20 High-Profit Business Models You Can Start Today To Succeed Online 1 http://wealthxp.com 20 High-Profit Business Models You Can Start Today To Succeed Online Presented by http://wealthxp.com

20 High-Profit Business Models You Can Start Today To Succeed Online

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20 High-Profit Business Models You Can Start Today To Succeed Online

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20 High-Profit

Business Models

You Can Start Today

To Succeed Online Presented by


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In this report we’re going to be covering 20 different business models that you can setup

online and earn handsome profits.

I highly recommend that you read though this report all the way through then take a few

hours and really think about which one of these could be for you. You really need to think

about this and pick one you could truly see yourself running.

Now once you’ve picked the business model you would like to implement you need to...

1. Fully educate yourself about the business model! Read all the blogs, articles, courses, etc

on the businesses model you’ve chosen so you fully understand it.

2. Commit and focus ONLY on the business model that you choose. The biggest hurdle

people have to overcome is their urge to jump from this to that. These are all proven to

make money business models and if you will actually put the time and energy into making it

take off you will have a great business that rewards you with the income that you WANT!

Okay with all of that said, let’s get started!

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Hi there and welcome to 20 High-Profit Business Models You Can Start Today To Succeed Online. In this report we're going to be covering 20 different business models that you can setup online and profit from. I highly recommend that you read though this report all the way through then take a few hours and really think about which one of these could be for you. You really need to think about this and pick one you could truly see yourself running. Now once you've picked the business model you would like to implement you need to... 1. Fully educate yourself about the businesses model! Read all the blogs, articles, courses, etc on the businesses model you've chosen so you fully understand it. 2. Commit and focus ONLY on the business model that you choose. The biggest hurdle people have to overcome is their urge to jump from this to that. These are all proven to make money business models and if you will actually put the time and energy into making it take off you will have a great business that rewards you with the income that you want. Onward!

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Business Model 1: Expert Blogger

The first business model we’re going to talk about is the Expert Blogger business model.

This model is for those of you who have a passion for a profitable topic and want to share

that passion with the world.

You’ll take the information you know about the profitable topic and create an entire blog

around it. You can monetize the blog in many different ways such as affiliate links,

advertising, your own products, pay-per-click ads, etc.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Get a domain name closely related to your topic.

2. Get hosting and install a blog (I recommend using WordPress) on your domain name. If

you don’t know how to do this I recommend going through video tutorials you’ll find on


3. Pick a nice theme that will work for your topic. You may use one of the free themes that

come with your Wordpress installation or go for one of the paid themes being sold by

various vendors.

4. Start filling your blog with content. Make sure to diversify your content by delivering it in

different formats such as video posts, audio posts (think interviews with other experts in

your niche). Most of your blog posts will be text posts, but it’s good to mix things up for

your readers.

You can also outsource some of your content creation if you find it’s too much to keep up

with. Just make sure you’re providing very high quality information about your topic.

5. Monetize your site however you want…

6. Drive traffic by guest posting on other blogs in your niche, social media, buying website

traffic, etc. Just make sure you’re doing something each and every day to get people to your

blog. I recommend the Traffic Ultimatum course if you don’t know anything about

getting traffic.

7. Keep adding content at the very least once a week!

Extra Tip: Make sure and have something you can give away from your

blog in exchange for people giving you their name and email address.

This will allow you to build a list of people interested in your

topic that you could market things to like affiliate products or

even your own products.

Recommended Resources:

Blogging Guru - Discover The 3 Steps to Start A Profitable Online Blogging Business

TODAY! Click here for access.

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Niche Blog Pack – finally you can earn money from your own ready-made affiliate blogs

with no technical experience required.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Medium

Time Frame For Profiting: 1-2 months

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Business Model 2: Affiliate Blogger

The Affiliate Blogger business model is different from the Expert Blogger model in that you

don’t have to know anything about the topic and you only monetize your blog with affiliate


Note: Affiliate links are links that you get when you’re promoting a product that belongs to

someone else and they pay you a percentage of all sales you make.

