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The definition of ego in 5 areas of focus

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I want to clarify what the definition of ego really is based on some points that people think are true about it. I chose to look at these points because many people agreed with these on a forum, but there were some things that were off. The definition of ego in 5 ways to recognize it: 1. Ego is Logical 2. Ego is Fear Based 3. Ego Sounds Harsh 4. Ego Protects a Mental Image 5. Ego Jumps Around

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The Definition of Ego in 5 Areas of Focus

I want to clarify what the definition of ego really is based on some

points that people think are true about it. I chose to look at these

points because many people agreed with these on a forum, but

there were some things that were off.

The definition of ego in 5 ways to recognize it:

1. Ego is Logical

2. Ego is Fear Based

3. Ego Sounds Harsh

4. Ego Protects a Mental Image

5. Ego Jumps Around

Here I'm going to clarify these 5 points, add to them, and tell the

definition of ego.

1. Ego is Logical

This is only partially true. A better definition of ego here is that the

ego tries to rationalize everything. Its voice sounds like it's trying

to reason with you. It gives advice based on a past that no longer


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It may sound say something like, "Do this because in the past or

this method worked for you or other people . It reasons based on the past, and fails to take in every aspect. It's always trying to

relate the current moment back to a situation, even if they aren't

that similar.

2. Ego is Fear Based

This is true. The ego is always fear based, BUT IT'S NOT JUST

FEAR. Messages from the ego will often be cloaked in fear or

anything related to it. I consider fear the basis of all negative

emotion so anything said out of any negative emotion or feeling is

the ego talking.

You need to take that boring evening class to keep your competitive edge – other people will pass you by. Keep that job that exhausts you – it gives you a regular pay check otherwise

you will have no home – how will you survive?

3. Ego Sounds Harsh

This is not correct. It also depends on your definition of harsh, but

in the definition of ego it is not necessarily harsh. In the definition

of the ego, it is recognized as opinionated and negative.

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By opinionated, I mean it is the opposite of your intuition that talks

to you in commands. The ego speaks with maybe, possibly, I

think, in my opinion, and other opinionated statements. Look out

for those statements because you can be sure it's the ego talking.

The only way the ego can be harsh is because it's negative. It can

direct the negativity at yourself or others. But other than that it's

just opinionated and negative. Realize that negative DOES NOT

mean bad. I don't think the ego is a bad thing to have.

4. Ego Protects a Mental Image

This is very true. The statement about the definition of ego that I

agree with the most. The ego is invested in maintaining a mental

image you have of yourself. For instance, if you are a student that

gets bad grades, the ego wants to keep that image of you. It's

currently part of your subconscious makeup. Try to change it and

the ego will try to stop you because it is afraid of part of it dying.

Sounds a little deep for just some grades.

This is why self-development can be a challenge. It's well worth it,

but when you working on changing yourself, the ego feels like it's

life is in danger because it sees its life as this mental image.

That's why it is fear based. Anytime it's time for you to grow and

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step out your comfort zone, it comes to try and save its identity, its

mental image.

5. Ego Jumps Around

Again only partially true. If the ego sees you trying to step out into

something new then it will start giving reasons for you not to do it.

If it sees what it's saying is working, then it keeps using that.

But, if you use your mind to start convincing yourself to do

something despite the fear, the ego will change its message and

method. It can adapt fast. This is how a person can stay in

indecision for so long. Battling with the ego can be long since it

will change stances if it sees what it's doing is not working.

There are two extra tips about the ego below. I hope this brings

some clarity to the definition of ego for you.

6. The Ego is usually loud

Loud compared to what? Compared to your intuition. When you

hear your ego, it tends to be coming through loud and clear.

There is no low volume associated with it. This is only true

because the most attention is paid to it. If you start developing

your intuition then its voice will get louder, clearer, and easier to


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7. The Ego is teachable

This is not going to help you with the definition of ego, but I told

you earlier that the ego isn't bad. It truly isn't. The ego can be

reasoned with using your conscious mind. I love to do this. When

my ego pops up, I give it the reasons it's wrong in a loving and

soft way. As you speak it tends to shut up and listen.

Sit the ego down and get it off its platform so you can reason with

it. The ego can eventually become an asset if you can teach it to

detach from its mental image and teach it your values and


I hope you enjoyed the extra tips.


Hi, Olivia here. I’m a 20 year old entrepreneur with a vision of giving value to others on the topics of self-development, law of attraction, developing intuition, reading body sensations, success, positive thought process, creating self-discipline, resiliency, pushing through the past, fears, and creating an overall more positive life style. I’m willing to do whatever necessary to positively help as many people as possible. I do this because self-development became necessary, literally, for me to become healthy and I still do it to maintain my health. I

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want you to be able to get information for free, in a simple and organized format so you can utilize it to assist your growth, for whatever reason you may have doing it.