Closing Ceremony & Certificate Distribution of LMST Buner At Swat Regency Hotel Mingora Swat on August 22, 2014 Under Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE) After successful completion of five days residential trainings on “Leadership Management Skills Training (LMST)” for men activists from different community organizations of UC Makhranai District Buner, the closing ceremony was held, in which apart from Regional HRDO Swat and District HRDO Buner, 25 men activists (training participants) participated. Dr. Adalat Khan (District Horticulturist, Agriculture Extension Department Swat) also participated in the occasion as chief guest.

SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

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Page 1: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Closing Ceremony & Certificate Distribution of LMST Buner At

Swat Regency Hotel Mingora Swat on August 22, 2014


Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE)

After successful completion of five days residential

trainings on “Leadership Management Skills Training

(LMST)” for men activists from different community

organizations of UC Makhranai District Buner, the closing

ceremony was held, in which apart from Regional HRDO

Swat and District HRDO Buner, 25 men activists (training

participants) participated. Dr. Adalat Khan (District

Horticulturist, Agriculture Extension Department Swat)

also participated in the occasion as chief guest.

Page 2: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Mr. Bahadur Ali Regional HRDO Swat, while expressions his views, thanked the chief

guest for sparing his precious time and timely participation in the occasion. While

expressing his views, he highlighted the SRSP vision and mission as well as working

approach and objectives to the specific training event. He further added that we on

behalf of SRSP are trying our best to organize and facilitate such types of training events

with all possible arrangements. He also added that we believe that communities have

potentials to do and the SRSP is going to explore these potentials in the shape of

organized communities.

The LMST closing ceremony

was started with recitation

from the Holy Quran

performed by one among the

training participants.

Page 3: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Mr. Najeeb (General Secretary of Al-Khidmat

CO, UC Makhranai), while giving his feedback

regarding the five days residential training of

LMST, he appreciated the attitude of resource

persons and the valuable contents of LMST. He

was also of the opinion that after getting this

training we are now able to get to know about

our duties/rights, rules and responsibilities. He

further added that we will onward convey the

SRSP core message to the concerned


Mr. Fazal Rabi (President of Badloon CO / Pesh

Imam Masjid) among the training participants,

while giving his feedback regarding the five days

residential LMST training, he added that we

learned a lot of about social mobilization,

development concept and role of community

activists. He further expressed that we would

onward live in communities as brothers and work

together for ensuring sustainable development in

our local societies.

Page 4: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

The Respected Chief Guest (Dr. Adalat Khan, District

Horticulturist of Agriculture Extension Department Swat) during

his speech thanked SRSP and the entire participants for inviting

him as chief guest for this event. While expressing his

concluding remarks he added that we are in close coordination

with SRSP in various activities and interventions. He was of the

opinion that there is no doubt that the SRSP interventions have

brought visible change in community development, which

seems towards sustainable rural development. He further

expressed that this five days training would be more fruitful for

all the participants in the sense of real development in

communities at grassroots level. He further briefed the

participants about agriculture department and its two branches

i.e. agriculture research and agriculture extension. During his

speech he delivered briefed lecture on KSA approach

(Knowledge, Skill & Attitude) and linked this approach with

development sector. Questions/Answers session was also held,

during several questions were raised by the participants, which

were clarified by the chief guest with entire satisfaction of the


Page 5: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Certificates were then awarded to the participants by

the chief guest.

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Page 7: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Closing Ceremony & Certificate Distribution of LMST At Relax Cottage Guesthouse Saidu Sharif Swat on May 17, 2014

Funded by European Union Implemented by SRSP

After successful completion of five days

residential training on “Leadership Management

Skills Training (LMST)” for men activists from

different community organizations of Buner, the

closing ceremony was held, in which apart from

Regional HRDO Swat, the SOU Buner staff and

well as 25 men activists (training participants)


Page 8: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Mr. Bahadur Ali Regional HRDO while

expressions his views, he added that we

are trying our best to provide all possible

arrangements during the training in order

to improve the quality of capacity

building trainings. He suggested the

participants to bring positive change in

their community institutions after getting

this training and develop linkages with

different stakeholders, departments and

organizations both internally and

externally to strengthen their community

institutions at local level.

