Soliday TeleHealth Find A Partner Pilot Application Health 2.0 2014

Find A Pilot Partner 2014

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Ideas For Innovation in Healthcare Technology-- Old Document From Early 2014

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Soliday TeleHealth

Find A Partner Pilot ApplicationHealth 2.0 2014

Page 2: Find A Pilot Partner 2014

Soliday TeleHealth Enterprise Platform Overview

• Technology Overview: The proposed pilot technology is an medical device & technology data connectivity enterprise health platform. The platform will integrate patient-generated medical data into enterprise health systems for purposes of remote patient monitoring, patient predictive modeling/metrics, and disease diagnosis facilitation.

• Medical Device/Data Connectivity- The software offering will aggregate medical data generated through patient medical devices and technologies into patient-specific metrics and scores. The metrics generated from the patient-generated data that has been aggregated into the platform . The metrics developed from device data integration will be available for patient and provider review through a patient health analytics dashboard accessible through a patient’s interoperable care record.

• Remote Patient Monitoring- The remote patient monitoring sector of the platform will allow for providers to remotely monitor and analyze patient-generated metrics through a remote patient monitoring dashboard accessible through their existing enterprise health system.

• Interoperable & Interactive Collaborative Care Records- The interoperable records element of the platform will focus on the development of interactive collaborative care records that will integrate patient analytics, predictive scores and metrics, medical history, and medical data into one interactive patient health record that can be easily shared and accessed by a patient’s providers.

• Disease Diagnosis Facilitation- This element of the platform will allow for the facilitation of disease diagnosis through the transmission of medical data and images. There have been an abundance of technologies that have developed over the past few years that facilitate disease diagnosis through web-based technologies, or connections to a limited telemedicine network. The platform will allow for an enterprise health system to facilitate disease diagnosis telemedicine transactions.

• Informed Provider Decision Making- he bioinformatics generated through medical data integration will be accessible for medical provider during patient treatment and remote patient monitoring. Through the automated development of advanced patient history metrics, providers will have the ability to make informed, patient-specific care decisions without having a previous history with the patient. This integration of bioinformatics into patient interoperable records will be highly-important for the facilitation of telemedicine e-visits, and must be developed prior to addressing systematic e-visit technology.

• Chronic Disease Management- The chronic disease management element of the platform will allow for patients and providers to collaboratively develop detailed care plans for a patient’s chronic disease management. This element of the platform will use interoperable records to facilitate shared planning highly-detailed chronic disease management plans, as well as medical appointment and medication management.

• Patient-Generated Data Modeling & Metrics- The medical device and data connectivity element of the platform will focus on the integration of patient-generated medical data generated into a patient’s interoperable record for. This patient-generated data will be used to develop patient-specific metrics, predictive modeling scores, and remote patient monitoring functionalities.

Soliday TeleHealth

Platform For Enterprise

Health System Integration

Advanced Remote Patient Monitoring

Patient-Generated Data Integration & Analytics

Interactive & Interoperable

Collaborative Care Records

Technology-Based Disease Diagnosis


Shared Patient & Provider Chronic

Disease Management

Patient Predictive

Modeling & Metrics


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Soliday TeleHealth Enterprise

Health System Integration Platform

Patient-Generated Medical Data Integration • Generation of Patient Metrics & Scores From Patient-Generate Data • Consumer Health Devices & Wearables

• Consumer Health Applications • Tech-Based Medical Devices • Adherence Reporting • Preventative Care Modeling

Interoperable Collaborative Care Records • Patient Medical Data Storage • Access To Patient Labs • Radiology Treatment Access • Medications History • Shared Access Among Providers • TeleMedicine E-Referrals • “Second Opinion” Option For Patients • Collaborative Provider Care Plan Coordination • Patient History Profile For TeleMedicine • Interactive Patient Health Analytics Dashboard

Chronic Disease Management • Advanced Care Plan Development • Data-Driven Care Assignments • Diet & Nutritional Coordinator • Medical Appointment Coordination & Management

