Introduction to Scientific Research Meera Mathew

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Introduction to Scientific Research

Meera Mathew

How science is different from belief?

Belief is the acceptance of something without the need of any evidence.

Eg. Belief in God.

Science requires that beliefs be continuously tested against evidence from the real world.

Eg. Sun rises in the east. (Applicability of rotation and revolution)

Components of ScienceEvidence


Induction & Deduction


Experiment and make theories

Validity by testing

If successful –Reliabile and thus make it public

Scientific Method

The scientific method is the process by which the above components of science is carried out.

To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry is commonly based on empirical or measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning. For example if the dead body is bluish in colour that means there was a dosage of toxin used.

The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge

Scientific Research- StepsObserve an event. (observation of a phenomenon, event, or

problem.)Develop a model (or hypothesis) which makes a prediction. (a

question that needs to be answered to satisfy human curiosity about the observation, such as why or how this event happened or what it is like)

Test the prediction (This is to prove or disprove the hypothesis)Observe the result. (All evidence and conclusions must be

analyzed properly)If not successful, revise the hypothesis.Repeat as needed. A successful hypothesis becomes a Scientific Theory.


Scientific Research and its Characteristics•Objectivity.

•Systematic and cumulative in nature.

•Creates scientific knowledge.

•Conducting scientific research skills – theoretical and methodological.

•Repetition and Precision to reach a conclusion.

•Invention - The final result of scientific research is invention.

MeritsAbsence of forgery and manipulation of dataNo choice but the selection and rejection of

unwanted results:-No manipulation of a representation or an image,Absence of plagiarism and theft of ideas,No falsification of content,Impossibility in doing unauthorized publication by

a third party,No sabotage of research activity

Whether legal research is scientific researchEarlier it was a notion that the science and law do not

go hand in hand since, in law, the limits reside in procedural technicalities.

Fowler V. Harper in his research paper ‘Scientific Method in the Application of Law’ states that all the doctrinal study conducted in research is unscientific. Only empirical studies come under the purview of scientific research.

But now the views change with the scope of law being increased. Today in marine law, intellectual property law, medical law esp. forensic laws, environmental law to deal with climate change the usage of science is greatly appreciated.

Whether legal research is scientific researchThe evidentiary quality of scientific data are checked in

the process of practising law, they also focus specifically on the role of scientists as expert witnesses.

Issues concerning scientific proof have been central in debates concerning, for instance, the reliability and interpretation of evidence from DNA fingerprinting, insanity pleas, rape trauma, the toxicity of certain chemical wastes etc

Therefore now scientific researches are done to prove legal phenomena

Whether legal research is scientific researchIn 1969 UNESCO adopted a resolution called

"Promoting Fundamental Scientific Research”Promotion of Scientific Research is available at

Continental Shelf Convention, Convention on the High Seas

The German Constitution guarantees freedom of scientific research.

Dharam Deo Yadav v. State of U.P. (2014) 5 SCC 509, the Supreme Court bench emphasized the need to adopt scientific methods in crime detection to save the judicial system from low conviction rates.

Problems in scientific research

The right to privacy: Chances of exploitation of personal data for purposes of scientific research

Environmental protection :- genetic research, carrying out genetic work and release of genetically modified organisms often violate environment protection

Life and health of human beings:- clinical trials and cloning experiments happening are posing threats

Human dignity:- Fertility treatments