
W e t t h e r t o -m o r r o w : P rob ab ly




N U M B E R 5 ,2 7 0 N E W A R K . N . J ., S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 2 9 . 1 9 0 0 .— S IX T E E N P A G E S . T W O C E N T ^

f o r g e r y LAID TO BANK CLERK

Bobert Heasler Arrestetl, Tb o n sh field (a

Be iDROceat b ; O fficia ls of Dime

Savings U s tito tio n .

I ^




tfiie .%rfMiib^4i !■ C h u r K r d W l l b A lt r r - IPH FltfariM i lu t h e lu a t l t n t t c m 'i U *«

p u e lt A c e o u n t e , b u t l l l d Hu, H e ffa>e,

O r d e r u f ll*e N a p e r lo r . i h a r le * n , W e e l e r v e l l . t h e A l le « e d . D e t e u lt -

T r e a e n r e r ^ l * e t t e r l l e l i r t e d to

H a v e D o m in a t e d H im .

Xh9 lalPit outgrowih of the tranBrutloiiH of Cherlea R. W aaiervflt, the iilleged ele- fa jU liig treasurer of tin- IHtm* Sh v Iuk* I n - •tUuLlon, who hHH lu th«- lotintj Jullsince early In Ju ly , chiirgetl w llh fniFi»‘i - illng 1ST.4 -12, WI19 the arrest luttl iiiglif, yu two wum m fe. of ltob»*rt Uen!«l*'i. a houk-keriMT In the IhhU Iu U o u . H t* h charged In the tt’urriAnte with "TclonloviHly and fraudulently aH erjug." on Jnl> 3, ISWii. the Ituiivldual deiK*ski U-dg.Ts of tlir Knights of Pyihliia ami Eiinnle RviiT, "hy i-rusliLg nguiei!t Vilth liitenl Lu Injure uml defraud."

The arrest was made In sidle of thu fuel that th# batik’s offldala believe that liens- lt.f u iDiioccm of any Ititeniloinil wrong­doing. Th e bank othclula had nolhlng lu do with the arreet and were HurprSseii lu Irarn of R to-tlny.

The action wan taken liy the prostcu- tur’B ofllce, iind ibe Im e n llva for U la bf- lli‘ved 10 have been the reuult of sionif* thing lh a l haa been eald by WeiileTveil ur M artin V. Dager, ihe latter uf whom was before the BualneaB CoramIUee of the grand Jury y e a ftd a y . M r^ L > «e r it one of (he repreaeniatlvea of the Stal? Bank­ing and Insurance D cparim eni, who made ttn official examination of the bank's af­fairs during the two m onths of Its suspsn- Birm following the arrest of Westefvell.

T h e SitecLAo C h a rg e B .Th e Bpeollic charges ugainat lienaler al-

Irge that on the debit sides of the accounts of the Knights of Pythias and Fannie Helff he changed entries of each to 1 - 500 each, thus Im Ucallng that each of these depositors had T-l.oOh less In the bankth a n wuB really the CHse.

At the lime that W esien'elt'a alleged defalcation first became public. It li known that Hensler told the bank omclals that he had made these changes by the direction of W eaiervell, who was h li su- iierlor In (he batik.

Jamee D. Orton. president of the bank, ronltrmed this to-day when a N E ^ B re­porter InlenMewed him - Mr. Orton ex* nrt*f-setl the utmost confidence In Ilens- l. r'rt Integrity. He said that llensler was well liked and that he felt certain that (he young man had been dominated by\V4BltTVi'lt.

Edw in D. F arnsw orth , secretary and treasurer of the bank, expressed a slml- lar seulimfnt He h Ibo stated that the Btate Banking nnd Insurance Depart­ment had recently made to the bank's di­rectors a Btaiemeni as to the recent offl- c Ih I examination of the bank, and that the directors had decided to take action on ll next Tuesday.

IVot In te n t lo ttA l E v i l -d o e r .“ It would not be rig h t," said Mr. Farns­

worth “ to anticipate the action of the board'of directors, but 1 do not believe they would have taken the same course In the caao of H ensler as has been taken.W s.cion't regard him as an Intentional •vkldoer-"

D b U cU vs F ra n k V irtu e and Cnnstohls Welinsr. attaches of the prosecutor's offlet, served the w arrants on Hensler at his borne, 20 D a rcy street, about 0 o'clock lost a lgh t Th e w a rra n U were Issued by Justice of the Peace Hupp.

Hensler was taken to police beadquar- tera. One hour later hie oousln. Adolph F . HeasleTk of the Heneler Brewing Com-

ifiany, oaJled to see him . After a brief In­terview tbe visitor and Detective Virtue, the former desiring to give ball for his relatlve'e release, left headquarters In search of Chief Justice Depue. Not find­ing any one at home they called at the home of Judge fiklnner, on Bummer ave­nue. Tbe Judge had left home about half an hour prior to ih elr arrlvaJ. The quest was then abandoned, and tbe prisoner, of necessity, had to rem ain at police head­quarters all n ig h t

T a k e n to C o a rth o a s e .Justice of the Peace Rapp this morn­

ing made out the commitment papers, and upon their delivery at police headquarters Detective V irtue took Hensler to the courthouse. Th e re the latter wru met by E lvln W . Crane, former prosecutor of the pleas, who had been retained us his counsel.

On the recommendation of AnRlstsnt Prosecutor Hood, Judge Skinner hnd pro- vlounly fixed the bail in each charge at

Th e usual formalities of giving ball over. Hensler, w ith his counsel and couHln. held a long conference.

Th e result of the talk could not he as­certained. M r. Crane said there whs noth­ing to moke public now, but Inilmaied Hint there m ight be a atatemenl made later.

It developed tha t the accused mnti hud not been arraigned before Justice of the Pence Rapp. Assistant Prosecutor Mood, when told of this, declared that that whs an irregulnr proceeding, but that the fact that ball had been given had cor­rected this.

pelcctlve V irtu e and the Justice of iht Pence declare that such arraignment Wiisn’t necespBry,

A n .A n in te n rThe accused book-keeper Is the son of

the late Robert Hcnaler and a nephew of Joseph Hensler, of the Hensler Brewing Uompany. Hensler, who Is about thirty years old, Is m arried. The couple have no children. Hensler's father, for many years, conducted a saloon on Hamburg place, opposite HensJer's brewery.

Young Hensler Is an amateur mualdan, and at one time had a boys' band which he had organlaed.

In the com piam l made against wcsler- velt by President Orion lust July, It set forth, among other things, that on June IS, 1900, W esle rvH t. who l l v ^ at 4'9 Clin­ton avenue, cmbegxlod feOOff by an over­charge against the account of tannle Rciff, end Ih u l he cmbeixled 124600 on May IG. 19W. by a » <ivert‘liarge asalnsi the ac­count of a lodge of K nights of Pythias.

Wcstervelt, as The N K W 8 told at the lime of his arrest, had been captured at the home of a friend In Lyons Farms, where he had bron In h ^ln g . Ho has Leon In the county Jail ever since. No fmlk-t- mvnt as yet. It Is believed, has been made against him.

!lf>'Bt«>rlouB Power*When W ealervelt was arreeled he was

confronted w ith President Orton. II has been M td that the former made a confes- alon to the lutter, In which It Is alleged he declnrad that he had an accomiiltce in a man who had form erly been ennnwded wltli the hank, and la now dead. The nresldent 'ind directors of the bonk plneed no relinnee In the atory, and scouted ine Idea of collusion. Later, WeaterveU s en.mael declared (hat his client had made no iidmlasiona. ■

It was hinted that some unidenlllled per­son hod wielded a mysterious power overW t'stcrven. ^ . u

At that time President Orton said: "W pite rvslt had no aieompHce. Nobody else Is impllcutod. W^e liuv* no reason to suNppcl an)’ out* elsv.“

Shortly after W eitervelt s arrest It w at said that he would raise the umomH of the voucher. Which the depotUor wou d sign after w lthdraw ln* money, and ^ u l d enter the falae amount In the cash ac- count B u t the witerlna . , . yIndividual ledger accounts was donn wa* polnltd out then, from the vouchers which pnsae.1 through *hands by the hottk-keeper, pointed ouj. had no means of knowliif the amounts were not correct. Then Ihrt In lgrrs Were chreked from the cash bonk, of which W eatM velt had control.

The U tm e Savines IhstltuUon reopened for liualneaa a dreok ago last Monday.

l i t dtrpetori a r t Cyims Dettlabach, John :H. Meeker, Joh n 0 . Truaadell. Theodore Korn, Jamea D . Orton, fcraujl Meskw, darnel L H a ya Peter W Itie l, William M.Clark, Jamee C- B «d «h Horace P. Baldirla. .

■ S '.-t-. ' . • . ; 1


Bepublicans Worked Up to a fiigfa

Ditch Over the O ntcone of the

LentX'Riker Coatest.


l lu th F u r lln n a E i l r e m c l y 1 o n f id c o l

«if \ trHir> a n d l*rr«llrllM iiJi I m l l - c u t e IhiK A'.ni’ h Hide la O i ^ r e a lh u M l- In g ItM Hird'Miilb —

AiiTunK W o rk rr i» -* lM -.tvrealtibtf Hldr l•N uni A it io n g A b- a r iiib l) iK p Iriin ta W h ic h l iu v * ■ U l r c r l llc iirliiii o n ( l i e F m c II ocimI


4 -m u ■M"t" H r4 * * » H " U M * H * * * * * *



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IS NEARR um ors P re v a il in N ew Y ork

C ity th at a S e tt le m e n t Has Been M ade.

i ' . /,«1- F ^ j

He was aripw Euftt Rlvar bfl'lK

if MoiitrlHlr and was knif'd ypt'tvTiLIlf whi' h he WHB f'nglin'fr In t hj - -

V t’)- a full fmm thfI r !Ill* Btor*! work■ nPW r.UHl rvjvri ..... . »S,IJ- SI MS .* ri n • ..-i.............. | p

44~|.. ^-+4■4^■4^■4^■++^"H■^"f+^'+■^f■+++


Saperintendent G ilbert D raw s the Edn-

catiofl Board’s Attention to Over­

crowded Classes in Institutions.


Charles L Bedell, of Montclair, Killed

b j a Fall from New East

R iver Bridge.

Ovt«r i\'« ivvniliirttlnn w IlM u th*' gift of F.aHvX U-miiti Hi'iiuhll'.Minc linio lht*rc h^PU wiige*d a niui It niurv IjUtTi'Mtlng tlgiit than iM hPlng i-'ii ufi I'N thf rt’M|H-viivt* Huppori- er* of iii'Ta i' F' l 'i ‘ t ’ump immI Jultn U DeKhcliiii r, ■ iu li of wluvm o+u-kn to h«» ihtf pu rti'h L'hui.f fur rugl»t*'r tttluTraiullvlHt' lu* vi‘ iiniumin'f'd i but the nifii jihnvr liiiv»‘,Inffly. kiu f,tr tllsttmu eil nil lUht^r ii«plrtiut* lhal tli>' •-MiiNt-nMnn uf uptnlnii lii ihut a gt'iTt'cal i.i'lifitviil hi the oiiiiventlon Id Hbuiit ihf utilv ihliiK that I'liU provonl oue or thf iifhor liflitR I hi'.wen

will l>e lo-ttl on .Mmula)', from 4 1 0 S* ij'i lni k. nt whli'h will Fio rtt-leoled 1h^ rlelf*ga(i'?* w liu vf* Voh'a iirn tO tlet'hlr wlieihi-r It dimll Ih* [>•* <’’Fitiiiv, Doxhclmr-r iT *iiini'hui|V vl t* Tiu - iHHivyotloii will m fvt III till' Kruigv-r A m llii'rlu m on lln‘ folluwhiK night iiiiil ilivn* ami then tin- lmttl»‘ will I"' fuiighl to a IlniKh. Bealdv'n |)o I'amii and Di'Xlwltiier. D r DanU’l M Dili, of the Eleventh W ard, New ark, To w n I’hTk William L Juhnaon. of Hloomtii'id. and Freeholder John Medcfaft. of Irvington, have been freely apokan of na geeker^ for the position. Th is iDorfilhg D r. TTIll announced Ii Iib w llhitraw nl from the race m devote his nttenllfm to aeeur- Ing a n'liumlnadon for freeholder. Mr. M edm ifi, It U said, miiy w ithdraw after the InfornntI hnllof, but Jobneon's friends are miikina m earnest fight for him figalnsE greal odfis

l u


I t Is B e l ie v e d t h a t O p e r a t o r s

I a n d C o a l R o a d s W i l l R e c o g -

j n iz e t h e U n i o n .

Mm v.\U art im m -.lliit'! tin- I..I -itlk - If rvipii d 111 du : + -H -+ + + 4 + 4 - 4 '4 -4 -4 -4 -+ + + + + + + + + t + + + + + +


A t the meeting of the Bonrd of Educa­tion lii*t night au|ier1 iii"ndt-m Ullljcrt ■ubralted h li feporl (or tlic Bchunl year 190U-1901. In It he com mcnliil pulnlfiily on IbC’ overcrowuC'l c.indlilon of the ichoola nnrt of the necejaUj of more n.i.m to accommodate the evcr-lnrreaalng mim- her of applicants. The auperinumjent aJao called altentUin tu the archlteciural fe a tu re of th* ech.jol Inillillitge. with which he found fattli. He arlvterd the appolnttnent of a srhool arclUlact. The report was aa follows:

I n c r e a s e d E u r o l iu e i i t .'T h e schools have opened a hit a large­

ly Increased enrolment. Iiurlng the first week the enrolment was 1.9*Ht Itirgor than during the Ural week of last year. Thi.s has been conelderably Increased stnee. Th e new bulldliiga. which were supposed to supply ample acoommcHlailons tor some lime to come, are nearly lUled, one of them being already overcrowded, fh tl- • dren teem to grow nut of the entih wher­ever a school building Is planted. There are itlll. however, a few vacant rooms in some of the school a. Th e conge.silon In the north end of the city has Increased »o that It hai bBoame nf‘t'«*B?ary to opM-n a half.Jay clase In Elliot Street, Th is Is the only half-day daaa In the city, how- ever In Elghie«nlh Avenue. In spite of the nine rooms added, we have already re­verted to the courtrooms, and shall he obliged to do the same In CentraJ Avenue.

fifbhoot A rcom m odatlw biiB .-'IlowBver, for the nio«t part, the city

Ll well iupplied with aPhcwl accommoaa- tions at the present time. Th e nerds of the Immediate future are the north end of the city to relieve the Franklin , Sum­mer Avenue and Elliot Street fchooIs, with the prospect of further need In the annexed district.

"W Tlh the single exception of the Ber­gen Street School, the new hulldinga were ready for occupancy at the opening of the term a most pleasant surprlBc for all of us The older buildings have moat of them been put In excellent repair, so that the physical conditions are encouraging-

M ay Be lin g ra c ln o s .■■I desire, however ungracious It may

seem to call the attention of the hoard to the fact that a careful Inspection "Jj" servatlon of the new buildings and addi­tions Is ihe strongest posslhle argument that can be aubmlUedof a single competent arch ll.'a lnslead ofa variety selected each year. Some of the buildings are quite salSsfartory, moat them are larking In some Important part, 'I'Zum e of them la hn,,ele.slv hideous. T i e cost of a single archliet i. with “ force, would bo considerably les.s than the coat of several etchltects employed for special occasions, and each hu Iding that he imllt would add to his e.pitpmenl tor hU work.

A fipirl*."N o t only have the achonls opened with

better accommodations ihaii ever before, but <i'Uh a better spirit I both envouraged and touched hy "thualasm of the teachers i'V the amount of professional spirit shown and h <ne earnestness with which Ihi' work s taken up this fall. Th e classes are well up m grade, and the teaehers have a spirit of devotion and a desire for seif-lraprove- ment which la certalniy not iisuui.

C a a n o t A ltn e d It ."Th e y spend nf their money to Imy ma-

terlal which the board cannot buy, of their time ami m.mey to Improt e ihemaelves in all professional Itnva, »■’ ' their mental and spiritual energy rt'‘' '" ’ s- Iv, The observailnn of ihd they arc doing and the spirit which he are showing makes me more aiixlous than ever for the arrival nf the goial time whtit Btillahle aalartes can he pnh! the teachera of (his city."

N E W yO IL K . fll^pt 29 E. Be­dell, 9 reslilvuf of Mnnirliilr. N* J . Ruper- imentieui <*f Htc NVw Hteel atidIron (.’ {imi'ony. who had 'huTjtvv of the conHlrui(l"ii uf the atei-1 w -rk of the Rrooklyii, nn<l ii**w Kant Klvnr hrlilge, wrr killed y*'Pter<l;iy hy falUriDs nliieiy feel fr^jfn a Hietl in Kent HSfiuie, W Jl-liamsFjiirK M** was trylnx i" evado the btfom of a d^Trlcik Me his fo<itlngfiritl fell UirifUKli the llml'vrs nntl Hteol wurk, utrlkliig heam a fu r tuam In hl^ d'-Hi’ent. Me "aH rurrled Into the cimi- pHiiy'B <iftlce,

Aji amlMilftncf wfif called from H(. C a lh - erUie'a Mospliul. Wlijle Lit, Allen was • tUndltig the Injiireil man .Mr S IU h C- IilHUdR ll, th».* surgeim-ln-clil»'f of Ihu Eawt- trn I.JistrUt Jh'splial. app^'urod, and a. brother of Mr. lit-Jell r»qu»Kt<Hl Dr. Ulala- ilcll lo take charge of Ihe ca ie, \S lipn Dr. Mlnlsdell directed Dr. Allen to remove Mr. lledtll 10 (he Eafliern Dlsirlpt Hospital In ili6 ambulance. Dr. Allen a tked for 15, iiaylnir that was the f*fe for rv-movlng pri- valp patients.” A dl»cu»i1on between Uie doctors t-riHued. Ji ended with (he arrival (if an unibulance fr»ira the Eastern Dla- trU't Huapilal, 1q which Mr. Bedell wa* placed. He died Just us he was carried into ilie liistllutkm.

Meanwhile. Mr. Bedell's father, who is the seerHary of the Nuw Jersey Steel ojtd Iron Company, had been notified, and he went In Wllllamsburir. He was so much affected lhal he was unable for a loug lime to give dlrecilODe for the removal of the body.

I>04^tors W r a n s le ,Dr. Allen a*ld that while he was giving

Mr. Bcdtrl! a hypodermic Injection of whis­key a gouikman esme Into fhe office, and, without Buying a word lo D r Allen, lean- ed over and put his ear to the Injured man ! This. Dr Allen Ruya, he coneldt-retl a breoidi of i rufesHlnna) etiquette. Me aakt-d the mail who he was, luid he said he waa Dr. Blals'lt ll, and suggested that the pa­tient Hhould be removed Immediately tu the hospital.

Dr. Allen says he protested, a». In his opinion, Mu- proper hospital at that Hint* was wherv Mr. Fiedell was. Then Mr. Be­dell's brniher ttald that he had engKged Dr. B Ih IhiIvU to look afiar Mr. Bed4-Jl, In response to ihe requeat (o take Mr. in’de!] lo Ihe ICash'in District Hospllal. D r Allen said (hat. the case had passed out ol hU hands, -md the Injured man whk a private imil* III, a charge of tb would bn made i<> renmve him. Just then ihe am ­bulance from Ihe Eastern D latrld Moa- pllal

M r l l -L u o iv u In M o n tfla tr.

Charles E. Bedell, o f Montelulr, was widely kti'iwn Iti Essex County. Mr, Bedell WBS a son nf Kdwln F. Bedell, of .Mountatu svenne, I" Mnturlalr, who Is a nmnihi'r of the ruopT-M ewBl Company.

t'hnrii's 1' Heilell was a graduate of the ptimjvn* rw,»,r.o. -Miintfliilr Hifih School and alnu of V a lv jra m p when wUb De ( ‘ iiuii

.. ___ .. ..t ll... I — V.A iiPn fftr TVfiThalmt'r h

L in es q I RAltIfk.Th is brlOKH the linen nf battle closely

around [>« I’nmp and Dexhelmer, wIlli jDhnsi>n apparently having the outsldo chanf’** B il( the Issue la Hut merely be­tween De I’nrnp and Dexholm er person­ally. It goes liej'ond them ami sssumev the fornt uf a test of stringth lielWeeir M ajor ChtJ Denis, cliulrman nf (he County Commitier, nnd flupreme <?ourl Clerk W illlani K lkir. In (he shadows can be seeu the (iinti'St w.iged Iasi aprlng, when In ftpptiinTlTiR ft Rucresmir to RegDter Skin­ner, i.jii’tirnur Vonrheea selei-icd Mr. Hiker's fileii'l, Dexheliner, liisleuil of ar- cepUnB MiiJ'-r Lentz .-i and Senator M c­Ca rte rs yuiicesUons In name JoFiii Klein. Th e flplii hefjire the flovernor Is being gone nv'-r tiK-Un. w|ih the Roene of neiinn changetl fnun tFie State Capitol |rt Esnex (V>un(y. -uel ihe power of deelaloii In the hands of Mie K4'pul«IP-jin voters as a bfidy Instead <-r the Exenjllve *

T o eirdi dde vP-tory menns nio«h. but In the Juilurnent of unblaserl puny men M ajor LetiU. b\’ vinue of his jxihUIuII. ImR more rtl Hinke than hie o|»|»<Nnents. A\'hetli- er ihls Is true or not, IFm m ajor Ims heeii unceaslha in his efforts In belMlf of fV ( ’amp. All Ms rcHoorcefulness Iwis beeiL hroiiKhl Into i»lay iind ever>- man who Is belleveil (<i he In Ji jiosiMon to make or unmake deb gab n has Ix-en sonndtxl di- rectlj’ nr InillTortly in learn where he stands on the r*KlMtHrshlp qnesiloii

?fn( A C a n tllf lu ie .W lthnl tile major deelares that Ib-

Camp Is nol his camlldnle in (he sense that the Uosehind man w h s pul In (he rooa by him. The m ajor's firH( choice was for a Montclair man, but he fell In line for D « Camp soon after the hitler an­nounced hlH candidacy.

Of Hiker’s sponsorship for r>exheimpr (here 1h no doubt. Both tnen live In O r­ange, and nu well-informed Republlean denies thill U WHS Hiker's Ihfluenee main­ly that put iFexhclmer Into (he regisier's office. Tu hold the advantage he gained In Ihe aklrmlHh before the (Jovernnr and, Inrldenlally. to vlibjlcaie the (invernor's Jiidgmcnl In making (he scdertlon. Hlksr feelP (hat he must win in the ronvnubin. nnd he Is bending every energy lo giiln hlH pj-ilnt

T h e y H a v e F rie n d s *Major Luvnt* and Mr. Hiker are not

fighting single-handed, by uiiy means, as each has his friends »nii su])porlers The rontest has grown so warm ihiit the I>e Camp follnwera are referri-d m hh the “ organleallon men." w'hPe Dexhelmer's admirers am designated as the “ antl-or- gpinliatlon men." Both 'i|.|e.s are absn- lutel)’ cnnfidenl of (he outcome, and so emphatic are they In making (heir proph­ecies that the belief is ►•xi»ressed by less enthuftiasde parly m^'ii ihm both ihe nmjor itnd Mr. Hiker nr.' nllke nv^-ri-stl- nmling IheSr strength

Dc Camp’s most ardent Hupporicrs tire nol willing to allow thjH Di xheimer has a chance of getting 1«> vrnc.- at any tlni« during the convention, whlb' on the other hand the enlhuslastie D.-xhulmer work­ers am clnlmlug that he will Fiave iFiO votes on the first IlaIIoI I’here will in- S24 (lelegHlcs In the convoTiilnii, and 1H3 votea will l>e necessary for a cludi'c

T h e O p p o A ln v F n e llo H S 'Th a t the eallmatps of tin- opposing far-

Mona Bhnuld he «0 far apiirt 1h perhaps nol surprising, but In Ih U parUciilnr llghl the fact may be partially lici-oimted for by the uncertain attitudi* of maiiy of the j>i»lltlciil worker*. Men wlm arc for De

, ... *-v. ....... . frlrnil.H, and

Mrs. t .r l t t n g e r H a s T w o \ r -rc h tcd o n a ( l ia r g e o f D ercn n 4l-

l o g H e r o f J e w e ls .

Mrs Fuimie (Vrltlngvr, of l.^ I T i s s t r v i lo -iiiii oblalned warruotH i - n iJiidyi' 1 ..m bcri. In the Fourih I 'l - 'i - iM rollcf' f o i r t , for Ihe urrest "f V i'iti Enrmii UTul h. r huM .nn1, Herman l a nm,. id X'Ji l■'11teenth Hviniic. Hhc i b r * .l tin-tn Willi cmbi »7lciTienl.

Mr.s (irlilrigcr (t»ld the court (hat f - i - vral im.tilhs ago she borrowed *!-»' fr. m Mfii K irih ri, who Is her alslcr. cn.l pl«<iy-d with htT UN fccuilty a p-'U - f iUiiniuiiil rarrlngH, f 'T which elo p->M S s. Irk May hiet. hFjc Paid, she pul'' lo i shP‘r b( v'licck the 4IHU. and !bock what she HiiidKiHcd were h‘'i -i |nuTnl i-arrlng^ ftsseiied iliot inpot th*in I wiiy In lo r nuiise for -if i kci-jdng. and tinlil Un* Hebrew hnlliJovw ( 111!* wet k. had r.o urciialon to uh ' Hit Jewelry

( 41114'lmlrd (o W e n t H tn iiK in d s .|,.i:<i .\l' 0 day hIh- tioiclmled to wi-nr(•r illamoiuls. ami when ehc look th

THE TEXAS FENDFurther Increase in the Amount

Money Rtceive4 b y Ihe “ News”

fo r (iaivesloa Sufferers.


I The MX’ KN 'IN H N R W fl Halvexlon relief I riiiut. a fiiT having been fur ulmost ihrcc

weekw (he inennn through ivhich the clnirl- (;iMe peiiplc of thia city and (»f the Pla(“ ii.ive been i'luiblfil Hi eMteiid genemuH help It. tiielr fellow beluga 111 ihc au»rni-wrc» k ih| i U\. wUl lic elo»*t*d next M<nulfl>‘. In the ‘•leift lime lUul hup leaped since tbe l -:v i :M N tr N E W S liiauguniicd the fumi the Kei'-md fiiml III the rn lte d Hiutes lu be *i;iri«'il Pn u iiew«p:ipeT. an iivernge of Mt, i j:, i*»i fs wi-4k Fm« lieeii HS'nl to H al- M'Ntnh for the relief .if h>i people.

Ncwaiirk'A ............. I B r c a r d .I r ?*b.i ’ (Fm w ind ................. I the IUhuI

i.c. rwio Im.'ii tin- iHlaii>\. kliling ihuuKaiuJaIIII.I li ..\ tlig wl'lexprr io! .|e«lll iiIi>Oi Itl H h W ik - the Hufierlng rforo •inrvailon gmJ third oml link iff pi-per giirm-n1» hiiH ........ liiivn.^e Had II mn ("cii for the.OiOit.ilieolJf* ;Md (he .IWlfr-MS would h»VClie. II m m 'i t r .a le r In i Im Mdlef work SiW-iiiK lni-4 h ut H j.rornliieiil pari. Thii ,||> « IT'.ll'l leeord li.i-* been incle pOHH|- i || b\ II greiil m ind-ir of volonlarv cun- t rPiiil l"rm. th*' 'pilck .oiloii i>f rirgiinlud i,,..||. rt. . I.dri tn-i. fai t.iTleH -util i tuliH, .m.] la the Tends i n oper il Ion of the letegnild; .,.inr:iiibw Mini of Ibe I'nlied Sinies itnd\V i-IIk-K iirgo I Xprel«N I'.impMllieN

V iliis nroVlsI'MSr*. clnlhl i tu ei-

i. rrlngf' from a bun.iu Miy" che noticed iFi.d till > did hut M-eiJl lo tie the hJinte it** ih.\ w f e f.irinerl.s She Hhowed them l, lu-r h ’lrbiiT'il. L "U li 'IrliiiiKer, who Maid ll].. ti v c U Wen* glii>-* iiioi lliat they re- pl.ii. 'l H-e dlamtmd- MrH HHIlng.-r Kald gin |mm- .llJile|y iml i d her alsilcT to ex- plnlii liie ' tmrg*’, am! ( Mr?* L>man hHl'l -I), g lo w iiotlmig iKioOl Ihe m ailer

>lndc 1 Mni|jlHlM(« \uHlriM( 1'wvu.MrH *;ii1!nger v ,.m (.■ .fn-'.ilcc of i hr

B.'ih'c U jipp yt'sii rilay and mad*- a coin- philfit. and Hie Jnsllci’ DHUed a wiirrnnlfor the urreHi .d Heimiui F-lnimn, Hi. tiint- ' ..............................Iwiinl of her Hister Krm .m wom m>i Ini | Adiiont .-w ry diis provlHl.Ms mediHtidy iirr* **U’il and H iIh nioniliiK, [ jnel IninHeh .M to ei-NHlIle- li.(S" b-eo j. fearing Ihul tin- Wiirnuil w.inld no| In- ..eivr-d .it Ho- N K W S nfilee jiiid “eui dln-« i

VialTlinlH fol I ly III lln,. ileNlllUle -CllT'r'TH ll |h III) ond hlf* wife i njoiie.v, h*>wever. w td'll D nceipd mo-*! ur

'CheHc were gr.’UHcd and In (erilve K ruT- | geuils. and H In main-y w’lili It bun connwent I a Htviidy Hire«,n tu Hm NKM 'S ofilre

THin moin-s im** liern dl.'*m'i'is**'i ss'lliiou'

lhal the executed, che af»Iibr''l r»irthe arrest Imili ICrmuii

who arc for Dcxhclmer In (he prefipncc of other Dexhetmer men. Eire F»y n*> mcatia rui**, If the slfllem^nts of p »riy IcurlerH ore lo be be!1«vert. And HUh uncrrlHliity. U Is claimed, lends lo dlHi .onit fnrecosls OK to the probable oulc<ime. »nd esuscs all hut the most sanguine m pause before making predlcllona.

A p lt a r e n lly f o r He 4 nn»tD.More memberg of Ihe Couniy rom mlltcc

are apparently for V t Camp Umn urc for DexhcSmer, and In this rcspei-t ib*- Hose- land man'R frlcndi argue iliat he ha.w tije

his'TvaVh'TnTrrtnK'lu *v..ld i ..(ivantsK.. uf conc»rt.-ft ’riifrvwith Ilia arm of a JerricU. I aveina to 1* but Itule iloulu rti ih" mt,id»

r Ih.- iii’vldvnt woril was ai-m to of w«il-Uifnrim«! Rpiniblb-iiiia, limi if ilu- l„ .Mr.iiivi.ilr lhal tUT h.iabami 1 Cuum y Commllteamon I'Hn .i" wiiai liiay

Coii.'p- H r b nivmlipr of lln- First ConKri'p.iil""al t'hurvh. M bnlriair, from wiiivli I'Uu " the funeral will iw lu'lil on Maiiilay iifleraoon at S o'eliich. Mr. licleli wan ti.irti -"inhi yeara oltl. Ilia brolher la Frofraaur iT.'darlck Bedvli, of Farneli Urrlveially ■*' widow, who was Miss K ii l- ahplh T r t i 'i" i l . “ *laler o( Tow n t’i.Tk H arry TrliM'vtt, of Montclair, and two younft puaa aurvitp him- W a s n v * d W h e n IHa W I f * A r r iv e d .

Town |■l■■ri H a rry Trltniclt, a hriiiiitT- In-iaw of Hrdpil, Irarned last iii»ht that the lailpr rm htuny airiirlt Soon aft hla wifr

\ llt-nx- »w ■ . V ^ .....................ber and Acting L>ele4-llvc Ibimmeih* to Ecniun k hmine

Th e y arrcHled Mra. Kniuic. ajid I* arned from h^r that lu r hiiHuainl ha«l b« i-ii liikcii into cu.Miriilv u eluiri llrm- iicfnrr, uu tin* wnrrHTil lH!*ued hy Jiii'«tl<‘C nf IFn?|*cnce I ’nhen The caae ss'Jll entne nji In court lo-mnrrusN nr Mnndiiy. ber'd-e Judge l.nmhi-rl.


;V o rW ^ a l»n nnd jA|>HiM*Me H ir A in r r C 'ra sh o ff J»ii»nn— rASBCM gcrA a n d

( rex'* <if Ihe K oriiicr l.o s l.N A O A S .X K I, Joplin, Hcp( Th e Ntir- cglan Htciinii r I ’alHinla ainl tin- Jfi|*ancs"

Hicamer D - m.if i nri- rep-Tted lo hiivr been In 4-nl'.>i"U £*rr Iwn Shliijn

Th e ('lil.iU'i I woM m ilk, and fnrl>'-llvc ul her piiSHi’Tiu* rs iiTid cri'W Wf-ri- druwiutd. Tb e i pvii in si ]w i Kblrnn.

Th e Ciilot'Jii was a "f Mifi tmmregister Sin \'Oh 1h ‘'( ri’imrlci] n-** Uaslltg arrived .ii .Ninoyi'kl, AnguMi from Kure


llaiidsiDiiM- Jenn ie <rn Nniclier. 4 f le r a FlrOMHiii C tc ii lo g W illi H er Koiii*

H>. Drlnkn \eld Hiid l>lex.gperlxl I. ' Ih*' M;SVS

Kldl/rAM lTi'H . S<-|'t 2!' Jt-nnlc CbM-Ikghcr. cigi.T-*ii n.^rs id'l, wlin riHlibdwUh her rminr, ........ .. A ihdlaghM . andher moth, r .n l -1-" ^ ''trcci.IhlA city, kiih-! In rvi-lf 1uh( . night nl her home by m kiin i jr l >illi jh id.

It WHH niMnlg>ii s^hr!i ahi- wnw dU<'ns'- ererl sulTt ritig iri'in I li*' '-fTi-cts i>f ilic poleon. Tw i. pliv ^li la n«- Wcri- Kumnimn-d t<T ttltenrl )n-r '‘H the nniMilfinr’i*arrived lu rim -n - fi-r fn (h*' I‘,ll7.;i ln‘ili (Jcneral Mriapd-il h* illi d

Th e ymiiiR tm>iim !i wiii* .v grofluaif ivftbe H aU In >li-h ...... I hire nnil wmshamjsnme. A f i-r gi';n!ii:iiinK rmiii Hu- high school sh. .fiii-rcd ,-fiHii-r H HumI-

.,lnl ><1 Iiillp'd Kina I il l ml -III - Imd Juki griulim I cil id ln-cn prffmiHnd n

flrl.Tj In iFie iiiithiirUlinK >il ilm ’I ' -kun' i lly, friitii wFiorn conn- n pnri.H iFmi K h Im IiiK YiK-d (a ih*' hesi posMldn ;n1\aiilagn,

T iie ^liDrnliiK*" \ ddlt1oiin ,Ainnist fU^I won uihhd in lii*- fup'l lFh-

miiniltig, of wiiich H " wiiK !*■ IH iiy ii*- em phd'-i- Miirpliv'pi SiiruLMit rniripnnyA Lj. K c :ih1h-> a- Still* luiCH ‘n'lil $*j, all'!Uir Hto>se nf I 'ra jiT made n gift nf Kr-m. l»dh Tim D am. Hr:in. Ii. I.udb-f’ ( ‘ jithullc M'iLi’ Cnh-nl AKKUclulPiii, and tin- ll,p|,.pendeni r o ii ia ll Nn, D>'ldcn SimKToHTnlly, T (Tiihgf-. iFie mnnn of |1'Jwere recclvei! (hl« ni'irnlrig-

The furi'l m**''" Kian'lM as |■^pvlll^al^ 1,1 k n ,,w l..lp .-d .^ . Ilfi.u’ ! 113K m idoy."- " t .Miiridiy H t.inilHh

I'u., m iilia iii 'iii ilPiiarnilpril A, Q, KejiM'-'V A Hons. .1 Inline I’ Fi L I ' B A.................................. .. N" ■'<1

iJnltb'Ti llfjlltn- nf IT

r I'V a rn n lD , ururig'-

hiiti been Willi

DUST NOT CARRYk r u g e i p s b u l l i o n .

D a tc h W a rn * 4 A K n ln * . T m a a i -o r t l n , I I o r I I I " A rc h ia r « — llttrra ftHU

F lB lltlD K — n o r d l i r r * l i l -

v l l r i l to P r r u .

IX iN D O N . S,'|H. 'A .-U rv a t arlliiln has sent a iintv to thr Dutch (towrum pat, av- pordlng 10 n dl»P»‘ <’li from Amstpriliim to (hP Dally Mall, which contaliia a warn- In . that It Mr. K ru ger is allowpd to*'arry bullion or Mate archlvca on board the Dutch warship whtch la to bring him lo RuroDP H will he regarded aa a bread)

M u ira lliy on iho im rt of the Nether-

igndg. ^Lord Itoberla reports to the war ufflpe

a , follows under date of yesterday^• Th e Boers attaeked,/"

r f . force at Pienaars K n » c matron m -. morning, hut were beaten off after three

h'Ourg' ftghllfiff* - .^ ' r 4WrUpled Wbctuuo JUvey and (hft

side of Burghers Pass Wednes- .. . f t a l i g h t reslatanct, Hi'llbron,? ,"? i,:n d uSdiey have been rCoceupled,"

r * r « v . « » a O ile r H o rn * '1 « Boers.1 lU A Peru, via Laredo, Texas, Sept.

« - T h e Peruvian conaul at Liverpool has ^Itfveated to the governm ent Ihst it invite f S '^ l X t S n t e d Boers to Irnmlgrsta Into

« a n l to them Isilds In the Interior * ’ a'''ntror other inducements. An edl- fo rU M n the Comerclo has tovorable com- ntents on the plan

HcrltiiiMly hui*l, and she.Mr liftli'Il K Tnulhcr rturil slslcr. started ut | .iricp for tvillbimshurg. Mr. ncdell had ( l id bpforp his family arrived at the hoa-

'"' Ainorv M Bradford will conduct the foncral Hprvices, Th e remains were brnuHbi 1" tfla li'le home on Ormige road to-day. ________ ___


Blniup H.'|>ll«'nna fo r P r o v o k in g J ,ls n r.le P . !■« B r ln g ln B K l .o .e v r I I

l o lo ro ilo t iK ler .Vusplcra 4,r S e n a to r ’W olcotl*

\'jC TuH t t'uL. Bept. 2U.— The Teller I'ouniy l)piTu.crallc Convention and the D.mocPHtlc Club of Victor have adopted Iho following I'PHOlutions unanimously:

"tt'herpap novernor Rooaeveli and parly were n'.l received In Victor with the loler- a ,„c and courtesy due to the Ooveroor ofa .later State; therefore,.

' Democrat* of'.’T ' r n convention asaembled, tmndemn

i .n irl of intolerance and Ulscourteay ' ? ib ted on that occasion, .lv4 disavow exhlbUtd ..rij. . the dixiurhartce of

C l t k ^ s <n a public hall, and (o T "uha^Suent violence Indulged In by

'*** Bopubllcan M arching

■ H eite gad *...a— nived T h a t WS also deplore the

, hat induced the RepubUcans of y do to provoke iHaotder by bringing Coloretlo to pro^^^^

®“ '’*iceK of the cordlslly deleeied tra itor

i fxpppt lu (In In (he w ny uf delpxflUAfl. II will iy all up with D»-xlTPlniir Mut the I> xh «lm e r forrex .trr Jiui wlllliig(o admit that the commlHP^mrii will bm-i ibliigtt ih rlr own way, h u «J U cxiieoii'fl that tb CR* ■will be Dexh^lm t r .uid Dv ( 'amjj lickPtR In every dlatrlct In ih'’ tounty.

Involvfti more or lean d lm -ily In (he fight for I'T'glster are th* varlooK :inplr- ant« fur AkRetnbly hon >rK Dm uilii-n Ik being played agalnnl Ihe oilier tu the h\mi for iU*legH(eji, and, though lUUKt uf rh* Hpekcru <»f AHRarubly n'tiuiniillionK art trying lo ^tand on neutral grnYm<l an a mntier of Kelf-prote<‘tlon, (Fh*>‘ hn%JiJg trnublea of their own. pa rili'u l»fly tm u- hleRome In (he lot of the wmild-F»p la*gls- latorn. who have takim kFiU'k l’i ihe t’oiy' troverny.

BlflK-s have been mnde up t>v '»'Mi £^d If D p Camp'd frIendM nnYtml (ho fon- VMTilton Ihe Hut of AddomhD' onntll.latoK. In the opinion of cerlBlii !o;ul"rK. will look domethlng like th ii:

W illiam B . UarrnlTioitd- J. H rn ry Bm -h'‘H'‘r.

John Howe.Robert W . Bruwn

W illiam O. Sbarwell.Ralph B. flchmi'K

Edw ard E . Onirhtcl.B d ia r WIlllamK.W illiam A . Lurd.

Frederick CummitikM.Robert Jr-

In the event of. the pexhelmer prium- having the ilbper’ifcn d. Ihero Ib r«^don to believe that^-the A M cm bly Hokei will read

As W lldriek Bwain,J. H i i t r r Bacheller-

Jb lm Howe ROlMFl Brown

WfttigjB U . A harw ell Bchmldt.

Tu ln lFri'iri Nurm- and fnim

Urn NKX\H fi.i.*- n-i-flvMl >iumll t., I.. nl ( m (h - Djih* Hi!*

M r- W I i‘ la in oirinn*' 1>4Mj.llna

III IK& on

]• ,\1 D "-« t.f (iftfli- 1 Muff, rtTM >!if'k;u»‘ of


lln* \ o l Ite n rd o f C'GinerexIooe lo flicKirll*era, bnf Neoiiie H> H rlle x c (l ia ( (he 4 o iir liia lo n <kf I h r I 'la lH !■K n r Off— o f clit*- l-'iir l . I( I m Sniil. W i l l >io( f ir H r i l u r r d . n « lu orean rU ICxiiriiiirM M o st tie M rl*

N E W Y O R K . K^'pl :?!i-^AnlhrarllP roni wiiK (]uut«'<.l SI a l•■ll rliropt'i' to-i!ay Ihaii l( wwe Iwn iliHK ago Tfiin wad liikKU iiH nti 1ni)i> all'iri ih-i4 ihc railriHAilH hipI utlirrA wllh BltirkH ft null lYfi iminl D ’Konl an anrlv ni-m l<-Tiis-nl uf TFie itlrirrs' dO'lke tix jiruiipMi- In riici, ThuKK iJnimiiiK to iw intimi li ............ . Kiti«i U tIm morningllval lA Hfi I (■ tin-nl liiul nf'lUMlly Im'Kit niertv. hui i Fh ' h'rm'4 Wiiulil nu( he an-!Yinjn--‘ il f'-r “♦•vstiitl ila\H

Tin' rallriiiul ultlrlrTlM, however, rafii»)«il s (ti u'luD pniiil (Fh- ovgoUalliiim to

iliD I'lnl liiul prngO'HHftl, Fjul U wox............ I lhal iFn x»p.-rH(tirH have pnicili'al-l\ .ig ftrl i;-it r « ‘-tulrely Igemru Ihu uoluii III m ikiim 1 Mftitem**nt. The preKs-rit (iliin Ik iM -iitw l 111 be lu p|un> (h r t NiiM.M lit fnrr iFn- nii'O rU Ih** dlfTiTetll 4'nl- IlirlpH .tint iNHk lio'tii tu rrru rn to work. iH'ifliiiK iFn* Hi'iili'lYirnI of riMnalnliiK ihf- ftr.'tn-'-- I'V nrlilirKiIon.

ll>'4'ou(R ltfon <»C (lie \ i iMm i.Til. • vii'iii lu wFili'h (be mlin-rH' orgaTi-

Ixiiliiii lu (i> In- reruKhl^**'! 1** bi Fh‘ that iljr m*-n svlll bavr lliu upirnlur«' Irrm v |il,i,t-i! in-furr I hum lit im-- ilii|i!i uf the Im i.i I iinluiVK ATTonllug (n 1 SVulj Klfeelm u - iFiuri- will ii"t Fir ti unlfiYtn*itiit I'f liiii'taHr pi'iipuHi'il (hrmiKFimli ihu(IlMirPt, owing to vitivlng lUTnlttlonH of mlnlim ii( ilifTrrriu phimH F«iil lln-fr wHI III nil lulv iMt't nf h'NM tinnY l»-n prr oitliivsriil w,ii;i-H

M iirli Inh rrs.1 wiik frU lirm In (h»- rt»n- r«'r> nr« to In Fi'-I'l In S>ni:iiuki?i. I'ii , IIi Ik................ .. n iu 'ttii D< liuhlji, HliurllTTunl.- nm! r<-|«n -• n i.iiiii - uf ih< iqH-rnhirN Hint niliM-iH l( Wii- Fp.*!|.-\.-,1 lirfr I Ff» I'liur-rriK •' wiiiiM riMiili iiv ihe ImmvdliUo w K niln iw iI “ f irnM[m, w Fyuk** iirrurhrK |h known lu hr v!T> dlKliiHlrfulr.Ui lilt union tnliu’rH.

T )u rallrtiml rniU'iiYN tuTi- rtpri-KMutl Ibo lirhrf Mini with Ih r rnUMlii "(11 of th« Wiiv ll woul'l I'f’ 4-aHkn I'Y ontm> (0 IIU nftr»-fint“nl wUh lln- w(rlkrTH

l*ri-t4iloii I N ItofoMe lo 'I'n ik .X'l« «'-J’rrMlilf nl Sii.vrr. of i tir Doliigli

Vnlh \ ri>ni|i.»ny, huM lu-tiuy iFml FmFnnI Hnii J-'lin M nrklf, "f iFu* JpiliicJ rol- lliTioH, vi'Kirnlnj' on muMera f«>ru'rrnlng (hr Kirlkt , hui Hu- u u li"m r uf (h r llilrr - vli'W Fu- -Ji-« IliH-l I'i tllHun-HH I ’rrMlHnit \Vnirt*r. of Th" HJimr 1'unip.iny. rufu»rd (u In- in lrrvlrw «''1.

rriHltlriil 'rriirHiInFr, of llie DalftTVurr, I.JM knwiiiirm nii.l W rKtrrn ibillrorid. diili Mir -lluailun WHfl ijn<*hniigri|

J I' Morgan wae nut i»i Ffia ( »Tii "I ilu- rtml KiilrH ag*'n(H «»f Ihi’ I.e*

hint! Vnllry D'lUF I'mnpnny naM !n-ilay ( Fdh I ■( faw m'ni had i lnirKO i»f thr pinna fur H -MiPTin-ni of Ml* Ktrlk**. and imUl

in onINI

10 mj

n o t K t l ’O R TL D AMONG HISSING.

Ile e o rd ipgyNi-il

T'1. I I


neKH (.'ollfgr h* Iand typowTlMtigfrom the lollrr* gnoit KldiHiioii fam ily ther«- will i •

M tk . Rotn'Ka ‘ i ■ ' OilVdjjle, iw i '■! !■ girl, ilffinrinl i-' rumi»r lhal Mi*- 'O Th e y ulao rinplnri dUiry 111 clrriMati'in WHH being [leiKn ni an of Ibid I'lt y. ' Fin ml eKvoned .Mi*- an enterlulmiK'Hi

Th t- diMlern cm,i-l Jennle'g (u-t. T Io jenjoym eni of rx< ■ ladt night Hi Ilu in an unudually "Fu snil ctiatfeil li'**l> lic-re of Ihe tnmilj

llK ,,l tin!I h

11 an yr .bin)

f'l-tHn-Nl pirKl.

.j: Oi'i i rnl -M rx <s|v|< I n of M

, .,bKolni!'ly ji.,it n rl iiiol n lovKr ,iliV iJfiU'-'l nnoilYi'i 11. tin- s-lt'-' 1 I llui Kin- tlMij u mnrilrO wtjln- .11.- r tlir lllMi-r H (lUM- I : tll lxlYor llollir floJU I .11 ilin-r- itioUIFih axa. ,i-<-rlFn’ n*> rr.iHon [or fMl'i Hhr w-ii-i In llo'

hr.illlY. ami ilu'*uiiiilirr (!lh|r wFif ttiiH rful in nnl ami liiuglu-d n I’ h lln oil|i-r invrii-

fAh'- wnK. 1 hey dr-

Uvr wFnim* H'o: ha vn In ' "Ilir D:i 1V' ' fri'm I lir ’ Ihg (hnt I [mrli'il 'lUi HJifr 'l l " wi'i k -‘U"- hlH sun

Jnhn Tl<-HiiS For ' Ih r Hi< nn to bellrVJ-

rn i.C n aoti. w ilt . W n « !4u|»-II lln-kd' I't-rlp lirsl In (^ a l-

• •ittin. Re gRif.’.ol Ml'iiimllelil

s4'iiK ihonglil

Ml-- r. -dlHriiKh

It IH iTJuh- !lWYh in ' FnJ.' a t*:

.nil T CoH'...... t)ni.-i- who |i.'TiMFtri| In

I rlvori ,1 h'ltrrI , ....... . I hi- xT I n km i ll >, a(ii(-,1 ■, i.nuG/ iruiU luiK nol In rii rr-, u I In mlH.tlng "('1 i" ohahli ip-iM l'lrr WT'O'' iFu' .M.lVof .t..-.king f"!' iiif‘.nriiMloii aboui

iii-l M k family !■ fi S’l w- u r ; ,1 . -i.iti (hnn *l-iN |T. vi-n.K i..

]{i I'unh r I'''**" “ ' ‘ '1 Irn-lln-'lh|v. k,,|i »ii'l fnrnllv iirr Nh’lliiiK

TFie young mo'Hale dniK h'lKli

i.T,BnK"'l in Die wflolrlu Now I irlvaiiH


I r i n l O H D e r H « liiK ( D e r a U lle

\ a l l r j — l.lM *‘B

Mf I.OH4\i. |iP Lf!i Th

( iv e rr to w fro mTe x tid H e n rb e

[«.(<P (beMn !t

F O R T Vi’i 'M iH . 'I'T r in ity I'-Ivcr ............ . <I"i I " k 'night. Th e ",„iic In the Itiiiii'lulInK 111- -n llr rItui tome

Many valuiiMi' riirnu itinl eroMd deHir'»>'''l lirldge over W'umi F-ork h.'rn washed away

hiVr l«i‘rli TllllU’dT lr - Ilo 'k IrtliiTid ju-,ir N’l'W.irk, han

dared , nlwayH of lU' 1> HlHpuKmon. After flupl>er she aeeorni*aui‘ 1 b'T hIkIit RosiMlnnut for a walk .... J Mu-j r-aurue.l horn.iihout 9i30 u'lrlorh. .I'-nijl*' to hro fihorlly a fter 10 n’ l !" k, an i Mien wnmiul In excellenl Kplriln, M.r moth.-r Iirnnl in r groaning, and rratOn 'l lu i kuI** Juki hrfjjn hor (laughter dlft.


litmu!*'! I'l rlsr all v r lh lr iy * h v f«"'( if 1 liK Cullun full t-«-ii ijirrln l awav I,. ..nrruiiniU'd with ( i!fi-|> and all huKl- i|iornril>‘, an IraliiK riH or rvrn wllhln

I 'o li r e n ^ r T1m t «- U \|i|inrenll> %».

K vl«l«^ i»re U itil Ihe W lllllo iix ilre

VW'UM JiuiMoaeO.



« p r t h s ^ In Ai*»tUi* -? A «». . V-

O f ttis

S d w n t K . Onlchtel. B M ItiH in . r Jonss-

H iM h IT. Brody a « e « H fk -C o aipN ii. Itohlirt ^ Boyd. Jr.

Bglit*, Including th

(P m t j iF w i ' .w X ifb tb P a l* -) .

N K W Y O R K . Scpl --I'liii'nln .McClus- of the detective l.ur :iiJ, csl.l

thst though the Rice c n - whs still Investigation, only oiu- ililri': ho'l to -n il.c icrm lncd, so la r um tils inuiilry « , . « . . . i cerned. that It «rt|'Jr"i''l> "u ^ not n m ur- Icr, , ,

T h e chem ist w.h.> is cx.imnii-iiK l.)c ..r- :<«n» of Ijie^tn'ly for tnic-s " I iioIhoo will rciiort proFiahly tn t wo a ot k «

W im s p i 't . . nice dlfil III Ilil» city liisi Sunday. Checks for Inrgo n^i"iintK. sign ed by him, ami his will. ;ir(- MiliJectH of In­q uiry by his attorneys aini n kulves.

T M B P li .A O lK IS ( i l .A a f iO W .

T w o M » r * l le w t l i " R e iin r ie .l — « i ie N e w ly B o r n I n f a n t .

O L A S t M W , Sept. 29.- T w o more <lealh> from huihnlB plague h«ve boon reportcil'

One vtclim was * child, liorn of a woman sucr<riti( from the disease,


T I ik T r ih l ly R l'«lny yfTxterdfiy and Ik a( 1hl« pplpl- .M'l' h Itallrufld irm -k Iimk T he ( ’Ollon Bell th'l" wator three t»r fmir fTiuKJt Ik Hu#peiirt*‘d t« raiinfd get IfUn ih r a mile nf them

iHuvll Pr«n>ert> D exlro ye il.Tlip wjitefrt FiliVf intrrf'‘f+'«l wUIV Hu run-

tiliig of (rf»h»i4 arid H(nT-( ' nrH In .Fm H lj A, ,s|( .- Y*ver Ih r North Blib* Klrrri car llioH F»:»k been ahaTid"ii«d Ir Fia« Ih'.-ii■nany yearA wince (he wau i> of ilu T ilii-iiy have ruftvbed Kuch a hlgFi King' - ,

A h yel no Mqiorlrd.lnl( it Ih iRellevcd IFiut T*oKt-H*!y aunu peu- 'dc liiivo ]M'T|nhed below' i IjIk riiy In ih**

Tr in ity Ulvur botUimn I’V Dto uttproro-h nU’il oviTtIuw.

Tbi- puuiHe below h*re wrre iiui nuRiDiJ ,r (hi- ureut rlHf a? Ibiiy Were til Ibl.w Hfim The (Jamage to farniH aifing the

will bo very great, and puKKlhly thew ill reach ll(0,OW.

t BUI nlghl water HUrrouTidlng the water-works Btallon »* '" ' ' ' ‘“I ” j!*"Hood continues lo r sr, damagi- to tlic waterworks cannot he «s3 Vtad. ^

T h « fcm lly Ot Cnptain flnmucl Ivvaiis saved from the swollen stream liy

rriends who went tn them with a rowhoal. Thi ro have been several other narrow r s c i a p e s . ______^_____________ _

Ihe sdvertliemenl of Wood's College, on Hxe K.— .S<R'- ............, —

Th e Tf(>op CH ere »re wlnnrr#. Only le.— A «T .

mi j


I- * .T


ll iH a»c(‘nmpllHFv«‘d ilt<‘V will ni*t ifTalrK.I 'r I r f X M ay Nfti.) I p.

.,i,'.d!'«l 4-vrrv w Fm Ti' 111 !llf! funl ,, ||].- iKlrt' of « .»fil llftiT Ih'- HirSkv r iiifwii tu (lu- Kami-h-N * I an

than l ‘ ii I'^r i-Hit lric-r.-f.K»i . iH .;fns-rhny licilr-vd to !'<' i F' «....... ill rnlfUTH Will (p-mnni). aud

III!- V.11I III. .Ill, i.rilim: m ri.ii.,iil. ■■'|l■................... I,,, ii.iiH.. ,.r fully Iwenly-llvH,■,.'111- 111 1 1 .. ." " I "f o i -r v Tull m lii-.l Till"will riMk. III. ." -'t at ..... l•"lll■■ t«■n uh"HI

, ,, ,, 'I lu K .ii 'u m ir, uf i'l.iir-e, will ‘ 1 j II . -'IT. . 11, . ,Mun " ) i r. Ihi l.- will IH I" 0 r f " ' 'h 'oallil f"r cool„„ .............. Hi. -.IJ'IK. i!H IJV'T. add |n-i-l,.,pw . . i . k 01 H'M diiVK tU-iiiy lit hijjiidylUW '(

«| lio lic ll Ex|»rc(fHM .H V / I K I " N l ‘ . d"l" I ' f ' l ' . - f ' '

\),i, I, ,.11 -,,1.1 ,iT I'l ,1 k ihls irii.niln,; ihul III liii"W- " " III '" '1"Vc .in i-s ln li - ....... . l'"rt "f,,r ll". niiii-e I h ill I'" v s ie r 'l" ' *'■

I ,i,„i ll. I,.,............ O" llif"iniiill":iilurlltg <h.' nichi "I 'Ills I......... .. "U ‘ I'l.ot>)oi-l of a K'-lii'-fu* *'f D-' ^iMk<

Mr Mlti'Fifil, Fi>'wc -r . Jni Mra IHrimi'dilii^r might turn n> dijrlrk ibv .-unrsf- ..r (lu- du>. Ih n**l *•»*w IS In III-' ejirlv dues uf rhe sirlke, rc- m'l.lnliig 111 hi-' ix'iid'iuarteis nlmu.l c.,n-

ll Is iiH iiilem f " '" ' *'l“1 I1.11 h - IS .■<|s cilna iii-wB 111 sum. B.,rl-

TI0 I . I I0 K h e e re , M eelloas.W ll .K L R lIA U I l i : , i ’l l . 3:1. Thi,

L- i,.i ll siili. r liif iiile lils oil till' l.ililsll i ,11, V 1 . high IIII'I WllhcHharre. Is low.tre

liii.lsul. mid l.mkiiwiinnii I'.nil rnm - , ' whu hml 11 lutik' s.'.rct mu,ding

-rd.iv, wen- In ,un)mmil.'lil1nn ' ,u, , 1, 1, muinliiK will, iinihriii II" li"UH-, -M. v,- V "ik -n o T" wur,' s.imw* ............. Tjill.t >r till- ru'W wag'- h'-.iU m -”['iiiK.r: ,i( j-KU-rday K NU-'-ilnB in liili city

" r!"li V . 1,1 thm th" suKgi'snuiiB inailn iit .u..,iii]C 111 Ihls cllv "111 Kuv,ni the

' , 1 , IS ,,r Ih,' t'uiil-ui.nylriK riillrumls1"''. i,r..',l . s lilit III funtililallliK then I'lrii.,r M-iihineiii " Ith the striking oilne w'ork-

"'u „ . ,,„,se wh', iiH.'lidail tho mei-'lttiK . ' . i T l ,- , .,n.'"sslniis m.ol" I" the msi. arv

1, .ind tho. Ih. re "light to be uo he. -" tl'o , "I. th -lr isir. 10 ........ *;„„lj, |,„rh that H .■M.e.lel 1- " * '0 eumes lo rev"gol*hig the unl'ih If O '"* l.'iil Mitchell tl""" O'd "h '”*' " eoneltlM Ol)

„ ,,l,„ 'l ,ls ..tttiude tiiiiy itlisel nil the (ilnns uiuU-r w as. ,

J n d lv li l im l OiM-riitoPHrtuim uf Ihe smaller Iri.llvidtisl opcrutol'S

; 1L tiii.i Ilu- ronfur. tif KH rerriiily” T l ' r -' i.- .'ioesen,stives uf the hlg

^ .nd ihtdr aiivlr-P ank-d. 1 hey ' ' ' 7 X s' bas-jTclatlv.-ly just iiH fflutfi at "mke OS Ibe laeg" cumiiniiles. and that It wutlld be no mure than right If they were

'■''|"x"r"Ugressm..n Morgnn R.who ownH iinil u|MTflh-K the Red Anh Mbu?.^h o oviuH iarg*-Ht liiillvlihinl opurji-'''’ ' ' ’; T h U s ^ t or 'Old Ihe Assoclntnl 1’ ’; : , . r .r " '" l"m d e .,i iu -,l.,y thst he did

n>r ■ ' I ,..,n,i„„ih'S would; ; - , ; ; i " ; o omkc L O der m the strlklo..

"'■‘Yon "U Ik no cftBY1 ilK- rUTtnlnfi oXpcnH.=*i» of oil

" 'r^"^''i , the region T h e T h s i nt mining " I o , on . colllerv rmiy he greater than ;rs a o .h T r - And then llie futore mu*! h .

„ e k m « l wt'h^ n " d t ••uttiiaeBCles,

" F t o d s cnvvs, etv.. may occur which e n to llg rM t losses ot tittle, to the o p « » '

fn “ h«se things must be flgured out, T i . rekes time to do It. I do not know

“ w' ,\.oncUishm » 'he meeting held In thisd ty yesterrt"!' »>'lags have probably been revlewad hy this

(Contlm»s4 on Ninth'• ,A *’

iit; J a

% .. ' . M • .-*1

:iSSi‘ t, . ■■ y.


' ‘ -Sw.’rf-*..


S P E ^ A L R E A L E S T A T E D A Y S

H E A L e a t a t eH E I I . e s t a t e

I I E A I . E S T A T E r O E A A t l l - t H *

t w « l < » t i ( • ' • r n + ' T

T O W R .

l . n m i ( . t . . n « i ■,

i „ p i . , n l u l ' k " t " ' ' -

i f.n\uUj - . l I ' . ' - t h " ' I n n i i l f PA Al'LK m Ii*

f f H i i i i i f - f y I * * i V h » v »

Al fT ln N , . r i . - f »m H t 1 f i '

' • r f K - S " - , S i S . v r ' , j ; ' E r :

' • h o m ' k I - ; - 7, ' , ' ; 1m " '

. . . . . . . . - , . „ . r . , A s . . r . . h i V U . . n m m i . ' -\ » i h U- MH* Hi..... .. •

M I S T U K » > l A t H V 4. H * T t i n K M 1 i

l l n l ' . l K U l l ' H . M - A I . I . n f t ’ H ' K M f . N T . - i ;

r . v r - " ' ■ v ' ^ H

» . I N

S K W K ( i l V l ‘ ‘ K .

. . I t

H r l l ^ v l l l * .

I - M ' l . a U h i M M '

M ' ■ : i l I ’ S ' -

• ll< I I A H I I . " Tl j n | i r i ' i . • i i i » * n t ^ * ■ 1 ** ■

t 4 . ' l i k t I M i V \ I l l s A i I

I s i K t y f i a i i ' * ' , I ' * f i m n V i ^ .

m i l M i i r k ' i -I

• i j i l H i H N T l - ' h I I u ■ K ' I ' • • • 'y i , i N R i n i i " N i > r I r . U

T l . l i ' « - ' l i f n t l

>. 1,1 l ( H ' - ’ iU M I H

M h . i j I I T i I ! • ' * f l * ' ’ ' 'H l l ' l i n > V M i l i i i i i i > • * ■ ! H L V I 'j r - J r * H ' r . A T K a r l m n r e » » f 1‘ 'R h S ' E T < w i ' i r H j t a l J S I " l i g l . # l l ' i h ( f A ' l * * I . S . k K X l i r t n i H f i .

l l l L t L E K T A T t ' f ' O HI a A N B O L ' I ,

| j S 1> Y u r K V E F l K K V T

B T O B E H . O F F I C E ! . L O F T * . F A C - T U H I E S , N T A B L B f I . « T C „ T O L E T .

A \ \ ^ i M i u h i n i n w . f f n i h :M M - l ; i l l i n ‘ | ' T u v * * m » ' n i « ; * u U » b l r f o r

i I k i i l i a # « » m h n t . « l r h p * . w R r . f h ^ i p . A p p l y I I . C J . L K l ' n l t T < M t A r l l n R t ' i n n i - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

• U t F ' K S T K l t n h - f r t f t f i t f ) t ; K i r k ' DB l l r j - T * ' * r X I M H r l h > t R t , r i M i - W * M # i

I n ' i t i l r i ^ c . f J a n l i ' T , I f l i f l M a r k . - t __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

K I . M H T , , I I K I ' T r ' R i - f l j t M a f o r * * ; u M l a W ^ T ' l r j * r n - h . M i l n r ' t . _ _ _

T I I K M A N v v i i u O W N K I J I l O W K Tr i l K H K I K N < « L I T ’ K A T T A f H l i D T ' J

I p i M K i W N I ' - U S . I T S I M l ' l . V M K A N H T H A T V H i l . i : V ' H l l ^ \ T % S g r A N D K H K D Y o i I I ,K V I ( S I N < ! H T I I K O T I I K H K K M / > W H . ^ S . m \ i r i K l » I ' V l - W l N i l I I K A i ' H W K K K . ' l i . i i . l l l T m s ' M I K N i M i H K O V V K U T I I K M m N K V T « i m T M i H 1H H u i n c , I N H T K a D 1 1 ! H I , I I F L V T l i M i N f l T M 1 i l l - : L A N n u i l i D . M i i r k f l - _ _ _ _

J ‘ ! \ i ' • i ' w A i a V ^ V 1 r i K S T t w n t . - n - h r m N f ' i . f l ^ i . r ^ a r W li K . 1 J h A s - I ' l v ( > ■ J u n l i . T , o n p f R t n l B + ‘ J i .

K K K H V ^ T . . • - < > m » t i * ' ( ‘ i

n fik t S u i T # » n > . l 3l i K V K M . " J »4 l l r o i d i i - . c ( w .


n f c ^ v u v t v f A V J A A V K . - K l t « lr K N N H Y i . v A M l A r t w . i i M i n h ^ a l . « U■ m J f l « i . 1- 1; ’ ' . ' . l . ' . L r I W . u m l A

l E A t T I . M * r k » ' » - - - - - - -

y r i T M A N S T . r . " V r / < ‘ " m r t ' . r ' " '

l h r f » I ' Ma n < l i r a J * . 1m -n ^ K j M H I l K k ^

r t i i v T T u n .1 < i n f i ' M t h i n l . M . - n t i Tf | i i l r i * I T I t r t i f l w i n H i

^ n j e n i n . l a i j u i n * » • J L .7

K l I R N I S l I B n R O O M ^ T O

T l V i l . I f I h r f f r o i i i n p . I L M R n i u » l j » ' l > l n f ' ' “ 1 p l r w l i i . f t v . l » f H m l l V . i ' C T l l r . l . H i l l S . . S f w .h I j - k I ; p r I v B i * f a m i l y . t ' C T J i r i l ,

i i f l l i i ' i .

W . A L N L T K T . . l , * k J - T « n . i ' m i n ^ i T l n * n K ' n i i ^i v < w l y f l n M f l i M ' t . J h t u * r k # # p i n i . | 1 - j O ;

a l i t 4i i l n i R l f r « « » i n , h i m a e k r p p U i f . I » : r » l l .

W A i f K V T H T . . T 4, n ^ s T M u l h ^ r r y - T w o P r n n t. . . . . . T I M , M . * « t | y l u T 1 8^ ' h o u » » -

l i « ' l ' l i i | f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

i - i » i ! i i [ i Y r i T l i f ' - ' ► ' ‘ ' f ' l f t a i i ' * I ' - U ' i r i i ” V .1 r / r - m , i . - l ; « r « ; ;. . . . . . . . . . h , . p l . r - . . n - i - l . 1' " I - " * " L I ’ •

t i r n o l ? 3 f l , -

\ I \ K I N « ] H I M \ I ' H K K A N | I 1' I , R A H l U i M K ' t . W V y . U T t * T M o S K W i m H A V E T l i l K D I I I - ' I ' W I N ' i U K N T A \ H W A N T T O M K K

I - T M l - - T \ M T H V l - n i S T U K r T I V H T I I K l , « i T' - L l I -' \\ i : nPFKH

l - . . ' I l l H i i l Y K H S A i w * M a r k p i S ' l U M ^ N H Y I ' A K K

l . u i h I ‘

H t i ' u ' I ► '

M i l

I M I,. U ■!»”«.l . - j t i i i ' r u r i l '

W l i j i r R I I I ' M I ' k .I - M . f l R ^ T

I - . i r I » i > ' ! ■ " J l ' i r n i i l l M . ' r t i i ••

f i i R S ' V l l | m . ' - M T ^ ^ a

l - K N T H A l . I ' i " l - I ' l ' ' . i T , i . V i * S Tt n n - i i M j i I i ^ i K i i ' l M K i ' l -

A ^ ' i l

O f . H V F f t h t . i h ' ^ r i l f ^ f f> f i ( " T i m i ' 1' 11 * ' * * J n ' i N l i '

r U I V A T K h - . U M ^ f « « fh . r t i H h i J ■ a r r i H p ' ' i « " ' J * ' * ‘

l ‘ i i > H . T W p M I I > ' M . I s I , j r - . X ' M U i ^ r , I h - i N . ’

r v I l K I U H T . i i - i i r H t j n . S i H f ' k K J ^ . h , | . i r r ^ n i * m ; u » i '

. r r . - i I I U l S I - . H K I T ' / . 7^ ^ J U r u u I f\

1I . » H ' . W N

n A W K I - I K

ti,‘, tT.i >7-'i t‘1‘1 V'-'' VNI) fca* KA', I . I 1 V : I iS -| "\ S'SItll' c Alt *I1»

V M . \ \ \ I . K I ' H t . i ' K S S l H ' T I I .

K l . M W i v n h J I K h J l S T H ,

M » I N T K H K S I

K Y i ' T > H T 1.1 l p t . r u r a i ' r K i n » I ' o l u m b i a i t a A i ' i i l y W . r , I ' l i i H K V . T k I ’ J i l u i B b l t B t

I \ t * T i > K Y I n l < ‘ l i H M I . l U t l J o h n » o n i t I I I ‘J 7m I ' t i B h t n u t i t .

. K > I I N S « I N H T - . M • * 1" H > h o r a #r p i M k . w I t A l i I . A H t l . .16 J t i h l l B n n .

L ' l K I S t n 1f t . w i t h p i i w ^ r . a l i n i n S . W i r t • ' i f t _ .a l l " t [ ' a n : f \ * T V o > n v f n t w n c e . I n o n l r f C .

H . M h L I K K F * H d N K t ' O . . 278 N . J . I I . H »'•*■

| . ' -

J . ; K t H i N J t AU K A L K - S - l ' A l l

; \ i | H i t ' I \ l ' ■ ' I . , . y . - l M t ; I S S I I I v N ' I

1 .1 i N H ' ' S M ' j K ' 1‘ 1 A U K >

k ' w . I M ' T L K K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * ' " ' " V ‘ r M , N k -I , . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i « l I l f


m « r s i ' st i l l ' ■ " >

I - ' .

n r A t 'y i | I K .1 I w I f i i i h I l l I

. . . 1.11 M i t - ► i f B i n l ' ' s i ( , i ' l l i " i i 'H. .II A llii' n'i*l r.-nti-n/iM' 1'-'........... Ill liL-umi'-fi- 'ilii''f '■ M V S . ' l l t i N l n i l i • " •* I • " * ’ >f f . , | i i i ' - a i t » i B i ' " ' I ' l f H ' . i ii I j i I m < I t l ' II , . - ! * r i | l U S “ ■ I "R f l . * r I’ l I ' . M

I t l J S f l ' r V ^ ' J ' " l ' V ' I . I f I l i n i i- f i i ' i i i i i r t . ' ’ ! ' ■ ’ - i T i * . - ' I

i K ' - r i ' H , " f f ' * i ■• I f ' . . . . . . . . . . .M l . \ V n i s A ' ' 1 l “ M M M l k » - ' ■ '

T i n s7H . . R | : i T 111*l l , 1111' v . r i ' * i i i i » ' i i

• . i » i i i . H l l h l I I I 111* *

i i N ^ r M . i . - k I . | i l • • l 1

I I ; * . I ' y i l M u 'K t B ' U M I l f

I M I N K I ' K I I ' k I U K S T R L I I

, . . ■ I - ' . ' . I J I I I . V S l i ( J . - f i . T l l K K t ' l l I N l i r i E l . l ) I . A H l i K H j r l i l l i i H " ' I f . j i . ' . f r H i i l , U [ T T N K H i i N T I I I ' - l - U i i i ' K H ' n . ( n K l f - n k l i i f . H ^ l i H n * .

i - o W N ' i n I l f f l . M W m J l i A V K .

E n i P u . N I - . M I K .

U ' y R h r T l T l l | - ' - i \ f

. f I l ' . M H R

“ " 1, ' t ' i ' ' i W | . 1i I N . - i . I " l l " f l l i - ' l l I - m

11. , 1' S E ) „ , . . “ l i ‘ i ' m l n „ . . . r r „ ™ . ■ H V t . * " I " ' H u i t c i m T r » "

T r w f t . 'T : : I : i h ^ » h I . h s i N i i e h . H K A I . k - t a t k U K .

T » « H i l l ' A l l H T _ _ _ _ _ _

j i A N i - K A T - n u i N . i . . . . . . I ' H H i i i ' " | | ; '" S f « » r k . | . i - v i l v I I ' " “

i i | . v | | i i : m 1. I f

B u m t i i f > r a v f .

k * * - - - - - - - I J . . I 4i i « A . J v • ' n H ■ n i l I *M h

F f t y . A i M r w w a H . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . - I ' I M S I '

I I I I I • - I d l i t i H i l h I ' l I i i h . . l l - r i ’ i i * ' F i a ^ i l * ' * l l ' '

. - r i T / 7m 2 l i i M j i l f i .

S i > B h a n l l a " K i f i ' ' a ’ F J W B X H I - i ' - H T - I B f r f f i i n " l c l f ' i s . R a l i o n B , f t o f a . i - - * - h « « i B f I f n w a F B i 4i l i i w * s n - ‘ l ■ | n l » ' i t F r f w c l « n < l i ^ ' ■ ' H D l f ' - l . K h H K X l l K I ' . M T S l > i T « a r e g n u III • k from tri'lW'S ■ur'* ahorl !• '■f r i . t i ; I t H i t i i i l - T i • ' n - w a i K . N e w V r k - r| ' , i n - r * i n . \ ‘ i b U s l l l - . M i i n T ^ B o n ' l n ' ' ia u y w F f k d H y n g r . ' I ' l >■ - n K i t K K X I l K l ' i l l l - i n n . - t a e o f M r ! • r - I h ' • H * t i . i m l y f r m 111 A M t o « ! • M

, T M K I ' l T Y J . 1N K S T K l ’ K i m M T R i i M F T , . s i , l . " " M I I K I J » A \ K . T n r h ' ; l T ’ ; i i I V .M h l ' i : * * l - s n

. M . i , run; a n d i i . l a k

I .U N V I.V hV W.VltHANTV t»KKIi S<’ V . ' I ' i l ' . r " K i S i - t M H I l A M T ] ' i K A . S V

K l M ' I ' l H i ' i l V H K U r t K R i i M I ' H i l A V K v , > - i n , o l ' H i S I ' A M A N T K K H A . S l »

-i-'iH i-lIK S IT U n i'T 'TIAFtnK lU lK V h it Tl' HK\«*Tt. 144 llHl>AD

f o r h u B l n ' * * " v M r f l l S M w r k . ' i B F

M A K K U T S T - . 8U 1 1 l a r f * a n d I n n a ' i a i o ^ b ;B u U a l - l e f o r l e b i - ' l t B a l e o r r e t a i l b u a U i e e e . t ' - n t

t t k i a n i l I S O , *U i r i S A . r K L D K R . « K > n m a d * t .

K i M i M H K ' . u r n r H v;ii[ |i[ih use., itiU'r>Hf-TBen el _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — ..B| . iM'iuirijW

i i u l f l o o r ;

W . M . N I T S T .feutli'imiii.7C - M r e l y f u m i u h r ' i l r o o m f o r

i.'timm''ri‘e i12.1

Miirkei Ml.

i W . V S H I M l T i i N S T . 4 M T w o a | ' u r l f n * n l a o f

R i ' T l M i i N I * H T ' . I - K u l i i * r . K i m e a ' * t e m a i l r a J u l H . 1* ' ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a u r T l I l O T U H T b - l w i * M l l l t h * M -1

t u i i ( ' . n i i e ' M n t t r o o t r n ; e e c u M i l l l i x i r , h o u * ^k e e | i ' M K . i i n i e n l e n i e w . i L ’ . r K I e a i ’ b »

W . V S H I N H T ' I X H T . ; U i i i - r t i n f l H r < I m e r ^ ' r r e - p r < ’ l a l i | e j i i p e m B , l l

e e p a r a i f * e t i t r w . T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 T a n < l S r i " j m e : r ^ n l n i i ' i i l * * ^ * !

H f i t r r M i i U A V i S K A V K , . I I W S e r o n i l l l . i l 'B t U r T K O H A A i . r - i n i n i . . i F m e n i n ;

n i ^ ' i y t s ' A _ o « H i T . i a .1 H f . . , i 1. I _ ^

W H - T H U K A . m I e A V E , I M *^.1 fk). ______________-_____________

A S H I N ' l T i i N S T . L h l T ^ T w ' . l a i y c e f r u n ir c M H U M . l i e a l . a s R . i m l l i . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

W K K T P . A R K H T . S - T ' k l e i . f u i U l i h e d , t a r i e p H r l i T J * . m i U a ' i l i ' i " r | ' h > ' ' U ’ l a u .

* t v A H H I N O T D N S T . R 4T - U i r g f t n i l a m a l lf i » ) r i t a . | ] u | ' . h j o u i w k ' e p u i n _ _ _ _ _ _

F t H N l i U f c D H O U M A T O L E T — O t T O F T O W K .

l i t r e B t .T h r e e

i i K K M I ’ l H I f ) l e t I n t h e M e i r n r n l l l M i i l < i i H ' ! H '8 i - f - r i i ' T B i h i a k i i i r i a m i M a r k e t k ( b ; * t n K i r ' i t

t n M u l ' w . A f p l y H o o m H 03.

i i l - T P i K H H O ' I I ' m I b r r o * * m f i s r r ^ - m l h i l M l n « , 122 M a r k e t a t .

K ' . M . M K K A \ I - : i i r i ’ l 4h . i h - ^ f n i l | i i i ] - r i \ f | i i > - j M -

f i v > 1 r ' > . I ' - f f t " *7 | . l J l K . ' l i l -1

• | > . , f i n e 11 | i u U I R e l l i M ' - •

M U . T K K S \ r t . V I . T K U

W M F , K 1S ' * ' K K . M i ' I l l i ' S M i H T .

P T M . V t l K V \ K ' ■ " I ' - 'I , I ||||4 M I ' I I O | I - - K l l i k - h l k

j i r I I r l l 1“ M \ I ' K ^

f n i i i l l j H i ' 12 , y | l l l ' I t M i A l l l

■ . . ) i k - i M t i r l f ' t

H n W T O R I ' A ‘ I t H i e i n i e B M ‘ I I '

w a l k . ' l l ' ' I - a t u i m i l w .

P M I K I I . | . ; f i . i t i • . ■ i m “ - I ’ l '\,t I I T i M i i n a , » m | ‘ r A i v e i i i " n i * . r » - n i e

I l M M h ^ M i I r . - l k i A . | i l r * ‘ - > " S I I I . T

I - ( . 1- 1. I k - 1 g 11 (.1 m | p 7P l l l r K r t i l

H i

T H V K V A V I -I l l f i H i I I ' N . - r 1

r t J H i e | j * R f r f « I| > \ ' l M l U K « - l c l

l i ' . a r ' l l ' i i "I i i i l A r n i m p F '■ V. l l i l U H * -

' f a nK

U N i f l p t i l n i f n t . , < - H y '( j a n . . y d A M i i r y a l i - l i . H v " i " " i

I I E A I . K P T A T E , ' -7 “ l " " "| a , n . . H R V K I l . I M H r i i 5. l ^ , ' « r . _ M m _

B I X w i i i ' " > « ’ i ' ' I ’ " ' ' ' * * ‘ ' ’ ' ' t ' . V . ' i * " ’k m X f T . w f t h o r n B i j n i t a y . I t i i n y i i n T f » n

^ T H E l ‘ t ) N T I l A ( T U K A N K l l E m m i

I J I I I . i t n l y b a l l i l l n * P n i l f ' » l S f W J e r n e ) I h J r » c i . . r . 1» n ' K o o o k . H i i A o n n i m l i w T h " n t i i i o i o

I . u l l i m i - i r l k i i i h u l l , l i n n ■ ■ l » T » t i < i n i i . I v t - r .i n i f f M i . i l i n l i i ' ' * l i i u H ' l l n * ’I n i I r j r t f J i i h i i u l - l h j v o l l h i k * o i » i H i P l f i l .

" | u b « , r l p t l w ! H l i o r f ' " r . H j t t u i l f v u P V •| f M I I A M I ’ H A . N r i ' H l . l H I l E l l ,

R - i 7 H u l l A v r . ' E j i - h p n i f . N o m i i l i

T W I l . f U l ' h ■ ' | l ' " ■ n " l ' f - l ' ■ " ' ' l • " "| . . l . " U U l ' N ' , | . l F l l l > I ' l l h I I 1

K I N S . I N I f W l l e s - U l e B i e

\ K U V i l i ' I ' - e e l l r i f i r n i i h . l l i i i t t i r ' - « " l ' ’ f ' ' - i1211 i m i a l ' l ' - l l ' - • i " " ' ( ‘ v f ) t i m - l

R i h o " n i e t i l . - n ' ' . ' , K " " r u i ' i f i ' l . . . i u - i i - ' f i e i M i ni B r t i h . i l a t e a t t » k w m b I i t r w y * e t . ' a U e x e a I x i g "

W A K K M A N A V K . 24' , T t i l a l ' - » ' ^r.M^run. l u i i . r o v r m e n t " ' » t i ' - r i . i . i r I i i f . . r

' 41I I I h I I i H i e B a r s ' l M R W R m n e m H | h i I ‘1 W A I . T K i t W . H a L T K H . 740 H n i a d a t

I b M i i ' - A H I I w i l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 h i - o * - ' " - - ' IR I • h n l a m - e i - n i H . n l M i ' l m . - n t f K - i l n - e e

h , m e « h i i s e ! . r u - ' H . . i ' w . ' t e i " i ' -B f w e r a n . i e i i r i l i « n W H i e fr r n i f o r I * l 4i H - t v - e ' ' t i H r e a l T i f . - r i u i i t i h i i k i I I ' w i ' l l ar U A S K . H M I t b . I n _

1* K

T W t t b u i l d i n g I n i e o n t ^ t t h a r ' l i a t . i

T V 2

IB |I»1F un .I'.iy..-.-.. -o I -• \ .v ir 7b u « p i . , o n l y I T k l l l e a t h . .11 L H H B . H K I l / . .

F r o a d e t . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _w a l k» p * w i r t ' l l n t o n a v e , e a r t o I J e r g e n e l - .

' W i » r k w m t h t o R u n y m T r a - ' l . A g e n t aI k e r * F u n d a y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

U W f i I H i V N , I m l i i i h ’ e m o n t h l y , f ' . r t h w r h i i l r e o f i h o a e n e w t t i ' M l e l b r l i - k h o U B W # R 7, f t 7 ' , . M i

T h l r i e e i i i h « \ e . n e * r H i g h f t . e \ e r y r m N l e r h r . m v e n k n . - * I n r l u i l l n g a i e a i n h e a . A p p l yK H N K H T N a i I B L . 74f f l t f o f t '1 a t . . k T - * * M

l > x . K \ I I H H I M T H T i K -s K > I O i l ' H i J o r a l ' i m . i r i\ k . M T h l a r + * o n i i . v i

H K A I . K H T A T K W A N T E D .

■ I h m p j n y B I I ’ B I I i i r i ‘ | M * r t l e i i h n i

K ' i ' i M H i r j l e t , w i t h p u w e i ; a l l l i n i ' r m r ' T K n f e .m x F l i R h t e d , N o . 24 i v > u < l l i w ( w l l i i ' l ' i " -

S \ M I K L W M K K H Y . 7« < H r i . a . l e l r e n - g i i H - v r " t i I ' r e m l p e a T w k p h o f t e N ' j i s j 4.

p i ' l ' i K K t n l e i , J u n e U o n o f f k n i t h i l r H i H i * . * “ ' * ■. n i . | S p j I n g r t c M H v e , I B 75 f e e t ‘ h - h . ' * ^ t n

I V . . . i . i r u v H l u ' l n w a , o a r a o f 1 i l i f f k k ’ x n i h n ' ‘ a j . i i . H H D i e i l n o r . I n n i i l r e l i f A . K I S t T l , ^4 S j - r l i i g -t | . . | i t H , V e , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

u l i - k a n i l ( h e a p , n a i l o n J I ' I j I I s i ) o u ( l i t .

S T ' i J t K t o l t * ( , w i t h o r w i t h o u t r o o n n i . h - f l I " - r n M i i r i f i v T r v M l B i j a n t a n i l o y a l e r e ' ' ' p ' ' i I I I *

. i T i r l i n ' i m h v m . t j e t w e w n K l l r a h e i h W i i K h t « i . I n n i i i r e m 2l H r u n i i m u ' ^ '

i t i . i i i ' . l 1. ' l i u y f ' l f ' - a a l i , a f i i U e l t e I " ! I » • H i w i i - r w m l l y h * ‘ u ^ e ' a n b e t » u i l 1 . m « i " i

i l « . . n v - A i l i l n M B | p " l . I 1" i I k , N e ' e r * ' '

H ' r * i H K t o l e t . N o i . W a n d 71 M n r k e t k | A p p \ > A M ' ) « 11 V A N H O R N . 7H M i c k e i a t .

1 M I ' S S T " ' - H l l * i v > M l '■ ( W a a h l n K i n. ' h , . . ' r u . . - i ’ ' I " " ! ■ f ' I ' l t ' * • > !i m m l H K i . I r i - » i " a i t o l . r n n i r i h y i i " ^ ,

e . h . H . I . 1 m l i ' . i r - ' - « o . ( l - e i . . i k v . r » m i n . . . . . * |K . n H i a I I I '1 • I ' * ' n i l * ' t - - r ^ n I k I ' * ‘ i t h - I

h l . * . l H t e J , H l e ( ' I f ! l . K f , i | - l ' ' l ' ' I i ' - i i e e | K r " t e■ l l i N l w a - I

d a y , K n r r u r " t i i i - ^ m ' i O k * . I n o u l f e . i f J . k H I ' K . M . V S ’ M 447 T i i k e l l i e | ' » i e i j * f . h B m l w o l k M ' ' "

| | . I , i . . * v I J ' N i i f u e h . H a l n i n ' e m o r t g H y e . f r • I - I r n h l i . l i - * . I l l u I . i . l n ' l K h h ' i r h ' L M H l A l l

. . . . , | , | t . . x I ' . i . N . ' v e " I f l i ' e , _

> l l K t " | e i . f i U l l v e r a i . , j i l w > r 111 h . i r e e e . « l l h I w r g e B h e i l

l A l t l l 4 T ' K i m B . r n u r i t e r H I H . ’ i S p r l l i K f l e l d H v e .

K O I B E X T O l . E T .i | ( K w ' l t l i f l M u r e e a n d r i ' o r i h

I W . U T e n * 1.

l l ' r t n . p f t t h e i e M i n i » { • • ' " f f a i H ' l i t t i e i . H i

I S I H i | i s ^ i ii . : i . i i n r i o i i H > ' « . 7 n u i t n a , h a l n . .

,1 . i i ' i i n i t s " . 7 m h i n e , l ' . i t n, I . . . . . . . . I l l H I , I r i i i . m * , h n ' h

.1211 M '22

. 21 I " '

' i a '7 < i n I : t M H . 1I I 4 h i l e t I ' * ! * S S , I <

' H i : B l h l >1 r i i o m H t " l e t 12. * . I ' e r h

r r K > m a . $ A -k a t .

U K Y K K .

T O i - k t - t b

T n I K T F r - t r a i h - t i ' t < e i - V , 7 t r il l l n l » T l h u « - » * • ‘ A ' t - J ‘ " b '

S ( - n l . . , . n . l E l u i - I i . I P ' . u H ' M H - - *

‘ t f i M r i i a i l a t .

t t r e i a n d i r * R .

A U M N U T U aN A V B - , I t , F o l u m h l a n l l e l g h i - , V a l l e b u r g h — N i c e l y f i j i n k h P i l f r i ' t i t r i n m . ! ■ *

r e i n t o g e n i l e n i a n , p a n a i i ' l I w t h . i » r l v a l e f a m ­i l y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

p l ' l t S l H i r K n r o o m ; t w o g e n l l e m e n n i o i n i i u f l o - g e t l i e r . w i t h h f w 1t b * ' U i t i n a n l ; i m p r o v e m e t i i w ;

r e a ? * o ( i u l ( l e t e r m e , A d i l r e e a T . « ' . 11 W e a l a t . . K a a t < i r a n p ' - _ _ _ _

M , I I A R I I I H O N . i S l M i l l M -

T i n i i T E r N T . i P T _ .

a m i » e w e r o o r m e x l i o n ,I t i i H H , 7P 3 l l r n a d a t _ _ _ _

l ' r „ i i l K . , - l u V f . . r v n i H - in H o N V ' M o K S t , m T h i r d » V f - _ _T H l i U ' B T . . l - T u l : n u f , 1„ . ) • ■ . m , f n l ' ' n l .

a l l l . n i i n . v - t n f l i t " . f a i l u i l H r k n i ' h H n . i k l a r k .r e n t o n l y | l ' l . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

W a L X I ' T S T . , 114 F " U r r u ' m i R . I h - ' ' h h• I r e n _ ^ _ - - - - - - - - -

I n ' l T t i

K l ' t l N l K I I K l * r i s ' f n a t o r e n t l o f e n i l e m e n ; g e a r I ' u u i i l r y I ' l u l i . i r u l l e y a n i l K t a i l * ' i i . a l l I r o -

[ i n i v e n i e i i i B A i J i l r e t o t A - H . , I t n * 72. W e a l n r * a n a e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

M A I N S T . . f ( 4r t , I t r l h k r h u r c h . o p p i ' a l t # P e o - n i e ’ p i n a n k - F r n n t m o m ; n U a l y l u r n l a l i r d ;

t e l e p h o n e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

K I R N l M H E n R O O « N W A M T B P .

A Y t i l ’ N C l M A N w l a h e B a n i c e f u r n i a h e d r o n m ;m i l m n f e t h a n 15 m i n u t e a * w a . k f r o m t n r .

r i n n e n m l D p t i n i e « t n P . M f ' X 14. N e w n w i e e .

\ V V l t l t P : N S T . h A t 4 r - M i i n e .l e t

K I H M R H E D F L A T ! T O l * E T ^

I I V Y u r N t l r o u p l e . » a n t a r t , o n e n r t * o f u r - n l i h p . l n H i m p . i - e n i T a l l y I r i r a t r d f n r l i g h t

h ' l u a e k e c p l m t . S e i n l p a r i l e u l a r a , [ t I c ^ . e t c . , t o I i . f ' . . 1l " X t M . N e w » o f f l c K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _

R O A n n t N O .

I I K A I T I F I T j B u n n y f m n t r o o m f o r t w o . W i l l ii r o V . i * ’ | r l r H i r - ' \ m ( i 1- - s i n f a m i l y : R l e o e l n g h r

: i i : i S x h s i t h I ' r i i u g e H \ e . • ■ ■ • ■ m e r T i n * t

m o i l P T , . - . . U T h f f f r i B . m . . l - . a , i i l l u l l ' ' l u f - n l a k f i l . k i f . m h n a l f , l , a l l , m | , r - ' f n , > l i l » . - - - - - - -

r i M i t n

J t K i i . M i H T . I I ' H - l A r g e ' f i r n e r f t o n i r o o m i s n . l . • u n i m i l i i g r i K i m . t a h l - a n d i i p p n i n t m e n l i i

r t l i l c l a a a . _ . -

l U i a M h T O l . B T - O H T o r T o w n .

\ \ h i l l A l . i : M n N . ' J T K \ V « * h l n i ( l ' i » _ M v e

I N l i K L L K t I l . l .1 I h l e e . P r H . m e . n i l I mpr.'vemenM ......................... nmt.rlaaa u.-

r H l I o J i . l o t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' * I ' | | w i l l l . e B i d r l v e r yr l i e n | . M K M n K ' I h * I M I e v l U e U V e . .N e w a r k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

H F L L K V I U . 1- M l ' “ I " f F r i d g e b i .J k i u e e . 7 r , - ' i h ) . I - I 42> l 2i i , " n l > * L . - h k J . r e n '

e . l , I ' l l ) b ' • ' I I h * I H e l l e v l t l e h t -


» A I n s e l t i j i g i ' o f l l . I t a n d 4 r ' H . m a . ,1 . . r f . r - o ' i n e m m r i m e n l H n f 1 a n d 4 j i H ' n i ,

U i i K V V I I K W K T T N t u l i r o a i l i t , l t ' « - "

S i : i ’ " . M > A . M J t h i r d K L O O I L S . 1' I 2 M n l K K T i ’ T .

K 4X . I U H , t K N M A l I k K T H I .

: j 2' I. t ' ' U K I l ' i l H H n n d a i a h l r t o l e i ,

I t K i U l i r . i a m k h k i m i a k t v

. n l j l - M l i l . A N H K U J H T H ‘ • ' l l X r t V n ih a t h , w - . - m l f l ' H . r . l a r g e l U i f

p i . . > T h n i i i l r e 4. t M i i i m v n i l h e t N i ' v s a n y _ _ _ _

i - ’ i s T i l i t A N ' r K - F , ' u r r i H i i i i ' ' . n e a r ' ‘ H r ^ t l 2 ; n e t i l . W b m a ^ W . V I - K H K " a l K « a t e

l E K N l I V I I I S S B L l . . t ' U

I r T l w k l c e p .F I N K h u l t i l c - a K H T i H p T i l l B l l . h l . W a B h l h g l ' n i ,

t a i n d e i i I ' . k ' l k . i t i ' l S f i i ) i e H i i n t a v e a . l i n e a l h ic o t l i i n I n I I I n u l l n . f r t m i I 2i " i n p . r a a i h o r m * i u t h l s j i * t > M i c i i t " I h ' U a e * I ' l i l h t - i B i i l l j H i T - p h u B e r a N ’ K - i r l i l l ' i i i e H u l M r r a ' C o , t C »4 l l i " B . I

I i f t r t i I ' A H I I , h i U n c e m . . r i g a g e , a I I I b u y 7I l i n e 7 a m i W r i H » m h ' * w * . w F h « F i m p r ' i v e m e n t a ,

k _ n i i i i r h i H i r h d u r l : R m i e v l l l e . a l n a > i r e n t e dt t ' I m C A T T T f t e a l e B t i i l e . A r e i T i i u r a n c e ,' * m « U " ' I ' l ' x - * - ' m j ' " - ' -

| k . i B l t l s r b a r g a i n . \ l A l - r h l t W ■ r A l f l K I L 74U

W A U T E B n - , B A I . T F . H , l l . m B k i k i f . « u r l f > I k .M e n e y . 740 R r o t '1 a t .

F r c a d e i

O w V l t i B R * .

A 14R C A T B A R O A t N -T H K I H J l ' H K S .

l a a M n l t T O N S T , A N D I I C H a M L T i j N H T . . r . - c e n l l y B o l d a t H b e r l f f a a u l e , u n d e r f < i r » K - l o e u r eu f a m o n t a g e , w i l l

J j$ t H o u B a . I W M ' l r l t ' n m .. l a a t n wp r i l l * ) - c n m a r t n i c l h o u a e , w i t h a i ' j r e a n d l w < » ( I w e l l D f a . n e a i l o l l o n C h a r l t u u i t » J * " * ■ l u r v i t i w e . H i w a e . 4- t » h a r l t ' . r i a < . I nV t m f r a m e h » u M ' W i l l t . e - > l '1 f o r m u c h l e a a I h a n t h e c o a t o f > u 1 h l l n g t h e r u m e r h « m ^ . a ne S i e l l e n l i h a i t r e f o r a a p e c u i a t P u i . a i i ' l v e r y 111 * H e m o n e y r e t j u l r a d . I h u u i r s " f

O . N A I ’ N U i H P P - 7 W 1 l J n > a d a t . R K n m -7.

b e l i v e m H ' a n d 5 n ' o h e k

A H . M t O X m H U J I l i f I ' l " - ' I I Vn a w h n u B o a : K r < . H i f n a , b a l h . l a u n ' l T j . n i lt w o D f w h n u i

. . l o r i a r n I m p r o - . . . . _t M s l U O ; i n O u h a l a n c e m ^ T l g i ' i f e ,S e n a n y H W i I n e l u i U t i g H u n d a y i n . | U l r e 4k li n o r i i r n ’ • i . V a n ^ " h J

a n y W u m i w a c a v e .

t ' v n c a . t C A R H . 1( a l f i n r e o n i H - n d a p d y i o r t g f t g a w i l l h i i v t w n l . i l . ' r V d e l a o h e . l f l n i B . 5 a l l - H g h t

r i « . m e a m i h a t h " O e a i h f l - i r , I t e l J f * "C l i n t ' i h ( l i e , r e n t H » : w t [ . e r > - a r . h . K ' H A N K . 4l »4 H r i k f l ' l a t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l l A l l O A l N l . i t i . i f u ' l l * - , l o i n e » r r e n l r e o f t o w n I m f r l " t \ i r I k l i r u R i l a i h t M a r k e t a l p ,

N e w i i r k w i . r t h F ^ T s i m u e t e e l l w l H l a k e | 17« i i n u u l r . ' A A l U M U B H - r .

N e W H r k

n . I M I I ' I S U I l ' i r s E , ; | ' H r r « d « l . ; f l f i i m h f j l , . „ i . , . . , M t , . n i f l i u i u i i f . k f e - n n - K [ , l - -

V I S l I 7P M u r k i ' t e t

I U h K h ' - ' i e e r . ' r N l i n M a i e a n . I H * » u i h T h h -........... ).i Itoeesiilv All IrnprovrineiiiB. 1iri>

u i , , i - . u e V l > ' i N N l i i v L V . 27 S o u t h T h 1r i e e i H ' i

|:| i:<

I 2H M a r k e t a t . .

| C | | R H A I j K H ' - r i a e H t l r J B l a h ' S , O ' l i r e u ( W K l l K i t ' H M i k e r y .

w i t h 4 l o t a . l a -

r t i i ' M g a g e | 7o n . f v K u a e B . H l i l a l i l e a v e

m o n t h l y W A L L A C B I t u l l ' l l n g .

l o f H l i M v i t w j i n e w P a r k ' l e w : r e n t 124

M V K E t H . i ' r i i i l e n t i a i

M a p l e T t o a d .F i 41 H t J . K l . M i a e h o i i a e . 12 r o o r o * . n i l I m

p r - o f n i f f i i B . l i a r n . a h i o l * ' . H a ^ ' r c B U l i l g e u i H K l . H i i a T ' H . i t i ' • o t i a g * ‘ , h u m . H h a . l e . 4 u c r e r ,

| . r i T ’ . | * n . * l ' l H W - i n i l l e v . . - . . u a K - a . H t " 12 r t e v j n e l l l m i ' r ' J k ' ' 1l i e n t ' . . | 7l , . V a ’ i " I t P i X k i , a t H h u i l

m n a 17 *1 r e n , 11" h i i l h i h i g e n e « r I t r o n l w m . i p a r k K 1> l l l t U W K H . M h I ' I s w m h I

i l . M k i O A H U . h a l a n c B m o r i g n g e , w i l l b u y a L f n m l l y b ' l U a e . I " t H n H a * . i i c h a m e n e l d ' ' i r i

( • r r e f e ' 1. * W A E d T F H W ' . H A l . T T C R . 7441 l l m a r t i t -

B M I X I W I L T , h i i y t h r e e w e l l r e n t e .1 h m i a e e . I ^ t i « r g a m t n N e w i i r k ; m o n e v t " K n * n R r ) S B -

W K I , I k T M w r k a t a t .

R K A L E i T A T E F O R S A L E — O l ' T ® * ‘ ‘ T O W N .

A w l l n r ^ o * *A l l M N l i T O S , N J . ~ F o r a u l e , o n t h e K U a k * 'A l t l - I N I i T l J N , m J . ~ r o i • ■ i t , v . . -

m l s i B i r a i - i , r a r e f u l l y r e B t r l i - t c i l

. A R A R O A I N - T w p - f a m l l y h o i i B e o f2f l r 12H r e n i a ' l *17 a i h ' i r u h : p r l t * I . M K 1

c R B h i h a l a h c w m o r t g a g e l n ( i ' i l r e 4k i d u m i n c ra ' * - _ . . - - ■ - -

A i V O N t T ^ , V i t — H o u n e , 12 T - N . I 1W a n ' l l * a t h , a l l 1i « i » r « > v e m e n t a . e m h l * I n r a a r ; a t r e e l a e p h a . l ^ .

n « r a a a i m a i d e * ( # l e r r e f o B * * l . i n q u i r e o n g r a m -

B f W n K i i l r r u . I , | . . r l . . r - I > u l l l n P l i i B f - . U "'>'1 H ' I ' l i v i m o r o s ' e m e n t u n d t o n v e n

H A h a A f N H , I n v e a E m e n i B , a n a p B , o w n e d b g F » - B t U u i l o h : I w o H ' B t o r y d o u b l e f l a t a . " i i e o n

F a l r m i w n t a v a . . w i t h n a r n n n « l d r i v e w a y ; t l i - o i h a r o r c h a f H n n e t . ; e i t h e r o n e i- tn h e l e > u f h f n r t h a a m o u n t i ; i f n i ' i n g a g e a n ' l w l m h a t W n i T H c a a h . H U W ' B U H A 4k > . , i n i M a r k e t

B A R Q A i N - ' l l u a t h a a n l . l , t w o - f l a t h n i i a e , O r t f o m i a o t l b * l h f i > r e a c h f l a t , a c p a r a t e P i e a n t

h e a t i n g p l u m f o r p a c k ; * x p e n E ' h i m h l n g : 1> a ) a i n v * r c e n t d t a r o n I n v e m m e n t . P f h ' ^

r ^ R . m - , e v e r y c i t y I m p r o s - e m e n tI f n r . k ; v l N l . t l ' K W V ‘ " V ' T ' t 7 2 . nM U « . . k l f f f l k l i n | i f i - v r < l ; h . i u . « " *

U i i t u n l . y . B i l l ; S i i r u H y m v r l . - - f r - ' m * K " " Io n l y * 4i a i c i i « h ; l - a l a t i c c I n ' i B l m a n t " .i f r m . k n j | . , m . | l l t . ' i i « ; I n f u r m B i l u n

t u f u f f C l l i t i f m l U k K V . , , i i r l l . ( J t l l j m i ’- l l i u s . - . - l i d l l n u i l u i i r . N f w T i i f k . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Q E N C I N E H A m ( ^ N - . F N . J . . B h f B u f l W H y l l

F u r b b I . B t A r l l n m o n , ( l e i l g T i e * ! n c a i ( o l o n l s l

f u l l B i i f . ' d r i l B l u r y v f i i M f f d l - r l i - E . " J ' * ; ' ' " j ! ' ■ l u n . t r l m m l n u k . w f r y t l U K l r r n ™ l " r l u d i n a l a a r u n g e . f l i t u r e i g m l c a b i n e t m a n W U o n ' m p r o v e S - t f e e l . ^ ' H h a l l n r ^ a e m e n i i p B l d , o n l y f i l e m l n u l e e ' w a l ki ; 7l T f ' h ' . ' l i ' l l i r i f r t i i k , » 3: A I f « « h ; l i B l i i i i i ' * , I I J ] ' «m n n l t i . b I b u h - i i n . ™ '

I f t t N i c a s h I b a l a n c e m o r i g a g e . c a n b e B e e n a t g n y l i m e , i n q u i r e 4k l S u m m e r a v e .

U A R k l A l N ^ m t h e w e a l a l . t e o f •h e a r f i e c n m l a v e . . h ' U i a e I P r * e ' p B . a l l t h a l » t

e a t i n i p p ' x v e m e n i e ; f l r

a i i o v e h i r 111 » " l . ' m t h e a a m e t e r m i * ; l e i r h u U c ^ m i i a t b e a e e n m b e a p p r e c i a t e . I ; t i t l e H h e n U n e l y p I m Y p v ' L K U W A H U a S T R 4K S G . I ' W M S i J I a i i J A V K

I - V H T m i l ' , , B - ' i i i h I ’ l m l ' u i a v e l l ' i i x " , l a u m l r s , l i B t i i f o i i n n . I n q u i r e ' l . k

i l r l K e O a l . . . .I i n S S W | C K H T l « l ' v l E ' " i e P , H r o i - m e . h a i ^ ' -

. . . . . . . I a l l I n i p r o v e o ' c n t e . i - i > B e y h o i i a e , g x 1k . t . - l M ' O i l , _ _ _ _ _ _

H l h ' i l ' H T , 27d - T i l ' l e i , w V m l e O T p a r t . a l * o1 . , i K i s o f f l c e a . i i l l I m p r o v e n s e n t i .

n i M I T j K T K h o s i e r , h r > > n m e a n d l i a i h i K . . i n ^M i l i m p r o v e m e n t a ; r e n t T e a B " n n b l e : 4H n r l e n m l

I i f l r k h o ' J B e . a e i ' h B l t H i r v e i . U Y R i i N \ th f l r k h o ' J B e . a a p b e l t H i r e e i , M ' l U S K l i l M T h i r d a v e .

i H I T T K N T J K N H T . 1i > - T " l e t . h o u e e , 7 r K * ' " e i M i p i U e I W l l U ' l l e v l I l e a v e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

^ T v M I . K , *25 H r u n a w l c k e l . | i f . . u i l a t « ' - o r M a r k e t .

n o h k u : k . t . 4

I n e t g l i l n i i r b c M B l .\ g e n . ' l . Y H p r l f i i a t . , ' • r a i i g e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I ’ m C H t n l e i I n n u t f c M . O I W . V N , r i a r e -n i . . i i i > » v e I r s I n g t o n .

B f l A U D . f l K P n r k | d .w i t h p r i v a t e b a t h .

[ • « r l i : i T f l o i - ' p ; t p o o m t .

( 7l . t N T l > N A V K . I S 4 2 I n r g e c u m e * ' t ! n g f o n t n e . t o g e t h e r o r e e p i i c i i t 4- ; I w a r d o p t i o n a l .

r L - 4 Y H T . . S 4 - T W O j i l e a a a n t r o o m a . w i t h b o a r d .I i o p p ' ^ v e n i e n t i - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

T i l L K T - A E t u r r U l f l k M i F K K T t i K l ' A ' ' ' ' * R Y H P A i ' K T O L > ; T . H K P A K a T K I . Y " I I I '

i J K T J I K I l . A T S l t t r i A L S H Y S T . . N K . \ U M . \ F - K f c T S T A J ' I ' L Y , , ,

W I L L I A M r t F A 1R C H H . D .M M t k K ' l H - r

r o o m s . r l - A T » .

r i l A V B f B l l B f U f " u ' ' ; J , " ' ’ *. . . . f .w r . a n . ” W I H l l ' ' I _ r- M U T l l . t B I

I , „ r i : , , I . V q u i e t

\ V l - . M , L I ' J I I T K U f a r i n r y r ' * - t i i - * r t l i i L U j i p i i v i e r T M < i M . \ S !

l l a l i r o H i J f t ' e . C O T . O r e - n .| j . < s h i m l U

R ' s i M H W i i n t c d . a f t e r. . . - . . . .I n o r n e g r I j i f a y e l i e a i A > J -

n f l l i ' Fw T ' - . l . l , v e i i t i l u f e d b i h I ' I p . I ' - n

I ' u r r l a g e h " U M , i h e d a . e i c , e t v b' i 1; < i i r n n g e e t .

T i . - c i l n K i " " n i e .■ " a n e r p r c f e e r P ' l .i l r e v H l / l l l ' ' l . F " * N * ' ' * ' *

K I M i M . - i r , r d n i U B f . i f r « i n l U - "<i . r U . ' U l J r . , . I , . I n , l . r - - - T i . . ; " i v r ^ v i I I U t - J l . . ,

A . M n - . B H . F . T . . l t o » i : v N ’ - * ' " H l K

K A F T K I N ' N E V S T , a i N l c . l v t i f B t f * r r - m i .» l ! h h i i u r . l . i . u l l i i l - 1. M r I * - ' ( f n l l f m . n : l . r m f l

n i ' M l e r a i e . r t l a . s t n h l e l > o a n l , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F A S T P A R K H T . . H * - l i e e i r a U l e T o o m a a n d b o « r d . t a b l e l > o n n 1.

K 1. H S4T , w i t h o u i

17 N i i + J y f u r n l a h e i l r i x > m * . w i t h o p b c m n l .

h n a r d e r a w a n t e * ! .K i m i T H A V F M

F R A N K I a I N H T . 22— A l a r g e r o o m ; l l t o a m a l t , , n e . nti e e i - r t i h l f l ' o r . I n r e n t w i t h b o a r d , r e f e r -

e r i ’ e a v i r h u n g * ^ ! . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

b T O i l E S . D P P t C B S , B T r , . T O * O L T O F T O W I S .

L E T . I P *1 I M S ' N i i n i e d . f r - ' n n 4 i ' * | ■ B ■ ^ n l H l " • ■ n l . I k H I R I . N e w * * . T h .

- . m a . A d d r e v s

I l S K h o u e e l o r e m . - h ' M i . r i e a a a n l a t e . . » r . H . n i B n n d l i a t h T o o m , f r o n t a n d r e a r r i i i r ' . .

i . i i l i n i ' r i i v e m e i i t e , r l r h l y d P t ' o r a l e * ! w a l l * r * * m r — , i * . r f m l d e . p r e e e n i i H ' o u p B n i a g o i n g g h n u n J M U P ' N W . M ' l R S K , l a u T h i r d a v a , _ _ _

E l l a « l > « i t aK ' i | t S . M a F . T w g h o u a e a u n F l r a l * i

l l i T B h ' r n n e a h a k e r y , i ^ t l i e r a h u l c h e r a h t i i ' , i n e v R e a c D U I a h e . l , c a n I m - r e m - ^ l e l V - l

H i H R K N T I o r n p l e t e a n ' l p l e t a a n C y h P n a i e l ; - r o " i n h o i u « * e . K t i t i o m h i n i i a " . r i * « r H . . 11M 1

r i r B i i g e b i v e . e i r H i n h e a t a n d a l l • * ] ' “ [ * | . r r i v » m e n l a A p p l v i u l . ' i t A H .22W H o i i t h T i h e t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

' A 1. 1i \ \ K L L . N - J , - H 1 n r e l o l e i " t i l l h - . m l l i - M a w . i i - e n t r a l l o c a t i o n , - . d d ^ t a n d . p u l t a h l e t ‘ 1

r u t M i t f y e t o r e ; l e - K i t h a n i l B h o e B t ' J ' e , “ f r e i v y v o o d a a m i n o t l ' i n B . . A p p l y L I N D H I j K Y a H 4) N , ' - B l . l w e l l .

M O l l E t l S

F l H H T - i ' L A H H h a k e r v . r i - o t n e . ^ '

I ' l l g n * e l ■ v e i l / i t ' - l i l T l E l l i e b e : ! i « * e . . L ^ i a g h e i h . N - l _

B T O B R S b O F F I I K S . l > O F T S . F A T - r O R r E B . S T A l U f E S F B T C . , W A I T E D .

\ V . t ’ l ' M l ’ T '. . A l U f K r o i - m w e ! i T e » i f n r a t n r a g e . n e a r o M

n m u T ' I n H r a n g - ' ■ * • . r r o i n n i ' t i d ' e r i n . l i e

T « . l . . r t h r e e r o u i M B , I n I ' - ' ' ; " ' ' f " ’ / : ' "l , . „ , B . . k e e , . | „ * ; c n l r . l ' ; r « l e f r . r . r

. . . n - c a r u r n ' a h e , ! . A ' W r e a a M . L ^ . . M * j x 3-■ ■ m . - e , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F R ' i . S T S T . » H . I i e i t n f H e c t o r B t . - R * ' o m a . a u l t - a h l e f o r I W I J . v s - M h d r w i t h o u t b o a r d ; I m p r o v e -

m e n i B .

< ; K N T 1. 1' - . M K X l * c i a p d e r B w a n t e d f o r i w o l a r g e T n o i n a I n f l P B t - ' - l a g e p r i v a t e J a i p l l y o h f b s u t h

B r o B ' l e | R c - l 21. N e w n o f f l i ' e .

f o u r r ' H . m e e . i i i i e l e e . . x i i l j V n . r ;B > M... .1 l l . « A * r V d i v a . i m i - eT H R l ' K o r i o m i i n o n ” . . . . . . . . . . . . . - _

B i e M m O H e l ' u - k I , . , . - J _ N e « . . . n v e _

^ I i l N s i A - i U p l ' * S V o U l ' l h k ' - 4n . ' t I ' * - , i ’ e e i l I I I . ' • • ' n ' n i l

M H H H . I k ' i T i l , N e w s n f l i e

I t r * T ' / o m e . r e n t . t ' g i l o n A ' i ' ! r e » * A

( i K A N T H T . . 14— r i e a e a n l r o o m a ; a l n g l * o r e n u n i t e , U i a r < l o p t i o n a l ; 2 m l n u t e a f r o m i > . . L . .

P l a l l i m . _ _ _ _ _ _ -

I J H . A X T H T . , : t f t — A l c o v e r " i m ; C o r n e r h o u a e ;B U l l f i h l c f o r l i e n . W l l h h * * * r d . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l A F l H l D E S T - . i i l ^ P l e a a w n l r o n i D w i t h h o a r d ; prl' Hie. ........ ... ...........—

e S l t s e r P u a l t i e e R e a m h J l a h e i a drv aooda hoiiee; gi

K n r I ' a r i l C ' J a r e i n q u i r e .1 a n d L t i i n g a l a n e i e

V ri | t n i a l n e s A i o c a l i K n

K I I K I D E R . F l r a i K l U a h e i h N J

K l n i f B l a n < l .S l ’ c T l i ' N " f l " l » f “ r s n l e k n o w n n e t h e

K I n g - l r i n d l l ' i i t i e s t t i - i o l . I I P ) nii'ney chti get h

u m a i l > « a < > k l .

n e w i t h i t fL H g l ' - f i t ' . i r g B l n H * i m - f c I " ' ! *I ] , I t o i r * l , S e v a f i l P ' ’ e .

S o D t h O r M S B V .F i - i R B 4 I a K - A M r H c l I s a m i t n i r h a n t i ' i m n ; I ' l

r o o m a . a l l l t ' U ' r ' i \ - n i e * i i e . h e a u n r u l i n r H i i . n n n i n i l B I i r . J ( 2i i i » A l i u r g H i n . « • H l a n l v y l o a d ,

l o i i t h O r a n g e , J i u p i l r e o n i i T e n i l ! * e B .

I - ' I N K | j o u « * - l i i i p r ' S e m e n t x a n ' l g m u o ' l l i i g i o n a * ' d I d U r f l I ' l . , V j i | I - I u r g l i ,

l i . ' U - e , i m i T K . e m e n t B . 40:4 H u m m e r j i ' e *t»il l r K H i J , r ‘ e . M i '111

I - i U R T I I * 4T , . f i l l , n e a r U l ' o n i f t e l d R v # — F i v e p o o t n h o i u e j n i . K r f K f ^ I l ' ( , t 2T ( ■ A « h * S

m - > n l h l y . U K V K U . 7S 4 U r " a i J » i . . c o r M a r k e t ^

l l l i r N ' K l l N K r i t H T . 11 T ' H i m e I m p r K V ^ em t i i i H : K a e i « > r H n « e . n . n - ' i n - m i p r o v - u i e n t H .

A 22 I ' l i n t o n » t . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

U n * o m B

M > I m n n ' d l u t e l ) , S i ' r a g e , W a B h l n g i K n « v e

I v i i >


l o d u e r o o m s t o l b t .

I I M j L p > 1, t o r c U i i * . I K ' l g e a a n ' l o r g a n i r ai I l I j h . I n q u i r e a i W i l l i a m , C u r . l l a l t i e y ,

T t e l l ’ I T . r n e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

R O O l M f l A N D F L A T S T O L E T .

M o n i r l a i r *T \ V 4> T H ' R ' H . A N O D ' l l - l . A K H I f i c a e h l n g l e i l

- ^ e i i T ( e > n i l i o i i a e , w i t h h u m h t i .1 c h i c k e n c o o p , l o t U l U f - e i ; w * ‘ l l n m l f U j ' w . i i e r l n r < l . i a , M 4j V h > - a i M o n i r l a l r .

V a l l a b a r i f f e .V A I l . i 1l t l T { ( ( H N e u h * ) u a e . ^ r o o m * a n ' l l a l h ;

a U l i n p t a , i ! l * e n p l u m l i l o g . U u H e i a p i i n i r j . l a u i i d r ) . : i 7 ' ' j X U a i , W a d * * & H ' - a i l i . 122 M r i r k ' * !

S l l a c e l l a n r o D a .4 f l f t 111 14 ' i r ' i l l H ' r e t , n e a r i r o l l e Y ; B x ' n i e

t . t r i u p e r . . . r e S " | 1W A I l Z . J k l * • U n i o n a t .

M " l H K K 47 H u m i m - r a ' e f o r r e n i , i M < l h u l h r . ' . ' t n . H l l i m p f ' « e t n e i i l c . h e m ! ' * ' ■ «

l l , , n - n S u m m e r a « e r e n t r c j i * . ; n d h l e i p i N \ V i 1' > l t S K . i : c . i T h i n l r t s e

l i n l ' S E 10 l e i N o . 411 ,4» i d l h I ' M l i 9X . H - * a e v l l l e , a l l i i r i [ ' r o \ * ‘ i i i * ' n i a . I n ' i u l r e a i O A V l t r I M l -

L F Y A S ' l N ' H . r * i m r t i v r o l a l B t . _ _ _ _

l I l H ' S K - S i s e - i H l u ' U B e . » f ' H i m . r e n i l i - i i : I m i . r n v . m e i i l B , f r o m l l i e l l r M o f N u i e i i i l w r , l i d

S ^ . , . . - k . - _ r _ B l . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l l o l ' S E M 1- ! . l . ' l h U e l l - ' l l l ' ’ A K ; ® r , . . r a B . n , ll i A l h , T ' - i i i > 25. J i i ' i u i r e u l g i ^ i i r r . 144 U e l l e -

v l l l e r t v e _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I h ' I S K d i - ' h ' m H t i n d h m l i . S M a U i i r e l d e a t - f r o m

' t e t o b e r 1 , * 211, H I M l ’ M A N , l T 7 l l n ^ d k 1 .

| | i ' f S E - : T o l e i I 2d X ' l r i h t i l l ' e l . I i > ' i | j * c , r o n t t l 4. I n ' p i l r - 2V l s i K l h a i e ,

A I ’ l N K f i H i f t r i i o n i i r t i i t J h a i h i o o m ; d u m b w n l t e r m e n m h e a l e r : e l e K « i U m H h i l c e . g : i *

( i m i i r e ' * , e t c . , c u r t b l n a f u r n l a h e d f i r w i n d o w * a l f l A i m T e e n " ; l i H u i e d " n M l I ' r u a p e * ' ! b * c . n e a r ‘ r h l n l J V P , h u l l r M r i * e l e i J a n d I t g b ' e ' l . r e l i t r c n H x i i i a b l e . i l Y l t U N W . M u R S K U W T h i r d

» T » _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

K t R A I N H E D

\ L M t f l K w e l l t u m l B h e d r o o t i i o f t M l l ^ ' X ^' i t p c i a v e t i c n r I ' l t i h . . . . . . . . . . . . . l e t , p r p ' c l o ' * •

A i l . l r e B B . l a m ^ - e , I V u i H . _ _

\ T 1 V N T l r S T 1* I ' l i r n l B h e ' l r o i f t l l B f ' > r h o U M - ‘ k * ' > ' i ' l u g M i l i n u T - ^ m ' - n f l e i i - ' n i i h l e _ _ _ _

m R X P ' T * ' T 22 I ' l n i - l j f u r r i l a h e i l r - m m e . l i l lI m i - V o v c m t i n e . I ' T l v n i e f u n i i U b o B n l I f d e

f i l r e d -

H I S R A N f * a n d w i f e , w l e h l n g r o o m n l t h h o m e c o m f o r w . c a n o b t a i n

w . n I ' l . w - H h C h r l B i l a n B ;A d d r c B B H o m e , H o * H l l . N e w i o m C KI n f a m i l y .

E I A L S K Y S T , B o — D o u W e a n d a l n g l * r o o m a , w i t h l e H i r d b I b o t a b l e b o a r d . _

H . X l . u K Y H T . , 10 1 - r i e a a a n t f u r n t a h e d f r o n t ■ " ■ M l . g i o < ] b * > a r d , b a t h , _ _ _ _ _ _ _

H A L H I v Y H T . . J I B - F u m l i h e d r o o m a t o J e t . w i t h h u a r i l . r e X t r e n ' - e a

l i r r i N K T S T 15 S * * ' ‘ ' ' n " l f l K i - ' r , h ; i < k r o o m , w U h I x i u n I , - u l l H l ' l e f i ' T t W ' i _ _

H I M . H T . . 17- , ^J i e a l r a l i ' t n i n m a , w l l h t v i a r d .

w i t h b o a r i l , a u l t -

a T W i l ' i l ' H l I i R - ^42. ' i W ' B i h l i i n g T o n 4 v » , f i r t e m * , P a i h i m p i i . l i o

k i [ f l o ' - u l n H ^ e , f * r i H U J I M . b a l l ! . I t Y i p W . . . . . . . . . . . . U '447 W a p h l n g i ' i n H v e . ,1 r o o n i e h a i l ' I m p ' " • *4

J W J o R A L R i l t i N . 27h U ' a a h l i i g i o n a v e .

A C f i M E ' I . I T T F . f l H t N o ' - " j n t i R r a i d e » t , 7p i o n i K a m i l i a t h r - H i m ; r u n g e . a i i ' u m h e a t e r ,

f l ' u m l l w n l i e r , e l f s ’ l f r h e | t , M i r l H i m i , e t c . , d ' ' . h a l l r f t v p e i p - d a n d I l w h t e i l , n a p h n l l e i r c e i . r e m

M Y U ' ' N W M " R H K . K t t i T h i r d a v e .

l i l K i A l i S T . 51 t l ■ ' I ' 1 r i ' x ' m i i r i i r t i l e h e ' l i " n i - p l e i e r . - i i l o i o . f h * - e p l i i g . n i l i i i M T o v ^ r n e m a _ _

R H i ’ A I * S T . f t 4- ' > I ’ e l e v l f ' l T t i D h e i l r - i t i m s i I f H - [ i r i - x e n t e n i e . e i e i i n l y a t , r e f ' - r e n c e p _

i J l t n A l ' S T . : i 2» - n e a * a m f C K > m a 10 k i , B i e u r n h e a i ; h B i i h . ^ _ . . .

J A M K S S T . 4f t l l . M . m I - - l e t , . . . . . . . . -a b l e f o r r w ' g - ‘ n i | e m e n . p r l v n t e f a m i l y

< m ' l i l ' H > r . _ _

M r L H K R I l Y S T . . 42- N e i K l y f u r n l s h a d h g u »W i l l i b o a r d , a l l i m p r o v e m e n ^ i u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l U j i a i M F i p ; i . l i A V K . I * x . ■ - " x « t n n e i t .f u r n l e l l * " ! . . . . . . . . . . « U ' ■ i n \ e i i l e r t c e a .

- N i c e l y

j { i i Y I ) K N H T H 2 S h e l y f u r n l e h e t l f r o n t r o o m ; l e r i n i 41. r e * p e r w e e k , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A r l l D ( i ; t o « f l r l a k t i iB I ^ K i - t A t j p r U e t f o r n e a t t e n d n V i

H a b a r b S M .l U K I . l i O T O I . X V K S T I n p r o j M - f t l e a t l j e i i j ' n - d

. - n e l y | . a | * e r e d a r i d . W o r a t e . l g n d I n H r B i - * l « a e i w d e r ; U u r u n n i n # I "I i l l e y I n t h e r e a r ; f i d # n U c e f « r h « r n I n r e a r I n q u i r e 481 H u m m e r a v e , ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

| h * V l > K N S T , , R t f l . N * - w u r k I ' a n t A l h i 7 n e i i n a a g d r e i l i r . 2 - g l o r y i m l I m B e m e n l ; c U y w a t e r

a n d a e w e r r o n t i g c u n n ; [ T h e | l , . i W . A c M r e K * S A H A H J K R t M ^ A R O N . 41B K i m a i . A r l l n g i o Q . N J c a r e M r e . T j o n g , c a l l e v e i v i n g a _ _ _ _ _ _ _

n K f U l K N H T . , n e a r ( ‘ l i n i u i i a v * . — 2t 4 l U ' - o y f r u u i i ' 2 f a m i l y f l a t , « H l i n p r o v e m e t i t * . I ' l I - e

| 4 . 1i y i . I h l " I n a c l e i - l ' l e i l b u l g a l l i . I t O t A K l l H it ( h i . | H 4» M a r k e t e t

l l e l a h i a I f c u r e U ’ o ' e r ! a g ' ^ « l I w i m s . c o m e i m l ' a n d I n e p e r i l U e i n .H n a e w i l l * J e " T » t e i n a u l l t h # . t d l y e r t h e * e b ’ . u c ' - B e r a * . h I h ' - h l g h e e t K e Mr t c h ' t i n i B . t h e C h a n . - e . t e r m *

■ * h - T c e n t , ' H ' e n f o r i n e p e c t P m H u n d j i j R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A r l i n g t o nA M . e s , H 21 K t ' H n i . ' r t v e

K e - a r n g ,' • l i r j S T N l ' l ' H T K K . K e a r n y - K I g h t

j i n d e e « I ' l ' . f u l l I ' " ' I f i ‘ ■

l A l t h r . n ' C l O B T f A K S " M ' H K A M I K ‘ I .

r n n r i g a g e . T i l t l a n M a r k e t f i

K I H M S M E I ) m i l f l K S F ’ O H S A I r K .

A l U " H K V I I . L K . N - F F u m l e h e d b " " - . t i n e / r o i i r i d M , e i a h l e , n * n r .*11 ' ( U u n . l * a r i h 11 l . i i - & M

' r M i i g r i t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

K t > R K A L B O R T O l i b t - 4k ; t

t o w n *

I H M S P : , 473 C l i n t o n i v r - . l i r n o n i * . n i . - l e r h I m p r " ' * - m e n t s , I n q u i r e 4T i ' ! i n l ' H a ^ e . _ _ _

1 l l . - W K o n e h o u a e i n 1\ i » * < 1( * l d e , a n o t h e r I nW ' a l f i u t M . l o l e t ; t b ' - ' h “ " u h i i i ' H l e m i m -

p r . - v i - m e n i J i , u n d m o d e r i i l e i c i i i F R A N K D . P K I . L C , K ->7 I t r o t t d e l

I r s i 11- ' s T n e a r ‘ ’ l i i i i > n . " e . — N e w i i K u e e . ' i i ' i . - i . i i i H H t i ' l ' h a i h h a i ' t w 1 n . i o r . u i m i p r o v e .

r n e t i i ! ' l n r g e * - l o i « * t i i . H ' - ‘ • • l ■ ^ l ' l l p k d . * - k » . <. . . . . . . M I E N l l O l t K N S ^ . V C l i . . W a i U r u H ' i

M ' i N K O K H T , i r » - A e n o i l Ly l l ' l s t a b l e , f l i y w a l e r ,

K i i f l r . a l a r g e y a r d

A I ' a R T bM K N T S h > l e i . ‘> 1* . M a r k e i B i . 7 r " " n i e n n '1 b u l b , a l l I m i i r . i V e m e n l B . J a n i t o r ' ^ * e r ' I c e N .

B i ' - a m h . a i . A | . [ I ) i " J u m i o r . ' * n p r e m i s e s

t S T f i H ' ^ T .’ ’ ► l l S I t - r o o m f l a i : n i l I m i ' r o ' e' m e n i B , I b V 11' * W ' L n T . i - ^ r i l n i . n a t

C I l A D W ' f C K A \ F . . . 4H S e . T i T i d f l o o r . 7 r i - ' n i H n n d o n e n t i l > r - i o m

h e H l , n e w l i K U X ch I I I m r - r o v e i n e n l e c i ' - i t n

7 - P ' l v e r i M j m s l o l e i .. M ' M m V H T ,b a t ^ -

11*4 ' I ' h r e e p H i t T i B t o r e n t

n » T T A * l F H T . T i , n " n r I ' l i e a t T i ' l l S i r x e i * o l - N l i - e l y f u m l H h e i l f r i r f u i i o m . r e f e r e n ' ' e B . _ _

( ' K N T l l K H T . n - i l U r v I s o m e l y f u r n l i h e d l e c - M i i d - e i o r y f r o n i p K i m f o r r e n t

' I ' - . N ’ T E t A L A \ K . I ' l - N l c e h f i i r r i l n h e i l r i o m s l e t L i i i ' l e r n e w m i i i i H g e m e n t

i i M ' M H l A S T . , I k l N l < e l ) f u r i ' l H h e d h u l l b e d - f i H ' m . t i '£'<■ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

L A S T i \ J N N K Y B T . , i 5 - T w u n i c i l a r g a f u r -W j e U e i l r t a i f t i B . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l l l ' M l K i m V S T , d B — F u r n l i h e d r o o m * , w i t h < T w i t i M ' i i i I c a r i l .

2V 4 - R f y * m i . w i t h o r w i t h o u tM I ' l . M K R R V H T .L m r d . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

N K I - H i ' N I M j , 14 F t i r n l i h e d r o o m a . w i t h b o a r d . 10 m a n a n d w i f e o r g e n i l e m e n ; t e r m i r e a a o t t -

h M p , I m i ' r - ' s e m e n i H .

i i R C K A l t n H T . 12i ! u - r ' } e n B i n i m n m a . w i t h b o a r d , l i n | T * » v e m e f l i B ; t a b l e b < i a r d .

P A R K P L . D o u b l e n n d l l n g l i r o o m a i w l t h l i o a r d , a ) » n l a h l e l a i a r d . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F R O N T S ' P . . U 4— T w i r o m t e i - i i r g f r o n t r o o m * .f u r l i l i h - d f o x h f l i ' h K U H e k ' - i ’ p i n g ; i m | » r o * e -

r n e r i l M . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _, T 1L 1> B N H T

F L A T t o l e t f r n m O c i o h e r 1; f t > u r r * n i m ( a n - ll a r g e b f t i h r ' - ' m o i l m o ' l e n i I m p f r o ^ n i ' n ' F

I - ' i H N l s l l K D [ . a r l ' i r , l l f ’ T m o . | 2 ; t w o r * H * m i , l l 75 p r i v a t e X a m l l h H I K l I l i a n i »U

g n i K t ! c M ‘ n i l ' ' n n - H u x l l l e ; r e n i l l « . c a n ! . ■ - " - ' n I r 1 I a t a n y r t i n e i M p i l r e * i n [ i r e m l s e A l i l i t N " n h I

b u i g a l n .

R I t i r K d w e l l i n g - > n E * U n e a t . v e r y c h e n p , n I f i s j V a i . l i t t l e C H i h . A ' l i l r v e n U i ' p ' J ' T t u i i l i y . H ' -

19 , N e w a c f T b ’ #

t ' M I T O N A V I O . i ‘ n * n n d i t t o - f i m t l j ' h K ' i - * - > Il l t i l C t u n p l e U ' i l a l l l i u p r o v i - i n e n t H ; f l u e I - m a -

i i K f i , t e r t i i a e n a y ,r j l h l i i t i l i l e i r l c i N e u h o U i i n i . 1* r ' " ' n i B h ' h !

t ' n i h : a l l i m p r o v e m e i m i . r i r m ' - I k m I n ‘ " f O • I r l i i l l .1 * y l l l p a ' V k I i t i i I n v e a l l g i t e , . H f H N I t O l f F N ' N A a r o . H l l f t l l r x i i ' l B l .

ellhl. ' lU wn"'i-*';T,»nitmt -I , l;!T. K-nrny S.‘V-n wiilrr, M*aei. full l"l , price *' ' „ - . l mike HI. 1!*. hrnri'v l - i \ . l.R. k hnffnielM. nea h.-lise 'gy T" iIh 1 Hti-l ild'‘ . folding d.i-iMj. iwo . „,...-U vaiHTit lol* "11 I'like !ti Keurii) , pxiJ'Trtl Llh‘1 lIB'leRflilIHnt'* I-hI'1.

r-'IT uni I'liH "II I'ai’i'in e'[ • ’. i m . I | • g < e « « • m • - | < l e p a i d . , . _ . . . . . . . .

I w i i \ « ; ' a i i i 1 " I I ' I ' h e B l m i l B l . . K e u r n y . I I ' ll'-'iie prl'-" Kk«'. ii-.HeBumentB

v ini.--*. s t H \ll ll'Fh 'La MON, 41.1A,|||HI.,II. S. .1.. -■*'- «ir Mr«. l-m «. ‘'“ K lllk!

A \ . . N i > A i , E 1 ' ■ ' ■ ‘ " " " iT 4' M i f e v i , b a r n , r e n t | 12. K i . H ' ' ' y R A .

v ; ' ' I t i i f o n B I . . N ' w a i k . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

' l { . V N * i l ' : S p l ' u i d l d o n e a n d » v * 'H lll■plll•‘ l4h Or..... a>*

. i - ' L i i y

- . I

K e H r n y , p '

p a l IK l i n

" K N T I U - : b T . , i i e r i T r m k [ d . f i l i n g 11l l l l ' * x y P a r k - - T h r e e - e l i t t y b r i c k ■ i n e - f n i n l l y d w e i l i i i K

12 r v * o m a a n d b g i h , a l l I t n p r o u ’ i n e n i P ; « i ; i l . f B < d d a i a s r i j l t > w f l g i i r e . l i n U ' K I t H 4k C U . I h u M a r k e t *1

l h > l H K . B i C ' l U ' i u d , w l l h l 2 T o o m t l i 4 v a h

I T U N ' T J I I F A I . ! K l C T ! M I - ; - N U p I m h i e N f . tn i l , - * r i w - f m n U i e e , m n j l i o n d o M j i r e q v i l i e d

h R i a n ' - p i n e j i n y n i o n t l i i y i H i j i H e u i e H n i n e H u l l d o r a ' C * ' - N *»4 l l r o R * ! i t

r L l N T i » S I l l l - L I ' l i e - f a m i l y I i o U m p . d n - i i n n n n d a t i l . a l l i m p r o v o n i e n t " , P i i g a l n l o q i O - k

h u w i i - h I I o n i < i e m l e * * « . I ' i l S e y m . i u r a > e .

| - F N T I < 4 I j L Y I ' H ' H l e d 7 r i M . m S m U B h . r i P V• • ^ , K I ' I P ' M I N K , 4 \ ; - a d11‘ 1' m e . | i T l i ' P I H . I i N - l

I ' l n x e t

1> . ' A . i t i l t i n I d e a l I - i * * e I I I a r * M l X r n | |•■1 r l r n U r t l e w l i o o ’ ’ S e e i i p w h r l * k h . - u s e x

N o r i i - f > | i T h i r i e e i d h h x c n e n r H i g h e r [ . V i l l b i « n l i H l l I l M - # 1* ' • ' * l | t H K t g l M H " " h | | > K ' J i ' I H l iI f P i l . f v e r v r u n - • • i i l * - t i c r . . V p p l * l l l l N K S l

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I , n , i - U i i i l A i i i . i i i m 1" I ' . M 112 ™ ; I ' - n ■ i f 111 “ ' n i l l ' 1,1 ; , ' i ; i — ' l l k i ' - n - n . w i l l , I , a ' ^a m , t . „ ( J . i m O ,

y T I , T l l M r K l S , - * H p l l - v l l l f N - w i i r k

> , , H B . T l . E " H T O I . F . T - -a t I I U J O M F I E I . L I . „ > * ■ * - . f

I . A I K I K C I H N T H V A ■ . „A h l . E F ( l , l H I U M E F U R A U - l l ' . A H

K F f l I l ) l " ' N U E I ‘ u N V E N l E a F T u U . , I -* w " ’ l N i r K H i x B . R .• i P o i l M ' Y L I N K S ; A L L t M t ^ T W , , I N - ! ' M I ' l V i l l l A R b t A ’ t H > E > E M . i h ' U - - ' m i k a M I I F j A T a n d P l . K C T M I . ' i n i i i T u K s i H A m . B B l ' i i . r u N i j I . U T A I - ; , ; ! s i l . i ; I I I ' U I . K T f a h h a n i i , ! i n M A l l k E T « T N E W A R K . N . J .

R K A U l i o U H c t o b '1 . 4 . . . . . . .r * - i j t M ' 420 l o l h H i e .

K I M M I T S T . . ; i 3 - M ' N l e T i , 1 12 o l i i t i o i H , b a t h ; l a u n d r y

h e n l r n n < l l l l ' * n a m J l o . . l l I B T i M - i . c i r - p U c n t n e l g h h - ' r -

K i v i i H C t l r > e > m i ,h r y ■ • e l l H i ' . i i e i i n i

I ■ » > c ; i i - n i , q i i l e i

- i K ' h i r o n n i a ,M o i i r o e r a v « .

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d U M M K i t A V K . 2112 M k i i - I n i p r o * ' i i i P i i t B . A p i I ) - ■ ' ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _

T ' l 1. 1- : T - H h c k h < ' U i e , 71 S o u t h I 2t h i t - , t r o o m x . m i * U # T i » I n u T u v e m e i U H . f * n i * 1 * 2

T . i U - k h " U j M . N o . i : i ' i u N r t A o u l h I S ' * ;7 r * * n n i e . g « a a n d W i i i * ' r e m | 1 H ; a a p h U R p n v p n i e n t . I l t q u l r # a T t i U T K N U r i U i H A

s o l H r o f t d i t . _ _ „

T " E . S - V r : * . t i O F l f l b a x ' - ' ■ ' - T r . - u r t i " a n dl . m h : a l l i m i ' r u v n m m i e - . ' . - . " i h e n ' l i n i u i r e

221 n t h I " * e ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) S v S l i r N D T O N A V E - l . I " " I I I - h - e t r e - M d n t i

i i H l p a r t o f a v e n u e , ' i . - m - o * i ' i i a n « l a u n - i ! r v . i m p r u v e m M i t i , I I i i * - k 1 . | . i J 2u . i r s H O K N i H l R r o H ' l H t . _ _ _ _ _

A T I l A C T o f l o l * i n " t - e p r M | w r t y f o x e a b - 'a U i l ' H t h e i i r * - * ' i * « t . d J e l k P ' x - . ” - '

H i m I h , i m r d H i K l i i l i o i i I n q u i r e 64 U r * - i i ' l l l l I N .1

F t l l t H . 4 L K O B B X 4 I *

N a ' ; i - : i . T 4r i i t i . u n i - . i . n i

O r n u i g e .t l l - l p 11 1: I t T V f o i e n l e ; f l - i i ' u ) f -

I I I T . . . I O N M i o l P l o ' H 1" | : 15* 125; l i J k e , i l i . r r h , m - < p ■ < t i n i ' I k - u r P ' n f o r a i l ) ' k U * - i ' i i - K - h * e I ' p o f i ' • ' " ' • I H P g r o c e r y a ' ' > r r I '

• p , t - n r e a n d ' • ' l o l n g a g - a i ' l [ ' r i d l i H M ' - * u , L | w , | P i > - A p . - i , - v i < . u n r r g e i H n g t C H i o i r l f . ' P '

; u 4k H t o l " I I P I ' H T > p r « - 1l r r . p r i c e * 4. I H H ' ' - ■,2 \ . * l | p - y P i t ' T a t i g ' - . N , J .