The ceremony took place with recitation

from Holy Quram, performed by one

among the training participants.

Page 9: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

One among the training participants Mr. Syed Bacha, member of Sadat Tanzeem UC

Gadezi, while expressing his feedback regarding the five days training, he showed

satisfaction from all the logistic arrangements. He was of the opinion that after getting

this training, we would onward focus to strengthen our community institutions. He also

appreciated the lecture and training delivering methodology used by the resource

persons during session delivery in the training. He also added that now we would carry

out self help initiatives, which could lead us towards ensuring sustainability.

Mr. Riaz Ahmad General Secretary of Ikhlas Tanzeem from UC

Gadezi, while giving his feedback regarding the training, he

thanked SRSP for providing such type of platform and further

added that we got a lot of about social mobilization,

community development, civil documentation and resolving

local disputes. He also promised that we now go back to our

communities and will try our best to practically demonstrate

the things, which we learnt here during the training.

Page 10: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

The certificates were then

awarded to the training


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Page 12: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Closing Ceremony of LMST Buner At Relax Cottage Guesthouse Saidu Sharif Swat on May 24, 2014

Under Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE)

Funded by European Union Implemented by SRSP

The LMST closing ceremony took place after

successful completion of five days residential

training on “Leadership Management Skills

Training (LMST)” for men activists from different

community organizations of UC Makhranai

District Buner, where apart from Regional HRDO

Swat Region and District HRDO Buner, 26 men

activists (training participants) participated.

Page 13: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

The LMST closing

ceremony was started

with recitation from the

Holy Quran performed by

one among the training


Mr. Bahadur Ali Regional HRDO Swat, while

expressions his views, he asked the participants to

bring visible change in their community institutions

after getting this training in the shape of record

keeping, active linkages development, regular

meetings and saving etc. He also stressed the

participants to focus poorest of the poor in the

communities and get them involved in community

institutions as well as resolve the local disputes. At

the end he requested the participants to convey the

SRSP core messages in their concerned communities,

as a response of which the entire participants

promised and showed their keen interest by raising

their hands.

Page 14: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Mr. Islam, president of Jam Tanzeem (one among the training participants) while giving his

feedback regarding this training he showed satisfaction with all logistic as well as training

arrangements and also appreciated the lecture methodology of the resource persons,

adapting participatory approach, group work and presentation by the participants.

Mr. Ahmad Ali, member of Zameedar Tanzeem, while

expressing his views regarding the training he was of the

opinion that the entire participants got a lot of learning,

which could lead them towards bringing positive change

in their local communities through positive thinking. He

also showed interest in exploring such type of

opportunities in the shape of arranging capacity building


Page 15: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

The entire participants

are praying at the last

moments of LMST

closing ceremony.

The certificates were then awarded to the training participants

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Page 17: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Closing Ceremony of LMST Buner At Hotel Swat Regency Mingora Swat on January 25, 2014

Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE)

Funded by European Union Implemented by SRSP

After successful

completion of five days

residential trainings on

“Leadership Management

Skills Training (LMST)” for

men activists from

different community

organizations of Buner, the

concluding ceremony was

held, in which apart from

SSO Buner and Regional

HRDO, 50 men activists

(training participants)

participated. Mr. Shah

Jehan Manager Operation

HBL Swat was called as

chief guest in the occasion.

Page 18: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

One among the training participants Mr. Shahid

Rahman Genral Secretary Jerga Falahi Tanzeem UC

Pandher, while expressing his feedback regarding

the five days training, he added that we all belong to

same community and have same traditions, even

then the resource persons are also belonging to our

local societies. This will help us in better

understanding of the training components, which

seems better steps towards sustainable


Mr. Arif General Secretary of

village organization named, Khan

Khel Falahi Tanzeem, while giving

his feedback regarding the

training, he expressed his views in

poem, in which he heighted all

the logistic and other training

relevant arrangements in detail

and appreciated at all level.