With this business model you simply find profitable niches (you don’t have to have any

interest in the niche just be sure it’s one that has products that you can promote as an

affiliate), create blogs around those profitable niches and monetize them.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Find a profitable topic that you can create a blog around. Don’t go too broad with a niche

or too narrow.

Example: Health would be too broad of a niche, but how to stay healthy eating apples would

be too narrow of a niche.

2. Find 2-5 products within your niche that you can promote on your blog.

3. Get a domain name closely related to your topic/niche.

4. Get hosting and install a blog (I recommend using WordPress) on your domain name. If

you don’t know how to do this I recommend going through video tutorials you’ll find on


5. Pick a nice theme that will work for your topic. You may use one of the free themes that

come with your Wordpress installation or go for one of the paid themes being sold by

various vendors.

6. Hire an outsourcer to create content for your blog and use that to fill your blog with

content. Again diversifying your content is a great way to keep people on your site longer.

7. Add your affiliate links and banners to your blog to monetize it.

8. Keep adding content to your blog at least every other week.

9. Drive traffic to your blog by using SEO (search engine optimization) techniques, buying

banner ads, social networking and more.

10. Keep rinsing and repeating in different niches.

Extra Tip: Make sure and have something you can give away from your

blog in exchange for people giving you their name and email address.

This will allow you to build a list of people interested in your

topic that you could market things to like affiliate products or

even your own products.

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Recommended Resource:

Affiliate Blogger Pro - Step-by-step instruction to setup and make money from blogs

through affiliate marketing. Click here for access.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Medium

Time Frame For Profiting: 1-2 months

Here's your opportunity to make lifetime commissions by cloning an internet

millionaire's entire business system. Click here for details.

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Business Model 3: Digital Product Creator

As a digital product creator you will find profitable niches to create digital products (such as

ebooks, video tutorials, audios, content, software, etc). This is a great business model

because you can create a digital product once and sell it over and over again with no extra

work involved.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Find a profitable niche that already has digital products being sold in it.

2. Research that niche to find out what people want in a digital product and in what format

to deliver the digital product in.

3. Create or outsource the creation of your digital product.

4. Create a marketing system consisting of at least a sales page and download page.

Note: Creating an advanced marketing system with upsells, downsells, and other backend

ways to make money will make you A LOT more money with this tactic!

5. Setup your marketing system with an affiliate program such as JVZoo.com. Make sure

you also create an affiliate tools page too!

6. Start driving traffic to your marketing system (sales page). I recommend on focusing

getting affiliates to promote your product for you because you’ll have a lot more leverage

with several people promoting your product instead of just you.

Recommended Resources:

Infoproducts Made Easy

The Infoproduct Earnings Club

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Medium

Time Frame For Profiting: 3-6 months

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Business Model 4: Private Label Rights (PLR)

Private label rights products (PLR) are products that others create and you’re allowed to buy

them and use them as if you created them. You can get PLR to ebooks, video tutorials,

audios, content, software, etc.

There are two methods you can use to make money with PLR products…

1. Buy PLR products and use them in your marketing.

2. Create products and target marketers to sell the PLR to.

To get business model method 4 up and going you will need to…

1. Pick a profitable niche that already has digital products selling in it.

2. Create a squeeze page and use a PLR product as a free offer on your squeeze page.

3. Use another PLR product and set it up for sale after editing it and making it your own.

Rinse and repeat this as many times as you can so you have several products up and for


4. Write 2-3 emails for the products you will be selling and load them into your


5. Drive traffic to your squeeze page and let your autoresponder do the selling for you.

6. Rinse and repeat in different niches…

To get business model method 2 up and going you will need to…

1. Pick a profitable niche that already has digital products selling in it.

2. See what the hottest selling products in the niche are and recreate them for your own

PLR product. You can also totally outsource this. This will be the first component in your PLR


3. Create or outsource the creation of other components such as articles, audio articles,

video articles, blog posts, sales pages, download pages, etc to add to your PLR package.

4. Bundle your PLR package together and create a sales letter to sell it.

5. Create a marketing system consisting of at least a sales page and download page.

Note: Creating an advanced marketing system with upsells, downsells, and other backend

ways to make money will make you A LOT more money with this tactic!

