Image credits: Ford Racing on Flickr. LEAVE COMPETITORS IN THE DUST!

4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

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http://www.wrike.com/blog - The business world's obsession with speed and velocity have placed marketing teams under increased pressure to deliver and to respond to changing customer needs at a breakneck pace. To remain competitive, marketers can embrace the Agile marketing methodology. This slideshare discusses four reasons why Agile is beneficial to marketing teams of every stripe. Download the free ebook, 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team: https://www.wrike.com/library/ebooks/agile-marketing-guide/?utm_source=slideshare&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ebook_agilemktg

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Page 1: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Image credits: Ford Racing on Flickr.


Page 2: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Our world is all about


High-speed internet

Instant messaging

3-D printing

Page 3: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Business is all about FAST too.

Instant ROI

Furiously-paced feature releases

Last minute go-to-market strategies

Speedy pivots

Page 4: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Look at how these companies have taken over streaming media & entertainment…


Page 5: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Image credits: Joe Loong on Flickr.

Page 6: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Image credits: Sheila Sund on Flickr.

HOW?HOW?Companies that can't adapt quickly enough to customer needs are being left behind.

Page 7: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Image credits: Teague Labs on Flickr.

It’s the same in marketing.

Marketers struggle to keep up with…

...shifting customer needs

…changing company priorities

…evolving marketing technologies

It’s the same in marketing.

Marketers struggle to keep up with…

...shifting customer needs

…changing company priorities

…evolving marketing technologies

Page 8: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Image credits: Art Bromage on Flickr.

This is where


Page 9: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Image Credits: Alvaro Galve on Flickr.

Agile (n.):

An approach to work invented by software developers so they could streamline processes and deliver products that customers want in a hyper efficient way.

Page 10: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team


The Agile method proved so successful it soon spread to other industries and sectors, including marketing.

But how exactly does Agile help marketers?

There are 4 ways marketing teams benefit from Agile.


Page 11: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Agile Promotes Adaptive Planning

Projects are never set in stone: Parameters change. Customer needs shift.

Agile understands this, making sure project plans allow for quick pivots without dissolving into chaos.


Page 12: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Image credits: Monash Motorsports.

Agile is


You improve the product piece by piece in short, successive work cycles.

There’s always a deliverable, and always work being done. The improvement process is ongoing.


Page 13: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Image credits: Kasey Kahne on Flickr.

Agile Means ConstantFeedback

Open, consistent communication between project teams and customers means delivering exactly what customers want.

Transparency helps ensure no redundant work is being done.


Page 14: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Agile is Rapid

Response to


Because you're always in touch with customers, you know when their needs change.

Because you're communicating with your team, you can immediately pivot to meet those changing needs.

Image credits: Ford Racing on Flickr.


Page 15: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Effects of Agile

Agile turns your team into a customer-centric organization

…able to quickly deliver what customers want.

…able to adapt to changing requirements.

Page 16: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

Image credits: Steve on Flickr.

& Bonus Benefits

The Agile process results in:

(1) enhanced collaboration

(2) improved personal & group productivity

(3) business objectives that center around what really matters: your customer

Page 17: 4 Reasons Why Marketing Needs to be Agile

Download the free ebook: 7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

If you’re eager to implement Agile in your marketing team, we put together a plan for you in a

free ebook:

7 Steps to Developing an Agile Marketing Team

It’s jam-packed with the best tips and tricks for managing your team’s switch to the Agile


Image credits: Kasey Kahne on Flickr.

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