofASI Rajbeer Singh, RanjeetSingh, Sarpanch Sher Jung,Dhyan Singh detained thevictim family illegally, tor-tured them badly which leftKulwant Kaur permanentlydisabled and led to her deathafter a few years.

They highly condemnthe Punjab government fornot taking any actionsagainst accused and men-tioned that CM CharanjeetSingh Channi claims to bethe biggest helper of Dalitsbut ground reality is com-pletely different.

‘Naujawan Bharat Sabha’ setto protest on 3 January

Kite market attracts people withbig kites & no increasing prices

LUDHIANA (ANKUSH SHARMA): In view of upcomingLohri festival, City's Kite market has again started attractingpeople with big kites and dor. Especially kids are very fasci-nated for buying kites and string/dor. Lohri celebration here

in city is very famous inentire Punjab, as residentsuse to fly kites on Lohrifestival and they also dothis before Lohri.Although every festival isunder the term in inflation,but the good thing is thatkite and dor is on the sameprices as previous year,means there is no price

hiking in Kite market and same are available on the previousyear prices. Wholesale kite trader Vishal Sharma Shally saidthat this year big size kites are attracting buyers, but the goodthing is that there is no price increased and mostly big kitesare on same prices as previous years. "This year famed kitemanufacturers use different designs for making them soattractive" he added.


Congress party is a party thatcarries all sections togetherand every person who joins itwill be accorded due respect.These views were expressedby Mohit Mahindra, vice-president of the PunjabYouth Congress and son ofCabinet Minister BrahmMahindra Mahindra todaywhile welcoming families ofRajwinder Singh, UnkarSingh, Gurdeep Singh,Baldev Singh, MandeepSingh, Jagdev Singh, BahalSingh and Bhagwan Singhwho have left the Akali Daland joined the Congress atLubana Karamu village ofthe constituency. MohitMahindra said that everyone

who joins the party will beaccorded due respect. On thisoccasion, the family mem-bers who joined the Congresssaid that the SAD party hasno ideology.

They said they were im-pressed by the developmentwork done by the Congressgovernment and all decisionstaken by it.

They said they will workday and night for the uplift-ment of the party. On this oc-casion Mohit Mahindra was

accompanied by BahadurKhan, Member MinorityCommission Punjab, BlockPresident Hoshiar SinghKaidupur, Makhan SinghFauji, Samiti Member Ragh-bir Singh Khatra apart fromBachittar Singh CongressLeader, Harinder Singh Con-gress Leader, SukhchainSingh Nambardar, Dr. An-grez Khan Mintoo, Pal SinghSarpanch, Piara Singh Agaul,Charan Singh and Pawan Pehalwan.

PC & PNDT DistrictAdvisory Committeemeeting held

DALJEET AJNOHAHOSHIARPUR: PC & PNDT DistrictAdvisory Committee meeting washeld under the guidance of Dr.Parminder Kaur, Civil Surgeon. Onthis occasion acting District FamilyWelfare Officer Dr. Swati was alsopresent. Meanwhile Civil SurgeonDr. Parminder Kaur said that PNDTAct has been strictly enforced in thedistrict and no one will be allowed toviolate this act. She also said that allthe scanning centers in the districtwere regularly inspected by thehealth department as per the rulesof the Act and the record of thescanning centers was kept.She alsoinformed that the registrations andrenewals of all the scanning centersin the district would be conductedunder PNDT. Have been done asper the Act. Many other importantissues were discussed during themeeting. Dr. Harnoorjit Kaur, Dr.Vishwaveer Kaur, Advocate AartiSharma, Advocate Mandeep KaurChahal from District Attorney, NGOVikrant Chawla, District Mass MediaOfficer Prashotam Lal and PNDT.

Several families leave SAD to joinCong in Mahindra’s presence


Dr. Amit Kansal, an inde-pendent director of NationalHydro Power Corporation(NHPC), Ministry of Powerto the Government of In-dia(GoI) in a meeting withthe Corporation's ChiefManaging Director, AbhaySingh has discussed for thevarious activities of the com-pany.

In an exclusive inter-view with Yugmarg today,Dr. Kansal said that underthe leadership of the coun-try's popular Prime Minister,Narendra Modi, I would dis-charge my duties with fullresponsibility, faith and loy-alty to fulfill the campaignbeing run by the GoI. Headded that the NHPC would

fully co-operate in the com-pletion of campaign beinglaunched by PM Modi tomake the country self-reliantin the energy sector.

Dr. Kansal said "I willfulfill the spirit of 'HarKaram Apna Karenge, AWatan Tere Liye' by beingdedicated to the nation, un-der the guidance of PMModi, the central govern-ment is working for the wel-fare of the people consider-ing the national interest asparamount and NHPC willalso do its work as per theexpectations of the govern-ment and the public". DrAmit Kansal said, "BJP gov-ernment at the Center underthe leadership of PM Modi isdetermined for the securityof the nation and nation hasdeveloped and flourished".

NHPC helps to make Indiaself-reliant in the energy

sector: Dr Kansal

Cong party will formgovt in state, Qadianwill become sample

city : BajwaVERMAQADIAN, DEC 27Under the leadership ofBlock Congress Presidentand former councilor Mohin-der Lal, a special meetingwas organized in the localward number 15 today, inwhich MP Pratap Singh Ba-jwa was the special guest.Under the assembly elec-tions, where he started theelection process from hisseat. during the election cam-paign, he praised the formercouncilor and president of theBlock Congress, MohinderLal. He said that in the as-sembly elections to be held in2022, this time again theCongress party will hoist itsflag and take the state to theheights of development.



HIMACHAL/JKPolice recover 12boxes of illicit liquorDAULAT CHAUHANJAWALI: Jawali police haverecovered 12 boxes of illicit liquorfrom a car during a blockade inSamalana on Jawali JasurRoad.According to the informationreceived, the Jawali police had putup a blockade in Samlana, duringwhich a car coming towards Jawalifrom Bharmad was stopped andsearched, then 12 boxes of liquorwere recovered during the search inthat car.Police have taken liquor andcar and started action against the cardriver Kuldeep Singh residentKharota by registering a case underthe Excise Act, in this context, SPKangra Khushal Chand Sharma toldthat the Jawali police had arrested aperson during the blockade. 12boxes of illegal liquor have beenrecovered from the car, in thiscontext a case has been registeredagainst the accused Kuldeep Singhunder the Excise Act.

Devotees enjoy storyof Lord Shiva inShiva KathaJOGINDER DEV ARYABANGANA: On the seventh day ofShiva Purana Katha going on inNarmadeshwar Shiva temple inChauhdu Lathiani village of Bangana,

Acharya GopalKrishna extolled theglory of Lord Shivaand made thedevotees drinknectar from thenectar story of LordShiva. PriestAmarchand told thatlike every year ShivPuran Katha was

started on 20th December, today is itsseventh day and 28th December willbe the last day of this story in whichhe has appealed to all the devoteesof the region to come to this ShivaKatha and glorify Lord Shiva. Drink ofnectar on the same day a hugeBhandara will also be organized.Acharya Gopal said in the story thatthere is no greater pilgrimage thanserving the parents and worshipingthem. On this occasion, womendevotees were present.

NSS volunteersshould contribute innation building: MajRaghuveer

JOGINDRA DEV ARYABANGANA: Young generation playsan important role in the developmentof the country. The need of the houris that the youth of the countryshould contribute in nation building.This was stated by the retiredDeputy Director, District SainikWelfare Department, MajorRaghuveer Singh, while attendingthe closing ceremony of 7-day NSSat Government Adarsh SeniorSecondary School, Dhundla, as thechief guest. Raghuveer Singh saidthat we have to start reform fromourselves. If everyone resolves toimprove himself, then the wholesociety will automatically improve.Singh called upon the volunteers tomake their valuable contribution innation building, while also motivatingthe youth to avoid drugs. Along withthis, he also stressed on keepingtheir villages clean, saving everydrop of water, using internetproperly. During the programme, Rs500 were given as incentive by thechief guest for the presentation of abetter poem by a disabled student.At the same time, an amount of Rs5100 was given to encourage thevolunteers also. Programme OfficerRajpal Kutlayhadia gave details ofthe activities carried out during theseven-day camp. Sunil Sharma,Jitendra Kumar Soma Devi, MeenaKumari, Pawana Devi, SMC headAshok Kumar, Kamal Kishore andother school staff and volunteerswere present.Out of 58 volunteers,37 boys and 21 girls participated inthis seven-day camp.

Competitions to be held on Jan 16 in AryaPublic SchoolJOGINDER DEV ARYABANGANA: Courtesy of Samaj Seva Samiti Bangana, various competitions will beorganized on 16th January in the premises of Arya Public School, Bangana. Giving thisinformation, Madan Lal Sharma, Secretary, Social Service Committee, Bangana, said thatin these competitions, the topic will be in the essay writing competition, Kutlehad fromtourism point of view and selfless service in speech competition, any three of 15 chapters ofGita in Gita Shloka Recitation Competition. Five verses will be recited with vowel andsimple meaning. In these competitions, two students from each school of class IX to XII canparticipate. For securing first place in these competitions, Rs 300, second will be given Rs250, third will be given Rs 200 and Rs 100 consolation prize. The travel fare to the studentswill also be provided by the Samaj Sewa Samiti.

PM's war on plastic, says India protects habitatDINESH AGARWALMANDI, DEC 27

The world is astonished howIndia is developing whileprotecting environment, PrimeMinister Narendra Modi said onMonday, and urged the need fora campaign against plastic tosave the mountains in particular.

"The whole world isastonished and praising India ashow our country is acceleratingdevelopment while saving theenvironment, "Modi told apublic rally here in HimachalPradesh.

"From solar power to hydropower, from wind power togreen hydrogen, the country isworking continuously to makefull use of every resource ofrenewable energy,” he said.

He was addressing agathering on the occasion of fouryears of the Jai Ram Thakurgovernment in the state. Helavished praise on the ChiefMinister and his team.

The Prime Minister calledfor the elimination of single useplastic.

He said his government wasalert about the damage caused tothe mountains due to plastic.Along with a nationwide

campaign, the government wasalso working on plastic wastemanagement, he said.

Touching upon the need forbehaviour change, Modi said:"Plastic has spread everywhere.Plastic is going into rivers. Wehave to make efforts together tostop the damage it is causing toHimachal.”

Modi credited HimachalPradesh with helping Indiaremain the pharmacy of theworld.

After laying the foundationstone of hydropower projectsworth over Rs 11,800 crores anddedicating the Sawara Kudupower project, he said thegovernment in Himachal wasfocussing on food processing,farming and pharmaceuticalsector.

Himachal focussing onfarming, pharma: Modi

MANDI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday credited Hi-machal Pradesh with helping India remain the pharmacy of theworld. After laying the foundation stone of hydropower projectsworth over Rs 11,800 crores and dedicating the Sawara Kudu pow-er project, Modi said the BJP government in Himachal Pradeshwas focussing on the food processing industry, farming and phar-maceutical sector. The Prime Minister also presided over theground breaking ceremony of the Himachal Pradesh Global In-vestors Meet. He told a public rally here that the state governmentled by Jai Ram Thakur had developed a mega food park, strength-ened cold storage infrastructure, promoted natural farming and en-couraged AYUSH industry. "Our government is working with ut-most sensitivity, caution, keeping in mind people's every need.We've decided that children between 15 and 18 years will be vac-cinated from January 3," he said.

Himachal govt startspreparations for

vaccinating teenagersAGENCYHAMIRPUR, DEC 27

After the announcement ofPrime Minister Narendra Modito vaccinate 15 to 18-year-oldteenagers, the Himachalgovernment has also started itspreparation. The stategovernment has issuedinstructions to the healthdepartment to work in thisdirection.

In Himachal, about 4 lakhteenagers between the ages of 15and 18 will be given the coronavaccine. In Himachal too, thecampaign to vaccinate teenagerswill start from January 3. Healthdepartment teams will reachdifferent areas of Himachal onJanuary 2. Apart from this, thisdose will also be applied inmedical colleges, communities,and primary health centers.

It’s worth mentioning herethat about 53 lakh populations ofHimachal have received bothdoses of the vaccine. At thesame time, about 4 lakhadolescents in the age group of15 to 18 years will be vaccinated

for corona.A spokesman of the Health

Department told UNI that atpresent, the Health Departmenthas two lakh doses of vaccinesat its disposal. An additionaldose will be sought from thecentral government on Mondayfor the dose of the coronavaccine to children.

At the same time, in thestate, the elderly and healthworkers above 60 years of ageare to be given a booster dosefrom January 10.

In this regard, additionalstaff will be deployed by theHealth Department.

According to the HealthDepartment, within 15 days, theyouth of 15 to 18 years will bevaccinated completely.

PM lays foundation stones of SJVN’s 210MW Luhri Stage-1 Hydro Electric Project


At an impressive ceremony inMandi, Himachal Pradesh,Prime Minister Shri NarendraModi virtually laid theFoundation Stones of 210 MWLuhri Stage-1 Hydro ElectricProject located in Shimla &Kullu districts of HimachalPradesh and 66 MWDhaulasidh Hydro ElectricProject situated in Hamirpur &Kangra districts of HimachalPradesh. Narendra Modi alsolaunched the Ground-Breaking Ceremony of the 382MW Sunni Dam HydroElectric Project located inShimla & Mandi districts ofHimachal Pradesh. Thishistoric occasion was gracedby Governor of HimachalPradesh Sh. RajendraVishwanath Arlekar, ChiefMinister of Himachal PradeshShri Jai Ram Thakur, UnionMinister of I&B and Youth

Affairs & Sports Sh. AnuragThakur. These projects arebeing implemented by SJVNon Build-Own-Operate-Maintain (BOOM) basis.Luhri-1 Hydro ElectricProject and Sunni Dam HydroElectric Project are on RiverSatluj and Dhaulasidh HydroElectric Project is on RiverBeas. Nand Lal Sharma,Chairman & ManagingDirector, SJVN stated that inNovember 2020, CabinetCommittee on EconomicAffairs chaired by the Prime

Minister, 210 MW Luhri-1Hydro Electric Project wasapproved at a Project Cost ofRs 1810 crore. The Project isscheduled to be commissionedby January 2026. Oncompletion it would generate758.20 million units ofelectricity annually. Theproject has also been accordeda budgetary support of Rs 66crore. Sharma informed thatthe salient features of Luhri-1Project, involve constructionof 80-meter-high concreteGravity Storage Dam.

Experience sharing workshop organized at NauniDINESH AGARWALSHIMLA, DEC 27

An experience-sharing workshopwas organized by the HillAgriculture and RuralDevelopment Agency (HARP),Shimla at the Directorate ofExtension Education, Dr. YSParmar University UHF, Nauni. Dr.Sudhanshu Mishra, GM NABARDwas the Chief Guest while Dr.Ravinder Sharma, Director ofResearch, UHF, Nauni was theGuest of Honour. Thirty-fourfarmers from Rupi, Chota Kambaand Nathpa Gram Panchayats ofNichar block of district Kinnaurparticipated in the workshop.