Mr. Kishwar General Secretary of

community organization “Korya” after

presenting thanks to the chief guest, he

highlighted all the training contents and

added that the skills we learnt here

during training, would further be utilized

and practically demonstrated in our

community organizations for further


Mr. Bahadur Ali Regional HRDO while

expressions his views, he added that we

believe that communities have potentials to

do and the SRSP is going to explore these

potentials in the shape of organized


Page 19: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

The respected chief guest Mr. Shah Jehan Manager

Operation HBL Swat, thanked SRSP staff and the entire

participants during his speech. He further added that the

activities being done by SRSP are to be highly appreciated.

He also added that the SRSP is going to bridge the gap

between different stakeholders and communities, which

could further be more fruitful in giving attentions to the

communities at grass root level. He also ensured that

Habib Bank Limited (HBL) would always extend all possible

support to the community organizations in account

opening and other bank related issues.

The chief guest

then awarded

certificates to the



Page 20: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Closing Ceremony & Certificate Distribution of LMST Buner

At Park Way Hotel, Fizagat Mingora, Swat on April 26nd, 2014

After successful completion of five days residential

trainings on “Leadership Management Skills Training

(LMST)” for men activists from different community

organizations of Buner, the closing ceremony was

held, in which apart from SSO Buner and Regional

HRDO Swat, 25 men activists (training participants)


Page 21: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

The closing

ceremony was

properly started

with recitation

from the Holy


performed by

one among the



Mr. Bakht Afsar one among the training participants and President of

Samaji Tanzeem UC Pandher, while expressing his views regarding five

days residential LMST, he added that we got a lot of about

brotherhood, unity, collectivism and community participation, which

are the basic spirituals of our religion. He further promised that we

would extend all possible cooperation with SRSP and other

organizations working in our communities in developmental sector.

Mr. Mezaj one among the training participants and President of Umeed

Tanzeem UC Chagharzi, while giving his feedback regarding the training,

he appreciated the overall training arrangements and showed keen

satisfaction. He was also of the opinion that our perception regarding

NGOs has now been changed after getting this training.

Page 22: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Mr. Bahadur Ali Regional HRDO while expressions his views, he

added that we believe that communities have potentials to do

and the SRSP is going to explore these potentials in the shape of

organized communities. He further added that we are trying to

improve the capacity building activities, for which we are utilizing

our efforts at all level. He also asked the participants to ensure

involvement of poorest of the poor in their community

organizations for sustainable development.

Mr. Shahid Iqbal (SSO Buner) thanked the participants for their active and timely participation

in five days residential LMST. He also addressed and appreciated the cultural traditions and

practices being adapted in Buner since long. He further added that it is true that each person

has his own political ideas and thinking, but development in communities must be prioritized.

He also stressed the participants to share their knowledge and expertise with other members of

their community organizations.

Page 23: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner


were also


among the



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Page 25: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Closing Ceremony & Certificate Distribution of LMST Buner AT Hotel Swat Regency, Mingora Swat on June 14, 2014

Funded by European Union Implemented by SRSP

After successful completion of

five days residential trainings on

“Leadership Management Skills

Training (LMST)” for men

activists from different

community organizations of UC

Pandher District Buner, the

closing ceremony was held, in

which apart from Regional HRDO

Swat Region SSO and HRDO

Buner, 25 men activists (training

participants) participated. Mr.

Hidayatullah (Sub Divisional

Forest Officer (SDFO),

Watershed/Forest Department

Swat & Buner) also participated

in the occasion as chief guest.

Page 26: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Mr. Bahadur Ali Regional HRDO Swat, while expressions his views, thanked

the chief guest for sparing his precious time and timely participation in the

occasion. While expressing his views, he highlighted the SRSP vision and

mission as well as working approach and objectives to the specific training

event. He further added that we on behalf of SRSP are trying our best to

organize and facilitate such types of training events with all possible

arrangements. He also added that we believe that communities have

potentials to do and the SRSP is going to explore these potentials in the

shape of organized communities.

Mr. Meraj Khan (President of CARAVAN CO, UC

Pandher), while giving his feedback regarding the five

days residential training of LMST, he showed entire

satisfaction with regard to all logistic arrangements. He

also added before coming here we had some good and

bad impressions about NGOs sector, but now we got

very clear concept. He was also of the opinion that the

entire participants got a lot of about social sector and

developmental activities and would onward implement

and practically demonstrate this skill in our local and

concerned communities to further strengthen of

community institutions on sustainable basis.