I T m ' I t n p r - ' V P d > u i " l n e e a | . r * ' | p e r l v o n I - ’ i P ' - nn r l l ' . i h M . v „ i . . . » * • ; . ' « « . P - T - ' U ' ,

( x . i u * n « M f o r l ■ ^ " l « ' x ^ y t t N e w a r k ,0 ■ p f i i u K * - r i M N K I I K N J A M I N . l i i i . l . ' U i . i lH u l h l l i i g N i ' w a r k . N . 1- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

T O L E T — 0 ! T t t V T O W N .

a t M i ' N T i L A l K . N . .1 r i m j i i e g n d I m l h ; a d I m p i

H k i \ 2k - * ' . n e a r E a g l e H < k k H u r k , n ' n i . I H i i f t > | i i i T M ' » f \ V . K . W K R I F ' I L K 212 M o o n i u mS t p i i i h .

h o u r i e . V h a m . l o t I ' s i l f t . I n -

i i \ e , .

l E l h i t .

j t J j X t , B f o o r i i * n n d b a i l ' . I m j i r o ' e m * ' h i e ' f U g h t i o f k i a i i H r r ' m i t n g M i i r h e t a n d M

t p e r r y a t e • F u f i m d l y " f p m S u I I b q U l r e d . 1:11 M u l b e r r y

n ^ A T — A n e l * - g a t * i f l a t , m i n i i l n l n g a l l b * a l l n i ' M k r i i I m p r o v e m e n t * a i -1 b -

F l T t N I S I I K D r o o n t i , n i l r p i n v e n l e n ^ e a . B i e a t n h e a t . e x t - l u B l v e . T h l i a r t k » t . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

r r u M H H I - ' T v f r o n t r o o m f - r R e r U l f T n a n . (1 90. V I i f i R I I K K H , : t H N e w e l . ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

r e f e r e n t - c u r . M a r k e t .

n ' R N S S H K D B u i t e I ’ f r r y n i n * k W e a l t ' a r k a t .

F l t . - \ N K l . l N S T . . N l - N p i t l ' A i i n i i p h e d h a l ll i n p r i p v - e m e n t f . p i U i i i r , r e f e i e i u - H B

P 1* . \ N K S T , , l . M - f ’ t e a g i n t r o o m B ,

R i i S K V I L L K — F u m l k h e d f a i m B a m i h * m r d f o r * ( c e n i l e m e n . A d i J r e e B A , R n i t t . N e w n f l l n # .

I i r r \ \ M . A N E i H T 3T - L i g h t n l r y m n m i ; h o m o c p n i f o p t a B l r l c i l y i H ' l v a t e ; g i w t ^ b * # ^ j o

H n S K V l L L P ' F l P H i ' a n t r o o m a , w i t h b o a r d . K 4 . N o r t h l i i h i t .

S T . X T E S P T . , 24 — A l a r g e f r o n t r o i > m t O l i t . w l l hb o a r d . ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

T H l R T K K N T l l A V K . . H t L N i c e l y f u m l i h # d r o o m f o r p p h e o r t w o g e n t l e m e n ; I m p r o v e *

m e n t i . _ _ _ _ _

T H I R I > A V K . I l . nl e t , w i t h b ' - i i r i l

T w o c o n n e c t i n g r o o m ! t o

S V O l . ' L J i l i k e t w o i M o r d , L ' T i u a m o d e r a t e ;

r i g d e n a t . , c i t y .

r e a | > e c t a b l a y o u n g m e n b * d e r a t e ; i i t i a f l f a m i l y . W l

; r e n t F i d a t i / t W K N T I l A l 1W c i t o r y . c o r . l i r M o i i c r a n i ^ K ‘ » n t i t k - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I ’ a r k

i - ' A ] H H T . { M i — r i w i a a n l f u T n l i h * > ' t r i ' o m a . w ! l hj n i l l i n p r u v e m e n t i ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

r r i r i r i M M R , „ - _ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . W A L X F T H T . . ?17— R n o n i a . w i t h h o a r g .

F L A T o v e r l o o k i n g H r a n c h B r o o k r o o m a , b a t h n m ! l a u n i l r y . h a l l k , B h m l e i * u t M

g i e n m n e a t f i i r n l - h c d ; r e n t l o w . I n q u l t e - i p r i m i l a e a , l i l t F i f t h a v e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F T v A T H t o i e i , I H S o u t h K l g h l h b L ; a L u n - i r o v e n i e n t e ; n * i ! i r M H e . u m b l e l o w t n i i . l f a n u ! . . - .

o w n e r o n i h e p r < * i r l e c f r v e r y d a y i n d S u T i ' i H )

( I R F . I C N s r . . 62 - P e e l r i b l e f ' s r n i M b e d r o o m a t ol e i . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ —

I t O A R D I X n — O U T O F T O W S .

l i - t l R H p ’ Y H T S 5I I — N l c e l ) f u r r i l e h i ' d r u n m f ' ' ' r I g h t ' i i o p a e k e e p l n g . ' i t i h I m p r u v e m c n t a . _ _ _ _

H A N l ’ S * ' i M l i f u r n l i h e d r o i m i # i - r e f i n e d c o u p l e i , r g e n i i . r e a a o m i b P . p . H * i H u n k e i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F T . A T T « i L K T 4 r o o m a n n d b i i h .21 N ' l r i h T h l i d x i . M - P . - H < " H i - ,T n c n t a :

R M M a r k e t a i

H E d i l H T * ; t s — r i ) f i n e c l l r i g r o p u n i , g e n t » ; U g h l b u U i e k e e i d f i g : i l l I m p r u v e m e i H i .

r r A T a p r H i n i H i i i i ' l l - u l h . n e p ’ o r n l f t < > * ' r ,A i i n i . . . . . . . . I I . . . I n < x i la t t i c : * 1 . ' ' i i ! i n n l ' ' A i i l l e l B h t i . I n q i i l r * - l . l M i i n m o u l h H i . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- \ llliS H HI' , a74 -F urhliheil rtvsm for genllem an;l u r u * - I i l l l i n p r i i v ^ m e n l B . _ _ _ _

w i a t — B l a r g e t K ( * m p ' . I n i p r o v e m e r i l B : 21*7 M . i rk P t M . : r o i . l n r , l n . , i i l r . - S P ' M a r l i p l M . _ _ _ _ _ _

l i K i i - eh ( ' l l S V I . K - T l i r r - c - n i i p r y f r a m eK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l i i - n l l o n ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

...... . .v -lu ,n »- r.T „ .......... .! ; . K , B - ’ t S , N * » « '-111

! i : \ H T " R A N t l K f l H l i d It v i U h i m p r o Y - e m e n l e n ’I R i - n l K M H t e A K e D c y . 1.’ .' n i i q e

I ■ ! i i 1)1 i i i h * ’ * ' l ' » l e t , M r » - n l i i l W . H l i K ' Sl u i u i ! M . K i i H l o r

J ' l H l t 2 - f i i m l l v f l i i u - n * - w h M I m j - r n m i * ! ' ' I 1 i ■n i ' ! K b b o r h ' ' t P i l o f l - | l n i , i i ) m u n n d M » * r g * - T i m

l ^ i | ) ; f i h K W \ i i i | f i l l ' [ i r ' l o ' C T l J e A h i l T l i u k ' ' y m i l t ' w n I ' r l i ' * ' ) * l i . M ' T I ' l H S . ' I ' k * l l ' i n t * ' r d " U r t ,

l A l H V l L W A V K l l t i U i M r . r . I n i B n t i - l c l i ' i - e U h l a r g e i u u I ' I f i r i p T * p - h i r M i s * f n r

i d l M H p I H U * l . r W , l i i ' t 12 N n W - t l ■ l ^ t c •

l - ' M l l H A l . l ' 12 N I - I I ' < 1;

i M M ^ . | i . . i i r * M , U I - ** . H 2 S l i e r i n a i i H '

U l I . l . K V l I t . N ' l i iI - m * * . i d l : l i l ! ■ O

: t i « i l l ' l \ \ K E I ' ^ A

l i M P i m l l y h > M i * M l l A l l I P P . I i i i g i i l u

| s ; i M h u I p ' I B l

\ M ; \ V .1 f u m l l ' h o i l P W . w l l h H l o r e l i i . r * l • l l l ' ’ l l l l ' . ' ' i i i T i g i ' . o n e a i i y i e n n "

c v i i t . l u « F ( * i m e ? i { . i i i g b n r g i i l T ) I f * • " ! ' ^ . ' I I I I N Z W H ' K . . ’ M b i H ' U t h t i r a n g e h * c

\ \ \ H 1 l v > p i i - * M ! . a n d " I s b i t aI r . i i ' i , M u i h " f .I f . i r iPi-Kji .-Mv In N - w - u r k .

I! i - , I I . . I 9. N e x v H

i i q Bl U o o m f l e M . r I .1 I I M H -

! ■ \ S T i i R A N O E - N , > , i : l i l N M i i f l p » K ; h u l l * . , 7 T o o n i e . b a t h ; a l l h n i r . ■ . m i j u t u b . [ t i q u l r e 1. ^

H i r t l c * * .I l l l l S K t n l e t ; f t n i o r n i - i i

. t 2i » 42 W o r d B l - - ' i r , i " i 4i -( I ' l i ^ v c T n e r i i B , r e n t

I l K A L E H T A T B F O R

U V N p i K 1 luiW}**- I’J,

) I K . u i l h ' U H C . D ’ S N IP ) i r u n l l " ' \ V A I ' l - . ' '

, l i i H p * l . K ' " U ' ' I

K a a t O r B a B f *I I A I I " . U N S U l q u i c k J i u r c h t t i e r ! * M - I

1- ; \ p M . \ N ' S K I l i l U H c 14 r t H ' n i t * .f . i r u i . i . i i H * f x p ' i ' a n d c l e a r . I ' r u '

. - r ^ , . n h . l A H M l N , H r a n ^ e I "

T S \ i ' K . t M l L V l u ' u w i t M I m i . r o s ,r - i i n r K M f . r l . j i m ' l " " b " - '

l l R N K I N K H W ; i f i i r i i ' l ' .’ I n i

H ' l l V l - ' U r i (i I ' l

i \ I N S 1\ l i i ' i l i ' i * i \ r ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l i U1' ‘ P M u I k ' d 11

l i n f S K f - I F i i l c , \2 h H 1m i - r o * c m c ' a »l o t 2: . v l ' e i , I I I g i . l . i P i l v i , 77 " o b i t n l p l K 1*1 I ' - - I

p n r i l c U l h i i H , l i i q u l r r V . V [ . K N T I . N K S I - ' 'A i l i n g ( . 1, , l i f i i A e M i i 1* i | p * p | 111 A M , o r k k j » r e i i i I h i - r l i » ( s \ * * ' i i 7 u n i t ' l o I ' M

H " t ' t s r . . h I K I , I I I ' , ’ ^ o l i b i r g i ' ■ * e p n r n t f r - r i i p - f b ' l , I ' l i l y 12 ' k ' " . 1“ i - o * t h e n i l l l ' i H i l : ! I i . i | H m (

i ' n l » ( - i . " i V i : h " i i p * c K [ i " K i r t p u n i l i 4 * e T m i o I i► I . , o i . h U ' l i H i W M . r W I T T L I j , 21i l t i * r a « i i

l l I i l l S t i U u ) Y o r k 1

u i s i r H I H i l i ' l i i n . l i l E , i > l h T C i . r U M i C r t ' U l l i

I l » r i i r I " ‘ • n i l . u • • h » ' 1* , „ l , I M I , , x i j i M i f r . m *4 " I N I

h i 4 l k d c k l r c n M - l v f u v - i l i l ' I i . l . M ' > • ' R l ‘ * . K | ' | i " » i *

h t C l l < | K L . i . X , l V l . l f

i - h I - :

I s s M u r k c i S I _ _ _ _H i t K S F . w l l h w l ' l c i l ' t W H n l c ' l I t ' I '

I I I F K i ' h l i T * * ; ' ’ f i ' x n i r r U » - r o " t " ' v m . * V U n l v V . l e . N M i i T k e t S I

I ' l / . T V i ' ,f . . r i l ! y A l l E l r . * . I l * ' '

M ' l l ' l T t N c o l l a s ^ . D ' l . h " i ^ ( * a p a r t m e n t .K t . M i M i h ' f l i e d a n d h r . ' « | I r f i i r n l H h e t l , * 4- . ;

i i i j j i l i ' h M . l a p a r l T T i e n t , l u . " - i * 4: . . o w n e r v r o u b l r r m u i n u a i H j a r d e f I f i R - e f r ' - l h i r i ! l , * h c , l C d i H g e . i ; y i m w t o t r e t a i n i n g " i " ' ■ i K i h e r * f n r e a l a i k n . ' l r e n t h U c c n v e n b - p t : i i . . i i » . v a m i D n i v e I T ; ! . . . , M A I B I : I i r i i - U r t u N , i w s u »» e x m e . K u a t O r a n g e , n - u i l i h o e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F l J t T . T r o o m a o t i d b a t h ; v e n i r j l l y b I L [l n i p r i ) v e m » n " * . 1n « j u l r e 420 H i g h a t . |

I P . W A H U S I ’ . , i T - F u r n l i h ' - r l r - < . . n i ; f u l i a U l e f o r, , n p o r t w o . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

. l i ' N K . y S T . f t T a r g e f r u n i r i a d i i f o r t w n , w i t h i . r w l l h o u t i M i a r d . _ _ _ _

A C O O M M n i > A T 10 N H f o r r e f l n e d g e n t l e m a n l u p r i v a t e f a m i l y , K u b i r i r i f t g e . n e a r O r o e e » i .

K i a t U K i . A d d r e a n H - . 117 G r e e n w o o d a v * . . B i " t G r a n g e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F l T l N I H U K D " r u n f u r n i B h e d r n i * m . w i t h b o a r ' .f o u r c o u p l e , a l a u f O P t h f o r t w o g e n i l a m e n : p r -

v a l e f i i n i M y . ( J 6 S P a r k a v e . i n e a r P a r k i t . j . i = ! n a i O r a n g e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F l ' R S I S H K D r m i m f , w i t h b o a r d ;b o a r d ; a t M N o r t h G r o v e i t . . B a i l O r t h | f >

o n e b l o c k f r o m G r > # p H I . H i a t l o n .

F L A T t i p o o r n i . u H h n p r o v e n i e n t a : p M i h i n e B v e . i " ’ h i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l . U U l t - i f u r n l a l r e d p a r l o r i . c e n t r u l l y l * * C K l e » l .f p - r m u s l ' - a l i i . T e c e p l i ' H i * , b * l e t t c a r d i m f i i t w .

r i r . I . V e e H i o n o r e V c n l n R ; - , n H i c r h i g . A i l d n - B D 1. . T - . H r p i .’ f t i . N e w B i i f f l c e _ _ _ _ _ _

p ' j ^ j ^ ' T ' ^ F I V H r . M P i n e . v . l i h l i a l h a n « t [ i t i n ' r ^t l r a i 112 N U i g r t t n h i . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

f T A T ^ ^ n ' l f r . K r * * t o U m . w l l i m i i r o v e m e n f I ng u i r e 11 o i ' H i n e • * ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F I j A T — r i v e r t H u n i 2r » l » I ' r h i c e a t . ; I T . I n q ' i i r - 112 F h e i m i n a v e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

L A R G K f r p p T i t a n d h i i c k p u r ' - r . ' - e n i r a l l v ! ' > • ■ H i e d . k i h h J l l g h l ; r u i m l r * u w . v e r , e i h t h b . c f u r

l l . . . o . r . . r d c n i l B i . p r h a i e I ’ . H . S . . U o K 0- TN # w i i i f h c e .

F L A T — 0 n M i m e .i t u n l r r d o n « i .

r e n t 112; I m p r o v e m e n t i . 2' l

I ’ L A T — 6 r o o m a w l U ' L a i h , I I T U g h l a r u l ^ a t

F I R S T f l o o r a n d a t t l " . B l e e p i n g a n d l a u n d r y , a l l I m p l a . : I H l - a e v e n t h ^ _ _ _ _ _

I r t i M I l A R l t y H T . I K - R i c g i i n T n e w l y .i l r t l n t l l v f i i T n l f h e i l h n u a e . . i l l I m p t a . ; a m u t l l

f . , i i i l l s , 4 m i n u t e " l i f l c k a w a t i n n l > c | * o t .

M r i . l U ’ H R Y S T . . 107- F u r a l a l v d r o o m i f a rU n l i t h ' > i i a c k H C p l n g n r g e n t l e m e n

I - : a H - | 1 P R A M I K M i l e l l i t - e o h lu t i n e I m l l i l l T i a l " l . " h I K ^ N N * l ■ ■ e ' I I -

l . p l i i m l H g c n n u i M ' ■ b ' M b H * ' ' ' V ; '“ I ' U I ► . b * i l f " l "\ \ l i i M l i * " - " I ' ' . I l < ' l i | -

l - l i i . N i p i i i i i i i p * .

■ I f ' P i n q l i i

I ' . r i c k

I P \K i ’ i ' i ■ ! , ; H H l ' r L c x * I ' a n g a i i ,K i i i u i i l . i i n . i h e " r n n g e s k

• r H K H E ' K L l . M ' h l H K . " i q M i e l l r L M . s i H i i o n . K i P * ! u t a n g « , j u i d 2i k l i . i l hY o r k m r u T I • H U _ _

b u c k h t i u a e I n h u i i . l ' , l i K h n e f o r N ’ e t A ’ i i r k p r o p e r i ) >. i

* * h n n g e . I H i i 7a , N e w a o f l l ' ^ e . ^ ^

I ' . M I K , \ V R . .( m i M A ; H t e a m h * * * '

U 7 i H i - u M r ' o o d m ' e . _ _

S i i i ' T I ! O H A N G K - o n l " rm l n u i M i i i p f N e w a r k i t I -

i l l ! i i T i p r c I ’ e m a n l a I ’ u i i -* h n d « ‘ . f r u i t , ■ '1, ' • H A R L K S t l R R l j - S

S i t t t l u n , o r 141 B T o a ' l w i i v

" ' I A l l I m p r o v e• • n f J ' d I I n q u i r e

' ■ ' q r , i i i n < l . w l l h i n 9' l u . ' i K e ^ 12 r i H i m a ;

' ( H b l e , o n e a i - r e ;. . . . . M u l e p u M e a B l o n .

I . M I C S m i t h G r a n g e• ■ ' i ' Y o r k .

H I ’ D f ' l A l F - H O K e n i r n h i I r n i i i i i v e m w t a ; b a r n , x , ,

r r d u c * ‘ * l r e n t a l . A p p h

' ' i N o q * ' ; l i o u g e ; A l l ' i i H i i i n g " i t * m i > n t h i

p - T u n . n r . O r a n g e .

b i -

- ■ m e .l | i i K H R - A h " U H r w 111) l l , « l . c l h . i l l ' l l V b r . ' l l t l i ' " I H i i r i i i '

y r u L . F i i n . - e , m ' C - l - i i f - l h i ) | fU n i S f i l M ' U - h T I '11711011 m i l

K ^ S T " H A S O l * : - A t H - k ' t i i '' i o i . i ; i p p , i M i ' l . I t n p r K V t ' n ' . P l i " - 'I t i . L b l l , i i l i i K ,1 • * \ v i . M ' U i I v m ■

I I I . A l l a i l I 1 L D M i i i B , u r •* I " * ' f l g n n v \ lA a e i i i - V . i r H p r i D K r * ! , K n - '

F A C T f P U I E S F O B S A I . E U H I ’ D I . K T - 01 T O F T O W N .

i ' U f u I '

H < ' l ' ' S I - . S - I c p • * H ‘ , O ' X F B f . ' l I w i i - ( a t n l l y I n j i m ' - a , o T i " l i r u r H v e , ) r ' p ) - p ' i i f T h i r d * • • : v r l ' * e

I , v ) u r u c A - a H N i ‘ . i o U ' ' p " l l , I T ! R r u l

4 1 l l t H ' M i ; !* r t j ' u n s s t - T * * 'gr< U D ' b - 7 ’ lA 1 b < , I'll 1 u ,

11 n 1 |)«-I^*nli< [ !i • "5 2.’*T1

' 1 1 F ) 1 ' B K I.'* r< 1 >"i !i ’ VjH.F m e n 1H n r t i i i i C * " ' ' u

I ' l g u t T f m i P * " b l u r o ' #1

S m t T I I 1" T 1I H T . - I b p i l - ei , r o * . ► ' • - a m I m u i .

r i - f u M f . l , ; u l M * * " » 'M i l k ' - l e '

. f f . ’ i -122

f : t , , - i i a p r * . H ! l m i l I ' u y m " - ' ' a l l t i l i i ' l K ' e n i M i i l i t . M l . ' - M U '

n i - u r l i b h » I P O -1 l i u j i i l i c ) i : '

l l 1I j ! I a

^ r ' M l H H K M F I K l . D - F u v t o r y f ' r •f n i u ' c h u i b l u i g . g . - i t l » p P ' b r . ' ' "

t i l i l k e n d i n ' ’ r i K i n i , l a L c h ' m i T- M l l - ; i i c a i i ‘1 l A i n ' k a w a m w i i -

j { i s s r i . K _ _ _

l ' » i v l 2U ,N \ r ! 1 V N

F A R H A F O R S A l . l t .

T * > L E T — 7 ‘ r o c m c o l l i i K ' i i u i r o y c n i e n t a ; H i g h H i t i r a n g e - A i l i l r c a " l ' « W i i u - S i i n i f j i s e . W e a l

0 ) - M i i g e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

K l i t : ^ l » I I E D l i m S E S T » L E T - ^ O t T O F T U W A .

F I V E r o n m a . 7H S t o n e B l . ; 6 4I V p W b ' 1.i n g t o n i v e s t B ) R m u d « - t . , m o m O I L _ _ _ _

F F H R T S T . . T f i - H e c f p n - r . * ' » r n f l i L . I m p T i x r - r n e n i a : o p p . k . R . R . p » i f t t l ' m ; l i d n l t i . ^ _ _ _

K K R R Y H T . 2K l S - K * p u r n i o m a . W . t i K Y L E l .i J r c i a d B l . , c i p r . M a r k F i

l e C D f t ' l f l c - i T ,F I V K l l g h l r i , H i t n " . I n U ’ P o v e i n e t U a ;a i l u l t i o n l y , h r k » u t h a t . _ _ _ _ _ • _ . . . . _ _ _

F I R S T H T . , I H ' r H a l i n l e t , a l x O n e r o o m a . ! mp r o v e t n e n t ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

M K l . I l K B R Y H T . . H 2— F u r n 1» b i ' d r u o m a , h o i i a t - k e e p i n g . h a f t x u o m i , I L

M l I j I l K l t R Y H T . . a W - R t M . m n w l i b o r w U h m i tI p o h r * !

N l ' d W S T . 4k - N ’ p w l y f u r n l e i h e i i f r o n t r o o m ; h e a l , g a a , b a t h i

S ' K W H T . . f J l - N f f l t l y f u r n l a h e . i ro o m I n p r l -» m e f a m i l y .

■ R i ' M A K i J H T , . ( I — S i c i l y f U ' f u e h H d r w m t o l e t ; [ T i i B h e m a n d [ p r i v i l e g e o f b a t h .

I ' A F t K I ' l i . , 4H - ' T ' f f o i ? o n n e p t l n g r - p o m i . w i t h I ' l i r h ; b I b u " I n f l e r i i n m n ; y e f e r e n r e N r e * | M l r c d

G O R L K H T . , r * f x - m B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; v V J ” 'S V a a h l n g l o n i v e . , T i r o o m i i a n d b a t h . . . -

W a a h i n g i ' i n a V e , , 5 r u o m a a n d b a t h . . . . * 'K i m B l - . T r o o m * a n i l b a t h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V B P o n f i a v e . . 0 r o o m * a m i b a t h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( ' I l f i o n a v e . 7 r n n m i i a n ' J b a t h f n e w ) . . ^

m u i p I I R * " iK > I N I 111 I N * t h ' H I2. X| l i t

I ' l . A . N K H T . . 21I A - T W 0 c o n n e c t i n g r o o m a f o r l i K h l h m i i e k e e p l n g , w a t e r a p i l h n i h .

O L N T I a K M A N o r l a d y c a n b e a c c o i m w o d a t e d w l l h g o o d i m a r d i n p r i v a t e f a m i l y ; n e w m o n *

e t n h o m e ; w i t h i n f l v e m i n u t e s ' w a l k o f O r a n g a H i a t l o t i . A i l d r e B * A . L . f l . , l ^ o a K , N 6w a o f f i c e ,O r a n g e .

I F y o u w l B h t o P i * e n d a f e w p l e a a a n t i5a y * .c o m e u p a n d t e l m e e n i e r i a l n y o u ; b o a t i a n u

g u l d e n f o r f l n h i n i a n d ' h u n t i n g .H O R A r E 1. A R N B .

w n i n w P o i n t H o t e l . O r e e n w o o d L * k » .

B O A R D W A M T B D .

A I . A 7- T o c n i p I K l t h r o u i h J h * < i » X « o u M I U * f u m l a h e i l r o o m I n a p r i v a t e f a m i l y .i K t a r d o r f u m l a J i e i l r o o m I n a p v - - - - - - -

f o n i e n j e i u t o R m m e t o r r h e a t m U R t r a e t m a t l u D . A d d r e a a t u R p a r t i c u l a r i l o U . D . f t k , N e w n o f f l e e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

B o K

U O A R D - W a n t e d . b y m a n a n d w l f « . t w o f « r - n l a h e d r o o m a , w l l h b ^ r d , I n r e a [ > e c t a b l * ^ 0 ^ '

m a n f a m i l y : m « i t b e c i i i l r a l l y l o c a t e d : B r o a - l a t . o r V l l n t n n a v a . p r a f a r r e d . A t J r l r a e e P . i B o a H i , N e w * o f H c » e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

w i t hC G F P L I D d e s i r e t w o c o n n e c t i n g r o o r o i . w i t h r u n n i n g w a t a r a n d b o a r d ; l i e t w e a n D . . L . a n d

W . d e p o t a i i i i M a r k e t a t . ; " t a l f l o f r e t r t t t r n l i -A d d r c M A . A . , H o i 4f l . N e W i o l V I a a *

L A D Y w t a h a n b o a r d f o r h a r a e l f a n d c h i l d d y r a r a o l d w I l h E n 6 m f n u t a i ’ w a l k

I ’ e n i u t y l v a n l a h a l l r o a - l . M . B . S A L O M O N , c a r e o f f l r h u y l e r K e m p t ' : m . D I v i a l o n a v a , , P e r t h A m b o y , N - J .

T O U N O M A N w a n i i b o a r d W l l h J a w l a h f a m l l X I c e n t r a l l o c a t i o n . A d d r c B i M . W . « B o g 7d , M i w a

o m c e . _

Y O U N G m a n w l i h e a l i o a r d W i t h p r i v a t e i a i D ” i l y . i » 4 M ) N o r f o l k a t * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,

H i H i M S f o r I n r t g e r j i t I M j l R u t i e v l l l i } a v e . ; M i l n u t * ’ " f r o m K o a e v l l l e s t a t i o n .

J O H N ' b o H K N N A & C O . , s o n U r » a d " IS i i K T H < i U a N G R a v e . ,

11.29 p e r w e e k .174— B ' u r n l p i - h e d r o o m .


U I p n i l l i n p r i O f . o - i j | U H , L u s . v

N u t i n i i l E| ; i : U . K H ' l ' A T K

K U S K I N K . N * . J . - K u r » « 1. . h r i l l u i t ' - B c b ' i i i e O H l » * l 211 * ' I P - "

, i i i - | ) w i i t i n m " i i h o i i B c n n i l iI . . I l l ( » ■ „ 1.1 . h . - B i i i "

I 1"

l | ( > r s r I ’ o i e i * ' * ' ' h * - i i ' I - ' < l i - M i r r a v e , i nr i i o l t ) * , i J t ' l i , I h i m . f t v . M i l t i n i ' r o ' ■ i T i n u " , d * ' c

u i a i c i i . I ’ d i l i l n i i '

, l ^ i p i l a y M l

• ' l l h a * * ' : n * ' " i , ' * " u H n f t l * 'j p T V - A I V J l l i p f t r F l 2f )

" r O K H K H - r u r e u l i ^ . % \ s o H l M e H u h t e r ’ l K f i M l

H K M i l l T I , ' m i i i * ' " t T a u T l , a u c l i o f i p 1 T I . i i t p o J u j , M c - 1' p b ^ r 2. ' . . V '

■ • t l i | i < - i » r * * i n l " e f i . I p ) • ' ^ ' o e * i i i ' p r o f t b e I ' e l u i * . i

1)11 i h c r e n l * B t n b ’ ' ' f * ' ( I i . ; r t i e . i m S u m i i ' l ' .

' h i f b l i i n \ r m i r e , i i N " " !I •. . l l u l b i i H ' l i n g f t l ' K i ' * T -

• T i u N

; . | '**■11 , i ' i i o - t i ' n ■ ■, .i' 12 K I In k n-ioii. I

• I;*■ i i \ V t nii\. I M . I I ■ ' . l l n ' I c . - F H H r i l . I

I I ' ' ' M a r y ' ' B l n m I i -- U l P i n k I l i - l w ' - i i i ' - l '

t l f ' - H t i f t o l [ H - T b e ) e •

i HM'Jlt'Ti i H r t - i f ' I ' u r f h H H c m n T i * ‘ y i m i ' - k . . . . ’ . ( . i i r r ; -K M t f e F ' - x f t i b ’ c a m i j - i i i ' f t o i . » " ‘ . * i I ' t j ■

' L - | " l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ■

i W N K U l * « f t V l H S l O u e t f * n t i n * w l M t ' Tw i l l l e n t t b e l r f u l L i ' i t T ' i - | | . . , | b ' * u e i * a t u

M ) i P i l i T n t » « r e n t a l t o *'■ x p - I i . i M - ' . • j u i n i . A r B i - c l O B u I n , n i l . ! ) I i e o r C h u r i l o - ■ . n * * n n d B t a t l i ' - n .

I '1 t 'u I ’ S 14K L L M ‘ " i ; i . o p p o M l t e U r f t ' k r i o i r - h , u t a t l » n . K n " t " r . " / -

O R R B N H T . . 2 6 - T o l e t , l o w e r p a r t c t f h m i a e A p p l y « m j i r e m l s e a .

T H I l K K r M r i i l i h < q 1 T D o m a f u r l i g h t h n u a e i t p e p l n g . A i l i i r e e s J G . , R o i H O , N e W a o f f i c e .

O n i i i i a D . . L * i i n w W « i a i > ( 4k w c r a i i ' t i o a r f r o m I l o w Y o r k o « d p o a l t l r o l Y n u t m o r o t h a n t l m l n n l o e f r o m o t o * *l i o n I p r i o r n u t n i o r o t h a n B 4 « 1I 5 D < X o

a f l o ‘ - - - -

j m . L H l D B A V K . . I f l T - A n e w f l a t n f a e y e n r o t i m i t u l e t f r o m < . H - t o b # r 1. w i t h a l l I m -

r r o v e m e n t i a n d e t e a m h e a t

T M > ' f i i r n l B h e i i l o o m B l o l e t f o r l i g h t h o u a c - k e F p i n g . I n q u i r e 76 P l a n e s i .

H O V B E H W A N T E D *

I ; r I j i ; K i ' I l y n ' I ' ' . 4f t i I ' xl i n m . f n i o

N . - w i i r k

ft .\« IIK friitil, luftl"#. n i l V N * t I t r o H i l " t

} i ( . o m

F A H M H F O i l » A L E < » K J : i t l l A X 4i E *

H a r r l a u n .U , '

I N W i n t D S l L K M k h i c I u I t i i f - , l i i - ’ f * * t ' t r i ’ " t i i i * ,a i ] l m | p n " e m e n n . " U i f t i i - , I m i t i - i x l . ' i f t ' i . ’i o t h i ,

( t u n e r b ' i i v i D K I h ' i l l ) , l u n e l b * s u M . l E l C N R V l l t H S K L I , , i r t H e l l e \ l | l * m V O .

! k ' p ! . I ) r h e - a i * I " ! - ‘ e i j , ' • ■ H u t * ' , l u - i f t p ' r * ( • [ " p -I ' r ' V i > n l l H r r h " p i ) * i » * ' , , n * “ i t r 1: t I * 1k f » t . G n r -

r l » * I I I i : i r o o p : I j ' I j ' v a m J e i o i * ' ; r e i i i " f t i r I H i J i i w i l l « e U I " ] ' t ' 2. T ' N > B m a l l H i i v ' U i i i c a * h

. l U H N * l - M K H f l Y . h l f t I l r c H d a t -

, N i U M F o r a t i l e o r e a c I n i n K ' . L J . ' i o u i : i 2 - u r T eI ' i i v ^ r E H i i n - . i H i l l B B U ' 1) . I p u " - I n ) e u l . B o U

' U l . f l e h H l e i t . n n a r n i H f o » ' i i * " ‘ l t h i u u i H l o w n f I T ) H u f r u h I t e R . b c ' t U b * M o l i u i ' l t r l - l f e H i i W m p R T i > N , W G l e t i * i

I l ' i r s K H l i p r e n l . f r * n t 12" ' ■ H t ) m o n t h l y ; w e l i M v > - l a r g e H i t u f u p i i l c n m c

. h ' H N D 0 H , E N X . \ . V ■ " A i k ) l l r o a d a t .

W H A T 1" t h e u s e o f i . i i i l ) * r l i i ) ? y i . n r * e l f w R l ) i r l l e u ' t l n g y o f t * ' n w i i r F i i i ' * . w h e n y o u c a n h a v e

v t i i r i H i U r e r i y c a r c f u l l ) i i i ' k . 1 . i f i i - r a n d h a v e u n i i T r e n t # c o l l e c t e d a t h * m n 1l i . ^ i i e i i f i e ? 1 h a v e j i i - p h o a l l o m t d f t l l y f x ’ f f i n i l f l t i i e . t o r e n t .. l l ' L i r s K . 8 K I T Z . 7 b 2 M'^ijtt.l Ml.

H I G H B T O O ' - H e c o n d f l o p r : a l * r o o m * ; r * ‘ n t 112. T . L O N aN K L L V . 27 S o u t h T M r t e e n i h M .

l i l O H L A N D A V E . , 21f t - T b r e e p l e a a a n t r n o n i a , c i t y w a t e r a f t d g a * : * * : a f i f t i U f a m i l y - ^

L I R K R T Y H T - . 21> - T h r e e r n o m a , I T .; i o C u l u m t J l a i t .

I n q u i r e

l / V t K I X f i F O R A I t t ' M i r W H Y N U T E X A M I . M - : T l l l H R K S I h K N r K ? L f M 2t l x U i f t ; I ' U V Q i i M i i P ' t ' i , b e H i | P 4 r T o f K t g h l l i

W a i - d .E x t r a u - o | l - b i i 1l T I i h u h c : f t r i i p n o * a n d I m i h -

r i K s t n , t i W " i ^ u t l f t i l u l i o s e r o o t i i H . h i g h c e l l - I n g e , f u r n a c e , r a n g e , e t o . . e t p * .

T l > f ‘ i w n e r w i l l e u i T l f l c * I I . i m m i . t i i h l " p r o p *■ a r t ! ' . * a e h e l e a b n u i I ' l r e m ^ ' e f r ' - m N e - . v a r t '

r*T r .................f u l l p H i ' f i c i f l a r K c a l l ' I PY " M T R ' J N w . h u r h k .

— — i ; j u T h i r d t u c e

' L A P A - Y E T T K - H T , — T w o - f a m i l y f l a t ; I m p i - n v e - m e n t j i , g t H t d - l o i r t r l r c r t a a p n a l i e d ; o f f e r e d

g h e g j i . B O W B R f t * C U . , l « t M a r k i t a t .• « a « w i »1 l « i > t ' j ••

| P i ' i - y e a r ,t u * i l i l r e ) l .

m t S J O Y H T ^ k i ' J a m i . f i l H a t T l T » t i n - T t t i i k t - t . i r h e d h o i i B c e f * ; r * ' . i T ) - » u n - l c e i l p r e a c h ; c i t y

w a i c i i f h l - e u ' . * i - , I r i o e l l 1" t * . . t ' M r e e " S A H A J l . I K ! l i ) L A M < ' N . 4771 l - L t n h i , A r l i n g t o n . N . . 1. , c u r e M i l - L p i W . - ' h M e v c i i t n g B

...... .. S

t o i l H O U H E f i w a n i e « l t * t e n i ; n i l p t i r i a i f t h e c i t y a n «1 ( t u b u r b a L m I I u r a i M f e p s W M . C .

t . - i r K i . i M A N . 736 M a r k e t f t . *

W e «4 O r a n g e .A l l . - x l l t s . l I N - N e w I x i u A C , 7 r p i ' i l l ) : * . h H I m -

l i r o v f l f t ' - n t e , H i g h " t . t i e H T I R d g ' ' H ' c * n e j t r a l l ( ’ p n s e n l c r u ' e n . l e r i p " e a i * y ,W e e l t i r n i i g f f * < >

A d d r e a e H u e 1h 4.

I l l A t ' l t E F H l T T m h i n t ) b U I v o fl • u l l l v I l l l ■ J n . f u r B a l e • • , i - x . - h u f t B - . , i h . i u r e e i n

f r i i l i B r t i " ! " j > e a r t r e e " , p l i i i n p e m ho r c h . i r ' l o f L 4i l f t t r e e " . h H i r e e * . m u i j - M r i i " h i , t w e l v e m l l e B o f u n d p ‘1 . l i u h i l r i K . h u i r I h e h n y I r o i p e a c h y e a r h a * I ' t l d I n i e r e F i <*11 i H . t n i j f o r , 14 y c a T B . l a n d I s D n h i g h , h u N p i o d i f e d ^ 4U ; I n i B h e l B " f w h f t u t i r * r a e r o . I ' u U d l t l g B ) e r y f a i r , i o l e v f i i n - ' w b n * A t i i l l B a n - i c i ' W h i h I ' I * - f o r l u i c a l U e l i n e f o r U u r k * » r B i « i v k f a r m . ' ■ I I A U L E S , L Y M A N . P l a l t l f l e l d . N . .1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |

F I R N l l H B D I l O f N E H

A 7 4) H i r o o m f u r n l * h e * i o r p H M l y f i i r n l B h e d hoiiv cenirml localltm. for uinier; rent IfW: nil opnvenlencm. AfliireM |i., iv,i id Newa of­fice. _■

m a r k e t h t . . 621— A | ) a r i m e n t « n t 8 a m ! 4T ( H > m B . J i n l t i ^ B i . r e n t | m t o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ' g

74 H a m l l t u n a t . . 1 i M i p e r e d r o o m a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . »l l f l W i l l i a m b L . 4 l a r g e , c l e a n n w j t n i . . . . . . . . . . . * i »

I ' o r n e r L l i t l e i o n a n d R m i T h O r a n g e a v e a . , f l n e h e m a e ; 0 r o o m # a n d b a t h ; l a r g e g r o u n i U

r e n t m o d e r ^ e ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ f E L D E R . W k > B v o * d " t .

M l L r i E R R Y B T . . 212- B e c i m t l f l o o r f r o n t . 3 r o o m a . . ............ 112

T h i r d f l o o r . 4 m o - n * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i , 'I c k a N K U N P . m a y o * T t l 2 H r o a d a l .

n t t e n i l n n p n i d i n a n g w ^ r a M o t n t B l * Inic f « t l p n r llrn ln ra . AdArengi B*« P* O. B o s S77. flwmtttlL N. J .

R E A L BflTATB FO R 8 A tR «

M O N M O U T H B T . . I d - F o u r l i g h t r w m a f o r a a m a l l f a m i l y ! n o c h i l d r e n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

TIMBER. HARONOOl. CfPRESl AND BUILDIRSNKLBON PL.. 81—au Urge p]aa#ant rooma nnd balh: all Improyementa.


N K W Y O H K * V B . , l 2f l - F o u r l i r i * e l e * « a l r n e n w ; » l * t l f l n i r y t \ i h « . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

n o a l d t a t i ■ a d S p K l a l t l M .

OBAKOK t*T„ l-M-riit, 4 rooiTu; iMih; «o ilon«iT tuh»- •'>. C. J, UROVVN. HU> 1. _ _ ^


It you want an attractive home, with all Improvements* located In the best wctlon ot Beat Orange, near 5chool* and Churches—VISIT HYDE PARK.

Homes from $3;800 to $6,000 Each.

T W O - J - ' A H I E - V h o w n e ; f t p l e a H a n t r ' H J i u " : i i t t b - ;c i t y W B i e r ; I C k J b d i > w n . I S O n i P J n t h l i r . M f t h

h u u M t w r i h o f i f i d W o n ' t l a b o r a i o r y . V a l l e y r o a d .

F A E I M t k J a c r e * , l o r M i h t o r t i > l e t . l l n # a q U .b o u i # b a m a n d c h i c k e n h o u s e ; g o o d w a l l w a ­

t e r - l i t a b a r g a i n ; s i t u a t e d a t F u l r f l e l d , h a s # ! I ' o d m y , N .1 I n i u l r . ' o l M H H . C l I A E L K BA P r L , o n p r * m l » M .

1lMI*fcl»A»*,.a W.K, tl. iJKlW PIBBCF ST., iH -FUii, * rontM; «t»tloo«rx t WlwM *. I U K . . inbi; tr. C. J-MKOWN. IH Unriui M.

10 Per Cent. Cash; Balance Same ae Rent.T « k « O n n i o 1 f u l l e r t « H n n s • * » » , ■ ■ ■ « O t a n ( u , l h » B | h w b l n b S * n « * W « l bWOODSTOCK CO. •-»> « " « *•■» f a b k . w m . e . , B W itw isw .


u r n

rlth•ndm i­

ll s rom 014. srth


>••51 r rm * ! > • . » ^ w - • T . •

X E W A R K E V E N IN G N E W S , S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 3 9 . 1 9 0 0 .


M A t t R l A G E H ,a XTO BD—LK ^TBYRE'-On Um 24th ^

R««. w u iU i.t i>. at^vroi, Mr. J»m«i T. Alford ind MkM BylvUi Ut F«vr«, With of N fw iiv


fiT n A lN '-W B t«C *I-M r lAivid Birolfi, ur'tlArrl- 9of). ftl'l ^1** M)nnlr W. Weirh. nf Um)- rood Rv^nui , i|»rriion, %'#r» unlt^l in mir- lid ir nti ih^ ricrttni of ihe 22<t oi thffinrioTiOi* of r1i# tlafrloon TalwniacU, 4li CefiirolCefiirol ■venu.*, b , H«v. ftamurl H, Hwl.i-r.

H B L P W A K T K D — M A L B I . K E L P W A ir T E D — M A L M

n i l A T H d .


j^ )A M B ^A t Port J w t i . N. V . on ihf 2Hih init., W llUtm Adami. of 2 KIchiuunif- plaoi. u rm c i. N. J.. iird voAn

riinrril M^rvlco at Tor; un Sunday atI P. U .

BRAPY-’-At Wtat Oi-aiig*. N- J-, on27. John J . win nf Jiiinrii

aud I'^ihirlha Uraily.ail'll 2 \ yrara 4 monihii n doyi.

RalallvaaRalallvaa Ahd frlriifU, alao Inilrpandaiit Cnun- cM No. ht. kl. S. K., arv rrii|>rctfiitiy Invllfd to ouend ihi< fim^ral at the rfalJertcf « f thnparfnt« Nutnmn pUi'r. W rit Oranit, Monday, iviobpr 1. IfHKi, at H:Hi> A.


n O T lC R — A d v o r tto O M o iila t » 1»« elao^- a i d 'd o h u a ld bo r * # * l T o d b c t « r «lS i » 0

T rA B o to n t ■ d v o r t lv la B In t h o N B W II n m f b « B o o p a ld . N * b b o o b i i u w i l l b o o p o n o ti too

No o d T o r tla o w o M t w i l l b « o o B o U o d oT oo ib o to lo p h o m * o i c o p i th o o o ooait b f p o t h o r ls o d a v o m io .

A a o w r r o lo o d v o rllB o ittO B la a ro b o v i f a r t w a w o o k o a a d a r o i b r a d o * a lro T o d * I f B a r a t b o r d lo p o o lt lo a to d o o lr o d Ib o o flie a o h o a ld bo m o tid a d .

W A N T B l>-ror U. 8. Army, ablc-bod|ad u ia a r .rKt mm, betwaon afra of 21 aid St. cm tani

of t'nltad Blataa, nf food rhatactar ona tomiwf- air habita, who ran iiirahi rrad and writ* Bnf- Hah ; t*rrjUa arr i|>*fla1'jr dratrad for oar\1i.*a in t'hlHj'iiltira For Infurinailon. apply t ‘» Racnjit' Ini 2TB Uarbai at.. N aairk . N,

n B t r W A N T B i b - r * i i * M » .

W AW lK KW <.iM AN-A Womno t« wlnh, » « • daya. Call W Worth Ninth at-_________

Torwi^ rnab wanted; muat ba bright and a^‘ ilvr. If) makr hlmarlf uaaful In a wholaaala

rtuitun huatnridii aiair aalary. A ddm a Au* vancrmani, hoi 44. Mow* ulfter.

112 fiTRAUlKT honaflda iwlory t>ald«ltr*< t fh>m nffli’r ; •■ipmM'a ritra iHwnmla-

ilona, i-atot,|p mm and wotn**n to rrpraarnl tt* ai'i^'lnitna Mirnia; rapid prurmillon and In- rri'*Ep Atlary, naw brilliant Unra. U l'T L E U A AlAikH. N «« Hayrn, t'otin.

TOl'NO iromali wanird in o « w ; *kiriavi woman | .having unall. twai ’• '’l . J S . V i K u "own boolta for arvfral vrara. wlihaa tht aa

■taianca of a y*^ynt * ^ 2 1hand, who imdaraland* a «^TJ,JS5?t-krrplng. and Ivta anma hitowlwlga of lyijtw ni Ing. AddrrM. in own handwrlling. M, V t . M,. IW Third ava.. Nrwarli. N- J-

M R f M , C A m ilA O W b , »T C ,_


4gn.,iri llroad «i , yfewurlt. N J.Thr larffo i ^ 1a nrahl«i Iti Nrwarls. N 4*

'Will wl] at AucMim ■ON TPIW PAY. iM 'jn}lTRRJ, Wai.

Jb UJHLA wanlad ai «nrt. M- J-JAK nni'lllK . Id* Third at-. Bltaab»th. N, ^ .

from thrnr* io thr Church of Our I*ai1y of ih* Vnllry. wherr a High M an of Hnioo'in will ofrrr4^i fur the repoae of hU auul- Interrernt In 6t. John’ a Crmttrry. klrnrifr.

A nrtU-HOT RRI.I.RR hn'luiw H'« wbn »v»ry 1)i'(ly aanti', tlx* bmt hrr In ths

wnrhl. ('a dry fM.wil*>r fire eullngulahrr. tndi'Tiird ii> iln* dfimrimriua mk the lirel. lalrai. rhraimit and handleat; arvy woman can uae It, aiivU'dy ran sell It, aeii* itaelf by ilmxinaitatlon hnw It kinp fire, liai prr orm- oriint |u Menta, write now fur |>nrtlru]ara and hoH tn demonptrate. nRFN T A ItRtOUii. gen­eral agenu, 22U Umadway. New York-

H E L P W A N T B O -* r B M A L t t i*

I W «lll !»•*

BOSrt—Cin lialurday. fleidember 2h. liaat. Ki-hue. tian, bcliAcd hunband nf Hegina Mope mre W olf), aged 3t yoara 4 mnnth* It tU)a.

Relallvei and frleiida, alpo rmployep MuiunI lianeflt Aaeorlailon, C- R H. nf New Jeraej,• re kindly Invited to attend hla funeral un Monday, Ortoher 1, at T-Bh A. M., from hlH lata realdetica, iS4 Jelllff avenue. Ht. I'eter'a Churi'h, where a llequlem Muaa a III be offereil for the Ye|>o«r nf Ma p<*uI, in­terment III the Cemetery of the II.-ly rte|,ul- rhre

JiriJhJN—Cm the 2kth luai.. I’ htubvih. l‘e!,,ved wife of Jonae lluUe n, In her WKti )

Funeral per^•lre* will be hel.i m the r«-ehleoce of her Bon. Claren-’e nu>im. No. T.T Hbroni (lehi a^enue, on Monday. iVMimr I. Mam. a 2 p. M. Helatlvaa an.l frlenda are kindly Itivlied. Further wreii'*** will be held gi l,i|thiTan Churi'li, i ’enlre Mrunewlck. N. V , nn Tueeday, fJetnber 2, M«ni. at 11 A. il. interment at Centre rirunewirk, K. V

Troy <N. Y .) i«pera pleav. fiii.y.FKLTR—Suddenly. f>n FVMa). Mej.tember 2**,

IlfOO, at her late resblenc*. hi lli.K-ard atrect. Kmnia H- Felt*.

Funeral aervlcea vrivate.4IRlCtK)RY-t.)n »iet>ieml>er 2b. IlkMi. ai her Inc#

realdenee. No. .11 Foundry eireet. MTldget C., iprioved daughter uf <*a(lierlne and Ihe late John il. Greporv

Jfoileo of funeral hereafter. H E LM LIN O K R -O h Frlilay. Hepiember 2x, 1W»1,

Halnma, widow of Philip U«dmllti(f*T, lit h p Klnt year.

Funeral from the reableni’e of her ann-iit- IBW. Mr. Henry Ober, No- Bs Mllf.irl ave­nue, t>n Mfiiiiiay, 2 H M. Intertueni In ^1ll^‘ mount Cemetery

St. Louie and New Orh’ane iPtpera pleoaa ropy.

H AKR IR ON-fin September 2i, Iftfa*. J'»hn D. Hairlapm. In hip H>ih year.

Funeral aervlrea fn>m hie lai# reptdenoe, (TgHigh atreei. on Monday nt 2 I* M. Relu- tlvea and friend# are lnvlie.1 m atieml. in- tertnem at ll>i»e«lah* iVnietery. at the con- venlenp*e of th>' fumlly

K E B R -O n th , aTlh Inn,. WllHnni. huibanJ <it LUfla Kerr. , „

Funeral pert tree from hie laie reeiiiwoe, No. 2K itTfhard aireet on Punilay, the wnh inai. at 2:ht» P. M Relallvea att«l frlert*l*. ale- Kiempt Klremen’P .>,*e“e|Ril'.n, ere Invlt#' to Rllenil. Inierm'Mit In \t .>oilUni1 < emel#r>

LITTK LL—On ihe 2>ith Inet., '^arah. widow of Nathaniel l.m ell. In her TOih year.

Funeral aertK-ee fr>-m ihe r-i^lilen-’e nf he daughter. Ura. U-lllUm Matte. f». Kim atreet. on Runday. the :nith Inal., at i ' . M p. M. Inlermenl In FalrmDunt Cemetery.

I'nlon County pajiera please cupy.1>AM I»-Ai Muiiii'lair N J.. «« .Hepi^mber 2H.

liiuit, J^meii. brio) ed huaband of Julia l.anih. agetl ht v'^ara.

Nollre nf funeral liere»fTer

ACIENTR wanted, hlatory Qalv#eii'n flitod: T.OfW Uvea lost. l2U.O<ai.«or) pr.i]M-rty deelroyed;

greateei diaaecer nipelern llin-a. grophleully de- wrtbed by the eminent author. Murat HaUtead,

A. —A h>re eltuailcma. nie, pV-tv raiiarity;

Frew to eapabla aer-.................... .............wa want enoha. laun-

dreaa«-«. waiiretaea. ehaiybermalila, nuraa, glrU for llghi an»l general hnuaew-irk. a te .; *■* alao plare st ir,- pirttre and factory help. Ibarman- Amrriran .\gency. .‘iS redar at- Tal. IMHU.Eatubli-liHi) iMT*.


AC.KNTH every where to **1> « ^ *^ *\ *lalsealim h.'rr-w, h.lkM dead; t3tk,i«MjW P^>P ly UHiiroved large IxK k. splendidly *H'i*‘ '[f*,**erly

p v i l i i f t i i * o p p o B T t m r r i B b ,

A.—Cnnk*, laundreeaei. J2tt. n(a>kB, V t U ; t laud- dreeeee, Viii lOn houaewotkera. white and

ooloreil MRpreaa, llh. HH. wanir^, 7h t7rnt^ at., I'trang i.'a]L Monday early and ratel lady • I oltive

who waa at iceue nf dlaaatee; pr‘-f>iae;y lllua- irated: damand enornioua; aen>l in rent# 'lulra fi*r mirflt, « e give iKwt lerma. KKKLER* RAlJf:K)H c'U.. Philadelphia.

ACiKNTP wanted; aevepal gi>->d m#n to rent ewii our JtJih I'entury Air Wierltixliig Vetil* for pra-

•ervallon ><f beer, rlarel. Thine »!he. burgundy, older, unfermented grape biJoe, en-.. at II ^ r

AQKNH '!* V) omen fn aollell and eollecl at hum*. *upi> aril'le; ealary I'naitiim; perm a

nanl emi"">rnei}( tu 4,nl> reapmielble parllea- Addrp« Li FHa CNKKLTEH, Zwneavllla. O.

make tAii to tUW a week; Se-k will night, einerienre unneoeaBary; h*»ya. aleia. m 'n or «vrufn oan aell ll,.uutni frw ; freight paid] rredu aneti aPl nuioklv. not a moment tn i;;ee. F F n ijrst.N V l 'f l CO.: ats n rih al.. Cin­cinnati, 0 _____ ___

IDA I , lA i,riir<n *.— Ifk l HKAD OF llORHRg C«m>manvliig at in r'clnrk A. M

John Totleh. U fasetle. Thd.. vtmalin# l‘;T * of egtra gotel hl( hurae#, that wit weigh fn*ni I,4(g1 to t.TtlP I'HUI 1* Am-ing thent are i-ne bUrk hanree team. Id handi high, eitm broke, and aever:il g«»nd dri'ere; alao buaUiraa

^^yjl^nry Miller l‘rniieyl\*nia. viutalgn# 2n head of eatra gifvl b.g a.i-iunaii't hiT»e#. auuabi.- for all VUtP’*"'* > 1l->ed Uriel !•.•nelgne 2ri hra l i»f e m a g'*'d PennayA-ania hor#.*# mixiig them ur- #.«»# rrackerjark* Mr Uriel will b* here "ith ihl# Urad. lie ilalnie ihU la the Iwai lna-1 he Ha* shipped thtp e’ iieoM , , ,

1>«vIm. Urdu.. le-Mnon. lad . ctmaign 21 Ite^d of Indiana hori-* nm»tiK them wre driver#, hue- ineae. eat'r>w#. gr. i#r), furm «n<l he#') iirart

■ hoti*ea- . , , , ,K*nu head cvf an limated horaea to b# wild la me

A .-llO U buya ooofactlonery and cigar m o w . JIM buya oorner aab»nn, i>eu1 tibia, lie ,1350 buyi furnlaha^l-Tiium houae.Ijbki htiya aaKem. with hall, Heoad at.1350 buy# b iNardlng houae, 0 buardera.M M buyi iToeary, 10 yra. eel , home, w a g ,mb. 11 tJtt> buya reataurint, big pru6lA a*av taroM._ Bta.l a,lire.| j . ^ buir*.MIO busw old eatal». I*eer bntthni bua

CRV)NHK1M a DCNN. Plane, cnr. WllHatn at.

A FIIlRT-CLAPtft I'orner aal«m fnr aale. on ac­count " t death of owner, average *fc|e of

W r tlAO to Who weekly; haa a Bn# linkor trade, auinjunded by farti'rlea: atoek at preeenl *llme aboni ll.iakJ. Ucenae O'U i T Ivalance uf year, place muai be atince. win etand Inapeetlon: make ua an orrer. trie clear and guarabteevl: no agenta or iee<l apply For partlculara write «ir call New

A«ili:NTh wantM for a email houeehtild Cell iH-!*een U anJ 12 A. M-. at No. I Ureen

Ma n nr woman, to emplnr and Hgiiit# i>*r mtmtli and eai +

et i-e (1 ,1 rw^tilred; |iernvauent. *1. . . . .......... qiilred: .2tH Iak'Oiii at., Rhllade'.phia.

and Nuperintend -enavf. ea]*erl*


annum; uteady Ineotne ntler flrel year; a.avj hance for inveaimenl If deulred. t'nh Monday,

HtiindarJ raucei and AUachmeni c.i ante at

21MI Or-

AOKNTH are ruining money nelllng "8tnry of 111# Oalveaion Fh^-jd." ofllclnl. benullfully

tlluetrated; «Mi pagrs; retail price unly |1.2Q; ouCU l« fr*.e. to cent# fnr mailing, a premium given til every aubpcrtliet. lerma betitT than any other pubilehar, freight paid; credit given. Addreaa quick. R II. WtK>TJWABl). Hilllniora.

AUKNTh--|Mkai m year easily made by hual ling agenlJ*. handling nur white aini fancy

ubber rollara, i‘ufta and nM,kllee; patented and guaraniaeil gvKxIa, mir camimign tie# wre wln- n«ra; liberal cummiaalon, eiriuslve larrlioryj *rnd for epei’lal plan, teirna, etc. M. A M- UFO- CO., Hprlniileld, Ma-va.

A RTHuNo ...m|>etetii girl la nurae for • child M iild and d« aome walling and

other hiiuBi-ui.rk, peraimal referenrea required. Apply Ht 4(i!> llillable pi . fUmih orange.

A LAOY rr-iilre" a ycung t>eraon to wall on her; mue! .ci in-iiittind aumetblAg al>"U.l dvea*"

makibg ' Hii *iM>t n a M . 2lia Central ave , near fVnir,* >-t . m anga

H *N «n.1 wKr f..r (N'Untrr h-'l-l':Itmuil. I IIHIKTIAN HI’ HMIDT, IBT H p 'ln ,'

field H«<*. _______

125 TO lf<! dally puallv made by our Uv* ag*hU.T... . .

hlgbe«i ICdd-T. nhivb have l'#en u*eti ariUTid the cUs anil w -uld itTH'ri*'»* with cnnnir) u>e.

44t iHH.l .-f b-i w# 1. W * « U !«• ih- h 'g li^bidder. Ot«' iio-i'eny of varl->U" ahlpS'cr". to cJi»#eiiut c"iielkxiii>-ti

w.-met. ##Tllni nur lafeat novaltlf. cam- mlgn WHit-rpruof neckiU#. gfw-da entire.y new and paiem#d ageiiia ilellaMed; what .uher# •!.' )uu cun J > . lime la ahOft. writ*

teed iicMl Heller MHllf'g

j.iu cun -. , - _lo-4av itn-j wcure eacluelve Icrrlinfy; guaran'

er .vddrew with Mamp. H. * M- c , RpfIngllel'l. Maaa.

A YOl'NO girl ttentefi to waah dish#* and wall on table -'iM i il Railedge av«., Gaat Or­

ange, N J.

u niO K T. itoeiiiretii girli warned on work work. Api ) Aiiierlvau I'ndergwrment Co-,

34 and All (IreMi at

AOKNTS warned, 'flalveaton; The Ibwnjra of a Stricken Cliy,” ny Murat Halaiewl. fully

lUuwtfftted; faete*t aelllng h-B-k «ver ioit>llelieil; wily I15« . beat lertti# guaranteed, nulflt free: be quick. J. R ZKH1I.KH A I’O . Chicago, 111.

AOKNTS- ■‘tlalvej»t--n H.^rr-jra," greai l?...ik by great aullinr. Murat llalHiead. Ihe niipet au-

liientlo and iveai ilinaMate^l book; o'lifli free; CPntmlMilona 5b per i-etil. . fre»ght pnid, i tedH given. II. STuU i. Vunllar Pldg-, ChUago-

AOFNTfl (t*nr'-Bl agents In nverv UH-allty thri.ijglu.ui Ow V . H . tc Teprcaeni large cm

ecm :tnd ai>t«»lnt agerii* --’i a -iricily Finmo baala tif K i mi-iuhly arnl ti!l ••Lpenie-» | lepi N». J. J. MoKAN. Sew Y--rh I'ltv

AHKNTS wanted tn ecH Oie for pTielurlng light; hewi!. e|-*i IrlilU

than keroeene ng-TilH ...... |ri, n. \raoiury. pri>mT'i Hlilprneni* Tin- H> ( ‘ii.. Canton, ■ >Mo


I Light

COOK—‘ ’ "mpeTri;- c.iok wanted fwhlle glrlli nn waahlna nioini «iib piulii ironing. I'MIl

between lu urd 12. .Vi Arlington av*.. East Or­ange.

COOK-M'Hfite.i t T.rai. nd> gir: (o eonk and do gefi*'rril jer’v-rrk no wanhlng or imnlng;

iiiuat hate rvf'-f'-fi-“ Apply US Summit at-


11 AKER rH..i aernnd hand on pie and want# p.ialti-n W IU .IA M H n u W S . South

Orange ave., i llnion #t . Vall*burgh.

ROY. U vear* wanu tr. learn drug b’jalb^a*! ran Uive g'*''il reference. Addreaa Analuui,

Rua 71. N#*# i.mce _________

w o n fA U A .

nee<l a p , , ------ ^ark AuclU-n Cu.. W Market al.

A ■ Flrat-claaa (vpiuirtunHy for a live otan wuhtVai. tt» tdhrre. half Intereat In “b* «

beat paying raaJi hualneaae# in inla CWy ilTlctly guarantee partner agalnM atty b(H.k# win ahow prolite nf It - t*>Only with Ihe luonev and nnMfithit nraa addrrHa CunfidernUI. 0 ‘ »a 44. N e w v.


AT N E W A R K ORAlN AND HAY C^ •. Ilk im tlA P »T. ihrar 1 > . . U and H .j

O K AIN -O ood heavy clean Hipped oata. TJil<#id clean white laH*............... . JUlleary fllppeil mlaed nati T|iIleal eound yellow rum ...........................J *'•Crarkrd c»rn and pure m eil.......» a n t4i»‘g, .................................w , I »»Mliidllnga iMO’a. Wtt*al......................W- •■JJJPure harlev m eal,-................................... jj"oup good fewl.........................................R e^ rye fi»r eiwlng tper bu.l...........Wheat. l>eat. 1.45, gmul No. 2 .......

UAY S i u I Hmnihy. large or amall.Omni feeding Jersey, lari*, green...Miiej) and fair feetling . H'raw. Ni, afl: rut hay. • -

I’til'N TH Y tm il'M IiNTH A f»ri-k U L T Y .A'.l rallfxaaa at Hal prlcee. ewwhafe

f.«r ilellVHrltig add Hr. per irng and fk per lifl) ,ui i'alea . ____

Ma i l olUittHfi SAFE, u o t ii r n o f t M



.HNY tiNK with l2V‘i. «h o can aivwre an h-ur ‘ekh' 'v>ne evening wreki] rktlleci r*u


COOK- Waiited. n . in ilreHH. g.M-'l r-f>Trnr

Jamea at.

l»rtem cDcik and igun H requIrwiV Apply 34

COOK-Hoed *nlghta. A'ldTH--

ii'il liumdr#''*: go bom* Il . ll.'k IM. News otno*.

COfJK—\\'nnl#d u l'r-.i"#iant lk>» 740 Ornrig- IVint -fh. #.

euok. Addreae

rAN\'AKSFHs i-i if I aiivaiDMTa; eiperlence «htiere#e‘ir\ n • ! ,«> TU'»MAK. lup fl.MJr,

Me(ri>|*c>l1lun iui ll:!)^ Murket and Waihlng'on ala

RRKltlT young man wlahea poaitlob ae man for Hi -re or factory. Addreaa Saleiman,

lira 71 Nee* urttce ^ _ ____ _RAR TFN I'Fll-Young man. ‘,'^rman J J l).

waul# jiitemon. Addreae K . Ik.i Tl», Naw« offtc* ___________

AlJi*'tft iM* M.|.l It 11 ..'c\wk \ M p,iir of big Itiui-v a-D yrai^ 11, HI hand# h'gb, extra g " I w -ii team, irtt k. W'l of lUmhl# harueee.

- AIJU)r>nn p.'in ■* )cnra ubi. 12 humie high. w#iibr-ikvn tii l for rhlldrHi

Seal In .HI, i.on), I >••’#1* >.l n baud* highextra well i r<-ken, gvj*J .Irivrr h u I euiMicr. aafb for cln 'lien

- A l> “to be H M III 2 dW. baj eu I.'t# ninre. U old. U - ti.Mid# high. g'.,/.l ».i.i.llH mare, weii br--ki>H Iri l.anicM

I'Hir .lapi'le gra> n.aree, 0 . year# -)*-lau bftn.!», nounil alC h ' l envia w-ilbjok.-ti, lUry 4ie eXlra *v**H .........* v-il >-Hihar.l ) i-di them apart . ,

W f HJwBy* .»n han*l I'Vi to I!"' head ih hori-eH .i< pihAlf aale. ali>l aP .-r*e# ar^ ►ddon iwi -irt)- trial, an.l. If iw' lei'ieHeiu.d. I.urcli.i .'i .#ri l.rlng him ImI 'k ■' m) i"r.e i.e fure jiujiuii-^ eipTrae, and vv*- “ i l .■heertilby refund III# m.vhry, a# we d.- u ■ weri any "ji.'to k'*:' t. ti- r#e If not aa ............. .. .1

Our rtv'oinr Auclb*n aale# 1 ic #day andFr'iiiiy t.iin -r #h!tie,

II -<e-« and tiainesH r.-. i-he.l fp'in am r.i add. either at u - ' •» 'f pH‘ Hie •alt- H a t A riiX 1 '

T-i. I in- (1S2 T7B..H.,- S H-'Y. AuftP.neer

have l i .2««i venr f-.p'llfe; n.) riak -r pnwtii emplnjineni, iv '.tVrml |varil«miai-a. aamplee The C ilb Cabinet Co.. 2AY lb-.adway. New Y-rk._________________

A A. A RIHIT CASH F A in etorea. men-handlae. ah..on, c|.d>\mt dry

go.Mia. hamwara. Bro^erir*. etc., buxin'-aa mti- Idenlial, (1L\l'1iKVm A l O .

AB Idapenanl at , New Y >rk f

AN eitabitahed gnveery bualiveaa. on a re 'd .'. rnci III -me of the I.epi r* »idP'ioe

of the , l o . flra|-<-1n*H ira-t# ab-'iu Vnajj* re­quire.I Ad.lreaa Cereal. Hoi 2k. Newa ofhi-a

lir V whe.ii aetiil order al on e, ..milMlcn# v.irrmu higher priren, h.>'U. •Hpet-mHii-n

t r r t i iter .1 K 0»'MHTi'i-K hUlg . Chlrag.i n i'T C llF R "hop for aale iw U» let Imjulre STB

Fifth av*.

Tra ler#'

ASK yiMir grwer f«)r Hol«l. K. \\ Ham • flnj niiv-.rtng eaimct ol vanila. leniwi w bb-od

orange, u you find they ar* ni.i batiac and . henper than whai y.-u have !* «» rheerfullv refund your m..«ey: th 'Uln gtocef ihd keep them, aen.l in* A ir*ial w a I wi‘1 a»-e that yi.g are aupidlen. retn^her. * ••’ H p.ire Fxiracu not fancy tHiyaa tlrn. 1.1)1 pure exlraotg RttHT. K. ^ITWKiN, lui.orai^ry ak Naaaau at . Newark. N. J.A NKW AHK fHU'LTUY S l'F rL T r i)-g ir tc ily

fr*a!i egg# f..T family trade; N P 8 ^ ‘ch FShtv.1 fop Toala, 1150 per inO, (lelivtre*!; M I h to Idee. Irfe-H Liquid iJ.'e Killer eic, i plgaun foa-i) aioi auppitew uf all klmla, 5A3 UafKM at- il>*|.)W I'. H. R.), __ . _AI.T. tfjrta and aUea of frull. ahad* an*

menial treea, vinea and ahrubhery. at tn* Nawark Nuraery, Reytimur and Clinton avea • privet hedging a at»ecUlty lota muat *• «l*af*u for building. f»mc*. iHB llargen at,

A ljat«**i dealgna In ia« ami clentrl-'al ftaturea• h -T • ...... ■

c o a c h m a n an.) aerond man waftia altuatlon to manage g.-ritl*mHn a “ wlTJi

*(XKi Jfii-THM. iw- Addreaa He.lable, Hus 43. Nawa ufhee ____ _____________________ ___COAi ’ HM.vS Kiiallaliman wanla aituailon M

0..R. and o#i‘ful mnh. B'-hI raferenco,«#i. r#efu', iii.i 4S, Newa nffii-a. ________ _

rO A i’ IIM.AS. oolored, married. dealYat poal- il.di, Th>‘i"Ughly iinder#ian.l# hla bualnpaa;

refereh-B 21.1 A.ademy a t. rear. _________ _

CiUCKM.xS nnd ggr-Mier wanig pualtlon; pef. Hit-tn-K i'-.a.-hman |t.ix "4 . \>wa uiflCe-___

CANVARRKIIH Hulary and - i

7. 222 Mark*-' -

" ,, f1rei-i Ihhh i-anvasaera: A|.piv In per. iin. r. oni '■Ti 2 ;in.1 :i r M.

AflFNTS-IHMi ..V br>-B.1 iH-unlH. aitr-

Clm-inrirtil, O.

I ..I iii>-<’illlaIISIlKk:.

U ALLItN —On the 2lifh Inal . Ann A., wldiw '.f James Mallm (f-.rmerly Humming), ag'd 41 yea ra.


AN ex|>*rienrrd iiM ilmfrii merchant w m tej to a##ume charge nf |iecii..r' ■-ili'-e. ■lon’ l wpi'ly

tag you are wtipr,t in yn# v nir #ervlcea ilia for S weeka. 1‘iaitlun. U<>i (M. Sewagrdlia fc


A FINISHFR on ' ' h A tu monh' bs.i

IJINO A KtM'H 11 ■

He:*tlvee aivl frl#nila are reepectfully invtied pi attend the fuiierul un M-»nilay, itcii-her 1, at k:.Vi A M-, fr-mi her la'.# real.ienr#. Nn l*2ft R.mih Oriiiige avenue, VnilPiiurgh.IO PI Mary'i church, on pAtif'ird stree-i. where a High Ma*# of Uequmm a Ml be of­fered f'T Ihe rrn»ee nf her anul Intermenl In the Cemetery ->f the M -ly Sctiulchre.

IIA R R H -A t Caldwell. S J., Selileniber 2H. llaki. Mary C . wife --f Ki'r'iTt MurBb, aged

Funeral aervirea at her late reald"nc*, Cen- - .) ■ f t '-i Iw' • n M- t'-l-iy HI 2 r'H - Relativea and friends invited-

O'KKJ J r. • .1 the iXth met III tOT iHle r#si danve, 2M MH-llium Htreei Mnrgitret. belt»vrd Wlf# ff -lohn ( l‘ Keef#.

TIhIhII''*# -r-t ir|i ti.U >t »h> n*" r*-ipectfully Invited lo attend her funeral on .... ..-mV 0« loi'vi I 111 i -o A .it I . "iaie residence. an«i h A. M , to Pc James a Church, where a High Mass ‘ 'f fii-quP-in will be uffered f "t the rej-jse uf her soul- Interment in calvary Cemetery.

iIM FflON—At East Orange. N. J ..un Sepiem- ber 27 H a f ld F , beloved hustmnl of iJfare Almiwnn. agvil 41 year#.

Relatives 4nd friend#, aleu Kasl mange l -HlgeNo. 242,1- tc fC F.. and CioMvii Star l.>KlgeNo 2ti O P- of H.. are invlte<l lo aileml the’ funeral aervli-e* from Hrace Eplncupal 1 ‘hurch. lipnnge on Sun.lay, Seple^nl^e 3i> at 4 P- M- Rervtcep at hie lata realdenre, Bi Cambridge atn'et, Fast ornnge. at 2:>Sti P.M

•CH R O B PER -O n WedneHduy. Sepiemlier 2»i. EUxabeth 8-.‘hrneiler m e- l/Actlenm»yeri, beloved wife of IM-AJir l H-hrut-ler, «n«l i-harles Jacob rtrhmediT, ag->il 1 dny

Relatives and frlen'l*. h1h-‘ \ l"nf !#idiee' S ' rlety and Podi-e Mutual Aid Aio'o-'iaMun, at# kindly Invlietl to atieml their funrr tl on Son day. ftepiember -'ki. at 2 P M . fr--m their late reHldeitre. N ". Poulh Oran*'* flvi-tiu#, t* Woodland Cnmeterv fur Iniermmi

illH pTofIta. hnnd line I it lamp; sel # st • -.

than ker«)#ene. reiml U etrlusit e t» rrltot s o: ufaciurers, Chlrng >

imiH.. a I’.)'

.••I' ,\i-i*iy

Inii'fi’ •'ll gaMiiltnefl-e-lrlt TS : I'hHSprf

t'lir #:>i+'*:

CANV.APSKUH u h - liy , fast H"ii--f .ii.-i I

Wnrren hi ft'm w lu

>r NiuKfk and vHdn-IMII 2'<4

M ilidii)

CROCHFTCIIS i:x(M purse bant#. ■•*'>‘ 1 | >-

Wtn-k. AdJre## Il r -

rd gins to rrocl #i i|o- I Ity nml Sew* offlre

COItPKTS Fsperi-T.juung women lu i»-,

ZiHl 5p I'yngrus"

i.piwt lT.'n*»Te, or aljH>ng H K ll.N FK A IIKRT-

COMPMTKNT wai'm ed. f-T prlva'*- i-

uve., M‘Ait<lulr

i l rioimbermaid wanl- •iK i< >>]#•- 27 lllllalde

C l w a n t s iMisitlun: with doctor pr>» (<Tr>''l 222 eel Kinney *|, ______

CuiJ.P.,' T " li V-oiiig niMn wlHhe* a *#-Xt^-neTuei Colle.ror, g«K>.1 M^fereticoa. A'l

die*# r , 1., ;i t |l-i* 41 New # iirtlce.


:iT :th 4l IIHdge *1-. Nrwrtik N 1 \VK I I U K A FINK IJ)T '» !' IIP.Il ' LAS#

COACH HOHSKSand nuitbv handaom* mated learn#, sl»" a num ber "f hmh nil amund artom. < u .\

lA ITNR S A n i‘LK H' 'll -T s One Uiii.d-umie Sbetlalui lamy 'u-h' «i, klmi

fi-r I MI.Im'i;. alsoMSI KINK llRAV’T IH'llHKS

^'ur Ht.iMe# Hie cetitmlly sliu.itrd in ihe v.-ry lu‘*iM i-i Newark, and onl) -'ue m , k rr-mi ilie U.-htwamiH IlHllr.vad. The 'I'uira K- n -llexlit,, rr ,,1 I lly iP- "■ " 'th- I ,. r

tu,r j rli-.'H are alwaya the b '« ' -'l " - I'vi'alii-i'-*' 11 -Il

u . r h h.-r«e* lo lilre.T'l> I'lj-'lle ____

cyl.lK TiU N rA. r lrh « In -Il tl,«n ■ * * - 'vf-lij)i lb#' mo#t valtiaMe and in me eoMrr

Hiuie It will jMiy Inveeiois. larg# and imBlI. »,i addre#* Metrl^|Ndhan »'ll c ,. . bIu turner Hldg . 1.# •AhgHca. <‘al.CANTT and b 'W c ' slur#, wlm living ruoma,

for #ale. or will etvhange fur plunu Ad dress Store. Hot :U). News oflb-e.

at fai-ti>r\' prlrea. old work r#nnli new. Call or send t*oatal, llrvjklyn Co.. 40 Mechanic al

work reflnlihed ejmal t'l " - I Pklure

AN->l'tlKH 1 n.m B,nholJl njo. ••'*'‘ 1II .,iini,'i-i« Itn. *ui>pl(»- iOH.

A FR tlM -H K H * r o ., TO «|.r,n*fl.lif «¥.;___

IMHNUH tr .« '.fr fur .• ! . l™ »ll»n.(,.«1 6 l»r«* riKiiii.. r»nl lu "

Apply Itib Chamli*epa at. ____ _

ih )M *RCTI0S’KHY and new# amt* fur aal«27A Springdeld are

KSTAIH.ISHKl' iitTI-e. Hu* ^2

ulTii'e buslneas, fiBU Addres# Newa office.

liHC'm ilermon Ameru- rt# JiJii, T "I l -.enr#

Hnlul. lU » .'.H- New# .m*

Mild Ilk* r“»"lil"b

(iR N T lK M iN 12 yeRr# irn'elllng aaleemHn de>,vn-H rhh'ige to Inelile work. acqualniM

Wlih Jr.ig utie. also irkgrapli operator- 1>.. fliiK il* \i-ws (.fflrr

l.m l l.anj|- * •

fWiY wanted wUh *■• butcher huF»ln*!#s <ie |

erences requlreil. C.riTiHutcher. Mu» Tf*,

knowkilg- '-f Ihc ir* ,,| hi.r*cH, ref-

Ilf'fi-irril A ldreM

n o t wnnto-1. to tak- in* painting bueineae '■

ing c lI.M lL rS M ' ■ "Pt , K y t Orange

im V. 14 to Id. with r-f-r-i l#am buelnesH, i

HART, Printer. M' 1i ■'-v

tf h'lr-i- nn-\ learn . tie mill will

VI Sorili enntuti

I fi-nd Bi 'r# and #inri Ih J

n U M IlK K M A ll' lH<rmuiil urul w« ji|h.?.-

Ceniral hv#

1 R f-r-mpet-ni chafT' ■<f»r>-ii> e# required. 22

ittlJ iU K l' gli! wsrnel *>- 40 Souih cuntr-n “i , Ke

-■h Hb.J iRunJrcM. ' iratige.

I'lKJI WASHKRAtsdemy st

-<] III reamurant.

EtT BleTiiJgr kU'I 1 j pt-wrlip-r; sp- ri’* Klimvur-i p !<' IlKures iiiii- till t* inert Hntll* es- l|i B

parlcTL .SpIiH^sr 1 x i-r ’ 1. S'*-'*" iiftW'eV* If 'p:ir

FXFI UiRN''Fl» iruRi, •lr;.v >ijt ntli* vvant*'«l. Vlil 1Ai'i' '. Ill Thi- c'p hilxl'! ■ l-riii li un>1 funiU n il "

iFjianmerls. K'mvnrn e'

|u lY hIhiui ifl. bright Call Hi 11. COHI'N, ■

, Miilina reference#, mh iiisiiKe it^e.

IFiYP for first fi'Hir.

PHASS Sl’ lSNF.H w ijr*,d man. 11 .\ T 1 i

an<i ' 'xf '1

B -ll I V |S)'lUon 1' <v .-illKHU-: MFH.

l-li.I.i .uMaS'her

RCTCIIKR wantcl lu-pi t- .n Wniinm it. city.

HAltHKH UHnted, 2iMI |!;i'k •! . ■ ■ H'art M m

EXf'KKlKNi KH mllliupry Sr-rlngrteM *\c.

'r.Ttmier want*--!. S4

HKHM VN -'f g In i<r ..(iisble

News ■ Ilf e

<.| habit pork

clerk In gr«’K-ery, Addreaa clerk. Ito* 24.

DKKb'K {.oaltiMn wKni”d by yuung man. IrrSH K-ismon, Hu\ a7. Ne’e# oil.**.

^I'KCJAt, ni'SINKSS \VAO-'N e U N.Are >-.u looking for a bustriess wkk u ur"

i'»r l ui her. carpenter. plumbef i.itJiibii hnk- r lijUk .»r ui'Ml eipn**a WUfuri*’ W - hnVe ihe lrtiB""i line in Newark, and jre i.. un I tn rli.-i# ■h'-pn "Ui ihia month Tlesse n o su-l If vt# hio,' wbic you want, prb-e rim#i lu.i will lie -11*.le Hit. dciwn to imure sal# thi-* I.pi'iirtumis Io get a gmst nui Ca#h r rtisy lerma. iKin'l forgei th' we Hisii liHV# a large llna of |den*ur# v-m--iea nhPh will lie auld un equally l"w pn.-# sti-i

C O F c r-'N OytT)g« and HHi - 1 #

FOR SAl.K 1*0 you want to gu In bualneaa h> make mtMiry? nne uf the best o«*l vart# In

Newark no belter chance ever wii# offered A.ldreea C'Mil Yard, Hm l*H New# ultlue.(iDVhlKNMKST IhihITIC'NS Th.ri'l |>re|»ar* f-T

(he |,ifhce i.i any other cHll Iuaili>ti li-'nlege. \\'aRlil(igton, 1

Sillornce Ul nuy omer t n i» eT*’ .**- •---■••t will...Ill HtH-lng our i-atabigvie of infuetM leiii free, lidumbian Co,rrestMiiuienra CVm

tM H pI ► I'A Y INH '-onl. wood and Ice bilstiie#* with dtvulde h-ui*e and B lots fur aal* Ad

dress J'Hying, Rue B. Newt "iRi*

(pwHi Biil-K'h for aale Apidy at I'nlun Itrrw Ing c.y Ilf Newark. BM Springtield ave . city

li t missI iheiii.

I 'hat

biiifi B

jlKI.I.iHLIi: man dealrea i«i#ttlnn aa watfihmnn.grneruii) useful with luida tir aniuf^ tlr

rtiom. man> jear*’ e*p*Tien-r aa mai‘nlnl«i # hcli-r. refi-reme I>\\VI':R. Reat Klone.v

KITC x fP 'N wwn'-d h> )"Ung w alter 1,-r p' net

- H\i WlUUm "I

Colored man as an furnlah l.»e«t

olurej rtiiin wHiils eliuHilun, run el* jH.rter. Work of any kind. T. J-

IB Malden lane

KRItANH lilU l, Kuli'tn Sl­


tllHl.S- VAmed. sta bright R;n*, alx'ut 10 year# .-rag - I- leem t W h#eler A \YI’ -

Kon *ew ina livin 'Ing . "l.-k.ll ■iHril-lUII.’.K , . -- , , .

i* and .'W tjreen.

............... . will t,e j.ui.) while earn-iirre ih sn uppo-rvunP) f >r iirlght girls to

..I,lain .. sii-Hdv a-sal-iwy:-.*! Ai.ply Amert.-aii I n-iiTKarment <

ItCTLKU. I2''i WBntfd, eriir- t‘ \ . . Oningf.

COlALKCTnKS \re v-ui v w.-rk esflj- an 1 l-iie'' H '

are an In-HiHiniem in us>' > lectura. Aii'lTi-e" Mus'ler I

I'.l iig un-1 able to ,11 .lie H tiiisi>r, w-f , k TUI f.u g -.1 col « H2. N-we iffii-e.

('AN\ ASSKHS »».iiile-l nierv W h e*|,*.rbnee in the itu-ilHlmrllt I u-ln- ie #+-’« b w ’/b and

'tiH L VSunu-i. H'ireil, l Iiiln.l lisby

Wi.rk. iv . Mllf-T'l H.e

to id Herman pre* with house

ESIPM IJ M E S T W A I 4 T R D - F E M A I ^

who d<ia n y M-niuii resiiiliig In Newark.jh<'i'i!n,g, et. , fi-r families mit of town, fut

reniunM «i ion, j.lesHe Hd<lrena MRS. W , S RFATTV Hox tU. Kiltabeih. N. j . __ ________

a n AMKHR'a N 1‘ rniestant willow • - ‘Uhl like |K»Rll|,-n ** l|.,iMeJiee|n-r F'T parlirUlHM ad

dress Hi.ijsek»et-er. d»#'. Third at . 1‘lalnfield _______________

A l ."T "f g-T-il. ari’ llmated bortea for e.i'- r a-h HJJianda. oeal l»r«wn te--" p-iir bay rut«. liV.S hands; foiir g‘ lo2 -iti*- *#*1 brown tTutter *‘ «t. *2 IB line bav irnner. can Iwat 2:Wi, '•U'* ' ps--r, ran show ?:»> golt: aI*o Severn f s i mi-l...... .*. R-ao fine M of rlga to hli-'. h-^#'Hi tote b\ lH\ >T week

THK IIKKT U V F R Y STARLF < 'V B2 to M F'iurU] r - • ,

W M niVANS. M^t. is-r

C R iW i-R Y for sale In rapidly growing aefObm w tnii. A'ldlesH Cliunra. UvA h2. Newa

A • hargaiiis In gas flEtUTS*. bracket*, glohe#,__M.___ , .... ..... ^ lAieai de-Inrgmleaci-rU laimai. »1 Mure: Ik l'l' J**' algtia; ojieti eveninga TB Frinre at.; ttl. W W A.

A - -H-ni. bouir Kiireka developer, BO-. th- night, developing, printing and i*oU*1lng,

Newark Camera Cu.. V Cenirsl are. ______A RIU llnr ebter xnllla, wine iTe*«w, kraut «ut*

tera. JOKKFH A KillLM’ lIRR A CO., hard­ware. 74 i«prlngflebi

an.! i«wl u oi*. wlH w inpl*'*W a i " W *jin mt.right gtani piami.► dull'Club.

equipment fur sale, alar. aghrr * Ron up- “ - if ecndltlon; iU -ight gtani piami. all in _ . _

'.diitiuii liiqulr* uf RTKw ’ AHTt i "in T H,pt»TO>d upp'iaiis station. Uapl#w«HH), N. J-____^

|IAHKE1>R 15 new whtikey harrsla fof a*la che*p. 4 i2 rkuilh itrange ave. _______

liCLLDi'Ml and houi.d fur aale. B2 WlUlar# St . iJeJIevin*

Co NRCI^T W. W HFU>, Auefoneer, TI Acad- emy St near Vashtnatun, betor# sailing vour

household giKHia ur mwchatidloe; ws huy it fnitn Vi>u,/uf tell It fur yuu oft cniBintsalom. ___

U lli ’CKHV and tiulcher burinee# for sale; gi«el for ihr right pHTU, Rb'wnfisin a t e ^P

illt'M ’FHV dry g-,Hn|a snd luvs for sale cheap; )PP.wit* liubfii- Hch-rsd. 31 Hattklns i t .____ _

ij|ii»''KTlT slur# for aale cheap, owner leaving ip> « 1K'AY alnul a t - __________ _

K i;i'T c-oiiiinually on ban I. n . Imss Jrh era ljuallieit and N>-i

drafv horrea, will sedl niHrki'i i-fii'es. irlal given, f'pi ' <tt •‘Ai'liaiige The (Mty lJfi>-

RprIngfleiJ Hve. and Twanty-ftrei *'.................. •'-lip. Tel. i**-

H 'n v;i. for #ale, gold mine. *nd every ufie kn-.w# It Inquire I3T Market s « __________

\ W IL L invest ti.rsAJ with rellahl* pariv. wh<i re reaiiv i,i | ui vip same amount and atari In

leRiniiisle hllsInesB. iT wl'-l l»U>' parUierslHp in- teiv-i II. anv goud paying line. Address L. A . Iiifs 12. N #wr offl'-e ,

Cn>4 jd liuy fur raah and get atriatly freah COW'* cheap WKlUtl. t*|Tlugilvld ay*., near

AVaU St.. Irvlngiiin,^ _ _______ ________Cd YV Fi«^li Jerwey row fiw s*l* ST4 Spring-

dale a)w.. Eaat OrHuge ___________

JMMIH fur sal*; 18 upwsTil, hugnde hb-dia. 121 husaea av*

]>FMK It'di i.>iJ dink fur sHle cheap, Bk UarcyM -

ENtlUAVK U vlsltUig card*. wrdiSIng lavlla* thin*, adiiresi illes, #lc ; nu fancy price*.

flR KATH K AD. TWp Hmad at., over Wlaa 4k SoTta.

KniHfiN I'honogrsph and oulllt for aale cheap; good ae new. Bale. Rni 4. New* oftic*_____

MILK im C TK for h'-reu and wsgim

kilr. Kih quart* dally; gjod HW First uve.

W i; hiive JHli Ihe laiuet siyl'

M HTFCHKH. Prdp. t re'-'"Hed a lot of n*w rarrlun-

bright 1 L. II

nd ,tnii-*ieiit, m 't,T Cl > , I irange■ ilHI.S wii'Liud

\in.lMr elghle* itnd High #■>•C.IHI. A Herr nn girl w'»lil-l M mtivl biby hH-1

ii-Hlfit wUh K-!iera! iioDse'rtofk 2-t’' Hroad el

AKK IY E K k t I l V M A 99 .McDKRMOTT-Kectmrt Annlversar) Mum

Requiem fur tb# re]*ise of the soiil of the late Thumaii J- Mi-Hertnoti <vn Mondiiy. (k'tnlwr 1 . SI A A M , fti Bt .laincB s Church. l-'rlenJs are Invited tn uilend.

I i.n-. ih" Cgi't'l,^,^•HTK^•THlTT 1'lnlnlleM

At'lr-## M

wame.1 tn .1,. pjnln -e-viiiis -.n gig Bu-idle I.H'ts KVITII Hlli'tt . Msrkei

{'ATAHLF mini f travel hiuI »Pi"tnl Jig-n!*.II isH> veHrU -uIsM pi-niirtmiil i-oi.ln ,n,

rupM prom. Hon Su|-rliilen b-nl, ( i-upymtl'e Ikvi |)*'Bfhorn hi . ' l.l flK--

;IH I> wsnlrl l> h ilT V N Y a

i-n fancy nielal g-»< ■ongreee #1

A - ' -re.l iiu-l white girl# un hun-l f"i hou**-wort- P) If '-unlrv, Knii'l-wneni .\geiuy.

*4A A. loletii) St J HKKK'^iN ____ _____

Mt'iian wants washing and Ironing. Ki., ihlnl dour.

JrAY'S W'lUK i%jHit»-i| wniosn wunts washing lo tahi- h-.inr oT go -'Ut l.y Ih* d.i) 2* ArllnK-

lun SI. ^ _nil Tii»s-isya.

C C i/.'IH 'l' lISJ Hl-lg'

nibtjrr tir* eurrey#fu;ml...u1#, a S" s f "* Hieel-tlr* run«b. ii- Hhlili have been Use-l a lIHl#. and t»i> '‘-.up--i

ticw Call nml #'•# ti'*-*!). and If they *.i i . -1, VI# will make Ihr price to suit alfc'- c J III I.I, A Cii.. Central H\e and High si._____

Nlt 'i-.LY furnlshSil i HU r #rm hoUi J *t , -sell rental, 'hear

I T.-venieUI rtce

Address |{mlBey.

for aal* ts> n t. all Im

liuE 4, Newa uf-

intM h a l f . St a bargam, lh« f*lk>wln| high- ITb'ed luMika: AmeHL'in Me 'hanlcAl l>m-

llunary Knight 4 vuta. full calf; reople'a Encycl"t-#dla of Univertal Knowledg*. B W » . half inir. U'alem Marin* Engineering, by N. I* Iturgh. 1 vol.. riolh, A ITactlcal Trvaila* no Hollers and Midler Making, by N- P. nuffh, 1 v.J., cU4h- /.ell'R Knryclupaedla. 1 *01* ., half calf Inquire 2tU IFuatl at.. New ark._________

F)'U HALK^Parlor atove*. Jl-M UPI Cu^ Hioves. |A up, sewing tnachln*. W \ 34 pari^

'll ]» KSTAlt],lSltKl> bariieCs itore. With cum- iib-ie lUiuiea. to let hi III! NuTth Fourth st..

llsrriaon, lately ticcupied by Tuny Jurdan; low trJU Apply as above, ur to H. U. DJSIjI^ 32 HiiMtigHeld ave. _____________

ll\fi.NKJ*h ANU m *ANKKT HALER- PuLK) hurness. JBIH' other hameaa reilu< «-l

K -1 |..nd lilankelj.. h:.. apiece; #Etra hes-v lo IP ini. k i.laiikets, 12 TB, f*'^n blankets. T.ik I ,-t Ih H'nide blanker# f‘*r little mufiey. I-. Mrl-'LKS 21NI Hpfli'ghrl-l «ve nlid k4 RoW ery

LAY H work wanted f-.i M" i'al. 17 e# K'niiey pi, I’lt).

UEHMAN w >i\ian whiMh P- g-' “Ut wasbliig stil Ironing. M.n-iH># and Tuee-bty#. .u' w.nk 111

H resiauram. Ho Hu)-! et . near ISili ave.

D w k tb n o d r e a f r r * l Y * t l l o o 1 * (r fo r C lH M lf lc i i l la a w i l l b * foon iJ on

_______________ _

| iB II)G R T A K E fl« .

'C A U .K N A M ATTllFW F. Cnderulw-rs.

(RUf'ceasiirs tc Cha#- (t-imi run.)U7B |tri>ad et.. cur. Marshall sr

Prompt Attemin-n given lo call*, rlay nf night. T*)»d'hones lit]

• W . J .m 'LL O O K ,Bul'ceaaui

HuJlflsh &■ Crans,M 2 RROAp HT. 'Phone 154

Betidcnce. 4S Willtam «l,. Rail orantfc.

CAYKHKH Wsrpe*!, f rcmuri, w Im UTcb. 'lhU le „P iTsnche.i t.r me .a .v cu s v l l ' .

eni-r leqaff.J A'l-lre** ^Hi^rer. Ik'X 'H'.gfflce __ ___________ _______C LE R K -W am e.i, a .•.impeteni y-utig nian b>r

Ihc gr'K-er,« hti#li)ee« ChM*-r I tc-iilgh , w» F'.Uflh Hve ell.t _CARl’ KNTKll A msr aani-d^ »h> h ‘^

mirked at carpenter ir.i'le Imimr. at -UN.-rtVi lllh e( ______ _____ _________________ _


riilladelpiuH ______ _work

Bum ft

II KI. <-> HUted St■ iiKiil fiimil' . g

7‘t .‘luRsex ave..i-71tMAN w,.nian wishes place a* housekeeper fi.r gpnllernuii or lady. beHi refrrenceii |4

itiiHriiud pi-- Lwet ' 'range.

Ut 'm lahle Hint d-- Wtthhillgluii et

tKHU I Pi.

Hi d IS'inJrei.

IP>I «r;YVnHI«; a peat gl'l waiit-a 1< T b"Use- w,,[k xm-b hotiP.-, iiu washing, a good

h-irip fT S td.e glrL lefercnc*. UG Hussel Hce . Kusl I irartge

fnrIP T S I'W ''U K Wanr-il. H,rK 111 sninU family. MKf’

and A'alley ruH'l.geiiernl h'-iHf KKI N'IJ^T.\K Ki'llcvue rpl-er M'rd'hili

p'RAMF-MAKKU AViinlvl, a flr'*# niak-'T im - H ..l-ninK ui7,lT,-ll„ rr„,.,-».

1.’ 1SKKI. * 1' ''. 11, ''.Ik .

OiMil, nipn nil. ‘ “ I '■‘ H

ItiiiM'iitf and lewtn .\-m jiii-r , - .4 Mark'! flt._

WILHt.*R II- WHITE, vindertaker .ind #nih:ilm- er. lata manager for Ira H. Hrmuby Is niiw

Icnrated al 257 Clinton ave. Telephone .tB6.JOdKUA HRlKItLKT.


J V. JACOIUT0 5 30 N , undertaker*US Roaevllle ave. T*l*|»h«ne 221 IPioevilir

H AKK Y W T A V IS . TH, W71 N.w.rh ave. and New st., Irvlngiofi; alwaye opm.

B. U , RKINNKH. undem kM >n,l fral.i,ln,fr. No. 214 Clinton » « , T«leph„nf 12,n«-

O. U. EHD, CndM Ukfr ind Embalintr/fio. 22 W illiam It. Both ttlaphoa*. OIU-

C B M E T B R T H B M O H IA L t.

iiTMVirKFm wfinh'd -mi -■eiirl hultoiie srul nuv • /-K U t.E n E N l.R U 'M E V K ir 21 ICt

I’rnsjteci al. _ _ ___IRlLKRf.HiKiHJRlMrN prea* fw .tvi- wanted

PRJNTINH lIUl'Hi: _________________UnURESlIi^KR wam-1 g - " l fl''"'rnii»n. Apply

Sijond.,y murnInK. .M'*vhiinl si- ____

HAT blocker wanted K'd TILLIKR St CARR. 20:1 Kussfi av*.

J kWKI-I-ERS « .»„■ -! n K .M r,.,v.lllf«, a*«d worknren nnl)- n' '-l

{nftii h box muker. and Ogden at.JBtVKLLKRH w anid lsi'l‘*r w»ni#-i on plain

rln« n-.-rk. Apl. v i |v. kh.,m^Sfa,nl-* Hln« Mlg, 121 Uh-ny -I

lum'timan and

il»,, K-.Ml *llv-rI: yi i i s A ,1 , , Thlril ave.

OEOROE BROWN h . CO. BetahlUhv.l 1B60.Ueilrnere and Manulatlurei;. „r


G R AN ITE. M A lim -E ..BT>'NE.mmy, . loL-i I levrT.t .K A\ R..m AND '*24 U E LL EVIU -E

Oppoalte antranee lo Ml. PKaaanl i emeiery^

C E M E I 'B I U B k .

ARLINGTON VEMETEJlT--P^I,,r.'-(iJ* of modern park plajlDni., ' : . l^ j ;r " .u i ln ;t "na o D u n l of heel oeraet.n- .yalein, Arllnri-m

e lm Lave nmar, ,t . et clay « - ***broad gt. and at ei>metsrv ArlIngtbOe N. J- _

1 rNCM M AN—Y'uuiig man _‘ aalier and be »rn-r,illy ueemi erm,n,l Mli-an and lH,a-|lng alley ., Hr. h i„,nith a,ij boar.l, Ad-,lreee C ee fu l.jlo l l,,, N - - - ___________ _KAN warned. uprlpW i-harevter. 10 "U nafa

e.uMi-hv.i n ^ Vner w'i'eli arrl *xiM-nsee. p«>uide earn weegS7rei-l from head,iu»rler« 'O'enee »d'vanred; poelllon VM-r,„„r,en , rertreoCT_ Wend 4" .l_ l^ u M ^ 8^ C a i t . .n milMlok, l.hlvato.-------

m a n wanted In eavl, "»l',ry . h-ree amiwHgun. If comi"’ f‘ ■' ''

vl.P-e*. KtP, direct I" ", II with or without prcmuini#India Imporilhg Cy , L - Vurk CHjr.

I] less, roffees, I4,-wives anil sturr# I.I custiimer*- West

<liefn\\ich 11.. New

imr>i|'\vi «ttK tVanh-'l. an IntHUgeni girl H 'l -T wtili h'luei^vi'-tK in imall tamlly; "I*''!

1st niHvr.I Ut MhiHmoii stUernvtn ur American girl ro 'lu

nu Tcuahing Apidy 41 Kasr nrange. ___ .

Hi,»rpK\V< *HK grn*-T ,| I liovjfl"-'*-

tViliuiiiiHorfK-:’.\>iIlK Wanted, girl fur Kf>nt>Tul hoi^-

-rU f.ililli) uf ihTce. must be good J'ltlrt ersik 2''i" ''briton hvc, _____________TtfilVl’ W -tllK—Young girl wstiied f-r genera! ” hmjVw-rk iTi email family; L)*rmuii preferr-V1|U H-.lPh I llh Ht

■i-iing girl to sHNist with fandly. t » ‘ Tiiu-d u


Ilol'SKW ' iRK \ h-ia»ew Tk , "T1U1

Oeniojn ir'-lnried, _______!Riri-!K\V"UK A yoling girl Oroldi P

In |i iiscvi. i,rk. nil <.‘i>iiklng *ntl wu>biugl.ftfsvril-' Hi ____________n iifiiK ii'iR K ‘ liri wanxM for g-nerwl iu-nse.

yl.,k 111 f'rUiite buiirdlhg-houee, pIkcp h-nieWl ri-utre "t- _________________

n nrsK W I 'RK him-*ew"ik ‘

Kmjh iiruiufp-

Neiit girl wanted f' f general ah Hi UO .North Nlneteeinh st

iin i-sK n .'U K 'mwd B "''lirnnun or rulurvd preferr'**! < ft 1 4nvTh.,ni-i" _____ ___________ --------------------------nor*^FWi>nK Olrl, id, wanted. fisHiel wM

IlgM 1,,'iie-rturk. Cn:l Humln) afierii.>-ni:tlh I

-For sale. fHSi [lactug h"r#.e. "Idam unl p ' 2.3P ^*c(^^d. rubber t[r#i) runaksiut, lit­

tle used, with new IsmpB. g"'>d set of harnse#. liii-il \vHli nh*#)'f-kir; nem Wunket, all e.ini iije'-- imTUT must Mell, cun, b# seen ■»} night this Meek urul Huii.lfiy njorPlng SI Hlurr *t ^

Tm iK K i’"* ! WHgiTui. Ihrre *'•* fur-miijre T»ij ihllk aatf'bs. •■IP' single hir-4'-

truck f' ur large v-al irii, k#. ihree HkM wag-'fie ten iL'eM aii-t lop wagon# .dieai fur BSh. l-,Vk piivee. eu#) term# if dedi|re-t Tlb'H, A T i'll.t- jt( jS, ' ’#n:ral sm

I'ATKNTH Fr**! Valiinbie mun#y makln* book Mil iMienii; tells all about patent* and huw

iM ««• utr them st low '-u#!. gives lUU m<«hanl .-Ilf nunmients. invaiiiabl# to Inventor* and niet'hsnl.s. leJI* hnw foriun** have 1t**n msd# from *lmpl# Invention* »hai other* hav* laugh e.l at thr lIHl* Jen ln‘t dime l>»rik msd* OV#r lurs'issi, glvfi letters '>f wealihy manufaotur er# nl)>' sant gveu) invention# In their like, send us rough drawings uf all yuur n*w ld*us fir Ifivpniluns, no charge f*+ "ur oplnlMi a* to iheh l.e|ng new and palentabt#, advb* free, tells h"W t'l capItaJUe and organise tuint lUH-h iiwiehi right fumiwnles, this valuable Ijivsnliirs' guide botik nisUed free to any addreae |r IS liierhuwing wPh Invaluabl* rm>ney msk Ing patent inforniBtlcm. Mg b«'"k

WKAltA « c u ., psiani allurneys, vpp em l>rh« e. NP2 H it . \VH*blriit"ll, I' C

4t1l Ht

HKL warns pluf*-, lirKl-riasH iiK-k Call 7d 14iis- ee)( sve , F.H»t urarge.

UOl'HKK EKFKil Wumim of experience nnd fertnemem, cat-able of taking iliarge. wlfbe*

po-dip-n II" boutekei-per 4«.mpahiuii uf Intalld*. .\d<Jrvss C Hue Ufi. News nJlb'S.

IlDCHEWOKK-lCblerly woman wants sllu-v lion light huusewurk; no nasbing. sinull Hg.-H K. I'-. 2bii HprliiKltciil tive

11()1'SP:W( iRK-YriHng rtd,ire.l w.imaftneral huueework : gu h"ni tiUlits. WLLL- \H JU MUIstt.n Id.

M.VRlMlN |?H hiiy«t gii.-;l n s l l‘•■n), ; #011 n«v light buslnees 17 buv* runabMiit i-r-lei wug -n.

II S'. «*pcedlhs -'urt. I'beaP, In hue >r-ler ,.wner I'Vltig up biisinee'* *’1111 4;,'ll HmUIIi ]MIi st i>iii iHiiiilh "ratige ave _

llARNKHH New snd seciind hnnd hiirnrss riienp, nu high PeM «'■ pa)’ . !■'’* e»prii*'-s. It

*Ul I'#) yuL. loeer US before buying.ASCmCNMAi'U. 70 Market si

HKIL W a k u NH We have In «iwk the cele- braird Cuiiimblt and PHudeOaker skbt wagon#

and carl#, harness fM heavy w rs. NlCUftlkO 5 ZAliKLKR, 71 anu TS N»w st.

HOrHKKEEFKR-YS'anr'd- p"aHb-n as house­keeper. thoroughly i-niupeieill. AddrcH# 1). 11 .

lioX 7Pl. News ufllce. _______________ _jlM fS K K F E r'K ll—tifriiiati wm iin wuni* plnc»

Hs b"U!'''keeLier 23S |irii--e #t . hasemeni

NI’ RSK - T’trsltlnn »s nurse HmalL family. 1« IbJuJlnot st.

>r to assiHt 111 a

f,,A|T10N wnntPJ o» -,r i.m.--•i.iari, tiy wupB "f '■"I'*'!;,;'’ ' ' ;mces. C«i; or address Uil South 7ib at.. New­

ark.HKFlSKD middle-aged woman dealfes I'‘ ih1-

llon ns working h"ueek'-per wlih'iul laundrjy ,,'firk. ur any ivosltlon i-f iniKi. reference, dresB Huua«k*ei>er, IMv 10, New# ulfice


HTHNI.>n!lAl*HI5R. cashier and nsslsiani biKjIt- keeiiff dealiv* poHlilon best of r-ferencea lur-

nished. AitdreM K*t»erb'nied alilce

Hue bl. New*

AKKIAHKH W# arc ageni* for the ceb-brateil Moj'er Ciirrlnge Compsrv; blghesi an-1 4ie*t

gfgd* ’h the market. Nll'lltrLH 4 ZALll'.I.KH 7 1 and 7fl New st«iRRAT HARiiJAlN bUyn pice. «mnd. sir-

llsll hurec HUllHldr any busllies# putpi.#'* Hlsu nh e • I'Uiln fiiustang, rlieap MRS. HARK, 124 ArMugu.rv #i _________ __ __________lUtNAlb'CTS We have the liirgesl and mosi

oompleti' line in ilie Hlsie. bar imn*; JS5 i- 1225. N il 'l l ''1-* * KAKEI..KH TI and 7s New al

H0nf>K bl.ttik'U- Brt'l ls|i r.-l-r-e. Urge gasori( i i a m k t k i i a nn.i.AT in .


F A lfiY wNPite.l «Mli ll.ikW to tak* one-ihirt Jnierrst In eaishllHliM Itjaiiufactyrlng buel-

nee# good prohls, d.-n't hesUale InqUlr* SrjKHClT/INKR. I'M Market jm New

TFM FFItATE man wsnved to take half Intep- edi In flrsi-rUss pi^at. 5*h sml jKiuliry mar

k#i smalt ifiultal required money secured, *s lierieli- e unnecesHtry , grand iipenUll hir Y'Jbng man please lnveiil|j»le. Address HILL, J. '■4. lioi 231 I'eeheklll. N Y . .. .

IituH#*!* I'arbrt. 114, parlor auR, tlO; Am u*li fiiMing lunl III). William a t .______ .

nK HALE At seunnd-ha»d lumbar yard. *11 kinds htiibling material, aaah. blind*, tluura, I, eb . . milk Ituillag and ua>«*. ..Inquire at

H4 Main at., Ka*i (iimn«a4____________ . ______

FlHWM'dor) fuf *al«, n p*r load; also atooiid- hand building m*i*r(al of *v*ry d«iPlptlt»n,

Including styves, ran<*a, haaitr*. aad all klhai luml'lng nisurlala f'all^ at Hank and

TJREN 5 IIsloey atJi. VAN_K lBpR *N * I^^N. ___

>w and calf for aal*. 16 Cedar ft-,KIUKIAA;

If runmlieid.

H l'N lKmbl*-bafTall*d. breech loadlnf ffUD for sal* i;h«ap, 100 5oUlh av____

IIa YH a NKMICK will aell fur (TUHUh only, be­ginning B*pt. K w * f . ai hprtftiReld aV*. and

Rfiuth 7lh at., polgioea, otuuna paaobaa.grape*, applea, or h*ana. _

I.ADIEH kW Suitor. T»c.: Ikdl**- kia KMWi ur l-utloli. II; UdHi «n { kl4. 1 » » »»

liutino. I ! . 16; U6I** MmpU k<d lho44. I l . » j.u, .- .4 A.v, )lC«dladle*' kid calf. Iac*d, |l-40i man a ftp* . *h.>e*. 11; m*ft'a buff ealf, l*oad. H -U l. man * buildup tan sml black. lac*d. t u p j hojr^Uood ahoe*. H m#n'r patent leather*, II.BO. WM. J. M vK fNNK Y. S7d Plans at.. n*ar WllUam w t.

l / i T ruse and alralght cumb minorc* pullata; well hreil sltH-k. H4 Alplns it.

"IFA sU'i r.igee ItfhX m2 . New#


fur A'ldreea Tea,

B tC Y C IfR ft.

w h k h ; l )!i.......... tl.H w........... IN fki.......... 25 00........... lifl W........... 26 uO........... W IM)........... M tW

18 60

WHKKlufl.Hlwclal, regular l-ni m-dvl.

ftpT'liqineld ......... - ■Hemlhgion. KKMl. !.%•> m'xlel LialB*mer, 'i year guaranie*.................................................lUcyule, I'b'. Irai-k rnref . . . .Trlhiitis. ITTi. flalnlea*............i'eerleaa ..................................Antlra* .................................Hpecinl, 2li inch frame -• -- - -

IMi bargslua In serond-hatid wheels, from U Up' U«N‘ 'hibune iMndrin, fuj*>'„lf''*f clawtur.l. ‘J4-tnch frame, 46 /k lm-h Tribu„,, Hit* new tJb. Cal'w-mer. gou-1 a# new. lift: In­ner Tub#H Nfte , ounilnuoU* ringing t>#ils, |5c.; anod Isiui-e i'kOi- . guaranteed gas lamps, |3-54; JS^iante.'r t1re#.‘ fl Uwanla ” 7T'' al h . t S :

■::::: i r

U A K K tb* bens isri fre*h rut gre«i bon* •Tuesdays. Thurwlay* atul flilu rdy ^ Ply-

nnrtitb Htwk Poullry Tanli. B. DBNBIfJM. W all at.. Irvington. ________

MACKINTnHHEH fr-r ladlea and men retailed III fnrti.ry- 0ft Wallace at., ntar Huulh c r -

ttuge ave. _NFM liKH mApl# ahad* traaar' varlnua sM # ,

must i»e aulif to clear prutarty; owtiftr will warrant these tr**t. will tcu ^ t rsaauaabla of­fer M HCHKK, yt Bouth Jeffaranti at..Ofanft*.

i»NK irtster cuunler. nn# caah r*glai*r. show- • ser C4ir. Nurfulk and tVutril *v*., Tranafrf

tlVKKi'uATH - For sal#, iwu c\’erci>al*; UI.60 A-ltlrews CL. Uo» m , N # *i offc*. _________


men( IKn; Iftin Market at

flllALI- I lu'b-rni wngfjn. I'-fi, pbiifurm nm- nibg **.ir llo g<a>a t"p l iJgvy, H- H

TILLIN' Niun-TD’ and 'ihver "I h

8TVLIr=II Mil mare, IftS hand" g**"*! roaderalso ......I h" i>e#e. r'nl

afiiTTii - fl I • s) I'-r st.,

I hand'I beiWeen 2 shd R anv 1 rruuR

i,)ored woman a'unt* Nhbnuu pi

WASlMNCJ-Ueapectnt'lH Washing to take boine

V. AHHIN»J-Oermati * Miuri w am* wftahlng und Ironing to take home. I'i4 Hoyl F- ___

W ASIlIN O and Ironing "U- ^snte.l Monday onJ Tuesday. Inquire IHi W/im-n s t ._______ _ ^

ViU N U wMBkil w on,, *■ Ik In rmlBurint. ,'i!| >11 WMk, 620 N.,rf"lk »1.______________

P IA S O a A M * O H O A N S.

>HK Nrkt Ilrl W4 t.t*d f 'r R.n.rHl K. Call at 102 Wlllliini at , ■-o"!

E B iO L D T I O a # K K a S O B S E ^

leiUmiynlals- Summar ■**., eit*.

whal yoo

FO W LER "YorkBftst Twanty-flr^

rS O P . PRITCH Alin, ' ’’' ' ' ' " ' ’L''."!"' •rven'l™K ifxcM . B76 in-oka *1 .. rn°g!_~0!£l!LtlISlS—

S B W p b h l i c a t i o i i #,

i*x.'u:i«r 6Vi«iuni i» " ’ ' . . " " ’I i ;

:‘r'i "-in'-pure nginring K-pple who aerve

eto. ft fl5* uppur;unlit I# .>rreie4i, ukiurkXi# k . WlLjRvYN, lakeThb'i

>|i q U1-.W huu-' '

tllBUK'- __________ _________ . — —iTmT s 1;W "KK’ warned for generil Itnuse-

1,1, wimhlfig; wage* II2. Appl) il*' Su'itliKHli M ___ ___________* ---------- -------ut .i w|--vM'KK Wanted, a good glri f r g'*nhr*l

bun<"-ii''i'l<- -Apply at ono* at V4- Hmnmarave, ___________, . ---- ------------IKH ■||'\ "K K -N e a t young girl f'-r general

i„-ii.-m m iK, t.lerman preferred. lu-i Hummer

N't Nasoatl st.

>loT,i; .lr u « b» T fil rn.'.'mmnnJfil.jinJ fu'nUh ItlOO cash. Managci, im intr 74, New iinveibCODP. _______n iTTK IlK-M AltEIt v-HTl'eu; fllXt-l’lsss WOTk-' a?ei.U pa> . VAIJtN-TINE'fl, J6 Ailing SI. ______________________


a\e. ________

Iron. 464 High an________ _

ir7l HPiO'nK7 airl,,w»ntj>d fnr h„uae-

M NEW uprlfhl piknea r m u a j 41 “' ‘ r P '* "“ Kurrronmt Idia monlli, « r n r -

nSino 4 rt, e In. hUh. T i s u. t * v « , for (IJJ; wirninifd for 6 r « r a . 11 J"U I pl»r,„, 11 will 10 )">'r fur the pric* w* hav* hami'il i# certainly ■■ any ar*l«r non buy tm- Thfa If °fuur i,ifh * r « it jico i. Dull I ' l ' " " ' .Inalrum-nl nn ihr niarku, -'’r / ' - f 6 s ,r the Urmet swi,.r,n,rm of plen™ I" New Jfrsry; raey okymmis.


tnllk. t-aker, light 1- NICHOLH *

WAOi'*N^ 1‘iitcber gr-x-eiT r«pTcw> tiAPiily i<vng-ifi#. #1

ZAKFLI l: TI und 7:t S ^ w ^ i ______ __________4 have a lui of slng> and team VI III Kelt rlieHp N K 'llO U t A

7:-i New #1

HAItMlS.'i hsriii-'-

7rAtlFLf.b,H a NI'-‘<"M L \\ "leh iH'uy H liumJs. *1 year* old;

line k'lr- .ih'l I.... .. Hctlnfi. stt'Jlier wnd driverCfpmbln*-I 14“ 'VntrhlSrcrnNIi II.\M ' Ismiilry wsgun, iJiaeinfv bug.


fiortford ilrcii. litirp; transfer f r ^ all car#, uarixoru u f k h KRT ACHTIK,Urj ' It Huge st . 2 I'i'

IN n tic K u -

cks frp>m Kruad at,

FA vr lin K, tW model" ...............................JlR.ThI lIlKKi Y L47' UI"1 Mi'nlelH JH* pTi snd llTIKt hV a M 'IN ') thM riiudels............... tfftS v A ll 'lM l itainles"). 176 mudels .................|w

RFT’ MI^IN'i ‘a ntsiHer*!.Our fii '" fy In equlfthed lu d<j ill kinds tjf work.anti -.-It |,r|cHi sf* right.M All'IlN Js"F lll.K H 61'ORTlNd fKMJDB C O ,

fj„ ., .-wovr* »o Keef A M»rtm Cycl* Co., m :- Itr-ead si . opp- C, 11 H. Dapnt.

ales, s'lrrev* TfJM-lN ....

Maruifacturer.IhT MarkiiPt st.,

next tr Newark Thrair*.

hava a u«w alyck uf fine upright tdanui, Sbuninier. Dthning. JTiinkim

winsbl* prlo**; caah or -m easy ^large aiock of good •ajuaf'' piflnu#. frum IWi w IT6. Franklin Plano Wareruum#, 21

runnb'piits i "MirdI iivp*

N Fitr sills, ties r(i*l wggon; nr*-p"i lull. dll rilniun at..

niruihxiii urul hames#, ss|>arai« p uil J7Cp KinJWtjuil 4i'e , Feast

hftirsg" rcpulfed ut .... 1 \0rk. prices Ic-w

AS4CHRN- 70 Market.

r ......1 h.irse#. ibree w ,rke-rs, on«i !4- i ii-sp dNH Fftlrmnimt ave.

■ nghi i-niitif# fiir sale rheap. . M miclalr.

•..iM, iwn nhull ml k L' NaSHpiii *1.


chitje III n■ '

in II.- I- 126. The-W hSej n P puyiTiMii ‘

I'l'.S uf wlie*ii sre very Juw nuw, Mil st* thiiikihg <if buying a ma- I now II the time lu Invest. " R a M- r# I4U and are ih# rhespetl wheels m run ••FK>ATHKItHTiiNEH' ar# # tugeiher with "ur secuuil-hanil ri i># bought fipr easli or an uur sssy J #lem.

FI'IKmNH- Fiir sale, t¥\ pair uf comm«rti pMr*unj heap Inqulr* Sia ciwveland ava., Hartlsoii.

piniL t a HLRB Kur *gle, i P**«l liblea; Ivury balls It* im iild^pl^_______ _ _________

h h o w c a h k h .Tl\e rhsipest plan* lit Ihe Klaia fo bit* ihow'*

,'.n .iy I»re.d»ll-ure,l tree. l.ttW l* URuB.. w6ule««l« cun- fr,.Ur„,»r.. 74 end TB K-rry n .. Nrwerk, ___

t i l l , A B E fur eele et M- tmtie. Inquire UPlMi Hri ii l st

HI-’ F It A I. slii«wi's«es sTtil l•^unl*'r* fiit sal# *1 l.n,e, fa ll M J WiHB • B-.NB,

III-It.! S' ________________

K iiisg ■iiip'A iMi'ls. iranspaieiivl'-* and iMtsf- ina ■> fill kin.l# IlFS A-TAK, T‘'& Hr-ad ■«■

rP'll' lei - f"!' su-u clisap; Ifi g'-7b W iiinul "I

N F W A jiK c Y f’ i.E err.iHW iiruad st.

»6 fkj 4 t#l 7 6*1

. 'J -W I 60 tl 1st

retailKet'Hblnjt uur si-etlalty

#jirnH pl-rlir-g, MTifnI iiiid C-.I. .1 w c n r i i 7‘N wniism

HAlCrV' I'-l' tires niMkJ irluilrK pair...liuiirHi ■•-I l' '" .................

FnliiiiT ' , .............. ..................................... l-,r 1'“ - ' ..........Ifl 'yIP Kill , PlUP’ . '"U II • . ...................

« . ,l«" r I'f'ikr-, ntiedI iinipS iind Hit HunJrl

• t wlc I M-All i'll Itinihu’H EM i'Jl ‘ ‘' ' ‘" " ' ' " e

B.Mul.U.tB up If * i ‘'increaeii.y ,.r eK kinds

H A M ' r-.r Juile. ‘ 'or. Murray aiul 0"b le ^ ,s f<ir SB Is. Ai4<Jt4TSSp' Hue fcniiile ruill# pU|i

T ll"M F H "N . i2Vi bprlrtgilebl avr-

H o a a r h o ld G o v g i *• < ! F n r n llm r * .KINK psrlur set. r.ak dminf table ^ i 1 m.itf’h, "Ilk liednioMi s-t*, enamelled bed", hair n ,iu re„.-« . N-a'i.rr pHI-iw#. il*g*m rtTVV.l

Mlnui sMelewsr'l. pl*’ '' “ od n*ant*A >Tbl#rmpt^ijUrpi'iTi'Hiid Ibiuleuni. rarpeta ami ^ ■ ..mbliiallun Imby crib and

CK terse# fiyf sale. Irupilre HR

NO CHEAP iE C O N D -IlA N I, I'lANOB • " tj>“« W4 r»nt for U inonthly,

worth » « > lin« l»0*: rent al,o»iBl_|t_rurqhwd

ssib.l o s t A # I» e o i i i ^

pgl'l for rtJivfn ».> Ai^r^m n g*. —

TaTTiMnten wanted' firHi-t’Itts* man,^noPPe " ! near Houlh Orange ava.,Kawtrk!_______________ _____________■AAfWieirit wjinteil' vfiiing man who undar“

-^'.e a » v " ft.

,rh 1„ "inoll r»n>lly._<» Afori ave.T !orSF '''D B K -U 1rl for »ener»1 bmnework;, 2rt Allanllr ai.

wRhlt, k roMonkblo time. BON. M ■pyPniPPaW kV*


. . . 1 , -r w W t K -O lr l wintail for irnetat houie-w‘,rk. :< Ni.r^h 71h at._________________________

iTf.rainVi'nK-^Jlrl wanted for *..nrral hmi»e- 0 ,1, k 2" Nrlwn pi._____________________________

W ARD 'S »r»«t re,,l Hpunna. upii»llU »nd wiuarer, »tt6 for

uprlflu; gulnwkv. Webrr. ' hlrkerinjr very loo; M. »1 to IIS monthly; equarei. 121.Weat Parke ____ __________

pRKflSIiRN—YVunteil at nine, llna ooftu- U rn ^ a t -____

i>r*aim*n cm

rnetT r .,7 T le illver terrier: »n«»'»f» ,tn h j™ , ‘ ^ n L ' ^ T n 'r l l riw .rd -f .fe W n '-I C o n te n d kiwi H olm te^eie.M ^l'tU ...'

lAW T-Penuile f ;» - ' ^ . ' y m n l f I J ^ e f k ' ” • ward If returned to HI, BtfE^Lr.v.

M ilM M l tn W iQUlh glevhhth it.

•^.7i5’';:r‘;''iii5«XTrr.'rr'T2SM'aaJilngtofi a m

POUBHKR on imall iU 'er hollow ware. UJHOA KOl'M. 14 U2^rer_« l_________________________

PIANO-PI,ATBR wanied; one who can lln (. 121 Buwrx 4ve

p i a n o player w a n t ^ a l j j l ^ r a d e n ^ y j ^

bI ^ r m a n t o -e n i m . ^Paper Co.. Ctn-

clRHfttl, 0 .p sell un-toofUte adveni^

D. I a 7 w i l i i i l i i a ^ e liulMln.. Iluffalo .^

o a f iK tu F N -e * m t » .« » a year; Hbfcwl a « l ^

jini 171). Mlnneapolle. ^ n .

a . i w au aN wanted; Uf- monihlj *5"*h ® ? .* f 'ii .n ,a n M i Perry Sureery Co., Roch-

reooln reward;______________ ___________ __________

Broftd Mi

iMrtaaa; p#rnian*tit * iw . N. T

ftix Urrlar; latnon •■nd

Mtwftrttk ________________

^AU C TIO N ^SM -B ; j, o k . A“ >l™” r,Mas-

day t^rnliure. cyrpewO W * Vu“ e. ElertnlM. SM-i X l L n.auiilu Oak IRn-

Se v e r a l .|«Bi J .w r i > e ; ; » ^ ^ ‘^ ^ ^ ^

T W O y o u o ^ -V ,'i „ « • '‘ S o ^ ;t % u “n a a r 1 n ^ «

H ,,rB E W ,,ltK --01rl wanted tor teneral houie-work. Hh Urf«d aL_______________________

' H. IJ

RLEOAKT nprtght. 1 1 ^ : acarf and Sa­livary, $6 monthly K desired; wuflh double.

HOIIN'B, 1B0 ionih Orange ave., cor. P ru c ^ h

Haln It.. "lunge.

HORHB-HIkIpp Hunrigy, H-'- i<

black hi2r«u ft>r aale.

TWO hurse.s u gale reasrinei I

i-rsiigf Found for

W A G O N -lift i'lii' lingion «t.

ni‘ # light sfKg''ii. 122 Ac-

BANKT k UKO . ' 7 UrMg# at.: W work hnroe* to blra.

H o r * * * . C arrinig*Be E re ,. W n n t e a . :i ’ La-w gT«.-d- 171 ll-ergfu Ht

IIVLE—Wgi«/"1 'fir uiK. he*vy uml s'puml mu)*.17

. ,i,f-inil-i antl wh 'elii. fr-im Jf- l.4> #>i|t| I't luske r.Min fur our

j,lTi,miil'lle TJld#........................... glv-ri Im rp|jJi.f« r-f 1> ' . . . . . .i.i.6ej.r(-v<ie#AMi1*'l'^'b

t , rAIaVKKT 'Of aiir«-tTp--i 1 '-e "''1;;'^ '

TANT'LMm ake, t p

m c Y i4d Klevelitl

4M) ltt‘>i'l ■1.

miMtihMi'n w*iril4.-1 t ■THUilsnlitK Vh IrrM F . II. A 11 Nrv-S Itmi eo

• F' ;.r p. 114, if.-.1,1 u" ni’* k’‘ :u " i:i w.nitlcL-l 11 VH

. l-»'ll-f. ftir |6 M im uliFK F'K .

lUI Market #1 . Kie#nklues ruilldltig.___ _

hT^T N lTrilL Ir-I -f r'lmliure, mchtdlMgV■;^M 1.1.1T IhUeerl# sli'l U 'l -'T 'Y

ft.r i-srior hull and P'SU# - 11.. i.aiida'mterai'ki:i;

V, Ifh #eiil Mild iPilri-tr,p>l)us> h artlM

J-’(lK HAliK-tV* siMiew, lit-H'l-m «H'l up. fk* yarpl* bifilv )lriiM#t-le .-ariiei

1111 <1# hr iHfei#, *h Ih vaKb iih i*'Ip t-arbir suit, il*" SYllllmn s*.

ro'Pk, 12420: 2ftIII; SlIK

ilrmtl bla ’k '*nlnu! tpeilsiHad and me llniib‘Uin i'> r kl*' lien *nri

2ftJl Hruad ath a U'.

-AashslstvltiuOiroMiri, hunti#*piiu' jriirbir Urii|i

J1; c(H‘< k|i’MU Ma l e M#nre#se# 41 wi. slirlriE, elipve III ui* tiuresu, 12 76: hrol-er fi»r r##-

laurarit. 46. t arr'*i* I'heab- WHUain it.

n .T t i u MMEBB warned; eleady ' ' " T " - t , 11*^ ■,\,,ci.e:k a CO.. Miller el, ana R. U. ave, 'll

_ . — ---- ----■ ■ ___ ._ .e w IS-n A. 1»

FINS um ifbt piano, 4H6; menu W U fN E R .

sma!l munihly pay-I'riiad it.. iipi*uilU L o r o ft io n iliK ft .

liO rT lLLlE Il kMAT TKlMMKRft wanted.(-AHK. av*.

MlLl-'lSKnS ■ Flrtl-nlaaa milliners wanl*d. 67 bellPvlllv avt.

Trhniiy Chyrob, N«wark IMANOH rflitad. tt monthly, renl allDwed If

W iM N E R , V h* lirttsd *1.. Newark, oppoau* Trlnliy Church

LOCOMOllILK I'-r ••‘ I''- In «YI 'TpIt . ri<ii ui#<l ^ r y murh 1. I.-VWKKNCF. 2I-S iCitl#a> #1-

zfrerir omiir W rfl '■ivlnf fNevre I'tl'r''---------------------------; -------------- -------------- ,N rn B E -O in w ant«l a l»u l„ l?

lieby. Sid F>rry at. ilR B. A. BIIIPLKl. A ll B.iuplay fvenPni. ________ ------------------ —

ladle**O l'E nA TO B S-

E*perlen,ed operalor* wanted onroraet oovere. e tf.i food wegea and

„ „ , l y work ell year nyund. Apply *11 week. AMERICAN CNnEHOARM BNT CO..

B4 and 80 Qra«n at.

BTIilRLlNO aprtgtll: FOSewrmY good aa nawj ooai ISU* iHl r«sr |IW. « aah,

Rog A4, Nawa offic*.

M II^O N ORUSTp piano tuning ‘ '1'gtringad lawtmntftii. <nii> i*''^*'*

piANOH tUAftg. t i l alao repairing* good workguatamttd, tf. JAKVIHejTh \Vurr*n M .._cjy ,

f)XYJ''=NnK VICTOIW make* you alih'-luie masK» rif dl»#a*r. Your Ufa la )"ur -wn. ilu n«it forfeit it Ibrough unrHAH*-iijii>lf ^neillr-Mb^

llKWAlU'. ‘ Jl l-RAlIPrt.J. H S'KKKLANl*

ml Market st.

n rk iN E ftft

i r T T ^ p v : , - . 'l-'e l"V .I: V I ■ 1:11 A f " ' S

STE a Mi 'AHI'ET l l .r .A M N 'f-

tvnlll-n .S'J M 1., 11 A M , ■ BT

T A K IN ‘ 1 I I ’- - f-r-ANINOUVEIl A M ' KFLAVJ.Nii • .^HI'I'.T?^EVKRV DE--" HIS'I'II'N W ORKM EN IN f " * ' ' '

AIII'KT l l.KANINlI rtAl.w l-„,„llv klHnk ,IP huueeyepint #pil nil liirnnur'- m prl^ui# *uIh M«>n‘lii).

iiitilirr 1 2112 HuniMier *ie

H trCH flK lLP tl'inJiH ut iflMir.' sii|*-Ther# - - ........ .ii’il HrfUi.l *«.. c n i-Mil

mMn liiK , ,i ,,-r , HI I '•If hli'l evrrj .I***' npUijJi hiune, b. III.g !'>

< rsMi.l

ii'VtiMT 1, h.p'ulsume army luji p-r ekgntu fur- uiit i t uunsr Ivav-


rtcw auln^a. *to.n A N Q TU K B R . rapfttrtRf. t»cw *uin r . w . CAMK* litrkei st_. 1 TW, Ilk);'‘* “r5f^^^4«^vrr'-. nty,

fdC.-PIkfiOfc t*7|*na tuned; A'- yea™' eiperlense. Addrwaa H. K W ALD , 27 I.'ra„klln et;__________

U6 Bltw amall parlor nraan cost I9IKI; must1*11 quick. 4 lt Routh Oran«o_^'v^



ia Sien *I .“‘A* ____atMtdy work* ft <i n iw r T . a83

J . 'i ---------- --------

‘ ****'a™ T v ‘ *'dd[:i»'ir.'~iC''DOTr.________tailor p a n te d ;jgply to

paM l»o i»a » «#»*"■mlS*L2!5xm irftiwoMAW

t c i t * at

. I*.

r ! « A(or MtiMI w o * *M 0 « « .


B 4 f * - . s l L « S’ &ir?»v;;.'p=i « . yTia Tomplke ear.

• - warned on gold jearelryi ateadyM and full t l i « to th . rUht perwm..

B ip y .J iO L iT .-N W .* .® * * -' ---------------------------

an’ie''7n{.' *i*.'POLIBHER on lOld JewaltT, BCilDLTE. LEIBB

* CO , Bl Olivet i t

j s ; i A ^ «A d d '^ follabte, Bo^ R

Naw* oflie*.

Pliuuaa • ■ # O r »» it* .A p n iv A T ii (««Piy,^tit fOT

have ua* of Bprl*hi plan;, I ; eM l“ "J ‘ i®' H o ra n ; will par o*rt*»e. Addreaa Plano, uoa BE New* olllisa.------------------------ ---------

r A T K H T * .

■MMtagar to (Umubsll m Lo., 4 ^ B h DUlLDlhO^,

^ n n tv ^ lM o ft^MttriNk woHfftf


'ppontu# !*•■*"*' n rtti

hWEOE w omBl W B n id d »t.

W O N AN --’

aiM w..a iw f w w n f i S * J L J gad

W » B.

f 9 t l (

Aooina &01 aad 002.■LK> jR.-^Pfttanlip d^lgaa

curtdln the TJaUfd S u iii

DH. HOLMEB'P Hl'i llle, a aur- l«,»lllv.eur* lew all feriml'* lrT»gu arliles Aiblr#a» i-l.a

ftuuth 7th at. c, H, Hmiih. H06 Uruau st drugglAta; trir’*41 . ■>*ni tiy mull.

CARK t’Tf. a n ^ r H .HOm.-.. TV Mnrket <'

iifiir I'lsfiu,

all fiT D H A O E -P lr., e je -

Ib'iNe#"'iVi’ aVr'ujft*!^r'Uh vln-iir cuvirhPs. ifllH, '>*k b»>.lr.K.m ■«! Se

' ii^bir eulii, 117 WH; kllclirTi H<.v#s. pl b«.

BHOWN'fl CAFHI'LKH nir# men in s few Jays'guaraitiaad. J>7<

Arch, phlla. HoM in Newark by ( . W Menk.

T f K CANDKK. #li«'ir ipftiblsl. treat# Ml Jls#asea by altoirlcU)'. cM»"ii ifti*"b ft ***- 07.) lirijqpl at.

;tn. liK' iand airy n?wni*

r . ,e . low, „ V.4S u n its ] ,l.l,(jmre, 7:1 M,.rhn atnear I'lan# 7 <“l- _______

:^!rRPETB CLEAN1.D l,V NEW C A IlE P tl. I'llOCKHft, mad* iinl r-lsM _M_FNl

r O A L . W O O D , BTCa

\v 1-:FM aY f'svm^T\ts J'ln# JlnnuTiils, ft’ft^^h* ";

j l2 bk,

a. J *nis J'h-- - ...... , I

,ra.l, .le l.w ,',l VI lllel paymenl. I ' ' " ' - ' Briie« l.uelnee- I'rinllJenllel l all ,ir I ' ' " " ' ? "W ,:,7h som-lj I ' , il Mai,lei, lane,rfv.m _ra^_'

T J lillAlil.KV aell*..................... A,ekly pa^ni'Otle- .17. HrAd * '

T jp e v t r l le p a n nll B u p p llra ,lit'MINti'l'ilN ij-,»«rHet« reni-d. El monthly;

nq,y?!,f n e ^ l l o n e . HiBiTII, W Olntno_Lt-

ROTUJiC O P A I -P L I t A T lO R .

TO Whom U May Cunoern;Purtuam to the 1' ; ' " ' ' " ’ “, “i *'* ."'i‘ „ Tjcvtalattik’s of the Hlatr of Ntsr Jersey,

tlifsd - i n a ll lu auih.*n« persons tu i-ha

>f til*

0*r«l '-An «t...«/oth arue^perjon^^ .o^^ehnnq'e

Tl'KFi reuiiKul*iar"'l an-l robalre-l. KKH renovalad; ><»w i-ri'''’"-

lIAKftON A l.l--KFltHfiS. Bulb 'bhunaa 414.

8ucc**#urs toGlobe Cariwl' f -anina Co.


A Itn .lA lll.E I'DAI. TAKD I* a eafa Pl»re « y.„,r ,',..1 ,"»ney. if yoU

;Ln,-.r !.,t a reliable place UI buy cool ho Will o t ih ll llr“v; i -o "era, h e c .u « he kno_w.

A Co-. aoUcUom, wrn#r yean' egp«rlaM^

irgvenln^^j^™ «

thalr ngmag." uppro^% “ l ? f ^ h " « b y iii'in ihat 1 -hall apply th? ComSo!! I'lfae ' 'orl of T e w 'je r Ratci. at tha Ci5urib''U"”a#y on PYlday. the IWth 'Isy ''if OrtuhCf. A. IL lO W S k L atitin c'cluck In the furanonn, or as ioon M i can be f--r a ^ ^ e f ^thorlia m* to apaum* a»t>i)J*r t ip w it. 1 h* Bain* o( JOKPII n e ^ miEIJil'Ol^BKT

HiirlngfleM a**.,Newark, S, J-

Wwi. OrwnflcM, Attorney of Petltlunar.N » Broad f t t r ;e i j^

^)al*d HeptamlkW ^


Th* B o » d 'o fffiK o lort of the NattMHitod.

*0 and a liw S o*4*y- Oc-Tha Board

m a ll M y * tl par ciju ., |mi

'• w n r r A W itnc.K W E M * (iMWtr.

ik i

f» .0 9 )

coiPKW g,;lnroLBK5:H!SltHaiNeplewi'''*T5Y!?IlL*"*a«nne yujr^jwew^ag^ ^elaalbery Q p ^ aair*.^

A d e ^ s a m e n t # R e c e i v e d

Too L«to for C l a s s l f t c a i l o n

Will Be Voond on Page 8.

Mean *n«l hard. —t “w I W l-NB, ” I I's ISItrtntneld eve-

V A Ill, 2l"' = l" l’»— 'f HArrleu"- T * ' -ph-ine ’Tlbrrlem," ie »^

A CO. are n „« ready lo repair vniir -hlmi-eya at prlc” - ft ** * ^K d . . o S e r i received it HP B|>rln»B.ld ave.: or Ml Su»i.-a ave., K**i Oranae. ...........................

M A f ll lR K B T ' F O R BALIE.

r.c'ir it a 1.124 for all tradt*; htoe, brown, hli'k- a o d th ir e denlmV ‘ I;*

*srgrot atock and beat llna of s's#* In ihtBcIty. i lA B B t W . ftWITtl 8<H Mftrhci "L

''J ,^T e ''” .w /r '"L n 'n n e ^ « "n !b - ' C H A m .n o COCBE. Old liutylii* arvood, near cor. Market and Hriapl. cHy.