Dr. RS Ratan, Chairman HARPsaid that this programme has beenorganized under the IntegratedTribal Development Project atRupi, Chhota Kamba and NathpaGram panchayats since 2014. Theproject has been funded byNABARD and is being

implemented by HARP. He furtherstated that this is a horticulture-based livelihood programmeimplemented by HARP withfarmers’ participation. Over 76,000apple plants have been planted on435 acres of land in these three-gram panchayats and 607 familieshave been benefited. Speaking onthe occasion, Dr. SudhanshuMishra said that NABARD hasalways been at the forefront ofconducting programmes for socio-economic upliftment. He urged thefarmers participating in thisworkshop to make the variousprogrammes successful through

their support. Dr. Ravinder Sharmaand Dr. Divender Gupta, Directorof Extension Education appreciatedthe efforts of NABARD and HARPand assured the farmers that theuniversity is always ready tosupport the farmers technically. Dr.Narinder Kumar Thakur said thatHARP’s team has worked underarduous conditions in theseinaccessible areas with thecoordination of farmingcommunities. Farmers–scientists’interaction was held on theoccasion in which the technicalqueries of participating farmerswere addressed.

Cong protests against BJP govtover anti-people policies


On Monday, district Kangra Congress Party leaders andworkers protested against the state BJP government andalso submitted a memorandum to the Governor throughADC. On this occasion, District Congress Party PresidentAjay Mahajan alleged that the government in Mandi hasmisused the government property for the celebration and itis a matter of shame that Prime Minister Narendra Modihimself was involved in this celebration. District KangraCongress Committee President Ajay Mahajan said that inthe last by-elections, the people of the state have made itclear to the BJP that in the last 4 years, the BJP governmenthas adopted anti-people policies on the people and intaking decisions in favor of the people. Ajay Mahajan saidthat BJP has reached Mandi to celebrate the defeat in its by-elections During the years, he has sent a memorandum tothe Governor through ADC regarding the failure to takedecisions in the interest of the public.

Decreasing demand forKangra tea in international

market affects growers


The slowdown has had a bad effect on HimachalPradesh's Kangra tea, which is already struggling toget hold of the international market. According toestimates of tea growers, the demand for Kangra teahas declined by 40 per cent during the last few monthsdue to slowdown. Kangra tea does not have color, butdue to its taste, it has a different identity. It iscultivated in an area of about 2060 hectares aroundPalampur. Its production is also very less. But a fewyears ago, there was an increase in its demand amongtea lovers in some areas of the country. This tea isvery popular in the neighboring country ofAfghanistan. Due to the cheap tea in other parts of Asiaand the availability of cheap tea in the market, itsproduction has decreased significantly in recent years.Kangra tea needs the help of Mahatma Gandhi'sNational Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGA)programme to regain its lost prestige.

Work of alternate route startedagain from Nangal


The construction work of alternate route from Nangal to SutlejDarya could not be completed in ten days. The objective was tostart an alternate route on Sutlej Darya like new Nangal fromBarari village, about one kilometer away from Nangal so thatthousands of small vehicles can get relief every day. But thework was halted on December 19 after the NFLraised objectionsto the construction work. In the meeting held between theofficials of Nangal Administration, VVMV and NFL, it has beendecided to resume the construction work of the road. As a result,the NFL has given permission to start the work by preparing aplan for the protection of fly ash plants grown in the Sutlej riverfrom the industry. It is expected that people will get the gift of analternate route in the celebration of the New year. Due to fourlane construction work in Nangal, the traffic jam situation inNangal Dam has not improved even after diverting the trafficfrom Anandpur Sahib, Agampur and Bhalan.

48th State Level Annual Convention of HimotkarshLiterary, Culture and Public Welfare Council concluded


The 48th State Level Annual Convention ofHimotkarsh Sahitya, Sanskriti and JanKalyan Parishad concluded on Sunday in thepremises of Government Girls College, KotlaKhurd. Social worker Padmashree VijayChopra presided over the programme. Dr. RajBahadur, Vice Chancellor of Baba FaridUniversity of Health Sciences, Faridkotparticipated as a special guest. In thisprogramme Chief Guest Virendra Kanwar,Programme President Padmashree VijayChopra, Guest of Honour Satpal Singh Sattiand Dr. Raj Bahadur honored fivepersonalities of North India with HimotkarshNational Integration and three personalitieswith Himotkarsh Himachalshree Award. Inthe ceremony, 12 alumni of SamyuktaChaudhary Himotkarsh Women's TrainingInstitute were honored. Conferred withSantosh Kanwar Memorial WomenEntrepreneurship Self-Employment Award.

Himotkarsh Souvenir-2021 was also releasedon the occasion. Under Himotkarsh AmodiniFree Ration Distribution Program, 51 eligiblewidows were provided ration of Rs 76,500thousand and a blanket each. Whereas underthe Himotkarsh Meritorious Scholarship andHelp in Education Project, a scholarship ofRs 33,250 was given to two girl students tohelp them in higher education. One blanketeach was presented to 24 families of leprosypatients in the programme. While a womanwas given a sewing machine. Chief guestVirendra Kanwar addressed the program andpraised the public welfare works of thecouncil.




MCC starts collection of door to door waste from 26 unserviced areasCHANDIGARH (RN KHERA): Keeping in view the Swachhata factor throughout the city andensuring the segregation of waste at source level, the Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has start-ed door to door waste collection through it vehicles from 26 unserviced residential areas in the city.While sharing information about this facility to the citizens, Ms. Anindita Mitra, IAS, Commis-sioner, Municipal Corporation Chandigarh said that these unserviced areas including the previousvillage areas, pockets of some sectors and pockets of Manimajra. More than 80 garbage collectionvehicles have been deployed for these unserviced areas besides non-mechanized (rehris) to collectgarbage from narrow lanes. She said that areas like Burail, Hallomajra, Adarsh Colony, Butrela,Maloya, Industrial Area Phase 2, Sector 42, 52 and others are among those which are being cov-ered from today onwards. She said that all the unserviced residential areas will be gradually cov-ered shortly.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee'scontribution to country willalways be remembered: Seema

SURESH KUMARBHOA: A program in BharatiyaJanata Party Mandal Taragarhunder the chairmanship of TaragarhMandal President Gajinder Singh invillage Bhariyal Lahiri. It was keptin the birth anniversary of formerPrime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee,especially in which former MLA ofarea Bhoa, Seema Kumari, formerMLA of Hira Nagar Kuldeep RajKali, State Executive Member VinodKumar were present in which alongwith the present BJP workers. Paying homage to Atal BihariVajpayee by laying flowers in frontof the statue and paying tribute toAtal ji's contribution in the interest ofthe country was rememberedsaying that Atal devoted his life tomake India strong and developedand served as his Prime Minister.we salute him and take a pledge tomake every effort to make ourcontribution in taking our country onthe path of progress. On thisoccasion, Mandal GeneralSecretary Anirudh Sharma, NardeepSingh, Kisan Morcha MandalPresident Romi Saini, BC MorchaMandal President Deepak Saini, SCMorcha Mandal President SurinderKumar, Mahila Morcha MandalPresident Rani Devi, DistrictExecutive Member Dalbir SinghKhyala, Shami Thakur, SurinderShalowal, Ravinder Majra,Balwinder Sharma Ratangarh,Satish Saini Gajju, Sanjeev Singh,Sanju Bansilal Majra, BabbuSharma, Raj Singh Budh ,Sarpanch Bhariyal Poonam bala,Darbari Lal Numberdar, Tarsem Lal,Omkar Singh, Rajiv Kumar, AshwaniKumar, Rajkumar, Anil Kumar,Somraj Panch, Ramesh KumarPanch, Poojan Kumar , Ratanlal,Surinder Kumar etc. were present.


An important meeting ofBharatiya Janata Party Man-dal Kharar was held here to-day under the chairmanshipof Mandal President PawanManocha in which Mr. Dhu-man Singh Kirmach, In-charge District Mohali spe-cially participated. Kirmachwhile discussing about theposition of BJP in districtMohali inquired about thethree constituencies andasked them to strengthen thebooths. On the occasion,

senior party leader ArvindMittal said that all the villagebooths should be strength-ened as soon as possible. Onthe occasion District Presi-dent Sushil Rana welcomedthe chief guest. Among oth-ers Sukhwinder Singh GoldyMember Punjab, NarinderRana Member Punjab, RajivSharma, Jagdeep Singh,Pawan Manocha, BhupinderSingh, Kulwinder Kaur, Yo-gesh, Vaneet Joshi, FormerAdvisor Punjab, SarabjitKaur, Nakunj Dhawan,Surinder Dhillon, KulvirKapoor etc. were present.

BJP district Mohali inchargeDhuman Singh Kirmach

attends meeting in Kharar

Block samiti members underleadership of Arora, join AAP

SUNAM (SUMER GARG): As the the announcmentof Punjab assembly elections in the state is on the headand the Aam Aadmi Party(AAP) is getting strength.Kulwant Singh, bock samiti member from Khurana vil-lage, falls in Sunam assembly constituency(SAC), todayjoined the AAP under the leadership of AAP MLA,from SAC, Aman Arora. AAPin a press release said, "Itmay also be mentioned here that in the last one year Jas-pal Kaur Badrukhan, Palwinder Kaur, block samitimember Sahoke Dhadrian and today Kulwant Singhblock samiti member from village Khurana, all abovethree have contested the elections on congress partyticket and are the winning candidates, now have joinedthe AAP, with this Aam Aadmi Party's family seems tobe growing day by day in Halqa Sunam". Speaking onthe occasion Arora said that people of the state havebeen fed by the false promises of the Congress govern-ment and this time they have made up their mind to formAam Aadmi Party government in 2022.


As it led the race for victory, theAAP said on Monday that its goodshowing in the Chandigarh Munic-ipal Corporation elections was avote for the Kejriwal model of gov-ernance and that the results also re-flect the mood in Punjab. Aam Aad-mi Party (AAP) spokespersonRaghav Chadha told the media herethat the people of Chandigarh hadshown their disgust against the"corruption" of the BJP and theCongress which have controlled themunicipal body for the past 25

years. Counting of votes in the elec-tions showed that the AAP, whichplunged into the municipal battlefor the first time, had won or wasleading in 14 wards, followed bythe BJP in 10.

"This is a vote for the Kejriwalmodel of governance," Chadhasaid, referring to the Delhi govern-ment. "People of Chandigarh wantto give a chance to Kejriwal. This isthe message from Chandigarh."Chadha described the Chandigarhoutcome as a "trailer" and said theupcoming Punjab Assembly elec-tions would see the "full picture".

Chandigarh vote for Kejriwalmodel of governance: AAP


Director Ayurveda Punjab Dr.Poonam Vashist As per the di-rections of and under the ableguidance of Deputy Commis-sioner Pathankot SanyamAgarwal, the Ayurvedic Dis-pensaries of District Pathankotwere being transformed, underwhich the Ayurvedic Dispen-sary at village Lahri Gujran inDistrict Pathankot was alsobeing rebuilt.

Today in village Lahri Gu-jran this dispensary was fullyprepared and dedicated to thepeople. On this occasionJoginder Pal MLA area Bhoawas the Chief Guest and inau-gurated the reconstructedAyurvedic Dispensary ofLahri Gujran. On this occasionamong others Naresh KumarMahi, District Ayurvedic De-partment in-charge and DevRaj Saini Sarpanch of the vil-

lage laid a wreath and wel-comed the Chief Guest MLAJoginder Pal area Bhoa. Onthis occasion Dr. Vipan (Pres-ident), Dr. Jaswinder Singh,Dr. Rajinder Kumar, Dr. Son-am, Dr. Kuldeep, Dr. Ritika,Aswani Saini, Dr. Malti, Dr.Suman, Dr. Sahil, Jatin,Ankus, Raman Kumar SubVaid, Surjit, Aman, Aswani,Lakhveer Singh JE, Dr.Ramesh Kumar Attri, Dr.Mu-lakh Raj and Dr. Satish etc.were present. Dr. Naresh Ku-mar Mahi District Ayurvedicand Junani Officer Pathankot

said that out of the existingAyurvedic Dispensaries inDistrict Pathankot, 5Ayurvedic dispensaries havebeen transformed. Under thedevelopment work of dispen-sary village Lahri Gujran ofdistrict Pathankot was com-pleted and Afunction was heldunder the chairmanship of dis-pensary in-charge Dr. JatinderSingh.

On this occasion MLAJoginder Pal area Bhoa prom-ised to give another grant ofRs. 6 lakh to meet the otherneeds of the dispensary.

Joginder Pal inaugurates dispensaryCHET RAM RATTANNAWANSHAHR, DEC 27

A convoy of 50 buses wassent to Naroa Punjab by Sha-heed Barjinder Singh Hus-sainpur Hurran for ShaheediSabha Fatehgarh Sahib. BhaiHarvinder Singh Hurran firstoffered prayers on the arrivalof the sangat of the area inGurdwara Singh Sabha Ra-hon. After this, the famousyouth of the peasant strug-gle, Bhai Ranjit Singh Kajm-pur, sent a caravan for themartyrdom meeting. It is

noteworthy that Naroa Pun-jab has started daily busservice from 21st to 29th De-cember.

Today a large number ofSangat took the martyrdommeeting to Fatehgarh Sahib.Kewal Singh Mahal,Karamjit Singh, Ricky SinghRathore, Pradeep Singh,Amandeep Singh, PalwinderSingh Singh, Sunny Singh,Kuldeep Singh Ratan,Gangvir Singh, MakhanSingh Hansron, HarpreetSingh , Bali Kahlon and Gur-jot Singh were also present.

Naroa Punjab sends convoy of 50buses leaves for Shaheedi Sabha

Sixth free medical checkupcamp organized by Ahmedgarh

Welfare Association

AHMEDGARH (MAHAVIR GOYAL): At the local Vishwakarma Temple, the President ofAhmedgarh Welfare Association (Regd.) Under theleadership of professor Ricky Sood, the sixth month-ly free medical checkup camp was organized and pa-tients were given free medicines like every month.Dr. Arora Neuro Center Ludhiana Dr. Rishwa Soodand Global Heart Center and Super MultispecialistHospital Ludhiana. Shivani Sood checked the pa-tients. Ahmedgarh Welfare Association's Vikas Shar-ma, Rohan Sood, Gobind Kumar, Saruv Rawat,Raghav Goyal, Krishan Kumar, Tejinder Dhand,Sukhwinder Singh, Amritpal Singh, MohammadAzhar, Mohammad Parvez, Prof. Ajay Kumar, Zee-shan Haider, Navi Dhand, Manish Verma, VinodGupta, Rajesh Kumar, Yugam Sood and Bhimworked hard to make the camp great. Also present onthe occasion were Sandeep Badhan, husband of Se-nior Vice President Municipal Council Monia Bad-han, Kamaljit Singh Ubhi, Vice President MunicipalCouncil, Councilor Mohammad Afridi, CouncilorSanjay Sood and his wife former Councilor RenuSood, husband of Councilor Navjot Kaur JarnailSingh, Councilor Jaswinder Kaur.


