Oralcare Tips for Young Champs HEALTH TIPS FOR KIDS REGARDING THEIR SENSITIVE TEETH Lets discuss it with you…

Oral Healthcare Awareness for Young Champs

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Oralcare Tips for Young Champs


Lets discuss it with you…

Oral Healthcare For KidsDental care is one of the important thing• Mostly people neglect in the care of the teeth• This is a very bad thing, where the teeth should be taken care of and

nurtured very carefully• By taking the start to ensure the health of the mouth and teeth

healthy childhood• You should take these tips into consideration and attention to make

your teeth and gums stronger.

Oral Healthcare Awareness

• Maintaining a good oral hygiene is extremely important to keep your smile bright.

• For healthy teeth, you always need to have a proper brushing and have a healthy diet.

• While kids can develop good dental habits at a young age, it is extremely important for them to break the bad habits.

• Stop drinking a sugary beverage right before going to bed.• Thumb sucking is also a bad habit that should be nipped in the bud.

You should brush your Kid’s Teeth• Kids should brush their teeth twice a day and floss their teeth

regularly. • Visit an experienced dentist for every 4-6 months to maintain a good

dental hygiene.• If your kid is too young to brush his or her teeth, then you should

brush your kid’s teeth.• Always choose a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and pea-size

toothpaste to brush your kid’s teeth.

Preventing Tooth Decays

• Tooth cavities and decays can be prevented by following a good oral hygiene.

• One of the most important thing is to use toothpaste that has fluoride in it.

• When the permanent teeth of your kid have erupted, make sure to consult your dentist and discuss about sealants for your kid’s teeth.

Tooth Cavities

• Proper oral care starts at an early age.• As soon as the first tooth breaks the gum, oral care should be

started to reduce and prevent tooth decay. • Tooth cavities start in adults, infants and children, which can be

reduced easily if you do good oral care.

Best Oralcare Products for Kids

• According to UAE Health Authority, there are some amazing Oralcare Products available in UAE

• There are wide ranges in Kids, Teens and for the Adults.• Always try to have Natural Oralcare Products which do not

harm your gums and teeth.

Best Oralcare Products for Kids

• Studies have shown that Kids on average brush their teeth for less than a minute, when dentists recommend you brush your teeth for 2 minutes.

• We recognized this was a huge problem, and found that we could increase brushing time if we make brushing fun.

• Introducing Brush Buddies, the brand created to make brushing fun!

Best Oralcare Products for Kids

• The new children toothpaste is designed to reinforce the enamel, prevent decay, strengthen and maintain teeth in good health.

• Biorepair Junior contains microRepair granules that penetrate into the cracks and injured areas of teeth, remineralizing and repairing the enamel, and stimulating a safe re-growth of new hydroxyapatite.

Give Time to Brushing

Your Smiles are Important

Do not forget to Follow these Steps

Do Regular Checkups

Usage of Good Oralcare Products

Brush Twice a Day Everyday

Keep Smiling Everyday

Live Healthy and Happily