Technology-Based Disease Diagnosis Delivery • Integration of Patient Medical Data From Technology-Based Disease Diagnostic Technologies • Facilitation of Medical Data Review & Diagnosis by Medical Specialist • TeleMedicine Service Facilitation Payment Exchange

Remote Patient Monitoring • Provider-Side Remote Monitoring Patient Analytics Dashboard • Automated Patient Adherence Reporting & Remote Summaries • Provider Notifications Regarding Patient Irregularities

Patient-Specific Metrics & Predictive Modeling Development • Patient Overall Health Metrics • Patient Compliance Reporting • Automated Provider Notifications Generated From Patient Predictive Models

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Remote Patient Monitoring

• Remote Patient Monitoring Platform Sector Overview: The remote patient monitoring sector of the platform will allow for providers to remotely monitor and analyze patient-generated metrics through a remote patient monitoring dashboard accessible through their existing enterprise health system. Using the patient-generated metrics and predictive models, the system will allow providers to access patient metrics remotely, as well as automatically notify providers of patient irregularities. The development of remote patient monitoring technologies using patient analytics and predictive modeling will aim to reduce re-admittance, and increase care plan compliance, through telemedicine.

• Provider-Side Monitoring Dashboard- This element of the platform will allow for providers to review a dashboard of patient data and analytics inside their EMR systems with relevant patient analytics and indicators.

• Automated Patient Adherence Reporting- The platform will use the data generated from patient monitoring devices to generate patient adherence (medications, self-care, wellness) summaries and reports for provider review, as well as integration in patient metrics.

• Patient Abnormality Notifications- The platform will produce provider notifications regarding patient abnormalities for access through their existing health system. These notifications will use predictive-modeling algorithms to notify providers of irregularities identified in patient data analytics. Upon the identification of an irregularity in patient analytics, providers will be sent a remote monitoring notification with a summary of the patient data irregularity.

• Philanthropic Use Case Scenarios- Remote patient monitoring has a variety of philanthropic use case scenarios, and can be used to remotely provide medical care to those with an inability to afford care on their own. The remote patient monitoring element of the platform will allow hospital & provider systems a cost-effective solution for implementing remote patient monitoring services to patients of low socio-economic background managing chronic illness.

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Interactive & Interoperable Collaborative Care Records

• Idea Overview: The interoperable records element of the platform will focus on the development of interactive collaborative care records that will integrate patient analytics, predictive scores and metrics, medical history, and medical data into one interactive patient health record that can be easily shared and accessed by a patient’s providers.• Seamlessly Share Patient Health Record Across Providers- Patients will easily have the ability to share access to their

interoperable patient record with multiple providers, for telemedicine referral and multiple provider collaborative care coordination. The development of fully-functional interoperable patient records will be essential for telemedicine & e-visit service facilitation.

• Medical Data & Media Access- Interoperable records will include access to all patient labs, radiology imagery and treatment data, assigned care plans, prescription details, as well as other media relevant to the patient’s overall medical history.

• E-Referral Element- Each patient’s collaborative care record will facilitate patient care plan assignment and management, and allow for patients and providers to seek second opinions from medical specialists regarding their assigned treatment plans. Through access to a telemedicine network, patients will be able to seek “second opinions” regarding their treatment by sharing their interoperable record with specialists and additional providers.

• Provider-Side E-Referral Functionality- Providers will be able to refer a patient’s complete interactive profile (including all labs, diagnostics, data) to a specialists for referral regarding care plan management. This functionality will allow for the shared ability to manage a patient’s care plan between remote specialists and providers giving the actual treatment.

• Patient-Side E-Referral Functionality- Patients will have the ability to seek a “second opinion” regarding their diagnosis from a leading specialist in their field. This will include the referral of the patient’s interactive profile and assigned care plan by their existing provider. This will allow for providers’ to analyze the entire patient health scenario and determine if the assigned care plan is appropriate.