T w q -f .A > T J a .h ..,w J ;h „ -« ^

I I'liHfll raowma t»y*t<*r aUd ch^b houoa at Hrf*

avffry siyla: dliifMiro i i«tora flellvaradprompilye

ufuM-h'WS* (Kjwcr ttvuor. ' tSUsr* unit pullaya: v-hnle ur Ui i m n . thegp. Hcmtrset av ___________ __ ..

n i i u iNTOK , mason Olid bulWai, fucnacro ^ '.ed hlmfieya; Jeweller drop toundailon; wallar e ^ fe e i and laeiiatk ^ IU«» .d . 28 ^ K l n n e j ^ l


PATTKKNB mudalie SCOTT* & Railroad dL Talephwf ***-

vaiJtN TlN lC ’ fl pattaro *hop forjiVher lffie!.,_ Wawi B e* '* .. * * '‘ *^*

roun, —e

W a D T IM O # .

n R tCK LA tBB B kflB « » « " ■ ' ' 1 " * ? " ' . ? “^ *■S S i W f i ’ia -i- S K iOntoh«r -

at UnportaRC«i

njing iacka, i® Ailing at, clt^ __ _

fieht raCwlVeWar onglli*, In i'iWaW h * 55.. irfMarket al.c o m p l e t e pearl button *bop MtSt 1

: i' R>4 urania at.

_:*CC- \Ui ^

i ii !



■ L lilD W O * ^ ‘» h * W ** rrrm ir* <■

mR&t. l t » T A T «

PtfloM llties Are R j i r i i j M»re TbaD L n al h Uk C «l*stS ‘ *Clu«ber-

la if Ceatre of Attack.


1 .n a « l U t C o - p l * 1 i a - l W 0 U . 1 --T Irt.r B e M .d . E A 'l ' l e e r » , « f I r e la n 4 -n e I . « n o t e 4 «

W ill I'I»IH I n ll '* * Af Vkorltt'

C llyiiT^flRY CITY. 2*.— a

L ull*cjf I'eriieluBl Help for (he Hllml, In l £ , .n .vf-nue, e»ea|>ed TMirwI.iy ‘jyi-pUiK un.l founhi eurneilly *H e» Ht"'er Kf™ a,Ml her iHtemptedhaik. Mln. . u r a . 1 . 1) ■ i.jnunill'i 11..-ruwd. a* »hB (lerli.rr.t tliai «l'>’Ireated wid wanietl i"' *■> .S iller Hosulle .nld Ihe w in .m » a « ln"»n' and umnaiiaKefthle ,

Mr* Id on*, a *IMrr-ln-luw. lal.l ihai Julia ha.l heen hllnd elii-Mra, I.ym » denle. Mmt her .leter-lndi<«,who ha* l-en 111 the lllBtl'l" >1" wax Inaaiie, unif.., «he had In-, "in ' « line® .h e enter.-d the hnnie Hhe *“ '' ’ *111 Julia wan fore.-d t" w"rh hard, allhoi ah her lK,ar.l w a . pal'h and "tl .mehad aeverely ...............ter ln.n.1. ■'« h " 'ah

le relallvee ».>.lld pmljahlt laKo

The deed, w bkh w » « recorded wl(^ llw coiitny regl.ter yetlerday are a* follow*.


I io a -rh lllp J. WUderotUr to AI.M. aieth .r, n a J'alrvlew uv 3i. w tr liHU au a * lw . a * {■'tit'-

work W I M; J. F. lla rr if, for maMO work, fW:^wMh Albert ichuU r. for phimb'ln< work. t2i>- . .Prank l>‘ An«w»niJro^ _o_wii^i

w fr li/lb Ml,lA.tJUU


C k la o H-lwella ftlhtea »o * • w preoiaee

LOOTtON. P'Pt » -T h e election ram. . unrtrptrled

rhl??V du«''to iha vlaorou . eir..rt«_ of the

Sh(j Ibv r^ltitlvtho womnn aW8>-front the t l" " " '

The In.Ulilllon aatii'd .tm llar miti.rlMV alwot Ihtee year. t'lC" '‘ ■heu a h.tV * ■'; e „ „ ( ,e ,l ailea.'.l he had le-elt ireale.l SI.ter Ko.nlle " f ll'.l the h 'm" sl."i.t (irteen year. n «" un.ler the aaMile. " f the H.iriien fa lhull. I'linri ti. leit tiier. a u . .lime dl.aKreemeiit Jll'l the hh.h"P tiad Miin.iimreinidd minle a le « y e a n la

• H im are llBurIna > » " « 'hanthe cnnleata, Jo*aph Chamlairlaln. the ■eeretaty o f B int, for ih* Cnlotilei. hy

the■eeretaty o f B in i. tor in® -...........- *'>'reaaon of the a**TP..Ke tone " ' “ 'p e l .peechea, 1« the ohject o f many *'1 'er

ettaek.. Borne of h i. et.emlee h.ite ^ "h ired him to ho pemicnlly dl.hone.t, and even * 0 furihor than ih .l

W lHetnn rh w rch lll 'a I'ampaldW - Win.ton Chiirehtll. In Ohlham. h i . heen ,

•n vliorotiely auaeke.1 Ihiil f.enernl Sir Kvelyn W.tort, the mlJutenl-Keneral. h*d

cnm. to hi- n-.t-tHOee * ' ‘ h 0 ''“ '• r j ; - rlarlT^ Uwro pothlnk tlhhnnoram**connedted with hi. re.lgnollon from the arndfdiid vouehlna f..r the

reeert dual role i.f (iflleer and Imrre.pnnilenl, Santo ..f the I .lh .r .l . o f Oldham apparently make t " " ! ; matnuatlona airaln.i the ynunit eandhlate. hut, like hi" fnllier, Chun hlll ""em . to revel In a flaht. and 1. .iild 1 0 .land a *<n>(l ehance of belli* oleeted.

Andlher wnr rhararter. Cnptnln l.amh- ton of the Hrlil.h eriiLer 1'iiwerfnl. has . heen aaideted In h i. fl«ht aantri.t the *ov- ernment by tfeUlnn a l f " /t - |Roaehery. He I* nl.o harked hy nil i.h< arletoerallo Intereei. o f Ihe Durhnin fntillT.

W ontnnlalti* Chueeh. ChuftJt aaiocla llon . are llaurln* •‘’ •I'''"

ly In the campalyn. The Imperial Prot- eatint fVHinMlon h ie ree.lved promlsea from Ib lttr-tw o candidate, to oppo.e lo ilM, uUno*t any movement ten.lln* to t i^ > Jkidland and th* Vatican In IQUCII « "Ronn*nlrtnk lh«

tb« olhrr hand, th* iMSilni B pm an. Calholln paprfa almotl u n «S lJ< iilk ittttporl ‘ he Con.ervallvea lieUevlnf that If »hey are returned with a aolld majority they will achieve the project of giving Ireland a Ciilhollc unl- varaUy tad In other way* lee that the educational Intereita o f Catholic* In Kng. land do not autfer.

C hw rch C on cre tB .The annual church eongreae, In progre.a

at Ncwcaalle. w *» attended by the Arch- blthd* 'of Canterbury and nearly all the olhaf. ^ptocopal and lay Clknltarler, In dud lnt aeveral American and Canadian clergymen. Though held In the mldat of Iha electlOD excitement polltlca were care­fully a'^dlded. and the proceeding* m e marked ky uneipeeted harmony. Th* apectaoM o f John Kenilt, th* antl-rltnallW agttattrr. apeakln* good-humoredly before rltualtita upon Ihe effect of the llefnrma- flan, auggaaied lo a writer the lion lyingdMm irrS ithd Wmh.

A fr le a a H orrora .The'Queen now hae a Ion* llet o f namee

.ubmltted to her ae thoM of poraon* aidhy o f boaora for aervlee in floulh

ti.uai' in denrmn.ln* th- l,"M "t. " I ' “( inh..hc. from 1. 1 'lln* It Sl-t.-r IP rai,llnu.-d de.plt.- the order .,f the Ideh.. .. Hhr say . Hint the Ifmu- 1. -nw iorted piiii- clpally by ih .rlia i.le i. t . oii..



< lyBBI 'i'RHkM a n a ger l> a v rd T « iia a k u r r e n d e e . fu

Y iirlli Mud...... I le .ld e iita ’ l lcn ia iid ..Ill PlItlK I:N', H. pl - ’. T here wa» I'U

yp.lerilav iilona the entire line " fXurih Hiid.on County H allw .y lluilw.n iletidit. to Kofi over Hie .ur- reiider of lloit eorporoiIon to the coin- millrra. The ItKlit l.eiweeii lln .■unnnuler. and the ratlro.ol ,oni|.Hni w a.former fare for a trip from fteehuwken and .New York to Korl la-e The rate toKurt w n . ...................... . and to K d * .-water ten eent. The n o lb e of the eoin- piiny l..iieil yesler.tlll re.liiee. Ihe f"t-e 1" the former in "'' i" ten eent. and the latter

m ill‘ '( ii 'lt iib '‘I ForniMr r«H'« woro fli-rmi ii i «>

Ihe dweller, of Ihe KliII“ io|.- seetton. and they lose In arm . All ihe relilele. In tie- of Ihe .ommurilty were pvii hi u.e lo siipphinl the trolley .i .r -, on whb h „ iKiveolt Wll. deehirid n|H.oslUon be- rame ..raaliUeil, ineellnKs w e e iilphtlv held In the town Im'l. olid the eoiii)iali) Wll. denolllieeil

view avlo ih-'imy j . .Mayera to Agm-a

1 1 e..liBtKer, a w cor .vlra.K l.lndli-an « * .Vlullierry at,1B13.1 .......................................

iO Weaahccker ct u«Henry J, Mayer*, -■property ........... ..................

roo-k'Hink K. Oeale ei ua el iil to llerihiiiT 1-. Hmld tiruKiee),B • liiirey at IHi o tr Niagara St a ,all. lot .No. Of, hluek :o i ;, Jam e. !i. Ualdwin prole-riy I'Jb n fr hroroen .1,

....................................1 Jv Tummuny lo

h‘ -x uiu] Lund Ini-i»ri>v#-m»?ni C’»#mpiiny, m j*

4lfi n fr IJumiJurK pi, ............................................ .

« CO m il AMJ'n' lallon lofrvii J AlrGiMlli. w « U ike M » fr sUontcidlf av.e'ltlllljn . .. .'...............................

Mk-l-'iutKl^ M. T n h fn or ot lUt to HfriiiUii I' lim‘ ld* r. w m ri nth . 1 3TS n fr llth av. If.xliw

3a -Sami- to .ante, w . S llth .1 Jim 1. fr 17th av,

lo Mum*'. w m H illn " itl fr nth iiv, ..........

3 0 IT-leUty Land aiel '"U foV ";' nioni Cainpaiiy to Uavld

Seyniour. e . “. fr Clinton av, f.ixllO . . . . . . .

30 Ham. to Annie llullier. * aiT o.^ -et uv Jii a It t .lln ^ n

i U> llar'Karet HuUlvan to ■’dlcbael Jo.eph Bulllvan, n a Uleuolt-er et. BiaiB . ........ '.'.I Vh .I1 ub -Philip J. llTlderoiier 10 Allt^ Pel 11, n a Kalivn-w av 116 w(r Tenth at. W ab"......

H ib-W llllnin II Sayre >t u* «t ala to Simon WiTghl. w » N. J. it. It. uv Til II tr >l‘*ry W ili-ium;i (dt'i't-ri-ti’tlI,

St-Central New J ' ' ' ' ' . ' A ' j ? 'Kriehman, n e . 1 - N Swan 30 II at" It Ni w- iirit ttud N It

'.TUunueL Lflun-m Henry J- E WalllmuNer elUK. n ■i-ur IliH m y k i . ••

tW-t'ulhurliii' Hi **"ifjl;',g* fr .Miiril--* -vv. t.;'xw .

a UO--JiMinie M fni-Tli'k I ' . litiHlmnd. l«Auirurtl llunljNorth T hii‘1 '* Hlxin11 y '2lt Xlllll s..S.e

2 1VI Lottie KHbS ' ‘ ‘ 'iV 'X 'i ''II . her hii'ti-’ -el. ‘ ' 'Ilk lliti'-r, e s ' n rr Smith Iiriinae av. lexbw.

Valley rtiad, Weat Omnire, N. J..Jamea II. Drown, fo r plumbing work. 1316, H 0 . Croekett. archllecL

H K Haatedt. owner, 6Xi-47l South •I,-nth al.. rliy, with O icar Btaeger, fw „ia.iin work.mua(»n for t'urppUHT.siriihinaer, (or plumbing work. 11.776; wrl^ Theodore Hna.feld, Tor pnlntlng work.

W tTB rC TIO B ^

io h o a l* .

IC.J, John Htromhach, archlleol.Nellie H I'm baeheldeo, owner, ISI-M-

yVi-diTW South p'niirleenth at., city, with llernian C. S<-hne!rter, for all the work, IlliKi. Hdw-ard Sr-hnelder, arclUtect

l.lseMi- K C n m p , owner, » Hawldn* H i-uy, with IVter Keller, for plumbing►I . 4'Uy. wui........... - -work iiW> with iMcnn P^tur. for carw n-

work, with Cunrud Schneider.f.iT tkulntinif work, tlW>: with Prey it K<ir2 . for nuiMon work. Jullui Strom- iirtili.’ urvhlicct. ________


0 1 . 1 ieue.1 UATItlNAL IlCSINKBk ™CoIXKUK a n d BCh/ . S o f BHo At -

TBliEaBAPHV. kT4-g<0 Bread it.. Ntwark. It. J.

OliJeal. beet and moat fav'*»bly Jn<>»n,^i •OUlpiieil and tnteloiiurU or tnnruetlon, Baiy "f*.,*ler mnv lime. No elais work. IndlvIOu* 111 airuetlDii. 1-lnehih hrenchea Wrilt ' “ICnIlMe Joumel. TMl^phooea. Nr* T ot* New*1er«ey. SiWt Newark. tJO. Evmtn* echool

l■■ T *IIO T IO g.

D u e tB g l.

openln, ,>®-^OLFH AN. Pr-.ldenlWOOL'S COIaLBOK.

H76 Urot'l Mt.. Nfw*rk. N. J.Our in* laHl*i# XT# tlu«ln»Qi Studlei. Bhort-

h*ud, TVp^wrUlnx and rrtk 'tlc il^ flL h . l)i> uni evenin* fwlon* now op*#. Tn* Em-

Hr-Mldrul o f lA jarrUhy HIcIra o f a IMI rA Y ln s

In I'pvM OulMfl. all ttk -d rMideiil of

IrvliKtuh, hull lA larruw escape from il.'iilh on Thurndny nri4'rucKin. and he bu>> M,i yi'i ri'ri'Vi’ ri'd fii'm thetcffr'cU o f hli*

fi|ilfu *'iul cXi:erl»'iu'i*. OalcM,.ili'i

ploymcni r»*tiartmrtii 1i a f r ^ l auccMa. W po*lilon* fllkd Iasi monlh at an avarava aalarv of hi-13 par wark. ,

Our Bchool ia th* larpaat u#d io «t aucoaaafnl In N*w Jeriwy. W<* have ih* l»«t fat-ulty. iha bMuFjtaal and bail lhln«i In bwlnaw and ahori* hand, thi» bd*it aqulpmamand location.

Ii muai bf aaan to b# appraclitad. Vlallora w .i’oma. R<rid for rauloiua.

Idiiiiient may int^f at any tiTwa.

TWO’ KBL.KCT TeRPSICllonBAN c w m b b .t iic r s d a t . OCT. i.

- ,V T -BANK HAU-. 413 imOAO BT.




M O aT O A C B i. t * ’— * * '* ^BdO.OOO TO U JAN -

■• T A 1

s i 'i r Th e soRHOWicit. no BoMffi o

taaPWRA CAREFrtiiLT r « “ F VPAPERU C *«E F I't^ T P O T P A R ^COCN8 E r ^ R j T ^ ; ( ^ ,



r v n cEN t.\ 4AT ‘ * 4H PER CVMf*


aKSHh'N’9 conUnuoua, day and atiht. Nawark riuplnt‘ "i‘ C‘yJlan«. Hrua'l and Uarkat ala. W.

W' Winner Principal. PlaHant fo in i^ L Abil­ity d.f ihf iohiio! rhawiapniam to «jukkly and cnrm’tly Jfiarriilna tha t tlufatlfmal daflclan ilea nf the afudrni. 2 The «k]ll n»eewaary to ramedy ihc ififTirnliy when found. 3- Tha tact and Judf- meni r«i,iired in rhrwlnf ihat.eoujwa of atud)

who Iflii rAUiy yi'iips Jf u«c. employed aa KK*'r lo iSp4jrK*‘ Hatnfeldt a aund pH.



10 1



I II l ulim .tvi'ivyi'i m iit ihe Union County!uih

MiLip* WHH w(jrklnR later than unual on 'V]iiir>"t o ;ifi'‘ ruoon, In cTder lo load « R.ikfor; owiu'fl by Thomaa Mcl*aughiln, u iii.iNnn. -»r thin eliy. Jumau Smith, the .IrHcr. Hein M4kmi‘ dl.-^tunee away, when Kiiiirimly uji pmbunkmeiil o f Hand, fully (w .lw fi-‘ l luKh. K iiv way tuid fell up<»n 1 1 1 ,. ,M niun. Imrylnp him from hibIH I-nr ti irpim'-nl Smith -Ud hol renllie whui li.ii hi'iipeiM'il. Imh whi*n ho recovered hl«

III' Hh.iutid At Ihe top of hla voice f,,r hfl|i uriil H4 IzlhK ft Hhrivni net to w.irk iJluglnu awuy the nan«l. Smith wp« ii.mM.-iI by Mr* JUrnfeUU. who Fiud lieiiri Fili* MhoniHv t»H It was Home mln- ijipt lM'for« ilu!> rtuiceedoil In KcUinK lh‘* ImjH rlllnl mun n hertil iitirnVf>reU.

W.I4H um'DTvPcUiuH when drHtfg^ rrnrii Ihd- till, but Homi recovered. He wuh liriillv lirulMvil ami siintalm'd a seven* cut tirrii'*'' lilH fnrehtnul. wlilrh AAiift caiifttNl j,ri>biil»h hv hl.x shovel Five htHche.d went' in the wmmtl hy a phyulcUu.Th*’ Injun il m;in wan atUl A'cry weak las'll

I.iil II l.- lh (U «hl that he will he nil yiMIh ;ij uln In a few days.

which w!U h ^ l develftp ihr mind symmelrtcully. Twi^nty yeari' pitkeiience In tmlnlng youth fit* UR f« T Ihr* work i M vm ouilined, Tuition nn pi|v ulsr m<tnlhlv plan Read handwitne new e«'n- I'iirue. lUHl out: then If ymi »r* Interotled, c«il itnil cnnpleie nrfangenieTiii.



Thnrough prontrsMnn for any coiieffo or fii' irrh'Vjl or for buslufii life. Cttalfgue o*

J gil gnmaraC nlUS. *enll#m*n dUlji,'Si,r.U%re 'cTa . Vrmi™.. l!Jr » 11, 11. Adraaorf c snd -Auriday *»«""»*•„, L^Td.i !5i?iiint 7 l Uwre-- (for youri* I " " 'I 'b o'C, A ll-lo u *nd flsiurday ivenlnf, T.30 lo tt-aH*. » Jr,n-. cla»re. S*IU^*F AlNelk1:43 to 3 4i : adv.nonl. 4 to B. R ’WVUl.^Al.i ;^^Cl-ib. i^ J u " l l » . ‘ 'rerV.*o' nr'iSore rr'iS;'onV7,u.ll,r, or !?opn. (rem "St of town: .f « la l r i l « for club, of

No bomi* Jr co-uiuliiloBkCHABUlg HOOD,

toi-w s Pnul«itl*l PutWiig'HKHPONBIDLE .twlract a tJ '<*“ ^ n k Ilk. lo arren*. with i « “ .b ftv * w ^ tg , hank or ooriK-r.tloo to lak. ftrel m ortaej^ • J™„mv«I f.rm land. In l>n 'r.l llllnoai eaniMi*'1rom'^'tl.u!u**re >6.®® ^ r rnoitik y . .r i ' ilnir, at 4 prr cent. lm .r«.i. w'lj S n l« payment, coll.rl tj»> lu t '"* ‘ .JA'i'’ and remit to lb . holder and w itv« are iwld. Addreta B. r. JOHHWJUj,.Uarahall. DL

iT-ib. Biturday mornliigi. and North l-viil U« Bflletllle ave., Friday afiiiriMnA^ 4 Jo «. Itiducttoni far two nr more iram c LiUPUi fium out of town; Tiim hvof i l l eight orMliieen people: prlvai* leHon* by*“,TN0T"lVAr/l-r.n°S»"'«cSred ror prlv^* ^ rr'pMS'n® mlsreV. c.rd MrtlrA ^ lertalnmenti. Writ# or epply JohtUf. Rlnhirm.


ON ‘b o n d AND MOBTOAQg a t B p e r CfciNT.

NO noNCB.c . S. C B E m T '^ .t^M 'sC l^bP IN ^ MARKLT ANU ^ AHHiSgTON

ISOO.OOO TO U)AN en hfljvd »nd turns lo Bull. «i 5 p«rWARDS, BLACK. cnuni4 llur. MU Pfudenti> l_

llflc irrh'Vjl or for bu*lnfii iiiirliciiilon. . . 1The Hei.J MAiler miy be teen il the AcsdeTtiy fpnrn y to 3. .luring Ihe week befflnnlng Rrpiein- ber in _______ __ _NKW YnpK rSlVF.RHITT IaAW H4 IIOOI.

8 lxty-il*lh y»«r opent Oct I, IflUO. D»y Cleweii wlih iee- e»on» from 3 ;3ft to fl P. M ILUH. after two yean.) Kven-

Ing '■'iBMei, a*«»ioni H W 1ft P. W. (Lt* H arfer lhr*e yrftre.l ilridUite ClWiei leal to Lla. M. Tulilon, Hhrt _F/m eirfijliri. aUdreas


Pims.l Hall, H L'etilral aveM Newark. N. J. Claji*e» evarr and Thuriday aveulnta

rhlMrrn'i c'.mm Saturday * ,,,rBIVATIE LESSONS day ur

and iwo-itep guaranteed In U [irlvale leaMM, terrn-ted methoiL l.dy aiwIManL

THE DAVIS HALL, newly eiignaed for any w cl.l <«-a.lon '.t igrulaft and Intornullmi, apply or addre.a THE DAVIS HC'HUOL of Dancing. B Cenlr.l .va^

PROF It. nrt-"dopene Ortolier 11 at Orator* Hall, 4W RTOia - • -'laea Wedneaday evenlni! at Seifert* naih

of ^iirinaheld and Falfmouni M'e».

MONET *0 loan on and m is tM ' “per cent.. In auro* »<> *ull. JOHN FRAHUiS

CAHlIeli, Lawyer WM> Dfoad it. _______ _llT.eVJU TO kmn on bond *nrt rnortfUe at 6 per

cenl.. In *ume to full. Addrea* Widow. Uoi an, New* offlee ________ _________tl.-JIlO TO LOAN on mortgage, “b,

unimproved real eftwte. L«ian. ltd* 1“ . New* onica. _ -MONKY lo Iwtn on

•uuui to euit. S. VV. QUERY. Ml Broad it.M o r fc « « e a fo r Bwle.

TWO ftrit m oriltiei f'Tjjale. "*1 While Hlalna. N. ^-.WMiand | 1 .^

lively, rtrit due ^ept. I, **lwr2; prlnclpaJi only. Box lift. Oiford. W. J. ^

rly II i-Mrtimln''v ')hH> fulleiJ UJHH1 Miinuk'-r Lnvid ><uhik and tlinl oltl.l.,1. nn.-r li.-.irliig Hi'- bto. and , o,m1.l.-rnt.-ly ii..iir -.l ili-m H'-'he would ’ ll. hi. bi-"i I" »<-•- Hb't i'b w ob '''liw-ome .„il"f.ii-Iorv .......... .. l- .ii .d yi-i-l .r d .v 1. a |.n!<-lb-al pro.if " f bl" work

Dlai-n. liloiig the j p|„|,.ri,k nui.-r i-t us to Lul-2,UW

la. J. TOMPKTN9. Realitrar, Wftjkhinfton Square, New York Cltyi

cor. Oi nirilURUriX* K«*lTinl»ridanceii iruaranteed In one fiiurter ‘» . lif down and |1 per wee*. * *lT^vin*Cric, a night, all private leeaune d*) m e're

------■— -41.1 1 : 1 1 ATKIYS 'I’ll

TIIK I'MI'II FIIRYIS 4 I’ MK.aS IK HUAI'- C o rre llia n d e n la I.. He I 'r l e . l . In t h '

Vart<»u« G 'fiuitlrlr*.ROME, 2* Tlio urKnt'ltHtmn of

Hh Uilrrimtloiml lrleKT«fhJo pre-i- affoiwyha. been <-<imiil-l'"l by tTirdlm.l ILimiiollB, Scrrellirv of Hut-' to l ’ o|>e Lei


fteg , l* B t l iy of tho.e who flgur* IfilB lfallaaIn Thl. 11*11* mlready cau.lng keen .pecula­

tion In certain circle*. The shower o f C. H*.(ComB»hlhB o f th* Balh), C. M. O.a (ConpUilnn o f Bt. Michael wnd Bl. Oeorg*), ate., will be uapreceaented.

It la rumored that Lord Wallteley will be mad* an earl and be appointed viceroy o f Ireland to auecaad Earl Cadogim, whose reelgnatlbn teema Impending. What laird Roberta will g e l atlH remain. • secret, but Lord Kitchener, It I* M 'd. 11 he r .- malni In Boutb A frica, will be given the local rank of full Qeneral, ao Ihal he ran be weeond la command to Oeneral Holler,

H»»lsteilby .evenil D .lwu tlu-iu'lera and foreignEto)llUd;iiin , I

IMXI XIII. Il l" ’ilwoiV" niiintfe.le'l . keen apprrc'iail-i. "I "u in-wspiiP'-r. i<« * inv‘ '|'" o f ri‘,n-lil.ig l.ublb- upltilon. and " " reu llie. li.-ll-r b l. lloH ll''"" 'he vanlHgi- ol k i'b 'k ''I 'tli'd lc .tn iclioii I- the llr.t new . publl.lii-d , f tnip’irunl .-vein" Tim iig-m y ha . a" II" porti-spolldetlt" lir le .l . re.lilenl pniHlpa! 'Tile. « ' ‘ " t''Ar^rei,K,.nei,t' have already bee,, mail" with Ihe (Hfloii. liallaii and foreign lele- griiphli- "vstetn". and the heniliiiiartei. of fbe agenry are at the V atic,r, umbT the per.oniil "Uiiervl.lnn an.1 direct on of ^a - rtinal Kampolla anil o f Leo M i l .1 ter displaying tlm keenest Inter,»( In tbe


,fA|p i.neg Jtobarta leaves.

* '" 'T I " i ’ '''.fi,rli-ul pre*. bere .how s tt.elfInymn-ar'o’ lhe new It merely un extension of the Vaitran b . eerut .(-rvl’-e already In existence.

I JlllAICl.l Ol'KAS.T iiiel

Wolaeley, by the way, la quoted In an* TWSrvlew aa eayln* that China, "through lore o f nature and art." must on* day develep Into a great nation." Th* end o f Ml thlcga. In Lord Wolaeley's opin­ion, -xrlll be China fighting Iho I'liltod Rtate^for the luprem acy o f Hie world,

T '- '4 ' naW 'P tabK oatlaaa.Two new weeklfcvi are about to appear.

Th* drat la Clement Bootl'a FVee Lame, which will be irubllshed next week, wllh an article by Marie Correlll aa the chief attraction. Th* aerond la a new society papea* which--tdra-' Wllllameon la about to bring out. Mrs. ■Wllllamsoti la a young woman o f unexceptional aoclal position, the wlfa o f a colonel In the Hrltlsh army, and has many Influential friends hero and In America Inlereaud In her venture. She brought out the celebrated "H ook of Beauty" four years ago. and haa lately bean adltlng the eoclety cnlunin o f The Daily Mall and writing for It under the a ljoaiure Of '*The Otfluoker," which will be th* name o f her paper. Mrs. William son aaya the paper will be run entirely on I he Idea of the "great value o f Anglo American co-operation In ull qneetlons of pallllca and trade."

U n iversity K ip e e t e d 4o H a ve a l-Dirnlm enl 4»( 11,-VH*.

ITHACA N Y , Bepl. B .—<'oniell Unl- versHy openeil He d..or" to .indent" yes­terday, The reglstrnllull llgnres sh-iW that 1J6 more aiudenis have registered Hilt year than on the correst»>ndlng date last year, and the graduate etudeiita have not regis­tered yel, Whi-reiis lust V'-ar ‘ ‘ ’ "T /"B tored with the old sludeiils The I ornell Medical School. Ill New York not open until <J.'iober. Th.-tlgiire. wh 'nere at hand tiidl.-ate that there will no be far from S.MKt students In attendanci- at forn e ll Ihls year. The president dcllven-d hla unmial address yesterday, but ion- fined himself tno.lly to local Uuestlona He pleaded with Ihe new students to help eradicate ihe evil o f chetiliiti In i-iamliia- Ilona and said that the iiiiiversliy would lake greiiter paH'» that t oriiell sname alioiil.l be fre - from all lalni of pfo- fesalunsllam in Hi athl -Hcs lit the futiua

Hi- K H b -( . w a ILHse.v ' I <'<“M l.-ha.-l ILirD-1, Tax'-I ........ •

3 (lU- Ibirure T Hi umP-y ' " 7INinlllib k ......... ... '■ ;St L4 II fr Colin "I . -a x llt . . .

T iitV N N H M ’N1 dd.-Fr,-derl’ k .Ni-uliaus "t ux to

Umllh- 1-' lully. Vailsburgb, n s rioiitli 1 iralige at 21X1 t tlUriive el, Sfixtim..........-■•■ —

.. . . -B ora h .'1 V ..11 S .-s« and A lva , iier hunhaii'l l i t )W ater Bujiply Co . ’ uldtiv-H.I, » C,„ Viil, N ess. ibA-H*;-., ■

1 ID -Ji'i iiliV* tMal'Ji un t*l ux lo IH« iVe.ri-n »'i n wenr L itkt 8 l» , 32xlUM .............. .............

—Orlln Kah"u?4*’ el iitu lo T ow n of Mtini' 1-ilr. M oiitiln lr, ifull'Jii '*f W illoW ilAle ftv ...

160-H vTO ll \ifo Liluin I’rtul UulOivlji.SmiiFi17E«. I7‘ t. 177 ftiuRh Orinmi; lIHuhth mu|>, aftxliiO.- ,•• •

12 T H u ll t*l ux to lf<‘kh-ri. Il vnn Wc>’ b»*, .Montclair.

ct.r riovHf Hill pi rlu n-m m it ftV, 9 U 1 H ; w n i.v c r lim pi n fr lllilKv av, rOxllT. w 8 rifjvvr ilill |>i 5Wi II fr GImi Kl;Ue■iv Sftxll'i. ** « riovrrf, n lii i , l ’ 3<'n n fr Glen Rldlic uv. ^

rK> I'fiKcv* L M ear ham M ux lo .\lf‘XHni1‘*r Y ow n . ('U n ion . i„l,i N .is 12. 13. 14, hlk A . m apnf ftmilFi Newark ........... .

11 1*6 11 Itrown ci vix ct n "I.) S'liHh nrflti*** UclKhtB

South uranKk', n w , nr F'iirkpr su im nlt„vii. 17CX17S .....................

2 rii6 1.1 wlN K M uyw ard *‘ t ux to Miirv Fruncpp Luff. Ka^t nriiriu*', c >* * * »Main fil. 26*^' -

’ A Knin< l3*G T h ‘ *mas li>•'* ’^M vaxkow skl " t itx. H h a ^

tIHd, a c e M yrtle uv J'S' n e fr CtUHiel "I , S'xlJfi.. .

lli leti M I'lirdy and h ritiiK I. . her husliauiL tn ^ lo r e '' '*

laim pher. C.lelt H ‘ dk''- ", \VMdw'«'il lerrto'c a * w rr itidgew 'iod av.W llilw ood terrace -TiS w ir tttilgeworiil iiv, GOxtW

- i la r r e t W V aiiderh oof »t "V* lo Barati M ' an S ee s . I aid ; well, w s of an fr lln rsen eck rd, jS U x "'';K cor n u rre l Y' Vaiiderhoof In the flrea t J'tece

IKINHIIOLkE. I.y l l r l le v l l l rI 'o iilrn i’ ts A w e rile il

r i r c 4 iiiwtMl*aD»ncpii L «*tr i tiiTJK'iH fnr ihi' ftfhllHuri lo the heml-

tiUiiriiTu " f thfl KujMw .hkJ Huf»p Company tif Mrll.'Gih* wf,Tc aw arded a l n m e«tln « h fl.l h \ til*’ LnHTkl o f Klr«* C**mmlB»l«n^r:^ u i ihai | Hi!it nikht. The fram e build- lnK will h* .’ x g n O (‘d lo rb« a(re4*t line and 11 n*'w iisplmli n*ibr will h i - put in Tor th# hmislTik: of ih6* (li»06arllnfnl'H new cpm blnti- tlon truck .mil h o w carrlaK^*. v M c h wan rMC -nily nrdcred.

R y. l>li k'‘ i'9on, o f IJi‘ llevllle, wan tli^ ]nw-m lildder for Hip carpeiilpr work lU h\% o f tHT. Tho nfphulilng went to ihc I'omnpmwpnlth Uu«jflnf Company o f iMfJ t'lic. I(» h£d. which wufl the IrwePi. am-Him.-tl t** *Ufi. w'lll bPEltl Im -mrtiil.^f.'h Rids wMfp joibmltted by fhrep ninlriK at a u-pociul uiiPtliiE held on ThitrH.lay nj^ht. hut ihe commiMlonPTX dv- t’ldfil u* moke Hltenitlnuf In the ortglmii M|M’<ilu-:6ilun« and ii**w PBliniatei were f.‘ull*d C'*r The fhiinKes included ibe lo^- erhiK ut the o f the buSldlng.

MtSH TOWNKKND'R JUkardlnir and Day Srhoni fvr lUrlH, 4 Park t»I.. Newark. N. J.:

ounh iirJ-paraJivn f*>r any collefe open \a w-m- •n, .^rademlc. Primary and Klnder?arien D**- I urtmi'm*. N»w AM Department, re-vp n" iIkv, Se])tf‘ m1>'‘f 2S: rlreular on annlU-HOin Mi*i TnvknMnd v. lU be at homa from lo to 3 tiri**r Sri.Tpirh^f ft. _THR NVwark Seminary. Mlaa WbUmore'i Moaril

inx niift Day RrnooJ for CJIrla, OW Jtri'Q 1 "■ • r4-"6p**n* P pi 27; (horouah metho'l*; liliriry lnl-irni krv, yymnarlum. primary ftepanm'*n(,V Lii«jA-ii. l*‘<'iijrM In hlatorsr of art, MiP'e euP luT'- pr^parmloB for all coi|e(en; r^nlllcatH n*i HiUb lo V. flltaaley; I’lTculara: peraotial |nl**rvii'a hft<T H*"iti K _____________ ______

, n g . .A " tiread i;,'; a h d ' ‘r . ' i ? ;gUirxnleert In six private |e«Biin>, ^ o r V money r»funde.1; with "r e prlvs'e lesion r>“ convinced; lady a*«Wianl

VINd w . D R AK E’g olaBaea dxncin*. lonflay evenlnj^ ai tii* new North WarolItV-

riafik"^HVll.*4«"jb^^ at.-, new fl*""**Ing, nr nuire. Fur




K.tST (IHANIIE HCHOOU 113 llsrrlmn it.. E*" uianae; Kltul«Tyarirn, Frlntary. Junior,

an'l r ..ilrtMe CTeiiiiralftry lieparlTiienix; aK' N**itV.\l. KINDEHGARTFN TRAlNlNQ I'KI'MITMKNT Mlaawi It. IxOuIm |’mler>'1H ■nl lpuii*«lle Hrvflen F.arl. Prlnclpala. Clrrular*.

rRAVKN’ fl Rchool for fllrb*. WS Hr-ta«l Bl-, .Si’wurk, N. ,1., recipena Wednesday.

P’T7ih.-r 2ft jiriniary, academic ami co'leitr prfpflrfltnry dpt-arimenta; claaaee for hoyk 'ni- .Ijar 12 years nf aire. Circular* on appllnaiFn.

aioiolniment. Hpeclal rale* to four nr term*, etc., I4l New at.. or_at_0i^G ^gi.I'Ri.K. F R A N rlS a V S Select DAItcmg

Jscoliy-s Hsil. "Xa llrnid H ., ‘ ‘" ‘ "r* Jllti Tuisilay evenings- lieglnneri *,•'’*“" ‘ " 7 -u;ll«)l, S7U Brosd; s n o le l . . ................"A •>«••" - add

Mike your xppllciilcn* (or money » J have „ in your ■h.n.t.jB twoamount from *10 up. . . .„=Im In ynur poaiaMion. Abao.ut# #«cracyi


You many opHon*

(Janoln* laufhi. Call or, fancy and alaf* ddreM for ckculiJ.

ve reHkuy 4ji»gju4s» at* Ml"- y-

Tiwiwir-tnai Each Daxment la for i li«»JllSEtTI 11. VVHITE-B sctionl re” P'?’2t>'2T, 8amrdaya. Addreaa 4(H 9road^_jjewar^

I 'l i i m . ’’ Nm’h'Tng 'uT!u«tUftf ftxure* to mix up inoa* no\ upTn malhrr

URR8SMAK11VO AND MCLI.INKRY*TAYIj YR'B Lreaacuttlnx ami Mllbnery Hrbool—

i>l»enlni ijf the tenth yrar of one of

malKrmalt<^KABY MONEY,''f("ypu^J^eslfe*tii exieml H t^ -id

' V v K V ? . a h "“ ‘ “ “

Tin-; .MIRTHEND SCHOOL. Al 2aH lienevl'.lf uve . will reoiten Tueadty, rtepi, 2rt; primary.

Inicnnetilate and aenderaic drpirtmenia'. will Interview (jalrona from 10 to 2, after Sepirmber Hi ______

I).. L. a n d 3A. T r e lo W e e fh e d .rA T K H SL iN . Sei>( A iiussenser

triiiii nn the 1 Jelaware, i.ackawunna .in-l W’-vii-rn R.ll1roHiL title here at S n cloCK la-t iilghl eaHtwanl boiiuil. ran Into a

KliKNCH.ENQLISH Schniil aitJ Kindergarten, bt yii preijareU for Newark Ai’a*l'‘ my; scbiHil re-

rtpmo on Mnndav. 24th. For paril''ular*. ai'Ph’ let MMK DK ( HATEANPet'F, K l nim on aveSCHOOL and Klndcr*arlen. Ift Ij<iml»»r‘Iy *l

MI.'^S ISAFeKL UKRRY wUI reopen Tu*-Mlay. rVpt ember 2Bs lOOJ. __

mirreisl.ll hustnesi srhOTls In ’ I t v j ™ »re thorouchly (aufhl ftnit’^lai* iirersniaklnj, mdlei- lair.rlhf SB’I French mmtne.y, eterv P’lpi! Is m ight inillvIrtoAlly. xt?vml'llnery to order: open day snd evening. MAHT c LYNCH, .“STli Broad at., cor. t,enlra l ^ vr-

DRESaMAKlNQ UUiht by European rule; In­dividual ihaiructlona; fnipll* make dre^a

free while learning: hour*. 10 tn 4; evening. 7 to P SO- culling, baiting an*l pattern* to mSaura. N. T. VAN ZANT. Flan* ft..neaf New. ___ __________________ _________

i* all right with y ^ ; ^iJuainea* houra-ft M-f.i'n " ’ V . ‘r ‘ rTi'“.ll «b?^b*n to -" '-If you have a loan with aema oih*r loan

pany wo will pay it oft and advanca you moree.I?rip*iVR LOAN AJ^D HROKERAOB CO., PMP1-E‘ fi LOAN ANDIlonm 20. Telephone Building.

Ifli) Market at.. 2d floor.Telepbone No. T 3

McDOW.ELL nreaacuiOtig School, easieit and hesi ayatem in eilatence; puplla make their

nwn dreaaee while learning- Call 'JT aeiiri for circular; paiyr paitern* and lining" cut to measure. ruJSF C. LYNCH, m Froa^^.____

MRS, rR.AN<’ ls«'^S Klndergarien ami reopen* Mnut,. Ocl. 1. at 31 V-n H'agcnen it.




(rr-iplii viVr ut Vret' i-rosslng, aliniit (« .. miles west o f Ihls city, nml wrcck--il ill,, -hi" of one o f the iiHBsengi-r cars, l-oi- lori.iii-Sv this cur was empiy, Iml the ims- „.„K,rs' In the other curs were greatly Iil.irme.l. Sevcriil o f the cars were Ihroen i,IT Ihe mils. The drill engine had 1., . r -wii.-hhiK coni i-iir" ’luring the evening iiii'lh” l II. glei'to’ l I" pn" unc f ' “ t ' '’ 7 " ,le:ir o f the main irark Travel was 'le- liivi-il several hours liy the a reck^________


s<‘M(XJLJh (.IK I (IfiHi aeu*on)f>ow open for Ml’SICAL ART 1 all gradi-B of Inulruction In

(’arneglp Hnll.N.Y.l VocM and Itiatfum'^niai II Ontrf *t. I Mual<’. Th* InieTciellnK iMuiilc Hall). IwM’klei/'A Year’ * ReauU* In

Newark. I Art.” *‘«it free op applica tlnn to the General Serreuirk,

rL.\rj)K THKVI.YN, Frliii.. Violin mpt.THK IDK.VL VVAT-'A rUlUIRKN’S i ’ LaSS

in r-ianof 'rto. Daily lein 'fiB. No pracMce at h-tm*. T’arente are Invited lo InveaiigaiB inle c aw. at ihrt L’oliego of Miielc.

THF: Hi '1H Idla OK PrHlsH' FEUFORM AN* E, Hie I'.inpire of Mu^<-, offer* exce|vtiona| nd-

v.uiieg^K jidvanerd einileme and arllet". t'laeB, l ulkMiie raialtiguea, pro|rHinme, IknnkJeL etc, al •'Mher hHuhvI. i'arnef:ie Hall, N <iMujir HaII. 17 Tenire «t., oiip. MMitary Perk.

I/H 'is ARTHl fl RTHPELU Dlrecior.


1 flf6

40N V K A 'i'1«b ttF l .l 'r ill 'A N lA v a , H ep rese iita tlv es fi1«MH>4> PreiH e I"

I K liaAhclh.


The revenue siam ps on real - " J * " fers InUlcale th e.aetn u l value o j the proprera inuu:«‘.«F ir.v ^any. iho rate bdng J1 p « H.ww-


In tillrcroTih'driiUi*wlnx TUnrlKUA'" werey^fll^rdby

t.Tl’ Thuinaa J- Oto'd-


(’ .-Ulli Ti^ T H t FKHLIC.TIik 4lir»«-t«rrp «sf tlifJ . (’iMucni iVeiu-h Indo*.

trtui 11 ‘kine f-'i Men. M Flwm- -l«-*«ir*' Juliifi-nii H eir frlemle ond llu* riMUomere Iwr wwd JIM'I i-nal. thei MU K (J "H TI.AN [» i * n>t liin«*r eni|'l’*0 ‘tl af Hifir apeni. ntid 1* ff'nolng sour rvl -re ti' th*' Iiifiiif. or ai’.inp Ih^ni to onr tigi-ni, ivho will ca'I on ym «iHi proper 4 riHleti" tii*l*, v " ‘i will er*aHv idillx''

Tel UK.\'. WU II. » ' ’OTT, Hupt.

M1S.H KATHRYN OLl.VNON. I’lxnlst snd tesi-h- er of artlsllc ulano i-lai-lJig. Newark atuill’ i lit

li.e laoiler null’llhg, ’B« llroAd St,; Ne« York audio Bletnwxy KaL: al”a-laUsl .Jf Dr. Mason e ajsleiTi of "TOi:’ :H sml TECUNU;." The bit- lowln* excerpt I* from a leailmanlal awarded ny the Aijiluir: tenllfy with plea nire lo her *>hsani'ed aHalnmema a* rtaard* *tyle, lii'epreiw tlon jind lechnlr, 1 ran al**> warmly reenmmeft! her ae a ti.a<’her wh " und«*r*ianiJe (he principle* upon which m meihinl of TorCH and TF.i’ Fl .NK'- Iff haai'd. an*l who I* able (n Impart Inaifuc lion In ariMirdAnce vrilb Ihal ayatem.

(Klimndi -DR. WM. MAPON*

t a il o r -m a d e sutn. lalfU style, from (8 10 113; first-clAsi milng; 1 .7 '', k ''V ” "'*'.?- WEISH tadles' talli'r, 350 M iishlnglon al..

mar Hill it., formerly *53 Broxd s i . ____



MISH MAY. 24 Csmp si., misses an.! children's gowns: formerly with Uesl. .N-w Yiirk.

IiK EPBM AK lN a-8ults. 12.60 up- MISS VOOB- HEE8 , 38 New si.______________

w a l l p a p e k a h d p a p k b h a k o i h o .n o tice -IXJ THE pi;aLn;--K”r ti'ah^cixsi

work and verA re*aon*Ms prlveii. call on Iha Kmptre liecoratlng Company the Interior of your home he .a Ihin any nne m Newark. 3 4e have Ihe Isrg- , 1 1 iiemtmenl of wall deenrsOon ever ebo-wn. Ill oor decorating dsparlment we have s,,urrt l„ servli-es of the beat workmen front the jkrge

pianos, orssne? horses Ind wlgooi « most soy hind . r personal property, the Mme day youalk for 1 '

YOU CAN OET ANY AMOUNTyou want (rotn IW up. and pay It, back I"-J M 'I monthly pay mem a, taking a years ilBio If you

^ R E M E M B E R -

N BW JERSEY LOAN CO.Is the oldest and most rellkhle In the ^ty. knd. aa our busineii Is strictly confidential, your friends need not koow about It,


l.ll'ieT' in d ' to keep'our heel men eraplnyi^. wo are nreiare.i to turnlah ee llm il'i catefully or

Il rlaeaes of work sueji BS_ imt'fr^tixnglng^palnt“nf tlevnratlng, hardwtsal finishing. fiMr Islilrig. We have * 'a f f - " ' “Yt feiuse we order direct from the Isrgert -Wkll-

THK t'liTty whn pU'hrtd up a |>*fkpll"'<»K at ih* Rtfi'liififi A' nvn laiii'** on S<qHi >)rum;H hv*

im TburiwlJ*)' afircn«H*i6 wUI kitully Ipu^ fAtu# H< SthB*!*"* druK Btuif, {iM th*y ai* knt*wii. 11 it

01..4ltKN«'l^ A,*-Woulit Ilk* Id rom- muiil-'-uir with him m *iii> utU* knowing hh

H lilr*M. Ad'lfF-i'!' Mumul D<'X 'Ifl. Nfw**.


STl’ DIO N («. fl AND ft W PARK ST.m*-6n d ay r .vnd TurnsDAYrt.


life IJfMaIJMKiA aT,

TMK penplrt iiwiilug whi' lfi nim nl 24H HBl»t*y \6l)| |tU-a»*- I all fur (!i*m ■'! ili*y « ill h*» *4.'ld

vilthln U dtiVH. L. LAWHKN^'L.


ICiiKi'U*- H-'t!*! ‘■i 'IX

LlfV**jHh Bt.

ENGLlSn ELECTIONSJ o se p h C ham U erln ln A ia o n g the

N nm brr R e ta n ie d lo P n r K e n im l W H h n n l O upusllliin .

sJ o[y^tve it ponsiilUfUt-les. retiimlu'E one, . t *\.3> mapn6>esTAMlV nf til** ||fourth (it ih< niPTiiimT ihliv of liou«*i

nf <?omiTnoiiK, oui4li' ibi-lr iminlriftiUmH tip- dHv, L i' t\» 1 fl clfK’k thlft ufHrnoon ilfiy- eight imMobr-rn had iiHi*n und|6-

oomprliHlnM foMy-thrftft t ’onHcrvu tlVfti, Hglit nvt‘ andIWO NftL^i*U««K.

Among Ihft' hiti-rriMlng pprju6iiumifri on Hide r»-iurn<Hl lo-dny

wittibUt oppcwllloH WPrt* Joneph C’humlmr- 1 (Uh. Jin’ Hecrelury nf Hiule fi*r i Uh Ool- nt>1#B (Weat lilritiinghitm)-, Wyml-ham. th# rarllamt^niury H#‘ 'ieiary fur tbe War Offlci' tDovi-r): CbftrJ**?( T Kin hli-, Ih* pr##1(l#nl o f lh* Board nf Triuie HTuv- don>: Sir John L‘ . lU Col"itib Utmul Yht mouth); TMlllivgu. I'lidpr florroturyfor th# Horn# l)#pftrtin*''ii nii>r«lrt»lpy ill- vlsinn nf HlnnlilBhitm); Sir Knui-’h SImrp Dowell (W.lgKTu; Jowi-h I'owrdl WllllHtns.

8 t*('r<*tury o f tin’ War offline

TUi» < « * u l r y t « ■

l'■.L|■/.AItK.TIL R.-|,t 39.-T lie flftee aiiuiial cmiveutim. of ib f Llllttulttlhus "f III’. Kiiltcil SlaU'B will bl- tli-bl lit this ’ I t ” , I,.l...r a, lit ” iol 11 ut tiruu’l Army Hall Th” lust I'oiiwiiilon was at Waterbiiry,

' Thlre are over Ml’ * * ’llil.s ’ ’ ’Uiilrv. -nuTc will be atioot ItXKl’ le- aai,.s al 1 1 1 ” ’-” 1 1 ( 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 . alllittlg them ii r „ :, „ i „ . „ f ,.i..rgyn..-ii 'I ''''’ ,Ktiies ’luring Hi’ lr stay Hi t-.lliubeth wll l„. 1 1 „. a,i’-st« of ttie four Llihuuninu so

1,1 lilts rltv There w-111 probalilv t,” ;i parail” urrimged by the LUDO Uthua I’l.’ ua of Kllxubetb In honor o f the coil- v,.|il|.,u to welt-nriu- ihe delegate" Th” l.anol’-. If bel.l, will Jle on the ftrst

1 1 1 1 ,. , ..iiv-'iitlon, wln-ll the prlu- li. s w-lit tic niinl*.

llerm auTli'li’-i’” l, w- H Boiitli

Ha no- to same, w *1,

I” sam e, wSt. v; ■'«>

All” -’ l J M et.n ull 1 nil A -»’” tutlon. W s

,M,, Il L, I .lusepll ttlllllv |., I iliitl’ llng oiut laiaii HI. . . h” i St, (1.3tai.

Mlniil’ Kulisam t

South Eleven

South Elt-

et ux to Forest ,ake St. ISIS.37 ,VBii et 1 1 1 to ''I'-rAssociation, u

K lor.-nee P. Trlppe, w n u 'H ’V ilm m a b d Kalrnutuitt a v

,, J atri'mmel to B ,6 011l#lt pi.

iKiiii'U Mi'l)*Tnii»nii,i,ivus A.


Mkry It

l.iil I el ?

il'K \\ i:i yx*u plFgjie I itJI rti (ft .M*

llu a in *** P «n o iiA l* .L>KNTLS-i lO' -


Btuilln Al lat utpr Cu.'* piano warirnem*. ftT*7 and 0T4) Hruad it.

Kei*ld*m'^. 21 Cnvirf it.

imper hotme. In the wnrhl We sell papers from V s roll up. Even It V-'U hsve hut one riwm. rsh nr send pnetsl tn I?mplte Iternrstlng Com- 5Jnv T2T, Wishmgtun et.. opp. Empire Thestr.

" '■ r T t -O F E R A T lV E W A W .l'A I'E lt LO,,'>'s4 m \.«iillNOToS kT.. <'■'£• -Mirkii. r-..rmefly emplr*y«i of H'** filwnhurgfl.

61a\ ff*i ur*»d f«*T ih<4 fAll •*‘a**jn Hi*ttrifft H*l«llonA of w*llpa|»T .(f Hip IaIppI *nd

nat^ruil -'hlch we at” ulTerlng at the t.isest nrhes- our wurkmsnshlp Is ”t the tiest l;e7” . . ' wt .‘ u the work cut’w'.ves: the msterls WP UBP IP >f t U r flnp*!. Hi nur tradp thtiw*. If v f - <1.3 yuur wt.rk ctic« w** arp mrp to (!n work f4ir vou AKApf Don'l 1*>*p Hip .Jtiportuniry lo ffpp u* whPti 'y ‘>u • utu To bavo your hou*« i.aim^l t)P ^ al|*«T*<J. One trial will ronvlnce Vi*u. U > eell paper from 3 rente s roll up. (Ypen PvenlntB (I'l * o'clock. T'hII i t pphJ POpI*1 to

petallve Vallreper Up 764 W as imrlnn sb, M f MarkPt. Next If M «1p1 TtrlK'tlngPiori^

snd will be pleased to eiplsln oug roe fh ^ in vrtti MA w* are Aiixloua To get our rat*« beforeyou. A* we xrp Aiixloua to get our rate

knowing ibey xt* chi*pe«l InThe public, lh* cily.

H you owe a balxuc* on your furnlttir* or Kavp A loan with •ome other company, we wia tiav It UD for you *nd give you more money, SKwiug ynu to [’sr usaSy « jy tb.i ■un*y™f convenience. P'or honesty and courteous treat­ment cell tm


Hif.rnvn SXQQR^ROOMa 2 AND 1 ._____R£AD1 a.ATTKNTIONl

A NKVV DEPARTURE IN LOANING MOK1CY.TA> mike loan* of »ny fttnounl, from 110 to

tl.uOO, on hou*ehoid furoitur* pi^oe^


LKADlNd DIsenRATORa.\h Biirlngfleld av*., '*pp. CourlhuuAP,

invite (he gpneral public for an lniH*cllon of

KKEDKHIC C. H^UMANN, rrmi (iprman Cun* Hprsiiliiry: hl|{h*r hM nf plan'i pli.vlng. 2!iHi

•PAHnn. -Tmli |jnpll»‘ ipciul In (; prufpn iAjr Nk-w York iV'llp*'* Mupl''! prlvtitP iludl i, Stelnwuy H al. AiMi ’mi INa HD'H piano atorp. H WfHt Fork »i-

caciininalratort lu Illcluirils, B wr a LeiUl av.

lo Wuoil-'l'l'Ufvi'fl r Mi'ilruih * '1 HI sv ’ - , .IsOjn|{||!M)(iK IITI'I

I.t.llt*' .i , K (LiniiirrI iT'iHtni-l kl. |](X|

JfTmie- K ItndK - •

III Miiry Kliuiry- w K, Hairlii.

l . | [iiiklH I'lpul Kj"

T H Al^e

iflolrtlu HlitnintliMin); C " 1 dup1 Nlr chnrlng'IhtrtTU.*!!!# |i>ijn(l#r o f IU*» Unilt'd

ICmptr* Trade IjfUKUn H'l nirn Shertleldi; John Hennlk**r IfpolnM (I’ anH'ilitiry). rharles Bollliy Stuart (\Vorl|py). formerly I'nfter Befrelary i»f Rlule for the ilouie DepartmAnl (MuHnm Division o f SlH-meltl), and Sir Kdward AlbtTl Sassoon (Uythe).

Th* hF# L4b#rnl« reiurnf'iJ nmipiiwHi'd In- cluiS# W lllUm Court Cliilly, Hp»'nki'r of the House o f Commons iCutIIhIiH, uml Hlr Henry Hartley Fowlrr, fonnt rly Tinier Secretary o f Sttta f*jr th** llon if Ticptirr- m#nt, and B(‘*'rptary Kiaie fur India (K a it WnlVcrhampion)-

An tnt#reitlns feauir* of (he olrcilnni Ii lh* Inlrrventlon of (h* colonlPt fur (he flral Umo In ttm fleclloiin In ilia muilipr- Innd. A dispatch from Hobart. TaRinniiln, annoimcee th« adoption o f a rcxoluHon hy Ihe TAHTnanlan Asaerr^ly prupoklng a lolnt Auattallan cabtegranv rongralulailng Mr. Chamberlftto on the British auerrse^** in South A frica and hoping the elerlorn of f !#***--S vtlsin wiU etn[>liii.llraJly Inetat on The frulia o f victory being efreciuully ae- cure#,. ■ • - t r

ftt RLPIIIY K.4?*TrelrfBOH M en '* I-*’ * W lill* »P##*4-

iJiK l o « a r d llu ioe*ALLl'eN 'lM U N, I'u . Kdward

Hurfmi’ ii. a "Ilk [.m t’ tif.-.t-lurer “ f Soli ,N J , w ho ai-ron il’Utilcil SHk < (■’ -luvi- orvtt-r o f IL-iiiiistiphs. on tlu-'r H ,„„,a l "O tlng to this ’T ty . * 0 " liv a ’’ I f 'iv T bu rstiu v night and so* ■ lap ,,.,! a rtaru ire ” f hla left leg. above 1 |uiikli Mr refue*Fil to fu K' " " iA U n iO w n hu< malftD’ Ji.livalHiiti jiriMiniuiny tilm i*u the truln i

The •‘‘»rHiHtii.g r.K.m iMMl the pliyBli’ lan srl lli*! friit-lured limb wbllt* Ihe train wai BP'- t Uig nlmiK al tiif rn lr^of fort^ ”j


W nllervb "4 \ !^ih KlfV*mih Bl. S4.H(W.

,f KMX ibTiibl K;in - »*l to Weal l.nd hNiMliiK uml lA>nn Au^u<•luMon,

'V iiilu“lV siuVff« ITIare M. Ni-w ' « V.

rtiqu*i>li<niAbly ih* .abI ilrmAnd bHs lre-*M, AT>t| the pres^Bt on* In fur a method of rsuOA-iln* teeth With Ih^ le«hT iialn. DR. K. iUllMllT(.7N, wUli hi* PBliileaa AnMf«iheiic, ■Thr Otlgitijl Kuclirlima." . »tn nciom^llih

thlff wlili n o after reiuli*. ‘ir> havlag y«6ur tri-ih exirat-'U-d ihi* way.Hi-ai leeth .............. ......... ............. **^'*i;

illxlr.icTlna free when w U are urderedLCrown and hriilge work................ .......... K* i-^lh(loltl ....................................... ................. *5 to IT{]n|.| flUhiga ..........a............................................. *1 J^P. lli>y .................. ..........................

l-Uidy Allendint.DR. 3- bulKiirruN .

Hurgeoii Denllfti, lu Cedar el". »*■ ' Rr u.1 *(.

& 1,6 h. Sundftjra, it-lll. __________

AS TD a r t i f i c i a l KVK8. THIS WILL INTKUKijV YOU IK


PROF CHAH- F ttIClIlioHN. Piano. Organ and lUrmon>, ■i>lli>. Kluii*. Mrtndrtlln an.I

OuUir; aigbl for viAcallit*. M Thoma^atOl*.U'DF H. W Aitl-‘»iHI>, vcia'aI. piano ati'l

harmoTiv Inainii i.-i-. fmin Ro>al Con*ervali»ry of MuaU’ . Ponlgur;. 1,'ifimArtL 442 High *c

smion \< right cl ux to Thomas Everett,r,,IU|.l,’.|l, w s ' n 'J It n I 'n e o r e i ! Li.Uiurlmt 1 ” l-ll’-hli’ ini and Oeorgi

Ain«‘rb‘un limuraniehllT-llUlUi. iher

1 'mn-llnldwln «t. ll.SW-., . i, Ne-HA und Frank L. iu

m pwh have gdded U> <ft“ - 'ft.riP* ' ' full im* ^

MISS LOl’ lHK L H'hM.i. viidln. piafio mnd en aemliie Ininrurilon, i-M.-lilim rewumad Oct. i

new re*ld#TU'e-ilui1 tr 1 i rnlral^fTe.MlKii LULtI BIORKN Flano InaiructloD- ■*•*

non ijf IttOO-lfOl oi en Ot:!ober 1. Reaiaence, fli Hherman av*. _

their new e*(aiiU*hment: any one d**irlng or »nir iricntJoh o( hftvina any of the abova

da ^ i r m -■&. ,,w w , imjdas ilei-’irstors. p«|’«r-hsngers and psinleri. Fm exsnitde we uniier a TO*jm, t-IMiig anil wslli, for I'/u n ’i oil. The work si’eske for llseK. WSll- ,»l#r St fsetory nrlcel. 3c. jicr mil snd up Open Veninis until (I Ii'vlock. I all or send postsl to

t h e N ATI’JNAI, DEfORATINO I'O.. ,16 Surltilfi'ld kve., Newark. N, 1.

(’ilUHielle courtbousel.

snd Wkgoni snd other chAUsl securities, u the (.HEAPEBT AND EABIE8T TERMS sver el;lered lo the public. You can pay It back laetUAll monthly Instalments, from one month to e yesr a time. If you wish. If you owe e balsiwe on yiiur furniture, or hare » lc*n <* s u e u d find the terms loo high, we will pay It oil *or you snd give you more money If you ft. ■ Dowltia you to t»ay ii off on our n*w b VILD- IN ll AND LOAN PLAN, wharo each payprtnt mffdia navA both DrUiclDal and charga* »pr wftii.made pay# both principal grul charfw I ■ 0 when the Hn»4 exidrea your loan 1« all paid. W « know ther* ar* (oouagMa of P*opl« la N##'- ark and vicialty who a/a lernporwrily *mb*r- raMed al timea. who hav* never Ippllod for |r>an# betauae they do not know of a raUtbj^aplace to fo . or for fear of twmg oVBrchar«#fl* ft' any of th«i* people will call and let ub ex*

l)\.Mrt‘ S JSrtKjklyii and N. Y. Ih ilie only orlgl- ' iKil wA’ lprtlfr mow-, alili'h eUetB for ih# la»t f -a yeaV* m (W Si-ringfleld avr. near H ^h at., tlviF.H lh* Ahea]*t-.»t and the beai M. rlt In the city.iV Auu vlon’ t bellev**. call anil nitivim-e youraelf ;I. jv.s__ __ i.r-gciiw fr.Mn At- is rt||l

MANf>OLlN, bAiiJv. jiiliar loairuvttun. MIHS rLAHlBKL JKFKbliV, Ull IJroad al., over

K'eeF* aft iiora. _____IIANJO taUgKi; ali ihe lateal mualc; circular*

Iiiallij. LOri!* AUKTUEN. SO Rrunawick at., cor. Murray. _________ ________PIANU leaaon*; Wm Flderlt, atudlo al

Isouter Cu.'*: reeMFUi-f, U5 Sluul«n *(•. Ea*l grange. ____ __________ .. ___

hHI l«a|iT ai factory yrlr.-H. fn-m 4c. a rol nmJ 111.- wr alwi do peperlng from YJ a r^tn nmi wis alao puliuing. kataomlnlna. i*l*#ierlng. SI the i’ lwest I’rl’-e.; we r.irry th- ’lig-"l PHirtment if ile*l*tw In ihe i’h> : I' all prumpily ,<n*-nded iI-jo ( ni\*n our nunil-er iBi Hprlngfleld i.,* uhuVH ihv druggist; l/iirK .LT ,__Fn*p._THK 16HU71NA1. ADAMH URt^^^KleVN WAtsL-

4E. who

plain our plan of loaning moftvy, they will raadj iy aee that Our hualneM mHhcldt aiw fair and iguare and any ona can underaiaod (ham. All hUBlTiaiia ta airietly confidential. You oia bftva the mnney at oru e. Our ofllcaa ar* prlvaia and ronvenianlly hioAted. nail and ae* ua. MUTUAL IjOAN a n d INVESTMENT CO-,

IlS-122 MARKET ST.,Wood Building, near lialiey tt., aacond floor.


KERS. under th* management of STAHL AZKLLNEK. make* the inOil liberal advaacaa on pernnoal property, atich aa DIAMONDS, VVATCHBB. JEWELRY, CLOTHES. elO., a((s..

liANJOs niandolln taught- A. .1

lullar, W'KIDT

zither and violin 44& Waahlngtun ai.

i'APKH STOKE, wko haa d>»ii*' your work for over eight jeara. la now offering »ome bar- Mulnn 111 wallpaper. Kaper wnh •ellil»f and iKjrder io malA'h. from .Tc, Onler as much aa liiu like We uae uo truat pai>*M. Papering a

elUiiK aftd walla. 1 . Remember we ar* nearlr k yearn In huainea*. »•» y*iu - an rely «n our work, Painting In and outahle, kalanmln- Ifuc ell* at price* that will ast.inlah you. M. HoTJiOVHE, CM apringfleld ave.

al the rate of £4 per cent, per annam.At written re<iuesi one of our repreaentailve#

will call at your reeidenc* for tou t above tea dollara.ilRANCH 0STI17R. 18ft 8PR1N0RIBLD AVE.,


l.iiiiil. rl hi to rtfitne. |1 9 N#w fU H,.|,iy .1, K. Wnllhii •

huur When i'hllUpi'burg, N. nm rhedihe aurgeon a lank wa« ronu'h* ■' From (he suiilon a aporial locomoiue iiruvlJerl ii\ Mr MofTmuii’ n friemb. - ' = 'i veyeii Ihe idivaU’ lftn hark lo All#n‘ '»wn

H \'uune. Ja s r

..IlMHftT el H'

'\i.',‘,l'i,i!'M .‘'iiyun''.'t* ;ik"*'io Aetiiu iji'y ;’);;;-

It s l-'lrsl nv. WW. tk rt’-hui>ls 7,rioiiil’-v (.•si-culftr). f s Tlaye." st.

TOW NHH1P8.1 ,111,1 Hullt-y un.l a. l-’rtinkiu, loi-

1,. ,lla;;<i. u. New vnrk. .,i„l,:iny, Easl Mrunge, ■ « ai

* ';L.'',il’io Msloffin '< .‘.'*.,*5

^nm ;.,M 'Eye^!'Vwoirtor ,ltHll<4 .xpresslcn,

ur Sfil tin. Vellnl.hcJ, .-cn- »a.I . « u. lire you have headache »c ili-' pj,W# van relieve vmi a pair iif

rfi'ilv flulHg giaaae*. AH I'zaniinaMon* free. tL.rreA.lly nm«a rJti:j'MAN.Kjiii>'*n Oi'Cvlttn.

H ■■Srademy at

m a n d o l in InetrU'tion, 5(K*. per hour. MISSQUAClCFNHUtiH. iTh Ml. Proapftot a y*-____

l^KSBONS given » near Central ave.

i I'iann at T3 Boulh 7th at.. , J.%f* par leiaop. _______

VIOLIN leaennii at your home, M>c. AJdtew VIoHn, Boa HL Newa offlee. _ __________

VOCAL tn*iru4ilon. MlftS N. VoN SEYERILD, aluJiu UUB Rtond _________________

M1W3 M DUNHAM. V’lano leaion*. TB Janje*

L,UN T NKdLUCr YUUR TUKTII - tr vou iloii'l Bltetli <0 11,'"'. t-lss wll'.M MU-ilenileia' hurge auA'b ezi'i'iiiisiiit i-rlre* that

” ,!»c I’-uuH- ilelorrcd tn t” ,,r--t”-r,y okrinl

I Hi-iii'V'llle a 8 Honiart ftU' Ikl-Ylo^ch f l u x lo Uellcvbis. n w

44 AS <>»'5'EHED A IIIAM'E.

Ileraen O o n l v o n U -l- l TekKRes lls- In re Ih e l ira iid J u ry .

H AfKKN SACU , Hept. '.D—Editor H’l’-a. nf the Fort Lee Heiltlliel, »nil Freidl-'l-lf-r lleti.lcf t’ pp.-are.1 yestenlny beron- gnind Jury. The B entln .l^had ItenJer as ssylng he was o f lc r e d l lo ' vole In favor o f hulldhlg a ! tl-lK”over the Hurhensack HIver at Hi-- i.u- ',a Ksoe lold ih egra n d jury lie h e a n n i’ U.I.'r make the derlarallon eretlllMl lo him, and ilsnder told the Jury the nanu- of ,h” Hu i- son roiinty co iilraoior who orf.-ied l„m the 11.™. , ,

Proserutnr Koester, ronii.-o-l r- ISergen Ki.uiiiy FT’-eholders. , m ,. fiillow up tbr m auer,

' A N fO T MBfET rK R U V IA l D llA P T .P d r l i i lU 0 e « m i r » t l to r « r t p and

T h a re 1» T ro n b lo A head .i .i i iA , Peril, 8#pi. 29. via rsarerto Junc­

tion, T*x.—Tlier* U rnui'h excHnnieiit li#*rr ovflf tbe fact that one of tli^ 1‘urla hnuaer na irhlt’h former Wlnlaiur of FTnxnco v*igunde drew for ftbiuil BOO,WO francfl, l»e uft#d In part payment fur *rma pur- ( haied In Belgium, hnn failed to meet (he

cgiiiiOt meet Ihe otheraa tm rtr Tftfttdrdsysmat!M lidlhgn o f Flnnnr* and W ar have re-

pigT^irthalr pofUoliOB. 7tnd th* Cabinet 1e ftMll fnc<i?np!*l*.

T F “ire e‘ f “ u* 10 ‘ >'">re« Mllsir“ sun (kdmliilstraujr), Ulmiiiili’ i-i. n i ''Ha“ ';"^ r ’4"w u T a n i M K iris (exon ,".r,

V A & V h “ 7 '. ’ : r A,fr..,F Hkliiiivr (Hilmlnlftirotor), *

'■‘ll'-Jl'llam 'V . ‘ I'lmy ot u* to Kr” ’b-r,, k NeVlimis, Vallsbiifgh. n » SouUi

‘ ulMblm T-.illt-ksonHla.-kwrll, Eusl 4'runge, w » l.i-|.lr( si, “ & r to sail,’-, EIISI Orillig*. w » l-li-iiin

Buf’h Iajw price*pTiiper ■.muiint

he -AiTTk’ J avoid *nU clifttg* a fdlr moderate

r,’- riiHr'ieMI., lltliers rl’ar,., 1.” , first-rtsss [■‘a ';? a or ijf lime caonot b*ii.iih *airf-ine*s and clintg' - - --uri.r 1 i>erroi*m every wp*rmUiu known ^ r!.. .le-rn ■f!iMiiine dentleiry, njul un* on.y the hfffi material Oiien evenlug* uiilll 10 o'clock* hr*( meienai. |.:r»wis llKTTS.

4ftli Broad *i . n>*«r orange M.L D. ‘ Utione ddj4r______

tho l» la

eatoe. E «sl O ranfs, w * Kpi’in(n Kil

■ T

I'R AWl* € AH U IK tt KMFM. (lo iilp e l ami ( aiiardl lo r lo r 1 Mf il

l i i l r u d a r l o Fie*-.Kiwrlal Dli-pnleh to the NEWS

I'UANUi^Hl^. Sept. - A Imhiih rttlleu I Ihe bu4*k duor o f I>r .M.i^Cijuncir*

R p o p e p D rey fiia f'lm e.V/)NL)C>N. Sept. 29.-Tbe l»nrlB corre-

ippndent o f Th* CbronicI* cryntaL Iwji the recent rumors conuerrilng efrCaptaln I>reyfua by declaring thni mnwlthaiandlng all oppovltlon, tho rebp«ii1ng o f the caae haa been il«rlded upon, and after the expoeltlrm the t'aurt o f CaaiuiHiiii, which cannot accept llw gUght offered to H by (he Henttee cibrim artlal. wlU reaumc proceeilhigfl.

the QorretpondftTU adde. wi]]

A m r r .;

house, on Union avenue, .vefilrig, ,ind nskfd for food. The st-rvii.U noilveil ait irnsn knife In the man's ha'..l anil, lieeoni- liTg Biarmetl. shut and ki- k,.| the dmir In Ills (oee The irump bi-Kuii |■I’■1(|IIK 111 thi; ioek Will' Ihe knife, ao'l U"' servant sum­moned Dr. MrCIonnell,

The dnetor selsi-’ l u surgeon a srnlitet fttid hroreodisl lo fAee ,jhe InS. -ler. who fied preclpltiitely.

"'Hitulh Orange Heights Cnmitunv will U. llal’Iwlu. Houth Orange. |,, » Nos A!li'., 11311). 317. Soiil'i Orange H'-lKln- m ifi

’ 'H olnrl’ h von '-V-'Yh; '9 , O™!.*;,,' lnlr. w f L l'^vcr Hill pi. S '

^iirnc lo Hiiiiir. M(»niclalr. c k i !10 -o n e , klnntrlalr. W eor riovei-

lim 111 nnd Ulitreinonl av. fUikYi „ ... Monte n r. w s '


1 Mill

HF110V1.NI1 gUKEHFLrOUS K AIR hr eleelrlelty Is not s ties bnl lo rs-

rnoJs I is-rmlnenllf wUb’nn lekvhtg s Is ; ° m,"n.hed ’m;y, by year, of refisrleno*; Miolsm IVestervell-s IS years yraellee In re iii..vliik hall- wsrts *ml mule, ha* wrsi f.5r htr from many ’>f Ness’ k , vromlnent i.tivsI.-lMns by her unrlvnlleil skin anti msKIni thr (ftIkUiE_______


l.auK aaven,«r*iino!* OF I«A.Nlil'AOEB-i'la»fte>8 In Kngliih,

Firrvf'h Oi-i niun, liallun anil HpanJoh; t£-Tr> o#r munlhv MtKJernte Itrin* for prlvaU l*8*on*. TVaiiJiatlojvi Rnf.; luihup Hurtt. Dr.Until PI*«. Drew Thfol. Cullw, #lc,“ p iin r H ph ilj ’(.>t .ro?ie n t h a l p h , d.rfonurrlV mlpwlnnary nf Churrh ftf Englatid). tJ«m 42ft Olob# Building. BOO Broad at.

v>rH Un* of wallpaper for tli ’W'ZNun i* now i«t6Tmilri#. w* <**n aupply ymi wiih * good

for .m?. P**r ro.l, A ihihiai rar.T or ivlliihnne n i l for *n willmale vkj iiBprr-hHnging, umUiUii# or kalvomlnlng will rwielvf uur prompt ziipnllon BprtUal inducam^nlH to pi*i>t>r-liang' wiiptmoii. i rte in a m jtu .

T#l. 2217A. Iftfl'l^Hprlnyttrlii *v#.

FRIEDMAN A UO.. Jobber* of WHlIpapijr—W#

DO YOU WANT MONETT Loan* made 'rotn Sift up on hoiipehold coodm,

- withoutpiano*, orgatM, hureee, w4gon«, etc,, removal: you have um o f both money *ua good*. Our offler* *r« the moil privet* In th* city, and all buaincM 1« airictly cotiMfntto.1 ’ * you warn privacy, be iure and oalFon ui. make loami In all auburbtn lowni. Honey b« hail lame day *■ appllcalloft.




paper * room from t£ up: painting k room |£; - .------— "tis II;kalmbmlriing * rofiiOs II; outaldn putmlng a( the

lov><‘ii price; call ot oend postal c/ir>i und con- Inc# voureclf; don't forget thi* numbi r. TB

ftprlngrteldjivr.MARCfft A CO,—W# paper Urge uli^d room,

11 tr.; paint for ll-W: aleo houHrpainiing, kal- Himtftiing, tinting: loweal prices. Bend for *am- [■Lm. i l l ilarrleon ave., Harrlenn. N ft.


LOANS ON DIAMONDS. W ATCHtt JEW’- EUIY, ETC.s AT 2 PER CENT. PER MONTH* GOOD PfiR ONE YBAR._____________ ________MONEY to ne had at lownal ternvi: eaeiaat

paymenii. without i*mova], i t Miorteit no* tice, on perional property. Call and get our (ermf, room £IB. BOO Broad its, or 8C4 Bank ■t., epr, EUloey pl- ; evening*.

KLSK.NIJFHO ft CO.. New Jerwy’ * greateet italipaper dealer*, pa1nt*ra end deooraior*. 20

New *t.s Hahne ft Co.'a b'id'g. Both phonea.

TH* NFJWARK school OP LANQUAdEB- inib TttlCH. 4H ORCHARD »T.Roanleh Fretich. Oernian, Igitln. Orc«k. etc.,

hv ^reign teorher*; trenalatlon* made: cPDVer- sational meUurf! alanPlBno le*ffoni. _________ukrtsIte bchool dp l a n o u a o e b , as cim-

lon ave.; A, DE CHATEAUNEUP, director; ### reaeonaliie; trial IMion free (awarded twore* rr»^ i4» .* Ik*«L> E-u-nnait nngind anfl two *113 Cl IIS Jni-I *4 g, *4^for beat add moat practical method.)

ffli'lHnia Oy nrr ............ . ....j(,i>crati4>n aimoet i>*1nb‘!«ii.*uliatlon free. K U VVEOTKRVM ^- 2111 Washington at.

HUi a l t e r a t io n SALK NnW UOINQ ON ‘ CP iA'o H IIROTHKRS' } 1’<»RT1N(3 ilOODft

n r s l V:tli SPRINOFIELIV .U’K . OPP. BF>1Hoi'sK ............ - - _WKNT KVF.KTTIllNM fi'II.I) AT REDUCED' 'lViVn -T MISB t h is Ol’ lTmTI’ NITT TO SAVE MONEY..TitV Fiectrlc OaB Cure, thr arpnipm known ‘ rrmwlv for f urltJg *11 harnmin nn-l flad«lle anree, ■iii'F cum bum*, iirulj*«, nimB, etc.; your Hfuev hiirk If nol (tallsfariurv, Fur **le hy K'Tl LI.^M F. NIEsH. the M.irw ('i.llar Mfr., 20 Lav pence el., Newark, . . . ____

MLIxK JULIETTE QUTJ.I-iOUT (diplome* de Parla) ha* returned from Europe and !■ reedy

ar»TTFRirn) SCHTJKRCH. painter, liHi IJeF mrmt eve.; fine kaloomltilng and iflper-heng-

Ing. cheap^__________ "



MONEY to loan on houeehold furniture', piano*.organ* and penonal property without removal;

partle* honorably doait with; con mak* repw* menie by meialmenta; buelneat conUdentUi. H. MARTINS. T Qfoen at., near Broad.MONEY LOANED SAI^ARIED PSOPW bold­

ing permanent potitlona with reepoDaibl* *qn-Ing permanent l ..... - ____ , ______oerna upon their own namee* wtlbout teourlty* »g*y itaymente. TOLMAN. MB Waihlngtai ftt*

LOATVi W A lfT B D .RESPONSIBLE panic, denire* ic«n of WOO for

ahnri time; the l>e*l of reference given; tbe heat of collateral oeourLlv given: willing to pgy............... id — . - -

D(>N‘T forget the old ooih buyer; I pay high

to reeume her leanon* In French languege. High Bl., near Bloomfield ave. ____

j>rl«*€i for”n!d furniture, carpeto, clnthee , extr* |(wd pDee for feather*; aloo all k^<^_.itpre fl*.

i iicnMAN cliooea at Ihe N. J. Rua. CoHege. ^Tuee. P. M. end Wed. ev.; termi ft per month.

.urea. Fieoae lend poatal to (3RRENBTKIN, 22fl Weal Kinney at., end I will call.__________HIOHEHT PRICES PAID FOR OLD FURNL

Shorth iiB d mni. TppeariitlftM i*itu>h t HAND T)i>ewrltini School of Young * V ?on^ ’ B ChMatlifi Aaeoclation. 104 Court el.;

Aup:y *t echool, 0 lo 12 A. M-, or re prtnr'Sl. '■ cFK KN .N BU YJ5W r1ih^

Hiini” lit sarntt. M ontdair, w * t’ lovsr Mill pi, tVKiMary KlUabetb MItrboH nrnl M.ircUB, her UuBhnn.l. u* Cjitharlne Y. M . h.;s ct al lexcf'iiiur.''1. Kust Orungo. ta.MKi. _____

Miilti Hi,

VlnlalO'H C om inaln .tlnn C on lraot.FATI-IKBUN, 8<T'I. 23—a Jury In the

Ctn-ull Court hern yesterrtny Ihn-w out of eoiirl lire c-nx* Isnirl I'ohen, of Cohen Ilrothers, illk mniiufttclurers, s ia ln it the Frte nallroad Ciyrapany. Cuhen oftned • oommumtlun tick®' " " J .'','

CONTKACTS.T'lie follow in* contracts have heen re-

corded at the courthouse- KmnfiiiH Bt-hloeH. gw-ner I ’ -IS ” si I'ark

s. eltv wllh Otis Elevstnr I o , for eli-e-iric eli-vBlor wurk, •2,735; M-llllairt I-. Field, C K.. eiitfliieer.


U U H R B hl.A 8 rsfixlre’l hy "O llE E N . (he Umbrella M an;" ilr^n 'a glorli

rv-cuvering for 11 urutikB lod bag* re- N. K. i-gr. UroaJ andpairvil, loo).

Market nti.ALL RlriH fail in lov* with thf Munarrh Sleeva

I’ruieitor, beoauB* they aro l>i>iiui|e!i und UB*'- ful r »r liUHlneBft people, cifvki, Nie/uie ,iml houB*' keejwr*. Sold al \4'. Y. HNYLEtl ft <?0.’S nciiiiift cijunler. ___________

*41 tORTlIAND—Learn tn easy, prootloal we- tern of •borthand; immple ieoaon and P»MI^-

iar* mailed for 2 cent*.. MISB^cbWARDS.S i CheBinui *1.4 Phtigdelphia. Fa.^ Y M o u R h ten oora ph jc in s t it u t io n ,

Wrol park et-Shorthand, ivpewrillni In- ffiruMion of InMtlmabie value; day; evenJnga.eiruction of —rate of oncj3oi;a£j2f1fb’.-._BHORTHAND and typewrilli.g ihorougbly ^

nuirkly taught; epecial alienilon toi ipelllng. natructlon. iwx 71. Newe ofllo^*_______________

p r i v a t e claee ihorthand, typewriting. M IM A. Cv HALL, 8pa Buioex av* . Roeevllla,

o jenor ftlnble bo built,bC- cnuln .iulis

’tSJl’rpvine with Jom'iib i. Sip.ilKCo for carpenter work. with M'llor^ _«L‘(iru tS'A) A C& Jefferies, for roftton work teat), a . o . Ne win nil. iirchl to^LinimitH H SltnotlilB, owner, went M |e ofIllghlinS iv e ., city, with rbarlB. K. Mnnd,for plumbing, tinning ujnl other work, tARft- Hurd A Hutton. ttn-hlterlB.

liarry E M ailbswa, owtwT, HniBlde

I HAVE found a poaittve cure for drunkenneet;can l3« glvirn aecjwUv' will aledlv ten you

what U it; don't aeiwl money. MRS. MAT HAWKINS. Lock Box K” K IHi, Grand Hap- uiB. Mkh. .________L-MHKH—ronfldentift! trealm nt fnrronflMemenln« ..A&rere* AV VlAPlff HtAA * I*. ..A*a*.xIpaseB: aA year*' experleni'* ; docior* In attend-

'ned: take irilnliot ave. caraiice; children « aouth. \V. Badger ave.. cut. MgdlaiWi.

•;'?A4C<.W. ^arrwlt r** **'*•• reimlluheii equal to ifew at renionftbl* jjrlw j.ho mnvliyr required;

..n il i . ’Btal. N .w an i F l« i" rollsliln* Cc,, HoliW ssi Kinney .t .FOH Bond rske- " • Y"or irncer fnr (he wblU

ixbellnl WashlBBion pcmmi ’••ks; auaranteeil lure nLanureetured onir by th. D ’lmreiio B ‘ m Co.. Newark.________________________ _____

and rrtn .tale iJrsyfua In the

■ n ■ CwX Id One D ayM q a e Quinine Teueia. All the moun' If It fell, tn eurt.fu n d ...................

e .Ifuaiure le oB each boa,sD.Sldv1*rw"e.-

la.iuary 6 last he w a . ridinr on It. when Conductor Mandevlllc look !t_up and putC’lhen .1(7 the train, a fter Informlnit him riial the same lirkel hud been used by several other person., contrary to the con- iracl on the back o f It. Cohen was put off at Hutherford. He brought suit Malnsl the cotnpnny for 15.000 damufeti The de­fendant proved that Mark Cnheu, who lives In New Yolli. had travelled on the

av i'l 'T fra n g e ,

B E A un yT “ ph«i-lurtog don* at

merl (or painting work, 1142; Joseph Marsh, architect.

Ilukh C. Edmiston. owner, weat side <i( Berkeley eve.. Orange, N. J-, wnh Struck a Co., for carirenler and other wolk,I4.SOO; iosenh J. M sn " "

The North W ard h Bniad at., near D., I-*- and t\ . H, R, De­m i city with A. B. Yule, Jr, (o f deco­rations |7M; Mowbray 4 Wefllngtr, archl-

itering don* •• r™ atuioaTry *(,,iW prices; eetahUahad 13M; ‘ inraaej ,tel. W«4,

PU M redyed,'Mirtd, .rwimdeUed, at raagog-------- il Jack«i*. 123 up, M.

ngton fl.WtahingBUPHRFLUOUBR'vVL'.'lti* ■

w , warta, mg|e* dettroyod ^ty. MADAME B. WttTw

Bgtcn at.

r k p a lo a l 0 « lt«T «artVSiNABlUM l-'OIl WOMEN-Y. W. C. A.

u“ d>r Tht dliioligft uf a gioduat* of H w n wi v Ovmnaaium* at Harvard. Pall ta r» b * g ^

1 al M Pork pi. fiwr li»fotin*ilW awl MRS. R C* JBNKINSqk W

High -i.. Nrwark, or Mlu BiauWlL 8 Q lw wood avfte. OfftflMe

DftftMfttie.TATaf iAN M. LINB*. raider and toachar of

dramatio art and *1001 1 1 10 1 1 : w g^iy^wai* p>r public and private roafllnga. T«nna[H^prt>oaat

LB per c«nt. Inicrtat. and will bear all axpttifln uf drawing up papera; will aulit with 1nvea< tigatlon. AddnrtB Loan, Box T, N*wa offloe.fft,000 AT fl prr r*nt., to run 3 t* 1 *f|

firiit bimd marigoge; Invuranc* policy to oov#r

TURB. CARPETB. ETC. SEND p o s t a l TO*.

^mount: glU'-odgr lecuriiy; J«ra*y Ir^rovod ftraihoro property, near ocean; rrnti 32,1)00 iwm« rner oeaicn; no agenl*. Addreia Loan, Dog f|. ‘ >w * oflic*.


ENniNFeERB, flireAan, miehlnUMa and eiectri- olBn*. *Bnd for new iO-page pimphlrt, oon-

teinlng IlHt nf queetlcmi aiKtd by examining board of mglhoer*. QKO. A. ZELLER, pub- liBllfT, St. TiOU!», MO.

1.1,000 WANTED, oeoond mortgage. H i p«r c*nl., on tract IftO lot* In elly; flrit mortgig*

forty per cent, of what It would bttng at aiic- tlun. Addreit P. A. D., Box 14, NtWI olll>M.

DON’T roROP.Ti WB are in the mtrkrt for braee and copper ecrap at hlgheet merket

prlcrt, communicate with ue an'1 you will not rer^t. AddiTis QEO, P. BCHWALM ft CQ.. llarrleon, N. J.WANTED—Hlgh«it pricf* paid for ill Hindi

r fcnta' ('aet'OfC clolhiDf. Kindly eend a po«uT A ard, JOE BECKER, 243 W, Kinney

SHOWCASES-Wanted to buy aeveral ahow> ra*ea, Tronri ft to R ft. long; alio outalde og**,

cfiuntere. etc. Addrea* Counter** Bor 7T. N*W* office.NO one oan

Kid, ' allver, que* and

pay you a higher price for your old pt, uiecarded Jewelry, palntlngf, I rellcn thoo V ^ R I kK m Rroal

WILL buy uld ft|rti|llvr«, otovee, oarMte, tenth- ■ tn . clothe*, and miy the beet pz^ii; writ*

“ .UOITf” * “what you hive. DLU TCH. m Broont* at.A.'^ettta' coal-ofC clothing: by itlllag direct to

th* de^er you eave ptddler'a proflL 1. MA NflKY. * - » .DANflKY. 2 Canal et.* cor. Broad tt.

AMY STONE* draiwtic itudlo; ihlTd iiioeepaful *7ffir-BOW open foe fall and wldtef tenw; dayy*ar; bow open foe and 4Vining. MV Broad at

Aeaflwwal* Cd IM kIdiw M«aiDa-.PRIVATS iDSlruoUoB in ths a h w j rtf» rtr

Ui. M.W Tiwk regrets .lamltiiUqBai *1 Ml

THB Anterloan Faaihar Ce. iMy uiarket prlo.tor eld feather.. 413 Harrla ave. lu ll oidir.

pfvinptly attended to.I PAT '26 » r cent more than any other doalor

for gertUr- coat-od clolhlng. SAMUEL LEVY,flg Commerce at.

i S T ’ ’«r •tudret*' hunw.

buy store Katun., (areltun, carpets,.tom ste. Crettal TrarUna Co., 2 y W s^agtim

Davaaam klDff ■ > « ■ IlH v w rr.YOUtid WOMKN-8 tjHBWTIAN

A ^ i f r u f i E K W ^o i r r *( a l| «e wair;h iltia wai

E. C. B -tS l North Fifth St.wanlsJ: gaud hons.

f!^*‘ t5k ^ ''"a 'l!• lren ’ 'Treefl'l't’ *Wlllt?m M *“ % la ln s k l, owner. * 0 Clifton sv*., d ty,“ Iw U h jU r e a '- r . W llllap n . (or carpantar

TEN bonid a*s3 nu i^U n pltyera wanted at ohCf to join clijftv Call A. J. WEIDT, 444


Tih Tete. Truofwfi from Pratt InalUtit*.

CAiH gold Md lilYer.

RESPONSIBLE party woikie a loan of MOOfnr bueineMi good oecurity. Addreoa Loan, Box i, New* ofKc*.

1400 WANTED onAddreoa Bopm. Box

of II.M0; ehort tlma. I, New* olOce. •

BVBi: CHABOBS.n o t i c b - r . c . w i n d e r .

niUVW ITUIil IM \ »t. I.U WV riM»« ««.s iVpamsg in all brancliei; all work don* !■ Bf*l‘ oiapi mannir___________________ ■ ■ ■


DKAI.BK8 IN RKAI. M T A T * .OfAca BOO b r o a d ITaa ooti. Mdoktoli t t

Tafphowa ffA _______ ■_


the nraetlaal flischltitit u il bicycle repairer, hsa rtltiD ^ (rcnl 33 t'edar et, to 60 Flsns st.i ~

DH. J. w WILSON h u retnovrt troiO UT Blm St. to U» fihiil

g iiB V B yoR i AHD c iT U ■ m in a it iw .


IttW TOBK HKRAt.n 1 M * .* W YORK WOULD n i®

Sw voRK raiuvicB I e x t r a I--------- 1 Charge.

OKHMAN mldiHra. i l yrere- expsrlaoss. f ig8th av*.

• P a M fr c a f l la s .pRoorUgADJNO iaaghthy Biall; (arL".*.*!!-





Prospect o f a Settlement o f the Coal

Strike Has a Beneficial Influence .

on W all Street.

niipmtch to th NKWM.NEW YORK. •ppri-h^n-

Ulan w hkh hft« kept the mark«i fa m ed by th* ilrlko « f tlif Hiithrarlto coal miner*, the poUtlcul ilum ilpn und the proep^ot o f dearer money, at-.mjed tu van- iph at the aimoum-i’mfnt accepted hi re as | authentic, tbet the Plrlke hud been set- lid throuth the mcdluilon of tJi*natur Haimu.

The fharacterlattc feature of the market situation all alonn had the unrruw- nese o f the short lnl»‘ resi which was driven to cover several iltneH itpun rumtirA o f ihe Mttleinent of ih«- dirr^renct's he- tween the coal mlnera and yte oin-rainri,This was taken us proof that the real clan­ger o f the strike was IIn [wwslUle •‘ fTirl upon the Prenlilenilnl elerlhm, nml of illa- Itellef that so shrewd a parly miina*ier as Henator Hanna 9i,o\iU\ permU the mistake Ht Homestead In U'Ji to he repeated In the mining regions o f I’eiuis> lvunla in Umt.

The expected cuncesHtons made in the m lneri will be cxpens*lve to the operators unless they can recoup from the puldlc. but Ihe anthracite sltualhm Is now so well held Irt hand hy i\ few men. wlu> will cu- op(‘rnte In mKlnluinlnK prh't*s. lUai there is little duobi that Ihe Uurilen of higher wages to the mliiera will he home hy the i'onaumers

A r r o b le n i fne W nil Hlven»h The Important thing from the Wall

street Slandpolnl Is whether the low point of Ihe depression In sloeka has been reached, uiut the sellleTneiil o f Ihn strike, with all U« deep pulltioal slgnlftcance, marks the beginning of the upward move­ment In storks that will wUhli\ the next three or four weeks discount tho rc-elei.- tlon o f Prealdent McKinley.

.More people hellcvo thiii Hiuh a move­ment haa actually begun than entertain the contrary opinion. Thai was shnwn l»y the course of the market on Thursday, when the artilcment o f the strike wa* an­nounced, Of course, ihe advance cannot he continuous, for there will be prolit taking at every stage, as there was on Krlday, and the short Interest will derive encouragement from each, ensuing de- cltne. , . ,

Rut the most Irnportanl development o ' the week Is that certHlu large capUiillMia l>orrowed heavily from the banks upon high-grade securities during the tlrsl two or three days for the purpose of idcKlng

• up hargHlns on the sloek exchange and faking the stocks out of the market.

This w-ne done while noihlng was known nf the plans to settle the strike except to those very close lu the managera o f the Republican campaign. Rich men do not put up Standard fHl and other stocks of that character as collateral for loans with which to buy cheaper st«H*kH to hold as Investments. They buy the latter class of securities because Ihey believe that they will soon be able to sell them at ad­vances.

T h e M oney M arket.Money will probably be firm until after

the movement of tbe cotton crop Time loans for hve months are now at live per cent on half railroad and half Industrlali*. and the bonka are looking for a per cent rate. It is not likely that there will ]fe much advance In call money, in t banks are paying the trust comi>anles twii

■ per cent, on deposits, and If the call mon­ey rate goes much above two per cent , there Is danger that the trust companh-*- may enter the market and withdraw their deposits from the banks. So the banks would rather see call money on the sUk k exchange kept around two per cent . in order that they may make better rub's on time money. Borne banks arc getting two and a half to three per cent, from cus- tomera for call money over the The difference between these trunsactlons and those oh the stock exchange is that exchange loana are paid the nexi dft>. while a bank loan la held until called.

ShIpiBsnts of money to the South and W eal are net qujte so large as last week, but the demand Is pretty steady. The for­eign oxchangs market la weakening uthI<t the preaaurs o f cotton and grain bills. Hiirt may aoon reach the point where gold w'lU coma In, notwithstanding the efforls of foreign bankers to prevent the movement, unless another foreign loan Is flouud here.

supported. klUsourl l^aclflc. Northern Pa- clRc, Haltlmure and Ohio and Union Pa* clflc became s iu d le r 'after a slight fall, hut the Ornngers and Kansas and Texas preferred fell steadily, the latter losing P4.

The jirofcssional rhunicler of the selling waa dlsrlnsod by the dlspnslllou lo cover before Ihe bank elalemcnt came out. The market fell Into dulness at altout last night’s level, bm well-distrlbuird buying appeiired with the hank statement, as ths Inroad upon the bank surplus was leas t ian expeeled The murk"l lifted well stbove Wist nlght'a level. The recovery from the lowest In many leading stocks n*a<‘hed a pt)lnt or better.

The clnalng was quite srllve and firm, and nei xulns reached a point in some o f Ihe Impnrliint stocks

K x ch a iig e .Mntiey '«h call nnralniil; tm loans, closed

;U iwii per cent Hterllng nxchunge weak, V.I1 I1 rtciuul busilhcss In bankers’ hills at

I fi»r demand and hi for sixtyI dayp. Uiistcil rates and 4H7tf*'k

Commercial blila 482'4H%CdV Stiver cerMtlratcs 6341t64>.t- Mexican dollars 49% Hiaie bonds weak Railroad Pomls irregular Ooverntneni bonds slaady. Hefimdlng 3s. when Issued, ref.. P>4; coupon. 3s. reg . coupon,

new 4a. r«'g , I3l‘|; coupon. 134%; old reg.. 114%. coupon. ll&^4, r‘‘k-. HWa;

'oupon, ilSVt.


E V B iim SCHOOLS o pe n Mo n d a y .

^ _____________________________________________ N E W A R K E V E N I N a N E W S . S A T U R D A Y . S E P T E M B E R 2 9 , 1 9 0 0 .

K M 4 * « * * * a * « « * * * « M f t * M * « M M A M e M M * * * e M * * a * e s * M s e * |

I FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. 11 r v r t v n i l l f * l tT I\ tupt>art«l. M ls«»irl pHttflf. Northern P «- S H O W I N O

• B C IX IT IC * . (E t l lH I T I K f , ISfVESTIIW Ita,.

Comptroller o f the C ir r e o c ; Makes

Public a Sam m ary o f Reports

leceired b y Unn.


The range of io-day ’s prlr'es fur the mors actiN'e stocks o f ibe New York market^ furnished by Post A Flagg, brokers. 774 iiruail aired. l» given below:O|wn-Hlgh-Lnw*Cl0B

lug. eat *•»« lug.31 3OV4 31

pr 71... llf>%... i»:%

Am B A W Am B A \V. I'o. Ainvr. Bugur ...Am. Tobacco ..........Am. Tin UhiiH...........A lch .............................Ati'h., pr .............llult. & O h io .............Iirnr»k Kaplil Tran..Hur. & yulfu-y........rhesa A. IV. r . A SI U. Uol. Fuel A Iron I’o. roiiaolldMi d (las ... l.'onlluentHl TojIi Del A Hudson . ...l>fi. ^ Kl'* I » .•’ l■de^at BteH.......- .

I P Elec i '>j, , ,llliuuls I 'en lrai........K.ui, & Tr% . pr . Liiuts. A Nash Man r<m.M o Ht Ry .MlssMiirl Ibiciric. Natlonort Lead i ‘ n N. J. Oentnil- .N. Y. Air UrakeN Y U eniral........North. Paclflc,. North Pacific, pr Dntarln & W'eHtern Pennsylvania

26:>«%iWS,67%5'"i1 2 1 %2761%30%









13311 1*%12»'.%

I‘eople'.s O bs . . Reading


. pr.

Reading. Isl pr......Hock Island St. L B WHt. P a u l .....................Southern P a c...........SirUlhcni Hallway Houthern Ry., pr To‘nn. Uoul & Iron Texas PacificUnion Pacific..........Unbm Paclflc. prr S. l..cather......V. 8. l.a*tither. prU. 8. RuP>l>er..........Wtiliash, pr.............Wh. & L. K...........\Vh. & L. E . 2d pr



h :%Pi%17%

U3%1 1 D %IM%4"67I.J2*1





1 2 1 %273 1%













1I2n. 3P, ilV ■•I 4


jl1 1 % 14%


1 1 2 %31%n%M%.'■414%T’S.




22 '






PM%211-bm %3]\1 1 %52



Hpecial P -|..c>'L to the N R W 9 %VAHIIIM!T»>N, Bepl. 2y.—T h e Cum p-

troilcr ttl I in> Uvirrcui y lia» m ade public an ftbsinici ■( f p o r ls m ade to him , showing the roiidhtoii of ihe 115 m U lonal banks In the id .\ew Jersey at the close ofbusiness mii \\ r-lnendHy. Hepiem ber 6. It show s th-'1r n-Mnirccs and llabU lUiS to hs as folW>\^s

n e a o a r c e s .L osu s itiiij -lhr«»unia. *6.3.1155,041^65. oVSf-

d rafts. S471.' . ii>, United B taics bonds to secure rlri ni.tnaii, United Btaiss bonds on I .i m I Ju s ,4011. prem iu m s on U n ti­ed States lo.fHiN iimt.TM s«. s lock s, sea irl- tles, elc . |14 ii3; tv:, 7h. baiikiuK house, fur- nlluro aiiil i!xtijr»>-, $,3.4wl.®>2.ll*; other real estate ami Ui iiK.iges ow ned, *890,90F».7i1; due from naiii-ini i>anks itiot reserve agents). J2.|'in,.%i r , . ilu * from S ta le banks am i barkers ■ tiilh.43V4: due from ap ­proved re«. r\4' ^ . u i n Jl^.334.4Jl•.B4. Inter­nal rcveniif i«' i!U|i>. |44,74.'i 16. checks and other cash lo m- Jssii.T T 71, etc h a n g es fur clearing , V-' T 2iih h4, lidla uf other na­tional banks, .in rr:n‘tiouK.l paper cur­rency, nlrkt-ls .Ui > *> .60e67. lawfulm oney reserv' n Uiiiik. vis. Hold coin, 11,584,1404.12. x"i<! irr:isury certlrtcalfS.1634.070; s llw r d J135.251; silver treas* ury cerlH1cn:*'s, U.j.% 3 *6 , nllver fracilonal coin. 130k,M4 6- ii.irtl specie. |3.!il5.tY86.*)l legal tender 1, .i s. total law fulm oney resers». live per cent,redemption fnr.-l with Treasurer, |3»'.832.M>; due from IT iii-i S u P -s treasurer. $44,- 015.W ; total r' ‘-",ri<M t l l 8.U0J.206.i2 .

I . la h lll t le a .(% pll»l aP^-k \ Hi. h :..'J6w.355. surplus

fund, to.672.754 ir. undivlde-j protUe. less ex- and tii\»'s luiM $5.M".8y!:*.7C; national

l)aiik notes I-S'O'-I. $:7up,21IM; less amount on hand. $131 ."4.. outstanding. $7,-r»89,4&7: Slute *Miik imirs outstanding. $&.- 402. due p» “ lYi'-r i,«UviihHl banks. $1.1451,* 766.76. due p» St<ii- i>anks »ud bonkerB, |374,&au.72; dm tu uu'*\ loruiMtulea aud aav ln«s banks. J2 .7 '* :i,3 '.idue approved reserve agente, J'’<27,’*2l.ufi, dlvlUeuds un­paid. $6.5.2Hil.?J. IriihvWPiiil deposlis. $73,461.- ,SOf1.25: ITlled Hiiii.-s .irpoBlls, $912.01D.ffi. deiMisits of Unlic.) Htjuhs dlnhurslng of' fleers, J44.1H2.M ruu-!. .uid Mils redlwount- fd. $1*12.625. Ijllle i-.n:.! P-. Jitii.isiu; llahllltles other than llinHr Hh-'Ve Htaled. $IS6.1H-1« ; lotivl llabllilleH, The averagereserve belli Is 2Yi C1 per tp.

Iinprik^ cine 111 K||i>>vu.This is a consldi-r.ii'h t>eiiN-r showing

Ihuii New .)ers*"y% Puiik- made «ni 8ept**m her 7. IW. 'T luif y« ua" At ihat lime there w*'re lii the nuiy P'S hanks, while iiielf I'tlal luau** <iH'l illscounta were only UtlWWl.W, mill ili.-lr linllvl<1u*l de- pinllii ..nlj- Ttl. uversKe re-serve iit ihat ilme wwh '> 17 ;if*r cent.

William L- Nichole, " f \Tn"liind. and Rd- giir K, l.e\Kls, of Trcnloii. have been ap- pHilnied railway niHll clerks

t'oH B ael g | a t*a < b « l « l o « k t i a l d * r B aMd D ir r « 4 « * a A r e ?H*4 *rB | > ftn a tb le

t * r L o a a ra iw a t a In B d .

NEW YORK. Bepi, » .-<^onlrflry to ex< ivectstlon. no m eeting o f the atockholders and dlrw 'tors o f the T r s d e r s ’ Fire In ­surance t'oinpany w as held yesterday. Frederick J BUmson, o f 65 U b e r iy street* the counsel for several o f the direi'lors* said In ihc a ftrn u sm that n o such m eel- tng WHS iifcessary. Inasm u ch as In his opinion the stocHhoUiers and d ireclort were iviit responsible, eltlier Jointly or In- dlviduslly. for ihe losses the com pany had sustalnod.

Mr. Bfim son som ew hat severely criti­cised the acthm of L U. tJftTTelt. who Iwughi up slxly»tlve per cent, o f the slock rtf Ihe company, for which he paid tw en ty- tive cents on ihe d ollar, and w ho now makes charges against anm e of the dlree- lors Mr Hilmson S4ild that Mr. (?nrreU was »M well SHtlstletl w Uh the transaction when hr first entered in io it thut he urged thst the e\].eris who were exam in in g ihe honks uti- iild h i ' taken off. and Ihiu he was cnnU'iit i « pay tw en ty -five cen ts on the dollar

"M r Harreit "l am Inid.*’ 6lr. Sllroson addl'd, " i ipecicd to m ake Si profit rtf from

In ttftofO. and w hen he found he could 1..T n a llM this he began to erv fraud ‘

Mr, i ; « r r e f l % k l a l e m e u l .W h in Mr iriirrH l w as Inform ed o f what

Mr. 8llni*‘ -t\ bu«1 said, he Issued a alalC ' ment. In MlUi-h he ss ld :

•■The BiP'inpt Ilf M r B tlm son to drag us Into ihl:< uviMcr is w h o lly unnecessary and unnilhil for. and can be for no other purpose Horn 10 distract th e .attsn M on oi the puYiUt from the ch a rg e s m ade by the Insurfiui c depH rim eni. that ihe Traders Fire InsuT.uicf Uom piiny w as a fraudu ­lent concern, that f;ilsc sia te m c n la were sworn 10 bv Its nfflci'rs. which .m e o f lh «sc offlrcrn were c frilfied 10 by an au ­diting fiim niluec com posed o f d lre c lo n . ths menil'crs of whb h au dU lng com m litce firp ifi 4ome extent. ul least, clients of Mr. Stlm son

"O u r ir.iuhli's with ceria in individuals who Kwitulh-d us on stock o f the Traders' Fire liiHtiTuiu'c •'onipnRiy have nothltvg wHuieMT ?■. <)rt w lih the action which has been iiiken ijv the Inauronce departm ent amt the .Ustrh t a li.irn ey Th eir action wiiB I d at our In stigation , nor forour priit'Ctl'iii W e h ave lieen aWtudled, but S '" are Hbundsntly able to protect oursci\-r's ‘

W Uli'rn'poni WilllarnH. o f the law Ann of A W illia m s. <'i4jnsel for sono*of the m.M kholdcrs o f the T raders' Fire InsurHTu-c I'tJinpsny, visited the l*rlmlndlU(Hirl haildfiig yeslerda>' and had a long cunVi-rn-tiPui with A H slstsut D la tiic l-A l- lorney t ngcr, re lsilv e to the r«ae. He de­clined i«> discuss the case at that lim e, hut snld Ids linn would give a sia lc m e n t at some fu iu re tlm e L u rin g the conference DelecIlve-K crgeKm M cN a u g lU w as called Into the -tiorn for h few m inutes. T h e un- dersiamlliig was reached that a t any time the disinct-atl«>rney's office should want any tjf ih.- men who h ave been Interested In lb*' vumpfiny they would be produced ftl oiicc sh e ll their a tten dan ce waa uske-l tor h> ih. d lstT lc l-a llorn ey .

U, VV ilc M u rra n said yesterd ay th at ho w as nrd 111 the em ploy o f any paper or corpoT-dlnn He added ih n i he occasion al' 1y sent Hems to a n ew spaiw r through friend- ■ 111 that paper, bui rc4elved n-» coml't'ii’‘ atlon.

T evrA era T o ld to H oldT k eM a eU «a In tteadlM^sa—Thv

t u t o t Itfa ira o lora ,Teachers for the evaning scIukiIs , whu

wer# selscled by the Evening S4 lUHd Oom- nifltee o f the tluard of fciducatlon, wiTc notified lo-day 1 0 be In readiness to take charge of|lhelr clssiies on Moiulay night The evening achools open ihi-n lor Uu winter. The achoole. with the pnncliaUs and teachers Iti each, are us ftiUows:

Uprtou Btretd School -tHio H Schulte, principal; liarrv IHsbiII. Aaron 1. Raia-

Georgv tl. Israel. M, 8. Waters. Edna C. Egbert, Jdiidu M tleraghey, Rellv H' tl- ry, Orace M l^eury. I'btlo U Nuou. Eliia- bsih M- Biringer. Edmund Abelee, Edwin Morgan. Annie 1., Ileltsire, .\nnuJ. Uulrd,F. M. HHMsnn

Lafayelle Bireet School—l^w'l» • Tburber, pTlnclpwl; L R. \Ve1r. EllxuheUi Marlin, llekn J. UUrk. Mrs Uelle l>. SVIll- Imdis, U. 5VavM>n Fluvt'Ue, M Irene B<iuirc. Clara A. Wood.

Central \s«'juie Behtwl-Arthur \ fay- Irtf, prliH', Kaiherlnc ouoim or. B. A l­berta lP*ui*ri. Mrs. Agnes A. \'rrvluinl, L o­retta M King. iJtytoii VV ItiMh'nkraiih, Thotuus U Keimedy, Mrs Aiiuu 1 ivndlc- ton.

Bouth BtTci'l 8 t-hc»o1- U H lluiuiemann, pflnclpHl, Edw*iid B. Klcbards, Julian A Uregory, Mary K. Uiark. uttc Uooh. Jen­nie M. iPil’erisob. Murllla A. \awgsr-

8 0 UII1 Miirkei Bireet School K rt Hluki-. prbulpal Mmole I. I'TeW. Mrs Mk h Iim s WlUls. NclMiii 1 >. Oleason. I’lvlcnce E O’UrtJiiuT. Margurel U. Uelimc>. Agnen «' Hpenr. Ili-my J Foley, 61rs LyiUa U BlHnsl’Ury

Bimili Ti Jiih Blreei Bi'hotd- Arnold Vogi. prlncijMl iJeorge H. Haiuiaj. Albert !■’ llnrf*i .I'din U Helcblii, L.4Ulc 1 LobdcEl. Alice 11 Haines. Carrie E HncliMns. Emi E. Ra) i '>

Ni'WTiin Hi reel ft*'hool—J. I* Ti't w HllK'T. PTliv.lpid, L lnur J. Zsrbc. J^dm K 11 Uruhniarin. Eilward J CoU-i>ril. Mrn M Ella M ohiI. Mrs. Klvle A. Toi'pi"M. Jcssl«I), Uu**, Krtinitt L HuP hnL»;v, r, UStlcbP'

Klgliii^uith Avenue ttcboi>l lt«oin .1 ntiuxln'ri>. iirlnctpHl; MatlMa J HU'-er. Margiin-t ’V Uautwell. K«ib- rP..' I'u l- f\, .Mrs Ida U Hauser. K J'«s»-plihic lli'iws. i5 Julie Dean, UrP-d.. Ki.iem.i-,Emma Saviti'o.o!.

I'rMuhliii»il-A 0 |.rin. Ilinl, Aiiim 1., (tarrabruiU.J.itm T Iliniii.'iiB. I Mr- Miiry M, A m r,. Mnry

1 1 ' MlhplK. M«ry H IT i... Ml.. I M..r> A M'.iIk tr . Kdwlii 1' I'.' ' ' i ' lJiilb. Iii'miitT.

HiKtl S .h . %VI|IH.T K.-niifil.. I'rln- Wlllli.ri !• Billlilv. II i-.ti .1. 1 ll.'l.l.., t-I Mi.rii- Mr,. Jnhn H (111 - ;i. \\ IIT liini M.liii.r, MrtrH H. W 1 1I1...1. K\S lKKlt'. iio.irK.' ■' flonn. (' iilliii..n. K. h S-Xl.ill

l>r.isMnu K.T('H.1 —t'ttrl h' ll.TiiiiH". I'lUi W llllim 1.’ . Wrlwr. Alvin

r.I.U. I.m -i'llii r#n(U.li1. I'linm .l i li.|.. m:iii. WMIliiiii J Morn, Hnmiirl W n-.i.l-, Jr, I'lirl F, I.imjtln".

, ll ihti. wn..k the reiilalrutloii i'ii|.il« hiiH li'.liiK on ul IliF vnrlnii, f li...‘ ls, Kn.| <hi" iiumbor rnrollMl Inillmii.- >' k" . . ! nn.-nil:i1 iri.. Tho rour,!-* o f Hil.Iv Inn , Inn.h ri'Vloed for thin t.nn iilvl will 1>r Klvon puiillB.

F I D E L I T Y T R U S T C Q i .W l l . ' 4 V .1N K W A l t K , J .

C a p i t a l ................................................................................................S u r p l u s a n d U n d i v i d e d P r o f i t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5i , 33I , z o 5. y oVLl.UlVS IN 'I 't.llK r 'T 0 .\ (l;iilj' lw l* u «* o f H .000 or over, aublcol 1 0 oheolc

»t t lc lil , miJ tram aol* » luinkliw U u a l n o u . .....................A i : ’l 'n (llE I/K I> 1 0 l..\\v lo HCI a-i K ifCuK-r, IriiMoo. .Vdmmlitrmw^

liunrdlau, .\«»lKne«. Itrooivor, and In nil lUlurlarv inipiudllsa, bolll uuder court

* “ '* \‘^rK7’ s I '^ T I I !K *’ ll .0 ! i a ; o f SioAl uioi C oraoueItKNTS i-AI-KS A M » sioro* mluiibios lii well-Kum ded l lu r j lir and i ir * -

jiriHd VhuU.. T n i .K S or lieal l-M ai, tU roushm il New .Icrioy.A ct , . , i ru.lee m id .r Jldrt,(.E<-, U.KUlrar and I 'l .n .Ie r A genli o f htooltl i o d

Bonvl, o l (.or|>uratliin«- ___________

V o n \ V p k y u V n ...........V ..' I h - l l o ’M K T A V L O I C ^ ^ .............V U '« v - l* r i 's ia c H t a m i T r u n t O lH c e re ^ i B I > ^ ; ^ a ^ K w S c r o t a r , u m l I 'r c .w u r o r

i > i K i s c : ' r o K « •C H A k L E S A . t-EICK.JB H O M t: T A Y L O R ,J . M K R U L K T B A L L A N T IN B , W I L L I A n N .C O L E R , J R .. T H O M A S N. M eC A R T E R , J R .. W IL L IA H H. S T A A K E . F O R R E S T F. DRYHUN.H E N R Y 5 . RED M O N D ,



JOHN F . D R V D h N .JA M E S W . A L E X A N D E R , J A M E S H. H Y D E ,L E S L IE D. W A R D . T H O M A S N. M cC a r t e r , C D O A R h . w a r d ,W IL L IA M S C H E E R E R , SC H U Y L E R B. JA C K S O N ,


u Z A i . H. M cC a r t e r .

H Y i ) | . : i * o s i T ' i x f i v o r u s A \ i N < i N i n t h eH Y 1 1 1 , . , . . .


.1 •

j q f ) I i u c r e s t p a i d o n .a m o u n l s f r o m $ 2 . 0 0 t o $ 5 ,0 0 0 .U.v, n i a n a ^ c m t - n l is w is t - , c o n s e r v a t i v e - a m i c c o u o p i c a l .

G R O S S A S S H T S , $ 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . J ^ k P L U S , $ 1 7 2 , 0 0 0 ,

W V O r .lF l , a. -A T T .N , r m V A ..I . *1^T R ,T r«.-,in s i-:n i w n i .M in ... . ' " i i s '(ISi AH 11 Mix KKIIX'K TIIo M.AS IV ( u o o h s .

A iin n Ki.|.:,H 'l f s k , AJIIA.

.! KH.ANKUS KORT..tnllN A, <Ul-roK1>, . , „ „111 KM.A.S A II llEKOf.I). M.n.


P r lo e a o f i,.mKh-].o

!ij«A . T, A 8- F- ndj A , T * 8. F- 4b_ 1"1 toi• Viiiral Georgia 5bKrie 4a .....................Nor Pacific 3d?.Snr. Pacific 4b.BL L, A S. W . Nl.«Hl. L. A 8. W 2dUnion I'eciflc 4Wah.ish deh ..

W%ini’ ,












4U4tT4TIO%k IN rO<lll H iio m t Tk.%ev»


Cvnrae o f Prlfl* o n D ow n­w a rd at Ol4CiilDC* b o i R e co v e ry

W aa F in a l F c a t a r c ,NEW YORK. 8«pt. » . - T h e rouiBe of

prlcea was downward when the stuck mar-kiKIILOB WOB UWWllT*B*-»* Ttaaaiaa aai,. -a..........

at opanad. but the aallln^ waa not laraa tior urgant and chansea were email Siiroe o f the recent weak teaturan o f ihe mar- kat ware attacked with contidenee and a Inaa o f about a point followed In Hnaar, Brooklyn Tranalt and People'a Hue. De- ellnea o f equal Importance were other atocka, but the Coalera, except for f eraey Central and Steel atocka. wire well


P rlrr* P rr^ n lrn t Towilay on Y o rk r r o d n o r K io h a n a r .

NEW Y<iRK. Sf-pl. 2!*-Flour-RfCPlptB. 13.633 harrpla; saleF. 2,’iflO pHckagHB, Bute Hiid Weat^rn Hull unci rnther pniiy, In xyra- paihy with wheut Mlniu»B.(>ia pntpnts.4.t04jt..‘i0

Kye F'lour^Oul^’ l Fair tn good.3.30; choice to fMiny, 3.3T-'SS.66.

Wheat —Rcceipja, 173.3fi'1 bnahcla; sales. I.6BO.OOO buahcls. I>eprpHSB<l (his mornln: by mtMlrratP llguldotlon, bared on weuk- ni*!is ttbrortd. heavy Danublan ahlpmeuisand clear weather in the Northwest Hep-tenibcr. December. H2‘ s'^82 11-16:March. 85‘'%4t!L5%; May, S3 1-lfi.

]^j-f._flteady. State. rl6 ifi7 c. 1, f. NewYork' No, 2 ^Veslern. 61 f- o. h. afioal.

Corn-RecclptB. 147.225 bushelK; Hales. 45.- rtto. Sold off tn-day under bearlBh cablea. big CTtlcagu receipts and favorable crop nrwa September, Oru.ber 45.,.Uecember, 414*41 S-l«. -'<«)•. 4m<,a4l

U^ta—Recelpta. M.4<ie l.u«tielfl. Dull end e»ey. Track while,

Beef—Dull.I’o r k ^ i e a d y . 'l .a r d -a t e a d y ; prime AAeaiern elesm . T 65. Butter—R eceipt?, pnckuKe?: aieaily;

State dairy. .T..Aniery. iT^iK; Junecream ery, I s e iU i ; fa .i.iry , Wattlb.

pheeee—Reeolpta. package?.large white. H W a . large colored. ?niall colored, llAt.

Egg*—Receipt?. i,X>l inckage?; ateady Slate and Penn.ylvoiila, lMf21. Weelern regular packing a. niiirk. 1241. I*. I.'eatern 1»»? off, 30. „ , .

Sugar-H aw firm: Prm.('n ftee-D u ll; No. ^Molaaaea—h'lrm.

J. S. KIppel. doaler In Invraiment lecurl- llei. 76u Broad aireei, uuote, prices of lo- cal atcutuifs as follows:

W ULiSli AM.* ilLLNlCirAU Uld.Ajked•KBBex Co. 3-S5b Hup 1916-26 *Ebb4-i Cu. 3-*15h Hue *KbhpX CiK dup 11A36..•KbbpX Un. 4-'‘ Hue lyi'J........ •■EheeX Uo. 4s <lu»* IHifi........*K^xei U*' 4** Hue iy3s ..........•Newark 7?4 due IW*.............*N«'Vark 4■ *lu« .............•Nevurk 4h dun IWtt*.............•.Newark 6p due I9u’» ...........•Newurk l.-t flue ll»2'2 ---------• Newark 4« iIup n23. . . ..♦ElUabetli «'1J 4n due 1922

STKliJiT KA1LWAV6. wark ami Hloumfield 8l


.Miintplnlr •‘ um im ut B o a n lp r Tunk lUnt Wlpan* tiPtllMir Hla 4wtu

■ ltd I n .\rrra4«d.Merirv DnbbluB. a New York buHliif-MB

ininu W41B HrreBied yewterday un a i*;

-5 lu'i ^ lOH

- '« 1*'4- 'a 1115 . (1 M3 . fi 116

115 . 1**4. g Mf.. <i 116. fg 112 , 112. <a UW




W ASHINGTON, Sept. ISt.-AVeallier con- dlttona and general forecaat: During f r - day night a moderate depresalou formed over the lake region and will east- forn . ward during Saturday; elaewliere In tile United Btatea the preeaure I* high, ex­cept in. the Northwest. Rain? have coii- llnued from the middle elope eaetwarrt (o the Middle Atlantic and Southerii New England coast, and were also general over Ihe lake region. In the extreme At est the weather h L been fair. Temperalures have riaen 6 lo M degrees In the Gl>'" ' ley. Ihe greater portion of the lake region and the extreme Northwest, fallen elUhtly In the Interior, where Ihey continue 2 to U degrees below the average. Rain la Indicated the Upper Ohio Valley and lower lake r ^glon eaMward, continuing Sunday In I^ wKngland and probably along Lake On­tario There will al»o be showera In the Bouthern portion o f the W eal Qulf States,In the south and Soulhweat the w e th e r will be fair, TemperaturB changea will

" o n ’^ h T S e w England and tie coaat the winds win b* ahlftlng to BOUlherly and dov On ths south coast thsy will M ireiiii eo i^ rly* over the upper lakes fresh west- : “ y va r la b T and over the lower

'1*h'e ' w L ’ l n T h c m " rw '^ ^ tit lo n fin inchaa) waa reportedty .fou r hours; W jahlngton D. 0 . l.ot

M 0 „ 1.61? _______





N ew Y o r k (Jralo AlarLet.Oli.ii-Hlgh-Low-Vloa

intf. d'et.Wheat. December. ..

■ ■ M ay............... '''HdDegAmber. .. Ii;-

! ^ lOU

U nrt% r los


15* z


l|l4P.t»04M)eAlal.KIdVlU DKFAIH \ 'n o >R e c e iv e r A p p ^ iie .1 (or I lo . ik -C a ih , I r r C h a rg e d WlHi y ll.s p p ro p r la tlo B .

f'HARLiESTON. A' ' " ■ Set’*- 3S.—A re­ceiver ha s t e n ;ppntn,...l for Ihe Mont- gom erv Banking ami Trust Company of lElo^tgomery, W. Va., * 'C f d i “ ’^o f President Champc "O'’ 'Simras, who Blleged ihoi Ihe ™’"-appropriated funds nuiktiig the hunk in-

‘ I m w ilt t e . are . i « - h 'o “ h‘MdtH $15,009. of whi'b utilv $1.jWJ Is cain. Missing notes and eicurlilra amount. It la alleged, to 262,000.

It. It. ta due IWil..•OrHtliJt' nnil Ni’warK H.A. xt

ft, tih Hut- IfNV* • ■ ...... ;'Uhhrx I'ttflKvnift'r JlHllvtJiy w

duH l »Ui.................... ; ■Newark I'.iBsenger Hallway

in due IfFi-...................CansailHatei] TracUon (eO. 6s

due 1913.................... ............^UaplH Traii!»it rtt. Hall-vay bs

due 1921................. ............ . ^North Jersey Ht. Hallway *«•

due IMS................. ................... ®North 8b S r L*Hapl.l Triiiisit fli.Hiillway Co ^ 2.C Oranae C***fQ« »RbIIviHV tkH duo 19SH.. . . . . . . . . q»Orsnafi & Passaic Valisy

Rallw»i> VJersey Ciiy. Hoboken ft *\*'"

erfuiii 1 1. ItuJl'vuy 4s due., . . . . . V

Jerney cny, Hoboken A Pat-erarm . ...... ■,........^BrldgU'i.n fraction t o . ea due li'3 ..................................®

b a n k a n d t r u s t CO.Newark .National Uank'g Co. it 2>0Nalloiul Stale . .................... ^Newark r iu National .......... VEssex I'.iiiiuy N ailim al.......... bSecoml hallmia • .....................f*'Mert'biini’*' ^sutlonul...............M r n X e r ? ' National...... <a l;,iGermuii N'Hlh*”is i .......... .....y . t| —North AVaril National............. a MSlate llaiiklag C o.....................WPldelllv Triial • ....................... 'll ,

l ik e a n d k i r e iN s r u A V e t-rudeiuial ................... , ............ ® gAmeru au ...........- ................... g

^ ’’ " 7 jaS AND E L E f^ R ic ' DlOllT. *K..u.Bik Ila? Co lia due 19ft. U Ui Ea,7 Newark Gaslight C o ... . # 2 ^ IfllLbelli Gs.llght C'o ■ W 1 -% ? r r c : i f S ieT oiiV -’ " " 9 1 . 1 0

?k' '7 ‘rtnaol1da?ed “ uVaUo .'»i‘ Hur .......

Essex AUfilteH Fleciric Co. o f N. J.rmtcrWi^ldVic co :'o f"N :_ J .. , Paterson and Passalo Qas



H rm it^ -ro n r E x p lrr* ! In !\rw ark , Mnkintc (h e H b I^ « f n*-«4h Vr-r

T h i...?a fid IB.itn.Xher.- were si’ven iy-fonr deaih? In New­

ark during Ihe week that end? tn-ilay, ac­cording 111 lire report o f the di parlment rif jiuhllc h.-alih. Ill this ntimt.i.r tm were from ...maglnu? or Infectious dlscasek, two from uccld.-ni "ir violence and Hlxty- iwo from .fU other cHtises This Is a dc- irease ..f .me from the prcc-dliig week. The deaths registered represent an an­nual death rale o f Ki.M per ttKMj?and, oil an estimated populatloti o f Bsl.OOII,

There wa? 'me death from diphtheria, one from who.itdhg rmugh, two trum ir- □hold feviir, six from ptilmonary luber- fuloils. tliree from tum.irs. eight from diseases uf the heart and ripculiilory ?S’b- tern, six from ptieumoiila. iwi. from other respiratory diseases, three from inenln- glils. four from convul.»luns, live from other dlseasM o f Ihe nervous syBicni, one from cholera Infantum, three from dlsr. rhoeal dleeases, eleven from other dis­eases of Ihe digestive sylitem. five from nephritis and nve from senility. There was one sulrtde. Thirteen deaths m- curred In Institution?.

Of those who died, nineteen were unilei one vear o f age, thirty-one tinder five jnars. thirty-one between twenty ami sixty years, and twelve over slxl.v years.

There were ihlrty-toiir cases of coma- gloua and InfecUous diseases reported dur-•r _ -g,--.. —..... . a mj-k fnim (ha>

inftib* by MisM Dora Tufl. of Uhurrh M-iutrlulr. rtf brfrtklng JinH pnterliiK b- r Iiurti UobSkiu:* brtHnb'il wlih ihe fomplaln- Htjl flnrlna Ibe aumnwr,

Tin* H Ih sdlil. r^fuaed to jmvu bill I'f lb MIhji Tuft for (he ust' I'f(111- liarii fi 'f Hlxit*Mi vi2'2'k2< >iH (I Morun>‘

• ;il«f’p fin his aubnnobllc. He pulH lil'* inuini IHll >»-ateniiiv prior to removltix tf. Ihe oHv fluH Ihei! In WM»» crmfronteii Mhh Hie Mil for slnriiRo Upon hla n fiienl to pay bt* bilH lie rmild m«thiise the juilomobiij- iiiilU he HIH l)o|, bln*. RoronlmR 1 0 MIfif TnfU Yin>ke (hr ItM-k no riie barn wiiH prueureil hlw mu rhl[,e. (itel hla nrrral rnlloweij. KeiuMHi Yosi belli him in toW i>ul) lu hW'Hi the ftciloii I'f tb * sriirnl Jury.

Claims on Old Men.menLite

Thai'i the point. If would only m ay you n g Companlea could reduce ralet m alerlally. bul m en will grow old and die. T fia i ’ .a wb»' * “ m g n j 'g o called U le Insurance concern t die b e lo r c their old m e m b e r i do. T h ere a re on ly a lew la tlllu llons In thia country th tl have dem onalraled their right 10 ^e called U le Insur­ance Com panies, and the Mu­tual B eneH f Is am on g Ihe best o f these. S tephen S. Day, Dial- Agent, 'Vo. Hroad S treet.

F o r C o n s e r v a t i v e I n v e s t m e a t .YlfWllrif l i tn -I roput.nii |iiirrh»»* prUs.inn .ir-inun Ua* anil Tn»iley wmptnNi anU ihfrir fi-<?urUl*a txiuaht and Id. alia jnv ciiraif' al 'hpir #«Tnln* 5?^*

lv«-a: Kea jritl^a i4m U In atiJ CorrstiU F UTHAP a ni'Mi-a • tnnri'iniptl UTHAP Bni'Mi-atinn

E D W IN R .C A S E ,Ciller in High Grid) IninlnAinl S n in tlr ,

iCiKiriia. Itulldins> o. 4 14$oiiij{nmrrjr M., t* Fit all V C'tTY, N. J.

Itrttli i'clrpliiiii*-* 7?1 i .N E W A R K OF F f O M :

(410 I11HY.41>'•A. luiili lalaphonsa 70n.

[Ii A N K l K S & b k O K L H !) ,

Membtri of Iht New York Stock E xcsiitt.

f r e T i : : 2 ;r2 .y , n e w y o r k ,I l i t i-at iiiiM itg, I ah 'a I 8 e c u r l t l « i .

N LW a RK o f f i c e , 8 0 0 B R O A D ST..elrphoiie BIA. Both 4'ainipanl.t,

l.ilAt A im *. Ul k'FV, M aa ig ,,.

nuire v o u r h om e in the

Dickiasoo, GnuDinoD

AMERICANII, MIT4 Iil>1l4l III im c ii-

I n s u r a n c e C o . , o f N e w a r k .

* C O . ,M ■ii'K'n o f Ihn V lork ■Mrtck Kirh Vl*(«s

ID W a i l S t . , N e w Y o r k . •IIIIANl II liKKIL'E

B r o a d S t „ N e w a r k , N . J .I 'e lcp h u n e li6 £ >

I livnM Yliro m Nr** Yark?


i'ng the week, a decrease of two from Ih. number reported lost week Of the?- iwem y-three had diphtheria, two scarlet lever and nine typhoid fever.

The weather summary fur the week, as reported by Frofessur G t'. Bttnii, o f the high school, shows the mean tempefjiture to have been 67 degre..?, the maximum He degrees and the niliilmum 53 degrees. The mean humidity was aeveiiiy-two per cent, the maximum ninety-five per cent, and the minimum forty-tw o iier cent. Ihe mean bwom eter was fH.lZ Inches, the mnximum » . * Inches, and the minimum 2ti.#8 Inches, The prevailing wljid was wet«t with a maxlipuni vj-bu Hy rtf nflHHh miles an hour. The t'H"l rainfall was D.ul Inch. There were live fair 'lays and two clear ones. There was «eveiity-ilve per rent, o f sunshine. The i.mperiilure lor the week was 6 degree? aimve that of the corresponding period last year, when the range was from 43 degree? to 76 degreea, and the precipitation was 1 Oi Inrhei.

MllA. ___F n n eru l T o o k I’ la ee This A flc e n o o u

Iroiu <l>r H om e «*f llf*rThrt funeral nf Mrs* KlizHM'tb Hnwt'll

MlU'hrll trtrtk place thin iiftfrnrnm fmm llio r4‘alilPMO' « f bar moibcr. Mtf. Tbpo- dirro P Howall. W2 IlrriiiH bIffpI Tlrt- In- tennent was private, Th.- Hervlces at the hrtiisp* wrrrt rniuluclrtil bv ll«-v A I'uHwln Kelgw-ln, piiatur of the Fork ITeahvierlan rhurch. The house wa? crow'lc.l hy thi. many friends " f the family who had guno there to par their last trlhute |u ihe dead Among them were re p fsem a llve - from the Ki'mnle f ’ harltabl" Snrieiv Htid

■ the AVumaiTs S.'wlng fluHd '<[ organlxHllons ..f which Mrs. Mitchell luullitiiK brvn It rrt' lubt-r

Amomr rn-ai rfliiilvt*K i*> nrrl\i‘ «»*!►■ Judge and Mrs. Andrew Klrkpairlc . hrother-ln-law atill sister nf the deeense.l.Mrs Dnvlil U IgF#»i’h. of i ‘>rk, hsister- Baiml.-l C. Howell, a brulber; Mr and Mrs Ktlwnrd MUchell. hrulUer-ln-lnw and sister, and Mrs. 1 Howell, the moih'-t ..1 the dcreased.

The pallbearers were Dr harles J Kipp. Dr '■harles A'oiing. Dr. Arche. M ercir Krclerlek Krehiighuysen. Mr. B^Herworih. of New V'.rk, ua'l AA'llliam Fenesliick ..I New York.

uti.'i... A i.i*i.tii,L.e. t-''"";;;,.;',bllHA M iK.l.tllig*. IU'lUltim l i i : ', , . ,i [ II.-I Ill'S'll*riraf \\ Ki'I'I'HOl, | li 11* HH M la i ' * >

nsnl-ler. « r..n,vW.l ' l.irkKI.US "|..Mt y, IT e '''" '''

Jse. II U.T.te.1 k - ' * 'I'; •ip.xifllrK-r.TrHiM ( . I. ib-niil*' .IIFFH I’.. 7411 IlKOAH

P O S T & F L A G G ,I:


C. J 4 II

F R A N K B . A L L E N , I 426 IV 1 •

Hr>4 H rtiiK i .Nt., "*11 I t r t m i l t v i i j ,NKAV.Alllv. m :\v v u h k

H,.k?.m .l Ft..n.l. .a. .Ne» anrt i'hilB‘1'DU mai'Bl

McniPer., i.f ilin New Vuik riluck Kicbango.,Alula llulldliig, hew York.

BRgW VCH O F F I C E7 7 4 B r o a d S t . , N e w a r k , N . J .

ALFRED L. DEIlIilS, R«sliIeDt Partner.1 h l.K I-IItt 'F Hla.

Local Investment Securities.


V "

H A M I L T O N & C O . l i n e . )

.t. i.iH ri'iiUMK*'*- »*bLFr l -r ■•mhd m L i Lirulii Hii.l ..rt'.’hl.-rtRi5



t 17 38



> Cu. 5s due•Hudfrtn 4'rtunty Oaa Co. 6s

N rsvgrk F irm S e c u r e s S la l* C ontr«e4 .

'£* ®- con lrat^fLr fu ^Bam berger *

Co. o f Newark, for lli>.M3.41.

IJu.rH'ui'Vaauty U « C o - iNUrSTlUAU a k d m i cdluirtM ^ ;V r ;;i 'c o “ ” .*Consumers Coa C o ... .





Ij7 w 7 rk R o a e iid a l* L Im o and

E77e'7'l'.nd"<>refeWedV.-V.:.‘| " J 5 T.and (c o m r a o u )............

•Ami Inlercst. .


C o o le r W eirth er A rr iv e s .Th« cooler weather.

by w i t h e r experts, baa at length not w U h ,fro iti or chilling blaata. out aufflclent'force to ^ *o de-

S S - S - E S s rrAr.:vss.rnro^"—Z S E r £ ; » * i ;

SWaturo w»a r* degrees,S g i ^ » l . d t h g g v e r » g e « > a « P ; ! !

Hlauheu Q. Williams was to-day ep- p oln trf temporary ' ' ‘ ' I ‘ '’ x%,lSr:ffinoartnif Cotitrael Company o f J f w y rilv- 7n the petition for Ihe recM v« fh i'^ om ^ au J '. S .« t » given at 260.0011 gnd7labim lei 290.000.

Frank 8. Kane, a former real estate A I e anil cuntractef of Camden, haa m « lV petHlon in bankruptcy at the United _ . Tnc +riaaf Uourt o-t Trcnlob* Ifi hiB^ 7 u “ h lJ7 admits Habimie. Of 2601,672.01.

Claims that he has no siMtSe Jufliice Collins at Jerwy City ysstsrday

r/seJi^^d Seclslon In I**' “ “ 0 ^ suit brought by the Inof Newark, against tlw F u H « estate in

Arungton, T h e ^ a .court tm an^ Newark, appeared

¥ i .“ oo?y s v f i i ‘ - . r “i ! f . n T . : !U ’ 'trbS

]<|pW8rk. b"

sssa aj ! C.! Hohi'ken^

(a 93 95h 100ifi 1464 21U s$6& 2H»# 56 tt4 4854 36 10& 90 1001 90 too

a.a. Alfred li. Broad itreei.

Bld.Aiked.. . . M 581 . . . lIFiS

w.... 16ll t«.. T*'.I

n(4$0%,7n “ken ■* P .ie r .o n -

i- c". Huhnken ft ifflii^ s « . ;rk Fonsol1dated__OtwNew.irk - j j ,Newark rassenger Bauwtiy ^North Jersey BKWt R a ^Nurih Jersey Street nanw ar


H a rr iso n P o H c f Thuiuaa P » r -xrii In U n a io d y , A4‘4u»^d o f B oh -

|»Idh a n E lla o b ^ lb Yfaii.Thomas Farrell, allaa Thomas OrtTdon

thiriy-four yaara old, of 62 H^acon avs-* Tiui*. Jers^vy City, wa» HTni. tBd In that city last ntffhl by Uvio^cilvf Krrnan. of Jarst^y City. *n<J Chief " f i ’l.ili't* It/uUtTS of Harrison, on ausplclnn of bflnic one of tha m m who atole a vi-si bolongln^ to Hanry McCandlmea*. a ilnw-rr, of KlUa- bfltb, In a saloon on Buoih Fourlh slf€'rt, Harrison, on Thursday right. Farrt-ll was In a saloon in Npwnrk Avpnua. Jer­sey City, when the detmlv** ami chief en­tered. As soon a« he s-iw them. It la claimed, he mada a break fur a rear tlnor. and ran Into a closet. !v-ie<’ t1ve Keenen followed and was not a minute tof) noon, as Farre! was geitliiK of a window that led Into a yard.