Civil Hospital Bathindaturned into police camp whena convoy led by bullet proofvehicle got stuck in Bathindajail when A category Gang-ster Sagar aka Bobby WasiAmritsar was brought to hos-pital for medical checkup un-der tight police security. Dur-ing the medical checkup of

the alleged gangster, all thegates of the hospital wereclosed and no patients wereallowed to enter the emer-gency ward. The posted se-curity guard at the momentsaid that the alleged gangsteris locked up in Bathinda jail.He was checked up by doc-tors in the jail, but his condi-tion was not improving andwas sent to Civil HospitalBathinda for checkup.

Civil hospital becomes policecamp due to category

gangster's medical checkup

Shiv Sena Punjab burnsPakistan's flag, protested

JASPOONAM KOHLIDINANAGAR: Due to the anger ofPakistan carrying out incidents ofterrorism against India day by day,today Shiv Sena Punjab unitDinanagar officials led by GopalSharma and Rinku Kumardemonstrated by burning the flag ofPakistan at Bus Stand Dinanagar.Addressing the protest on thisoccasion, party's North IndiaChairman Satish Mahajan and StateSpokesperson Ajay Kumar said thatPakistan is a nursery of terrorism.Pakistan always keeps doingterrorist incidents in India.Earlier hewas spoiling the atmosphere ofJammu and Kashmir. Now trying tospoil the atmosphere of Punjab. Hesaid that the people of Punjabwould give a befitting reply toPakistan.It is worth mentioning thatPakistan is directly responsible forthe recent incidents inPunjab.Pakistan's agency ISI andBabbar Khalsa International Groupare responsible for the recentterrorism incidents in Punjab andthe Ludhiana bomb blasts, the flagof Pakistan has been demonstratedby Shiv Sena Punjab Dinanagarunit. Shiv Sena Punjab's Dinanagarunit appeals to the CentralGovernment and the PunjabGovernment to take the strictestaction against the terrorists andappeal to the youth of Punjab togive a befitting reply to the anti-national forces. Ram Sharma, AjayMalhotra, Raja, Surender Mahajan,Vicky Sharma, Rahul Mahajan,Lucky Kumar, Vicky Kumar, ChikuMahajan, Gagan Kumar, AnkurShah, Manubala, Abhilash werepresent.

Construction work of Rly underbridge Morinda is in question


The so called baba, who hasbeen fooling people on the ba-sis of black magic, are roam-ing in various markets of thecity these days, which is veryimportant to curb. Accordingto the information received,these Baba go to the shop-keepers and shows their skillin extorting the money kept intheir wallet by pretending tomake them rich in days. Byenchanting them throughblack magic, they manage to

extort money. One such inci-dent happened near the localState Bank when the saidbaba went to the shopkeeperand after showing him sometricks through their knowl-

edge, asked for money, onwhich ? 50 was given to themby the said shopkeeper. Afterthis, both the above two babastook out two 500-500 noteskept in his drawer and rolledthem, after telling the shop-keeper to earn thousands ofrupees till evening, made soilof those rupees and put thatsoil in his han, and told to putin the drawer Before the saidBaba could get away fromthere, suddenly the said shop-keeper nodded and when heregained consciousness, heasked for his money back.


It is a moment of pride for theRayat Bahra University,RayatBahra Hoshiarpur campus &Bahra University Shimla hills,during the latest placements thehighest package offered hasbeen Rs 14 lakh per annumeven as 250 students have gotplacements in top notch compa-nies during the last threemonths. Disclosing this here to-day, Gurvinder Singh Bahra,Chancellor of the Rayat BahraUniversity and Chairman of thegroup said that a total of 105

companies visited the RayatBahra group of institutes for se-lecting students for employ-ment and the highest packageoffered has been Rs 14 lakh perannum. He said that some of theimportant companies whichhad selected students includedwipro, Infosys,TCS,UPl ,IBM,Smart Data, Hitachi, Quark,Cloud Thing, Global Logic,

Tommy Hilfier, ITC Limited,Tech Mahindra, Board Infinity,and Drish Infotech, and Grazit-ti. Bluebash, and India Mart.Bahra said that the Rayat BahraUniversity being equipped withindustry relevant skills, therehas been an upswing in place-ments and students had been of-fered very attractive and lucra-tive pay packages.


Morinda Railway UnderBridge is being developed asa dream project of the con-stituency of CM,Punjab, Butdue to the slow pace of con-struction where it has be-come a big problem for shop-keepers and The people ofthe area are facing trafficjams there.

However, even after 2years of this dream project,the construction work is stillin question. Giving informa-tion in this regard shopkeep-ers Vijay Kumar Arora,Bikram Kumar, LakhvirSingh Lovely, Satnam Singh,Gurpreet Singh, NarinderSood Lucky, Roshan Lal,Vishal Mahindra, JoginderPal, Pradeep Kumar, Gur-deep Singh, Bant Lal, RakeshKalra, Sukhwinder Singh,Sandeep Kumar, DavinderPal Singh, Deepak Chhabra,Pawan Sharma, Vinod Ku-

mar said that the business ofabout 100 shopkeepers in thearea has come to a standstillfor the last two years. Theyalleged that the road is beingbuilt on top of the garbage bythe construction agency.Lakhveer Singh Lovely saidthat when this road is com-pleted, it is not possible to es-timate how long the roadbuilt on waste will last.

They said that what wouldhappen to the rest of Punjabwhen such poor constructionwas taking place in the con-stituency of Punjab ChiefMinister Mr. Charanjit SinghChanni.

The above persons haverequested the Chief MinisterMr. Charanjit Singh Channito inquire into the construc-tion of this bridge.

‘So called Babas who robbed people byenchanting them with black magic active in city’

Highest package offered Rs 14lakh per annum in placement drive

CHANDIGARH: Aam AadmiParty (AAP) Punjab Senior Leaderand Leader of Opposition HarpalSingh Cheema accused the Con-gress Party and Shiromani AkaliBadal of breaking promises withmedical practitioners whoare serving the poor in thestate. Cheema said thatwith the formation of AamAadmi Party governmentin Punjab, special medicaltraining program would bestarted for the medicalpractitioners of the state sothat they could continue toprovide medical services tothe poor in rural and urban areasand lead a decent life. In a state-ment issued from the party head-quarters on Monday, Harpal SinghCheema, said that SAD, BJP in-cluding Capt., have been ignoringmedical practitioners for long whoprovide services in the underdevel-oped areas of our state. He said thatin the year 2012, the Akali DalBadal had promised to continue themedical services by registering themedical practitioners at the govern-

ment level, which has not been ful-filled till date. Similarly during the2017 elections Congress leader,Manpreet Singh Badal, after ameeting with medical practitioners,had promised to start a special train-

ing program for them.Not only did it promise,but the Congress partyhad stated in its electionmanifesto 2017 underitem no. 16, that medicalpractitioners would betrained and given legalpermission to performmedical services.Cheema alleged that the

promises made by the Congressparty and the Akali Dal Badal to themedical practitioners were not ful-filled like the promises made to oth-er sections of the state, due to whichthey were forced to indulge into il-legal services. He said that the med-ical practitioners have been instru-mental in providing treatment to thepoor families of the state as Con-gress, Captain, Badal and BJP haveruined the government medical sys-tem in the state.

AAP to launch special medical trainingprogram for medical practitioners: Cheema

Joint action committee gavedemand letter to MLA Bhunder

SARDULGARH (KULWINDER KARWAL): As per theinstructions received from the Joint Action Committee ofthe Health Department, Punjab, the Health Workers, BlockSardulgarh gave a demand letter to MLA Bhunder. GurpalSingh Bahiniwal said that the Punjab government had notonly delayed the implementation of the report of the SixthPay Commission by violating its election promise but hadalso unconstitutionally robbed the interests of the employ-ees and pensioners by implementing it.

DC Pathankot held special meeting PATHANKOT (SHARANJEET): Aspecial meeting was heldby the District Administration Pathankot with the heads of variousdepartments regarding the election expenses to be borne by the can-

didates under Punjab Vid-han Sabha Election-2022 inthe meeting hall at DistrictAdministrative ComplexMalikpur Pathankot. Themeeting was presided over

by Sanyam Aggarwal Deputy Commissioner Pathankot. Amongothers Subhash Chander Additional Deputy Commissioner (J),Lakhwinder Singh Randhawa Additional Deputy Commissioner(Development), Sarabjit Singh Tehsildar Election, Ram LubhayaDistrict Public Relations Officer, Tarsem Raj ITO.

CT World Schoolteacher files patent ofFinger Straightenerfor Arthritis patients

HARPREET SINGH LEHALJALANDHAR: It’s a proud moment forthe teacher of CT World School NeerajArora and Dr. Harmeet Singh, DeputyDirector IPR Cell, CT University as theyhave filed a patent that helps theArthritis patients to straighten their handfingers during deformation. The mainidea behind this patent to is develop adevice that can be customizedaccording to the patient’s hand size andneeds. The prototype was developedin the Robotics Lab of CT University.The prototype is made from acrylicsheet and silicon clips that are used tokeep the finger on the exact location.Telling about the same, Neeraj and DrHarmeet said, “We are working onmany real-life problems. In the past wehave filed numerous amounts ofpatents to solve real life problems. Theidea of this was to aid these patients fortheir speedy recovery. The nextpatents on which we are working arefolding helmet and foot finger straighterfor arthritis patients.” CT GroupManaging Director Manbir Singh andCT World School Principal MadhuSharma congratulated both facultymembers for this innovative idea andwished them luck for their futureprojects.



NC clerk suspended as ordered by ADCASHOK KAURAPHAGWARA: Jalandhar Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) (urbandevelopment has ordered suspension of Nurmahal Nagar council’s works clerk. ADCHimanshu Jain in an official communication to NC executive officer said that he hasvisited Nurmahal some months ago and checked development works.Communication said that during checking some short comings were detected andworks clerk Dinesh Kumar was directed to note these shortcomings and remove andsend a compliance report to ADC. Communication said that he visited Nurmahalagain and checked NC office and found that works clerk did nothing to remove shortcomings and even destroyed list. ADC said that works clerk did not obey his ordersand used utter negligence in his duty and directed executive officer to immediatelysuspend works clerk and send report. EO RS Warraich said works clerk DineshKumar has been suspended as ordered by ADC(UD).


Omicron tally touches 578 mark,Delhi top the list with 142 cases


India‘s total tally of new Covid-19variant Omicron has reached 578marks on Monday, as the infectionspread in the two more states Mad-hya Pradesh and HimachalPradesh.

Out of the 578 cases reportedso far, Delhi reported the maxi-mum cases at 142, followed byMaharashtra 141 and Kerala with5, said the Ministry data on Mon-day. Madhya Pradesh reported 9cases whereas Himachal, which isthe first state to fully vaccinate itseligible population, reported onecase so far on Sunday.

Rajasthan reported 43, Telan-gana 41, Tamil Nadu 34, Karnataka31, 6 each from Andhra Pradeshand West Bengal, four each fromOdisha, Haryana and, three fromJammu and Kashmir and Chandi-garh, 6 in West Bengal, UP report-ed one case along with Ladakh andUttarakhand .

Of these, 151 people were dis-charged following their recoveryfrom the virus.

Meanwhile, India reported6,531 new coronavirus cases and315 deaths on Monday, accordingto the health ministry. This pushedthe total active cases to 75,841 andthe death count to 4,79,997.

The recovery tally rose to3,42,37,495 as 7,141 recupercated

from the disease in the last 24hours. Active cases stood at75,841. According to the bulletinissued by the Ministry on Monday,67.29 crore tests for Covid-19 havebeen done so far.

“India has administered 141.70crore doses of Covid-19 vaccine sofar under the ongoing nationwidevaccination drive” Ministry datasaid.

A milk langar was organised by Sahu Property Advisors and Associates on Monday at Khandan Chowk,Talwandi Sabo, in remembrance of the martyrdom of four sahibzaade and Mata Gujari.

Photo by Ishwar Garg

ROB’S exhibition on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrating 75years of India's independence at Chitkara University Punjab


Regional Outreach BureauMinistry of Information andBroadcasting Government ofIndia has organised anexhibition and outreachprogramme on Azadi KaAmrit Mahotsav (AKAM)celebrating 75 years ofIndia's independence atChitkara University(Rajpura), District Patiala,Punjab from 27th Decemberto 29th December 2021. Theexhibition was inauguratedby Mrs Madhu Chitkara, ProChancellor, ChitkaraUniversity Punjab and ShriAdvait Gadanayaka,

Director General, NationalGallery of Modern Art(NGMA) Ministry of CultureGovernment of India today.The outreach program wascoinciding the Kala Kumbhorganised by Ministry ofculture under the banner ofAzadi ka Amrit Mahotsava.

On the occasion,Mrs.Madhu Chitkaraappreciated the efforts ofMinistry of Information andBroadcasting to celebrate the75 years of India'sindependence in a Grandway. She said that suchoutreach programmes are

useful for the young minds,who learn a lot about thesacrifices of the Brave souls.Patriotic cultural programmeis very impressive to infusepatriotism among the youth.

Shri Gadanayakainforming about the KalaKumbh under the banner ofAzadi Ka Amrit Mahotsavasaid that the Ministry ofCulture alongwith Ministryof Defence are depicting therole of unsung heroes in thefreedom struggle through theenormous paintings, whichwill be displayed onRepublic Day,2022. It alsoprovides an opportunity tothe talented painting artists

of the far flung areas of thecountry. The exhibition in theoutreach programmeshowcase the life andsacrifices of our freedomfighters and the glimpses offreedom struggle for India'sindependence through 55photo panels. Earlier a quizcompetition was organisedon the theme and winnerswere awarded prizes.Registered artists presentedMalwai Giddha and a magicshow for the infotainment ofthe participants. Others whowere present on the occasioninclude the faculty,staff andstudents of ChitkaraUniversity.

Funds sanctioned for providing nutritionto 19474 children in Barnala


19474 children in age group of 0 to 6 years (0to 3 years 14161 and 3 to 6 years 5313) and2523 pregnant and 3153 lactating motherswill get nutrition worth Rs 111.12 lakhs indistrict Barnala.

Giving this information here today, thechairman District Planning Board BarnalaKaran Dhillon stated in a press that thegeneral category shall get Rs 33.32 lakh,while scheduled castes shall get Rs 77.80lakh worth benefits. He said that the amounthas been sanctioned under Nutrition (ICDS)program of the government that providesnutrition to 19474 children in age group 0 to6 years, 2523 pregnant and 3153 lactatingmothers enrolled in 669 anganwaris of thedistrict Barnala.

He added that the government wascommitted on providing the best of nutritionto deprived section of society so that futuregenerations get the best of health and mentalwellness.

Dhillon stated that the governmentassisted nutrition program holds even greatersignificance in Covid times when manyparents do not have stable livelihood and

unable to provide complete nutrition to theirchildren. In such a scenario, the governmentrun nutrition program comes as life saver.