6. Setup your marketing system with an affiliate program such as JVZoo.com. Make sure

you also create an affiliate tools page too!

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7. Start driving traffic to your marketing system (sales page). I recommend on focusing

getting affiliates to promote your product for you because you’ll have a lot more leverage

with several people promoting your product instead of just you.

Recommended Resource:

Profit From PLR - Former factory worker reveals the formula that has enabled him to earn

over half a million dollars on autopilot from outdated plr products that you will probably find

on your hard drive. Click here for access.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Easy

Time Frame For Profiting: 2-3 months

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Business Model 5: Ghost Writing

A ghost writer is someone who creates content (articles, reports, ebooks, etc.) for others.

When you do this you’re creating the content for them and they get all rights to the content.

You just get paid for doing the work.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Signup at freelance sites like Guru.com, eLance.com, FreeLancer.com, vWorker.com, etc.

2. Use the freelance sites and bid on writing jobs that you would like to do.

3. Do the jobs and get paid!

Recommended Resource:

Ghost Writing Cash - Full soup to nuts course on dominating the freelance marketplace as

a ghostwriter. Click here for access.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Easy

Time Frame For Profiting: Instantly after completing a job

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Business Model 6: Membership Sites

There are several different types of membership sites that you can create, and several

different things you can put in them to get people paying you for access.

There are so many different types of membership sites models, so I’d never be able to cover

them all here, but I will cover one.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Pick a profitable niche, and find out what that niche wants.

2. Research what other membership sites in your niche and other niches are offering in their


3. Create or outsource the creation of what you want to put in your membership site each


4. Have your membership site built. You will probably want to outsource this because it can

be pretty techy.

5. Create a marketing system consisting of at least a sales page and download page.

Note: Creating an advanced marketing system with upsells, downsells, and other backend

ways to make money will make you A LOT more money with this tactic!

6. Setup your marketing system with an affiliate program such as JVZoo.com Make sure you

also create an affiliate tools page too!

7. Start driving traffic to your marketing system (sales page). I recommend on focusing

getting affiliates to promote your product for you because you’ll have a lot more leverage

with several people promoting your product instead of just you.

Recommended Resource:

Monthly Membership Blueprint – Simple method reveals how you can get members

paying month after month into your account. Click here for access.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Hard

Time Frame For Profiting: 1-2 months

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Business Model 7: Community Owner

As a community owner you will have a website in a hot topic that allows people interested in

the topic to interact with each other. You will also want to provide lots of good content

about the topic to that the community will enjoy.

A community site generally has an information section, a forum where community members

can interact, a profile section for community members, an instant messaging system for

community members, and more. You can monetize a community site in many different

ways. You can use affiliate links, pay-per-click ads, CPA offers, and even sell advertising

within your community.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Pick a topic that has a ton of loyal and passionate interested people.

2. Decide what sections will be in your community.

3. Create or outsource the creation of your community site.

4. Add all your content to your community site.

5. Monetize your community site.

6. Create a plan to launch your community site and launch it.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Hard

Time Frame For Profiting: 1-2 months

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Business Model 8: Software Creator

The creation and selling of software is a VERY profitable business model! It takes a lot of

time and research to get up and going, but once you do you can make a killing.

With this business model you find demands for software, have someone create that

software for you, and you sell it. Unlike other digital products people see more value in

software and it’s much easier to sell an entire software business for millions too.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Find a problem that many people have and see how it can be solved with a software


2. Outsource the creation of your software program.

3. Create a marketing system consisting of at least a sales page and download page to sell

your software program from.

Note: Creating an advanced marketing system with upsells, downsells, and other backend

ways to make money will make you A LOT more money with this tactic!

4. Setup your marketing system with an affiliate program such as JVZoo.com Make sure you

also create an affiliate tools page too!

5. Start driving traffic to your marketing system (sales page). I recommend on focusing

getting affiliates to promote your software program for you because you’ll have a lot more

leverage with several people promoting your software program instead of just you.