The detective captured him ami turned him over to C hief Rodg-rN. who took him to Harrison, where h»' wufl locked up. When searched, Ferrel ha<l * rtttor, wrap­ped up In a handkerchief. Hrt denies know­ing anything at>out McC.inHlennsB'a vpbI.

The Jeraey City police noUfleU Chief Rodgers to-day that they had WUIlam Thompaon, alias “ illackle. Far­rell's com panion, who 1« alfo supposed to have had a hand In the njbhery. Chl*i Hodgera loft to-day for Jersey City wir the proprietor o f the saloon, from which Ihe vest was atolenj to see If he enn Iden­tify Thompson. ^

f e l l p h o m T i in w i s h o w .

HAP AMAVrUEU VICTIM.Form er Jteiliienr Found to Have

dwindled an Itslinn.ftlnre ihf r|ci>i\riuTe of VtUUum Ham*

m erm nu, :.u.l bD kI - ' - * " . MI»« N '" ’ '!' mUman ">"l '"•» 'Vllllani Turner, all ™7orrt rr..m Mtllburn, wh.Te, 1l b. ela lm ci i lu ' llimlbiinm.<l « linmcxtlc out o f a UO if rn'Oiry "O Ibe preleimu ofemharkl IK i" 'b '. laiiiulry buhliic??, It ha? c ^ r t ' i 'n g b , null Ihere I. a -u i...r Vic- tlm ol Itu-lr ?h'irp pra. lb'ei. u hlle rcHlrt tna In Mlllb'in' llammrrninn had pur- cha?ea a .ewIuK machine from a Newarkn n „ .......... iiiHInlmenl plan, anti badpnld on ... ."unt »cfore hi? -leparl- S r . he ?ol.l lb.- nia.-hlne 10 Proaper Mar- e ln lo n ir ' 'l l Uahan merrhnni of Mlllburn, for 216. Tt". Iiulb'h naked no qiienilon,, thlnkliiK 6'vi-rvrhlng nil rlghl.

YV’ Uhln Ih'- f'-"'' dHyn ajieuts of them achine Urn, vi-lied Mlllburn, and learn- m ^ l h e w h '-r ."h u m - of ihe m «.'h ine, laid Z m 10 II A D cr exhlbl.liig l> a b c " "» > "* • Ing Ihelr ' bilm Ihe machine wiiH turned over to ibeiu, Ihey paying |he Hanan the 2S wlilcb ll'inimermiin hud tmid. 1 ha Italian lo?l DJ __

W. B, hMITlI. W . ,t. I.elimtMK

W . B . S M I T H & C O . ,h l l l f l t IIlU lKKU '.

794 KKOAD S T ., N EW A R K , N, J . II I!|[(iAIi9VAY. n f .w v d u h .

M il im h iii . im ;.. j r . iD l .v 1 1 tv.B ell I'luiiie al.V. H u m . « » *

t ’O.M M l?aJt*N a ltit 'K BROKBIII4-P, ohIi. elie I'.a.nwllnx with ,11 exch.hge?

^■ra.l...I,.l lu '.o f .leek *. . . Un i t .HI Ihe I luvr of 'he b x i / h a n i , . M « k * t

r 1\ ! i»k Hie tirli'e*. wln 'f e lo b u y s n d,i -...J Mi,-li Irtv Unit BTid pxatnins,

Uonnell U uilding. 196 M irk e t S t.. le p lu .u e M i . N e w a r k , N - J .


l e w i s a . M A Y A G O:m Hitd .l.l IKroaHwsy, M*'W Yorkn

Mfiiil ■ 1

I nil

O . K . O O X I v O I ' J fH A M U ; I { ,\ M * I t l t O K K I t .

lilt .1 t llK i: '! WT., N'-W»rk. N. -I.Heal |•-l,lU■ and l.'?'ul In i e?lineul Nernnln.?.■ ■ -i.,i I., iinl I'......... 'ba in an.I I "Itull.

t e l e p h o n e S S 7 ,

1 I - mni l,<

V ^"erk Kxchanr*,V.irk J'roiluie Y ii.-hiitife. liRl Market wf . .Si WHrk. Tel. AO?,

f..T ) fa«lli.iy f-ir 11 1 '- j.rompt «ag«u- iWi- 111 ?*l'Kk>i, Orfiln Jitiil l ’*iUnO. t,.,,„ti.eii WH will -Fii'1 yiMi our dalty

Ki'i iiii'l book on ’ VkU hA.

J. S. RIPPEL,HI kl.u r


gsssc "h-i rrVo *■

o?:h^a“ « w r u 7 i;T m .r lr t •“ ‘ <‘ '•6 1 0 ^^ I d the aum o f 1600 du*w S r b T W h « U e . ' U.n

" B^"«cN*i n. » bulldeb, o f Pktjr-

J - lia m u ii" mi.M. bem-

roont 20 », an Ex-

iiiii lo show 1?

Edioator Idwsntscli

E D i u S l W i C O .- - _ . - — d m r


iXgauofto* B

m assom

« ' ; . r : s . 6 ™I i ! iJ ? a a l» McN bIU Ullad «oi«W Hme ago,

.n W . P^PjrtT o T * to U tr -for Ot* b ioon i h i. crodiNw.

ThssB crsflH . tn ii iw ii so

tb re * ,a.*S.T,n.^dMdf giYon b j


*DVI5*TltBI6268Tftr e c e i v e d t o o e a t e

l - o n h l a w i f i o a t i o b .

Bofaert C., senaiiniUBburn. SfM 11

d b a t b »

. ! s S . S . S " A ' « ‘ 4 ! . i t ' - .K s s :ffaSiSn. vo HoeyK ?,TlS'.’T a , e ^ '

B U N IiA '-a r ilim in ia e a a a lo o lu n e e r n ln * T hem

M o a to la lr n .n le re n t .e T o -d a y .A cnnfer..n,'.- " f '"<■ 8unday..chool

. u „ r u f Ml.III. lair nmrernlhg aunday. r h o o r w " r " i ; i.'-'n« "eld ,n the Flr.t Methodlet I'hnn li In ' ’ " " ‘ 'j , „ i ,

X w e S 7;^:ih an ......... by R ev Jo.ephA Owen nil* anbjeri? were: In the Light ot the herlpturc?, aiul of ihe Preeeiit Day N eld W hat I? a a.iinlay-kehoul Teacher? S W ho 1. BuHbient for The.e T h in g ,?" Rev Orville Hei.'l nI»o delivered an ad-dreea on "W hu T h u n K 'ami How Can We ' ' " ' ‘ c jh e m Such

The afternoon acrvlce began ai J o rloi k with a pralae ami pcaY‘‘ c dreuMB made bv Rev John V Dob bine on "W h o Arc " " f / * ' ' '" * . ' '" ;Can W e Make Them Hiich. aod b> llev^ W. W. W hite on ' ‘trod anrl Hla Book In the Buridfly-school.’'

, L oca l In vestm en t S ecu rities7 t iO l i U O A l ) S T K I i E l ’.

O F F IC E -8 9 N. J . R. R. Ave.. Cor. Lafanette St.Goal and Wood at Lowest Market Prices.

b o t h p h o r s s s s a . _________

O n lT lu jw r ie a 14, I t v i n g t o n .Man W e r e B p r a l i t c d A u k le a .

John Bradahaw. forty year, old, of Irvington, tell from a Hernnd-mory win­dow In the Ooerke Comnuny store, on Market ,tra«t. iiaar Broad. thI, morning. He w ai removed to Bt. Jamee ? Hoapital, where It waa found hla only liijurle, wereapralned anklea. I

Brsdshaw w M ampUlj'pif the buUdttif. H « Isaned rail of a windowopening on L ibrary court, lost his bsl- ancB and fslL

T n ra a d Over to t'oualy o lh r e r ,. "H aonv Jack" Miller, who waa arre? ed

In Morr?B Coimfy ah a charge at having ‘ro b ^ d Farmer ^biltbew'a poidiry yardat Caldwell, « a ? ii7 will■ex County aulhorlilf? ye?terd»y. He he given a hearing ul ' a Id well


C O R , f 5 L L M O M 0 ^ V £ ‘ 6 V / f / A W g Y 5 1 S 0 X _ i

l l / I I A T IB THK M.l ni-.U ’.Vl'MlW _ dealBra liistaad Al'lK;

Why don't tliey ?i'H ®'"*l bi Ihelr

If von Imy Iruin ..........-" " I o f Lual'o-I band ; guarantee prompt delivery and lione.l 'vemhl..

■Jbe Btrtke uoeBn'l eltei I uir. .

., n iK KXCHANOK?tbeinb'^MK?,^^ „i„,rt weight. I i.u gh l ihem. Now

1 . at 2 P. M. rospsolfallr In- mt Csmstsry.

•“‘ “ ‘ k i,*'* ’ at * P."lii.t cur. Qet..

AuetloMV. office. *69 Ikiuth

. . J soldfc fsotorr

K a n s o r t Not<*s The funeral o f Captain Jarae, W. IJald-

wln, o f Keym irt, who Hudaon, N. U , Monday night, waa heldTealerdav a ftam oon from hla late r*,iSence, Rev, C. R . Smith, " fMethodiBt Church, offlclating

F. W . Sllkinah. o t New York, who la attempting to atari a tUe factoCL^l at Y port, naa mpda^a. new

iImi .SuclukIt Hhould be taken (orpsls, bilersvarsBi

i Bltt« riiel ^ d l ^ l i ™ . ' ' « a a ’irp .ti;.l.. d f / r p * ' - ; ' ’ ll-lousMrss. ■•rvaasns'SS- msIsrU, ft

l.l is i l lllh f ,•CIIQM; 6.402,

S. WILSON, JR. Ik 'j i " '9 2 W AlfIfl-N SI'.

rifioom’raitue o f KeTPorl f l l ' " " * poaea to p u t up aft the monry >55 “.

r'-i^VrSunom ediH ■ ’ ^ X i v e M te r e hit? In eU'niarh

order. ,1 Ir ljr Wllt i'erUliily <™V nr., JumS r S 7 w ! l l i " « - « « T n V ; c ; . v e r . tbe neck

d, the hot,U. Q g - ^ g y - T E R ’ S

n s t o m a c h

iM uaeela art ------—

SJjr^lS*, S lS t r b S t v S n t . the town , 0 aP- praprUta a alte fo r the ‘ ! f ,W .5 S '’OTriSd.

CottntF F ro lt O fow srs ' wm

I gv*.

o i r o i f W T W I t a gah. half*

drowt C t m a a r I 2 U m . ttp M itllH t J I 4 W «A > f ■WAf S

r and wife, of M i « - 'n oo hy Csnirsl ajMiiJurlee received F a alelgh at a rall- gtawan oO FehfUWT

I t Is W i t h o u t A n B I T T E R S '

Leather Belting. lyif.x.RAEatCO

Y O U R I II you carry a poor timepiece, when we are selUng the finest American waiches, cased i t gold or silver, a t*lo w c r prices than ever.

DO YOU n e e d s p e c s ? W *

O W NF A U L T ,

P U M OAH^ g U A ”j ? r

291 m m ST.I Jot. Meler'g 8ons.l$r—

B R 9 A 0 S T R E E T , C 6rti*r Cgitar S t r e e t .


t e A l t h A « y » t h o r o u g h ly a n d g iv e a p o rfe c t l i t , c h a r g in g o n l y f o r t h » ;a r t ic le p u r c h i j e d . . „ , ,

D IA 1V IO K P 5 O U R 5 P E C | A U fX a i ., - ,C e y , V . rr f|ft 6 *<f "TtlJ J . U I ..................Il f


6NKW ARK e v e n i n g n e w s , SA TU R D A Y, StlPTEMBER 29, 19W . ^

Ifc w a r l* (Soening N n o i .^ nriT.rtmiiO A lL T ^ E l t C lP T S W U D A Y t.'• iZ- t IIY*H»

BfOlDl Hei» PnbllsWiiJ Companj,3 I I « 2 I 7 M A R K E T S T R E E T ,

HRWAKK, It. J.IkUHWl M Ml* r w » m » M KOiWl-elM*' m ttwtl

Qattrmd by In “ T P*^tfc« H u n «n , Keunr, S a m i^

Montclilt, JJloomfinld »n<l ,M nagb-

hsv» brpii the only onr* who have n»l for * iwwiy rliwn » l«r o f tho fti»t m »»-

Uo'ii iTurt or rnpJ'olouo, or loiih . u o ly Iti. .(OP raw . Ill 'h r r^r'y advnn 'p from

botirg lowni.Moil KibKriptloni, hTt dolUn * T«r, ■

ft, cent, • monlli, pMtone tree. ba|jn DeliTtred bf oerfi^ ^

tod htM*

UlTooplre, two cn ti.Kewirk, wo cenW t week.

Otdioery tdeerteemenB,

‘ •dS:^'»:^w ^ndw b.wt.-W „W ^ U l Fee Sole, Fereonil, efc., one cent i bit M chiyp Ittt lh«i ten ®ch

8A'H llliA Y, H hl’TliM IlK li il, 1!-“'

TIIK IK H tin '»>■ I lI tt I I " " " " " v i \ i i : i t a t ...... .

In furtniilly pi'll, llliir iln ....... i.t .Ii."' "tiliP n.i.iril ..r lli-.ilih .............. '"atrrvlny rnnUtirv r. i. In l••'l■‘ In Hi’ I'' 'I'n' " lOHll wnlrrrh.41. II." |■■■■.>|l ’ I "

l.u iiur.l 'In .■'liiin " I I'll' ..... .. I "end |iriiil*Tii’ r. Ii Ir - i '"■ ‘'p iinimi I’ i'iithill (III- I'lil'li' W ill'' - 'i l 'l ' '' ........end uni'iiriliiiiiii-1 *' i*"'i n plmH *"■ ulttcleni Hiid jiiTii. .m ill l '" - il'ii '’Drntrrtl'll! H fl-' lll l■"1l‘l'l*"' I' l“ 'i .lli 'i l 'Ihr Jir.hiii.r ' f 11" ll■■"•'‘,l It lull Jil.lli. 1" 'lii'l I " "" ' ’‘ ■HMe m lidlnil" in Hil' iiinii'i' b.m I " '" l’■'■-tivteiil itii'l iirt'Iiiiil’ l"

Now IhiH 111" I lij' liii* ii' .|iilr>'I lullirol of ih " pyulrrlJ. iin ImHiiK .............. ..... ..vmrii iin‘1 v. .iii ri-IH’ l«. Iiiiriiii.iiioii" l l'||''■'■l t,( »"il'.h Ip lu i- n 111" i " ! ' il"|iiiii'ii"iil" raliliiil faill In ri-il'iiiii'l i " 11"' l"il'Hi' a '""lThorp mil l»’ ni . e .’iipr i" " p I" ' .........tinii»ni.'p of riirnlin.m" wlmh li-i'" I ' " " ilpilurrd deliim niial m Hi" |iiir1i> "f H" wiiior (urnlelied NrwiirH s " llln 'i" Th‘ onireftiTr nn |on(t"r hr liiM nimn il'>’ H""' Jcrte'y tVttU-r C'liiilniiiy ("t fnilor" forc^in'i'tHir laiiUiiiy |.miiiitlomi. Ill'retiieoi-il'illly ("r I'HfryliiK "'H " 'i" ‘i uree k* the Bnanl o f llrtlHi ilfcmii ii""""- tarywrlll ri'pt iiimo thr Munrtl of V\ nrkp. ond (t In all Imiiorlent llu l Hi" two biidlee ehall wurh In liurtiiiiti)

Thero hat hrpii pomp rvlilrtu’" " f r"illnK of reeentnirnt tipniuer ttip [Imiril of lli-alili eppeeiPil lu hnvr h m i iKnorril In thr wntPt tull, but wllh the tulilrm rm of th" ‘H"- pule th n r It no Inniirr any rputoii *hy tlilt teiuimriit ehould hr rhrflthril. if It ever twitted, it le only In aeriirU with thr Health Uuarde tirrvlmit rernrd to at- tume. that It will Ini'l chreMul eo-oprrathin with the Lliiard of W u r^ 111 prrtiTvliig the purliy of Ihr cliy 'n publlc water tuiiply.

Tlrtiltin . hat ihrri- tU'Pii any runtldi-rabl-i liriyihliiK il'iin'n of dlhi'liillni, m id ihiii Wat ,11 ih " r a t " of a r. K lm m t, K "ll ni.iilr iln ,.t rirniltP , mill iiti‘ l "r l■lHl.lltll'll» w hiili n.nll.l liiiV" IHrd tnlillrrt " I Iroi., A nirrl- i-iio Iiillltiirltin in Hn- H a ,i h u t put I m- l.hip.a no 111" fu n lh a l I'ur yoltll* linoi. Ill .oloi'HliK i l l " tnllHary iraile . have hr.iui(li1 III 11 Hint iiu llliy lo t e l f - r r " ! ' " ' I loV" of iir .l"! ,ilnl liilliTPnl ile ""l l "J ’ wUlih I hai III 11 1 Ilf t .Mii' r iite m th lii In li" o lln r ].liii-".' II IniP n it " liroiiyhl (ml Hie furl Ihal III. Alio ri. .Ill n m iln r oin( "r . un- dt-r III" iiiiiKiiin.ini IriiliiinK lo whl.-fi li" it » iil.J ""1 ".l In III" riillPit SKilMt. tim i.h In III" vu^, nut only In h it tlahilnK k*iI- liliilti , hut III h i ' .iiViiHoii to .HI Ihr hluli or i.liiilt Ilf hit iirofii'iil'll. T h " [iiillHi’iil "riinlili.t of a "iinii'nlaii h ive |ini In Hi" moinh .1/ Hie A nii.rlm n frli.iolt of A aoln - iijil" ninny a .tri""r ai ihi- Arncrlran arm y In H i" K a tt. I'Ol Hn-lr in"iii|io liy hat hoon oil a liar wllh 111" n n -A m i.fli ’ .in tiilrll whli h iiriimi’ liil iln iii

i.iii"rrH MMi-t't n m li l f . - I " iloi't ii"1 Ini-|,lv 1 1 1 ! lai K Ilf iflti llillri".". and hl*h n, I i.riiiih>lim"iil iimoiig ..iii iinn-"r« iiinl m -n tl only tiHTlhrt .ifroth H i" IiIioHh,phi li nil iifiny 111 lit n>iii. tpi.riully an i.niiv Ilf ihin Ki"iii l■"llooM. , n i'iti alw iiyt l.iiir 111 niliHl W lllon il r..Hi.i IliiK on (he Iiri t "tit , II m a l l " , rli iiJ.'r H i" ttainlard lu wliii h till, nim niunillna am irral Ih tltlt Hip iirini niinit h" k ";ii l.v H i" m oti viKlIani iiM.r»lalii II ml i -iri fnl irain in g o f mind uml


i]ltud".Kvrry thinking iniin wllh a m y o f 're-

agination to tlUimlnale thr ilurkneae nf ti.|r-Kulllrlrnl knowliulgr Inia frit Ihal ihiTi wa» tomi'thtng nf lla in ln In hi" "Hit n.ilar". Thr tniiumrr.ililr fanUt of nnioil, liitrllri iual and iiattloiml, wlHrii |...|l(."t truth with tllrh varlrly of llghl anil riilur. hrlng thr Ifamh-t J iniiiif', In tiijrir of It" [ihiih"", within ihr onliiiari hniinin k"ii o " an nt«lm llftl"d UK-n..'- Itiiii whl'li »"H blrtida w llh Ini!" r .iili" t j miiiiihy. Tnlt la rvnlvrd, tiioti ■ I .HI. In thr "h it"! ttiiily of thr play, win r" tin lililloto(ili>. Ihr hninor. the wit. Hi" nat-tliin an.I 111" iiiilrgiiipd fa n ry n f Hi........ ..""lali.ll rwi.ll Into Burh hlgneta of i" it- !«., IIV" \V|. null tiimr part o f oiir.“ ' l' - whil" II to gT"Htly tranarenda nurt. Iv » and th" I’onrrplliin rltrt like th" 'IJhi wh.i wot nntriilrd from the Itthenn.ii't li.itH" In thr Arahliiii t iory . HiTi'ln i" fijiiiid the rranon for Ihr "um mrnt win


l* o li iU Ilf l ,n w r o n B ir n r d h y

a iH t* a n d f X l e r n l J u d K * * — oio liilo n B fr u in M a n y

HcVfTHl quf'wlloiiiH TincU-r N<*w York nKJilnni iruxlM, or unluwru) I'om blnB"

ilonti In ir,nl'', hovo 'l»-cldrd by J u «- (lf,i o f il»f rtuprem** T o u rt. up*.-i‘1h1 t*Tm. in Ihi- o f FVoplp- vk . N ubp* ttinuTi pVi N. y 8u pp , Cham,'luiH till onltT rfiju irlng c**ruiil ix-r-rcih« irtr-r»-ln no-htioui-il tn wpiM'Br M )'it N usmI'uiuji, a Hj»puliUfd pur-Mlilill to DXftlllMi irjub' l'nmblmitlllU.‘4,iin<i It mDUun v m n miKir lo vacate [htM or- ili-r niv jjroiiud Ihiit Ihr Hrild law a kt'' LiP'OUHiltiiila-ul 11 w.iH I uii)tt'nid<'d,ansimM •ih<T fhlUMv tbo act w ui uricoiiftM

tiiilmml, lictHUMr, niub'r )i. Ei w U hchh miiyhi- rtimpi'llMl irt t(1 vo i Vldciioe which run 111' uMi <t aj£uliiBt him In ii criinlnal caN* jtijt JuBtlcDi Phcricr tiHd that, under ih<-

3 X 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



.T liB t H u ^h -rtlB rn n a ril S a le .From the I'laiiifleld P m n.

Thr ri-iNuli o f the pMartln act tax Iti ilic I'tiat' JamcB E. Mwrtlue la the cul* mlji-tUun of li iojig conientloiK lit which thiTl' a le dichlcdly iw’o pUlea,

8 i*v*th1 ycara axo. when It w'aa decided lu tMnn.] Piirk avi-mio from Seventh Htrd'fi ihrmiKh lo thocH y line. ai the edfli- u[ MiihJ|i*M«'X I’ liuiity. dh ordinance wan pn<.A<H| i iiinlt rmiliJK ihi' ro'ccanary land for th- i-ri'iH.f-nl imiirovcmciit. The propoatil t\rv. E<tr> -I (laHHcd ii UmK dl^tuiice throiiKh li.i.d MWiH'd hy Mr Miirtlnc. HIb prgpert> Hiin liiktu for tlio i<irtei. and hJihj u lov> eir WHH made on him. Ke rbvc i*i'

! Ill- in(M"‘ri> wllhiuil an i^hjecthui. rtnd] ,ii‘ -i prnitipUv paid (he awnoaammil A f i ' i iiiiF the cUy pasMcd an ordliiKiici

.,ii|,rliix ibiit Lt tic «rndfd to city Kraih- I ii.i.l (1 ir.iril paved. .NoMce w'an ^Ivm lhai 1 If iJi'- impriivirmcTii!< wore not done in «i*

tip- city wTiuld do the work and

G j j t e r ^


C L O S E D A T 6 P. M ., S A T U R D A Y S A T l o P. a

Ivan h..4-n m ade nn thr rfft'ctH o f th*‘ rtaK- | UitiiD'. u wUncaa . ould nui l.n prnee^-utrrl | aKiiltiNt the pro|H-rtypri'rt* rilaUon o f Jhim lrt Bi-art‘cly in.j | “ ' crtmtniil m -thm ur procet'dliiKa fiU' j M arline wan iln- (Irut lo reaped Uv'-

Hcvi'r lii'lor haw fnUetl De p r e « m t rinip' nirjifMire o f vivid and plfanlnif nuggchll

an InlH llifenl audli-ncr. Yet no ReTii-i-

ABOL'T CrOLLlSGK ATU l.KTK 'S.Xu -the course of an addrcua which he

ma a i# t the oi>*nln« o f 'he Lehigh Unlver- ■ity the other day, President Drown had poTDffthlng lo say H'wmi the pemlcloua cun- tom p i hating, that la enllrely out ot the uaiwB courae. He dHprecateil the practice BB tii'hurouK. do all imeiltgeiit men, ■nd rongratulaied hl« audliom upon the fact that It wHi rapidly becomlnK exUnci. llUlwmarkfl, ihereforcr were directed, not tn ttJa curwetJon o f a Jlugrani almae. but to "haatenltifi the death of n college cuatom now unlvorstilly recognU«‘d t>y 4ill colleife ihfh M more honored In ihe breach than In the obaervance.” To this end he invited the hearty co-op«Tailiin yC Ida »tu- dant Budlence.

The decadence o f hailns he aacrlljcd lo the athlellc aplrtl B'llh which our Ameri­can Instltutlona c f leatidng have I'omn to ha ao iargelyf pafmeaiad The more one consider* ibtt proposlilon the more rea^- onabla does It apt»ear. Athleilca, eapec* tally aa practised In college, do nioch more than to build up the mere phynlcnl man, They induce the true aporilng aplrll. Thla la not for a moment to be confounded wlHi lu vlciouB counterfeit, which Inaplrea the habliue o f the poolroom, the gnmhllng- house or the betting ring and leads lo all manner o f uiihappincHa in sin. it la free from every taint o f what haa come to be known aa “ profeaslonallam." On the con ­trary, It kncub'Kiea a love of heuUhfnI. boneBt HtKirt, for spurfa own Nike. It de­velops falrnes»e huiiesiy, hnm>r—all that goes lo msk<5 up real chivalry. It deapiacs to take Hilvuniage o f weiikru-Hs unU scorns any cpnfKct that does nut lake place on u fair fleW with no favor To imagine h company o f young men devoted lO athlci- lea l)liig In wiiK for a di'fi'iicelcfts fresh­man and subniltUiiK him U> all sorts of menitil and physical torture—huxlng him. In fact—la very, very dItlScult. Urawiiy young fellows, or lutnllcrluul young fel­lows, may d o lt, but young fellows irfllned to strive fur m asury In ih« open and ac- ciiMiomed to ask no odds ure nut the young fellowH 1 0 U h f di-gr,iceful lulvuntage id w eakue^K.

And • haruln ai'peorH um* o f the Bimugeat urgurneniH in fesur o f culli go nllilellcs, for ibis \ery Keh?<e of h'liinr, w'blcb llio> Inctilcale, Is none too <’oniimm In the Wiilka of ordliiHry Hie. 'ntm- lo th- gymmoklum. on lUe gridiron, the links «.r the rlviT doi’H mil muD-rliiMv litDrfcrewllh ihe k<1ud> ijf l>i>okw. It vk'i’S ll)HkC redMood, aolnl imiHi. lea, hright id i-s lunleli'Ong, ti'iio iH'nris ibiii fure pfv whiii ct'llcgi’ il.ii’s all- over, to win wllli lo-iU'Kt>iind fiilrriCHB.

\ W illt l'll^ R<D>sHi t l 'M \ W IIHTH-IM U K J'IlKN IlM 'f^n.

T h-\i v'l^nsiiiinTo y is to be i-ongriiiulat'■ •I ttlitili, whi-tlor In llie Htalc l.'g lsla - lure i>r In Un nmliinal t ’ lo ign ss. Is n-l'- n - r i l r d )-i II man uf [losuivi- ctinviothnis • suh i h i i r n n r i i K e |. i h TI|i |.| l i y ih cTT l . Hu* h

ii rij.iJi cvidcnily is t ’ «uigr»'Hsman MH uU, uhn the Kighth lilslrlct ofMiiesiu husellf* 11 1 Ihe national House uf|{e |,ir»'Hfnliillve!i

Inirlng the lnM H<**«lon of I'oogress, Mr. Mi-rtill wiis iioi always In iici iml wllh lUf n-iioiTs of ihc party In the hoiiH*-. Ihm- il.oliirly Was this ao on the qucsllon of ihs I'tirto lllco tariff, and ll was lurgely due lo hls unswerving Mm! pcrslstenl effort ihrti so many at Up'obJei-Uonahle feuturE^s of the nrlgliml bill were Ndhnlnatcil. There were one or two of Mr, M cCsirs constit­uents who thought ihm he ought to be dlsrlijllned for hla IniJependetu-e, and at tht Kcpubllcan chih-ub In hls hums town f f Winchester they presented resulullons expressltif “ unnuHllhe<J disapproval Of hls iirllnit.'' Mr. Mi-Uall was present ttl th» caucus and the r-'adlng nf the resolution g.'ivp him n s|'l«T\iUd opp^lFlunlty to display hls quiiMile^ of tndep-udent mnnhoud. which lu- illil jhm full to Imf^ove. 'T f,” lie said, " > 0 0 vNunt a man to represent you wlm will vote hs UsneTal Grosvenor, of tihlo. dictates. If you want a man with an jingiewurm for a backbone, then don't Bend me buck lo rongress.”

Here spoke a man. A man who would rnthcT lie right than be President. A man who holds the approval o f hls own con- sclenrc purarmiuiU. A nian for whom Ihe party lush has no term rs snd who refuses tn stultify hls honest convlcUutis for the sake of <»fflce

ll Is gratifying to record that o f more than one hundred RcimoUratia present at the caucus only ihree voted In favor o f ihe resolution of censura. Evidently Mr. Me- (DiH'e c'onstlltieticy Is worlhy o f Us rep­resent ailvg. iK'tlhg has fully com passed thut h'-r- lt»\n nf thought which opens lo the eiifllv kimih'd ImoglnHtlnii in closet nppr.Mm lliiiT, fi>r nowhere rise In reflerllv'c clruni.i In there such Buperal'ondaru'e o f qulck'-n lug in the light of that vision “ which Tu'vcr was on sea or land “

A nuiuhle feature iT lids play Is that HpirUiial slgniflcam'^. wide and deep be- ynnd parallel. Is t iiibndli-d In a setting which, th Its cllnmn-^. Is fllm oil mcln- ilniTnatlr. This Hi'pcal for th« use ot Ihf more familiar appnr-ilas nf stagecraft p.-r- hrips Is one reiisi>n whv Ihc clever actur CHU make such i-Ht'iildi use of the machiin lem o f U » part In W* phase o f stage con- stnictlon through wUi.-h the iranscend.-iii powers o f the charni h t must be mstb- manifest. Ycl ilie Uirludeni action o f the play Is a (llHp lu aiiy revelation o f tie- real grip o f Hamlet nn Ihe widest human sympathy. This mif^l be rerogiiUed In thefontem plutlvc pnrllnTih the nollbKiutes andthe quletar dbibiKiu-. ibi- i.e|f-rcvelallon of a spirit restli-sN, vci mways reticent.which is as he»llat1ng in loilon as It is daring In thought and nirt'cuLit luii Accordingly as the artist nji ci-'-ils In correlating these di-nwr ItisIghEM with the movement, through which ihi' action Anally culml- nates, must in* b*- measured.

The performer of ihc role may he es­teemed If he misses this higher Intellec­tual grasp, as long as he t'xeculeB fts meiONtramatlr fvaiures with trained Bkliland follows live stage tradltlona o f the past with the Hdident's research- Uut be will neviT nc great unless he haa some clairvoyant pi-rccptloiui o f hla own. In no other Way can the power o f hls own Identity ulisorhcd Into the Hamlsithought, imwcver bigger than hlmaolf, ever l>c mude manifest. This la what Fei’hier. Mdwin Booth and Henry Irving have done within the memorlea o f a gen­eration 111 some large measure, If not In full orb^d jiower.

] .iti> niiitti-r (‘oni'crnlng whlcti he inlghi l•K|lr , and that Uiis .iffiiriU'd full and • 'iiiplr-h' prriitH-ijion ii the wUness. Ii

a.IN further ht'bi ihat, liotwlthstandiiig

rity'N 1 chest, which Involved an expensed iN.jvi?. Ills aiij'diilng iielghborw—t-iiiVN

Ujiiididph and fUclie—refused to d ' ilir unrk. 1'hc city thvn carried oui ih-

11 ml ussessed theDi. iiirpt.ration In i|U*'rttlon was orgHnli'-d imi'nise-mi-nls ,,ii.|.-r ihv laws o f Hnothcr Ktelc. an order ; thi* piur»crly.' ........... o f wItncsKcs. w.ih 1 I he .... .... were determined m-r u>K'ii aiwJ proper ' i t la not n»*cfasarv,' | r‘ i’i>gnln the authority of this H i' ' ii.i .JuMUe tio -s lcr. '-lo uasert that tin I rcspcrl. iirnl they engaged the ''ga

-i;i<a<>i iitdiiwfiii nirnblimtlun tir arraimi iri> iit look plare III this KtJUc, because (hi

prohibits any act within the HUiD piu-ii.iiit ihercto, or for ihc cunaummatina'id, anri aulhorlxcM the attorncy-geii ii.ii lo I rlng an action tn restrain (hr hi-

ilIrKiil aciM here, wherever thr id iipr.i inlawful combination or urrangi-111-1 I was m ade “

Tb' '|ii»'stlon ns tu whether a mniiufiic- lull I of li single arllcte has the right i<> ij". .ir.d to he protected In thi' use of m nf ili.iii 'ini' irade-mark for that article wu-* .1*. I'l*'! In the negailvc by (he fn lu -.l Siiiu - t ’ lri-ult 4'ourt o f W lsronsln—Albiiir- J‘< I I'lr vti-il XS'ra|i|ilng t'umpany vs. John Eloiiiif rnmpaiiy. The crjiirt held tlmt ii i]i,iioir"e'iiirer o f u single article who uses 11 biru'' number Cif different immes. l<> d'-iignriri' difference In quality, shape nr siy.*- "T merely (n mt'ct the whims o f cus- l<im>-r .tnd which tend in produce con- fii' lnri r:irher than certainty as to origin, lann ’ t b*- prnlpcled In the exclusive u.-i*' of Kii. h iLLimes as trade-marks. The couri siiiil i Imii ,1 iradt'-inark is deilncd to he lb>- tiuiii', -ymla>l| hguro. letter, furm or de- vliT ;i-i"i>i''d ilml used V»y a mnnufaciurer or iiieri haul In order lo drslgm itc lh< go'nN Ji*' matvufiicturcs nr sells and dls- tInKiilsh ibem from those m anufatiur«d or s'dd by unotht'r. so lhal they may fe known in Ihc market us his, anil thus eii- uhle him tn secure such proFUs as rrsuH from n rcpntallnn for superior skill, Iniliu'- iry "T I'nierurisc. Hut “ how, * says ilu court, “ rjri that punmas he accompllshetl If a manufacturer dcullng In a single ar­ticle uses a thoUHand dlPferenl Irade- murks to designate (he article and U'‘ origin'* Hurh use necessiirlly producer* confttslon and falls uf the single purposi of Ihe trnde-mark—to designate w llh c* r taJnly the origin o f the produol.*’ On - iinly KUihorliy, the court said, which Ivor-

vices of William J. Msgle. now rh-m id New Jersey, and through hi*

ui Kurneni and preseniullon the ordln-uu eH piisHfil by Ihc rliy Were iet asH'' a- llii-K.lL This resulted in the coat "i ih> imprOvi-rneiiis being assessed on ih-while city. Mr Murfme being ('omi"-!h ii In pay hls pro]x>rtlonait share witli tb* r« >t. of the iHXjMiyerB,

.N'liw Mr Mardtic’ a cAntenllon hu‘* ..... .ii.-l Is ihat he should be placed In tic •e.iiiU' positlnn us Ida neighbors, ainl <br*i Ii. was .ii'd iH euUllcd to have ih-' - 'to hi- e-xpctuled iindi-r an ordinance, .iIDT- ft.ird declared Illegal, returned In hUi,. or elsr allowcil as an offset. In hi* jo hava this action taken he f iib-o ili-iugh It would seem that Jusiin- iri.l K<|ijliy ilcrnand that 11 slioubi be nli -v il

Tlic propiTty owned by Mr Mitiiio* ,illil the NSiHle he controls, whcli w-i' a iM unl' T Ihe Marlin act. Is wnril- mu'D iMrrs the sum Involved, ami \nHI i-'W -.l•••li hi- si-Hlcd, and Mr. Martliu' wjtl

ric i>f hls iioldlngs.

directly upon the question wna the eusc Candec vs, Deers (54 111., 439. 457.)

A U M H I \ l i n i N T \ M » t l lD .Thi? liiMTcsilMH Kcneiiil ofiii-r, issuid by

I Acttti'iMiii'•'•m I HI Mil'S, t ‘ l.iD vr-i" lie-nionil' .uH ......................I ihf inns, rnji.vbe d'dlliri.iD i} iiiln. Mn^in.'d Iv Mn.-i nnIi" Had pHlilc.d ln l-i'-"[ iii diii.^liig H--wi>rlh lui'l linp* t i.iio'.- of ih" tiuHiary jirtn 'Ho ■ Kiiimuiidiiig Kiuiral m Ih a liigh Ideal Etbki In p;ii rluii-ni. -irniy dlsH- pUiiC and hidivl'binl triltilnk pli>*'b'iil iiMii in- r.t.D Abirli Is in uU- im-uinbenl itil|jn I'-rs'ills I I b«- lliH-l‘i-«si-il by Itir ollherson lb' TTM ■), : lid ‘ M l!o- IlMlnlUK llore lo Hiifon ' ll in pl'ii* il- * Ibil Ihi pul'lli shouM le wan-' ! tliai iti'- dno.'i mil wfirnun tin- dulU 'll 'ii iliai iljc regulur nnin not iilrsniv Ll .-1-Mml.ird in ihbi T'-spci iL>f Wliirt- AIM 1 1',ins • o n In ploud

Frlor lo 'i v DLitbi- ik nf ilo- ^tpuriiibWilt* so<‘)i '•il'l u.iB Ink-n bi I iibsi mi-iMslhal rv' TUit.N onls of iln' \- rc in si ivi'c Wf re si-li'i Ti li \n IImit i-r.iKi- “ f \ oiniK Jiu-n could prohiibiy b. found iii ibc ridi«-d Hltttes nr Hi iJic \s--i hi. \\ Jir-fi \N,ir i-unu',oiuj wllh ll 11 1 |iTiiliiiiK"! iiicdh of I'litji-palgnlng, whl' li "Ui-"'q i-ui I c <jiI%!u!c'Ihalf wayfirournJ iln- u-ir|d. tin si-ven Ve- qidrcrnenis wi-r>- ri-liixp-l In i r'l-rultlnK Imt not to MI1 exll-ltl lo | ri\i-iil The spIt'iuJId j'hyslqiin atol bt'EirliiK of Hi- AithtIi -iti sol- dlcrv becrjmliiK « mailer of mlmiring com ­ment by Euroi>**an oJIL -ts lu i'|iin,i.

The operations of tlte /!• b! n*\•■.‘<sarlly compel Koim rcliix-iilyii .if th-- sinctiicsh ul gtrrlBon dlmdplliif! ‘l ids Is poi, ijllurl> so under novel londillons of <liiiy unu worlt siitli.o.* mir solilb-i s lisvc found In the I*1i!llpplnas, afvl mi.)ri' lately in I'hlnw. It Would hi' hir:uige, Imlei'd. If under such Burrhutidlng-**. frying in ih" cxiremc to Bi^lf-cohtru!, (here iiud not been aomc ox- ct'SacH, IhJt Ji mnr*- ihnrnUKh plfifng of fXisgavraled storli'S bus nearly always proVTsl thv slight foundailim on which thrac tp^lodriiuatlc JiL'iioiis havt- reste-l. Our pfn/^*si!oiiul warrlarn, commissioned and ctnUsted. huvr deported themsplvos wUb • ael^’ rvaiivct nnd <:cNotion to duty on ths-reWliols highly creditable to the

M H .ITAilV HOSOK VlNI>H‘ .4Tli!l> 1^ T JIK I 'H lL lP ia N K N .

T w o nfRci'ts o f the I ’ n iled S tates A rm y

ill the I ’hlllpplnes. accijs.-ii o f torlurlng

Fillpluo prlstmera, h ave been convicted hy

a ro u rl-m a rila l and sev erely reprlmaridi-d, T h at there have not been m ore such cases during the W'nr is u splendid N'nmmsnlHry on the pelf-conirol and m oral stam ina of ih e A m erican soldier. O u r eiiam les there, w hiiirvrr tbelr d egree nf littelllgcncc, have nut been, and are n ot. conducting IhHr campalgUB accordltvg to th« usagea o f rlvlllted w arfare, esp e cia lly since they h ave broken up IrUo sm a ll h ands and tak- vn to guerrilla tactlca . T h e y have re­peatedly com m itted all c r lm e t Incident lo barbarism , som eth in g w hich the M alay naturr Is peculiarly ad a p te d to, and times without nutnlK*r. by th e b a se st o f tm ic h - rry. have forfeited ih eir r ig h t lo the n m - sldcratloii due a soldier. Y'et lo this dme, liiHslde o f the vagu e reports o f ft ceru llt i*.-i Mon nf the Am crlriin p ress which Is InlorcNti'd in defam in g the A m erican .■«nl- iPi-r. there have been no ftccoim l* of ri‘ - iiillulnry monsures on th e part o f imrU inpH

Thi- (WO ofHcers In q u estion — one ft rnp- i.ilTj ami llu- other a lie u ten an t— appear to Imve losi Iheir H elf-control ar»d given w.iv lo |iusH|nn, hy strin g in g som e pris- oiu-r« up by Ihe neck fo r a secon d or s o ­il . .cii'.HC Hbhorrent to every Instinct nf otir .\ni. rli tin l•1vHlEikl Ion. T h e y w ere prom pt- K uppri h'-nded, fairly irli‘d, and, upon I I lu |i ipiii. re. elve.l a reprim an d which n .lib e r of them will likely forget to the 1-ri.l " f his days. A fte r properly chnrac- li-rUIng (heir deeds as “ cruel and n D gal.'' (iml ''w ell calnilnicil lo effect permaneni Injury upon i-ssenllal In terests o f the na lio n ." General .M acArU iur concludes In lhe**e Words "K is believed th at the sen­tence rf the rnurt will Its sufficiently t-xe- cull'd liv rem lnillng f ’ n p la ln Hrnndh* iiu ! I Perkins (h a l by reckless I- dam'* of tim 4‘lhlen nf Iheir profex'ilc , tii*-y has.- iMtll* leil In calcu lable ln.iur\ upon Ihe iiileresls <!f Iheir coun try, johI Im v' also ensi u n w arran ted nsjaTslun upon ijii- n-pulJiI lull <>f the lln ltisl Si .!■ AiTii-- f o' seiiM im oils o f honor iiiiil |..i

TuaniM ‘W lm .-rm ilniiH that G en eral M a«'Ari!'ur

ilius smIm ’s the si-ntlmenla bOl only of Aim riciiu propb' hvD o f the army l u ilb ’d SDitee*

In Ihe com pletion o f a tunnnel through

the Cascade M ou nlalna. one o f the g re a t­

est engineering feaia o f ib a century hXB

been actompllMhed by A m erican skill and

caiiUul Som e Idea o f the m agn itu d e o f the

wi.rk m ay be gathered from the fa c t that Sd men have been conttrvuoiisly em ployed ia ll since Jaituary, Ut&T. Thu tunnel, which Ih twa miles and a h a lf In length, m akes |(N way in a stra igh t line through solid rni'k from the head o f one canyon lo sii- uther, and obviates the necessity of i russ- Ing the (‘ ascHde M ou ntains by perhaps the luugeBt “ sw UcUback ' railroad In the wnrld. ll will effect ft great saving 10 the rallroml thut has built U . both In lim e and m oney, tn sny nothing of th« added Herurlly which It gives t o the truvelllng public—consltjerallouH which Justify the tf-.tioo.ouo whU'h it h as cost. It Is w orthy of rem ark that electricity Is to be used, not only in llgh lln g the tunnel, but for powar In propelling trains through It.

If Is no defence In an action ff»r tn i- |)<-|iiiH priiftecui Ion, holds the Huprciti" C'Mji ! of Tennessee, in the cuae o f Maiull .i vs ilitU (H Chi- I^w* Jmirnal, 22Tl, ih-ii the i|i‘ fcndam bought, rectdvrd nnd nch 1 on Ihe advice of the Justice o f ihe ■ tiK'f'iTf whom the prosecution wiis In^'i lijbd. before bcglmilng proceedings, sin ■Id (b-ii rmlnlng whether a warrant s i.......Ii-'-ue, the Justice acts Jtjdlcially In h-"* iiwn behoof, and Is not authorized to Hilvlce ttD, or act as attorney for an In'-'r- t-sled party. And tlie cniirl further ln i*l

A r ia tia lh le trap lan atlo ii.I'r itn tliH Bound Kropk rhruni' ' -

Th.- N ew ark E V E N IN G N K U .* -i ila«s ago noted the fact thm tlic D r '.m - Di-i are eagerly WeU’om lng luick to th'I ii.k.s ih?“ few Gold D em ocints who n"W s i - f lit lo sink their prrnciplc.s for iia- enk*.- ( f njif-' more iT.arching 1ei line w nb i|ii-ir form er friends, and polnled out tIo'

I'lnrk ibli* distinction h iliig r.uir»-rn'i!ITI tliat they are nom inated f<ir ollb*‘ In ■ill !ol of Ic in g fc K le d w ith lh<' conlenipt whlcli w as prom ised them four Vi-ars .iK" In the i-ase of M r Bergen, b i ut* ■Diiw ji different Irfe rem e , ll Ih huM i'i

.1 rule in w n ifa re to pul deserter':, uhi-n lirnugUt hack to Iheir com ra'les in I III- front ranks, so that they will h«' hrsi II. range o f the en em y's bidb-is l.*st \.-ar Mr Ib-rgen rerounced hls belief In sniUHl m ' ney and the Somerset Deni ’- c ia ts s e fh im up for fllatc Senator. VheT'' he wiis p iom p tly shot full of hole.-*, so to speak, by a p lurality of over a ilmu- >.ind bullolH T h e llryiuilLcs thought that ihl.-« w as aufftcient. as far as B'ltnersci w:iH Concerned, but the M iddlesex and M onm oulh F ree SllverU>-s wauled a sli> .It liDn, so la st Saturday lhe\' named him fur lUingresa. A fte r ihe sixth of Novem \ » r he will pnTtiiihIv i n - In good cfindlliim in shirt in for the Gubertiaiorlal nomlini- tloii of a year hence

g om e F r ie n d ly A d v ice .ihut If n party ludlvely n u ille s w h:ii ;m - l the Falerson Pressother did, and aids tmd abeis in the pt- (Utlon, he wDl he ll.ihle in the sane '-x- l -iU H« the o(her, for hvlngliirf such pios« - cution.

The Texas Secretary o f Stale haa to the fore with a ruling which 1« much more Jlkrly (u give him temporary piTpii- larlts’ wllh the unthinking than it is to bem-rlt the material Intereata o f State. It Is. in brief, that no corporutlon crgttn- ixed under the laws of another Slau* can hitVf n permit In Texas to conairurt. build or i'perule a railroad iff w*halever naiure In ihni Smte. M*isi o f the rallroud.'i in Tcx.-ii hove been <‘oiistrucled by fori-ign ciTp^TiillonH and paid for by forelgr\ 'i'P* U.'l Hud the tub- Just laid down tu * n npmitlvv llfiy years ngo. It U likely iliai ,i\ ti'iims would xtlU be an Import.lui r.o in Texas iruns[furtatlon prol>Unw TIo'Cc lx Hid a com m onwealth In ilir rnlmi which more IniperRlIvely n-r<!s liillrofid-*. r.o matter by whom conatruci-id 111(1 oiTemted

I'ndcr the English Public Heahh net i “ Any nNCdlr-al officer of heiilllt or saulinry iimpcrtor mav lU all rensonabb* llm* -< «‘n- ler any iiremises nnd liispfct ii nd i-x imUio * • • any iisHcle, whHher solid -t llrpild. inlE'nded for the food of innii. and S"bl or expoarrl for s;ile or deposited In any place for ihc jiuriTose of sate, iir <if pri-paniU"ii for sale, the proof th:il Hip same was n«d

posed or de]K»sl|ed for an\ such purposi', was not liUcndHrl fer tlo ’ food o f man.

rcRilng with the per'^iai Hiftrge4i. an«l i! any such * • * article iiptu'iirs to such medical officer or Insi'ectnr lf> be dlsensed or iinsniind or unwholesome, or unlit for the food uf man. he may seize «n'l cxrry MWi'.y the same hlms(df • • • in order to ha\p the S'line deal! with hy a Justlee.'' In ci'iistnilng this net the <'ourl of Cjnceri B Tteiu-h. In the case nf Thomas vs Van Os tRfl Law J. Hep . D It . 6tiT,i. bolds (hill wlieti any nrllHe c f fund Is brought befiNH’ ft magistrate by a incdlcnl nlflcf-r.the duty o f Ihft maglartiii# is t4» impilie whether the article Is In f.ict unsound or unfU for the food of man. and. If so, 1fi roiidemn It: nnd It Is not fur Hu' mngls- trate, Imt for the mediculi "tbi'eT, (n deier- mliie wtielher the articli- w.o* Inteuilcd (or the fm>d o f man.

It U to be iHjped that th« Donril of WmkH will flcrept the M ayor's Hdnu»n- jiliiii on Ihe sewer matter In a meek and ci.nlrlle siilrlt, W hile the Mayor kindly iiPsidves Ihe board from blame for i^w- Ing fur work whb’h had not been prup. ,-rly luithorlted. he none ihe leas plainly ihtlmrties (hut il wttK rernlea In not kInI 'k Tiiore car* fnl s« ruilny to ihe conduct uf lu hubordmatew. The memhera o ( tht* b-‘ Hd riuw, no doubt, aee the mlalftke th* )' lou if 111 n«vi Hloiwlng more deference iu tlic .Mlinvit hi the Water m ailer.

In*fi recent case (Re a .'in'i' Itor. !,. T HfP . ?7in. the English 1 > i.-i,irsal Tourt polnie4l out that the In'* i. of n CfTtifl- rate to a pollcUor who « .h an uudls- chnrged bankrupt Is di'* r. 1 1cumry wdth the Incorporaled Law S", i. iv.^nnd Ibis society has now laid d-oei the g*-neral rule that the certlflciiD'S -d undischarged l.iinknipi p will not be rr-u w.-.l without biqulry In commenilnii > o ilu.« rtile The Law Times says: “ Thi* \*udum of (he rule Is obvloun. Bankrupt- • mny In some ca.'«es arise merely from m i-loi rune, but It l•er1^l^ly throws the ..r ui the bank­rupt o f showing that In- 1- . prop4*r per­son to fill a reaponslhU* p"- Dun Whether tlu- Innovation will he -.f i vahu Ip, perhu|ia. open t" a dlfn<'Ult matter to pri.Ihlng hut name under Hi- >1 j iu tlllciUed solicitor.''

I’.'rlial's It will nut do a piirtlclE’ o f good, bui we f*-H forc'-d i « remlnrl tho delegatOH l>i Ihe UcpubljcaTt munty convc-nitOh o f a f-w tilings First, they are nid alone rep- p'sentatlves o f nnv 4»f the cnndldniefl now b(Tor4* Ih'-* i-onverillon. but of 10,1)00 Repub- j llcftu voters, mur-- or less. In Pussalc . I’ mmfy Hicond. there Ip not one o f the I d‘deKH,les who has tint voted frjr the candl- lale 4if hls i ho1c*' as long and ftB f>fl4‘ni as any rciisiitialde obKgutlon can demnnd. and an\' one can, and lias a right (£>, with­out inerliliiK the sUKhiesi celisure, change hls Mile lo any oilier man whelhflg he Is now iiefore lli4' C4'nventl4ui r>r not. Thlril, Sr Ih absurd f<«r all delcKHtes to Indeflnltelv continue vnllng aa tht'y have been doing from the llrst, as such a cmirse will never n-Hiil Irv a numlruKloti. Fourth, this dvbiy In choosing the hetid <if (he county ticket Is also deadlocking 1h“ entire RepuhlU-ftn ninvass In ihls county. Obvliiusly, no progrr-ss can Is* mad«- In organlxlng for vlelory unlll the ilcket Is made up. Delay fur u longer period lo complele the ticket may disustrutisly flff»'cl Repuhilcan prop- peetp ill this 4-oiinty from the Prealdentlalticket down. What we state Is what every Hepuhllcan Ir^lho rouhty knowp to he the true situation, -dui not a few uf them ar«' n-giirding It wllh disquietude that might easily turn i*' di>gusl. Everybody knows Hint ihe llrst s( rioijs move by any <lelt-- gatlnn In the oV4 niton to asBcrt Its Ind-'- pcn<lence arnl Iih regar4l for ihe parly s Interests as paramnunt Ie} those of Individ­uals, would bp'.ih the (loadliH’k fltui result In A nomliuiDiin of some kind. And i homliiBHou ' “f -Di.c kind would he bctri-r ihat an Ind'dUdie cunilnunnce o f Hu- present hHuii I I'Oi

II b priicHcal I ll is not

' ■ 111 every-• I - w o f .'•uiTie


H i .'

Ki '-at

m s 1 lU tiM aM 1\ «*ll AMI l iThe Rn-iit [irocesslon nf Binge l l '

lilg iiii.l llHle, nn whlt'h (he f<i"! have shone slhct* tlu duy of ] ,,i who liobiiobt»ed with Hhakepp4';i -.Mrrmald Tavern, lays efnphusl: - in i! fdgnlffcanl facts There 1 clmrucHT In which so few u' tiu-- h.iy#- Tiirid'- *uii>4'rcmliieiii aurcesH, Tlo i<- i- i.i-n4> In whhli an many o f the Iniium'-i.i• i> jm- plranlH wlio have exporlmetii • I nitli || have escaped failure, And l<i ti - iti,iy hr mldcd a third propoKUlon, T' l- \h rm purl whb'h hft» been ly ntage K'-oiiiH la which even the ht'**i i"‘rf irniuiicc b,4s h-fi Much sense o f sum* '! Imr |1K4' ilh- ;i I'lH'Ini in.'iit Mr. E. li. mit lung'-Ince niiide hls di'hut Di .Ni-u' Vork ax Hie lati «-! stage Hamb-i, ,nd^ ,n nnce I'liriMTumded rt Hucces.a of ■•■'D i to This new cnicrgeiici' 1r a rtrsinulb' event of more than ordlrmry ImpoMan * Mr Wothern'a jimblUoii hrougbt to th> vnrk greal skill nnd experleiive ns a • -UTi'-dhtn and hs a riifiioiillc actor, lu wlihh there liiul been slvld glints of masn-is "\« r Hie resources of paHio'i nnd paHHliui. Tlinf he Mhouhl have Vi’n1iir»'d on making ^thls nigle fllgiit In rredhiilite tn id^ asiiiruHon. and Ids pro* fepsUiuul Ifuliilng Hcerns to Imve hcHU effhleni In lomllng to hls foncepiion that b'vel of I'xccbflori which has won mnr« jhan a sliglu rlpplft o f applause. 'Whether Mr. fluih^-rn wlU rUv beyond that rospec-* lahiUty which so many sclnra not of rtc- *rgnlxed rank In tragic perstiapjor have Hch.evotl, I’emulns lo h« sewn. Except Sir Henry Irving, there Is nn living performer who has made a powerful impAct on the ayinpathieB of coniam porary AUdlencea m *‘the melancholy Dane," Thare !■ therefora

rmididjiirrA for AssHmbly who nn- •=-i k- iiil. Hi- uilb4- fur w'hal there Is in it h!i- d.i iir- pi rmliii'd to cX4’rclse their ablbU 's pi Minic nih4*r dirccib>u. The plcn ' I ii<-d tli miuii*y " la hardly a safe one lu uii -lU Ui choosing nu*inb4-rs o f the L4-giHi.1 i m i .\fu-r dcdvRiIng cam paign (uul HMck |t4-nsc» ai Trenton there Is not m i* li l*'f , ut of nn AHHi-rnLlyman's amiimi naluiy of and llu* man who hopcN to nuik*- money oiii of thp office can hunlljr t

I umc t>y It hniirstly.

An nsslgnment nttempm n to irrinsfor future earnings la held bv .1 '.Ik.- Mof Ihc fiuperlnr Court ofIln- <-iisc Ilf PlIverstelTi \r'hl. 1. .T . 4fd. to be V4U.I ihiit fiihim earnings ar-- I'hiNse In iiclion nhd nssim,

'U f ■ount ', in i ' ' -lu’liru r■ 1 Hie ground■ .'Tl ixIsHng

A FiMihsit \AMerllon.From the I Dm k -i; 1 mown Gazette.

Sf-nolor IMuu'v Ih ( redlled with rhnrg- Ing. at ft Hcpulilban rally at Bernards vllle last M<iiiday night, that the Pemi*- cratic party luol >*1 Tit its emissaries amiuiK the miners o f Ib-TUiMylvnnia to foment un-l enrournge ihc H.rlk,4- H Is barely poBsIbb* that Mr. FiHo'V n-ltcrLitcd this foolish ARserllon of Hu liv' .ii-ricnl New York flun The Democrotb' parly has as much to d<> with labor's iiroh-'4t ugnlnsl unbearabi'' 4-oudilU>nH AS ll hi(H with the condition " f drought whb h thrcnicns to be even more serious in Its i oii"- 'qiicnce8.

Gcorgo A. Higgins, -d r N V.. wh43 waa «ccn ‘*i-! n pnlillc niilpance In Hu- f - that crowH from mldh jh WHS ncquHted rex‘ctiH\ !:tlic<-lal flcMsions «t iirnnli Kcnly h?dd that ther.- u

'1 Ha mMtr*n.I nnilnlaltdtigII Ilf il roosti-r

-lUtU ilawn,Hu t'ntirt nf

N V. Judgi' no

tMKilmony that the crm si-. .f n rooster Is InJurUiUH to the h - a humanlielitg. and Judge Fit z v - I! agreeing

■' der-lUtloT

The acHon of the Indiana Biaij- Hiloii nf Ijibor. In laying a r.-; promiscuously denouncing trust** ui'on ihr iiible by an overwhelm ing mnjorus fi*- nin 111 show lliat the laboring mmi lo Hun ci>unlry hus learned to dlsrlnKul-'li tic- iwecti the Iftwfui and unlawful irunl. and <*E4titiol he dppcniled on hereafter tu w.tgt' an indlscrlmliiuie war agalnsl nil nKwre- gatloris of cajdutl. This Is uni lcaHant news to the labor ag lU lor In P-irrivulur and the demagogue tn general.

The latest news o f vital IniiM.n.uice tu the peace of ihe world 1b th.’U cntled from Iterlln to the effect that the KsIm t tjuw wTfira hls loustach# "bru-^hed wHulglu out and unpointed.*'' The ‘■*bru**li'-il up end style" Is abandoned, beiokculng u change In the Chinese policy of tIih em­pire. ______

with him. the case wii?- Fleming dissenting.

1 '■ inl-isi ij. JiiEjge

('<»a 1 ( 'oin tl 111 p rn 11 d id ntea<F-nm the T’assul.- NVwP

The DemocraiH of Hudson County can­not make trusts, imrilculnrly the coal trust, an ISFiic In Hils campaign. Allan L McDeripoit. who, iis ('halfmeti of the Dein- iHTfltic Stale com m iliec, engineered th*- (\ml Combine bill Huough hath branches of the Leglsbilnrt Is a cnndidnle for Con- greas, nnd Itoberr F. Iliids]>eth. Who then rcpresonteil MEidpon In Ihe Senate, and w'lts Ihe most iir4imiri4'ni advocate o f th*' MIL Is the I>nu>tua!li' candidate for SlftbSenator.

A leiiw which puls IiHie h'SHee to.lerm lim tr Is held by the United S u D \V Va , in the cftH«- • Hfl Fed. Rep., &7). lo b.- muiuallty.

' tli4* pi*wer ofI* :IS4- 4|( will

• • I 'lr*-un (.‘ "uri, )(■■■ HI' VH Zhin

Niilil lur want uf

F f li le i l t o T u r n It*l*pnfl_''l never saw m ho slow' as

Mr. Tlinriia," j ,.3 ^_'*Hc is alow, iwn 1 Ti.'Tp^y^^'Awfully. \Ve Will iiHng In the

[>«rlor last night, and h>- idih-nly said

EARS0Eire th»t pro

A H a f jeot e«n b« setH jB Mckfracdfally

to the h«vl; all

If you could only sei' 1 --a tnuch I love | <1 1\oii I'm sure you ’ll h'( ne Iti-M vmi.' I told |

film ’ 1 couldn 't see St In H: u l[«h l.’ and he j Juki sat there like a siii k l-:x('hahge.

deforniitiwi of th o o » r » of

■whotover nalaro m b bo opoodily, poln- lemly corrocteii. Book and foil infonnation OB tho 0kin, acalp and featuroo freo. Addrona

J O H N n . W O O D B U R Y ,2 6 W e a t 2 3d S tre e t, N e w Y o rk .

Th" K "V . Dr. I’ arkhurol ninkco ilii; lii- torostliig HunOunSonrent ihai h" In going 10 V010 for tho PrM idonilal cun'lidatf' who "rojiroaonti the principles set fnriti In the Decalogue, tha.O oepci and Ih" American Conatltullon.-' And ever)- one of ihe doaen "emlldatea la cheerfully eipcriont.

Adlai haa a cce p t^ . W hat la more, Adlal shows no dlipoaitlun not to cuntimie ac­cepting. so long as anybody has a notnlna- tlon or two to throw hla way. As llryait's running mats It would ho a crime InAdlal not lo accept.

----- -------------- •------------------ipt..

A a e r i c a iC n u m c . In China, o -y aoldlsry plenty of room In Ihe th sa tra o t tbs day

The slrlks isn't settled, of courtOlt but Ihe price of coal Is cllniblng down In a gentle way that fmpbeales Itnpsnduii

■■ J -


i flBar __ _

Systematic Weekly SffvingI g t l i e f x c ( p ' . i o i ) r a t h e r t h a n t h e r u le B R i a p t w i f y - e a r M n . T h e P o l k l e e o f I n d u s t r i a l L i t e I n s u r a n c e I t i n e d b y T h e P r u 41s u U a l p r o ­v i d e f o r w e e k l y p a y m e n t s a t t h e h o m o e o f ’ t h e l o e u r e d , t l m s o i h c o w m E * * e y s t e m a tlc w e e k l y e a v ln g .


H o r n * O M o o ,

N e w a r ita N ,JOHN F. MVIIbM. Prs4|ilent. KDUAB B. WABD, *d Vloe.Prts. ead OeooealU SU SXKW IJH kVIaed^resIdiBl, , rO S a E O T f.J M Y D IIl, la m lte y ,



One Advantage of Buying Here

s o m e l o w / p r i c e d p i a n o s

T h e re is on e v ery decided ad van tage that t)ur iin n ien se P ia n o bu s in ess fu rn ish es y ou . T h a t is, a c o n sta n t su p p ly o f r e a lly g ood s l ig h t ly used U p r ig h ts , at v ery low p r ices , from w hich you can m a k e a se lection . In d eed , ou r stock o f retu rn ed -froin -rent P ianos is a lw a y s so con sider­able that in th is departm en t a lo n e we han dle m ore P ianos and can a lw a ys sh ow a la rger co l­lection than in the w hole s to ck o f m ost o rd in a ry stores. T h e r e is n ever a tim e w h en we h aven ’ t from tw en ty -five to fo r ty g o o d U p r ig h ts at very a ttractive p rices. T h is is w o rth k eep in g in m ind if som e tim e m u st e la p se before yon pu r­chase. Y o n can com e at a n y tim e and exa m in e the b a rg a in s in the S econ d P^loor P arlors.

T o he m ore specific, h o w ev er , there are to­day th ir ty -s ix U p rig h t P ia n os in P arlors “ A , ” “ B ” an d “ C ” that m ean u n u su a l in terest fo r the ea r ly bu y er. A l l o f these in stru m en ts h ave w ith on e or tw o e x ce p tio n s been at rent for a few m on th s. W h e re n ecessary a ll h ave been rep o l­ished and renovated, A l l are as g o o d as new, and each has ou r specific g u a ra n te e — E X C H A N G E I F N O T S A T I S F A C T O R Y .

W e nam e som e o f th ese decided bargains, and a sk y o u to com e q u ic k ly if y ou w ish an y on e o f th o se m entioned :

A M a s o n & I l a m i i n U p ­

r i g h t i n w a l n u t c a s e . T h i s

i s a g o o d P i a n o t h a t h a s

b e e n in u s e ( o r s o m e U iu e .

G o o d c o n d i t i o n , . . $ 1 4 5

A s m a l l s i z e d L u d w i g

U p r i g h t in e b o n i z e d c a s e .

T h i s P i a n o h a a a g o o d t o n e

a n d i a a d e c i d e d b a r g a i n

a t t h e p r i c e ......................$ 1 5 0

A W e s e r U p r i g h t . T h i s

i n s t r u m e n t ia p r a c t i c a l l y

n e w . a n d h a s a v e r y a t ­

t r a c t i v e m a h o g a n y

c a s e . . . . . . . . f i 9 5

A n o t h e r f i n e C a b l e U p ­

r i g h t t h a t h a a b e e n i n u a e

f o r o n l y a f e w m o n t h s .

F i n e l y c a r v e d p a u e l a . $ i 9 5





|DUtK e i


Tlu plalU bpUl llu- i.f V tlU'UI btTK Haxlii'KK.thfiulfctv,Ayt


A K o h l e r U p r i g h t . H a s

a v e r y h a n d s o m e m a h o g ­

a n y c a s e , a n d a s w e e t .

A S t a n d a r d U p r i g h t i n

d a r k m a h o g a n y . A g o o d

P i a n o ; b e e n in u s e f o u r

m o n t h s . . . . . . . f a i o

t o n e f 205“ singing'

A C h i c k e r i n g U p r i g h t .

A n e x c e p t i o n a l b a r g a i n i n

t h e w p r l d ’ a b e s t m a k e .

B e e n i n u s e s o m e y e a r s , b u t

i n g o o d c o n d i t i o n . . $ 2 2 5

A L e s t e r U p r i g h t . T h i s

i s a f i n e i n s t r u m e n t t h a t

h a s b e e n i n u s e f o r o n l y a

f e w w e e k s . A m o n t h a g o i t

was m a r k e d $ 3 7 5 . P r i c e

t o - d a y ...................................$ 3 1 5

You can have almost any instrument in our warerooms on payments easy enough for anyone. In most instances T E N D O L L A R S in cash, and six, eight or teii dollars monthly, according to value, will be sufficient. There is a discount of ten per cent— f 10 per $icx>—should you decide to pay all cash, ,

You cannot do better than purchase now, and, whether you intend buying immediately or not, an examination of our’stock will repay the time spen^ ' ^

1riVE riHES LARaER STOCK OF pianosT R a N a n y 0'rHKRHOUSE IMTUEcrrATl

T u



irrivmann . Iotflu rv(a bv 1

R( wrr o f t fun< h?‘ir £ho of I mol(I'lViinaout

M$15Ih#forBuhrroth«A bftn<!rldi


«fnuanftUIanv i ­lla

657-659 BROAD 3T.1

i -■ -



|. I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 U *^ r a m i i i r w h t i t i .

♦ » - 0

liieps M e t at a Meetiag of the Asso* elation Yesterday to Increase




;Ht*« A i i u * Katiilir-n !tiit*ceedrd M U «

g '^rrl^ IfOMH r im l 'r^ « lilp u t— l^iorfft TrfBM arrr ■»(! M eer«t«r> |lt‘iii] ADtl Miirli Eeithunlaenu Jklaut-

in l i i* W urW o f ( b «


tII .

The full ITiPi Ufti? of th»- AlvimtirtO A hhj- rlutlufi o f the Newiirk ll^Kh Si'hool v.;t held nl*?Ul in tlu- ii.- sSL-mh y-rount nf ihi- 04»rin»l Hiul irnlivInK »*rliiH.l. s-nruor nf WuRhlnglon HUl l.lti'h t\ elfi t-in, AU iFn-uBh but » Mnuill propiu ii.-n of ilv. ini-m- PiTe of the rtJiwnciiitItiii Wrt.-s pt'»*hl iIuti- waa tio hi‘ k I'liihuelNMit .ttel

MlhS f ’Jtrrlt* ft- l l o m v T , prt : - i i l « ' iu of tltfi iitfHuc'lallon. orcuiiU-d th» 'I'lurlectluit of ulhcL-ra and ti 0l»«'u»<'4loti ut ^»iy« and meapH for hm iirinj ttn- prrm.i' rent Inlereal of the yiMiiiwr \ lihi-fj'. were [he feati^ro of the m--. Uiik'

T lie fhe v AHlIrerN.The ofT rerJi (hiu'iii v,.ri n«4 roFUiwa;

rn slile itl. Ml!*!! Aiii"’ .1 S o iih in . \U>- preetderU, Mr». Sjimuol ('link, i nrreHiKitol* Ini: Heoretary, MIhm If'-Wn-lh- Wurr'-ndvr t TiTorfllnn aerretiiry. Mlr n Mnrv Mi liolh, , treasurer, Miss MarKiin i'Il.-w ltt , ih .ilr-i ntan o f Exeeuilve roptmUte*-, Urs!*!.- 1 II. Hopper. It wjiN in i Ti-mi!' ji lo-w |

that I’ f iirtHlHlanf i orreHp4oidittfi atc-relary. lo be fUU-il by 4 no-niber .iiiiAiirili-d I by the rorreflltnndlon "-•■(T' |

RefvnriH o f the si-iTHtirv i»ti.l iTenmir-’r ' were ri'iHl. Ihe Utll«‘ r sh.^wliiK a luilmue j fif more iha>i l iu In th*- hmn fvjn-l ThK j fund wua IrmiiKurHird for tlo- ptirpnso of lielplnK thoie hiflh srhool |ffUf1 u*ileH Bhow iinuatnil aldlUy in any ilehnlie lltie I of aiudy nn<l are hoxI'Mjh to nmaln a j more udVHnoed education than that re- 1 celved at tho piihlli' f ohrmlH. yei wlu) ore unable to alTurd a < olleKt^tdiJCKthm with­out HBtfiaUnre.

MtsB Marjfuret Cmilt reported that the 115 appropriated at tlif' Jom* merihiK hy the aaartciatlon for the puri hnee of frarnon fsir pictures, previously tflveji 1 0 the hlnh Hrhool by the nlumnae, had been in* rraaied hy a huih from the treasury of the MontajfU Borloty of the high Reliool. A i a r^BUlt, thirty pii'iures wern framed and are at irreaeni hiinK In the lower cor­ridor o f the high school.

I n d iv id u a l H epreaen iaH vea ,Ml>6 Katherine Ileirher, ihalrmHii of

th« Executive Committee, stated that the w ork o f the committee had In the past been hampered by its Inahlllty to reach the various clasaes which are not repre­sented In the commlUee. and by know ing the Individual membera of thn clo^sea- She suggested lhai a member of each class be appolnteil by the prcMldPiil tjf ihe fVNiOClatlon. lo be a nnsii^s of com ­munication between the dlfferenl « lasses and the alumnae. Mlsa Uekher further suggested that these representutlves form an executive council, to t'otvsuli i«>g<*tiu'r when neepaaary. Both of these augges- tlona were adopted.

iln ea tlon Ilnlped.The question aa to whether n clasa.

com pletely organised as a high srlowl class, might be admllied to membership tn the association h.s an organised body, on the payment of u stlpulaUd sum, whb brought up by Miss Isabelle Surrender,

' a member o f the class of \m. whUU is desirous of Joining the assoclalloio A f­ter Bome discussion » decided that the Alumnae Association offer membiT* ship to high Bchool classes, as organlred bodies, for the payment o£ half the amount o f the regular fees- ^


W h rn lie o ilHea l . f » « .

A Npwiirk dentist hns tried ht« bund Ht JoumalUm, and he has won, The .Menomi­nee City News, a spitrklliii! mayaHnelet lasued OB the steamship Menominee hy the DSseenReni on each Ulp across the Atlan­tic was edited for the month of August b y ' P r. C. A. Meeker, o f this city. Pr, Meeker returned from Tarls the hr"' m this month, and at that time the NEWS published an accouni o f his Impressions of the eapositlon, and the French capital. On his trip across Pr. Meeker was chosen edllor-ln-ehlct of The Menominee i Ity NewB, and. assisted hy other passengers, produced one of the cleverest publlcaiinns o f Its kind. It consists o f poetry and prose, breesy personal notea, a tele­graphic department, stock exchange news, rellgloue Items, theatrical notes and all the various branches of a legitimate mag- astn^s except the editorials. Probably ibe absence o f those heavy and serious con- alderatlons of public matters and Btsta Questions detracts nothing from the charm and piquancy of the reading matter of T he Menomlnes Clly News. The notes on the stock mayket are especially cnllgmcn- Ing. Such statements as "Oeean gradual­ly on the rise." "Bome few have corners on decks," and "Fllrtallone steady." are clear enough tor the most obtuse mind to comprehend and enjoy. The news Is entirely o f a personal character, aiul al­though outsiders can scarcely enjoy the subtle referencefl and InBlnuatlons niaue on every page of Ihla tranaiitlantlc niUKa- sine, nor Judge o f the aptnesB o f the allu­sions as can the passengers ihvmflelvea, ye t even a casual observer enjoys Us ectn- tlllallons. In a few llbCB explaining the absence o f the editorial page, the wUlor soyB: "A n editorial Is uselesa in Menomi­nee City, lher<‘ for«i ^simply »ay this paper Ib edited for fun, pure and Hlmple. and we ask aur readers to take the Jokes In the spirit In which they are Intended and not hold the editor responalhle." The "Menominee's l.aBt V oyage," a nautical lay, lo the tune of " 'Twaa Friday Night When W e Set Ball," was contributed by one o f Ihe passengera, and the first verse and chorus Is as fol­lows:" 'T w as Saturdsy morn when we act sail

And the wind was abaft the beam;W s were five and forty fathoms on and

off the Ranks.Bound for the warm Oulf fltream.


noi ecnniry ClKaire.. .. . WV ■ -A V T-> 1 f l l ’l f , t £ O r , O e I W I S U .


i !


Una Jlbell BrinktrAnd Unexcelled Company, m ihe AU:-Jnr Theatre, ,Sin FrineUco, Record

Breaker, Runmnt t'vrr 1 5 0 Muhll,

O k f i r s t B o mt ii t


An iclual portrivil 0 1 ( hmese Hie a lived by Ihe CeleMial himself.

Scenes loHled In verv heirt o f r.hliialown, San Er.initsco, and joverneJ hv the Crcalesl o f srcrel siaifiiei, the lliyh Binders.

The Greatest i;hiiiese tiranu Ever Writlen. Gorseous Lisht and bceiilc tllecU.




M A T IN E E W E D N E S D A Y S A N D S A I U R D A Y S .

P rices , H ats., lO c., 20c., 30c. Ev’ n g s , 10c., 20c., 30c., 5 0 c . ;NELL QWYNN—October 8th.

k. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

w m ee. e Ja aksw. .a m am T h t p n t e n i Colum bia I h ta tn S to ik C om pany It a b ov t and beyond anr o th er s fo tfc com pany e v e r t e e n h e r t -b u n d a y Call, aepl. 2 id . IWO. _______

+ + + .F + t+ + .| .+ + + .H .+ + d + + + + + + + + + -^ + 'l -+ 'H '+ + 'H -+ + + + E + + + + + + + + + + + '* "* '|


James K. Hackett at the Newark—The Neu Century i | Presents a Double Bill — Excellent +

Attractions Elsewhere.

" - 0 ^

The Columbia Theatre ^Stock Company |

w ill p r t W ii f fo r on e w eek , com m en cin g ^

Monday, October 1st,Mr. C lyde PIteb't P ow erfu l P lay,

Moth Vhe Flame

An InlvrcsIlnK evnil tnN. w.,rll Thnntr"- I next w c k In Mm "H uy M.irnbi,; goers will bo recorded on MrcMuy nlylu In Thethe production nf ■ Tim J'n.l. ,.t J.-nnlcn n” und "A ■; s I t -c p.fur the first lime In Ibis CII.I, with jHm'-a K iiv"'" V isit.' m which

stich wHl-kntiwn art I Ij'sllf. .Vlcl'ubc nild

K l l n o k e l t i l l I h e p i r t e i i h y o n e o f

1. udliig role, ami sui the ablest 'if ll.inb-l j

Frohman'a compuulfS Tint iibiy. n" i" " l il knowti. 1." an adaplalion at MKcri"n I'as- tlc's now fanioii.s nttti'l of tlic B.iito' name and h;ib achieved oiiqimliii"d siifccss Iti New V'lrk. It Is dlvliicd Into four acts, which closely follow Mie story nf Mm u o y l and tell a i hsrmltig love mb’ In stirring action, embelllshitd with many si i nn td- [cols of m ote Ih.ut ordliiart artlslb tn.fU.

u Is brimful o f Im and affonls James K Hackett and his Icmlliig bolv, Hertha (Jalland. an il.rU enl opiiorlntilD lo again tell the old, old story m » way that rarely falls to liiieresi the patrons oi the American dram.i. The erlilea o f the metroimlH agree that It la one o f the most powerful playa seen In that city In recent yeara. As Hasll Jeniilco, Jumea K. Hackett has made the greatest hit o f Ills career, while Bertha tJallaud. who until the nroduclton of "The I’ rlde of Jeniilco,

t the Criterion Theulre, last spring, was unknown to theatre-goers, has, as. the Frlnceas Ottllle, firmly eslubllahcdself. t. ..

aupportliig Mr. H ackcil are such w known pluyora us Messrs, Arthur Theodore Hamilton, Tli'mas A II.1 II. Stephen W right, George W Harhler. Kd- gar McGregor

F or the starboard aide may pitch.And the larboard side may roll.

A nd we all feol gay from the captain on

I iryib'ii and |Halilne and Mile 1

Vera. Rlo rns atid I'tdc. ItrtJ.i.lw iiy Ptln. Kinllc W ilt at.'I iloiirgi Wills willappi iir. The ci.inpany als.i Im lud. s Nmiu l,a lln.-k. I.tibblf "ml M-'-mle Hart. I.lniiel Flska. Jennie Hounu I'UiudlB lliililiiird. .Madge Maun, .Mab.l iaing. Ilia Johnson. .May llomnls, B.i.fic lairner. riracn Harn.n. Henricllii Fields, Cierlrmle lairrcU, Maggie Clork nnd Hal- u- Smith

l-'.lrKnt!i brilliantfn irt Juiil I't'A-iiiT) aru pr 'mlA^H-

P reten ted vtllh e v e r y detail a t perform ed a t lha Lycaam Theatre, A'. K . t o r o t e r 100 nighit.

A strong, la ter e tlln g em otion a l p la f, Introducllng the C blldrta 't C ostum e P arty with singing and dancing tpeclaltle*.


P r i c e s s t O c , , 20c .» 3 0 c a H o h igh era

A f i f VAef*. S fe e /e « g f * * y « ’ s O fd *f « o m « n f / c O « i n * , R g u /A 'g i i w^ ex i VVtftfk. S iceic fnmtrasyv a VJiV-s --------------------------------

I I' II lx M la. ih. All tr iifi-HfinliiL' 'Till t'n-l. nf Jm iil' o' ut ih*' N»*w.^ „ r k ^ [ : r : ;^ t : ' i r : " f i l l e r ; ............ '^ ‘T r l ' : " ? g l M ; : i '^ ^ in g l a d r u . Vh •. , ;■>, ■ ■ ".n .-n v . w m|inii]!»*iir I'l llu* unmviin pnjilurtlon of tlu' M 'lh I'u * l-irru. NEW ARK T H E A T R E .

I .|ee|s.f ^+■ + + ‘ '■ + + + + +++^*•H•+'H■■*

I P lays and P la y e rs At H om e and A broad.



I knnwu In th«* Irirm-r H lifs Ifu w asn pro- nf Ih'‘ liii' AiiiiAiJ MTi I Lily ami hW

jiilrnlnTH pr»tlli i u I'rlUl.ini fn f iK ’ (or Ir.Tii untiiT Uif KulcSiijn i* tiif ftlr l! ' ivr>'.

fT\ •

S i »When K. ft, W illard plays In Rnsfiii 1

aliortly he will present a brand new |ilay culled ‘T 'aiublnello." U la w rliun hy Elwyn W liarron formerly drain.iHc critic of the t'hleugiJ Inter-Ocean.

T o the stoker* shovelUn' In c o a l"Eight veriei kind follow. The

Chinese question la dlscuaoed. there la a nAotlcAl column full of sentimental mes­sages' there Is a nominal story, employing the naniea of the passengers; there are special contributions and fashion notes. Altogether, It Is remarkably clever and Inlereillng, besides being one o f the very fsag papers published on tha ^ la n tlc Ocean.

F w agh t A ga in st D e lo g H eeooed .ATLANTIC CITY, Sept, ffl.—Buinuel

EUM iian, thirty years “ l*f » o ‘Si,iriir. ’Inrfh? 0 ‘aS

Ha landed in twenty feet aibsrsOB, sn employe of the pier, J t^ V 'd In nftar him. fcllermin fought againBi btflns rexcuods hut a ropa w m tied fthput W ^ ta u T liS d ' he was pulled on the pier H is father Is a Jeweller at Market.tew ., PMlsdelphla.

' ' h e a l t h y B A B I E S

; those raised ONBORDEN’S

e :\ g l eBR AN D

CONDENSED MILKt o d r t ChJU n'ki^j

Mace Orccidi'af, Kdward DonneU y,'/am es Oticy, G c rg e Alison Frank Anderson, OcorKc Trimble, Sidney Price and Mlseea Bertha (lallaiid, Gertrude itlvere, Maud Light, Carol Arden, Helen Ivera and K lliabeih Hollaway.

The play will come bi're illreetly from the Criterion Theatre. In .Vew York, at the conclusion of Us twenlb-tli week ut ihiti house.

E m pire Theatre."W om en and W ine," a New Y'crk soc-

cess o f last season, will appear at the Empire Theatre next M.mrtay nlgbp u la a sterling melodrama by Arthur Bhir Icy and Benjamin Luiuleck, telling i pretty love alory abounding In drumuilc situations and pleasant cninedy. and, un­like many o f the meloilrnmas of the tUs^ teaching a wholeaome moral ‘laid In England and I’ aris ,twelve separale aceius. Aiiu'iig these thi on l at the Grand Urix a ' where Bob Tlplon, the lorkey, ‘ hrows t n race and riilna the hern. Is espeebilb wor thy o f note. 8 0 also la ri"' kidfe ' 1^ ‘re- tween two women In the fi"wer 'm*rhef dawn. The story ui'Is at Asslxos, where the hi-ro, on trial for h a IKe, Is listening to the .b aib "-’ n " ' ' ' ' ' when the guilty parly arrives nnd ci n- fesses his crime. The cast Is an 'mnsdaUy large one, embracing. Ii I" w'l'L hundred people, and liberal I'nnhl^a ato made aa 1 u the sianInK I'T

]Vett O n lu r yOn Monday night, wbbh I'cally marks

the opening o f 'he in'mianvin s>'i son a the N e iif^ n tu r y Tbrntn', a dotdile win be feffsented,erful Chinese drama. lb '' ■ 'r " ‘ 'ami "G lorlona." a fnm '-romedy. In r - mtlon to Ihe former It mujr be mt d that U la an exert .■sposUlon of Viii nesB life tn a story that gives w de Bc«im for Intensity and ilramatic utdloii, por traylng the murder I'f a 'I™ ':’ ’ ; ’™ , ‘ m er and the terrible revenge ( “ ‘rel^takes upon the murih'ter It s eirilrely different from the ronvenlbmal Chinese play, having to do very largely g r l t o n ' ol M the Chines,' secret aocle- lies the High Binder*. Mrs. Una Abell ilVTnker will find In Loey for her dram atic powers another op uortunlty to add to her reputation. iJW ? e n « Hanley, as Ch?fig Wang, has the Imnortant role which those who are lii-

■tCT^Isd In the lucrese of the stock eom- Duny have been anxious tn see him In, whUe the rest o f the talent la nW'foPrt- ately cast. The management ha* gone to“ iSie W ?ns -ffO •*“ ** ‘ 'I*Auction In a manner true lo life, and some elaborate color and light efiecds are nrSrolsrf. "Olorlana," with which the bill S I . confidently relied upon to relieve the tension o f feeling produced by Its more tragic predecessor.

Colnm lila Theatre.Clyde F itch 's powerful socIffY play.

4 h l Moth and the Flame," will be the „w .r in e at the Columbia Theatre next wMk The play It familiar to Newark ?I..»7 r . ..o e r a and by no means unpop-

so that ihe promise o f the Columbia m ^ 'alernent ' 0 give It an unusually elab- “ a^J^^T^ucllon win be read with Inter- « f MHis Kata Dalglish 1. to appear a . Marion Walton, the young incloty woman whn a t the xltar that her proa-^ t W , husband U a villain. The part of

-FlM cher irlU t « • «u m e d by rh a r lo i Hallocke while Cgrleton M xoy will

n f # r d t s o f Douglaa Rhodes, the ■ S w IS X d lE v e r - Tjiett ate w m e bits of onetW c o i ^ y for Margsret M ay and no I . A o” W k fbt Burrel B arbinslto,

actrssaes, especially r i^,duotlon. Among these 1e HIMley. who will appeer as Jeaonetto grots.

'gratdasaan 'a O B * * * - * * ^ * ’ - . . . , . All attraction o f much tnU rtst 1* offered

to pAtfOn* « t W tW aiAW B O p « *

llVfT hf fiuriiMiiv that ih Id pultporf.Akoiiba of arrobalB lii Hvm n< wfiirce hy J -J McNally hafl hugiin l“ f. - hearse di Vlcioria Thuatru, Nrw Y'urk Frank M' K ff Ti4h rocplved a ihul Ih!* AW'iiiHts will not b»U fr«tm Huiiill noxi riinunlay on lIr* stcamahlp S- wYork.

y. j-MiliiiloriM \\iivr Jo T > .* ti 1 iiTiiiilft' 'lwlih Wlllli.'inisfm un<l Ahi-n!"V". tlif Au-'-ir.iiliii tn-iiiiiKL-rs, vslit-riio 'Mis ftkinti'r ii'"I nil Y\TmTli'nn c’«mi|»H II \ I I wf-nl >• pUiY-era will visit th« AtU1i«.«l-M H' Xt p l1iK.lll,.u1A■Mv 'h r I'loMf ivf 1 1 : ‘ I ,r N seiiMih lit ■ I'rim t- OKIE." They will si'em i suVi-im I nuMiihM In ihut t!uunn>, -«l '1 pre-Hciit ii rt'piTtolru of jiliiys wiiuh Mr tikliiiKT huK mail*' faitiillur In ilils l•1<ulltry.

Knclsm'l tliH Mumm- r MIhs fUHi'S w»>nt lo 111 Ilk. r i" pi-iy ID Htcti k '•omiuniy with \s Ill' ll Mr Ih ll.iuri wiiH riSHoi-lntrrl. uinlll MiiH III. M rsjnh:1y sh.‘ .hsplnyufl IhiTo IfiiLi jiul h' r Ini*! hts nifjol for .v \\jishliiK- tun rniitriirl.

lEl’inii iTl "ulnHlih' MTi il'o:Fuller dances I> appi-ai iiik' a I ih'

>r I rih" • Foll.'S

It has hem l■s^lmoted that the vandcvlll.' bi-ni'fltB f"K Ihe Gulvesinn relief I'l'el have re.nlied In nearly 1300,Wi. Thi* la a pretty tidy "um to clean up for "lie branch nf the nniii.emetit bunlne** almie. The t,nnl figure* will probably apinusi- niate a round half-million.

An arrangement haa been made with tbo management of "A r lio n a " whereby MU" Eleanor hnb«on, who plays the putt of llonlia Canby, will appear In New V"ik thia aeaauii wMh Mi-a. Sarah Cowell !*■ .Moyne In a aerie* o f matinee ptrrioin- ancea of ibe Ibaen drama*.

iin>I , M . l l a g K . o f i i l , .II. ' Mil-' si'armHI *I M iitji wiiH Id

on an- Fr«tr- w-r-'l iinytfilii« 1 I - K'l\ • 111 I ’M'- VLlil'fl llliUlf B

« hlii- Mil!'.Iftnaivd In

I'l I

Satmit-1 i-'. KlnKSicm has Hecurvil a < all on ihr Aniurli'fin rikhlH tv* "Tlu ‘ flrlxiou UurRlarJ' ■ n farct* written by Fri'«! .‘'vri- ney ami playcl with rgnslderuhl**In KnkiJni-l M ‘-'hiirU'H I i'in-nian hud an uitiloii on lUe tilcce.

Aubrey llourlcauU. who has jii?f eloHi il hia weanoii with a summer atoek in Mllwrtuki'r, In evidently not !ii u hurry 1 0 DlunKi! into further »inek work. •WrtH the place of leading nvui In1 arrv CJlff* n’ .'* ftl LouIh company, wHn a weekly ullowuncc o f t2lN) furhla work, aiul re/uBtkl. Horicicaull'a HervlucH nUi.**ibe 1 1 1 dcniHrul . , *

The FMcii Musee. New York, has Jual added a n«‘ w iirclicHtra lo ll« muiiy oilu-i aliraclluna. U uonaSnlrt of twelve polltan Troiiliadoiira," under the hader- ahlp of I'rotesBor Furrunchl, In addlilon to the orrheatm arc two well known vocal- iBla. Tliey are Signor De Bantls, t- nor. and Signor .Nonatiito. baritone. Both bare »ulig In grand opiTH, and each I" »alJ to jioase** a voice- o f tnar.V-.dhma aweelties* imd jujwct * , *

Miaa nioi'ln' Strakosch. who will rnnke her dfbui wlili 'h e M elropollun English Grand Uii. ro Company, is a niece of Unrn Louise Kellogg-Blraknseh. Mra. Kellogg- ^ rik ns. h wo* one o f the earlleal expo­nent* or graii'l opera In kngllnh n Arne - li-n 1 1 le * Homewhat singular eolncldonee that h 'V nb 'ce-M ls* P hoeb .-»h oam be one of the consiilouous figures In the pres­ent reatorui Inn o f opera In the vernacular on the most elaborate seale In Amertc:i s musical hlwlury. ^

The new opera In which Lulii Glaser la the Slur has been ucfeP ‘ e<;; ‘ ‘ title of "Sweet Anne Page. The mualc Is by Professor Nlrdllnger and the book by Louts De Lang"- Tbe production will bs made at the expense o f Hlsa Glaser, who haa^engaged Frank Martlneatt aa acting nmnagi^r. • • •

Minnie Duiiree haa joined Daniel Fraw- tev'a stock com pany, her Introductory role Iteliig June In "B lue Jeans. The Frawley company, by the way. Is now In Its twelfth week In Its new home In San Francisco—M orosco's Grand Opera Hun** —and Mr. Frawley wrltea that It Is dolSg rsmariiabty twell thera A ProdM 'J"'' of "<iuo Vadia" was^emlnently profitable.

Fllxabeth Kelhnap, who played Mnie. rvoFr^nr with Mrs Lealle Carter In

lari season, has returned from GuroDC Xt In 01* Joined the W ill"N M °p is g - outside - o f - New - York-Club, wWch in dude. many leading a c tre j^ i. hut which bam Maude Adamif Juua Mar loieT M rs. ^ s l l e Carter, pisnche Walah. and VloU Allen* ,

y o ^ f ^ P ^ M T r ^ w ^ S ^ e b o m 'r M T K

W m *" ‘I'L":"easts. Mr Young hss played 8hakespe«- Inn Wiei in many o f the smaller towns an4 d S i )S tbU country, but tg,not well

.,j. . . . Ill I .ll ••wllluh hrtH OUTO UH III!' utul llu' i ’m-iH I'rfau In ut iltfJlglU <»VtT h<T rurloiisly vri'iUKh. wh i N.'w V fiTk Ii yt-ar or h-i tor circuit, no one ili!*'IriiHM<'i'iul!'iilal In her h' i Nl.Hifii In ri circular hnr* ftjujitaln " f wftler ari>in K.vrnU’rl, mill ahe w«a In Mv temperance tuwht.

U haa been greenroom k It y Muniieraa «n ,1 . I' l'. rewrolvnull'll *if Ihe dlt*lo(?ue uihI H" hirtt ,V ••SvvcHi Nell of Old U r u r j, ' \shUh JuliaMel.«;"ii ii'iw pri'serillna n: fiH'1whh-l Alla U*‘hun haa r>.i thin li-UTitry V'ct-il T«-rry, who la Mlaa N m-Ih-mih hUH- biirul. iiHaerla Ihiil Hu t .- t- u - U'lMh In lliofte rcpurifl. but admlia IhGt Mi Man- iier« hiin r 'Vlfle*! ihe illul'‘C“ '' i ■ uiaKi IT j*ullnhle for ll Lonilou uuiU''3o- 'Ih'-iloii Is. will the orlKlnul raid Kepler, Ihe auiii'"' "■ be revDrletl to When Mis'- ID |. in HlnK‘ 'htluLplece In New York- oi wUl -Mr. Man-

Til!- Inter'-'"!p'lniHt K'liri I I < h|hfiiiplkjl! I {ii'iilhiK wltli ilii^e IS "T b' lif iiniuUc \' ■ i'onipHll,'- i riil otil 111,' ' oircLlltrn ot John Khv I‘ hiur of lh< I iin evil K 'l i.h llJWII>> I" rs|ierlal iaii|noble youl D a t'hrlaUHn x play pro* I • tlQUP. bill ' Irlefl to hdvwild bciirtls* I

■ h ll ■ ijMo \’atlls'‘ exf'lii'fl In:i 'ii.-l'P'Inimii Irt-Hi Hi'HJton Js ,r ;i ItUMil'tr of prnfluellolTP I 111- niitii'* Miibjei I One t»f I A'l I'l lari ■ n If PiiUI In be a

of "The L.iMt Oayp o f I ]T mav be. IhoiiKli Ibe getj- r 111. ".lory Ik a M-rt of rf»m- -<J III Vjiiilp" an'l "Fiuial.'", rii' i . t Ive brlKlii purUouIm L'L'i - Ki.tii'iii, H iho part o f

wFi" il|>'«?te(i III sf-arlel anfl,v\. -I b> III- f ' l h ;hi Ills

s I,, mfik' iri'iil’b' fur n , ,i I Ilf I't'tr'iriluH, wFiu hiis

111 l-'Se u'UFi Ivlm. Aa the . . , f.tilH ar'i'il of ili.- t ’ hrlh- iM .. Ill a Im 'I eu«1 wtu-n he

, Tii-m .ill 'b'sirMj'i'il by theI, i>;.' iiiiii'lUlbealte.

t o - m o u t - m .v y i i t w r > .

O ffL Y M A T I H I * B A T U H O A Y .



V . M \ HStONJ*.

*L I'l'.. . '^ ’ 8 etlllliig he ttilh! I' American hearing la k*" i tally, U would be Interej-elt. whiil aorl of dlahiKue ll I fiimroprlaip for the Huii'' laonihm t*iwp.

I D', ■!

vNlirn Tlie ' liiHik'ii-kn-iw Juki lI may be . 1 nut for

tl- f'l

atl CiiiKWUh-

IrilaTi-!*I ni>> u[ tllL' lilt- htory. Ih'- HiaK'-.

I •.ihU^Ious! ,,'.e of ,.f will I"'h I '-i1 an ex-V mlKbl I"' iiiiiillc P'-l- p. nf laJI»>*


PENNSYLVANIA.. . . lal. irxadl \ A l.l. V

IN T H U r o U l l - A C T K ttM A N T IO I M I A M A I tV A H H K V R A G E U I C H - A ll l> S < » \ .\ M « f i l l A r E l . l V l N t l - S T O N I'-l K M S H ,

THE PRIDE OF JENNICO.D i i t i . r r l a o M A H U N O E !i<> t V E L K ^ u t t lin C r i t c r t o n

'I l i P i i l r f , N o w V o r k < i l ) .

R A l L I { O A I >

TOUR.hltsdSAl.I.Y '

I t ,M il tTK II

TO THE SOUTHOctohfr l) Id I?' 1 00.

G ettysb iii'K . L iiray, R o a n o k e , N a tu ra l Hriiliffi, R ich m o n d ,

O ld P o n i l C om fort and W fistiim jt.oD.i

R A T E , nil ■i.(jii,lr*i MMi;; iMJ lrt

i] N*‘ iv»rk.Ill |‘ i!|liiile1|ihia.


8 .



LIPMANh k -%T8 <rn Hxt.h



IS•nil IK

I \ 1 i i l l l N < ifti r i i->*',

Fnffik w ftanger Iiuk Ju-' London hla acceptuhev •■fi rights of Ihe laleal pluv ' SliiiK. author o f »he Lights o' London," and d " '- '"■ Adslphl and Princess Th<-"ri.. The new piece Is cglh'd

"Siiinlcy W cymaii'* 'S"i i"Ihe lull's! Btorlvs lo be ilr., ;n iiHji doubt Mr. W eyman b oi 'In mind when ho was wrin:Jonneue Glider In The f r i l l most dramatic sltuutlon* o howee-r, would hardly d-. r- Unit 1*. the smollpox c|)l*'> l'' disease* have not yet Is" o In the drama, and I ho|i>- n though .Miss Nelheraoli- I* "'I pressing the belief that 1,‘pt' made a fU HUbjecl for a I ling-" I^'prosy wa* the ri" retice Irving'* "O odefnd played by Kllen Terry.

allied to .Mmrlnin ...irgc 11. al "The nf olh-r

q-hi' Hk'nrhKe i„ ." and ao It 1. to add that It a* manyShirley, who has dev »ed „fInrld playa “ » nrniluc'd-T h ,' scarlet Bln," and , ’|,.,.rpno|.at the Bhakeaptiure Thepir .Oil Septfcinber 3.

James K. H ackelt. who 1-

‘ri'.'rfle T, hUl 'O eont'fifi-announces that he t* ie l Froli- under the management " ■ (tark-man after the present aeoa" , ^ ^ att ssid that a dlsagreemen has led to his leparallon , „n ,,„t ,,d

r f o : r ? e a ' : r a ^ n d o ^ “ d e r ; - " - ; ; - t :

r ^ ^ o ^ Z V h \ " S t . e ^ ^ r l n ’''■Ueh‘‘ard

Carvel." . . .

The management o f ih* ITaedsquare Theatre, New- ^ ^ ^ ^ "gover the engagement o f the d ^ woman U> h » d the stc.k^ rompany

wm“ ‘ be" f ilM by Dinnehe llaU|a. Thla la by special ‘ " “ " ■ " '" ‘ 'V L * ‘ f, David Belasco. who has a lleii o tllst Bates's sarTtqes and who before the season’g end to put In that city t i A l4»»' T"® understanding is ‘that MIS. B A tT sh a ll appear at .he Latayetta Squat^ fpr At least six week . and tor mi long a period L’i t ii t she may be free JJwn the « « * « nefle Mm Io HaIL tJlpoii her return fro*

X'ar cli'tiiill'll ll 111 tiiatbin, apiil V \ I ini Ajfuiit. I I 'li Ki- Court Sin*'!. >'SIroi'l. Nf-w ii'k V. Kovd.

I'liilw'Mihdiii .!. B. Ht "It niN^'

lipn'l M

i.irmaiKl tnW iTtfor- , ki 1 I'-uf-,j|\t ,iv, Ni'W 'b ork . 4

Tifli.1 isr aililruHN tiflo.

,f-i,'l I'j.a-H’r

THEATREH. M. HVAMS. Met. Tel. 933-

.a s l I 'l T i n r in i i i i c o ( iU .N N E I t ’ H M /V I ’ E .empire

. . . _<_________ i i lT , I -N il; III,

n i l I l u s r r i ' i i ; iv a m ( it v A ' l■"l•l i a h r i t i f usV\ M . A . B H A D V '.'i JHAM M OI H P R O D U C IIO N .


A U T I 'M N l . L A I ’ ( U 'T I M i .L e h i g h V a l l e y R a i l r o a d .

Ht’ N IlA V , M l 'I I 'l l lK I t .UITII . llOh’ M l l u l l ' M t l l l l I H U N K .

' 1 , 1 I V I I N I I K O . s o d . w i n If MACH H. I

l l I l l .D I I I ' c r .M " .Tlckcu |i,r li* I" I''"" "

ti[iFi-iiil Tritln, f


WINE!t w e l v e

O i a A N T I L

S C E N E S !

t w e l v e


1' L A Y W I T H

A G R E A T M O R A L ;

P U R P O S E .

Will IvA M.Foil particular*, W Broad at.

,>nln f-'*ira. iiLr„laiLin 'It-Rrt ai. aiailon, 8-011

io*R BKt»n . |R(>.T. l*N THR KrAfiK -,.„.,.ner that nmrkad II. auecea* In

ijBirUl Ai«oLr a n , , , in 1 1 1 " asm* tavl.h n n s l O '

I.OMION, MHV Y tllth A.SD liOsIG

a m i s e m b ?i t » .

b o a r d

t r a c k .ItlcyclA RACOa—T o-m orrow , 3 P. M.

GIIEAT FKATCHK I'ldMlHAMMK.I5*n ill« Psced Race



I.SrWgFTJ.Tfce B ijgesl, Most Novel aod Magnificent Melodrama of the Day.^

'llie piiatp 111' a I e

! atuiivu 1 1 I u i

Unlimited learntColoie.1 CbmiijpUjn*bj^.i,|.^IVNIH*A» >a.

............... KVESTB,

N IB «s '•[liftCM

T h o u s a n d s h a v e s t o o d s p e l l - h o t i i u l w i t h a d t t i i r a l i o i i d u r i n g t h e ] , a s l w e e k , b e o r e

C O O P B R ’ S W O N D E R F U L

iniltimi.’*Y. y.

I I A N D I C A P ^ ^ f j j c y A l F,

$25,000 P A IN T IN G !

“A Vision ' of Lovelinesj.”

.v .r .i i 'i o i d .

I'KG"Admission 2Sc.

U ' P ’ A L L T H 1B W EE K .. ^ ■■a l l t h i s w e e k

S A M At SCR IB N E R ':*

Q a y M o r n in g GIo H obsV V ^ o f Oct. S -IB W Iffi BItl VHOW'

T H E K R U E G E R AUD ITO R IU MI ' d r a a d Sacred C oncertTO-BOMOf AFTElIiOON u 4 EVENUiti.

..... nuatrdm xrk ab lv iifTect uf tbe ceiitpry."

IjnsPm Ifpip"."Just like a

Irtaullfnl I v- Ing model. . Flida. ilteord.

M o n d a y E a c h L a d ywill be presented with a beautiful Silver ■ • f r l l b y H e o r t " L a c e P i n .

7 7 3 B R O A D S l R E E T .AonissiON, lOc.

"Du Msiit-lar's liMoms

Coj|»r In Ihit itrjat DloUift

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“ hnvc Ivt'T, Kith the wnrhtimIwoiilP, ‘iiirt i hopr «nd pmy th»t ihi' foul •triitpri In pi"nP,ylv»nlii will win. not pnly until pli'ftlon iliiy, hut furrvnr


c a r l SCHURZ’ S

D isfato Between D » i » and f i o i r k j , ^

Settled at the DenNcraiic State

C w n it te e Meeting.

I N ou iln a ird by B o r li» «< iin H r im b ll- I! ran>, llr lm tlU K < i«or> r M ll<lr> j MalieSI im fhi- P l n l lla llo t i

. .1... SKU F,MT. llOl.I.V, fl pl till- iti'liub-

llPHIi ouUIlU t.invtnllou bnrr ln-U... ''■mrn-1 Nnlhiiii I liiliP . 'I n.H|n..inlnat-<l Inr n il T on Hi" nr»t l.n'I U ' ovpr O .-nry 'VII I p. i f '■‘ U'Ot-J, III" viitfl hPln« '7 in fil C i r ' i " 'I t' o . . 1.

■ Long Address Against

President’ s P olicy in the



COU ERYAN t o s p e a r in NEWARR. or Ml ira ':), y in hud iiU'il' " liT il laiit

Hs w ill wind I fT * * r * t Jd'Mry nl a In Thin{.'Itv OB ll»® Ocioliw'i- ’M.Ab AKIM'S! (n r .Worv CBMpBlirnK b « A b — PrIaD M A rr«ii| fr* l fo r ih r

Mee^lInK n f ih r DrnanorBflet


I l M r I i l r i n p « A C > i t o * ' " ■JUH8EV CITV. Sn»l • • Thm tJoiiY**-

cra tk 6tat« *t»faranca for mv«ral liourh In UikiHmOcratlc Htatv Coutmitipet roumn. tii tlie H ou l Waithln*loii. '-it^ t'f prlmlLml topic* undof dU«‘ ii»!eloii I ' f t t ' M iht* proiMApidtUnanry for WIMuttn J. Iiiy**n, wlto l« en- paelwd to rnttk* a ittruunli Npw J p*- aay ou ejotuliff ?4 *et'

Aftar thf Htniet m lttar rum ln* iherp A n i.rpieriittttlvfl of

the New JtrftpA - l ’M' "T I ie*mnrrulli‘Club*. Tb« olijeM I ivur to ronipli^tp ar- f^mic'TQanta fetf tlia Blftle cuiivrntlmi of Maw Jersey I'e»nori«ilc clubs It; TrniiiuuOcloher » , whert (.'ulon»‘ l Ur>ftti Is •‘ ij.prt- i i « i n ». * .h. a . . . * o lo iia l ^ m n iin lln ln ra .cd *t the Btaie capitat u , .. Hiirlltigl'jn I'rtoiiiy UrimlHIi-orti* nomlnAleB ryai; B t l ln a r a r f , Hmie Hi-imlor

The Ulnerery of Mr Bryan wum linslly ‘I f ( . r t l i f t m m ‘ n n i l o n , r r f i i H » ’ n f o f t e t m l l h i i ' n i t i n e ' ' * ♦ | i r < ' S ' T i t i » t J . t i » * l i f o n l y h i i d

nholtl tWPIllV cb'lrilNlr'S. HTIc) nitiHl (if ihfHP t M T i l t " l l u l t i i ’ S w a sb r o i i K h ’ I t i ' f o r * - t h f c o n v i - m l n n e m l a r - I ' e p t i ' i l t h e n ‘ » m l n . T t i t i n I n « s h o r l s | » # ' e c h .

The AsHi-mhl.A roiivpiith'n. whli h was hi'lil at n. tinmliiHtfd Jtthn t».Honter. nf pjilm ira, arul fbarlps W'rlRbt. of Man-fU-lfl W W Wnrrfll, of MlDolly, titinjIOHtefl fnr i rjiiiKy aiidlfor

In his a^iond yatr Wr. Jonea was made Ifipo.yfcpr o f ihe Houm , and hla friends are' ur«tii« him to si* ltd for « reirntnlnuiou. j At first M r done* •hesliatael. because

"ivarty usaae '—thai nnrertain and nomn- Ilmt'S tmwlsr ciiBtum—dcoroad that Rftsl t>rttiiKe' shtiulil hns> the i»rSvlh'He at nam-Ing ih*< MtHii.

I0d(f«r W'lUlHms, fholrtniin o f the Knst riraims HeiMJhllr-an Exei-tillve rymra!tl»'e.Kot litl't 1 h»* nirr for .^ssotnhlV- Bo did Wllll.iin r . HrhrnI'U. h'lt both m**! with Oi-jin^mnii at Ihp from the Repul-Ih-aiiK v.-ho Wiint Mr .loiH's to |<n ha<-k to til. la‘Klel:it»ir«* Air William® has allleil hlft.v' lf with the I h' Vflnu' forces, and In

________ iia.laK HO hr hut: Invll'al lJn* OppnslUou of, h-xlTMiTirr’ i* rhe-iil^. and. a-* the latUr , ...... u r n i i n i i V

m : f i r s t s T lU T I Ft) Ttl IHF W A R . i . r r . u K h t .m- u. him..pif the n«i>i " f ! JFNMNSON, ZD, WUN M tllAL rLAT., t'lltJT.J l l iA l LiLil lU I I I . Wllllnrn® .*lnl f’ liiTOnate .!<nsv pli |\\ Kllor will ri>iii!iii-t llw lie I'amiJ fitfhl jai l‘!ri»«t iFraiiigr-. aiikI the IrFidcrs nf llo* i>i'- . i o m ity I em nlry CImIjpaplMim will hp Hlatf (!irnimltti‘e‘man j ‘ .................nm rs' K I'fitt.-r wi'l roU .nri licurHi- Prit. at I

TIf' I tH t ’ami' p'-'iiili r-aiUdiattly riexerl fln l tliry will mil at lea,m iwenly-une oill ■■if ih»> iw ,n l;-h v e !ii ' >r* ,.me* and ihs- Dexlie hni'r siinpiirn f» Avr tljHt r«* 4i|tii IhHt the’C will hilVf all llM* ivio of (lirpe riP ih»* cItA's (jtiolu of ri'iir"- *®mi tt(l\I'ji. Al'O'il ’ he only thin* certain | ,j III The i-finl rem-rsv iH ih il somi’hodt Is ' ^.............. .. ........ h..t IhFl ivllM... m.n<lk'up ililn munili.e, owu H."

fu i'iiiry Vluh'a cuur»c The play wan at idKhieeri ho)«'i4, and wux open to a'l who luriifd 111 iL-omphle sror»;s In Ihe nn.illlj Um rotind foi tht- ritnte (■httfnp]oit'>h'l'

The handicap tlinlied tu clKhU'ct;.

lulni Wifide Hint In H is l .e ite r ot ' C'4'|itnnre Mr. N Ic liln le i s* ^ot | ig — Heiw th e tn sn rrer i lou IMJuht Mn\e lleen .%%'erted| Ircord ^ I liiK to He, Mrhiii's** \ WIeet-I iiK V, ICh Me> Bu. j

laid out as follows:Wednesday, October 2X^-.\lertlna at

Washington Park, on the lirlsw sre, 12 u'clock. Ecnve WaehiiTKton i ’firk s( I.IS, going to Trenton. Mreilti* at Trenton at J o 'c lock al Taylor's Opora I lotjae. where Mr Bryan will adrlreni the tllnic ('onAoiiiliin ' o f Cluha Leftte TreMon & fi'« lock, stop­ping at New Brunswick, makliia s speech from the platform of train at N^w Bruns- wlcJi at 4:16, and then Koln* to Jersey riry. Whtra a meeting will be held In the ev«T;- iBff.

October W -l/eave Jersey City. g«dnj{ to Morristown, where a spee< h will be rnade from the platform o f (he car. arid then to Dover, where there will be a meeting at 12:10. Leaving Dover, stopping at Buonlon, where * speech will l>e made from the platform of the train, and then goliif to Paterson, where M r Bryan will address s meeting at i ti'clnck In Ihe afternoon, Trip to eoni’hide with a meeting at Newark In tb* avanlng.

Senator Jtihnsdm Uornlsh, of Warren CoUtUy, la chalrmnii o f the comtnitlee that will have charge o f llryan'* tour In New Jeraay Before going to the Hotel Wash* Sngion 0enat<»r Cornish had a chat with CoIlK'tor Rolterl Davis. He aaked th<< collartor whether he would be able to help In giving Rr.van (t great send-ofT whan ha apeaks In Jersey (Mty October 16. Col- lactor Davla replied:

"Senator Cornish, send Mr. Uryan ta Jartry City and. depend upon It, mat (he D anocratlc nrganiiudoti o f ifudson Coun­ty will Insure for M r BrA'an the greatest Mtld-ofr and most enthusiastic greeting •var extended to a Presidential candidate In Hudson County "

CoBiprwBilaed W ith Dbs la*Whan Benator Cornish told this tu ihe

Btita Commlltee the announcement wus reealved with great satlafsctlon, Benator Comtah said that It would be only fair to k t Mr, Bryan speak In Jersey ('B y under tba direction of (hr Democratic County Committee, and this was agreed to.

The Bryan meeting tu Jerssy City, therefore, will be held iimler Collector Davla's auspice*, This Is a point for which the County Committee has been contending for some time.

(Tolleetor Davis will provide the hall, and every Democratic Club In Hmleon County will be expected to whoop things pp for the candidate.

F iB h l Ab b Ib s I G o a r le y Off.Congressional CandldHte Allen L- Mc­

Dermott ha* been laboring to effect onclllatlon between

N i:w YORK. .iopi. a AjiH ImiM r1 I. IbU lUh'd ew i> Inch of nparc In i ' l - i I mUjij lusl iilght and chi'crcd the aiiLCH i)f I'url S> linra while he aiticki il the jirilmdt' nf 11m Mi'Miiley admltu^nu lli>ri In the l'HliJ|'plu»’s. Sumdltig 'im: t a banner Ii;m(^ I k-i1 with Ahrahan; cuin » ulieranrc, \u imin U goij<i lit gtiverii aiioth*r wiihout that oiIm t ** cujif*' Ml.” Mr. H«‘hnr* urged the gratillnt or fr*‘rilnm to ihf' rib iiiooa lie quolnl tht‘ w..r«la o f P n -l-l. McKlnb-y at ihe tralrinJng o f th-' m ;; with Hpaln. rtod t lmift* 4 lm-iuiHlhH IM A. breach of fi*1ih utHl pcrvereUiii -if ill- Urst principles "f Ihe guvernniem Ilf ih- I'nltcil Btates ll< held that the unl> hniicsl Course for Mil’ iN-untr> n*«w h u< wlthilraw our trn« p® from Ihe I'hlllpplin-H

IninuliK-Ing Mr Sehor*. Ansot; Phelps Hl>iki‘S said.

-T o gid ju u re .lf '>ni nf the troijlil- siniM y(Mi ni>t seek ihe services o f sui h u nmn ns Wmiiun J.-nntTi|{n Brynn? A iivi: of prliirlple iiml ib'iernilnatlon. who hiix;e<l hlmseU tibb- und Incorruptible

"W h - i fnur \<'urH ;igo I first liennl ..t his nominalli'ii. I ehiiri-d some of Hi*' prejuilb es rh' ti <mr 1 ihoughl himli>o llitio kr.owri olid (m,, youtig He set mN lo lie oiHgr-iwiiig ih»fp faults By arrl- ibmi I met bin: m a iriiln In ihe West, and had a bniK u'd in-mt tnleresting talk


light fo r State C banpioosliip at V est

Granite N arrowed Down to Tyn|:

and Graham.

In> erlitp li ir e il Ihe H nm ilenp E v e n t T h is llu riile ig U H h ■ Nrl ^o'oofe o f Heo- e ii ip —l .o r k l i ; . oof V o o n ta k iili , D<- [i-jited by < o ig n ie fo r tlie t oiiHtiln- lluio ( tip.

li'iU ge It Jetiklt)M>n. M., uf Itiv % lA I'ou n irj I'lub, won ihi- nu-iil

O for»e fl. J *n k in »n . M. County|„........... 0 3 e t 6 6 i 5 * - « H ‘

Arohibalil t!rah«in. N pf'jj J i f ' - ' ' "Out.........j „ ............ 5 1 5 3 3 . 5— t-t

Jamo« A. Tyuji. .Jlurrl, (-ou iity -Ou1.........In............ 5 3 6 4 j S S J 6-11

Caul K-nnad.n.v. MouH laif5 5 3 7 5 5 1.. h-m(B

Olll...In ,5 7 5 1 ■ y :t 1-17 93 I!

r r..rv Y(Mint.|li Hi—111 .... 1 ■ 1 " 1 5 ■ ' 6, .. 7 t 5 5 6—" '.Si 14(i. ,ir*" 111. Ipiroa.^ I’ u lilily -

Out.. .. ,1 fl " ■■ • J ,p,

William RmiH' PHsex OonnlV-1,, ri t f, 3 !’ 1 T '• 'b ■

1, Bl. i'lulr I'flbv. K:*sex C m m ty-*l li ;i 7 •’ 'i I 4 .1 bt"A ft fl r C '5 4 't 4

J KltAUrfl.fMil I'rllJIliyI r. 4 fi 4 6 >>" i‘‘ ...m t; I I r'l f. i Vt W

.Mtni'lliis. Voimt/kjih N -I .-1 I ft 4 .1 4w M-. 1. ( •: I. 1 4

UutileH. MmIiN 1.10 -. . A 1 fi : 4 :l T

* , ; 4 .■< -V ■ *'<Ir

f U|tJh

W I l it.In

K1 Fni t.t

'A 12


C U R E S ' C A T A R R H

ColdA, Cougha, May paver, Broil- chltla, Aathma land all Dtoeascs of theThroatand Lungs.

* juiiiro Medlrtfed Vspor ifs (cbtled(tirongh the muuth <o«l emlttwl frrtin tke oo»- Irllj. rbiaslng nud Toporlslttf sll the latlsmefl

I Slid diResseii pins wblrh einnnt be fetebed by lueillclae taVoo Into the alomii'h-

7f r*{trh A fA<* »pof*—/f Acflf* fA« r*na p/ijce*— It floe# to (hf »r<if of It aett aidrrei^Cpfifsorsenf bynctil- Z506 j4rc i St,tPhiUA



.M 4 '


Davis Hud BlttleCiialrmtn Oourley, *nd the opinion s' Btste heidquartfrs to-day was that Mc- perm ott and Cornish hnd succeeded In puUlng *11 find, tampornrlly, ul least, to Ihfi war betwfifin Oourley and l>*v1s.

Among (hose present to-day were Hiate Chairman William B. Oourley, Benator Johnston Cornish, o f W arren; General H.A . Donnelly, of Trenton, the treasurer of the fllntfi Commltee: ex-Senaior William 11. Marlin, o f Hunterdon; Howard Carrow. o f Camden: Judge W illard Cutler, of Mor- rlsinwn; Kekhard P. Budd, o f Burlington; Judge Bowman 8. Cox, o f Olnucaater: Oliver K. Kelly, of New Hruniwlck; David Crater, of Monmouth; Charles L. Rogers, o f Balem; ex-8enatnr Wllllum J Keya, of Bomersei; ex-Congressman Thumas M Ferrell, of Gloucester; Harry Paul, of Camden; Secretary Devereux and 8er- geant-al-Arms Abe Naar

Neither Hudson nor Essex were repre- aeiUM St the meeting, ( ‘idnnel Price sml General William C. Ileppenheimer were both fiXT>ficted, but they did not find Ume to atifind.

MorV P anda Nleeiled.After the commltlei- got Inlu sn slMti

C'halrtnaii Oourley railed fur reports from the various cmintles. It n'lis aimoutifc'd that more funds would be greatly wel­comed by Ihe State C'ommltte*.

At (he ronferenr-e of the renraseniHtIve® o f the New Jersey Huolviy «jf DeniocriiiiA' Cluha, Judge lienrge II Lambert, of New­ark. rtTinoijr\red that New JiTsey eDUbl b*- reprevenied at the nailunal i-onvenMon In Indianapolis, October H anil 4, liy nhoui 110 dfilfgates- They are to leave for \h« W ait next Monday nlxbl on a speolul inilii achedutfid lo leave Weehawken at 8 P. M

Mayor Edward Kenny. «if East Newark. And (.‘orporallon Atlornej J M Mini urn o f Hoboken, are lo ba among the lhifii-<>n represehtstlves.

Essex Ci'Unty will b# repres-Tiied by Hurrogiile Ji>hn 11. Ihisenberry. Hr. Jurees | T M'rlghtson. IGvIn W ' r.nuv J i.igf | George IT I,nmbert. Alexander MJ^AliaLmi and ex-Mayor William H E. Kmdler. I

Makes aa Address Before the New York Wholesale Dry Goods Repab-

licao Clob.

NEW Y<jHK, Hepi 29 -T u HniiHtnr Hsp* hu was aoconleil a hearty reef'ptbm yea- terdrt) al Un* \N‘ ho1esiilv Dry (lotsla Bfi- ptibllran Club, which holds m>f»nduy meet­ings In the large building at Broadway uruJ W<trth Rlrevi. The announcemenl (hat the nallonal chairman and Cornellu* Tin N Bliss wnre to speak drew an Immeiisfi crowd to the place, and long be­fore (he arrival of the Senator e%'cry ttVaUfitiie inch within Ihfi building was (ftken by u Jostling, noisy IhruMg. while mitslde hundred* gathered who had ti; csmteiil theniaelvfi* with a sight of the siieaker.

Heimtor Hanna, areornpanled by Mr. bums and several other frlenrls. entered the hall while the <pjartette was still strijgglltig. and al once ihere was an up­roar that lasted nearly (on minutes The chiilrniaii annourned iUhI a song would he sung lM*fore Ihe Senator spoke, bat the crowd htiwTed and yellinl for "H anna" with great vehemenefi. The chairman begged (hat he Im? allowed to have his way, stating that a song had been com- posefl especially for the occasion which he wauled all to hear.

Thai W'hfiUed the curloslly of lh»* peifpb' and they decUletl to give MIhs ruroMne HamlUun, ibe suprano. u respectful henr- tng The sung she sung—"Tln-re s Nidh Ing Ihe Mailer With Haniin’ '—plfins»-d the crowd t|ulle Hs much as It did ihe Senator, who, after it had been sung, bowed his acknowledgementK lo the singer.

When Senator Hanna rose tu speak the crowd broke out again, and II seemed for a time as If he was noi lo be pltowetl lo go <m with hla address Finally, shoui Ing BO as to make himself heard above Ihe din. the Benator said: 'T 'm perfectly willing to let you makfi th* noise and listen Instead o f speaking. If you Inelat on li," That .seemed to bring all to their senses. Htid they llslened. There were, however, frequent Interruptions from Bryan sympaihlxers

!»elf-|*re*erviitlw «*■’While I was coming downtown. ' snld

Mr. Hanna, "I aaw In front o f a Bryan meellng place the Icgenil. '8filf-preH»Tv«- ib>n Is the Mrsi law o f nature.' 1 «ay Amen' lo thal with all my hfi*rl. 'The speaker snld ihtti th« Instlncl of

ncIf-prescivBtlnii ib-mandipd a Hepuhllcan vicitirs.^ The biiNlrieMR Interests o f Ujc counlry, he M«bl. were threatened as tbev had m*ver been llireatened before.

'll I?* for Ihe peri»etnity o f our preseni jironi>eTliy ihai I warn to plead.'' aaiil ibc Senator, ''iind for the IntfiPfiMs of tio great tuidy-poiltlc and the developm mi cf the tuilbin."

"I liaV'i' Ajatumndoil faith In the InUTlIget>t .................................. Ihfi Amerbunpeni.le, anil when iloH InteUlgvnce hii**

nrnusi-il iliev have never failed lo do the righl Ihitig It; the tpnltlplb'''’ >' of alleMfl iJ'iues lhal the Democriiis have ral-fMl 1 am willing to triisl Ibeinfelllgence ni>r ..i,h of ihc merchant, bat of The lab' Ci'V jih w e ll"

T .ojftl B e v o lto n W a n te d .■Bnyji.'' wiMil "U llu Seualor. T "•"=!

i 'a r l kvKnrsiformer Senator and Secretary of the

[t:t*' spoke on imperiallam at ooper T'nlon last night.

wlili him Ills personality Imppeascd me greiiMv fits fu<‘e bear* evidence o f hon­esty and true character Ills appeals

rirtiaiitlS' to reason and to con- sf li-rn e. I have WHirhwl his career with Interest anil with udmlrHlIon.

I le s iilts o f linperlaH sm .Mr. rtcluiri !*hI«1' L+>1 us see what the pursuit of the Im

perlallsilc iirillcy has already done for raiher w llh -u s . H has at once In-

vrdvetl US 1i; k War <jf conquest, of 'erhn- lt»al uggresslnh.' to subjugate a people fighting for ihelr frefidotn and Independ­ence. 1 am aware iha( Bresldent McKin­ley, In hla CA'cent letter of ftccfipta.nce. denies (hat the war against the Filipinos is H war of coumipst. He devAites nearly len Ihnusend word* lo the task of. per- suiKllug UR that II I* only a war of du(3‘ aiul hiimanllv, anil that all that has been done WHS clone 'not lor nggriindlicinem. inir fnr prble o f mlghl. nor for trade or comm^rew. nor for »‘Xploiiatlun. but for humanity uiul rlvIHiallon.’ These are wor<ls o f iincluoua Hweetness

"1’ resldent McKinley. In his letter o f sc- ceptaiice. has much lo s*y of mynterbius ''resi)unslhllitlHS' fnr nil aortH of things, and to all sorts of people, which uiir vJc-

, tory over Spain in (he Flilllppliics de- vol\pd upon us, *n<l that those 'responsi­bilities' Insplrecl his sense o f duly In adopt the course he did. I will not Inquire here what kind of responslbimifia under the rules of Internaflonal law such a victory as iiurs creates f " f the victor. I will only «hk this simple quA'Slton: ‘ Did our victory 411 .Manila create for us respcmslblhilea ea- scndrilly different from ihos* whiiTi wer« ecioteAl fi>r us by uiir Adetory at Santiago 111 Cuba?’

Mr. g e h n rs ’s K e m e d f."What Is now, in view o f all this. n» Iw

don* to repair the terrible wrong* (hut have been com m itted—the wrongs done to !)u- fb?r!4» Rlcnns bv denying them their Jiii r rights, and to the Philippine l-iIrtmlerB l«v Imsely betraying 1 hein and sutijugai lug them wTIb h bl«K«ly hand; the wrung dniji* to nnr own j>eiipie by vIolfttliiK the \itiil <'nns'*rA'ni lA’e prlniT]>lf*s o f our repub ll< iirul iiv emlrchliig the natloiial hot\or. Hill* the wrong <l«me to'iill mankind by set- tiiig H liHd ex>implc. which dlBCOtiragcs iti#* litlb’ f In the «»aluiary efficacy of demo- 7'r:iilc Institutions’* Those W'ho have gut till- republic Into this frlghlfiil ami pl'lu- iTp shuptlon ask with ft triumphant smile, M i'll, how will you now gel out of It"

c.immon sense HUggests ihe answer*I ’ KlrKt let 4JS turn out Of power ihoso I who gut us Inio It. and put Into powiT I men who wish lo gel ub OUt of !t But I N It really possible to get out of It? Ye>J. I II ihoiisund times, ycsl To got out of lr I w'Ul be not, only far more honoratde. luu

llet^lnriitloll o f l-'r|eiHls.W illium.i, El '* said, will Im* foughi in

l>iM r>wi. ward. ;he Third, oml Ills oi^iu- i 1 . nl“ <lr< lire Iliiil they will be for J'Ties- is «.-l! iiv for ln-*;helmer The opp.»diioii nii-'iig Mr Wllllnnj.s'.-' neighbors will. |i Is

hell'd, be led by (Ndimcl Poller. Jam-'fi; Biriioliih' 4iti(J Lewis K Jlurker, .\n .rn tiiiji will lie niiide nl h cumin* to-ulglit In Hiiionih oA't'i the illfTcfencci*. hill II Is ii'i nil'll iiulikely rhoi Ms'isrs. P4jtit*r, Bur- tn lile ;ind liiuker will lake part nr pul ' KH lu A ^HisIlUm to tie bnumJ b) sI.linos mllhg. Bhoiild VVlIilums f:iil i"-I. i iiTi H mujority o f the delegHtes In K >*i HiiitiiK'' I) Is more Ihait likely that he

oh| be M imlnated any how If (he /..iisni, loiiirols Ihe I'unventlnn, but B ihr' rn-n Tinier.; Is In tie In the hiindti of Ih'In'itji’ ijin r fotci's the East Orange C4*tidi lull -1 I'iiiinn-s would be calher slim

there is much doubt (Fver the FniirHi .m>l I'lfth w:icd« of Eufli Orange hIho. und ji.n*** has miin.\- friends there. Btune nf wleoii nre fncndly to Dr Camp, while rdhnrn fjivor Dexhelltier

Miail.v and Lord an liiivlng a lUlle ilglii ,f lb.-If own In Oraiige. and their ufhllu- ina '< are so well known that B Is gener- d'v |■l‘ l1 l'Vvd that Lord will aland or fall with rhr 'orgsnUntbm m«-n." Tin-

arc [hut Hra{ly. with the support . r KikiT ntal [>cxhclmcr in their own honov will h(jA’H * majority o f delegates III 'be Imaginary *llslrb*l Whether ihis V.IM i-iiiiilc him (o the nomination will (b-]ieiii| somewhat upon the umninil of hiii'Tiiess engendered In convention,

fiiipport o f O rK a iilrw ilon .Mr CummlngH. of West itrnhge. has ihe

*u|ipori of the org-4ii1 XHtlrFn for itie iiuml- rmiUm In (he dls’ r id com prising the w hole wcHti-rn section o f the county. He Is bf- ItiR .ipiKised by Dr M’ nilftm M Brlen. umi Ihi-re are some Kepubllcans who warn Assemblyman George S. Campbell, of Mmimrn. renominated. Mr. raropbell hu* scrw.l one term, having succeeded the |si.- ,|olm I. Bullard, who died during his llrst ti-rni It Is clftlmwi by friends o f Mr. |■’ llm inlrigs lhH( West Orange supportcfl Mr ('Hrnplipll last year under an *Kreem»'iii thal Mlllhiini should com e to Oummlngs's aid lids fall

Mr. Bwaln and Mr. Uarrabrants are bavlhg R quiet little (MinleHl In the Becuiul VV:ird of Ibis cHy The wuirO Is entitled i>. (he privilege of naming the candldiUe f-ir the Imaginary district made up nf flic Kirsi and Second wards. Garrabraiiis b:is (iriiHpei’ts of iieftrly all the First Ward delegates, but Swulu Is confining hU cf- (..ns It) the Second In the hoR>e of *eciir- Ing a majority o f the delegates there an that he can lake the ground that the First Warders should acquiesce In flie I holce nf o majority o f the Second Ward r*'tiresenlatlven

H eH renieiH .A nw otincei.John Humim l. Jr . It Is announce.1, has

retlreil from the tight In ihe Fourth niul I’ lfth wards, Ifuvlug the field clear ti. .tobii llnwe, the choice o f the llerold faction In 1 1 ;e Fifth Ward A fter the Exeii^tlve r«imml(tee of ihe ward had iledarcd KgfilnsI HftTumrl the latter announ. ed that he would sib'k anyhow and carry his light to the pulls. Now the question la being asked as to what Induced Hammel, who is known as an organlzalion man. to change his mind.

But one candidate only seema to be In Ihe hunt for the Republican nomination for county supervisor, and that Is lAavld H. Johnson, the present freeholder from the FlMcerUh Ward.

Overuhndowed by the register Hnd As­sembly rights, the coiHesls for freeholder nomlnatlona huve a d ra cied IBHe InleresL political proplieis predict that Frank F. Smith will be renaralnaied In (he First Ward and Beiijaroin K. Bailey In Ihe Second. Alderman John Buhl und August 84‘hroeder are having It out fur the noml- nation In the Third Ward* and WTIllam H. Byrne appear* lo have plain sailing In the Fourth. W alter A. Browe and Ira ■ Budd are measuring strength In the Sixth W'ard; Ihe Eighth will n-iurn August Sof- fpl, the Ninth. Solomon Beldelmann. and the Tenth W'ard Rei»nblicuns hope to elect Alexander fleldlet fr^'m that ward.

kU anH on fa M lied .The Eleventh Ward sliuuilon Is some­

what mixed, with Dr. T.Hll. George Varley. Iru Smith and Captain G»M(rgfi W Church as candidates for freeholder, but In the Thlrleenlh and Fouriecnth wards the present member* will probably be re­turned. In the Fifteenth Ward Conrad Hocrl seemB to lead the race. The Re- publlcflns o f the Fifth, fleycnih and Twelfth ward* are noi 44\crrun with free- holder oHmlldnteB.

It Is said that OoorK. A Smilli, Ih* (Jrosent tras-hoklsr from itir .HoiiihOranHe- VnllHburgh district, nioy hi' iisksd to HC- crpi n rsnomlnatlon. to vi'iilo n tight ba- twneii irn C, Kllbiirn rind RdRsr H, T ay­lor. of 8 fimh Orangs. » h „ buih want the nomination for that oflire In Dloomflelii, Thomas McOowan la iinoiiii.ised, and In Montclair, though Hugh Hallagher has no opfinsllton. It la said thn< J Wesley Van t'llenun may hav* an iiidioiiont,

I I-1 10 isi.Ml .all! ■ .' li ■ 12 '*1IX I ........I '; \ I. .'i"..... I 3 '.*• I""

(' |.- W,ll^,llI. .lr . Hssnl I 'o u n ly -n u t ........ 1 'H ' M ? 1! V. ■ 77I 111.. . « I I. 1 1 4 .. 1 - ‘

I Kilwnrd K Hnniif'iril. Hi""'* '

< Ujt


l;r\iiui. Ks*' s ii 1 r. 4

Mr Jchkliieun's handicap was fnurii ci .Aijd his net score 70. The prln- Is a ' d ^ln*is water caraffe. with sierlliig stuppei

Aliboiigh Ihe play was i*pcn tu a number. cumpanUlvely few who iiu-illr'c-l " m l on ihe ilrsi day oiitereil '

Gverenm skies, giving furebotliug of I rail;, kc|U the untlclpaled large gnlbry of j jiliHiluUjrs uwsy from Ihfi golf gt'-i ns of the PJsBcx County Couniry I'lub In HuI’ mi Fark. West Griihge. this morning. w|;.n rhe deciding play was begun In 'he inst day’s met'tlng o f the New Jer“"v Jlc Golf Assoclador.

The senres made to day will Jet- ' tiiluH ih>* golf I'hampUm o f ?few Jerye\ ." '1 -i*1 1 1*- iiiriU'Si nflrr<iwcd down je sr . 'f - li ' -if- lirnooli lo James A. Tyn*. A irU*l hih](rue ve(i-ran of the links who won ‘ -ihyears Hgu In sihlfillc circles ;i.» ,i - r:o k b.iM’bitll player, and Archll'iilil Gr.dinn Mr T )n g plays under the ri)U<r?t .i» too Morris ('o iint) Oolf Club and Mi liraliiini Is from the North Jersey tltiiiuiry t'l.ib ul Til icrson

Clrnlinm B esied Miirsh.In Ihe play yemertJay Mr, Graham, hs

told In (he NEWR, was up against a Uht<I propi'Hdlon when he tackled l ‘r .lohri ,\. Wi'lls, of Englewood, hul he defciiiecl Tils mail In the morning, and In Ihe ufternoon nppused W. y Marsli, nf Baltiimol Mr .M.irsh WU8 also u dlfllcult man. t>u( Mr- ijraham won after a hard struggle T'v - up Mr. Graham played in thai furc^-ful stvle which he has used tbroughmii Go tMurnarnent, and which has won the n<l- rniralhm of ell who have watched his phi>

The ran is In the play were W V, Marsh—

6 f i 4 C 4 i 4 4 t i T l 6 4 4 4 5 4-Sa Archib4Jld Graham—

a D 3 & G 5 4 3 8 fl fl 8 5 6 3 4 4 TtiTynji^a C lose Mwlch.

Mr. Tyng, on the other hanii. had a ciose (tiid exciting match with young Clareuci K. Watson, o f the Essex Founly " lu b Mr V>'a(sun sprang lnti» psomlnence when hi- defeated Howard A. Tolby. (he champion of the Country Club, and he was roundiy curapllmented for his form and ability. As told In (he NKWH yesterday, Mr. Wutsou deffittied Mr. Colby, who won the medal for (he lowest gross s*M»re In (he prellnil- nnr>’ roujid on Thursday, b j‘ 5 up nnd 4 tu play.

In (he aflernnon round, however. Mr W atson had lo stack up agulnat Mr. Tyng who manages to keep on (he winning side generally und calrulates closely (he effect of every atroke, and he lost by 1 up. Aflet hard and fast playing at the fifteenth hole Mr. Tyng whs two ahead o f the clever Country Club man, and It wus the conaen- sue o f opinion thai he would win mit. but Mr. Wnlfion won (he next two holes.

-At the final hole, when (he score was even, fortune favored the Morris County man. Mr. Watson Juat landed ovitslde the narrow line of tday and had to dm p a ball and play figaln The hall w^ent into a rough alull. Mr, T>'ng follow'ed Mr Wat* son wllh a stroke that^won. making the hole In four strokes, while his opponenl had required six The card*^ w*fire:

.Tames A. Tyng—Oul ...................4 6 4 8In ..................... •> 4 t» 7

Clarence F. Wfttson. Jr.—Out ........... 4 6 4 I C 7 3 4 4-4.1Tn .....................ft 5 5 8 4 C 4 3 6—4^— R8

C o n so la tlo tt S em t-flon ls .In the semi-final* yesterday aflernoon

for the consolation cup, Austen Colgate beat F. J. J. de Ralsmes, hy & up and 3 to plaj'I

G I 7 •! I u i»\ i; ^ * :i s [p ir |.) i-iMxif \ t'uuniA - 4 ( ( .1 .'i t ( 0 4'-’: 4 4 :m Ti 1 4 "I

pHii! tvll' 1>X, Miuil- 1 lr:< .3 :j 7 Tj ii M G ‘ I’tu li 4 ;i u ; i b n

Out!hT T

I Mil . hi

|W 14 !»2

R2 1 :r

N6 1 T-i

R w mNo iiiHlIcr wimt line you pursue ^ our xx',t,'iiv noiuU hr.’U'ln7 nnew.

Cipuiis 'riihulei lire ;;ood l- o r I lie lUln nml liluoil

Anil tlu'V xiri'iijllieii llie nerve sue*, too.



N iaixinrd ( „ n e l l , . l - l e , l <>• <'.e n r e e .e T h n r « i l« ! ' t « h l »< l.llH e-

l,.n n » ,l 'I l . l r le r i i l l , A *,.nur*.Th. Ih.mni r.ilU' .’ Xe. hllM- i'.ill lull •

I,,,.. I Nl ;l r..lili.,| '■lu'l. Nf 1 1 1 . VNiIni! UUirl.i*,,f 1 1 1 , Mliih "H fil ii.xi.ilii'i wllh!,* Mtth.rx ami lM!ii..T.riil»ln* nim irliiee, met la*l iiIkIU uinI ilei.ldeO u|Kin riiur.*rt,ij nl*ln n f l l UK Ihe BiiiirniirUl.- Unm for ihe Hliih V\KI-,1 rulincatlNh rne.-iliie mul l*""- iier riilKl'iK The lo, hiInii Keli...ii..l. ntier un earriKKt UeUKle uk in Ihe peeuUar 111- rieKB uf Viirhuie plnee,. wa, Uei' in f«vnr of LlilleiNn and Thlrleenlh iivemieK, whieh I.K Ihe heel reKl,i,.|i11ul pNrtlon ,.f Ihe wrtrd.