District Program Officer KulwinderSingh said beneficiaries are given food itemsthat are nutritious and aimed at promotinggrowth. They are given multi grain atta(consisting of wheat, besan, soya flour andghee), rice kheer, seasonal vegetables, wheat-moong mixture, panjiri, soya nuggets, gheeetc.

Sarrbatt Da Bhala Trust distributespension cheques to needy and formsfor the marriage of poor girls: Sidhu


At the local rest house, about 20 needy poor widows, anddisabled people have been granted monthly pensionchecks under the leadership of Gurjinder Singh Sidhu,District President of Sarbatt Da Bhala Charitable Trust, anorganization run by SP Singh Oberoi. According to Sidhu,the trust is always ready to help the people day and nightunder the leadership of Jassa Singh Sandhu, the statepresident of the trust. No needy person is left empty-handed and the required household items are also beingprovided by the organization. Warrant Officer BalwinderSingh, Subedar Sarbhajit Singh, Jathedar SukhdarshanSingh, Ashok Bharti, Kulwinder Singh Kala, GurjantSingh Sona, Rajidar Prasad, Lakhwinder Kumar, and othermembers were present on the occasion.

Photo by: Kumar

Major decision of BKU-Ekta; not toparticipate in Assembly elections


Bhartiya Kisan Union Ekta Dakounda will not support any partyor faction in the Punjab Assembly elections. A decision to thiseffect has been taken in a meeting chaired by Buta Singh Burjgillof Bhartiya Kisan Union Ekta Dakonda at Tarksheel Bhawan,Barnala. Disclosing this here today State General SecretaryJagmohan Singh Patiala said that today the Principal Secretaries ofthe districts from all over Punjab had an open discussion. Afterlengthy deliberations, BKU Ekta Dakonda unanimously decidednot to contest the Assembly elections and would not support theUnited Social Front. Leaders Manjit Dhaner, Gurdeep Rampura,Gurmeet Bhattiwal said that the organization firmly believed thatthe demands of the farmers could be met only through strongstruggle. He lauded the role played by the leading teams in thehistoric victory movement against black laws. A detailed meetinghas also been held with the Punjab Government on the basicdemands including debt and it has been decided to hold a Punjablevel "Struggle Rally" on 10 January 2021 at Dana Mandi Barnala.In today's meeting Ram Singh Matordhan, Balwant Singh Upli,Kulwant Singh Kishangarh, Harnek Singh Mahima, Haris Nadha,Parminder Muktsar, Dharmapal Singh Rodikpura, Gurdev SinghMangewal, and many other leaders also expressed their views.

Photo by: Kumar

Vaish community elevates India'sname on world map: Garg


An important meeting ofrepresentatives of VaishSamaj was held under thechairmanship of NationalPresident of AgrohaDevelopment Trust, BajrangGarg. In this meeting, it wasdecided to expand the unitsof organization at thenational and state level. Gargsaid that the Vaish Samaj, inthe field of business andindustry has raised the nameof India on the world map.

Garg further said, "VaishSamaj, following the idealsof Maharaja Agrasen isdoing business with theblessings of Kuldevi MataLakshmi and is contributingin every social as well as inreligious field". He said,"Under the leadership ofAgroha Dham and on behalfof Agrawal Samaj, manyschemes are beingimplemented in the everystate of the country and ouryoung children after gettinghigher education are movingto & fro to get

employment". Garg said,"Our organization isplanning to provideemployment to the youth,for this big companies andindustrialists are beingcontacted, so that they maybe able to give jobs to ourunemployed people,according to theirqualifications". "Our mainobjective is that everyperson has job, house tolive, bread to eat, clothes tobear, which is also thefundamental right of everyperson" Garg added.








Literature & Health


Desmond Tutu wasborn to Zachariah, ateacher, and Aletta,

a domestic servant, in agold mining town, Klerks-dorp, in 1931. Inspiredfrom father, Tutu initiatedhis career as a teacher. Thethen government passed or-ders restricting schoolingfor the Black childrenwhich disturbed the soul ofTutu and he resigned andprotested against the partialinstructions of the govern-ment. Tutu remained, for-ever, ‘a thorn facing to-wards apartheid govern-

ment. Consequently, Tuturose as a Churchman whoput to an end, the minoritywhite rule in South Africa.

Dare of the Tutu can bemeasured with the scale ofboldness with which hecriticized post-apartheidrulers, who remained fail toserve for the betterment ofpoor and Black people ofSouth Africa. Apart from it,he had the quality to rebukewithin and beyond SouthAfrica and, at particularstages, to smoothen the en-vironment with his quali-ties of humour as well aswarmth.

At the time, when Nel-son Mandela was in jail,

Tutu, with other supporters,strengthened the campaignfor positive change.Strongly opposing the bru-tal treatment of police tothe Black students, in 1976,Tutu challenged that thethen white-minority gov-ernment was reciest andagainst the will of God.

Tutu, most often, askedhis followers to be nice toWhites as they need you torediscover their humanity.

Recognising the greatactions towards humanity,Tutu was awarded with theNobel Peace Prize in 1984.The Norwegian Nobel In-stitute has complimentedTutu as “clear views and

fearless stance” and “unify-ing symbol for all Africanfreedom fighters”. In 1986,he was elected as Archbish-op of Cape Town and eventhen he remained commit-ted to opposing the minori-ty White Rule. He put hissincere efforts to get Man-dela released from jail.

Tutu was hospitalisedseveral times in the last fewyears for the treatment ofinfections associated withhis chronic disease as hewas diagnosed with cancerin the late 1990s.

With a rare public ap-pearance, Tutu had cele-brated his last (90th) birth-day on 7th October this

year, while attending a spe-cial Thanksgiving servicein Cape Town at StGeorge’s Cathedral.

After a long battle withinfections and prostate can-cer, Tutu breathed last inCape Town on Sunday, the26th December 2021.

The president CyrilRamaphosa reacts on thedeath of Tutu, in his tweetread as:

"The passing of Arch-bishop Emeritus DesmondTutu is another chapter ofbereavement in our na-tion’s farewell to a genera-tion of outstanding SouthAfricans who have be-queathed us a liberated

South Africa."Desmond Tutu was a

patriot without equal; aleader of principle andpragmatism who gavemeaning to the biblical in-sight that faith withoutworks is dead.

We pray that Archbish-op Tutu’s soul will rest inpeace but his spirit willstand sentry over the futureof our nation.”

Tutu was bearing in hima unique soul for the better-ment of poor and Black cit-izens of South Africa. Hisbattle was against the inhu-man behavior of minorityWhite Rulers but notagainst the White people.

There is a famous saying ofTutu, “Hope is being ableto see that there is light de-spite all of the darkness.”Though the material bodyof Tutu will no longer re-main with us but his nobleprinciples will always re-main as a booster exampleof strong hurdles towardsthe brutal behavior towardsBlack people.

Though a ‘moral com-pass’ has stopped working,yet, its earlier ‘indicationstowards the right path’ willalways remain there for thebetterment of humanity.Undoubtedly, a great soulhas departed just to rest inheavenly peace.


Bark, not biteAtightrope walk is never easy. When the aim of

the act is merely to cut losses, it is eventougher. During his visit to Myanmar last

week, the Indian foreign secretary, Harsh VardhanShringla, made it clear that New Delhi would like tosee its neighbour return to democratic ways soon. Butthat stern message was couched in a gift: the trip rep-resented India’s most public recognition yet of theSoutheast Asian nation’s military rulers who came topower following a coup in early February. Just threeweeks ago, the ministry of external affairs had issuedan unusually stern statement calling the conviction ofthe Nobel laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi, ‘disturbing’.Ms Suu Kyi’s party had won the re-election in No-vember 2020, prompting the military coup by the gen-erals who claimed electoral fraud. Some of India’sclosest friends, such as the United States of Americaand the European Union, have imposed sanctions onMyanmar’s military junta.Mr Shringla, too, toldMyanmar’s leaders that India was in favour of the ear-ly release of political prisoners such as Ms Suu Kyi.

Yet the visit reflects a bitter reality. Despite pres-sure from some of the world’s most powerful democ-racies, Myanmar’s uniformed rulers are quickly ex-panding their circle of friends. China and Russia arebacking the regime diplomatically, financially andmilitarily. Japan is helping to train the Tatmadaw,Myanmar’s army. Thailand, whose prime minister,Prayut Chan-o-cha, also came to power through a mil-itary coup, is engaged in quiet diplomacy with Myan-mar. And Cambodia, the incoming chair of the Asso-ciation of Southeast Asian Nations, wants greater di-alogue with Myanmar, a break from the 10-membergrouping’s stance of not recognizing the junta up un-til now. Perhaps expecting this, New Delhi has takenits own steps to avoid rupturing ties with the generals.In March, it was among a handful of nations that par-ticipated in Myanmar’s Armed Forces Day celebra-tion. India has avoided open criticism of the coup’sleaders at the United Nations. Last month, it appoint-ed a new ambassador to Myanmar. For India, the sin-gle biggest source of concern is the porous 1,600-kilo-metre border between the two neighbours and attacksby militants who seek shelter in Myanmar. Since thecoup, the border has become even more active andNew Delhi needs the Tatmadaw’s help to stop incur-sions. India is also uneasy about China’s mounting in-fluence in Myanmar. On adding up all of these factors,a clear equation emerges: India’s lectures on democ-racy have more bark than bite.

The MerchantImagine, mother, that you are tostay at home and I am to travelinto strange lands.Imagine that myboat is ready at thelanding fully laden.Now think well,mother, before yousay what I shallbring for you when I come back.Mother, do you want heaps andheaps of gold?There, by the banks of goldenstreams, fields are full ofgolden harvest.And in the shade of the forest paththe golden champ flowerdrop on the ground.

Rabindranath Tagore



Hong Kong's mediaChina controlled government's imple-

mentation of the National SecurityLaw has upended Hong Kong's po-

litical environment in the past year, accord-ing to several media reports.

The city authorities now view politicalparticipation as subversive, and the author-ities are targeting many across a broadcross-section of the population under thenew law. The Foreign Correspondents'Club (FCC) last month had revealed a sur-vey of correspondent and journalist mem-bers on a wide range of issues related topress freedom since the implementation ofthe National Security Law in June 2020.

The survey said that the vast majorityof respondents reported an overall deterio-ration in the working environment for jour-nalists, noting, in particular, the unwilling-ness of sources to be quoted and the needfor reporters to self-censor their writing ordelete images.

In 2021, Hong Kong authorities inter-fered with peaceful civil society activities,demonstrating a Mainland-style "rule bylaw" approach in which the law is merely ameans to the political end of suppressingdissent, according to the US-China Eco-nomic and Security Review Commission.

The Hong Kong government and pro-Beijing entities have used several tactics tostrip Hong Kong media organizations oftheir independence, mimicking the Main-land's heavily constrained media environ-ment. Earlier in June, Hong Kong authori-ties froze USD 2.32 million in assets be-longing to Apple Daily and two affiliatedcompanies, leaving the publisher withfunds for only a few days. Lacking anymeans of paying the salaries of its 1,300employees or covering normal operatingcosts, the paper had no choice but to shutdown.

Partnerships with Chinese state mediaare another tactic the government has de-ployed successfully to interfere with inde-pendent media, the report said.

Later in August, Chief Executive Lamannounced Hong Kong's state-fundedbroadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong(RTHK) would partner with China Media

Group, the holding group for PRC statemedia firms China Central Television andChina Radio International, to air "patriotic"content. According to Chief ExecutiveLam, the agreement allows RTHK's Chi-nese-language channel to air Mainland-produced content and produce its own pro-gramming to advocate for "safeguardingnational security" and "promote a better un-derstanding of developments on the Main-land."127

This ensures the promotion of theCCP's preferred political narratives. Re-porters Without Borders described this

partnership as providing a "perfect pretextto force RTHK to distribute Chinese prop-aganda." According to the review commis-sion report, the CCP has taken direct con-trol of Hong Kong-based media in order toinfluence the tone of ostensibly independ-ent organizations.

The Chinese government has increasedcontrol of media entities through othersweeping purchases in the recent past. TheCentral Liaison Office, Beijing's officialrepresentative office in Hong Kong, gainedcontrol of 80 per cent of Hong Kong's pub-lishing industry when it purchased Sino

United Publishing Ltd. in 2015. Having so-lidified control over the majority of printpublications and many online sources inthe city, the Chinese government can en-sure messaging in textbooks and paperssupports its goals, the report added.

Journalists are left uncertain aboutwhat will get them in trouble with the au-thorities, veteran journalist Eric Wisharttold Voice of America (VOA) earlier thisyear. "We talk about the 'red lines' in HongKong, but the paint is still fresh," Wishartsaid. "It is a changing landscape, and that isa big, big challenge for everybody."

Camel Milk: The exotic elixirThe Xmas hamper we re-

ceived this year had anunusual and exotic deli-

cacy. There was a box contain-ing artisanal single-originchocolates made with Camelmilk. The dark chocolates camein different flavours and weresinfully seductive, especiallythose enriched with nuts andcoffee beans.

Truth be told, we had tastedcamel milk during a visit toBikaner some years back butnot exactly fallen in love with itdue to its slightly salty, mildlysour and sharp taste. But the bitethis time did what the initialgulp couldn't.

For centuries camel milkhas been part of the staple dietof the people who have sharedthe harsh desert habitat with theanimal. Traditionally consumedfresh (unboiled) or in the fer-mented form, it has also beenused in folk medicine to treat awide range of ailments from tu-berculosis to gastroenteritis.What then explains the suddensurge of interest in camel milk?The Corona pandemic has en-gendered interest in immune-

boosting superfoods and camelmilk seems to fit the bill per-fectly. Camel milk producersclaim that their offering has fivetimes more vitamin C and 10times more iron than cow'smilk. They also cite scientificstudies that have found higherlevels of sodium, sodium,potassium, zinc, iron, copper,manganese, niacin than in cow'smilk. That has been consideredthe Gold Standard in India.(However, they concede thatlevels of thiamin, riboflavin, fo-lacin, vitamin Bt12, pantothenicacid, vitamin A, lysine and tryp-

tophan were relatively lowerthan those traced in cow milk.)Camel milk low in fat but witha high percentage of unsaturat-ed fatty acids is described to beantimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-hypertensive, antithromboticand more. Not all the claimshave been proven in laboratorytests and one is well-advised notto treat camel milk as a broad-spectrum miracle cure. Whatcan't be overlooked though isthat it appears to have propertiesthat can contribute significantlyto glycemic control and com-bating insulin resistance.

Consuming alcohol duringpandemic linked to more

liver disease, deathsResearchers have

projected the ratesof liver disease and

associated deaths due toincreased alcohol con-sumption during theCOVID-19 pandemic.

The research hasbeen published in the 'He-patology Journal'.

