Win it like a Sports Person By: Anshu E-Mail: [email protected] Blog: www.dreampinch.com

Win It Like A Sports Person

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Win it like a Sports Person

By: Anshu E-Mail: [email protected]: www.dreampinch.com

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Will you dare to follow a sports person’s step marks to pursuit your dream?

A player had to travel a long journey to live that niche. From knowing talent and honing it to sparkle, player makes winning come true through his dedication, self discipline and foremost the intense desire to win.

Few qualities are just not enough to make someone a great player but a swag of traits is a must have. Do you really want to know that bundle of qualities which can make you pursue your dream like a sports person?

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They know what they are. They know what they love and follows it even without thinking that what people around will say.

In the rat race world where competition is so much and everyone wants to secure their future in terms of money, one can barely think about what he truly wanted of life or what he truly loves.

One just wanted to follow the safe route like a Herd-race.

But a sports person is the one who knows what he loves or wants and gives his hundred percent to get that.

Pele: “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”

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Having dream and deciding goal is just not enough. Sports person knows each mile stone, each pebble on

the road which he is going to follow. It keeps him motivated each day without getting


Track of the path shows the improvement and also shows that he is going in the right direction.

If he will not know where he has to go, what he has to achieve particularly, what he will practice.

So it’s really important.

Do you have this quality in you?

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Knowing your path and a schedule to follow, it’s just not enough until you follow it with the discipline and honesty.

It takes a lot of effort and enthusiasm to be a self disciplined person.

Self discipline is a sports person’s routine.

Without self-discipline, there is no successful sports person.

This is the foremost weapon, using which anyone can

get what he wanted. “You can’t get much done in life if you only work on the

days when you feel good.” » Jerry West

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Having a dream, deciding roadmap, starting over it; everything looks great. Fills energy in you, boost you up to get what you want

but gradually the days come when you get de-motivated.

You no more believe in yourself but a sports person keeps consistency in his hard

work, in his determination. He never gives-up. For him “More practice means more polishing”

I want to be the best, it's not about the ranking, it's about being consistent: Saina Nehwal 

“You are never a loser until you quit trying.” » Mike Ditka

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Success lies between 99 and 100. Out of fear, tiredness, odds of life, who quits can never

taste the success. The gap between 99 and 100, I call it the self belief. If you have belief in yourself and never going to give up

than success is yours. To live your dream you have to make self belief as your

life’s part, you have to live that every time in your mind. You have to be confident in yourself and have to believe that you're a winner.

You have to be determined. You can't give up, no matter how hard it seems.

When you lose a match or miss a goal, you have to get right back up and try again. This is the great sportsman’s success mantra.

If you will not believe in your dream and yourself, no one is going to believe that in this world. You have to live your dream every moment in your mind and heart. I know it’s not easy to follow but this is the major key to be the one you want.

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A player has to be tough not only physically but mentally too. The failures in life, the weaknesses, disparage of life, can’t depress a sports person and even can’t affect his game. You have to be in control of your emotions. You can't let yourself get too nervous, to angry or too depressed.Ex: Virat kohli delayed his father’s funeral for cricket.Tough Minded Athletes are expected to do things which stretch them all the time. Tough minded athletes acknowledge the discomfort, but don’t let it stop them. Taking risks, and pushing through their comfort zone, is part of the champion mindset.In a sportsperson's life, pressure is always there; you have to learn to deal with it. Mary Kom

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A great player never gives excuses on failure but learns from mistakes and failures, and keeps in mind not to follow the mistakes again. Each mistake becomes a lesson learnt for them.

A cricketer missed the catch due to which team lost the match, or a football player missed the goal and they lost the final match. He makes no excuses. He doesn’t blame the field condition, or his glove, or the weather. He doesn’t “beat himself up” emotionally. He takes responsibility. He learns from his mistake. He reminds himself to stay known on the ball next time.

“All good athletes make mistakes; the great ones learn to make that mistake only once.” –Raul Lopez (Footballer)No person can become great without the support from

family, nearer and dearer. They always guide you for the right things and keep you motivated and awaken.Rahul Dravid - No dream is ever chased alone.

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Share with me:

Share your words, will you dare to live a life like a sports person to achieve your goals?OrAlso are you already leading this kind of life? Share your story with us.

Send me your mail at: [email protected]

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By: Anshu E-Mail: [email protected]: www.dreampinch.com