XireeMHerr Hqiil|nueiil.Alilernitin Wulilrmi Mjluiileered ui KU|i.

plv ihe UeeeKHury stHiiils Hinl eullUimenl Tur llie KpeiiherH und Alilennull .Iphn liafT- nev mlunteered lo ralKe ihe l‘ule» h'k' IiHve everjih lng ready In kIiIii-kIiupp for (he iinfiirllnK " f ihe hainIsNme hiinner Treasurer Mrllrlde wus uppolnied a com- inlUee of one to inirchuse drewnrks of HeminTuilr make and W .1. -Morgan, Ihe seereiary nf ihe i-hib. wus authorlied to ellKUKe Suenderhafl's Haml, also to look Hfir*r ihe .npeakers. .Mr NtnrKiui reported that JfimcB D. H1 chanl.*un. >*t Hi*’ NuUoiihI Coinmlttee, had promHcd tn use his beat effuns hJ secure able sp*'»kcrf* Hiul. at re quvsl. said he would iry lo ««'l t'ougress- miin WilllHTH Suiter, of New York, to make ihe adilress o f (he evu’Mlng.

H peakera (o Be Inv ited ,Some iiutfid New Jersey speakers will be

Invltefl ami It 1ft the IntetHlon to place a Time limit on (he orators so (ha( the peo­ple HssembleAl can hear many spcftkera and get & variety o f opinion on the leading Is­sues nf (hfi day.

Every Democratic club within ten mllen of New'srk will be lnvlte<1 to attend the grand rally, but the executive committee flecided that there would he no parade, and ihe cierrlsea will be commenced a( 7:30 o'cluck with music and (he speaking will be commenced at S o ’clfjck Those who wish to spe»k that evening are lo com- mimlcfttn with William H. F. Fiedler, the president. ITI U ttleton iivemie. or W J Morgan. 2ii0 Fiilrmnuiit avenue. Colonel ITice will hfi asked ! 0 preside.


f \X' A vH*t '’f baiJ henUti Thai • It 1 .' A N..** 'I'lll nui benrhi Thty

hfe. (Uas xlvM ra­ti) eilff-

UHUE ur».j pn-l.iux bfe-. . wurd B-l . .Nil8 uh the pack*

jubMiUule It.l.YVA.N.ll. IS. iiiiy Iw hail ai soy i!rug»ti>re

Not** .neacv sr»l Hi10 f> r Ti mi.- -- — ^■7’or somp es ou.l one ihousvivi fpstimonlali %\U h. mselerl in snv sd.lree* fnr 0 cenii. f-iT'Mir-kd M Ili» TYltians Chemiral Co.. No. 1 0 Piinire sT , New YnrX.

NERVITA PILLSriesr*»rfi viinlli.v. Lo*i ' Igor hh I M«tihooft. Care lmi>*>iency. i,oss of Memory, all W'aaltng

illM*n*sfiis. itll'‘ ffucisnlaluiHi* or excess ami ilJiliscroGoii, A nerve t u n l r iitnl b 1 o o il p | f f | ^ builder* Brings rtio pink glow to p a l e clii'fk* ami restorwH v A # i tlifl fire of youth. By C T S ,

. . . _ mftil rtoc, per ls>x. « boxes for wBh our bankable guaran*tfiie fofiure or refuml Ihe money M tn. Rend for circular nml COPT ouf biinxable guar-

ilenfila TaW^t? strengthiVKT.T.iiW I.AllKL Imniidlati Ru d IIi .

pnfiitlvcly guaruiitC'Ml R-un* («>r Lossoi Fu^er. Vari*'«H'cIe, FaresL, lAx-omotor Ataxia, Nfir- vous iTofitralhni, llysterla, Fit*, ItiaanUy, Piipalyais itnil other Heaults of Exofissixfi Ua* of Tobacco. Opium «r I .Iquor. By iu«lL in plain package. • ! , « « * box. ft for W .o o with our r>«nkM>le guarantee bond lo rue* In 30 days or lefiind ntonev paid. Addmaa

M l l l V I T A .> M K I)IC A L C O .,Clinton and »la* haon Ms*, CHICAGO, ILL. CrMcein Hrus Co . Uroad at,. Newark, N. J-

4 IT ITHE folUwliig onJuianont have l,e#n ptweil by

the UiiHnl nf Street fliul Wnier CommUaloftera ami auptnvfsl tiie Mayor of ihe rHy New­ark, purri.aio to chapter 2NW of the laws of lKji.'». and rfrr herewith jmblls‘ie«l hy li(>:

An ordlnHnce to pfo)'lde fnr the cunstruclion of a pij'c aew T In _IILHSON PTBKKT,from a point feel south of Nya avenue for a Jlsiance «f 200 feet eouiherty.An ordlnanvt to provide fur the cooMructlori ot u pipe sewer In _jM'BLKY HTBKET.from Nye avenue for a dl«ance of 200 reel* Ari oV inanre lo provide for thfi oonsirucHon uf a Dlpe sewer In

WAJNVVHiaHT KTRKKT. front n T>olni 4tX> feel south -if Nye avenue for a dletanre of 140 feel southerly.

An ordinance t-r provide for the contlrucllon of a plt»e sewer inI,KBLIF. STREET.from A point ,?*si feet s-'Uih ->f Nye avenue for a distance of Ou feel southerly

Ah-ipiePl Septemtwr 20, lUSP-aSOllGK M HALLARD.

rre*|jl#ni of the Uoar-J of Street and WaterE. ORBATHEAD.

i.'lerk of the Board. Ar-orc-ved September 27. jlvM>.


4 5 4 43 4 5 4

6-434— 3—

w n is n w o T T i i k k ! n e x D<SI ICH.

rrnaiMC ongresah inn l CuiiiHtlnfr mi « n d Ihe Coni S irlU c.

Bk-ei.-ial Dl«i>«trh lo ihe NKW; .GITV, S..p| ?Ti,. 'Ihe

cn ctc Cn-|iii> CoitimlH-e ni.'i h, ih" Ruh- rpt Davis Assnrimlnn's c|ii’ j1h)-i--' li-ii high*, and wem thcvugli fin- fMniiAllly nt hAMulnailng ih* iounl l'i-rix-t .i iIi- '!< kvi voted for Bt TiHv’ il:iy r'lyjii H prlii:.'tr!r'u.

Every cundUlnte prf-miii mo-l,- n hmid lliankrd the rurTitnit'-*-* Jiu 'li-* '--mm. nft.ilon

Alinu T„ MfL*e’ Ulull (1— !'<:i’d !h;it 11--* | Del n rn jRr«moiUil IsMue iii Ih'.s -umi-tilfu l-i !:n- ^nuse CerHUsin ntid that It AiiiMv.-tgl,. ,| Gh. i munetar)' Lane of is;--; ft" ,M , triiBiH as oue uf the ,es ir>3i j|. .p . ! ii ,i I 1 thill he hBil never mu ulh j '■>T'r«»m B public phKftutn In nts Ilf- As uj i piihUra:' m- L -i h- B* Gm- -harg*? ihin lic n -n-ri^-il \v':h

III' nrM thill he li' \**r ii'iil \ i!-il r hiNi'Mied Ih su> coiiiI.IiihM-i;; nr 'Im -<uni;''iiied the ufcussl'lcf* nf i;,« p-.-i'l ’,

DL.-uselivg iliL' »-<>iil Milk** 1-1 IViiT'Vi-Vdhiti, lie snld ilirti will " U ii:-<y ........' i.-thill .Murk JlamiA ii.-i | i i-sl .-liu,-be HSk'-il w1i\- .Mr. dl l i. .r | :v-Vcnl ll. ■ 'll ■

*'My wlliufi I-. >»>, ■ he iVn-1 ;• .1 ; '1* •' ■" = L a

I tt> iVli Vou ihiil jo u 'r c right up HRiilriKi ii. i Misn for easier miO far less costly Ihun lo .(v 'l .il tlilii ilm*' is Inn we nccil *i jmsu -‘f .s iu v In It.HtriVTg purp.isi‘ and 1"yui devouon m hla' nie Amerlcnn pcnplfi decliire ihatf’ lniiiTn' nml his Ting l' *'h at the h«dm nr-- (>1 sluiighter nf those demanding froi-ilum w-c going In chHugr I'-T n nmn I'h > nrui iniii-iinruienre must rcHee: that we wUl tlrvtin’s rfcnr-l'"' | l " i '" vassiil provlhces or subject popii-

A dcniou^*irnil(iu roUnwcvi Mr. H uii'm -s ] ijt'oti-*, ij*ai mir government sliull in ej(li from the luiU. As lo’ eiitereil liK i-i- g iod falih uid them Ih soiling 'M' sn lnde-

with Mr BMea ihe CTt>wt pi-ji-lr-m guvcrnment of (heir -nvn, and’ I fneumlrre (tesuri- them of our pmic ■tit")

ugibiM fit flg n aggres^lori^lu inc word \ . rliiit ilicv shall bv treated sln plj w.-

*<« h'lve pf'-Tnls'd 1'T ircnl the rcnpl- nf C il'.*' >• Let ihls Ur ilcnurcd and done. Tld« r htt be

ridge ycH-'d iitul sl i'i fun.* 1i ‘h win • H\ mill'- . hG CHirhu'' fli G i - rt ;ir

fJTil lb-' SCTUl’['Mill'll U\r smifigl'.nc n

l r- -1 ' ,1 I • in-* s-r ' 11 •\ re *E -1 ( .-r'.v.-Ill 1 o •'i' ' I. .iTiit a rcni-i ml '

n n « ,i 1.11, .N.lihn nf'.-r 111,- vih lrir k ns N„. ,.|,y Hi imtNr !'.. :i I 'nliKK ;;it. ■. rnN lic '-i '1 I' ' I '

iOSUH li. UI.4WS .1 SUiUiH .Il*- U MVfn MUiI ( hiit^i-lu He­

ir nf 1 :i»fiiv*'**«l \\ l11i«lrH\Nnl u-t \uiul»ire r**r .P iniicc-blv ,

i .A l- ;:i iMn.A. K-pi., t-niur- • .< l.';.5.u ‘.vnl ! i " " '!


ir W-- will B Where Ih-T>*- U rt w i- y I .et not wl'l '

'.riU ■ vv/l ul •

M Mr H di nx l ‘*['■,1;!?i ,i1| lu- r- y;n j him llir.'C -■hr-'J'f. -I I 1 1',.' H«' ! Ill’ nf ^li'. Htr.k '*- N'i Hm .iUv w rrb’d wllh ft n-n^higThe tii'ih* ring san g 'Am erica*'


c " ’ e dp--


NEW COMMUNITIESl^twUcibuK uf iir niiUoriu*,

i1- I'l . ; ii<Mill il-l"' U

. ihi' \s h-

rli llLm

ll* m-y in wiio m»)v


■'Tlicre is V.u c|TsM- Ihut wIiuIh . or.iiii-iili from tlie hurl nff,*r-1 s ,f I,l•evoiuli0lllK^tl If il-cp hi . v fuctfc rcgfirrMu*, :hi- use nf i n{T«-. heip Ihbl ro.dd In- from ''n- use |(•f Posium vVronl Fo--l t'nffi-r lnLuiv i own casi-, coffee pmduned di>;/lnesi*.. Iicnri i I'MlpIrailoii am! a(illn\vu**Hs -.f crimplexl.-n When 1 iibHiulooMl Gin utdiliTir’.' mull*nEk np J ostum, the dlffi'uhie’H sverc r--- jnuved."- TB'v, . N. Oghtu ne, Hniniinm- t*HJ. N. J. I

ijoitK' pN'Ople, wlijin (ryliig in Iu »aU " jT [ tU« cuffeo haldt, fw l ilic lii<‘k nf ih*- stliiiu- lant so n)'J'*li ihst ihny mix half *nd half Posium, Mien grB«1uoll> re<hico the aniouiit nf cofTee until the; ilrliik lum slmifl,

Maai pt*nplo can liteuk *iff fCLuri enffne f t biiCfi If they can have tin- IVisium K'-nd CJofTctt, for the laale nf Ihc i\\-> Ih no tiuiirh gUkfi. f hf«1 itiHiiy the chrihgT- Is iioi |Ji^tlred, Tlio ’ iser iTwarlablv Impruros Iie ; MXBIi . nnil in u rnEUith's tlmv. shows u IliUirkDd cli&ngv for tbu beUcr. I

h '-'Ul mu- -l from Fii ht I’.ig '

iml !,* e'JVi *-in of ihe giline up.p. rniihi ..... ... juohftl'ly \] > riM-jiltg Is h.'hiK 111 lli -(Ihlil-'l. •'un\|ii leiiiK l'*-isl Ofji-.1 • uiK*'. \'..l!^bnigh iiii'l i'ihi:<-u i-M ihiH is rcprcBenti'du';ii I-' who lias h.’-l i'

l-I t 'l'i- /(.I'l’ui*; I'f ' m-'fTii'- 1 of the -\rt !

f Iprt.■-liiMl. ! \] I 7- .AlillM’-i I'Iici ll i.nii N pil'fc'* iih '''hi

I I li - h-’ rt i ) i ' -.JSc'i l'•** "’■‘''I' I ,\lr. Vtlums. II > '

uM be I h^cii J, .•li inge'l Riinu'll liml ‘ H l u r n hl*< i'(if-^rr. .l .•II.t i Ilf ! Bi jUTlih- on lick**' j

als ii.-iuil liiinulT* -It Mi* b*‘ i'Mi -b*L.I'n- I. wr-rrh-.J

Mj ViL’in,.- v.'S .u '11 1' I c f s l i . ' I 'hii-.' h i b , ' lu> ! i l l I - i « l | i h j a S k u U - l i < l u l l u n d l i u » j I ’ i i i u ' i . } ' I : I M u M m i i l d . A i - f ' . i - ' h i H ' J l l u f | I ' M t i c r l - m • ' * " 1 I r . i . ’’ i .i ' RU w M d i | • l ■ * t U U i l ' J ^ i

I : ) • ' g C R i i h u U o t ! I n 1-M3. h e I n - b ' - K f ’ l 1 0 f i C ’, ■ [I Hill ■i«’ ,' ll-| s^nichi". ......... . hiHU »iN-ll1R

ih»- Sifplicii lihanl l.ndgt , F. ami A. M.;l i rti. AHhiim ‘ -iiumzuiui'r .v. Kulffhis Tern-i

tib-r. ijluipiii .^tvhiium rin-1 ihc AuipriciiiiL'-tli'irj I l f ! h u i u ) . !

H*‘ w-as 1) iii'.irriiiu iil Uciiiibllcnri. hul ] louk llthi'' j*np In i>ullll<‘*. HT I' Wi Iw H'- I crlved !h*- iioiulmiHuu for J'.ulge o f ihr I Superior «*uurt. hu Uu Heinihli-'iin licki'l. hul WON fiuveil to wlibdiHW several weeks licfirr the eloodou, Ei» a rcPuU of thu Hiuick." iir.i RhmgcJ* iihulc rtgaliisl him hy ^ PhUudiipluii v>i’V.'epiipvi ■

* t h e ’ 5ALT' of »A L I5 ’

CilrHta Gw thi 'iHlifnUt.Dyspepsia or Indlges*

tion • • A teasi*oonfal; in a tumbler ot water' (not Iced) alfttw and: morning.

Jnhn W. ffrfiwer. M. H:* Fiah.Ga., Hav*1 heve Utoroughly testeil y^ur Halt intl

am antlsAfi*! that iiothlntcoiilriihc' iiMd to , belter adeantAgfi. espceiilly by rhomswl frriiix ike mitnfiroua and uoirccmiiaitlfi.and akferfi *11. ■anQ)’>iis «yinptu»* of i N erroas Dysfifipala' B only tem po- > rarlly rellfivaa (>ia4.1 believe, will aSeei a

Hold by moat dmgxlaia. or aeui by i ^ . AQc., f l n per b<kU«.


BBokM frw w fmrgt.

F ra n k W h ’ t* . *»* '* " » Ir ir ln Coia pan> , H e e r l » '0 ■ " 0 > «H bii •( *li«

■ ..Trark T h r a lr r l.a*. AlKhl. ^Frank While, fnrmerl)' ..f thlr i-Ky, now |

o f .New York, « h o l> <.T*t in ihe role of i tlilielberl Box. wllh in.- Mn* Iram |' H.i|S<. of Brldgepol't" . . ’ini‘ iiiv. whU'll fill- I leliee llB engagemeiu if.-niii n ai ih. New - !, i i k T I l M t r e , r e c e i v e . ! , i I n i i n k H i p b h -n i h I . 1.1 I n a l n I g i K , n h i r g p l i u r * c » ! . , i . . o f A i n i T - l . Mil l l . - a u t } ' r O B C B I T . i n l l i P N c w i i r l tl. N.liic Ilf Kill,.

Ill Ihe nn-heBira nf t ‘ii. I . i.*i. ihei-r wa.* t'li'M iii a detPgiitlon .-i . ■-i-r I'm lllk.*,m , in.v Ilf whom w en .....................injmnlcrl hyIhelr wtvei* and w.,.iiii.ii ri-lnnila. May Irwln ,ll-pl«;.Pil (he *:ime,'ii»lnnnl 111.111!y .111(1 rciathPrt ih- ainiip aynipnlhy Ll ihr Hiiillcmie t'-nn “ hi. .i: i wllh "Hlalcr M a n ," laat ynar.

The houae w o ' Ulle.l n'1 .’ (laa Irwin hrliiF iiwnrc Ih „ i n M ' I'.ti of KIka ■ana presfllt, I'ld ' 'h I'lnoiiK herninny wUtlrlaniH t.i . ih- n Ij,. iliu la d

H ere.Mr. W hilo Is well k!i-'.\n In this city.

' «iul for m xny yP4m« Im - i -c o u mcTuber uf Newark Lodge No :i. IJ V. O. Ifl. The

1 many frleuda and luiln* iMHortaie* that [w ere In tin* audl#*nct- thnruughly enjoyed I i)u> p lsj'. mid ih oold -tln iH "Newark black*

faced com edtanr" Frui-.ii W hile, w a n not I uware iharhlB lodge aH.-.'•1;i Ich were going I lu be present. W h e n ti<- walled iii>on I by the fippolntfid com m iit'-e from 14. P. 0 .

L, ,No 21, In h is dr* '*sii;i' Tuom, he whv IrJAi for w ords to expr**HH hi.s jipnrei-lallmi for Ihe fratern al fer-iiin that Ills many frlenilfi en tortaln fnr him In Nt'Wark. Thb oom m lU ee In ch arge o f urriinKemenis v.*as cotnpoHcd o f C h a rle s C Frank X ,Kvillng, Wllllfiff* Miirc.-tlU jind Theodore U, UiiHula. ^

K ru eger Aaa9cfa<leu llniiner Kalstng,’J'hfi Uoltfrled K n iogc: AHE-'niailon ban­

ner raising, wnlch is pbiiima to luke pluca Heimont gvcmifi on McimNn night, has

wriiUKht up a great deal ul iiiif-n>si among DemoLratfi and others wlm ai r. not yet cer- lain as lo wMcb way (hey (sill vote. These ‘ '(■llierr" are fiafveclully aiv’diui* to attend the celebration, aa an R>ppEiriiihlly will be afforded u» hear many i-r(.nihii*nt Hpenkera, among them W illiam McAdun. former As- *i*lnnt Berretary Olher fea­tures o f the demonairMVu- '^ b e . fire­works and nmat<?- ^

FOLKS YOU KNOW.—Kichard C. Jenklnson. pr*‘sldcnt of the

Board of Trade, has spent ft week li( Cnnadii and la now resting for n few days tu Boston.

-Rfiv. Palher ConUun. wlir» until recent­ly was stationed at Bi. Aloysiui'a Catholle Church thia week iraneferred byBl»hop Wiini*e t « » n SI. Mary'i Church, jMiwey Bt. Poul'a paTiaU, hv thaaanufi plavfi,

o f Baltusrol and earned the dU-

.Ipctlon o f being the only player of (hs local club to stay In the game until the finaia.

ThU morning (he final rounda for the chttinpionship nnd consolallpn cups were begun, and eighteen holes were played. The final eighteen will he pinyed late this afternoon, and ftlthough for Ihe cham­pionship Mr. (.Trnhflm has been picked for a winner, the friends of Tyng pTe>d1ct fhni he will give a good account o f himself, and declare (hat the championship will not be decldfifl until the last hole Is played

C hw m plonahlp gptnl->ffnwla.In the aeml-fiiials for the champhinship

yesterday aflernoon Archibald (Jraharn. North Jersey Country Club, beat ^V. V. Marsh, Baltusrol, by 2 up and 1 to piny, and James A Tyng, Morris County. bi-Hi Clarence F Watson, Jr,* Essex Couni.v, by 1 up. In the first half o f the lliuil round this morning Tyng and Gratuitn finished even It was one o f the prettiest matches ever seen on a golf course.

The first hole was halved* Mr. Orahiim w on the second and the third was halved M r T yn g won the fourth, m aking It even, and the fifth gave him an advantage of one, which lie lost In the seventh and add­ed to in the eighth. Mr. Graham had an advantage of one hole after the nliuh had been played. The tenth went to Mr Tyng, and made It even again, and thouRh he gained another In Ihe eleventh, he tt in the twelfth, and the next three lioleK were halved.

Mr. Graham won the alxtecnth and I'‘hi the aaventeenth, nnd as the last hole wus halved the (wo players finished on ft pir- Ity. TYie pia>' ih1s afternoon Is helm' looked forward to wllh Interest, ami u<( one ventures (o triEike ft prediction us ii. the final ouicottip

V u u n in L ali tfau Dew ten. til the crmHOlatiEUi Aenil-llnals yesleidiiv

afternoon A. H. Larkin, of (he YountiiknlT Club o f Nutlny. Ur.A W A. HainlKoifl. HaltustoL hy 4 up and 2 to play, and A i-- ten Colgate defeatort F. J. J- de Ralsm*'-. o f Bflilusrol. hy G 'ip find 3 to play Tlil-i morning Mr Colgate heol Mr. I.,arklTi h;4 up.

The seventy-three players Who turiuil In com plete cards In the qualifying ri)Uiul

eligible to romiiele to-day for Hit- cup offered for the heat nel acora tn nn sigh teen-hole handicap contesl. Tli<-hHurllcapH allow'ed, ll Nvas generally mL mitted were very liberal find, the caT N turned’ In to-day In this contest w r e th follow ing:

Austrn Colgate, Kssex Coim tv—

O ut.......... 7 6 4 6 6 6 4 4 5—46In ............ 6 4 r> 5 4 4 4 S 4-Sfl

A. H. l.Yartcln. Yountftkah-Ovit.......... 6 5 4 8 4 5 4 6 4 43In............ 7 6 6 0 4 5 5 4 *~41

O. H N77

64 H2

6ays Me llo p r a DalUMlng W ill Be ('ofii1ii<*(ed to 4he Spirit o f

f 'n u n try 'Tta o f T hee.”There was ft large luniout of members

at A meellng of ihe Republican County Committee held lust night, and everything wo* reported (n lie In readiness for the primaries next Monday night. Represen (Qtlves o f every dtstrirl were asked If they had ihe required ballul boxes and Btatlonery, and Ihe answers were In the afflrmailve. Chairman Carl Lenta spoke of the necessity o f the members giving close attention to lha prltnarlea.

*’T desire to impress upon your minds the nfcessliy for giving proper attention to (he primaries next Monday night," said the chairman. "I trust, and hope, (hat the primaries will be conducted in the fairest spirit and I ( and hope— "

At this point some one snb'kered audibly, sort (he chairman. In u rehEiking tone, said;

IVo L a u g h in g Mniter."GenMemen, this Is no lutighhig matter.

You may smile If you want to, but I am stTlou*. The primaries are lh« very foiiu- iimJoTi o f our government and they should be fairly and squarely coniJucied ao that when they are over the voters will Rcrept the rpHult cheerfully and work for the suc­cess uf the men nominated”

A touch o f the dnuniHlv was injected by (he major, who requested F»rnfeHSor Max Braun to pU y the air of 'Am erica'’ on the piano, and as Ihc pnifessEjr took hi* iilace the chairman, tinning lo the members, said:

"1 ask you In Ihe same spirit In which f HHkcd for honesty and fiitrlv conducted j prlrnsrles,that you may g" to ilie prlm.irlcH Monday night wllh the spirit of WL r.niniry, 'Tin i.f Thee ’ '■

The nicmhers sang the p“ triuilc anihem In loncerl.

iHirlng the meei'mg John W I.b-h. whose ng«’ Is s**venly years, sang ft mmg ended ’"The Hough Rider." llie wnnN nml mualc nf wldch he composed hitnKHlf lie was :Trcumj>j(nicd on the iiinim b.v Professor llrnun. whose hair has iw'cn ft’hllf'ned hv the snows of seventv-livp winters Jnlin GnUnghfr wan elected a m^Mnier nf fhe mnunlttcc from the Twplf'h W.Rfil to Htic-

I ■•cpil Mnfciis Hh^hnrdsI V

IIKVMK R.ATH FltlM n elfiR ales to ('ongreaM lunnl <

Mon W ill Be rh o n e n H ondny M g lit .Di'TiunTiUlr primaries tu selei l Elelcg-ites

Ul llie SIxlh Congresslonril Dlnlricl con ­vention w'ill he held In Newark nn«I Fust (iriirige next Monday nlghi The E-fUiven- IliEU wilt be lielil In the Knieacr Audlt^RC- liim next Friday night and, after tiie n«fm- liiEETlnn shall have been nin-lM. the ennven- Tlun will l»c turned Iniu n rmlficailnn m«ei- Ing (ll whlt'h David IL HIM, of New York 'Alii he the principal speaker.

A meellPR of the Kxei’ utlve Cornmltti'fi nf the Democrnilc County Commiftec wus held last night. h1 which steps were taken tn have Mr. Mill entertained during hla vh*! to Newark

NfTTlc'K—Nolle# l» h#r*by given to all r*r- ii#fi Intereited thal th# of a§##aa-

menl of the whole iimnunt tif th# costa and eX-” " “ N‘’B^HBN'’ sT'ifER” AN^ IsnANCHES .„d r .v ln ,have lieeti (lehYeml to tti# according to law. ShM aMeesmems tomprlB# all th# lots. ira<'ts nml parc'ClB of land and r « l estate lying ju both sides of l flnford sir##(. from Slouth street to Clifford street, on both sines of Van Bur#n sireei friim riuTord street m Nichols street; >fi IwMh sides of niflurd. Delancey. Malvern, ('hesitiul, tdli'er and Fast Kinney streaia. from Kanfiford #treei u» Van Ruren atreet: on both slfips of Burnet street, from Central avenu# (o Orange sireet. ^

The owners of land and real #aUt# auesaed In aalY] cerilrtcates uf assessment are hereb>' required to pay th# amEiUm so assessed upon them anti each of them respectively tn me ac my office. So. h city hath on or before Novem- l>er 12. lisiu

Newark. N. J , BepieTnber 26, 1000.FRKDKRJUK T, JnuNflOS.


OFFICE of the engineer o" the Board of Street and Water Commissioners of the city of

Neftark. . ,Notice—The final psllmaies for the following contracts will l e presented *.n the Itoard of fttreet and K'ater ('ummiseloners nf the city of Newark for «LTetdandf on Thursday. Oolober 4, 1PIM>, vix.: Kur ihe paving of the followingstreets. njiOOME HTftEKT. from Waverly avenue to West Klnhej street;

JAi'KUON HTUEET.from Market street (o Lafayette street and

IiKY RTKI'JKl.from Cenlrel avenue to Huasex avenue. Alao for the construrllori «if the Emmet iireel, Qoblt afreet Mhd Mulberry street sewets and branchea.

All objectluns to the payment of said eall- mates must be fU#'! with me. In wrKlng* on or before 2 1*. M., Tuesday, fViober 2, 1900.

Dated September 2b. IlkXi.ERNKST ADAM.


TH E following ordinance has been passed the l*oard of Street shd Wniwr CommlMloneri

and approved by the Mayor of the city of New­ark. pursuant w chapter 2HP of the lawa of IHl^ and ts herewith puhllshed hy title:

Ati orillnaiicp granting permission to th# Pru­dential Insurance t ’omjiany of America to con# struct and maintain a tunnel underneath the ^iirfacs of

r, H.\LftRT BTRERT,tft Flap nnd jilmr ■Am erlcn' h(j i between Hank street and Academy Street, about tn MAP nnn wng Am erun. »o i noriherty from the northerly line

of Hank street.AiJupied Peplemiier 2<», l&OO.

GEOIUTE M, ItAl.Y.ARD. President cf ih# Board of Street and W a ilf

^'iimnilsBlnners __WILLIAM R. aHEATHBAD,

i'lerk uf (he Board. Ainroveil Seiitember 24. IWkl.


T A X ^ ffO T lC B l.

C)*fli?K ’ '*i<KCiaVi:R Ol:' TAXES. Nft * CJTT HALL,Newark. N. J.. fiept. I. 1906.

This office will Iw own from ^iurdtv, Sep­tember 1. liHNi. until January 24, iWl. for tht reception c( takes for l ^ . . . . . .Partkiibir aurntlon la ca.lled to the following r^qiiiren ents of law: . _

fr nsbl on or before ih# fifteenth day of Bap* lember one fl) per cent, will b« deducted.

If paid on ,-r before the thirtieth da] tonsber. one-half of one per cent.dediH’l Nd

before the thirtieth day of ftfP-'............. -■ ‘ win U

I t N.ald nn nr before the tventltth diy nf On* tnbdT Ihe *xov( amount of lixet.

If (im paid on or herors the twentieth day o f October, s charge of on* rij par oent. wtl] Im

**\f’ nuk I's'd pa OT before thfi'Dlntiecnth day of November, a chfirgo of two l2) per cent, wifi \* H**no( paid on or before the nlncleenth day of Decembrr B charge of three <» per cent, will 7 ' added.

0 d d d


Wood’s College.T H E PA S T M O N T H WAS T H E G R E A T E S T IN M


876 Broad St., Newark.SludeqtB from Pennsylvania, New York, Mnssa-

chusfttt*. Mf tvIgnd, Connecticut, Cuba, and from'thirty citie* -wrtdna In New Jersey, entered the great achopl. The number eiceeda 500 for the fall opening.

Seven New Typewriters were purchased for the school last week.

Individual Instruction. Tuition on monthly plan, Day and Evening Senlons.


error# whlrb may h»va

i )

Am} o;i 111, lUy ot Jimmry, INpl, a (ur- ih,r chorr, ol |w,ot>' <3DI c n i i rcuM of pub'.)- oitiooi on etch amouoL (penoptn r « t ln ln t unpaid December tit. 1900*

If unpaid on (he twantlath day of Jinuary, Iflbl warrants Will be liiued, and in addition to three fS) |t«r rent. liUrwt from January 20, 1901 at tw (lOj per cant. Inaticaa and collactaFg

B ,„„il .V . S A. M.

I OFFICE uf tlW Uoard of Atsepmeni snd Re* vlglon of Taxt", Jooro No. h, v iy Hall, Court

of APPvglBtId compliance mlth an ooi of tht Leglalattira of the Plate, the [biard of Asaesamam and Ro- vlalon of Taxes will sit aa a Court ot Appeala from day to day, rommanoing on tlM Mcond Monday In Beptsrobot 11Mk>. from 9 A. U. to 1 2 M.. to tiear and determine ai.>piitls from aaneesmema and valuations by. peroona who will mnhs It appear by affidavit to (he ntlefac- (ion of (he hoard that (hey were aboertt from Ihe rity during the whola Interval from the third Wednesday In April to tha third Wednoo- day In May. 190(1. ajid ^^ooiract any oltrloil

LOWT, PresidenT.

4>ini fA V h ITTLV9 IM

WALL HANCINCSAm BOW raaUy for tnipm tlon. W * d* rTnnrtWaa u S a * tV74l*Aaor

d b o o r a t i n oBt t h« lo m « t | » , , lb l , p r l « , . ^

C t x A e l e w ( O ' t o p p e r pC3 Sonrh Or»flff« AyaaiiB,


AwarM School BUs Sa> They An Satisfied.


I dtitlnc fr>»m S«pt*mb«f 1. HCXJ; l£Ui«b«lh 8- Weldon, from 1-lvinffHoii 8 if« » t lo

, ^ 'averlr AvfVuo. doting from 8^pt«ml>er V luiO; Marlon WlMItma, from Sevonth Avhiui' to Kightrepth Avenut,dating from ' Kf'itlemher 1. 19uo,^Mtirtba L. Woblh fn^rn 1

' WiiviTly AVfuuu to Klghli*pnth Avvnuf, f »\ tbithig from Af ptrmbaT 17, 1800 . Ifary fl. 1

AlM-nct r. from Bevoj»ib Avrnui* to L iv in g -'___________ I "lull S tr^ i. (iHtItig from Seplrmh^r I, IW),

I H<-li'h**r, kimWrgaririi anaUlwnt,- f i t . r - -| UL u \Vi>h!at«‘ r Ktrr^t lo S**v^nlh Avo'nur.ScTcril of tie toil Dealers who Wcreuiiinru from sipiem iirr i. lvu tu m

.Joii#^, kln«l»Tgarirn anaialnnt. frs>m. South Klgruh S iffei In SfVo-nth Avrtiiu'. dating fioni S« I'ti-mYier 21. iwn.

In Huj Hint ut l.ntad.' >u tlip n-comra<*ntlrttion of th'* CotumU-

ti-j* ,i{| rtrhnnlhouapB It WftS volts! lo pur- t h.Mt' li .Hiortll plot of iHifl III 27 Knt’ tory M r*. 1 ,Li)jiiliilng (hi* Sovvntli Av«*nu^

Thin wua tlonv. iin ll would '■f ‘ ho.ii^r m buy ihf lnn«l ihon to pti*

I' ,1 f( mv It and ih** lo Yionl prop*■n\. wlil'ti w«nild oihorwlw In- iifis-HJtary.

At iht* « b>H!- nf tin* H aii-rn-iiufil ihf’ nt-hool v«mv»U!« vnumPt-iti.r* wtiold li«< pjiM off ai till- ilty hah

' W I dri'Mhiy aflfm oon.

S i w A H K E V E N I N G N E W S , S A T U R D A Y , S E P t E M B E R 2 9 , 1 9 0 0



A ctio n nf thp l lra lin u i tiniuthIt t* hi G iv in g 1 iiMlrnt’ tio lU-ciN \Wiik,%p|irn% nl—'I'Jit* W ilson Hid. WUh'liH 'ga lltc l.imt*fii, in *Mii*|% i‘ t|>-'l (‘ iirli-^ra HiNccd I iiim <1ir Iti-ilrctl l lm. Ha>pori nf t otoM illlrc nii IViK'lii'rs A crrp iP il—Piirt'liaoi** o f Mtdioolk ite nnd <Mlirr WinHcrn l»|i-hJh,^rol.nat X'iglil ('oimlijv^rcil li> iL c *<«-tiuol RaiMrfl.

TliP Itusn! of i'’.iUu'.-iTi< I , ll 11- Ml I iliiyiiiot-titig Ut T hlithi. rit>ihi<l. \si>h<.<i< <1N- viisflliiTi, rlu orllmi nf ili<* Ki' illiifc; ' L<m*inlUPc In ri'fiT*'!!'' (n lii- ' ' mI f->rIht' M'liooln Thli> TiiiMUH ih.h th<- ■ ini- iriu'ld will l>< K\\<i\ '■! t h i r t y nal- »*ra, aa alreaily ii.lil in tin- ,\|-;v\H S- v- cr«l A>f tlfjilvT,* huse inKiilh*'! Iln-iiInienlion of iicifptltm' iha .Miitrait-' at tbv p r lc fi iinmMl in ih»U' I nis. iinh'>nKti they, a* iht-y tii i> rii"i* ' ■ ii

. ll It



«nd gold »t ih f r»tto o f !• lo L affirming ihr Chicago platform o f which altachcd the Indepemlanr^ o f the Supreme Court of thOrVnlled 8iat«a» gpd further daclaretli

"Whernag. Wa nnrcM n'vdly rondanm auch rrvoiuilcmaTy dCK'trlnra. livvulving na »hey do the honor, prnaperliy and wal- fiire of «'ur I'ountry; therefore, t>e u

“ lloaoUed. That wa renew our alleglancj !•' (h<* principle o f the gold atapdard and deH-lare our ateudruat oppoaltlon i ‘» the fr«*r anti coinage o f allver;

■Ui*aoIvt‘«l. That ihi* Iniegrily, honor ttiHl intrlly o f the )ndUUry pIioaiM Iw main- tulmHi and that ihe Supreme Court ahmiUI........... wlih power to Interpret thef'mi*tltiiihm and lawa of the Cnlted State* fri’t* from iiolltli-iil fear or favor,

•■YlPsolveiL Tluil wv bellevt* !n iht In- vinlitbllUy of cotitraytH, Loth puhllc andprhiitf. ttiul thrtl Ahe K^ivernment Hiitl Ui-dlvliUtol omn*nn ehotjld tner! ihelr Juet lb lux jintl MliUgatlimi* In the ijeat TPonfy of tio v orld;

i 1 , th a t I ' K‘-*olvi'i!. Thai. Yu our opinion, the Oe-( bhie<.i* P ru u ra iiim e^ \ H rp orl th a t | llrvou mhI HU-veneoU laiMSi-mhtl 111 tiu iM-rmunent and etftvlpnt in:dhl« tiiAtnM' uf th«- golii jAliiudtird ut value


Bdkves tlut War with Qeraaaj aad France. Owiag lo Denaads.

Is laevitable.


A < laliii Hint lit* Haa ModtHert Hla

T k * R eee ig ta fn e W eplem ber S o ik ller ThftN fn r Coreea|»oii4liiK

Ito n lli Laat Y e a r .Thutifh more money haa been a-olleric«il

for la te i by th« city o f Nvwark ilurtnK lYo* mouth Juat rloalng lhan waa taken In Inev September, the colleotlone have mn iH'er. relatively aa gotul as they wer«‘ lu»t The following laMe Hhuwe the rtiuouut i>f Ihe’ i'lty la* oHlImnu’e, tlie porllon uf Ihv county laxea levUsl up«ni Newark, «nd the Aiinounta lolU-cteJ In liitKt and I8fti.

law -Ta* orduium v.............. .County ............ ...................

r n n e r I HAM Hnn llre ii lu ip rn o b e d .1.1 H oag < linikg lahra In T re v e u tC u rllier t’ lghtiika.

Cash H'.'-i ipip. Srpicmb*r IHW-

T h* ortlui.O!'«' ....................Couiiiy .......................

»2.loO,Ml ll,. ii

«a.lid.Ido 21 . I2.l*.;iti 2ii

. t2,sirr,ii:i

.. l.tiUJ.Ml 02

la hi 0*

the triinH^ciiuti. .n .1 ti i4 Hll of tb« m will ilu ihv eunu- tlnnu

T o kiniMl t,y 1*rliT4.A gtherHl m - i?. .mi.uig .............I

deuIrrH 10 ishuni iiu< ,i unirn't.x i"t iin- Hi'lioul I'uuY hull- t<'• n ua ii JMl. t i by lliH ui’keB iium,->l In Mv> u bi.l-. .il- though fWn tiio) ■•ni.ill ri*rf*l'b r:il lu l-ie*upon Ihettl- Tllr liiiis Wft» iij.Mli Ml .jr-rurdaiK-e with wlmleK.ilM prU'-- rMsTluK before ihe airlke. t Iu’ <b ].i> nf iHc lb>nni o f prdiK'iillon In iiw.irUliik; tin rnturin m hfts plbveij the (J'oUtk in att :nAkw.ird |ui- alliiMi. KIi Iut lbi>\ iniiei r> fusi* tu U4> i| i the «•(J||lrH<’ l}. (It iliP' prly,-< bid. ui- iFiry muol rhtllU Ihelr uhtlgiitlonH at ihe n.-h o f Inslng on llie Juh The l. M* i uH'rii i live 1h thill will'll Uu‘> s+I'Ui IrnlmeU i" cbooae.

A iiiiinber of liH' tb-ah-rp were <pM '*ilum-i thlM morning 1')' a .NliWS reiuiMt-r lo wlim they VU'Pi' gulhg lo ilu al uut u Tho KHlrlle A Wllnon CohI CoinpHoy rt - plied lhai they would furnish iheir prui ur- lion of Ihe aihoul imiuI. iiiiproxltuiil' h I'Kj V011B. ill (he llgures riHmeJ in iln-lr !»ld They helltved, however, (hat they wciiid lobe money on the coivirart.

U lll l i ig lu L iv e I |».A. H- Hohh a Co. answered lhi’>

Were wIllltiK lo hvt up to Ihi-lr bbl. They ihoughi Ihe bi libolB oiiKb’ to tn i.iK«-ii care of fegardiews of personal I'oiiiiUhTH Ilona T'hi* WHirtt uiiswei was kIavh hy st \- eral other i ohI oomiiiJiilea. A l llieofllvi uf the Lehigh X'alley I’ual i ’ominmy It was (•aid IhiK no formal jiiO llli allun of lln* >m tiort of the Hoard 'if EduiHflun inuj ln*eii received, and until him n noUllvallon ar* rived the urtln-rs Mf ihe • Mmjwny wen- un- wllllhg (u make any Kliilt-lnent aa lu Ihe course [hey would pursue.

Thoae wlio gel ilie i‘ohira«'is are" Ceter Tdrich, 8, TriTnmi r & Co., G. A. Schwedes, Ha.slsm & V'ari MMUtpn, E. A. Geoffrey a. Co., Jose[ih 8. Clark, estate ]' Blewltt. John Siolz, n C. 8« hHller. Ti-g'-n A WIehke Co., lliirrlsmt & Harrison Coal Co., Park Avenue Coal t'ompaiiy. Kiilrlle & VVlIsoti Coal Cumpuny, Chrlsllan la*r- niftnn. Charle.H M. Sloan & Co . J. Jucul> 8<hmldl, Erederh k H Price, A. H. Udsa A Co., H. D. \'ollwe1ler, W. W Carpeii- ler, Charles A. Terrill. F. J. Lin-her, J. Van Name A Co.. John Prhl« k A Sun. H C. Bolce Cn., Philip Huffy, Uiirkhurdi Coal and Ice Company. Frank Itlautuss. Sam­uel Beaman, William Spuhler. Lelugh Val lev Coal Company. J- C. Caiinlff and John G. Merkel Co.

The jtrlcps named In all their bids are as follows: Egg. t* W; fiui »ml sti)\e. r. iM, pea, 13.20. o

miwOD'M 111(1 HeJeet*Ml,The acdtin of thv Heaihig r.uTimlitri- h

rejecting the Ldd uf Samuei U'llsun, Ji , was also rflllfleti A report from ilie lum mUtee Slated (hat his Idd was i i je cd d becauBC, In the uplnlon uf a inajurlly ol the members of tlie iMinmliieH, Wdson waa TAOt ft responslhlp bidder. He had ofT« r ed to funiYsb eg|£ foa l fur Jl.iii. Stove and nut for $4.k*» and pea for b».

The Cortimlltee on Tearlipra reported ■ that Mks Emma A. issler had been a

teacher in the Newark schools Tor iweniy yeara, and MI.ib Kunire A. Mc!,eod fur thlrly-flve years; UvhI InUll were Inrapart tated on HPcouni o f permanene physic’ui disability, and »hmild beenme benendurles o f thf leftchers' retlr'<l fviml. Botli these report* were adopted

The Commltlee on Teachers al«o sub- inlited the fullowing report, whlth was adopted:

Hesignsibrns—Eupb#mla L. Fmtrhe. ns kindergarten ftsslsluni, In William 8rreei. dating from Seidember 17. lyilTj, .Mary K Carmnn, ns klndergarien AHHlPunt, In Commen-e Slreet, dmlng frnir. Oi ioh. r 1. l«rt>; Cnllinrhie M. M. Kelly, from T’entral Aveuue. dating from September 1. Htfiih Julia E. RYker. aw kindergarten iiHSlBiiint. In Oliver Slreet, dating from Bept*'mher 1. 1900; Irene A. Merrill, from Seventh ,‘\ve- niie, dftting from September 1, flllaM, Bertholf. as temdier of maiiuft) train­ing, dating from October T. IlKul.

Furloughs-Kaip MucLauchlnn. of W ar­ren Street, from Sepiember 21. 190a, to Feh- ruary 1. Floru I. Glover, of SouthMarket Btreet. for live months, duling from September I, h»nn; Fb'rcnce c . Kelly, o f Eighteenth Avenue, for live months, dating from fleptemlipr 1. \m\ Ellzaheih B. LUlell. of WUiiBtn Sireei. for an Indeii- rilte time, dating from SeptemleT 1. 1900-

Tm naferM Mnde.Tranafera-Ella E. Beers, kindergarten

direotrowa. from O n lra l Avenue to W ill­iam Slreel, dating from September 17, 1900;

(('I'Mtirimd frntn I’ag*' i

time l y ilic i ifMibii'a of (he coal eompA- Id 's III Nx w Y'l.rk Nu jImuI'I (lie revom- m* i diil l"ns iiunIc by meeting will PUl H big Mgiift i.i The<iffer wblcb wdll Fie nludB lo ihr wUlkeis hy till uiieriilurs

■ Sii fill' .l my i'urui>any Is ruricerned. I am pr«(Minii to f"UoW any n-crnriieodn- ib.n liTii'li l<y the '"a l 'a n \ m g I'l.uls.• •■Mir I I l llb-> w 111 di< JuHtli e 10 the indlv iiliial I'peinT'its. If they >bui (. then We iMJLV have ncnieThibg to say inter 0(1

Ml Willi.... . s.iid lo- liiid bven tlgorlngnut It ni-aYf' uf M s owii. snd he tlt^ds (hul If l>uwi]i i Is r*-d.i''»-d m II ii keg. It will mejiii H giilri i-f • M its to till' m iner fore\t I ) of • oal mlneil


Thretkl to IMomi I p n \iMM-Uikt(kn ' tlnik'n lln iiie—The ( 4»ndition

o f I he xrrlL e.11 .\ /,l .KT( »N, Sipi .”.1 All a lle jiipt was

.norle hist night !•< Mnw u |n wHFi dym unite (hr sli.inty ocmijiYe*] t.y \Klllii»m Hhelnula, ft Tfitt-siriker, al Greni Hblge. near here. 'I'he house WHS Imt KllglitlN dam aged and 111. one WHS liurt Th. e ip lo s lv t w as lilaci-d ngulnst a currn r uf Ihe structure 1)11 the outside Hheb'i'la A'llkltllM that strikers ihr«Miieiied t>i blow up his h ouw If he A'nntltYijeri at work The asKhorltSes have no clue to lh«- idi'iilHi uf the m lt -rreaiit.

Ail mines ihal yesterdny andherctikfore In the Lililgh ‘ llll♦y are work­ing as UHlial to-«l:i>

H ep orl o f H eatltnl loik.A rei>orter fitr the .\s*,i>i*lHted i'ress rc-

elved Information P'-diAy that a luimber .f the foreigners on strike ar»* A-ootplftin*

log that Ihcy ate lesumlog dealltule, and ihtii If the Birtke is not sooti ended ur they do noi get help uf some kind, (hey will he forcetl (o gu biick to work. None nf the KngliBh-upeiikliig mine workera on ijtrlke have* yet puYdliU made any cimi-

Pr.HlOfni MllrliHll P ati-m l.m wan '-ttii- ,.(1 hi the hIIpk''' d.-eituiilon and asked If any e'lnililatlits Innl ri-anhed htni. He said It WHS the Itrst he had heard of II He preferred tioL tu SHJ anything when asked whether r.-llef nteaHtirea ha.l I-I.l agreed iipaa tn help tide .iver tile mine workers diirliiK the stniK^le.

AlthaiiKh I'reeideilt MItrhell l» irmetlve. hie lleliteiiHiils lire hiislUnK a» mneh oe (.\4-r liol<lliig meetings all <tver tii‘* coal ,, al.’ili and urBliiR Ihe airlk. ra te stand firm.

. on d t is u f SliBUluklii.BIIAMOKI.N, I'u . Hept. 21*-T h e I'per-

al,,re III Ihls eh'lliity were pp.iieed this iminilnii lieeanse 11 lars-r nf men than ns.iiil reporied fur w .rk at Mldvalley .■ulllery. la.rlll "I Mt, rarinel. Slnre the sirlke WHS lilHtltilte.l U'e <a.lllerv has heen np, rated wilt, more ar less sareess OwltiKlu several roaBemeellnks ul fled Tavefa, m-ar the mine, diirlnk the past week, enaiisll enlhusliism was created tn eanse ahmii ninety per cent, of the men tn cease

Strike leaders lira not dlsconriiKed over Ihe Increuae nf miners at work to-duy. Ihe former clatinliiK that those who went un- derKrnnml did so for Ihe pnrpnse of r ean- In* up and to remove nr hiiry ihetr loola ihls rvenlnK tmtH Ute strike IsJtver.

Flftv-nne ears of coal were shlitpial from the North Franklin cim erv. near Trever- Inn, thlH mornink, ns a reaiilt of >eater- dav's work, the greatest In the hl»ldry n t'th e ™mery. Ninety per rent, o f the men went lo work this morning. Every- thing Is quiet heff

W ill P rr* ch *be fltr lb e ,

®’ jF R S F v '"r iT v " B ^ p r a - R e v . WlUlamHedheBer o t L afayiile Methodist th is -

siHii [’hlirch Pacltlc avenue, will deliver a yerm^m on the e'lal strike at hls ohurrh ?n m ^ri.w night. Mr. Hedheffer has lived nmong ihc miners miliar with thpir lift ami (HBpoHidon

FOUR (XJINTERFEITERS CAlfiHT.i e r v i r * B orew o Hutki I>«w n a

G ang *n Prnik>j Iv a n ia -S n u p l-OVB Coin** H eiied,

^CASMINGTON. 84 (11, 29.—The Secret Service Bureau of the TrenBiiry Depart

S lIA N iill AI. S'-i'l. 24 - APcoi Jlng (0 pci*VH(|* .alM- i). n-nUviMl Ill-re from Nankin, the Bouihti'i vb-'t«'>» r*i»«'<( Great UrU- aiii ami G loiany to ilpi-htrc war on China, ax lh«U4. Is L.u llki-lihoMil of Chitm lur- reri(|LTltfj( Ilu- .nithui* " f Ihe aiill-forelgn liprhlrii; fill i-.oilHliiiir-iii.

Shuubl X I :i .iji .iituth tn* muil'’ . the Yubg-tsii iii.fii\H iipo>l mi»k4 a ^hoW HgiilJi*( Ho- ' iHO-’ i'v’-w ftiHinl''!'. tiioughwell awjin- ii.,i Hu- i'liiiiitlon In hoiheleCJ* anil thAMinb iioi iy aiKtIllcp lifeuniiei^'^^oi U\

M eaow lillr t.ijtiNftiiU prti\iBioiiB are be­ing eenl to 1 ,il \ uiui-lii, i-apMtil of Ihtf proVllH'’e of Sh.iii -i The phirAltbui uf iJte viceroys Ih gr.i\t

t lu lm luNii l» InipeMCtied.Jl ia h'uiiiMi iToio i\-lbible Ctiinvae

Hour4jvB ibui III' ftii-iully ciouiheni vlve- roy», Liu Kon Vl, i hang Cbl Tung and Yuan Bhlkai u,,w. «mjH-ai-Io-.l i ’rlnc*' Tuub' Gtsi' KuHiig VI aii'l Gt-iierui Tung Fuh 8 ijIik 111 u ini iiinrl.ll lo ihe tJiroitP G4 in-ia. T uiik I'uli Hlatig la aliU In ('umiT.aml "l *1.- mip»r!al tJi'upw.

RAHIB, Bnpt illfiiatch r4'CPlv4-dhere from Tiik'i ■.i\'4 a l-’ rrin Fi huiUilloii frnm lVkhiji< h ts- n ••uph-tl Lou-kou-ChUo and Cluiri-!»io-T!' I tiujf iibtaltilng co«l Hiore**

tte n i»H io > HlleiiMMl < bnuife.LUNTmiN. S |i' - Vi>p.iii iiiljt Gcr-

majiy n relrt.ii ri.<m .oi lllll Tlal l<■ p<r«itlOTi n.tH YhmUI .................. . t ii(iipllsh4-il. ThePtirla p..rr*-'i"-r. [. rii ..f Tlit .MutiiSugHuye; I

"An ftKr4“4 III’ I t "u i !y<' ('hlOA..'it' j)ro- IgniiTimA' bax, h, ,.|j jrriu u :''! Ia-lwp4»ii Frub‘ 4‘, (Jh-nn.iTij i>in| Hushih H W'lll JawHUhmlKntl t.« ................ pnvsHiH W llhlo ttfew days. Tlo- iniit-ii r»-. uinm* ncMd will bK mlUIer i Ithu ib nn .u: . i‘rtginiii pro-ptJBul, and ll IH "M ” « t - 'i ih il lib llo! pow­ers will iicA-i'pi Cu' [T'ltfriitnm* ’

Th»* TlenlsYn i'irn-N'iHJiiUnil Of the Blundurd Bays.

"1 lenrii ihai U Muiik rlmiiK hua d<'* dared that V b • •.X Al*‘xi4‘ff has gone to f o r i A rih ji i" ii\"bl inp»*iliiK Count von Wrtld''i ■ , vih*i wiih lo hold a conferenA’p with Film ,iinl with \Tce*Ad- ralral A^'ymoiir iiml Sii .tlfreil ijiitidee."

lloxerH e x p e lle d .Tilft foUowliiK illHpiii' b. (lilted 8epteml>er

27, has been rccflN'''! U 'Di Shimshiil;"It Is rA'p'ir1«*4l ill.IT 4ii ohTi4l Mi l-K u n g

Yl i? i hart e*iiHlPil tli' frotn Siiafi-Tung and Is now’ foU' Wlog (hrin Iniu (he province o f Chl-l,i

''Sotiie eKi'ltetneiit hn* benn i-niisnd hy n rumor that Chlncrtc sii iito'rs. f1\[iig (he Hrllisli tiag. ar»* i-onv.Nlrig niimlUonH o f war from the ShangYiul .irsciiHl norlh- ward.

■'ll Is reporied tiiai H'lx' tii hii.s offered to aflvam-e mnney lo ''liliiii to repay ihe British loan "

Sir Michiirl Hlrks-Rviii h i ■harKidlnr of the Kich«'(|Ucr. spoaktiiK »'Vt-nlng at Hrlrttol, paid Ihe (’ountry hii l 'lUlte enough on hand ni prep»-ni. an<l Mint to aiu-mpt to erttftblish HH English lolmlnlPtniikm In any pftrt of China would lit* an act of madness

1.1 IlmiH C lin llg 's < h lr f O rairr.TlFNTSllN. S',It 2S. via I'akii. itvpi. J(S,

via Shanghai. Srtd JSS.-l.l Hung t hang tokl tt..|ieral I’haffi’ c lu-diit tlial hls •■hlcf drslre was rircct a c s m iHou nf li.islll' HlsH, imd ll*' promised ihal Ihr chlin-sa wiaild not again taka the liittlutltr in lighting. He esprrssrd'coullilein’r In th.' fairness nf the rnitvd States, and said he hoped the Am. rlcan (invernment would art as a mcdlaliir, using Us Inlluettf tn hasten the asBimihllng nf Ihe prniier Iwidy . 1 1 settle the whiilii fiuestlon. He la hi (.(iii.siant calile cimimuntcatlnn with U'u Ting Fang, Ihe Chinese Minister In \\'ash- Inglim, and ll Is midi'miiod that he has rec.lved assurances that a inajorlly of (he powers will recognise hls crF'deiillals At the Bllggestlilll nf Heiieral i llaffee, he is hastening hl.s preparailosis lo leave for l*M*king.

A lirttish ravnlrv recnnitnlssance forty miles lo the .snilliiweat of Tlelltslii occu­pied several lowna without npiaislHon. The region Is reported peaeeahle.

A messenger who arrive*! to-dov brings news .if a massaere o f thirteen l^wedlah missionaries In the northern part of the province of Phan-St. ________

111 (liYx (■•uintry."TIu m*-4 ti'ig then ptivTMVf'ijeil to tiic pIpp-

lY.iii " f .'ffkers. and Mr Carllftlc * ’*** ilu 'fcii pn'Hldi’ Ul. W illYam A Ducr tPR’ ®*- iirii .Aii.l i-harU-H H . RhcrrlU BPcrctury. TIutc w;ui H |4>iyw llrtt o f vk'’rt-]>rP*YdpntB, Uh biiUiig Ihui4«‘ who hud rtlgeicd (hP pgU r..r ihA- ui»*. tY!ip (i4-mrHl Jiunci* >"*■“ num :tiid i ' II Bhcrrlll were ^Vc(A*d dPl^* gHi4h 1 . 1 rt-prcrtcnt Hi*- club nt a meeting rjilY* d b\ ilu‘ Miif*lti4»»4!4, Mpii’b Bmiiid MonPy Aniitit I iiiiu,. ;iful Ilu- mpptlng \ol**d lo pftri(< tiM^A’' In rttn rtUcYi noiind m oney CBin- piiiKii lu.'dtirM Uf) rtho'dd I'c nppruv<*i1 by tilt' . ‘ lH '«ix and K iorullv** CoTlHiliB*'*-


Visit of Several Members of Boart of M arks aod Others to the


C'4i»h 1( 8' [U. mbtT ..The uiii'»'ini Imlmlril In (he «YlV «md

pounly Eirdtii.Anct'B ihtrt year in itlnv per co*nl. gri au r (bun U whh hint y«-ur and al lh« cloM- 'if yKaii-rihiN’M tui!»ln«'ivs rtome- thlrtf liltA' wn« tuW *d b» bring (Ytliyeur’rt r«'> iird up lo law! uIIovmIiik fur the pprciudiii;'' uf iucrcnx* Thl>* inviriilng iYy» coUrcIlon* #mnimtcd b* aboul $2«i.*9iu. wo Ihp rpp4-lptrt for ihP month ffll iv«rly t ‘d.- (Kki IypIcvn whfti wftrt cx|i44tHtl un the' IahbYb uf lUHt JvttT'rt COllPCtloHB

-WWW---- —gMHs, S \I.OHlC

I^namrsl Kwrny al H pp H4»mi* li» lu »d Axriiut* I **xi4-i-4ln J .

Mri4 rtsAluniH I leltnlluK ''. Go- sslduv* uf Ftilltiv 1|i-lmlltAK4'r. who w.ix w»-ll hriuwvt In ihlH Pity Yt#‘ furp hid d'-aili iwrnlv yt*in?i iigit. ••xptrAvl 4‘ iirly y«-«lvrdftV nmnilng at ht‘r lii'iiir, 3H .Milford avftYar Mth. Jli-lm- llngt r « 1 .-V born eighO’ -oru .igo mul VkhpO a PhUd A»f »*lgYd .V‘- kri wuB YiiMiiKltl tu (hlB ciniint' ’l’ *u vtint lalM ll'r j.iin'Mlfc came tu ililn « lly, iiiul xlm-4- tlmo Mr»i H4-lmUTiK'i Ini’* be-o-n a rf‘ni-l.'iii uf N cw jrk ■ biM m i luJr-vU t* In 1 ,

Tb. runiTHl i44'rvlcfrt Viill * '• , .mtbn it-l MiiIhLh .1 riHrrj4A4Ui (It 2 o'i lu* k Iri'Mi tluifPHltb .......... iu*r Biin-lii-lavs. Hi urs aUht.3.V Miiriu-d rtvrimi*. by Hc\ Hti«t av hisi-r* Ink i.-ixPiT nf the V ra\ Ocrni jU (.ulhcruil rliuT. h o f whb’h Mrrt n.-iii\htn. t vnam aia tyf thi- uIdcHl mcmb^'rrt.


\aiiioi| 4 iM im Ing 1<* He Llrk!hlu1r«bO*« HansliMP'h'^ l*rt»m lse»

Ui H rlrn ltt fro m niniAr-olerly Aftm,

Mny WiYOiU, i r. m» Hin* rtvllrt lnuK»*lf, .\Liry A Mulc.iYu-.v. claim ing (u be a iliHighlA'f uf thr- lun- Dr. Dciils H M nl- A'ah4-y. ttU!* urrcMivil bj Ik -lr.tiH ,' I'tir- CPU (hl^ morning- rihv wtift’ chnrgHd wiih4iit»‘inpti'Al aM'ui bmo* arthMull, hi ilml wk*' pulnicd I* r#*volVM‘r u( frank K liram n.M ihrcalM-ned lu Kill him. TYic albgv,l truublt- 4iro-*P uver her i»itcnit*t H' f' t'fc liiTrtt-Yf ll.tu Cu M UM' V.luTi- tin- •I’ Ud l j 4ly uf Dr. Mulcnhey was. dn Iut pruinlBf tu r4‘frAiin fruni furtlh'r dlrtovilnrly ucU lht‘ prlunu I w« h I'ntolctl fur tin gram l Jiut>.

I'rletl (M» iip l D* Htuivr.Tto? iroublirt lM‘ iVN4cn M.iigiU’ d .... ...

ami May WoodB, her Mliiugltivr. and in. Mutpuhey ikasp u fim bts-ii u riu nh -u i*u B»pl«nvber 12, uflvr lin- dt-aili ui ihv >\' M- known phyKlclan. Mlxrt \Nuutl>, str Mi-*?* Mulvsktipy. Hb-4 to galJi iiMi'uin-f lu i Iy- iMMft Hiitn- youi.H u «u vti*r»' wlih lur. {im! Rpum. w in h ailui-h»-d lu iJn- Hag g4-rty dclAA'd'e Aig' iiO . Ilk ( ibc party uii lhi» pluaza uf thP lii'Urti- jmring an iillvr- oftilun lU'um 4-b4lniH liu- yuiing wuinHu Alr*H li n-VAdver Altai (lirriMN-ud (u kill liliu itnb'rtrt »liC W'urt adtulHcd tv tin' tiuiiH*-. Ilu*ir WUH a Allrtlurliaiicc ai mliiMiv- aiul (lun Mlrtrt \Vu4hIh b 'fl Itiiiin itwnrv uui a wai rgnt for Iht arre*4(, iuit H'-h-i ltsp i'urcdl cttUld n-n li*4'tli‘ Juf 8hi- 4nniu to ilu- Firx( riccin u i 1’A»lb BliUluti thf-« murn li.g fthd waa form all) phu cil und»’ r ar- ( cbL

U rentetl 1ii I(p p |»Mian Wi'Akia wft?4 dr«’H»*4*»l in il4*» p ni«mri'

lug whPii arrutgiifd la-fiiic J'ldg


OBI !l:K'uV*?*!?fF.FRM_0F WifeV4:-'AnBMARKKT ......Siew.rk, N. J., kept. aT IWW.

Km I 'i) 1'r»tsi»ll' l '« 1 i»r {(» ]* i« Jr 2'‘.s rrfl':m‘ f£ 3

I at mlien, sh e g a . . ' her ag*' a» 1 w . nl ' 1 I n f m l»J An veara and gtild she llve.l at V ''ishing iieuef»^ mil avenue Tile Judge liul "M a j !\ ouds, „ „ n „ j.iim .lie J.,uniat u« the Sen

well II. ■M ars A M , l i e , l l , „ „ I I h e ,- ' - '” ' : ; ' fthi-i: ri .u] .ind lb

jAi.,..... I ';s| ,,i h l-t III.* NKWrtNKM 1 ’' ICN L H .A M t. Sepl ’, '9 -C i t y E n -

gliu* I >A),, iH'id and np-mbetu of th» lluiiiJ "I Wurkii arc Tuakltig ai tuur o f Ih** p. giiaiiii.A k wtilR-rivhPd. which l(* c * 'p.'i ifil tii ciiiMbiiu- ihruiigit to-duy and lu- niurruw Tlie <itdi-<-1 of iIia* vJ»H l» tO ace \ihiit • 'll 1" tintu' Ut onvi' f(Yr the liti- j.ruNcni' ut of !h r O ak Itblgu I'cecrvolr. atiij........... ... .lAA-r ihr tiruperty uwn^d by llvt-Kii*si .Iw4 w, (■ Wbinr I'A.ntiiftny Hiid to n« - li'ui Ih. luMiiY' hind (Hhi ihp city laitj l l 1 1 1 \«•

(if IIVM* A''mmliiMlunprii had « *■ in ittii lu wiku ili«ir wiwB wlili them. bu( ihs \s''.(lhw'r had Ilu* cffRx’ l <►! dnslroyliig Cic • iitbii>l'4eMi uf til'- ladluB. and (hay did ti' t gu TIiupim In ihc piirt} were Fre*- idi 1,1 liin.ird anti CitmmlHrtloiiiera B au- m.iiui itid (jHriirtun, uf (he Board of\S41tkx Kriglru'iT SherrerAl, Giiy*Altor* iiey Mtrl'i'rt Bugge. who Ih eounael for ihr Ix-aril 111 ihi' 4-xaniilnaU(An o f llUea to ptu|" ri> In Ih** walMrrtlKHj. and thf**'iVi W sp.iprT n porii 1’ !

Tlu- i'-Aiiy k 'li the train Ht CharlotU*- biAfg .iiul from ihurc droViM lo the M n'it:'lii Inlbk4-. wlYer4* Ihey were re- 4‘evlV4<i hj Siiprrliiii-ndo-iii of W ater CIiHrl-x H liriKgrt. and Outeiicpper BelATft M c ln i " ‘*Yi Tin- w ater wan found to be In a h1ifM\ HallHfHPtorv coiulltlon. The pom - mlHrtluniTH 1ri»Ape4-icrl a new wouclen iceguard ulili'b whj* pill In thff‘4' wcekn ago by fh‘- Ktirtt Jcrsi'v Water Cumpony.

Jn^t l - fu f f Iht' puny Ir'fi ihp lntakp> Kngitu-r Slit-rrMnl irlrd ih*- key to Ihe padiut k nf Hu- gnti'houHf. The key whh handc.l "ver t" him by Engineer IterHchel. o f Ilk- lairtt Jprfi4‘ v Cnmpany, and he aftt- UflPAl Iiimrt4*ir ihiil It rYlted (hi* lock.

T hf M.trupin IntakP Ip nnw rti.-ntilrfg from 21 tn 2 4 . gtillndn o f water 1 0Nnwark tbill>‘. and nit i>gclh*‘f Yh ijup]»lylng5,11 giilluiiH. tiic T4*malnAbT going toJt'rrtA'V i'H\, Muniv’liilr, linyuJim' and ulher phivps Hcr4> Ihv ( ommlHHbmerK con- rirmt‘4| iln Ir lU-vlsiun as lo iht- land to be lykrn ^

lu <ird'-r 1 0 ]'rnt(‘<-T ih f Intake tht*y will Mike a wi'b- trll> of UmihI. nlotiK liif fuiiree

I nf till ■■4liAmnu( k Uh*r, b4’ twe«'n ihe ,*Jut!‘|ik haiin'i liiiih'uud otni ibw llAmbnrK lurii|ilk> mid t-xlendinji iihmH the inlukfl 1 . 1 the city's Imd aH i ■liarlulH'vIhe. Tlipy will iilK" (tikK enuYiich land on iht* ennl»'Tit ppi*' t>r Ili(* iitnv[ilki- t<» Kfl control of ilie Klopf, which ilHPrendH (nward (he IrtlnkP nnd prcvcnl Yiulldlng on W The pYots d |„nd cuntfllnlriK the boudep of Pnperin- 14'tidptn RrigKfl arid Kcctier MrlnniPh will filHo Ii4' iuk< n.

ll wiiH filHO pmc|lrnl1y (ItH ided to IhKc «4triT' of land PXYetiditi'g for Aibiiui l.&tm f4‘*'( \>eJow the dfirti'to ii point where the niei* rn ure rthuated I'm Irnvlng the Intake ih nnrly prT’vpeeded t" Btowtj'h Inn, In Ihlrt village which iB m lio their headmiarters, and had luncheon. ‘ >hK Ridge reiMervuIr will lie vlHlted (hirt nfiernnoTi.

LAMHU n M o u tr la lr H4'Hiden( tCx-

plreri R w riy T h U ................. ....burn- Lamb, h prYumnetd . v»ifM tii t-ir

m il Lullib-r 4lb*rl nt h ls ttutii.- h : N.irih I'ulhTMMi iivfuue. Muiitcliiir, .11 V n 1 I-h Ktliu* nu-rtiltig fjiuin ai 4-oinpUr.iM..i. - f din-,-KH.x H'- luid Jteen 111 fn*’ a ' " mw iiitn-

Ml l.iimb WiiH (Ifiy-un - .-M ami Its n widow. IWaa (JiiuKb" i h ..mla t-ici

SrhaatlwiM Huae l>4>iiil..“(.■iiiixhuii il4»pu4. [h lriy-B cven \ .n tx niij

411 134 Jelllff aVervYiP. died (hh« m 'H i ' ik nf M.m*nmplkm. lie wan born In \nHiiiiiniid b.uJ Ylvrd lu IhiB M’ lly ab...... iifi'nntriirn Mr Murtrt whim em|uoy4*d iix .a ii.ak-............. . the Ih-tinfylvwnlft RuilT*eul Nrm’;h 4'leven ytMire Hgn he IohI hte b-L at ili4’ Avon avpnii4' rfOn-»Yng. H*- llmd 111 h.-iiUh jMlnce H e whh h m em h-r nf itf- Miihml Beju-TYt AM Oclfttloil of Cic ' ■•MirakidiTuud of New Jerftey. A wl.Jnu ....liir*'*- « hlblreti HSJrvIve him The hUM-iiil K4TVY. ert will lie held « l 8 t . F efer ’ K «■liur. h. w lnrc ft reiiub'tli mwiMH wlU be ulT*-TTd fur llj,' ri-purte nf hlB h4M|1. T h e InternieM will be hi Ilu- C em etery of the H oly H4'inil< Yir-

MrB. Stirali I .ilte ll I W d »Mrji Biiriih L ltle ll. Heveiity yeftr»nM . uf

117 l’*1m Htruel. died yesterday .....................Biu' VA'HVA Emrii In 8lx-m l!e Rum wYiU b ii*niiw hiKiwn as F ranklin I'ark Mrg 1.nil'll

sliilr Til*' * ll.ltg cilirt i siiliiltii *1 ilial Jani.'s Niig.-iit, wli'i ilic inlinlnlsiriii'ir Ilf III" nlu b1cI.<ii " ..stall li-al liu u rs lc l lliat .\lls» Wn.iils lu- |.aRil.''il fvr rtn- gviin.l Jury Tills was mils Ul hi. ii.ini'. hi'Wi'vi-r. on miuliUon iHnt .'h'' ,tiii,.cl HWnv (rum llm house .liulg'' l.iini- lirrl Sialfil Ilial this .on.lllluu Iniisi hr cn iiill.'.l with. i.ili.TwIsi' the cliarg.. a srrhiiis I'nr. Ill-'iil 'i wmilil hi' nr. ssi.ll If Miss In.,.mil'll h. rs.ahllsh lirr chilm iis a iliiilgtiU-1 uf Ihi- laic I ir Mul- .■nlirv she ninsl ilu so llirmigti ii laK )cr and mil hv im-uhs .T ,llsi.r,lrrl> l■.lmhll I Thi' .iiiiiig a .*1 1)11(1 huwr.l her thanks lu,li.. ..... . anil i.rumlsc.! what was rr- |iniiri.,1. slltail.'llhg o 'll ' Unit III cssc It slmuhl Is- n r icssan fur In-r In go lu lit*' n.iiisc In Hank Bir.i'l where tlic |,| llvej (.1 eslahllsli iinv clalin lu li.-r i.slnlc. she mlglil K" I" c.iiiiiBiiv wllli h.T athir- ri.’V .linlgr l.liinhelt s.lhl Ihrre eiilihl hr !I*| I.hjrcllnii to this, and Ihc Sionig Wimiiin lef! liie 4’4>tiririiuni-

Miirgar.'l Wiiiiils. m f Muv WnoAs. was formerly Imosekei'liir for Hr .Mill- rahev, whh h noslilon she lieM f..r many v 'ars The ilm ior illml on H.'iiii'iuhrt 11. Ira.-liig, It ts Siilil. a valualile esdilr, alul II llhriiry valu**il at ulunit Hft.fluO.


• , n i ....................... — -rtnVr rHJiTl ('h* gfuundrt o| i'*‘(Ttre iwricd of A lie ir*r. Irfginnm*!.f iX'iuber. pH"', ttill (w re.-fUevI bv Ibr \ ^.MirkHt* ■('i* mllle* cf ibe Mh>mi hU'I a "mm< n t (Uiicll uf lb*' .-nv f f N r«yk. it Ih* h«l>t in Ilu- ufiKe of J*H'd IJi>n(Ti' Mxikei. .41 Tlmi*dBy. li-*. f i i . u.lHT U«Hi. The ''..huiikk*- «d l b'

u> ic.-i-ivr biiL fT'-ni y ‘■Tl'K M’ •'•'■J ., i :.K-k 111 .be rtfiern-' ft /f.ikiAl dbVs iVyl.vrtTJlilvi. uA- -nT.J I'l'imptL -l 4" icUhIa *l.r-i-iL iM'bini.Hl imir. 1 le- f .r.ui.i Ml mi 4'iber (due i>r i'Yi»r«i / ' T ‘ ' f ' ' ' , f l jti„ aiHUC n-oik niitv li.- exsAiiilne.l AUiil .jlUBMiea .'( I'u* fal-1 -rtUe nt Ih*' Pulibc JilBrkeiB I iwuhK- I.. Vrt.-li uMi'i rverv er 'l’" ’"*! l*e m-e-'ni-luue.l U U (i‘ urwea. in .urelie.

))•„! xIimH .it lb*F llio*- Jf i " Vkilfts*m-H It .pin jr nf 111 tb'ir IhM (iliiuuiit -f "Hull fir-l> »n.1 Idlid ihem- M.|\rM (lutl If lb.- l-.n1r«Cl 1.4. UAAHl.le.1 to (h*viiii uih ii pa beiiic *u .iwtuJf*! be* unic h*T ..,r P..r, n--. t. : ilu (AUti'tul»Mi,| rtutk. and llm K H'e (•erMTh 5a oOiR'I Irftixts III I-I'-. nu- *m »J v " l l " ' T ’ bi-j l't»yIs, III,- P.sP.1 Tbe B'i-I OmfW'U L-'AtMl "flU s ii) .1 Nev. vrk .uiv ihnkp">7 111*

I . Wlll.ll hr .1 l"rr ''■ '- 'V ''™ "emi u ) te u)..'ti ........... m slitiii .'f ,1 Ue ) -Jinrsi f.SII ll si «hl. il llie 'Uhl Tlir Mill er am! t anil'" n ‘ I ‘ II- ell) ..t Sewalk na.).ls,.i.hll«r<l . „ .1., I 'le .ii .'i I lls 'll. Ill sT, im sticS eon-

Ms,. .1. .................. . rilr I .,|ieil.UW).»a|l alsoIS.el). S, Slirel, .1 l-llshl.. , .lll|sTil' .(llfy S U ■........... I , . I' e hi.’ - It Ihi-a' ih; I. . V'l in. Ill,r* 'lOll "I ■ l> «e ll e'h,Hi|.' 4iiu I'fi '.latik* f-irma'. ■ ■ - ■wliH'li ' iin be b4Ai! fipi'In *iDf pir t'lFtk -f iti" I'.-eifr Miirket Ttie wuill lll.lli Msikrls i'..UIimiir.| afM ,.,r hu.| I’ .'hmJ >n ii'ur.'ll 'it UU iJiy "tiv>«„rh I— MS Mr ll.rui'elvs. .he H»hl m s.‘..... ,r |vpA.« I Mit> *»r uil piHtpianl* J*i* •al'-ue„.,,k Ml Skitivr siMN tl.sre, I- iFcirin mP ihcy m,'V o^ru l.,-x1 f '4 the hpereits .t the uBid flu*M„kiT ,iTY(| (viiJim-Ji XitAMin II of Iht OPV ot^llVni'C il'')' .'t this IMihlf Mniki-fa iNMiwnu'- Irr "f Ihe MiAAs'l UU.l A.kMAAlH' " ' yiUtuil Ol ih#.......... SVII.USM I, aw s.s.

VVcTk »if. ' 'vltusi wM-U kel

BE.O’K «»K KKW JKHHl-:V-OAlce uf L'.Ail^iol* k( ul iJia I iFMAkul » V l.k MMatflehinn. i(AtilCini*er Id, |kUU l*.irauMYt m an « .i e f the UiielaTur*. *;n-

1 ifhillvi' ('» piSblh; iiTimtM, »(a U i.k f" aniruvatl jAlfl* U .

Tw TecetAevI by Wmp- I'junml *<t ih* i**nBi* fti'd Aam'inblv for tha

MiriMinK vTur, im.l all anrb odU-ihl rnibrlB kftd luil-hi' .|iN'ijiiiriii» wh4l*fi’* t kimi. livvbidmgn*! .nnenl v "" 'b 'g ‘;f tb" LajiUUini^•• • -hi* H"«rJ h« rea’drul i<» bit nnnlM

Tiy manii*i *nJ lurm h* qmy

M> mnal b« I tb*

hy Ihr rrliiibilk puL ll ipuinlily - ..... " iau .1.or'YCAekl l-> aaV'l h«ir*rtj. In Bi-COI •idftti * wlth»l»ev« n, gi(l.!ina i»"U"'l bv '('♦by, , . t*.»m*(5l•ll■L.(.|Mll■ m.lurh»i,i i r«i»(*pala for Pqbno j'rlJiibik " nuiNT h*- aubmitled lu ihe i-nmiiiret- ........... .. iCHnek ti'-en (VrofYer 1*.1*1 II.-I Inter rlinn, 12IIKUI WM. 8 - fixN rocK ,1‘umntmtIaT.

Ml. YU- p wllj b* n-.eUeil h) 'be t'-m*luMlr* ..11 Ih.H'l.. iAiid AMe»*'a'eh'' ' ' " ‘t Eb4nrl

, . f - t ^ . l i . i l . l e i x . . f l - ^ a s ' l I ' . n i n l i f . ' F b i l l b l l n g ft.................... KiiMui.4'ilv avenue, • ■Iim-*n. ••V" .....I ... at... ...iiiiiiill r># I'll

LACK OF WORK CRITICISED.Firvriilli W «r«1 BeiiioM'Piilft T h i«K

< ?*hoiili14(til4 UK.

AI It ini-i-Ung uf ih’ - Hi Vi-ntii Unrd I ii-iiini rjillc I'liJti. h"M IjimI mIkIyi. Y( waah i|fi‘M*-d tu rnlMP a Imim<T In frAinl uf ihe

fu " riirriV-nw-*yAMirs had heen ft reabi-nt I fit Wiirrcii nml Hunimii4if ililrt city Her hurtlmnd. NftthHrtlel L'l Lp-,,.rM i,n ThumduA nlklH " f rte*( week‘t 7 i \ , ; i i " i r ; r o ; i ' ‘ V n T r 7 r s r :^ " r r c k r | Th..r,. ........... ....... n .ie i-m uf ,h,. r..,-c,uw.irk arul wk(a » prominent memher of ib<- , .u-nutia nf CAiiniiy cunmllti-cmi-n In liquan

I't Methodlat Church. Him ,,v,-r inatterA* (but Ain- i'MJU Altai gnue.

.......... . ',11 KIImbI.4'Uv avenue, •■Iim-*"i|i. Iir i.ri-aainA-l Uj tli't . wiumU^e

M M.l .) Ill I..hit 1. SI a !■ M . "I hir '

huS'l slirri Newsik. J.. sllJ al, nv vfh r

"'I'iisiis rtu'il S|.ee)neS.iiHiS 111.') ('s H Sf .I**

“ '"."• ..( 'u n :.! i l i - k tiT irr 'V “ - Y.'jJs'r.ui.iiiiii ..1 hill n "i - ' s. I .'(h|.aiiv rs. 1 (iria^sl. r , Is . . m 111 I■■IS...| .III Ihr I.ulsr!' wllli ili» nnhn- A>r I' l- I 'd-b'l klV'l 'b* work ft* l»tu|ft'#'"a

"'rh r I'l.iiiii'lltri. trseris Ihr right to rrjrrl ang „:| l.iilB, ni'im i.KTItfcK,

4 •)i4ilnm»iY

BTACK UK NIr'V JJ-.l(StYf“ 0(h’ * AAf Cijinpirol- Irl wf lb* ItTMMurj.

'irrnloi*. Hfi'ternber lU, IW*- 1'iirauBHt 1 • an wf R'» l."■l«U(u»■•. *V.

I ,,iVd. Ml a. i r. r lb" publlrutlmi '!' yiieae.l Juue 19. IM».\ nrm fAreivhii 1'V Ibe <'HM|<iriib#r t«> i.rlitl the Aft''*

*t 111- •c.piun lit lUJl. In M‘c*rJinc* I nlili »|>e- lfY. *.n»na |«mad b> lb-

|■T..| -aula. imli.rxfi1 ■■rr-pva:i1a for l*rtnuug1 .1, , . , ■ nni.l ll* ..ll...llllfd to -t !'

i w , ' " ' WVV

^OTI4 left.


S i . . s s - 1 " '" >'111'* " u " i " 1 " ™ 'T a*».At .larina frnm ScntpmlicrTarrt'al nf a ganli oI ct !nI,afagottc Btroct, ilatlng from Septcmlirr 1 19MI' Allirrllim f). 'Tlllnr.!. from AWng- lon Avenue to South Eighth fllrenl. dating from September I. 19»J Biiaan A. Kachllne. from the poeltlon o f aaelatBin to that of first asslatant, in Thirteenlh Avenue, dating from September 1, msi; Orre I,. Burton, kindergarten dtrertress, from Mbiimouth Street to Fentral Avenue, dating from Beptemher II, IflfW; Carrie M. Brown, from Ceniral Avenue to Ix)ck Street, dating from flepteniber I, llWl: EUaabeth T. Tetfer. from Lock Slreet to Alijngtogi Avenue, dating from September 1, 1940: Bmraa C. Chrietle. from L a fa jeu e Street to Miller Street, tlatliir-from Sei)- tember I, IBOO; Julia A., from tha position of assletnnt lo that o f Hrst usalaf- ant. In Miller Street, dating front Septem­ber 1. 1900; Julia A. Harlow, from Huaaeg Avenue In Roaevtlle Avenue, dating from Srptember IT. 1900, Mkme Ellla, from South Eighth Street to South Tetith Street,

who have been giving ilu' authorlllea con- Blderahle trouble In OearHeld County,Pfl ,

Four men were arrested-Jam ea amiVerd Wilson. James " Inkoop and C. W. Bigler. Moulds and puriiphernalla used In the manufacture of silver dollars were eapiured. Some spiirluus coin wan also found-

H nm hrrt'n A s s n .s l 'i i " " * " llrn m n tU edBiaalnl tllsliatrh t(i tlif ■‘'FVV9 „ i „ ) , , „

IKIBOKF.N, Sept fn,--l,R"t nlKbt In a small hall In th* rear o f a "aloon at A d a m s and Third streeis, a monl unique

. . . i ™ ' " ' ' ' ! . T . ' ' : . . " - v * 9 , ' i ; t ;


F l ’ IR TALKTo Catarrh Suflbrata.

sone Dramatic Suflety name o f the play was

o f New York. The ■The Assassination

of King Humbrrl." « '’ ■'‘‘ I'’ '*

rrion' 7c?ylng"rSe'"*r-"-'«who the anareSlats declare ls_ responsible

B lrete il I-Tesl<lrnl o f ,l .a w y e r s ' S.m.iil.tloiiey t a m p a lgw f l o l i , W hleh

a d o p ts R rso lu tlo n a fo n d e m n - likK Mh* CandltltM*,

NEW YORK. Sept. 29.-J oh n il ('iirllsle. Secretary of the Treasury durUig the set ond term nf Freshlenl Clevrt.,„.l wan elected lirestdent uf the Lawyers Sound Money fam palgn Club, which was or­ganised at a largely attended n,e.ili,g of leading tneutbers of the bar, 'j'hanquet-niom o f the EQUltable lliilldlng ysnterdav The resolutions de* bued "thiit In our Oidnioii the defeat o f Messrs Urj'sn and Htev. nson la e.snentlal lo tho piTma- nent and em dent mslntenanee .if Ihe gold standard of value In this country

Besides Mr, Carlisle, other promlneiil Democrats who algned the call for tha meeiliig were tlenrge Hoadly, former (lov- ernor of Dhlo; Whenler II. I'ei-khiim, Oeorge L Rives and Frunult L. »ielBon_

"Smiiid money" live eall ileclared the vital Issue to I)* decided at the coming eleclloii. and Ihe asalalance of those law­yers who renilered valuable aid to the eauae It, INW was once more at,pea led for, Others who algned 11 were Charles C. Bea­man Wlllliim A. Diier. Myer H laaacs, Fdwar-I Mliehell. F. K. Pendleton, H Ay- mar Siitiils. Herbert L. Salterle,. .lames ,Vt Vnrmini ami Bdmntld Wetmnre.

Wli«kler H Peekham prrnt.lfil at the mi.elliig. whieh watt rnlled lo unler al * o'clm-k In 'he afternoon.

T h e Osvm lentnatnrr lleaiiln tlon a . The rcBOlutlonfl, whieh wer.i onanl-

mously Bilopted « " eiprennlng the cause, end principles of Ihr club, re­

el,e*l that Bryan and Btevenaon had heen nominated "upon a platform advocating the free and unllintted coinage of silver

p r o fe s s o r C olto is. In a L rotu re , Soys Ih a l T b r r A re I iillliille d —In -

terra llD U P lseo iirse .•■aema and Prei'loun Stonen" was the

Iht-rm- of HO imervMliYF! l«c(ure (leUV4?rcd iHki nighl hy ProfenHor i ’ tiurli-H A. Culioii,E M in (he lfc*clurv-ri> im " f ihn Newark Tvrhnlrul School, on Uigh "trp4*i. uml*?r ihc Kunjiirrn o f Ih f Ti-t hnlrul SehtKvl Kra- ti-rnlty. Thi*re Wf»« "n cTicourftgiriff at* U‘i>4lunce and much waa mnnl-fcistcil In the cuurs" " f fh^ lecture. Pro- Uhaot CoUon lllujxmit-'.l hls dlftruuria with (he db^pUy o f *" r]n' im« "irtAdmena of •doftpst ftfkd leniH, Hfime nf th«m lu ih* munti oryfttil atid ■ome rut and piiUfth*«l,- Ho ppoVe at length on lYuJ Huh5<*ci of th* (lliuiionda produced in lYn* Klmhbrlty itiim-rt,

!4to«ieft a n d 4iein« UU<’ uft«fA'Tiio rtubjccl wftB In n riPftcripHvij

way. and various kituli uf preclou" aioiiai uud gema were dincurtiud. ITofeMHor Cql- tnn mentioned aonii.* nf iH'‘ fainuua dlD’ mnnda. qt ihe,^tirUI, (hr largprtt inuHl hrlllianl. He mi'-f*' JKe ^tAteWent that the KHnh«rley vroduce«i

b'riiiikllu Htre4'( h„,l been an Invalid f-w the last live year- Tlirre sons ami on.- ,lau gh ter survive h.T T h " fnneriil flprvlr*-* will IipIiY frnm li»|rlull* Tionii- do-mnrrnw fifiiTurmn al^2bi

lock Th»* Intnrmi'hl will l»e In ruir-ntiiiini 1‘enietBry

J. W\T?U>% IH’.AD.VI n .fe r * * ) [/:duriil4»r

tik l*firutyftlft,H(>«' mi IU*i-at'-b C" ih NEWS

H l.lZ A llH T I !, 8 " i '( 29 i ‘rn f"!*s.r JAlaAlifiun W a i'u ii , a iir"tnln'Mil Jitki \ rnnii iituJ nut"*! i‘ilii«'u 1 ur. ilU-il ihln miiriiihK "f unrftlvxl^. al hln oii ll.ihwiivivfmi", 'll ill" LlniliMi Tnwnehlp tlti*-. H" w:iii burn In l"2T in On'iml-AKii L 'm iiiv, N Y hik father ll"v . Slntuii N\ iilrtun. >iEiiifitifl 4'Y#-rgymKU, win!" UK KnimlfiiMii'r wax nn *n iln* ‘ ■"iidm-nial sirmy.

Wfltxnn silinll^il law In r)«W"Ku. N T , anil Hftrrward h""iini4' HKHurliili •! wllb Ih" wi'Yl-kfmwn put'Ylrtnii'K hu'i?*" uf A a. hnmi-H A Lu H*- was lit" anlh'»r nml cnTniUir-r 4'f \Vft(!«on'H M"ri"X nf im- [Inmil t"inl.*n4 and HprlTiT^

pruffPiAur WutBun wiija (h«- r'iiinil"r iif Ihr L’t-itlrHl HapilHt T'hnrrh, EUnit"-iU. nnri It" oUb'Wt lYt'acnn H " w Jia a m'-mlM i r>f th" Nrw .I'Tsry aiftU' Hapflti Huhi*], (hrt N' W' Ji*rrt**y Hlnw* 8iinlltiry AhHui'l i- llon »ni] !»•" AuMnrlflibm "f

Ji" rt'Tvrd "ev«‘rnl yenm a member of KllJtfth.'ih'K Buanl of (Ion, and whs ni utvr tlm - llx jircrtltlenl Iln WHS .i Kn-fli t"m[i4*ranu" piYvoratc nn«1 preuldent nf fh«* Ri'd RlbhuTi t'luh o f Rllr> abetb. II" vAft" nlftf* a prunilnfrit iriemYn-r of the NVw Jrrftfy AnlY-rarf Tm rk Leftguf. Hr "'ft" ® stftiwnri Republican from t l f 1 1 1 ' rpMon of thiil parly. He mar- rled My"" Ktnmtk HY>Y>P"r, of Newark, daughn-r uf Hev gVndrew llu|ip"r. and ftlx- ( « r o f'N HopiMT. oTi" " f the pnmrer.t jn the 4-MJitiUrtiimt-ht of H'*' Singer Sewhig Miichnie .■.impany. She survives They lui'l no children

K n to th" liUHliie"" 4'fInig

liT4t"iifI uf gi’ tilng iJ111" I’iimiHiign

WUIliim J. Juy’i'e'M cauiiUlnry for Ho* fn-"|ju)(l4-r numlnatl 'ti " 0*1 inmouiu-rd hi th" fnt*-*ilng Mr .lu v " wvrvYMl mb ftUi"r- tiYiiti " f Hu* wurd fruni l ‘'tH »" IW. U(hi’i HHplr.iiYtii fur rr«-"liuUb'f a f" Lyni h, ,(lit- im iu-it( liidiRTthi oi " f thfuthi-e; HughMiirli i 'in*l PhlHi' K iln ik "

IH(J% U M H K IiT U X- x -rU IK l-; S K T 'I M -I L

ll isii U I h i it n i l tt iprU \**-u*rii rty 1 ' » - irei ' l i - i l Ilk l l e t u r n M n u « 1n > .

The grli-viiTii'"'* uf ih " HiruA-tunil l " 'n W m, l l„ .,n i ' A ' ' • > a-'w lnilMliig„( llr,.a.| „ „ , l New sir.-els hnv, 1...... s.-,-II,.,1, It was .1 , 1 1,.1,11),-I II this arirriiivni, ai'd th*. im-il who ,l„1i "'■I't ) , '"1 , 'f l„v will, ll Is ,.i[iii l,.il, (i liir,, "I, Muiulav Oioriilog The sh .T , Uv,«l slrlk.i w „s l.i'gun ,il thedin .'III.......... ., w.idling , I. I. gill,' fnililYork The onlv eaiisr ft., live ,,r,lei vil\''n w .,s lliii fa,'I Ilial nu',1 |.eliitigl,)g I " I ® '" 'imloM Nm II h,"l I.... .. e,ni>lo."'l whleti.Ihe N'-w- v,,rk Iirgiiidzallen ' lilrm'.! w„s,1 viol,............. ll,i. agrrrm. ilt wilt, tli-- g 'nenil . oninu-lors, tie- Tbomi's..,, A Hmr red 1 ■ imi'i'iiv. of New- !'>'rk

Ralph S tarn tl, of Ihal ,.,m|iiin!. was seen this'o’n JU't " f 'e r he hiiil re- |•l•|ve l a Irl,'idiom- UP-ssiig.- from New York It was (o the rtTert It,at the strike had heen seille.l. h.- aal*l, hut d.*, lare,l he was nniiM" lo giv,' any Of the t'-rms o f the Ki't1 lcm**iii


(lllwW P

l.K i; M''ll i 's r r T (v '. ' . f NKVV JFltsU T- T.J Albi'it

I Vsi’i S,:klr etsl Issati ITaylar *n.t AA U.

E.:'! n-i-ir. ma.I. .m thr ,!«> „f ,>iJ„Te'«( to H eaosr ■<tirrrlii ,lohn K ! „ , l Blrkls

: , „ i .,,,'t ) "u sail viii'Ts,,,i rr.,ulrr'l I" si'prsr siel pirs.l.,,r ll.■lll'lf t" th* rampIlltlMil ' I'l.t. '-n , n,r ainrirralh d*) 't N." nul'er nrsi.

, .svt Ini, w Ml !■* tskeit as v"ali'»s'-d M Sf",.u;-i,„ .„„1 (.111 I. Bie.l to ..Ills (hr tnieef .101,0 k V .<11 SII klr .liv at'.ve nsnieS soiiip Jinaok In , I . . . . . . 1 . 11, irsi-l i f 111" I I" 'hr e"r vf New- :.V. is Ii.r Juunly ot Fssrs siel Hlale <.f Newnru ioiiing uO lb® ..'tiila-'isteil) eurlwT ,(f iU 0S

al.l llulSS) Sl.rrls, [„„ta„g thrhir (li »lon|( :/ ,- .s lr r lv s ,.!" at llslsn si,r-< , '0* humlrr.lMoii (IIUIU'SII ir 'l II'" "«•■ l<*lf IneliM I" liio.l II, (al'tr.l '■< IVuiiiI' S'<- * V'e-' llau'ee <2*

.irriV • l"l<g Ih' -"I'l I'"" lt*(«l,rri*r *ST .n , .allK'O '■ d - "Sm 'I"" "w '“ :

),;« .„ ...or, .la'l ... ,"l'l*'l ' ' r ' * ' “ ''Ii,..„< 0, ' . Itirav- l b i«it,li*rly along " |„,l mriOlMl"'! U'le <s*<il) frel Slid r'alit

t,.s 1 1. . .'lllirr l' "ar C' Is'Kl ' l'«llr, ll .l Insi.iae r ........... .. .hst"'*'il ll!..lia 111'- "'S' ""'llllenr'l litis O'UlU sUly-

lelnulr’ |we"'r-IM.. r.'rl rislil in'-lira le S < "fH'-i 'g ll'* **"1 S„.l ..( llir l-,'"l'llll*' iDSilTiiiie- fOllH'SCy uf; Ihe,........ siltl al.«i« llis •*■,•* noril.K^rl'lv srv'-ll .l.-kt«*« loiVJ'-IW'S I«",ille* *«svan , s’r<.-„ trev rVs sU'l "Itf l.„lf ln-lil'S

iwskh'- ininiRie" 4-ft*#, pB»Bitigr Rhe i-MlUJ-rlr »ilW •af"4li*

Him"- 'll I '(■All (Im'- #(ni,w '','.ll,'l^ ./:l"ii-ii'‘|i’-'a 'hr ’ " ''d no* Ij'ngV tu -i ifiti'i -ix lnrh»-ir r.j1 Jitik Kir'-fi /7l ii nft UnnH Mr"*t norkh

pnln. linr.u."# *-1*4 iwnntyflJ'y ..... „,..r Unlf iu< t"-ti lu 1 «H1 iiJiic* **<

AilHTl \dii SHkli-a *rf in*ilrt h flf. k.-nY-nl f.'f U"- l"Ht*"h Ilml in- * «IMU'l-«*l'll.^W


Kvery person suffering from catarrh in Its many forma, knows that the eompiofi lotions, salves ond douches do iioK m re. U Is needless to argue this point or to ells cates o f failure, beitaiiae overy victim o f catarrBal trouble knows It for lilmaclt If ha baa trlwl them. -A local application. If U does anything at all, aimply gives temporary relief; u wash, lotion, salve or imvrder cannot reach tha seat o f the dlaeasc which la the blood.

The mucous membrane to relievethe blood o f catarrhal p o l^ T h y secreting large jnuantltliw o f mucous, Ihe illaeharge aoraetlmes closing up the nofitlb., descend­ing to tho throot and lam yx, causing an Iriitaltng cough, continued clearing ot tha throat, deafness. Indigestion and mnuT other dlaagreeablc and perelstent aymp-

**A remedy to really cure catarrh must be ■n lotarnal treatment; a remedy which will gradually cleanse the syetem from ca­tarrhal poison and remove the fever and congestion always present lo the mucous

" ’T^e^brat remedies for thia purpose are Eucalyptol. Sangiilnurla and Hydraslln, but the dliflculty has alwaye b m i to get these v h lu a h h ^ " '" " - ’* * /® ™ '* ' '* - * '" '® naUtable, convenient and /fflclent form.

. _-i.sL wiwi.. K.m Taisun D( 'amnllBhikaf nr

R ,?^h^m Ts? ■ previilllttg In Sunny Ifaly The plot th^n lea.ia

^lon. Tilt rompany P'*J NtwaPkMo-murrow

nln^ty.-tivft - i« r twnl of Ulu UlamonJ" of

■Homnn P lu n g e . D ow .. B le v .t o r S h s f lTRENTON, Sept. 29,-M ie s Maggie

i-omtcj 01 M Adeline street, le lying in ,, :^lUcal condIHou at her home, gs th<r :r<..i1 t o f falling down an elevator shaft

M L h ’s A m berton works, about V S 'clw k ? « t night. She ts employed there as A^ad forewoman tn the pressing de- oL im eiU The doors covering the shall « r e IMtopen, and Miss Cooney fallad tonotice thei^^owliig to the poor light. Shefell head Hrst down the ahaft, Ij^ding on her Sl.le on the hard cement floor in the cellar, Orave double are entertained as to her recovery. ^____________

T r o l le y Mmplwyea O rg a n ise ,Huri-lsl Dlsiialcl! lo the N^Vg. “ ^ v h t p Ie LD. BepL » . —The employes .f the Weslfleid lind Elisabeth Street

Bnl way^pfalnflcld Street Hallway, Hah- —nt® TMflptrlc Cofopftny ftfid the R llia-Kli Zl n'lghl'to fofsri r{ev%!?n'r*lrs'E ^ r a t e -r i ;* . r « n ‘ m p i “r t ' ; ;r m ating next Forty^evenmembero were


thi* world an.d that the dihimh for the year M urv YB»t was lU.OUO.'Vi, h[ a co*t of ^ .500,(100, leaving a proili of |fk.BOO.<')00' A mfmh#r o f the DeiiefTN <‘r»Tnpany. ownert of the tnlnea, la reporh-d l'> hare aald, de- i-laied Mr. Colton, that mJn4*iB oouldprodiice four Ilmen mm h a« they do at proiient if thM'O waa a Hiif1Y<-’lenl demand,

He Ueclawd that ih" mines aeA'Tneil to be unlimited In prorluctloiT. and that, ap a IVHUU. Hie DeBeer« ConTpany ttractlKally cutitrolIeYi tho diamond market uf iho world.

A O le b r a i# * * ] (||»m (®FrofcrtiKir Colton ullmled Hu- Huperell-

tlon at(H0 hed to the up»Y. He ftftvc up ih© explanation o f Ltw origin the reference

In SuoU’ b nnVk’ l, ".Ankte of GeYera- tfin ," ID ihe fuum .v iitlin h"d (o n cele- hral"(l opal. T^e KHpphlt". the ruYiy, the topa*. (he KHrticl. (h<- tnu-riild dmJ the oquumKrine were GlPBi*r1 l»'‘d. and (he VRrI- oukk form " o f am orphoni" q'J«rt*- ae well ftrt (he cryptalUne.

The fall aeftiloh o f thr Tu' linU-al flrhool will bo begun Monday tiigYn-

THUJ*. W « l l> I> I .H T O ^ n u o r s IIK AIJ.

F o r l V t-nra H*- « ■ " «’ •*«•-t*4'llGur G»r (>4'*ai* ( 4kMlW(|®

Riutrlal lilni'utih l<) Ihe SE\SH.__T D M H ItlV K U , 8ept 29 —TliuiniRB W .

dropi>"'l > n a A In h i" offlrc In-re h( 10:46o'clock This tnumiTiK

M r Mlt!(U4'l“ T' "4‘ rvcd iTt (he nrm y iliir- tng Ihr I'I ' ll " 'a r . P r ''m ''"-d 'ua coptalm -v fur l .r a v r y on ihr fli-ld of battlr Mr w " " f " r tw rn tv -n v r j-rnrs pros- wcutor ,,f iii'rai) I'liinnv, uiiibT Dem o- crailc niie

He wn- H mf‘ fnYik*r nf Harmtuiv LodgeNOr IS. F Mii-1 A ®M . HuriiBide fon t No^ 6!) tj A It. anil imr of Ihr Irnitpra ot ih's Drni'«-rail,' parly In Ocraii i.ou n iy . He wna r.v.-nly yrars nf agr

M a y H o v e H<-<-.i V t .ir d r r e .lV lB .i 's H V sIIfttiei-iml [i|jii<Hl h I" the N'KWH

214, -W orkni"Ti dig* Kiftff hulk-tv f "( ' lelegrkiph in-ftr (hefjrlaw ar'-, l..u kaw anna anil W<-Bli-rii SKi- tlon this muriiliig i, a m.<t< a akull sh ou t llv<- f'-ri "'■low Ihc su rfii.r uf the Irw m d T I " -I'oi w herr Ihr skull was fcu n d via-' formr-rly rovrri',1 h)' 0 I'h'as- u re "rp so n l■o«^l«'■l'''l I " 'h r W s hy the D u ke nf r :il"liT r ,tn B rvrr„l m'lrttrrs werw I’oninTlt I'--' i herp. _

T h u 'l ‘ \4"fitv HPVi'hih Jiem m -n i. Nt-w Jer- ^giv Vni'i.ii'-- IH. will In.Id Mh nliilh anminl riMiii1''ii ul rh a U m n i. O iH .b .T ». at 10

III I ll" m '.rnlngTYt" I’uTin I’l'll f"!* Mumlfty Ih :

•sj.qH : 'Hi'l Tlti- I ’ lrniK ' .'iirl call la: -':'ji 1(9, M'd. J'*-'!. b'(

liT7. l''‘« I'-'

m ..Li: " ' t < ' " i, ■t"r«<"T- ■"‘ ■o*'- "f.mrmt'r* >"U ' l*lm '" '""V ' ’'"I" ' VHome inrrrt-Hi tn '(a* hh,*'! . 1 1 4 /

An'l v"'k lE." hhI'1 H h'kO r*)lor Bn'l A. R. BM l-h. Ul" ma-n*hYK '"-eg III (ru*I ( "T . s . ,........... nf (Tie H*n1 ^' - ... I..I_. aitla l.v ■.,ir\n |TI

in('>r« Ilf olie Km-BitiB W.V n ............ " ( (Tie H*n1 iJieml*i». >'fMi■i.uli !.r '"• r 'I'llni >,,l« *"ni> mtrrr*. in .l<*

,„l , |.,r'n,»r.IirtT'-'l S'I l"inl'*er (H

iM-a ]•> I I n'Ldr'W

tChWAUf' M rOLIK, i'.A.) nirret. NeM-HrU N. ®TTri Hp'ft'l ___

.i.iii.MK-ntATiiiv-i 8A1.I': liy 'in u « iiP '„,!*( |.| ih ' tlri'I'Siis' l"url «r ll!« f'lusiy .-t

f . . . . ii'iul* "O l-lu-. tw*",)-b'uria '! " / "f . il ,< rll'®r. ......... vl w>^*r.l*'**■' sa-lll anlt ht lf|l» l-r** PH iBfh,

*11 Xlsifliliiy"" __ , *.r «., • •(tl'- 111-gjiT I'aiik ftr*""' NewM-f-x, N. J . . ; •

>*i iltty 'if Uciaber ftf iw[\.»k]i:l«*ik I'l

rt'Uinl uii I'-TTN Hin-cl biHl tiiiv liih r r"tiinnil I" tli"

HAS NO COMPETITOR.Patent M eihrlne W h irh Hfi*

l-'lflil (4) Haeir.



....... U tk.ntrlbufd t . the Msapltsl.IlMtenUy this h ts hern accomplished and . tyupsich to is* N «w *. ■

i h ^ J i r a t l o n put on th . market Uflder " ’| ;X ib ^ T H , S e p t ;^ -» .-T h « Atealan tna p r ^ r ^ l j^ je lyB d-a-kandaom c danallont b s u a m c F J W j ^ i '^ ^ the efforU o f John

■N,art large pleosant ta a r lw li«-riuk«„ they may iw slow ly dlssolvoil In tho mouth. Ihu* rrachlgg every part o t the mucous membrane wnd flnully the atom,ich

toteatlnes. , , , , ,An Iflygniags to be ooiialdrreil also Is

t ^ i l u i r f a Catarrh Tablets contain no f i ■Maine, morphine or polapnous narcotlca, It M often found in eatarrh powder*, and the MSS o f ithtch often entails a hnblt mors

■'iangerott* that dle«k*e. ' l i ^ r l 'a Catarrh Tablets are sold

FTSSsnl^’y. *the^AewauV contm ctiw ^ o


la' paving Franklin street, thte city. On* o f the hosnJlal b ro th e r oame a lo w c^ - l in ln g and Hr. Bhsnley gave him m ind all of the 1* men on the Job con® trlbuted iwenly-flve cenla each, while the foreman gave M and tho timekeeper « .

was pay day.

K a m ore il » * w Ptm Uiow <•» HmiaallIt Is rumopsd that B O. Ruiwell m «y he

minolnird r-ciieral sunTlnleinJent o f the AMuifto'ta iTt’ -W o « 'f * f»v fujl-"l»*d Pack- Vermont I lS V n d a « probably the saiesi amj mmiti he^o » * "* * “ *^ t w l ektarrh cure on the marjiet, iT h h "*

Carter’sLittle Liver Pills.

M u s t B « « r s t e n a t u r * « f

(e lo h r a t r A H ls B la l it le 'h B irth d ay .Diipatch to the NJ-eVN'ri

KLIZAH ETH . fiepl. 29.-< ’ liarlfi Hem- mel, oUlertl rm‘r4?hant. cele­brated ittiit nigbt hlH ©Ighileth birthday, at hlB home, «n t(nlcm He has beenfor ilx ty yearn engngpd in the flour and foed trade, end la atlTl ariivv In the t ^ l - neH". He 1ft th© oldest im-mber of the Sec­ond PreBtkvteriftn C h u fli hvre, and Ua leHdlng elder. He 1« a widower. Rnd haa one Bon. who In k PreBbvtnrlUTi pantor In i'hiladelphlt. L a il nlgbt'« celebration wan ttdendod by th© grealcr part of the congregation o f Ihe Berund Preftbylerlan iThurchs who overwhelmed Elder Rummei with congratulfttlona and gif(ft-

M -'om eii V w f# Dowrii .4|k|kroprl«Uo*e___ . Kk IU« NEWS.HOBOWEN,- Bept. f9 .-H y a vole o f 1S8

R|keci«l DlftMtch t(k tU« NEWS.H 0 B 0 K £ H .' Bept. f9 .-H y - - , .

to II, the propdftltlon of the Fnlrvlew

J«s pacrtlmH* W iappw'iwsw;

n l l E A B U I E .riB iiin B tis .mnuoMiBEtt. m T M m t t v i i . r H t e M n n m M . m u i i i v M i a r n n B e m m n e B


Board ot Eduoatlon to have an appropiia- tlon o f HA«K» made for two new .whopls, was defeated at last night's special a ac­tion. O f the total number of vote* polled the women c u t UB. The election ilevelopM Ihe fact that the Orand View lu ^ported the school board, while in Fnl^^lew proper the women were all organlaed

W y i A L f iy n C B A . . .

Mrs. W la a la ty ’ a P ooth liig * "all aiseaaaa a( ehlMcea. awh “

HSloWbiy.n?«alTwemr-flvs earns a^ettMk

A promlrirul l l,.'"K'biii w as recenllv aaked why It a a ' 'h-’ V'' " " so many "OJoud purllter*.'' "ii'-r'.<- i"('h 's" "H'l m<'<llrln''s for every til <*»' I'pt " f the inoai rum- raon and annus h'B <1I»'-SS''S. vl* . plles-

He replied, .tr ra .t c two principal r c - iona; First, pli<»l'1a,i" unit peoj'lr In gen­eral have thouKlii fur yesrs rtiat th<‘ only nctmaneni run: I'.r idles was n aurgli'ai operation, nn.l Ihat mrdlrlnnl prepara­tions were almjjlv pullu.lvr* iiii<l not a cure for the iruui'le

Another reasun I" that piles, nnllkemany other ........ .. 1* In no sense antm aihiary tronhl.- A snfterer from pile* la very much avure of the tael, au.l fur this reaauii Il,e f®" l '" ‘‘ " ‘d v 's ami o l"l- menta, etc,, h u v la-en shorl Hveil. pecausn the patlBiH very .'oun dlBcoV'-r<.d Ih.'lrworthlftMftn^Hrt

He continues, lluwever, lliere Is a m-w pile remedy wlib h, ju.lging frum Ms iSJp- ularlty and esieiii " f t* sale, will soon take the place uf uH other Irei.tmenl for nilea It has certainly made thousands of curea In Ihl* ohsilu a l' disease, and, Its merit, tspeatedly teslwl. Iiss inade ll fa- moua among physicians “ "d wh'-rever In- iroduced. The rem cly I* sold by druggl s everywhera under name o f I'yramId I He

*^'jt*Ts In convenient, supposllory form, com po«a i o f harmless aairlngents and healing Otis, gives immediate relief tn all

reftort to thft Kl1W,.nA'V

1. V*. 43. :W ilhi'in S lia l 'I '.T .l.■ v .,i )|."rs old, ran

UM,I< rr.i'ti ih " ' l l v li" ,! ',- ).'*(•■(,l.iv l.tor,,- 1,1k. .',.'1 a

liii4ntiiii"iir^jj, \ J iijiim a'ii Ill'll.Ul I'hili will mi'i'l

,, , |,„ I,, iiinrruVi Jii YIn* ll'l7‘j MniMK" nvi'nu''. I'l nrriina" furlb , '111 • "iiniirtl i-x-urHli.iiTlYiilik-*k:l'liik l ’«> .

Tlij. It,,nr I " f iJlriT-lorM nf (h " NaCbnuil ii.iLk inf't V"rti"r.Tiiv lunl il'‘"lu r "il

. r"K 'I'T Hf-rnl-ii iiiiMi'l 'IU I'I '-ty'I " f f l i "rh" 'llvifl' ti'l will ll" jiiivjibl"

uml i f ' ‘ r nf'Hi MuiMin.v Th" I »"inu-TiUi'- AHHi"'1uilfjn

will 1,,,.' -, I'MUr' r ,',lr l„k Ml IIS '■I'd'-roiiii, n 11' l,i"".i ............ .M.ool'.y niyi'i.8i.(<-i li,s "III 1,<- dellv.-r'.'l l.v r..l,<"-i C "l ,-gres.' V llllam M' A.I'iu "ii'l ,'tli-r»

I ........... .. , ji.,-',IU '- . ..m u il" '" " fthe l-'lr-' i l '- i r l 'l "raiin lr."'l ' , l " ' ' ' ' l " a („ .1,l l « . ' '"k ill " l ! l< -r s w n- '-I '- 'I ''I "S fnllnws I i. -l'I-ni, .l■'ll , ■' Pp, a, . -""1 ''-tarj- .111' I'111’' ' ’fc ' t(’""rtiir4®r. ' lmr|"«4A. K4it'Yi

Th" ](* 1' ii !'■ iui f'I'ib " f (Ii4‘ Hixlb ill-- Irirl, . ,1I|, !Vi,ri1. will r„ls' „ M' -Klnh'V MD'I Ituoaevell batim-r (■' "Ikl" W aviTl' Mv.-ii'i" snd I lunier'lon kin.ii A nninlr , "I , .k .- ls h a ) - 1 'r.,mls'"l '" h.< prf'nent.

'Hif* fi'^ iiiit ipiiirtcTlv " f «h*’alumni " f d " ' N''""r1< Idk '' d ' " " "1 wd|1«- held ........ . " - 'd . ts<. !lr.„,ilelrei-t. ul, ( I ■ <-r f Arr:mK,',ii, >'l' fur holding „ „ . ,'i,d ,ii" 'id " ' “ I 'lam '- "<t''rwUl bp mill I>

On api'Jl‘ /filu'i «'lfy A n .ir -n sy A be.'l. I '"IK " Hwii'f.,-, In H "' "Ire,III F ourt lo -d i ,) . i-unilinied ,h r r,-pu,,M ofthe asa,‘ HHin.-ri' on It",paving of Hurn.-t slreet, 1.,'i's.eii ‘ i-iiirol avenue and ll(-„,u,e Hire.-., ami H"' \.i'i liiiren street sew r ami lir:,ni-h'-s

The Hrynn an.l p ( , v , I ' l n h of <!'" Fourth illstrbi " f 'b " H "-'"" ! Wi,r'!. n,i-ini I SprlngheM iive„,,<., hi®, nlyhi. ur„l elected the f,'!l"» in n '.Hh-'Ts IT'-Hhlenl. Terenoo M eJI«l,',r vUe-m-.-shl'-lii, l•'■t,-M.illtn; secreturv. Ileiiiur.l l.vni-h: ,■■, r<■- Ht^(i<Ung BPcrpturv, WIMYmn ,Mi ( I'lnnm « .Irpnfturor, John Mun'b'r; H frainni-ai'afinH , ImnlPi Mi'Cnrry-

Juftpph SchJHbli. uf L-i lion lay nirkH-i.WHH .irrimpU yrpiiTiluv uf ir4'rtjiuN.^IuK on(hp prem iw ji o f H 'H h ii FTHPiik"!, " f k7 Mfintirnmpry’ ftlrppi- Mrs Ith piiK"!orflPTpa him aw ay , ir l« iill"gi-4l, hr brokp ft ntJrtjt>cr o f wlmb'wn In h "r tiilbir whup. Mr#i. Frftpnk«*l cuvfkrii Yh4‘ iirrr«[ of ftrhmldt, w ho WilH h"ld In hull hy Jiiftdpe o f Ih e Peui’p I'uhon, for examlfi- fttlon in (hp Fou rth I’ rnrlrici l ‘ ol!ee O jurt

A t H m fp tln j o f thp John J. Q aynor An- Roolallon lo complftte arrajigPtn©n(K for Ih© ou ling to take plare NdVpmbiT 1 lo A tlan tic City* the follow in g iium fd 4>ffl- cera WR'tp p|©c(ed: C aptain , John Grim n: orderly ft^rgrant, Richftnl C arr; Aral hb-

“ C*4wllAr- d«>4'a

sal'l 'l«y, ail 'lis l"llo“ lifl

<'i!iTi,s r<, ll''' anr-IJirrly 'In* '.( T«rlf<h'I'lV I,..Ml il,: r,.,r',h»rr,rrly nt «.>„,l,i mrl Trrllil,", lilsO'!* <s-*tS; Ihr,,',- ,HTil, l,«, trei, ili'-Ce ™,'t .. ...u'h liS' f*’el ," t.rsl,i,i„ia I'elMK

:,'i r,t'K"l"( d". ,))i|'urir„iin"® 1" !"e •'d-''.-l'i''rins-

A.It 1-1 .1 , II. n.iL,-;'111-:,Ail<»LLlp>'ra]^s .1 irr r.,<)Fsjitiiiifi >:


D i s s o u r i o v

" kT.viK••nvi'i I ' - u "

Tu *ilil"KUl'^l'rf. ' J'll'

duly Hlllh*-""' f ' ’ IhP f.luillHtV ’' ‘ ‘ ■"i nifiiid lutipfi" "( 'In my t'lTi •• ;Ii'l' ■ * t uny. II ■ I' f ‘ '1 I'fil tirdi'-p p|u,,it-i III Ih*' « Mn ^

iii"> "■•ir-h. lu It'*A I i no iHtW'ftk'HJhj"* 1'V ..n! 'if 111' f' rI ' l l i i i ' - | P ' ' ' f l-> lYi' ' ..................-ll. o ' „ mi"i'i*"tu iifi’ 'RU 'i 11,,|I-II Uml V HI iiIpIi I’uiii- r f iiip himi*' « ll 4"’ rrnu'i- ' s ' ' Ml' i'*'rri'

f .X.-H.OK I--iir,! F »'t I .■."'x, fiiRlr ' (Vmw l*’ rw«} I 1.,-Mik: 'tK III IliHrs'll

r , r ' ' s k ! ^ V p , l l ' ' Wl l l i:■ \ii ,t ■ ' 'mc^iiniiK ' -n ■ nc' 'm- ...... /Y).||ili ' i.H'lwiil'iMfy <H vl .'-AI# k-'* -, fi. „|p ,.f .il. kHlitt["T' _

TliPI- rTv I, Onjrft*- \V«rTW, hP. fMiHly « rH^.r .'( .,i: si„lr "1 Sue J-lr--), 'I' "'TVJjUF'''“ (, ,||„, .1.. "i,s.i-aiiu,i 'll-J. 'ai__ih'’ >'»-('lii i'l f IHtr. It'fl rill',!lH- l'ii< '(till' Hi'.I (rrii'H’'

T"".'J f If.I,TI till- 111 1"'

I.I „'ii-p|pfl 4'iiYh4'iM InI I -V.l [niJHl l"n, "X4- "IJ , ,l pr**rf. wTyifh m M p-'n*.4*n( nn-l

. I--t svsev®- ---IfNHi III.- tn llfy "fllf'' ft n'll" I'M-afft

s,fHil"n, "X4" "If ! ,Fiy All fi> I ■fiin^g Ilf'n-v*: 1 ftn* U'>w'1 iT •*- n- IT >N I'v l«wIn tn-nm'ifiv « fi''r*«if. I hm" >*«( mv

t.Hl'l .T'V "lJiK-*i » v ft' ,PT'ti il#i "f (huviHBn.l4p.(Yjini-: IV1 IIT8,

,rti-. rftrtry uf rttai*.

M« hli*hiifulr- I

[ 1 . H I■ V.l !**n __ , __ .tf i \ri L'K M ' - I l^)Ki'.AKTSn:N'l- i-K ^T,\Tre.

4 F'Ui ll 1’ i T l ’- I iJe*'>ii'M I t**r,) nil I , alii'Yii flTi" Riny I’Mll''- grT*’i*

u**).-M-nd |Y Hi'l'4'UK’' ' ‘I ru*' rtJJ''■frti Uoit. ('yk ?.f.i miHiv IL'J-'imiun » r Ml" UTiaiii-

„"<.» . '< '<11 Ih,. SI.,, kl. .i'l.-,', il'lr' '.III'" d.r f r " " '" n 'l '" " ' :

I r i r . ' u l l " " 1 d o ® f a " ' . " I ‘ " S " l . r l l l . ' . . ' * !L -iii^ri't It V I’TTI fl'rvpt. InN' VNH.i, K.nt. "f

1 '.<A J.ri4"i ' .M.-UYlilB* •( I’r'- V• loin'll ilJi'l HI nnl'K" IJ"'II wii'HYY, 1".,) "r r'iVrUl, k*S fei«.,M*.l Wllh It'S„..,'i,'.'.'s "f ■ An ael ...(nernliia wri'vr"- Iievl.l.n "I ,.r'Uiiilnur)r lo tl.»issolaa .'1 '■■■rill!'".r ,<f d,.«oliMl'*ii.

sjVaL l l , r , ' ( , ' ( ' . . I , ' I r t T * ' . ' V a n s , r v . T s m r y r f i n ' s ' r i . f t l i r a m i r u f N r . * . I r r s . . ' . -I' l " r r e t i y t e r .iirv ikai lb ' «»"* e"i-|"'r*li"n '"'1. >"• j " fLmil, "inv ■'( I""". d“"' Id" "9 a duly;,.T-,'lr.| an.! .,tlrr,r.l ................. "-(Ill"* JO .I".

ulwsilu'b'ii 'ir ssl't i-'iri"('iil"ll. **'' hy all ,.-l<l,'.l'lrrs Ih-rri.r, whlrh sal'l ronirql andV l" <" ,n> ■U‘ 1'1 '.Itl.'s as I'i.i<-"!r,l ,.y ln«.1 (? irsdnieny aherwir. J 1i«.r-tarr(" srl my

hanil sri'l all'a"! “ V ulb.'lnl s.'Sl, at rmlim, (hlV>lxi®->>1l' lav ot Jon*. A n. i.n« llaiuiand n|„. I.ulelr"'!, (JK()H.-1F IVl'ttTS,

p I SSprrblaf) of Slat#.f$:i txi>_________^

, — . , - - - - - - ,■-), rfge/inl. Benjamin Flstler; see-

S X m * L 1 shsolulelY " '‘ Iv u ’■■Vtlina. _ ^ _____ !■ . wj..i..iel*a HmnnkJlv o f hlK 90UtllOns o f Ihs supposltorlee la applleu ,ici Adelglde Bonrtng, o f P*night l i absorbed, and the cure la natural etreel. yeaterday ca“ « 'd

- ' ■ • “ arrest o f John Loekhardt, of Sou hNineteenth street. She charged him with*1 ? n ^ ^ sn sR tly cures itching, bleeding nr

nrotrudllig »««• . • '» ' ** '*"'1 remedysxsspt « A n g s fo u i surgical operation that

'*All'*drugglst# sell a complete treatment af th* sup jjM lorles for ■'Vj,*?'*Pyramid Drug Co.* o f Marshall. U kh.. Will mall fr*a t® a n i addr'ws a little bMk *ii caJTs* aiMI tMrt « l>*l" “ •J' •'*g f awWtaiicg In tfbrtmlc caMS.

iHiri nupe*®®® ’J*"** , . - XT trvinx'tcviKKkk miw-s v. ................” ■■■. t J i(tikftt]uuik©« Newark. WBifx 4is4iyiil)r, W- Jss-"nmalicious mlechlef She told Just re of Fi iJay, t l» ilstiwatb day nl M the Peace Cohen ' I * ' " , J ; " ' ? ! * JT u.e*'.."!-I.ockhoi-U had destroyed s stove a " ' ' ol^: “ 'n*,' „ ,| bI theer houseiiqld furniture that was -ThouW not 1>* «W »» *lh b; SV(5ftchM“In o shed lu the fear o f Mra. Soniita* s 'fb i , q .".* iw the, reildus tli !*JV .*•, tt1i„aa*s houie. Ju'atlee Cohen held lyockhardt In lat) ball for examination In tho Fourth Precinct PoUca Court, S U M



a U.QifKgling

E R -Ih#


! H -LT’C#ft,willBtlBIHlltVaw-

by1 to

t1l*-P«»-poft-t«ntMe#.. 1ft


an48#r-•ch-. MrH.


f f>f >«rt4 hSO. Uri* ock. kft#r

rn#rUlile.It or.■\-lOrtf:30,l:S0.1|M-Ik.*‘V v.Ally9Ua-wrt- « atIlly.'|#4l.wra-

tCU•rB,: at lu * avl" iwr- tn* a©#* th#r




#1lB'. Kd-

A. |TIl-Th#» ! -Hi-U.

R -#r>.amtJrt€


XlAL Will ftON. bIii'b bb '*••isr'dayc;#el'

B -hV'

J V . ntlft-e

•day* wytt-

i T l O N -^ 4 » v .





tt end Huh"

prvlci*.“ , fVFrt-

1 ‘hrii-ev'fR’



ths niatler ul 1h« rstaW ot ,'aair* \V. Mlljei. ‘‘Tppncatlnn harlUa "*im m .1. to this MUUhv TltP Mami/fti iurerR Nulltjual bftnK nJ Npgv- xrk ■ JuiJlinBiJl crrOltor Of ths rsliit^ hf J#m«B w Miiiir. *le4-ei(iPKi. for tlw •ftl* of IfttnJ# pAhl th'i'euiMi'a Uk pay hi# jHitirt, »«a que Jjjnlcn ot Mid application hivlnic hvpn given to M a la H. Mlllur, Burvlvln* ©xeiiatfli of the ij^d de rUiiea* and llkft oojri havlnii examlii^ the iniLUer and U apiM'urinit tliat ihe ilebt rt'ie tha MUufariiltm’ Nntlfinal l»anV of Newark ftfiifeBHW li unpaid, and 'lhai perwuioJ ##- iBt# of tal4j 4lK«»ffY Ih mauffli-ienf ^eiMii. U ll, on ihii f"'irte#nlh «lay "fjT l>. IftW, oril4 rf That allIII (he landa. un#»Ti‘*ft(" iituI reftl eutal# w ih4»

I ('Ufll•*il1Jrnoch'^yf'*li* b*I‘! I#ftj**S™!*. and real. « « '* _ «< '"v• n i ! ' f f f “ r«ldu‘.'‘ t!i;!-53v^

" 'Y . K a ^ r l p t " " J o a w T w . '


io- a l l . t ftBu­ll n,



'" fid-




41 f fht tn, ftC




•5 i £ r ' '

H— 9 4*i*0*- ****************** * ****************

INTERESTED IN THE RIGHTS OFCREED QUESTION TRINITY CHURCHS p ea litioa as to Probable Action, Interest in the Confregation’s Title to

Which Will Be Taken by Newark Presbytery Next Week.

Park Property Shown by Reports Regarding Proposed City Hall.

I •‘n^*rnl hiiH lw ►imir»uri<'jni*'ni niiid*' r

.irntiHctt lit thu••iitly m Hbi'AllholiKlk ft m»K>»-rji1nr j« t<* Tm*

unO c<in»l«)'-ruhlc nth«r trun*- , , . r , i . • . , v m -.iiacUKl al -h>' (all m^Hln« ..( Ih- H>«1 a ..... .. „ f Ih.. I lt> HallPrCTl'ytiTv, 1'i hf hi'ld In ih.- Klrm r h u n li


O f t h i i i i o >if»i 'Vaclni'.day, liitmcm In till- iw rcn i ly ahf.Ml.t-.l In ihi' i.r..lnil>li' lll•l|.l1l whlcli TMlI !«' lulian 'll*' • f ' l i ’ i* "1q u n t l o n . n ' " l>v ' ‘ '■ '■ '■ ‘ I H i ' i f l " ' - Commluy* ' |>( tlic H'-nnral A*.i*'lliltU ^■ la■()v» to III*' S'l'iil iiriih|i-m ciinfriinllnK Hia'Ocuonilnatloi' . It I" i ' " ' mamloinry 'lia ' tli^ mall*-r plnmld 1**' laki'ti it|> ol i IiIh l lui*, but It li the Bi-iiitrol fi|ilnimi 'h a l tin lni'al body will fiiilnw ll'i- l■ 'lUl"|■ *>( '111* "ilii ' f Pre.tiyt<irtf« In thin main'i t. iiinl iHii["ii" o f Ihr (lUi-ftlnnii in 'im*-

A i 1« known, tl»‘ "I ’ J''* ’ H'vlalimComlnltto* In wndln t ont 'I'*' '|ll>'l■ l'■ ' to WKOTinIn tnini I'.n'ti l ’ ri>*l>i <*'ry chAn(oi, If nn.v, It ilPulmK lu liiiv*' tbc WtnirnliinK'f t ’onli ' i ' f l "" tWat a full nml I'limiiri'hi nHlvi

wIlHt • In

i.f I’liiiii, »'■ri'iH'Tl ‘Mil

t ‘mntitlKKliiu htnl d« ' l»r< iJ diftt lit t'Vr'ilt nf MlllUin rurk l.rltiK i ti H#iiii- for 111*' !“ •'* I ii> liall, TrlntlyI ' li t inh iMillilliiK w-iil«l Ih- l >’l UiHh iniitt li"ii jiT’ it ami rr-moM'dThih HumniiH rm»-nl han r*'vl\<il th f itilk u!s to 't’ flrtlli h iliU- III'' iii'l'-"umi lu Ihr rlMlii la iim- aMilHarj- J 'ai'k f«M H m-ka' i-Uy hnll

III isji llr V l*r IMniuml SnsUU-. of Tuui.ian. Mafi* . lirtiiinr TrltUty h rrr inr Diirii.K hi- Im iiiniK iM'i. wliiifJi imhI -iI lit Nil', it r*llx:hl H'liJUlntv VUl’‘ m.nlf 1'« thi' f h a m f l t.« Im-l-i-ili.p It "rmiil - ii inr of

titid ni th(* Nur III III'- I'Jliirrli r.Ullrt-

—ISM-llU-the prwMnl T r in ity Church w M bkiUt. In inking down th« old ■ iructur® thii utocplo only w m ouiferwj to romalti, tx-cBUH of U i f f w i t iOUdUy* TWb pirceof mavonry ta now the o ld^ii In New ark fttid the tofty white auire ha* a lw ays been ft jmimlncnt lan dm ark T h e wjilU ot In* tr^wpr arc at leatt five feet In ihlckneaa and ihc stopplr* la a liout ITO fert hlah The corm-r-atonc o f the present i-hurch w-h» laid on Mfty 22. TW9, and the rhuri'h was r<inMM-ralt'd on May 21. IJtlti.

This work wiia ijoiic under Ihf nf ft Imllilliut coTn;nlllec composid Ar- ohlhatii Mi-rci-r. Kilwarrl Hlax’kfi»nl.Jiimpik. Tlmrofts Whllloi'k, WUlhim Mftl* «t-y, Jnhfi ( ’ rnwfnrd iin<l Cnli'li Si!'''-r< 1 'hr a hull' <:o*t of t hn vindrrlHkltx^ w*ih tint hy thi* sh|h nf ih* "pewii nf ^»ld rliurch HI a uit lon for not lenR tli-m ili*- ftiiiitnKrd |irli'«‘ , Hod siiUJect lo fui'h .lU* nuiiy or rr-ni a s m a y be flxad h> ih*' viMtry ■

I ' l e r i o i u a i i P l a n t e d Ifilaia.In hix hlMlnrlnil dlai-ourat^ At the* jcvsiiul-

rt'iilcnnlHl <shi»ervum*ea o f the churi h "H .%fftv SI, \x9k Urv. M r Oaborne, the- pri’"- nit rwtnr. said:

"In hU.' lhi‘ nolile elmsi iibout the rhiirrh w«*fr t)y 1h« rector, the aiH-lciilpopliirw. whlf'h mnrkeil 'the half^acr*' l " i ’' - f.ct un-<t by the c h a r ie r iind confirming tin* ariiiii h> the to w n —hftving been i uiiloviO -*

Iob IiIc hb present Nile. T ^ n lt y rhiirt It WHS the ouftcr. In furmer ycara, of nil the aniuml now hoinnlctl by I 'ark plftcc.Cenlrc

; Htri-ei. Front Mrect ami a line ruhrilnK ]uiritl5f| wUh l iec ior slfeHt. alniut a lx lv

I r<-< t imrlh of (hat street. Thla trucl whh o I iilfi to the piirlab from aome ixTeon Im - I in vi'il to hft\<‘ tieeij u member uf the rliorrh

KrnIn llu- w <

1"(if bijfhllMK .1

iiroiiuil tie

b« made to the Hvn‘'riil Assernbh nn'enriK neat May. Then* u f four inie«n.»iiH

which nro ffxllnwsThe UtM'alloii" Ab I««'i1.

Ftrat—pu you 'leftire ii reclsh-n i.f our eonfaaalon of faith? or

flectmd—p o yf'b dealre a Huppb'monifil. •ttpUnatory aUtemont; or

Third—Do you rtealre is> Hiipi'l^menl our praaeni doctrinal iiiHndiiTde with a briefer itatMiient of the do<'trlne “ moat tnirely bfrlleved among ua." eapresiilna in olmidL- Ignguaga the faith o f the church In loyal­ty to tha ayitem o f doc-rrine contained In H oly acTlpiure and held by the reformed rhurcheaT or

F o u rth —P o ynu dealre the dlarnKpal of lh« whole ■ ubjeri, ao that »ur doctrinal a landtrda shall remnln nn they ure. wlth- e u t u i y chanic whatever, whether re- vl ilonal, auppl*mental or RubHiltutioniil?

In view of the previous iitt luide of the N ew a rk Presbytery those who ore In « po- ■ tUon to know d w ia re that there Is no likelihood of the aecotul and fourth qiiea- Uotu receiving an t f ll rm at lve vote, but It Ig thought that there mny l>e a division of opinion over the qiiestlnn of rtet'birln* In f a v o r of the revtalon «>r the Bdoptlrin of an rn t l re ly new and hrlefer Htnlemeiil. ThU doubt haa arisen from the f a c t that some • r atoga "Who hkfelofhre have favored the la t te r pioposltlon arc liu-llm’d to tM'llcve th a t rpcenl rtevelopmeiHB h ave ehown tk a( while revision may i*oHaltily he ob­tained, thff other la an imi'sisslhlllty.

C oM BvrvatU in In T h l > *tt»le.It In pointed out h)‘ this clftss ihrtt In

tb la S lu ie alone three rtnt nf the eight Presbyter ies have Jilreaily declftred agnlEVt any action being tHken. nnd tm« la la v o f o f a Bupj)lrmeiil«l su tem en l . T k « flrst mcntloni-d nrc (he I 'renbyuTlea o f New Brunswick. Want Jersey and Mon- mdUlh, and the other la the Preshyie fy uf Morris ami K s w x . The Prenbylerles of J e ra v y City, Newton and EllaHbMli will n a a t on TUenday.

Deaplte this feeling the mcmhnrs nJ the liberal party are quite smigulnc that the N e w a rk lH»dy will decinr^^ in fa vor of an aptlre change along the lines Huggi-sted In lya overture ndopled by It las t Mny, wUh g auiiplementary provlaloti tbut If this ahoukJ appear linpoaalble It favored a re- Vlaion. The overture referred to wiia j*rc- grntfrd by I>r, 0 . A. Farra n d , head mas­te r Of the Newark AcAdamy, lu whU-h It w a a declared that "believing our church g re a t ly needs a ahnri, simple creed, stnl- Ipg tha caacntla) truths of Christianity, which m ay l*e used us an aUenmtive for our preijcnl slandarrls h>- those Presby- twrlea chooslnn to do »o, and preferring thai, our tlme-hnnored cunfesHloii should remkin unchanged, hereby overture the Genoral Assembly to upiudm a representft- tfva cwamUlee to take steps to furmulute vuch a creed,’*

F a v o r e d H e i t « l o i t .The belief that soiiu- tfuch action ah

aluled will be taken. ri*;ardleH« of Ihi conaurvftMam of other Preslivtc»rteR In tin- Btiite, Is iiir<'ngtlu-ned Uy ih.' fact that in 1TI96. when the agUftlbin s im ilar-tu thin Of the iiTi-HPiit time y>:is stf4Me<l. (Tie N e w ­a r k Presbytery declared In fa vor of r*-- vlslon, When the reiairt made tn the us- aembly cftme up b-'-rnre the J*r«’SbylerleH In

to be Hcleil upon, a iiiii'Stlon ha'l hccMi raised AS lo its ronsMuilloiitillty iM'i'HiiHr o f mune allegcil lrrr'gulijrU>. and in e<m- acquence tbi- Inca) l>od> laid the maUtr over. Afterward a lien i lo n w a s dlvcrtc*! from the rrpnri by ilie Hrlgga ctmirovcrsy, gnd tliere ihe mailer rested. Anvung tin- urtU’lcH w'hlcii !l was iiropns«'d lu slrlki ' out wrte thf twn lnlh>wlng:

(he deiTi-i' I'f find, for the mani- feelal lop nf Ill s g lnrv , hmop' men ami nngels nre prcdcstlimil unto cverlnsUiiK Itfe. amt nllicrs ftitvnrdaintd in c\u-rUif«i- Ing death,

-■ 'Ihtf inge|n ftpd Ttn'ii thus predestined and forcord.'itiect nre particu larly (ind mi- ch<mgealil> deslguffl, and ih d r nuinlaT Is »H» ccrial' . ami dniiniic that |i cAtvnot either be liicrcflH»‘d " t dl iulnlshril. ’

H a y l i e f e r to C ' lminiHtee .A few IIP inl*<Ts of the 1'rcnl iyiriv siro

considering 'lie H'lviPiihlhty nf prisiajs- Ing tluo 'h lead ut taking aris- di'liiiU>- MCUon upnii tbc uuestluns m nt Wcdne.s- day, the whnh maU»d ht- nfi-rri'tl in a COramlUeC for cenisldi-raflnn, Uh . oncUi- elons to be cmbodii il In -i rc|H>rt

Realdes the eliTllon uf a inmli-r.ilnr. an aiialetjiiil clerk and siamUnfr inmmlMi'cs Oh hertevoletu’f will Ije chnsi'n .\ ciimmli- tee DU mlimlca nf thti ucm>riil ^mHunhly dud Bbother oh mirmilvo fur tlic ensuing y ea r will he appoltiied.