A team led by inves-tigators at MassachusettsGeneral Hospital useddata from a national sur-vey of US adults on theirdrinking habits that foundthat excessive drinking(such as binge drinking)increased by 21 per centduring the COVID-19pandemic. The scientistssimulated the drinkingtrajectories and liver dis-ease trends in all U.S.adults. They estimatedthat a one-year increasein alcohol consumptionduring the COVID-19pandemic will result in

8,000 additional deathsfrom alcohol-related liverdisease, 18,700 cases ofliver failure, and 1,000cases of liver cancer by2040. In the short term,alcohol consumptionchanges due to COVID-19 are expected to cause100 additional deaths and2,800 additional cases ofliver failure by 2023.

The researchers not-ed that a sustained in-crease in alcohol con-sumption for more thanone year could result in

19-35 per cent additionalmortality. "Our findingshighlight the need for in-dividuals and policymak-ers to make informed de-cisions to mitigate the im-pact of high-risk alcoholdrinking during theCOVID-19 pandemic inthe U.S.," said senior au-thor Jagpreet Chhatwal,PhD, associate director ofMGH's Institute for Tech-nology Assessment andan assistant professor ofradiology at HarvardMedical School.

South Africa’s ‘moral compass’ stops

handigarh : Come December and there isbound to be festive cheer in the air. But this December is different with KFC adding that extra ‘crispiness’ to festivities. CBring in the holiday season with KFC’s December Fest offering an abundance of

your KFC favs. Now avail amazing offers as 4 on 4, 5 on 5, or 6 on 6on Hot & Crispy chicken and Chicken strips between 16th December to 4th January!Move aside ‘Buy one get one free’, with KFC’s December Fest its certainly ‘The More, The Crispier’ with 4 on 4, 5 on 5 and even 6 on 6! Now you need not limit that guest list but go all out and invite family and loved ones, friends and even friends of friends… because there is enough and more for all at this Fest.The Fest is on from 16th December to 4th January next year and can be availed on the KFC App, Website ( and across KFC restaurants in the country.This Fest offer comes with the added assurance ofKFC’s 4X Safety Promise of Sanitization, Screening, Social Distancing and ContactLessservice. With our existing stringent hygiene measures, there is intensified sanitization every 30 minutes of all surface areas like tables, counters, door handles, etc. Our restaurant &delivery teams wash & sanitize their hands & bags after every order -great taste delivered safely you see. All team members, including delivery riders, get screened regularly with temperature checks, and wear masks &gloves throughout. Social distancing is followed at the restaurants with floor stickers guiding customers and delivery riders to maintain safe distance as they queue up for orders. We are making sure you get your KFC in a completely contactless & safe manner - through delivery, takeaway, KFC to your Car/Bike, during dine-in and now with Express Pick-up(takeaway order ready in just 7 mins) as well.In addition, safeguarding the health and well-being of customers as well as team members, the brand is on a drive to get all team members fully vaccinated.



Chandigarh: ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund has launched ICICI Prudential Passive Multi-Asset Fund of Funds. The offering aims to provide returns that closely correspond to the total return of the benchmark CRISIL Hybrid 50+50- Moderate Index (80% weightage) + S&P Global 1200 Index (15% weightage) + Domestic Gold Price (5% weightage) subject to tracking errors. S Naren, ED & CIO, ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund believes over the last decade easy liquidity conditions and rate cuts by global central banks created a conducive environment for equity markets to perform. Now with the withdrawal of stimulus measures, multi asset philosophy is likely to provide better outcome in the near term. Speaking on the launch of the product, Mr. Chintan Haria, Head - Product Development & Strategy, ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund said, "We believe this product is a simple solution for an investor looking for multi-asset allocation through the passive route. Apart from allocation to domestic equities ETFs/Index, debt ETFs/Index, and gold ETFs, an investor will also have exposure to ETFs/Index investing in global companies as well through this product, thus bringing in geographical diversification as well."

ICICI Prudential Passive Multi-Asset Fund of Funds launched

udhiana, : Fashinza, a B2B marketplace and manufacturing service provider that fixes apparel/fashion supply chain challenges using a tech-Lenabled platform, today announced that it has identified Ludhiana as a key

sourcing hub in India after Jaipur, Tirupur & NCR. Recently, they organized a ‘Meet and Dine Gala’ where Fashinza’s senior executives Rajesh Meena, Laiqur Rahman, and Naresh Dhaka met and interacted with owners of 100 plus reputed manufacturing players from Ludhiana. Speaking on the event, Rajesh Meena, Head of supply & operations, Fashinza, said, “Ludhiana is one of the largest manufacturing hubs for the activewear/knitwear category in India, boasting of some of the finest and largest players in this space. It is no surprise that when we thought of aggressively expanding our supplier network in India, Ludhiana became a clear and preferred choice for us to focus on. The success of the event and the overwhelming response we received proves that we made the right choice. In the near future, our goal is to sign up 100 leading suppliers from the Ludhiana region into the network. This will make Ludhiana the key focus sourcing hub in India for Fashinza.”

Fashinza identifies Ludhiana as a key sourcing hub

xercising during pregnancy can help you Some exercises that you can try are: strong.prepare for labour and delivery. Staying Half Squats Exercises During The Second Trimester Eactive can also help you maintain your This is the best time to do some mini squats to You can continue most of the exercises from the

health and feel good. Regular exercise during strengthen your muscles in the lower body. You first trimester until you feel good and healthy during pregnancy can reduce several risks like C-section, can also go for full squats in later stages of your pregnancy. However, avoid lying on your premature birth, gestational diabetes, high blood pregnancy, after your physiotherapist has given back for long periods and try some variations. Do pressure disorders like preeclampsia, low birth you a heads up. not perform any high-impact exercises like running weight of the infant, and excessive weight gain. Water Aerobics And Swimming or jumping as you will need to be careful with your Dr Anindita Majumdar Bhattacharya, Consultant You can do some water aerobics and swimming physical activity.Physiotherapist, Motherhood Hospitals, to build your strength as they are low-impact. Get Some exercises that you can do during the Bengaluru, says, “If you were physically second trimester are:active before pregnancy, you must Stationary Cyclingcontinue physical workouts with a few Stationary cycling can build your modifications. Avoid strenuous activity and muscle strength as it does not put any do low impact aerobics and moderate- stress on your growing belly or intensity workouts, as recommended by abdomen. If it makes you feel your healthcare provider. Physical activity comfortable, you can continue doing will also prevent backaches, boost your the, help you sleep better, reduce Incline Push-Upsconstipation, swelling and bloating.” She These can help you strengthen the lists a few exercises for every trimester. chest, shoulders and triceps.Continue with your regular exercises in the Mermaid Stretchfirst trimester to control a wide range of During the second trimester, you may emotions. During the early stage of suffer from discomfort on your pregnancy, you might find it hard to deal diaphragm and ribs as the baby with bodily changes like morning sickness grows. To reduce the pain, mermaid

out of the pool the moment you feel tired. You can and discomfort. You may also start feeling more stretch is the best option for you.

hire a trainer who can help you with a safe pool responsible towards your health and nourishing “You can also try different kinds of squats like

routine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this may your baby. Therefore, to maintain your health, you half squats, wide squats and narrow squats,

be difficult to do; caution is advised.must perform exercises to increase cardiovascular along with swimming and yoga. But getting

Wall Push-Upsactivity for at least 120 minutes a week. Also, the exercise prescription from a trained

These will strengthen your upper body and pelvic devote two to three days every week towards physiotherapist is a must,” advises Dr

bridging and tilting to keep your pelvic muscles strengthening muscle groups. Bhattacharya.

KFC ensures its ‘The More, The Crispier’ with the KFC December Fest

Omaxe Royal Residency celebrates Christmas with great fervor

udhiana: Omaxe Royal Residency celebrated Christmas with one of its kind ‘The Night Bazaar’. LThe two-day annual event scheduled on 25th & 26th

December 2021 was organized at Omaxe Royal Street Sector Satara, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana. Besides Ludhiana, the event witnessed the presence of people from nearby cities like Khanna, Mandi Gobindgarh, Phillaur, Phagwara, Kapurthala, Jalandhar, Moga, Malerkotta, Sirhind, Nakodarwho were seen enjoying the evening with friends and family. Shopping, scrumptious food, music and fun activities brought the cheerful vibes amongst people.Night Flea Market, Carnival Games, Food Court, Kids Play Zone, Competition, Workshop, and many more fun and entertainment activities were the attractions of the nights. The decoration of bright lights, colorful and glittery stars infused the ambiance with enticing vibes.The Night Bazaar has attracted shoppers and entertainment seekers from across Ludhiana thereby becoming one of the most sought-after places to visit during Christmas.

handigarh : Let the magic of the town of Encanto entice you with the many possibilities that surround it until the imminent danger comes Calong. After the resounding success of the theatrical release across

the country, Disney+ Hotstarbrings the charming story of Encanto in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu in addition to English. Come be a part of the journey of learning about the lives of the Madrigals and how Mirabel saves the town of Encanto starting 24th December only on Disney+ Hotstar. Director Jared Bush, “There’s a lot of pressure on us to honour that legacy and do a great job. We are hopeful that the movie will resonate with audiences the way the movies that we grew up with resonated with us. Miranda was part of the team helping to make that dream possible. I was lucky enough to work on Moana, and that was an incredible experience. I learned a lot about how music can help tell stories and was excited to be part of ‘Encanto’ from the beginning.” A talented and skilled cast joined as the voices of the primary characters in Encanto.

Encanto director Jared Bush talks about best Disney movie of 2021

Campus Activewear files DRHP for IPO

AMUNA NAGAR : Punjab-based realtor Sushma Group announced a remarkable scheme specially for the individuals of Yamuna Nagar Ywhere they are extending assured returns till possession and

guaranteed lease on all its commercial projects. Under the scheme, the Group is offering 12% assured return and a lease of 7% per annum. The scheme will be on all its commercial projects such as Sushma Empiria, Sushma Pristine, Sushma Capital and Sushma Metropol. Speaking on the campaign, Prateek Mittal, Executive Director Sushma Group & IIT Alumnus said, “We are delighted to expand our best commercial offers to the individuals of other cities, other than Chandigarh. Sushma Group is best known for their vast experience in Business spaces and association with leading retail brands, and now we are passing on the confidence of lease guarantee to our customers of Yamuna Nagar . People who are looking to invest in Chandigarh Tricity can take the advantage of the same.” Sushma Empiria, the Skydome High Street with Climate Control, located on Airport Road is integrated with SUSHMA Downtown a 60-acre township. This luxury retail is Tricity's first integrated city with over 770 ft. frontage on Airport road. The low rise commercial development with European panache is equipped with double basement for ample parking. Sushma Capital, located in Peer Muchalla, Zirakpur, 350 commercial shops. The project boasts about first-of-its-kind low height plaza with elevators and Sky Bridge connectivity.

Sushma offers lease guarantee on its commercial spaces


Aakash Institute holds “Green Ferozepur, Clean Ferozepur” tree plantation drive

LAR procedure for Rectal cancer using Medtronic Hugo™ Robotic-Assisted Surgery System performed

This Festive Season, KFC ensures its ‘The More, The Crispier’ with the KFC December Fest

mritsar: Come December and there is bound to be festive cheer in the air. But this ADecember is different with KFC adding that

extra ‘crispiness’ to festivities. Bring in the holiday season with KFC’s December Fest offering an abundance of your KFC favs. Now avail amazing offers as 4 on 4, 5 on 5, or 6 on 6 on Hot & Crispy chicken and Chicken strips between 16th December to 4th January! Move aside ‘Buy one get one free’, with KFC’s December Fest its certainly ‘The More, The Crispier’ with 4 on 4, 5 on 5 and even 6 on 6! Now you need not limit that guest list but go all out and invite family and loved ones, friends and even friends of friends… because there is enough and more for all at this Fest. The Fest is on from 16th December to 4th January next year and can be availed on the KFC App, Website ( and across KFC restaurants in the country. This Fest offer comes with the added assurance of KFC’s 4X Safety Promise of Sanitization, Screening, Social Distancing and ContactLess service. With our existing stringent hygiene measures, there is intensified sanitization every 30 minutes of all surface areas like tables, counters, door handles, etc.

handigarh: An amazing amalgamation of Greek design sensibilities and traditional Indian craft, Thevasa–a Delhi based unique lifestyle and fashion brand – saw the opening of its Cthird ‘experience center 'at Elante Mall, Chandigarh here. The brainchild of Neha Kalra, a

design enthusiast and entrepreneur, Thevasa is an attempt to rediscover, revive and sustain India's beautiful art, craft and culture, while giving it a contemporary twist with the aid of modern technology and international flavour. “I’ve always wanted to do something constructive for India’s talented pool of traditional artisans especially, the hard-working and highly skilled women workforce. Through Thevasa, I am glad that I am able to offer something of value to them. Unlike

other fashion labels, our emphasis is to give maximum revenue to our artisans by putting less physical pressure on them and instead, using technology and our own sensibilities as designers to create the best outcome for our clients,” said the enthusiastic founder, Neha Kalra.Predominantly led by a team of women, The vasa’s new store offers a retail

experience centre like an oasis of tranquility - with calming tones of white and blue, limestone walls and cheerful lighting. The store is set to offer new collections in women’s wear - kurtas, coord sets and fine mul cotton & chanderi sarees. The unique collection of home decor items like coffee mugs, platters and cushions are also available. Some of the featured products include, kurtis handcrafted in Cotton silk with bead embroidery, silver zari, ‘Santorini’ style Kypello side-serving bowls, mugs, tea-sets, kettles et al. “Thevasa offers a range of products from contemporary Indian wear to handmade stoneware, stationary and home accessories. This is the brand's third store in North India, the other two being in Khan Market, New Delhi and in DLF Promenade, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi,” informed the founder. Also present at the launch, Thevasa’s design head Archi Modi said, “The women of Chandigarh are well known for their sartorial style - global in outlook but with their hearts in India.

'Thevasa' unveiled in City Beautiful ‘Nayan- Jo Vekhe Unvekha’- A Blessing or A Curse?ndia is a place, where every now and then we come across mystical or mythical stories and places, with extraordinary incidents. Zee Punjabi brings forth a mystical Idrama series, ‘Nayan-Jo Vekhe Unvekha’. It's a story of a girl who has premonitions,

and the ability to foresee incidents. A village girl, Nayan is loathed by her community because the villagers think that everything around her happens to be unpleasant soon after she speaks of it. Nayan is always in a dilemma whether this ability is a boon or a curse for her? All the accusations by her village people have made her think of herself as doomed. Before she sees any visions, she feels a pain in her forehead and then a vision crosses her mind. The upcoming show ‘Nayan’ is ready to go on air on 3rd January 2022, from Monday to Friday at 8:30 pm.

mritsar, --: The Apollo Hospitals Group today announced the successful completion of the Aworld’s first LAR procedure for rectal cancer

and the first GI (gastrointestinal) surgery in the Asia-Pacific region with the Medtronic Hugo™ robotic-assisted surgery (RAS) system. This milestone in robotic GI surgery was achieved at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai on December 15 by Dr. Venkatesh Munikrishnan, Consultant Colorectal & Robotic Surgeon, Institute of Colorectal Surgery, Apollo Hospitals. The low anterior resection procedure, performed to remove the affected portion of the rectum, was successfully carried out using Hugo™ RAS system on a 60-year-old male who was operated on for Rectal cancer. The patient had a successful postoperative recovery. This GI surgery using the Hugo™ RAS system builds on the success of the first clinical use in the Asia-Pacific region to perform a robotic prostatectomy in September of this year, also at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai.