Page 27: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

The Respected Chief Guest (Mr.

Hidayatullah (Sub Divisional Forest

Officer, Watershed/Forest Department

Swat & Buner) during his speech

thanked SRSP and the entire

participants. While expressing his

concluding remarks he appreciated the

activities carried out by SRSP. He further

briefed the participants regarding Forest

Department and its activities. He was

also of the opinion that involvement of

different stakeholders in SRSP activities

is a good step, which could further

bridge the gaps between concerned

departments and local communities.

Questions/Answers session was held, during which different questions were

raised by the participants, which were clarified by the chief guest with the

entire satisfaction of the participants. During this session, one among the

training participants Mr. Nizam raised question and demanded for plants to be

planted in the mountains in the concerned UC, as a response of which the chief

guest announced ten thousand (10,000) plants free of cost from

watershed/forest department, when plantation season took place in August.

The chief guest then awarded certificates to the

training participants.

Page 28: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

After successful completion of

five days residential trainings on

“Leadership Management Skills

Training (LMST)” for men activists

from different community

organizations of UC Makhranai

and UC Chinglai District Buner,

the closing ceremony was held, in

which apart from Regional HRDO

Swat Region and Incharge SOU

Buner, 25 men activists (training

participants) participated.

Muhammad Hussain (District

Officer, Civil Defense Department

Swat/Buner) also participated in

the occasion as chief guest.

Closing Ceremony & Certificate Distribution of LMST Buner AT Hotel Swat Regency, Mingora Swat on November 22, 2014

Funded by European Union Implemented by SRSP

Page 29: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Mr. Bahadur Ali Regional HRDO

Swat, while expressions his views,

he presented warm welcome to

the chief guest for sparing his

precious time and timely

participation in the occasion. He

further highlighted the SRSP vision

and mission as well as working

approach and objectives to the

specific training event. He asked

the participants to practically

demonstrate the skills learned

during this training in their

relevant community institutions.

He stressed the participants to

involve poorest of the poor in their

community organizations.

The LMST closing ceremony was started with

recitation from the Holy Quran performed by

one among the training participants.

Page 30: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Mr. Shahid Iqbal Khan (Incharge SOU

Buner) thanked the chief guest and

entire participants and added that we

should focus on community

development with positive mind. He

also stressed the participants on

fulfilling responsibilities by utilizing

skills, which they have learned during

LMST. In the last he added that the

SRSP office in Buner is for all the

common folk of district Buner and all

those would be welcomed who come


Mr. Shaukat Ali (General Secretary of

Millat Falahi Tanzeem), while giving his

feedback regarding the five days

residential training of LMST, he added that

first we got one day community based

training on community management skill

training (CMST) and have now been

selected for LMST on proper resolutions

from our concerned COs. He further

appreciated the attitude of resource

persons and the valuable contents of

LMST. He was also of the opinion that

after getting this training we would go to

our communities with a clear message

and concept and utilize all of our efforts

and skills for human and institution


Page 31: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

The Respected Chief Guest (Muhammad Hussain, District Officer Civil Defense Department Swat &

Buner) thanked SRSP and the entire participants. While expressing his concluding remarks he

stressed on attitudinal change, ownership, organizing communities and collectivism, which could

lead all of us towards ensuring sustainable development. He also briefed the participants regarding

the civil defense department and the activities being carried out by the department especially with

regard to disaster management before, during and after. Several questions raised by the

participants were clarified by the chief guest with entire satisfactions of the participants.

The chief guest then awarded certificates to the training


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Page 33: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Closing Ceremony of LMST Buner At Hotel Swat Regency Mingora Swat on February 15, 2014

Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE)

Funded by European Union Implemented by SRSP

After successful completion of five days residential trainings on “Leadership Management Skills Training

(LMST)” for men activists from different community organizations of Buner, the concluding ceremony was

held, in which apart from SO Buner Fawad Khan and Regional HRDO, 50 men activists (training participants)

participated. Dr. Naeem Ahmad, Principal Government Agriculture Research Institute Mingora Swat was

called as chief guest in the occasion.