The follottliiK c|crg\nicn wip rend i)n reports of these coinmlitccs: Fn-sliyirr lan Cbiirch Kitcnslnii. Hi-v, hr, Chur|c» T Iffll^y; Knmn Missions, lU*v J tJ. Huiti- nc-r, J r : .Mlnhicrlnl Ridlef. ftov th'nr^,. L. Curtin: Fdi cntlnri, Hnv iTcnt-gc a P fiUll, I’ hnrih IJrcitlnn, liev, l»r c'h;jrlcs T, Haley, Tcmpcraiu-i-, Uev Hr Fcwls liATnhTttan; KK1^lla1ll-Kc)luolH, Hev H i*Vantlcrbeck. Veiling Fenplo jt Hoi'lm Irs. Rev. TT. A Nelson l ln lUbeld. N'urrailvi . Rev. Joseph F Fiiiaom. Overiapplrig I ’ar- Ishes, Rev Dr. Lcw-ls Lampman,

The directors nf tlm ticrman Theolnglcii) Seminary at nionnil)>|i] will also siilaiili a report, and a n-|i4)rt on Hlallailcs will he made by R av Ju l iu s M. ^i'olff. i!n> BtAted clerk.

r H K I H T l A N KM il'^AVOR. dftlly i*hrl«(lan KndHHVop Rltd

l*rfllrnliiiir> hn.trd feric rluiri ll

V o h l>»*stfo>eil (h eI Thl.^ fi-iur Wii- ilcslroved li\ a

mnh. Im-llr.J U} .-■ •rt.iin pruperty ImMcrs uf iJir \pliiH,s. w ll-h ■. oMi'-inlrd Ifiai IlH- i l m n l i hail imt ni,lv tm rigid li> exl« ralilH I....... . Ind Wiin iml P gall> In |»o«-^..^.|nll nf the -d. vvidi h 11 h,ul then UC , »app-i| fnj- Iiinn' Ui.iii H <-'-iditrs

Thin cniiti-rdl'Oi Ji greui ih-alId iiiirntln?i ill 111'- tlnn . idol I'-il In ......... ..haiisld*' dlsx-ushinfi of tlo' ' laiui of fr ln lly in iiK Hin A sironK no nmrlal In dcfcio-i- uf ih-- tcnipurul rlgliis of ihu (hu rch to ihi’ tiru|nri> w'iiH prcpHnd hy t'urtlandt I’arkor and sev^Tal of his assnrliiles In Mu* VCMlrs, iilnl mldn'SNHd tn Md* I'uTiimuii rmitii-ll. Th«- iillem ^t to In so li’.-itc the HUh oi tlie xburch was ih«-n .ilrnmlimoil,

J u a t lc e l l r a t l l r j 'sThunios N Mt-fnrh-r, Hr . a im has been

an oppunent lu th'- ohh- nf Military 1‘ ark ns a shi- for the «-||v h>ill. m:ob public Iasi spring hi** nph' '^b ih<u ilic unvl'mi Uac of the inirk 'idimjl lu- • ImUK'-d wlth- nui the pi'rniis‘‘ i"ii " f lb’’ 1 .♦ sl-*lainn- Iht* hdi- Joseph I' llroilloy. will).- h.' w as a JufiMie nf Mo- SMiir«-m<- r+uirt uf thi- I 'nlied St lie", wrote an article on t)»c euli- p-ct uf rh' plan i !ititenj|>Uitml jit lltal Mnu-, nl cr-'-Mug ■' niark.-t In Washington F ark . whh !■ was uilglnalJy set ii|fari as a rnar- ki-i pl,M-i-. In this article Jn a th i ' iSradloy mail-' this'reni-e lu Military I 'ark. wbh ll wiis tirlKlnaUy act apart for a “ tnitrilng plio'c:"

-■T)p’ ii the iruInluK plm-c. ludug no luiigi-r wfinied for that use. ilh then* w«‘ri- hmolrcds of places in tii*- vicinity m uch heller m in d for It. was m-nvertod Into a pul>ll'- park, nnd plrm tcl wllh Ihn h cau il- ful iTCi-s that ml‘ »m it. hrsi. t 'lnsc griinillilt] elms w-erc planted jMiuul the ticglnninguf ihe present ccniury, and the m lerinr

were set out In 1 :n . m any o f them he-Ing i'ro iigM from Frlnce’s nursery, on |.<mg Islan d : and. finally, ihn park w-as In.-lusi'l with an Im n fein-e. Nohutly has hc'-n Injured hy l i ; i-verviMniv has been h caehicd . I he heaiity uf the city nml the lUltiUe gtHol of Ihe InWti hilB Imo-i-i huIj. served

l le lo n g e d to (b e r t t y ."A n d as lid' h*ioi rftally tK-luiigo*! In Ihe

c liy . that is, to the town people In 'o n i- num. rat m an. no court, had a right tfi la- le rfe n wiMl this nimlllh-d usi- of 11. ibde- terluus tu rut um> ami nviTi* su h serviu d lo Ihi- 1111)1110 The ch.inceiiur he very pr>'itlly cngiiged, t'l Pc sure, d cim g lb '- fence ami all Ih*- trce.s lukcii aw -ay -iim l Trinity I'luin -h

wo»i)d , In or-

to b. luu lo

order Ihal the cumiiaPles of siddlcrs «-unld ]!iavp II l in le lu-iier room for cvolidIons "

Ju s t ice Hradley's citm'hidlng paragraph WHS os fol lows:

-'The ccnirts. or Ihe (Mty Coum ll Itself, wmilri h ave no more rjglit now- to de face li (Was)ilngton Park) and convert ll Into a m arket placi- than they would m swi-cp a w a y .ill trees and structures from Mili­ta ry ( 'ommon, or frtitn Ihi' Watprlng Place (w-ldrli lav on the smith sid-* of Market street, hetwren Harrison s ireoi and the fool uf the hiUl And w h y ? Blnnily )m- cHUsi' upon the faith of the nets and cun duct nf the town for over 2IMT y ears , right; have grown up which cannot be disregard- ed and overthrown

nn kcd on m irn lse lit***,■ ■ Thu idea thal Mo-se acl s and rumin.-i

arc ill violation of the imtctil o f 1f«% li-is b.-en nlremly cunsiih-n-d. It Id bitfo-l mi ii fnlxe IdiMi. naraely, th M Iho pphlii ' laiids.I ummuns and siredH of N - w a r k wen- Mi- frec diuuni.Mi nf Ihr iimprlctOfS. Wh'Ti-'IS ld>lorU-’ truth Is riirTi'Tcnl mill show s tlml

I !liU lommon projicrty lielmigs to the ! inw iHt»cople 1 lienlHelvi'M, lo ln' disposed of I iiv tlirm fur the ]M!h!lc goui] a s they decin

ii-f-t liiit not lo ibe prlvHtc In ju ry of ihr iiiZ'-ns This Ih Ihe smind, sensible view ,f ihc euPleci, ariil law never found, in

11*1, lu in- nl war with sound senae andihi-

**Who Gives to At! denies AIL

I'll.' i:pl>*« iipnl (’ lilirrh at Newark,,T -- w:iH I'liiirt*Ti-il I'V Guiirgc TI-. K !uk l-'iigl!iml, III )7i'i Tile (.rigina! gran- - W T '- "l-M w anl Vaughn , late rectnr

T n iU ii i-himdi at N e w a r k ; Juhn uivp-r and .l.c*hili ngiien. la te chnr-h T.l.oH. Mild Hiurge l.u riln g . D avid «U:-

d in jH'lm l.iiiMiiw. David O gden. Jr W lldiiin Kingsliiml, W illia m Turner,M. ofg,- \ i ‘ iM-landt. iMnh-l IMerson. R uK'T KhiK-d.iiid iiiid KniniAtuPd Croeker . laic vestrym.-ii of '•aM ihurcii. In Tiehnif .m.l fiiT Tlo-in^o-h-i-s iiTid oMicr Intiftbltanls " f jN. -wiirk Hi-c.m.| l l l v r . N ew Rarlmdo'nN'l --k iiiid Arinim-kiK'iig "

This i-hiiriir v\-ii.s HUspcmlcd wiMthi a \(‘ ,ir iift' t h w-ns Usiii'd. liecflusc S4»m'' of \M pruU dun s pr«n’ i'd misrMisfnetnry, nivl In fact ere cHli'iilnIcd tn rounte rac l lli.' iililMits .leflN'd Thi' [iTcseni amend") i-liat-ti-r Is diile.) l-'cliruary 10. I74f aii*l ihe n ra 0 1'-eji vver*- alinosl the sam»' p 'r X.UIIS Ihe iXii'pilriMR )»elng R e v 1 m • l lrown II-. nu'l.>r In idiice of Rev i:d vxiir.l \'}MiK)uui .nil) Itli liard Ttradlicrrx lu plui'c uf tScutgi- l .iirMng nnd l iav ld oy-«leii

T he OruftiilaallOtl.'I'he urgatilr.ullt»n was I'ffeOtcd uiiih-r ili-

rurporul I* liMe of -The RciMor. I 'l iur -h W;iril.-ii> am) Vesirynu-n of Tiind-.- rh i i r c h " A iirovlslun of the chftrl. r r* •ipiln-d ■ ■ ilnii ............. Ihc chureh svmdvr.-mid f)vi‘ uf the Vi Mtrymen shall l»«- cl-., i, ,| iind ciiusen out of ih«- ctmgreK 'M "J i uf said i-)uirrli. il\lug ami resldlnn In N-w ark. iifuri-aalil, i " the south ward uf ilU' iirnuk i u U'm) Si'ciiTid River, and ih«- .>tli.-r chureli wjirih-ii am) live vos iry m 'U t . in' idet-ted and clioHi-ii oUt of the cungr- ira- tlnn uf eald chur'-li. l iving rttnl tesUtiiui on N ew Mar)i»dm‘s Ncrlt, or to Hi'' icTth* ward uf said l>rook ur r iver "

out I I N'l'W

T)vrcRdlngs for the ip>nt week tire ns folJow Munduy. " T r u e m.-hc.«i." Prov. 111:11**11 t ,Fl»-V III.17-18; Tuesihiy, ■ Ijftylng i*p T r e a s ­ures, VliiU. v|;pt-, 'l. Wednesday, ' ' I 'nwcr nf M on s i , ” Dr-ut ylll Ju-IA. Thursday,"Met Hive,’ ] Tim vi 17-19; Friday ,' Th'- RlesHlng <;ir MlMng ' II I ’or. Ix:l6-)i, Kaliifiluy. "Nei'il uf t'uiisci-raletl Muhey,' t t 'hmn. Jtx.l-Hi. Humlfti. 0 «'tober 7. tup !(-. "Filch T uw ard tPal. Luke

I 'lic Inplc fur dl'i-Msslon tu-murruw night at the lui-iil ' Jirl-' lifti] Kndeavor. I'h'wurlh l.eiigm- rimJ Rnidlst Voung Peo- pIc'H nicetlnr i will be "U u r Foolish E i - cu^^cs."

The llrsl fall im-'-UriK o f the Esse* rruinly Kiidcaiui- I'nlun will be held Mun- ilfty night In Hie Suuih iSupllsi rliurr-h Rev lit. t'lariin-'- A llurliuur, o f Hoclies- ii‘r, wlio was fi.rno rlv pr'-sidciit of Ihe ,Ni-w Vnrk Htiile l'rd*iii will maltc an ad- In-ss A deh'gitridii frufa the I'nlun I 'uun- D local union will ultem) the rally anil hi eiiicrtaltied ufT'-r lh« mceilng by the suclcty b f Ihe .‘'touHi UapHst rhureh.

The fu n im m ee ni'piilnlul Uy president I John T Hproull, of ihc lOssex Emleavor I 'nlun. lo oblftln ep.-akers fur Ihe monthly meetings lo Is- In M during the coming >-ear. has prepared a schedule of more tliun usual tnu-n-si The .speukero are well known In P.iMl'-ftvc'T eircles and s e v ­eral buve ai ld i '- ss' ' l th'* local union on former occhsImum T hey are an fo llows: Rev. D r Jusiiih Strong, of N ew Y ork : Rev. Dr. Wlllhim I'uddefurt. Hecremry t>f Ihe t 'ungT'-giilonal Home Miss ionary Ronrd: Flev i ' N Hunt, of Mlnneapolln. FTofesMor I 'liiirlcs Sy lv e s te r Burnham, of Hamlllon f'ull«-gc. Rev . l>r, J . Ralcolm flhuw, of Ni'« Viifk. Rev. Dr t ’orneUua Woelfklri -’ f llrutiklyii. Rtilicrt E Bpeer. seiTetiir> uf HP' iTesti.vterlnn Hoard of Foreign Ml'"'h»ns. utul Rev, t 'har les Hol­lenbeck. id Alluinv As h as been Ihe c u s ­tom. unr uf tlic meetings will be held In the Oniiig'-s am] one In Ihe itlonfnfteld- Munlclidr district. The st-hrdule of meet­ings Is us fullnws: Ocluber 1. Houth B a p ­tist t 'hurih. of ihlH c i ty . November 12. F irst rurign-giitlunal I 'burch o f EftJil Orange, l)i--enjt»*r 3. Fewsmlth Memorial Preslivii-rlan Hhurch. " f this ci ty: J a n - rnirv 11. I 'irsi <v»ngregntlunal rh i irch. o f this E'r)>riiar>- t. New York AvenueHcf.irmeil I 'hiirch. of this city, March 4. N<iTih Reformed iT iu n h . of this c i ty ; April 1, F'lrsl Presbyter l i ian Thiirch. of Rhii-infi'lil May <». ( ‘en lra l Presbyter ian r h i in h . uf this c l iy . Jiin»* .1. P ark P r e s b y ­terian ' hnreh, tif this cHy

Tlie I'V.'iiigf’ ll.-itlc di-parttiienl of th»- l-^sscx I 'outiij Endeii\ or I 'nlon baa a r ­ranged lo hohl a ser ies uf mrel lngs In the various illstrJci-H of the county during Ihe fall and wlnt'-r T h e tlrst mef ilng will be hdtl la the Fewsmlth M«-morlnl I ’ hiir. li. ivh W'Miriesday iilghi. Oclnbcr 17

Arrangt ments have b4-en. cuinplett^l fxir jhc iail rally of Ih i o ra n g e I 'hrlst lan limlcrtV'T I 'nlon, to be held Mnrulny night. OclohtT In th»* First P resb y ­terian HhUrch of n rangu Re\. Dr rhiir lcs Townsend will deliver t)\e ml- dress of wclrome, ami Rev David <i Irslng. of Knsi Orange, will conduct the d'-i’ idlunal cxcrcisx's. Miss Margaret H. Liigan. of M uit»‘hilr, HUiierltiiemlcnl of the Essex iintl*HVt)r Vnlon mlsslutiury deparinpml. und a member of the stn- dchts' volunteer movement, will sp«-ak ■ Mission Htuily In Doi-al Societies. ‘ After

tlie service'* confcreiu-cs Oh Endeavor w(»rk will be belli.

Rev. lierirge I-. Hnnsi'om. pastor of the U’ lrsi < 'ongregu t lurihl t 'burch, addr^'SHcd a rallv of t 'hr ls i lan Kndeavorers on Thursday night In the Central IVesby- terliiii Hhurch,

The I 'hrlst lan E n dea vor S w l e t y of the Flffil P resh y le f la n f l iu r c h held Its an- mini outing Iasi Sa turd ay iifternuun, when ihe members uihI their frieiuls went m Uruiii P ark , New York.

The l-:xecntlv4‘ Honimlttee of the N’ ew- iirU ' ' l i \ RftptlHl I' liUm wlU hold Its llrsl full si-*islnn lo-morriiw' afternoon, In the TUarnm-le Fla[ilJst Church. R*'V A Knicrson H a rr is la presldenl of Hn- util'III

ri-ucIb'ftUy eve ry dcla ll has been <nni |.l. I. (1 In the .irriingcrot-ntfl for the f>nir- u-i-iilli annuiil outiventluil of the New J Mev I'hrlstlan E n deavur coiiveiitltm, tu he h-ld lu J e r s e y HRy, beginning Oi*lober 1". lb V Dr Fratu-ls E. iTiirk. founder ami |ii-»sldf'M of the i 'bi ' lcavor movement, has |.ry'inl.«i-il to a llend. and will pruhuldy -prjjk I'fi l-'Tlda> Rev Dr (.’ harb's .M .Slolduii. ut T«»pckn. who was one «.f th'- prumliu-nl speuki-rs at the lx>ndou I' litinu, win a lso Tinikc an address. Mlsf' .Viinu S Wiggins, a>6 Hancock avenm

I ’lty, who Is ch airman of th.- ni 0 ri dnmeni romnill tee. suvs that th" "h- K'dic-iii of dd c g i i ie s Is much larger ih.ui iiniiclptiti-d.

V. M. C. A.At the men's meeting to Iw* held In ,\<-

M.'hillon Hull on Hiinday afternoon, !.egll^. iiiriK ui \ u'l-lnck. ft mus ical service win he li. hl The soloists will t>« Miss E mma un i .MIhh Sadie Pcnnids, both o f PatervunFr;ink R. llnuKland. the young cvangelisi, will speak lo the men at thia iervlec

W. C T. r .Tim Second Wnmnn'R Christ ian T"-mp«'r-

,im-e I 'nlun. :it 43 Ibdievllle aveum-. will Iml.l a mi-ellng to-morrow ttflernuuii ut 1 -Mrs. T. K. lAlUe will cmidviei Ihe meeting T h e evening ftcrviCi- will be In charge of Mrs. Abby J . Mftckle\

Kdwiinl 8- B la ck will lead the Wmmins I’iirlsllaii Tcmp'Tftnce I ’ nlon gospel rn-c|- iiig ill lln- t-hapel of the North It'-fnrined rinirc)i. lo s irect , Harrlsuu nt I (I «I'x k tu-thurow- afternoon,

M H TIR J D 1 S T E PI SCOP A F.Th.- ninsli-ul pr<igramme ftir ii"rn..rr"W

iTiundng's :ieivlct' at St. P n i^ s M j-: ('hiireh w-in Im as folloW's: *^ju;irtei{n,

Lord. Oh Oenlly l.end r s , " con ira l lo roIo. "Zlmi I 'aul

"M erc y ui.a T ruth Are M.'i T.i-BortnygaiiHky» arrangeii b>i s ir

Bul llvan T h e folhiwhifi pro*

I :

" I ’l-ntly. I InW |e\ ; R " i lb r v ;Ki-thrT.'AriluirThe lirs! ndsslouury «en l ..............

JcTRi-y i»y ih'' "rtmbdy for the Pr^p.igmlon ij-rumme will lie rendered at night - of ibe tiospcl " w as Rev. Mr Hiuuk. sOm '-flimHin poiiHbwBe." Tjcmmeas. uuJh.-tn, w x" siullon*‘d at I 'bUahellBuwn lu I7tjt,

*Thls is-as tru( of the spend- thrift of health as of the '-jfiSter of money. Do not waste your health By allow­ing your blood to con­tinue impure, bat purify, vitalise atu^ tun­ing Hooa s Sarsaparilla,America's Greatest Medicine.

D ysp e p s ia husbAnd dxforfdM Img timt for dysptpsU v)dh on/y tem- parvy rtlief. Tht first bottU of Hood’s StrsaptrSUi helped and the second cared hilt, h cared my tidt headaches." M l . M ay A, Clarh. WttmMgtoru VI,

* itiiW f e

NPVHr 0(-V<<,jpo)f,;sntiiivarUlsitlit i ■4n1laMaa u g

'T - 'IT ^ r S T F - C F I ' . l - B . r r T . in i . ' g iT C Ijn

Ihui place lieluK H'cn the larg>-i x,Mlh" ruent in E as t Jersey , conlaluiii*: .ihmit aXl funilll'-s Mf Brtiuk died In 17"7 He was ............. i<;d by Rev 1-iilwiird N uukIi .iiv, whotlrst held S'-rvlL-es hi NeWui-h. .u • fu-dliiglo Hi.’ iR es uf Hie Churt'li of IHi k I.i icI, liiITj*-*. ut nbi*ui s»’ V ‘iil''cn ^ciiT' therlmrti-r of Trinity Church w;i .h x;-miied M i- \' iiug’\mii illHl III 1747. a f ie r hcig years of siici-'*ssfIII misskmary wmi-k

l Ic n er lp H u i i 4if (h e J tu l l i l ln u .In ilic ri‘smi‘1 nf the 'riRcieu"' fur 174.7-

J744, rccorfl is llrsl made of Hie '•rjn.'Hun of a rhurcii l>\ the InliiihU.mis of Newark. T)ie Imlidlng was of "heuii .Htom*. C>3 l e d long. 47. hruad agd 27 l ik li , wlih a steeple $0 feel lilgb and 2ti f'-»-t rpl,1^e,■ ■ H >*luo(l

.Hi" same Rrouml where Ihe churchry ' - tr - f,f Itis

iTutculau l EjilscoiKil t ’ l n in h In Ni'WarV wtirMhlpped for mor<- ihun s ixty yeiirR

Among the wursMpp'-rH In ihe oldr.Hiiyi' wen* Washlnxion. lb-i)ert Jlorrlg. Roheri L iv ingston aait otlu-r notftlib'S- In Rev- fiUiihmary days the ilnin-h was used for a hospital for soldiers

Accorciragto ll brief record, the tmiy One fe lu l ln g to the period before lb'- Revolu­tion which had )icen preserved, the loca­tion w aa selecled nnd the grouml given by a mutual arntagemcnl )u*tween the eoa- gregntlnn and (he town. C o m m itted were appointed on hebiHf of each party, who met and "siaHeiJ nut the ]dot.’ ' which appears tn have contained hal f bit acre, the title to which area having bean con­firmed ahorlly a fterward )>y ihe charter.

Old g(e e ] i le I * r e s r r ' ‘w4 > ftev. Joseph Willard w as choaen rector

of T r inity In D urlnf h u Incumbency

The Sun 8h ill Be No More Thy Light

P O L Y T E C H N IC IN S T IT U T E ,B R O O K L Y N , N . V .

l-j.ll (rn il iH-cliii !*»pt»mbtr »4. tuob

In th* business centre ol Brooklyn, afliacent lo Cily H ill Square, 10 minutes from Brooklyn Annfi iffli'Ihe Bridge.

TH E IN STITU TE is a school ul ARTS and E N G IN EERIN G , fnlly equippe.) with Electrical, Chettrical, Physical, Hydraulic and Sleam Laboratories; Wood and Metal Working Machine Shops, Litoaty, Etc.


C o u rse s a n d D e g re e s :1. l . l l tEK.AL A BTIi l '0 (;KSK, in imiausur,

llleraturn, hmlnfy » n " pbllaK'rpiif. loudiug toi h c d n g ^ ^ b f A rts.

'» K l^ lP lK lL A Ie tO U K h K , In llioorciic and atii.lipd olecjrlrAl science. laiMirnturT work. i.[eetric*l menHUFeuiftb'l" fibci tostliig. W to ilie d


eetricwl mew»urei»temH 'ift degroo of Klecttieal Kt._____U VirTKN tllN KEKIN ti ('(UKBK, lii

jiti toating, loadtiniKnulneor., ■ *1,

mathemnllos, phyalM, me tmnlM and field « ( » k Je itd in B to tlie d a g ise o f t I H I R l 'g i 'ie e r

*. hi K C H A N U A L , h h ti 1 h h K R 1 N (, COlIKfiK. Ill ii ialhemMici. pIivaKs, mocliau-

.........m in e a e slg n . ieadliiig■ E n g in e e r.

inphyslcft, uiwth^ 'tseayliig, and in-imicfti anniysis, iu»ayiiig, anil in-

dusUisi) ana cothmvTclai cliemlstnf. leading tolhe1 degree of ^ d te loT of Hclenoe

Catali^Dee Uafled^ on AppHoatle?i.

HillRY SjllflER SID)., ll.a , £iesil!30l

By D ey ." W oodward: orfnn» “ Adagio" (BmiaiA PonttAcnle), Lemmena; quartette, with alto aolu, "fiavluure L ike a Shepherd Lead Da," (Jeorge W. Chadw ick: trio faopranu, alto and tenor), ’ *Thou Shalt tsove the Lord Thy G od." Sir Michael 4’uKta: ergau, "F ugue-F anfare,” l/era* mcna.

The orgun miieic at St- L uke's M. E. church will be us fulbiwe; In the mom- tug. prelude. BOiuitu, Urst and second uifivements, MpnOelsdoim, offertory , "8er- r-nrttft.” Wntlum F. Cruerty; iKiHiluile, •Fughetift." Dubois, At night, prelude,

"CunHIcuu. " Kliiglrr. offertory. "Mcdl- lailiiu.’ ' Ed luemulgre, iHuiilude, In C niiijtif. Kluincr Organist. Mies Grace 1.W'lDun

The fuUiwlrig mush will hv rendered In Uy CeiiiLT'ftry M 1' ' ’ hurch Hunday iiighc PiHuilc. ijITeriory on familiar hymns. Hiillmunl; aaihem . "O, Come.1 ft Ps Slug. " SUanis; duet and chorus,• ) Walu-il for ihc l^tnl. ■ Mendelssolm solo parts by Mrs. Chandler and M1k» Ida B.iSI: •iffrrlory. ' H« ng WUhmil W ords."Kb’ ln, solu, "The Chunl o f L ife ,' Lloyd,Mrs. chundler; chorus. "T he laml Chord." Hiilllviiii. jH Mludc In R Hat. W eal

At Ihe Central Methodist Church the ICpworlh l..eague vesper services to-morrow lilglil will be led by Miss Helen Tolten.Khe will enter the training school at W isb - higion. 1>. <’ .i on Monday, to prepare her-

If for defteoiiesH work.Rrv u C Wilding, D. !>.. o f St. Jami'S’s

Church, Elliiihi-th, will addreas the young j-roi'le of the Eighth Avenue Metbfidlsl l-:i'1s''ni)iil Church, on Thurs<lay eveiduK- nrtn b 'T 4. (It o'cloi'k Dr. Wkldlngds an .•x«-cpHomHly able and interesting speak- . 1- All Who cim shouhl he«r him. Them viib h1s<i lie sperhil musl<- sultalde to Hn- •M 1 .isloit.

Itully Day wit) hr observed In the Bun- ,1,,v-s(-hool of Hte Central Methodist I'hnrrh lu-iU'irriiw iiftenio^m. Special nni- k!<- will lie r*'iidi*r'*d ami Hev. E)r. F. C Mjililwln wIlJ mukr an address.

li.-v Dr Reiuv S|*eltmeyer, jmslor of Hi<- lt"Hi‘vllli- MeHiodl-«t Church, will di ■ llwr ft i-niirs.' of Imr-ri'sHiig srnnotu* m; SuM'l.-iv mtifidrigH, iieginning to-morrow tinil cn«limr Decr-mlK-r SO The subjec is iiri -I follows: Srpictuher ML "Is DraHi Hn- l-,i,il ‘ An .Arftunn-ni for !mm<»fUilily;" fii - i,ii.. r H. 'Fs There ftn lut'-rmedlftto Hliii'- 4»f Hn- D'-iitr" October 21, "W h at Du the hi, rli'iure*. Tciu li Com-ernSrig the Resm- ri-' iloii «if rhe Rudv’ " Octoher 2S, ''Th<'I rni"-rlihuMcness of .M'lriory and Its Re- liiiluM lu uur Fulur** H appiness;" Nov^-ui- )i, r H I'o ihir E-’ hends In Heaven Know11' I'.... . of Tlielr I'rb n«ls on Earth?'Nrivetnlicr IH, ' W lnt Do the RcrtiituP’- T O' h \lii»ul lleiivm iind the Condition of lb* l{-■.lleIncd in Heaven?-* Noveml>er 2r».■ 'Ihodk-'SlvlnK. or the Meaning of Heuv- eiilv Mh‘<Ic ." Def'cml»rr 9, "T he Mlnlstrv■ if Hu .UiKt'Is;" D'H-cmher Ift. "Recofcnl- llon uf Friends In H eaven;” December 22.

Tlie M.inger and Ihe T hrone;” December :m, ‘Tin* Importance o f Numbering OuiIijn-H ’

METHOUIflT PROTEBTAN TAi Hie ciintim Hill Methodist Prnlcstan'

I'burch lo-morrow Rev Mr. Bherman wlh linai'li (III these toiilcs; Morning, ‘ 'Tin I’ uRlImcnt of (he I ^ w ,” evening. “ The Twi* I'liHis. '

"Life, lodreit," Is the sulLjer-t o f a serle- uf scrni'ins to l>e (iell\rre<l by Rev, Luth«i- Fi I)v*m In Ihe First Methodist Protestfini nu irch . ift’glnnlng lo-m nrrow nlghl. ili> rirsi Avrmuii will be "H ow to Have iiHiipps Hunu'. '

PRESBYTERIAN .flervh-rs wilt N- held Jn the First I replv.--

terlun Church lo-murrow. Tlu* buildiin* has Ufcri In Ihe tiiinds o f cleaners anil piilnlers fur ih^ U.i-t four week*, but Is nuw ready for ihi* winter The auudav- scIh’oI will have rally day exerclacB at 2:.i' (i'i-lie-k in the afternoon. There will !>■ Hinging hy the school and addreasos lo S'-vej-;il memhcTH At 4 o ’clock the adull Ibhlf class will olvserve !is (w,‘eniy-elg)ii)i annlvefsury. The exercises will take phu •111 ihe chai>el and Rev. Mr. Fetine], of ih> South Raidlsi Church, and Dr. Fraser, the pastor, will make addresses. Mrs I. Carroll Reckel will sing tw o solos. At ih' regular services the <hurg,>i choir will sifig Ihe following progniTntncs being rendered: Murning—Organ prelude, "Hnaminah!' M'hnrus Magmirn) Dubois, anthems. "Te lif'um ," In R minor. l)inlley Ruck, "O. Loving One Divine," Plnsutl; offerlurv In M flat. Cnlbi«'rt>'; rirgmi posHudo. Allegro AlJpA.sslonulo. Hill I maul. Evening-* ir-giin prelnde, Alh'gro In F, (rUltmanl, iin- Ihems. "l.,!ke All the Mart." U iry ; ■'lliirk. Hark, M\- Soul." Shelll•^■: (iffertriry, Im- pruTniilii In A Dal. Parker: organ poNiUnle, "(Irand f'honia," Mai-Ma.ster. L. rxirroll Reekel Is orgHtilst HUd ohulrmaster.

The music lo-mnrruw In Memorial Prefl- hVierlan Church will he aft follows; Mnrn- Ing-ITehide, Tombelle. nfrert(»ry, ‘ ‘(’ atl- aona." Wosplth-nlme; prisiUidc. "March I'unllrieole,'' Tomltclle. Kvetilng-PrelmU', Roellmanti; uffert'-iry. tuicrm eiau, Dele- h!s; ])nsthide, "Hrand (’ horns," lluimls.

The Hundny-sehnnl o f ihfr Sixth .J’ res- byterlnn Church will observe Hally Day to-morrow night The music will be ren- deri'^d from a speelaDy prepared exercise. cTilltleil "Crown >I1m." Judge-Elwriod C. Harris will make an iirldress At (he murtilng service the Rev DavLs W. Lusk, the pastor, wd)l preach.

The Baldinlh-sehool nf thi* Tlilrd Presby- lerlnn Church will hove Its fall rally to­morrow afternoon al 3 u riix-k Rev. Dr. Morgan, o f Central M. K Church, and the pastor. Rev. Dr. HoMlflHil. will speuk.

REFORM El ►The music at the Reformed

I'hurch to-murrow will )h- ns follows: In (he mornhiK, organ "Ahda:i(e Soslemto. " Mnrundl; iinthem. 'N ear 'i (.urrl," W'ai- s'Jii; offer lory. "A n Jan t »• l-ix press lone," Riirglcl; solo by Miss M.i Mac Plerpmit; IKi.Nihjdc. ■■Funtftple," Doll. 'Is. At night, urgan, ' ‘Andante Tramiolllu, ' flmnrl: an­them. "JeHii.s. the Very TfTmight of Thee." Honnod; offertory. "TTisiurnlc." Ixonare;

I solo by Miss Mb Mae IM'-rpint: posllude. 'M arche Aiix Flambeaux. ' Wely H. M. Williamson, organist fiml ch'iiTmasler.

Cyrus Shepard will speak ni Hope Chapel, 177 Ifcaat Kinney sD cci. lo-morrow night

v\t Ihe Clinton A vniue Iteforme*! Church iu-niurro\v the paalor. Dr Martin, wlU flt both aervIct-H. 'i h'- m-w organ is rapidly approaching i-i>rni«li ilon. When tlTilsheJ It will be one uf (1 :,- largest and li'-st toned Instruments In Hu- city. It will be form ally dedlriitud in uclobor hy u vocal and Instrumentnl s c r v lc rendered by the choir iiod nrclu-Jira The New York Guild tjf Organlsls wIlJ Ja* jirescnt In a liudy nnd participate iti ih,- iTitcresllng exercises. The ilenomlnuilumi) year hook o f the Reformed chun h'*s In .-\mer1ca has Just been IsKUed. O f The 'HO churches c'lmprlsed In this ecctpsbisi h aJ body, the r'llnton Avenue Churoh iiulds the lending place In the numl>*r o f Hcepaniotis to the membfrNhlp during the jm-i year. The music to-morrow will bu as fullo-ws: Pre- Iside. Andante Pastorale, Hullmnnt: an- th'^ro. "My Boul Doth Moguify the Lord." Sifilner: anthem, "StIU, Hilii Wiih Thee," Mcndelssohn-Ruascll; rrsi,'>riHeg, Gloria In Excelela, Stainer; K>Tic ui f , Tours, und Banctus, Tdurs oiTcrtory anthem, "l-’or Rehold the Dnys Ciuni . ' Woodward; ■'Now. Lord, Lettest Th'-u Thy Servant Dcimri In Peace." Hudricr: postlude, morch and variations. Kuldan.

S A P T I M TNV HottSland will prciu-li ut Mr,

Prospect Avenue Chapel S'iMd:i,\- night ai 7:4.1 o ’ clock. Subject. '■l’'-t*|-s Walk on the Ben,"

"R ally Aay" will he ohHirvod ut the Clinton Avenue RapHsi I'liiir'-h lo-mor- n»w Tlie room ing scnv'.ii will be the keyword for the rhuri-h Tlic Mlhle school win hold Interesting cxi-i-l'1nch iti the af­ternoon. A fine musinil iir'igrummc hus been arranged, and c . c. Sbciipunl will deliver an address. The s*t v Icch of the ciny will close ln the evcnlngwlih thebup tlsm o f candidates from Hi- Rthje Bchool.

The Young People's I'nlun o f the Fifth Riiptlst Church will coMihn i a song ser­vice on the church sn-pH to-morrow- night. preliminary to Hi.- regular church servleJ, Rev. Charb's i' itianley, the panior, will preach nn Ul istraied sermon ou Ihe subject o f "T he (inly fl]>lrlt." lit will also sing.

In the Peddle Memorial Church the fol lowing muskal programm e will be given to-mnrrow: Morning—( irgaii prelude in A Hal. Rftff: opening scnicnt-c In O, Calking anthem. "Lord, AVe Pray Thei.," Roberts ofTm ory In T* B chuhcn; anthpin, "The Eyes of All W alt on Thcc." H»n|; solo, "Turn Thoa V nto M e," (Ell» Cosla. Mr, Buuvage; organ posiludc in F. llatlate, Evening—Organ prelude In G, Wagner opening sentence in C. ’ Biulucr; anthem, "O How Amiable are Thy Dwelllngi.' Raruby: offertory in F. Ar<-nricli; anthem, "God Is Our R efuge,"Rodney. Mr. Sauvage D, MftlUy.

A l the Tabernacle Baptist cimrch to- m orrow Rev. A. B. H arris, the pastor, will preach In the m orning on 'The Apostle Peter/* and In the evening on "The Per­sona! Presence o f Jeeus,"

BPIBCOPAL.Hev. IiQUia Br Qaborne, who has been

sL>«ndlng hie vacation at Dighy. Nova Scotia, will officiate In Trinity (!hurch to­morrow-

On Sunday.' O ctober at U o'clock, Grace ChurCB will be solemnly blesoed and the Dlvtaia aoceptance be aeked. The

mttfetc will be e la b om u and appropriateto the occasion, Throughout th e BuniiMr (he churob hse undergone elaborate decoration, and eatenelwe rrpai™ •• well.

VNIVBHBALIST.The muslc^al the Church o f the Redeem ­

er to-mnrrow morning will be an follow e: Procfssiunal, ‘ Tlparest Th«u That Brood-c*r." Havergal: anthem, "F ar From Their Home." Rev. H H. W oodward; eolo, ” 0 Shining fjght,** Spencer Adams, Miss Hoyt: qiiarinite, "1 f^ay My Sine on Je- «ux.-‘ Mareton; resjtonse, "F ather of Heiivfii. Si hilling. Thomaa Bolt, musl- I'Ul illrvctor.

"Tlu- Prcflflcnllsl ('am palgn and Its Ix-HNoiis for the Churches” -will be Rev llinry R R ow 's subject to-m orrow murtiliig at the Chureh nf the ReJeeiijvr.The evvnlng aervlce. to hn held In thi rhaiH'l. ’ivll) have as Us theme "Trui Frli-iiilNhlp. or David nnri Jonathan." On iii-ioher 7 the hour o f morning worshli« ftrnl of thi* Suncluy-sfhool session 1m to tu‘ cliiniK'-il Thi- Flusy Rees mi-et Saturday^ lit 3 o'clock 'The rnUm C adeu will r*- mum Hieir clrllin to-night. Any boy of

rei'iHfitpin Im privileged to Join. Th»- Lmlb-s' Aid Society will hold a special me'-rliig Wr-dneaduy afternoon

OfINGHKGATIONAL.Thi’ foll<iw-lng music will t»e rendered

nr Hm servicea in the First Congrega linmi) Church to-m orrow: "Brighteal anil Ri-ht of Ihe Sons of (he Morning," Rm k. "Ko<‘k o f Ages." Ruck; "Judge Me. " Lor-l." Muck. "A rt Thou W eary, Art Th'H! Languid?" Schnerker.

LV TH ER A N .,M Grace English I.uthernn Church t"-

miirniw the dny will be given up to th>' .jimuiH harvest fesllvuK The church will hi’ dci-orateil with fruits and vegetable^, ihi* pastor will preach an approprlnte ser- nil'll iiiul the choir furnish suitable musli A (Hidlal Invitation extended to all.

M lBCEI.LAN EOrB.Till- free Hlhle lectures hehiR given lu

I'iiri’ s M'i'Sl h;n<l Hnll, South t>rangi- nm* Hiid Hixlh street, every Sundu> tUuhl will )ii’ fcmitmied IndeflnilHy T " rn ir- rr.w night William Rrltlle wdll spi-ik on "Thi' 1‘ i.v- o f Christ, lo I ’ sher In ait Fea

!'f nil—hlOR "Tin- Church o f Christ. B«l'‘ulD(.

has rcnteil the sectmd Moor of the Norih \1iir«] National Rank hiillcilug, at iVi Uroail Htreel. and after to-mormw f er-

will liP held at that place Iniring ill-- v.-'-ek the room will he open dully fr'-m 1(1 ii'i-inrk unill 4 o 'clock OR a fr»-v •j'. :nllnK room

Th*' rt-gnlnr weekly meHings " f Hn- N'.wark ITlmitry I'nlon will )'■• retunn-d ■ 'll MoiHlaj,' afternoon in the IcciMre-Tooni iif I hi- First Preahytcflan Churt'h j W Harnes, the prcHldeni of (he iinio' will give Hie SuiulRy-school lesHon for ih'- fihh'ViliiB Sunday, nnd other ImI'T'-hi iiiji ri-ftliires will charnclerlie the mcrtlng. Ai till- ( lose of the aervlccft un hour svlll >jlven for -social Intercourse.

In (b e R ra o g e e .Andrew Mason will nddresa Hie mcn'N

ni.a-llng to Ih- held In Oninge V M, C A iij-inorrow- afternoon, and violin roImn will 111- played by Frank Woelher fS^org' 1 ‘ummlngs w-Hl lead the boys' mectlnK

At the morning service In the N<'w Chun h im ERsex avenue. Orange, to-m-'r* r uv. Rev. Ad(T>l|>h Roed'T will prein li nii

'Hie Evolution of Bible Dream:-'." Tlv Sunday-school will meet at 10 o'clock.

Tlie subject o f the sermon lo he rt*-- liv'-red )>y Rev. W alter Reid Hunt, jl’ * fi.T r»f the First Hnltarlnn Church of 'u--

:ige. to-morrow morning, will be "Th--- i.losy In the Light o f Mo(1.«rn Knowledge-" There will l»e a cofnmtinlnn service at Hi-- rhme of (he regular service.

llev. Dr. Llovd. general secretory i-f tin* Itniird o f MlnshniR of Hie Protestant l-lplNcopHl Church, wlh sucak at the scr \lc('s tn Grace Chun h, Grange, to-mnr- j r«(W night. The w»-ck-day’ m-rvlcc at H.3's A- -VL has been resum'd

The First Congregathmal Church i-f | Kant t.irange has r»'»nmej the renul-ir Sunday evetllnR si-rvln-s. which were H its - ! pended during the summer. At S:4.’' o ’clock io-morrow mfsrnlim the Sahlmth-school win nl'serve Rallv Day. At the morning services Rev'. Ambrose W Vernon, the pastor, will prea<h on "An Cn.-ielilsh Im- puls'- Called HciMuess" In the evening he will deliver Hr- second o f n wi-rh-s o f Hfrmons on "The Realltudes as Christ's Points of Contact with Men." The Huh- Jecl will he "Borrow as Ch l <l■H Folni of Donlaci." The music w-|ll he ns follows. Morning—FTeliide, nfferiidre Ni>. 1. W ily.{irilhom. "U ( ’ lap Your Hamls." Ilui-k. posthide. march, tTiirk Evening-Prelude. iTPlne tlfferlolre. Devrlrl, fthihem. "Saviour, Breathe- nn Every BleaslnK.' Sldrq: nnihem. "Just ns 1 Am." 8(L’hneckcr. poKiluih' In D. B Tovir“.

To-murrnw’ will he observed as Rally Day In the I’ rn.spect Rtreci Bapilal ( ‘ hurcli, K uhI (Jrangi*. Hev. I)r. Mtirnhall V. McDutfla will preach in the morning,(in the BVibJcct. "Thu Menpuge o f Chrliu lo the Church at Ephcr'Uii." In Hie even­ing his theme will be. "Is the Young Man ftatc?”

The Womnn'ft Society for Chrl.stian W o r k , of the Orange Vnllcy Coitgrega- ihmal Church, will hold U« Ural meeting thin acHsim ou Thurwday uficrnooD,

Autumnal Ruuday will be celebrated In the First Melhodlsl Episcopal Church, Orange, nil Ruiulay, October 14. H»n- Frank MacDniilel, the paalor. wlU preach lU’ iuorrow night on "RcstleBsnesi." A «|w'ciftl muHical programme w^U also he rendered.

The names nf the persons who will have charge of the Buiulay evening Kcr- vlcuB of th«‘ Young iVo|)le’ ft Brayi'i I'nlon o f lh«* First Itvfurmed Church "t East Orang'-. during the next ihrc- munths. will he announced to-mori-ow nlght.

Rev. Dr. GeoTge 8. Bishop, pastor of the First Rcf..rmcd Church, o f Etist Orange. wiU prcin h at the m orning rer-

■ice to-morrow <in "The Bible and fi Changing Creed. ' and n( the evening ser­vice on "The World Before the Flood " 7’ he church has thus far eollecled for Hp Galveston sutTorers about I16d.

At the Sanford Street Methodl.Nt CTiurch, Fast Orange, to-m orrow m orn­ing the Rev. W. H. WIgg will preach on "N eednl Power from on High." Hla sub jeet at the evening service will be "A Hor­rible Thing In Ihc Land Protected hy Law." It ^dh he a temperance dis­course,

IrvtntftuTi.The choir of the Irvington Methodist

Church haa arrunged Ui hold a apeclal musical aervlce the last Sunday night of every month- To-m orrow night the choir will be aaslsted hy Paul Petrey, baritone, and W illiam Shurte, violinist. The fo l­lowing programme will l>e rendered; Bari­tone solo. "Saviour, When Night Involve-* the Skies." Shelley, Mr. Petrey; violin solo, eelected, Mr Shurte; anthem. Te j Deum in B flaL Armstrong; baritone solo, I ‘The Plains o f Peace," Rodney, Air. petrey Henry C. Kees will act ns or­ganist and Edwin C. Murphy, the chorls. rer. will have charge of the p#ogramm*v Kev. J. William Ryder, pastor o f Hu* church, will preach In the morning on

Consecrated Motherhood." Ha will make an addre«« at night.

The Junior Endeavor Society o f the D- Ingtnn Christian Church wlH me^t to-

morrow morning, under the leadership of Miss A. E. Elsden. At 10 o 'c lock there will be u meeting for men In the lei'ture- ronm Rev. W illiam H. Haluer, the pa»i- tor. will preach at 10:30 o’clock on "The Church." The Hunday-school will meet In the afternonn for a general review, un­der the dlrecllon of the superimeiident. John H. Van' Cleve. The Senior En­deavor Boclely will hold Its meeting at 6 ;» o’clock at night, and later there will he a special song service, under the

Ih e ^ o le T r u th About Pianos

___A n d n o t h i n g b u t t h e t r u t h is w h a t w c te l l y o u —

y o u c a n d e p e n d o n th a t . N e v e r w a s m i s r e p r e s e n t a t i o i i

m a d e a b o u t a n i n s t r u m e n t i n t h i s s t o r e , o r b y a n y

o f o u r r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o u t s i d e o f i t

W e ' d r a t h e r l o s e a s a l e a n y d a y t h a n h a v e t o

r e s o r t t o e q u i v o c a t i o n o r f a l s e s t a t e m e n t s a b o u t

a n i n s t r u m e n t .

D o y o u r e a l iz e h o w i m p o r t a n t t h i s is t o t h e

p i a n o p u r c h a s e r ?

B i g n a m e s o n t h e p i a n o s w e s e l l ;


O w n g u a r a n t e e d n e w U p r i g h t G r a n d w e o f f e r

f o r o n l y $ 1 0 f i r s t p a y m e n t a n d $ 6 m o n t h l y .

S o m e u s e d U p r i g h t s , 8 8 5 , 8 1 2 5 u p .

t u n i n g

R E P A I l l l N O


8. A. Ward,6 and 8 West Park,



H l j C g t i O r t i d e I M t i i T O j s197 MARKET STREET.

T V y E A R E m u iu fa d u r c f a ol H i g h G r i d e G r a n d a n d U p r ig h t P ia n o a . M i k - io g mjst th a n 7,000 biatrumcnta a r * a i , w e are hi a ^ a illo n to y o o aP ta o o cheaper than ibe dealer, n o m a tte r w h a t i n d u e e n ^ h he m a y

e fic r. Y o u ra v e the dealer’* p ro fit, Ihe m oaic leacher’i c o m m ia io n , the can- v a a e r 'i p e rc e n U g e . D o businea; direct— (a rto ry pricei— e a jy p a ym e n ta if d e & e d .

One Upright Piano, used 3 years, • $127. One Upright Piano, used 18 months, $145.

Several Second-hand Uprights at a

Very Low Figure. ^O p e n r t o n d a y , F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y E v e n i n g s .

j i v e o B197 M A R K E T S T R E E T , Next Newark Theatre, Newark,N. J .

I .A R O K S T A>sf* I !T M ENT OK I’ IA\OM IN N M V J K I t f iK T .

^ V w w W B i



W e n o w I n v e o u o u r w a r e r o o i n f l o o r s S i x t e e n P i a n o s t h a t h a v e b e e n r e n t e d o u t d u r i n g s u m m e r m o n t h s . T h e y h a v e b e e n r e p o l i s l i e d a n d t u n e . I , a n d a r e e q u a l t o n e w . J i o o t o $150 r e ­d u c t i o n h a s b e e n m a d e i n p r i c e s . I f y o u a r e l o o k i n g f o r a b a r g a i n it w i l l p a y y o u t o c a l l d u r i n g t h e c o m i n g w e e k .

E A S Y T E R M S I F D E S I R E D .

BRADBURY,^ F A c ; ' r o i i i A ’' w a w k k o o m s , 4

^ 679-681 BROAD STREET. J5 F. Q. SniT H , Mfr. LEANDER FISHER, Mgr. J

si-rmouB. cntillpd "Tlu^ Apociilypllc chiirrh' '8." lo -m orrow nlghi, Th * Sun- rl«y-«c)iunl lf« n m i n g l a g to buld n harvest fi'htlvRl short ly . N e x t SiiMirtlny the G« r- miin Sohool. which la comiui-ted by the piisttir, will be oix'ncd In the churHi.

The l^dlcH' For lah Aid Finiicty of T r in ­ity F K. Ch urch o f IrvlnKirm will hold liH Brat mectlmr tbla acaaou cm Thursday iifl'-rnooti ivi the home of lU-v WllUam W'-hlu* oil M>rtlc avenue Mr. Webbe will iiimluct Hcrvlucrt in tbc chuTuh da tiBUftl ti’ -morrow. “

kiiKth O rnnffp n n d ^'allfllMiri(h, WTIIIum J . H aw k in s , tirgiinist of the

First Mcihmllst C hurch , uf SmiUi Orange, will play the offer lo lre In D of ItallKte, tlir "Chorus Of A n g e la . " Ht-oiHun Clark, inifl Bt’hncllcnberg 'a arTMugi-mi-nl of 'l-:hie Fcstc! 1st C n s e r G o i l " m ihc even­

ing service at that churi h m-morrow*. In the last num ber the ihrme will be kiven tiv the choir In unlsnti, ii. Ear le f'llhtiy. of R uth erford , will lh<‘ huIoIs I.

Hev. Dr. T u f l . recenl ly from ciilna, will tU-llvt'r un uddresa In Hu* Viill.'^burgh M>'Hmdlst Episcopal <’ h\in-li. Hovith Or- uhgM avenue rtlirt Richelieu terrace, at 4 !' I lock lo-morrow afternotm.

The extensive rep a irs whlcli have been riLide tn the Ch urch o f Hu- 14<ily Com- mnnlnn. Houlh Orange. RTn about com- j'li-tHd. Rome l im e ago (he posts In the

rlan Church. .Montclair, to-morrow morn­ing.

The Sunday-school o f the First Baptist Church. Filoomlield. will hold its annual rally at noon (o-murrow.

F r s n k M n a n d K a t l r y .Rev. Elbert Clement 'will preach on

"Faith AVorkiiig by lyive," to-morrow morning at the Franklin Methodisl church . Hlft KUiiJect at night will b« "Christ In Gephftemane."

F ev. Dr. AVllllam A. Fairley will preach to-m orrow morning In St. raul'a Congre­gational Church of Nutley. Rev. James A Fnlrley will dellvur the sermon at night. The llrst business meeting of the season will be held by the Men's Club, which Is connected with the church, on Tuesday night, at its headquarters. Arrangements will he made for the course o f educational entertainments and socials to be held dur­ing th^ fall and winter months.


Tijcsilfty be "Echoes

rertlon of Miss KliMbpth J. M onard. fol lowvrt by a brief eermon by Mr. Haliier. The lopit o f diBeuaeion at th* plKht prHyer.meeUnx from the AnnIverBary."

Rev WmlaiT, p'renaen, pnHlor o f the German Kvnngelleal Church o f Irvington, will preach the lecond o f ‘■ erlcB of

Of Interest to Every Music Lover.

Case; solo, "Sion." organ pnatlude it$

The gp^clul »«1* now In prog root at iho Aaollan &>.’• Ntw Vwk wareroom* oiitf afao « f tholr Ntwork Branch, 6$7 Broad 3t. will tcrmlBWU -** '' ■■■:: ' ' 7 ' V*-

S lig h tly UsedAeoiiansAt Reduced Prices.

Until you hav« tiesrd Um AffolUb you ekn Ibivo qo KiUqukto oomitpttoli ot Iti niuHioil poiiR>iIttfOi or Um ex> toot of Um plekMire to Im derived from l l .

alsli^H lirgan to seK le and examlna-ilfin It wiiB dlBCOVcred that the foundii- lliins were not solid. The fnimdntlon of ibi side w a lh w ere a ls o found lu be inae- CUTS Iind the gab le on the soulh side of Ihi- church whb In a s im ilar (■ (UHllilan. The riHif was accordingly shornl up nnd the * iiHre side walla And the gnlilp cmj were i.iken down, l eav in g the plrisb-rlng in siiU* in u c l . The side walls have been r- biilU. the fo im dallons carrli-d dciwii be l "w the front line and new fouiuUtlons liulll under Ihe aisle pillars. The Im- I 'riiwments have , cost about l-ViiOO.

n e l l e v t l l e a n d F o rcN l ifUI.Hi V, William W. Conner will preach (o .

inurr-fW morning In the Belleville Ro- f'lriTUMl Church. The Endetivor Hoolcly will meet In the chapel al rilglii. Theodore Hrowe will have charge.

it'-v. Henry C'. \\inderl>eek will preach at the morning and night services In the F'trest Hill iTeshyterlan Church totmor- ri'W Tbc subject o f the morning sermon ^IH he "A Good Standby When Ihe Clouds Darkcfi," and ut the evening aervlce ho will predch nn "T he Duty of Joy." At (he Tiiefniuy evening prayer meeting the topic for ilLeu.-islfm will be "The Triumphal En­try, ' ,jiul P'rlduy night Mr. Viinderlieek 'ft’lll deliver an address oq "TJiie Teachlngi of the Hook o f Psalm s." Beginning flep- tenilH»T 31), the session of the Sunday- school win be held al 2:30 P. M.

The sennona to-m orrow morning and mght at the Weele^' Methodist Church, Belleville, will be delivered by Rev. John O. Winner. The church trustees will hold a monthly meeting on Tuesday night and the board of stewards on Wednesday night. The Ift cUes' Aid Society and the Kpworih league chapter will hold ses­sions on Friday nlghl, and the W'llling Workers the following night.

n ioon iH etd and^M ositelalr.The annlveraary o f the Home Mlssion-

gry Society o f the Montclair Methodist Church win be observed to-morrow morQ'- lug-

In Trinity Fresbyterlan Church, Mont­clair, to-morrow morning, Rev. W. W White will preach on ’^Blble Study In Re- Utlot) to the Life and W ork o f the Church," *

"H ow to W ork Miracles" will tie the topic dlacuss€d by Rev. Arthur l i . Grant In Unity Church, Montclair, to-morrow m onilnt.

Rev. John BrUtatn Clark, of Detroit, Mich.» will i ^ e h to the F tn i Preahyte-


HATS!The Rest In the W orld for the moaey. DIreet from onr ow e factory and every

HAT GUAKANtEKlbD E R B Y : ^ ................ $ 1. 50 , %2, I Z 50 . $35 0 P T A .................... $ t , $ I . S 0 , $ 2 , 1 2 .8 0

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60 Y e a rs ot P ia n o B u ild in g18 T H K E E C O B l) OF

Mathushek & Son.In thepurcimi-e of one of these cela>

bra to d nmkeM une secures a n luetru- m e n t tiia t ima |ia«ted th ro u g h all theoxi^rlmtiiCal stugeii.

l o u w ill lie co uteiitod w ith a

Mathushek & Sou *W«reroonu~65 Springfield Av.

Near Corner High ureet.

K x i v n s G V


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■ >



3) ? c t D a m ( ^ t r c n i n g 11 Id 18.> t « M t l W W t » t W m » W W <>UW«tWW W W M M W W W W

y g p o r h g o c n i n f l y e t p s .

irmM l



M a c h <«ood W o r k l l a c n c c it .4 r c o o i- p lliih r d D a r lt iir ( b e K n m -

m e r M on(hH «

Tile Orange Vallry Soi'lul re­ports (hat for Ua aumnu r work durlns the phel ft*w moiitha U rocplvod in cnnirlhu- tiona 1247- Tho Hiimmfr kliuJfTKuriPu was In Bcaalon durlnn Jub’ ami AuruhI. wUh MIm « b Grace Brut^h and Kdllh Kuril In charge. Thp Hilendiinri' nvornK^'d belwm s forty and fifty children. For ihi» work m o wai received, o f which |lvy.7K was ex- pMM)p<j» leaving a halatu'e oC 11022.

About 350 children from the crowded dia- tricta of New York Ciiy were hruuKhi out In fiv-p pHrllca lo enjoy dayV oullngn on Ihc Orange Mounialn. Of the 111" received for thla purpose, }|iv>i43 wiia iipeil. IcHvlnK ft balance an hand of $U,(i7. These parilert w ire ua follows: July 31, from Kasl Miir> 1cm PrcBhyterlan Ohurrh, on Kiisi H^ih street i August 21, Fnlon Rettlenaent. In KabI tCr h street: Aiigunt 29. Kasl Harlem Church: septemlier fl, West Bide Heitle- ment o f Ih^ V. W C, A., on Ft>rly-sevenlh street, near Tenth avenue; Septemlur 15, City Mlsfllon Society and Wepi Ride Set- tletnent. The jnsi nnim*il parly iiumWered 100 children, fifty from the seclety and fifty from the settleTnent, and the ex- penaefl nf this pnriy were ]>uld hy the Heart and Hand Society o f the Central Preshytertan Church o f Ornuge. A do*en o f the members o f the society from the church were i^reseni on the mnuiitiiln on the (lay o f the outing and rendered vaUi- ahle rtBslatance. Mr, Vincent contributed some fruit for this outing.

This entire nummer work o f the settle, ment has been made possible hy the vol­untary ronlrlhutlntis o f those ItiltTiSled. by (he kindness o f the burkawanna Rail­road and the Orange Mountnln Civtjie Road, In the reduced trunsporlRtlon rales granted; l*y the generous coiitrlbuth»nR «»f ■andwichPK by women directly or Indl- rectly ussoclated with the splllfm cni work, and o f milk, nut only furnished free by Freeman Ilridhers, but delivered upon the mountain by them as well, All o f tboae with whom the settlement had dealings gave reduced rales, making U possible to bring out more rhiklrcn. To all who have assisted the settlement ex- preasea Its nppreclallon.

The library and the Penny Provident Bavlngs Bank are open to the children from 9 to 12 o'cliNL'k on Saturday morn­ings. The klndergiirien Is in session rm the regular school daya from 9 to U O'clock. The settlement extends a cordial Invitation lo ail to enme and see the work.


O raaite C onininn C o u n c il T K y Hull C 'om m ftlee to tie H ea rd fro m

ut t lm l T ltiie ,The select committee o f the Orange

Common Council appointed (u ImestiKale and report upon a site for a city hali will make a report at the regular meeting o f the council on Monday night. The mem­bers of the committee decline to stale ivhal wile, If any, am ong those offered will be favored- Ten sites have been auggeii- ed by their owners, seven being on Main street and three on side atrcelB. The cum- irltle* ha» kept secret the prices asked fnr the vurlouB plots and baa also refused to divulge the location o f two o f the Main Biret't slicB.

The eight other properties that have been offiretl are; Estate o f Daniel flmllh, northeast corner Main and Cleveland Atreete; t'oloucl Daniel F. Mlnlhan's house and grounds, northwest corner Main and Cleveland ntreels; Arthur Llghthlpc

^ property, north aide o f Main sireei, he. tween fflgh nml Kldgo sirc'cts, Mias Anna H. R oot's proiwriy. s'uith side of Main street, opposite Cleveland, now occupied temporarily hy the Free lib ra ry building. Central Hotel prn]uriy, juljolnlng Orange National Bank; John Ackerman’ s proper­ly, northeast corner Dny and \ ■i ll■ nl Btreeta; nonhoaai corner William c.nrl North Cenire atreeta; northwest corner Lincoln avenue and Frunkfort street.


T ie ttm o f filiootln fr In W est O rniigr ,^^.*** fttlll a t th e H oapK ul^ .tlle ftC il

AMMftllnnt H eld ,Charies Coillnson, o f Prospect avenue.

W est Orange, who, U la alleged, was ahoi In the groin by Peter C. Duma, of Mt. Plcasimt avenue, West Orange. lU uu early hour yesterday morning, as told In the NEW fl, 1b still confined lU the Orange Memorial Hospital. H is condition Is seiiolis-

It la Intended to use the X rays at the hospital to-Yilght lo locate the bulU-i. The ♦nly danger the physicians on ihe case fear la blooil poisoning. If that dncM not set In. it is thought. Coillnson will hu able to be uhout In two weeka.

B um s Is detained at police headquarters, in W est Orange, awaiting the result of Colllnson'8 Injury. The men quarrelled over Colllnson's attentions lo Burns's daughter. -

O R AN G fO A D V E R T IS ie M E K T B .

HIQHI.1AND PARK.Tsnnlnus of Orange Mouataln Cable nosd.


FREEMAN'S COALtl hot stuff; try It and see. No. 2 nut a special

W. A. FREEMAN.Formerly A. B Pierson,

Pleraon'i alley, gtuiige.SHEET MUSIC. '

Fosttlar vcca) and Inati-umenial nuilc, all the latest, at F. D. LORTON’ S Book ,tnd gtstlon- •ry Btore, Mb Main at., Qrsi^».CLOftlNO oqi wie. hate dlreel from (uctory,

H'lt) SBd tl.TB hsts redsced to It. AUSTEN. 14 MsIb St.. West Oranie,

l lo s ta n -L y o ii NnpllalM o l e h r a t e d la St. I la rk 'e F lm rr li T o -d a y —O th e r

lln p p en tu irs tii the OraiigPS.IThf CraoBf llram’h .if ibe Ne: w s i* ocare.t

In ihB orsuKC NaH‘»niil Punk HuilJinf. M* o iirei‘ 1. Ti'lriin.jne 4TH Draaii** 1

Tb<Tc was « fasliloniible wadding ut noon ti>-day In Rl- Murk's Chun'U, W i*st Uraiige, when Miss ICtliel j.vun. dauKbP'i o f Mr. and Mfi;. I-Mwird Lyon, vt Ml PU-assnl Rvemii'. West Uratige. was tnai- rleil (o Charles Anderson Hostou, a N»-w York lawyer. wh«» llvt-s In Uruiige,A Ihousund InvllalbuiH lunl been Issued for (be ccrcninny and (he vhur«-h was ftllfd The bride, who was eHculed by her fath­er, WHS gowned !n wUlrc siitin, innimed with old duf’hesse Uce, a family’ heirloom Her iHiiiquet WHS of orchids aiul lllie.‘< of (he vstli'N'. She was iiUcniled !►>' IWo brliicHtnalfls. her sister. Miss Katharine

and her coUsln. Miss Kiigerila Kog <-rs, »)f Haltlmorc. They wore guwns of whllpmoii.ssellru'de sole, trimmed wUh yel­low rlbtwm. Two nlercM o f ihe brklcgroom.(ho MIhhoh Ceeilin jn d Nurbara llnwrim, were the flower girls The h»'sl man wa.s (.Tuylon Itoslon. a Ijrolht-r of thr bri.lo Krooni, und the ushers wit*- Hwltiiln 8 Farmer, nf S'W nrk; Jobo A Ciir-lner, of New York, 'iffllbi-n M< Kee Mllhgiin.KliJsaheih; Wmiiirn U.dllnson, of \V Orange. Homan lliMwIu. of New Y«>rk mid A. Ihirper Bkflllo .irol Andrew T. M CidlHgh. o f • (range Th** ceri-inony was sohinnixed by Kev. H, iteaxof, rec lor fif (he church, and nfier a w»M]rtlng breukfirsj al the bride 's In me, lo whii'h only the hrltlal puny wi-rt' invited, Mr. and .Mrs Ho.ston h*ri on u month's (our rpon Iheir return llo-y will reside in Llewellyn Park.

The Kshcx County Humlay-Schonl Asso- cifitlon will hold Hfl fori;, -firsl annual m n- vi-ndon in ihc c.-rMnil Fresbyteriiui Church, Orang". on \\' ilTiesdny. Oclober I'X Sessions will be heM in the niornlng, ufteniooii and evening Hi-v Frank M «c- iMnlel, pastor o f ihe First MfiUodlsl Kplscnpal Church o f ifnitiKe. wlN eoiniuel tJip devotional ser\‘lc<s ul the opeiilng o f the <*onventlon, after wliudi Rev I>r J'din Fulton PaMerson. i>aso.r of tin* church, will make the nddn-ss <.f welcome, a re* sponsp will be made by 11. II, Imwstui. preslrienl o f the ftHsmlniloh.

A largely attended KepublU’nn meeting WHH held in the Y. M >' hall, in Cen- iral place, Omnge. last night by the co l­ored Hepubllcuns of th** First Ward. Frederick Vaiulerviill was chHlrmaii o f the meeting. Wlllliim \ !,<>rd wa.s In­dorsed as Orange's carnlldale for assem­bly, and John I’. Dexheinn r was Indorsed for Ihe nomination for reKl.-Jler. Addreas- cs were made hy Mr J.ord. James S Mnlmce, Henry F. Halbird and John Hol­comb.

The members of the South Orange Choral t.'lHSK will meet on Wednesday a f ­ternoon at the residence nf Mrs, Margar­et Hiiughwout. on llaywiinil inenne, Or­ange. to consider plans for ■the reorgani­sation nf the society for work durltjg the coming season. The class has been In ex­istence for about four years and has given some very enjoyable concerts The chorus at present is composed o f women and there have been none but active m em ­bers. It 1" sui»Jbe mcreased. and (hat ajisoclate members will be admitted. Mrs, Eugene V. Cnn- neit. fir . of South Orange, is president of the club, and Mrs. Haughwout is the director.

The father o f aeven children, ranging In age from a few weeks lo Iw'elve years o f age. was arraigned In the Orange Police Court this morning at the Inelance o f the Chlldren'M Aid and Protective Society o f the Oranges. The agent o f the orgunixa- tlon. A. W. Abbott, told Judge Bray that the case was reported to him by Rev Al­exander Mann, associate rector of Grace Church, who Is president o f the society On Investigation. Mr. Abbott said, lie had found that (he man w-i.s habitually under the influence o f liquor, that he <lld not provide for his family, and that the chil­dren could not attend school because they did not have proper clothing. The family had Iteen a.sslsted b>' Grace Church, Mr. Abbott continued, but ihu church w'as un­willing to continue its aid. aa the man has a good position and could provide for bis family if he would Mr. Abbott cited a phyaiclan who had examined the man Inst week and who srdd that the uccuaed person was very near having the delirium Ircmens. He also s]nikc of the principal of one o f Ihe public .schools who had In- formtd him that the dilldren attended school very irrcgul.'irly. and (hat the old­est ^chlld. a girl o f twelve. Ifl so lllltcrntt that Bht cannot read words o f three let-

! tors. Judge nr.iy gnvi- the man a warning and (Old him that If th'- Horieiy found that he was not providing for his fam ily he W'ould entertain a complaint against him.

In the Orange Police Court thin morn­ing Judge Bray aniiovim'cd that he had reconsidered his declHlrtn o f yeaterdny In the case of Peter McDermott, a aaloon* keeper of 30 Wallace street, who was charged with receiving and entertaining customers In his saloou last Sunday. The Judge yesterday dlnmlsHcd the case be­cause It was shown that none o f the wit- nessf.11 for the city had been served with liquor In the saloon, (hi an cxamimillon o f (he city ordinance, however, Judge Bray found that there was u specific pro­vision against “ receiving or entertaining*’ cuslomerft on Sunday, and therefore he told the saloon-keeiHT this morning that he would reconsider his dcclalon and de­cide McDermott gullij* The Judge^ how­ever, suspended sentence.

Police Captain Leary, o f Orange, round­ed up several truants yesterday, and to­day u number o f parenla were In the Or­ange Police Court to explain why their children did not attend school regularly. Judge Bray warned the parents that their failure to have children attend school was punlshuhle by n fine, and all the fathers and tnothers promlsful that there would be no further cause for com ­plaint.

have a celebration o f flrewnrks in Eleaex avi-nui- to-nlgbt. 1

Mrs, Mary J. C'hamhers. superintendent j of llif Orange Memorial HospltJil, sailed ' to-da>' no the steamship I ’ mliTiu fur E ng­land Mrs. Chambers will be away about a mundt or six weeks.

A fair win bi‘ given for the henefll of the (.(ruttgc Mcmoiisl Hospital In the I'lUvcrsiiy school building, on Halsted •irvct. E;*et Orange, on November 23 and M. This fair is given annually. an\} la one o f the social events o f the season In the OrnnK< s

Muyor Mt-iiry Sietaon and Mrs. BtcUon, o f OruhgT, ulil atari on ihelr annual driv­ing tour ilir<iuKh Sew York State nn Mon­day, Ou.ib. r s They will l»e accompanied by Mr, ami Mrs. John N. Llndaley, uf Ur- ftnge.

An atlju^rned meedng of (he Orange Board of Ht.iUh will be held next Friday night, wh>ii thv new health cotie will bo taken up f. r Hccund reading and final pas­sage.

Kiiglc It - k Tent No. 16. Knights of the Mttccalii-rs, will imiii \\s regular review cm Monday n!u!.i in hrt rimins. In U. A. I t Hall, M >i>i Hir>‘rU, Orange.


I ^ O t A LftA K IN OP o w d e r

A B S O L P T E i y ' P V R E

Make.s th e food m ore delicious and w holesom e

SOTAl MmSQ PO*ffg|(_jS>.i_StW

The fclbiHlLK »'vetits have been de­cided u>H»u f'I 'III regimental games on November G'J.trter-mlU'' for uuvloes, Bi-*venty'hv«'-\iii-.i ilash, one-quarter, one- luiir and ft\u 11.u>' nine, potato, hurdle, ubsiacle and u\: > relay courier races, basket hall! iIim I- .irid lug-uf-war cuntcai. The Aildciie '■ ■■i.riilnee has appointed the fullowliiK • iii-«-ociimllteeM: Execu­tive—(.'uplulii Lieutenant Me*Mahon unil Lb ui. ToTnitlln, ex*olIlclo. Captain Jt'm> • 1 LU uu naul < 'vinitlcld, Lleuicnnni Mu> iiiii..r>-, I 'rU e-l.leuU ’nnnt McMahon, Lli i.i-riiint Muchmore, ('up- tain Runyon I'liuTing and ITvsh—L ieu- Ifruinl Tonkihn l.i<’Uietiail( Ring and Lieutenani Ibnwi Crack and Training— ( ’aptHln Walsh 1 i* uietnuii ('Hmlleld and Ideuienanl McM.iii.-i, (jftlctftls—(,’aptalnU Hoiirke, Lb 1 ,nl Muchiiiore and Lleulenum Kli t; lhi!^k4t Bud ('apiuln Walsh, ('aplnin L i.vna, Lieutenant ( ‘am- (leld, LleiH(‘U,ir-i M .i Jimore and Lleutcii- HiU Tonmlln.

Litical commiiTH veterans have ■ III Fateison. I'ji' cnsiu'k ami Ji r. i M. Munn. of II

■ f the Spanish Wpr t.^rnii'd in this State

Ituiherfuril. H ack­'ll \ SerKeuiit-MaJnr

|■lr ‘ l R egim ent, Is In- lereated In orKai.lzir;^ ;i Iih'hI ynmniand. which, if surcej»nfIII ^hujUl be the leading commarnl In llu > c , ,t* this city con ­tains the grertie-^i n .Tidi*T nf partlclpanls In the Hpimlwh War ml which w.iubi no doubt land ibe c.c,.4 beadquarters In Newark. SerKvatn-.Major L. It. Cowdrey, of the Third llaUalb.:, itul captain of Gen­eral A. tt. Burl (oniisi.iiid of I'aesale, la assHtlng HerKeani .Mnt n who Is prepares! to furnlt*h furilu-r inf irmuilon to ihoseInlereHli'd un jiiiv Mxii.biv eveulng nl theFirst HegUneiil ArimT\

A meeting of thi* i- i-k-1 ball suh-com- mlticfc ..if Ihc Aiiiletb ‘ . imniuet will lie held wlih Hic bukkH l all ■ aptuifis o f each o f Ihe rmnpariles on night In the ballallon adjutant's r.Mun " f the armory.A pchcdule for the pr.-hndnary ganicH In the fall ficrten will he d. idcil upon.

• * *i..‘iitpnp.‘ « nf OlKlioiK.rufile

frmii iliv st*rvl.. hnvf HP-prov.*d In itie o f I'lUiitoa RobertrmiloKt-woo.l, John J loinlnt-r. John llMDil, I'liril.-I J HnK«n. AM..TI Irlleh. Corn. Ilu« I.niiuiv... (.'> c .

K.'iton, Willis K Hlckc .1.1 m.'!. A. -Mc- Urnth. Wlllliim i' Smith. i onipnu)' i); John Mi.(;ivii..v. paiiy *1 Jorum* A. tl.iiiilb y. iliiolilv.. llinifT. W'.lllnm Hri-vri-. (rt'orK*. h' Shviu'ooI, ( ’ omP'iiiy II. anil Al- Koch, fom piuiy 1,.

iTi Conipimc I the following commlttn. hns hem Iippolnici to take cltiirg.. of nth- b-tlct.. Uoutcmitil Tomiillli, Scrgciim A • win Hiirton. Coriioriil Chitrl(.tt ihmrinl, Privities Itohcrl U'Wls nnll Dnvld KcUU-r The rom niluc? ha , appolnioil t.'orpomS Corrmi as cupiain of the bitrkct ball team, and [.rartlce of ..andblatea for .the team will be commenced a, once. Caiitaln Row­land has appointed the following commit­tee lo take charge of recruiting for the Bcasoif. Sergeant Thomita R. t.'iidlE, Cor­poral Albert A lt and Private Anthony \\ uls

By ‘ permlBRlon Of the division tnm- mander the following men arc dropped from ilip roll: Company B. ITlvates Isa* dure Aron, John J. Harding, B. aMortimer Trusdell, CompHuy IT I’ rivatcs John !-bi- vlrt, William ('• Davis, Harry H Oarson.

Company O w in ’ h.ivc nn election for u sergeant imd a Corporal next Fri«iiiy night.

A c«imp' ittlvc examination for sergeants and cmpiTuls to fill vacancies wa^ held In Compiny H quarters on Thursday night. The reaulia have not hc<*n an­nounced

CorpuTril Albert "jenklna has been ap­pointed .iildellr captain lor Company H. Private Thomas Quinn will he hL ant. The iwo men will have entir.- i liarge o f Ihe company teama and entries fur the games :in.i ihe training Bchcdule

Frank E. Boyd, form er captain of ('nm- pany M, visited the com pany quarters on Thursd.’ y night and was enthusl.MslIi’ iiliy received Tlie former captain h;is Just returned Imm a huslneia trip thi-oigli the West.

FIKB ground oyster ihells for poultry, only Uc. too lb«v H. W. SMITH, oor. Freemiti it.

and Valley road.TiO yOu want Half iloien finest oablnet phnto-

graR^i frseT i'onsutt &(.» iv»x 0 , Nfws oifice,___________________________ ___ __

WHEN you boy photogrnpbi' hoy good ones, the kind that do not fade. H. VALI«ENTINE.

SCHOOL e(ippll4i. Mdi. penrtli. <>otnpoiiricgi bo(^ , aates. etc. UcGUinK'9. opp. Library,

TBS teaker of suMrlor feiiMes" phntiiirsphe. W VALLENTINE, Maio aui N., Ctnlrt ita,

LegaiWeIgMnfftans lbi« to I bgg, A n you g»tt ing

We gtiarantfta lull we' * ‘ bag of oftw that leitvee our \

Ye Eftiarantea full weWht with every__S of oftw that ieitvee our pmoe, Ocr pricesore right and ooneUteht wUii full weights.

/ SO W T P r i c e s ,f NO CUT w B a n t s .

A frill order U,' wHclted. We tiandl* er. eirm ing you o m In vour itih le tnmi i hrlck o i tttK <» a (on of n lin e U iy.

§^ W. Smith,o k a k o b m u s i c H A L U

O m IflO ^Ti THURMDAT. DOT. 4. U miI* i a n i » , « M K a th ry a KM itor

a iita p e o d a n i lOMtki produotlon ofA M i d s a o i i i i e r . f l j f f b t ’ s b n M i .

MH>l>CDM,e4lA adaM fldtdtinnw .onihtnaMs MH rieetr{G4l onM ti.

/ FKIOM M e.. T4ib, •1,00, SVM. Rm MTmJMMoo o n lo a t nMoa'a d t w t ^ .( K lO U m BBOIKKrati MOKDAV, OCT. 1

Oenerel Hutlnee 8aturd»r.A J r a r A . w v a . k a y

(THB FAtK MAHATMA!In 0 woodirtul oalilUtian of tgiiniholanor. MnOftod lir hor C'erarCompeny of Vitude- vllie Arllou. l - r t a » MU., U « „ .Qn M ie«t riweout'4 Druiiiture. .

The Becotid dletrlct, Fft-itt Ward, IJemo- fratlc Club o f Orange liua been nrganlictl.It will have a raan'hlng club, with Bte- plion Cral* aa caiitiiln and .Michael M c­Carthy aa HetiU-nant, The nrganliation liBB !2a men,here. The club will nu-ei on Monday night In the roomii at 4b Central place. Orange.

Mr. and iHre. A. W. Coon, o f drove Htreet, Eaat Orange, have gone on a trip to Lake Wartnouth, N. Y.

Mra. CharLea Ruhlfe, o f Buffalo, la the guest o f Mrs. Edward F. Freeman, o f <PI Hari-laon street. Enai Oratiee. Mrs. Hnhlfa, who la an author, la known to readers as Anna Katherine Qreen.

Mr. end Mrs. Evcretl Kraiar. Mies Frasar and Miss Undaley, all o f High street, Orange, have returned from a aum- mcr vacation apont at W est Falmouth, Rusuards Bay, Mass.

Sidney M. Cutgale and his fam ily, o f Centre street. Orange, who have been spendlnB s portion uf the summer In the Adlrondacko, have returned.

Dr, WIlUam A, W akely, o f Main atrest. Orange, has returned from a m onth's visit to Nova Scotia.

A fter spending a vu n tton In the Focono Mountains, Charles H. W arner, the head worker th the Oranga Valley Boclal Battle­ment, has returned' to his duties.

Mias Mary Bradshaw, o f Tf ^Idge street. Orsnge, wse a passenger on the steamship Bt. Paul, which, ■frised on Sunday. Miss 'B radshaw ' baa apsnt several months abroad.

U e g l^ ln g on Saturday and.continuing every Baturday during (he seaioa severel dlembera o f fss 'c f'll Orobestra w ill play d u r iw the'dlaoer hdOr at'the IQsseg Coun­t y JQwmtty lOIObjiB' Hutton Park, West Orange. They win play fo r danelng froio ( until 1 1 KS o oloek.

idhilg James and Kathryn K idder will preamt “ A MlaMittmaf Night's D ream " In QrfUge Hualc Hall nest T hqtM ay nlghb

Anna Kva Fay a n t her oom pany o f en- tertalnera will be at Uualfl HalL Orange, every night next weak, eu etR 'th u M d e r . '.. M itlneea w ill be glvaa on W ^ e e d a y and Baturday.

The ttallana o f Orange aye oalebthtlng the Feaet Of Bt, Hlehgel t r ^ They wUi

gi.udi (tra iia * nn d V a llsb n ra h .A ntin't.'T o f pi'npie In South Oriitig.' arn

organliltig a hook cltih. The duos will tie (3, anil iii'ivr tho liiioks have hvi-ii I'lrrii- laietl for forty weeks they will hi- dlvlil^it by lot amoiiK the memlHTS. Mrs. A l,i)ui.s Scott. Jr. Ilf ICH Hlllstile place. S..iiih o r ­ange. 1.- interested In the forming " f thecluh. ^

Joseph K- I’ liSne. nf Raymond it venue and (Iriivf niail. Smith Orange, liiis re­turned fnim a vacation trip to Ibwhni and Blowe. .'Iiiss.

The isiilles' Catholic lienevoleiil Asso­ciation lit Ritulh Orange will hold n ciiihre iiarty .nid dance on Monday iilghi, Octo-u^r 2<(pXli? \!iilHburgh Common Cnuiirll will meet on Wt'dlncmlay riljfht.

MrFi Ann Mailen, o f South Oraiiif»- ave­nue VallHliufRh, filed anortly mid-tUffht nlRhl. She had been unwell for siSne time Mn?. Mallefi waa fnriy-rour vears "M and leaves one son and two ((nuKimTii 'the funeral will ho hold in the Chun U of the Sacred Heart. Wanford Mlrcpt I'-nul (-Jraujye, on Monday, niul Yiur* IhI will lii‘ In iho Cemetery o f ihe Huiy

of aubsrripllon daurfa arc lilanncil I'T the comliiK aeafton at the Smith OrHiute Field Club, under ih« man- aeement "f MIbb LouIbp K Conway, of South nr.inffc. The patroncBieR will be Mr» WllllaTn A Hrewer. Jr., Mr«. R>jun, Mr». cluiilcB Burke, Mrx- F. i-hcw. Mrs. T. Conway, Mrs. John I* Inn. Mrs. F ic ILutemeyer, Mrs. B. Y. L 'llom m e- dlcu. Mi'i T. M. Miles. Mrs. F. rmd Mra. (Qlward P . Shepard. The fnl- lowlnx dfitca have been net for (he dancea: Frlduv. November SO; Friday, December 81 TiicHitay. January 22; Monday, Febru­ary IS. Monday, April _


W ^'oofialtle m ill FoeeM i I H il S o p p o r t - e r a o f ^ le K ln l r y a n d K o o a e v e l l l l r -

t t t i H l B ^ d L a a l M f t b l s

The R ' ',Mil'llfiiii!i of Wfulidde nnod For- CBl HIM dill ill Mellor'B H all on Verona uA’cn ijf nlifht niul ornunlU'd a M cK in ­ley .uul lio.iNfVcII campalKn chih. The Npi iiker whb ( ‘nnKrensniaii H. W a> ji'' 1' irki r, and bln hlte nl (he oppo- alMnn'n t r\ nf ".\lliHnr1nm " niui jailHm " iitmiinvmI the enthuBlaHin o f the crow 11

Frerli.iM i-r Aimn.-il floffel w as elected preHhleni m! iht- eUili. 'wllh the folUvwlnir ♦ lei pri-.Mriii?*: EMiih 1J. h elle r . Kdw'ani fniiK ltii, .■w.imiu-l F Ralley. - J- Q iilm by.J. W l l . l l - r . KuuMU' r ir le h . ' Jnmew Du- gulii. J 1' Sm ith. A lfred S y k v n . G e orfe Hellt-r, Jiiriu’N t ’ T h v I t . tJeorge D u- Kulii, It W licditee, JntnrB DuKUld. Jr.. A lilirn m n lliT in rt W . T aylor. Robert H row n. i;.|\vnrd (irit'^Jenn. W O Ilai’ker,W W 1.1,-IPS. Ernent tit-offrey. Jacob MuRNlni. It. r. John W h itm an and Kniil Ui hli r ’*.M'in«rirli h m h;* m ode secretary f'Tid IHi.i-! It HelliT Ireaeurer C om m lt- ti fH III .iin' Wi'ie npi'nlnloij ni» fidlowB: K 1 '. Aldirmnn T a y lo r ; literature. Uul.i-rt Dri.wn. eiirolnmni niul conslUu-liini. Ij 'j'i-tu- r ir leh .

II In ih-- Inii'TirlMi, of (he iim m oters of thi- H i.', (m ft.rin ii laHlerv for campHlsti Work II .I Nil )»N (owiird this eiul wlH be iiik'-n ii 1 mi-eilMM I " be held at H eller'a IJhII. l.'rUliiy niKh’


K e p o r t H a iU* («> H o a rd Lahl K l|(b(.

NiHiHrli-M I»f T w o T e M P liem I d* (Tt'iiMril jiihI O t h e r ItiiM inesa,

Thv liutldloK t'o im n l'tee of (he Belle­ville li.,;in] of EdU'-atlnn reported at n meeilii*; of tile Irttier body lant nljthl (hat the U .ok nf iiherliiK the Jenilem on and ilo iiu -.rn . rv hi hools. lo ^Ive ndditlonul fttcllln. •- to the IncrertPlnK num ber of srh o ln ti, WUH alnu-Bt com pleted- The new claKH aii'l iiHHi-miJN' rooms arc beltiR fiiieil up In holh YiUlldlUK ^

Th»- t-inim lttee, ihrKuKli Mb ehalrraan. Joaepli hlHi’ k. ileclnred tlm l the earpen- tera w.niM he fininhed on Tuenday and the mafon** a 'lay later. The otllnx and p nln l' ing Ki n! the InHlallJng nf a new heating plant will he eomjileU'd w'llhln I wo weeks.

IIciihIm Iar Be NlKned.T h e o f bonds to the am ount of

I2.WM), ji'iihorlz.i''l Heverul m on ih s ago and u|>provid iw o weeks sinep by the attor- ney-K wf-r** rHOclved Inst idght fro m U .dt« r Rtonton & T o ., of N*-w York, tr> w hl' li coneorn they w en- sold The presldi-hl iMid fli-rk were rtuUu>rl*ed to Mlpfh Hu I'oiids at once. T h ey wi re iiisn Hiiihnriici! lo tU'k5otUiU- for ri Umti of J2.O0O on -I rhlTiy days' note. In ii’ iihl|i«- Hon o f taxi'S. for the prijm ent of uoii'h- ers' saliirh'H nnd th*‘ follow in g contrnC'- tors: H W Pier, palm in g. Jwi; J. La Fuueherle & Hon. slate Ijlaekboards. IM7; \V. II. Jai'olisim, liciitlng. |6ii.74. nod John Healne. (-urp»*titer, |L*67 Ik).

Jaeubsrm whh given (he contract for jiut- ting In a new grate ut the Joralemon building at an eBUmated copt of t'i7, and the reeoTnmendadons i'f ihe Textbook t 'o m m lttec for needed suppllea were ap proved.

rush aMunfiy »iid MImp McKean, teach­ers at the JerolHinon school, were A*aeh granted a » » Increase ot Balnry, by t vote o f five lo two. Trustee A. H. flte- pheim and L’ k-rk A. A. Alexander voted In the fiegatlvo Th<* Increase weas de­cided on at the last meeting o f the board, but It was found lha( the Irusleea' aellon wiis not legal, inastiiUA‘h ns It requlre<l n majority vote o f the full board, and (hla r.umber wa« not present a( Ihe time.

.^Mkeil f o r nn in e re iiN r.The request o f Miss Lucy Brlckidl. n

Icnchef at School Nu. 1, r**r an Increase In salary, was laid on tb** table without ilebalc. as waR a rcqiiHHi from tlie pri­mary department learlo-rs for pArmlH- Kloii tn give enteriHinmcnlH to raise fundH for a new plnn-i ft=r ihe achool.

PcrmlwHlon was glvi-u the Now York and New Jersey Teh-phoiu* Company to irect a pole on Courihiudl atreeL r.enr the Nouihwost corner id the high Rchool. It will be used, It Ib snh1, f'T (he achoyl h telephone aervice, wtih-h will be put In free of charge by tlu' onmitfiny, in ac­cordance with the iurms of n franchise itcently rtanted by th.- liellevllle au- thfirltlea.

'Phe question o f abolishing the morning recess and cloRlng lh«- afternoon BesHton on e-h a lf hour earlier th^in al present, In Ihe kindergarten rii 1 'hi'ol No. 1, was d lsc u s ifd a t length, ami tlmilly left (o the filHcretlon o f 8 cIin“ 1 Sujferlnteadenl G rah am .

M iss H arriet V . U oI.N uh. who did not report to teach nt iTi- .-p -n lng of (he ai'hool i n 171, on ttfCoiiiii " f Illness, was P lan ted an extereUEU of In r h a v e of a b ­sence m u ll O ctober 1 Tr ( ’ ■*orgeW . B llsh elm . uf flohn. ii«k<-d the hoard It, allow three #cholar^ fr<tm hl» set Hon tn he irnnaferred from Montgom ery (a 8<-houl N o. 1. T h e tcqn.-si was granted.


F Iftare* >1ndr m Ih frr s la le F a ir UflOeH \\>diirM(la> ITqiiSlIrd

ea ierd n j .T R E N T! N Sept Z* T h - . U>H|ng day

of Ihe li i>r-iitit- l-''alr ro-lrig \mls good, and (III- :f.ii k no-.ird maih \v. .iri'-nday w as > '| .i i ]< l (w)oi'. In ili- M.’ i-a* Ing rftiM* Hi'i'wii Hk-i'l jmd Lath lo trU u - ill- vlded ft Mil I h iu->ney, The 2 l'« 11 'King race WHS ii-'i fii.i-.lod , .MATlle 8 iiTid llulh-riun each i.ihiOK iw o heulH. l-'.ill.oMtig Is a ■umrn .i . ,.f v-e-*i»-rday'H ran-r

2 i(i I'.H Kit ]turHi. |6n0.

(Rrfldl'OA* ,Vof(r/x are fR»Trtpd far of (Ar ftdr

of tf> CfUli for fi/fy or lew,u-onb Kilt ht cRurprd at riif« uf onr

rrnf rurfi.}

Unii 1. 1 1 tKagI* M* liuiil 2 2Jum-r 1 . .H :i AHruW Ii IP .-Is r, 4 <;Lml.v til 1 iKtH-, il r> 4(diHi -i. 4 7 ht'Ufisl. 1'lei .-he r . , 7 It 7Outir.i \ . ;t SaUn

Tirn. 1- M«*. 2 iz'i. '. '2 '13'*.ilN 1 d tPlK . |HJ1«c,

M iiiirii , 1 1 1Nnrv.i iP'ii .! 4 2 2Jtcih l{ AWPifr. .1 M .. :i 4Tlm.-- IP-friM 4 jMyril- h-u .. I’l »: dr

Tim. :■ iHi,, 2 IT' i m ' ........Til*- aiiDnIali Ml 2.23 irnltlnw nit . fi-iiin

y* **r* r l?l> rit 1 1C Intcretuti- l-Vi 1 IIN lie-Hd*-I Ills umrnlii L' In n eingi- h .it. Mvr-lb* K w Imilnx wIth iMcupant ILII'KC <ihi' Itiilb-rl on third and [ ' i • II luh* wr-iiinh Eiiro'. Humnuiry

iroftlng. purse Hi*).Al•- Ml- S . r m IMyiTsi......1HiilliM f,. b g (D im n)........2 iiMi-.i .ilit Hill Ill-lie. b. m.

................................1 •!Hovt lluKhes. t>. g. (t'nr-

\llli-i I 3G mU Ilia, hr Til (tia rren— 6 AiheMlii. M, ni, in a rre ll)...... S '»U,,sM\,m.1 1. p tU w lsI ........iUh.AhiioTii SVi'Hi. b. K (ileftd-

1, N I ............. iil»Tim-. 2 S'S. 2.1!>4, 2.2*J‘-«. 2.22i.». 2


Ilotl^ n f nn Aftvd R re lila e F rmiiuI Iii thr < liMirrk—ITrlteveil i*> lln^r

B e rn Bcibhed.\\ mi IHHTOWN. Sejil. L*U.-Hndt‘r *.... .

(ton') i-'-hh'h soem to indtrate foul phiv iln IkiiH >•( rh iirles F. Groff, ii reclusi-. aw-al sev-nl v-i w >«*ars, was found yesl- r-loj In till' shed o f his bnriilag dwelling, --n Gn .-ii streo r. H ts believed (hat (he hoiis- was Ilred to tilde (be graver crime.

l-’ lr, w,iH dtMiovered In the rear o f the h'lust' sh'irtly hi-fore n'clock In the m orn­ing. hill wHh iirompt iiiteiiihiri It was eon- 1lii-il In lb* small two-st*iry addition and Hhr-t

After the tbinies Were exilnpu!she<l a ^.-ai.'ii Teveuled ihc h-rily *)f Ihe old man. t»uin--l almost hey-'n.l rcc**KnUlon. lyinp jiiHt !nsli(i Ihi’ sln-'l «1oor Gn*ff, who wo- .1 WKloWi-r and llveil alone, wax pos- fwvt.,. ,1 Ilf i-imslderiihh- nn-ans. an«b iwiv- Jng n-i faith liv twMil-..-*. kiqil whin money he |.M..«.i'>tjM-d, T*uist*h* Ilf his iMVestmenls. In n ihi box. H>- frequeivHy disphiyod to hlH frU'tnlH large rolls of money, and liitiTy Is known to have been paid a r«in- shh-niblc stmt, part of which he oxclianged for gold i-oln.

A thorough f-xaTiilnfHlon of the hmise. ma*le umlcr the >lln*rlloii *jf t'oroio'r Fitch, o f Dareiown. resulleil In the dls- covery o f only a few dollars In change, giving rijo' tn the suspicion of foul i>l»iy. A p*iHt-mnru*m examhiaibrn of the body, held yesterday aftcrniMin. revealed nothing tlml would lufllratP violence, and ih«- m ai­ler will be furthiar ihlf ufter-mM'b. when Gproner Fitch will probably iioid an Inquest.

Groff IfjiVeH one son. living In Ilrldge- run.

M n h o d i a t K ptacR ipaLritlSTTV M K MHt in ’ H Mi-rner Warren

sh.t BUpei* Itfv J. o. t*pMru-m.b i 'j i ,v M , prv-M. hliig by the cmsi-'T j L* |M . Sshhxill s. hi-ol im-l imKt-'S's i-lMBRX * -h* I M . hy p*»(--r, ^ulijecl. ■Jaiil-'p ini'uniilin fMi ■

SMCTH M .UtKKT KTUKFTT M V . n tr iU T t Mnrki-1 an t sir«n-u». liU-hnr-1 It- < uih-

h « t , ii.miMtT rti-i vtres P» A M Mmi 7 (-•P M : :tu I* M . HumlM) "■ h-“*l h )i- )j'ei •M|>MriiilpriJriii. T P M . Kt'k^-rlh l^esgai*

*‘rvh-p. Hiiungrra w-h-nmi' liK U l(* 'M T M K, MHt'liti'll *• .m«'r l-ltUet-m

• tnl S-iulh *’nuigf Mvenueii It K Itny l, imst'ir, I'n lu-Uims !»' bt'!(“ M Rh-1 T .liM' >1 l’> Hir L-itPli-1 Sim-tny Bi'h>*ol Hi • t" I’ MG-MKii'* uti'l mwtlnn »ii h -ki .1 «• r«i»W4»i'|li l,r,iMlM- «I h All I' M

s r AM U tK W S M E r H l'lu 'U Susw-a H\euue, orrti N -pHII Kt*\ •' I' Ah'XHiiiti-r i -HSli'r f'ljtAB III I* l.'v M Mr* I 'u inull, lender I'n-uiblns > 'li*‘ psHi>>r lU la.L^ y .VI riii-1 h I'. M a.uoiiH> Bvh.-id m .to i'M iririijH-riiti--'' meH-lliqj n1 ( ti't-hM-k\i-p|-«r MtKWw Ml 7 I’ M

LAftTHFI.I, MLM OIUVL M V. i lU 'ilfH *’ i-nieT of Nl (>«rX iufjiik- hoU Ann pir^et Mftsld l \ Ert(.-n. |-4iH(<*r m Iiikb (oppIItik *i' I*\ M M--iniiiK seimt-n Hi M' .G‘ Hunilny Mti-'-l THlh pxi-i. f -r «h- SimtlHy s-a- 'i| at ” .Ut 1‘ M t-:v«"rih L -km' ip hi a t:« I'.^M I'A-niuX m-rnii-n ,>h (iilure i inMHhmem at 7 bV P M.

KT JAMES r-^nieT Wpfingtb-lil Hvemje nnd South Triiuh Birei-I Thi* Res K-Jwin ). K-Arp, j'UHlor SoudH) m hrvni Hi u A M.(till Mivti-e m 10'-«A M V e»ner iPtvh-« ..fini' Mt iiimek Guild lit 7 in IT U- i'rPKchtas iH*rvli-e *( T LI I’ M. I'rnw r meeHmr ev-fry FitilAV at K I* M H.ily L’ommunh'u (ii« first rtuniUv ef m*-nth

.\|MNTEh'Mi:ilV STHKICT MKTlIOldST i ;r iS i 'i ii ‘ Al. i ->fner Mt,iii(i..inPTy hiuI Daf«’ lik> rlrei-I* I’H'.U 11 .VllriU. |vHH(<»r I'uMK' Wfi-|- (il|i suriilsy « ' M' -t-'i .V M and 7 (A I' M rtimdav s< h-H-l M t! An I’ M V-HiK-r »er\h-e at T.IA r M p r a ^ r mepiliKi i-'rhlHy -\frUnf at a • i-hK'k S|'H, 1,(1 inuHlf- al h-ih mi-rnUiK Hml ev*-tilni: p*'i -i |i-v, Y,hi htp wp\i-<-me

ItuSKVir.I.U-: M f . iq !t lt*'ll nniiig- ■m-ei iiM ItiiltiXHie i-Ui'S lii>tuy S|-r|lnK}Pi. rtilli Inter Men i* nir-ipix. ii.Iki A M Dr Scell me>er v.111 t'lrio-h l*'-(li morrUns luid *->p(UhM T^ornlhi tml-J-i-t. hioI firsi - f a inui's*' -f Htrmuim. U h*'ii(h Ho- End ‘ ' mi nrKomenl f--r liHtTieriHilly. 2'Ho I' M . SiiU»hHia B-'li-Kil n iM- «(i-mir> -lay a :«i iv M . Epwiiria servh H Spei-lHl musli . A*k1i» ft***' t-> all

'■f:N'n-;S-VKY M l-:. I'MfUti ll Hummpr nve- iiur ami Ke»rnv stt-**!. I'teuchlTiK l-y the igtPi,>r it**\ h'r*«>l '"iHr** hHlilwlii. 1' ) i .Ml U» A M and 7 (o p M Evntrig 1-.«pl--."VMRpnIay, T---laj and l-'nTtopr ' Spn-lal mu-

h|i Mt l b - » e r > u - i ‘ ( ' Ians i iipeUnK -^iV M Sumlay H. Ih-.'I 3o P M V -bi-pt HerMi-a ■1 -I.V P M Mtiihlrrin'p h->ur M-m-laiy. -t I' M

ST l.l'KIC'S M. K r iU i(<']| ''llnli-n avp niie. i-iiriipr Murray K*-y Wllberl I*teHrHin*im, I*. I' . i-hj*!*'! 'H i- It*”- I't riiHrlexI-’ siiii-rlej. |ii*ireria-»r v>( S'p« Tpni«im-ni Kxi'jceiiiH In l»n-» Th*-.thinh-al s-iiilaBry, will pr«‘ svh al li>..'(o A. M and nl T ITi T M Y-nmn Mnii n I'lil'tn Hi s.iio A M Hundriy-m h<M>| h m - ■Im|i at U:!IU I’ M V»sl*er m-rsli-p of 'he Ed-- ■*-.rlh I.CHXUV nl il 4h I' M. Hinoiit»‘rB wlo-mKe

KT I'AIT.'K METHMIHST KI'lSCnPAl, .T II ’ R n t I'r.rner Mr«*Hil «mi *lr**ein.K-v. T I' l•■ »sl. I t. It., im»tor. V........ Men'st'nU-n a :kt A M. U'reiu-hlnit l*j ilu* im"i<-r lu Ski A M BUhje<M, ''Ib'drlng c»ne Anuihi'r'n llur- -liMiH." Sidilri*lh-i'«*h.K.I I' M K|'w..r(hl.#-ai:ae eerGi-e 7 M- PrMchlng l-y ihe

TA.'i IV M . suhlei-l. ■■f'hrl*11**Ti I'lUspn- Hhqi ’ ■ S|-in-titl imistv- (It all the evenlnn s-r-

xnniveriuiry of (he R<iul( Klhle cUx« at 4 P. 14. Y. I*. S. K, meeting. 'il:4fi IV M. evening *er\l.-e and serioan. 7 is P. .V, Fniyer-meellng Tun*Hl Ky nvejiltig. s (('i-l,K'k.

Fllthr FHKSHVTKfUAN C^KUHCH TAfiRR. NAi'l lL—Iter. AlliorT 1-'. Lyle will occupy Ihe pulpit. Uornlng KiGctHt 11 o'clock. a\mdty> Hrhmd 2:\r> V. M. Y IV ». C. E. 7 P. M, Cyentng eervtre S p'clack.

S n r n i I’ AIIK rilKSMVTKUlAN rHUHCK~ tv-nuT Itr«>ad iilri'rl mid rtinton avenue. Ly- rimu Whitney Allen, l>. H . i-anl4*r. SerTluea, m Ih) A M nnd T-tri IV M. The piMiur will

iTic Mt, H o t ly F a ir .A fltr It Inpse "onie yt-arH th , Mt.

Holly (iilr t» 1-1 hf held on Qololier }. * ami II -vll'’ "uperlnr nllraotlona to those o f former yea-*. T o iheet the demanda of thoae tlealrlng to vlatt the fair Ihc Penn- avlvanla Itatlfoad Company will acll ex- Guraion tlckete from all atatlona o f Ihe trnltcd Hnllri»td« o f New Jeraey Dlvlalon. In New Jersey, and from Allanllc City, Millville Hrloaeton, Salem. J’ennaarove “ rt Init'rmedllte atatlona on the V e a t Jerarv itnd Seashore Railroad, at reduced ratea, Includln* admiaslon Ip the fair nrout ill Biieclal trains will run from PhUacliInhlaXiJUarket street wharfi nn Wodnc.-i'lav a fltT huraday, October 3 and 4 at s A M. atm 10;M A. M., stopping al nil nrintliial atatlona between Camden and rturllnplon, and on October 3. 4 and B on th , Medford brant-h, conneellng with train IcavlnBi Iladtlonflcld at 7iM A. M.

gMUHtl o f Hlrlking n Taller.PranclBco Farncolo, ot BB Jackson street,

and Vlncengn Farncolo, o f 2J Madlaoh street were arraigned beforw Judge Lam- hert in the First Precinct Police Court this morning. The charge against the two mi* T a s striking Anton Mllft. o f ITB High street, during a ,parade on Labor Day, fcptamber 8. Th* trouble, It la said, oe- c u r t ^ 'o v e r some unlforma Mlin_tnade, and Which. It la 8tleg»a. did not lit. Each o f the accused men was held In BOO ball for Ih* grand Jury.

-----a------------ • —P ile* C ared W ltk o n t (h e K a lte .

Itehlng. BHnih UlwsUna or IWrudlB# I 'll« . No No •'•y- dll d r u ^ U a t, authM- laad by tlw manufacturwa <rf lyao Otntmmi

UM mohay Where It t*l e lo o|«e any m m M gilea. so -nsIter of Inm long Mandli^ Uarn orditwry eaeee la ala daysi the wprit awsg hi fourteen days. On* eppllcsllon gIVM S h and raet. RelltTee Uehlnx inflantlr.* * * ..............and k. Me enly pile

uarutea, jgp run. noIt yout

Utdde. is ■am,*


TO DISCC88 I 'l l l H- X Ml SIC.I .i i t l ir r n n M u a lc la n s -o H o ld a I 'o n -

v o e a t to n In %en t o rk ,Hprrlil nnialch to the NB" J

NEW YORK, Sept. JH 11"' third convo­cation o f church muslclun" " f Ihe Ocneral Council o f Ihe Lulhemn fbnrch In North America will be held In i-i M irk’s Luther­an Church. Sa Sixth s m - i. this city, be­ginning Thursday, Ocloli-r II The follow­ing Is an outline o f (he I w d iy"' sessions: "W here Must W e Begin In urder to Im ­prove the Quality of the Music t'sed In Our CongregallonsT" hv R- r. J, F. Ohl, Mus. Doc., o t Phlladelphl i "dlior of The School and Parish Hymii il "The l-nstnr and the Organtat,'" by Itei. Hr A, Spseih, professor In the Luthii cii Tlirological Seminary, Phlladelphln, ' ■nir Music of the Communion Service," bv Rev. l.ulltrr D. Reed, o f Allegheny. Joint edllor with Harry O. Archer, ot The i•s;llll'^ ami Can- Hcles: "The Child and -Musi,." hy Rev. Dr- a. C. Berkemeler, of ilu' l.uiheran Or­phans' Home, Mt. Verneii. N. V.: "Hoy Choirs," hy Rev. A. L. .ut.-tmle, pastor o f H oly Trinity Lutheran i liiirch, llruok- lyn: "Choir Training. " by c A. Marks, organist uf Sh John's Church. Allentown. Pa.; "U tu fg lca l Music," b> Rev. O. C. F. Haas, pastor o f St. Mark h Church. New York, one o f th* editors of ihe Luther League Hym nal: "W hal Can He Done to Introduce Our Oerman Chorals Into Our English .Lutheran C hurches?' by William Henbnw, organlaC o f Trinity Church. Reading. Pa.

On the evening o f Oclcber 11 the famoueladpslg Quartette for Sacred .Music" will

give their first concert In -his country. This organlxatton has nol only been heard In all the principal cities i.f Oermany, but also in Holland, Belgium. Sweden. France, England, Home and 81. Pclershurg.


Sergeant ! . , § * , F igh t for C'outrae,. Special Dlspatoh to the NE-s'S

JERSEY CITT, Sept. 2k -Justice Coillna yesterday refused the appllcHUuii nf Free­holder Edward Bergeani. uf Kearny, for a writ o f certlarxri lo review the aellon o f the Town Council In awarding (he contract tor the iM p m n n e n t o f certain streeta In the town to COnlracior lJuniel Harper, whoa* bid w a i lE l higher than that or Mr. Sergeant'a, Judtlre Coillna held that the d iffsren n In the two bids was too small to warrant the expense o f certiorari proceedinga, and also that Sergeant's bid ■konM h a v« bean accompanied by a check. BX'MaFnr Kdwnrd Kenny appeared for H r. (m gritlit w»d Town Counsellor H. M. Foirngh f-W the T*wn Oounell.

Ic, « . ■ ' t“--------------'Fire HnaflM Mr n Tlehet goalper.

MAY S LAMtHNO, Sept. a .- In the At­lantic CpuDtF Court y^est^ay, before Judge Endlontt. John C. Reed, oouniet tor Andrew ,C, nuMSpaon, who waa con­victed on tWp'WMiu of tickai un ln lW ' made a laotTini jnd a new ir iu wllilw waa pruned t v 'U M court. TkoMSMa -me 'V;nteiio*d to V * Oohtba tn tba emn-t y \ ■ - ;» f ' tCw.iV.wa


McxICDti M«l» nt rh ih nB hun 4>lehra(**In d n p n n flfn t 'n liny by T m c ld ft It

D o w n fr o m tlir C onaulntr.SAN ANT<»NlO. T hx.. 2i.—Fnltful

glates Cnnmi: \V. W. Mill*, at ( ’Tilhuahuii. Mpx., has himu n n«n«' to ih*- I'E-dvral mu- thuHtl^B b»r*' nn*l alwo lo the State De­partment Hi VVaKhliijflon (l*qalllnK ftU in* suit to lb'* AnuTiean fla^ ov^r con- nulate on g,‘|iu*miirr 16, ihe armlveraary o f Mexli'.’ir lii'leperidence, by n mob o f McvtcapH

He h«ii hf'lKrert the Fnlied SlHtefi and Mexlcfifi In honor of iho *luy. andthe mi)l' I T*' down the rnltPil Statce colorx. -- ---------L E F T AM . TO HIS SE^O^B W IF E ,Cftttih'a ( h l l i lm i by Hie F lrat M «r -

rliiKe ( on ieM IIIm W ill.BpMlxl HHI -Il- h in Ihn N RWH.

JERSK t iTTY. Hfpl. 29-T h e ronteal over thf nf iln‘ laH' Jo»i-iih Cnmh. a in lo o n -k f'i ■ r iri ATlliiiftiiti. whf> dhni nn May 2£F hi-' -m-l l*-ft all *if hlH iimja-rty (o hie eecmid wlh i ’ vi-hom tia was married on Jun** IN I'anie up lo'furv JufiireEllelr In th' ^irplianK’ ( ’oart yeMterfiay. U iynr T-Mvk »ril Kliiny, nf Kaxi Newark.

fiif I hi' I'ttnIeKtHitIX, th'(' children o f Camb l-j hiM llrst marrlHKc. Tho onn- teeUntfl all IL - I'l |Iu(1m(jti ami areThomae. Jium-H and John L’ umh and aMra. Bertha |ii>inh

The firai -Mt" ille*l thiriecu ycureego. Pnjin til'' ii'sUtminy cllr-licil at lha trial. It aplJ* ii''''l 'bat (’ kttiIi wnH married to h ie e e i ‘Kii'1 by itev T r . HoqKht*m. paHtor o f i i " ‘ "LiMln (.’hurch AT'»iin*l tho Corner." T ii ' 'Idhlren of I’ainl* charge (hut the will w.iH Ukc rcHutt of undue In­fluence.

In the emsf-■•xarninfttlon of Mrs Camb, Mayor Kinro irl*'i lo prove that hIh* had a hueband nil'l ihlng In Kngtaml ami that her true nnnv v. m Mrx. Samuel M.-Don- ald. H l» Kugg” «icd tlml Mrn.Camb waB nilii InHuranca f*»r M c­Donald tn the G -l-U'ii Slur Fralernliy.

Judge Blair niP-'l nul all mu-h qucjitlonfl and heir] thm ihs -inly queatlon in fllspuir- waa whether ih- will wna prufiCTly cxn- cuted. Testlin-iri" wa« gtvfn liy Jiuncfl I f O’ Neill tihd 'I ti'miaH Kern, wht) wll neeaefi the nuiiilin 'be will, am) alao by John W arm i nti«l Mr«. t ’amh. wTio ar- named !n On- lusi fUTnent mh cx-cuinrs The w ll! WHB pm ^-l yeatenlay hy (heap wllneMeB. nn*l ih-- n* xi xcnBlon will be ile- VDled to ahtiwlTiK lb - iilJcged imdui* liitlu- enca.

The eatate l« ''" 'b lo Iih w*>ri)i ll5.f»K John W hitehfa-l "T N-wiiPk. apppiirH la the eato' for Mr' ' ‘ jiinh.

W Bl/LD M 'T Al.TMI I.LElt.KcuriaK K le r t lo n 0 1 1 1 c*er*H 1'ner

A e te d OH IG Hntlnon B onrd. Special Dlapelrfi i- NK7VH.

JE R SE Y CITY. 29.—The HmTsnjiCounty Board o! Kh-ctlunB *iecided ycater- day afternoon ih;*! It had in> Jtirlndli.'th*n in the cane of I’ liarlt'X Allnjiitler. the election offleer 'J 'bn Fourth Uurd. Kearny, against whtiwe ajipoltitnipni a protcit was filed l«v j» nuniFtcr of voters In that ward, who . hargrd lhat. InaHmufh aa he wae under hall to appear before the Grand JurVi he wfin nut i-llglhh*.

AUlfiUiivr WU.H arrvHtfd fi>r the alleged violation o f the law applying Ut primary electkm i. He refu«<*l n> ircccpt the voie« o f certain citliens unlcns they look oath that they were Rcpql>lb.'ariB. it waa these cttlaena who fUed the pr«jieKi ogulnat Mr. Altinuller. Lawyer J Franklyn Crowell, o f W eat H udion, presenltMl the cane o f the oowplainlfig voters, but Prealdent Auguatua A. Rich repUe»l that Mr. A lt­inuller had nol violated any law that irnulA vltU te Mi appolnlinci>t. "W e hold here.'* ha aald, 'That a man la innocent until he la proven guilty."

Ur. R ich directed the complalnanta to lay their grtfYance before the chairman o f the RepubWfian County Commliiee^ which oriAfitaaUoii aelacted Mr. Altmuller to iDOlt a fter the Intereaii of the Repub llca n 'p a rty tn h it ward. The complaint waa aocord lu fly glmpty placed on file.

I'KNTIiM. M 1-: O i t ’ lt4‘ ll-M irkft i«!rMi. ii-ur MalPrrTv NV H M-»rgjin. |Mi«tur. I" siti. pn-athiiiK hy riiF pi*r.i.vf ‘j.rtn, rftlly \Wvm in th- Kan.lay m-h'-i-l. Ki-MotBl tnuilr lu* l-'rR.l «'lnr«* llaiuwlri hIU Htlilr-CM the lH‘h*Hpl *; :ai. Ki>wi«mFi Ix agur- li’mler,li-h-ii TuHfn 7 pr#fti’tHTig liy tlo*HuljJp-t. "Kflui Ilf TftrfiiiFi. th*' Dlf'i^d PerMiu* Inr " All Invited in (h»'PC M-fvli'M.

hr.MMKiiFiKU) M K.KuinMuT and Fr donliM uvipaaPK, ll**v. A. It iTvitue. i-MHliir i‘rp*'-blriif ai in Itu A. M. hy II,(• pHimir At 7 an !■ St , n kh"|'"I wrvic^. Mr A E'” i'nn**ry win TiiHhT ihi’ iiJilrfHi af (ti sw-iilnx Kun'lny-n*h*j«-l 4*1 -::ni I' M Kpwnrih 1,4-niciu- at I'. M FTii>i*r (111^ 11114* Ta«»-'iMi 111 H I’ M. MtUilB MiiiiEy ]‘>U1ny at ri F, M. .Ml arh muiV wricnnif- m ih**"*’ s^rvlrfa.

I VHiN K'TKFKT MKTH*H*IHT KIMK('i>f"AL ■ 'HI'K«'H' Hr J H. Kl-K-ri. jmil-T K fvlrif#

inliFr ifi. DNHl. Kul-Jf' l (»t Brrnvm l(KJWi M 'TF)** i.itfti;*' «n I W- rk nt iFn Holy

iih"«* ’ (KHi-i.nii of ihf lif )»n IhHKllFiJPi-l nf 4 .-MI.)K H+rmnn, ‘T**nj]'-

iiiil-'ii -Mlii-Hh hj-'-iluTh-i'hl niiM-iinx.\ M Kl-W.irUj la»e.(pHJri \CFIK'|- iH’rs»r». 7. I 1-ii‘k Kuri-lHy-acFl.M'l H.Jfi IV M. K}>«r|iili-i'iiMT j*rwl n)*'*’tliipr **vfi-\ 'I’htjrwiiny nlxlH

KFt.S.S'KtslN KTIIKKT MKTlinDIHT I'TPIK- <’(»l'Al. '('Mrit4‘ H S. Klinmuns i-UHt-tfi:4irh' mtirtim>{ inff-tlnpc, P-tn. - ' ‘mlaftf"! t.\ l-'THakl1n l‘ruylnj( Dun I IT arhliiM. I" -i" KhihIhj wh-ir l. ‘J sMi P^rvlif. 7 34illfaity HlnKlng I'rlt*! H rmi-n. All niKFUnH* la Ipi-iurt* r<hini, --Bing n> lnjrTm*'m^nta. It*'

'luy nn»* wB-k frnni ti- iivrmw J-Ylpfidi* «n-t f-irrn*T m* nil** m rnf.llully IeivUriI l«» r*- upf’DlnR lUy M'rvkru. H[**‘<'ia| n«>llin tx'iu Hut urilxy-

HALHKY KTUKKT M K riIt'lH ’11 llilun Hlr»**ti TU'ur N‘*tt Hpv. I'«nl4*l Hull4*r«>n, |ias- tor. At i* »i''A. M.. fTllDBuhli* At jlKSOA ii.. Ftrv, Ur A. F. ItullHril, (if i »i-pmi (ir-.v**. will urr'Mrh- At *J:Ao I'. M rRHalur HejihIh)- K-hnol und tiuj*li>r'(i llll)l(* cIhip. Alr. M*. F'Tpwurih L uatJ*' veMjx-r m-rvlrr. H|htIii| *--n« IfttilPr, Mr, rj M- WliUflrl-1 --flirtlr.s.i M. y.. 4'hart-Fi. Ai "Aa FV M, i**iui-r will j-TPHfk. uubjerl, "Htrlki'u and «'hr!j*tiuTi- U>, ' Krl tnlft MFC D) all upevI—h

KIDMTH AVKNfK M K. <'lint»'ll \N>*|fy Murllll. |iiiKli-r. I'rpUt-FoInK l*y thf laninr III ,'lM A M. nn.l 7::«i I'' M Kv^nltix uutijrrt •'ln'1in''‘ rrnc(* wml Dtu*-l***'bPni » ' HyinUy-**i*h'*''lAl -Uunii'r I'TTidcHii--r :t:4ri, 7 -iiinx nir«*tlnx I' M. (Tayi*r nif ilRX Taf -tuyAvctilriK ul ~ tn Thuruilsv pvuiilnu « Mppi-tal rally i*f iFx- v-ung |x*r.|.|i- nf ilif rhur-h iin«l .-.iiijrrcgHlUin wl-lr-Rs by It**'. *1 *’ \\ll-llnK, ]i I» . f»f HI .JiimcH'" 4’him'Fi KllJahclh A iiirillul 1nvh;(iip-n 1 -- nil thfM w-rvlrf-a.

n l MeUtocIlBl.FI RHT I M ► r-:FKN I *K NT MICT11* >1 HHT

I'HlTItJ’ H Spwt.iii nnil Dniik uii’f-Ri* Th**re will Ih- n- -sFr* lf-4- whamvpr r-n Knnilay. nn Ihiu•-■mitrupratli f) wMI W 'lrifiiU’ with Ih...... of ih» K---II.1 I’ hun Fi i'«.iu>R*> trucking rm Thuruiluy, i- licr 4. a IV M.. ai Mr It J-DuAiI'A, . 41 .\rlN4i|i [ilu.-f

l.S'UKl'KNDKNT MKTNniUHT rH I'h ' 11 I'tlniiiii an-l KIliaUiBtJi hvahupu iKnarm* !)'U Wh/ iI HulbllnK anil l.r'im Hull). l'r«rlilnK A M. ami VAU I' M bytHi* ftp) ■'liisrl**(i !■’ . NpllJr-riFilli. T'h*- --nngrf*- HBilmi - ' the U’ lrut 4'(iurrl» will unlF In allthp 'lav'-' «-tvli'Pu Hanilny-Achonl, ••fi IV M. 4'nMNX* wi'-Pilnx na TTmrHilfly. 4h'l-iF>pr 4. K IV

j,i Mr li M. N(*lHpul)1p". IhUlt ItpImniU uvpnui-

N lrfliod lst P roIrs fiiilLr t .I N l ’S DlteL MKTIImIiIHT rHMTKKT-

ANT ' ll' I f 'l l I'lliil’-n K)«*nup Afi'l Di**1<1pii(pTrii-' KhprwYiisl Htiil Ilpv, [..uthpr

[it " | ii-T“irH [■rPHi hliiR h) IIpv W NRhPrW’ ’ ’1 r G A. M iiml 7 ■l-' I' M., uuF'

........ . 'Thu KijJfilmpni nf ihp Law."AkHiiTiK I ‘-p T’'' ' ’ F’ii'hK ■ Kiimlat f hntii .ii 3 -;hi I' M "i'- ung iM-i|'|p'* nmfUriK al ?

FIHK'l M *■: T M *1 1* ! HT I’ llMTI'klTANT ii IMM Birppi. I**'iwppii I [u I "l-y un-l

lln-ii-t i:-' i.'i'ti'T It, H-yr-it nml itpv \v N ghPi'' • irtHiiiru l'ray*Tn l<i A. M, UpvL)jiF)*-i ]«r*'U''lip'* HI I'l.mi, KUbj*?f’ i.■■npnt«'i.K ' l l ■ Ktni-lay-ui'tnK-1 Li,3<» F' Nt ThriHil- I '' .'li'Hvnr 7. Mr Dyi-H j-mu' hp" at . r, f,ui 1. Ft.iw- 1-- liavp ft lliq-iiy Ibinu'."

l*reii1»>'tei*lAii.liuKI-.' I.M-' I’ llKHDVTLlDA.S' I'ln'FtrM

ItPv I ltMi*-y. I'. 1*. l)iiPlnr l‘|p*ii-Mti(Cby til*- 1 -ii-' ' H'-TWF a . M HTirl 7 (.t F‘ .M

HIDM - I l i 'L T ]'Hhi.KF<Y'n:iUAS |■m■U''M —Til- ' It''' Irf-wlhi Tjiinpiiiaii I* L . «'Ulomul'**' !" A. M anl T :iM I' M Knn-My irhfsii Ml '' I’hflriiiiiin KM-b-siv-ir. a m

FtmLKl Mll.T. I'lG’ HDVTKIllAM I'lM'Itt'FI - lilxhiali'i I ‘ I'"*' «r)il M'-lbi I'urkwHy T}l- fiiv ll.-iir. ■ VimrbrliPfk, i-aim-r K-rvi.-pu and fturm-’.i- .*i M'^«' A M un-1 1 4r. IV M

M K «*iiU A i. i‘ ttF-:KDyTi-:niAN c m ui Ff Aniith (ir>ir K-' .»pnije* «ml KruiFi Kf-vrlilli firp'-t.S iv K '" , ' M „.ul t :(mr M Hun'll) '• hn.,1 lit 1! :tu 4ia'l MFirlHHan Lii- de*V(jr at *• it"

TTITT HF’-I ■ v'> fllFKDYTLltlAN Thp UftAi-'- I'* - 'rti'-naift flp«-il liri'lHP*. will

h a I” ■" ' M. *111-1 1 V M M- rnmx" - i-V r.-niT,-Hv. ■ Kvpiitnn |n;j|4.prf’Rf'hIfKilr, "It- '*r "Ftimnn nf - ' -

FKWrtVn H |itr«Pl. MPnrnrblKPft, I-"-'»», M, Kvi . • ,1 (be Hmil." *

PAIIK i'FMvIIIp HVPIllt-tnf. Rev. A I A. U. am) T 4 IV M. t'FirlMi’’

,11 Mi'XI-U. flD Ib'H Hn-I ori avi-n-is*. ll-v J -in Jay

-i li-.-, I " ;iii A. M ■til l I -1-I'.jc cl ' tlll"!'h i; I’f

r lL i l iv l l iM f 'll ' V " | - i m \ N ' ' l i t H r H M..m. i-e-v K-iirEiy Kln*'t 'Th-- i--*'K I:, K- !mw In, w HI l'mn' li • I

1 M Kal-lmlli Hi-liiml i-t J l‘- . r n,U.ivi-r HI a lA F' M

I -Sfi

OM ■*!«• Cltmgg UsasMlr.From graHi been fourleea yrnrs tlored sod

otred for tlii seme war mat Brasdlei sre la Vrsaoe; la a* Si* In Savor and mellowiteee ••Hr SretT-a ^ s i a x snady. ProgglsU and fiwieft.'-AiVGV^^

UF(V('K KTIU I ilKXFtVTKHlA.S’ CIIAIKI.,-NMr Ms, ■ r,l.lrr. “ ■■rM’ll', 1>A M, and 7 ?' (-"f'l", l'"‘ ,r. (' .M, nnd a ja i r M ■ hn.ttui I-.ii.Ivh, . . ,1 (.', PM, The pa*Uir 1 ’ ■ ' ......... "T '

CALVARY ( l: -llVTKmAN '1(1rvnniyivnnin sv> ' ........ ,nilr(t T'IS' *-nnrlor prenchtSA ■■■ ' U'V ■( '■ Ir . H. (1 7 n vi ■ h l i i r - l.i y . " t. . li-' li, s- i,-Fsl prnyer-mrvlIiiK ' n'l’l

TIIIHD PRKHKV n'.H* an I’ lll lU'll Jlr'Hld .irrK, flpponl.e 'Ir .- ', . ! r - l Th,- |>»i,Vif livy l,r. A, Seleon M .lll' -,T "HI !'(’■«■'; m I" ■"> A M. nnd 7:4. I'. M ’ h i ’ M , |.r„(-rmevilng. FrlJny, s T M ,ni««l;'n. 1,1 Wim,,m

All oorrtlsllv II. I" ffvli-n,l-ENTItAL rRKHIIvrr-llAN’ 'JIl'm 'H

l-llnton nnd nelnv.,i, Th- pn«,-,rKfV. John Ashird llln> i'-,. will prfn- h, 1, 4,. and 7:47,. Snbhnth■*, I '■ ' - -I" i hn»lliiij h.„ ,|-BV,>r, 0:4)1. I i.iJ'fT- fu,-,,-d«y rvrning. Cordlni in t„ ,iM*iur HPrvli'®!.

niKTll I-RKBIIYTRIM'V |■|ll■Tl(TI !.«),,r,itn nnd rniiin strffi. ii- ’ i.aini-j,r E'rBypr*m«-»tln>r. a T* A. M. Ithlnp' - .1.... ... -fn k JjJ, I'fl-M-'

rri'iii-b RH-raliiK an,| pTnlai,-, Htin-luy-uch iola: rMrluli. it F' Nl . i'F)m|h*I. iK* (' M. &iulb I'lirk Mi*rm>rtat I'hiiS-cl. C'urn<*r Floiiih and Dkw- ii4vii Ktri-Ptit Ht-rviv-pft. h 1'. .M.. c-iiv(Ju<,'iaiil byDr\ Il4snry H- Itiitwn. A c -ntlut InvtiellOd tOail i*'I H li-pu.

I iiltrfi F rrab rli* r l«n *t'MTKi* nti-:Kit7"n-:ii!AN r j i i ’ JD’ H-BBiie"

vllti- )i)*-mii-. Di-v |i. i'Fiamtt^rs Hirwart, pae* ii*r. KpDiirft. i| A M . 7-4A I' M. Th» paa- t->r m il i-rcHih m F»ilU Kpn-b'i'u. Kacramenl of the- Lj ’IiI'u Hkiji|ior ut iF)p m-iralnir uarvlce. HhIiIi.-m Fi K-Fv-Iil. i; 4. D U Junior t'. K ., 10A. W. N t' H. IV I-;, [irHypT-ntepting. T P. M. 4'ordlul w'i‘U<iriiri i-> hII upivIi-i-n.

Itpfom ietlnKIDHT llKE'OltMi;i) rUflU'Ft -.Tobniwo ead

I'Utit-in uvpinji-H bt*i T. -I Iri-**. j'aftlor. bar- al |u A. M Hti-l 7:4.% !'. M. PPMfb-

tiia t-y Flip i-anti-r. Kan-bii]-u<.bot-tu at g:3u A. M. ana 2 JU if M V. I' « C K . al T P. U TiMtHlM)- p)4>nmK la-rvk'i' at K o'ctlseli. All oor- Utally wPlrutiiaU

NfUlTH iti:i-i)jiM Ki> r u M U 'ji--O o r n * r ot lirnAit Mil l hriil|tp itrppia. It**) J l''aol ls|fbtrt. nf N«>\\ V-irk. will iirpfti’Fi luiirning al ia;I}0. pMMmihE III 7.1A (I'vlivk. 'I'urft-l-iy and TF\Ur«*•1ti> «‘)FnliiK liirctInK* ftu uhuiiI at H o'clock-.UpkalHr ta--nihly mpt-llng of ('--niilitory after(iip i-rw pr riipcUnu .in Tapwlay. tH-i<*F*prI.

rintlHT Flt:|.'nltMKG 4'lll'UClI -CTcirntfWuRhliiKl-'ii nti<| 1ii-lno-iiii av-rnUPM, WisNliiUlft.I'K-u- FiiriM tm-hnutf Hiiil PVvntbK by Ibp i>au(ijr, lt(-k llpnr> Mpfli* Mfllph. Morning aorvicn 1*1 4.'. ►iiblH«‘l, "I'rtna ' Kvrnlng aprvlce TilWF. Kutijm-i, "TFip i ‘hrl**i Mho.” HuruTayvachiml if:60. 1 ‘ lirliailjiii Ki)i|(-m-.ii U 4.% lTaypr-niP*tlhB Tuoi- Iny pspdhiN. ii'4'l.tik, MUlijcot. ''A Had Walk."

NJ-IW VOItK AVKNDK lU-TR UlM KD~Rbv.J K Atipn. iiftfiTi.r. I'lmrob F)*-araii and Rally ]*a> Hi :i*» A. !ii , tm-nilaR «(iratil|); Dr. ftoud- ilrr, -f ImilA. T Ifl r. M-, "Kdui'-allon," Hacra* iHiy )Jrhl)ftr-1. Ilf Sew V-vk. Hpaclal mualc It l-v-ih K*-n I-i*P :lii Kiini1iiy-ucFuN)l; grand rally. liiien-ituiK •-krn-liip*' I’arpma pMitcciRliy invltad,41 4.‘t, I'hrUiiHii Kn-Jpavor. KrMay, k. tir»p|wr»- t--ry aeiAbr. All ivch'rimft; bring anutFier.

1'I.1NT*IN .’V\j-:NrK RF-TKoRMHO CHURCH lli'v. I>amrl M. Marlin, minlMpr. i’ rayuTa,

H* A. M. I'Uini- w-)r«liiii wliFi proachlng at jit .'tu A. -M unit I -tr* V. .M- M'-rnlng: "A Bu- |ir*-rm* I’ lii'iniHf ' K\(-nltig; "Kp«i*’lal Provi- lU-nii-ft." I *r .Miirllii will i-reach al iHith aor-

Huii.lay ficItiHiU a( 2 :.Ki, 4'hriftllaQ Kn* ilpav--r vpi»|>pi'ft, I, inl by Mian Anslrcfton. Tu*«- -liir PS4'ul4ig ■rrvii'P, H, led hy tF)o (tauwr. Othtr senlovft an umiul. A we-lcomo l» all.

Fh*ri: i ‘MAl'l-:i. of ibp I'llmnn Avunua R*,- fi-rnip.] I'liunFi 177 Kuftt Klnncy fttn**t,Iwprn At-Whiirler Mh-i Fai-lfli ntrppii. Charl#a \V, KilwHnF* tn rliftrgp. <‘>tuh li gbpf*«ril will K|ipiik Hilil-btV pst-llHlK. 1 -1 l■'■■ln k. HtiCGal iimub- b> Hi-itMiii»*l. Huniliiy lohonl, 2:!klI’ M ThiirnJay rvi-alhg mveting, S o'l'lock.,\M wrlut'itiP

KOfTF! liAftlHT *'Fn'IirH -Bail Klnnuy utr^Pl. Hpv W. G. I-'hiiiip!|. itir [yaftt-ir, iirranh'Ing. M-irnlhg pcrvi.-p la:,Ht. PUbJpft. ’ Vhrlul tTai’ lfiPd, thp SS Iml-im --f i|oil," Kvgnlng a*r* vU-p T-4i.’ . Milijpct. "TFit- Itigbl (u ItPi'iime (hs Konn «f ilo-i ' HIF-I- ni'lu.i-l at 2 30- Khticavor Tupftilay Pk'-iilng. rr*ulnr uraytr tpryU-c Thura- ■luy (•if nlng. .Ml lire wplri.irnp.

MT. I'LF'AKa NT DAI’TIHT rin 'RCII-H rna- vllle qii-nue, ii|j|ki«i(i- nrt*fni,a' ftir pt. Rw. Ed­win A Ftiilnpr r>Ki4'i<)r F'rrachlng at 1U:3(1 A.M Hii-r 7 (ill J'. M M<irn1iig aubjcct: " L c ^ - iiig b) <ibftprvp(li-n," Kvcnlng puF«J*i’l: "Tha ,H-wp| \S'i- Sht ultl itiiar*l." Hunfiay #chuOl ral­ly HI i: :n> I'. M Ml F'ri>p|)Pi-t CJiapBl, 2» Ml. l'r--ptN’ >'i (DPiiH*- Kuniluy-prlvH*! al 6 f . M. K\*-nluK n*-rvU'i- ui 7:4,'- r. M.

« I.INTI'N AVK.St'K DAI»TUST CHURCH" I'l.riHT of Mvinm.'Uiii fttrpTt Rpv. K. R Curry, iiari*"i- w ill (-•mihii't hpd b-r-( at li) :^ A. Srt. and I 4-'. I' M Kv.-nlng nuiiJiM-i: "Working Ihil Whrii W.-rkf* In " llui'ilflin aflcr evening "••rm.ii. Hiiil i-i-(Wtilng pprv|«-e. lUblp pclntol. k! :u< l ‘. M Itnlly Day uervii'e, addreu by <i i; t'Jsii Viiuiig FVoble’p aorv-lrp luep.-iHj,*-!-. M I-liun Ii i*ruypr-meeting Tlmrailay.T 4:i I* M

riHST ItAl'TlKT I’KDDIE MKMOJIIAL iH l iii-Ft Hp) (*liar|p« H. I»mld. i-a*, will1 ri-n.'ii iii-triilng (Hl:3ii) and evening |T:S0t.Sf.-mitiK injF.}pi'i, "riit* Stater In the Fiah'4 .M-.uih, .1 Inpaitijn frnm I7ur U*rd'P Munilnea* " lyk-enlng ftUF-tect, "The Ok*p(*el la ErJIg." Uap- lifiii HI nlghi Huui1ty-»ch<«*l ki 2:3iF I* M. T h- k-Iuv eii-niiig. I' K. BiH-lety at w Tlturirtuy e\enlng, ■•'\euarii meeting al b Ffiflay even- M-K. I'lirtRilfin . uliiire ('laap. --n "Tha ’Tearhingi .f ' iHiigbi by (he foator. ei (f. All web11 III-'

( ‘onu reirottssn el.ri DKT CM SDR KM .ATI - iN.U» CHCRCl!—

I'lliH'.n a) piuip nn*! N rlghi eire**i. (} L*. Matti- - - Ml luiiqpior. J4l:4. A M. ' VVhm In TtiiiIi?" r tr. I' M . 'The I'hrietiaa Detuemn" 2:»F T.M Kunlny piUrtol, Drily fniy. 7 I'. M.. Chrla- ilai) |- (l*'Hviir 4 ir» i' M., Tuesday.JunlT s 1' Al . T u eiduy, arayef* . rnPH IriK

IIKl.lJ-;vn*LK AVKSl'K t'MNnRKGATUiN- ALCItl'lU'M * I’ liH-’ Daen Btreei. Ilev.'•S'llllnm A. Itiic. I* I*, will iireai'li at 10:4A

M ATI'I-7 4r. F‘ Nl M'.rning theme; "The N’uliii-(if chnri h Arieii'lnm'p In the AlHlntenanae I.f Ihe ChrlkiiHii l.Jfe ' Kv.'ning ihrme: "lle- iFHf In liiiiiwii-iftEliy aa a iiaelP for (he Martyr Hiilm " Himitu)-ft«'h(Hd Ul ’A IV M. Cbriallan F-fmleBM-r at 7 1' M-

K pliw avftl.KT KTKFMIK.S'H f*. 'T.f (*ltrRCIl—royaar 4-„

<'!1nii«n nilil jrilJ4iF‘etFi avenuee. Rev, |9r A, W'uMHin, I’ ll. J*. r*-i'H*r b a . AI.. Holy C4i(i|. niunirin. l(*.4.’i, rn-rnhig j-rnyer «rid e#rm*?n.;i iv M . .Kiir 1 1 1)-Hi-hnl-l 7 ..‘obK'k, evepingijriMer uii-l ei-rm*m All hhuIk free al evening spi v|.-ep. l-:u ryb-Hly weJ.‘*-ine.

Krfr»rniwil 4T|*lac*opi4l.i:MMANt'|-:i, ('FII'EH'JI Dr*.ad Ptreet and

Ki.iiitFi iiwiiuf- 1 " -tr*. niujnlng i*rayer. Hub- Jpi I nf Hernmn "irml I'mJei-HI.Hid In Kervice."2 3'i y Al , Kija.lflV'm-li'-..l. 7.4*1 n'rbu-k, even­ing i.ritvrir Siil’Ja. 1 af M*-rin>.n: "Man, CFirit- tlanlt), l*tw''»\ery" Tuepday, n n'Hnck. even- b'K j-riiyer. w h Hu-veiift, II. IJ., raotor.

I'n i veranfiat*TtK\- IIKNDY It. Fl fKK. PAHTOR.

4‘Fiuri h nf iiiH Di’ilei'mei- hroudl und HDI. Iririkina for a rhiinli Fi.-me'’ J^ractbal per-m.iti.e, Plmnle creed, nio* muPlf.-. i'iime. DF;3l0. pul.j-eit. ‘ The PrePliU nilal I'nmpnign and ita l„4‘pj4-,iiri f<ir tFie I’hurcFn-p." T:4.T In the cFiai*el, "True I'rleii.lHhlp " rtu-i'lny-pcbcMd at 12. Churw Sunday, (irloF'er 7.

l-'nultati I«n4tieriin.ilDAfT KSllLIBH LPTHU-JlAN CRCRCli-

Mercei sir<-4‘ i. iiour lIlKh eu.-.-i. Ilarveat fee ilvftl t.i iT.-irrcw luoralng hu-I ewnlng. Banday- ■)-h'»>l. t' :ia A M Nripf Kuii'Ihv II will bM 2:sV>P M '< iipMi-r III*' U iy" will be ilie morning pubje-v uri-1 Nijiiire ami tUrM.-e" (hn e^enlng i.qib- .\ 4'Tilial liivltHtlun to AIj.

4 lirlHlIgii Nclciipw,PIDKT ''III'HI'M I.|.' CIMGkT. SCIENTIST—

:(ii1 i:i ii.-\ i||<- H).-hiie. MIph Alnry K. Ki'ialb piirili I K ii Iln-i reniii»r, Hervlcep flunfiiiy,Id 4.' \ M Kiii'jHi I Are Kin, Ids.'iiae andllprilli Kim.biv srh.K.I, |2 M NN'ednep.ilu\ '■.’ r,'"ri llK-'-llriK ^ H.-iidlllg riHlTil. 4I>* Hr-.rt-l riir.f-i

AVMmJMi'ft 4 hplalln ii T p m p rrn n r^ .I iiDisriAN t m m i 'KHa n i ’ R

rs iiiN :i W-:''! CiiMi-len Pire.’ l. SftbFiatFi1 i' M Mr-. KrH.Iri || k-. b-)i-l4-r Mr JoNAph|{.Aviii ii I‘»d<o i-s*’ning I'oj-iJiril iiis'lia--llifii I dll

tViiMtNS |•HUlHTI,^S Tl‘:Ml'E:il.tiNM'E I'Ni-iS N'l I I's!*' Muli'eir)- hireei KNtibaihai 4 P M .Mrs Hiill. l.-H l.T |Cv*-nlng, Mt«.Alllbi III films' -Ml w ill .... |■..rhr' arid W*will do you ... I

Wi>M.\N"K I'MDISTIS.S TI :.M 1'KRANCE CNI*iN I • riier lioui l nv.-iim- ui)-l |-’ -mrieenih Bireel, will b--M It Mi.- iliiK Hun-luv. H* |.tpmb**r 3i\ at 4 1’ M Mr Wb.-e|iT will l■.lHllJcl l|ierneFtln){, ‘I •, m its-r *. iit .'t IV .M., iFie rrKUlar FiuKln*-Hs inn-mng w-|il 1«.' FicM.