Amway bets big on India to drive global growth, says Milind Pant, Global CEO, AmwayHIMLA/AMRITSAR : The world’s number one direct selling company, Amway, has continued its growth trajectory in India powered by its nutrition and wellness portfolio along with its thriving community of Sentrepreneurs. The company is now set for the next-level transformation, further building on the growth

strategy charted out by global CEO Milind Pant. Aligned with the focus on unleashing entrepreneurship and creating long term value in the health and wellness category, Amway has earmarked a global investment of over USD 300 million through 2024 to boost innovation and science, digital technology, and entrepreneurship. Among the 100 plus markets that Amway operates in, India is one of the key growth markets. Further, India is among the top three preferred investment destinations for Amway with a focus on digital, manufacturing automation, innovation, and nutrition segment. Known for its quality health and wellness products and unparalleled business opportunities, Amway has established a strong foothold in India over the last two decades of its operations in the market. The leading entrepreneur-led health and wellness had announced an investment of over $20 million (INR 170 crores) to boost research and development, manufacturing automation, innovation & science and strengthen digital capabilities in India. Amway Global CEO, Milind Pant said, “Amway’s global growth trajectory is focused on health and wellness and entrepreneurship. Today, entrepreneurship is being democratized like never before. And, at Amway, as an entrepreneur-led social idea, our vision is to unleash the next generation of entrepreneurs with our all-inclusive business opportunity, making it 10x easier for them to acquire and retain a community of engaged consumers. With unprecedented changes in the employment landscape and the rise of the passion economy, entrepreneurship is becoming one of the preferred choices, especially for women and the youth.

Protean eGov Technologies Files IPO Papers With SEBI

URUGRAM : Protean eGov Technologies Limited (“Company” or “Issuer”) (formerly known as NSDL GE-Governance Infrastructure limited) one of the key

IT-enabled solution companies in India (Source: CRISIL Report) engaged in conceptualizing, developing and executing nationally critical and population scale greenfield technology solutions has filed its Draft Red Herring Prospectus (“DRHP”) with market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”).Company is among the leading Indian companies in the e-governance sector in terms of profitability, operating income, operating profit and operating profit margin in fiscal 2020 (Source: CRISIL Report).Through the initial public issue, the company plans to raise funds through offer for sale up to 12,080,140 equity shares of face value Rs. 10 each (“The “Offer for Sale”) comprising of up to 1,095,288 equity shares by IIFL Special opportunities Fund, up to 762,998 equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund Series 2, up to 353,160 equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund Series 3, up to 945,694 equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund Series 4, up to 736,899 equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund Series 5, up to 430,748 equity shares by Administrator of the specific undertaking of the Unit Trust of India, up to 3,159,027 equity shares by NSE Investments Limited, up to 788,338 equity shares by HDFC Bank Limited, up to 1,261,341 equity shares by Axis Bank Limited, up to 1,261,341 equity shares by Deutsche Bank A.G.

India’s biggest skill competition IndiaSkills2021 to be held in the capital

HANDIGARH/LUDHIANA: National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), the nodal Cagency for skill and entrepreneurship development

working under the guidance of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, will organize IndiaSkills 2021 National Competition at India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO), Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 6 to 10 January 2022. Under Skill India Mission, the country’s biggest skill competition will bring together more than 500 participants from 26 states/ union territories, covering 54 skills such as beauty therapy, cyber security, floristry, autobody repair, cloud computing, water technology, painting and decorating, health and social care, among others. Ved Mani Tiwari, Chief Operating Officer, NSDC said, “IndiaSkills Competition aims to create a pool of talented and skilled workforce, who will fuel the economic growth of the country. The competition offers a national platform to the youth and exposure to global training standards. It is a step towards discovering the power of skills and making vocational training aspirational for the youth.”Seven new-age skills—robot systems integration, additive manufacturing, digital construction, industry 4.0, renewable energy, mobile applications development, and industrial design technology.

EROZEPUR :-In a massive tree plantation drive to make the city green, students and Ffaculty of Aakash Institute – the country’s

premier provider of test preparatory services – planted 113 saplings, equal to the number of selection of their students in competitive exams this year from the city, at the SSP Office, Outside Park in FEROZEPUR. The third consecutive year of the campaign called “GreenFEROZEPUR, Clean FEROZEPUR” was organized to create better awareness about the importance of having a green cover for the city. Air pollution is the single largest, environment related global health risk of our time. According to the World Health Organization, nine out of ten people breathe polluted air. Approximately seven million deaths every year are attributed to bad air quality, which increases the risk of strokes, lung cancer and other cardio vascular diseases. Planting more and more trees is one solution that can help in mitigating these risks to an extent.

India Post Payments Bank Partners HDFC Bank

HANDIGARH: India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) and HDFC Bank have signed a CMemorandum of Understanding (MoU) for

offering various banking products and services to customers of IPPB in semi-urban and rural areas, focussing on unbanked and underserved segments. Over 4.7 crore customers of IPPB of whom nearly 90% are residing in rural areas are expected to benefit from this partnership. Commenting on the tie-up, Ms. Smita Bhagat, Country Head – GIB, CSC, e-Commerce, Start-ups and Inclusive Banking Initiatives Group, HDFC Bank, said: "HDFC Bank has been championing the cause of financial inclusion through several initiatives and this partnership is one more step in that direction. This alliance will allow us to take our best-in-class products and services to millions of IPPB customers in the remotest corners of India."The strategic alliance will enabe IPPB to provide affordable and diversified offerings, including access to finance, to its customers through its innovative Doorstep Banking Service.

roducing a film or video is not an easy task; there is always a chance of risk. It is Pbelieved that Ramandeep Singh, young

executive producer from Punjab who has been associated with film production for a long time.In a meeting recently, this young producer Ramandeep Singh told the author that he is a resident of village Lasra, Tehsil Phillaur of district Jalandhar in Punjab. His love for films and music was from a young age and he used to participate in cultural programs even during his school-college days. Born in September 1990 to mother Harbhajan Kaur, talented video executive producer Ramandeep Singh, after graduating from district Jalandhar, ventured into the field of music video production and worked for almost three to four years with reputed production houses in Punjab and film production. Gained complete information. Quiet hard working man Ramandeep Singh has produced many music videos over the years which include famous Punjabi singer Gurbaksh Shonki's solo video track Tu Hi Khuda, singer Gulshan Komal's video song Sajna, Hakam Barkhatriwala and Daljit Kaur's duet song Shokeen Deor. Realm and singer Pali Detwalia's folk and fukra bande which were released recently by AK Records (UAS). Ramandeep Singh is slowly moving towards his destination.

Video filmmaking is not easy - Ramandeep Singh

Your guide to exercising safely during pregnancy

udhiana: Winter has arrived! It's time to soak up some rays while sipping hot drinks and Lsnuggling up under a blanket. This, however,

does not imply that being fashionable takes a back seat! Layering, warm tones, and cozy necklines define winter fashion. When it comes to woolen kurtas, they are made of acrylic or wool and will be a great addition to your winter wardrobe. BIBA's winter collection is available in a variety of stunning colors and patterns, allowing you to look your best while enjoying the winter chills. BIBA is indeed a winter wear destination with a wide range of options.This winter season BIBA comes up with woolen acrylic kurtas, woolen leggings, winter jackets & long coats, jacquard shawls & stoles, velvet range and many more. It's the first time we've launched a BIBA girls winter collection, which includes sweaters and warm leggings.So, it’s time to brighten up the spirits with BIBA’s Winter collection for women and girls.

BIBA’s Winter Collection 2021 – All shades of winter

Assurance given by Dr. Manohar Singh to resolve issue of computer teachers handigarh: A state level delegation of Computer Teachers Union, Punjab led by State President Gurwinder Singh Tarn Taran met Dr. Manohar CSingh Ji at his residence Kharar regarding their demands. The

delegation included state committee from all over Punjab and district presidents from all the districts. Dr. Manohar Singh was accompanied by S. Tajinder Singh. Dr. Sahib assured the delegation of the organization that their demands were justified and a solution in this regard would be sought from the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Charanjit Singh Channi at the earliest. The delegation included Harjit Singh Sandhu, Anil Eri, Arundeep Singh Saidpur, Parminder Singh Bhullar, Harminder Singh Sandhu, Harpreet Singh Ludhiana, Ekmunkar Singh, Paramjit Singh Amritsar, Gurpreet Singh Mohali, Jagdish Sharma Sangrur, Amandeep Singh Hoshiarpur, Raman Sharma Kapurthala. Amandeep Singh Pathankot, Amrit Garg Mansa, Pawan Sharma Jalandhar, Rakesh Singh Moga,

Sikander Singh Barnala, Harjit Singh Muktsar, Gagandeep Singh Amritsar, Jagjit Singh Ropar, Gurpinder Singh Gurdaspur, Jagsir Singh Faridkot, Jaspal Singh Tarn Taran, Harjinder Singh Nawanshahr, Jagjit Singh Thind, Robin Sharma Malerkotla, Jaswinder Singh Ludhiana, Satya Fazilka etc. were present. Form

URUGRAM : Campus Shoes is the largest sports and athleisure Gfootwear brand in India in terms of

value and volume in Fiscal 2021. Brand “CAMPUS” was introduced in 2005 and the company is a lifestyle-oriented sports and athleisure footwear company that offers a diverse product portfolio for the entire family. Campus Activewear Ltd. has filed an offer document for an Initial public offering (IPO) of up to 51 million (5.1 crore) equity shares of face value Rs. 5 through a 100% offer for sale (OFS).The promoters of the company are Mr. Hari Krishan Agarwal and Mr. Nikhil Aggarwal. Marquee investors such as TPG Growth III SF Pte. Ltd. and QRG Enterprises Limited will be selling part of their shareholding in the company through the offer for sale.While promoters of the company currently hold 78.21% of the total outstanding shareholding, TPG Growth and QRG Enterprises holds 17.19% and 3.86% of the total outstanding shareholding respectively. The balance of 0.74% is being held by individual shareholders and current employees. The company’s strength in the Indian sports and athleisure footwear landscape is demonstrated on account.

Conquering New Frontiers in Oncology treatmentsathinda,26 December:-- With an aim to provide “Cancer can be devastating, and people who are already comprehensive cancer care, HCMCT Manipal suffering from cancer have to struggle every day in their BHospital Delhi is the first in Dwarka to launch a lives. Cancer patients need both moral and medical

new Radionuclide therapy facility. The facility was support to recover. It’s a great initiative by HCMCT launched by the veteran film actress Shabana Azmi. Manipal Hospital Delhi to introduce the new therapies and Radionuclide therapy utilizes radioactive medicines for providing all treatments under one roof for patients who treatment of various cancers and benign conditions. This are suffering from cancer. With the launch of this facility facility will be a significant addition to the existing and the dedicated cancer management teams, I’m sure oncological services, making it a holistic oncology facility. that HCMCT Manipal Hospital will fight every cancer What makes it more unique is that with the addition of battle for their patients.” Speaking at the launch, Mr. Radionuclide therapy, the entire spectrum of advanced Raman Bhaskar, Hospital Director, HCMCT Manipal cancer therapies will be served under one roof. In Hospital said, “With the addition of Radionuclide therapy addition to this HCMCT Manipal Hospital Delhi will be & our new robotic surgery team, HCMCT Manipal able to treat all possible forms of cancer. Hospitals Delhi will become one of the most convenient & On launching the facility actress Shabana Azmi said, comprehensive treating centres for our cancer patients.

Cairn Oil & Gas appoints top oil leader as Chief Operating Officer

CHANDIGARH: Cairn Oil & Gas, India’s largest private exploration and production company, has appointed Martyn Smith, a seasoned oil & gas global leader, as Chief Operating Officer. Smith is joining Cairn with an extensive experience of 35 years in reservoir & petroleum engineering and subsurface geoscience disciplines. Smith has been part of the leadership in global companies including British Petroleum where he led as the Global Head of Reservoir Development. He is joining Cairn at a promising time as the company seeks to double its capacities and contribute 50% to India’s domestic crude production. He has worked in diverse oil & gas portfolios across various technical, commercial and research roles in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North America and Africa. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Geophysics from Cardiff University and has done his MBA from Henley Management College, UK. Speaking on the company’s new appointment, Prachur Sah, Deputy CEO, Cairn Oil & Gas, said, “We are delighted to appoint Martyn as our Chief Operating Officer. At Cairn, we are focusing heavily on hiring the best global talent across levels of our organisation. Martyn is joining us at an exciting time as we pace ahead with the next phase of growth. He will work closely with the SBUs, focus on driving production volumes and help realize the full potential of our assets – from existing fields as well as new acquisitions under successive OALP and DSF bids. Martyn’s global experience will add particular value to our goals of doubling production capacity and also recruiting the brightest minds in the industry to carve an efficient path to that end.”




Annual Art Exhibitionheld at ApeejayCollege

HARPREET SINGH LEHALJALANDHAR: The Annual ArtExhibition set up collaboratively byApeejay Education Society and Dr. StyaPaul Art gallery at VirsaVihar, Jalandharwas today visited and admired byApeejay Institution of Management andEngineering Technical Campus, RamaMandi. Nearly 35 students with theirteachers - Sunny Gulati, PahulpreetSingh, AarushiSidana and PrabhjotKaur had visited the grand exhibition.Dr. Sucharita Sharma, Director, ApeejayEducation Society and Pro ViceChancellor, ApeejayStyaUniversitywarmly welcomed them andacknowledged their presence. Sheappreciated these students andencouraged them to be the part of artand such more exhibitions in future. Onthis occasion, Mr. Basudeb Biswas andAnil Gupta were also present.

India Post Payments Bankpartners HDFC Bank forservices in Semi-Urbanand Rural AreasSHIMLA: India Post Payments Bank(IPPB) and HDFC Bank have signed aMemorandum of Understanding (MoU)for offering various banking productsand services to customers of IPPB insemi-urban and rural areas, focussingon unbanked and underservedsegments. Over 4.7 crore customersof IPPB of whom nearly 90% areresiding in rural areas are expected tobenefit from this partnership. Thestrategic alliance will enabe IPPB toprovide affordable and diversifiedofferings, including access to finance,to its customers through its innovativeDoorstep Banking Service. Withnearly 200,000 postal serviceproviders (Postmen and Gramin DakSevaks) equipped with microATMsand biometric devices, IPPB caters tothe needs and requirements of variouscustomer segments but is alsocommitted to making digital adoptioneasier at the last mile by enabling anassisted banking model. With thispartnership, HDFC Bank aims tofurther strengthen its financialinclusion drive by leveraging therobust and extensive distributionnetwork of IPPBs 650 branches andover 136,000 banking access pointsacross India.