6. Rinse and repeat with another software program idea.

Recommended Resource:

Software Requirements Unleashed - Learn How To Make Money By Developing Your

Own Software Or Website. Click here for access.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Hard

Time Frame For Profiting: 3-6 months

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Business Model 9: E-commerce Store

Owning and operating an e-commerce store has made a lot of people a lot of money. You

simply need to find a decent size niche that has rabid buyers in it and then find a source for

products to sell to those buyers.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Find a niche of rabid buyers. Make sure you don’t pick too big of a niche though or you’ll

find the competition too stiff.

2. Find a source that can get you products to sell those people or make the products


3. Create an online store using a WordPress blog with an e-commerce theme and plugins.

4. Drive traffic to your store using SEO techniques, website advertising, etc.

If there is room in your profit margins you can also start an affiliate program and get

affiliates to promote your store for you.

5. Rinse and repeat in other niches!

Recommended Resource:

Auction Profit Formula - Pete Bruckshaw's Latest Product Shows You How To Make Great

Money In The Top Selling Electronics Markets.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Hard

Time Frame For Profiting: 3-6 months

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Business Model 10: Service Provider

If you’re looking for instant cash this is the service provider business model for you. It just

takes a lot of work on your part compared to the other business models because you are

providing services. You can have more free time by outsourcing the services that you offer.

You get the clients, find out their needs, outsource their work to your outsourcer, and add

your markup so that you profit.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Decide what services you will provide.

2. Create a website to offer your services from.

3. Create a launch plan to launch your site and launch it!

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Easy

Time Frame For Profiting: As soon as you get the first client!

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Business Model 11: Kindle

Kindle is the downloadable book market place owned by Amazon.com. You can create books

(fiction or non-fiction, but non-fiction sells better and are easier to create) and sell them in

the Kindle marketplace.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Research the Kindle marketplace and see what the hot sellers are.

2. Create or outsource the creation of a book on a hot topic. Make sure there’s something

that differentiates your book from others.

3. Have your book formatted for the Kindle marketplace and then upload it to the


4. Use marketing tactics to get your book ranked high in the marketplace, and other tactics

to get traffic.

Recommended Resources:

Kindle Money Mastery - Internet Millionaire Reveals His Step-By-Step System For Earning

6 Figures Passive Income With Kindle Publishing On Autopilot! Click here for access.

Kindle Autopilot - Automate Publishing And Enjoy Passive Income. Systematize 95% Of A

Self-publishing Business That Creates True Passive Income Without Doing All The Work!

Click here for access.

Kindle Optimizer - Powerful New Kindle Software For Kindle Publishers That Optimizes

Vital Tasks! Click here for access.

Business Model Ratings: Ease Of Implementation: Easy

Time Frame For Profiting: 1-2 months

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Business Model 12: Local Website Directory

Running a local website directory for your city can be both fun and profitable. The more

functions you put into your directory and the more interactive you make it the more money

you will make.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Decide what functions your directory will have.

2. Build or have your directory built.

3. Add content to your directory… Things like business listings, events, reviews, etc…

4. Monetize your directory with advertising, affiliate links, CPA offers, etc.

5. Create a launch plan for your directory and launch it.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Easy

Time Frame For Profiting: 1-2 months

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Business Model 13: Product Reviewer

With the product reviewer business model you will review products (can be digital or

tangible) and either get paid for doing so or by adding your affiliate links to products you

review and like.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Pick a niche that has a lot of products in it that people actually buy.

Remember not to go too broad in your niche, but not too narrow either. 2. Create a website

(I recommend using a WordPress blog on your own domain name) and design it around

your niche.

3. Pick a product at least once a week to review and post your review on your blog. If you

like the product you can include your affiliate link for people to buy through. You can also

monetize your site with other methods like advertising, pay-per-click ads, CPA offers,

affiliate links, etc.

4. Drive traffic to your site using SEO, website advertising, social marketing, etc.

5. Rinse and repeat in other niches.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Easy

Time Frame For Profiting: 1-2 months

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Business Model 14: Lead Generation Service

There are tons of businesses out there that need leads, and you can make a lot of money

providing those leads to them. In some niches you can even make $20-$100 for just ONE


To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Find businesses that need leads.