Mr. Abdul Akbar, President of Madina Welfare

Organization, UC Gadezi, while expressing his

views, he thanked SRSP for providing them such

type of training opportunities for confidence

building among the training participants. He

further added that we will go back to our

communities with thinking of sustainable

development through self help initiatives in the

shape of organized communities.

One among the training participants Mr. Naeem,

President Sarkhana Tanzeem village Sultanwas UC

Gadezi, while expressing his feedback regarding the

five days training, he added that they are fully satisfied

on all the training arrangements. He further added

that these training events are very important for

building of self confidence among the training

participants. He also added that we all would onward

work together as organized communities for

sustainable development of our local communities

through self help initiatives.

Page 34: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

Mr. Bahadur Ali Regional HRDO

while expressions his views, he

thanked the chief guest for timely

participation in the occasion. He

further added we on behalf of SRSP

are trying our best to organize and

facilitate such types of training

events with all possible

arrangements. He also added that

we believe that communities have

potentials to do and the SRSP is

going to explore these potentials in

the shape of organized

communities. He further added that

SRSP would always work with the

local communities at their door


The respected chief guest Dr. Naeem

Ahmad, Principal of Government

Agriculture Research Institute

Mingora Swat thanked SRSP staff and

the entire participants during his

speech. He further added that the

activities being done by SRSP are to be

highly appreciated. He also added that

the SRSP is going to bridge the gap

between different stakeholders and

communities, which could further be

more fruitful in giving attentions to the

communities at grass root level. He

also ensured that Agriculture Research

Institute would always extend all

possible support to the community

organizations on the basis of when and

where required.

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The certificates were then awarded to the training participants

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Closing Ceremony & Certificate distribution of LMST Buner

Swat Continental Hotel, Mingora, Swat March 29nd, 2014

Funded by European Union Implemented by SRSP

After successful completion of five days residential trainings on

“Leadership Management Skills Training (LMST)” for men

activists from different community organizations of two UCs

Sorey and Batara District Buner, the closing ceremony was held,

in which apart from Regional HRD staff, SSO Buner, 25 men

activists (training participants) participated. Mr. Azizullah Gran,

MPA PK-81 Swat was invited as chief guest.

Page 37: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

The LMST closing ceremony took place with

recitation from the Holy Quran, performed by one

among the training participants.

Mr. Murad Ali Khan, DPM SRSP presented warm welcome to the chief guest and thanked

him for his active and timely participation in the event. He further highlighted the SRSP

vision, mission and working approach especially under EU-PEACE Project. He also briefed

the chief guest about five days residential LMST training in detail. He asked the training

participants about their willingness for becoming potential CRPs/Master Trainers, on

which the participants showed their keen interest by raising hands

Page 38: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

One among the training participants Mr.

Zubair from UC Batara (Secretary of Roonr

Sahar Tanzeem), while giving his feedback

regarding the five days residential training,

he added that we were unaware before this

training and we now got vision towards

social mobilization, development and

collectivism. He was also of the opinion that

during my 14 years educational career, I

didn’t learn the things, which I got during

this five days LMST. He further ensured that

we would onward demonstrate these skills

practically in our local societies and would

try our best to get the people organized in


Another training participant Mr. Bashir ul Haq from UC Sorey (Secretary of

Shams Tanzeem), while presenting his remarks as feedback of the LMST five

days residential training, he showed entire satisfaction regarding training and

logistic arrangements. He was also of the opinion that being a school teacher,

I didn’t learn the things throughout my life, which I learned during this

training. He further added that we would now initiate self help activities for

the development of our localities utilizing the SRSP philosophy of social

mobilization and development.

Page 39: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

The Respected Chief Guest Mr. Azizullah Gran

(MPA PK-81 Swat) thanked SRSP staff as well as

the entire participants and appreciated the

activities being carried out by SRSP. He further

stressed on having liaison among the government,

organizations and communities and ensured all

possible support to SRSP and communities from

provincial government at all level.

Page 40: SRSP Leadership Management Skills Training Closing Ceremonies District Buner

The chief guest then awarded certificates to

the training participants

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