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Cell phone

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Liquid Armor, a product with invisible protection for mobile screen. By learning from nature, liquid armor can provide anti-dirt and finger print performance, also with 9H hardness for 1 year durability. website: www.liquidarmor.com.tw

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Liquid Armor

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Analysis of Liquid Armor

The surface of silica glass with hydroxyl group


1.By silicon chemical reaction principle, Liquid Armor create a stable covalent bond with silica glass, and make sharp protruding structure on the glass surface.

2.The formation of sharp protruding structure : Dry time is 8 hours at room temperature and keep it away from water.

3.The formation of sharp protruding structure : Elevated temperature (80~150℃) will accelerate structure formation. The temperature is higher, dry time is shorter.

4. Covalent bond is a strong chemical bond, and the bond energy is 150 KJ/mol.5. Covalent bond, is 10 times stronger than hydrogen bond, is not easy to be broken due to

external force.













Covalent bond

The surface of silica glass with hydroxyl group

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Scanning Probe Microscopy( SPM) by National Nano Device Laboratories( NDL)Glass is coated by Liquid ArmorBlank glass

Surface Analysis of Coated Glass


Specification and Modeling :(1)Type: Veeco Dimension 5000 Scanning Probe Microscope (D5000)(2)The maximum of plane scan range: 150 × 150μm(3)The maximum of height scan range: ~6μm (4)The minimum of resolution: ~1.5nm in X-Y, ~ Å in Z direction(5)Noise: RMS ~0.5 Å (6)The maximum of sample size: 250 mm × 250mm, Thickness< 12 mm(7)OM highest resolution: ~2μm(8)Operating environment: Atmospheric 1 atm(9)The specification of probe: Nanosensors PointProbePlus-RT-NCHR, tip curvature radius < 7nm Nanosensors SuperSharpSilicon-NCHR, tip curvature radius < 2nm μmasch NSC15, tip curvature radius < 7nm

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Un-coated of blank glass Glass is coated by Liquid Armor

Nanotech Anti-fouling Coating Concept


《 Dust & dirt》Large contact areas on the glass surface and dirt is easily accumulated, strongly adhered to the surface and very difficult to clean.

Dust & dirt

Droplets Droplets

Dust & dirt

Smart Coating



Glass Glass Glass Glass

《 Droplets》θ<80o and flattened, stagnate on glass surface and dirt accumulates after water evaporates.

《 Dust & dirt》Small contact areas on the glass surface and dirt does not accumulate easily; is weakly adhered and easy to clean.

《 Droplets》θ>100o and in the shape of minute droplets that roll away easily and dirt does not appear to accumulate.

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Water repellent≠Smart Coating


1. First, we must have a concept. When we use coating, there is no perfect coatings that can keep dust and dirt away forever. The current anti-fouling coatings can be called "easy to clean paint" or "self-cleaning coatings."

2. The best effect of commercially available water repellent is 6 months and the poor effect of them is 2 weeks. Water repellent commonly is used in the car, 3C, mobile phone.

3. High-level water repellent, has added a lot of fluoride materials, is called "anti-finger coating“ that is used in 3C products.

4. Hydrophobicity (water contact angle) is the basic requirement for anti-fouling. Smart coating has many advantages, and hydrophobic effect is just one of them.

5. We never see that the effect of commercially available anti-fouling coating is up to 1 year. The effect of our Smart Coating is 2 to 3 years.

6. Smart Coating, is designed for solar energy technology industry, has muti-function (anti-fouling – self-cleaning – easy to clean) with four effects, eight characteristics and high standards of functional specifications. Smart coating can be applied to traditional industries, including buildings, clean, car…etc.

《 Applications》Transparency 100%



Water contactangle150o

Durability 3 years

Safety andGreen


Smart CoatingHigh-level water repellentLow-level water repellent

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Four effects of Liquid Armor


☆High durability ‒ The effect is more than over 18 months.☆High anti-dirt performance ‒ Suitable for the regions which have lime-scale, dirt, grease and dust. ☆High adhesion‒ Suitable for glass, ceramics, tiles, and stone substrates. The surface has good abrasion resistance, high hardness and no peeling when applied Smart Coating. ☆High transparency‒ Does not affect the appearance of the substrate color.

