1 รายงาน เรืÉอง การสืÉอสารข้อมูล เสนอ ครูจุฑารัตน์ ใจบุญ โดย นางสาววรรณสวรรค์ อ่อนรู ้ทีÉ เลขทีÉ 26 ชั ÊนมัธยมศึกษาปีทีÉ 4/1 โรงเรียนรัษฏานุประดิษฐ์อนุสรณ์

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2. 2 31102 4/1 3. 3 44567713 171819202021 22 4. 4 5 5. 51. (Sender) 2. (Receiver) 3. (Massage) (Text) (Voice) (Image) (Multimedia) VDO conference 4. (Medium) 5. (Protocol) 3 1. (Simplex Transmission) e-mail 6. 6 2. (Half Duplex Transmission) 2 3. (Full Duplex Transmission) 2 (Transmission) (Electronic data) 7. 7 2 1.(Digitals signal) (Discrete) 0 1 2.(Analog Signal) (Transmission media) 8. 8 (Medium) (Transmission medium) 2 1. (Guide media) (Twisted pair) 1.1 Twisted Pair () UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) (Shielded Twisted Pair) - UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) (twisted pair) 2 2 1. (Unshielded Twisted Pair : UTP) 2. (Shielded Twisted Pair : STP) (Plastic Cover) 9. 9UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) - STP (Shield Twisted Pair) UTP (Shield) UTP (Shielded Twisted Pair) 1.2 (Coaxial Cable) "" 2 2 75 50 0.4 - 1.0 "" (Echo) 10. 10 2 (thick) (thin) Ethernet (Hub) UTP 1.3 (Fiber-Optic) (Optic Fiber) (fiber optic) 11. 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. (Unguided media) 2.1 (Microwave) - 12. 12 23,300 . (Transponder) - 13. 13 (Delay Time) - 1. (Terminal) (Personal Computer) 2. (Modem) (Internet) 1. - - (rate) / (bps) / (kbps) 56,000 bps 56 K 14. 142. (compression) - 3. (Fax capabilities) - (printer) 4. (error control) 5. 2 (external modems) (internal modems) 6. - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. , 6. - 7. 1. 2. OS 3. - 15. 154. 5. 6. 7. - 8. 3. (Repeater) 4. (Amplifier) (Data Communictaion Equipment) (Hub, Repeater) - LAN Concentrator LAN 16. 16 LAN Star 10BaseT 2 Passive Hub - Active Hub (Switch, Bridge) (LAN) (Ethernet LAN) (Token Ring LAN) Ethernet Switch (Multiport Bridge) Ethernet Segment (Switching) (Router) (Ethernet LAN) (UTP: Unshield Twisted Pair) (filter) ( )(Coaxial cable) 17. 17 (Gateway) (Firewall) (Multiplexer) MUX (Multiplex) MUX (deMultiplex) (Concentrator) (store and forward) buffer (compress) (Repeater) (Switched Network) 4 1. (The Telephone NetworK) 18. 182. (The Telex/TWX Network) 3. (package Switching Network) 4. (Specialized Digital Network) 1. 2. (Electronic Mail : E-mail) (Facsimile Fax) - (Voice Mail) (Video Conferencing) Video Conferencing 19. 19(Global Positioning Systems : GPSs) (groupware) (Electronic Fund Transfer : EFT) ATM (Electronic Data Interchange : EDI) (RFID) RFID 1. (Analog Signal) (Sine Wave) (Hertz) 1 60 Hz 1 60 2. (Digital Signal) (01) Bit Rate 1 14,400 20. 20bps 14,4001 1 (Modulator DEModulator Modem) (Modem) (bit per second bps) 56 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 - (Analog signal) - (Digital signal) 1. (Analog signal) (Sine Wave) (Hertz) 2 (Frequency) 1 (Ampitude) 1 2. (digital signal) (0 1) 21. 21 1 (Wired system) (Shielded and UnShielded Twisted-Pair Cable) 2 (Channel) 22. 22 (Coaxial Cable) (Transmission) 23. 23 http://www.thaigoodview.com/node/53181 http://www.bs.ac.th/2548/e_bs/G7/raim/in2page1.html http://www.chakkham.ac.th/technology/network/equ.html http://it.benchama.ac.th/ebook/files/pg7_8.htm http://www.nukul.ac.th/it/content/07/7-1.html http://www.chakkham.ac.th/commueqp.html