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Technology-Based Disease Diagnosis Delivery

• Functionality Overview: This module of the platform will facilitate the transmission of disease diagnosis medical data from medical devices and web technologies into enterprise health systems for review by medical professionals. The platform will serve as a module for access of disease diagnosis images/data for review by medical professionals/specialists, and a tele-medical diagnosis.

• Technology Overview: The platform technology allows for disease diagnosis medical data that is produced from devices or web-based technologies to be integrated into enterprise health systems. The platform will integrate the disease diagnostic date and facilitate it through the enterprise system into modules where it can be reviewed for diagnosis delivery. Through a partnership with a payor system, medical providers would have the ability to receive payment for their telemedical service.

• Issue Addressment: There has been an increase in technologies that allow for the diagnosis of a disease through a medical device or web-based technology, but are unable to access a large amount of credible providers. The technology will close the gap between disease diagnosis technologies and the requirement of credible medical professionals for data/image review and diagnosis.

• Connecting Research To Technology- There has been an increase in the amount of disease diagnosis technologies that have emerged from research institutions, and are ready to commercialize for public good. Although their technologies enhance medical care, they are not able to grow without large access to medical provider networks.

• Creates TeleMedicine Review Jobs- New employment sector of professionals with training of the review and diagnosis of medical images. Instead of being in a traditional hospital/doctor’s office environment, medical professionals will be performing “white collar” office jobs reviewing medical data that is facilitated through the enterprise system.

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Patient-Specific Health Metrics & Patient Predictive Modeling

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Patient-Centric Medical Data Integration For Enterprise Health Systems

• Patient-Generated Data Concept Overview: The main focus of this element of the platform is the integration of medical device and medical technology data for access and review by medical providers through their existing health systems. The targeted medical devices for data integration include consumer health devices and applications, consumer medical devices, and disease diagnosis devices and technologies.

• Consumer Health Devices & Applications- This element of the platform focuses on the ability to connect the data collected from consumer health devices and applications into a patient’s interoperable care record for analysis by medical providers and integration into patient predictive modeling algorithms.

• Partnership With Payor- When facilitating these telemedicine transactions, a partnership with a payor could be essential for the success of the project. This partnership would coordinate the technological review of diagnostic data by medical professionals and facilitate the telemedicine service charges amongst payor networks.

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Remote Patient Monitoring & Patient Predictive Modeling • Patient Data For Remote Patient Monitoring- The platform will focus on integrating patient data into health systems

for remote patient monitoring. Providers will be able to access remote patient data and analytics from the medical devices connected to the platform through their existing health system.

• Patient Predictive Modeling/Metrics- This element of the platform focuses on the developmental requirements of using patient predictive modeling in enterprise health systems. Through partnerships with healthcare technology start-ups that are leading the innovation in this sector, we would be able to develop remote patient monitoring

• Enterprise Health System Development- Working with the enterprise health system host to design the provider access modules for patient analytics and predictive modeling.

• Development For EMR- The remote patient monitoring module will require significant development in the host system.

• Patient PHR Module- Development will focus on building the module of the patient PHR where all of the medical device data can be accessed both during appointments and remotely.

• Remote Monitoring Dashboard- An additional focus will be on developing the remote patient monitoring dashboard that will be accessible through the providers’ EMR system. This dashboard will allow for providers to review patient analytics, as well as receive patient predictive modeling notifications generated from medical device data.

• Integration with Patient Analytics & Notifications- Building out the module where the data will be integrated for patient analytics and provider notifications using patient predictive modeling. This will require future partnerships with patient predictive modeling technologies and firms.

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Disease Diagnostic Support Delivery• Functionality Overview: This module of the platform will facilitate the transmission of disease diagnosis medical data from medical devices and

web technologies into enterprise health systems for review by medical professionals. The platform will serve as a module for access of disease diagnosis images/data for review by medical professionals/specialists, and a tele-medical diagnosis.

• Technology Overview: The platform technology allows for disease diagnosis medical data that is produced from devices or web-based technologies to be integrated into enterprise health systems. The platform will integrate the disease diagnostic date and facilitate it through the enterprise system into modules where it can be reviewed for diagnosis delivery. Through a partnership with a payor system, medical providers would have the ability to receive payment for their telemedical service.

