Branding Overview For COMSTRAT 381 Chris Cooney

Branding overview

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1. Branding Overview For COMSTRAT 381 Chris Cooney 2. BRAND a customer experience represented by a collection of images and ideas often, it refers to a symbol such as a name, logo, slogan, and design scheme. Brand recognition and other reactions are created by the accumulation both directly relating to its use, and through commentary. American Marketing Association 3. BRAND Your reputation What you stand for 4. How brands are built Brand Platform 5. Defines what customers should expect and what you can consistently deliver Brand Promise 6. Brand Promise Sheer Driving Pleasure We make it easier to love technology, so that you can experience the future Fun, freedom, and refreshment 7. BMW: M3 M4 OFFICIAL LAUNCH VIDEO 8. How you are perceived in the minds of customers Brand Position 9. APPLE: 30 YEARS OF INNOVATION 10. The Ultimate Driving Machine The brand for the smart, independent, informally classy person. The worlds beverage, local needs Brand Position 11. Brand Personality How you behave, think and act as an organization. 12. COCA-COLA: SMALL WORLD MACHINES 13. Brand Personality 14. Brand Drivers Your points of distinction, or what you do better than anyone else 15. Brand Drivers