2. Setup pages for each business type and offer something really good for free in exchange

for their contact information. Depending on the business will depend on what kind of info

you will collect.

3. Drive traffic to these pages using SEO, paid website advertising, social marketing, etc.

4. Sell leads to the businesses.

Recommended Resources:

Lead Generation Mastery - Don’t Struggle To Make Money Online, Discover How To Use

This 3 Step System To Create Impressive Leads From Scratch And Start Generating Profits

Without Losing Potential Customers. Click here for access.

Local Lead Plan - The First Totally Comprehensive Guide To Local Lead Generation And

Local Affiliate Marketing. A Complete Plan Including Top Niches, Landing Page Templates,

Traffic Sources, Sample Contracts, Invoices, Sales Proposals, Pay Per Call And More. Click

here for access.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Easy

Time Frame For Profiting: 1-2 months

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Business Model 15: Advertiser

All websites need traffic and with the advertiser business model you can provide that traffic

and get paid a lot of money! The great part about this business model is that it can all be

completely outsourced so you spend a little time working, and a lot of time doing whatever

you want.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Get a domain name closely related to your topic.

2. Get hosting and install a blog (I recommend using WordPress) on your domain name. If

you don’t know how to do this I recommend going through the video tutorials you’ll find on


3. Pick a nice theme that will work for your topic.

4. Start filling your blog with content. Make sure to diversify your content by delivering it in

different formats such as video posts, audio posts (think interviews with other experts in

your niche). Most of your blog posts will be text posts, but it’s good to mix things up for

your readers.

You can also outsource some of your content creation if you find it’s too much to keep up

with. Just make sure you’re providing very high quality information about your topic.

5. Create a page on your site offering advertising on your site, and list that site in all the

advertising directories you possibly can.

6. Drive traffic by guest posting on other blogs in your niche, social media, buying website

traffic, etc. Just make sure you’re doing something each and every day to get people to your


7. Keep adding content at the very least once a week!

8. Rinse and repeat in as many niches as you can.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Easy

Time Frame For Profiting: 1-2 months

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Business Model 16: Teach Technology

Technology is a hot topic, but with so many different technologies out there people struggle

to learn what they need to learn. You can make money teaching people about the different

technologies that are out there.

To get this business model up and going you will need to…

1. Pick a topic on a technology you either know about or that a lot of people want to know


2. Get a domain name closely related to your topic.

3. Get hosting and install a blog (I recommend using WordPress) on your domain name. If

you don’t know how to do this I recommend going through these video tutorials.

4. Pick a nice theme that will work for your topic.

5. Create tutorials or have them created that teach about the technology topic you have


6. Create a marketing system consisting of at least a sales page and download page that

you can use to sell access to your content.

Note: Creating an advanced marketing system with upsells, downsells, and other backend

ways to make money will make you A LOT more money with this tactic!

7. Setup your marketing system with an affiliate program such as JVZoo.com Make sure you

also create an affiliate tools page too!

8. Start driving traffic to your marketing system (sales page). I recommend on focusing

getting affiliates to promote your product for you because you’ll have a lot more leverage

with several people promoting your product instead of just you.

Business Model Ratings:

Ease Of Implementation: Easy

Time Frame For Profiting: 1-2 months

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Business Model 17: Multi Level Marketing

Multi Level Marketing or MLM has gotten a bad rap over the years, but you can legitimately make a lot of money with it when you find a legitimate company to join. To get this business model up and going you will need to… 1. Find a good company that offers a good compensation plan. 2. Create a system using a website to sell people on joining the company under you. 3. Educate yourself about marketing and share your knowledge with your downline so that they can make more money which will in turn will make you more money. 4. Drive traffic to your site using SEO, paid website advertising, social marketing, etc.

Recommended Resources: Bringing The Net Into Network Marketing - Ultimate In Lead Generation This In-depth 60 Module Mlm Lead Generation Coaching Program Is A Game Changer, Using The Power Of The Internet To Help People Build Their Teams Online. Click here for access. Supercharged Online Sponsoring - Multimillion dollar producer and #1 earner in four network marketing companies shows you how to generate massive leads and sponsor more people in network marketing. Click here for access. The Dna Of Mlm Duplication - The secret to explosive duplication and leadership development in mlm/network marketing, by europe’s leading network marketing trainer. Click here for access.

