The shivering agony shivers the

Shivering shivers

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The shivering

agony shivers

the confidence

of entire family

Old age is Gold age for few leading planned & systematic life from young age. Many elders experience this health problem called PARKINSONS. When diagnosed mostly it is in advanced stage. How to face it? may not be curable but can be tackled effectively now

Human brain is amazing having hundreds of crores nerve cells. Each group performing a specific function. In our inner brain we have a portion called substantia naigra controlling our body movements. Degeneration of these cells cause Parkin- sonism. They produce dopamine that control movements

Causative factors are not known specifically. Familial, pollution, alcohol, drugs, stress, strain, anxiety may contribute. Preventive steps are not yet known fully. Extensive research studies are going on globally to find out the specific reasons.

How it starts? Usually seen in 55 yrs & above age. Rare before that. 5% of Indian elders suffer with Parkinson. Initially movements of 1 side are slow down. Tremors in hand when it is static. Usually in one hand.

•Muscle stiffness. Restricted movements. •While walking one hand swings & other will not swing. •Changes in face muscle while laughing, eye movements will differ. Face look like a wooden piece. •Reduced work pace usually task take 5 min take 10-15 min.

•Change in body gait, walking steps will be going to a side.•Person will bend forward while walking. •Hand writing changes. Letters will be small.•Smelling ability reducesWith above can be diagnosed early easily.

Onset result in 1 side nerve cells degenerate symptoms 1 side only. Dopamine is reduced & functional abilities reduced. Body gait changes with hunch. Disturbed Body balance falls will occur. Sleeplessness throat change constipation set in

Movements are reduced and restricted. Diagnosed with PET (Dopa) scan & MRI.Treatment: L-Dopa initially helps but very short acting with many side effects. Dosage increases over time. Need constant medical supervision .

What is the answer? Modern surgical method called Deep Brain Stimulation Install pace maker to stimulate brain. This help the patient to lead normal life for 10-15 yrs reducing burden on family members.

How to prevent it? Good lifestyle, Vegetarian Avoid alcohol, drugs, sleeping pills. Keep brain active learning classical music, new language, solving puzzles, having good family, societal relations. Physically active like walk, cycle, skip, swim

30 min daily helps. Out door games Tennicoit, badminton, shuttle, foot ball, Tennis, Sprint, Horse ride, Hockey, Kabaddi daily help a lot. Surya Namaskaraas, Pranayaama, Meditation, Yogaasanaas for 30 min daily go long way in preventing parkinsonism

Especially praanaayaama viz. Kapaala bhaati or Bhraamari on vajraasana or padmaasana for 20 min 2 times/day improve blood circulation to brain may prevent parkinsonism. Deep meditation for 30 min / day help prevent the problem. Taila abhyanganam twice/ week helps from cradle to grave is ideal

Seershaasana or Sarvaanga aasana for 3 min twice a day from the age of 20 yrs, if you practice under sadguru even @ age of 50 yrs will help a lot. Avoid Seershaasana from 70 yr Age Halaasana is also very helpful to improve blood circulation

Daily Massage scalp with hot oil (Til, Coconut) very useful Massage temples, back neck palms & feet daily before going to bed in the night from 30 yrs. age Which improves circulation to your head region. Playing chess keep brain active

Join NGOs, SSOs to serve the needy. Philanthropy helps. Maintain harmonious relations with neighbours, relations, colleagues. Take it easy policy. Help others. Shower / Steam bath 2 times / week is very useful to improve blood circulation.

Daily 6 almonds, Walnuts 3 each Pista, Khajoor, Kishmiss, Anjeer, Flax seeds 5 gm /day millets-50 g in daily food. Indian Cow ghee with pepper is very supportive. Be 99% veggie from 20 yrs + Consume moong dal 3 times/ week even as kheer. Take 50% raw food daily like fruit & veg salads, fresh juices

Ayurveda helps to prevent parkinsonism by Dhaaraa, Nasya chikitsa and Pancha Karma therapies.Herbs like Sankhapushpi, Kasturi Haldi, Aswagandha, Brahmi, Vacha help prevent parkinsonism. Spend & play with children twice/ week

Develop useful, meaningful absorbing hobby which relaxes keep you happy & activate your brain. Develop new contacts, visit new places and learn new things to stimulate brain. Learn new technologies

Home remedy to be healthy & useful in many diseases/ disorders.200 ml water, 3 gm each dalchini, ginger, pepper, dhaniya, kastur haldi, musta, 10 curry leaves boil till it is 100 ml. add 5 gm jagery drink on empty stomach daily for 6 mon Improves circulation, reduces bad cholesterol, High BP, blood sugar, joint pains, indigestion, gas, Reflux, and constipation

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Satya KovurWellness Architect98480 13958www.slideshare.com/snanayoga [email protected] Sreyas Family CounselingCenter

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