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Specification of Liquid Armor

Effect Test item Specification Test method

High durability Weather resistance QUV test 500 hours≧(maintain a water contact angle 90°)≧

ASTM G154 (cycle 2)

High anti-dirt performance Contact angle Water contact angle 100°≧ JIS 3257

High adhesion

Abrasion resistance ≧100,000 times(maintain a water contact angle 90°)≧

ASTM D2486CNS 10757

Hardness 9H CNS 10757

Acid resistance In 10% HCl solution, resistant 24 hrs CNS 10757

High transparency Transmission ≧99% ASTM D1003


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Actual Test of Liquid Armor


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Anti-fouling test of tile

Actual Test of Liquid Armor(2)

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Pass EU REACH Standard SGS Accreditation ( CC/2012/A0106B )- product passed SVHC test EU REACH standard

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物質安全資料表(MSDS) 一 .物品與廠商資料 物品名稱:手機試片液 物品編號: 0 00 0 000 000 0 製造商或供應商名稱: 0 0 00 0 000 0 00 製造商或供應商地址: 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 0 緊急聯絡電話: 0 00 0 00 0 0000 傳真電話: 00 0 00 00 000 0

二 . 成分辨識資料 危害物質成分之中英文名稱 濃度或濃度範圍 WT% 化學文摘社登記號碼 CA S N O

POLYS IL OX ANE 聚矽氧烷 1 – 5 90 11 -1 9 -2

IS OPRO P YL ALC OH OL 異丙醇 80 – 95 6 7 -6 3-0

ETHANOL 乙醇 0 . 1 – 5 6 4 -1 7-5

HYD RO GE N C HO LOR ID E 鹽酸 0 . 01 – 0 .1 76 4 7 -0 1 -0


1 – 1 0 77 3 2 -1 8 -5

其他組成 0 . 1 – 5 UNKNOWN

三 .危害辨識資料 最重要危害效應

健康危害效應:具刺激性,可能造成接觸性皮膚炎,輕度刺激眼睛及上呼吸道,液體直接觸及眼睛會造成嚴重刺激。高濃度可能造成頭痛、噁心等症狀, 極大量的暴露會造成意識喪失及與對生命的危害,應在通風排氣的環境下操作。

環境影響:極大量排放可能對水中生物造成危害。 物理性及化學性危害:液體和蒸氣易燃。高溫會分解產生毒氣,火場中的容器可能會破裂、爆炸。其蒸氣比空

氣重,易傳播至遠處,遇火源可能造成回火。 特殊危害: ----

主要症狀:皮膚及眼睛長時間接觸時略感不適,吸入過多時略感頭昏等不適感。 物品危害分類:高度易燃液體和蒸氣

四 .急救措施 不同暴露途徑之急救方法: 吸 入: 1.移除污染源或將患者移到新鮮空氣處。 2.若呼吸停止立即施予心肺復甦術。 3.保持患者溫暖且休息。

4.立即就醫 皮膚接觸: 1.立即以緩和流動的溫水沖洗患部 15分鐘以上。 2.沖水時脫去污髒衣服和鞋子,須洗淨後丟棄

或再用。 3.若刺激感持續立即就醫。 眼睛接觸: 1.立即將眼皮撐開,以溫水澈底沖洗污染的眼睛 20分鐘以上。 2.立即就醫。 食 入: 1.除非患者失去意識或痙攣,否則給予患者大量的水喝以催吐。 2.立即就醫。 最重要症狀及危害效應:刺激,吸入肺部可能引起肺炎,極大量的暴露會造成意識喪失與對生命的危害。 對急救人員之防護:應著 C 級防護裝備在安全區施行急救。 對醫師之提示:若有昏迷、呼吸困難、痙攣時,請勿給患者催吐或飲水。

五 .滅火措施 適用滅火劑:二氧化碳、化學乾粉、酒精泡沫。 滅火時可能遭遇之特殊危害: 1.其蒸氣和液體易燃,液體會累積電荷,蒸氣比空氣重會傳播至遠處,遇火源可能造

成回火。 2.高溫會分解產生毒氣,火場中的容器可能會破裂、爆炸。 特殊滅火程序: 1.徹退並自安全距離或受保護的地點滅火。 2.位於上風處以避免危險的蒸氣和有毒的分解物。 3.滅火