KL Thakur encouragesyouths to adoptsports activities

ANWAR HUSSAINNALAGARH: In Kabaddi tournamentbeing held in Shiv Mandir Sports ClubJanon in the memory of Kargil martyrShyam Lal in village Janon of villagePanchayat Kundlu of Nalagarh VidhanSabha constituency, former MLA ofNalagarh, KL Thakur as the chief guestparticipated. In this tournamentHaryana, Punjab Himachal teamsparticipated. And Thakur encouragedthe children to go for sports by stayingaway from drugs. He congratulated clubmembers who organized this kabadditournament. Thakur had given for Rs 2lakh for the ground and announced togive Rs 3 lakh for the development ofthe ground and Rs 2 lakh for the clubroom. Road from Janon to Raja JanakRaj Mandir will also be made pavedand money has been given for theconstruction of culverts and poles onthe road leading to Puneli and furthermoney will be made available for themaintenance of the remaining road.

'National Mathematics Day' celebrated at RR Bawa DAVCollegiate School BatalaVERMABATALA: Under the guidance of Principal Dr. Ekta Khosla 'NationalMathematics Day was celebrated at RR Bawa DAV Collegiate GirlsSen. Sec. School, Batala. The day was organised by 'AryabhattMathematics Society' to mark the birth anniversary of the IndianMathematician 'Srinivasa Ramanujan'. The students of collegiatesection participated in quiz competition and other numericalactivities.KumariMehakpreet Kaur and KumariKomalpreet Kaurbagged First and Second positions respectively in these competitions. Madam Principal congratulated thefaculty and participants for organising this activity and wished them best for such other future endeavours. Onthis occasion Ms. Rajwant Kaur, Ms. Amandeep Kaur & Ms. Kajal were also present.

NEWSVote to leader who talkson issue of environment:

Sant Seechewal


Padma Shree Sant Balbir SinghSeechewal, who is engaged insaving water resources, saidthat the people of the societywill have to be aware ofenvironmental protection. Hewas addressing the journalistson his return to Sultanpur Lodhiafter attending the NationalConference on Revival of RiverCalls Health organized atMeerut BDS Institute as thechief guest. Sant Seechewalsaid that in the politics of vote,conversation will be createdwith the leaders on the issue ofenvironment, waterconservation. People shouldtake a pledge that those whoprotect the environment andwater will also vote for them.Sant Seechewal told that duringhis visit to Meerut, he visitedthe Kali river in UP whosecondition is very bad due to

acquisition, pollution and alsotold the officers present on thespot simple steps to clean it.Which includes stopping thepolluted water falling fromoutside in the river. He toldthat the polluted water ofKali river is further pollutingthe Ganga. The special guestof the conference, MPRajendra Agrawal, told aboutraising the issue of Kali riverin the Parliament. Apart fromthis, Assistant Professor ofShobhit Vishwavidyalaya,Priyank Bharti presented hisresearch connecting the topicof defense against the oldGanga and Hastinapurfloods. Dr. Meena, who ismaking people aware throughpublic awareness by takingaround 25 hundred womenalong with her, mentionedRight to Live and said thatdespite reading and writing,we are not playing a positiverole.

Punjab Govt accelerated pace of development bytaking decisions in public interest: Raja Waring


Punjab Transport Minister RajaWaring today said that the PunjabGovernment under the leadershipof Punjab Chief Minister CharanjitSingh Channi has accelerated thepace of development by takinghistoric decisions in the publicinterest.He was addressing localpanch-sarpanches, panchayats andcity dwellers at Milan Palace heretoday. On this occasion, AICCIncharge Youth Congress PunjabMukesh Kumar and Bunty ShelkeNagpur were specially present.Transport Minister AmarinderSingh Raja Warring said that theChanni government has takenhistoric decisions in the last threemonths in the interest of Punjaband the people of the state. He saidthat on behalf of Punjabgovernment Taking a historicdecision, the rate of Rs 10 petroland Rs 5 diesel Large economicrelief has been given to the peopleby making it cheaper and similarlyby reducing the rate of electricity,waiving off previous arrears ofelectricity bills.The corporation hastaken big and historic decisions toforgive debts which have neverhappened in the history of Punjabor the country. On this occasion

Raja Waring divulged that apartfrom taking historic decisions, thePunjab government has brought awind of development in the stateand under this series, checksamounting to Rs. 9 crore 48 lakhhave been issued to 64 panchayatsof Kotkapura today. He said thatRs.5 crore 2 lakh has also beenprovided to the Municipal Councilfor the development of Kotkapuracity. This will speed up thedevelopment process. He appealedto the people to support theCongress party as before in theforthcoming assembly elections sothat the state would be developedby maintaining mutual peace andbrotherhood. Addressing the

residents of the area ChairmanMarkfed Kushaldeep SinghDhillon said that under thedynamic leadership of PunjabChief Minister Mr. Charanjit SinghChanni ,the development work ofFaridkot constituency is in fullswing. He said that the work ofsewerage, drinking water, roads,interlocking etc. in different areascoming under the purview of theMunicipal Council was beingexpedited so that all the amenitiescould be provided to the citizens bycompleting the development work.On this occasion District CongressPresident Darshan Singh Sahota,Senior Congress Leader BhaiHarnirpal Singh Kukku, Ajaypal

Singh Sandhu, ChairmanImprovement Trust KotkapuraOmkar Goyal, Vijay Singla FormerMember SS Board, SeniorCongress Leader Opinder Sharma,M.D. Laborfed Ranjit Singh Brar,President Municipal CouncilBhupinder Singh Pappu, GinderjitSingh Sekhon Chairman MarketCommittee Faridkot, ChairmanMarket Committee KotkapuraLakhwant Singh Mahasha,Congress Leader Navdeep SinghBabbu Brar, M.C. Kukki Chopra,Jaishanpreet Singh Dhillon,Balkaran Singh Nangal GeneralSecretary & Spokesperson PunjabYouth Congress and a largenumber of citizens were present.

MBD group organizes meet of distributorsand booksellers in Chandigarh


MBD Group held a Chandigarh Distributors and Booksellersmeet at Park View, Hotel Chandigarh. More than 65Distributors and Sellers from Chandigarh, Mohali, Kharar,Kurali, Morinda, Mullanpur, Dehra bassi, Lalru and nearbyareas attended the meet where the solutions to variousproblems were discussed. The main discussion in the meetwas MBD Sure shot and ALTS (Aasoka Learning andTeaching Solutions). The meet started with demonstration ofALTS that was developed for schools; it is a cloud-basedplatform catering to all academic, administrative, learning andteaching needs of schools with curriculums of CBSE,ICSE/ISC and various State Boards. Last year when studentshad to stay home and teaching learning patterns changed,MBD Group launched the AASOKA App which makesavailable to students high quality study material in the form ofe-books, audio lessons, video lessons and online assessmentsand assignments that help them focus on studies in aconstructive and interesting manner. The resource person for

GM Northern Railway inspectsSaharanpur - Moradabad

section of Moradabad divisionNEW DELHI, DEC 27

Ashutosh Gangal, General Manager Northern Railwayconducted an inspection of the Saharanpur-Moradabadsection of the Moradabad Division today. The GM wasaccompanied by Ajay Nandan, Divisional RailwayManager, Moradabad Division, Principal Heads ofDepartment, Northern Railway and senior officers of theDivision. The GM initiated his inspection from Balia Khedi.He inspected the station area, yard and the railway colonyand also inaugurated the newly renovated RPF Barrak.Moving by a special train the entourage stopped at levelcrossing gate no 521 between Chidiyala and Ikbalpur andBridge no. 1282 Dn before reaching Roorkee. At Roorkeethe GM inspected the station, and the staff colony. GMstopped at Fazalpur station enroute to Najibabad. Onreaching Najibabad the GM inspected the station, washingpit for train cleaning, running room for drivers, healthcenter, yard and a level crossing near the station. He alsoinspected a newly upgraded Ist AC coach in which severalpassenger conducive features have been introduced. TheGM reached Dhampur inspecting the track and other railstructures enroute. Here he visited the station and witnesseda demonstration on the working of the bio-vacuum toilet.An exhibition put up by different departments. A NukkadNatak was also staged on the occasion.


The SAD got a shot in the arm when tenfamilies who were affiliated with theCongress earlier joined SAD in thepresence of SAD leader Sikander SinghMaluka. Those who joined wereDarshan Bawa ,Darshan Singh, KarnalSingh Kuku ,Swaran Singh, CharanSingh ,Gyan Singh, Gurmal Singh ,Leela Singh, Sukhwinder Singh and

others Sikander Singh Maluka whilewelcoming all the families said theywould be given due respect in the party.

Satpal Garg, Circle President,Darshan Singh present at this occasion.Vice President Kisan Wing CircleRampura, Gurtaj Singh Sharma,President Business Cell, Suresh Leela,Akali Leader Pardeep Kumar Deepu,General Secretary, Youth Akali Dal,Punjab, Ashok Kumar Office in-chargewas present.

10 families join SAD inMaluka’s presence

Gymkhana Club poll: GoodwillGroup candidates campaign


In connection with theupcoming election ofRajindra Gymkhana ClubPatiala on Wednesday 29thDecember, Goodwill Groupcandidate Nabha arrived atthe local City Heart Hotel tomeet the members of theclub and campaign for theelection. On this occasion,the candidate for thepresidency of the club Dr.Sudhir Verma appealed to theNabha members of the clubto vote for their group.

Among others present onthe occasion were GeneralSecretary of the Club VinodSharma, Vikas Puri, Deepak

Malhotra, Dr. SukhdeepSingh Boparai, AshokBansal from Nabha, JaspalJuneja, Chairman NagarSudhar Trust AmardeepSingh Khanna, AdvocateYogesh Mangla, DSP HansRaj. , Dr. JP Narula, SubhashSehgal, Dr. BM Dhir, Clubmembers assured that theywould give their full support

to the Goodwill Groupcandidates.

Raju, Davinder SinghRoshni Wale, Dr. MulakhRaj, Jeevan Lal Gupta, Adv.Inderjit Singh Sahni, DeepakJand, Dharmapal Gupta,Manish Singla, SatinderMittal, Ashok Kumar Tony,Dr. Jeevan Garg, SandeepJindal etc. were present.

Staff return Rs 65K left behindby devotee at Golden Temple


The employees of Sri Darbar Sahib have set anexample of honesty by returning the Rs 65,000 leftbehind by a devotee. According to Gurpreet Singh,Manager of Saran at Sri Darbar Sahib, said that adevotee from Khandwan in Madhya Pradesh,Gagan Singh had arrived at Sachkhand SriHarmandir Sahib to pay obeisance. He left behindRs. 65,000 at Guru Hargobind's residentialbuilding. He said that when the janitors and the in-charge of the house came to know about it whilecleaning the room, they informed the management.The concerned devotee was informed on the phoneand his money was refunded.

FSSAI registration number mandatory onfood bills from 1st January, 2022 : DHO


From January 1, 2022, it ismandatory for all the FoodBusiness Operators (FBOs) tomention license/Registrationnumber on cash receipts, invoicesand bills. Disclosing this heretoday, district health officer (DHO)DrSubhash Kumar said this rule is beingimplemented across the country fromJanuary 1, 2022 by the Food Safety andStandards Authority of India (FSSAI)for the convenience of the people. Hesaid that through this registrationnumber which is issued by the FSSAI orhealth department, the customer wouldbe able to ensure that the shopkeeperfrom whom they are buying any fooditem has Licese/registration number ornot. Sometimes when customer

complaints against a shopkeeperor a food business operator, thehealth department may find itdifficult to trace the shopkeeper'scomplete address or details dueto which the grievances are notresolved. Now if a customercomplaints against a foodbusiness operator, then they can

complain by quoting theLicense/Registration number. "Underthe Food Safety Act, every FBO isrequired to obtain a Food Safety Licenseor Registration Certificate but manypeople do business without license orregistration," he said.Dr. Subhashaddedthat every shopkeeper or even hawker orrehri-fariwala dealing in food andbeverages must get a registrationcertificate or license, for which there isno need to visit the Health departmentoffice.

Meeting of Intellectual Cell BJPPb appoints new office bearersSHASHI PAL JAINKHARAR, DEC 27

A State level ExecutiveBody meeting of theIntellectual Cell BJPPunjab was held underthe Chairmanship ofnewly appointedCONVENOR RakeshMarkan. Sham Karwal was appointed as the Co-Convenor ofIntellectual Cell BJP Punjab. In addition to the above thefollowing persons were appointed as the Zonal Convenors ofthe four Zones:-Satish Bajaj (Zone-1), KK Thakur (Zone-2),Avinash Sharma (Zone-3), Munish Bhardwaj (Zone) EveryZonal Convenor have been given the responsibility to handlenine Districts of BJP Panjab and were strictly advised to get thelists of all office bearers of the Districts before 31 December2021. Among others Vikas Jolly (Secretary), KamalGupta(Secretary), Dr.Sukhvir Rana (Secretary), Jagdish Gupta,(General Secretary), Parteek Walia (Co-Convenor I T Cell Pb),Rakesh Markan (CONVENOR Pb.),Satish Bajaj (Zone-1)Convenor, Jasbir Singh (Secretary), Sham Karwal, (Co-Convenor Pb.) were present in the meeting.

Registering case against Majithia


The defeat of the Congress government in Punjab Raj KumarGupta Sujanpur, a meeting was organized under the chairmanshipof Akali leader Pawan in the village issue, in which the ShiromaniAkali Dal and Bahujan Samaj Party's common candidate RajKumar Gupta from area Sujanpur. Raj Kumar Gupta Bittu joinedthe head, he thanked the villagers for the success of the grand rallyof Shiromani Akali Dal chief Sukhbir Singh Badal in Sujanpurand people also got full support of Raj Kumar Gupta. On thisoccasion, 20 families joined the Shiromani Akali Dal, who werewarmly welcomed by Raj Kumar Gupta. He said that byregistering a false case against former cabinet minister BikramSingh Majithia by the Congress government of Punjab, it has beenproved that in view of his defeat to the Congress Bikram Majithiahas been falsely registered, which he strongly condemned.

Vice District Guv 2 visit organized byLions Club Pathankot Greater


Vice District Governor 2 visit organized by Lions Club PathankotGreater under the chairmanship of President Ritesh Mahajan inwhich Vice District Governor to Engineer Lion SP Sondhi waspresent as the Chief Guest, Former Governor SK Punj, PresidentRitesh Mahajan, General Secretary Abhishek Dogra, PRO Dr.Manu Sharma, Treasurer Manish Chauhan and the membersfelicitated the chief guest, after which the members expressed theirgratitude to the chief guest by garlanding. Secretary AbhishekDogra presented the report of the Secretary, explained in detailabout the work done by the Lions Club Pathankot Greater. ChiefGuest Engineer Lion SP Sondhi praised the work of Lions ClubPathankot Greater and said that Lions Club Pathankot Greater isdoing commendable work. Former Governor Lion SK Punjexpressed his gratitude to the chief guest and said that Lions Clubholds its special place in Pathankot Greater District 321D.