Sp1rl(UHllHtn>PCllt.ic HPI KITCA I. ' 1 1 1 1 M-; -r'anducted by-

Mr ID-I.rg*- i'lJirk ul '.*7 W .inMukImji atreet at 7 :in I' .'vl Hllof-r i‘-'b-<

i iii: i-’ iDK'i' c m i{< If mc Ki-jjtiTi'Aii rfiD. CDF'^KSlnN vDI hold iFifir m.miik' In Dia hall, r-i>rii.-r -f fr-l I'uik itTi-l hi-ii-) sU.-eii*, at H[• M, .Mr li(irn wDI ..i-.-ii]') ih*' r---tium Fill*1.4-r ■'dip. il.iti .Ml are ........... .. C A Durh.;iP-NbleM

Mla«*ellfiti^ona.|U-:'nii:i. Mlsspi.v I'qy l.i.k . Mr Roder

WUi P|-r-iiK I'Ti Knht'HlIi f).-i)lnK. S'Tvhei on M-ii-'ii) w,-,]i|HHda) iind I-II I iv^V'-Minga. All iirr w*‘b'oni.- S'-' ■ oil*" ih.rie

"I'Fif K)ii hu -1 Ff-.-l wofN.-ri of niTih jmrt of (llj fiippl IrMii) rV4-)iimi Mi-toln-r *1 . hFktI EiblTi-h* I.} II-') U S F. M Ml I .• I, lit- ' • I I.) Ml \\ ri»r,-'T iri t fii LM*if

I't.-H int ii li-. Mil- 111 Ci-ri “ vv>rii F’hd Hull, K'lijili - If.Him-’ ill piiu‘* *ifi-s Kiiih riiri-i-t lo nifrr-r .W eirihlin; ;C 7 ........ . k f \ Wmiim MrlUlP

-Til- Uiii) -f '■FiCei. V- I i-h-i Ml un Krp *if |t|Pr*eliiK ' ''I ar-' IfUll.-l 1" ,t!l*-nd. A(l-............ fi. . N , ■

I i |IMKNl' I'KKN' M t,VIil’ BTRlAL H'i-ML I "It .Ml'N -'A PI.Ill'- r*1T.-r ll*-v. IV H S-oTI Ni.i(.TiTii. ii-b M. 4 P M Mr (leorge IniriNh*-'- -i.nHfl A1I"I* N Van NeppI ianiei 7 C’. I' M. -P l ' " " ‘ H|-‘'Hk r. Mr- W wiipoii |,iiinlpi M'-ii-biy, Ml. Ph-UHPnt Jhu.llsi 'hiirci Tu-e.piv Ml W Cojiey, wSih hi» id)oioiu*iii-li Pipk PrppFjyter-ll'n I hur-h V'l'-lriy FIMI Klrr-Pt M. P. Chureh.

vi.i Nc Mi-:s s i 'd r ik t ia n associationCllnli.n piM-ei H*-nry A Coxzenp, pecreiary.

liliib- i In-'riSK iftiJHh! 11" iieuiiV M"h " mappim-el.iilK ' * I"' hrl'l In Aee-"’'.ill'n Hull /r--fu 4 Idj 5

i-H k, -ft Fbi-n u iiiii»"'iil

,.-M Thi' roundTiiomup SV.

11. I. held.

wor-riFdii in"lit)'A. M. l’r*‘M.'hirtg tiv ihe |.«ftior lUlly day exercla* at 7;4A I Mby Bundfty-m-hrrfil. Addrese i.> .furlK . hlw.Hi.l ' . HarrU Kunday-acFgxil 2:3*1 I' M * FirlPtlan Kn- deavnr tl:4A I*. M.

AHflOCIATF PRESflDyTFJltlAN f’ Dl Di H - Newlijn iir«*et- near Rank sir>-et. F reacFil^f:,rm!,rr.,w by h .v . H. T . W H h ,,( 'Ob' -L r i and T'.SU I* M. Bacrarn#l1( of Ihe L«ir I p Huji Iter after m*»rnlng pernwn. TFianknglvInH p*t Sf 'n t l.,L .l.y ev .h ir ,* at a hVh'rii-, I'l-sy'/,- m M ltni W cdtiM Jay fv fn li,* at » u cl'Wll. All *rf wrlhomf Baata f r « .

WICKLIFFT. CHCBt’ H-Thtrtwnth rcahua a'ail Boatnn .treat, Klchanl E. IXMtke, mth- r.Ter M„rn!nx wor*hli> H1:M. Barincn tb™,e, "The Unll' L»n>P abi* lh«,l'n*lrt L"'n. Bab_lia(li-echi«‘l X:!h-- E v en J a * ‘e-'angelleal e e n le e Tf,uf Jnie [» .( , ,r w ill KWisMer the 'Fvnaamental f w i i of r h r t.H a n ity ." V r m t z lervlce fu e e - JhT a t H. All I lt lla g a *««■ O'yanser* «,r,Hally

" f ic t h a v b N il* f r e b u t t e r ia n-V ev Baitell I>teiillh*. Jr. paiWr Uorhlng

{ ^ ' T a i ^i ; - iv V n J ; * at fl th«ra w ill ba lha annujil m « t-faV ' r (he e*hu"4 O" *-'l'**^ " “ ""I *-ttPtoR.ratorv laot'ura*

FIRST PRICSBITTBRIAN CHUHCH'^Tbt FIRWI ® ^ jj p4 aior. will occupy ih« PujS i at S f i •ervlcre. Morning larvlca and

o ’clock- RaUy Day e ierclw of

Irl-.Hk, ’fth.-n » 1IIH«"M1 - .i . . - - -a,..■•■.ihiN l-> Ml*" S;idt-' PrHj-n-b* Jiii-1 Ml«* Kmnia i ‘i',iim)j* ' f I'fti-'ifon l*on i f-ul i" Fieur ibeee r,.„.„rliht,|e s,„a--,* O'lnh H--aslaaJKf-i-i.-t'irv I l f I|ie n A M. ' . A., wUlHiieU I" ni. II. '« M A crehenirH, will play.

smpiiitf l-y 1*11 ! r‘-p-TiriiKKi'l i: H"MK l-'» Si-rlng PiP-ei Tn-mor- m id'- I h*"-* «' ' I'lo k, .-'n .tU iie il by M vroii U' .Mi(i'-*e rilid W If Hoil l-V-tir n‘c|i";'ki f V ........ rl.iTK.- ■! Hl-r .' ''"i*-™- o'b7 (iiiE pr-'«i.vU‘i Hill Cbm-b, KiHuny. Klflil

"*-rvhe Id .-Iihik* "I lie'- C Cr-jwen, r |.■rp|•v ciiy TFh- l>-rr family will plug gi

'I'HttFi poi-Mf'i'i* 7-fr. TFhi^ Knoll r-nvvrtod diil-H'ii ke»-pri nin alft-'^ng «bmd muelo. J


fiSH Broad » 4ree-(4 4>|»|in>ali« (.’uiilml Aveau*ia:l*'lL;DK tn all >ip forma ircau-d.

TOMATIC LKVea Tiit'rfs mak-ja man^IRiidii ad'wrely, llkkL ■* U A otV/*RFiaTS. Hl!pi'0*lT!-:HS. ELAHTH. HuSI^Y* Hourp. lirjtll ft; BaHir*tay. 0; KundaVi* 1 tO ft Examlnatfon ffse- Writ*. Hook.

gitnuMWOiaritr, « c r r , ' r A . N A

A N D W m i CRE.AM-a;iW- tallied toCure-prleeHOe. JM.

N n i, R. WESTERVELT,•Jl#,Wa*htp»t*»»4.

nasinatiwicMAiiii ikhae ii

N E W lU iK E V E N IN G K E W S , S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 2 9 , 1900 .

flttraclive T^Wons Ushers in by Octoberi The Small Things *5 Of Her Autumn I Gonwlng.

E c w n W d ly 1« l l« “ o ' ' “ *New Skeve* *iid Tliere Aic Prelly »n j Novel Device* !of Preservin* { . the Diplonuii; Rtlalioiis Between JW*tit »nd Sk >1. J


Sm##*#****#*’****y****'***Von dn nni ri'iiMf Hi>' .......... 'I - ' ' I " "

UVlen till.... 1" * " - Ill'll.- ........ i'lntook fit Iti" I 'litn r 'i ...................BOW. « IS li» ' ' I l l ' l l l “ ' l H M ''T I '’ " ' «'■"■BfW mid I III'' ' l - " l ' i ' ' l '(l.ithli-. I'tK' l" ‘ l'll I ■" I' ■ I ''" '” tleetr. till' li.iliK)'. I III"' " ' d l . n i l hnv« clKinKp'l

I t w o iili! liu •Hill ' '■11 ...... . •' ’ ■*'truthfllllv hhM llait I Ik- -laittK' l-rouifhl I'MnMv ni‘ 'J MU. imror-lunHluii, whlh* ih* |.inm-r liu** uh<iaiiiu*"i- Jy conit*. 'lu- l.iiirr Inm r-tr -n K -l. uml \his wiimmi who on ii hn l-Tfqul.iH K (jriMir ilini wlill*' l)o- uii*’ wh » makfi'i' iir*-fi 111 inn** i f ht\ l'- vitll ruin ilu-

inirm' "W li'i lili'uW Ml'■IpbU trHRh" I** in if " f Uh* WMin.*n ri-' turnlMtf fram n j Iiui'I'Imk k'*[u-<l!iii»n ihW fjilJ, with h fr ln'1 In pkouJ

U In not iIjp fjU-ili n Ih.n iin* so, bui their Hu<’»'»*j‘ orh‘f* l'|ion ft eklrl <if Mlln ImH III nil fXiiiii>-lvi*cloth, there N. |nThHj»«. mu umillu'i''(O ld U p#‘ , i-ocMnis HR tmiuh iier liirh im Hieiatin Rolell iMJitti* t»-r vur«]. TIh- wl***'Kn is nul the one who uidR h'-r |•.l1 lt rll ii< - cordllll to her I’ lfjih. hnl wink jiIuhh her irlmmlntTH ac«‘onllnK m Ui r pn.Kfiii'»i.k Yel there In bului In lille.ul, fur In nil ihe rich fabrlt’N uml ilinjiinln>ni hII ih*- lltiet* o f trimmln(«. there r(»me ImitiUh'iiH tinil anvwer the purp4w»* well hiuI nr*- ) hhi as effective In the eyn* nf nil *'X'-**pt iIm -hi- who actually know ihe i^rb’e. Von kunimt tell the chfiip from the 4leur.

T llH E k NEW t'iJLOHH OK FAI-J.- The three colora Juai o1 Mils nmirn'Mi

wh«ii colura rUMiiite like the weuiher uru cuir brown, winter nniy uml ronni* r»'d Properly aelecied. they look well inptPih*'r. though the kray la a cohl ihlnff. noi lieuu- tlful, uiiil poetU* omI) In minfie. All cloMis come In winter gruy uml when you sev u steely suit, without a Hny tint of reil In It to draw the eye, ihen you may know that U haa the honor of helrix dyed In ilie Very laiPNl co lo r U iu( th e d o iU m a k ir s can liOMil-wiiiter griiyl

RquRe reil Is m lirtlllunt thloK. brlghlcr than cardinal, atnl not n like hlnod haa, of cuiiree, it lonoh *•( Ihr link./ a c t It la quite [linkUh. Nin


Mill o f (enwould call It u. pink, ehutllnx u Htlle tokrard the roaw.

Cmlr. nr leather, lirown Ih like unto tun. but darker. And wu you huvi- Mm three colors tn«t. until rw)it wt*«‘k. will glow supreme o'er the fenilnlne horfxon.

In the small things of ilrcKs Mmi Iniv*- changed so greatly the Hrsi nienMou mu'^l be made o f the alee'e. Hlonves th-ii «r»* light St the nhnuliler nrnl which alopc gradually to the wrist «re "In” only for street coats. JluuNe drcssi^R ktuiw them not. Truth lo tell. Imusf dress+'H hnve no ileevea that are worthy ihe nnmi'. Sumo o f them are made iihsidtUely RkevHeas, except for the ahouhlr can which hchda lu a band which dta tightly nnmnd ihe urm St high up an pusnible. I'l'oti MiIn Inind different sleevea arc buni»in*d Hum*’ ure long, olhern are nhori, hui till klmln «>f ileevea go with this one liodlce.

Thin imiUlludInoun sleeve urrnnKcmeiil It very econumk-al from one im«Iu( of view, it In the sleeve Mihi wcurs mit first and the sleeve that gciH nlii-rush- loned first. With a perennlul supply of new aleevsK (tie bodice will Inst forev+M*. or until the owner gives li uwuy. A

• todlca In prunellH <iolh. which Is one id the nice BubstaiieeM o f the year, hail twn sets o f aleeves, one lo llie elbow, the tiMicr In the wrist- The ellnjw sleeve was of brocade, terminating In h bell hm-d with Jace. The other set o f sleeves WTlukled from the shoulder to the elhow ami were entirely nf the broende. wlilcti Is ]jrclty enough to go without trimming

in black taffeta, wiih stripes o f buiter

Mie dreas a n d la l l n n l w ith som e ahadc I ei o m ln g to th e li ic v . Hui h a c o l la r la i.o r n w i th t’ ln n e r gow ns a n d w i th th e \ n icest o f h<il'se dri'ws4 k l l Is c u lle d lh « I ’u rx im c o lla r , and. p ru jn T ly m ade. Is be- i-om lng to a n y H’-ck

T he p la in . s irh lK h i lin e fro m th e cut lo Ih e s h o u ld e r is Ihe lin e th a t 1« so u g h t, i 'h e lu n g yoke , r im tlm ie d o v e r th e sh o u l*4le r H iiii fo rm li iK Mu- lo p o f ih e s leeve la m il new . b u t l i Is s fH l w o rn and g f-w iH In p o p u la r liy . l l Is e a s ily in m ie b y s im p ly fo r in lj iK 111*' t " i ‘ " f th e s ie i'V e 4) f a m a- ic r lr t l III H in t 'h i ln ' yoke, lo m a n y In*s1:inc4-s th is \ k i N m ade v e ry ile e ti Htulpolhlerl. i|iu'4>|iscloU‘'- miiklliK or un -m.tklhK the waist m-r n ll n g lo th e ex- iM-lli III-4- w h h w hh h ll Is chnsen. A tall, slrulKhl ba)lil of I he >nkc imilerlnl form s Him ciilhir. w ld .-h hos Its tdgh points Jual biM k of I lo- ours.

'I'm n l u n i lo the sll•l• es. i Iu t i * I s an .»miillv bi iw e 4-a l i m n and the coUn r this H4-iiHim. If Ihe fol iar Is large and in-

I r lleeil to lu ll, as So IllJlJlV of the 4‘u l l « r s I do In a flulihK -kvlie of .Medici. Iln-n Ihe I , i i ITh li*d l ..... . and boMi are lined w ith lh aI H iin ir 1U fr i 'loI Iti Ilie H u b s nf d n iis iimv la- rnentbsucil > ilie iirw i'ltdplrH wiilsl, w l i b b Is so small ' aiid feiiulre* hi, IlMli m i i li T lo l ih a l yOU

Iieei] allow b'HH fi-f n Mian for ' o u r hell prov id ed th e la in r be o f a l id lc sixi*.

4»ne o f thoH,' | [ | 1U- K m ( ilr4- w u 1« Im w « h m ade o f !i):n k im it l i iK , wide )i, by th e Way, was h e u 'l i jI m I la M u r i-oar-M’. ih o u K h s ilk y III th e lo u c ll The idi-eVeS Wet'e lOtJSf, w r iiik b -d Ih lt ik s fa lh n s 'e r y fu l l o v e r th e a im i i o - ' 'Vi-re la lwe and s llp p e il b a rk re r i il l lv f ro m b . leavb iX Hie a rm baP- u ll■•et)|lK x lin ipM *. Mien d e in u re lij • u v in in g i t a iiid n

l-'oldeil around ihi- tusk wjis llie r e t t in g wiileh was pill lo i Ilk'' a shawl, a p p a re n tly wllhoui cui. s.f, ii-'iii.Mess requiring lln- nlrest 1IT1 of 1 lu- tlHidl-<|e h WMS VCrV fuU la Ihe ha. k and w.ii bfoUKlit armmd th e hlmuldiT*. like a llschn and crossed lltMUi Ihe l.oHoiii while Mu imds wr-rii ueutly no kod Uiiib-r tie- bbo k*H utln girdle l lk ^ u Hiiri.lire Hiu-k iMio Mo- girdle w as a Initiiii of poppl.H. tb ii liiH red. and s h o w in glu ai (s of lil.o k

Til,- ii.ilr ullli iIiIh » ' iM, will' ll wn" thw iiHrii I lf bIi.i|.IIi 11.', w.n (Ir.iwii In" k In w l)l.j rnnU'l l".mi""l.i‘’ l' "ll'l Illll'IIy .'.'ll.'ii Ih .1 lilK kii.,1 "11 I"" " f l-n«llvIII. fri'iil w i" I'lill.'il ll"'''" w'llh >h.. tInK.Ts 111 lilK w.iM-B iii"'M l l " / " r ' l " ' i " l . h l il-IiiK ll". mill w 11 I "'■■ fli'k 111"T h .' "V i i l " f I h " f i"< ' ''111 | in - " . 'r v " i l , Im ilio l Its ro llud liesS

T lie 4l i iy o f th e h lith b ro .id fu re lu u id Is go ing ou t The h id r Is p u lle d fn rw tm l and dow n m ill th e f iire lo u id Is p r e t ty w'el! lo ve re d I t Is j in l o li» i u re .l w ith frlRgea no r rn iirre d by h in m ln g i iid.‘*, bu t i t draped. U were, l.v Mn- w aves o f h a ir w h ich Hi-e in ilh 'd d.iwTi w l ih Ih e Iliig e rH and lu rn e d and iw h ie i l In to fo r» ii» ’H4| waves. .

In no phase o f w -m a n 's m lo rn m e n t aoes th e (‘hang** “ how inoja 4'o .np )« 'tc ly I l ia n In Mi 4' K lv le o f dfeHsIng Mn> h a ir T h e |iam p«d 4i i i r Is sM ll w ith us. b u t th e fo re , head aibirniTiriii H have r H u n ie d u m l Ih r i h u lr Is lo is lie . i and p u lle d m d il l l com es fo rw a rd m ul ovt-r the face \ K \ V IM lA l 'K lt l lC S K n i t T H E W E E K .

A fls. hu MO o x u i is lv e Ih a l one h e s lia te s w iiH itu T to c ; i l l l l ll t.od lce o r no t Is mf»4le of lid rTon l i l t Ird o n il lim nehne ir ia n g le . T i lls i r ia n g u l i i r piece o f l i i l lT m l Is h g h l. la id o v ' r w h ile la w n and s U g h lly ‘ ‘ ta c k e d ” In jiluc»' so M int, when i-n n n p le i l in thO hand, a ll lo 4,ks lik e chHTon.

T ills g r 4‘u i t r ia n g le l« te n e d to the- mhldJe o f Ih e l^aek n f th * ’ w a is t n tn l i i itp-n h ro u g lit f i irw u rd ov .-r Ihe w linn lde rn am i do w n lu a po in t In Mie m id d le o f the fT 'in t w h e re It ts fu s l-n e d liy h ro s e tte o f bnl.v r ib b o n . I f u la .d ice Is jW orrj under. Mils lls t-hu it iB e u t lre lv r o n c ia h ’i l by ih r H inple fu lilH o f th e (ls> hu ,m d one ca n n o t la ip w-4» n ie r ln g I f Me bo,lb-e Is M iere a t u i r VV4>ru on a day w n ls i th is w o u ld be eipuiU v pr»’U y . F o r e se id iig It Is a p leas- .m l d ev ice fo r sa v in g th e | i r 4ce o f con- s t r i n i l i i g an eN'ctiing w u ls t-

Sdk r t i ’W *rs as 4H'iuine n l H. are ver>- h - h im b le a n il ve ry Krem hy. T in c« u iu tu l, u l l-T. iu h w oup-n t i 4.k M ii-in up an d le K a u w e a rin g Miem. T h e y ph-ked Mn-m .>fr ih e c in iu lt- rs w in r t ' th e ' la> to U tn p t the H tu a le iir itd l lh u - r m nl p lm o d th e m upon ih e lr b iid lces , s< e u ilim (hem h i^ l t ly S ilk la iuquei.s fo r Mu* cnrHage f 4iine In t.’ m p t- Ing h liM in is w ith Mu- n a tu ra l s n -m secured (o r l l ie t i i fo r«v i-i- la .1 Mnv 4-aske l o f s iu -lie l poW ile r c n tm lr ig l ' h id ib n Iti the ib-pM ls Ilf Ihe flo w e r so iJH lo p e jp H lM lly g iv e f 4iT lh ilH odo rs; and l l Ih r ln 's c s llk e ij fbfW.TH w l ih ' l i i l l* ' w o in . n o f Mn- w ild e r w i l l w-ear in piac-»‘ o f Mu- u a l i i r n l I'enlos w h tc lP w ith e r a n il iiu ik .- one lo o k I lk . ’ an uu tU jue In on hou r

A 4-orsm?e ornaTlient that has Hprimg In to w o iu l '- r fu l p o p ii ln r i iy is Mu- bo\v. T i l ls Is seen li\ all vnrleMes aiu| of nil iiiu- (e rln ls . O ne 4>f Ihe mosi heeotnlng oi these liows Is ftirmed )>y a cnijtlMnaihm of lhw.( 'nds of the slock. T he stoi k wldcli Is

llio five inlnatca have passed. By cure the number o f m uorffi can be accuralely gauged, but at rtnM the re itf^ aeiisatlon of being thoroughly at ease lu apt to prolong the ftvc minute*, without harm, of cmirac, unless one is tied to time. Naps aro the host itivrsUnems busy worn- fM can make for they repair a iwrtlon of the w.’aatP and store up vitality, not more than enough 14> Iasi through tho d«y. however. -

The most sut'C4'ssful business women i cV4'4 met were thorough hellevers In fre­quent perhjds of rest- But they differed In ihclr Ideas. Une. whom I cun rail ui mlhd, epent one amiduy of each month In bed. Her room whs iltirkcned and two meals were brought to her, rather light In chur- Hcter because there was to he no excrcl*« for twenty-four hour*. All day she do»cd (tiid luKurluttMl In compUd® Idlenei*. wun no thought of the carei which the mor­row W0UI4J bring. Bhe lujnlahed all uit- Idf-asant memories iind made her mind aa nearly blank iia an tntelll«cnt woman can. On Monday morning she was ready fur work keen of bruin, Hlerl In body and with an appetite like thul of a growing boy.

At forty-five fihe f*>r a woman tenyears younger, and was us frei* from nerves as any man of her ncquiilntancc.

Anitther busy womiiib (me who sharea her hiJsivuiuJ M office and his buslnesa chres. giies In a Turkish hath every Sun­day and remains until cIosImk lime. Sne bus two reasons for her cholc«’-r e s l Htid comfort, Ihe former secured hj' Ihc re- freshing sleep which follows ruthcr rough treatment at the hands of aUcndiuits. the latter lirought alauit by ih^ loss of flesh which she secured In the hoi r.Mim She l.s » hintiming speclm4’n of healthy woman- homl even though she does a man’s ' ‘ork six diiys in the week AnHisements an uthietlc nature htc i»opuUir means of quleilng tiverw-orked nerves, and there Is hardly an athlclle clnlilumsc in the ctiun- iry which dta's tuu admit women to many of Its privileges.

2 Womans ^aut j5 And the Bath* |Sir#*4'4r4i#*4'#4i ♦♦*♦***** ♦♦*♦’*

Jl.D t tkBeautyCalk.eruRioii bright:

W hen Mie w om an w lio has re fu sed to ke e [i pace w lih ih e w o rld looks sob^m nly a t vou iim l shakes her head, w h e n she says : “ M y dear, you b a l lv m uch loo o f le n ; yuu are w ash ing »v,Ay y o u r v l la l - I ty ,* ’ (Hke lie r ou t sonic tine day w here s lu ' can ?*ee. soc ie ty on dress p u n id e a n il p o i i i l ou t Ml iie r Ihv Ihie, handsom e s p e ii- mens o f y o u n g w om ruihoo4l stju w i l l meet a t e ve ry tu rn atid te ll Tier ih a l th e re she sees Mo- re s u lts o f fre ip ie iU Im lh ln g .

In r ip a r ly a l l Mo' w e i|.iip iM » ln te i| p r iv a te hoiiHes Is ll T>ath fi>r ea4-h l»edr4Mim Uen- e ra lty tloT*- is m ore ih iin «•«»■ k in d , fo r th e sh«iwer l i f i th Is otie o f llb^ lu x u r ie s 4i f the o | i- io - 4la ie W4*m iin In e ve ry g y m n a ­s iu m llie i'e iiT4‘ hrttT iliig fiK 'U ltleK , and e ve ry c li iM io u s 4' Is s lm lh ir ty equ ipped . In Ihe r o i in lr > , wTif^re l i fe N | ir lm ll lv e . th e n o irn in g b n ih tib ta lnn . even th o u g h It Is fo iih iU -il on n n ih in g m ore p re le n tb a is th a n A Tm iw I «*f coM o r w a ru i w a te r a n d a b ig

IClKKicM VoungiliatrM inihkUorldiT

cAnd Hoyt} She Bears the Heavy Burdens and Great Honors that Are Heaped Upon Her"by the Worh-a-day World. |

r idle. 04*1 4-\»-u alw.iys lo In I'oppt ■I’ix.-il to no Hp..i

,\ii\w.i.S' ll is a fai-t widih ll did tuii iiiki' tIc- priit;.

■ > ll.ippMl' soiiug HUbJ

• - sim ‘-ri-. iiH oowlo'T*' 1 0

'■f Mis sk*-b Ti long lo

Sln|U'- Virginia Knlr grew• liiTiJoii'- r ' i n \ - i i l n i ' i - <»f Mu’ I^H iilb ' in t It Lit' <1 .1 yrc m re-p<inst blUl'". H iid. as a cliil'I. she lu-gati dis- I hrt .M ih4' iTg*- o f rovirn-cn sh** malni.-uni'd a small orphan


The I 'ount I '.isti Marie was nimoreil eiiHiigcil lo In-r. 1 ilils i'oiiiili\ 1 0 gently siiuml her upon the subject

H - 1* !4 .


T ij he rh-h Is nu l a lw .iy s lo ! he fo iim l, o r I- ' er> »' Ii'-|-

iltf i1 l'op4‘ w ho srild M m t‘'

ll"rr /i,'K n ''ii wiT.lih fiirnl"- "'.is il"- ilHUKl'i'-r "COp S M oligh lm|jri-H«»’il wiih Ilie hle:i lli.ll gl'eal nclos t

ilii’ in for her Al luniiirlty she was om ui tin- pr' irlcsi niid iiiil'h si gin.-' to lu- fouml In the ranks <if Mu .illarilH’d 'ircU- lhat rules ih.- socletv of the whole Wol'M

Thi ll of -uui'.'T. ilii-n 4'iime siiMors. A fi-rriKii prli.t- i«r..|.os. .1 n. 11 The young King of Her'i i Is said to have sei,i his repr«-st ei.i Is

U"| n'.n.,fmK V,.,| „ .■ m. y su iml.' ........ .. H " ' i " ' 'H i I " ' ' ' lymi'erum.-m,Th Ul," fl '" '■, nyniz.-.l " l i fe . I"- w'l!, B-1" I 'mii't. that shp knew;I lo n I nm ♦ - ,if.,ypi)iahb m her sight It touk li^r not hme u* realiisc. I iicblf m.i ||>-, he happi to-H io be rb lt.-r ‘‘ " 'IL '':; ! ' Ih . l Vamierl'tll, ,rr. To l,eI » " ,, marki-il. In" I" U"'* ' ' "'■ii'M. m .iine llillr. a.n,|i,|v Kiris rom|ii‘ l horniiKe.

...................... i;,.i iM-. Ilm., It v. ' . k ,i r.-ul m i i " ! .ML.e K«lr'« elmerI','” i‘ l l ., ,! iLlH"h» eniillriri<-Il It Ill'll W I' \ , l-h r. '"In ililc 'l hlj. w " " " . I.,- miirrli'il to Mleai- '. i 'r In ih ■ I " „ i r fu tu re K it ;i l l l i ln n o f m l I linns th is im i " h ................ . it m l In r nnee t in " w its l i n l l l l l i * " i »Hy. fo r; h m 1 :1" n ilVlnnron.l m " Ivor .'ottl'l i- ..\‘r " t"" ’ ' ' I';''" ,

|,,„I ll Is not ’ll the I'.issesnor of ur.-iit wmilih ilmi this .'''imR " ; - " i >1', . IhIIv nnT,,,l I Iml si" 'Ins mil eqtmmier In r tmom.v |,i:i j H nil 1 ll" I.'"""'oml'-Mlnl'il orntron w'llli " ," l i i-t-iiKlilspi

I I "'Vl'r,!''vamle'rMlThM^^^^^ " " " t ‘ TO.-I illls I 111 till' TOimlr' It. r new itotomohUe will' I,' r r,.,,e With lh.‘ orof i"OU l«, Oml '''.■f"

sponge..\incrl< *an w onuu i have nlwnv?* been

baL -kw aril In Mds m a ile r o f Im t li ln g . T he n u frn h iK tu b o f the E n g lls li w o m a n , the In x iir l i iu s . iM*rfiime«l im ih s tef th e P 'ronch dam e am i Mu- c o tn p llru lc d a f fa ir s n f h o u rn w h i 'h t lie n r le i t iH l heau ilcB c a ll buM ls W'lT*’ n n T i' na!M4-s In them u n t i l fo re ig n I ra ve l l.e<-nm'- a cun im n u e ve n t. T he |HHH(in in b a th in g was le a rn ed u b rim d . h rm ig h i hom 4* i i iu l t'ltrg lM to o th e rs . Tu-dav th e "L im a n w in i cons iders one b t ith n" e l k s u th 4'i«-ni TO keep lu T In h c n lth oiuJ h e a u lv Is In da n g e r o f be ing Rhelve*!.

A t i-m b -r l i t t le baby Is im lh c d ih i l ly a i'd i- liiih c * ! in fre s h . svi-jM-t g a rm c n ls . T h is ha iiU Is k e p t up u n t il th e c h ild Is abU- to go i ib o i i i T he n th e care legs m o th e r > hanges h*-r jn e ih o 'ls , ^ni-i Mu* b u lh comes lu it i i f t e n t r M ian om-e ti lAeeh. H a b its w:hh ll i i ia i le Ihe h e a lth o f the c h ild are no lo n g e r cn ns lde re il u i lv ls iib lc , p r in c ip a l­ly la-cause M ic \ m**ui. w o rk . T h a t fl l i t t le g i r l rn U h l be lu u g h l to da Hil.s fo r h e r­se lf th ro u g h iju re love fo r 4'14‘aM llneas |s neve r ta k e n In to <-onsld4T a l l4>n. I f she r v e r a c q u ire s the b a th in g h a b it she m ust do l l u n a ld vd hom e In fluence .

T h a t is th e w ay In w h ic h m a n y o f o u r t ] i r f i i i 4*si w om en cam e up H u t th e y never

iH 'fp jtre d a w c ll-g m o m e il t tp iten riiM cc n n l l l (hey h iu l le a rn ed the va lu e o f w a ie r . N ow Miey HWlni w ith th e ir bruM u-rs an d co m ­pete vL.-lth th e m In o th e r o u td o o r sports , n n ls h ln g w ith a r tih d o w n

F lo re n ce N lg h t ln g ii lp w as w n n t to rfe- cU ire M int a ho w l f ltn l a q u a rt o f w a te r w m ih l keep a person c l i ’an. B o m e th ing lik e lh a t a d v ic e Ih fo llo w e d by hun d re ds

T h e re lire a g re a t m a n y p re t ty g ir ls whOBs com p lex lopH a re ho v e ry poor th a t th e y a |i])ea r iib s o lu lc ly h o m e ly un<. d f th e irouh leH a g re a t n u m b e r o f yo u n c wom en H uffer fri^m a re th e t in y H u la b la ck sprUH c a llc il b la ckh e a d s . Thcat* l l t t l * places, w h ich o fte n a p p e ttr no la rg e r th a n th a p o in t o f a tln<‘ needle, r 4’HuU f in a l ly lu li la rge p im p le . T h e y a rc cau»c4t by a la c k ' o f care. Such care cobta n o th in g , and taken ve ry l l l l l e tim e .

The hJackhenda a re s im p ly l l i r c logged m u tte r Ih a l th e p u r4-H have sccrc ieU am i w h ich d u a l hus enusiuL

I f these pores u re k e p i open and d e a r a l l th e lim e th e re la a L s o lu tc ly mo d a n g e r o f (he hluckhCLul m a k in g Ua appuurance.

N o t one person In le n know s how iq wash th e face. T h a i s<>umlN v e ry fu n n y , p r rh iip s , bu t n e v e rth e le s s l l Is t ru e , o n ly too true , fo r i f It w e re no t. we w o u ld have b e lte r 4-4»mj>le»lons.

A g re a t m any fe a r to p u t soap on thw face la'CHUse I t has b4‘c ) i Hald by som e th a t soiii> w i ll 4T c a ie jt g r i^ w ih o f auperfiuouH h a ir, but I f (h 4> s iw iji Is used r o r r c c l ly t h c t4> w i l l bo no such re s u lt ; It Is th e car« lc*H person w ho docs no t ih u ro i ig h lv r l n i r th 4» o il o f th e soap fro m th e face th a t au ffe ra fro m il¥ * s u p e rflu o u s h a ir.

(Jet a sm iM l face H c ru lib ln g b ru sh , o f w h ich th e b r ia lle s J ir4' a b o u t an Inch Joni;- HM4l o f me4llunfi Htlffrijcas. F i l l a huk ln f u l l o f S4i f l , w a rm w a te r . I m w h b ’h yo u havo pu i H l i t t le t o l l i ' i vU u-gH r; th e n ta k e dome pure MMHj*—t l ia t w h ic h Is no t L«»o h ig h ly pe rfum ed Is th e b e s t—a w h ite 4:aa t1lc Is a lw a ys sa fe to iise -~ ru b th e Hoap w e ll on the bniHb. a f te r you hrtv<* w’et th e h n ish L then, w e ll in g th e fiK-e. ru b It w e ll, even to sc r 'ih h iP g l l w i th th e iiru s h and noap.

W hen >011 have s tT u b h e i! th e fa ce w ith the b ru sh la k e fre s h c le a r w a te r and rln a e the faee, rh a n g e th e w a te r th re e o r f o u r tim es, a m i y m i w i l l c e r ta in ly he su re o f re - n m v ln g a l l th e soap fro m th e pore*.

W K h n u t d o u b t th e face w i l l a t f l r * t be a l i t t le te n d e r: I f th is la th e case w 'a lt u n t i l l l Is b e tte r b e fo re s e m h h in g I t h a rd .

A f te r yo ti h n ve sc ru h b e 4l y n i ir fa ce ru b a ve ry l i t t le g 4»od co ld c re a m o r a s k in fo 4>d In to l l ; Ht th e Name t im e you ra n accom - push tw’n th in g s b y m a ssa g in g a n y w r in ­k les Mi;M m a y he -n th e face.

Tu m assiige th e w r in k le s use th e t ip s o f the tln g c rs a n d th e r o ta ry m ovem ent i th a t Is, describe s m a ll c irc le s w ith Ih u finge rs u p w a rd a m i n u tw a rd .

I f the p im p b ’S u re v e ry stire. a p p ly a M ule o f th is 4T eam . ju s t to each se p a ra te p im p le , bu t ilo nn l n ih i t In to the face :

L a j.o lln , f* g n in iH , swe»q a lm on d o il, Tt g ra m s ; s u lp h u r t ire c tp lta te d , & g ra m s ; o x ­ide o f x inc. 2'.ii g r it ms.

Hhicc Ihe u g lp h n r a n d z inc In a m o r la r am i lu b l the a lm i'n d o i l a lU ib * a l b t im e u n t i l a Hm oolh pas te is m m le. T he n , a f te r Ib is Is dune, a<1d th e la n o lin and o n e -h a lf g ra m o f e x tra c t o f v io le t.

I f the b la t’hhe a tls a re v e ry o b s tin a te , and you f im l 4i f i e r u s in g (he b rush t re a t ­m ent fo r a TTumth th a t they do n o t d tsa [i- pear—rem e m be r I t ta ke s pa tie nce tu r r - m ove a >-cHT's carele«4Hneaa—la k e tw o

ounces o f t in c tu r e o f g reen soap and on*’ ounce o f w U ch h a z e l, m ix th e m to g e th e r; u ]*i)ly to th e face, and w ash o ff in w a rm wsMer Im m e d ia te ly . T h e green soap is v r'ry p«>werfitl and n h o u ld n o t re fi ia ln .

TO HIUNO THE HOSiCa HACK.A f le r H lo n g illn e s s , w h en th e cheeks a ro

th i l l and pale, th e y o u n g w o m an w o n d e rs i f sh4‘ w i l l e ve r a g a in have the d a in t i ly flushed chet-ks Ih a l she once possessed. H e r fa re Is so th in nf>'^‘ . I t seema a lm o s t im poss ib le th a t she t-vt-r looked a n y o th e r w ay.

T he m usrleB o f h e r face, d u r la f an l l l - neNR, have become re la xe d , and w ic o n ly w ay to t i l l Ih e h o llo w c h 4H*kft Is b y m as­sage, T u ma.Hsnge th e cheeks use a r o ­ta ry m o ve m e n t, a n d use a v e ry H t lle good cream .

H ut m assage w i l l n o t a lone b r in g c o lo r to the face. She m u s t hnve exercise , n o t too h a r il exe rc ise , o f courae, fo r th e re la Just aa m uch h a rm In t i r in g y o u rs a if w h e n you a re re c u p e ra t in g as the re U In n o t d o ing enough. E v e cy m o rn in g she shou lrf be plocecl. I f she la y e l to o HI to w a lk , in








Her r.ivi>rs [Ti- sIm' pIShe Is-

ilu :!i* T« 4'o m L ?n io n a l. ' l i 'I-m ^ irk a b le fo r th e fac t 11,'h ve ry y ii iin g she rlls-

' m is e ^ f " w om -.n n f m id d le v . . : i i - :.nd M iougb ............... -os hM m u s i he in her p u -m m i-H b e Is b u n p e ra te an.l J..V -r w ith o u t ib a i w o iu b - r fu l e q i i lp . i« - u -h ii h In t , ,.l.- Ii -r r .-n u irk ,i l.le am ong sn m .u.v .Mrs K u sse ll Hagc. .

1. n ia iro n w iM i - .c b i-t-m* dls|m*o-.l -n Mmi M 'M il l est, Is u i 't w i.ser th a n Mil-' > i>uiig w o m a n lu th e T

m il her il ru i'c w iiH th»‘ p ro f'-

1 il r 'VreJ’i M iN '•nung iv o n iiin , " b ih- al '^a vs " l i l i« ui \ . i

I ' J 1 , it« - ir ls Io c n iM i- " ■»' a lo n g « e n tru l I a ; k i i n i ln m

n n i , ' 11 w , iH ,o ( - " r i i . ' l l i i - .. .............I "

N.nmg M rs, W UU h k . . as Hhp l s g ‘. U 'M i i> ■ a ii.o

A\nh ih e in she " o iib l \tein, "Tile .m d a l i r o i i ' l *

She eWT'H seve ra l o f thcHe

'fplcuousb' “O, Stic look.s 'ih ‘ raMicr than eSegant. uii.-' slo- I-iiii’ l>e seen any iluv <<ii I-'ifth avenue, just ll r.plluLV her. she will leiul you ipu down lu mllllnnalr4’m is \h I lie h 'im e iip p lle d M' l- i l ly -s e v e iU h s tre e t and .i-.<‘d MTU' 4 'o r iie r, W lM liiTn ( ' U Id tn e y a n o th e r, C. H-

H ' AO V d ip li'in . i IIIm J irs . ' 1 ,(.finches “ f h '- r h u s b a n d ’s ra liil!> M m- !- rn" ' '7 i ; , i W ' " i h . r . l " 1 ,.", M '". i:, '' I u r .' not I 'b i™ " '. ' , V*i";iK M r- IV IIIl,, h i' ii t


Mill in is succecibM l In p re s c r \ iu n f r ie n d ly re la t lo f ls be- m I I ' " i i b .Mrs. o ) l I*. H e lm un i, he r m o th e r- in - la w .I I rnid M r \ ' im d t^ rb ll( . lia v in g i>AM-n once m a rr ie d u n 4lII The oiipIcasnn1ness4‘s that arise.j l i is tie r s ls ie n ie n h c im . A liM R etiuT . she t / ire a le r it


i , „ r m " n lz , . . w U h I h - w n lK l o r l „ |

I The Comingi.-ss the 4iiln be very rmiiid and pr«u\ in

i iu i i . " . ! i . m i- r m "

! . m l -f iiK h lm i'K ilt.'»i<t--i* n r " I 'l ” l , " V n m i l " l. 'W iT . io w " " 1 " . " "■

iV n 'i i . J i l l" - I ' ' " ' - J..... ..

” t 1" , m "i>l " l i f l . i ' r n l " i . r i ' . 'n i ' l ' " " "liiK liiU i-n 1" li r i-n " fV " Ih ,, i lh i l i .m ," ! ' " ‘i l , „ „ i „ i , . , , " n t i l " K l i l r t 'v '.1»'i 'in , l K k ir i . n n ,l in iw . ' . ' i i i t " K l i" k In r Ivnml. " f 'h "--" ' i h ' ' h ' “

1)., l l l i in i r i i t i - i l w 'lh ih " i* " ' " 1 " - n L rus l ' I '1 -

♦i 'Art4b44<'

Woman*B y M ir lh a T u l t W rn iw e r ib ,

K ' r « w v « « » 4 4 4 4 4 4 * - ' — 4 S S « )4i 4 4 *S

T il,,

H cm il " l u« H«y fo r I n n " " ' " " , fn ln T h r r , , In H H iilm i. " f 1* honhni 1" Ihe W'l u. 'liV

'll (I'l

place.! the re f o r M.e purpos.- Ing hiiH Its s ll f fe tn 'i l b n l i 'm In i-- ■ >rri--

• d i i ir

W ith ih e b<vv ii«’> k i t m a lU 'i-tly fa d > f fosIduTi h,<i \ ' l . i iu iin d Ma t ln o a l ,tnd r u s iin U u i ' ls ih l , ' ash; Mn- sanu* v i i ' e t T iu ic r ln l u m ' lie p l . i i i ie i i n |ii.iiof the HllTn< III.IS • vlelul user I b«‘ In k tn .1 -*I||1||| Ifi>r Ihc b-nr n m iih t lu n tin- Idea " l i l !>•..........j i r i i I iiT " M

1 I AS lt d a eruHb <sf V4’ l-t i I ' l i i ' A b ig bi'W i. f ' 111 '•fi-'nMei- aiiil slfa|is ] r J11 1 n N‘-i I f t lu ' b e "• I 1 'll 111 SO lliUiii Mu'

+ ♦ + + + + ■ * • H -I -J H + H M + + + + + + -* " A ‘H '+ + 'H -+ A T '4 M A 'H "H -+ + 'A -A

n i»,na v r ilh 'h e h i i i i .m h " le I ' f ih , bHud.

W hen th e ro H a r b u tto n has .1. 1- . p - ■ n d e n rlu g tu s k und estabJls tiH l a . l.- i. n la - t io n s h ip b c lw c fU live iw o . 1 b - • 1 n *h -.f s ilk Is b ro u g h i d .iw n am i luiMk. l ■ - i i l ie b u tto n , th u s u b s c u rlp g H f i - ' " i n ./■

t h e t !H t r > l,E A N D T in - H T 'u 'KIhc CIIS4I of the skin, Mil- stirfi-min____ 111

c-tdorA'l suHu lu rm li ig ih rM U gli. " a.s mmi- o f th e pr»‘ i i y buns,- w a )s |s m,id> i i nbAalb-f WHH lab] li p o n s . lUii laM lngH lighM y (A'l-r i n n i l i i i , la live lu l l T in slepVi'H wt'To i-olUpiiMsMl o f i " o puffs, be lo w w h ic h the re "M.s a jm(T <if " i i b i I i h i - w h ic h cnde il b i a I lM lc n d tb ' n f hu e T ie bo ilico . w h ich WHS d i-cn lb -tr , bad ,t l eis deep fa l l n f lane a ru l " a s d ra ju d up in Ih c lo p n f the s IlM llbb ’C, " l le l 'e || ",|><cHUghi " i M i j i s m a ll h ih kb- n f gn lil

Ec4’e n l l i i - l l ' 1 Mia- k i \ inUe \ilie i-.a lrcvcH are in n i- i i-iied ’l iu - y canrio i lie 1<I() (lAT ' l l t r ln |i>r r|ie liiiu le s , plUM |||| ll Mil ftflcmCMl u f p l i-u ir i sq iu Iiehs he |]i>| te- tn o v 4-d M l ih man> o f Mmiu It si'ems h iii w> nhn rl siA’P frn iu pr‘A*i ili ie s s lo lAU'.sy

lu c u llu rs ! i i,4l h i u 'K.h ' ati<l ( lit- lr r i ia - tivcB , !h 4" bow Me am i Mu- lls< hu, fa sh in ii lu i* iH kcn u tu rn The i i la lu . round, fo lde d stOi-k w i l l H lw ii>h be lu o u r m ids t, p ro b a b ly l l Is engy m ake andb c c c m in g to m ost faces , ,,h iit Mu- mo4le i h l i y e a r Is fo r th e p h i l i ic r V«alv.S. A rlb ^ bon Ih c a rr ie d u rc u n d th e tu-nk tw ine am i b ro u g h t f ro m fus tcue d w ith

. M l in y b u i'k lc , m uch ^ilu; sunu ’ w a y iih th e b«U Ih i r v t i t i0 —w ith t im d o w n w a rd pull in f l i n t , n Im iiH l p o in te d . The s lc ii- d iT neck c f f ^ c r iH r r r r e th p vogue than •lh« th ic k one. W o m u ji a re less w ill in g [ to gw B thc th H r th r t -a t^ in v c iv t ts urpl [ la c M , 'JFB ferring to le t th e neck rltu- lu lo n g e r, more c la ns ic outline*.

The Medici oollgr and U* frtsuds, ihc BUtgbetkgn ruff and ail the family of BprgMUnc oon«r*. are in dlxpUy. There U Qfie thiL Ib partloulirly cIumkIc, thpugli

"I III I ....... I L InfTiiii or liny 4>l lliAt neckm i T . n . l : « , i M - b - i l a r o u n d M u * n e c k .' r.i--i ll In the liiUbIb* o f the Iilit k. brought l>'T",iid and ilii"-]) tAi the itilddb> of the l•lI>l. "here ll Is tU‘4.1 In it b o w , Mie enti* id " h u h fill! t o the w a i s t . Y o u van get MO lueiibr "iil.-i irlnimltig (him this. Ih’ivil- liiul .1i " i ||i-d 1 bi«pn rome for [lu* s e e m - dm i»r l i ie Ihiw to the W ' l l l s t . A vatv deep lutlU* o| iblffon to i n u l c b tliA’ h o w , I f I t be inoir of ihiil Mmli'rlal. Is snwei] m HU' hlenvi'ST l i r : N E W T H l N ( J f l I N « l 1 1 K T W A I H T B ,

W a i s i s I n i v e f i n a l l y i M ' i i b " I t l n u n s e h - c s I n t o i h r e e ( i i i s s e a . T l u - r e 1 - M u * h l o u s t - , w b i c U I s i i i w a y M n b l o u s e a n d u n m t s u i k - a i d ' * ; H M c l t h e r e I s t h e s h l r l w a l H i w i i b - h i r m y h a v e a s l l g b U . ' b l o i i s n < | f r n i i i h u i " b i ( * l i d l f f e f H f r o m t h e Ipl 4> us e p r o p e r , i s II b a l l g o w n d i f f e r s f r o m iv r m i r n l n i f n i l

Iln lM il. w h ith . m ost like l> . is . iiu .d iT U ' o riM iekrum . is hook4-il n r ................ . U' Mu-skirt anil over I1 is bm u sld Mu- wtidle oft-s iv e i o r s ilk The g ird le 1- ............1 ve ryh la b Jn th e b a ik . am i Is l>rouabi do'V[» v i- rv h i'v lb Mu- jn ld d lt ' J'f Mu f r - tu , 10 m ake Mu- d n s lr"d lo n g *w :il» i"d ■ ft- ' 1 . In a r r . in g li 'g M.v k lrd ln i t h m im i.kA .l m uch in Mn- same " a y a - th e st'»ck .Mi n>- ..f [be newest a .id U'MchI g lrd lcH u n ­made, as i l u n n s is lln k m i ' o f ,, \ . ry

, U 1|> „ r " I lk " r ''>■1' " , ym iiy I"-, f u " l " i " , ' l I ' l " in k liM " Iip ll,.i iT l i io l i i " 'H " ' ' r in i ' l ln i ' li . ' l t K li . io k i'd

l l " " " I ’" ,,,i' M lk "1 v i'1v " i I" l i r i ' i i k l " ' " ' " " " 1 " n i ’P. i n ism ,.l III l l " , l " " 'k a i i ' l ' " " i i k l ' ' " ( t i i ln ti>111., r i " i " III 11 '■‘ ■■'VIs .Irm vn l l i t " " " " 1 ' ' ' " " k l " . w h k 't l ,11.. u .,v i,r , i . in ip i'iiH iiie ii f i l l li» im ia 11i i" im to " 1J|, liV III. l l i l 'K " " " " " I ' l I " * "

I t la vi-rs' I 'h l" "•■•I"' n J n r k " l

O ’op> litllT l!«'b »r t in i! "-Oman wMI be h ib l i ig (*i*

I" ii.iL ,L niiA> and iml api I'XCA'iiUAm. A ii|:tm "< :n a n o r an 'in K r iu e fu ! 4 nc w i l l l<i- |t: iio t | upon " i i l i plt> iiH d e fo rm ity Isbo"

N ' l r l i t r iln ig K no r u u d l- l i ie '^'IM b r in g ih i*. . i i i i i i i tin l.. p l i n " of Mie pv ir4's t : i l r 1-1 I." am) 4-xe r"lso in keep b lood In■ li-' iilii I li-n

I’m Ti iindn y in in g a " m n a n m u s t keep li- r i" in iH M nibcr, sin- uo is i kce ji u p a c t iv e li , i l . | is am i m a k 4‘ the [ttosl «if im in re 'aglflS b.\ rUlMVHllng Mu-Ill wiih HHSldU4>lU4

a t i ’ 'nil'->M- i i ie s i* u fe Mo' iessona MFC le iu h liig o i ir g ir ls .

.More Mum im c -h a lf o f Ih c ba«l n tu l rlnm sA llg u re * a re dia- lo earclPSH h a b its . I r W fiin i'n 4vnly h a lf n i ip i4*i-b iled th e v iM iic■ if breaildng I'Xerclses Hal ch e s ts ninl round Iu k U s Would lAei'oun- 4Abaidetc. I f In il lu h rU ilm o r dum ti-n*-iiN werf* 11 p n r t n f Mu* p ru c ile n l fu rM lsh ltiK o f th e fe m in in e

ji i id th e re Is rt hAalb-e w iil( - li Is g i-||e ia il> imMAinS tbal.-JM jM rh lb " b e lt i iu c k l^l ig h t rU t in g Hii(HwidA-h in n s i e xh -m l n | |i- ] . . .t ie b e lo w th e b r l l lliu -. i f no m ore lh a n 1 ^ t o o lh i f i ik s t»f 4'i«iMi In Mu* inldAlU* d f (liu

l i t c k n be r« l« g a te d to no p d rU cu la r pertofi.* T h i i o o lU r I* v e ry w id e nnd ve ry i t i f ^ . I t r iu f t f rq m th « n«ck o f * lo w - 0u t ( o w n In Buch a w a y u * to n o a rly

I II sh lrtV fU lN ls ih ir i - a rc lu'W n m le r lit ls th a t a rc c r ln k ld l a ia l iiU 'kesl, sh-paal Atud g u 1 l*ered fiAP 4‘vers In i h i^f l ln - lr Ic iik Mi iMid w l i l tb um l i Ih 'st* need {io i*M tcr t r im ' m ln g . b tiu K s e lf- tr lin m e d n u iti-rJu ls .Muriy n f (he flc have co l4*rcd tu n lln g s . hiiMAal, lie- tw p c ii w h ic h Ib iT e 4ire u u k H and crei>e ef* fee tfl. These i-r4']ji* gouda a re e x tre m e ly good fo r sh lrtw a ls tH , und. w h e r4* it is not d cs lrub h - to la u m le r tlann , hta* to be h ig h ­ly recuTnm en‘ led As s h h tw f lln la lo w ear w l t l t jueketH tb ii ! sh 4i " o n ly ih c fro u ls th e y n r i ' w l ih o n i C(pu4l in 4le e n ra llv c p tu p - erUc*.

The bow lo4ims up conspicuously upon these winter shlrlwulstH. H Is jseon In large but aymmetrlrRl proportloite plant­ed upon the abifi nf ih* wnlat ut the boat line. Here It Im flrinly Biirfened pnA

ra ii-w r- irv Totiniff c f ir In ril«.in (be klml of gtoid*. Ihni chic in assured.\ er\ smuii -"‘rtTncfi wi'ar oeir metal and mmm Mii>ne In cvco'thlfig. cvami lo'Mu' rings.

The stuffs nf early fall art* 4lestgne<l »o- VI.-11 show 4»rr these small IhltigH. There Ih itrnimlla cloth, and there Is the very nrvMy Hurah serge, lllumlngied granite eluMi Is ihe pretty Ulle by which B frti cd gninUe cluth known, and there I* (sivert and satin moUcL

In the fovigher goods there »■ French foitie. cfttneVs hair. sibeMne find asil cloth. And there U pehble cheVUM. which will be VATy ntuch worn, and which looks par­ticularly pretty under the cont of fur. t'umeVs hair Imuidrloth la as new us the season. luilMg. however, only u heavier f4Arm of camera hair with a smooth sur­face. out of which the hairs of the cnmel protriidfi. Thla Is the n«we*t'4»f the tailor cloth* anftune which, except for Ite price,

iM’iln m tn , n iid e v e l4>|M’4l anu s W ould n o t be know n I f ft p ro p e r eA^rriiige o f th e body w as u n iv e rs a l th e re w onb l bi* g ra ce w h e re n w k w i4rdnCHs now ru les ThcHs a re th e lessons w h ich w om kn re fuse to le a rn .

forreci breathing Is (he first law of heiilth and comfort, ami a positive Joy vhen you get acrvisiuni-'d tu It. In cold weather a warm glow ran he sent (hi^ugb (be Wh4ilc body by filling the lungs to their ciipatily wiih fresh air mid holding it a.i lung Hit you can. Two nr three of these deep breaths are all you isted to make you forget that the weather Ik cold. In the warm season this breatlilng gives such llghincHtj and strength u> the body as to make yod uhlivlouH lo (he heat. It Is a good tdan to Iftkr n few of these hreatha whenever you go Into the nlr. an they glv4> the lungs vltellly anO remove whatever icnnuFitles you nitty have i een breathing ttvs: To. .

When a wuman Is confined closely to the huuBc these health and beauty exercises can be practised before un open wiiPhiw The hands should be rnlscd alralghl over the head and then OropiuMl nnturHlIy to the shies without pitying the least aUen- the shmildurR. They will fall Into place without assistance. Then with closed mouth n lung, dv'p breath should Ia* taken in. held fur ft few seconds, then alowly exhaled. This not only strength' ens the lungs, but lncn>ascs the mensure- ment of The chest, mu! Is the aurest safe­guard against colils and other inMiy ills

|eov(r tha «ars. U o f ihv saU-colcr ot mads praity by th« a d d -o n of a Uoliif ] m ifh i become quite comtm^i.

musl iJikA' fi little more care of herself Increase (he coddilug. but never sink lm>i sllpshoLi ways. Blu* must litivc an Inter- 4-.SI of Home klml outside of her rmitlii" w-ork. but she should not pursue It ton unlently. Judictuus res(. pf4«i>er food, un limited baihiitg ami pienty of exercise wiN give her 4'>n4>ugh (o think (ibout In nd<il Mon lo her regular duties mid her Ulver- sif>u.

r t t d i l l in g Is Bu a lm o s t u n k n o w n w o r4l i - m a n y busy w om en i l Is Just w h s t lh> W4ir n u u i w o rk e r iuumIh um l w a rn s I f slu- bad M u fth le iu 4'n e rg y lo voU'e h e r w ishes W e a re o n ly g ro w n -u p c h lb lre n a t bi*si, und W4' nA*v«T o u tg ro w u i ir 4MMtil]livg days, u lth o u g li we renam e M iein w hen W4> Icavi*

h jlilh o o d beb lm l. W e "s u y e ” ra tlU T Ihua 4-tidd le ourse lves,

There an* number less ways In Whli-li streiAgIh oun La* saved. We wnstu an umoimi of 4’iiergy tiy nut 4’4>mpelllng 4iur beads lo save our heels. A little thought will prevent UHelcss Hicps and a few grains of iiri'cauiion will save on amouiii of strength which can Uh pul to' ulherU-HCH.

W4vmen really try in ib) too much—tliev overlook the many things which are best left uM4lon4‘, Men, as 11 rule, concenlraii' iheir allentbAM tu>4>n one Urre with h pos- .slble side dlversloM. while wonieii 4jlvbb' ibolrs Inlo InfinltesimKl pariti. That is 4ine cause of nerves itinoug uh., I am nm advATCfitiug inojioiony, but crying down the number of unneceBsary dutie* which keep women In a perpetually tired atate.

You have only to note the pace at which we. are ruahlng through the worhi lo find a Cttufic f4ir that atHctly femintne complaint, nervea. lit JieaUh the nerves are nurmal; they only cry out when the biKiy «»r brain Is 4)veriax^, ruah to work, 10 places of amuflententfl. Wc puah and elbow mir way, our one thought, ap- puretuly, a ilcslr4* lo pa*fl soniebody.

I reallie th4» dlffleully of changing one'* habit*. WiAmcn. cHpccially. are averac to trying experlrm-nla evvn though they often feel lhat they (would like to live 4ilfrcrentl>'. B4a they comlnue a Ilf* that they know needs modifying, need* awcet- ening because thijy lack the moral cour- agA* lu make the change neceasary to their well-being. It Is almoat unelea* to talk to iWiple who never take hoMduy«. uiio find no \txrv» read, to aee a new picture or play, or acknowledge social ob- IlgAkibmH.

Poor, tired, overworked womens Tk:-- get very IliMc oul of life. They grow 4*41 before (heir lime be<7Huae they take nu palps l4) keep young. Youth la coy and has to be wooed peralateiitly and paiUMUly, ikJuJ tliese women bav* no time t o ‘BjAcnd in coaxing. They^wlll not ac- kn4»wledge the value uf live-fnlhute naps because they have no lime to leal ii. They do not know hi>w cat napa brace up the ayatem and relax the nerves. Society women, who have ns liuta time to them-

i; 1

Over the shlriwalit, which may be of Bilk, or of lawn, or of any of the ngW fine giHxIs of llie senaoii, lliere muM l>« worn tho llUle bnleru or house coat. U yuu would be ohlc you will find this little garment o f great service to >‘uii. i^t il be of any fHbrlc, but you will find it prettier If It match thi bklrt with which It is worn.

of wnmen who have no bathroom, for the front of An open window, and thefa ahe bathing fad has apread. Turkish baths I should take deep Inaplrations of the freah

and sea

nf the fl4*sh. A full, roumt chest and a fiat J xelven as the verleat household drudge, hack arc the first requisites of 0 ngurc. but to whom gooil look* are paramounii and tboBc who are not born with them or I anuteh thcAs little five minute* whenever do not try to aectirn them by reasonable) they eng. lying down poesible, but al- mctliod* muBt cither resort to art or ae- ways with the muscle* of the body re- Jtiiowlcdge their delormltlea every tj^y of luxed, a* limp »* * muslin fwick in g thicktheir lives.

After the fortieth birthday afug. The eyei are ehuti the whole body

AQ I dr«opi, and D9t » miiiol* i)UlT4)t until w h «U Utt Und Uwt « u anRVdd.,

havp climbed Into popularity, hHlhliig ban become ft craae.

Turklali baths, by-the-w«y. are mis­named, fur they neither orlaltiftled with the Turku nor are they exclusively pal- rontxed by them. They are the neareat approach to Oriental boths that Ameri­cana have been able to accoRipllah. Our baths are In basements, two or three generally to a larae city. Ih Conalati- tlnople there are line, large buildings, ns conspicuous as churches, anil bathing Is as pretentious as huslnena or pleasure. For a population of half a million, forty or more of these bulbllngs would about accommodate the people. The prices are so moderate that all classes cun enjoy bathing privileges, and lhat Is a feature whtch did not fome to America. Turkish baths are oul of Ihe reach of poor people, who perhaps need Ihcm more than their* - : - '"■‘ 4S- Buperfluous flesh can be

kept dowt. by a weekly Turkish bath, and many oflHctlona like rheumatism and neuralgia will sometimes disappear In ita warmth and moisture. For 'woman wl(h weak circulation there la nothing'like It.

The skin la capable of a high polish, and the boast of American women As the beau­ty o f Aheir skin. To sscure It they discardsponges and soft cloths, snd si^stitutsd cocanut flbre and rough towels. Ihren the

morning air, holding her head erect and her shoulders back the whole time,

She should eat nourishing food, and, as haa lust been said, lake care not to tire herself too quickly.

While roses are pretty a red face ta not to be envied; and the possessor o f a florid complexion is often embarrassed. It may become ai,ddenly. red, when she Is at the lahle, or on a cool day, when her face la almost scarlet.

If Ihe flushing o f the face la caused, as U often Is. by Indigestion, thsre It only one thing lhat can be done lor It 'That M to diet. Eat little or no greasy foods, tea nor coffee, end be very careful to have your meals regularly. Milk to good fbr ona to drink In the morning! It Is well also to take toast afld milk, or a cereal of some

irall kindskind, Bacon, ham. and pork o f should not be taken, neither bhquld rich

*'*U T he red fa ce Is conalitutlohak r T ; , couraa ih e w to no remedy for It, but tW* formula wilt serve better than a powder and still m ake the faoa at least a sha^*

flesh brush was brought Into Use, or rough mittens, which farced the blood to the skin surface. Perhaps this could not be done ail al ones, hectuse feitilnloe bodlei had been pampered and tbs skin was ten­der. But the polishing process, which was begun with a soft towel, did the work of toughening it, and then rough treatment

lighter. J . ,Take one quart o f boUed water (oold), alcdhol, thirty dropei okide o f alnq. o n * ounce; bl-chlorlde o f mercu^, eight iralnt; glycerine, twenty drops. Tske four ouncts of Urater and heat It to boiling,■olve the bl-chlorlde o f mercury In ttls water ftfid add the alcohol. Mix the *lno and glyoerlne together m a '>owl, pour the large poMon of the quart of wafer In, stir, then add •>' ‘ H* <*»»««•« >iohl«rMje of mer­cury an* alcohol. Bottle and shake well before using. Apply with a soft epojw*' I^rlMpc jo u wemU do well to yet fi.dnflf* .

lb b U U l o r y o u .




fln JIppw l for • » 11

®3» Mrs. Ballington Sooth.Over M),W0 men ere lo-Oay in th(» S la lf prUon* In this country. They are

prvclicalty hopelean concerning Ihetnei'lvei, Muiiy things com bine to bring them to a most dvnporident and recklean fram e o f mind

What they have been In the |«m rastn its wretched gloom o f llUomen over what they might tlo in the future, blighting and «ia>tllng any aaplrtitlon that might germlnAto during their imiirlsonment

The world'a estim ate o f them Ib well known within the prieon walla. They know Ihut IwcHuap they have been In prison fu> one will ihhik o f them aw any* thing but crim inals. Tin y have heiird It said that a man once having been In prlRon Ik sure to return there, and they look forward with dread to the eus- ptclon and the crltlclNnis und the hi<rah dcallngw uf an unfriendly world

The knowledge that the means -d ftgnin gaining an honewt llvellhoi>d has been nractlrally n-m oved hy their nr-nlenre to State prison makeB them look with gloom y dewrulr nn the future ru relu l InveatlgHibin of their life lilw- lory would prove that h large pern-Tnage o f our habitual crimlnaU lo-duy are whnt they are because 11 wa« Imp 'W^ble for them to find honest employment.

Jean Valjean was iu> fanciful cr. atlon o f Victor Hugo’s brain, He was the representative nf n vat<t class o f men who are looked ujKm as dangerous, worthless, hardened iTlrolnals. but who have within them Ihe «aine spark of good und cun o ften tell us pitiful a tale uf hardship and misfortune a* wuh ho vividly depicted In ’'Lea Mlserabl^s.'*

Prisoners arc not a dlffereni wpei les of humnn beings They are those who have been cnuglit, l lm f» hII. Most [teople know more about the heathen in Africa or China than they do about their f»-llow-clil»fiia who are coiitlnt'd In prison.

Criminologists w'ho lecture on heredity and degeneraicy and the "crim inal classes" do not knuw the uciual fucta about the pei>pk» who live In nur prisons.

There arc no "crim inal classes," If you gnthcr together a ihousam l men from your faahlonable sircfia, Hhiivc Ihcli* hf*adH v id put them In striped clothes they would rcsemtdu the so-called "crim inal type" as much as do the Inmates nf prisons.

PrlMoni contain |>eople from every social grade There ore men who are refined and cultured. There are mm who are learned In law and In medicine and In lUcpattire. They ore an absolutely dlffereni class froin tbosc that throng the rescue mlKshms In the downtown sections o f our great cities.

Who can say thnl such men arc not worth sHvlng?As a matter o f fa d there Ih more |o be expe«'lc<l In the line o f reform ation

from prisoners than thw e is from other people. 1 would rather talk to h com ­pany o f prisoners than to moat fashionable church nudlenceB. beciuisc the prisoners’ henrts are more rerejulvc. They hiivc leanieil thsi punlshtiieni fo l­lows wrongd4)liig and that U Is wlaest In the end to do right.

1 would like to Hce the word "cx-convict*' struck out uf the languiigc. It is a cruel, unjtist. un-Ami-rJcan word When a man has paid the penally for his crime he should not have U iilwaya branded upon him llmi he has been ft criminal. The best word to use would "grHduate." f<jr pflstins arc the best schools III which men luurii that they cannot act against the Interests of others.

There In no doubt that a man cun thoroughly retrieve the past nnd prove himself n worthy cUisen. even though he inuy have been for years an Inmate of n State prison.

In our Prison I^eague wt? have done much to enable prisoners to begin life afresh. Already In four yioirH we have enrolled over lO.iVJO. Then- arc Ht present 8,nw men in eleven Rintc prlsnnH who arc wcnrlUK the litllc badge which says: ■■Look up and hope." Wc have passed nearly s ihnusaud men

^ through our homes, and Kovcnty-flvc |>er ci'tii. nf th«-m arc dning well.2 Our prisons are not ns much placcM of rcfonnotloti hh lh«‘y should be I S am not spcftking In Any sense against uur priHona or their manageTnent. I # have the warmest n-spect for many of our wardens. It l.- rmi wlrhln their 2 power 10 alter the fact that an a country w«> nre hiilh’ilnR whb h.2 In hundredfl o f rnsts. is not combicilve to ref.jrmatli^n.S Long connncm enl In the serving out r4 weary scntcnrcs mak»‘s thci|c men 2 become hopeless, unnerved and unmans them for the future Jly oplnbm Is gil shared by many leading prlacm authorities that long terms often do more « harm than good, and that with the first twelve months the man may have 2 learned and profiled by hla experience to the full extent of hln henefit.2 I do not want to be thmjghl a sentimentalist. 1 do not condone (he prls-S oner or wish to make our prisons into easy piacea o f retreat for tht*se who 2 cars mdhlng for the law of Qod or man. I admit that many may be surfering4 Just retribution for their crimes, but I l>ellf‘Ve that In such [>inilHhmcht we« should always before all else aim at reform ing the man, or else of what good 2 la all the expendllurc that Is made hy the Slate and country upon these penal 2 Institutions?2 9

♦ ■ eH -4 "H "M '+ + + 'M "M r^ + + + + + + + + -l'+ + + + + + + + + + + -H -+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +


1 1 H I U 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I i I i M * * * * * « m * * * 'W * 11 i H 1 1 l i t * * l « * i l H H * » * * » M * » l * t * » * * * » 4 '* »

A CHARMING DESIGN FO R AN AT-HOME GOWN.or as a common ginger bread« and eiiten warm with a aauce, they make a nlco dea- tert.

Bponge Oinger Bread-'-One cup sour milk and ona of teolaaaas. half a cup of butler two egga, one lewspoonful soda, one Uibl«s ■ptwnful of ginger and flour enough lo make ai thick as pound cuke; pul butter, molasnes and ginger together, maka them quite warm, add the milk, flour, nggs and soda und bake as aemn an p<.isslbla.

Soft Uinirer BreuU—Onu and one-half cups molasses, one-half a cup of bmwn fugar. butter and sweet milk, one tcu- spoonful each of si>da and allspice, and half a teaspoonful o f ginger, mix all to­gether thoroughly, add thee cups sifted flour and bake In shallow puns.

Ginger Rn«pa--Two cops of mohinHes, one of lanl. one tnlilespoc.inful each siHla and ginger, flour to roll stiff. Iloll uiil. cut imd l>akc gutckly.

Pum pkin Pie— Htew pumpkin (cut Inlo sm all pieces and parrdi In a h alf pint «>f water, and w hen M 'fi maKh with i»-r:M<» muskier very Uiit*. Id tbc water «It> h w .i>, waU’h ;n g clo se ly to prevciu Inirnlntf ' ‘c scorching. Kiir each pie take " w * ' well- beaten egg, h a lf a cup >»f Hugur. iwi» in- blespoon fuls pum pkin, h^ir a pint rich milk and a little sa lt , filr well i*ii(.-ihcr anil ccasnt) w ith 4*lnmmiiii or in m u 'g Hake w ith an undercni-n in a iiimU I'at ■ oven

W h eal G e m s with Hour Milk (nn- »'up o f I'utlrc w heat flour, 4in«' iiip of elilU* flour, o n e -h a lf teaspoon Hulf, mii- Iciir i im - KpiHiii soda, one <'tip of.Htnii inikk. ion' cg.^. one la i'lesp oon 4vf n(clti d (lUliiT. mix Ihr Hours, s lfl lu tin- suit iiinl sods IbroORli a very fine s im ln c r . ’ Ucut ibc «*kh v.t > light, add ih« milk ti' ib-- flom-, itn'ii iii'

'g anil tint ter and ticnl all l-tKc' her ipib h Iv nml th orou gh ly n r o i 'in ftt>o.oirni- |nni

hoi. wi'll-lMil t<Ti-d >Tt in p.ii. and ' bi a c|ub k ovt n u b o i( iwiut-S Ih i- m in n i '-<

Sour Milk lllscid t G m.- i HI. o f ............. . IkODc h alf (eitson .m t'f sail. olie-h ilf 1 < ,■spoon of a<)da, o]i>' loMe-^poou I’ f n u K .* ! Iniiicr, oiur^ilnt i»f flour <>r .■hmigli for .i <|oui;b S !ft the soda Jind s i l l Iik <> ■■ ■ cupful of (lie flmir .ilid lliU IliorookbL I'ul the tmlk In th ’ inUn-g t*o\G I'o-flour m lxM ire. th.-ii tIu - tn<li*d imiT i and ■ lo.'iigli iuot4' (lour In ituiki- ,i o<ui.;li JnsI pllff I'Mor^h In (•'■ lii.idUil To---, h out on a well fiiiured tio.ird li wilh ihe rMIlng idn until h alf an um h ilil<-h >'ul with a Miinill nniii-i cnltvr and Ink.- on a Ibmred pun In a verj, lioi nviu

Hour Milk it\c MuflUls Om- i-np n t mo-ICII- le li :] oon of Hilll, mO' ISUIt•‘ poofi

cinnam on, tw o « up*, of Hour rullh one t .,i

water tiniil tender. Onnk one sliced onlun ami quarter of a iMiuml of fat talt pork or Iwirori wlih Ihe veal if you like the flavor. Hare threu liirgc putatiws, cut them In Inch cubes and parboil them live minutes. Whim Ihc Veal la tender lake out all tho bdnes. grlitlc, fat ami tiny atringy mem- * bratie. Line a deep dish wlih pnslry, put Ui the nunl und potuioea In layCfi, aea- Buncil wllh suit. iwpjHT. chopped parsley and stewed loTnulocs. t'ov'er with ^ fn a t, first cutttug u bob In the centre «no wet­ting the edges i>r the b^wer cruel. BkHc ■lowly about half an hour. Cook two tabh sponiifuls id Ilnur in two of butter, ami Krudualiy one cut» uf the veal liquor and one cup uf milk; Hcasoii wllh salt and prpiHT, pour ll ihrougii a fiinacl into the opi'nlng the crust when ihu pb‘ is IHki'ii from the t»Vch.

Oi rmiin Halad—Chnji fine one-half cup of CHiihagi*. imc-hiilf cup nf cebry. iUte p(i kh'd cucumiu'r. .'inil iinc hHrii-b'rth'd egg Mix wllh ihiun one pini of but miu'h- . ■! i-otiiti-(*H .Milt oil.-riiurtii riip of hut- lit III *ui.-iMlf •up of liiil \liifgar. Mix oil'- (■-ii-po'in uf il.iur. one In hi. Hpoon .... .. t.-ui«p«ion of i*al(, luu'*fio iii}! .................. . -if peiip. r, 4iiid on e-h alf.................... iiiusiriiil. with a llnie of thebill i.i-d s\ho‘}\ Hinooih stir It Into(hi- boiPiig ^11u-l.;Mr IIml cook until it (lilrkcoH \Vh*ti i»inoolh ]'uur M quickly unhi 01)1 Wi ll III .lit n f'gg IImU .igHlnimtil (hr ■Ki’ |>- fully hci. then pour it o\I r (lu- Kjil.ol

N'anllLi i 'l i . im l''i'trurM - lloIl Otic pint of milk w llh oiu h u ll wii k of cIniiHmun. Ht-ii lugt-ifu-r lUH-Im K o i l ' of siig:tr, iw o.......................I.- of . oi 1i. one tahli spooituf flour, iht' .loJK*. o(' tlin-c ig g s . on e- lou rih of iiOlk luul i.fK fourth: |MH ll Ilf k,iM |*nio :lu lioKltu milk oil 111. rtiKiiifi .ii.d ‘•fir widl Hirdri |i 'rito tl-. il.tuivb tiidl--r . nd i-ii.di [III., n min- n il’- . --Ull'ilig litii.ii'llM v Add 'iMC ti'S-: poivll nf I ntu r ■! II.II- (•-,L.--pi*nn of Villltl-(.1 I'.Mil H lut -I Inmorid Ilf .Ill p-iil.ihoiil .on- h uh di-ip.iiid H« 1 iiisiiy to cool.\\ In II loir.I ,ind ■ old pipi Inkb- a biwird wHh rhii- vihpi- I'i* ol I T u iii ih cc rco in..111 .'ll ll :«i'I ( ni t( hiro . trtpH (wn andniM -li.ilf iiM l l - *• liuiu .tu<l 0)11- liii'ii wblc,■ •I Ill1.> -•]'.|l<- o| dl MIUUhG H.ill itluHC < .tp fnll\ m ■Tiiiiih-'. Uu n '!lu hilo bi’«|cn t ux ill- 11 Hi . i ninhs ’iM.I fi > liroivii 1ti d'-«’l>Miu’k I'u ll 1 r.ii Hiuiiikl'' 1 't‘ Wib red niigar i ' i • I 1 hi in '11'-l '--T 11- iud

Gio'll. I'liilr i ' tk. ( ’ r. ,un two (e.iciip- fuliri Ilf .10.1 of huMi-r. Add grihl- nihN 'Oo ri'.iinpfiil of tnllk, Ihi-n Ihc {.tiil'-M sol!: *T ulru- egg*- iitid four Ica- iiipruN of r -T f -h 'h-d .mil iul*i-d while ilr\. with I Wo ii-.iypiuinrnlH of baking

+ + + + + + + + 'H '+ -»-H ‘+ 'f+ + + + + 4 ‘ 'H l■'H’+++■^‘•t•++++++•»•


i It la every w om an'.-SIliilv (o Inok well in (he lio'.vr Merc she>, h -r frii-m h sruM h-rr .-lu nuiki-e lu rsclf bHUtlful In iiu- I eyes id llu 'H ''w l ' lo\v h 'T In the street do - n u i hues of i hr Ullur m.iile nuG lu’i . o d imi In I lu luuisf' Kofi ness ao>I dellcury take ']|. ir plan «. Vou will sec tli. r ilii- u-'w i| Inlngs tnii ih* tig'irc Well .... I I - I ci-.-mltm Tin- sharply polnhd XX belt tiTouplil il 'wn I'cU'W th* w ilst Hue Is ■ ,.i: -1 tlif M .iri.- A iilcliicU c dlti +

They ara making many botllces all of lace, for both day and i'vening w'oar The lace la well lined and the color siiuws through churminKly. if desired the aleevea can bs left unlincd. but it is m belitr taste to place a ])rctly fabric under them. You will notice that evening bodices are frequently ma^e with long sleeves, (hmigh the neck Is law.

I CiK Romance of the1 troop Ship Sberidati.2 B Y GENERAL CHARLES KING, U. 5. A.




For even a troonahlp m.-iy have one. Our* did. By the time the Sheridan whh ball way over the oeean cn route to Uanlla, Walton Hlalr, flrel lieutenant of the Fiftieth Foot, waa mueh more than half way In love wllh the ilaughler of the Iteutenan t-oolonel eoinm luidl ng

What la more, everybody aboard «hlp knew It, Including, o f eourae, I lie damael hergelf, who waa only eighteen and Juai out of echool. What nobody knew wa» whether ehe cared for Ttlair In return: ahe heraett didn't know. She hud hud u moat romantic parting with the brother of her l>et achoolmute and chum.

The glrlB hud cried their eyea out. and Brother Fred had looked woebegone. Kate laigan auppoeed, uf courae, thul pretty Maud I.cyton was faaolnatcd wllh Fred and would never think uf wedding an­other, yet by the time they atopped at G)br*ltar Maiidle was the picture ot health and happineaa aa ahe trotted about tb* rock on the arm of Mr. Blair.

Suei ahe taw he wouldn't go aihor* h ^ u t * ahe didn't. At Singapore ehe knew bli itory by heart, and wa> full of pity, which, bring akin to love, well nigh aet- tled the matter, and the night they reach­ed Manila and heard that there had been aharp Oghtlng and the FlfUatb wae need­ed, at the front without delay; there wae hanlahed the laat ihadow of doubt, only ahe hadn't a veatige o f a chance to aay *o, for with the very llrat load tor ihorc went Lieutenant Ulair—a ihrewd move that, on the part o f the oolonel^and not lor alx monlhi thereafter laid ahe eyea on him again.

lieantima oama lota ot laigan letteri— Fred’a and Kalo‘a both, and If ever a girl wgi torn by oonfllctlng emotioni it waa Mapd Layton throughout that drat aum- nar In Luaon.

It rained torroQta almoat every day— ,.th* aklea wept and ao did aha. What with k.wtaa father and~all the othtr oflioers

- -owntry wading walat deep and rice llelda or clam-

harlng tUpperF nbuBtafn tyalla in pu'r- Rilt ot atm more atlppery nallvaa, what with havtnt nowhar* to go and nothing to do but Uitan to the plalnla ot a duen other woDtentolh, old and yonug, all Mm- UarlF beraaved, aha took to writing long lettora "home" that told herhaht a flat-

' taring Ula to the Log-duaMany worn**' fouad—and rave blaeaed

eoufort hi vlattlnc the alck end wtk/nded III boepltal, hut Heud'* mother forbad* that. Blair didn’ t writa. H* hadn't beaa baked to In tha grot plao*. and hadn’t a dry aerap on which to pen a lint If he had been. The colonel kept that boy "on the

Jump" diiy end night, ■'ivt him on every kind nf aenut. ohuar nod expedition, (( ho hud hoped to get rid nf him the chunoca were In hie fuvur, for the duly wus per- IlnuH.

But tomehow luck favored Ulelr. He came acatheleKK from ucout after aenut, loat much llcah, but gained confidence, reputation nnd the pralae of General Law- ton, u thing worth having, for that herd lighting, hard working aiildicr found need of un additional nlllcer uii hla atan and offered the hrrth to Ululr..

Then In her ulsterly loyally and jeulouay Kate Logan did an unwtae and mla- chlevouB thing, She wrote to army trtenda Ihut Fred and Muudt^ were engaged, at leaat aa good aa engaged, und big aa waa the dlatance Ihe fib waa bigger, and bgd neWB, you know, travels fuat even acroas Ihe trackleaa aaaa. Ueutenant Blair had reaami to hope, at leaat, Maud Layton loved him when they parted an hurriedly that April night; He rejoiced when hli general epoke ot eending him Into ManJla with dlapatchea late In Auguet, but later deollned In favor ot a comrade who had been elllng, tor men ahowed him their home letter!, laying the engagement waa announced. They aald, mareover, that Colonel Layton would not deny it, Th* Logana had wealth and poiltion. Why ahould he?

And waiting hungrily In Manila tor word or Bight of her bonny lover ot the forty deya aboard ihip, Maud l^ayton heard ot hla having had the chance to come In—a moat deaervad chance, too, and wouldn't take It, / o there they were at logger^ headi.

Now a good Btory might be made out of thla aptaode, old aa la the altuatlon, but It la founded an fact and haa to be told aa ll told Itielf—which waa In a very nueer way.

Mr*. Layton found Manila life unen­durable. They were huddled together, a lot of army women, In very primlUve quartera In the Srinlia euburb, with poor attendance and a acant market A bril­liant member o f their cirote, who knew Whereof ehe apoke, auggeeted a move to Magaeakl. A transport took flve ot them thither, Maud and her mother litalualTe, and there were they In clover and c b m - anthemume. There w an they Joined by Fred Logan Juat out from IMn FntnclHo; and then came th* climax. He. ot couist, had not yat heard o f Blair-a devetlona.

Kate bad, but kept them to hold over Maud In day* to come. Bvarythlng for tha preaent had to be done to emooth the road for Fred, for the flrat thing Maud

(cli at alk-ht nf him wiip b .iuiIit thni hIic could ev er hftvi thoughi l.mi gnnii Im.k iTig. Hr Ifind.ol from th.- ri.iiu . his aum- psn RcullliiB him KinilKhi for iho big hotel. A ll hi. vvcnl lor wan »change fn>nj .-hip diet at-: ' rheiu-e inHlreteb hi- leg-, ............. I be l.romlvcramlu sul .Muiidle, Ihe girl he ihoiighl to meet In Monlhi.

The Dorle Weill on to Hone Kong wllh- mlt lilin, hut hi fore he eollM n:ol how he jjlieid as he exriro-eeil It. die Seimdl.i Biesmed 111 with Invalid- .mil new-, I’ololud l.ii.vtoii omong the ii.\ .did--i‘.tti- tulii Hlalr ani'ipg the new-. I'he loiier had been -hot lllinugll holll lldgllS 111 I the daeli on Hacpior, the 'e r j doj d.’- . served promotion rciiebed him, .tiid tbiii | ("venliig Maud «lld not nime down to din­ner. and litur would not mm. down tol.iigan.

So he wulldered iiholit ittseonnohili- Filially, ell ling In gloom and u shadowy nook, looking mil ;jl the lights of that w'ondruue land-loeked h;i>. he licnrd two women talking eloae ill h+md. Ll.-teiiersf c e l d n m h e a r ... .......... I o f t l u m s i ‘ l v e s . h u l h ewas umaled to hear 111 of .Mau-l

"Well, she gitvi- him eviTi eiuiiuragi- mcht, anyhow They were Irisepiirolile from Ihe day we sigliteil the ,\iores. hipI ell the lime Bill' must have been engag'd to (Ids Mr, Logan. I saw his sister s Isl- ler to Mrs. Hrenl,"

"And that," suld the other votee. 'Was the renaon Mr Hlalr wouldn't emne Into Manila when he bad the ehaiiee—wnilll out tmd got shot Inaiciul. Now- she's cry­ing herself sh'k over II, Her mother a* much Jis told me so-un ctigageii girl. looV' The speaker betrayed all tiroper and wontanly seorn of the girl who would cry for one man when idedgcd in un> liter. Logan couldn'l stand It.

"You mfihtlimcd my name," said hr, rlBlnif, "and may 1 osk If you are speak­ing of Miss Luylnn?"

"HcavenB, Mr. Lngan' Were you ihefe?1 wouldn't for worlds have---- "

"1 know you wouldn't, hut all ilu' s.ime you did. und said she must have hi gaged tu tue all the iliuc. wasn’ t!"

"Well. \uur sister wrule sit—and lu-r father wi.iildn't deny It," Interiiusnl ilie angel In pink |)lnu.

"PnsBilily heeuuse he thought It no- body's huslnesa—as I dii, tlond-rdghi. ladles. If you hear aity'hudy ..Is.' slaii- dsrtng .Miss Luytoii In that, same w.ic. suy for me that she was never ,-riK.‘/eil to Fred I.Mgun." And very heiiri sore, vary mad, .Mr. Logan went off to the chili, consume,1 u peg nnd un hour In reflec­tion, theti rmntied a lillnard In his sister, u line In Maud and another to Hlalr He hsd met 1dm. liked him and eniertolried him In ilotham before lh» tninsporl sailed.

He hull always himself longed to he a soldier, Inn they wouldn't take him be- cauuc of weak eyes. He hud been deeply imltten hy Maud Laytrtn's grace and beauty oti'l burl a compeinnee to luu k hla aspiniilors. but from the miimeiir be set eyes un her pretty (ace on ihc ve­randa the day of his sudden udvciU ui Nigasahl he saw that a change had come and his chance had gone.

Whnt he wrote to^hls sister spoiled her Christmas, what he wrote to Mutid spoiled her brenkfast, and what he wrofo to lilulr made th.' surgeon In charge ot the "First Reaerve' hospital at Manila aay uiipub- llshahle things about u patient whia would Insist on finding his legs when still In danger of losing them. Blair got u month'.- leave as soon as he could toddle about un rnilchcs and turned up at Nagaaiikljjbefore Colonel laayton lecnled danger Logan, meanwhile, had gone lu Ilong Kong and caught a P. A O, litter (or India und home.

Forelttn travel hud become a boro. The lady In pluk plna happened to he oit the verumlB ibo evening Hlalr liuhldird up from Ihr landing stuge. She had been perauno Ingratit wllh Muttd ever since Logan left, hut here was her oppurtunliy. Tapping at that damsel's dour ahe blithely paraphiascd. very low—

• The captain on hli crutches Is waiting, dear, for thee,"

J n go It happened that Ip the same dark

The Cuisine.BY M ARY J. LINCOLN,

Bh iHii'i -kIu'

|l nil) rlKhlnJ. UnO )KuUi-M ' ; I' lkt Hull ihri'i'-fi'iirtliN

of I'Ult'-r ’ ,i I r< Jiin. aitil oik- ihh! <oii -hrtlfol il- > t;l .ItlUl.H' ll ...................... Vtllill

Vtfll iTCilT:. I . 'Ill Gn- \<||1\!* nf ilklll oni’ hy 4nii .iii«l !>• . I t iiuUl rv lluhi Mix (SS-! CU|'H *-f ('.■■ur, IWO It-Vi 1 I- tJ-linUlK " f hiikliiK im wthr unil tuit-fi>unh (^•ll^po' l Ilf Truu't. ilit n riilr (IiIh lulu (lif •■«*{ m ix- iur»- In Hlii-rnAn-iM w lih •?n'-hHli iii|‘ " i milk. Lfimly mltl Ihi’- .-tllMy hi-iih n vthlii-of ......- i-MK. iimi t.-ii ................if 1' mmi..mi! Vthi'ii vi-r\' llghl lum Intu iwn iiiLiii l u i k * I n .1 m i i ' l i r n i i n w - i i ( i l l i t ^ h l• l Tl ^t K r r n m I h t p . t i i < T M n i . i v l-i h u k r < l III H m n l l r g m n l M r u * n n d I n n d i ' i l w l l h y o l - luvk iilriR.

rium I'nkoH iTonm i » l n ' flinnl imi|j <if i i i i l t . ' i w l l h U\n I L'pH Ilf rofTt'V. h U ^ H i . n i M (li)i' l u ' . i i . II y i t i K ? ! n f i h n u - n i n l l l n ;V. Ult s nf tVMi '->;«»*. oiul w lu n lictiu-ii l' y ili<li;. .nt'l • II '-lih lf d'np <if rmdUHM'pi, i ho lUirkfNi yuu onii Ri-le o iu -h :ilf i Hii. i /fjiillk lltltl IVMi lllllll KpiHUlM nf Vi'ij frijitF>nj)i. Mix four of flniir wUli (Wuinllriiumlifi o f m lx til Kl'li vw, IIIH’ -Illllf il, lOtl- s]inM|| ol HoiliJ, iiiid oiu-tiult lea - x ionri of 4Ti'tim o f lu rhir. aJiil udd ihliK lo (ho mlxiiirt' Tht-n rHir In niu"ljtilf jtounilof mmu-il mill fhoiqiiMl rulMiiH mul oiU'-h;ilf ]K.iiiluJ of clk'Hnt'il i-iinMiil.«i. tJn-d»{*'d V nil tlouT. U«ke It In Huh anil iToslI'lirl of ih«-m wllh ilu* iiMtrvii] wjiiii- of t«K.

Uoilfd Jolly C a k e — HiiU tin* y<ilk« of l l i i f f t'tsgs 111] ligh t mill liili'k, uiki out cu|i uf FiJigiir und bduiI ;i);ulii, iht-n hiiil Iht- whites iin<l mix ilu-ni wlili the yolk?) Riid ! knu nil loK**liiei till w ry liRlit. d lir in throi' (uhli--tqmonH of t riiini, <ir mu' of n i i - U o d l i u u e r . A n d o m i i |- o f i m s t r y { | n i i r . tniM'ii w llh one X v a h \ " > u of luikUiK i " ' " - 4ler, BprfHd ll v e ry thin oi Ioiik t^h.iUo^ (Ins. w« 11 liuU ered, Hinl liukf It in a mosl- t-ruic (jvi'ii. VVhtii lii-ii'. Mini mu ami Hijfoiid iht- h o tlo m w llh 1‘ ll.v -iiul roll K n;i svhMe Worm, ir lm ofi ili ■ ■ mi I i-ia u iiwiiy HO ll will nol ujii 'll

('ri--im 4'nkf—M ix IW" ’ ii'’* of flour nndiwn ko.l-1 r4‘ :jf4I»(IOn8 nf 1 iklUR iinWillT iqi').|iri- I \vn'thlr<fw of il <o;' r'-UTi' v-ltli ori HUi anil HUgwr aa for Ho i >M' Huh lo » cream om-'llilrd cuii <d l it'»-r with ont- ruii of fliu.' grAnuUitiol ok;(ir. udd two wfll-1'eaifn yiilka, uml w t'o MrIu , mid tliP eorfoi- und ihi* fl-'or misMiro, nn'I. liiBily, mid the Btlffly toiii.ii winu-.-t. rt.ku In two round flhallow |,i;ii '-, .Hfllt urd fill wllh (reuin us propArtol f-i *■ hnrf*,

r(ifre<* Ki-lulrt*—Put om i up "f hot wn- if*r, onc-hAlf rup nf ImU'-r m-l nn«'''huir (t‘i)S|imjft of Halt in A Hni ll! -mceimn ovor ihf fire. ThA tniitani It 'old qnlfkly fiiip nnd H bfllf cupA nf Hifti'd |oiHfry flour. Btlr thciruufihly for fivo Timojt'>4. nr dll ii

)(ll fit .IT- rin>k ’ 'V pun III :i lump- Lnl H ;1 ....1 ,diiKhlly. ’ HifU fold tWo eRK” Mill, lit H tnn Mix v»Ty Itmi- |oiitrld). ihi ll droll ih* t1> oul' w-|lh u Hpoon oil In ■) h iiiiTi'd h:ikli]R |inn in pipcoH

ll four lui'hi H huiK tUi'l o)i< iii\d a liadi ln< l • - vG'it , Olid Hoint dlHitinr*' ApHrt. Jhik' Ml il i| ill k os r-n iiiilLl wnl! pufTuJ U]:- Aiol doin' iliriniKh, II(i‘\ will hi-ii1i- hh HOtni AK ' Tiin\i-il if nol |i ik'-d fuifilfld-nlly Win n i’ool, rill illi»i« r.ur i iljjc luul AM With ilir iitipHnd m u m nnd frost wllh coIT '• I' lTii:

f o n t - I ’ r n i i t i f o r M ) i i i r l n ( i r H . - i m l K i d a l r - J- K l u '- t r 111. i»li\t of rlrli, G i!ik or^'uniwllh ou<‘ -foijrlli Mil' Ilf hltirk r<irfi*4* tind oil" (I iH]ionii nf Irrimn. .xtM Hij<iu( h.df li I'tip o f *iiiunr, I m il And whip ll iinill (hU'k 4-M'Murh t'l HtiHiil I’our 11 liiu> muuIdH Until with ililti NpikiiRr Mik(‘ or linLfUiKt r*i l‘■lll tliim li-M'l iiTid orh.imi-iii Dm- lop Willi Hom. of (h»- iTt-ani forced ihroiJKli u i»nHir> Ilihi'-

J'o.tir)- Miiili will) 4'riMun into our pint of piisTr)- Hour Nlfl :i Ml of in.iHlifil muIji. th f pIxi Ilf ll iii-:i, iiml iiTM- fourdi li-iiHiHioii o f Hull. .\lo|(-:i-ii wllh <1-1-.nil Milhi ti-nl lo

a slirf d MlRlk iloll d nUr utH'dllllf Imh ihli-U, and Hprrud dn- Huifo4'i wlDi U p Im ■- of hultir tin- Hlfcr of UU ulld Hh.ivo-ii ofr In IMti hMi i-h UrniRt' 11 WlDi floor, loll up iitul II I U In-ionir very cold. Tiit-n >idl H-r<ii9^r»-ntH{nr thw-plmtcs, uh fnr plain luiHiry.

If (hero .ur any tllHiliu tlvrly Ain^'rli’an diHlo'H lliry iifi rlioHi- prrpurrd hy r(*rlprr. u?»i d 111 N fW l‘dn,d;irid yt-uiH ago roriHuU Ihoso AUih«iTltl*-!4 iuid you will llnd ihr unr nf Rliii;rr onr nf Dm' inoHl < omnioTi. but of iiliijut oiu* hlindtt'd of tlo-m- old Him'T41'jprp Lliat h.H'- conir under mj' tihHnrva- doll I h«vi •i'*ii-ri4*<l rlie followhiR I know to hr nxrrili-iii anil append 1 hem With B.iliir hiniH f <r ilirir use.

i f in iTiakiTiR ^triRer hreud (hr dough b**- rorriM ton nliff hrfore It In rolled «u i, sK Si bi-fore ili<- fin- Snaps will mil he rriHp If made nn a rauiy da) . (JliiKcr h m id and i a k f H i r i j i i l r - ' Y ' i m i i d r n i l r o v . - u , K i u i p H 0. 4lUU.'k 4>IU‘ If fooktl H or HElMpH b4H-4llI14? m oist In h-"I'liiir pui lh*-m into (In- oven for it frw miiiiiirM gUwnyiii use rnidanHr!M, iM'Vcr HyriJiiri S -da Ih uhih! lo flol oh thy"s p ir i t " of ihi ........ In maklriR IheoUi-ruHhlMfl, fi, Hquan* .-iik -H oi gingerbread pul ,i .............. -.f Ihr dough on u well-fliiiirLMi till d|i M roll rvi-iily to ruch 8ld(', trim op is>'u;. ii-oiiud tlir n lv ts . und m a rk ofr in s r , iri * with a l■lun•d knlfs or whed’l r-miM In tlilH W:i> Dir dough m ay bo sijfrn- m ' w iim It Ih iiri-rr«uiry to p u k up lo r irio\i frnm b-nird afli-r r<d]- Ing and <iiiiinj^ AEwayn Iia m ' (ho Imard w ell eiirtTr-l wiDi flour I'rfHiii- rolhng a )I kin ds 4if H-'fi yiiigiT broiidn. an ihoy urs liab le In hiIi k .iml slmuli! nlwayn be mixed uh Boft as il;t v fail hr hamllotl,

Qlngrr 1»i<i|'h Mnlf ri ouji each nf HUgur and lum< r l•■r■■.lJ1 l■•fl ((jgi-tln'O, >t rup o f rnnJuK-HrH. on< o .iHpiionfiil inirh of olnilA- m nn, glng4 r ard I’ Unrs. one ]iA4ipJrig len- spoonfiil of *«.,,i.: ihrjudveil lu a m p of boH- IriK WAloi. .in<! 'w o and ii liiilf I'lips of fiinir: ttdd tw-i wrll hotiion egg* tho Inst thing tnfi>rr baking HhKinI In gem tin*

I Do you have liinrhron in tho mlddlA nf tlo- ihiv, nr Is your iiome run mi th*X plan of u'TonitHy «lliun-r, wllh suppor al luuai ‘ it niaiii rs nol, for (hM illnhX Csin Ik- Horv4-d ul •■IDi4*r Dim- T.ik4* h.omu- |,t> whi-n voii hii\e t-old im ii (it^ Ihr larflor, t-nooRh of ll lo niakr an m i * I'lablo dlnli of Ua,»h for (ho f.iimly.X «‘ ho]i i( »«dL HriMon iiinl mix poliitotH wiih |i N ow , with Ihr ii.iml fouii

Uiit> IjhIIh and roll In iioalrii ogg ,ind <i . nkM dunl l■■Ty hroWii iiiid 4* bring (o tho (ahlc upon a hid phUo, n.imlshiMl hy p .-n -h y ,

+-4'4"4"4-r-H-+-4“r -r 'H ”4'4'H '+++-l'‘4-+'‘4'4"4"l-'H "4-++ "'"H"4'*"4--r‘r'H"4"*"4''-'4"4-r'*-' '

wtMKiT! Hodu. two 4'gK- Hin Eibiiiil (hrofl piiiiK nf r\o flour 4>r ryr im al Mix Ihr Iir-'i four Ingrrdloiilri llmrooKhls. (hon hi-Bl tho 1 -ggN Hlft Dm Hoil.i hilo Dm- mix* turr. Hllr ip ilikly. a.Id th. t-gwH urid 4nniigh I'ye Ibiiir lo mako a kiKT drop hiii- if-r Drtfl' In hot rnuum I'.ihs and t'ako hI'oijI hsir un h<iur, 4ir 'Irnp Inl.. h-d fat and fT)- until Ihry v lfi md xlb-k wlim trieii wUI) h fork

Hour Milk DoughrujlM - K<mr mjis fimiT, ono-half ti-HHfio"in of hoiIji, oiU’ Hiillspoon4if siDl. ori4* HsltHpoou of l l ...... (wo»ggH. onr <Mij) HUgar. t\dn t4-aH|Aioiot inrltr.lhuU4*r. nne riip Four milk Hlfi th*- kkIu, sail und rlnnHinon Inlq Ihf fl.oir, ItrHi Dio «KKH. add sugar iiud lailD-r anil hi-ai uKiiln Add milk and Du- flour uilxlurr iiimI rmmgh niori* fliiur to tnak'- a nofl tlmigl H u l l o u l tt i m i ( ' u l , J i t r r t nmill mix Dio ooiitn-H unfi trliuiiiliiKH wlili anolluT Hpiionful ‘ it tl-rngh Wlirn all iirit ndl'Kl. fry In (loop ful hot eoough for Ihr dough (o riso lo tho hi|i ImtUimly Wlu-n iipiwii (urn thrm ovt-r, uml whni tlioy un- hr4>wn And do rud slick lo (hr fork drain them from Du* fat arid lay <ni pH|)*-r.

VottI DIh—Two or Dirro iKiuiidH of tlit' iu*rk, or bri-aHt, or hmu-kle of veal; wipe am] cut HiTiijlI. and cook In h4dling xftllfd

p . i w d i ’ T W h U r i i t ' i i l l i i H I n (h<> I l n u r , f t d i D m V, l i K i * o f D l l ’ 4 - g K vH l i l p h * d * ' ) a f r o t h l i M u i - t o ( a . H t i ' i l l i > i i i i i n g t h f c a k A

I r i i o D m p a n p h i r t - h r - ■ . i D i t o l a y r r o f C H k u i i h i i D m - ii s p r l n k l ' - i m h i > n r i h > i i n f D m > f n l - l o w t l i y D o i i - k i u < ! ~ i f t r u l l r n t x * ' < l I n g r t h i - r . (■tk> | . . r n i i d o f i M l - l i i H . s t - i i h d a n i l r l i o l i p e i t ,li.ijf a iMJiiihl Mf rurr.Milu mid .i qunriyr i*(a I r i H j n i l o f i t i | < J i i , l l i l a . l - ' o ) l n Ww l l h .4 l a v f - r o f « a h . ' . i I n u U h i \ r r n f f r u i t , j i T i ' j Ki> i . i i r . f l i i i - . l i i i u ; w I D i it D i l u l a y i T o f I i i k t - 1-t i ik * - 111 .1 l u . ' . h ' i i t i f o w n f o r t w o h o u r K .

A | i p h - H l u i i i U 1 < r - T . i k n t - l g h l g o o d ' H i x e d j i | ' l < h - f t , D i r v i i i u i u - i - H . . f h i i t t i - r , D u - r b i 4 ] i >fl u i i r il h - i n u n i n l i M . - d v t - r v H i m -. 4Uliru'4?iii f D c r . .4 p i n t . i n « l a h u l f o f m i l k , s u g H r ( n r i M i f . i i i i i r .4 (i ' i s p o i i T i f u l I l f g r f i t e d n o l - I1M- U a m i ' l i x i , i | . h ‘ s p n . i i i f u l H o f i i t u l r . i l J a m ,

o im g ^ V— y p - i U ' t ' J v i ' a J j s l l G ' ihyllLpna rt , , . r , K p n i i h . i u l i P o . i H t t - w p a f i » J i h

i h e t i i i r i e r a l i ' l s l n - w s M l I l . b - n l s i r i c i l s u g a r i i v r 1.1 s v . c e l . - t i l l i e i i . n l c c H - . T h e n i i i l . t I h . - m i n e , it l . - T i u u l j H ' c l . S l e w I h c a i a U e s ( t , . n l U i i l i l l l I c M ' h r . H i t U i i K c u r e t h e y i l u I i i i t l i r e i i l i . H ' l l ! t h e r i c e w l i l i i h n m i l k , s u g a r n l n l T i i i l m e K u n t i l s . t f l , a m i , w l l i m t l n T . i i i g h l y ( l u m , ' l l . - h i t . i i l l l i i K h i g h I n t h e . i - i i i r e . A r r a n a ' - t h e a u p l e , - u n l l , w u n n t h e J n i n , | > u u r I t e v e r I h e w h o l e a n d s . T v e h . i l .

: h■ f'

fy p i r i

« ■ » r

' /; A iK -fti'm y '

■ Tufys'M LfjW fjU.S!: . b l Y l . t J1 for f Me IM'I

N hvv P. K'Ls Sh a p e s

S'lKrilGHl 1 KI'NTKONGHIP ) ' ‘ d i n-V; AA7

ijiM. ttTAiLih;. , ,

corner where Fred I/jgan heard tho knoll of hU hu|»i, the lady tn pink pin* held Blair In ambush until Maud shyly appear­ed, then discreetly vanished and left them to their explanations, which. If we can ao- cept Miss Layton's word for It, were not too Bptrdy, though apparently satisfac­tory.

"Whoa they showed roe Miss Logan s letter tu Mrs. Brent I had to believe," •aid Blair, hla heart thumping the while. ■'l-<ouldn't be expected to want to come In—to congratulate.''

"Tou might hav* come In to—find out." pouted she, not too forgivingly.

"X never found out until he—until Logan wrote. That fellow's a man, every Inch ot him!' said the captain, stoutly.

“ He's-splundld!" assented Miss Layton, her eyes on tho toe of her liny slipper. Then, uplifting. "I might have tele­graphed him to—to come back If—If-— ''

" I f what, Meudle?" demanded the tol- diar, poisesilng himself of a wandering R'.ile hand that looked vary white and loneatnns at tha railing.

"W ell—if—you hadn't come Juit when you aid-'

"And now that I have corner'‘ No answer, but another hand, the mate to the flret, lianging Irreeolute, was llko- wtee captured, and a erutoh let go.

■ '‘And now that 1 have come?” be re­peated.

No varbal reaponse, only a shy, awlfi, upward glance, then a tremandoua clatter o f the orutch, abandoned by an arm that had other work to do, went unheeded to the floor, and th* lady in ptnlf plna, hov­ering at the hallway beyond, nailed iwlft approval and acunied away upataira lo b« the flrat to tell tha climax o f their Bherl- daif romaacF.


************* t t ti* • ff^ titt*********"***************************^ REVIEW OF THE , HORNING NEWS.

R A IL R O A D T IM * T A B L * ^

Nicbigao Farmer Baacoed; Is Assaalted

atd Robbed of $S,IM on tbe

Pablk Highway.

i m TMT liAIII « '*o'

' ‘. ‘ . W . c

X W - v o u R f ^ c T O R y


» ♦ » ♦ » » < * * » » » » ♦ ♦ * » » * * » » » * • * ♦ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * » * * * *annry Wlih yuii If y»n <'"1 »ay ' f " ‘ ' f“ '' twrlod o f the Civil War

iini ' .ill mi' up " '*'*■ whlvh followed U liW Hi-I Hu, an lim mun shPI ............... mu miike I i-rury life In ell inlxitl up with the Ilf" " f

I 'liij'e "I..... .. . lull w .........I' *' l i 'l ‘ l I'l" •"*' “ <-ipiiiM'leniUm» leailev of Ihe peoiiP- II''whin he rneile line. I i i"i l" '«» i thiii I wee eillior lit Ihe Atlaiilli' Monthly iiii'l ■< h.ivi' I'liiiirlliiiti'd mill I.r H..lm"e'e ihm me ilu' Nurlh Amerli'aii lievliiw -«oin ''U ni'- 111 I'lir I'lilliKii IliiTHiiu' ' '''lltiir o f hath at the euinc time. Hi-.-.M'i



,,i i.hilil ."'lire iil'l,1 .lilt J"hn -lili'iii.v Tlu'

Thni w.iiilil hi' .1 ...... I wiirkliiK hlet'iry(if thle I'ouiitry, fniiii I'HI i" l'i"l- whli'h fiiiilrl hi* iniifh’ from I I'jItui’A'i* ijot-me*. l,i.v.v]Vn iin.l WhJIliiki r f*. wltli a f**w iKim Hi *.4K1i!. Km«'rrt''n :<n0 I'hi* "HIkItiw l*a|n»r'‘ " wciohl I'iini' In. o f

^fr‘ Mow** s ' H.iUli- l i v i n ' ' «iul ‘‘ lit or 4*mhl m-iri lThiig «niiK« '»r

Kl'W ABi' I'■ I t '* ' 'ii ’,i|urUM"'1 '

„ , n u . . I...V" .... .. III l*’ " \h „ ,r „th . i...m. i.fO livi'f W i'.i.l 'lim ilm '"1 H Hill" hoy "■■VITill Ii.jn lrt h ill MI-I "u-u' , iii' i mvgainct ■'''um'- f ' '™ ‘ ' ' ' ' , , 1 ,, , „ rivll war' To ih l. Hiiili.ihiKt, pi-rhiipe,''. will' I. ............... ||i)lrni-H wiiulil tunilHh llli' loiiel ISill

F a n u r r 'e W H » '< "» HrlilK S o t! H e- l-nner o f O riia iilit—R n r ile r r r IIb r k - eil T « I r e —,11,4^11 Liiet fro m P a e k a iie H e a le trre d In K iia la a d , W b le h H enehee .Aueoiila. ( « h a . , R ln n e x in nry—( n ilr r llie H rltU h K la * 4 lo « . Itn iloou lleeeem Je lir fo a * M a vfn a T m ln .

H‘ iiithi'111VVi-elci'n I .iri'lliliii 1 , lerlluU II W'-elerli rri .lil'.'iu, l.ii.l put N '" h,,,„ ,.,,1 . i.hiihi. eiiukiu limitt Ki i-l'ip N' « ^:Pkl''l"l ‘ u ' “ 7

VVHh ii.i lii'J.'.iPliv iilnu'tu Mai hi....... .II,a I.r Ihe S a w . wlii,ev.-r IP-we., u.'iliie 111 'HI' " “ Z,

I 0,1,1 ih" ei.v.riim.'iit w(,e«..lh« I'ffinstfunion,

n i" Old m a n t f " i” oM

........................ Ill IKtMi'i ' r’l'Viihiiliiim'l iiiiviil

'rth.'"hail li.urhl with *iii-('i'»e I'l

I'uiihfiifiiik up iJu- frU ''* ’ for .’..Tivrnfi-m '- ' iruih. Mo- luinlis».hr h.iil l«-’ n iHntH li.Tl In ffi nrr<iiPm ‘■'i warfser*’

ulP-«1 T m Itrrfik

menv tilltll".: etu- t„u1 p.i'-ipei! U" H' r r iir le from llo.H lf Iri.t- I'ul -hv nae H John AihiniK rrlK.iU'. hum mill MiiMiii hum-tie n wti.ihpr up le-f.iri‘ « keiuTiillou ..f 7 " ,hunt her hii.l 'I'ril-

wniil.l he il " 'h r i, Ill'llthe A,| -if N '"■ i'-oklmi.l en» h'-l'

' ’ « (fl'lm hriler w a. atven that i.h! Irmi- elrtre. ne ehi wile I'alh'd fumllliir >. ‘" ‘‘ 7 he broken up ThI. iiriler roi..e,l ilKerVVenil.'ll Hi.lmee will, n ,’ 7 , Ir

il4> we’ hi lip Into hlH I'tfh* Himhim.„mm In the ..III CnmhrPtkr ' 7

whleh wne (li-neriil ^^llrll^ n i" Inil theholier whlehquerter* in ilie "l‘ **' " f I h « '"“ oedwny la-low. I’rieentl'e '■‘Utl"';''' ' formed on their wiiy to “ ’ ,1the patron had offered pray, re to the , i d o f haltlr. Holtnee ehiit hinieelf InP. me little room nn.l wrote hie Immortnl ode;

■'Nall to the meet her holySpread every ihreadhiiri! ea 1.

And give her to the and o f elorine.Th* llghtnln* and the aule.

Holtnee wae a tad o f twenty-one. lie took the ode, hot from hie pen to the oflli'e Ilf the Dally Advertlerr. of which p a p y Btv father wue the e.llUir. Of couree the Advertleer pulillehed the Iwem •' f"-* all over the country The "hitriile. nf the land" wrre frighleneil. cowed oml hllnded. find Ihe order wae revoked. The I'oralltu- tlon la nfloat to-day We anved her from Annapclla In the daye of the retn lllon. and now Khe lire a ehrlne for worehip In Hoi- tnn hurbnr. a» the veesel of Tlieeeiie lay a1 Athene.

Well, my mother wiie alwaye on the look-out for "plrcea" for ue hoye to epeak ■when Saturday came round, nod an Holmee'e odr war cm out from ihepaiwr


afid I wae made to leiirn II and to epeukini;H, Ttmt WHS Ihv Vi-iy In which in ihow

rlayi Ivoyn l^ariTeri Uy ht*nn whnhap," "Nrliinn anil ihp Norlh," "Down to tho iuRr wUh them." "Thf* Turk waa drpamlnx of thp hour" nn«l oihf>r llht* lyrlca which did them no hnrm. And thun I flril knew the niinu* of <H1v»t Wcmlpll HolmeiK. I *0 him Hftrrwiirdthat I wtta the flrul of h nil llon iHRyn nud Iflrln reppfi! hla llnr« ojj thi «fhooirA>ojn Htage, and I think he liked me lUe l.etier for It.

Rul when 1 unw him first out rondlilnns warp reversed. 11 wag In lH3»h, iind I was In collegr- IMa rcputution was asgiin’d now. Hr was the young tmmM uf the Unu*. Ppnplr knew' what h f roiild dri, and to Ufl

•/nv*gaent«itUe of yoUTTH».a..i mr riii sat HTTUKlg 2,000

gmduatc.K umJ uiidergrudiuiteg In tile .. lairfejft pft\d!l«n r^rr heard of on tiu' 20nth

ahnlverMiry of "fa ir Harvard's" hlrth, hv WUH our hero anud'K the great men of the <iec«glon. Webster, Everett, Story, Shaw— these were grvHi m»'n: but we wunletl lo hear HoUncft. and fur ua he bore awuy the luurelg.

The little tnan answered the cslt for "HulineB! Holmegl " and reclii.'ij ihiu very funny p<icm'"And who was In the raUiU»Kue

When roUege Ural begun Two nonhowg of the president

And tne v'rofessnr'e son.Sometimes the entering class wsa iinnll.

And s(imetlm»'P there was none.Lord! How the seniors kk'keff about

That freshman class of one "I may suy In passing that I have often

been at one nr rtnothr-r illimer pnriy where he spoke, where thi- amllvnee made him stand m his chair or even on the table, so that they might so'* him and hvar him the better. Anil. Indeed. miP does not know his odea Hi their best unU’ Hs .me hai heart! him dellvfr them 1 will noi say recite fir rlcclftlni them. f'O- n whs ulwaya above nnfi bvyo:nl itcitnllim and declnmotlon.

lie IfAVed Pambrldge und the college and nil eiiUrgc f.-Hlhals wllli genius arul In- limtable f'ruhu.sinsm When we were holh well fnrwanl 1 h-id, n.s 1 sulil. by acchb-nl til iireslfle at a ilhiher <'t I’hl Ueta Ka]»pri Til making sm v .d ihc right i»etiple fnr gu fsls t wrot. 1“ Hidmes and nskcfl him ifK rvni''tnb’ ’r I'lc flay, to which rcnue;<t I rc« civCd .1 K ■■r>" fimn>' answer, He ciulil nut I'l'tnc and wuuid not. He was tired of lih-liig tapp' d f‘ »T vi-r-^es like a chirr cask fur El.h v whf nev.'i no mudv-rstiry CHinc romiil He wmilil ma respriiii! to such chIIh any lim g'r To Kvldch I repljfil at onE'c. "W ho salil anyihlng olunil verse*.? Not 1"'I whp i-mliiirrf.sHi’d with ri<‘ hes idreadv 1 hiifl [aiTigf* ll“ vs and bolli Qulneys. junl I know n o how iiniiiy others Hnl Hie InAys

wiint u> set* him. aiwl id) Ih.H 1 Wiinke.l of him was to sit at the rruss l,i,ldi- and [■•I ihitii look af him. he nei-Al i\.,t s.iv a word As ipdck us the two let- lorn (•■iilii g'l and r'cmc I hud his nnswer.II r' l d somoihlng like this:

'l>D'ir Male • The Idea of n Plii Hetn din in r wlthoEit my mnllng some va-rses |h rl-llenlous 1 bu\e ji guoii m«i1lf iilreadv Hiid have ihe P'-ein hnlf wriiien I shall Lome «hd shall ex]>eet In sfirak, fn^serve.

Im'SI f'f o 'lr !ilsiorl«al biillads. In fact, one ihf the host nO'diTn ballnds, no(o' 'd whh'h an* true bAiHiii'ls. is 1 ..mgfelloW s bHllttfl o f the Kreneh Meet

ll'ilri’ies and l,.-wi-ll w -ri ten vioirs rtiwiTl In age llflm es liked i.i suy that Wiy. ih« yi'or o f 111** idnh was luu v a f '* afi«-r Ihe diite of Hsm Johnsur. s birth. Me t.n-trml- ed Ui rtgard II as all rthhus mlrabHls ' It w,i» liie \enr Ih which H la.Isloie wusborn This was nlwji.ts a sort '»f loildillng fun. In wliiih he al Ids best. In whiidi tin re was n<»i ilo- least lle< k o f cfiiieell or \unll\ .e nod l.nwvll w»-rv both fa ln - l)rl>lg'- ls*ys. arid In n wuk were able link tvigether piT-i'nHdv the oil! days o fiTTfi with the Will davH Ilf Wd. Ill IhvCiimbrldge gindeiiR *>t tliose ilHjH were, iiH l!n-re .iRv now. He- wrei ks Put-Mam's jiinl iml liurenehnicrds, We used In pidnt n'll st.iples In ih '‘ eelllng in M-issjudiusetis hull from whhli we prv- leiidf-d that snliliers h.imiin" ks hung wIicM I lie l ollege inilldings were burnM'ks. i\ 1 West I'ainbiidge ihi'N sh"Weil iMillets iif (be day of ra-.tlngron In l In- timbers of th'' Woislvn hiiuses

l.iiwell was hnrn wiihln ft mlb* of jlolm es’s Idrlhpljn-e ten Kears after him.|h' ne\er rvtneiTdj* red a lime wln*n he did lint know Holmes, and he was among the 4-Mg»*r group o f bojH who heard wHh ih'* llghi H'dines's I'hl Kela bapim poem Those wh'> are famlllHr with ihe wrlllnga of both will reinemk'^r the eitlhuslasm with which they always turn back to their I'Hmbrldge im'inorles

I,owrll would rTo<«soiaestlon the old ne­gro who remembered Karl MerE-y's msreh from rnmbrhlge bridge m Meglagton "Old Joe is tleod. who saw proud t>rcy

His sTnw'iirtlibTV up the Coneord road.’And he n ils h'lw that talc grew from year lo ye«r S. I hut if the obi white-haired aegro ro\i)d huve lived a little longer. "VariMiiished Percy. l«> com plelr Ihe inic.Hud hammered alone f<ir life In t oruord

Jail •Ills iioyhood'a home Is hut

t'hatig"! H beuuilful old house of the kind which rich Torlefl U 'cd in then, and wlileli we arc apt In New KiiglamI lo call rolonhil houses. His mother was not hi strong health, and Ms training fell much Into the hands of an older sister, a i harTTilog wom an, who si'crns Ik) hav® known early th«ii she had « P«ct In her vharge. At all tvenls. the training w ai just such aa you ami I might Iw glad that a poet shi-»uld haw , l.s)Wcll s love o f nature la md In the lea . tnamifaclured^ nnd his acqualntnnce with hungblrds and i Iduvjiiys and britwn ihrushcs Is «h« friendship o f n man win* had known tlM'in from his (•hlldh"i>d Ho In skntlng m; p’ rvHli pond, in irncing up Heftver brook and tn Hic freedom ami case of his kuriwledgc tif irevs and Mowers, we tlna—I do -lot "oV ,1 ciiiiiiiry biiv. tiut u buy who Imd licrn hruUKht ui. In Ihe iiiwn air.

There l-'< itn umUMlng but i>nthetlc alnry nllout l.iiwell n rortum-K In colIcKc. whli'h hits ,1 ICXROII »p inniorlutil that I hellevr tl lx worth re|M-,vll„(t t MOV tItU becau,,-' the per»on who tilmnelt pul It In clrculii-tlou wuu evliiently.nrou-l (iL.hta own t^tiIn It This ai'ntlemiiif wa»“ inTncMprlnit o f IK*, whi-n Dr. rharlrs t.owidl. the fulher o f the poet, wn« there. "1 heard that Dr. 1-owelI hart not receive,! hla AmerUnn letltris, unil a« 1 hart mine I thought I woulil go round and ace him So 1 aald to him that I hart my lettera And he nekert me whul wue the Dainbrlilge tiewa. Ami 1 told him that my bmlher waa to huve the flrat oration at the co l­lege rommenci'meiil. And I told him thal hla him James had been Tustlculed -th a t la, auapi'iided from college and aetil Into the country It, exile tn work with a e!erli-al tutor. Hut I told him the c1«m hud choaen Jamea to be the cla.aa poet."

That waa preU,v grave new i to tell an affectionate father about a ioti greatly helnved, and ileur old Dr. laiwell met It hy Haying; "Oh, Jamea proralaeal roe that Ue would 1 (lit wrlilng poetry and would g(t n* work

I am afraid that m oil father! at sixty yvars would glad if any o f vlgh-ifi'ii or nlnrlern would protnlae^ lo Eiuil wrlilng pncirj' and go lo work. But all Ihe same niic la glad In this parik’ ulHr ease ihiU Ihe country ami the world iltd iioi lo>e "Hlr I aunful" and !h f "Blgbiw I'iUHTs" nml many nthers like them l" - ujuse a f<»ml fath*T hoped Ibat 4 dear wen Wf'il'l writing pnairv."

Th-' Ktor^ belongs here ii» obe begins lo wrhe iiliUI 1.1.well, It Involve! a i ■. r- iHln tm»raJ. H lu y g 'f 'ts the coiapA'fltluu b.-twir-in il»* g'»id<ss o f work, whowf-r sh" niJiy be, am! a half^down oMi* r | nuises, ni'Ti* ur less, who (irealdwon >=ui ii I'ueiry as llictrs, a cnnipelUlon whli Fi .tfferli'd ihe life o f LowvU—a i o f Holmis

I ihink rot linfavorablv.Home yerirs ago In III! own abifncv. ta

Eviropi* u fell 1" me hy accident lo pr. • side in his iilacr al llie annual dlniUT i.f the I'hl Heia Kappu at Cambridge.I'bl licta Kappa society eg la l! only f‘ T »E'., purpime o f holding theae dinner p;.i-

verv good fun. Ther« m

Mo ri‘Kiiliir work uf an editor lie w.e- wrliliiK forcible urilfles on the d u ii '- " f the men o f Ihe frio* Hlates If poi m i lieJpcd In this work he wrote poetry M men neiHiciJ prow* he wrote proge.

Il !• one o f the K'K>d (railltlon! of icu govcrtmieiu that In l-:uro]>c we atiall *" ' re]jre*cnred by some men who have vu ujm iheir spurs In lliirm are Mr. l.s>wer however, declined all ilm four great r*>i sign missions—Kussiu. l-'rauce. Oerwiat v ami England Hut he said to somelsi'l- In private that If Mies bud offered him Hpaln hi* thiiiighl lie could not have r» alMled the tcmplullon. Hm h an cipreesb 'n wus. o f i-uurav. frp»-;ii«'l In \Vashlugi"ii and Ihe governmeiil ' ‘iii i-hm'C offered blm Hpaln." He weni i.> Hiialii. and th«\ found. I have sttnn ilnict suppKned to th**lr great Kurprlse, thal ilie\ gat busIncM^iilke leltem from blm of ureal value and in- tervKt. It wus Ihe lime when HpaJn tia*l JusI offvndfd ns. jind Mr Lowell’s biisl' m SH was com llliii bin Ho aallafactory was his work .m <i illplomutliit In Bpiiln MlHt lo his surprise iie wus offered tiur mission to Eniil.MMl when there wss a vacancy. He fuimicl his duties Mure with ^remarkaldf *ni- i '-“S

Borne o f his [iiii li- .i>l'lr*'sses, especially hal lirt DvinotT.o i, nci' lie spoken K>f as

standard stali'in>'ni'-> "f wbal ! reputdb' mi*am» and wh.ti ii '‘ liiiuls for I have been glad to si-.- I'liil Hie inlilress on Ln-* m ocracy Is m u lexibook In theUeses In so?io- td .mr li.-Mcr I'ollege!,

\ dlspaii'li from ('oldwaU r. Mich., says lili.ii William K- .S'lyUoib a wealthy

fiirrner. living four and u liulf miles from I • .ililwiiier. was Ijuticoefl, assaulted, and I r"!>be»i of Mk.imi yi^stcnluy afternoon, on i ..nt- uf the moat public roads leading to I ' -il.lwatcr1 Nlvis .n sa>s a well-dreaacd airangcr.

't\iiiR Ills name as G»>snfbr, a banker . ,1 Junes'lllc. i-an.i to Ills farm and ..ff,.retl ti. buy It. provl.llng he could get .111 udJoInliiK farm with li Nlvlson drove I . r.ildwHier wlih the man, drew ; ’ *»m tin savings bank, and started back tn boy Ihe adjoining farm

The t-oiJide were inei on the rofid by a Mdnl man. who, abb-d by the alleged l-iinker, k!i.irked NHlson senselesM and (-nblte l’ hlTii of Ihe u m cer ! arc IniMirsuli of Hit* ihleves

If the power you employ to run your factory is of the wasteful kind, you are ex­periencing a daily loss— the kind of leak that often undermines a great business,

Put in electric power— stop the loss-— and inaugurate an era of economy. Electri­city is the world s cheapest pow er-and the best.

Send postal card and our men will call and figure out the saving for you.

FKNNSYLVANfA ftAlI-HnAD-<)n !T»d after Bepi«mb«r lu. lUDd, tia lu wiM l«ava

SirMi HU turn, Newark, a* roUnwk: t «;3b A. M. Fiut Mall, dnUy., Llmltiid ia two

Buffil piilJr rsM N#w V'>rh to J^ttabutg 8]«t|ilng Mar PUiatiar* H» OlUvago. tno v04i,;h«i***f fast Lin*, daily, rtf FUtMnug■nJ Clevrlaml. . . . . . j ......f lu:37 A. M. Pimiwylvanla Umlied, dally. Pullmaa CV.mpsrimcni Hleeiani, pining, Imok-

, Itm ami Obear'sUija Cara. Fur < hlcago. clavo* land. Toladc. Cincinnati. Imlianapuiia, UiUia> vPif. Hi. t#oUla. , . _r K H. Chicago am) 8t. Louli Ezpraaa. dally. F'lr NathvUk ivla l invmMtl and Isjumh villei. In'llanapolla. Chlrafi', Hi. LrjuI*.• f U:2a I*. M. Ht. ls>ula Kiprfw, dally. 1 >p rilisliura, Columbua, Indlaaaiwlli. LoulavlUo and Hi. Louis. _

t Hr2T P. M. W4P#tanj Exurts*. dally. For PlUahura snd Chicago. For Tolodo, aiwpi galunlay. . . _

f h .« P. M. Puolflo EaursM. daily For PUtabuTg am) Chicago. For Knoxvl.l*, dally, via Shenanduah Valley Ruuir. Cotmaota fgr Clpvalani), exeepl Saiunlay.

r 8:A7 P U dally. Cleveland and Cincinnati EipresK. Fur HItlaburg. Clavriand. Coluttbuaan<J Cincinnail. ___

W.-.HHINdTON AND THE ^ U T IL For Httlllmnrw, Washington and tht ooulh,

12:47 H:a7 S.iW. D :a MimUed RxpreM, Pu:i- ro.n V'M,lbule I'.rlnr C n ,. Vraillial. I'TOn-S.r rnirti.i .ml Dltiln* Car, IDJa A.

I t.Jb S:&k, 4;5T, .ad B;5H P, M,on Hunday, 1S;!7, k-.v,. tcKT, 11 ;S0 A, II.; a:.V(. 4:Sd. is;'.H and «t:W P. «■ , „ . - „H<iuih«n Billw.y. K«pr«ia. 11.58, 4;6T P. H.,12:47 night, ■•lulls'.Norfolk and \\>si*Tn Rallwiijr;. For Memphisand New Orlrana, P M.

Atlantic Coast Line. Eixpreaa, A. M. and (i:CiN J». .M.>e»a|H!ake and Ohio HaHway. Rxpraaa, 8:JT A. M. weak days. 0:2! P. M. dally.

Heab<sin) Air IJne. Express, 12:47 A. M, ami L2H P. M. •laJIy.Olil Point r«jTiif'Trt and Norfolk. ^Biprets, »:27 A. M week dsys and n;2T P. M. d*l-y.


Fur 'phlladelphld. EX|iress, 12:47, !:4«. 7:M. x7 :&8 . fl:2I, h:W. «:2U, 9:57 (lti:4.‘1 Limited Es^

rrM. I"ul'mail 'VMlItiule Parlor Cara, Vjttlbul. I'aasengef t'uachea und Dining t?ar), lljXd A.

; la:;*,, t :’« . I:aK, am , 5 ;S4. .4;5*. 4;SJ 5;2ii. 8;W. «:a8. 8;*T, 8;5l. lt;ir *nd B;S8 P. M, Ar- n.irtn'Kl.llon, D;3U A. M., B;«l .nd ;;M P. M. On Sunday. Kxnrxa., 12:47, 8;i8. 8;M, tPST. Ill in. I1;M A, M.: I-.-k 1:2S. 3:S i 4 J4. 4 :511, S;J«. 1l;2il, «;*T. 8:i7j 8:.1t, I»:i7 and U;5» P. M. Arrommo-latlon. 5:80 and T:.18 P. M.

Ha- Tronlnn. 12:47. «;4». 7:00. 7:55, 7:58, 8:27, 8:58. »:2». »:57 ,10:45 Umltrd K aflW , Pui:- man Veetlhale Parlor Cars, Vestlbuis Paasen-

\ arloB u NMtnII trlliM es H i«t *thr I H tlira fu r ^M k<»rta cif P orpu at a.There in Mm- l•l"Mlll^un)l haialb*. A man

IhlnkH, i.i h itMiilibrunh an anything but a toothlaiiTih. but ;i wcmian knows Ms emlletta r«|iiibiliM'*fi wrH'*f* U' L AIjIcti In Fearaon's .M.ig.ixin> . If n window framo raUlriM Hi lUiJtiT, shi* weilgea M wUh the tnolhbrujKh. If Hhe la »*inldenly required tn allr a dosi* “ I tU'MlIdnc In u glaHft. ami a npnon Is n<ii M hamJ. she prompity uaen the IfMdblirvjnii handle. She has even been known to uxi' H lo loesen the mould In a ffowt-r I'Mt tiiil in cases she randrive In 1 1 1 ! ciM ks wiib ihe aame useful article. I

Then ib«*r4- is ihc iuliplti The uies to] whleh a ciiii pui a hairpin are aUmost lrimun«-rable. hoes ii cork find Us way I'l ih> boMion of n phial'.’ A woman will ImrjM-'lliil' Ii sjEeur It with a hairpin and exirin I M. l)o«-s she wish ttt bora a email iMib' In u jrPm'h of wimmI? She will heal II hviirpln :ind burn llie hole out wlih neutm *.H ;vnd pr.*rl«io]i. WUh a hairbrush, unit s.-* It liiippi'ii to have :i silver bHt k. she f(*eh -ible !•> drive la ilic largest null, lo punish lb<* must vlgonHis small boy, end to ci»nvi'rt lump sugar huo the liiieat of j.Hiwdt ri d MUgar.

She ran mukc an excelb-m hammer with t iv to-el of her bool, iiaij cun convert u ni.ji-knife Inlo an efflt'leni screwdriver. H il w'-miiii kiu'W Ihe pr'i'-ess of building a hiiiil she mi*fln In* «‘uhI usliurt* on an unla- bahited Dhind with nollilTig hut a hairplu. a UMillibrush and an ordinary slscd l>ooi. nn't wiihln » month sli»* would turn out n sviiw'orihy tmai In which ahe w«iuld cs- cape to cl'lllxali'in.

l>l\OII< p4 FOR I.A< K OFM fV H nsrof llrunK bl W Ife T h r e B lc i ir s

to H egln HuU.Hi-1 aiise the wealh<*r Is mo pleaiuhl Mrs*.

Kinmo F'iasion. '»f MlnKbamioh. N. Y.. hiiH |,.fi her InishKiid, u prosperous furmer....... luiH lakf-n her ••hl)dren to ChlcuKow h 'f >*he will apply for u divorce,

l-’ iiston has for some Time h«-»-h :iv. r'“'- lo farm life, and has In vain iri*'d lu a*'i h'T Uuslaiml lo sc*ll hts pro|)«rly Ki*r Mn- [ihsT fi-w luoiilhs Miere has ta-.-n j driiughl Mrs K.iston said she>%mild not Htup '»n the hills o f Hroomc......... . and burn up. but was going to*'iiis In I'lihMgo, and if her huslmrul did ii'it s»'e hi to I'riiVl'b' her With a bt*ttcr li.,im- sch^re If wmihi rain orcaslonally shn w.Dild llie a pelUloa for an absolute di- s.iT'-e on Ihe ground o f cruelty.

Mr I'bisiun says lie d«ies not propose to sell iii t ])roperlv at a sucrltli'e, and that li*' D n"l responsible for Ihv wealhef, and will ( oiliest tbe suit.

The Triumph of Loveis Happy, Fruitful marriage.

ger Co»rhe« tud Tdnlfig Cmr), H:2fl mnd HdW• “ I2;!k». t;2«. 1 :» . 4:44 _3:4M 3:24._S:!^.

R v e r y t n a a w h o w o n l d k n o w t h e g r a n d f r u t l i , p l a i n f a c t a , t b f n e w d i s c o v e r i e s ^ o f m e d i c a l s c i e n c e a s a p p l i e d t o

'm a r r i e d l i f e ; w h o w o u l d a t o n e f o r p a s t e r r o r s a n d a v o i d f u t u r e p i t f a l l s , s h o u l d s e c u r e

t h e w o n d e r f u l l i t t l e b o o k c a l l e d

n i RDP^ItriK im iD K I* TW ICK.

Ph , .1 ..|h VVaiKril la R a k a SuTr iif Man'a D rath .

Ardilp Klliauula whh hanned at Cllnlini, Hiini|.a,.n Cuuniy. 8 i',, y»at.Tday, for ih,' nuiiikr o f John ll.TrliiK, He d l« l truiii atr.ioKolallon,

A fiir tlie body hud li„nK 7of <vn min- „1I » I ha aUpmlluK |,hyali'la,i rvqiiysl.'d iliv ah.Tirr lo plai'v KInaBiila on the gallowaiio.l ilr<i|i him uifHtn, Ih ordvr that llfv mixht 1.,' more quickly riidnl, as olliyrwlac I,.- mlxhl romalti struKkltnn 'o r Home tin,.'. Th.' Iliune hs,l Blll-l-ei! lo hla chin, when heUral fell, tearlnn o|wn the wound .........wtu'n he ullpnipted to tiihe hla t-wt, lit, wlih n knife, Hciiiemher 14, from wlih h Miiial tloweil profuacty. He wua place.I i.o -lie 2 «llows u .second lime at I u , l,»'k ,iml the trlxHcr apruiiR. IJfe was |.r,i- luiuncisl exlllirt In eight minutes 'I l„ Kiimpson I.lKht Infantry wua on the s.-mi. aa u guard, hot larfect onler prcvnlled.

Complete Menhood end How to Attoln Hmf f

No Honoy InAdvinci.

Treatment on Trial


■ I Here last is iniormation from a high medical aourcathat must WORK WONDERSwiththiHEcnerutionof men

The book fully describes a method by which to attain full vigor and manly power.

A method to end all unn»niral draias on the syitem.Tocurencrcousnew lack of self-control,desponde^.rteT o exchange a jaded and worn nature lor one of bright-

neii, buoyancy and power.To give full strength, development and tone to everj

portion and organ ca the body.Age no barrier. Failure impossible. __Tne book, is PURELY MEDICAL AND S C IE N ^ F IC

useless to curiosity seekers, invaluable TO MEN ONLY W HO NEED IT.

F r e e T r i a t T r e a t m e n t

*1.440 STttl.Kli PHOW


A I.E T T K H .

l-w ck n a e lIcH latered l » K nK landH ra clira A m erica W ln u . C on lc itta .The aunt uf J1.44U hns been lost dlirlng

Its iHiasugc ttiniugh the mulla frtim lllr- uilnghiim, Kngl.inii. tn AtiM.iiln, I'.inn.

On ti.'pii-mbcr 11 Mrs Mary Am, i'nsc- tor, of I'nlim I’ liaMugc, lllrmltlghum, |pi'e- jmratory tn cnrolng to ihia iininiry. wi ni to a mmicy chniigcr mime,! Haywoml iiml exchange! >1.5d(l In gold for rn lleil Htutca hllla, Tiiklrg SI,thi of this 111 one-huiulred- dollur. Ilfty-Jollur und teri-ilollur hills, she wr«|ii)fd It carefully in pai-er, und folding It oni'e. place,I It In. a nimmun entw ine. Th,. letter hehig bulky, she reglslcFen »

Weasend one full month's Remedies of wonderful power, and a marvelom Appliance to strengtlien and develop, o n t r ia l a n d approval, without pay, deposit or obligation. No exposure, no ''co llect on delivery scheme—no decep­tion of any kind. , - . --------------- ---------------- "W ell, 1 tellA despairing man who had applied to us, soon after wrote : Well, I toR that first day is one I'll never forget. 1 ji i 't bubbled with joy. 1 wanted to hug everybody and tell them that my old self had died yesterday and my new sell ww bom today. Why didn't you tell me when I first wrote that! would find it this way!

And another wrote thus; ' ‘If you dum(ied a cartload of gold at my feet it wonkl not bring such gladness into my life as your method has done. j

In answering be sure and mention this paper, and the company promiset to KDO the book in sealed envelope without any marks, and entirely free cJ charge.

Write to the ERJS M ED ICAL COMEANT, Buffalo, M. Y.,anA i * ioi the little book called 'COM PLETE M ANHOOD."

5:181, 5:2U, U:'J8, I-.W. 8:27. 11JT and Jf- M. Huiul.y 12:47, 5:48, »:58. 0:27, 0:37, 10:BO .ml Mr'ili A. W.: 1:20. .1:58, 4:24 . 5:20. 8:!W. 0:27, 7:;ta. 8:'J7, U:27 «nd t);5H P. M. . . „

P..r Allnmlc ,'lty. Thruugh VMtl(,u1ad Ei- |,IT*|> Tv.m«. nuriat P.rlfir Cara, Ptu.ngac i'ljach arvl K‘tiwlpln*<l Coach. lUiil A. M. ant) ;i:2t1 r, M. wwk lixvi. KeXprfxi' Mfl;45 Sfctuij rinY* 12:47 an«I 11:26 A, M .; 12:8^ 1 :M

, Htiil 2.44 V. M. wr*?kad»yi. Bimdkyi, lfs4T, 8:4«> A M.

F“ r ATlflnllr CHy vJx Dtlawnre RWar BrMg* 12:47, fl*4A A. M.. 12:», 1:2« and 4.58

M. wAi>k-(livii: 12:47, H;4n and 11:26 A. M . h«l 4::ii) F, M. Hundnya.F'lr Cai* May. Kx|»roAi. 1:2R P. M-.Ight, w«k-rlay^ 11:26 A. M. 8undaya. |2:47

niRhi.Fff pnlniR on thf N*w York am) lyM»g Branch

Railroad. 9:27 A. M.. 12:47. 2:%5. 4 4 : 4 4 , r.::L5 and 7 26 r. M. On Sunday. 10:lB A. M. Mml 5:42 M- Hton at tnl^rlaken for Oc^an tlnive Rir Aabury l*Ai-k ijd Sunday.