• Issue Addressment: There has been an increase in technologies that allow for the diagnosis of a disease through a medical device or web-based technology, but are unable to access a large amount of credible providers. The technology will close the gap between disease diagnosis technologies and the requirement of credible medical professionals for data/image review and diagnosis.

• Benefits To Healthcare Ecosystem- This element of the technology will be highly-beneficial for the healthcare ecosystem.

• Connecting Research To Technology- There has been an increase in the amount of disease diagnosis technologies that have emerged from research institutions, and are ready to commercialize for public good. Although their technologies enhance medical care, they are not able to grow without large access to medical provider networks.

• Creates TeleMedicine Review Jobs- New employment sector of professionals with training of the review and diagnosis of medical images. Instead of being in a hospital/doctor’s office environment, they will be white collar jobs reviewing medical data that is facilitated through the enterprise system. This industry could grow

• Benefits of a Payor Host Company: The focus of this development is going to be the facilitation of insurance charges for telemedical review of disease diagnosis facilitation. Working with a payor company could allow for the technology team to build products that will easily facilitate exchange over the health insurance exchange network.

• Enterprise Provider- Development requires building the portal for image/data access and diagnosis through their enterprise system. This functionality development also requires input by a payor system to facilitate the payment of telemedicine services.

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Technology Partnerships• Host Partner: For the proposed technology, an enterprise health system and/

or EMR provider would be the ideal host partner. A joint venture with a payor host provider could enhance the product development while allowing payor hosts to meet guidelines set forth in the Affordable Care Act.

• TeleMedicine Transaction Facilitation- The platform will allow for EMR and enterprise health systems to facilitate telemedicine transactions through disease diagnosis delivery support and remote patient monitoring. For the element of the platform that facilitates transactions amongst payor networks, a host partnership with a payor could be beneficial.

• Affordable Care Act / Meaningful Use Alignment For Enterprise Health System: The platform has been designed to facilitate software functionalities that will allow for an EMR provider or health system host company to meet software development guidelines set forth through the Affordable Care Act. The integration and use of this data is required for health systems to meet their Meaningful Use Stage 3 & 4 functionality requirements, and will therefore meet a large market demand upon completion of development.

• Payor System- Another potential host partner would be a payor. Under this scenario, the host would benefit from the development of technologies to facilitate telemedical transactions.

• TeleMedicine Service Payment Intellectual Property- The payor system could potentially have the intellectual property for making exchanges for telemedical services over the health insurance exchange.

• Data Partners: In addition to an enterprise health system host partner, this technology will require additional data partnerships to successfully launch.

• Medical Devices- A core element of the technology is the integration of medical device data. Partnerships with existing and emerging medical device technologies would be beneficial to the development of this element of the platform.

• BioSignals Example- Development partnership with BioSignals to have their EEG data accessible through EMR systems. This partnership would include the integration of EEG data into Patient Health Records, as well as for facilitation of telemedical review by trained EEG technologists and neurologists who interpret EEG.

• Pilot Health 2013 Collaboration Example: BioSignal- Integrated of EEG data collected through BioSignal devices into enterprise health systems for telemedicine review by trained EEG technologists and neurologists who interpret EEG.

• Consumer Health Application- Partnerships with consumer health applications would be required for integration of the data produced through their applications into the platform for PHR integration, remote patient monitoring, and patient predictive modeling.

• Development: The initial product development focus is on the design of the data integration into existing systems. Following integration design, the data would be organized into metrics relevant for medical review and accessible through the PHR and provider’s remote patient monitoring dashboard.

• EMR Developments- The platform focuses on developing these technologies for enterprise health systems. This includes the design and development of the front-end modifications required for providers to access this data through their existing health system.

• Back-End Device & Data Partnerships- In addition to the front-end EMR developments, technology will be required to coordinate and organize the patient data into modules relevant for review by medical providers.

• Pilot Health 2013 Collaboration Example: AdhereTech- Working with