Chandra Prakash Goyal, 1986 batchofficer of UP Cadre of Indian Forest

Service has been appointed as DirectorGeneral of Forests & Special Secretary

in the MoEFCC. He is alumni ofLucknow University, FRI and University

of Edinburgh and has experience ofalmost twenty years in field forestry. Hehas served as Joint Secretary in Govt of

India for six years.


Surprised myselfwith how calm I havebeen, says KL RahulCENTURION : India opening bat-ter KL Rahul said that he has sur-prised himself with how calm hewas on Day 1 of the ongoing firstTest against South Africa here atthe SuperSport Park, Centurion.Virat Kohli’s side dominated Day 1of the ongoing first Test againstthe Proteas here at the Super-Sport Park with the visitors’ scorereading 272/3 at stumps. KL Rahul(122*) and Ajinkya Rahane (40*)are unbeaten at the crease and In-dia would be hoping for a strongshow from the batters on Day 2."It is truly special, every hun-dred really takes something outof you and gives you joy. Thereare so many emotions you gothrough when you score a hun-dred. You bat for 6-7 hours,those are the kind of inningsthat stand out and as players,we really cherish these. This iswhat is expected out of me.Once I got off to a good start, Istarted enjoying my batting andI did not think too far ahead,"Rahul told BCCI.TV.Mayank Agarwal scored 60 runsand shared an opening stand of117 runs with KL Rahul. SkipperKohli was also looking good atthe crease but he gave away hiswicket to Lungi Ngidi after play-ing a 35-run knock."Preparation has been reallygood, all the batters that battedon Day 1 were really focused. Ijust try to stay in the momentwhen I am out there in the mid-dle. I have surprised myself withhow calm I have been, my focushas always been to stay in themoment and react to the ballthat is bowled. Really happythat I could finish the day on agood note," said Rahul.




RoundGlass Punjab FC begins campaignwith 2-0 win over Rajasthan United

Gillco Palms organises Sports DayKHARAR: Gillco Palms in Kharar organizes Sports Day inmemory of Shaheedi of Chotte Sahibzade (Sahibzada FatehSingh & Sahibzada Zorawar Singh). Children from the societyparticipated in the event with great zest. The event was spon-

sored by Gillco.The event was mo-mentous as everychild participated inthe event with fullspirit. The ground wasfilled with cheer, andexcitement as variousevents took place.There were multiplegames and competi-tions among childrenin different age

groups from 1 year to 18 year old. Basking in the spirit of thesociety, children actively participated in poster making competi-tion. The winners were awarded with medals and prizes.Mr. Tejpreet Gill, MD at Gillco Group commented on the eventsaid, �Gillco Palms is nestled in the lap of nature and awayfrom the noise and pollution of the city, giving people a highquality life that they deserve. The motive behind the event is tomove towards a more physically active lifestyle. We are gladthat all children participated in the programme with great enthu-siasm and passion.�

Athlete Sukhjit Kaur Dewana fromBarnala wins medal BARNALA, (KARANPREET DHANDRAL ) : Athlete SukhjitKaur Dewana has won a medal in the 5 meter running race un-der the sketcher performance at the latest Athletic Champi-onships in Dubai, UAE. Informing about this, Athlete SukhjitKaur Dewana said that Ripe market, the organization which or-ganizes the Games, organized Athletic Championship in Dubai,United Arab Emirates in which I along with the players fromArab countries participated. Succeeded in winning a medal in-five killometer Marathon Running . It may be recalled that earli-er Sukhjit Deewana had showered gold, silver and bronzemedals in various sports from school to college and universitylevel.


RoundGlass Punjab FC be-gan its Hero I-League 2021-22 campaign with a 2-0 winover Rajasthan United FC onSunday, December 26, 2021.Striker Kurtis Guthrie scoredthe first goal in the 27thminute and substitute Aphao-ba Singh added the second inthe last minute of the match,as RoundGlass Punjab FCpicked up the three pointsagainst the side from Ra-

jasthan, who began the gamewith nine players on the field.

The first half beganwith RoundGlass Punjab

FC showing its attacking in-tent right from the start. Inthe fourth minute, ShankarSampingiraj forced oppos-ing keeper, Vishal Joon,into a save after findingspace to shoot inside thepenalty area. Ashish Jha,who started on the left flankin attack, collected a crossfrom the right flank in the9th minute and let fly fromthe edge of the penalty box.However, it went over thecrossbar.SA vs Ind, 1st Test: Rain

washes out Day 2 AGENCYCENTURION: Day 2 of the ongoingfirst Test between India and SouthAfrica got abandoned due to persistentrain on Monday here at the SuperSportPark, Centurion.

The start of play was delayed due tocontinuous rain and day two had to becalled off eventually without being aball bowled. "Unfortunately, due to thelarge volume of rain today at Centuri-on, play has been called off for theday," tweeted BCCI. Virat Kohli's sidehad dominated Day 1 of the ongoingfirst Test against the Proteas here at theSuperSport Park with the visitors' scorereading 272/3 at stumps. KL Rahul(122*) and Ajinkya Rahane (40*) areunbeaten at the crease and India wouldbe hoping for a strong show from thebatters on Day 2.


England bowlers displayed a spirit-ed performance to help their side re-main in the contest but the battingonce again disappointed againstAustralia on Day 2 of the ongoingthird Ashes Test here at the Mel-bourne Cricket Ground on Monday.

At stumps, England's score read31/4-- trailing by 51 runs. Joe Root(12*) and Ben Stokes (2*) are un-beaten at the crease.

Trailing by 82, England battingstruggles continued once again as

Zak Crawley (5) and Dawid Malan(0) were dismissed by MitchellStarc. Haseeb Hameed (7) failed tostay at the crease for a long time andhe was sent back to the pavilion byScott Boland. Nightwatchman JackLeach (0) was clean bowled byBowland in the same over and Eng-land was left reeling at 22/4. In theend, Root and Stokes ensured thatthe visitors do not lose any morewickets before stumps on Day 2.

Earlier, resuming the third andfinal session at 200/6, Australia wasgiven a blow straight away asCameron Green (17) was sent back

to the pavilion by Jack Leach withAustralia's lead at 22.

Soon after, Alex Carey (19) wassent back to the pavilion by BenStokes and Australia was in dangerof being bowled out cheaply. Skip-per Pat Cummins and Mitchell Starcthen put on 34 runs for the ninthwicket, extending Australia's leadpast the 50-run mark.

James Anderson then got hisfourth wicket of the day as he dis-missed Cummins (21), reducingAustralia to 253/9 in the 85th over.In the end, England got bowled outfor 267 and the lead was 82.

England batting woes continue, all eyes on Root



GLAMOURTracing Salman Khan's journey over the years from ideal loverboyto biggest star

ollywood's Bhaijaan Salman Khan, who turned 56 on As the '90s came to an end, things in Hindi cinema got majorly Monday, is considered among the biggest names of the reshuffled. It was a tectonic change and Salman took time to settle BIndian film industry today, as his charisma is more than in the new landscape of Bollywood. Films like 'Tumko Na Bhool

enough to pull audiences into cinemas. Paayenge', 'Yeh Hai Jalwa', 'Kyon Ki...', 'Lucky: No Time for Love' A movie is often guaranteed to be a hit when Salman's name is and 'Marigold' made people think that he wasn't a pro at career attached to the project because the mass appeal is his USP and he management, unlike other Khans who were sharp enough to cash makes the most of it. Such is the following enjoyed by the star that in on their market value during the rise of the multiplex era.when he flexes his bulging muscles on the silver screen, fans are Though hugely popular, even during his worst phase when he even ready to let logic take a backseat. was in and out of jail (the hit-and-run and blackbuck poaching case)

The action-induced spectacles, audience-friendly wisecracks, somehow his films never matched up to his off-screen legend. dancey tracks, slick camerawork and above all, superhero-style During this time Salman's biggest game-changer was 'Tere Naam' fireworks have all come to be associated over the years with the in 2003, where he played the role of Radhe Mohan, a tortured Sallu formula. Basically, Salman is all about swag and millions of lover. 'Mujhse Shaadi Karogi' (2004) and 'No Entry' (2005) also viewers seem to just love it. made good box office collections, though both these films were

However, it was not the same all along. Before blowing up cars 'Race 3' or beating up the bad guys in 'Radhe' his onscreen 2009 is the year which is considered to be a turning point in his persona was that of Prem, the ideal traditional family-oriented guy. career because this is when 'Wanted' released, establishing So let's take a look back at his evolution in films over the years. Salman as the out and out action star of the country. Though he

Today Salman is a God-level action star but in the '90s, this had a few films that didn't work like 'Veer' and 'London Dreams' but territory was majorly dominated by Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty, his position was ultimately cemented at the top with 'Dabangg' in Ajay Devgn. In fact, all the Khans had started out as loverboys, 2010.endearing themselves to the 90s audiences with their breezy The film was a fun romp, it gave Salman fans something to earnestness. Salman made his official debut as a supporting actor throw money at and just about enough to keep the critics glued. His in the 1988 film 'Biwi Ho To Aisi'. Then 23, he had played the hero's portrayal of badass supercop Chulbul Pandey topped the charts, brother in a female-oriented subject. However, this project was not officially commencing his his official launch pad. lucky streak of blockbuster

His first leading role in Bollywood was Sooraj R Barjatya's releases.1989 romantic family drama 'Maine Pyaar Kiya' which went on to The actor soared on become one of the highest-grossing films that year. It was dubbed with the subsequent in English and Spanish which was a rare thing for Bollywood and it 'Dabangg' franchise along was in international markets where it performed pretty well. with 'Ek Tha Tiger',

Later in 1991, Salman worked in three moderately successful 'Sultan', 'Race 3' and films like 'Patthar Ke Phool', 'Sanam Bewafa', and 'Kurbaan'. several others. His Subsequently, he worked with Sanjay Dutt and Madhuri Dixit in machismo and celluloid 'Saajan', which was a big success. In 1994, he was seen in heroism worked with his Rajkumar Santoshi's 'Andaaz Apna Apna' which failed to impress mostly male mass audiences at the time of release; however, over the years has audience base. Salman gained cult status. had come a long way from

Cut to 'Pyaar Kiya Toh Darna Kya', and Salman was at his the time when women best in 'Oh Oh Jaane Jaana', though he went shirtless to show off a audiences used to love chiselled physique-in-the-making. In the coming years, the bare their Prem.body avatar would become another of Salman's draws, kind of like What also worked a desi Arnold-Stallone mashup. extremely well for Salman

were the one-liners like 'Dil From the early '90s to the later part of the decade much had mein aata hoon samajh

changed for Salman. He had worked in one of the biggest Hindi mein nahin', 'Ek baar jo hits, 'Hum Aapke Hain Koun..!', which cemented him as the product maine commitment kar di', of the virtuous Barjatya clan. The Salman of this decade had a shy 'Mujh par ek ehsaan karna charm about him and he maintained that note of innocence well ki mujh par koi ehsaan na throughout before assuming the mantle of 'Bollywood's bad boy,' karna', amongst a slew of for which he is currently known. others.

Kareena Kapoor Khan, Amrita Arora catch up after COVID recovery

fter recovering from COVID-19, BFFs Kareena pink feather dress. The duo had tested positive for the After announcing that they have recovered from the Kapoor Khan and Amrita Arora met for a get deadly virus on December 13 after they attended a party virus, Kareena and Amrita celebrated Christmas with Atogether on Sunday. at filmmaker Karan Johar's house. Kareena and Amrita their families on Saturday.

Taking to her Instagram story, Kareena shared a immediately quarantined themselves after their COVID- Meanwhile, on the work front, Kareena will be seen picture with Amrita and wrote, "We are back." 19 report came positive. sharing screen space with Aamir Khan in 'Laal Singh

The two looked all glammed-up for the get-together. Seema Khan, Maheep Kapoor and Shanaya Kapoor Chaddha', which will release on Valentine's Day, 2022. Kareena was seen wearing a black coloured off-shoulder were also tested positive for COVID-19. However, Karan The film is a loose adaptation of Tom Hanks' 'Forrest top with white pants. Amrita too looked party-ready in a did not contract the virus. Gump'.

Birth of my son is the best thing that happened to me in2021: Rannvijay Singha

s New Year is around the corner, actor Rannvijay Singha expressed his gratitude to God for blessing him with son 'Jahaan' in 2021. On ASunday, Rannvijay took to Instagram and wrote, "The best thing that

happened to us was Jahaan! @jahaanvirsingha #satnamwaheguru#blessed #grateful #2021."He also uploaded a video featuring his videos and pictures with his wife Prianka Singha, daughter Kainaat Singh and the newborn. The family video has garnered several likes and comments. Reacting to the post, a fan commented, "so cute. God bless you all." "Adorable family. May you always stay happy," another one wrote. Rannvijay and Prianka welcomed Jahaan in July earlier this year.On the professional front, Rannvijay, who has hosted many shows on television, is currently busy anchoring the reality show 'Shark Tank India'. He will also be seen in 'Mismatched 2'.

Friends Forever: Karan Johar shares a new picture with Kajol

t's always a delight for fans to see Bollywood besties spending time with each other. On Sunday, filmmaker Karan Johar shared an Iadorable picture with none other than Kajol. In the image, Karan can

be seen planting a kiss on Kajol's forehead."#friendsforever @kajol," he captioned the photograph with a string of red heart emojis. Kajol shared the same post on her Instagram Story and wrote, "Love you." Kajol and Karan Johar's friendship goes back to the time when they were simply film industry kids. They have also worked together in films such as 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai', 'Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham', and 'My Name is Khan'.

Thank you for making me reality: Kangana Ranaut pens heart-warmingbirthday wish for mother

ctor Kangana Ranaut dedicated a heartfelt social media post to her mother Awho turned a year older on Sunday. The

'Queen' star took to her Instagram stories and shared an old black and white picture of her mother with fans. Sharing the snap that appears to be from her mother's teenage days, Kangana wrote, "Aaj meri janani ka janamdin hai, bohot shubhkamnayein maata." (Today is my mother's birthday, many congratulations mother.)

The Padma Shree awardee also shared a recent selfie with her mother and wrote,

wrapped up filming for her upcoming film 'Tejas'. She "Thank you mumma for dreaming about me and will soon be seen in films like 'Manikarnika Returns: making me reality." In the array of the pictures, she The Legend Of Didda', 'Emergency', 'Dhaakad', and also shared a snap of her mother and father and 'The Incarnation: Sita'. She is also producing the wrote, "Mumma's father our nana ji lovingly called upcoming dark comedy 'Tiku weds Sheru' under her her Guddi... or Gudiya... She still looks like one."production house, Manikarnika Films.Meanwhile, on the work front, Kangana recently