前先阻止溢漏,如果不能阻止溢漏且周圍無任何危險,讓火燒完,若沒有阻止溢漏而先行滅火,蒸氣會與空氣形成爆炸性混合物而再引燃。4.隔離未著火物質且保護人員。5.安全情況下將容器搬離火場。6.以水霧冷卻暴露火場的貯槽或容器。7.以水霧滅火可能無效,除非消防人員受過各種易燃液體之滅火訓練。 8.如果溢漏未引燃, 噴水霧以分散蒸氣並保護試圖止漏的人員。 9.以水柱滅火無效。10.大區域之大型火災,使用無人操作之水霧控制架或自動搖擺消防水瞄。11.儘可能徹離火場並允許火燒完。 12.遠離貯槽。 13.貯槽安全閥已響起或因著火而變色時立即徹離。 14.未著特殊防護設備的人員不可進入。


六 .洩漏處理方式 個人應注意事項: 1.在污染區尚未完全清理乾淨前,限制人員接近該區。 2.確定清理工作是由受過訓練的人員負責。


環境注意事項: 1.對該區域進行通風換氣。 2.撲滅或除去所有發火源。 3.通知政府安全衛生與環保相關單位。

清理方法: 1.不要碰觸外洩物。 2.避免外洩物進入下水道或密閉的空間內。 3.在安全許可的情形下,設法阻止或減少

溢漏。 4.用不會和外洩物反應的泥土、沙或類似穩定且不可燃的物質圍堵外洩物。 5.少量溢漏時,用不會


器裡。用水沖洗溢漏區域。 6.大量溢漏時:連絡消防、緊急處理單位及供應商以尋求協助。

七 .安全處置與儲存方法 處置: 1 .儲存於密閉容器內,並至於陰涼、乾燥且通風良好處。

2 .遠離熱源、引火源。


八 .暴露預防措施 工程控制:提供局部排氣通風系統或設備,保持空氣流暢在通風下操作。工 作 場 所 嚴 禁 抽 煙 或 飲 食 , 維 持 作 業 場 所

清 潔 。 控制參數:

化學名稱 時量平均容許濃度 TWA/8h rs


STE L 最高容許濃度

CE ILIN G 生物指標

BE Is 異丙醇 40 0ppm 500ppm ---- ---- 乙醇 10 00ppm 100 0ppm ---- ----

個人防護設備: ˙ 呼吸防護:使用面罩或防毒面具。 ˙ 手部防護:使用丁基橡膠或乳膠手套。 ˙ 眼睛防護:使用護目鏡或面罩。 ˙ 皮膚及身體防護:工作時穿戴長袖衣物及圍裙。 衛生措施:1.工作後儘速脫掉污染之衣物,洗淨後才可再穿戴或丟棄,且須告知洗衣人員污染物之危害性。2.工作場

所嚴禁抽煙或飲食。 3.處理此物後,須徹底洗手。 4.維持作業場所清潔。

九 .物理及化學性質 物質狀態: [ ]糊狀物 [ ]粉末 [ ]固體 [ √ ]液體 [ ]氣體 形狀顏色 :無色透明液體 氣味:酒精味 PH 值:< 7 沸點 /沸點範圍: 78.4~82.3℃ 爆炸界限:爆炸下限 (LE L): 3 .3% 爆炸上限 (UE L ): 19%

閃火點: 12-15℃ 測試方法:閉杯

自燃溫度: 363~399℃ 分解溫度: --- 蒸氣壓: 33 mm Hg (20℃ ) 蒸氣密度: 1 .6~2 .1 (空氣 = 1) 密度: 0.78~0.85g/ c m3 溶解度:與醇類互溶

十 .安定性及反應特性 安定性:依一般操作及儲存程序時安定。 特殊狀況下可能之危害反應: 1 .強氧化劑 (例硝酸鹽、過氯酸鹽、過氧化物 ):增加火災爆炸危害性。 2 .光氣:生成氯

甲酸異丙酯和鹽酸。3 .鐵鹽:發生爆炸性熱分解反應。4 .氫 - 鈀:在空氣中混合會著火。5 .強酸: 可能劇 烈反應。 6 .鹼 金 屬或鹼土金 屬: 可能釋 出易燃毒體。

應避免之狀況:熱、火花、靜電、引火源、光 應避免之物質:強氧化劑、光氣。 危害分解物:-

Material Safety Date Sheet

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