Fnr Boaiott, wUhiut rhanj*. 12:S6 P. M. f**‘k-da>». 0'D6 P M. d lly.F'T Hffioklyn, N. 1',—All through train** con-

nc.-i al Jcmi»y City wUh bi^au ot ‘ Trnnayt- anla Annex.*’

FOR NEW YORK.loeave Market Htreei (ttatlon, ,1:16. 5:42,

fl;W. 7:UT, 7:20, 7:42. 7.IW, 7:57. 6:«r7, «:1&, H:Ii» h:H4. «:M. k:57. 9:1(1. f»;2tl.9:.1M, 10:00, 10-2H. 10:5fi. 11:119. 11:17. 11:24 A. M.; 12:02, I2:2li, 1:04. 1:53. l:S0. 2:27. %\'MKa:07. 3:21. 3:55. 4:|a. 4:W. 5:13. 5:25. fl:49, 6:1.5. 11:32. 0:47 U:5T. 7 :» . 7 25. I'M.(»:22, 10:23, IL14 P. M.. and 12:07 night. Run'Iay trainik 3:16. 5:42. H:09. R;55, |:3A, W,lW, 10:.42. t0:40. H:0U A. M-i 12:07. 12:40. 12:37. 1:30, 1:54. 2:27. 3:06, 4:06. 4:88, 1:09. 5:46,6:28. 7:00 7:20. 7:45. 7:87. 8:11, 844. 9:27.10:05, in:.30 P. U.. 12:07 nigh*.

Fur KUxabelh and Rahway, 6:81. 7H)0, T;W. H:47. k:5h. 0:S7. 10 :52. !) :» » A. M .: 1:00. 1:5h. 2:4N. 3:28 ,<1:46 4:30, 4:3H, S;09. 6:28, 5;3n.5 4H. 5:57. 8:03. 8:0«. 6:16, «:4l 6:49. 7:07, 7:83. 6:01. M;4I, B:4Sa 10:47, 11:92 P, M .: 12:1H ami 13;47 night Hunday, 6:48, 8:80, 9:84.10:15. 10:30, 11:30 A. U ; 12:35, 1 :x35. 2:3.5. ,1:15. 4:.'12. 5:03. 5:.K>. 7:01. T;l4, 7:88. 7 :» . 8:34. JC.'HR. 10:01, I0:4rt, U'M P. M-. and 12:47 night. Fur Kliialjeth only, 0:57 A. fcf.; 12:80. 1;2M, 5 :i>rt ami 0:56 P- M- week-ilaya. ^

Fit New Hruoawlek. 6:46, 7:00, Tr58, 8:M. 0:57 and II :.T0 A. M.. 12:30, 1:28. 2:48. 3:2H. 8:58. 4:30. 5:06. 5:28, 5:57, 6:5». 7 :« . 8 :» . 9:58 and 10:47 P, H., 12:47 nlghl Bunday. 6:46. h:,'>8. 0:34 and 10:30 A. M., 12:38. t:8fi, 3:58. 5:80. 7:38. K;56 and fl:(M P. M.. 14:4T night.

FDr Lamber(vl!|e. Phllllpaliurg. ElMton an<1 tlelvidere, 8:27, 11:26 A. M., 1:28 (Lambert- ellle unlyl. 3:24. 6:28 P. M. Hunday. 6:47 P. M.

For Fi-eehold, Farmlngdale, 8ea Q)rt and Ldox Hranch. via Uanmouth Juilrtlon, 7:8h, 11:30 A. V-: 4:30 P. M. week-daya. Rundaya. 8:56 A. M. For Freehold only, 8:06 P. M. tveek’dayB.

'T ' alopa only on nolk* to agent.For further Information aee timetable*. Tick­

ets for all pointi on the Pennaylvanla Rallraad and connecllonB. Pullman accoraHiodatlone, #tc., at No. Proad eireet, or tlokat oAlca, Market Htreel Rtatiofl.J. B. IH’TCHrNftON. J. R. WOOD.

General Manager. General Paaeangar Agenl.

mollon. and Ihe aMnrneyH Teturneil tn Hyracuac. They will muke ni, muve unlll the fnrmal urgumcui on Oclolicr 6- 3. H w.imlcll, Ilf New York. ai>|-'ar-> as allur- luy for D-’ lchi-r & Hcmicsscy.

A imnod KIlA l'D A l-D K aK D -D . J. Me- • ■■■T'/W'ar-utv - til? IiJuulreHl Colti.

at the Birmingham |m»tot(lre. and taking ihe rec*'lRt In Hai'W''»od, hud him ln.**tirv M. She mldreftned It io her nejihew, Jameo Prmilor, of Afirtonla.

Mr.'i. Prnntor arrived In Anaonla Sun- rtfiy. The reglflered lellrr. though mulled eeveral days before her deimrture. did not reach Procior till Tuesday, and wa6 found to he mlnup the money. One end had been cut. apparenlly with fi knife, the edge t'lrneil down and the envelope tied with a atring. Only the wrupvlng paper was left Inside. Il has bean jiyved ihAt the letter reacnert the Anaonla p«ii:iiDmce in the con­dition It was placed in I’roctor’a hanilH. Further than that, tuiihliig Is known there. Postmaster F. L MayJoni has re­ported the case to the puntal Inspector, but will say nothing himf-f If.

Bloriige CumpHny, and Alexnnder AfeCul Imjgh, a memlier of the hlg dairy tlrm nf Croll & aMcCullough. were arrested last night « l Momreal, ('an., ut the Instance o f the Merii'hanis’ Bank of Halifax on n charge o f ci:»nsplrary to defraud the bunk out of 1225,Oflu by means of bogus war'?- houBO re<.M*lpis.


DRffffr H ABIT

O U B B lM i« . M m H «w W nt W ill H * l» E**nr

W om an 8 M « a D r a n k M 4 .A T r ia l Packsw eof H er M arreloui

MR. SHF-AHMAN^d BE o l ’EBATED HoTOO Treatment Jage oi Ht £ Q m t o r tlie aaklnf.

r 'i ’ON—Thiinnaa U, Shcarmun. who la acrl- ! won-on m lfbt w«!l beproudtot«T«om iy III at his b-m-?, IT6 Columbia Height,. i ,aTed one poor aoul fromlhazsz. z- \ K ; s 5 . t K » 's ; : '- . s J 5 '«ih've that Mn-n* Is u stone in Mr. Shear

f'ENTKAIa R, R. OF NOW JERftBT^Anihrs- citr ciNil iixecl excluflvely, insuring cls*ti1 1nesi

amli ctimfurt- Timetable la effect September iH, tIHiU:

Train* trave Broad and Ferry Street Suttloni: For IMalnfleld. 8:12. 7:80. 8:06, 8:88, 9:03,

M:U.1 10:4.1 A. M-: 12:08. I:u2, 1:3S. 1:66, 4;40, 5:04. 5:513. 6:45, 8:U. 7:35. 8;10.

M:fk). 0:30. 11:35 P. M. Sundays, 7:15, 9:05, lu.igt, 11:35 A. M-; 1:10, 2:45. 4:U5, 5:35, 7:2b. 0.05, 10-.23 P. M.

F..r Bd.mervllle. at 8:12* 7:80. 6:38, 9:08, 10:0.1. 10:45 A. M ; 12:05. 1 :U2, 1:83. 2:30, 4:02.4:40. 3:iH 3:23, 5:45, 0:19. 7:85, 8:50, 9:30, 11::>5 V. M kunilays. T:f5. fi:05> I9f«0 A, 5l.; 1:10. 2:43. 4:06 5:35. 1:20, 0:05. 10:28 P. U.

Fur Flemington. 7:30. 0:06 A. It,, 1:95. 4:40. 5:^3 P. It. Sundays, 7:15 A. U.i 4i)5 P. U

liT »iHeiorts in ^lyh Bridge, connecting f<-*ft

IkXD___ -Valley and Mheater p. Bl. Sunday*, 7 ;1D A.

- . . ...................Igh 1 .siAtOins on KiRti Bridge Branch and l^ke •XD-ong. 0:12, 0:03 A. 11.; 4:40 (6:45 for German

r^D E R T U B Bltl’n**!! Fl..\(3a

3582. Ladies' Wrapper 18 1 nc r\p6

f,AIMES' w n A r r E R xvttii w -i t t k a tI’ l-AIT IN BACK, NO.


“ W ell , I wy that ihe very I'cst o f men don 't know the difference hetween their souls and their stomachs, and they fancy that they arc a-wrcstling with their doubts when ically it IS their dinners they're a wrestling with.

“ T a k e my old man. A kinder husband never drew breatb, yet so sure as he touches a bit o f po rk he begins to worry hisself about the doctrine ot fc lection, till ! say, " I 'd be ashamed lo go troubling the minister with my doubts when an A yer’s Pill would set things straight again."

j . C. Ayir Company .Practktl Chenwti, L ntll, Mm

A|«r'. Sm^anUi Ar«r'> r-llt Am'* A|ye Cun

Aitf’ i H*ir VliM A t* ’ ! Chen* P.ctunl A ev 'i CufflitMe

Ill's, -m i Ilii-Vr.uin rub', a lo r - -u a ,l -o w u f l u'^ hy lh(a K -ltv ,

iLiiil fN*rnlatit . MkM lUJ wtiru or the iifti f » » i. utI m>r riPr-iikluK ^hal! t*Vf*r bo *nl.. pmd:. | ooM orsklng wrappi-r Ij. moM hvuii. Murfi.y ihHl yo'J luive moil o f every Hurt ,.f Fttft wnni idmlUt'K Ihnt liaVf* a Kn-PD l-.iffiiTno rt'rtily to talk tn nach other wiMi ihr j <-rt*ani-MaUn1 Rnumd, ift Oi*' m-ii-Mulfrti'dnin " f «n umn.v BO]>hfimort*i* at ;i < "1- , niujjtnitrd. ’I'lic isniutcd hr<0 '-lli*N v.ikt’ li-jfi- illiwit-r iJihh' l-n maklnif niv pri'i-ti.i- ('ollur i f l *nf fln*fn llbert'' .Mtiiln. .irrM'liiB Mila dlniu'f ' !i ■ nvi-rluM wlih Hiiftnhiu lace, anil irlmmi-d

-n-'. w;1ib - - ; ;m n nld^^ - d-m ing - f 1hr,o .„uan ,.r.l„. I, 111,-"w hirl, I rai-llert: “ Rfulll', thv '"W <-rly aathi Mt-I'u- l „ Ihe aum-' sl,.,.|" of

lior'w'B- -re nut u b -d set. 1 l-.'v.- xr-'en. HU1I1011 -wo tnrhe« wl-l" N -s.'rtl.niiKfrllow nnd I'liPirlea F'riiii-'l- .til 'm.- for the aeiul.RlriMe, which 18 fU'Wril on -lie und H-ilroe,—uiid -II but luiwell An.l i"i nj,,. prnrm aniim at the wnN( !ii < unil riH' Ifll >nu lhal (he day LoW' ll ptyilneihlv Itov-fd In rentrt” fm ni. TLc iln-Hti'tl wr* kn*-w uB wr*ll si6 we kii->« '-"W fijngU' -lar'- fw iifh .

Iona” : ! " " : : t ln 'r l‘ r y'uu wdl? -ell u il- ' ""Ih JntnK t)w- h J lIn g ..f LI** lima may hftvr *y. I.*(H wnrked on I li-liHirnniK lh<* voungxIerM who will g i itil.i.M«> Htnl bn hirtMi inslrnd o f 1 ' ik'i-Mn'ril^fre m'xt WeilnvBclay I will > 'll aim umb’ r nnn i?nri’ *. nnd a rtirsluc - rntrf

■' Hfiim 111 back Thf' upper part " f ill-'fr<uuI am food o f telling Hil6 story bi ■ I it i),unK In raced t'l f*'i'ini vnki

shown dPlInltely the early l>ori"tl ai wUlrli f, | frotu* art* Koth. jMl andhe hu-l lin|ir.>aai--l II* nil with - „ f** Mr'” H;igi!lnHOn. In his charm l-x r-'u-hilH- V*'ke. -iid -he l - ' k la B rni-u-'l In ;i styl- rcucca -rf -hat Ilmc. aaya he r'-meiuliera lull ,1— 1-le l-nx i-l.-II, whli-h le .iltii. he,l in the Inlercat with which Hie liove of hla -he l-wer eil«e of Imi'k yuk-- .1 ni r-lla l,i own iigc he»rrt lhal Jum-'s l."W-'ll wiia „r„,.efu : 1 - -he tnwer--'iB' riie mt- (11 1- K-'lug to be a Inwyi'i. bin wus x-lng |j,j. ...hip-. ,'nrvca high In llie b.o k. -'IdHCs III he a poet. The irfere Iden ih.ii unyhiidv ,.eutri' frnni uiid -he cIiiuIuk miiy be In the wnrld should any -but poi'ir) wiia ] ,„n,|p |nvlnlii1v nr with lu ili" !i, .mil hut. tn lie hla vocntlon ami Ih.'ii " tin r w-ork holeji, ua preferred. Th.' Kvii-jiloeewas 1 0 he whul people like tn i-all :m enrrrnt In ah-i" . im.l -heavficutlon In (hose days enri.rleeil uinl In- |„iii,ie.l I'lninleUee ihiii iri- sewedlereatcd a set -if bright fi'llows Ills,' yoiiiig m,, „hn,|i,i,.ra. ni -he -'ok. 'inline,HlgglnaoiLand hla ,'ompu-ibiii.s Itut with- | sn-llshlv over -he i,.pa. Theout nnyllTlhg like urrngim. -hla deier- ■ inliiailiin waa niaile. Thul Ih lo any, iifler he had atudled law -studied 11 l u r .f i il ly - and had opened an oHli'e hi good fiillh. ut ahow hla frieiida that In- wua not la-yoiid work or above It, Dowell il.'ternilnert ibul he would give himself to merflinrn ua hla

" ''lie eorreapondesi wlih ihe Journals mnsl artvanceil In the pollilea of thiil lim e - which meant with the uiitl-slavery Jour­nals Some o f hla heal work whs wrltli-ii for them, and It Is quite worth -aUlUi for Ihe young genlle-nch nnd ladlea who ur." reading this to Iry lo hunt u|) In -he IlSea o f the rM nwnspayiev ' “ pers o f hla whleh have ho, i., together In coHeellons of liL< puhllMhed wflllngs.

A t 'ih a t time ! was very Inllniaie wlih him personally. S saw him ulmoat every day o f his life, snd I like lo testify to the firm habit o f work which he Usd already formed, whleh aa an underlying founda-lion Is responsible for his suceas In life. M f j M p D R E S S M A K I N G .Do not lot any ot Ihe young authors who n U m C N J D i r t r k U ’ this think they are to work spiiH- roodlcally o r when the fancy taki's ihom.H e pays somewhere lhal he gave llfteen hours a day to his duties as an eilltiir.

It Is Impossible to allem pl her, any de­tail o f L ow ell'l work. These papers do not Involve any study o f hit methods or ot the secret o f hla succssiet. It la anough to

N n tld ea llon t o Mlnera o f ( 'l .n n n e In A la sk a B oiin ilary .

The follow ing dlapali'h wua received al Vum-ouver yesterday, 'luied "ilrltlah -•ummlsaloner's Camp, Ui'iilah Columbia, near I’orcupine City. Al.i-ku, Sepi. 17:"

"The Hon. Archer Muriin, head nf the Ilrlilsh Commission, rulsi J the British -lug yealcrday over -hut -mrllon o f the I'unlciiplne District n '.in ily declared Hrlllsh territory hy iln' Inlertiationul Heundary CnmmlssltmiTs lie then fnr- mally declared that all wh.i had aluked claims In the dlstrlcl lempenirlly placed under Brlllah Jurlailleibni elniuld iipply wlthnnt delay to have -In Ir lltlea con­firmed by -he commlaalun. The eommlH alon la being held In 11 bla -nil. guarded hy miiunli'd police. It Is Mild 'be miners ure n liiclam to register tlieir elulms under Ilrnlsh laws, as It l.a hanl In get iiaed In the feeling o f having ilielr -insaesalona re move,I bodily Inlo British -(rrllory wlth- oiil -heir leave or cons, 1 1 1 .

rin's lefl kl.lney, or at least that an ab- seess 4X161S -here, Allhough Mr. Shear-

an rested 'luiie eually yesterday there waa no very h"iieful ehange In his comll- tlun.

ADRIAN ISKI.IN'8 I.IFT TO BUFFER- INO POOR -.\ilrtim Iselln. a wealthy resl- denl of New tl'ii belle, N. V.. has pur- ehaaed the -M llariley himeatcad. In the

-sk ins Ilf Y"iik''ra, and will satahll-h there a hoaiilinl fnr -he ccnvaleacent poor of New York nuns for remodelling tne present bulldlriK un Ihe properly were llle.l In-day with -b" Iniihllng departmeni " 1 -hts elty. It b ri'-ior-ci that Mr. Iselh. will spend lietwien (,'Hi.ilOO and (iS.W Upon the home.

AN IRON M iin .D E R FA T a I.L T SHUT -F ra n k F-'raiiil. a.'vi'nu-en years old, im Iron monliler. nf .itH Weal Thirty-third street New York met Tony Orllla, tw ciit, years'old, of .vn West Thirty-third stre-t. tu Tenlh uv.-nue .'ind Thlrly-thlrrt aire.t lust night, Thi'y had a quarrel and (.rill" pulled out a revolver nnd shot Feranll In the groin. Injuring him mortally. OrllheHCBped. ________

44AN A B R O ffA lT ’S HI8IIAI*,

nr*’ elmi'l.'' trlmmp'H "ti Hn* with a baliil nf qiilll(*d rlhb* li A w rapin«r In ihiH .'•lylr* •■iin he mailoIn Uwii. iicTOnb* I'f glnithiim, r iiIi ji1!-o v t rmhi-rtblfT.v. ln.'**'rtthTi aiul 'tliflMH fnrIrlrninini;. sMiulo In fmilMid f>r rlilna *|ilk, il rombhiatlnn nfl fontraiithiff rnlor nr fine tur*kliiff. with trlmmln* <if will h6uUrui'tlvp ranhm^re o f llfriii weight wool gnoilfl will trim flulnllly wi ll ribbon or Ir* n-gnljir lnH^rilnrs.

To maki* thlfl wrtipinr In Ihi* moillum alxr will r<'qtilrfl *ix tiinl nnH-half yarda o f i Hshme-n- or o lh n ruiitrirli^H Inch** wtrb*.’ S2 Im Iu h with', or 12 yarrt*22 lr>rh»’ x wlrti*. Tn irlrn an rov^rvnpnlf*() T4 yarils •*«ch of aadn and nll-ovor Inc*. 18 InchoH whh', Is nrHibil for the yoka collar

I nii(i broipllon. with 7 ynrrift « f ribbon for quilling ii!H 24 ynrtiP fnr girillc

Th^ puHcrn No. JTiW U f ut In bIbcs for S2. 34, 4C and 42 Inches bust measure.

W om a n Nnx*l«iitor |lr*»ceml* In F roix l o f HovInK 'I'rnlii.

MlnnU* Woodall, WiUi In-r balloon and the parachute abe c(n.iM not louaeii, fell yesterciny on the track nf the Southern imllana Hallroad, near Ti rre Huuie, Ind.. In front of a loi’ onnJiUi- hatillng a freight train, but the engliucr finiipcd the train Just In time to eriv^l 'j' the amakeRtaek in the canvas. The wtnmin aeronaut had ftpeended at the PifTHim fair, In this cminty. When the cmiAtl huw thal she

ould n<vt loosen (hr imr u tmle. but cmi- Iniicd upward with ihr balloon, men lurrledly iinhilcheil ilu-lr horses ami

siarD'd In the dlrcn itu ihc balloon had ukan. It WftH very clmiilv and aoon the

bnlloiiii was out of Hi htEngineer Oarrlty anti jds train crew

had Been the nscersimi i,nil wero uti the lookout for t!?e bi.lInMi .u one nlde of the mad. Suddenly Huirliy naw It Op* Bcendlng dead ahead :md the woman waving her arms for him to atop. When ihe I'ahva! covered Uie wmnkestnck the gas wtiB forced from ih- Mrebox Into the cub. driving lh«j cngluier and fireman out.

The parachute leaper nlno was coV' ered with the cinvaa i>n (he trwck, nnd (here was fear that Htuirks from the sUK'k would set ftre (•- Hie canvan before fhe could be When erte was taken out ehe wna found id be drenched from her pafleage ihnnigh (he rain clouds.

have beaa vIcUbu of Iniemperuuce. Mra. Hawk* Ids for yetra Hiitlared the frlel and angnlin shared bysomaayirua and faUlitm women ot America to-day, who havedrlok-affllctecl rtih- ers huxbaodaorson*. She (in^rmined lo over­come this fearful etil If posj’ lbln. Her aesreh lor a harmlo- i, perfect and secret home cure was al ISHl rewarded when an old friend csBie lo her and gave liera remedv widch had never been known to Tall. Mrs. Hawkins gave the remedy secreUrwjd In afew her (treat joy. her dearest relative was entirely cured of appetite for drink and was aiKiiln restored lo heallb and manhood.

After this rvonderful result Mrs Hawkloa de­cided to devote her life to the work of helping

takes away the dread of her sisters evorywhere.whom Hberouudsatfer’- log as she had suffered from iheelTeeisof alco­

hol upon a husband, lather or hud WUh the iiHsIsiaoce of others she pcrfeclefl ihe original treatment and now offers to sent) this treat­ment free to any dlstreaaed wlfp,moiherorsis<« ter who will write for lb. Mrs llawklba' great deRlre Is that every woman who needs this medioloe will write at once to her and fcllW

Kleenkloes 7 7

M. (5:."» P. M. for German Valley and Cheater).For Btfttlnns on main line New Jer*ey Central

Divisions. Basinn, Hathlehem and Ailentown, 7;Sn, p :03 A. M, H2;06. to Eaaton). 1:A5. 4:40 15:45 and 7:85, to ^ slon l P. U. 8undtya <7:15 A M., to ESaston), l;ll>, 5:36 P. II.

Fnr Maiirh Chunk. 7:iM. 9:06 A. M-l 1:35. 4:40 P. II. Sundays. 1:19. 5:35 P. u .

Fi>r wllkPRoarre, Plttslon and Scranton, 9;03 A. M.; 1:35 P. U.

NEWARK AND KUZABETH BRANCH. Trains leave Broad Rtreet Station far Elixa*

beih and Koaelle, a( 0:12, 6:S0, 7;i0, 6:08. 8:3k, 9:03. ft:W, I0:<W. 10:45, ll:S2 A. JL; 11K», 1:(K.

t;58. 2:30/8:65. 4:03, 4:40. 5:04, 5:33, 5:45, 6:10. 7:35. S:10, B:60, 9:80. 11:00, 11:55 P. U. 9unday«, 7:15. D:05, 10:05, 1|:85 A. U-l 1:l0. 2:45. 4:05. 4:88, 5:85, 6;M, 7:39. 6:15. 9:05. 10:28 P. U.PERTH AMHOT, LONG BRANCH, OCEAN

GROV8L ETC.For Tremley and East. Rahway. 6:12. 9:03,

lQ:0n A. M.; 1:85. 3:85, 4:19. 6:10, 6:60. 11:53 P. M. Rundays. OiOfi A. 1C.: 4:0(1 P. M.

Hewaren. a( A:t2. 8:88. 9Kl8. 10:08. 11:82 A. H.: 1:35, 8:8.5, 4:40, 5:45. 6:19, 6:10. 6:30, 11:56 P. 11. Bundayi. 0:65 A. H.j 4:06 P. M.

For Perth Amboy. 6:12. 8 :» , 9:08, 10:06. 11:83 A. M.: H.'IS 8:.^ 4:02. 4:40. 5:45. 6:19. 8;t0. 8;5U. 11:55 P. U. Rundaya, 9:05 A. kf.; 4:1)6 P. H.

For Allsntic Hlahlands. via Hatawan, 6:13. S;3H. 11:32 A M.: 1:85. 4:40, 5:45. 0:19 P. M. t(un'lays. 9:05 A. M.; 4:06 P. M.

Fur Freehold. 8:38. 11:82 A. U.: 1:85. 4:40, x5;4.8 P. U.

For Red Rank, lionir Branch, Ocsaw Orore, rtr . 11:32 A. M.; 1:85. 4:02. 4:40. P. U. Rundsys. except to O^an Grove, 0:05 A. M.; 4:05 P. M.

FDR I^KEWOOD.A. M.i 4:40 F. H. Sundays. 9:h5

A M . .Toma River, narneaal Park and Barnersi. 8:8H A. M.| 1:85. r w P. U. Bundayi, 9:05 A M.

For* Atlantic rily, Vineland and Bridgeton.1:3Ti P. M.

NKW.\RK AND NEW TORK.From Broad Btreet HtslRm-At 5 :» . 6:50. 6:30.

0:40 7:00, 7:20. 7:40. H:00, R;20. 8:40. OrOO. 9:90, 9:40. 10510. 10:20. 10:40. 11:00. Il;2t). A.M.; 12:00 M.: 12:80. 1:00, 1:80. 2:00, 2:90, 5:00. 8:80. 4:nn. 4;.80. 5:06,_6;a5. 6:65. 6:06, 6:20. fi;4fl, 7:00 7:10. 7:80. 7:£Sh. «:55, 10:00. 10:40. 11:20 P. M.: 12:40 n,ght. Sunday*. 7:00. 6;«>, 9rf»o, 10:00. 11:00 A. M : 12:00 U .; 1:00, 1:80. 3:00. 8:(M) 4:00. 5:00, 6:00, 7:00. 8:09, 9:00. I0:<k),11 ik>. 12:00 V. JC.; 12:40 Dight.-------- ------ -----------

w a sh -d a y because it c le a n s clothes easily, quickly and without the use o f a washboafd. It contains no acid, but


Kf>r Trenbm and Phlladeinhis. 6:13 feicepl ^hUsdelr>hia). 7.80 <8:05. except Trentonh 9:08.

A Onatefal VTomati. ^, „ - HHS MAT ItAWKlNR. Oraml Udpldi. Mleh.-soaks out the Mr DearKrlaml: YoHhaTabaeiithenuaDjof tirjni-

V, inaxuniblue Iniomy home. 1.BM AnEu»lI got »atir net burn U 0ui* r«0 retnWlraiidbeaan8iTn»gltlotnrliiivliaod.andfrom

. . . . , -V t haUlmcunUUtoa present ha hs miu laken a drop o(rubhinP rectuired I tne xa*slndofalonhulindrlnks. 1 CAnndi Buy UH) miiCD

, , ^ a f(irw!istroorreine<lThaedooertrmt-xridl urselta'clothes are always sweet ghetpartoanTnolharAlstarorwifr "hn ahsll n>«ad* . la X........ M tie II A.T.iNIE, , . * , lb V iuiri fclnoarelf, MR8. U A, iJbNK.and snow-white without kw iHampton, Me.. Fah 14......

PhUsdelr>hia). , ... . ............... - ........................10:08 fexcept Tremonl A. M.; (12K)5. vixeept PhMade:nhla1. FW. 8:85. 4:02 (except Tr«n*oiU, 5:04 6:19. 7:-75 11:55 P. M. flundaye, 9:06, 10:tW A. M.: 1:10. 4:06. 4:58. 6:.50. 0:<W P. M.

For BaUlmnr* snd Washingron. 88iA. 19:0*, 1|:W A. M-: l:i« . 1:85. 5:04. 6:19, ll;M P. M. Rundaye, 10:06, 11:83 A. M.; 1:10, 4:35. 6:39 P. M.l*\jr tlrkets, hixgac* checkf. aleeplng ear In- cation, tlmetsbie*. call at Brnad Ptraet Rtatlftn, or at ritv Ticket Office. 169 Market firettaTel*r>hrwe 86.J. H. OlgDMAtJRBN. H. F. BALDtPIN,

Gen. Ruper»ntendenl. Gen. Paiaenxer AgsrtT,

the slli;htcst injury lo the finest fabric,

Tiy a bottle. Sold by all grocers,

I< po>liivcly caniain* n o acid «bd l< warranted to clean doihe* without ihr sUghiest Injury to ih«*- KLCENKL0P5 MPO. CO.. - Ntwad). N. J.

ThoURaodH hava botoA tbelr hi mav a&d loved0 0 4 . 1 by cilia rem ^y and you ean i^ amonx the

n V ...... ‘ ‘ ” ■Dumber If you oniiy wish it. Mm liowhlnk (reata every letter abe receives 'ncredly cobfl-* dentlal and you neM havs no healtBncy what- ft v-T 1 n wf 1 ling her for nssUtA nee. Do rot de­lay: wrl*ft her to-dnv. Address Mrt. May Hawkinc. Bet n x* Brand tapldi, Ml6b

Looking for a Carrier to Serve Vou ?

r a i l r o a d t i m e TAIILEi.


Lackawanna Railroad.EiprcM iraini leave and arrive at Hohoken t


flrov'ejand Mull........ 5:15 A.M.J^ckawanne lvlmlterll..*10:15 A. M. Chicago A Buffalo Rxp. *1:39 P. M- Screnion. IVlIkeibarr*

and Plymouth......... 4:WP. M. 13:MChicago ft Buffa 0 Ujn *6:80 P. M> *6:96iTtlca, ithara ft mtfrtio

Exp . *9:00 P. H. *7:18 A K.

NEWARK AND PATKRftON. l>*Bve Newark for PaiefAon, <1:18, t;4T. 5:45,

]():21 A. M.; 12:U6. 2;2:i, 8:47. 4:5C, 5:87, 6:urj, IH, a.W, 8:10. lb;51 P. M.. and 12:83 A. M.

SYmilava, 9:86 A. M.; 1:87, 3:47, 7:66, 5:36 and Ui:51 P. M,

Oawego. Buirah» ft ChiPleeper opene t P. M. for the i2:15 A. IL train. Tickeli and Pullman acoommodatloni at Broad

9(. Btalloiv Newark. For llnie of all tralna at Newark Buburhan Foldem. IBO irwlnt dally between Newark and New TOra.


Returned from the country or seashore and winl your daily paper delivered f THE

m o r n in g Sh:\\n i i r i e p h .

Paieiwon tr> Nr wark—Igcave Puterron for New­ark, 6:39. 6:18. 0:44, 7:1«. 7;45. 5:28. 9:05. 10:17, ll:.'l« A. u ,: 1:11. 1:16. 8:86, 4:M. 6:18. 7 :» , b:)V. 10:88 1'. M. .Huailij',. T:3T. 6:96, llOn A.. ----- f,

E lf f l r l t i W Iraa ( ati'l. F.nKl* B w n «p - iDA Down ,Mi 4'lilld.

A huge brown mMUnluln oagla mada an atlampt to carry idf a amull boy who w*8 playing In the courthouae fountain at Danvpr. Col.. yi-R(erd»y. When Hoarcely thirty feet fmm the child Ha broad wltiga and heavy body encountered the telephone wirea. The IMrd rebounded turned beak over lalmiH limply, und fell with a heavy aplaah Into the pool o f the fountain. The eagle wa» daaed by the ahoek and waa caplured hy John Slod- danl, a clerk In the county treaeurer'a offlee, lla Bpread wua eight feel from tip to tip and lia weight forty pounda.

EVENING NEWS will lorward notice lo ! yobk.1 Newsdealer anil have the NEWS delivered | latave Newark iNawark to New York)—6 :00, Jo you promptly every day. Send your *d- | V f ' t'i?.'dress lo



r. M. 6unday«. 7:55, 9:(i9. 11:35 A. U,; 3:oT, 6:97, ll:iu P. U.'

itrxve Nftw Yflrk. (’hsmbftM aiTCftt tNnw York 111 N»wirk)~5:4A, 7:13, 5:05, 9'.45. 11:30 A, U.; ■ 8:15. 4:?8, 5:00, r.iSB. 3:58, DAI. 7:8d,llNI. 8:15. 4178, 5:00, 5:22. 5:58, 0:2.1, 7:86, 10:90. 12:00 p. M. 5un6ara. 9 :00-A. M.; 1:00, 5:15. 6:50. H:90. 10:00 P. M.

oting l<avt «« fikllftwt;'IkprfM JesvM N*wsr)(, 5:45 A. lli On

T'55 A* U. VftfttibuW LUnltrO 1:41 p. M. BtiflBlft EnrcM !i«avi*

, 6:50 P. M.; SunOayi, T:(N| k M. <Thl-



Arrlvs, 4:43 P. Me •0:10 P. K.

•3:47 P. M.


5,If A ■ . J}alT|]p jn6til V W .BLACK DlAMOim ]

1 .30 p ■ Mtach CbtinK tud Uss!_________; ch CbtinK tnd HsslntMiLpeiJflOJi14.84 p w.WllWBnrrssadbetanMBftu.tlftll 6.43 PM.......MS'irh Cbtmk

.....Gsnevn sM ithsimLMtl.*'* 1f*iI. W y MC^lMft T ew W V B r "IR PM-...BCF----- ■■ ■9 80 p M1UM6S, BdIIaIo I


L.EHICH VALLEYrmftks iniv« ■( ud depart from MsrtutBttwl UnBott,

t DsOjr e Trept OKUdtj . tM4wr wslaiftitlrLn** H*«*Tfc. jkPdv l ML

7.47 AM....... .'.... SaM<m Lookl,.



PuHmnn Cin SOUTH PjdAi

daUy Rxeepthnni Tickeli End Pn]

tUUnn—789 snd

Y o u Q b j e c tBud*CTi|o I^ivrpH Ifivp*! Newark, 6:10 P. MX— p „

lIckttR, haxREXf* check!. Hleeping car lo* ........... l'l(y Ticke



HPKv’ lMa P.\TTKRNS—Kf7r t |»«licrn •>! the lAilIrn' iv'cflppcr. Ill>iie(rn(ci1 nn Mila page. Apnd 1 0 I'ente icrilti nr I'CMlage etiLTntw).

The nv-W uf ihlR imtiera iNo 85621 Le apecUl* Ir niAilY by MAY AIa NTON. and le cut la e lm from :t3 to 42 inches. bux( meaeorf.

ktiiie nomb-or aivl !ii« when nrderliiK, -------------- - of rMall DTdari Ailtd promptly on dsy of receipt.

ftddvM MftY MABTON PATTKHH €0.« 183 Bait Twinty-third eL. N4W Tork.

BKCKY SH AR P- RBBTRAIN IKO OHDBR STANDS—Atlorneyp ^o Delchcr ft HftitnPMey, at 8yr«cus<*. N. Y,. msu- Hgeps nf awftrude Coghlftn'i "B ecky Sharp” production, were yesterdiiy un- Hucceaiful In obtAlning a modincAtlon of Ihe restrslnlng order. They hoped lo ae- cuTP permiftslon to fulftl the engHgetncnt at R och fitw . N. V.. anti preaentPtl (hell c««e to I'nlted Statei Judge W allace at raietiovift, N, T After the conference ii warn deemed Inadvleable to make a furmai

To '‘ oydeps*' In yourdrlnkUiff wftterg but toloiate "liu gi'’

nder ymir feet. We '

deya. H:,Fnr iK ............. . . .

CAtloti, Tlmeiablei, cal) Si the I'lty Ticket Of- 6ec. 152 Markei tlreet. TiHfphone 36, or at ■tatten.

nnder'ymir feet. Wa can allow you a covering In the way of • tXnuRINO tliat will hrigg daapuir to the liourt ot smy "bug reaaunablB, too.

■TRAMtHII’ l .


L E W I T ’ S *.M.NHOn’ ROoMaa..

483 Broad lu Xewark.QEO. H .V A N E M B U R Q .

a :n c h o r t w iT T E ; .5 i imot) im from New York rtK.UHiQLAaOOW vte LONDUNOBRaV.

154 SPRUCE ST*l u B W l T - R o H elU C h M P *

Baiwuli i 'mmi|MWp , S4S.AO wml tpw arda.ift tar -Beawpft ta b lu , fSO la04«*raffiji. «26 to liu-

For rtrihcr laformatloD, apply io UvndtreoQBroihara. IT iriid 19 BnMidwiye New York, or

lluni<«. n H...... . ' " “____ ,_J-7fl«Broad at..7T4 BrMd oi., or J W, Biartb, tfti . .J. l i dyrna ft Co.. BOO Broad irt** Newark.

tMIlUm Munit*. n BaUevUla ava, or C.Dodd. W*Tfl«Broad at., or ......................til W ■ i. R Detuila dTCtk'■■ ■744 Hmtd at.* ex





5«coDd Week’s Practice of Vale's Tean Shows that Weisht Is aa In-

pertaat Factor.



O r .n « « Lail I . llp T r ln iilu * Kaa< ■lit )>run K lo k t —>lurb C u th n .lR .m RIIU.VB rnt r n lu in lila by fHniIrnt.. I ia r ra r il ’ . U iillo u k Not I’ a r l l c u l .^ l r U a u on ra a tau .

Th« footba ll a e a io n o f 1 9 0 0 will b« form ally opened lo -d a y , aa aevernl o f tlie big oo llege te a m , have their Aral ganiea arheduled for to .day . (inlunibla'a Bret gam e w ill not be played until Wed- neaday. when the light blue and w hile will line up aga inst Hutgers at New RruniwicU. T o -d a y ’e ganios are;

Yale V i . T rin ity , at New Haven; Har- vard va. W eeleyan, at Cam bridge: Penn- B jlvania va. Lehigh, at I'hiladelphla: West Point va. Tufts, at W est Point; Cornell vs. S yracu se, at Ithaca; Brown vs. Colby, at P rovidence; Lafayette va. Croittua, a t Eaeton.

I d ',ViS

B|>tclAl I)lH|iilch to lb* NKWIS,NEW H AVEN. 8#pt tthtl-

(lon, lti€ Now York A. C- alhlelo. who haa rotbrn<.d to Y»lo lu cornploto hlit rulleno i'lmriio. WfiM out at the Yal** Flfld ytslor- tlay afiernouh for hka Aral foolbull pracilce alrico 189T. Sheldon went In gu.ini lu UJcotl a place*, and OlcoU went lo i,enire. Sheldon did nut wlay out the half as he la nrjl yet In crjndltlon to play a hard name,HEid Olte tciuk hla place.

Keane, who Ima been p1«ylng uuarter h«ck» WUM InJurtKl hi the ankle atid waa furced lo retire from the held, and may not play again t»r Beveral dayi. The ’ varaliy yeatendny did not make a tourhduwn In the two abort hatvea played, Hyde’s punting and W llhelml's and nioomer'H tackling holding the 'varaily down lu the L-enirc of the Held.

T b * g e rv B d W o rk .The aecond week'a work at Vale haa

ebown conclualvely what was before re­garded a» decidedly probable, that weight l» to become an Important item In gauging the eliglbllnj' of n man lo play on the ‘ varsity football team this fall. Captain Gordon Unrwn has i>lcktd out In every ciise I he beavlfst im*n of the lot of candUlabe. imd If he continues lu hl» policy will pat a team on the gridiron that will be like a battering ram when In action, both In the line and In the hark H-.d the nam' policy la evident, and big rr>;ri are at a premium at Yale on this account.

Fortunately, however, there are enongh o f them, ae the ."aund le unusvially heavy and big, Tnloee the other unlver^iilen succeed In putting nut a team equally heavy and airong Yale will have milfe dlllflcuUy In emaabliig any defciuAp ihai la offered and o f atiindlng any preesuru on her line.

t«AdliilB t'jimlJtliMpa Seen.From the results o f the week's work the

leading randhlotes for the poaltlona oii the 1900 Yale team can eaHlly be .-Aecn. At centre, W'hlch le with one end the we«kesi spot In the team as It Ik made up at prea- | «'ni, both Holt and HlchardKon un* camlK Ataie*. Holt Is the favorite for ihr poal- ilon, hut huH not as y d secured ll li'eyinnl guemUon. H oll weighs uiiwurd uf -I't pounds, as doen Richardson, Imi Is bd ier able td aUhd aaauult than his ru-ori-<i lompteiltor. iK rIko more sure with the ball and works Ijetter with the quarter­back Oidn does RIchurdHon.

At the Kame time Mnh, Is lu>t r\\\ IJcnl centre He Is not qiih k anti Is lio Mhe.i tu jilough aruuiul In a tiisHle with l*ss nirn than Yale's hesl centres have show n, Tom- Umton, 0 good guard, has been pla.vUig ihc place djicfi or twice wtfkth guod success.

:/ f*roliM lite (iunril* .At guard Captain Brown and Lilcoti will

undoubleJIy la* the inAOi, though Itumlln Is making a good, ahowing, ua is Buyno. TlVl iRlter Is a trifte unwleUlly at the piwltlon, ’ hut hae a good retort! of lust year to hu|j- pnrt him lu his raridldacy. For tKckle Yule ha» a iiuml)«r o f very good cuiidl- daies beside SUllmun. who played last year. KunElg. wht) rowed on Uisi >eor s crew. iH the leading candidate for lut kk* at the other end o f the line friun Stlllmou. but he will have acme reniarkabl> clever opponents In Frands, a new man; Heck, the Inlercolleglule shot putter, ami Uicw>m- er, last year’a Andover la-^kle.

Of these men Bloomer Is. perh:ipt«. the leading rival o f the two men who seem to have secured rtr^t mortgages on the tackles. He Is h lusty youth of INH pounds' weight and Is as fast a man us Y.ilc ever had at the pusiticn. Me hns had to leurn < onaiderablc about Vele’s siyU* of plav thus far, but. under ailllm an’B manage­ment, has shown up remarkably well, lie will undoubtedb’ be the first Hubstltute for Hie place If he Aloes not secure the po­sition Instead o f Kunxlg.

(aonld «w d r<iy at E ad .The ends stre so fai given over uj tlinild

and Coy, Ihuugh Dnpee, who pluy«*d iRSt year until he waa laken HI, Wiillace uud Ward are trying for the saine places.

Behind the line Vale will have a superb set o f men from whom to chot'Kc for ihc big games. Al quarter back FIncke. of lust year, Is being tried with Keane, a l«at year half back. Wear and Ih* Bautles.

Keane is thus fur the letullng rival of Flncke for the position. Me Ih u heavy quarter back, tipping the scales at 16&. bui

» he U very lively In action and keeps a cool head on hl» shoulders. There Is a question US to whether Da Baullen can play on uc- cQunl o f hU studies, and this leaves the j»hice the more open lo either Keane or Klncke, eltfier uf whom are good men.

In the back field Yule will have the best sot o f men that ever donned blue uni- form i for the game. Sharpe will o f couren relhln his position at left half back. Ho Is by for the beet punier Yale has In her isnka. and la »u Invaluable man In the posltluh,

Uu im th cr tilde o f <he F ie ld .W’ lih him on the other side uf the tlcU

will be either Cook, Chadwick. A<lam«» Eox, Halo or Wllhelml. Of these men Chadwick, (?nok and Wllhelml leml iho lot. TJu^y oro all aplcndld men, o f m>- uaual welgiii. and lively on their feet, t'twk, who plityeil some last your, wiui the 'varsity pitcher two yeura ago. and Inst y co f pitched and pleyed In centrti 1161(1. He Is a born athlote, and Is dis­tinctly u Yalo type o f man. Ho Is a sprint­er and (ucJclns to perfection.

C hgdvlck l)lRy<*d lam year in one nr two g fn h o big games, and ii a good all-s around map, though ho Is apt to fumbKs at cHtlcnl mnirtcms. Wllhelml l» anothep «ood man with a freshman year record, uud la a g04>d nunter. Any o f ihaae men can ptgy the position and would mako Ktrung cantlldatas for ttie buck field If caUed Into

Al* full back H ydo and Hale aro thus far tho beat men who have appnarrd. Hyde Is an old W esleyan plnysri ami Is novf In Ihs Ynle Theological 9ehool. He la u good piVTiter and a danion at centre rUIngea. hiul la ouo o f tho most brilliant full backs Vale has had. Hale. Who was teiUro iaatfyo:tr. h a i been taken out and put in the b ic ii held and Is a likely man. Either would do the team credit tf mailed

.ln t» aotlun, thdugh thus' far Hyde eeeme to be the^favpHle.

BARD R A Y AT H INCEION.V n t f t r im i . . « ( H a st & r.aN «, A * « i it

V k «w i IJ« as * B r«p K lek sir .

PRINCBTON. 8*pt, tt,-F or twsnty mlnutst ysaterdiy afUrnoon Princstan's Rr.t and Mcond slsvanaidiayed hard, sn- thntlasllc foolball, ani) Ihs 'varsity turp-

A t b . tabiss on thS ’ scHlb by scartni a ^ M a a in , tbs flrst Binds by .tbs uni

stttPs rtpnasBtatlvsa this sssaan. o r itn bdffira ths cams for ths scrubs

hd Dsnsaa eau A t ths kick-off and mads bbogt tsrn yards M o rs hs tsil undst a

^huts’ m au o f Ibottall lalsnt. Than ths , ’varsity, by lifts biiablat and two or thrsc

‘ end diioa 4ra*< tks haU without dsliy stfalfftat for. ths f w l Km , and Inaldf of four Dilnuiss' actual p by Matlls acorsd. }fa tOdl w*a-attsniptsd, ThU rapid work of ths ’ rarsHy was dus to a ht( Improvs- msnt .in taaia pity and Iks tbtsnre of ftimbllnt. Ths lins was atroRi In defencs and in ^ c lb ta In oKwdtv* play.

Captatn P t» flllydj i la j i l i ^ l t i tbs llns


Foir Score Riders PisseA Upoi ij N. C. A. O ftkials lor T o -a o rro i's

Efoits I t V a ils b ir ii


l i l l l t l H ’» » H t » M t * 0 0 * * * i"» * * l * * * * '« "*-* O I M I * * * M * * * * * ;

J . P , JA C O B S O N .

* I I ,!1 Oaptaln fJorrlon Rrnwh, o f the Yale 'V arilty foothal! M^vru. him made ptnna ", I for (Fu* <W*v«-4mimi‘ nt nf nil nf tltt* toiUUulI maleriul In itn' unlN itkII lu former , I y«*nrs rh«* iroulilt* htiH ln’eti ihm thoiigh iht‘r<* were Ivm » icvi wnrk In regulur i *, t imivik-t-, fully HH mnrjy more pluyens hud been < ompelU’d i" lo if mi ihi- Hide Hn**" ' •

wlthmit gettln*{ ii I'lmnre P» piny. T h f reauU hiiH hei-n ihut niupy jiriimlalng ■' pinyem have Ih*«ii nnnhle to gt-l n show fur the '\nrHliv 'I" iriMtre practice by •' cN'ery player who l•cJlllrtK ni ihe Yiih^fleld, Capttiln Hrttwn dccblcil to form »» four I'h'VC'nK, umJ ti> keep them in iralnlng all of Ihe Heustui Thi- (irsi inul eecond ' » teamn will pructlrte rlally on one (Icld. anil the iltlrd und fourih iHill mi*et on en- *• Otlu-I At tlmi-v I...1 I1 WH. Ilf 1,-iim.-will iilay on tbs mime ti.-l.l, Bhvrnntina be- > ■ tween hnlven. In i EiIk wiiy each net of Ifuma can Kvi* thf inmi.ik'-K of inc other. >*'ll I HI 4 V re. . - • . . l a i ' . ..................- -- -On »i>.'rl(le.l ibiv!. Ili.-iv will l>v r.'K'iliir tpriirtloe aimivs lielw,..-!, thv 1 wn « .ls o f ■ ■ tfnm i A c'Uiniiln will bv plwi-t«l in tnkw rharyo o f th<' ri'-i rw- sniiatl, wblrh will liicluili' the Iblril an.l fniirlh wIi-vwiih, an.I It win bo .is n r-Kular nraiin- nation. It will be cnmlucied hk u coricolblHled team. Riid ll Ik t xiH-rieil that nev- eral gjimcH tslll hf phiyi il with mltiiT colleges or leiuUiig in .nb-my teamK.

as he did IhaI year nl \t*w lljiveTi. Levlck Hhiiwed thill he U t ■mdiiK up VfirhUy f'lrm Hgiiln. aiiil niifb ph>kI during und elTecIlve plunges ilirMiU'li w ry kiuhII holes. Me dlRO mn l' nuisl of Ihe gulna tirmithl end.

riiHrlle Ytiung whs rilTed iitulUHt Finlir- hlll. but set med oui -‘f Ills s()lier*’. riidi-r- hl)l WHR utuiln tried nt <iri>p kicking iunl Rhowvfl up fully UH w«'ll :iH in hi.'* llrnt triul on W ednesday.

The 'varsity llm up wii« ns f dlnvvs; l.eft euil. itoper. M c 'l.ive . I< li i.n kle, fvllL left guard. Wriiilil. eriure, Mule; rU hl guard. MllK right Piikli' Riuu«: right end. laltth, 'pi.irl' r U:n k Innu m : right half tmek, Ihurv I 'dTU-t h ft i iilf P:n k. Levlck. full bin k, .M titl‘d. I'mlerhlU. (Siirdin r, 1:ni1 -et reliir\ ef i1ih Phlladelphiii B m h iy *1' ihe riilu-rstly Y. M. r A,, has litvii Hi p’ ime'l i.ii iiiln of ih f Hcriib.'

agiiln H st'riouR tl:i». and both elevenw shnweil n lack of Ih' -lush ihm grefttor fiuTjlllarlly with ihr '*lgmih will tloubtlesa bring.


»oitie u l 'I'hrni Ar*? ?*o L ib e ra l «• to < o il fo r l rllliM nnii N o in b lr that h j U h le h K im b le U U lv * « T h ir ty \ardm O v er K r a m e r a n d W a l lb o a r in Ihr 4 | u iir lr r -m llr “ l*ro” t 'oo irn ts lin er l l r lT ir m T ra m a o f f o l o r r d Men a F ra in rn .

AllKtof cidcrti imrnberlng four acore and mure wh.k retAJrned hy HRndlcapprr W it- more yesterday rk rllglhle to ride In the cyclu ru(f‘a at the VallRburgh Board track lo-inurruw, The list eonialn« the names nf ilfteen novleeB, ihlrty*four rid* erit 111 the am«ileur (me-mlle handlcnp, iwemy numcB tested to muri In the one and it half mile tandem race. HtnateUf, and elglihen cuhIi prllte riders In the two- mlle handicap. There an* nlher evrnta Hcheduli’il. lutmely, the quarter-mile ' ‘pro’’ race, tlylhjt Rtari. « eolnred team pursuit rucr, upamllecl hr todlaiance, between tho laninliiK ainl ('iihimrt FyeU-rH, and a fif- lecn-mlle paced rare briweeu John King, of this city, and W. F. W'Rhrenberger, of New V'sk, which Is conceded to bo the Hliir f( .1 1 tire.

I.lherni .4 Jlovi a nren H ndr.I Inridu .ii>t»er Weimore'H Bllowaiicea In

the tlin-4’ hsiudlmp rvehtH are liberal rntmgh t'> Insure the lIvellrBt kind o f eptul- lie has mad* Wahrenberger Ihe (Military raich map In the one-mile rate, arid ’mnferrt'd the jaml of honor In the professlonul race to Frank Kramer and Boh Wulthour. In the tarulem race thr hardy Bedrll brolhera, of Long Island, who uoii Ihe last lundem race somewhat easily, are pi.iced at the tape.

The amiiteur handicap for single wheels, with Us Mg flfdtl nf Ktiiriers Hpllt In three heiilK, will llkHv rival the ]>rofelRh>nal luiinlh’Hp thin week In point nf Interest. W uhrmlirtger will have great luck to dv- feal sncli rider* hs fharU ’S Hchlee. John Ueili-h, Uus W.dslng, T. T. Hrown and J.inicH Munier, wh*> are on the fwenty- yanl murk At forty yards H. C. Thayer, tif Ncn Hntaln, who Is an ogeeptlonally fine iMiullcHp rider; Tom Adamelt. o f {‘nsjuitc; 11- W t'oyte. o f New Yorki John ]■*. Uodgers, f>f Avondale; H. A. Brooks, ltnrr\ Wt lslng and M. T Pore, all o f New’ vnrk, and Tom Firth, nf Harrison, uppenr Ah all the forty-yard men are (»xjicrii‘nt'(‘d. speedy riders, and have the inlxjiMiHgr nf plenty of company, so that ]iii' liiii each other will cut qtllte a rtgure agHinsi the scratch man. It looks as If the wiiin»T id the race might ('ome from this humh

l l eiM y Y ards.Htiuecr. of ihiK city, who has a lot lalely . ' ’WUIlt-' Dobblna

F. itlceckcr. o f Brooklyn,


Eitries A aosH ctd ftr t b I i l States Self Associatiaa T oaraiB t

at Ckicafo.


.ul. . Naw H awn b(iV J P Jucobson h vuilCbOcit lu bf IhslU .tbe_ Viit^M irsb^lloar. had V on

rides In a iweni)'-flve and ririy-mllerfli'ltig career early last srasi'nthe hearts o f the cranks t>y Ills pUicUy ruins m • "7J V*IIw^Lai.Vsi’ni-im#-

_ lip 4*1, 1 ngarly all tin* imeing. captured nearly all4 1 and Mt the llulsh wun as he [ili-HKcd As alt amilleur this reason * I- erAihlnk In tIumh uf two miles and over Bis many aiid lerflfl-

ridew from Hcraifh In r4ices aln-Teln h” was called ujKin to c o h e r e by handicapt*in .ro v .rhi.ul InritV fl "< ....... fn ‘ lo«r..,l Mm 1 . 1 thf h o f 'h « « n -

hoV for ''JHlt"' Iilwiivi. im h.i,i..«t. trii.. rai-f. He never reii ried ..irli ke 'nor inok an iiiiliilr ii.lviimii«e, unit he nlwave wae the mtiel wIlHtut I"

tlM- 'Tonhev work" of I'H' ltiB H" lurm ii "|>rn" July 8. mill nlmoel tmmedta e- n L d full, wtili-'ti llirew him mil o f I'omlttlnii. He ;* iifi with

(h.iVv'i.'Jol'lett'Then''iiVid w'li" liieirunieiiiiil In "piillliiE" Me former : t V o o eeveruM lm ",. Tin- .les' " Jukr" plured h f. tirel "pro"

. redti will never be fornoiii.n by Ihoee iiri.ei iit. Ae he rmmrted ih. . . llertt IV iL n tV -flv e faet »i.rlni.T« « lenulh, the rrowd Rroie er mu-Be unitveiled*eiifourB*ln*ly until III'iroHii.'il the lupe In 11 burnt of cheere, Jake IhieilTiiU Im X lJ fitrm . He r.iile ivi ll lu Ihe line Iwenlj'-flve-mlle mee and In ex-

his fnrmrr arch-enemy race to hu

he upi»er ttiriv.

geltltlg Liexv n I4I•(■led to make a ureat ahuwliiB from now on

•e ThiKi>ne on

ENTHUSIASM AT COLUMBIA.T e H l i i t f F o r c e In Ih e H r* e ln p r i ic n l o f

I lie T«*h ih l in n V lm lr

l l a e l f r e l t .

I’ mli’ igriolualc ♦■ntlio''laem. a mos'' Ivl!- iag f4ir*'c hi th'^ dfseli-pinent of i‘ollt'U'' lUhlclp- tciiriis. liiiK JipTiircrith' arrhefl ot CahmiLila N'^arly ■‘•''V vUiJt'pta rlmm-il the grldlT'ic ou ?ou ili Field, oppoultf the imlvcTHlis llbriiry, ycstt*nl:iy aftccnooii. j*PiJL . refnijlncU^ j^iHrimnrsrnrM r^iioiii'liic ’ KtiriViWftrtice Kisi-n tin- fnotball ramlldmcK by h Siinfonl fttid 1 'aptain f^lrnonn.

Tlu* heat, which l4dd kcvi rely nn sev­eral members o f the squad riurluK Tliur.-- iliiv's hard iirjictlcc, whs Hgiiln tVit yc, - icrday. and Cnai’h aSiinf-ird kept the men out ojily an hour nnd a half. Twenty- three candidate-' tr.-Ued to the Held sliortlv afii-r 3 o'clm k. mid were al om *’ set to work ill the uwiihI prcllmlnar?' practice <if pas*4lng ninl falling on the hall. ThlH last d r.earJy half mi hour and thA‘ n Coach SiutPird lnir<Klu<’cd a new feature hi ihu iJiiliy routine. ' Algy ' Hoyeacn nnd CU>otlman were sent down m one end o f the Held, while the remain­ing candidfitea were IPonI up. and cadi in lurn drilled In rolh^wlHK puntM down the held.

Thi.* was Ititendcil \m give a line on the promising candldat* s for the »*nd posl- lions, In which iln- snuatl has so for np- iji'Hred to Ih* wt-iikcsi. McColhiin, ih(' little sophom ore, again proved the most alert, while Ashley and .\usllti did kotip* aurtirislngty goo I work. The remainder o f the oituad found dlltlcully lit ilownlng BnycHcn, who frcipienily W'i>rmcd like an cpl through anci'csslve lackU'.s Ashley (IM much o f the kicking, anri again showed unusual nbllUy. Hl« b»*nts were well platied. and the kwill was rrwiuently spiU spinning fort> or rtfty yurda down the deld.

At 4 o 'c lock tw'o ili've-ns were Felsclert Hnlt HPllt throilRll bIbtihI priirtl. i'.-Cdarli Ssnforil laklns i'biir«<' of thr 'vHrsIty trsin w hilf t'uptnlri MmmiB, whii In still (MiRhir In ( fnr.ihnll vloihss, foncln-il (hr scrub. The elevens were Ihii'il up ns follnw s:

l-raettee fur th e I.hh, f 'e , . D ays DwrsYul P resen t Mui'li FiiciM ir-

HK'emrni.(’ AMIlHlI'Ht'’.. Sept M.,Hiir<l'B tonl-

l-lll luillimk wf,3 III iyhli'livil vi-r\' iiiilfll ;i^ l.r.| :ii. Till- llllnl .li ven, whlcll I IS h - iIh -vtirslly sn « . H this week, vu.s ;ii; iln liToimhl mil Thl< time the .k'Veiis W.I.- IllHil li;. r.i llfleeli Htl.l Tiiell'e inhiiJl.. js-l h,ds. nt'il in ihul lime 'l l ' s<iirc inil 'OiI' lichduwn s\;iK due. hk v is Hie W ,_dt ' 'idii*. To ' lid rims.

Tur ilv-' s»’i I'lul lime l1ic' «tiffr'r«’il l>i.- humllliirlioi o f l»'ln« I^dd for rlnwttH.

PS.Ht ihrii happ’ iis t'UT ffw IlmeH Iti u isii-i riir wi!-l waa iHi.iljle lij mukH

Hi,c MiTi.wisl.-nt giilii- ‘it centre. Uirg 'lyto lb - " f H 'dien*. ih^ Mk

fr • -Vim. III lb- hIsii nnide ImiU-s . so that Uc. Ihiid ‘ h \i-n n]keii.tcdtv Iotc-'I.I ttte ahthUn I1ii< li'r Mug g;ilnas

'I lir>.ijnii"‘ ii the iin irL '-f gum*' ihc viif- Hit\ hio ks liimMed pillltH, mlxeiJ Uielr Klg-

st:iric4! ■'hiwly mid fiiiletl iillfily Ui Uo* k liulcn, KrnUii^ was pai an ihe ’ vaY-, si!\ I'lhliKl the Hiu' b' i>?ace nf Stillmun. who whk playlOK vcT> poorly Kernaii made one high long I'um. Ion U K"i away sn slowTy that Htilierts lllmost blocked inc bull Fiif the UdPd eleven, In addition to Ihc g.Hi.l pbning of Roberts. Mersey IHCklcil Kendall for a Iohk o f seven yards, and LIMlK niadc several hard Ui-kl-a be- hlml lIiH 'viirslty line.

---------------— -------------- —


A’ arslly-McClPlMm.A usllii......B ruce........M urphy...Tyapn.......RnrrhclL.K*mlg......MondmUh-Molmiin



___ T^'fi eml............Lett taekle........

...1 ,’efl guard.............. O u tre ............RIsht umirii................HIkIK iHcklr......... . ..Pell

Rlirhi I'inl...........he PrinceQimrli-r hiiek..... II. Kny,'«eii

ItiKht hftif iBiek.......WnlhumA. Hiivesan.. lj*ft hiilf h'lek...... .Hwhm

.................|.’ uU hack .......... nillhouHeIn tht work o f the scrub, rumbling wiir

K » I klile Him • T e " '" ' H-tur*liver K liiernlitii „ f Blew V orl.

In l.lii<>-hlnl C on fen i.Th" Hceond llvi'-blril shoot, open i > lealTiM

o f three men from any regtdariv urgun- leerl club, took tdace ycaterdn>' hI IFexler F'lirk Jjimalcn avenue and F.nfleM street. Hro'ililyn Five teamp cuinj-iCtf'd. The itJm wlui ri'iireHenteill the Euflt Bid- (Lin t'Kib o f N. wiirk won Hrsl place by a single blril from the first team of the Kmernlil (ittn ritib nf New York, the (iforeH being M toKi blftlK. r-*s!'ect!vely.

The .MedlcUH Gun t'lub tetim of (JiieeiiK. Long Island, whs a dungerous fuel<ir all throiiRh the eontcRl, and flnlsh' «l only one live Mnl behind the Emeralds. M. M- Lin­coln WQB Holely reeponslbk for the poor tthowlrig o f Ihe New IMreeht Gun t’ lub h.ivlpg missed nine out of hl« twen- ly hints. ScnrcR:

Fust Side Gun Club o f Newark-Cliris- lophcr Steffens. 20. John \V. Hopkins. 1ft. Chrlf-lhiii VV. F’lPgvnKpnib 17. Total. Jfl

Knunild Gun Club No. I, o f New Y o rk - ati plii It .'1- Van Allen. 1ft; J. S. 9- Rem’ arn. I**, Dr. G'Connell. 18. Total. 5o.

NiViHcus (inn Club o f B rooklvn-Dt. Wchlnr. 'it\ Ur. Miller, 17. Ur. Y?i>ods. 17.Toial. .'’i. ....................

Kni'-raJd Gun Club No. 2, of N'‘ W' v orK— lb' suilman. 30; Uavld Kay. Jo. Albert SihovverHiig. U. Total, 49,

Ni w I'lrerht Gun Club of yueenH. Long IsliiH'l ThoniaR sMorphey. IH; George ciflugh- n. 18; Marry M, Lincoln. 11. To­tal.

ChitrImpr-vand M L. Itleecker. t»f Rrookl>0 , who have iifi II alisenl from ViillKhurgh for sever,ll inniiihs, are on ibe next rung o f the hiihb-r. twenty yurdH awny. while the clever nil<ire4l flib-r. Fioblnson. who won last SnmlHy H novice rHoe. Is iil eighty vttTde TIh- Umll men In the rai'e jire Mike Cuffe) loel Frank Culver, h.jllvof Newark, wlio Iilhi- an iilb)WHtn’4* of 160 yards.

The -urprlse o f UHnilk-apiK-r W eiinorFa hanillvi'irk this w i-k JUk in the fio I that lie iitt<rly cilsrrgHT<li,’d Owen Klmble'a great vurk on ilu* iriifk lately, Htid give* the Ki iiTu«’kliin ihe very liberal start o f thirty '-.irds over Kramer Rud W allhour Klmiib- r-*i-jitty ro-b- Major Taylor a dead heat In ImlUnapoUs. ami H w ek ago in- day. at Moiurval. ti'-at the ilunky p^duller out In (he mie-nille nailonal rhamidonshlp no e. Ihf moHi ImiMiriinii of the entire |■|la 1 l^i"n''h1p series, llA rid lcupper'K .iHtIumenI « plllel*i*nl.

Till’ liandlciipper's Judgment In IhU 4,ven1 seems u|M’n for i rltU lsin. fur al- ibougli Krymer Is a si ratch man ami

, A\ ullhour's riding lu UundlcMi^s has been good enough to pull him hack to the sijeedlesl ri.lers, It Ik dlfflcull lo Ree whyilie 4iiie-mlb’ chutiiplob shouM not lie Iiackwlih the seTiHi h men. A'oHelt *iiid JacoO- son are at al«ty -HicUa, jutdi'-utv oe ruled T ik inn> ne ’ini,^KrebH. the ''Ftyrng D utch­man.’ ' starts ali-ne on the nlneiy-.i'arU mnrk, thlriy yards In liuck o f a fierce liuiieli o f Eduggers. ponslsllng of Du Bols. (if llriickton, who sirarefl the Iwmura with Kramer In the big twenty-five mild rac<»: Arimson. o f |}ro<iklyri; Will Coburn, o f Newark. W alter Huhb. o f rateraon. and Charles lladrteld. or Newark. ''lla iipy Dan" K reamer, a! W' yards. Ctiii be ex- pn'led In front aome time In the rare, per­haps ul Ihe finialJ. Al Garey, of East (Jr- aiige. Is the egirem e limn man. with 270 yards,

In ihr tandem race, ftodgers and Corn- well Incik dangerouM iit 120 yards. Charley Schlec anti L* Boy Thrull. at «lxiy yard«. enn Htso bv d*p»nrts(l on to mak« a fsHt race. Tbs Irn tvams ars sm lonsd thirty VHrfls uiiart, with C'ulvvr and t'ofTey, the itmli rnsn. ut the IW-vsrrt stittion.

rrsHccnl sscnnd t»Hm. In Ni-wnrk: J. ttpartHn !■’ . it, f . , In Brooklyn. Nov.m brr I. frn tra l A. C.. In Nrwark, hl.-viloii Diiv. Ow.-Itn A tn Nrw York. II.VioininH, In Newark. Ifi. Ilarlrm A ' . In N. wiirk, 25, National A. C'.. In Newark. Tbanksalvlnk I'ay. U nm ln Beotton. ' .i- ib-i.. o f TcmisTaio'e. eev-mil team, lu N .w- 11 rk

Th.' Kiisl Kn.l K. I’ of Newark. N J bus romiib'leil llB Rrh"(lllle for the S' n- »on. All kames are to be played In N'W jirk 11 la as fnljows, BepWnaber JO, uivinpla F <’ " f Hnlon Hill. N. J-'- h.T- 7. Lexlnaiim A. (■ bleaf m utes; nf New Y^trk; 14, Atlaiitle F- —■ of Newark. 21 rastlm e A ( ' of Paterson; 2*. FiMsb Ink F t.' of FlushliiB. November 4, Pres- i'etii A f . of Newark. G. t ’otnntal i - of Itellevllle. II. Wi.rwl, k F. ofNett York. Ik, roliimbtlB A A of Nett York, 2f>. folMml'Io F of New York N'lvi-mber 3H Is open

Ttie r.illowlnu Is 't ile s.'h.'dole o f Hie W iunciulies: Se|ili-mber 3b. I’liikresalvi- A t' In Newark; lli lten-r:. Pioneer F. f , 111 Newark, 14, M.liibuHuN F f In New­ark; '21. Wiirwlek F, t',, til Newaik. 2k. SI Harlholono-ws. In Newark, N ovim b-r

Maide F 4'.. In N f« ' Vi.rk. 6. Peiilral r ll) Newurk. 11, Irvlnaion F. In

Newark. In, Prns|i,.el F c , In N'-w York, :.'i, Kiil^bts of Si . Anib.ih) , In Newark '2H,‘ Union A. P . In Newark

Tenth Ward. The ahow will open with 11 eonlest between Dan C iln , o f the <7eb Iral Atliletle rhib. and Al MeCarth^'. of

DOINIiS IN CYCLEDOM.To-m urrow'* pTi'Hramme of cycling

events Ih the moat dlv'-r-dricd of the aeu- Kon. There fe a paced rare, pursuit raCd , lamJem handicap, a stTHich race with a flying kIhi i. and b ptofesslonfll handicap event with the tipual *tJ»miing ptftrl Bealdc* (her*' U a handicap race for the amuteure unJ a Hcrau-h event for the rider who haa n»*ver won a prlie. The jiaced race will be eullveiicd by the pre*- ence uf aeventl well-drilled triplet and quadruplet crew*. If ihr-r" are any other Hiyle» uf racing to be iiu nrpnraierl on one curd, they are yet tn I'C lu’urLl of.


To-murruw aftern*.nm ibe Cn'Hc»'tit !■ C

W est I'hlbHlcIphln. The a « 'on d prelim* Iniiry wtH introdwce Pelf Burke, o f Brook­lyn He w'ln have for an opponent Kid |i4*4‘kcr, the clever Went Philadelphia fi'atherwelKhlt

-sfK>—The wind-up at the NaHnnal AthlMlc

Club. Philadelphia, to-nlghi will be be twci-n Harry Berger, o f Ph11adelphl*4 Hhd Jai’k Hyun. nf Brooklyn. Berger has a slmde iiti all ill* local hoys of even weight hut Fie will doubtlesK have hln handa full when he encounters Ryait m-nlght. The lulter has u big siring of victories to his i-ri-illt. Including derisions over Dan Me. Connell. Charley llUie and (Mto Belloff Berger is known to he n hard puncher, and Kvf*n Is Hald to cut considerable Ice In rhe same line himself i ’ lider the drrum slrttic4*s. then, a corking g04>d go shoul. result Cole Watson. Who made a goud shitwliig In KIh last two uppi'arancei at the Nntlnnal. will Hash with "K id " Btein li the seiTil-wlnd-up- Billy Rurrough* and ■•Kbl" Decker will appear In the apsHal slx-niunil Fioul. hti»I Bryan yulnii and Ike Hlfine and Tom tJ'llara iintl Kid Beebe will hjive it ntjt In Ihe preliminary.

--<*i-.l.ihiiny ("K b l") Wulah. Hie lld-pmind

( ||UIII|||<I11 I.r Hnaton. will leave Newark iN-day 1(1 start In IriilnlriK wllh Tommy Hulllvaii ,it Yi)iil«'l-s, N V., fur llts fomlnK nkhl with Jack Ijiiiclnff, of Ptilladelphta, to ronie iilT at tndiistrlal Hall, at I’ hlla


The B a la n r r « ( Ih r K n lry la M oa tlr I r n n th e A A ralrra r r o lr ia la n a la , lA'hu A rr .Anxtoaa lo UrI ■ W h A ck a l th e K a fflla h m rn —T h e t.'oaa^atl*H on . T % r a r ’ B ■ I 'r l ir a a a < P ra - rluu a W litn r ra o f Ihe I’o w p e l l l la a .

Rot'erl It. Kerr, aerrelary o f the Unti­ed B lolea Ijd lf ABaoeUlloii. aiinouneed yealerilay the eitli'lea tor ili« national open ehamplonahllt, to be held next Thuraday and Friday a l Ihe I'hleuRn <(nlf Club, at Wheaton. Both Vardmt and Taylor am In- eludeil In the tlal, aa la alao W llllf Bmlth, the iireaent Amerleaii ehamplon. who Woo the title last year at Haltintore.

The entry la tnoatly fmm Weatern cluha, aa (he iirnfi'aalniialB there are eager to cat a elianee at Y’ardot) nnd Taylor. The field liieltidea three ex-wlmiera—Koulli, Hurd amt Sm tlh -aa well aa David Bad and rener Attehlrrloitla. both pfontl- neni players from Caiioualle. Seotland.

T h e r n n iv r l l l la a .The eiimpetlHon la to lie at aevanty-lwo

holes, medal play, thlrly-slx holea b rliif played ea ih day. An amateur m ay win the first iirtae. In whteh ease the awar.l will be In plate. The profesatonal who wins reretvea tWkl In rash, a tM |Otd medal and iMissesalon o f the trophy. There art seven other eaah iirltea, ranylnc from 1160 In m .

Thla year a rup haa tieen added for the amateur wlui makes the best seora, and A- .. Hpaldlnc will *lve IIW and a 160 fo ld medal lo the prorrsalonal Other than V ar- don or Taylor, who makrs Ihe beat aeore.

l•rpvlonB W lnnrra.The ehamplnnahlii has been won three

limes by W eatern professionals and twieo tiy men representing Eaaiern links. In 101)5 Horace Hawllnt won at Newport, a year later Foulla, of I'hleago, won at Bhinnacock H ills. In IIIW Ihe winner waa Joaeph Lloyd, o f Ihe Kssex County Coun­ify Club, o f Manehealer-by-lhe-8oa. In loss Fred Hurd won at the Myopia linka. and laal year W'lllle Smilh won at Balti­more.

T h o a r W ho H ave B a te ro d .The list la as (ollowa;W illie Norton, Ijakewoort; Brnaat W ay.

D eiroll: David Foulla. James Foulla and R Fmills, Chicago Onlf: George Braid, Denver; H arry Rawllna. Long Beach; Horace T. Hawllns, Waumbek; J. Q- Campbell, Hoalon; Tom Hutchlaon, Shinnecock; A. C Tolllfson. Lake Oeneva, WIs ; John O Motion. t:hlcago; J. II. Taylor, open champion of Oreni Britain; John Held. Atlantic City; Thomas Ander- ROit, .\t(.intc!alr, A. Ricketts, A lbany: John Harrison. Halilmore; Alec Campbell, llronkllne; David Hutiler, Halluarol; II. V'ardoh. ex-i'hamplon of Great Britain: Alexander Taylor. Chicago; Henry C. Kggers. Kxm oor; John Bhlppeti, Jr . Ma­rine and Field; Robert White, t^lnclnnatl; Slewarl Gardner. Lenox; J. W. W atson nnd W illie BII11. Hkokle Country Club; Willie Atideraon. Milwaukee; Fred Herd and Alexaiidrr Smith, Washington Park; Ja.k Park, Kssex County. Orange; A lex­ander Flnillay. Boston: \V. V. Hoare. Dayton W illiam Leslie and Lawrenca Auchl'-slonle, Glenview. Will Smith, Mld- b.Hilaii David Bell. Chicago; Wtlll* Thompson, Philadelphia; Henry Tnrple. Kdgewater; George Low. Dyker Meadow; w H W ay and J. H. Hchlotman, Detroit; A J. Christie, Hnwentsla; Harry Gull- lnru» and Roh<?rt MoAndC''w, Phllnfi»lptil*I n ie a t fr Horton, rtiirago: W. M anhgll. I ( n : Jo* MHt’ hirll. Arthur Smith nnd Jaim'd Huirhiaou, Thlrago: Val*n- tini* FMiJnhn, flarlaquadn. Georg* T ufp l^ Kilgewater; Georg* Jl. Cunn and Patrick C onoran , PlHsliiirg.

o f Newark will play the Ceiiinil A c if I delphiH, on Monday, Ocloher k Walsli Hoboken. In Am bergs Park, this city wmtld like lo have " t 'l '" - "

' ■■ '-w I Tqmrtiv FcltE o jjtruok iiu . Hr claJina I hat I__ .. .-.-a Li.wl ■ A.. ■ — — V.k Ajff r* dla r'n'M.


■ rk■Ai'a...■:.t±7

' t ; : iV .‘-teak.

} i X y

J a A K - A S ' t a ’i f e S S s s i i

. C * g k a i« llt« ff4 l*M Nwgi « a k lip ta * .

- ® T a ’ s s w / a i w ' i i s ’ s s i a . s jW a x f s & i a i * “ ® l

...... ,'7^47 ■■

4 1 ■.fk Acsdkiiiy tckni Iwfor# g#ltig to 4?oli9 g®’ ih* 'vAniltv Mnll hftvg * '

1 1 f h f ^ n f ln t 'c S praVUce af - * til “ ----- »• I from the 1 t tbe whlitlb blows to I .f tb o iiam*. Read Ig a p o p f c m * ' .

bag agfved (Ml a number o f ImportaniX b 7'nf ■■fhoT’tdTnVSjleip) »" ■■I I c lw a comigiHtae*'dt|ring hit v

11 f n T1 11 ' t i f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * " * * * * * *

Johnny King will nut train If tFierp tfl any other rider on ib*'*traik with him. F-i* gnt H bttd fail 111 ft cnlllKlon (i few week* ago. and nlnoe then will lukn no rhum-e*. HI» new rule has cauai d him many long w.ills this weeky a» h** baa trained faith­fully every day for hU niaUh rare with Wahrenberger. but iFi*" j'oungfder feelw fuifv. as he does hla mile after mlln grind alone, uud this feeilUK "f lefurlty breeds confidences—cohftdeni.'* means Kucceaa, and King l8 full o f It.

—00Fred Voigt la negoilailng for ft ten-mile

paced race between Arihiif Rohm and Frank Kramer lo Ukc plftic October 14. Iloaa and Kramer are imib imxioua to race flgaiiiftt each other and jdnpularly enough euch bun offered conceasiunfi lo the other lo get on a rare—Roas nnreflng to race Kritmer mile heala, uinl virp vi-raH. Kra­mer declaring he will ra «■ the Hiirrtaon hoy 01 ten milew, each :*ide to have ten pacemakern. The ialter race wmild he Ihe Tiujflt imfent factor from a Fhik nffli.* suind- potiil, flo Voigt talegraphfd Robh n liberal offer yafttorday for a race under Iheae con dltionss

•-srt-A b»nn»r smbIcmgtU' uf Hie CNhircil team

chnmplot.ahip o f Amvflca wdll Ijv given out Immadlalely after tbs present race be­tween the (antlllg and Calumel tcama lo- morrow at the VallaburKh Board Irgrk. Aside trow the Intrtnalc valua of the racs, as both clube are poaaessed of very good rldera, the struggle la I'kcly to prove amuBlng. The rivalry between Ihe two organlaatlone-ts Intense and as each liaa a membership of over 306, there will he aome tail ahouling before Hie (Inlah. The Calumet Club Is located In the Tenderloin dlatrlct o f New York, while the lanthlas belong to a more exclusive art—In fact, are Quite a lah-de-dah organliatlon. There will be no queetton aa to which club haa the beat iddara after the race, as the con­ditions call for the teams to atari at op­posite aides of the track and ride umll ono aide le overhauled.

There wHi be anoiLher iwenly-five-mlle pro" race at Valtiburgh this year. It will

take place October 7. and with the eame features tnd Inducements that made the race o f a week ago to tie acknowledged the beet cpollng event of the year, lo put­ting on this race Kaneger Fred Voigt had to ihttt hli plana coneldetably, as he had matches arranged for several weeks ahead.


-The 4'rescenia will Hue “ P aa f"IIW'Is-ft .■nd, G. Hoff, left im'kli'. C W^b'a-

n. lefi gunni. G ‘/.Ink. n-ulrc, K. N w l; right guard. C. Vlrelliig. right tackle, D. McGill: rtghl end, A Smith. Quarter liii' k,

Ganaer; left half bal k. K. Vouala; right half back, K HI, full back. F lllchnting 6'or giimes a.tdrcss Henry I’iilennan. 4.41 HiiutI) KlevenHt Hireel—VM>—

The Orang* Athlt*llv (’ luF> fnutluilJ n»aiTi Fiaa cummaru'ed M" prarllre 1» ihe KirM Troop Armory. Hoa*vlllt* avt*nu*. Abour wenty-flvi* (ir* workliiK Fuird, with »

vi^w ( 0 I'Mihg fl*aigti*rt a iiltive on th* *l*v#n whhU In in pUy on Ih* OranK* Ovftl Ihla st-aHon. Th* lirlll ha* bo«n con ­fined larBulv to flgnal work, under Hi** direction of Capialn Mr>hnr. wFio U w pII pleased wiih rb* manner lu which th* playern liavi* taken up tFm work.

--The A lb I A A will line ll|i Hg.Alnal 0

strong siMiti iea(n Monday olghi al T os- tnopriliiau I'ark, Harrlaon. The Ime-iip will be a- Icllnwa; Right end, C. I.lnde- burg, J Terwillker; right tackle, T, Rob­inson; rtgiii guard. J. Hiller, centre. O. Martin. H l.awson: left guard, W. (Irn- bert; li'fi inckle. H Riimmell; left end, W. Van III.H.. '■ Shippman; ipiarter hack, J. Connott.t) , left half back, H fllrdsall; right tiair bark, M l.lodeburg, W. Mc- t’ ance, lull back, A. I'l'ame.

laawrruM* i*l*rfi'>ii. th* half tank nf Ih* Lak* fnolhaU tram, whu wft* In­jured al I'hi. *)fo «n W'^lncwlay, d i^ y**- lerflay afti-rrHii'Ui ahnrily aficr 1 n 'clock. Th* Injur-d man ***med lo iic doing well until (i tlnck In ih* mnrnlnK. when a

tiini'' Hp waa a Junior In the Ijake F'lTf’Hi rollcg* H* lame lo Ih* pchoni from Knox GiiUpg* hi l*tJW with a r*putiiii'''U art H fniithall inaii. Thla reputa­tion he fully Juatrtliwd under th* crmf'hing received tli'-n. and hi- Fa‘4Hin* on* o f the best ull-r'iiind find hall m*n In ih* achca>l.

—41(V-flcarleM a aiKll'-latP fur Ilio F'fTinayl-

vam a /ouili.dl iram, met with an accident In practb'c t.-ien la y ami hla cnllar bnne waa bruke.).' Tbl* will keep him uul uf the gam e for lb" cemaliider of the m-ueon. Bcarleli was a very promising csndldale for tftckl* ft"d- w'hll* hardly of sarelty material, w a ' legarded as having a good future. —4m;

The Kim A would Ilk* to lie«r frtjm all ninely to iUo*ty-rUH teama. Hu? K«>U*X o f Heila'vllle pr.fcrrcd. Ad'lreas I’ etcr Carson, (3 Flm r.iad. city. I >>" followln). Is the llne-(t|., l -e f '‘ tbl. Hoche and Dnr- netn; left ta. kle. Hacker; left guard. Zweldlngeb* <t-t!rrp, Kunze; right guard. Newlvleler;' right tackle. r|Kh>end. Crowley; .imirter ►’" ' ‘k. 'g ^ thftif buck, C'ar»*un. left half hack, rhum fuB back. Scanlon

f(w jMiflhdif 'i'IlH I'no hiirdTn fidhrYft*-vgY.g-Tti ihc.v la*t m*t In Bt'iHiklyn. Wal*h pr*- ftTrt Mil or 113 iioiimi* for aid* FM*t and clubpuriu',

—tlO—Til* Rumpaon A- F- will Fudd 11: aiimial

arniiker Monday niirht In Rai'Firra Cnlum- Ida Hall. SoiMh Jefforann nnd For*at

Oraiigf. A feature o f ih* amok*'' will h* il ihr**'rrmmJ houi b*tw**n the w*M-knrjv.a FSavag* hrothrra, le«‘o nml L>uu, who HT* only el*v*n y*ftr* old. ----------- • -

NOTES OF THE DIAMOND.W llh only two wp*kif nf th* ihaTiiplnTi’

»hlp HfijNnn r*m«lnlng, I Fi* proapfctfi of any AFiaug** tn ih* flrat division cliiha Arc T10 1 iir-imlrtlng. and Hpp*aranr*»i Inch CHtr- iiijit ih* tircweiu champion* wjll con llnuc HM unothrr y*uf. Thla In predicated on rh* ffirt Gifti Brooklyn haa irn erhed- uU’d »'ain«'a yit lo play, while ritliiburg htiM lull iM'Vcri. Then- would Fi*v* tu he ( riitlliiil r*v*ranl o f pn-soiK foim for h+* < hftmidoiiii li> low*. Tbe i'hlllie* ap- x^ir HHff’lN' rim<'otic*d In tliird pliiec, and Hortioi] FiUH a Ronrii lend nr> fourth. If thf'n- iirr liny rhwnttfa In Ihe poaUion* of ujiy m1 Ihr cluha It la more than likely HirtioiiR j’onipoKlng the second dlvlw- i4»n. Vi’Hicrdny'a Nullonal League acoreaWiTO .

I'iillaih'hiiilH 7, New York 1 I'ii iKhurg X, L'liulivtiall j, Bouton SClili Hgo il. .Hi. Loui* % (eleven Inning*).


The Battln High Bohool of EHaabeth, N. J„ bag sevaral dalea open, and would Ilka to arrange caifiea w »h aehool teams and olhera avaraglng about'UO pounds. Ad- drcai Harry Anffua, Battln High Bchool, Bllsabeth.


---- .a l^ YH-A rilftl** 4 iul> o f 4« >*•-

U*rwml\w k tart D la y ln s on It* Niew4 o n ra e —f»*v*r# l G ood H aannt*.

The memhern of th* Afdalee G olf Club o f I’lriH! Orange will open their n*w links Dial have Fjecn laid out on th« Ardnie* €*- hiiM IH Munn mill Houlh Grange avenue*, |’:aal Orange, to-diiy.

No formal^crremony will mnrk Ih* op*n* ItiR »ml only*pracilr* gameN will b* played, tiH If Ih cnna1d*red too Iftl* In the MftHon to play m atch gam*8. hut ft form sl npenlnK of The links will lake place in the near fijiur*. . ,

Thi’ linkrt. which couuiln aeveral eRcel- Ifiii ■ httaards." ftre iihoul 3.300 feet In letigHi iind coiiniderlnK ihclr location In a r*HlilA jillftl h*ctlon. an- hlRhly deairahl*.

Tip- 4jmr*rM nf th* new club are: Preal- d i'tii.T J Wlllluma; vh*'pr*ai(1*nt. Fr*d- *rlrk Hi John, aecretary. J- K. Che**nian. tr<-«nur*r. K. fl iTnti*. Th* membcrihlp. whlrh 1H llmlti-d In fifty. Fihh v*ry nearly reucheil iFiai figure and has h*en very largely recfulipd from th* ranka of ih*' niemhrra o f (Fie Ropublicfln CIuFi d f KftHlOninRi'

Thi' members .if Hiv club con lam plai" (he I re. Hon nf 11 clubhoURc some Hma nrx', eprlnR


HrniikLfi’ .............Won.

..........6 7B]w<l*t,



.;138F'HlHliiirR ........... ......... 74 Oij .(i74Phllaib’ll'hla ...... ......... aft fiH .nSt)DoHliin ............... ......... Ai4 Mii

........... »yi HK AFiftBF tsfiul'f ........ .......... r»7 ,4.'u;ClntlruiJiH ........... .......... TA I'J 4MNftw York ......... .......... r.4 j4

Tha Oriental A, C, football team o f New­ark haa arranged fpllowing schadulet

IHeptembar H, Impqrtala. In, N ewark; Oc­tober T, Manhatuin F , C., In N ewark, U, la la ra t t# F . a , C o In BrooklFn; 0 ,

THE ROPED ARENA.AuBlln Rice, tbe clever m -pwiniicr, wlin

Is to meet Jubbt'VHall A C of rotcraon next Monday night, la put'ting Hic Ibilsliing laut'hca tn Itia work In company wUl, Marlin H aheriy. R ica la In ilrst-clsaa trim tor thf g'u and agpccta m »r"fe a victory over lh« New Yorker

A match under aomowhal peculiar cun dltlona may »ooi. he arranged between Frank Erne and hi- eratwhlle bompieror^ Terry McGovern. The plan la that the two ahall tlgbt ai I® pounds, weigh In at t l: . X a w r This Idea of McGovern nghtlng at lightweight la nnl an much a mere raturn match (aa recompense for Erne's having met him al 12S pounds) a a may seem, for 1S2 la a more convenient weight at present to Terry than la any­thing Under that. McGovern now «y lP " at about lU when out of training, ami. aa he Is growing and broadening rapidly, ll becomes increasingly hard for him to re- dura hla weight. Terry’s Hftiriit mfttoh with Efn*,

m n tk to giv# 4I0 * Gao* fimt chgne*.

George Slier, the prlae-llghl referee, and Lou M. Houaeman, the Itoxlng eahlhltlpn manager, have both Bled ■ petitiona In bankruptcy a t Chicago. aeArfufirfllabllttlea o f Nl.*> and Houseman <>( » « » Their combined aaaels were put at |W0,

At tha Central Athletic club, Phlladal- Dhta. lo -n llW Danny Duane, the little New York whirlwind boxer, will meet Andy Wataon, tha Boston lightweight, who Is one o f the faeteat and gamaat nghtera in the country. In the aeml-wlnd- tm the trouble will he 1)«(waen jim m y Blmlater. . o f ' Falrmnunt, and Eugene Rowan. A feature o f thla occasion arill ha tha apgctal glg-nund baut between H ike •keehan, the Oray a Ferry black- smith, and Jack C iry , the pride o f the

' p rllK H I'L K FOR TO-LAV,rhllti-hlplilH Hi N*w York.( ’ Iru liimiil at PlU"hurH.UoKMti ill Bnaiklyii.ChICKRO ill HI Loul«.

l.o * a l H*ft*li|iD-Th* Burllniirt will rjimp ih* Hfiifuin k)*

m orrow iiifrnoori, v.h*n iij*y wJJI moi'i th* lrvln«l"U A. Bolh laaruM ari’ vyry e.venly - rnAYi'Ju'il unfi ahouhl furjiluli h irouU vjKhlFilhiin uf bu«*han. Gam* la t‘Bllr(| H t a o ’flof’k Th* lln*-up; PurilunH lirMly, c . ; Klmu'j . -h., i.'urby. ». « . BiTiwhlHd*, 1. f . : Kay. H* • >l Pow*t#, 3h., Klynn, r f.. Hugh**.' I f ' Ih»lR*r. p IrvluKionn- Rolhfuart, I Hi hro*fi*r. 2ii . L Bouilll*r. ft, ft.; flchiiiu-r, I f , Hunk«'t*. Il> ; K*ily, 3b,: WflM'r, > I : Kr« m, r. f.; L. Bouill- lefs p.

The (ThftdwU'krt will play ih* West hrula o t Newark 1 0 irmrrnw mornliiK on ih* grourdFA H( IhTHcii Hiul Hoh* ftlret'H. TFip rhgfiwickn HM- nlBO rtlrited ro pUy ih* Kftftex Baeotjall rtuh t4i-mrjrrow ufirrnoun HI B«rg*n anfi Rnse iiiT**t».


The oM-ruahlniiwl Rowling Club was organls.'il -1 Blrkenhaurr * Baumann s Hull, at the nirm-r of aoiiih Orange nnd .Morris nvcniicB. on last Balurday night. The members o( H's club are M. Aoe, T. HilfM’k, Jiia*pii HiiJin. JuJm 8i’hiiffl*l. Dr. (’ harl*H H*llj‘ ‘ri, H LH*1>*rH. H. Blrk*n- FiHU*r. F' krlrlR*. Juliii G. BpirhfltrG icr, lau T. Hk’i'f'r. Wo*al*lu. ti.8rtiumft*h*r. H yuantark. K vmi Hnff. T->r. W. I'- M:irilu nivl L. FI. Air. The follnwliiR nffii'*rH wpr* FL Blrk*n-lmii*r, pr*Hl<lPnt; L. H Aff. fNPvrPlfiry ftiiAi ir*a«ur*r' B IsIdehcrR. captHin: John hi Imertcl. *rT(t*Hnt*nl-rtrmR. The club will Howl on Hfllunlyy nlRhta.

- -TIO —A m aieb game uf polo was played yealer-

day ariern.iolt apod tbe Boineraet Polo Grounds, al Hernsnisvllle. between the Liihewond Club and the Bomcrael Polo i 'lub, Tlie game waa elosely conleated and resulted lit a vlclory for Ihe latke woods by a score o f 14 lu 11, George J. Gnulil Iilaved ttlib the l..>kew(>od Club, A largo crowd of ji,.iip|i^_wlHiesHell_[^^

Charles B. Cox. manager for Harry Var- don, was ashed vesierday whether the form er champion would meet J. H. Taylor anywhere In the metropolltao district on either October S or Oclnber 9. "Vardmi Is. and has been, engaged for these dates for tw o months to appear at ftcranloo," said Mr. C ox, "Taylor's managers knew Ibis, as proved by Ihe fact that they piihllthed the engagement In their own magaslne Taylor haa been In ihia cnunlry since August H. and both he and hla maiiagcrs have had opportunity upon opportunity to arrange a match, but now, when they know that Taylor Is leaving the country on October 16 and that Vardon’s hands are completely tied, they make this propo- altlon. In al! his career Vardon haa never refused td meet Taylor. Vardon has won the rhsmplonahlp ni often as Taylor, and during those yeara that he hffld the title he was always ready to play Taylor or anybody *law under retaonahle conditions. The two men have played thirty match™ during the last tew years, and o f these Vardon has -won twenty-three."

W alter B. Bmlth,~^~the Onwenisla Golf Club, placed snolhar amateur record to hla credit yealerday. In the second round o f match p liy In (he W eatsm amateur golf champlonahtp, paired* with F, Walter Knott, o f the Edgawater Club, Bmlth negotiated the Aral nine holea In IT. or • under bogy. The conteata for the second and third cupe were, as a rule, vary close,


aHDWh YOB HOW-Don't bear unneceseary biirdsitK. Burdens of a had buck are unneceesary. Get rid o f thornDnati'B Kidney ‘ 'b te jiad bavka. Cure lame, weak and aching hat ks.('u r* *v«ry farm « f kliiney Ills- IpOtB o f loval lnfiorH*m«nt (/>Mr* K. Gardner, ot 7W ] - ourtli

fttr**t Harritnn. lay": 'TFi* terrihl* hiok* fif’h** o f whii’ Fi 1 had bv*n a vU-tlm for nlri* or t*n yi'ftra. and for ■wFilvh I could find no lur*. promptly y1*ld*d to k iiln*v I'lllsi Jl wa» pninful for me jf> mOOP or cauao any nnd neinft on my f**l ioiiR had h i__ I ifot ft boR yyt Doftn ft Klduey/■/fill 1 1 1 Metit'H drug fttfvr* on Mrr**t. b*for* I nnd us*d all o H I w,m completely and permanently cured. I discarded tht- plustera I bad worn, and Kftv»« had no n**n of Ihem *inc*-

Mill* bv ft)] (leaierfl. price 50 cftnti. K fe er’ MIlburii Co. Buffalo, N V., s^ e Jgenta for the fn lted States. H em em ^r iSe name Doan's and take no aubstltu^

B L O O D P O IS O Nc o .a o o .^ ~ - - f , o f our*** Capital

and eitra holea were played In aeverail! T tS 'R ^ ti M (^r 1«ttle: last*.,*™ InSancei to determine t^e a[tnnert * u itoDk'iTDnig Btora Newark. N. J.

i,Ill„________'We sdllclt the tonal

^ 1 ^ 0 D P O I S O N

i ^ r r h . L _ k n o f ^ i i J ' « J ^

1 4B5r « ,* aR MftDk ■ V


I Bowser’ s ttlay of Rigbiing« t'4'4 4 4 4 4'4£»*«»

CWH9S Be found Olrong.<BY QUAD.

ujf^ Mn* I*o«i»er ih «y fthoutd. Th* »Wrt- m akcr had ala« f o t ih«* heat o t th«*r MTap» and the crnwM'had aald they wtfH f la d on^t

a "


0)ee-aiind-$u, mandarin. *MBS GALLUP’S LAMENTATIOHS.

Nhr Knowii llr r TIaic l la i I'o in r and T alka WUk lirr kpaas* A liual llrr

I’ rohablc !laec«aaor.iCupy righted.)

, ...................... I A fie r mijiper Mr. Uallup had gone over. ^ ^ ^ J , ^ ^ ^ j r i # , » * a » d d » * * * # * * * * * * ^ * * * * * ” * * * * * * ” I lo ihe atuto tor a wheW lone and o i-oprr

CopyrlKlit- 1hnil iMtnek or i>:il|.!tMio!i Mr. I lowin'r | iiiie In '{'>...1 irlni for ih-’ ■! iiryiniin. -m.l ho j wiiJkril to *’ ti hliii with t ri'H IlaohlnK otnl ..urn worklriH oinl tM-miiinh ■!'

A lllnal fo r l lir ll»ir>H>Bil- ■'.Ar.' you (I. t .i '.li . 's .1 . 1 ■.mmtiilalo

lh>- I Ii! Ur nr

homo the IMr TWwurr roaohoil*•118 1 ' 11 mlMUloa late. I

..Irnird ihltis

tVhenalhor rvi ulna illnnnr '*■Thl« WO" a 'l 'h "O Uhl'''' that ho looU fI hi Mr«. ItoWH.-r for on c » - plniiJti™, iin.l 8ho proi.oil..! »ny;

» f . Ih - imtrhrrInsen.ilna 'h o o '-nh , Ion U mny not h«n- pan oKiiln In yonrB."

'•l,mo. »'ns ho?" aroir'.N ■ a me oI'omI (low lo lil» f '" * did you (irO.'r IhiU bIi-mK?''

• Al 1 o 'r look .""Ahtl, huvtiiK tliroo hnnr;

fill yoor oril'T.Ualna lnl''l ThK l-i QiiifTii iiit'i. ir thiti

Mr Itowaor '■V, Init lllin-

o f tnriK l and aa he went Mra. il.d-lull wna wuahlng up the diahee and olng- liig 'The Home Over T here" with a i’ Ot loollng. I l f roturiied In halt an hour, iinn H8 hr roarhrd the kitchen door the round o f eobhlng met hie ears. H e looked m In

^ Y 3 I . QUAD.

1— i rJiiilf'* IhiH >f>ii '■liO'iM jtir II'i Vt'iint ‘ if I 'in • '

"I ni, nwfullv hmit) ’ '' nviri, 'IjiiI V. ■ IjJi'l ii ilri ' L whi' ii 111 »'■ « rhlM«a iiii‘ lI hit" lti-«i.i • ■'I ‘•Hill Mh*il r« f re li'

flirt>ill nn dlmu-r

find - - .tin a rhalr with her chtrcli apron at | i'j'eH. StimelhliiK haO hapLinnod. HtMlhln't

UfBlnntng al Shanitung, In lh»- Yellow 8ra. the coa»t Une of Phlna tn dotted wUh iHliinil* nh‘ ar down in Hong Kimg, a dla* lance o f over 2.rif» mllee. If the Ulandn fonid be fOUJilfd, 1 U-Ucvp ihey wotild I umbop 10,<300. art-at and »mall. W hile Fome ^rc unlnhaHUd. ihctc l« not an hnncBl community on one of them. The prnple art* wrt'okef-i and plriiieH lo a man, and woe belUU* tbu thlp which meete

Irtimn rli

fl till- d'lilry- ■ ii.irk r iom

vjrt a Utile

Mra. Oullup weaving back and InrUi d|aft,ttr on niiy o f the laland ahorea.

thfi tnili 1i‘ ‘II mutti-r i<» I"'

Indcher i -1 II-

' a It' r ill- .

Imti inT'N <f It ihi* j

can with nn-him tliot hc'-ti uii'-iMy mi*'tiik'.'o pruimi'lv o ff ui /I "race, an I hr fliOn’ t «'ur" wli- thi lona-TH lm«l 'Utitu r or li"i '

tlcn'l IhSiilt It wiU Vrii'p'’ ’Mid Mra. In a v 'h "arifithP. J‘ nd Jnst ihMi dlmi'i w.&OUt3' 4'd.

llAivaee In n 1>iii]ierimrliiB (ha niffil li'- !*"Utflit iu

Ur, HtiWfli'r'H mind fn>rri ih« flip, but thr m op' in* rHmiirht muddiT hr «ni II " « « i‘ is'1 lini'trumaic that the iiakFr's 1‘oy )ni<l tn'i’n liH»- wHU the bread and h«d l" rroh'iniir.i- wIili the butter ln*raiiF«- (In' diilryniuu Innlu I fo t around.

"In other wordw," kuKI Mr. IJowsf*r. mb he na*»* up iM'fore lil.- dinner was half ftniahi'd. " y m bn iln'He iaci[)lr run v-ur hnuae InUead of running it ynurrclf h*- you aitppoBp ihi'y woulil dore (lllly-diilly amtilid If 1 KUVI* them an r.rder’ Wlnil they n«-ed la w.ikln* upi iisul I 11 K" out and wake iheni!"

She followed him upitnlrn to the hiii-

to 1f» ii'i W i‘ h Jiir' lil'l 1 'Uii- 1 r . - i ' aiaUlitr 111•ruOMf M'liIn- III .iiN ■t ll.'IU MT llr ‘ t -Ijp ' MriiUt. 1 niT 'll’ llu r Hir

........... -, iti'l 1 , 1 n! I'l kiiVHI* ' gi'h L' Tl. .Ui 111.iLil U'’ "i| su i 1 1 V HU I-\ 1 ■ >11 Mil•US- ! a IU 1 '■’ .u k- 1 Gi*‘ rtiiin

s it, MM ■ G 1-In.' ' UiiVi- JlrrlT. ,,,r iuiii<ii>1 U) nn liiiglliK. II) .tinliH 1 IIII. It- III i( III! XI 11> Ji; . hi- '

ilU>- II . Hir. .111-1 "01 Mir ill111 If >uu Mill 1 |T-

•iiur b .i k r«mm ifi.n lire? Am ,1 M-I4I donnh-

,r iili.i YouMil r4piiiiL‘il my.. wh n you ara

\\ M

I; an iirepli lit ai

In ruliife ............

' inir l)UrtllO'F« to K Kv«'n will! a. i| ilr yititin w.iubljv-itiMi' la. 1 ibm I!i 1> niplmde man, iiilr<' 1 " da ln'ller

onleiH fnmj111me

A 1 'iilh n n u M n oi» i l i e k r e t ie .T)j«-n 11o‘ -l.ilr\n;aij -ille'l Mr Hawser

nil ul.l ki. k. t. III....... J J. iuni .Mr,iill,..l him i> II,ir iii.'l In lh"'r hxcIKmI ni.pvtmi'itu ih i) uy '-i i ' " ' '■•in» " f " 'h k „nd r„m. .1 Kuril .1 r.iw u ii.ilh'i'm.'iii , 1, 1 1 1. In k.iM 11 «.,H « hurnlua »hunir

Th.. link ■< n ....... n l■I! lli• u( ,’iui-ii.nipi. ,iiid hi- wiiK K.ihly ImmmlnB in hlniK. If wh'-ii -Mr li.iwarr wiilki'il In on him ulnl Ihui.l1. rr .l :

" I f yn i lion I hru'W cniiimh lo run a liik .ry , why .Imi't you i(i't "u l mill tryI. .’ .ml ym .l?"

' Ilui ivh.ii 1» wr.’iia'’ ''',1 rh. linker




rack and auggrated that he let her enter cnmplBlnt on the morrow, but he clapped on hla hat with a bang and replleil;

‘ T i l do nothing o f the kind. 1 want them lo undrnliinil who they ore dealing with, Becauae you ore n wnronn who’ ll pul up with anything find everything It doean’ t follow that folks can sit on tny C M U ^ a , You llsteh for a r a c k e t ;

' ^ ' ‘♦ T u te rv le w th g th e nu leh eT .The eat had followed them up. and he

bumped hla back and gurgled at thought o f the fun ahead. .Mr. Jlowter had tialy one b lock lo go to And the hutrher. He waa received with a entile, but the emile faded ae he shouted:

"And eo my dinner must wall an hour and a half because you didn't get home

"M r bread—for dlnneff Did you have that bread at my house ul half past 6 u'cluck?"

■'1 Hm H'jpry tn s*ity I dbln t. 1 wna ftftvpn or i-iKht mluuU'* lavt, but ■'%at vblb' bccuiise a whfpl cuiuc off my waijon. !ran’ t make out h"W ll hBl'pcnp* !. but-----"

■'What Jirp ih c whcpl* of your waBjott m or rtliouten Mr. Howspr a» ht* jwumiwJ oh ihp count«*r. ’ 'D o I Puii y»ur woKun? IMi I run .vour wPpi'IbT 1m> I run your oUl whitp hnrf-c urul r-'il*heailtMl itrlver? l><> 1 t'vtui know thtti you'vi* k'U whct-la to your w'HKon? Vuu were laic. wlr. tind by Ih'Iiik iMtP you my «ltnruT. uiid what areyou Kolust to do about It?"

"TbiU ’ n tno brt»l. and I'm mirp lit wont happen u^dln. How <»ii earth that whepl-"— ’ ’

"Thai wheel l»c haPKi^d, sir! When that wheel came off you shnuld ba\’c hiiatled all the more. It If evident that you have uo head on y«ni."

K:irt14>mvnt .All A roun d.Then the hak-T. who fell h1m»clf liUime-

beKiin (u HMi'M bH4’k and Mr. Howler (o Imir un the lianltT, And they llunlly FbfKik i!u ‘1r miller eaeh olher'H nn»euii<l Khl 41 hoy po I'JU-Ued that h® ran out •iml ratm for thie Mmlitilniioe. Mr. Bowwer rfiu‘h»d home h^dltuK over, but rernem- lii-red that Home HhlrtH were lo com e up by 7 n'l lock U wiiM m>w after B and they ho'lu'l arrived

■•'I'hey will never rnme.” ha roared « « he hiHut"d open ihi‘ di'.ir, ' ‘becauae 1 will ifo out ami hunt that lying ahlrtmakcr to lilR(I'Hirn'

W alters laid hh tuliie bef'ifv

rpvidver on theIdin

from the rnrefi'' Iio yon Uilnk I will atnml ®.ny anch lunifniderj iia this?"

"M y delivery boy !■ \) and broke hlfi arm. find 1 had to deh\ir the unlerH fX|dalnid the hiiifliii. "I wiim idiovu leii ndnuiea heldnd at yotir U'uie.«‘ . hut iiiuler the olreuniKHllU’eM I liope you wMI nver* Iflnk It.”

" i 'l l overlook nolhlng! I wanl m?,- hoiMe TUTi Oil u !4y4ii*m. If .vmi ciin'i run \o-ii lihop oti A 'yFttuTi. tuiil a belter than this, you'd heller ji'd cuit."

Then Ihe hMl<her Rot [nm! nnd n dd he knew Ills husliU'SA and all ahi iit .syst arid Mr. Howser H"l

.doubled It. Jiml (h''V hfld whli’h HO « nr> d

Icenia' worth of ^

1 and war 11 r

U! wiinuin afn-r t'-n .1 hw r iluii blU' hail u


It Is enrly yel. nnd they will be here bv " pleadtal Mrs. Huwser rtS hs gapped fur l-ri »ih mitS JumjMMl up and down.

If 111' hi-iifl lier lie paid no attenilon. Iiui ni.sht d nff 'liiwii the Htepn and out of ihi' a-Lie «m (1h‘ I'trner lie met the ahlrt- inidor. will' had runie lo deliver the

hhnsidf. but liud Ploj»p4‘d for a few mlntneH to cHut with a friend. Ther> wa' ail itiMlHUfiMieoiis exjdoHlon, followed liy a Kiapidv. and the crowd which speed­ily Math'-n-d sow t w men rolling ovei arul uvri on ibe Hbb'wnik and punching: aw iy al t-Hch oilier, whlb- Ihe three new shirtM wt'in flvluR Idilier and thither un- iU M>m« i'‘ ’»iy I'b ki d them up and anenked iifr with ibi iii.

Hv-Iitiddiy Ib'WBiT and the eatloiik.-d out o f the front door. Mr. Ib'^w- Hvr had llmp'-'l home and taken a seal on (tie sl'i'ft. Ml but was gonfl, hla hair tmisse.i up. bJH coat split up the bui-k. ami he w!iN looking Into vacancy atroSM the SI reel ‘ 'fit «'enl down iiiidTabbed ugnliist his bark And purred <i lilm, loM fu iiiiiile no move. Mra. Hnus.-r ,|,ii.uly asked him If he had waked up lb. d' lln'iueni.s. bill be never turned bin h' U I He was ihlnkluK of systema and won l. r Ing why they did not ptin out Aia he Iml]

Weak and trembling, unsteady of hand, uneasy of mind. Frightened at trifles. Tortured by an indefinable feeling of fear.

Excited by noise, oppressed by quiet—never at Irritable and miserable.ease.

Forerunning symptoms of Nervous Prostration brought on b y a debilitated system and over-taxed body or brain.

T H E CURE is Dr. Williams' P ink Pills for Pale People,

They bring new life to worn-out sufferers send 'rich blood tingling through every vein, soothe and strengthen every nerve.

They have restored to the ' the use ofhis limbs; to the victims of Locomotor Ataxia and St. Vitus’ Dance the full control of the nerves; have raised up the sufiercr from Nervous Proateition; freed thousands from the pangs of Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and saved the lives of many who were threatened by Bright's Disease and Consumption.

InMulrc whui it wnti. but turned lu'-riil liiid KHi on (he <1oaratap und In an ubhriii

* wuy tieRAii dharpeiUug a alckle with the ' Fiouf ht IjvuJ biiughl. It wax five mlnut-'s 1 lx-ft)re‘ Mra. Oallup vobiiueoreil un I pl iTiuUuii. When »hi‘ aaw that he

nrlilpT anxiety nor aympathy. she liif li- I I'll her chair Into Ihi- doorw ay, u»iU a I fruali <»pnt 'At the ayim i to wipe her «ye»i I and finally tfuld:

"Baniuel, when ycm’ ve got that xUkle bharpenul you iniKhi itu over to Mrs IJitu-i-’K und lell her that 1 ihall b'- a dv.ol w.itnnn before tu-iitorrer, You netdii't |

about the buxh ut all, but tell l« r right out. Bhe’ ll rather be expectin' ih- 1U-W.S. HUt wiiK oVA*r hero ihiM afternoon, iiml alie aalU 1 wux liable lu git my nusn moiiM al any lime. I vv gut It all arratigtiJ with her About the funeral."

Mr. tlallup did not look around. With ciiltij Uellberiillon he spat on the whoi Atone, A «d WUh calm deliberation he drew 1 1 bAfk and torih avross the blade.

T h ou irh t H er Y lm r lla«l C om e.•'Vt-B, Hamuel. niy Hmi- ha* c o m e r aob-

bed Mrs. Gallup after waiting a reaHun- ubb- lime for him to apeak. "A few hours hence und you will be u widower, und a lew days hence ynu will be wearing a red neckite and I'unirrln' around afU r a ■econd wife. When y o j mUTUh! over town 1 WHA ft* happy AS It lark and hadn’ t the eilRhu-al Idea of di'h''- Ten nilnuteH later when I went lo carry the batter down cellar there came st-ven knocks on that em pty elder Imr'l. nnd an 1 atood there Bhakln' I heard a w lilspercd voice Q-»ay- In’ , ‘ lianner Gallup. rH ready to be an aiigcll’ It waa niy surnmoriH, and I've got t4> go. Nobfxly kill ImUl back ag'ln a sum- inohA. Whiii klinl >d a avcond wife ihall you marry. 8nmu*‘ l ’’ " *

Mr. Gallup hiiil pnused In hie iahora and WHS looking abSL-nily u l a rubln In a cherry tree.

You needn't feel « l all dellkll about talkin' It over with m e." said Mri. Gal­lup, a i Hhe dabbled at tier eyea with Ihc apron. 'T v e alius s'pt-cied you 'd git mar­ried Ag'ln If I should die, and 1 ahan't howl and a<|U4-Hl about It, -Mrs. ilebee payi i f her huHimtid marries ag'ln ihc'll haunt him. but you n«‘cd n 'l be afraid of me. r d ruiher y u m arrrled ag’ ln. If you didn’ t, yuvj d be gidn* lo and dogllghta and randy pulls and become an w icked os Hlhts Jubrmon. S'pnse you've kinder hnd yv ir eye out. hev’n 'l you, Hamuel—that h. you 've kinder made up your mind abnul what aurt o f a woman you 'd m arry”''

k o g g e s tin g m AuceesHOT.Mr. UiilhM' withdrew hla gate from

the robin ni,<l returned to his work of ■harpenlng ilie sickle, and Mrs. GaHup'a nose hud nr"wn v4-ry red with the pulling when she I'untlnued:

"There H the VVldder Laphftm, Samuel^ and evcrylmdy says she's wulh 12,000. but I wouUhi'l wanl you lu m arry her. Bhe'a lo o hliy lUy for a man o f your age. While «h f WAS swingin' In a hamnuH’ k she'd lei the briud burn up In ihc oven. She'd want yix; to gu to a picnic every day In ih»‘ and If you had wny soft aoapIn the house you'd hev lu buy It. And thf-rt' « the Wldder Davl«. She's a good hnu.**eke#-piT. Haiuuel, us I'll Admit, but lhe\ pay she glls sireaks on. One day Hhe'll be lauRbln and g igglin 'a ll day long, and ihv lux i day she'll be us sulky as mule. Hht kin triihe a ixiuiid o f (e4i go »is fur AS 1 kin. but she told me with her own mouth that she hud four pair of hUm-kIo's Iasi jtn r. Could you put up wKh sl« h extravagance as that, Samuel Woiildti't you bn thlnkln' o f how I alius

■got abn^'^oa Iwo pairs a year?"O n llu p Aot G rcK tlg iB teresicda

Ml. G:iil\ii> whistled softly lo himself as he fell the i,'dKe o f the sickle with his thumlv. Tbs whlalle c o n v e y ^ oo.dlrect inf iriuntlon, be', w a il^ whistle In the ab- Hraei. .\tr . Gallup looked at the back of his neck for a imiment and worked up iml (.'lUiked bUtk a sob and Humi said:

"T h fre ’s rhoeba t?ouslnfl. whom every- iKidy tikes, but she’s an old maid nnd sot In her ways. Rhe never hackhltes nor gits mad. but she wants everything Just so.If you come Into the house and lh^'^wed your hat down on ihe floor or pulled your boots off In the parlor in the evenin', she'd raise the awfub-si kind o f a row. I guens you 11 hev to marry a gal, Samuel. You arv old uuff to be (he father of any gal Hrmir d here, bul 1 don't sec no oiher way. Hev vini got any pertlckler gal In mind?I wan thlnkln’ of Rue Babins the other dny She’-- Iw'eniy yeara old and a areal haiul to work, and mebbe you'd be happy with Her Her mother says Sue likes tu lie pet led. You've never pelted me, but mehbo yriii ll change when 1 am gone. No. Ham uel, 1 can't remember a lime In tweiity-

years when^vou've pulled my ear or I'urieil me on Ihc shoulder or poked m* In1 tjf rlbfl, -----"

Mra. G a llu p In T e a rs ,The rrmembrance that there had

TUI shoulder pnttlng or ear pulling durliiK ;il those long years briujght a fresh lun- biirst of emoilnii, and for two mliniu-K .Mrs OuUup sobbed bitterly. Mr. Onlhip l.ild down the whetstone and the slckli- iMul picked up the paper nf tacks and imi i'd ll on the point o f hts finger, lull be wiiH otillvliois of hls surroundings.

"t- 1 don't oomplftln. Samuel." sil-j Mrs, Gallup, when s!ie could control h'-r \.ilre nguln. ‘ ‘ When I saw that you w:is t.Ti bund to pel. 1 let it go. I'm old ond vsrliiKled nnd scrawny, mid I can't I'H-k fur pettlii' It will he different wUh a Kal. however. If you don't pull her cur ill b'rtKl once a week and call her 4inR"l, sh'-'ll glt sulky mill finally run aw-hy whb ,i Mn peddler Mrs. H«-bee was sayln' thut Ib-Tihu Wlllliinia would make a gotid giil wife fur von. and Mrs. W illiams says ihoi i.iii coiild not do better than to nmrrv Miiry Hiiwklna. but I ain't goln' to pi. k . . 1 1 1 nobody f»ir you nor find fault wHh >i!ur ebnlce. All I'm going to do Is lo db- jind become an angel arid let you do J.-sl lit* you want to. I've got Jeai one If.tb- favor to jjsk”

The lump in her throat and the icars In her i-yes checked her speech for half a iiilmiie, ami during that time Mr Gullup put the lacks down anil Mfleil up th.- sickle again

ICxprexsIiiK H e r W lahe*."II'R only this. B;:mueL You lu-cln't

do no weepln' Iiir me when I'm ....... amiyou needn't hang over tho gale nnd try Ui look all broke <uu'ver my Ujsh, t .vi kin go rlHid t« playin’ checkers as ho-ui h? ifie fum-rnl Is over, hut some night. in<er on, when you arc all alone In the Imunr amf the rrlckciH are xlogln ', I want ^-'ll h> re­member that I had my gooil p'luih as well AH tny l>ad. I want you to remenUa-r that I used » clt'thea idler wUh seven hol- a in the botloin fur nine years wllhiun niendln

^nd lhai 1 haln't hnd n new for•leveii years. Our tea kettle In nscr nine years old, and I've m ode one sai of i U]js and sio-Hers bist un since we vvm* miiriled. *rhal‘s all. Baimud, and now I'll rc Ui and tile, nnd you kin Ikj lookin' around fur your iiecomJ wife!"

»he rufu! up wllh a sob nnd ndreaied Inl'i the house, but Mr. tlnllnr knew notblni? of ll He hunrf the xlckb- on a nail near the door. i»ui the whet!»i-'Tie and Hu'ks on a alu’ lf in the woodsheil. ami ihen walH'Ul down the path a»id closed ihc Iieri-

I h.'uae door and coal a look Uiin ihv pig j p<'u, M’ hen he returned to the b Mra.1 Gallup *vn.- looking at her bow] of emp- i ilAKs iimlPT Ihe Blrjve and hunimlng the

ah’ of ' i M ain to l!e nn Angel Sin- had h.'Kl lier Innu-ntailon, nnd got nvi-r n. and ll would lie thrH4- or four days before ahe WQuhl liroak out agnlh,

From Ynngtse-klnng to the entrance o f ihc tiirallB o f Furmusa the Islanda are (iHiler ths- inrisdlctlon of u maiidartn at the aliuve port In (he year 1W8 llils ninndarln was cue Chee-W lnj-Su, who li.;d held urtlcf fur years, and hla reputa­tion W.1 S that o f a divll. There whh no ijucbtloii b.jt that be tncuuraged piracy i ml got hlH divide, and hla ordera all jilong Ihe coast lint were lo kill e\ery while ptrHon wlm might fall Into

while we had cutlasses. No firearms were UM-d, The fellows made a g ‘«Hl stand for about five minutes, and then wo ^ f a n driving Ihrm. No .iiiartff waa given. M'hrn th« Inat living yellow dovll went overh..arJ there were thirty dead Onea on our .leeha- O f enurae, the row was heard In the eebln. Al the Aral aounrt Canlaln W.ilters laid hla revolver on 'J)* f*®'® before him and said to Chee-W lng-8u:

"There seems to be some skylarlung going on above, bul we will not Interferewith it " T I

" I f my men are creating any trouble. I must go up and stop It," replied the old |

"Your men are all right, and you will 'r.muln right here. ” I

They heard the sounds o f battle and | kn. w that the Chinamen were being .Irtv- ,

overboard, but the . aptaln talked aliont ; e V.iyiige and the prnitta and pretended I

A N H E U S E R -B U S C r fS

is recom m ended

Igimrunn- Of the ee^l state o f affairs

the 'I t,;mds o f Ills aubjevia. The fellow wua |I Kiibordlnnte lo the (lovernor o f Bhaiighul.I i iu l whenever he was trouglii up on Ihe I

i.imphilnt ot a Eurtnnan eonaul he miin- I I ..KI 'I to gel Ihe best o f U. llu was fairly '1 Wi'll oduvuled, u llnlshed liar and hypo- I I rile, '.lid there was Llu cutohlllg him.

In the y ia r 1 have mentioned a lo v e |l■.. UlllL Americana In llorg Hong derided ]

L.i 111 0 0 1 an opium dipper to supply Ihe |..ri nt ahLioghnl. Opium snrUggtIiig was ..Ki.lnsi the law, of eeuree, and any la'r- . , - 0 fuund erigageil lo Ihe trade waa b.'* hie Jed at tnee, but Vl>u mlgnt aa well u v lo keep rice a* ojdum out o f China.Tlie prutlis 1.1 smuggling have alwaya l-i..'tt enormons, and It has alwaya been p.irt of the huslnesa to bribe the custom , Lihlals. Aa Shanghai waa to be aupplled from Vangtse-hlang. I was sent up to arrange niHitera with Cbee-W lng-Bu. I'liere was no beating around the bush. 1 told lilm what « e wanted, and he lost no lime in giving me hli (Igures. Eor auch a p. r i-ent. he would guarantee ua aafely.Ill, was smoolh and suave, but under the pi.llsh 1 saw the hypLirrIle anil tiger,

1 in-e. pteil hla lerina for the com pany, but 1 also warned them that he would nut li.-sMine I'l play any sort of gam e for hla own heoetlt, He gave ua a flag to protect us piratical Junks, but we did not tiust to 11. The clipper was litted out with four uLina and well provided w llh small arms, and the crew of eighteen was made up eiiilrely o f Europeaua. On our very lirat toyage, despite the old Bcoundrel'a dug, w.' were twice attacked oy Junks, which he probably sent out. We sent both ot them to the bottom, w ith their crews, and, allhmigh Chec-Wrj;ig-Bu must have heard o f the iragedlefi he pasaed them by without a word. \

We bail run three cargoes when the old fellow jifepared s surprise party fo r us He sent for our eapialu and changed the place of landing to an Island about fifteen miles farther soulh. He claimed that the iifilcluls ul Shanghai had got on lo our laislness and had set a watch, and.though 1 1 1 . i i.ptuln did not believe the story, he ner. 'll lo make the landing on the neat n n ag e We made Ihe bay at night a.s we r.inm ed, but the guns were double shiitted. the muskets and pistols loade.1, anil every man was -nt bis post. The first thing we knew we were surrounded by five Junks, and then s fight began w hich losled forty minutes. We sunk four o f the Junk.« and drove the fifth ashore, w llh the loss of hut three men on our side. N ext day riiee-W lng-Su appeared on board and Jireiendcd to he very eielted and Indlg- iium that we had been molested against his orders- In the fight we had esier- nilna'.ed at least HW of the vermin, but ha<l captured unhurt and were holding ten iithers. To try to smooth things over with UK. the wily old ecoundrel had the ten brought before us. read them a lesson nn m orality and then had Itieir heads struck off by his own executioner.

Our landing was lo be Yungtse-klang again, and Chee-Whig-3u put up another Job. To restore our confidence In him •igaln he offered to put K.CWI into our next venture and draw out only a fair [>er cent. This seemed like a fair thing, and It was accepted. He handed ov-r the money wltli promptness, and we sailed away, bul when our captain had had time to turn the m at­ter over In hla mind he began to wonder

hd theorise. Old Chee-Wlng-Bu would never have put ifi hW M otley w ithout .some stronger motive than a per cent, profit. Few Chinese ever trust a European a shilling's worth, and a man o f hla class must have handed over his little fortune to throw dust In our eyes. A good deal of lime was given to the p intle, bul Jual what his scheme waa could not be salts- fnetiirlly solved. We could only watch ami wait and be prepared for whatever might happen.

On our return we always made port at night. When we hail dlsi'luyed an agreed signal.' sampans came off to us nnd un­loaded S lid took away the cargo, ami nn agent was at hand to pii.v for It. Chee- W lng-Su's agent waa also ihere to collect his blackmail. There wnnld be thirty Chinamen aboard of us when dlsi hurglng cargo; but, though they viere a vlll.ilnoua lot, we felt no fear of thi'm and did not keep the crew even under arms. We were within a day's sail of port on our return when the captain was slrni k by an Idea. C'hee-Wlng-Su knew that our cargo would be a heavy one. Buppns- he should have planned to cut the clipper nut In harbor? All he had lo do was lo pul men enough aboard, and when he had exterminated the crew nnd taken who was lo betray him? He had men who could sail Ihe craft, and by giving her a new coat ot paint, a uew name nnii m aking some changes In her rig she coubl not be recog­nised, Even it she were, s hut would her owners dare do about It? T!. have set up a claim would have been lo convict them­selves o f smugglihg. As !..r wiping out a score o f Europeana, he would consider that as a sort o f duly under any clrc jra -fltanrFS.

Before we made harbor everything waa lireiiared and every man Instructed. In response to our signal a dozen sampans aiipeared, and (he Ural man on our decks WHS the rascally old f'hee-tVlng-Bu. He wim effusive, good-natured and allek as grease. He said there was eatise for hsste In unloading, as Ho' custom offi­cials had suddenly become nrtlve, and he was permitted to order about fifty men on hoard lo break out eargo. As soon ns our anchor was down all but two or three of our Crew dlstippeared, and the captain nnd agents sat ilown to n lunch­eon In Ihe cabin. Not a box hnit yet gone over the rail when iho Chinese on deck broke loose. In thirty seconds every man bur the captain was sailing Into them They were armed with knives only.

the voyageranee oi no- ■ "y — — - - " i

When the fight hnd ended, the anchor was and Ihe ellpper sailed away oul o f the htirhnr t’ hee-Wlng-Bu played the bvpoerHe at first. Then he blustered and throBiiTi’d, and at the end he broke down nml became disgustingly abject. The ngent on board wllh him was in the I'loi He refused to give It away at firsl, but whin hi' knew that death was the nlli-r n.iilvp he talked fast enough. The guni' WHS In seize Ihe clipper and cargo and miLrder us all. and If we had not bc-n 'Oi oor guard ll would have been carried oul l(F llu- *

\Vm a n m for Another port. Chrr U 1 jiK‘ Ru iiia ie a Mr o f f f f for hla Hf**. ns n p u lle r qf tliw wq hart lUi I'Ul'i punish him. I must tell yoUs hov««vrr. (hut law or no Mw. he was hunn iiy iht‘ n4'i'k 1 0 the yarrtarm. Tchile the wnaJii]i(Im1 cm an untnhAblied lilaml. n u *ih 0 |»iRh'hiindt.'d (hliiR lo do. you v. 1 1 1 a<i.v. iunl yf't the Governor o f ShanRhiil. vilm i-nuUI have been bribed i t i^ny Umc' for tin iind who hadn't an honent hair In hla hand, came out In a proclBmuilun and pulilU’ly thanked Vrovidence for removIniT a liwd mHTi from earth. A few niunih-' Inti-r h4‘ Homehow roI knowlt-tlRi- an (■» wlicF owned the ellpper. and he st-tuiih-d lu- cliiird (a ralHe a lufla, hut with in.Va -wii h:iiid'4 I cHrrii'il him I2nfi, and h< IhurIu-iI nmi RTlnnert luid rubbed hlx hand-s i-.ti. ih-

tuj let the affair drop there aijii ilvn .

because its super­ior tonic qualities are t h o r o u g h l y

established by the medical fraternity and all users universally. It gives appetite, health, vigor—is welcomed by the new mother, the aged, the weak,the convalescent. Prepared by ^

AnheuserBusch Brewing A ss nSt. L outi, U . S . A.

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; Come li«re and Iw on Ihe

safe. Hire side—best wsrshotiM, low «» l ralt*i>

A n c h o r B r a n d C a s t i l e 5 o a p




Al th« Nehraxka experlnrjont staMnn thr** calves were rained on svpuraifir mtik am] a like number allowed to follow ihe cow In the ordinary way RfittliiR all (he milk. During the six monthfl eaiTi calf WHb Allowed J40 pounds o f Rraln Hiid iw^n- ty pounds o f n!l meal. The mllk-fcd calves w4Te given About 3fi0 ptiunde enoh of sep­arator milk. At the end o f six muniliB Ihe calves which followed the cow » aser- nRcrt W) pounds and lho«e fed the milk UO piujnds. Jt Is but fair to slate, however, that ihe file* troubled Ihe calvca In the piiHiure more than those fed milk. At the end of twelve months the spparntor talvea averaged 730 pounds ea< h, while the other lot averaged 750 pounds, (he feed being the .same during the aecon<l hIx niontha.

Cut hay or straw, when moistened and sprinkled with brun utid meal, la beUer food for horses than whole grain, us the (‘Ul food la more easily eaten and more thoroughly digested As the meal ^nd bran are fine the coarwe food when mixed wHh such materials tiaalais In dividing them und preveiulng loss of nutrition by Imllgestlon. The i iincenirAlcd fooda ul»o render ihe coarse liuy or slraw more pal- ulubie.


A n o t h e r D r i v e .It will make this “40tti Anni­

versary Sale” more popular than ever—th in k of choosing at Sale’s cut prices from over 100 rockers, new, fresh, up-to- now in shapes, woods and sizes!

Al 2.49cobbler seats.

At 2.98and substantial.

At 3.49

Pretty Rock­ers of golden oak, saddle or

G r a c e f u l R o c k e r s of r e e d — n e w



Olive Oil.l i lh m


(t cannot be excelled for Shanipoelnf and all Sktn Eruptions.

5c. and lOc. Cakes.rr - .t«k for the ANCHdIl BRAND CAS­

TILE HOAI", iBilsl upon fittln a samej tako no isubiiUtutc.


lOH Orv«*owicli Mrwl* • w York.KSTAIJUSHKD IN IWW.

Clock Bargains!

Superbly pol­ished Rockers of oak and

Lime should alwoys l»e in the finest pop- Bible condition before broadrnHted on land. I'nrter no clrcuniMtancee should U contain lumps. It Is ftlfto belter lu haul the lime to the fields and srdtler ll from the wagon Instead o f malting plica of lime in the fields.

Many we^nis appear suddenly, and l l Ih usually a problem to know frum whence th »r Ciimp. When hay or other materials are liought ami brought on the farm the Heeds of wcethi may also come. The grain thresher and separator aIho aometlmcs carries weed seeds, hence U should be thoroughly cleaned before carried from one farm to ancfther. The majority of seeds of weerts are scaltered In manuru that has not been decomposed.

cherry.100 others all the wiy front |4.

J5, H', ?fi, >10 up to f JO.

Solid Oak 8'Day Clock,

Strikes Half Hoar,

El^aat Timepiece,


“ P ortlan d R a n ges” 15.00H . A U R N H A M M E R ,


The new reduced price nude to te thousands of new buyers of the ortijr ranfie ever susUlned by the courtsi Many hive tried lo Imitate it and coifldn’tl Over 11,000 sold—all and see it.

The Largest Stove Store in all New -Icrsey.

According to The American Agricultur­ist. the eaalost way to get rlil o f Ktumpa In field or meadow Is lo burn them out. Dig a trench firoiinrt the slumps about two feet, wide and iwo and a half or thru'i' feet deep, cut niT all projecting roots quite close, and remove Ihc soil as well us pns- slble. Then leave the Hlunip for a few dtiys to dry, Gather u]i A lo! of dry stlckK, brush, etc., ami hli up the trench all around and on top nf the stump and act It on fire. The Hiump will be consumed In rf day or two. Kven green stumpa may tie hurned out lu this way. although It nmy require a nr third supply o f dry atlcka on the lln; lo flccompllBh It.

The Ural preparullon for a grope vine wdll have an effec! lu uflcr years. Dig oul a space four feet square and! three feet deep. Then fill up a foot deep with bones, scrap* o f leather and manure lo Ihe depth of a foot, filling to the lop with good, rlrti lop soil. Plant the vine nnd keep the sur­face soil loose during dry weather. 'When the vine comes Inlo hearing It will show the effects of the lllM ral preparation.

Many kiiirtft of ringes. Belf-feedmip parlor siuves. cylinder!*, pot stoves— Kver make guariiiiteeJ from top to

Kvery price warrantod the lowest known!Note first name ' ‘ Amo*»" and ">*o. 73“

before entering sti»r6.

AMOS H. VAN HORN,L IM IT E D ,Caflli or Oolilt.

Back to tbe 0ty Jind Ready for Vour newspaper!

THE EVENING NEWScin be w nttoyou ihrougti a newsileater or carrier, U you will aeiKl your address to tbz

Eiening News O l e ,a l S a n d a i7 M ark et S t . . N e w a r k . H . J .

M cM U N N ’S


The barnyard Is the receptacle o f tho manure, and tho wnsie straw and corn ­stalk* are thrown therein to be iramplcil by cattle. Thes<* mntvrlal* are Intended ns Absorbent* for retaining the valuable por­tion* o f the manure. U la true that for many year* farmers have thrown thetr manure In the barnyard, and every pound of refuse mulcrlfl!* • scattered over the barnyard Is claimed to make more mu- nure. And such is true, for, whether the cornstalk* are conaumed by stock or chhi on tht heap, the result In the name, so for a* their dlslntegrattnn la concerned, hut the main point to consider I* whether such absorbent material* prevent waate o f thy BOlubl© portion* when a large aurface uf the barnyard 1* exposed lo heavy rains or melting snow* The rain will cauas a large quantity o f water to go down Into the manure, and the large volume o f water either flows off, goen down Into th© soil

n Market St.I ^ Kear Plane St,,

ti a pr«paraii™ at tin Am* by wklch Iti tnjarl-oua effect* are removed, wtallc lb© T*lu*bl* m edicinal propertle* ar* retained. It po*ee*eee All the sed iilvo, anodyne, and aatlipaem od le lEOwen of Opium, but produce* no elcknei* of the Btritnach. no votnlting, no coatlvene**, no hea.1*che- In *cut* nervou* dliordep* It I# *r» invaluable remedy, and la r*conun«ad«d by th* b e ii physlelana

NEWAUK.I^nd for l llu a tr a te d F a ll ('a ta lo g u e . M all ord er* f i l le d . F ree uleliverle*

a n y w h ere In t h e f ita te , F r lv a ta de- Jlvory w a g o n o n r e q n e * !, ,

E. FERRETT, A gent,a ? li Pearl 9t., New Y ork.

W .L DOUGLAS$3.50 SHOESA trial will coavlAC© tbit

• 7w , L. Dou|la* ataoet ar« the beet Id the world.

NKWARK STOftIt786 Broad St.or ©vaporales, ©1b« the barnyard would never bo dry after ft rain, l l le evident Uiftl no manure that Is expuBcd can ©acap© lo.s*. and ll la poBBible for the farmer to haul manure to the field that doe* nol pay (ur the co*i of hauling. To save manure to the best advantage keep It under cover, and add the liquids to the BOllda.



A LKO THAT WALKS and feeU COMFORTABUi winter or aumtner I* Dot mad* of wood, for wood I* unyielding, bard and hoi for tlie*lutnp. Th* A u rP ff- B inllb r o m n a p y 'a L e k t h fr ■ nd A la m ln ln in Arltflctal lilmb* are sa ea*y to walk with *ft a kid Shoe. light, itrong and natural In gait. Juiit th* thing for ■uffnreTB from stor* stump. Wrll* for catalogue.

The Arrow»n‘ith Compuj.Burxtcil A p p lla n c .i, T r a a a a a , B d n , Etaattc HoataTy, B tuuu Bock., . i c . OfllCM. 10# Bataar *C. N ew ark, W. _____________


D lK om tott. i ia n a a tn t Inlurjr, a sk (iJX B TH A N fitA TB D HfeBNIA, al


IKa. 'fiilk.w tifuitrtmly adaptajl, 1“ a < < « t y « * 2 ; porta, a k s lin l wWch ita tu ta law ahouM pzslaat

‘' 'R U P T t l iK D p am w a flaalrtna ad»antM aa *1 Tatant Skilled Eiparlauca, *0 yaara a itabllabM rapulailon for the auccaeaful m w h a n lca j tra it- m m t of HBBNIA or ,£ # o n ila a l lupport ettaa itaout# rat' on

1. B. SEELEY, e. 23« n.i.YiTh* orlglPftl ¥ t r . nf Hard t ™ » )Long recitgnlced iJ/‘* - i^ D e n i in th ia B rllC tA D '


Ai att thuiglM or direct from the Dr, Wuilgc** v*dlcl** Oa., fMhtnco- buiy. H.Ya, }^oa^iM *n rwMlpt of prlca, 60c. p*r box ( alx boat*, HBO.

IIIn Un«*.;Uravr Deed.Fhe wfis a h 'ro worshlptr.Often Hhe wuuld rend hlHlory. Jual

fiju! *ume r.ew herti to worship.uiiu-rwlKo Bhe would rend such nov©l4

a* "lieautlful Betsy. Ihv nelle of the lirfiH* Work*, or the Huronct'a BrJde."

Cir I'ouFBp, this mmlv her feel that *h© had married henenlh her. for her husband had not grown round fthoulilered from wearing heavy medals.

Orenslonally *he wnutrt tell him that ah© wishrd that n© would he a hero.

Once Ih© fooilah man told her that he Would be a hero If he had a chance,

"You would?'* she said, In tone* o t In­credulity. "Dirt you ever do enythlnK In

looked like brave^ , or thatyour Ilf® that like brave^ , or iaaemafi valorous In after yeara?*'. . . . .Hi ihouxht of lit, fiay whan they played .Mendplrsonn's Waddinf _Maro_h, and heK sve th o m ln la ta r 110, a n d aha b ocam e hla w ife .

But he didn't *ay Anything about It.• * — talkaFor a true hero never about hli

W c will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick, Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costivencss we cart/ not cure with Liverita, the Up/To/Datc Little Liver Pill, when the directions are strictly com / plied with, They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction, 25c, boxes con / tain ICX) Pills# 10c, boxes contain 4 0 PiUs, 5c, boxes contain 15 Pitfs, joewlire of substitutions and imitations, Sent by m all Stamps taken# Nervita Medical Co„ C om er Clinton and Jackson Streets, Chicago, UL recitmlced iJ*v-*mlDeni in thli B_______'TT. Aa rominfndtLl by tha World’s Mott Dli- tinautahad Suranani at Home and Abroad.^ In- l.tteted or alfllrted Invited. Booklat free. IClaa- tlo Btooklnaa. Balia Bandaaaa. Popular i


sfifuMIng rure - -if„.... _Ssmiasr Wekknen, £penn4tQTirh«a. I*tp<(•nc]i, ani! ill PliMi* ti ih» follow u s'**- (iMBca of Seir-AbnM i a« Lbm of UtfBofy,UilTtiial LmsMum,Plln I'l iIm tecllaDImMi* «f

. , * —• rfeaiwr* OW _____t t F I I I T * I I I B . S « * : f ^ « i a J ^ Ti*1 i.ty or ConiMi

CTrillljW^i fr'iAliymM.n (ei fed ilnitfitd *t b« Mot PM by I

For by Chu. HotslMMBr, Smt* (b t , Broad and fUilttt StioofeC." - T.

TRUSSES(rSw~i^rti5ttB la fhi'’ A , r o w e 5 5 ® » w i wK b IUIb o TWia»." Worth i ^ r obW JJIHIt Hold* ^1 th* tim*. aort e w r e * B foiP .

a K r o w s h i t u , Tha Truia-FIttB*oaoaa. to# Haltey at. (lam ond tfom >

at., fl#P. CaWtal Dapat).__________

aloriou,. daro-davll fleedA Ro aha itavar knavr that her husband

was a ham . . . . . . .Isn't It a sad. aad ■toryl'-Ualtlmora American.


-..iA i ttMdfe