Business Model Ratings: Ease Of Implementation: Hard Time Frame For Profiting: 2-3 months

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Business Model 18: Mobile App Developer Local companies are looking for ways to market themselves and by having an interactive mobile app they can do that. You can make a lot of money as a mobile app developer by providing these businesses with these mobile apps. To get this business model up and going you will need to… 1. Find an app developer using freelance sites or you can even buy software and do it yourself. 2. Create a website that offers your mobile app creation service. 3. Drive traffic to your site using SEO, paid website advertising, social marketing, etc. so that businesses can find you and buy your app creation service. 4. Use other tactics to contact businesses and offer them your services. 5. Find additional services you can offer on the backend to create additional income.

Recommended Resources: iPhone App Dev Secrets - All You Need To Know On How To Start App Business With No Programming Skills At All! Click here for access. Appportunity - Earn Big Bucks by Building Mobile Android Apps And Apple Ios Apps. Complete guidance provided. Click here for access. The App Shortcut - A Complete Training Course On How To Get Your Apps Developed And In The App Store. This Comes Complete With Done-for-you Source Codes. Click here for access.

Business Model Ratings: Ease Of Implementation: Hard Time Frame For Profiting: 2-3 months

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20 High-Profit Business Models You Can Start Today To Succeed Online

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Business Model 19: Resell Rights Seller Resell rights are products that others create and give you the right to sell. They differ from PLR products in that you cannot claim that you created them or edit them in any way. There are many ways to make money with resell rights products and I’m going to share my favorite one with you. To get this business model up and going you will need to… 1. Find 3-5 resell rights products in one niche. 2. Create a squeeze page giving away something related to the niche. 3. Setup the resell rights products and hook them to your affiliate program. 4. Load your autoresponder that’s hooked to your autoresponder with messages selling the resell rights products you setup. 5. Setup your squeeze page with an affiliate program such as JVZoo.com. Make sure you also create an affiliate tools page too! 6. Start driving traffic to your squeeze page. I recommend on focusing getting affiliates to promote your squeeze page for you because you’ll have a lot more leverage with several people promoting your site instead of just you.

Recommended Resource: Autopilot Wealth Pack With Reseller Rights/plr - Get 8 Premium Products That You Can Sell As Your Own And Keep 100% Of The Profit. Click here for access.

Business Model Ratings: Ease Of Implementation: Easy Time Frame For Profiting: 1-2 months

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20 High-Profit Business Models You Can Start Today To Succeed Online

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Business Model 20: Themes And Plugins Developer WordPress is a hot topic right now and will be for years and years to come. There are many themes and plugins that you can use with it, but there’s a demand for more. You can make a ton of cash by developing or having these developed. To get this business model up and going you will need to… 1. Come up with an idea for a theme and/or plugin by researching what’s currently out there. 2. Create your theme and/or plugin or have it created. 3. Create a marketing system consisting of at least a sales page and download page to sell your theme and/or plugin. Note: Creating an advanced marketing system with upsells, downsells, and other backend ways to make money will make you A LOT more money with this tactic! 4. Setup your marketing system to sell your theme and/or plugin with an affiliate program such as JVZoo.com Make sure you also create an affiliate tools page too! 5. Start driving traffic to your marketing system (sales page). I recommend on focusing getting affiliates to promote your product for you because you’ll have a lot more leverage with several people promoting your product instead of just you. 6. Rinse and repeat for as many ideas as you possibly can!

Business Model Ratings: Ease Of Implementation: Medium Time Frame For Profiting: 3-6 months

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20 High-Profit Business Models You Can Start Today To Succeed Online

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So there you go… There are 20 different business models that you can start. Hopefully you’ve found something here that you would want to implement so you can start your own Internet business or at the very least sparked some interest in you to investigate more business models so you can unlock your freedom by having your own money-making online business. I wish you much success! Harpo Aragones

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